12 › 7892 › documents...Our Father, sending his only Son for the sake of our salvation. Fathers...


Transcript of 12 › 7892 › documents...Our Father, sending his only Son for the sake of our salvation. Fathers...

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Page 2: 12 › 7892 › documents...Our Father, sending his only Son for the sake of our salvation. Fathers therefore have a special Fathers therefore have a special and unique role “in

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12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020


Today’s readings call us to tackle the challenging issues

of fear and trust — two concepts that must be confronted and dealt with by all of us who wish to live the stewardship way of life. The Lord knows that facing down our fears and choosing to trust Him with all areas of our lives is an ongoing challenge for us. He is generous with reassurances to us throughout the Scriptures. Today’s Gospel passage from Matthew is a case in point. In the span of eight verses, Jesus addresses the topic of fear four times:

“Fear no one.” “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but

cannot kill the soul.” “Rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both

soul and body.” “So do not be afraid.”

And the reassurance continues. “Are not two sparrows

sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. Even all the

hairs of your head are counted.” Notice that Jesus says,

“your Father” in describing God’s intimate knowledge and tender care for each one of us. He is truly “Abba,”

our Dad, Who knows us inside and out. With that, let us all breathe a huge sigh of relief. All is well. Our Father knows us through and through, sent His Son to save us, and will always take care of us. Let’s stop wasting any more time with fear. Instead, let’s

put all our energy, all our time, our talents and our treasure into trusting this great and loving God, using all that we are and all that He has given us to bring Him glory.

Catholic Stewardship Consultants


5:00PM Saturday, June 27 All Saints Community

9:00AM Sunday, June 28 Tom Khamis†

6:00PM Sunday, June 28 Luca Thanh Tran†

This Week’s Program Schedule

Monday, June 22 No Mass No Adoration No Reconciliation

Tuesday, June 23 No Mass

Wednesday, June 24 No Mass

Thursday, June 25

Friday, June 26 No Mass

Saturday, June 27 3:30PM Reconciliation Church 5:00PM Mass Church & Livestream

(Sign-ups only)

Sunday, June 28 9:00AM Mass Church & Livestream

(Sign-ups only)

6:00PM Mass Church & Livestream (Sign-ups only)


Give back to the Lord a sacrifice, a share of what the Lord has so generously given to you.

June 8-June 14 Envelopes and On-Line Giving:

Regular Offertory: $14,331.16 Building Fund: $ 2,707.00 Community Assistance: $ 1,518.00 Diocesan 2nd Collection: $ 75.00 Scholarship Fund: $ 25.00 Easter : $ 100.00

Total: $18,756.16

God bless you for your generosity.

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Although fathers do not physically carry their children from conception, fathers can still be overwhelmed by an unexpected pregnancy. We Christians must support men who, in following the example of St. Joseph, choose to embrace their role as a father in all circumstances, but especially in challenging situations. St. Joseph was unexpectedly called to fatherhood amid extremely confusing and difficult circumstances. However, despite many obstacles, St. Joseph chose to be faithful. St. Joseph chose life by listening to God’s will and consciously deciding to be a father to Jesus, the Son of God. Pope Saint John Paul II said that fathers are called to exhibit “generous responsibility for the life conceived under the heart of the mother” (Familiaris consortio 25). Like St. Joseph, all fathers are uniquely entrusted with the protection and defense of both mother and child and, in this way, safeguard the sanctity of human life. But biological fathers, because they do not physically carry the child, sometimes fail to truly father their children.

Our society increasingly tells fathers that they should have no say in the lives of their unborn children, no opportunity to choose to father their children. Our society seems to restrict the decisions regarding an unborn child solely to the discretion of the mother. In the face of false messages about fatherhood, we must respond with the truth that the role of a father “is of unique and irreplaceable importance” (FC 25). We know that the assistance and support of the father of a child, or lack thereof, can often be a deciding factor in a woman’s decision to choose life. Tragically, there are men who sometimes pressure mothers to make the decision to abort the child, sinning grievously and making the cowardly choice. These men are not following the example of St. Joseph and are not exercising true, spiritual fatherhood.

This is because fatherhood extends beyond simple procreation and biology. Fatherhood is first a spiritual reality, because fatherhood has its origins in God who chose to reveal Himself to us as Our Father, sending his only Son for the sake of our salvation. Fathers therefore have a special and unique role “in revealing and in reliving on earth the very fatherhood of God” (FC 25). Fathers have a vital, unique, and important role to play in the personal and spiritual development of their children, and in reflecting the love of God the Father himself. Fathers are called to show the world the virtues of a tender protector, while living out the virtues of humility and courage.

In all circumstances, but especially in difficult circumstances, a father needs to be encouraged to faithfully accept the role entrusted to him by God and support the mother of his child. Through our prayers and through the intercession of St. Joseph, patron of fathers, may fathers come to know the irreplaceable role they hold in the lives of their children, and the responsibility they share in welcoming God’s gift of new life!

Most Reverend Shelton J. Fabre, Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux, serves as the chairman of the USCCB Ad Committee against Racism and as a member of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities.

Most Reverend Shelton J. Fabre, Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux

Fathers’ Irreplaceable Role in Welcoming Life

Excerpts from Familiaris consortio (On the Family), no. 25 © 1981, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2020, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.


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Happy Father’s Day! To all of our fathers we wish

you a very happy and blessed Father’s Day!

SANCTUARY LAMP: The Sanctuary Lamp burns continuously to remind us that Jesus is present in the Tabernacle. It is a mark of honor to remind the faithful of the presence of Christ, and is a profession of our love and affection. If you wish to have the Sanctuary Lamp burning in memory of a loved one, to honor a special occasion, or a special intention make arrangements with the office.

The Commemoration for the week of June 21: **Thanksgiving for C & P Family**

PRAY FOR VOCATIONS “Be not afraid.” Do not fear how Jesus is calling you to build his Church. If you are discerning your vocation, contact Fr. Tom at [email protected] to inquire about vocations or the vocation ministry.


STEWARDSHIP NEWS “Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father.” (Matthew 10:32)

Would others know that you are Catholic by the way you act and speak? Do you share your Catholic faith with others? Do you defend your Catholic faith when the situation arises or do you remain silent? Do you pray in public before meals? Pray for the strength and courage to be a joyful witness of our Catholic faith when the opportunity presents itself. Let us become the radiant light and bold witness that we are called to be!

ALL SAINTS SCHEDULE: There will be no daily Masses during the week of June 22-26 and again during the week of June 29-July 3. In addition, there will be no Adoration/Confession on June 22 and June 29. Please check the daily schedule on the 1st page of the bulletin. Masses for the weekend of June 27-28 will start with sign ups on Wednesday, June 24. Please, if you have been fortunate enough to be here the past 2 weekends, wait to register until Thursday, so we can allow others to attend who have been unable to secure a seat. Remember that the dispensation is still in effect if you are not comfortable or able to attend live Mass. We will also continue to livestream. You are welcome to sit in your vehicle in the parking lot and watch the weekend Masses via livestream. You will then be able to receive Communion during the regular time of receiving. Watch for ushers with instructions on entering the church.

NEXT WEEKEND’S 2nd COLLECTION will be for Catholic Communication Campaign/Peter’s Pence Collection. The mission of the CCC is to contribute to the process of evangelization by fostering activities in relation to television, radio, internet, and other media. Peter’s Pence enables the Holy Father to respond with emergency

financial assistance to aid the neediest throughout the world. God bless you for your generosity.

FORMED: All Saints has purchased a subscription for the website Formed. You will now be able to access thousands of Catholic movies, programs, audio, and books instantly. We will be having a discussion group on the video series “The Wild Goose”. This video

series and study guide are all free and available on Formed. Please call the office if you wish to join the study group.

SPECIAL PRAYERS Please pray for our sick community members and friends:

Hilda Mattos Karon Johnson Anne Orlando Maria Ortega Lisa Belen Jerry Jumper Judy Date Mark Machado Erma Ornelas Katy Yegor Melissa… Ian Henley Toni Mora Jackie Ferreira Alberto Mulgado Victor Rodriguez Susie Sarhad Randal Gerard Vivian Nguyen Jim Mann

Your special prayers for these and others suffering from illness are gratefully appreciated. Thank you and God bless you!

Notify the office if you have anyone you would like to place on our list of persons in need of prayer due to illness. So that space will always be available for your loved ones, names will be kept on our list for three months. (However, your prayer requests can be renewed.) .

RCIA Any adult wishing to embrace the Catholic faith or any Catholic wishing to be confirmed should contact Jean Alt by calling the church office at 669-0473.

BMA UPDATE: All Saints has reached 90% of our 2020 BMA Goal as of June 17! Our “percent of participation” is at 26%. Please remember that anything over our goal comes back to All Saints. We sincerely appreciate all those who are supporting our 2020 BMA. God bless you for your generosity.

RELIGIOUS FREEDOM WEEK 2020: For the Good of All – Beginning June 22, the Feast of Saints Thomas More and John Fisher, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops celebrates Religious Freedom Week. Join us, June 22 - June 29, as we pray, reflect, and take action on religious liberty, both here in this country and abroad.

This week’s helpers include … Altar Linens ~ Ernie Fleece

Thank you and God bless you for your unselfish service.

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