11th Sunday in Ordinary Time- Year C · PDF file11th Sunday in Ordinary Time- Year C ... After...

KU-RING-GAI CHASE CATHOLIC PARISH Diocese of Broken Bay 12th June 2016 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time- Year C Lord, forgive the wrong I have done Readings next Sunday (19/6): Zech 12:10-11, 13:1; Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9:18-24 PASTORAL CENTRE 1-19 Woodcourt Road, Berowra Heights 2082 P.O. Box 335, Berowra Heights 2082 Phone (02) 9456 2450 Fax (02) 9456 3046 Parish Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.kccp.dbb.org.au Centre Hours: 9.30 am—4.30 pm (Lunch 1-2pm) Sacramental Team [email protected] Baptism Co-ordinator [email protected] Parish Administrator Fr Shaju John, OSH Assistant Priest Fr Leonse Kurian Deacon Deacon Kevin Hale Parish Secretary Mrs Kylie Brophy-Pryor Admin. Assistant Ms Rox Subramany Youth Ministry Co-ord. Mrs Emma Introna School/Parish Liturgy L. Mrs Patricia Smith Baptism Co-ordinator Ms Rox Subramany WEEKEND MASSES Vigil 4.00pm Peat Island Chapel, Chapel Lane, Mooney Mooney Vigil 5.30pm St Bernard's Vigil 6.00pm St Patrick's Sunday 8am St Patrick's 9am St Bernard's 10am St Patrick's 6pm St Patrick’s WEEKLY MASSES St Bernard's 8am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9.10 am Wednesday, 9.00am Friday St Patrick’s 8am Wednesday and Friday 9am Monday, Tuesday, Thurs, Sat. RECONCILIATION Every Saturday 9.30 am at St Patrick’s Every Friday After 9am Mass at St Bernard’s EXPOSITION of the Blessed Sacrament 8.30- 8.50am Every Thursday before Mass St Patrick’s Chapel 9.25-10.15am First Saturday of month at St Patrick’s (Holy Hour) After 9am Mass First Friday of month St Bernard’s (Holy Hour) NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL SUCCOUR Every Thurs. St Patrick’s Chapel 8.25am MASS OF ANOINTING Twice per year. BAPTISM See Brochure in Church Foyer WEDDINGS Contact the Pastoral Centre Parish Pastoral Council 6pm 1st Wed. of Month Parish Liturgy Committee 7pm 2nd Wed. of Month NEW PARISHIONERS Please fill in the Parish Census Form at the back of the Church and send it to the Pastoral Centre by mail, email or via collection plate. CURRENT PARISHIONERS Please remember to update your details if they change. Today's Gospel passage, as well as Chapters 8 and 9, taken from Luke's Gospel is concerned with Jesus' identity as the Messiah, one who is greater than a prophet. .. Throughout the chapter Jesus has been performing miracles similar to those done by Old Testament prophets. When John the Baptist sent some of his disciples to Jesus to ask who he was, Jesus listed the miracles they had seen him perform and then compared himself with John the Baptist to show that he was greater than John. In today's Gospel Jesus sits down to eat a meal at the house of Simon, a Pharisee. A sinful woman approaches him, falls to her knees, wets his feet with her tears, dries them with her hair, and then anoints them with oil. After telling the story [about the nature of true forgiveness], Jesus turns to the woman and tells her that her sins are forgiven. In this scene we see that Jesus does more than heal physical ailments, as prophets of the past had done. He also forgives sins. This leaves the crowd to ask, “Who is this who even forgives sins?” This question is answered in Chapter 9 by Peter when he professes that Jesus is the Messiah and at the Transfiguration when the voice from heaven declares, “This is my chosen Son.” (Loyola Press) ……………………………………………………………………………………… This woman symbolises all who sin and she shows us how to obtain forgiveness. It is readily found at the feet of Christ. It demands a ready recognition of God’s immense love for sinners. It implies that the only adequate response to this unmerited love is to return that love in a personal, intimate and grateful manner. (Redemptorists 2013) This little poem by an anonymous author seems to sum up this process: Something beautiful, something good In all my confusion, Christ understood. All I had to offer him was brokenness and strife And he made something beautiful of my life. Liturgy of Lament and Hope - Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara On Friday 3 June, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, a Liturgy of Lament and Hope to acknowledge publicly the pain and suffering of those who have been wounded by abuse in the Catholic Church, was held in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary, Waitara. Bishop Peter Comensoli, Bishop of Broken Bay, called upon his brother priests and the Diocesan faith community to join him for this sacred event, with more than 200 braving the wild Sydney weather to come together in prayer. The LOUD fence initiative began in the community of Ballarat. Community members tied ribbons to the fence of St Alipius Boys School where abuse took place. An organiser of the initiative stated: “The idea is that it’s a LOUD fence and that’s because there’s just been too much silence.” (22 May 2015)

Transcript of 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time- Year C · PDF file11th Sunday in Ordinary Time- Year C ... After...

Page 1: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time- Year C · PDF file11th Sunday in Ordinary Time- Year C ... After 9am Mass First Friday of month St Bernard’s (Holy Hour) NOVENA TO OUR ... Monday 13/06


12th June 2016

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time- Year C

Lord, forgive the wrong I have done

Readings next Sunday (19/6): Zech 12:10-11, 13:1; Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9:18-24

PASTORAL CENTRE 1-19 Woodcourt Road, Berowra Heights 2082

P.O. Box 335, Berowra Heights 2082

Phone (02) 9456 2450 Fax (02) 9456 3046

Parish Email: [email protected]

Parish Website: www.kccp.dbb.org.au

Centre Hours: 9.30 am—4.30 pm (Lunch 1-2pm)

Sacramental Team [email protected]

Baptism Co-ordinator [email protected]

Parish Administrator Fr Shaju John, OSH

Assistant Priest Fr Leonse Kurian

Deacon Deacon Kevin Hale

Parish Secretary Mrs Kylie Brophy-Pryor

Admin. Assistant Ms Rox Subramany

Youth Ministry Co-ord. Mrs Emma Introna

School/Parish Liturgy L. Mrs Patricia Smith

Baptism Co-ordinator Ms Rox Subramany

WEEKEND MASSES Vigil 4.00pm Peat Island Chapel, Chapel Lane, Mooney Mooney Vigil 5.30pm St Bernard's

Vigil 6.00pm St Patrick's

Sunday 8am St Patrick's

9am St Bernard's

10am St Patrick's

6pm St Patrick’s

WEEKLY MASSES St Bernard's 8am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

9.10 am Wednesday, 9.00am Friday

St Patrick’s 8am Wednesday and Friday

9am Monday, Tuesday, Thurs, Sat.

RECONCILIATION Every Saturday 9.30 am at St Patrick’s

Every Friday After 9am Mass at St Bernard’s

EXPOSITION of the Blessed Sacrament

8.30- 8.50am Every Thursday before Mass

St Patrick’s Chapel

9.25-10.15am First Saturday of month at St Patrick’s

(Holy Hour)

After 9am Mass First Friday of month St Bernard’s

(Holy Hour)


SUCCOUR Every Thurs. St Patrick’s Chapel 8.25am

MASS OF ANOINTING Twice per year.

BAPTISM See Brochure in Church Foyer

WEDDINGS Contact the Pastoral Centre

Parish Pastoral Council 6pm 1st Wed. of Month

Parish Liturgy Committee 7pm 2nd Wed. of Month

NEW PARISHIONERS Please fill in the Parish Census Form at the back of the Church and send it to the Pastoral

Centre by mail, email or via collection plate.

CURRENT PARISHIONERS Please remember to update

your details if they change.

Today's Gospel passage, as well as Chapters 8 and 9, taken from Luke's Gospel is

concerned with Jesus' identity as the Messiah, one who is greater than a prophet. ..

Throughout the chapter Jesus has been

performing miracles similar to those done by Old

Testament prophets. When John the Baptist sent

some of his disciples to Jesus to ask who he was,

Jesus listed the miracles they had seen him

perform and then compared himself with John the

Baptist to show that he was greater than John.

In today's Gospel Jesus sits down to eat a meal at

the house of Simon, a Pharisee. A sinful woman

approaches him, falls to her knees, wets his feet with her tears, dries them with her hair,

and then anoints them with oil.

After telling the story [about the nature of true forgiveness], Jesus turns to the woman and

tells her that her sins are forgiven. In this scene we see that Jesus does more than heal

physical ailments, as prophets of the past had done. He also forgives sins. This leaves the

crowd to ask, “Who is this who even forgives sins?” This question is answered in Chapter 9

by Peter when he professes that Jesus is the Messiah and at the Transfiguration when the

voice from heaven declares, “This is my chosen Son.” (Loyola Press) ………………………………………………………………………………………

This woman symbolises all who sin and she shows us how to obtain forgiveness. It is readily

found at the feet of Christ. It demands a ready recognition of God’s immense love for

sinners. It implies that the only adequate response to this unmerited love is to return that

love in a personal, intimate and grateful manner. (Redemptorists 2013)

This little poem by an anonymous author seems to sum up this process:

Something beautiful, something good

In all my confusion, Christ understood.

All I had to offer him was brokenness and strife

And he made something beautiful of my life.

Liturgy of Lament and Hope - Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara On Friday 3 June, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, a Liturgy of Lament and Hope to

acknowledge publicly the pain and suffering of those who have been wounded by abuse in

the Catholic Church, was held in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary, Waitara.

Bishop Peter Comensoli, Bishop of Broken Bay, called upon his brother priests and the

Diocesan faith community to join him for this sacred event, with more than 200 braving the

wild Sydney weather to come together in prayer.

The LOUD fence initiative began in the community of Ballarat. Community members tied

ribbons to the fence of St Alipius Boys School where abuse took place. An organiser of the

initiative stated: “The idea is that it’s a LOUD fence and that’s because there’s just been too much silence.” (22 May 2015)

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Week –Ordinary Time 11

Monday 13/06 St Anthony of Padua, priest, doctor

Mass of the saint, Pref.: Weekday or Saint

1 Kg 21:1-16; Mt 5:38-42

(Alt: Is 61:1-3; Lk 10:1-9

Tuesday Weekday, Ordinary Time 11, ad libitum

1 Kg 21:17-29; Mt 5:43-48

Wednesday Weekday, Ordinary Time 11, ad libitum

2 Kg 2:1, 6-14; Mt 6:1-6,16-18

Thursday Weekday, Ordinary Time 11, ad libitum

Sirach 48:1-14; Mt 6:7-15

Friday Weekday, Ordinary Time 11, ad libitum

2 Kg 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Mt 6:19-23

Saturday Weekday, Ordinary Time 11, ad libitum

2 Chr 24:17-25; Mt 6: 24-34

RECENTLY DECEASED: Stan Burge, Peter Ferguson,

Lorraine Spalding

ANNIVERSARIES: Ray Bailey, Reba Hackett, Judy Huntley,

Fr Boberg, Marie Wilson, Nicole Smith, Brendan Thomas Stubbs,

Leo Vila

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Noelene Natoli, Irena Fellmann,

Marianne Spano, Marion Pyne, Terry Gallagher, Patrick Dorahy,

Monique Leyden, Margaret Hinton, May Gomez, Maureen Sharpe,

Peter Uy, Redencion Miranda, Ellen Le Roux, Carol Smith,

Encarnacion Ramirez, Maria Lindsay, Ellen Babich, Philomena

Thomas, Roslyn Schacht, Liam Knight, Jerry Vaughan, David

Ashton, Ted York, John Macy, Elenita Asistente, Marcelina de

Ramos, Lorraine (surname withheld), Mary Bourke, Jo Tracy, Tom

and Moya, Kylie Greenlees, Amy Hanlon, Sarah Parkinson, Monica

Cardozo, John Louie Mondido, Dennis Araneta, Dolores Intal,

Brian Gallagher, John Gallagher, Jusy Huntley

OTHER: Robert Pamgden


Thankyou to all those involved in our farewell function for Fr Thomas last

Saturday evening. Despite the inclement weather, many came to

acknowledge the special person Fr Thomas has been in carrying out his four

and a half year ministry of pastoral care in our Parish. Well loved and

respected, he will be missed.

Again, we specially thank Rosemary and her team for their tireless efforts

catering and all parishioners for their contributions.

We wish you well, Father, in your ministry in Killara-Lindfield. God bless.

Senior Parish Choir will be singing at the parish

Mass of Anointing to be held at St Patrick's this Fri-

day, 17th June, at 11am. Anyone who would like to join

this friendly, musical group and sing for parish funerals

and other events, come along and join us at this Mass.

Children's Choir is singing this weekend at 10am

Mass at St Patrick's, and any singers who are available

will also be supporting the parish/school Family Mass

for Year 2 next weekend, 19th June, at 10am Mass.

One of the important works of Mercy is to make people feel welcome and that

is one of the things the Children's Choir does so well at our parish Masses,

providing beautiful music and creating a warm atmosphere that encourages

everyone to join in and participate. Children's Choir is open to any young per-

son in the parish from Year 3 and up. Come along to one of our practices on

Fridays during school terms at 4pm to 5pm at St Patrick's church.

Enquiries for both choirs please contact Patricia Smith 9482 7935

Vinnies Winter appeal, continuing

Your Parish Conferences of Vinnies

need your support

What a change of weather last weekend? Vinnies hopes that

you were not dealt a bad hand with the storm. While the last weekend’s

weather resulted in the Mass attendances being down, many were generous to

the Vinnies Winter Appeal. The helping hand is most encouraging.

If you were planning to give, but didn’t make one of those Masses, the poor

boxes at the back of the church will see that Vinnies gets your donation.

Envelopes can still be placed on the collection plates at Masses.

We will also pick up bagged clothing from the church after this week-end.

Parish support is essential to St Vincent de Paul success. We, in the Society,

appreciate your assistance and support of the Vinnies winter appeal.

Thank you. The St.Vincent de Paul Society

ANOINTING OF THE SICK 11am on 17th June, St Patrick’s.

If you are able to assist in transporting the

housebound members of our parish

please contact the Parish office.

Please note there will be NO

8am Mass at St Patrick’s.

FREE FIREWOOD at St Patrick's. A stock pile

of wood is located along the

railway laneway near the

garbage bins.


Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Each year, there are people who enquire

about the Catholic faith and how they may

belong to our parish community.

The RCIA team meets with them over the

year to answer their questions and to help

them make decisions about their faith


There are two inquiry nights to be held on

June 29th and 30th in our parish. If you

have friends or family whom you think

may be interested in exploring this,

please bring them to one of the inquiry


For more information please call

Sue: 0400 300 598

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Next Youth Mass is on at St Patrick's Asquith,

on Sunday 19th June at 6pm, please come along and join us.

More singers and musicians are always welcome.

Come and meet and chat with our parish World Youth Day pilgrims after

the Youth mass on Sunday 19th as we will be having a

small sausage sizzle. So please bring a few gold

coins and have a sausage sizzle with us after mass.

Please keep our pilgrims in your prayers.

For Youth or Young Adult Ministry

Contact: Emma Introna: [email protected]


SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMENT NetAct, a project of Catholic Social Justice, Welfare and Education

Agencies, has released an Election Kit for the upcoming federal election,

called “Voting For Our Values – A Fair Deal For All”.

The kit includes information on various issues that we could consider

when voting or interacting with candidates, including asylum seekers &

refugees, climate change, constitutional reform, health care,

homelessness, justice for Indigenous Australians, the Timor Sea border

and West Papua.

The kit can be found online by typing “netact election

kit” into your search engine, or through the news

section of the website of the Sisters of St Joseph of the

Sacred Heart, www.sosj.org.au

Social Justice Group, call Paul Cramsie 0407 009 452

PROCLAIM 2016 - Registrations NOW OPEN!!!

1-3 September 2016 The Concourse, Chatswood

Proclaim—Who is it for?

This Conference is for people who are interested in the new

evangelisation in parishes. It is for those who are already actively

engaged and those who desire to be part of the new evangelisation. It is

for those who are passionate about sharing faith through witness,

proclamation and service to others.

PROCLAIM 2016 will bring together over 500 Catholics over a period of

three days in Sydney and is for clergy, religious, diocesan and parish

staff and volunteers in parish ministry, married and single people, young

and old—to discuss, exchange and learn fresh ways in which parishes

can become evangelising communities of the twenty-first century.

Held across three days from 1-3 September 2016 at The Concourse in

Chatswood, PROCLAIM 2016 will draw upon the inspiration of this

Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy and the ongoing missionary challenge of

Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium.

Participants will gain invaluable support, ideas

and pastoral initiatives for their parish

communities from keynote speakers Cardinal

Donald Wuerl of the Archdiocese of

Washington, Bishop Nicholas Hudson of the

Archdiocese of Westminster; Dr Susan Timoney

(Washington) and Mr Daniel Ang Director,

Office for Evangelisation, Catholic Diocese of

Broken Bay.

To find out more visit www.proclaimconference.com.au and register at

our early bird rate. For any further information on PROCLAIM 2016 or

enquiries about registration, workshops, sponsorship and exhibitor

opportunities, please contact Conference Coordinator, Natalie Moutia:

T : +61 2 9847 0504 E: [email protected]

Liturgy of Lament and Hope—

Our Lady of the Rosary

Cathedral, Waitara Opportunities for expressing lament

such as this are important – a time at

which people can give voice and shape

to shared feelings of sadness, regret

and solidarity for what has occurred in

our communities, and a time for the

Diocese as a family to pray for those

who have been wounded and turn

towards the Lord with hope for


The Liturgy begins a special week-long

focus in the Diocese of Broken Bay during which local faith communities

are invited to become more aware of all those who have been impacted

by the darkness of abuse within the Church.

During the week, the community of Broken Bay will also seek to become

more conscious of our shared responsibility to build a culture of

safeguarding for our children and those who are vulnerable.

A dedicated space at the Cathedral in Waitara, and in the Diocesan

Offices at Pennant Hills has been established, where anyone who wishes

can take time to pray for those who have been abused – those whom we

know and those who we do not know – and for each of us, who are

impacted by such evil.

A LOUD Fence has also been established at both sites, and workshops

are being offered for staff to explore the impact of working for the Church

in these times of the Royal Commission.

If you have any concerns about safeguarding or professional standards in

the Diocese of Broken Bay, please contact : [email protected] or

Anne Walker, Chancellor, on 9847 0430 or

Jodie Crisafulli, Manager — Safe-Guarding and Professional Standards

on 9847 0212.

A copy of the Liturgy of Lament and Hope booklet is available for download on our parish website.

Diocesan Pastoral Care Course

Volunteer Catholic Eucharistic Ministers visit hospitals throughout

the Diocese of Broken Bay providing comfort and care to Catholic

patients. NSW Health requires that 40 hours of training is completed to

perform this important role. The Diocesan Pastoral Care Course is open

to those who already volunteer in a hospital context, or in local health

and aged care facilities, and also to those who might be deciding if they

are suited to this ministry.

This FREE course, created particularly for a Catholic pastoral community

and will provide you with the minimum training required by NSW Health.

Five consecutive Wednesdays in August:

3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st, between 9:00am and 3:00pm.

St Leonard’s Catholic Church Hall, Naremburn (cnr. Donnelly & Willoughby

Rds). Morning tea and lunch will be provided.

Speak to our Parish Priests or contact Peter Brown, Hospital Chaplaincy

and Pastoral Care, CatholicCare DBB on 0418 616 602.

Prayers and thoughts for those affected by the storms “Our Diocese of Broken Bay is blessed to have some of the most beautiful

beaches and waterways in the world. This recent devastating storm has

deeply affected many of our people from the Central Coast right through

to regions north Sydney, especially in Narrabeen and Collaroy.

Our prayers are with those impacted profoundly by this weather. I would

like to express my deep gratitude to the Police, NSW SES, NSW Fire and

Rescue and all who have worked tirelessly, as always, to assist those

affected and to ensure the ongoing safety of residents and families.

We keep in our prayers the many affected throughout the east coast of

Australia, especially the families and friends who have lost loved ones.”

Most Rev Peter A Comensoli

Parish Mission—St Benedict’s Church, Arcadia Evenings from 7pm Mon 13th June—Fri 17th June

Speaker—John Pridmore, ex-gangster and international best seller of

“From Gangland to Promised Land “ will be sharing his story. He has

been interviewed on Australian, American and British TV. John has

worked with Mother Teresa and spoke to over 400,00 people at WYD in

Sydney. Everyone is welcome… Full program on our parish website

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Peat Island Chapel

Mooney Mooney


Fr Leonse

St Bernard’s Church St Patrick’s Church (Sacristy Phone 9476 6904)


Family Mass


Baptisms in Mass




Family Mass


Youth Mass

Fr Shaju Fr Leonse Dcn Kevin

Fr Leonse Dcn Kevin

Fr Shaju Fr Shaju Fr Joby

Acolyte/Snr Server



Offertory Procession


Ministers of Holy


Garry Cornius Harrison Sibelja Lewis Murphy Olivia Berry

School SRE To arrange 1 &2 Genevieve Funk Sam Funk Justin Berry Cecilia Waite

Michael O’Neill Jake Scully Isara Wheeler Alodie Wheeler

Kerrin Enright Paul Maher

Lisa Bowden

Ruth Maher Chichi Datoc Rose Formby Chris Enright

Mani Subramany Cristabel Subramany

Henning Schneider Rox Subramany

Bill Martin Phillip Daidone

Gerry Duffy

Karen Leavy Isabella Vander Sluys Naomi Massa Joshua Mitchell Sam Molloy Chloe Starling

Ann Perez Susie Gates

Matthew Cross Aidan Hon Ambrose Hon

Don Low Ethleen Low

Communion to


Garth Graham Isabel Henson

Ellen Downey Vicente Sanchez

Children’s Liturgy 5th June at the 9am Mass 24th July at the 10am Mass - Julie T & Elizabeth

Sacristy Care/Church


Glenn & Annette Shapter, Linda Reed (f),

Gwen Wood (s)

Maria Hon (f), Scott Smith, Sonia Van Elst (Thursday evening)

Maintenance Team B (18/6/2016) June: David Hartman, Matthew Tancred, Gerry Duffy

Morning Tea June 19: Rachel Stephen June 19: Family Mass - Year 2

Counters Ruth Maher, Philip Turner Bill Smitheram, Henning Schneider, Coral Thaddeus

Rosary 13 June 2016

Julia Healy, 1 Warrina St

20 June 2016

Bill Mcdonagh, 4 Kimbarra Cl

Rosary Group meets on Monday 7.30pm

14 June 2016

Group 1 Joyce Dimmock, 8 Stokes Ave, Asquith Group 2 Maureen Sharpe, 38 Ulolo Ave, Hornsby Heights Group 3 Cecylia & Robert Ramsden, Mt Colah Rosary Group meets on Tuesday evening 8.00pm.

Please phone Kylie Brophy-Pryor at the Pastoral Centre 9456 2450 if you wish to be on the Rosary

Rosary After weekday Masses both Churches

Visit Housebound Fr Shaju and Fr Leonse 9456 2450

Urgent sick calls Fr Leonse 9476 8843 (Presbytery)

Fr Shaju 9456 7012 (Presbytery)

Priest 1300 774 378 Urgent 24 hour

Nursing Home Visits By request

Clergy Days Off Fr Shaju - Monday,

Fr Leonse - Thursday

Deacon Kevin - Monday & Thursday

Home Visits For Masses, House Blessings and Pastoral

Requests please phone the Pastoral Centre

9456 2450. HOSPITAL ADMISSION: If you are admitted to hospital, write down your

religion as Catholic to receive Catholic Services.

Need a priest urgently and don’t know who to call?

1300 PRIEST (1300 774 378) - 24 hour service

250 Club 250 Club Week 1 — $25

No. 057 — Peter and Brenda Brooks


New Bulletin Deadline


On our Parish Website: www.kccp.dbb.org.au Email addresses for clergy

Funeral Notices for our Parish in News and Events

13th day of the month, May to Oct., Script Rosary, St Mary’s Cathedral

13th—17th June, Parish Mission St Benedicts, Arcadia program

14th June, 7.15 pm Women’s Interfaith, Hornsby Library

18th June, St Leo’s 60th Anniversary Dinner Dance

24th June, 7pm Bernies’ Ladies, inaugural event, Berowra Tavern

25th June, 7.30pm HADCEA Supporters Supper, form a table ...

28th June, DBB WYD Pilgrim Blessing Mass with Bishop Peter

April—Sept, Year of Mercy Mt Carmel Retreat Program

Or become friends with Kuring-gai Kccp

Use the FB link at the bottom of our website homepage.

The new series of the 250 Club Series 1: 20 weeks from 7th June — 18th

October. New envelopes for the next 40 weeks are on their way.(Apologies for the delay in sending out the new series envelopes…

All members up-to-date at end of the last series will be paid any winnings)

Payment for the 2nd series does not need to be made until October.