11.Dec 13_ New Light of Myanmar News Paper

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  • 8/13/2019 11.Dec 13_ New Light of Myanmar News Paper


    Volume XXI, Number 239 9th Waxing of Nadaw 1375 ME Wednesday, 11 December, 2013


    New Light of MyanmarNAY PYI TAW, 10

    DecU Thein Sein,

    President of the Re-

    public of the Union of

    Myanmar, received Ms

    Clare Short, Chair of

    Extractive Industries

    Transparency Initia-

    tive (EITI) Board, and

    party at the Credentials

    Hall of the Presidential

    Palace, here, this morn-


    During the meeting,

    they discussed Myan-

    mars preparations to

    President U Thein Sein receives Chair of EITI Boardjoin EITI, cooperation

    between Myanmar and

    EITI, drawing a suit-

    able work plan among

    natural gas, oil, min-

    ing, forestry and sh-

    ery sectors, and provid-

    ing training courses for

    sharing experience and

    expertise to Myanmar.

    It was also attended

    by Union Ministers U

    Soe Thane, U Win Shein

    and Dr Myint Aung, and

    ofcials concerned.


    1. On the International Human Rights Day, the

    Myanmar National Human Rights Commission

    (MNHRC) joins the international community in

    celebrating this auspicious day.

    2. The International Human Rights Day is espe-

    cially signicant for the Commission. The Com-

    mission was able to distribute for the rst time

    the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in

    Myanmar language to certain important sectors

    of the Government, the Parliament and the Pub-

    lic in 2013. The Commission will continue to

    distribute this important document on a wider

    scale so that the Myanmar community will be-

    come fully aware of what their inalienable rights


    3. During 2013, the Commission was able to inten-

    sify its activities to promote and protect human

    rights by conducting certain outreach activities for

    the rst time such as visits to Taikkyi and Okkan

    townships in Yangon Region, Okpo, Gyobingauk,

    Zigon and Nattalin townships in Bago Region,

    Mandalay, Wundwin, Pyawbwe and Meiktila

    townships in Mandalay Region, Lashio town-

    ship in Shan State, Sittway, Ponnagyun, Kyauk-

    taw, MraukU and Thandwe townships in Rakhine

    State and visits to the prisons in Kawthoung and

    Mawlamyine townships in September. Based on

    the ndings during these visits, the Commission

    submitted many important recommendations to

    the Government so that necessary and preven-

    tive measures could be taken to prevent acts ofviolence from happening again in those townships

    and to improve the situation in the prisons under


    (See page 8)

    Statement 4/2013 of

    Myanmar National Human

    Rights Commission on

    International Human Rights

    Day, 10 December 2013

    President U Thein Sein poses for

    documentary photo with Ms Clare Short,

    Chair of Extractive Industries Transparency

    Initiative (EITI) Board.MNA

    YANGON, 10 Dec

    Wrestling of the 27thSEA

    Games continued at the

    National Thuwunna Na-

    tional Indoor Stadium (1)

    on Waizayantar Road in

    Thingangyun Township,here, today.

    Wrestlers from Myan-

    mar, Thailand, Vietnam,

    Laos, Cambodia, Indo-

    Wrestling of 27thSEA Games keep onnesia and the Philippines

    competed in the second-

    day events.

    After the nal events,

    Indonesia secured gold,

    Thailand, silver, and Vi-

    etnam, bronze, in mensgreco-74 Kg event while

    Cambodia won gold,

    the Philippines, silver,

    and Thailand, bronze, in

    mens greco-84 Kg.

    In womens free

    style-55 kg event, Viet-

    nam clinched gold medal,

    Thailand, silver, and My-

    anmar, bronze, while in

    womens free style-59 kgevent, Vietnam won gold,

    Thailand, silver, and Indo-

    nesia, bronze.

    While Myanmar se-

    cured gold, Laos, silver,

    and Cambodia, bronze, in

    mens greco (96 kg) event,

    Cambodia won gold, Laos,

    silver, and Myanmar,

    bronze, in womens free

    style (63 kg) event.

    Myanmar Wrestling

    Federation President UKyaw Kyaw Linn and of-

    cials concerned awarded

    the winners.


    NAY PYI TAW, 10

    DecA ceremony of wel-

    coming participants to the

    equestrian event at the 27th

    SEA Games took place at

    Wunna Theikdi equestrian

    centre, here, this evening.

    First, Myanmar Eques-trian Federation President

    U Pyone Maung Maung

    gave a welcome speech.

    Next, Dressage technical

    delegate Mrs. Susan Hoev-

    enaars of FEI spoke on the


    Then, Vice-President

    of Myanmar Olympic

    Committee Chairman of

    Amyotha Hluttaw Relief

    and Resettlement Commit-

    tee Dr Khin Shwe and party

    greeted participants to the


    Before the end of the

    ceremony, Myanmar tra-

    ditional riding skills were

    presented to those present.

    More than 60 par-

    ticipants from Cambodia,

    Indonesia, Malaysia, Sin-

    gapore, the Philippines,

    Thailand and host Myan-

    Myanmar welcomes participants to 2013

    SEA Games equestrian event

    mar are taking part in dres-

    sage, show jumping and

    endurance contests of 2013

    SEA Games equestrian

    event.YM (NLM)

    The Granddaughter of Thai King wave hands

    during opening ceremony 27thSEA equsterian

    game to fans at Equestrian Centre

    in Nay Pyi Taw.PHOTO: AYEMINSOE

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    Wednesday, 11 December, 20132 New Light of Myanmar


    New Light of Myanmar

    Myanma Airways launches new daily ight

    servicesMyanma Airways (MA) under the Ministry of Transport will launch the following

    daily ight schedule by Caravan 208 B aircraft based on the Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    Airport as of 12 December. In addition, it will operate the ight schedules to Magway,Kyaukhtu and Namhsan.

    Sr Day Schedule

    1. Sunday (i) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-NyaungU-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    (ii) Sightseeing (Mandalay/NyaungU environs)

    (iii) Enjoy ight (Mandalay and its environs)

    2. Monday (i) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-Nay Pyi Taw-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    (ii) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-Bhamo-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    (iii) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-Kalay-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    3. Tuesday (i) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-Lashio-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    (ii) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-Loikaw-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    4. Wednesday (i) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-Kalay-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    (ii) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-Loikaw-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    (iii) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-Heho-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    5. Thursday (i) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-Loikaw-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    (ii) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-Heho-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    6. Friday (i) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-Nay Pyi Taw-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    (ii) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-NyaungU-Mandalay Chanmyathazi (iii) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-Heho-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    7. Saturday (i) Mandalay Chanmyathazi-Bhamo-Mandalay Chanmyathazi

    (ii) Sightseeing (Mandalay/NyaungU and its environs)

    (iii) Enjoy ight (Mandalay and its environs)

    PERI Asia participates in MyanBuild13YANGON, 10 Dec

    German family-owned

    PERI As i a P t e L td

    from Singapore, part of

    PERI GmbH is a service

    provider for formwork and

    scaffolding solutions and

    the largest manufacturer

    worldwide. In Singapore,

    PERI Asia contributed

    to landmark pro jec ts

    like Marina Bay Sands,

    Universal Studios Sentosa

    and Asia Square Tower 1

    and 2.

    PERI is a service

    provider for formwork and

    scafolding solutions and

    the largest manufacturer


    PERI Asia is already

    represented in Yangon to

    provide a close contact to

    developers, contractors and


    I see the high demand

    for construction in Myanmar

    and we as PERI would like

    to contribute to the economic

    growth of the country byproviding comprehensive

    solutions to our customers.

    We develop tailor-made

    technical solutions, incl.

    design and on top. We

    accompany our customer

    by providing training on site

    as well as in our facilities in


    I would like to emphasize

    that our customers success is

    our success and that is what

    we are striving for, Mr.

    Marco Romahn, Managing

    Director of PERI Asia Pte,

    Ltd, explained during the

    MyanBuild13. For furtherinformation, any person

    may visit www. periasia.



    Chartered ight Cessna Grand Caravan 208 B launched

    MANDALAY, 10 DecA

    ceremony to launch the

    US-made Cessna Grand

    Caravan 208 B of Myanma

    Airways of Ministry of

    Transport was held at

    Chanmyathazi Airport in

    Mandalay on 8 December.It was attended by

    Mandalay Region Minister

    for Transport U Kyaw Hsan,

    Commander of Central

    Command Maj-Gen Nyo

    Saw, Managing Director

    U Than Tun of Myanma

    Airways and departmental


    The region minister

    and the managing director

    cut the ribbon to launch the


    From Chanmyathazi

    Airport in Mandalay as a

    centre, the ights will be run

    to Nagmon, Tanai, Lonkhin,

    Momeik, Kutkai, Tangyan,

    G a n g a w , M o n g p i n g ,

    MraukU, Manaung, Pyay,

    Papun, Hpa-an, Ye and

    Pearl Island.MMAL-Tin

    Maung: Photo Aung Thura

    (Mandalay Sub-printing


    US Ambassador, EU Ambassador visit Shan

    StateTACHILEK, 10 Dec

    Police Col Myint Aung of

    Central Committee for DrugAbuse mtrol (International),

    US Ambassador Mr Derek

    J Mitchell, EU Ambassador

    Mr Roland Kobia, UNODC

    Country Manager Mr Jason

    Eligh and Mr Jochen Wiese

    and party on 5 December

    visited Mongpan, Mongton,

    Monghsat townships of

    Shan State (East).

    T h e y m e t l o c a l

    authorities and discussedp eace an d s t ab i l i t y ,

    development of the region,

    health, education, transport

    and marke t economy


    The loca l people

    r e p o r t e d o n t h e i r


    The Ambassadors and

    party together with local

    authorities visited rubber

    farm in Nantkyan Village ofMonghsat Township.

    In Loidawkham Village

    of Tachilek Township, they

    discussed implementation

    of narcotic drug plans.

    After visiting Talot

    Market, they left Tachilek

    by ight.

    MMAL-Myintmo (Tachilek)

    Artistes join football match

    to raise fund of Kawthoung

    Home for the AgedKAWTHOUNG, 10 Dec

    Artists football team andlocal football team held

    a friendly matches at the

    6th-Mile Station football

    ground in Kawthoung on 7


    It was aimed at raising

    the fund of the Home for

    the Aged.

    The matches were

    sponsored by Bacchus soft

    drink produced by Korea.

    In the rst match, artistes

    team was formed with Yazar

    Nay Win, Moe Yan Zun,

    Moe Aung Yin, Zarni, ThuHtoo San, Aung Ye Yint,

    Aung Thu, Zaw Lin Tun, Po

    Chit and others.

    The Actor FC played

    a friendly match with

    Kawthoung FC.

    In the second match,

    Actor FC played against

    Kawthoung Station FC.

    The matches were

    cheered by crowded with

    local people.MMAL-Kyaw

    Soe (Kawthoung)

    National Sports

    Farming right certicates issuedNGAPHE

    , 10 DecAceremony to present farming

    rights certicates to local

    farmers was held at the

    hall of Township General

    Administration Departmentin Ngaphe Township on

    5 December. Head of

    Township Settlement and

    Land Records Department

    U Myint Thu presentedcartificates to farmers

    through officials of 31

    village-tracts.MM AL-

    Than Naing Oo (Ngaphe)

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    Wednesday, 11 December, 2013 3New Light of MyanmarWORLD

    Palestinians say Kerry appeasing Israel over

    Iran at their expenseJERUSALEM, 10 Dec

    A senior Palestinian of-cial said the United Stateswas asking Palestinians to

    make security concessionsin peace talks with Israel inorder to silence the Jewish

    states criticism of worldpower diplomacy overIrans nuclear programme.

    The accusations byYasser Abed Rabbo, whojoined Palestinian Presi-

    dent Mahmoud Abbas in a

    US Secretary of State John Kerry (L) meets Palestinian

    President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city ofRamallah on 5 Dec, 2013.REUTERS

    meeting with US Secre-

    tary of State John Kerrylast week, further cloudedhopes of achieving a nego-

    tiated accord by an Apriltarget date.

    Kerry, who will return

    to Israel and the Palestin-ian territories this week,presented both sides with

    suggestions on Thursdayabout how Israel mightfend off future threats from

    a Palestinian state envis-

    aged in West Bank land it

    now occupies. Israel haslong demanded that underany eventual accord it re-

    tain swaths of Jewish settle-ments in the West Bank, aswell as military control of

    the territorys eastern Jor-dan Valley effectively,the prospective Palestines

    border with Jordan.But Abed Rabbo told

    Voice of Palestine radio

    that Kerry had plunged

    the process into crisis by

    seeking to appease Israelthrough agreeing to its ex-pansion demands in the

    (Jordan) Valley under thepretext of security.

    US acquiescence to

    Israels security demandswas aimed at silencing theIsraelis over the deal with

    Iran and achieving a fakeprogress in the Palestini-an-Israeli track at our ex-

    pense, he said.Reuters

    Former officer notes Japans

    contribution to chemical arms

    watchdogOSLO, 10 Dec Ichiro

    Akiyama, a former GroundSelf-Defence Force ofcerwho served in the Organi-zation for the Prohibition of

    Chemical Weapons, spokeon Monday about Japanscontribution to the watch-

    dog ahead of the awardingof this years Nobel PeacePrize to the group.

    The rst director ofthe Inspectorate Division atthe OPCW, said, Japanese

    personnel have worked to-gether to produce results (intheir work with the OPCW).

    Anti-government protesters attend a demonstration near the Government House inBangkok, Thailand, on 9 Dec, 2013.XINHUA

    Tai caretaker PM vows to continue

    to perform dutiesBANGKOK, 10 Dec

    Thai caretaker Prime Min-ister Yingluck Shinawatra

    on Tuesday morningpledged to continue to per-form caretaking duties in

    accordance with the con-stitution until a new primeminister is elected.

    In a statement madeafter a special cabinetmeeting, Yingluck pleaded

    with the public to protectdemocracy, and urged pro-testers to stop the rally, and

    all to start preparing for the

    next general election slatedfor 2 Feb, 2014.

    Yingluck said she had

    made every compromisepossible, and wished to be

    treated fairly.On Monday night,

    anti-government protest

    leader Suthep Thaugsubanasked Yingluck and cabinetministers to resign as care-

    takers within 24 hours.Suthep also urged

    protests to last for another

    three days.Protesters have de-

    manded the incumbent

    government be replaced

    by an unelected peoplescouncil and an interim

    administration formed by

    non-politicians.As they have envi-

    sioned, the council andadministration will be dis-solved after implementing

    a political reform for about1-1.5 years and then a gen-eral election will be called.

    Hundreds of thou-sands of protestersmarched in various pro-

    cessions to besiege theGovernment House on

    Monday. No conicts werereported between the po-

    lice and protesters.Xinhua

    I am very happy to be able

    to attend (the ceremony) astheir representative.

    Akiyama, 64, said thata variety of Japanese have

    worked in the OPCW sinceits 1997 founding. They in-clude personnel dispatched

    from the GSDF and theEconomy, Trade and Indus-try Ministry and also inspec-

    tors sent from the privatesector. Japan can makeinternational contributions

    in various elds. It shouldactively make proposals forcontributions in the future

    by combining human, mate-

    rial and nancial resources,he told Kyodo News andother media outlets ahead ofthe award ceremony in Oslo.

    Given many of its du-ties such as military baseinspections are bound by

    condentiality, it is an or-ganization that should notcome under the spotlight

    normally, he said. But itsachievements have nallybeen recognized, which I

    believe was helped by theSyrian issue.

    Kyodo News

    Irans Zarif says nuclear deal deadif US passes new sanctions

    WASHINGTON, 10 Dec

    Iranian Foreign MinisterJavad Zarif said the Iranian

    nuclear deal would be deadif the US Congress imposesnew sanctions, even if they

    do not take effect for sixmonths, Time Magazinesaid on Monday.

    In a transcript of theinterview, which was con-ducted on Saturday and

    posted online on Monday,

    Time said it asked Zarifwhat would happen if Con-

    gress imposed new sanc-tions, even if they did not gointo effect for six months.

    The entire deal isdead. replied Zarif. He wasreferring to a 24 November

    interim agreement with sixworld powers under whichTeheran would curb its

    nuclear programme in ex-change for limited relief

    from economic sanctionsover the next six months.

    The Iranian foreign

    ministers comments hadlittle apparent effect on USsenators who are prepar-

    ing legislation to imposenew sanctions on Iran in sixmonths if the deal reached

    in Geneva goes nowhere.

    Irans Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif speaks

    to the media during a news conference following theE3/EU+3-Iran talks in Geneva on 24 Nov, 2013.


    Robert Menendez, the

    Democrat who chairs theSenate Foreign Relations

    Committee, and Republi-can Senator Mark Kirk arenear agreement on legisla-

    tion that would target Iransremaining oil exports, for-eign exchange reserves

    and strategic industries,congressional aides said on

    Monday.The legislation faces

    an uphill battle amid op-position from the White

    House. It would seek to

    limit US President Barack

    Obamas ability to waivesanctions on Iran and also

    reimpose sanctions if Tehe-ran reneges on the Genevaagreement. Zarif said Iran

    would not be pressured.We do not like to ne-

    gotiate under duress, he

    told Time Magazine. IfCongress adopts sanctions,

    it shows lack of serious-ness and lack of a desire toachieve a resolution on thepart of the United States.


    Indias ruling Congress party

    wins assembly polls in NE state of

    MizoramNEW DELHI, 10 Dec

    Indias ruling Congress

    party has secured a majority

    in the assembly elections in

    the northeastern state of Mi-


    The Congress is all

    set to form the next stategovernment as it retained

    majority in Mizoram as-

    sembly, winning at least

    28 seats in the 40-member

    legislative house, for the

    second ve-year term in a

    row. The partys Chief Min-

    ister Lal Thanhawla contest-

    ed from two seats and won

    both of them.

    This is for the fth time

    that Congress won Mizoramassembly elections since in-


    The party has, however,

    been wiped out in assembly

    polls in four crucial states

    the Indian capital, the

    northern state of Rajasthan

    and the central states of

    Madhya Pradesh and Chhat-


    The November-De-

    cember assembly polls areseen as an indicator of how

    the electorate will vote in

    the general elections slated

    for May 2014.Xinhua

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    Wednesday, 11 December, 2013 5


    New Light of Myanmar

    McDonalds November

    sales miss as

    US weakness persistsLOS ANGELES, 10

    Dec McDonalds

    Corp (MCD.N) onMonday reported anothersluggish month of salesat established restaurants,results that suggest thefamed hamburger chainis losing US market shareto rivals. The fast-foodchain, the worlds largestby revenue, has struggledfor more than a year tosignicantly increase thosemonthly sales, hindered byslack demand and intensecompetition for the businessof budget-conscious diners.Novembers biggestdisappointment came fromthe United States, wheremonthly sales at restaurants

    open at least 13 monthsfell 0.8 percent, versus the

    0.3 percent gain expected,on average, by 14 analystspolled by ConsensusMetrix.

    McDonalds UStrends imply a rare period ofshare losses, RBC CapitalMarkets analyst DavidPalmer said in a clientnote. Wall Street initiallyexpected the chainsfortunes to turn this pastspring because its resultswould be compared withweak monthly numbersstarting in the spring of2012. But McDonaldsexecutives recently sig-naled that weaknesswould continue in the

    fourth quarter amid stiffcompetition and haltingglobal economic growth.Chief Executive DonThompson, at the helm ofMcDonalds for more thana year, has switched topmanagement and shakenup menus to boost salesand prots. Still, analystssay the chain appears to be

    losing out to rivals at allmeal times except breakfast where it has long been a

    leader.Some analysts worry

    that the companys woes arethe result of poor executionrather than external factors.In particular, they say, newmenu items such as lattes,smoothies, salads and wrapshave slowed McDonaldsservice in a business wherehyper-competitive drive-

    thru times are measured inthe seconds.


    Smoking cessation

    products pose no serious

    heart risksWASHINGTON, 10 Dec

    Nicotine replacement

    gums and patches or populardrugs prescribed to helppeople quit smoking suchas Chantix may not harmthe heart in users, accordingto a study published onMonday in the AmericanHeart Association journal


    In recent years, therehas been concerns thatsome smoking cessationproducts may have seriouscardiovascular risks.

    But in the largest

    analysis of side effectsof three major smokingcessation products, seriousheart events didnt increasewith nicotine replacementgums and patches,

    the nicotine addictiontreatment Chantix, and theantidepressant Wellbutrin,the researchers said.

    The new study lookedat 63 clinical trials, whichcomprised 30, 508 people,and found that overall,smoking cessation isassociated with improvedcardiovascular health,

    increased life expectancy,improved quality of life and

    reduced healthcare costsfor smoking-associatedconditions.

    Undoubtedly, thebenets of quittingsmoking outweigh anypotential risks fromsmoking cessation thera-pies, said EdwardMills, study co-authorand associate professorof medicine at StanfordUniversity and CanadaResearch Chair at theUniversity of Ottawa.

    Although nicotinereplacement therapy viapatch or gum was linked toa risk of a rapid or irregularheartbeat, the researcherssaid the heart symptoms

    were minor and temporary.These more minor

    risks are well known toclinicians and usually passwith time, Mills said.They occur most oftenwhen people are takingnicotine replacementtherapy and smoking at thesame time, which is a badidea.Xinhua

    An illustration picture shows the logos of Google andYahoo connected with LAN cables in a Berlin ofce

    on 31 Oct, 2013. REUTERS

    US tech companies call for more controls on


    LONDON, 10 Dec Eight major US web com-panies, including Apple,Google and Facebook,made a joint call on Mon-day for tighter controls onhow governments collectpersonal data, intensifyingthe furor over online sur-

    veillance. In an open let-ter to US President BarackObama and Congress, thecompanies said recent rev-elations showed the balancehad tipped too far in favorof the state in many coun-tries and away from theindividual. In June, former

    National Security Agency(NSA) contractor EdwardSnowden exposed top se-cret government surveil-lance programmes that tapinto communications oncables linking technologycompanies various datacenters overseas.

    After Snowdens dis-

    closure, many of the bigInternet companies warnedthat American businessesmay lose revenue abroadas distrustful customersswitched to local alterna-tives.

    We understand thatgovernments have a duty toprotect their citizens, saidthe letter from the eightrms which also includedMicrosoft Corp, Twitter,LinkedIn Corp, Yahoo Incand AOL Inc. But thissummers revelations high-

    lighted the urgent need toreform government surveil-lance practices worldwide.

    The balance in manycountries has tipped too farin favour of the state andaway from the rights of theindividual rights that areenshrined in our Constitu-tion.This undermines the

    freedoms we all cherish. Itstime for a change.

    Several of the eightcompanies, which have acombined market capitaliza-tion of nearly $1.4 trillion,have responded by publiciz-ing their decision to boostencryption and security ontheir sites.


    The Twitter symbol is displayed at the post where thestock is traded on the oor of the New York Stock

    Exchange, on 15 Nov, 2013. REUTERS

    Twitter shares soar, near all-time highSANFRANCISCO,10 Dec

    Twitter shares soaredmore than 9 percent onMonday to their highest

    level since the companysinitial public offeringafter a spate of productannouncements that couldboost its revenue prospects.Shares rose to $49 in mid-day trading, up 9.2 percent.

    Twitter has mostlytraded in the low-$40range in recent weeks since7 November, when shares

    briey topped $50 in thehours following its highlyanticipated IPO. Twitter onThursday ofcially beganallowing marketers to showindividually-tailored ads onTwitter, based on websites

    One in four children in poverty

    in New ZealandWELLINGTON, 10 Dec

    A new report suggestsa quarter of New Zealandschildren are living inpoverty and 10 percent arein severe poverty. The rstChild Poverty Monitor,released on Monday, aimsto measure the progress ofpoverty indicators annuallyto reduce hardship and raiseawareness.

    According to the report,the percentage of children inpoverty has nearly doubledin the past three decades,from 14 percent in 1982 to25 percent today. It found265,000 children are nowin poverty, meaning their

    families live off less than60 percent of the medianhousehold income.

    Of those, 180,000are missing out on basicnecessities like a goodbed, doctors visits, heating,meat and fresh fruit andvegetables.

    The report said 10percent of children arein severe poverty, whichmeans they are goingwithout the things theyneed and their low familyincome means they donthave any opportunity ofchanging this.

    The Child PovertyMonitor is a joint project

    by the JR McKenzie Trust,Otago University and theNew Zealand ChildrensCommissioner.

    Childrens Commi-ssioner Russell Wills toldRadio New Zealand themost effective way to reducechild poverty in this countryis to have a plan enshrinedin legislation. It needsto hold future ministersand chief executivesaccountable and we needto set targets. Then, whatwell see, like the road tolland drink driving, is thatchild poverty will decreaseslowly over time, saidWills. Xinhua

    the user has previouslyvisited. The cookie-basedtargeted ads, as they areknown, are expected to

    fetch higher ad prices.The company alsosaid it would launch a text-only version of the servicethat would be availableto people with entry-levelmobile phones that cannotaccess the Internet. AppleInc announced last weekit would acquire Topsy,an analytics company thatmines Twitter data, for$200 million, according tomedia reports. Althoughthe iPhone maker withheldany information abouthow it planned to integrateTopsy, analysts said the

    deal was served as the latestafrmation that the oodof data produced daily onTwitter holds value forbusinesses.Reuters

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    Wednesday, 11 December, 20136 New Light of Myanmar


    The Opening Ceremony on 11 December, 2013

    Myanmars canoeing

    rower Win Htike

    celebrates after ac-

    cepting gold medal for

    mens canoeing 1000meter race (C1).


    Myanmars canoeing and Kayak rowers pose for

    photos together with U Chit Khaing, Chairman of

    Myanmar Rowers Federation and coaches

    of rowing teams.PHOTO: AYEMINSOE

    Rowers of Mens Canoeing team of Myanmar celebrate after

    crossing nishing line in the double canoeing 1000-meter event (C2).


    The Granddaughter of Thai King looks at fans

    during opening ceremony 27thSEA equsterian

    game at Equestrian Centre in Nay Pyi Taw.


    A performing troupe of

    Intha tripe from Inlay

    Lake performs as they

    support Myanmar row-

    ers during canoeing

    and Kayak events.


    Fans dance

    and sing

    songs as

    they cel-

    ebrate after


    rowers win

    gold in


    and Kayak




  • 8/13/2019 11.Dec 13_ New Light of Myanmar News Paper



    7Wednesday, 11 December, 2013New Light of Myanmar

    The Opening Ceremony of 27thSEA Games today

    7New Light of Myanmar

    NAY PYI TAW, 10

    DecThe nal competi-

    tions between Indonesia

    and Thailand and between

    Singapore and Myanmar

    in water polo event of 27th

    SEA Games took place at

    Zeyathiri Swimming Pool

    this morning.

    In the rst match, In-

    donesia won over Malaysia

    Singapore secure gold in water polowith 12:7 points and in the

    second, Singapore, over My-

    anmar with 21:13 points re-

    sults each.

    After the matches, de-

    fending champion Singapore

    secured rst prize, Indonesia

    second and Thailand third.

    Union Minister for

    Electric Power U Khin

    Maung Soe awarded gold

    medal to Singapore team,

    Deputy Minister for Live-

    stock, Fisheries and Ru-

    ral Development U Khin

    Maung Aye, silver medal to

    Indonesia team and mem-

    ber of Union Civil Servic-

    es Board U Mahn Maung

    Maung Nyan, bronze medal

    to Thailand team.

    Khaing Thanda Lwin (NLM)

    NAY PYI TAW, 10

    DecPatrons of Myanmar

    Womens Sports Federation

    and wellwishers donated

    cash to the fund for Myan-

    mar women athletes whoare taking part in the XX-

    VII SEA Games, at Wunna

    Theikdi Stadium, here, this


    Patrons of MWAF

    Daw Khin Khin Win, wife

    of President U Thein Sein,

    donated K 1 million, Daw

    Nan Shwe Hmon, wife

    of Vice-President Dr Sai

    Mauk Kham, K 500,000,

    Patrons of MWSF donate cash to Myanmar

    women athletes

    Smash shots, accuracy put Myanmar

    badminton through to quarterfnalsHost Myanmar badmin-

    ton players make a perfect

    start, winning against their

    counterparts in the mens

    singles badminton competi-

    tion at the 27th SEA Games,

    and advanced to quarter-

    nal. Main draw of the bad-

    minton kicked off today

    at Building (C) of Wunna

    Theikdi Indoor Stadium in

    Nay Pyi Taw. Myanmar na-

    tional badminton got SEA

    Games campaign off to a

    winning start. In todays

    matches of Round 1, Myo

    Min Tun won his rst as-

    signment against Laotian

    counterpart with a solid win

    in two sets after Aung Kyi

    Min nished Chanmara

    of Cambodia in two ends.

    Today was a good day

    for Myanmar badminton

    as its hopes to claim gold

    through badminton at the

    biggest regional sportingevent started with two sold

    wins in the Round 1. Both

    players two-set wins over

    opponents in respective

    games put them through to

    the next stage, quarternal.

    Myo Min Tun is

    scheduled to play against

    the qualier of the Round 1

    match between the players

    of Singapore and Thailand

    while Aung Kyi Min will

    face Indonesian counter-

    part on Thursdays quarter-

    nal.Aung Kyi Min giving a smash shot at mens singles

    badminton competition of 2013 SEA Games.YM

    NAY PYI TAW, 10

    DecPatron of the Lead-

    ing Committee for Or-

    ganizing the XXVII SEA

    Games Vice-President U

    Nyan Tun together with

    Chairman of the Organ-

    izing Committee Union

    Minister U Tint Hsan

    awarded rst prize to My-

    anmar, second to Laos and

    third to Cambodia teams

    in womens hoop Takraw

    event after enjoying the

    competitions at Wunna

    Theikdi Gymnasium B,

    Vice-President U Nyan Tun awardswinners in Hoop Takraw event

    Khaing presented prizesto mens teams.Daw Wai

    Wai, wife of the Union

    Minister for Transport,

    and Daw Khin Thant

    Zin, wife of the Union

    Minister for Agriculture

    and Irrigation presented

    cash awards to Myanmar

    womens team.

    The Vice-President

    and party then enjoyed

    competitions of equestrian

    event at Wunna Theikdi

    horse race course.


    Vice-President U Nyan Tun awarding winners in womens hoop Takraw


    Daw Khin Aye Myint,

    wife of Vice-President

    U Nyan Tun, K 500,000,

    Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of

    the Commander-in-Chief

    of Defence Services andDaw Mar Mar Wai, wife

    of General Hla Htay Win

    K 3 million donated by

    families of Defence Ser-

    vices (Army, Navy and

    Air), wives of Union min-

    isters of six Union Min-

    istries at President Ofce

    K 1 million each, Union

    ministries K 33 million,

    Myanmar Womens and

    Children Development

    Federation and Myanmar

    Womens Affairs Feder-

    ation K 500,000 each and

    womens sports federa-

    tions K 1 million.Chairman of the Lead-

    ing Committee for Organiz-

    ing the Games Union Min-

    ister U Tint Hsan accepted

    the cash donations and

    spoke words of thanks.

    The patrons of the fed-

    eration visited the Social

    Zone and Sports Museum

    at Wunna Theikdi Sports


    After winning three gold

    in four events of rowing on

    the rst day, Myanmar row-

    ers have gained condence to

    put more strokes on the rosy

    picture of their history.

    We hoped to win at

    least two gold in six events

    of canoeing, says U Thura

    Han, the assistant coach of

    the canoeing team of Myan-

    mar, but, now we feel con-

    dence to secure at ve gold in

    six events.

    According to U Thura

    Han, Myanmar players could

    take a good advantage of

    wind that is blowing across

    the dam which his canoe

    Myanmar rowers optimistic to win more gold

    here, this afternoon.In the womens event,

    Myanmar women team

    stood rst with 760 points

    and Laos, second with 301


    In the mens event,

    Thailand secured the

    first prize with 830

    points and Myanmar,

    second with 650. The

    Deputy General Secre-

    tary of Thai Olympic

    Council and President of

    Myanmar Sepak Takraw

    Federation U Chit

    NAYPYITAW,10 Dec

    In the todays football tour-

    naments, Myanmar beat the

    Philippines 2-0 in mensevent while Singapore won

    over Vietnam 1-0 and Ma-

    Myanmar bag gold in Hoop Takrawlaysia routed Brunei 2-0.

    In Futsal event, Thailand

    trounced Indonesia 4-0

    and Vietnam threshed My-anmar 6-0 in the womens

    event. In Hoop Takraw event,

    Myanmar women bagged

    one gold medal with 760


    In Wushu event, Myan-mar secured three silver med-


    rowers are accustomed to.

    Myanmar rowers are

    friendly to the climate espe-

    cially to the water and wind

    because they undergone two-

    month intensive training in

    the dam.

    Once this wind blows

    across the dam, I know its

    sure that we will win gold,

    said U Thura Han, as he

    shows the ags ying in the

    wind.Besides, Myanmar

    rowers could show their

    skills as the same they did

    during their intensive train-

    ing, he added.

    To everyones surprise,

    Thailands karak boat which

    By: Aye Min Soe

    was behind Myanmar and

    Indonesia nally passed the

    nishing line after defeat-

    ing the two teams during

    the Mens Kayak 100-meter

    event (MK-4) while Myan-

    mar the silver in the contest.

    Myanmar rowers have

    considered that rowers from

    Indonesia will be their rivals

    in the upcoming events.

    Today we have wit-

    nessed the abilities our rowers

    and rowers from participating

    countries. We hope to win ve

    gold in six events in canoe-

    ing, said U Thura Han.

  • 8/13/2019 11.Dec 13_ New Light of Myanmar News Paper


    Wednesday, 11 December, 20138 New Light of Myanmar

    Wednesday, 11 December, 2013

    Health awarenessHealth is wealth, there goes a Myanmar say-

    ing. Health awareness is of utmost importance

    for everyone to live a long lie. But in the modern

    age, people tend to exchange health for wealth,

    pursuing their dream of fame and fortune at the

    expense of their health.

    Anyone, regardless of race, religion, sex

    and age can easily fall prey to diseases although

    there are a series of medical breakthroughs.

    Good health has something to do with previous

    Kamma (deeds), citta, weather and nutrition. As

    blood used to clot in the winter, everyone should

    go walking as physical activities for better blood

    circulation that can lead to good health. Myan-

    mar people tend to give little attention to health

    and many of them usually do not do exercise on

    a regular basis. Stress is also a driving factor that

    could degenerate the condition of health.

    The unhealthy lifestyle of modern life is

    also attributed to increased risks of developing

    diseases, particularly hypertension and diabe-

    tes. Obesity can often lead to high blood pres-

    sure, heart diseases and diabetes. Having much

    of foods enriched with cholesterol and physical

    inactivity also lead to obesity. Moreover taking

    the excessively salty and sweet foods can devel-

    op the above-mentioned diseases. For children,

    soft drinks and ready-made food that are largely

    adulterated with chemicals are dangerous.

    Health education programmes are to be

    launched across the country through possible

    means that can draw public attention. It is every

    important to make the public realize that pre-

    vention is better than cure. And we should bearin mind that losing health is greater than losing

    wealth and economic growth and sustainable de-

    velopment can be created only by healthy people.


    (from page 1)

    4. On the promotion of human rights, the Commission held

    several workshops in Myanmar on some important hu-

    man rights themes in cooperation with the ofce of the

    High Commissioner Human Rights (OHCHR), Regional

    Ofce in Bangkok and the Raoual Wallenberg institute

    of Sweden. The themes covered in these workshops in-

    cluded such important subjects as Business and Human

    Rights and the Media. These workshops also included two

    workshops on the International Covenant on Economic,

    Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and the Interna-tional Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) for

    the specic objective of preparing the relevant Ministries

    Ofcials for their future role in implementing these two

    Covenants when Myanmar becomes State party to them.

    Worth special mentioning is the Workshop on the Univer-

    sal Periodic Review (UPR) jointly organized in Nay Pyi

    Taw by the MNHRC and OHCHR, Bangkok. The active

    participation of Parliamentarians, Government Ofcials,

    Civil Society representatives and the Commission Mem-

    bers will certainly contribute to the UPR process and the

    preparation of the UPR Report of Myanmar to the Human

    Rights Council due in 2015.

    5. In its promotion work, the commission actively partici-

    pated in the workshops organized for civil society in Yan-

    gon and Mandalay by OHCHR. Civil Society representa-

    tives were also invited to the commission to brief themon its experiences during the eld investigation trips by

    the commissioners and to seek their views on the enabling

    law of the Commission, which is expected to be adopted

    by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. The engagement with the

    Statement 4/2013...

    civil society will continue to feature as priority area in the

    future activities of the Commission.

    6. Regarding the protection of human rights, the Commission

    has received a total of 1599 complaints from 1 January to

    31 October 2013, out of which 1206 complaints have been

    examined by the Commission and the relevant complaints

    have been forwarded to the Government for necessary ac-

    tions and remedies. While the ow of complaints remains

    persistent and the Commission appreciates the coopera-

    tion of the relevant Departments of the Government, the

    responses still indicate that there remains much to be done

    to improve the complaint handling mechanism as a whole.

    The commission is planning to take effective measuressuch as more active conciliation between the concerned

    parties and more verication and investigation trips to the

    scenes of violations.

    7. The MNHRC cooperation at the regional level remains as

    strong as last year by active participation of the Commission

    Members in all regional meetings on human rights and by en-

    gaging with regional level human rights organizations such as

    Southeast Asian National Human Rights Institutions Forum

    (SEANF) and the Asia Pacic Forum (APF). Through its co-

    operation with the APF, the Commission has already formu-

    lated a Strategic Plan for 2014 to 2016 for the promotion and

    protection of human rights under which many activities are

    planned at domestic, regional and international levels.

    8. On this Human Rights Day, the commission fervently

    hopes that it will receive the full cooperation from all the

    relevant stakeholders in the country in fulllment of its

    mandate of promotion and protection of human rights inMyanmar, without which the vision of a Myanmar Soci-

    ety where human rights are respected, promoted, protected

    and fullled will not be realized.

    Myanmar National Human Rights Commission

    NAYPYITAW, 10 Dec

    Commander-in-Chief of

    Defence Services Senior

    General Min Aung Hlaing,

    together with Chief of the

    General Staff (Army, Navy

    and Air) General Hla Htay

    Win, Commander-in-Chief

    (Navy) Admiral Thura Thet

    Swe, Commander-in-Chief

    (Air) Lt-Gen Khin Aung

    Myint, senior military ofc-

    ers of the Commander-in-

    Chief (Army) Ofce and the

    Commander of Nay Pyi Taw

    Command, saw off Deputy

    Vice-Senior General Soe Win and party

    leave for India

    Commander-in-Chief of De-

    fence Services Vice-Senior

    General Soe Win who will at-

    tend the graduation parade of

    Ofcers Training Academy

    to be held in Gaya, Republic

    of India and party at Nay Pyi

    Taw Airport this morning.

    Members of the del-

    egation are Daw Than Than

    Nwe, wife of the Vice-Senior

    General, senior military of-

    cers of the Commander-

    in-Chief (Army) Ofce and

    the Indian military attach to


    Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior

    General Min Aung Hlaing sees off Vice-Senior

    General Soe Win at Nay Pyi Taw Airport.MNA

    NAY PYI TAW, 10

    DecAmyotha Hluttaw

    Speaker U Khin Aung My-

    int received Mr. Hoang

    Tuan Anh, Minister for

    Culture, Sports and Tour-

    ism from Socialist Republic

    of Vietnam, and party at his

    ofce, here, this afternoon.

    Also present at the call

    together with the Speaker

    of Amyotha Hluttaw were

    Committee Chairmen U

    Zaw Myint Pe, U Aung

    Tun, Dr Myint Kyi, Dr Aye

    Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker

    receives SRV MinisterMaung, Dr Khin Shwe and

    U Aung Nyein, and Sec-

    retaries of Committee Dr

    Myat Nyana Soe, U Nu and

    U Khin Maung Htay and


    At the meeting, they

    had a cordial discussion on

    further cementing relations

    between Myanmar and Vi-


    Later, the Speaker

    hosted a luncheon to the

    Vietnamese Minister and


    (from page 16)

    And Deputy Minister for

    Agriculture and Irrigation

    U Ohn Than presented cash

    awards for the winners in

    the farm-sector honouring

    song competition through

    Deputy Minister for Infor-

    mation U Ye Htut.

    In his speech, the Vice-

    President said farm sector

    plays a prioritized role in

    implementing eight rural

    development and poverty

    alleviation tasks. Myan-

    mars major source of

    income comes from agri-

    Generating more incomes from...

    cultural sector as 70 % of

    countrys total population

    are living in rural areas.

    Generating more incomes

    from the farm sector is the

    rst step towards economic

    development of the country.

    He highlighted the

    Ministry is giving encour-

    agement for production of

    quality seeds and high-yield

    crops in conformity with

    Presidents guidance on ve

    agricultural reforms.

    Since the late 1990s,

    worlds average organic

    production has increased

    to between 20-25 % annu-

    ally, covering 35 million

    hectares of land. Myan-

    mars organic production is

    one-seventh ratio compared

    with Thailand and one-third

    with Vietnam. He calledfor more investments in or-

    ganic production and qual-

    ity seeds production, he


    Later, the Vice-Presi-

    dent and party looked round

    thriving organic plantations

    at the 900-acre model agri-

    cultural mechanized farm-

    ing plantation irrigated by

    Setset Yo Dam, agricultural

    equipment of Alliance Stars

    Group Company and vege-

    tables and fruits processing

    plant and cold storage.


    The Chin National Party

    headquartered at No. 120,

    Room (52) of Thukha Hline

    Housing on Insein Road,

    Hline Township, Yangon

    Region, registered by the Un-

    ion Election Commission as a

    political party under the Arti-

    cle 9 of Political Parties Reg-

    istration Law, submitted ap-

    plications to change its name

    as Chin National Progressive

    Party to the Union Election

    Commission on 30-11-2013.

    Public announcement for

    remonstration of changing

    political partys nameIt is hereby announced

    in accord with Political Par-

    ties Registration Rules 14 (d)

    that if there is anyone who

    wants to remonstrate about

    the name Chin National

    Progressive Party, they may

    remonstrate with the Union

    Election Commission with

    rm evidence within seven

    days from the date of the an-


    Union Election


  • 8/13/2019 11.Dec 13_ New Light of Myanmar News Paper


    9Wednesday, 11 December, 2013New Light of MyanmarN A T I O N A L

    NAY PYI TAW, 10

    DecPresident of the Lao

    People's Democratic Re-

    public Mr Choummaly

    Sayasone and wife Mrs

    Keosaychay Sayasone left

    here for Mandalay by spe-

    cial ight this morning and

    arrived in Mandalay at 9.45

    am. They were welcomed

    at Mandalay International

    Airport by Region Chief

    Minister U Ye Myint and

    wife Daw Myat Ngwe, the

    region ministers and of-


    The Laotian Presidentand party paid homage to

    Maha Muni Buddha Im-

    age. On arrival at Mya

    Nan San Kyaw Golden

    Laotian President, wife and party arrive

    in Mandalay

    1. The Kachin Democratic Party headquartered at

    No. 12 (5thFloor A) on Myawady road in Myay-

    nigone (North) Ward, Sangyoung Township, Yan-

    gon Region, on 10-12-2013 submitted applications

    to register as a political party under the Article 5

    of Political Parties registration Law. In its appli-

    cation, it is mentioned that the party will use its

    name, ag and seal described hereunder.

    2. It is hereby announced in accord with Political Par-

    ties Registration Rules 14 (d) that if there is anyone

    who wants to remonstrate about the name, ag andseal of the party, they may remonstrate with the

    Union Election Commission with rm evidence

    within seven days from the day of the announce-


    Union Election Commission

    Flag of the Kachin Democratic Party

    Public announcement for


    Seal of the Kachin Democratic Party



    Party applies for

    registration aspolitical partyNAY PYI TAW, 10

    DecThe Union Election

    Commission has been scru-

    tinizing and passing the ap-

    plications for registration

    as a political party. Kachin

    Democratic Party applied

    for registration as a political

    party to the UEC today.


    Republic of the Union of Myanmar

    Union Election Commission

    Nay Pyi TawAnnouncement No. 36/20138thWaxing of Nadaw, 1375 ME

    (10thDecember, 2013)

    Kachin State DemocracyParty gets green light

    It is here announced that Kachin State Democracy

    Party headquartered at No.386, Yuzana Ward, Myitkyina

    Township of Kachin State has been allowed to register

    as a political party in accord with Article 9 of Political

    Parties Registration Law as of 10 December. The regis-

    tration number of the party is 67.

    By order,

    Myint Naing


    Union Election Commission

    NAY PYI TAW, 10

    DecVice-President UNyan Tun met a goodwill

    delegation led by Vice Pre-

    China to grant 10 million yuan for Myanmars ASEAN Chaircontinues allowing the use of

    sports gears in Para Sports

    festival in January, 2014 in


    After that, the Vice-

    President hosted a dinner

    to the Chinese delegation.

    Also present at the call to-gether with the Vice-Presi-

    dent were Union Ministers

    U Tint Hsan, U Htay Aung,

    U Aye Myint Kyu and Dr

    Pe Thet Khin, deputy min-

    isters U Thant Kyaw and Dr

    San Lwin. The Chinese del-

    egation was accompanied

    by Chinese Ambassador to

    Myanmar Yang Houlan and

    high-ranking ofcers.


    Palace, they looked round

    in it and Rector of Manda-

    lay National Culture and

    Fine Arts University Daw

    Khin Kyi Pyar explained

    background history of the

    palace to them.

    In the evening, they

    visited golden monastery

    (Shwekyaung) in Aung-

    myethazan Township and

    temples and pagodas on

    Mandalay hills. They en-

    joyed sunset view of Man-

    dalay on the hill.

    In the late evening, the

    Region Chief Minister andwife hosted a dinner to the

    Laotian President and wife

    and party.


    President of the Lao Peoples Democratic

    Republic Mr Choummaly Sayasone and wife Mrs

    Keosaychay Sayasone visit Mya Nan San Kyaw

    Golden Palace.MNA

    NAYPYITAW,10 Dec

    Pencak Silat Tanding (ght-

    ing) competitions continued

    ten mens and seven wom-

    ens events for the second

    day at Zeyathiri Sports Com-

    plex, here, this morning.

    Myanmar ghter Kyaw

    Swa Win competed in 65-

    70 kilos mens event and

    Thin Myat Aye, in 70-75

    kilos womens event. Both

    Myanmar athletes met with

    Indonesian players. Myan-

    Myanmar mens scores in Pencak Silatmar male ghter won over

    Indonesian. Kyaw Swa Win

    got injured at his face in the

    match but it was not in criti-

    cal conditions and he is ready

    to compete in semi-nal, ac-

    cording to a source.

    Now, Myanmar won

    three of ve matches. Myan-

    mar winners Zeyar, Ye Kyaw

    Thu, Kyaw Naing Htun and

    Kyaw Swa Win will compete

    in semi-nal on 12 December.

    Singles, doubles and

    team events of Seni (perfor-

    mance) event will be held on

    13 December in conjunction

    with prize presenting cer-


    Khaing Thanda Lwin (NLM)

    Deputy Min-

    ister Dr Daw

    Khin San Yi

    and the Chi-

    nese Ambas-

    sador sign a 50

    million yuangrant aids

    agreement in

    front of Vice-

    President U

    Nyan Tun and

    Chinese Vice

    Premier Mme

    Liu Yandong

    at Myat Taw-

    win Hotel in

    Nay Pyi Taw

    Hotel Zone.


    mier Mme Liu Yandong of

    member of the State Coun-cil of the People's Republic

    of China at Myat Tawwin

    Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Ho-

    tel Zone this evening.At the call, they dis-

    cussed further cementing

    mutual ties and amity be-

    tween the two countriesand continued coopera-

    tion in social, political,

    economic and cultural

    sectors. Afterwards, three

    agreements were signed

    in the presence of the

    Vice-President and the

    Vice Premier.

    Deputy Minister Dr

    Daw Khin San Yi and

    the Chinese Ambassador

    signed a 50 million yuangrant aids agreement under

    the economic and technical

    cooperation agreement be-

    tween the governments of

    two countries and donation

    of computers and related

    accessories and 10 million

    yuan aids agreement for

    ASEAN Chair. And Deputy

    Minister Daw Sanda Khin

    and the Chinese ambassa-

    dor inked an agreement that

    (from page 16)

    High Court U Win Swe, re-

    gion ministers, the Dean ofDiplomatic Corps in My-

    anmar Singaporean Am-

    bassador to Myanmar, the

    Cambodian ambassador,

    27thSEA Games famediplomats from the embas-

    sies of ASEAN countries,

    managers and sports per-sons from ASEAN coun-

    tries, former selected My-

    anmar athletes and people.


  • 8/13/2019 11.Dec 13_ New Light of Myanmar News Paper


    Wednesday, 11 December, 2013

    L O C A L N E W S

    10 New Light of Myanmar

    Ngwechi-6 long staple cotton plantation thriving in MeiktilaMEIKTILA, 10 Dec

    Ngwechi-6 long staple

    cotton plantations are

    thriving in Kantaung

    Vi l l ag e o f Meik t i l a

    Township, Meiktila Districtin Mandalay Region.

    C u l t i v a t i o n o f

    Ngwechi-6 long staple

    cot ton through good

    agricultural patterns will

    boost production more than

    that of ordinary cultivation.

    Weeding work can benet

    increasing per-acre yield.

    It not, the plantation canproduce 650 viss per acre of

    1000 viss. If the plantation

    is not weeded from start

    of cultivation to harvest,

    production will down to

    110 viss from 1000. So,

    GAP system can benet

    per-acre yield. Thanks to

    contributions of staff from

    Cotton and Industrial CropsDepartment of the region,

    the local farmers can enjoy

    boosting production of

    cotton this yea.

    Ngwechi-6 long staple

    cotton is placed on the

    land with under 40 inches

    of rainfall in Mahlaing,

    M e i k t i l a , W u n d w i n ,

    S i n g a i n g a n d s o m etownships of Mandalay

    Region on a grand scale.

    Kyemon-Chan Tha


    Old lamp-posts substituded

    with concrete ones


    DALA, 10 DecUnder

    the leadership of Dala

    Township Manager U Aung

    Kyaw Tun of Yangon City

    Electricity Supply Board,

    engineers and electricians

    substituted the old power

    lines with new ones and

    wooden lamp-posts with

    concrete ones day and night

    for safety of local people.On 8 December, the

    electricians substituted

    the lamp-posts with the

    use of heavy machinery

    on Bogyoke 1st Street in

    Banyadala Ward of Dala.

    They erected nine

    metres long concrete lamp-

    posts along the road. They

    have already erected new

    lamp-posts along Kanaung

    and U Aung Zeya roads.Kyemon-Than Htay (Dala)

    Foreign tourists visit

    Taungthaman Lake, U Bein

    Bridge during SEA Games periodAMARAPURA, 10 Dec

    During the SEA Games

    period, a larger number

    of g lobet ro t ters v is i t

    Taungthaman Lake and U

    Bein Bridge daily.

    The site attracts from500 to 600 tourists daily.

    At about 5 pm, they arrive

    there with the use of tour

    buses and chartered taxies.

    They enjoy scenic

    beauty of sun set from

    the Taungthaman Lake

    and U Bein Bridge. The

    tourists are both from

    Asia and Europe. Some of

    them took photos from the

    bridge and some, on board

    the boat. Boatmen rely ontourists for earning income

    for their business, said a

    shopkeeper near the bridge.

    One ofcer and ve

    other ranks of Tourist

    Police Force are assigned

    near the lakeand bridge

    for providing assistance to

    the tourists. As the tourists

    visit there up to evening, the

    police discahrge security

    duty. So, there was no

    problem, said a policeman

    from the bridge.

    Kyemon-Nanda Min Lwin

    People join mass walk activity

    of DecemberMAWLAMY I N E , 10

    DecThe mass walk

    activity of December was

    held for the rst week in

    Mawlamyine of Mon State

    on 7 December morning.

    It was participated

    by Mon State ChiefMinister U Ohn Myint

    and state ministers, state,

    district and township level

    departmental personnel,

    students and local people

    totalling about 3000.

    T h e y s t a r t e d i n

    front of the Mon State

    government office on

    Baho Road in Sitkekon

    Ward of Mawlamyine and

    walked along Dawei Road,

    Strand Road and nished at

    Yamanya Sports Ground.While at the ground,

    they took physical exercises.

    Likewise, the mass

    walk activities were held

    in townships of Mon State.

    Kyemon-Pyit Taing HtaungPublic educative works

    performed in eld trips


    THATON, 10 Dec

    Staff of Thaton District

    Information and Public

    Relations Department made

    eld trips to Inshe Village

    of Duyinseik Village-tract

    of Thaton Township on 7


    At the Dhammayon,they gave talks on facts about

    population and households,

    process of taking national

    census to be held from

    30 March to 10 April

    2014, prevention against

    trafcking in persons and

    service of mobile library to

    the local people.

    Head of Township

    IPRD Daw Thuza Aung

    explained the purpose of

    holding the talks and urged

    the local peopel to participate

    in the national census taking

    process.During their trip, the

    staff gave services of the

    mobile library as public

    service media and conducted

    the wall magazine and photo


    Kyemon-Thet Oo (Thaton)Monastic education schools meet in Sagaing

    RegionSAGAING, 10 Dec

    M e m b e r S a y a d a w s

    of Monastic Education

    Development Committee

    of Sagaing Region met with

    headmaster Sayadaws and

    teachers at Shwe Thamar

    Monastic Education Schoolin Shwethamar Ward of

    Sagaing on 8 December.

    Vice-Chairman of

    Region Sangha Nayaka

    Committee Bhaddanta

    Pannasiri and Region

    Monastic Education School

    Supervisory Committee

    S a y a d a w B h a d d a n t a

    Kosallabhivamsa made


    Director U Tun ZawMyint of Department for

    Promotion and Propagation

    of the Sasana, Chairman

    o f S a g a i n g D i s t r i c t

    Management Committee

    U Myint Wai and the

    To wn sh ip Ed u ca t io n

    Officer supplicated on

    religious affairs.

    N e x t , D r K a r i

    Dorning (Burnet Institute)

    explained educationalplans. Chairman Sayadaw

    o f MEDC Man d a lay

    PhaungdawU Sayadaw

    B h a d d a n t a N a y a k a

    supplicated on academicmatters.

    The Sayadaws and

    officials also participated

    in the discussions.

    The Sayadaws of the

    schools discussed CCA

    and uplift of capacity

    building for teachers in the

    teachership courses.

    A total of 125 monastic

    education primary schools,

    54 post-primary schools

    and 13 middle schools

    totalling 192 are opened

    in 35 townships of Sagaing


    The meet ing was

    attended by headmaster

    Sayadaws and teachers

    from the schools.

    Kyemon-Nanda Min Lwin

    NAYPYITAW, 10 Dec

    Union Ministers U Hla Tun,

    Lt-Gen Thet Naing Win,

    Shan State Chief Minister

    U Sao Aung Myat, deputy

    ministers and officials

    concerned arrived in Laukkai

    via Lashio of Shan State on


    Union Minister U

    Hla Tun called for close

    relations with local people

    and cooperation between

    region/state governments

    and self-administrated zone

    for development of the


    Regional development tasks inspected in Kokang, WaLater, Chairman U Pal

    Sauk Chaing of Kokang

    Self-Administrated Zone

    Leading Body and chairmen

    of Township Management

    Committee, Development

    Supporting Committee and

    Township Development

    Affairs Committee reported

    regional development


    Afterwards, Union

    Minister U Hla Tun presented

    gifts to local people and

    donated cash assistance

    for Kokang Literature and

    Culture Association of

    Laukkai Region.

    After the ceremony,

    Union Minister U Hla

    Tun and party looked into

    Yanlonkyaing Border

    Inspection Camp and the

    site chosen for construction

    of industrial ward near the

    Border Post No.125.

    In the afternoon, they

    met local people at Saw

    Maha Basic Education

    High School in Kyaunggone

    in Hopang in Wa Self-

    Administrated Division.

    At the meeting, Union

    Minister U Hla Tun urged

    those present to join hands in

    people-centered development

    tasks and make collaboration

    in regional development tasks.

    Later, Secretary of Wa

    Self-Administrated Division

    and chairmen from Township

    Management, Development

    Supporting Committee

    and Development Affairs

    Committee presented reports

    on regional development.

    Union Minister U Hla Tun

    presented gifts to local people

    and donated cash assistance

    for Wa Literature and

    Culture Association.MNA

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    Wednesday, 11 December, 2013 11New Light of MyanmarREGIONAL

    24 persons to be charged after

    Singapores Little India riotSINGAPORE, 10 Dec

    24 persons, all Indiannationals, will be chargedin court on Tuesday after-

    noon due to involvement

    in the riot in SingaporesLittle India that happened

    on Sunday night, the po-lice said early on Tuesdaymorning.

    The police arrested 27subjects initially, and ar-

    rested another one on Mon-day. The police said afterinvestigation, four of them

    were not involved in theriot and they were releasedfrom police custody.

    The riot involvingsome 400 South Asianworkers broke out on Sun-

    day evening after a fataltrafc accident in which

    a worker from India was

    knocked down by a privatebus at Little India, a districtknown for its distinctively

    Indian culture.

    The police have clas-sied the trafc incidentas Causing Death by Neg-ligent Act and had arrestedthe driver of the private bus,

    who may face a jail term ofup to two years. The driver

    is out on bail now, pendingfurther investigations.

    The subsequent inci-

    dent was classied as Riot-ing with Dangerous Weap-ons. The 24 persons are

    expected to be charged withrioting and vandalism.

    Early investigation

    showed that the deceased33-year-old construction

    worker, named Sakthivel

    Kumaravelu, had boardedthe private bus, which wasferrying foreign workers to

    their dormitory.

    According to the po-lice, the deceased worker

    was then drunk and caus-ing trouble when he was onthe private bus. Since the

    bus was full, the bus driverasked for assistance from a

    Singaporean woman whowas responsible for check-ing the arrival and depar-

    ture times of the buses.The woman managed

    to get Sakthivel off. When

    the driver was making a leftturn, he heard a loud bangon the left side of his bus.

    Sakthivel was then knockeddown underneath the bus.

    Sanitation workers clean up the Race Course Road inSingapore on 9 Dec, 2013. Ethnic neighbourhood, LittleIndia, returned to peace on Monday. Singapore Prime

    Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on early Monday thatthe riot in a local district involving hundreds of foreign

    workers on Sunday evening was

    a very grave incident. XINHUA

    The police said during

    a conference on Mondayafternoon that some ofcersarrived at the scene about

    17 minutes after a call wasmade reporting the acci-dent. The Singapore Civil

    Defence ofcers tried toextricate the body of thevictim from underneath thebus, but their efforts were

    hindered by the crowd thatbecame hostile.


    Winter bonus

    for public


    remains lowest

    in decadeTOKYO, 10 Dec Ja-

    pans national public ser-

    vants received their winterbonuses on Tuesday, withthe average amount remain-

    ing close to the lowest levelsince scal 2003.

    The bonuses for non-

    managerial positions wereequivalent to 1.8 months ofsalary, unchanged from last

    year. The amount averaged571,800 yen, up 6,500 yenfrom the previous year.

    National public ser-vants in all positions havehad special pay cuts since

    scal 2012 to nance the

    reconstruction of areas hitby the March 2011 earth-quake and tsunami. The bo-nus payment is expected to

    increase next year upon theexpiry of the pay cut period.

    The president of the

    House of Councillors andthe speaker of the House

    of Representatives received3.9 million yen, the highestamong special public posi-tions.

    Prime Minister ShinzoAbe and Supreme CourtChief Justice Hironobu

    Takesaki followed with3.71 million yen, whileCabinet members and Diet

    members receiving 3.09million yen and 2.33 mil-lion yen each respectively.

    Kyodo News

    Vietnamese PM to pay ofcial visit to JapanHANOI, 10 Dec Vi-

    etnamese Prime MinisterNguyen Tan Dung will pay

    an ofcial visit to Japanfrom Thursday to Saturdayand attend the ASEAN-

    Japan CommemorativeSummit to mark the 40thanniversary of the ASEAN-

    Japan dialogue relations,Vietnams Foreign Ministryannounced on Monday.

    The Vietnamese pre-mier will also attend the

    fth Mekong-Japan Sum-

    mit in Tokyo.Prime Minister

    Nguyen Tan Dungs visit

    to Japan this time coin-cides with the celebrationof the 40th anniversary of

    diplomatic ties between thetwo countries. The visit isexpected to deepen the Vi-

    etnam-Japan strategic part-nership, primarily in econ-omy, trade, investment, and

    development aid, as well astheir coordination at region-al and international forum,

    the state-run radio Voice ofVietnam said.

    Vietnam and Japan es-

    tablished diplomatic ties in1973.

    In 2002, both

    countries agreed to buildtheir relations towards reli-able, stable and long-term

    partnership.During a visit to Ja-

    pan in 2009 by General

    Secretary of the Com-munist Party of VietnamNong Duc Manh, Viet-

    nam and Japan agreed tolift their relations to thestrategic partnership.

    Japanese Prime Min-ister Shinzo Abe selected

    Vietnam as his rst stop foran overseas trip in January2013 after he took ofce.


    Australia suspends uranium mine

    operation after incidentCANBERRA, 10 Dec

    Australia has suspendedprocessing operations at the

    Ranger Uranium Mine inthe Northern Territory fol-lowing an incident involv-

    ing the failure of a leachtank last Saturday, Ministerfor Industry Ian Macfarlane

    said on Monday.Macfarlane received a

    full brieng from AndreaSutton, CEO of Energy Re-sources of Australia (ERA)

    shortly after notication ofthe incident, including onthe strategy for clean-up.

    A tank at the Ranger

    Uranium Mine holdingmore than a million litresof radioactive slurry burst

    on 7 December. The acci-dent prompted traditionalland owners to describe

    the Ranger uranium mineas a hillbilly operationwith too little regulation.

    The mine has a history ofsafety breaches and unionshave raised concerns about

    maintenance standards atthe 33-year-old operation.

    Macfarlane highlight-

    ed the seriousness withwhich this matter would bedealt with.

    I have told ERA to-

    day that they cannot resumeprocessing at Ranger until

    the company demonstratesthe integrity of the process-ing plant to the satisfac-

    tion of the regulatory au-thorities. ERA must alsodemonstrate that Kakadu

    National Park and humansafety remain protected. Iunderstand the concerns of

    traditional owners and lo-cal residents and can assurethem that Governments

    will continue to ensure themine operates to the higheststandards.Xinhua

    Philippines to investigate alleged stealing

    of relief goodsMANILA, 10 Dec The

    Philippine government urgedon Monday those who have

    specic knowledge on al-leged pilferage of reliefgoods from foreign donors to

    come forward so that the po-

    lice could take proper action.Presidential Commu-

    nications Operations OfceSecretary Herminio ColomaJr made the call following

    a report from British news-paper, The Daily Mail, al-leging that emergency sup-

    plies delivered by military

    helicopters from the UnitedKingdom have turned upon the shelves of shops in

    Makati City in Metro Manilainstead of its intended recipi-ents in typhoon Haiyan-hit

    areas in central Philippines.

    Coloma said that reliefgoods from the UK havebeen channeled throughboth the British governmentand other entities such as

    the United Nations, the RedCross and non-governmentalorganizations.

    The Philippine

    government could directlymonitor only aid that iscoursed through its agencies

    such as the National DisasterRisk Reduction and Manage-

    ment Council (NDRRMC)and the Department of Social

    Welfare and Development(DSWD), he explained.There is a need to ver-

    ify further where exactly thealleged diversion occurred

    so that specic responsibilitymay be pinpointed, Colomasaid.


    Indonesia train crashes into fuel truck,

    killing 10 in ball of reJAKARTA, 10 Dec A

    crowded commuter train

    crashed into a fuel tankeron the outskirts of the Indo-

    nesian capital on Monday,killing at least 10 people ina huge explosion and injur-ing scores.

    Investigations were

    under way after the acci-dent shortly before lunch

    at a crossing in the suburbof Bintaro, southwest of Ja-

    karta, police said. The truckwas destroyed in the blaze.

    One of the railwaycrossing gates malfunc-

    tioned. A railway ofcer had

    tried to stop the truck, saidDedi Arnadi, head of police

    for the area, told reporters. Itwas one of Indonesias worst

    train accidents since 1987when 156 people were killedwhen two trains collided,close to the scene of Mon-

    days accident.Reuters

    People take pictures of a

    burning commuter train

    after it collided at Bintaro

    district in Jakarta, on 9

    Dec, 2013. Seven passen-

    gers died and at least 20

    injured after a commuter

    train collided with a truckloaded with gasoline in

    south Jakarta, according

    to a police spokesman.


    Photo taken on 9 Dec, 2013 shows the baby crib insidethe baby hatch in Xian, capital of northwest Chinas

    Shaanxi Province. The rst baby hatch of Shaanxi

    Province was put into use in Xian recently. The havenreceived an abandoned infant on 4 Dec. Setting up

    baby hatches is a hotly-debated topic in China as many

    believe the baby haven may reduce the sense ofparental guilt and encourage such acts.XINHUA

  • 8/13/2019 11.Dec 13_ New Light of Myanmar News Paper


    Wednesday, 11 December, 201312


    New Light of Myanmar


    Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA TAM-

    PAN VOY NO (563) hby nod h h v-l ll b vng on 11.12.2013 nd cgo ll bdischarged into the premises of a.w.p.t where it willlie at the consignees risk and expenses and subject

    o h byl nd condon of h po of Yngon.

    Dgd cgo ll b uvyd dly fo 8 o 11:20 nd 12 noon o 4 o Cl Dy nodcld h hd dy f nl dchg of cgofo h Vl.

    No cl gn h vl ll b dd fh Cl Dy.




    phon No: 256908/378316/376797

    CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV GREEN DALE VOY NO (25)Consignees of cargo carried on MV GREEN DALE

    VOY NO (25) hby nod h h vl ll

    b vng on 11.12.2013 nd cgo ll b dchgd

    into the premises of m.i.t.t where it will lie at the

    consignees risk and expenses and subject to the byel-

    nd condon of h po of Yngon.

    Dgd cgo ll b uvyd dly fo 8

    o 11:20 nd 12 noon o 4 o Cl Dy no

    dcld h hd dy f nl dchg of cgo

    fo h Vl.

    No cl gn h vl ll b dd f

    h Cl Dy.




    phon No: 256924/256914


    Consignees of cargo carried on MV mOrOtaiVOY NO (223) hby nod h h vl ll

    b vng on 11.12.2013 nd cgo ll b dchgdinto the premises of m.i.p where it will lie at the con-signees risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws

    nd condon of h po of Yngon.Dgd cgo ll b uvyd dly fo 8

    o 11:20 nd 12 noon o 4 o Cl Dy nodcld h hd dy f nl dchg of cgofo h Vl.

    No cl gn h vl ll b dd fh Cl Dy.




    phon No: 256908/378316/376797

    CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV WEST SCENT VOY NO (029)Consignees of cargo carried on MV west sCeNt

    VOY NO (029) hby nod h h vl llb vng on 11.12.2013 nd cgo ll b dchgdinto the premises of a.w.p.t where it will lie at theconsignees risk and expenses and subject to the byel-

    nd condon of h po of Yngon.Dgd cgo ll b uvyd dly fo 8

    o 11:20 nd 12 noon o 4 o Cl Dy nodcld h hd dy f nl dchg of cgofo h Vl.

    No cl gn h vl ll b dd fh Cl Dy.



    AGENT FOR: M/S INTERASIA LINESphon No: 256908/378316/376797






    On nd nvd fo uly of thefollong cv n Und s Doll.

    Sr.No Tender No Description Qty Remark

    (1) iFB-120(2413-2014) 4 1/4" & 3 1/2" squ Klly h (3) i Us$ Buhng

    (2) iFB-121(2013-2014) (5) ton a wnch fo emsCO, Ol (4) No Us$ wll, D3t2sr-1 & 2

    (3) iFB-122(2013-2014) subbl pu (440 iGpm, (1) Lo Us$ 450 F Hd, 75 Kw (100 Hp), 400 V (4) iFB -123(2013-2014) Dck shk Un Flo Ln mud (2) s Us$ Cln FLC - 504

    (5) iFB-124(2013-2014) sfy Hn & Flxbl sl tl (3) i Us$ Ropes for Drilling Rigs

    (6) iFB-125(2013-2014) in pu (48) i Us$ (7) iFB-126(2013-2014) wokng Bl, wokng Vlv, (9) i Us$ sndng Vlv

    (8) iFB-127(2013-2014) tubng nd Cng sb Cu (4) i Us$ (9) iFB-128(2013-2014) mgn Dx & wld C 441(amC) (2) i Us$(10) iFB-129(2013-2014) sufng Box (4) i Us$(11) iFB-130(2013-2014) suck rod, pony rod (17) i Us$(12) iFB-131(2013-2414) plc Vlv Cu nd plc (8) i Us$

    sng Cu(13) iFB-132(2013-2014) 2", 3" Flo Ln p (2) i Us$

    (14) iFB-133(2013-2014) suck rod elvo (5) i Us$

    - tnd Clong D & t 6-1-2014, 16:30 H

    tnd Docun hll b vlbl dung ofc hou concng fo 9thDcb, 2013 h

    Fnnc Dn, myn Ol nd G en, No(44) Colx , Ny py t, myn.

    Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise Ph: +95 67-411097/411206

    Four terrorists killed in US

    drone strike in southeastYemen

    ADEN, 10 Dca lfour al-Qaeda memberswere killed when two mis-

    l d fo Us donbombed their car in Yem-n ouhn ovncof Hdou on mondy, military source toldXinhua.

    U o fou o n h chd vh-cl, hch bu no shortly after a huge explo-sion of their small pick-up

    uck n h Qn vlly nHdou, h locl l-tary source said on condition

    of nonyy. th dond o l gn hal-Qaeda-linked car which

    vlng on n

    od n h Qn vlly,h ouc d. rdnn h cn cond oXinhuathat there were casu-

    alties from the drone strikeon h vhcl, hch carrying al-Qaeda militants

    including senior membersof the terrorist group when it

    h. th dn of hdd ln uncl,according to the local secu-

    y nd ly ofcl.The Yemen-based al-

    Qaeda offshoot claimed re-sponsibility for Thursdays

    attacks on Yemens defenceny, hch lf 52 o-l dd nd o hn 167njud.Xinhua

    Jin Liqun (2nd R), chairman of the board of ChinaInternational Capital Corporation Limited, addressesa conference themed the Global Economy in 2014,Genuine Recovery or Articial Respiration during

    the opening ceremony of the 2013 Israel BusinessConference at the David InterContinental Hotel in

    Tel Aviv, Israel, on 8 Dec, 2013. The annual Globes

    Business Conference, held on 8-9 December, dealswith the economic challenges in 2013, and aims to

    identify measures and solutions to achieve a betterfuture. The two-day conference will be attended by

    more than 3,000 participants from Israel and all over

    the world.XINHUA

    Kenya aims to become hubfor green technologiesNAIROBI, 10 Dc

    Kenyas dream of becom-

    ing a regional hub for greenchnolog nd nnov-on h gon ov dvas the east African nationseeks home grown solution

    o cl k.Kny Cbn sc-

    y fo envonn,w nd Nul rouc-, pofo Jud wkhun-gu on mondy fdh govnn co-

    n o uo nnovonthat promote low carbon

    non.Kenya supports ini-

    v h ncoug

    sharing of technical know-how to build resilience to

    coly nul d. whv dod n ngdoch o dvnc co-noc, ocl nd nvon-nl objcv ul-nouly, wkhungu dduring a Green Technolo-g syou n Nob.

    The exhibition was

    hod by sho Un-vy Kny ClChng innovon Cno hoc 30 on-ing green technologies that

    hv d n c coh couny.


    Taleban ghters attend a surrender ceremony in

    Kandahar Province of southern Afghanistan on 7

    Dec, 2013. A total of 30 Taleban militants gave upghting and handed over their weapons to the local

    authorities in the southern Kandahar Provinceon Monday.


  • 8/13/2019 11.Dec 13_ New Light of Myanmar News Paper


    Wednesday, 11 December, 2013


    13New Light of Myanmar

    Lily Allen reclaims top spot inBritish music chart

    LONDON, 10 Dec

    English singer Lily Allen

    rose back to the top of Brit-

    ains singles chart on Sun-

    day as competition for thecoveted Christmas number

    one spot heated up. Allens

    version of Somewhere

    only we know, which fea-

    tures in a popular Christ-

    mas advertising campaign,

    rst topped the charts two

    weeks ago but was beaten

    last week by Scottish sing-

    er Calvin Harris and Swed-

    ish DJ Alesso.

    This week Some-

    where only we know, a

    song originally released

    in 2004 by British band

    Keane, won back the top

    spot by outselling second-

    British singer Lily Allen poses as she arrives for the

    British premiere of Tamara Drew in Leicester Square,

    central London on 6 Sept, 2010.REUTERS

    Billy Joel, Shirley MacLainefeted at Kennedy Centre

    HonoursWASHINGTON, 10 Dec

    With notes of rock, jazzand opera, Washington fetedpiano man Billy Joel, actressShirley MacLaine and gui-tarist Carlos Santana on Sun-day at the Kennedy CenterHonours, the capitals annualcelebration of the arts. Jazzpianist Herbie Hancock andopera singer Martina Ar-royo rounded out the list ofhonourees at the countrysprestigious awards ceremonyfor stars of the stage, screenand concert hall. The di-verse group of extraordinary

    individuals we honour todayhavent just proven them-selves to be the best of thebest, President Barack Oba-ma said at a White Houseceremony before the show.Despite all their success, alltheir fame, theyve remained

    true to themselves and in-spired the rest of us to do thesame.

    The evening started witha tribute to Santana, a 10-time Grammy winner origi-nally from Mexico. SingerHarry Belafonte, himself aKennedy Centre honouree,joked that he was a victimof the Latino musiciansgreatness, saying he thoughtSantana got his spot in theRock and Roll Hall of Fame.We shouldve built a big-ger fence, he deadpanned,referring to the debate in

    Washington about immigra-tion reform and border secu-rity with Mexico. The La-tino thing has arrived. It hasbecome the new black. Andnow Carlos is a citizen of theworld.


    Carlos Santana (L) and fellow 2013 Kennedy CentreHonours recipient Shirley MacLaine react to remarks

    by US President Barack Obama (not pictured) during a

    reception at the White House in Washington on 8 Dec,2013.REUTERS

    placed Story of my life

    by boyband One Direc-

    tion. Harris and DJ Alesso

    slipped to fourth place,

    behind London-based rock

    band Bastille.

    Alternative Christmas

    anthem Fairytale of New

    York, released in 1987

    by The Pogues, enjoyed

    a surge of sales, rising 37places to number 16. De-

    spite missing out on the

    singles chart top spot, One

    Direction enjoyed a second

    week at the top of the al-

    bum charts.

    Midnight Memories,

    which last week became

    the fastest selling album

    of the year, sold another

    124,000 copies to see off

    records by British singers

    Robbie Williams, Gary

    Barlow and Olly Murs

    all of whom remained in

    the top ve.


    Gravity, American Hustle among AFIstop films of 2013

    LOS ANGELES, 10 Dec Existential outer-spacethriller Gravity, corrup-tion tale American Hus-tle and independent dramaFruitvale Station areamong the 10 best lms of

    the year announced by theAmerican Film Institute(AFI) on Monday, kickingoff a key week in Holly-woods awards season.

    The annual AFI list alsopicked Somali piracy thrillerCaptain Phillips, slaverydrama 12 Years a Slave,comedy-drama Nebraska,futuristic romance Her,

    Actors George Clooney and Sandra Bullock arrive forthe lm premiere of Gravity in New York on 1 Oct,


    Disney-history drama Sav-ing Mr Banks, folk mu-sic comedy-drama InsideLlewyn David and MartinScorseses The Wolf ofWall Street as the years toplms. American Hustle,

    Her, and Gravity havebeen chosen as best pictureby three top critics groupsin the last week, while 12Years a Slave won the topaward at the Toronto In-ternational Film Festivalin September. FruitvaleStation, the debut featurelm from 27-year-old Ryan

    Coogler that touches on race

    Deepika Padukone open to doingsmall but meaty roles in

    HollywoodMUMBAI, 10 Dec

    Actress Deepika Padukone

    does not regret being unableto make her Hollywood de-but with Fast and Furious 7and says she is open to do-ing lms in the West even

    if the role is small. Deepikawas offered to be a part ofFast and Furious 7 movie,

    Deepika was last seen in the lm Ram-Leela.PTI

    but she could not do it be-cause of her commitments

    to the makers of Ram-Lee-la. I dont regret it. I hadto work out things for Ram-Leela here, I couldnt haveleft the process mid way, Ihad given my commitmenthere rst. Looking at the

    way the lm (Ram-Leela)

    has got response, I feelgood as my hard work has

    paid off, Deepika told PTIin an interview here.

    Though the actresscould not make her entryinto Hollywood, she is stillopen to doing lms whenev-er the right offer comes up.I would love to do a Hol-lywood lm. The reason forme to do a Hollywood lm

    is same as what I do herein Bollywood, she said.When asked if she wouldbe ok doing a small role ina Hollywood lm, Deepika

    said, There is nothing likea small role. The role has tobe of impact, this is whatmatters, the length of it(role) doesnt. A good ac-tor can make a presence felteven in a short time.


    Adam Sandler tops Forbes list ofmost-overpaid actors

    LOS ANGELES, 10Dec American come-dian Adam Sandler toppedForbes list of Hollywoods

    most-overpaid actors, com-manding a high up-front feewhile delivering middlingreturns, the magazine saidon Monday. Sandler, 47,the star of recent comediesJack & Jill and ThatsMy Boy, dethroned Ed-die Murphy for the dubiousdistinction. Forbes estimat-ed that Sandlers last threelms returned an average

    of $3.40 for every dollar hewas paid.

    Murphy topped lastyears list, returning anaverage of $2.30 at thebox ofce for each dollar

    earned. Katherine Heigl,who starred in the poorlyperforming lms Killersand One for the Money,placed slightly behind

    Adam Sandler performs during the 12-12-12 benet

    concert for victims of Superstorm Sandy at MadisonSquare Garden in New York on 12 Dec, 2012.REUTERS

    and the real-life shootingdeath of a young black manin Oakland, Calif., has wonuniversal critical acclaim

    as well as awards at theSundance and Cannes lm


    Sandler, returning an av-erage of $3.50 per everydollar she earned. Thelist, compiled annually by

    Forbes, counts the last threelms an actor has starred in

    over the past three years.This years list was

    cut off at 1 June, and so it

    excluded Sandlers buddycomedy Grown Ups 2,which was released in Julyand performed well at thebox ofce. Forbes did notsay how much Sandlerearned on his last threelms.


  • 8/13/2019 11.Dec 13_ New Light of Myanmar News Paper


    Wednesday, 11 December, 2013


    14 New Light of Myanmar

    Halladay retires after signing one-day dealwith Toronto

    NEW YORK, 10 Dec Two-time Cy Young

    Award winner Roy Hal-laday announced his retire-ment from Major League

    Baseball (MLB) on Mon-day after signing a ceremo-

    nial one-day contract withthe Toronto Blue Jays, hisrst big league team. The

    former Blue Jays ace, oneof only ve MLB pitch-ers to win the Cy YoungAward as the seasons top

    pitcher in both the Ameri-can League and National

    League, began his 16-yearcareer with Toronto andcompiled a 203-105