118379630 isago-manual-for-ground-handling

ISAGO Standards Manual Effective May 2010 Edition 2nd

Transcript of 118379630 isago-manual-for-ground-handling

ISAGO Standards ManualEffective May 2010


International Air Transport AssociationMontreal — Geneva

ISAGO Standards ManualEffective May 2010


ISAGO Standards ManualRef. No: 8039-02 ISBN 978-92-9233-307-2© 2010 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.Montreal — Geneva

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ISAGO Standards Manual

Change/Revision History

The second Edition, zero Revision of the ISAGO Standards Manual has been developed by IATA, with support and guidance from the industry, including airlines, ground handling companies and regulatory authorities.





Changes prepared by:

Mike O’Brien ISAGO Program Director

February 2010

ISAGO Program Office (IPO) Processed

Jean-Luc Boutillier Assistant Director, Quality

February 2010

Reviewed and Approved by:

Guenther Matschnigg ISAGO Standards Board, Chairman

February 2010

ISAGO Standards Manual


GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, February 2010 TOC 1


TITLE PAGE DISCLAIMER CHANGE / REVISION HISTORY TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................TOC 1 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES ................................................................................ LEP 1 RECORD OF REVISIONS ......................................................................................REC 1 REVISION HIGHLIGHTS........................................................................................REV 1 FOREWORD.......................................................................................................... FWD 1 APPLICABILITY .....................................................................................................APP 1

INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... ..... 1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................... INTRO 1 2 Structure ........................................................................................................................ INTRO 1 3 ISAGO Standards and Recommended Practices (GOSARPs)..................................... INTRO 1 4 Guidance Material (GM) ................................................................................................ INTRO 2 5 Operational Audit ........................................................................................................... INTRO 2 6 ISAGO Documentation System.....................................................................................INTRO 3 7 English Language.......................................................................................................... INTRO 3 8 Manual Revision ............................................................................................................ INTRO 4 9 Conflicting Information................................................................................................... INTRO 4 10 Definition........................................................................................................................ INTRO 4 11 ISAGO Documents and Forms......................................................................................INTRO 4 12 Authority......................................................................................................................... INTRO 4

SECTION 1 – ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT (ORM-H)...................... ORM-H 0 1 MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL..................................................... ORM-H 1 1.1 Organization and Accountabilit4.................................................................................. ORM-H 1 1.2 Management Commitment .......................................................................................... ORM-H 2 1.3 (Intentionally open) ................................................................................................... ORM-H 4 1.4 Communication............................................................................................................ ORM-H 4 1.5 Management Review................................................................................................... ORM-H 5 1.6 Provision of Resources................................................................................................ ORM-H 6 1.7 Risk Management........................................................................................................ ORM-H 7 1.8 Operational Planning ................................................................................................... ORM-H 8

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2 DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS............................................... ORM-H 9 2.1 Documentation System ............................................................................................... ORM-H 9 2.2 Operational Manuals ................................................................................................. ORM-H 11 2.3 Records System ........................................................................................................ ORM-H 11 3 SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT...................................... ORM-H 12 3.1 (Intentionally open) ................................................................................................. ORM-H 12 3.2 (Intentionally open) ................................................................................................. ORM-H 12 3.3 Safety Program.......................................................................................................... ORM-H 12 3.4 Quality Assurance Program....................................................................................... ORM-H 13 3.5 (Intentionally open) ................................................................................................. ORM-H 16 3.6 Outsourcing Quality Control Program ....................................................................... ORM-H 16 3.7 Product Quality Control ............................................................................................. ORM-H 17 4 EVENT RESPONSE ....................................................................... ORM-H 18 4.1 Emergency Response Plan ....................................................................................... ORM-H 18 5 TRAINING AND QUALIFICATION ................................................. ORM-H 20 5.1 Training Program (General)....................................................................................... ORM-H 20 5.2 Security Training Program......................................................................................... ORM-H 20 5.3 Dangerous Goods Training Program ........................................................................ ORM-H 22 5.4 Airside Safety Training Program................................................................................ ORM-H 24 5.5 Airside Driver Training Program ................................................................................ ORM-H 25 5.6 GSE Operations Training Program............................................................................ ORM-H 26 5.7 Load Control Training Program ................................................................................. ORM-H 26 5.8 Passenger Handling Training Program ..................................................................... ORM-H 27 5.9 Baggage Handling Training Program ........................................................................ ORM-H 28 5.10 Aircraft Handling and Loading Training Program ...................................................... ORM-H 29 5.11 Aircraft Ground Movement Training Program ........................................................... ORM-H 30 5.12 Cargo and Mail Handling Training Program.............................................................. ORM-H 31 5.13 Aircraft Turnaround Coordinator Training Program................................................... ORM-H 32 6 SECURITY MANAGEMENT ........................................................... ORM-H 33 6.1 Security Program....................................................................................................... ORM-H 33 6.2 Security Threat Management .................................................................................... ORM-H 33 7 GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT (GSE) MANAGEMENT.......... ORM-H 35 7.1 GSE Functional Specifications .................................................................................. ORM-H 35 7.2 GSE Maintenance ..................................................................................................... ORM-H 35 7.3 GSE Operation ........................................................................................................... ORM-H35 8 (INTENTIONALLY OPEN) .............................................................. ORM-H 36

Table of Content

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SECTION 1 – ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT (ORM-HS) .................ORM-HS 1 1 MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL...................................................ORM-HS 1 1.1 Organization and Accountability ................................................................................ORM-HS 1 1.2 Management Commitment ........................................................................................ORM-HS 2 1.3 (Intentionally open) .................................................................................................ORM-HS 4 1.4 Communication..........................................................................................................ORM-HS 4 1.5 Management Review.................................................................................................ORM-HS 5 1.6 Provision of Resources..............................................................................................ORM-HS 6 1.7 Risk Management......................................................................................................ORM-HS 7 1.8 Operational Planning .................................................................................................ORM-HS 8 2 DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS.............................................ORM-HS 9 2.1 Documentation System .............................................................................................ORM-HS 9 2.2 Operational Manuals ...............................................................................................ORM-HS 10 2.3 Records System ......................................................................................................ORM-HS 11 3 SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT....................................ORM-HS 12 3.1 (Intentionally open) ...............................................................................................ORM-HS 12 3.2 (Intentionally open) ...............................................................................................ORM-HS 12 3.3 Safety Program........................................................................................................ORM-HS 12 3.4 Quality Assurance Program.....................................................................................ORM-HS 14 3.5 (Intentionally open) ...............................................................................................ORM-HS 17 3.6 Outsourcing Quality Control Program .....................................................................ORM-HS 17 3.7 Product Quality Control Program.............................................................................ORM-HS 18 4 EVENT RESPONSE .....................................................................ORM-HS 19 4.1 Emergency Response Plan .....................................................................................ORM-HS 19 4.2 Other Event Response ............................................................................................ORM-HS 20 5 TRAINING AND QUALIFICATION ...............................................ORM-HS 22 5.1 Training Program (General).....................................................................................ORM-HS 22 5.2 Security Training Program.......................................................................................ORM-HS 22 5.3 Dangerous Goods Training Program ......................................................................ORM-HS 24 5.4 Airside Safety Training Program..............................................................................ORM-HS 26 5.5 Airside Driver Training Program ..............................................................................ORM-HS 27 5.6 GSE Operations Training Program..........................................................................ORM-HS 28 5.7 Load Control Training Program ...............................................................................ORM-HS 28 5.8 Passenger Handling Training Program ...................................................................ORM-HS 29 5.9 Baggage Handling Training Program ......................................................................ORM-HS 30 5.10 Aircraft Handling and Loading Training Program ....................................................ORM-HS 31 5.11 Aircraft Ground Movement Training Program .........................................................ORM-HS 33

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5.12 Cargo and Mail Handling Training Program ............................................................ORM-HS 33 5.13 Aircraft Turnaround Coordinator Training Program.................................................ORM-HS 34 6 SECURITY MANAGEMENT .........................................................ORM-HS 35 6.1 Security Program.....................................................................................................ORM-HS 35 6.2 Security Threat Management ..................................................................................ORM-HS 35 6.3 Contingency Planning..............................................................................................ORM-HS 36 6.4 Security Equipment .................................................................................................ORM-HS 36 7 GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT (GSE) MANAGEMENT........ORM-HS 37 7.1 GSE Functional Specifications ................................................................................ORM-HS 37 7.2 GSE Maintenance ...................................................................................................ORM-HS 37 7.3 GSE Operation ........................................................................................................ORM-HS 37 8 UNIT LOAD DEVICE (ULD) MANAGEMENT...............................ORM-HS 40 8.1 ULD Airworthiness and Serviceability .....................................................................ORM-HS 40 8.2 ULD Loading............................................................................................................ORM-HS 40 8.3 ULD Handling and Storage......................................................................................ORM-HS 41 9 STATION AIRSIDE SUPERVISION AND SAFETY......................ORM-HS 42 9.1 Supervision ..............................................................................................................ORM-HS 42 9.2 Airside Safety Committee ........................................................................................ORM-HS 42 9.3 Airside Fire Safety ...................................................................................................ORM-HS 42 9.4 Airside Cleanliness ..................................................................................................ORM-HS 42 9.5 Airside Severe Weather Plan ..................................................................................ORM-HS 43 9.6 Passenger Safety ....................................................................................................ORM-HS 43 9.7 Personnel Safety .....................................................................................................ORM-HS 44 9.8 Local Baggage Committee (LBC)............................................................................ORM-HS 44 10 AIRCRAFT TURNAROUND COORDINATION ............................ORM-HS 45 10.1 Turnaround Plan......................................................................................................ORM-HS 45

Table of Content

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SECTION 1 – ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT (ORM-S)...................... ORM-S 1 1 MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL..................................................... ORM-S 1 1.1 Organization and Accountability ...................................................................................ORM-S 1 1.2 Management Commitment ...........................................................................................ORM-S 2 1.3 (Intentionally open) ....................................................................................................ORM-S 3 1.4 Communication.............................................................................................................ORM-S 3 1.5 Management Review....................................................................................................ORM-S 4 1.6 Provision of Resources.................................................................................................ORM-S 5 1.7 Risk Management.........................................................................................................ORM-S 6 1.8 Operational Planning ....................................................................................................ORM-S 7 2 DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS............................................... ORM-S 9 2.1 Documentation System ................................................................................................ORM-S 9 2.2 Operational Manuals ....................................................................................................ORM-S 9 2.3 Records System .........................................................................................................ORM-S 10 3 SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT...................................... ORM-S 12 3.1 (Intentionally open) ..................................................................................................ORM-S 12 3.2 (Intentionally open) ..................................................................................................ORM-S 12 3.3 Safety Program...........................................................................................................ORM-S 12 3.4 (Intentionally open) .....................................................................................................ORM-13 3.5 Quality Control Program.............................................................................................ORM-S 13 3.6 Outsourcing Quality Control .......................................................................................ORM-S 15 3.7 Product Quality Control ..............................................................................................ORM-S 15 4 EVENT RESPONSE ....................................................................... ORM-S 17 4.1 Emergency Response Plan ........................................................................................ORM-S 17 4.2 Other Event Response ...............................................................................................ORM-S 18 5 TRAINING AND QUALIFICATION ................................................. ORM-S 20 5.1 Functional Training Program ......................................................................................ORM-S 20 5.2 Security Training Program..........................................................................................ORM-S 21 5.3 Dangerous Goods Training Program .........................................................................ORM-S 21 5.4 Airside Safety Training Program.................................................................................ORM-S 22 5.5 Airside Driver Training Program .................................................................................ORM-S 22 5.6 GSE Operations Training Program.............................................................................ORM-S 22 5.13 Aircraft Turnaround Coordinator Training Program....................................................ORM-S 23 6 SECURITY MANAGEMENT ........................................................... ORM-S 24 6.1 Security Controls ........................................................................................................ORM-S 24 6.2 Security Threat Management .....................................................................................ORM-S 24 6.3 Contingency Planning.................................................................................................ORM-S 24 6.4 Security Equipment ....................................................................................................ORM-S 25

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7 GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT (GSE) MANAGEMENT.......... ORM-S 26 7.1 GSE Functional Specifications ...................................................................................ORM-S 26 7.2 GSE Maintenance ......................................................................................................ORM-S 26 7.3 GSE Operation ...........................................................................................................ORM-S 26 8 UNIT LOAD DEVICE (ULD) MANAGEMENT................................. ORM-S 29 8.1 ULD Airworthiness and Serviceability ........................................................................ORM-S 29 8.2 ULD Loading...............................................................................................................ORM-S 29 8.3 ULD Handling and Storage.........................................................................................ORM-S 30 9 STATION AIRSIDE SUPERVISION AND SAFETY........................ ORM-S 31 9.1 Supervision.................................................................................................................ORM-S 31 9.2 Airside Safety Committee ...........................................................................................ORM-S 31 9.3 Airside Fire Safety ......................................................................................................ORM-S 31 9.4 Airside Cleanliness .....................................................................................................ORM-S 31 9.5 Airside Severe Weather Plan .....................................................................................ORM-S 32 9.6 Passenger Safety .......................................................................................................ORM-S 32 9.7 Personnel Safety ........................................................................................................ORM-S 33 9.8 Local Baggage Committee (LBC)...............................................................................ORM-S 33 10 AIRCRAFT TURNAROUND COORDINATION .............................. ORM-S 34 10.1 Turnaround Plan.........................................................................................................ORM-S 34 SECTION 2 – LOAD CONTROL (LOD)..................................................................LOD 1 1 LOAD CONTROL PROCESS................................................................LOD 1 1.1 General ............................................................................................................................. LOD 1 1.2 Load Planning................................................................................................................... LOD 2 1.3 Weight and Balance Calculation....................................................................................... LOD 3 1.4 Loading Instruction/Report ............................................................................................... LOD 4 1.5 Notification to the Captain (NOTOC)................................................................................ LOD 5 1.6 Loadsheet ......................................................................................................................... LOD 6 1.7 Departure Control System (DCS) ..................................................................................... LOD 6 1.8 Reports and Messages..................................................................................................... LOD 7 SECTION 3 – PASSENGER HANDLING (PAX) ....................................................PAX 1 1 PASSENGER HANDLING OPERATIONS ............................................PAX 1 1.1 General ............................................................................................................................. PAX 1 1.2 Passenger Check-in Procedures...................................................................................... PAX 1 1.3 Dangerous Goods ............................................................................................................ PAX 3 1.4 Security............................................................................................................................. PAX 3

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1.5 Carriage of Weapons........................................................................................................ PAX 4 1.6 Special Category Passengers .......................................................................................... PAX 5 1.7 (Intentionally open) ........................................................................................................ PAX 6 1.8 Aircraft Access.................................................................................................................. PAX 6 1.9 Passenger Boarding Bridge and Stairs ............................................................................ PAX 6 SECTION 4 – BAGGAGE HANDLING (BAG)....................................................... BAG 1 1 BAGGAGE HANDLING OPERATIONS ............................................... BAG 1 1.1 General ............................................................................................................................. BAG 1 1.2 Dangerous Goods ............................................................................................................ BAG 2 1.3 Security............................................................................................................................. BAG 3 1.4 Unit Load Devices (ULDs) ................................................................................................ BAG 4 SECTION 5 – AIRCRAFT HANDLING AND LOADING (HDL) ..............................HDL 1 1 AIRCRAFT HANDLING AND SERVICING OPERATIONS ...................HDL 1 1.1 General ............................................................................................................................. HDL 1 1.2 Aircraft Access.................................................................................................................. HDL 1 1.3 Ground Support Equipment (GSE)................................................................................... HDL 4 1.4 Passenger Boarding Bridge and Stairs ............................................................................ HDL 7 1.5 Aircraft Servicing .............................................................................................................. HDL 9 1.6 Aircraft Security .............................................................................................................. HDL 10 1.7 Unit Load Devices (ULDs) .............................................................................................. HDL 11 2 AIRCRAFT LOADING OPERATIONS.................................................HDL 12 2.1 Loading Management..................................................................................................... HDL 12 2.2 Load Positioning ............................................................................................................. HDL 13 2.3 Dangerous Goods .......................................................................................................... HDL 14 2.4 Loading Equipment......................................................................................................... HDL 15 2.5 In-plane Loading............................................................................................................. HDL 15

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SECTION 6 – AIRCRAFT GROUND MOVEMENT (AGM)....................................AGM 1 1 AIRCRAFT GROUND MOVEMENT OPERATIONS.............................AGM 1 1.1 General ............................................................................................................................ AGM 1 1.2 Aircraft Arrival and Parking (Power-in) ............................................................................ AGM 3 1.3 Aircraft Departure (Power-out) ........................................................................................ AGM 4 1.4 Aircraft Marshalling.......................................................................................................... AGM 4 1.5 Aircraft Ground Movement Assistance............................................................................ AGM 5 1.6 Aircraft Chocking ............................................................................................................. AGM 5 2 AIRCRAFT NOSE GEAR-CONTROLLED PUSHBACK AND TOWING

OPERATIONS.......................................................................................AGM 7 2.1 Procedures ...................................................................................................................... AGM 7 3 AIRCRAFTC MAIN GEAR-CONTROLLED PUSHBACK OPERATIONS AGM 13 3.1 Procedures .................................................................................................................... AGM 13 4 AIRCRAFT POWERBACK OPERATIONS.........................................AGM 15 4.1 Procedures .................................................................................................................... AGM 15 SECTION 7 – CARGO AND MAIL HANDLING (CGM) .........................................CGM 1 1 CARGO/MAIL ACCEPTANCE AND HANDLING.................................CGM 1 1.1 General ............................................................................................................................ CGM 1 1.2 Dangerous Goods ........................................................................................................... CGM 2 1.3 Live Animals and Perishables ......................................................................................... CGM 5 1.4 Other Special Cargo ........................................................................................................ CGM 6 1.5 Unit Load Devices (ULDs) ............................................................................................... CGM 6 2 CARGO SECURITY..............................................................................CGM 7 2.1 Facilities........................................................................................................................... CGM 7 2.2 OPERATIONS.......................................................................................CGM 7

GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, February 2010 LEP 1


Page Number Date

Title Page N/A N/A

Disclaimer N/A N/A

Change / Revision History N/A February 2010 Table of Contents TOC 1 – TOC 8 February 2010 List of Effective Pages LEP 1 – LEP 2 February 2010 Record of Revisions REC 1 – REC 2 February 2010 Revision Highlights REV 1 – REV 28 February 2010

Foreword FWD 1 – FWD 2 February 2010

Applicability APP 1 – APP 2 February 2010 Introduction INTRO 1 – INTRO 4 February 2010

ISAGO Standards and Recommended Practices

Section 1

Organization and Management (OMR-H) ORM-H 1 – ORM-H 38 February 2010

Section 1

Organization and Management (OMR-HS)

ORM-HS 1 – ORM-HS 46

February 2010

Section 1

Organization and Management (OMR-S) ORM-S 1 – ORM-S 34

February 2010

Section 2

Load Control (LOD) LOD 1 – LOD 8 February 2010

Section 3

Passenger Handling (PAX) PAX 1 – PAX 6

February 2010

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Section 4

Baggage Handling (BAG) BAG 1 – BAG 4

February 2010

Section 5

Aircraft Handling and Loading (HDL) HDL 1 – HDL 16

February 2010

Section 6

Aircraft Ground Movement (AGM) AGM 1 – AGM 16

February 2010

Section 7

Cargo and Mail Handling (CGM) CGM 1 – CGM 9

February 2010

GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, February 2010 REC 1


Edition Number

Revision Number

Issue Date

Effective Date

First Edition Revision 0 May 2008 May 2008

Second Edition Revision 0 February 2010 May 2010

ISAGO Standards Manual

REC 2 GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, February 2010


GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010 REV 1

ISAGO Standards Manual (GOSM) Second Edition Revision 0

Description of Changes The following tables describe changes contained in the Second Revision of the ISAGO Standards Manual (GOSM Edition 2). All changes are described as changes to the GOSM in relation to the current Edition 1. The first table highlights the significant changes in this GOSM revision. Subsequent tables provide a listing that identifies and briefly describes each individual change.

GOSM Change Highlights

Area Changed Description of Change

General All provisions are updated to the 2010 version of the AHM and DGR.

General Provisions simplified and consolidated; total number is reduced; duplication is eliminated (to the extent possible).

General Wording in entire manual is converted to “International English” in accordance with the new IATA Style Guide.

OMS and STM Sections Eliminated; replaced by a new ORM section (see explanation below).

ORM Section(s)

New section that comprises three separate sections, ORM-H, ORM-HS, and ORM-S; ORM replaces the existing OMS and STM sections (see above); only one of the three ORM sections is used for any audit; the selection of ORM-H, ORM-HS or ORM-S for an audit depends on the way a provider is organized and the type of audit (headquarters, station or headquarters/station) being conducted.

ORM-H Section Included in the new ORM section; contains provisions that address corporate management system requirements; used when only a headquarters is being audited (i.e. no station involved)

ORM-HS Section Included in the new ORM section; contains provisions that address both corporate and station management system requirements; used only when a headquarters and station are being audited together as a combined entity.

ORM-S Section Included in the new ORM section; contains provisions that address station management system requirements; used when only a station is being audited (i.e. no headquarters involved).

Sections 2 – 8 Sections re-named to account for the consolidation of the existing OMS and STM sections into the new ORM section; Section 8 is eliminated.

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Changes to GOSM Introduction

Area Changed Description of Change


List of GOSM sections is changed to reflect new ORM section and the re-naming of the other sections. Wording was revised (editorial due to conversion to International English). Wording revised for technical correctness and clarity.

Changes to GOSM Section 1 (OMS to ORM)

Area Changed Description of GOSARP Change Description of GM Change


This is a new section; name is changed from OMS to ORM (see explanation in Highlights). The ORM section comprises three separate sections: ORM-H, ORM-HS and ORM-S (see explanation in Highlights). Wording changes in numerous provisions due to conversion to International English.

Applicability StatemeWording revised to address the applicability of each ORM section depending on the type of audbeing conducted.

ORM - H Replaced previous OMS.

ORM-H 1 No revision N/A

ORM-H 1.1 No revision N/A

ORM-H 1.1.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised (editorial) ORM-H 1.1.2 Wording revised for technical accuracy Wording revised (editorial) ORM-H 1.2 No revision N/A

ORM-H 1.2.1 Wording revised (editorial), word "corporate" eliminated Wording revised (editorial)

ORM-H 1.2.2 Wording revised (editorial), word "corporate" eliminated Wording revised (editorial)

ORM-H 1.2.3 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision

ORM-H 1.2.4 Wording revised (editorial) New AHM reference added

ORM-H 1.2.5 Wording revised (editorial), word "corporate" eliminated No revision

ORM-H 1.2.6 Wording revised for technical clarity, word "corporate" eliminated Wording revised (editorial)

ORM-H 1.3 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-H 1.4 No revision N/A

ORM-H 1.4.1 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision

ORM-H 1.4.2 New standard New guidance ORM-H 1.5 No revision N/A

ORM-H 1.5.1 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision

ORM-H 1.6 No revision N/A

ORM-H 1.6.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised for technical clarity

ORM-H 1.6.2 No revision Guidance extended

ORM-H 1.6.3 Wording revised for technical clarity, word No revision

Revisions Highlights

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"corporate" eliminated

ORM-H 1.6.4 Intentional open, standard eliminated Intentionally open

ORM-H 1.6.5 Wording revised for technical clarity, word "corporate" eliminated Wording revised (editorial)

ORM-H 1.7 No revision N/A

ORM-H 1.7.1 Standard extended GM extended

ORM-H 1.7.2 Sub-reference requirements eliminated Wording revised (editorial) ORM-H 1.8 No revision N/A

ORM-H 1.8.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy No revision

ORM-H 2 No revision N/A

ORM-H 2.1 No revision N/A

ORM-H 2.1.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Guidance extended

ORM-H 2.1.2 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision

ORM-H 2.2 No revision N/A

ORM-H 2.2.1 Wording revised (editorial), word "corporate" eliminated Wording revised (editorial)

ORM-H 2.2.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, word "standard" replaced by "process" No revision

ORM-H 2.3 No revision N/A

ORM-H 2.3.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, word "corporate" eliminated Wording revised for technical clarity

ORM-H 3 No revision N/A

ORM-H 3.1 Intentionally open, see ORM-H 3.3 Intentionally open

ORM-H 3.2 Intentionally open, see ORM-H 3.4 Intentionally open

ORM-H 3.3 Sub-section relocated, now Safety Program N/A

ORM-H 3.3.1 Consolidated OMS 3.1.1, 3.1.3-6, 3.3.1 and 3.3.4

Consolidated guidance of OMS 3.1.1, 3.1.3-6, 3.3.1 and 3.3.4, AHM reference added

ORM-H 3.3.2 Consolidated OMS 3.1.2 and 3.3.2

Consolidated guidance of OMS 3.1.2 and 3.3.2, wording revised for technical clarity

ORM-H 3.3.3 Consolidated OMS 3.1.3 and 3.3.4 New guidance

ORM-H 3.3.4 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-H 3.3.5 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-H 3.3.6 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-H 3.3.7 Wording revised for technical accuracy, previously OMS 3.1.7

Wording revised (editorial), previously guidance of OMS 3.1.7

ORM-H 3.4 Sub-section relocated, now Quality Assurance Program N/A

ORM-H 3.4.1 Consolidated OMS 3.2.1 and 3.3.1

Wording revised for technical clarity, consolidated guidance of OMS 3.2.1 and 3.3.1, AHM reference added

ORM-H 3.4.2 Consolidated OMS 3.2.2 and 3.3..2 No revision, previously guidance of

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OMS 3.2.2

ORM-H 3.4.3 Consolidated OMS 3.2.3 and 3.3.3, wording revised for technical clarity N/A

ORM-H 3.4.4 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 3.2.4

No revision, previously guidance of OMS 3.2.4

ORM-H 3.4.5 Consolidated OMS 3.2.5 and 3.3.5, wording revised for technical clarity

Consolidated guidance of OMS 3.2.5 and 3.3.5

ORM-H 3.4.6 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-H 3.4.7 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-H 3.4.8 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-H 3.4.9 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-H 3.4.10 Wording revised (editorial), previously OMS 3.2.10

No revision, previously guidance of OMS 3.2.10

ORM-H 3.4.11 No revision, previously OMS 3.2.11 No revision, previously guidance of OMS 3.2.11

ORM-H 3.4.12 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 3.2.12

Wording revised for technical clarity, previously guidance of OMS 3.2.12

ORM-H 3.5 Intentionally Open Intentionally Open

ORM-H 3.6 Sub-section relocated, now Outsourcing Quality Control Program N/A

ORM-H 3.6.1

Wording revised for technical clarity, word "subcontracted" replaced by "outsourced", previously OMS 3.4.1

Wording revised for technical clarity, word "subcontracted" replaced by "outsourced", previously guidance of OMS 3.4.1, AHM reference added

ORM-H 3.6.2

Wording revised for technical clarity, word "subcontracted" replaced by "outsourced", previously OMS 3.4.2

Wording revised for technical accuracy, word "subcontracted" replaced by "outsourced", previously guidance of OMS 3.4.2

ORM-H 3.6.3 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 3.4.3 N/A

ORM-H 3.7 Sub-section relocated, now Product Quality Control N/A

ORM-H 3.7.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy, previously guidance OMS 3.5.1

Wording revised for technical clarity, previously guidance of OMS 3.5.1

ORM-H 4 No revision N/A

ORM-H 4.1 No revision N/A

ORM-H 4.1.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy Guidance extended

ORM-H 4.1.2 Wording revised for technical accuracy New guidance

ORM-H 4.1.3 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 4.1.6

Wording revised for technical clarity, previously guidance of OMS 4.1.6

ORM-H 4.1.4 Wording revised for technical clarity New guidance

ORM-H 5 No revision N/A

ORM-H 5.1 Sub-section renamed to Training Program (General) N/A

Revisions Highlights

GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010 REV 5

ORM-H 5.1.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised (editorial) ORM-H 5.1.2 Wording revised for technical clarity N/A

ORM-H 5.1.3 Wording revised for technical clarity N/A

ORM-H 5.1.4 Wording revised for technical clarity N/A

ORM-H 5.1.5 Wording revised for technical clarity N/A

ORM-H 5.1.6 Wording revised for technical clarity N/A

ORM-H 5.2 No revision N/A

ORM-H 5.2.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised (editorial)

ORM-H 5.2.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, word "subcontracted" replaced by "outsourced" N/A

ORM-H 5.2.3 Wording revised for technical clarity, word "subcontracted" replaced by "outsourced" N/A

ORM-H 5.2.4 Wording revised for technical clarity N/A

ORM-H 5.3 No revision N/A

ORM-H 5.3.1 Wording revised for technical clarity DGR reference added

ORM-H 5.3.2 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision ORM-H 5.3.3 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision

ORM-H 5.3.4

Wording revised for technical clarity, word "outsourced" replaced by "external ground service providers" N/A

ORM-H 5.3.5 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-H 5.3.6 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-H 5.3.7 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-H 5.3.8 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-H 5.3.9 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-H 5.3.10 New standard New guidance

ORM-H 5.3.11 Consolidated OMS 5.12.2 and 5.12.3 New guidance

ORM-H 5.3.12

Converted to conditional provision, wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 5.12.4 N/A

ORM-H 5.3.13 Wording revised for technical accuracy, previously OMS 5.12.5

No revision, previously guidance of OMS 5.12.5

ORM-H 5.4 No revision N/A

ORM-H 5.4.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy, associated Table relocated to guidance Relocated Table 1.1

ORM-H 5.5 No revision N/A

ORM-H 5.5.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy, associated Table relocated to guidance Relocated Table 1.2

ORM-H 5.6 No revision N/A

ORM-H 5.6.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised (editorial), AHM reference added

ORM-H 5.7 No revision N/A

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ORM-H 5.7.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, Tables relocated to guidance

New guidance, relocated Tables 1.3 and 1.4

ORM-H 5.8 No revision N/A

ORM-H 5.8.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy, Tables relocated to guidance

New guidance, relocated Tables 1.5 and 1.6

ORM-H 5.9 No revision N/A

ORM-H 5.9.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy, Tables relocated to guidance

New guidance, relocated Tables 1.7 and 1.8

ORM-H 5.10 No revision N/A

ORM-H 5.10.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy, Tables relocated to guidance

New guidance, relocated Tables 1.9 and 1.10

ORM-H 5.10.2 Wording revised for technical accuracy New AHM reference added

ORM-H 5.10.3 Wording revised for technical accuracy, standard extended Wording revised (editorial)

ORM-H 5.10.4 Wording revised for technical clarity, Table relocated to guidance New guidance, relocated Table 1.11

ORM-H 5.11 No revision N/A

ORM-H 5.11.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, Table relocated to guidance New guidance, relocated Table 1.13

ORM-H 5.12 No revision N/A

ORM-H 5.12.1 New sub-reference iv) related to security training Wording revised (editorial)

ORM-H 5.13 No revision N/A

ORM-H 5.13.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised (editorial) ORM-H 6 No revision N/A

ORM-H 6.1 No revision N/A

ORM-H 6.1.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised (editorial) ORM-H 6.1.2 Wording revised for technical clarity New guidance

ORM-H 6.1.3 Wording revised for technical accuracy, previously OMS 6.2.1

Guidance extended, previously guidance of OMS 6.2.1

ORM-H 6.1.4 New standard New guidance

ORM-H 6.2 Sub-section relocated, now Security Threat Management N/A

ORM-H 6.2.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy, previously OMS 6.4.1

New guidance, previously guidance OMS 6.4.2

ORM-H 7 No revision N/A

ORM-H 7.1 New Subsection N/A

ORM-H 7.1.1 New standard New guidance

ORM-H 7.2 Sub-section relocated, now GSE Maintenance N/A

ORM-H 7.2.1 Wording revised (editorial), word "corporate" eliminated, previously OMS 7.1.1

No revision, previously guidance of OMS 7.1.1

ORM-H 7.2.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, N/A

Revisions Highlights

GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010 REV 7

previously OMS 7.1.2

ORM-H 7.3 Su-b-section relocated, now GSE Operations N/A

ORM-H 7.3.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 7.2.1

Wording revised (editorial), previously guidance of OMS 7.2.1

ORM-H 7.3.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 7.2.2

New revision, previously guidance of OMS 7.2.2

ORM-H 7.3.3 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 7.2.3

New revision, previously guidance of OMS 7.2.3

ORM-H 7.3.4 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 7.2.4

New revision, previously guidance of OMS 7.2.4

ORM-H 7.3.5 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 7.2.5

New guidance, AHM reference added

ORM-H 7.3.6 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 7.2.6 N/A

ORM-H 7.3.7 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 7.2.7 N/A

ORM-H 7.3.8 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 7.2.8 N/A

ORM-H 7.3.9 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 7.2.9 N/A

ORM-H 7.3.10 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously OMS 7.2.10 N/A

ORM-HS New section ORM-S 1 No revision N/A

ORM-S 1.1 No revision N/A

ORM-S 1.1.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy Guidance extended

ORM-S 1.1.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 1.1.2 New guidance

ORM-S 1.2 No revision N/A

ORM-S 1.2.1 New standard New revision

ORM-S 1.2.2 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-S 1.2.3 Wording revised for technical accuracy, previously STM 1.2.2 New guidance

ORM-S 1.2.4 Standard extended, previously STM 1.2.3 New guidance

ORM-S 1.2.5 Wording revised for technical accuracy, previously STM 1.2.4 New guidance

ORM-S 1.2.6 New standard, previously OMS 1.2.6 New guidance

ORM-S 1.3 Intentionally Open Intentionally Open

ORM-S 1.4 No revision N/A

ORM-S 1.4.1 Wording revised for technical clarity New guidance

ORM-S 1.4.2 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision

ORM-S 1.5 No revision N/A

ORM-S 1.5.1 Standard extended, previously STM 1.2.3 New guidance

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REV 8 GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010

ORM-S 1.6 No revision N/A

ORM-S 1.6.1 Wording revised for technical clarity New guidance

ORM-S 1.6.2 Wording revised for technical clarity New guidance

ORM-S 1.6.3 New standard New guidance

ORM-S 1.6.4 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-S 1.6.5 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 1.6.4 Wording revised (editorial)

ORM-S 1.7 No revision N/A

ORM-S 1.7.1 Standard extended, consolidated STM 1.7.1 and 1.7.2 New guidance

ORM-S 1.7.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, standard simplified New guidance

ORM-S 1.8 No revision N/A

ORM-S 1.8.1 Wording revised for technical clarity New guidance

ORM-S 2 Sub-section title changed to Documentation and Records N/A

ORM-S 2.1 Sub-section title changed to Documentation System N/A

ORM-S 2.1.1 Wording revised for technical clarity New guidance

ORM-S 2.1.2 Wording revised for technical clarity New guidance

ORM-S 2.2 No revision N/A

ORM-S 2.2.1 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-S 2.2.2 Wording revised (editorial), previously STM 2.2.21 New guidance

ORM-S 2.2.3 Consolidated STM 2.2.3 - 2.2.4 and other operational standards New guidance

ORM-S 2.2.4 Wording revised for technical clarity, word "subcontracted" replaced by "outsourced" Wording revised for technical clarity

ORM-S 2.3 Sub-section title changed to Records System N/A

ORM-S 2.3.1 Standard extended New guidance

ORM-S 2.3.2 Wording revised for technical clarity New guidance

ORM-S 2.3.3 Wording revised for technical clarity New guidance

ORM-S 3 Sub-section title changed to Safety and Quality Management N/A

ORM-S 3.1 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-S 3.2 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-S 3.3 Sub-section relocated, now Safety Program N/A

ORM-S 3.3.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 3.1.1

Guidance extended, AHM reference added

ORM-S 3.3.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 3.1.2 New guidance

ORM-S 3.3.3 New standard New guidance

Revisions Highlights

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ORM-S 3.3.4 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-S 3.3.5 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-S 3.3.6 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-S 3.3.7 New standard New guidance

ORM-S 3.3.8 Consolidated STM 3.1.3 - 3.1.6 Consolidated guidance of STM 3.1.3 - 3.1.6

ORM-S 3.4 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-S 3.5 Sub-section relocated, now Quality Control Program N/A

ORM-S 3.5.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 3.2.1 New guidance

ORM-S 3.5.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 3.2.2 New guidance

ORM-S 3.5.3 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 3.2.3 N/A

ORM-S 3.5.4 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 3.2.4 N/A

ORM-S 3.5.5 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 3.2.5

No revision, previously guidance of STM 3.2.5

ORM-S 3.6 Sub-section relocated, now Outsourcing Quality Control Program N/A

ORM-S 3.6.1

Wording revised for technical accuracy, previously STM 3.3.1, word "subcontracted" replaced by "outsourced" New guidance

ORM-S 3.6.2

Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 3.3.2, word "subcontracted" replaced by "outsourced"

Guidance extended, previously guidance of STM 3.3.2

ORM-S 3.6.3 New standard N/A

ORM-S 3.7 Sub-section relocated, now Product Quality Control N/A

ORM-S 3.7.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 3.4.1 Guidance extended

ORM-S 4 Sub-section title changed to Event Response N/A

ORM-S 4.1 Sub-section title changed to Emergency Response Plan N/A

ORM-S 4.1.1 Standard extended, wording changed for technical accuracy N/A

ORM-S 4.1.3 Wording revised (editorial) New guidance

ORM-S 4.1.4 New standard New guidance

ORM-S 4.2 No revision N/A

ORM-S 4.2.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised for technical clarity

ORM-S 4.2.2 Wording revised (editorial) Wording revised for technical clarity

ORM-S 5 Sub-section title changed to Training and N/A

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ORM-S 5.1 Sub-section title changed to Functional Training Plan N/A

ORM-S 5.1.1

Wording revised for technical clarity, sub-reference v) load supervisor training relocated to separate standard Wording revised for technical clarity

ORM-S 5.1.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 5.1.4 N/A

ORM-S 5.1.3 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 5.1.1 sub-reference v) New guidance

ORM-S 5.1.4 Previously STM 5.1.2 New guidance

ORM-S 5.1.5 Previously STM 5.1.3 New guidance

ORM-S 5.2 Revised, New Subsection N/A

ORM-S 5.2.1 New standard N/A

ORM-S 5.2.2 New standard N/A

ORM-S 5.2.3 New standard N/A

ORM-S 5.2.4 New standard N/A

ORM-S 5.3 Sub-section relocated, now Dangerous Goods Training Program N/A

ORM-S 5.3.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, standard simplifies, previously STM 5.2.1 New guidance

ORM-S 5.3.2 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-S 5.3.3 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-S 5.3.4 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 5.2.3 N/A

ORM-S 5.3.5 Intentionally open Intentionally open ORM-S 5.3.6 Intentionally open Intentionally open ORM-S 5.3.7 Intentionally open Intentionally open ORM-S 5.3.8 Intentionally open Intentionally open ORM-S 5.3.9 Intentionally open Intentionally open

ORM-S 5.3.10 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 5.2.2 New guidance

ORM-S 5.3.11 Intentionally open Intentionally open ORM-S 5.3.12 New standard N/A ORM-S 5.3.13 New standard N/A

ORM-S 5.4 Sub-section relocated, now Airside Safety Training Program N/A

ORM-S 5.4.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 5.3.1 New guidance

ORM-S 5.5 Sub-section relocated, now Airside Driver Training Program N/A

ORM-S 5.5.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 5.4.1 New guidance

Revisions Highlights

GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010 REV 11

ORM-S 5.6 Sub-section relocated, now GSE Operations Training Program N/A

ORM-S 5.6.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 5.5.5 New guidance

ORM-S 5.7 Intentionally open, duplication Intentionally open ORM-S 5.8 Intentionally open, duplication Intentionally open ORM-S 5.9 Intentionally open, duplication Intentionally open ORM-S 5.10 Intentionally open, duplication Intentionally open ORM-S 5.11 Intentionally open, duplication Intentionally open ORM-S 5.12 Intentionally open, duplication Intentionally open

ORM-S 5.13 Sub-section relocated, Aircraft Turnaround Coordinator Training Program N/A

ORM-S 5.13.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised (editorial)

ORM-S 6 Sub-section renamed to Security Management N/A

ORM-S 6.1 No revision N/A ORM-S 6.1.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised (editorial)

ORM-S 6.1.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 6.2.1

Extended, previously guidance of STM 6.2.1

ORM-S 6.1.3 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 6.2.2

No revision, previously guidance of STM 6.2.2

ORM-S 6.2 Sub-section relocated, now Security Threat Management N/A

ORM-S 6.2.1 Previously STM 6.4.1, standard simplified Previous STM 6.4.2

ORM-S 6.3 Sub-section relocated, now Contingency Planning N/A

ORM-S 6.3.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 6.5.1 N/A

ORM-S 6.3.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 6.6.2 N/A

ORM-S 6.4 Sub-section relocated, Security Equipment N/A

ORM-S 6.4.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 6.3.1

Wording revised (editorial), previous guidance of STM 6.3.1

ORM-S 7 Sub-section renamed to Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Management N/A

ORM-S 7.1 New Sub-section N/A ORM-S 7.1.1 Wording revised for technical clarity New guidance

ORM-S 7.2 Sub-section relocated, now GSE Maintenance N/A

ORM-S 7.2.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 7.1.2 New guidance

ORM-S 7.2.2 New standard N/A ORM-S 7.3 Sub-section relocated, now GSE Operations N/A

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ORM-S 7.3.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 7.2.1 New guidance

ORM-S 7.3.2 New standard New guidance ORM-S 7.3.3 New standard New guidance ORM-S 7.3.4 New standard New guidance ORM-S 7.3.5 New standard New guidance ORM-S 7.3.6 New standard N/A ORM-S 7.3.7 New standard N/A ORM-S 7.3.8 New standard N/A ORM-S 7.3.9 New standard N/A ORM-S 7.3.10 New standard N/A

ORM-S 8 New Sub-section, relocated from BAG 1.4, CGM 1.5 and other operational sections New guidance

ORM-S 8.1 New Sub-section, relocated from BAG 1.4, CGM 1.5 and other operational sections New guidance

ORM-S 9 Sub-section relocated, now Station Airside Supervision and Safety N/A

ORM-S 9.1 Subsection relocated, now Supervision N/A

ORM-S 9.1.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 8.1.1

Wording revised (editorial), previous guidance of STM 8.1.1

ORM-S 9.1.2 New standard N/A

ORM-S 9.2 Sub-section relocated, now Airside Safety Committee N/A

ORM-S 9.2.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 8.2.1

Wording revised (editorial), previous guidance of STM 8.2.1

ORM-S 9.3 Sub-section relocated, now Airside Fire Safety N/A

ORM-S 9.3.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 9.1.1

No revision, previous guidance STM 9.1.1

ORM-S 9.4 Sub-section relocated, now Airside Cleanliness N/A

ORM-S 9.4.1 No revision, previous STM 9.2.1 No revision, previous guidance of STM 9.2.1

ORM-S 9.4.2

Previously should provision now shall, wording revised for technical clarity, previously STM 9.2.2

No revision, previous guidance of STM 9.2.2

ORM-S 9.5 Sub-section relocated, now Airside Severe Weather Plan N/A

ORM-S 9.5.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy, previously STM 9.3.1

No revision, previous guidance of STM 9.3.1

ORM-S 9.6 Sub-section relocated, now Passenger Safety N/A

ORM-S 9.6.1 Wording revised (editorial), previously STM 9.4.1

No revision, previous guidance of STM 9.4.1

Revisions Highlights

GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010 REV 13

ORM-S 9.7 Sub-section relocated, now Personnel Safety N/A

ORM-S 9.7.1 Wording revised (editorial), previously STM 9.5.1

No revision, previous guidance of STM 9.5.1

ORM-S 9.8 New Sub-section N/A

ORM-S 9.8.1 No revision, previous BAG 1.1.2 Previous guidance of BAG 1.1.2, ITRM reference added

ORM-S 10 No revision N/A ORM-S 10.1 New Sub-section N/A ORM-S 10.1.1 Standard extended Wording revised (editorial)

Changes to GOSM Section 2 (STM to LOD)

Area Changed Description of GOSARP Change Description of GM Change

General Name is changed from STM to LOD (see explanation in Highlights). Wording was revised (editorial due to conversion to International English).

Applicability Statement Wording revised for technical clarity, definition of scope.

LOD 1 No revision N/A

LOD 1.1 No revision N/A

LOD 1.1.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised for technical clarity

LOD 1.1.2 No revision N/A

LOD 1.1.3 Intentionally open: DGR accessibility now addressed in ORM-S, HS 2.2.3 Intentionally open

LOD 1.1.4 Wording revised for technical clarity N/A

LOD 1.1.5 Wording revised for technical clarity N/A

LOD 1.1.6 -1.1.7 Intentionally open Intentionally open

LOD 1.1.8 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision

LOD 1.1.9 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised for technical clarity

LOD 1.1.10 Number added, previously LOD 1.3.2

Guidance previously from LOD 1.3.2

LOD 1.2 Renumbered, previously 1.3 N/A

LOD 1.2.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, simplification, previously partly covered by LOD 1.3.3 New guidance

LOD 1.2.2 - 1.2.10 Intentionally open Intentionally open

LOD 1.3 Wording revised for technical clarity, renumbered, previously 1.2 N/A

LOD 1.3.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, consolidated LOD 1.2.1 and 1.2.2

New guidance, partly consolidated guidance to LOD 1.2.1 and 1.2.2

LOD 1.3.2 Intentionally open Intentionally open

LOD 1.3.3 Wording revised for technical clarity, renumbered, previously LOD 1.2.3 and guidance to LOD 1.2.3

Wording revised for technical clarity, previously guidance of LOD 1.2.3

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LOD 1.3.4 Wording revised for technical clarity, simplification, wording of standard moved to guidance material

New guidance, previously wording of standard LOD 1.2.4

LOD 1.3.5 Previously LOD 1.2.5 New guidance, new AHM reference

LOD 1.3.6 Previously LOD 1.2.6 Previously guidance to LOD 1.2.6

LOD 1.3.7-1.3.8 Intentionally open Intentionally open

LOD 1.3.9 Wording revised for technical clarity, previously LOD 1.2.9 Wording revised for technical clarity

LOD 1.3.10 Previously standard LOD 1.2.10 Previously guidance to LOD 1.2.10

LOD 1.4 No revision No revision

LOD 1.4.1 Wording revised for technical clarity

Wording revised for technical clarity, guidance linked to HDL 2.1.5

LOD 1.4.2 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision

LOD 1.4.3 No revision No revision

LOD 1.5 Wording revised for technical accuracy N/A

LOD 1.5.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised for technical clarity

LOD 1.6 No revision N/A

LOD 1.6.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised for technical clarity

LOD 1.6.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, simplification

Wording revised for technical accuracy, new AHM reference

LOD 1.6.3 No revision No revision

LOD 1.6.4 Intentionally open Intentionally open

LOD 1.6.5 No revision

Wording revised for technical accuracy

LOD 1.7 No revision N/A

LOD 1.7.1 No revision

Wording revised for technical accuracy

LOD 1.7.2 Previously shall requirement, now should No revision

LOD 1.8 No revision N/A

LOD 1.8.1 Intentionally open Intentionally open

LOD 1.8.2 No revision No revision

LOD 1.8.3 No revision Wording revised for technical clarity

LOD 1.8.4 Wording revised for technical accuracy New guidance

LOD 1.8.5 No revision No revision

LOD 1.8.6 New standard New guidance

Revisions Highlights

GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010 REV 15

Changes to GOSM Section 3 (LOD to PAX) Area

Changed Description of GOSARP Change Description of GM Change

General Name is changed from LOD to PAX (see explanation in Highlights). Wording was revised (editorial due to conversion to International English).

Applicability Statement

Wording revised for technical clarity, definition of scope.

PAX 1 No revision N/A PAX 1.1 No revision N/A PAX 1.1.1 No revision Wording revised for technical clarity PAX 1.2 No revision N/A PAX 1.2.1 No revision Wording revised (editorial) PAX 1.2.2 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision PAX 1.2.3 No revision No revision PAX 1.2.4 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised for technical clarity PAX 1.2.5 Wording revised for technical

accuracy Wording revised for technical accuracy

PAX 1.2.6 Wording revised for technical accuracy, consolidated PAX 1.2.6 and 1.2.8

Wording revised for technical clarity, partly consolidated guidance of PAX 1.2.6 and 1.2.8

PAX 1.2.7-1.2.8

Intentionally open Intentionally open

PAX 1.2.9 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised for technical clarity PAX 1.3 No revision N/A PAX 1.3.1 Intentionally open Intentionally open PAX 1.3.2 Wording revised for technical clarity,

simplification New guidance

PAX 1.3.3 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision PAX 1.4 No revision N/A PAX 1.4.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised for technical clarity PAX 1.4.2 No revision No revision PAX 1.4.3 Intentionally open Intentionally open PAX 1.4.4 Consolidated PAX 1.4.4 and 1.4.5 No revision PAX 1.4.5 Consolidated PAX 1.4.5 and 1.4.6 No revision PAX 1.5 No revision N/A PAX 1.5.1 No revision No revision PAX 1.5.2 Wording revised (editorial), correct

standard reference number added No revision

PAX 1.5.3 No revision No revision PAX 1.6 No revision N/A PAX 1.6.1 Previously PAX 1.6.3 New guidance, ICAO Annex 17 PAX 1.6.2 Consolidated PAX 1.6.7, 1.6.1 and New guidance

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1.6.2, simplification PAX 1.6.3 New standard, covers UM handling N/A PAX 1.6.4 Intentionally open Intentionally open PAX 1.6.5 Wording revised for technical clarity,

Incapacitated Passenger added Wording revised to cover PRM and Incapacitated Passenger

PAX 1.6.6 Wording revised for technical accuracy

Wording revised (editorial)

PAX 1.7. Intentionally open Intentionally open PAX 1.8 Relocated, see HDL Sub-section 1.2 Relocated with standard PAX 1.9 Relocated, see HDL Sub-section 1.4 Relocated with standard

Changes to ISM Section 4 (PAX to BAG)

Area Changed Description of GOSARP Change Description of GM Change

General Name is changed from PAX to BAG (see explanation in Highlights). Wording was revised (editorial due to conversion to International English).

Applicability Statement Wording revised for technical clarity, definition of scope.

BAG 1 No revision N/A

BAG 1.1 No revision N/A

BAG 1.1.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy Wording revised for technical accuracy

BAG 1.1.2 Intentionally open Intentionally open

BAG 1.1.3 Converted to conditional provision

Guidance extended, reference to AHM added

BAG 1.1.4 Wording revised (editorial) No revision

BAG 1.1.5 Wording revised (editorial) No revision

BAG 1.2 No revision N/A

BAG 1.2.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy No revision

BAG 1.2.2 Wording revised for technical accuracy

Wording revised for technical clarity, AHM reference eliminated

BAG 1.2.3 Wording revised (editorial) No revision

BAG 1.3 No revision N/A

BAG 1.3.1 Wording revised (editorial) Guidance extended

BAG 1.3.2 No revision Wording revised (editorial) BAG 1.3.3 Wording revised (editorial), correct

standard reference number added No revision

BAG 1.3.4 No revision Guidance extended

BAG 1.3.5 No revision Wording revised (editorial)

Revisions Highlights

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BAG 1.3.6 No revision Wording revised (editorial) BAG 1.3.7 Wording revised (editorial) No revision

BAG 1.3.8 Intentionally open Intentionally open

BAG 1.3.9 Intentionally open Intentionally open

BAG 1.3.10 Intentionally open Intentionally open

BAG 1.4 Relocated, please see ORM-HS or ORM-S Sub-section 8

Relocated, please guidance of ORM-HS or ORM-S Sub-section 8

Changes to GOSM Section 5 (BAG to HDL)

Area Changed Description of GOSARP Change Description of GM Change

General Name is changed from BAG to HDL (see explanation in Highlights). Wording was revised (editorial due to conversion to International English).

Applicability Statement

Wording revised for technical clarity, definition of scope

HDL 1 No revision N/A

HDL 1.1 No revision N/A

HDL 1.1.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy

Wording revised for technical accuracy, AHM reference eliminated

HDL 1.2 Wording revised for technical clarity N/A

HDL 1.2.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy Guidance extended, AHM reference added

HDL 1.2.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, OMS reference eliminated Guidance simplified

HDL 1.2.3 Intentionally open Intentionally open

HDL 1.2.4 Wording revised (editorial)

Guidance extended, added wording from HDL 1.2.3

HDL 1.2.5 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision

HDL 1.2.6 Wording revised, standard simplified

Wording revised for technical accuracy, added wording from HDL 1.3.22

HDL 1.2.7 Wording revised, standard simplified and previously to HDL 1.3.22

Wording revised for technical clarity, guidance extended

HDL 1.3 Wording revised (editorial) N/A

HDL 1.3.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy Wording revised (editorial)

HDL 1.3.2 Consolidated HDL 1.3.2 and 1.3.3

Consolidated previous guidance of HDL 1.3.2 and 1.3.3., guidance extended

HDL 1.3.3 Intentionally open Intentionally open

HDL 1.3.4 No revision No revision

HDL 1.3.5 No revision Wording revised (editorial) HDL 1.3.6 No revision No revision

HDL 1.3.7 Intentionally open Intentionally open

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HDL 1.3.8 Intentionally open Intentionally open

HDL 1.3.9 Intentionally open Intentionally open

HDL 1.3.10 Wording revised for technical accuracy AHM reference added

HDL 1.3.11 Intentionally open Intentionally open

HDL 1.3.12 No revision No revision

HDL 1.3.13 Consolidated HDL 1.3.13 and 1.3.14 and partly 1.3.20

Consolidated previous guidance of HDL 1.3.13 and 1.3.14 and partly 1.3.20

HDL 1.3.15 No revision No revision

HDL 1.3.16 No revision No revision

HDL 1.3.17 No revision No revision

HDL 1.3.18 Wording revised for technical accuracy AHM reference added

HDL 1.3.19 Intentionally open Intentionally open

HDL 1.3.20 Intentionally open, previously HDL 1.3.13 Intentionally open

HDL 1.3.21 No revision No revision

HDL 1.3.22 No revision, previously HDL 1.2.7 New guidance, AHM reference added

HDL 1.4 Wording revised for technical clarity N/A

HDL 1.4.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy AHM reference added

HDL 1.4.2 No revision Wording revised (editorial) HDL 1.4.3 Wording revised for technical

accuracy New guidance, AHM reference added

HDL 1.4.4 Wording revised for technical accuracy No revision

HDL 1.4.5 No revision No revision

HDL 1.4.6 No revision No revision

HDL 1.4.7 No revision No revision

HDL 1.4.8 Wording revised for technical accuracy Wording revised for technical accuracy

HDL 1.4.9 Wording revised for technical accuracy Wording revised (editorial)

HDL 1.4.10 No revision No revision

HDL 1.5 ( * ) Note eliminated N/A

HDL 1.5.1 No revision No revision

HDL 1.5.2 Converted to conditional provision New guidance, AHM reference added

HDL 1.5.3 Converted to conditional provision New guidance, AHM reference added

HDL 1.5.4 Converted to conditional provision No revision

HDL 1.5.5 Converted to conditional provision No revision

HDL 1.6 No revision N/A

HDL 1.6.1 Intentionally open, standard Intentionally open

Revisions Highlights

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HDL 1.6.2 Wording revised for technical clarity, simplification No revision

HDL 1.6.3 Converted to conditional provision, simplification No revision

HDL 1.6.4 Converted to conditional provision, wording changed for technical clarity Guidance extended

HDL 1.6.5 Converted to conditional provision, wording changed for technical clarity Guidance extended

HDL 1.6.6 Converted to conditional provision, wording changed for technical clarity Guidance extended

HDL 1.7 Relocated, see ORM-HS or ORM-S Sub-section 8 Relocated with standards

HDL 2 No revision N/A

HDL 2.1.1 Consolidated HDL 2.1.2 and 2.2.2, wording revised for technical accuracy Wording revised for technical accuracy

HDL 2.1.2 Previously HDL 2.1.1, wording revised for technical accuracy New guidance, AHM reference added

HDL 2.1.3 No revision N/A

HDL 2.1.4 Previously HDL 2.5.3

Previously HDL 2.5.3 guidance, AHM reference added

HDL 2.1.5 Previously HDL 2.1.4, standard extended for technical accuracy Guidance extended

HDL 2.1.6 Previously HDL 2.1.5, wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised (editorial)

HDL 2.2 No revision N/A

HDL 2.2.1 No revision No revision

HDL 2.2.2 Intentionally open Intentionally open

HDL 2.2.3 No revision No revision

HDL 2.3 No revision N/A

HDL 2.3.1 Wording revised (editorial) AHM reference eliminated

HDL 2.3.2 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision

HDL 2.3.3 No revision No revision HDL 2.3.4 Wording revised (editorial) Guidance extended, DGR reference added HDL 2.3.5 Intentionally open, standard

eliminated Intentionally open HDL 2.3.6 Consolidated HDL 2.3.6 and 2.3.7,

wording revised for technical accuracy DGR reference added

HDL 2.4 No revision N/A HDL 2.4.1 Wording revised (editorial) No revision HDL 2.4.2 No revision No revision

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HDL 2.4.3 No revision No revision HDL 2.5 Aircraft Equipment replaced by In-

plane Loading N/A HDL 2.5.1 Wording revised (editorial) New guidance HDL 2.5.2 Intentionally open, standard

eliminated Intentionally open

HDL 2.5.3 Intentionally open, previously HDL

2.1.4 Intentionally open HDL 2.5.4 Consolidated HDL 2.5.4 and 2.5.5 Consolidated guidance of HDL 2.5.4 &


Changes to GOSM Section 6 (HDL to AGM)

Area Changed Description of GOSARP Change Description of GM Change

General Name is changed from HDL to AGM (see explanation in Highlights). Wording was revised (editorial due to conversion to International English).

Applicability Statement

Wording revised for technical clarity, definition of scope

AGM 1 No revision N/A

AGM 1.1 No revision N/A

AGM 1.1.1 No revision Wording revised (editorial) AGM 1.1.2 No revision No revision

AGM 1.1.3 Wording revised, sub reference i) added Guidance extended

AGM 1.1.4 No revision Wording revised (editorial) AGM 1.1.5 No revision No revision

AGM 1.1.6 Previously should requirement, now shall No revision

AGM 1,2 Wording revised (editorial) N/A

AGM 1.2.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised (editorial) AGM 1.3 Wording revised (editorial) N/A

AGM 1.3.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised (editorial) AGM 1.4 Wording revised (editorial) N/A

AGM 1.4.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised (editorial) AGM 1.4.2 No revision Wording revised for technical clarity

AGM 1.5 Wording revised (editorial) N/A

AGM 1.5.1 No revision Wording revised (editorial) AGM 1.5.2 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised for technical clarity

AGM 1.6 Wording revised (editorial) AGM 1.6.1 Wording revised for technical

accuracy Wording revised (editorial)

Revisions Highlights

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AGM 1.6.2 No revision No revision

AGM 1.6.3 Standard simplified, wording of standard relocated to guidance material Extended guidance

AGM 1.6.4 Intentionally open Intentionally open

AGM 1.6.5 Intentionally open, standard eliminated Intentionally open

AGM 1.6.6 No revision No revision

AGM 2 Wording revised (editorial) N/A

AGM 2.1 No revision N/A

AGM 2.1.1 Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised (editorial) AGM 2.1.2 No revision Guidance extended

AGM 2.1.3 No revision AHM reference added

AGM 2.1.4 No revision AHM reference added

AGM 2.1.5 No revision No revision

AGM 2.1.6 Converted to conditional provision, wording revised for technical accuracy, standard previously guidance

Guidance extended, previously wording of AGM 2.1.6

AGM 2.1.7 No revision No revision

AGM 2.1.8 Wording revised for technical clarity AHM reference added

AGM 2.1.9 Intentionally open Intentionally open

AGM 2.1.10 Intentionally open Intentionally open

AGM 2.1.11 Intentionally open Intentionally open

AGM 2.1.12 No revision AHM reference added

AGM 2.1.13 Wording revised for technical clarity New guidance

AGM 2.1.14 No revision No revision

AGM 2.1.15 No revision AHM reference added

AGM 2.1.16 Intentionally open Intentionally open

AGM 2.1.17 Intentionally open Intentionally open

AGM 2.1.18 Intentionally open Intentionally open

AGM 2.1.19 Intentionally open Intentionally open

AGM 2.1.20 No revision AHM reference added

AGM 2.1.21 No revision AHM reference added

AGM 2.1.22 Consolidated AGM 2.1.22-23 and 2.1.25

Consolidated guidance to AGM 2.1.22-23 and 2.1.25

AGM 2.1.23 Intentionally open, previously AGM 2.1.22 Intentionally open

AGM 2.1.24 No revision No revision

AGM 2.1.25 Intentionally open, previously AGM 2.1.22 Intentionally open

AGM 2.1.26 No revision AHM reference added

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AGM 2.1.27 No revision No revision

AGM 2.1.28 Previously AGM 2.1.39

Guidance extended, Previously guidance of AGM 2.1.39,

AGM 2.1.29 Previously AGM 2.1.28 AHM reference added

AGM 2.1.30 Intentionally open Intentionally open

AGM 2.1.31 Intentionally open Intentionally open

AGM 2.1.32 Intentionally open Intentionally open

AGM 2.1.33 Sub reference iv) and v) eliminated No revision

AGM 2.1.34 No revision AHM reference added

AGM 2.1.35 No revision AHM reference added

AGM 2.1.36 No revision AHM reference added

AGM 2.1.37 Wording revised for technical clarity AHM reference added

AGM 2.1.38 No revision AHM reference added

AGM 3 Wording revised (editorial) N/A

AGM 3.1 No revision N/A

AGM 3.1.1 No revision No revision

AGM 3.1.2 No revision No revision

AGM 3.1.3 No revision No revision

AGM 3.1.4 No revision No revision

AGM 3.1.5 No revision No revision

AGM 3.1.6 No revision No revision AGM 4 Wording revised (editorial) N/A AGM 4.1 No N/A AGM 4.1.1 No revision No revision AGM 4.1.2 No revision No revision AGM 4.1.3 No revision No revision AGM 4.1.4 No revision Guidance extended AGM 4.1.5 No revision No revision AGM 4.1.6 No revision AHM reference added

Revisions Highlights

GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010 REV 23

Changes to GOSM Section 7 (AGM to CGM)

Area Changed Description of GOSARP Change Description of GM Change

General Name is changed from AGM to CGM (see explanation in Highlights). Wording was revised (editorial due to conversion to International English).

Applicability Statement

Wording revised for technical clarity, definition of scope

CGM 1 No revision N/A

CGM 1.1 No revision N/A

CGM 1.1.1 No revision New guidance

CGM 1.1.2 Intentionally open, standard relocated to ORM

Intentionally open

CGM 1.1.3 Intentionally open, standard relocated to ORM

Intentionally open

CGM 1.1.4 Wording revised for technical accuracy, consolidated CGM 1.1.4 and 1.1.5

Wording revised for technical clarity, guidance for interline cargo requirements were added

CGM 1.1.5 New standard New guidance

CGM1.1.6 Wording revised for technical accuracy, converted to conditional provision

Wording revised for technical clarity, AHM reference added

CGM 1.1.7 Wording revised for technical accuracy, summarized cargo handling facilities

Wording revised for technical clarity, defined special cargo

CGM 1.2 No revision N/A

CGM 1.2.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy, consolidated CGM 1.2.1-1.2.4

Wording revised for technical accuracy, combined guidance for 1.2.1-1.2.4

CGM 1.2.2 Intentionally open Intentionally open

CGM 1.2.3 New standard New guidance

CGM 1.2.4 New standard New guidance

CGM 1.2.5 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision

CGM 1.2.6 No revision New guidance

CGM 1.2.7 Intentionally open, standard eliminated

Intentionally open

CGM 1.2.7 Intentionally open Intentionally open

CGM 1.2.8 Wording revised for technical accuracy

New guidance, reference to DGR Section 9

CGM 1.2.9 No revision Wording revised for technical clarity, reference given to entire DGR Section 9

CGM 1.2.10 Intentionally open Intentionally open

CGM 1.2.11 No revision Wording revised for technical clarity, added DGR Section 9

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CGM 1.2.12

Wording revised for technical accuracy, included procedures for cargo to be loaded in a Class C aircraft cargo compartment

New guidance, Definition of Cargo Compartment Classifications and reference to DGR Section 9

CGM 1.2.13 Wording revised for technical accuracy


CGM 1.3 No revision N/A

CGM 1.3.1 Wording revised for technical clarity No revision

CGM 1.3.2 No revision No revision

CGM 1.3.3

Wording revised for technical clarity Wording revised for technical accuracy, cited examples of time- and temperature-sensitive goods, Additional guidance to include mandate of local authorities

CGM 1.3.4 Previously a should requirement, now shall

No revision

CGM 1.4 No revision N/A

CGM 1.4.1 Wording revised for technical clarity, eliminated examples of special cargo

Wording revised for technical accuracy, defined special cargo, specific reference to AHM 333

CGM 1.5 Relocated, please see ORM-HS or ORM-S Sub-section 8

Relocated, please guidance of ORM-HS or ORM-S Sub-section 8

CGM 2 No revision N/A

CGM 2.1 No revision N/A

CGM 2.1.1 Wording revised for technical accuracy

New guidance

CGM 2.1.2 Intentionally open Intentionally open

CGM 2.1.3 Wording revised for technical clarity New guidance

CGM 2.2 No revision N/A

CGM 2.2.1

Revised for technical clarity Wording revised for technical accuracy, included reference to ITRM for the definitions of Regulated Agent and Known Shipper, Generalized reference to ICAO Annex 17

CGM 2.2.2 No revision No revision

CGM 2.2.3 No revision No revision

CGM 2.2.4 No revision Wording revised for technical accuracy, generalized reference to ICAO Annex 17

CGM 2.2.5 Wording revised for technical accuracy

No revision

CGM 2.2.6 No revision Eliminated reference to Glossary for

definitions of Regulated Agent and known Shipper

CGM 2.2.7-2.2.9

Intentionally open Intentionally open

CGM 2.2.10 Wording revised (editorial) No revision

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CGM 2.2.11 No revision No revision

CGM 2.2.12 No revision No revision

CGM 2.2.13 No revision No revision

CGM 2.2.6 No revision Eliminated reference to Glossary for

definitions of Regulated Agent and known Shipper

CGM 2.2.7-2.2.9

Intentionally open Intentionally open

CGM 2.2.10 Wording revised (editorial) No revision

CGM 2.2.11 No revision No revision

CGM 2.2.12 No revision No revision

CGM 2.2.13 No revision No revision

Changes to GOSM Section 8 (Eliminated)

Area Changed Description of GOSARP Change Description of GM Change

General Section 8 is eliminated (see explanation in Highlights).

GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010 FWD 1

FOREWORD The IATA Safety Audit of Ground Operations (ISAGO) program is an internationally recognized and accepted system for assessing the operational management and control systems of an organization that provides ground handling services for airlines (the “Provider”). ISAGO is based on industry-proven quality audit principles and structured to ensure a standardized audit with consistent results.

The technical content of the ISAGO Standards and Recommended Practices (GOSARPs) contained in this manual is under continual review and maintenance by task forces, each comprising a membership of operational, safety, security and quality experts from airlines, regulatory authorities and various other industry entities associated with operational audit. Special care is taken to ensure a regionally diverse membership of each task force.

Over the long term, IATA will continually review and update the content of this manual to ensure material is up-to-date and meets the needs of the industry.

Your comments are welcome…

Only the readers and users of this GOSM can tell us if it meets their needs and expectations. Your comments on any aspect of this manual – content, format, style or other – are solicited and may be addressed to:

[email protected]

ISAGO Standards Manual

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GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010 APP 1


The ISAGO Standards and Recommended Practices contained in this ISAGO Standards Manual (GOSM) are used as the basis for an assessment (the “Audit”) of a provider conducted under the ISAGO Program.

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Standards and Recommended Practices

GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, February 2010 INT 1


1 Purpose The ISAGO Standards Manual (GOSM) is published in order to provide the operational standards, recommended practices and associated guidance material necessary for the Audit of a ground service provider (hereinafter the “Provider”). The GOSM may also be used as a guide by any provider desiring to structure its management and operational control systems to be in conformity with the latest industry operational practices. The GOSM is the sole source of assessment criteria utilized by ISAGO auditors when conducting an Audit.

2 Structure The GOSM consists of seven sections as follows:

Section 1 → Organization and Management (OMR-H, ORM-HS, ORM-S); Section 2 → Load Control (LOD); Section 3 → Passenger Handling (PAX); Section 4 → Baggage Handling (BAG); Section 5 → Aircraft Handling and Loading (HDL); Section 6 → Aircraft Ground Movement (AGM); Section 7 → Cargo and Mail Handling (CGM).

Each section has an associated 3-letter identifier (in parentheses above). The reference code for every standard or recommended practice within a section will include the specific identifier for that section (e.g., LOD 1.1.1).

3 ISAGO Standards and Recommended Practices (GOSARPs) The Standards and Recommended Practices contained in this manual have been developed solely as the basis for the Audit under the ISAGO program. GOSARPs are not regulations. Standards ISAGO Standards are specified systems, policies, programs, processes, procedures, plans, sets of measures, facilities, components, types of equipment or any other aspects of ground operations under the scope of ISAGO that are considered an operational necessity, and with which a provider will be expected to be in conformity at the conclusion of the Audit. Standards always contain the word “shall” (e.g., “The Provider shall have a process…”) in order to denote a requirement. During an Audit, determination of nonconformity with specifications contained in an ISAGO Standard results in a Finding, which in turn results in the generation of a Corrective Action Report (CAR) by the Audit Team that conducted the Audit. To close a Finding, a provider will be required to implement corrective action that will be verified by the Audit Team. Recommended Practices ISAGO Recommended Practices are specified systems, policies, programs, processes, procedures, plans, sets of measures, facilities, components, types of equipment or any other aspects of ground operations under the audit scope of ISAGO that are considered operationally desirable, but conformity is optional by a provider. Recommended Practices always contain the italicized word “should” (e.g., “The Provider should have a policy…”) to denote optional conformity.

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During an Audit, a determination of nonconformity with specifications contained in an ISAGO Recommended Practice results in an Observation, which in turn results in the generation of a CAR by the Audit Team. A Provider is not obliged to respond to an observation with corrective action. However, if a provider chooses to close an Observation, it will require the implementation of corrective action exactly as is required to close a Finding. Conditional Provision Certain ISAGO Standards and Recommended Practices are only applicable to a provider when that provider meets specific and clearly stated operational condition(s). The specific condition(s) is (are) always stated at the very beginning of the provision following the phrase, “If the Provider…” When assessing a provider against a conditional provision, the Auditor will first determine if the provider meets the stated operational condition(s). If the provider meets the condition(s), that provision is applicable to the provider and must be assessed for conformity. If the provider does not meet the condition, the provision is not applicable to that provider and the provision will be recorded on the ISAGO Checklist as N/A. Symbols A (GM) in bold text immediately following a provision indicates the existence of associated guidance material for that provision.

4 Guidance Material (GM) Guidance material is informational in nature and supplements or clarifies the meaning or intent of specifications contained in either an ISAGO Standard or Recommended Practice. GOSARPs that are self-explanatory do not have guidance material. Guidance material is designed to ensure a common interpretation of specifications in GOSARPs and provides additional detail that assists a provider to understand what is required in order to achieve conformity. Where applicable, guidance material also presents examples of alternative means of achieving conformity. Guidance material is found immediately below the Standard or Recommended Practice, and is preceded by the bold sub-heading “Guidance.”

5 Operational Audit During an Audit, a provider is assessed against the ISAGO Standards and Recommended Practices contained in this manual. To determine conformity with any standard or recommended practice, the ISAGO Auditor will assess the degree to which specifications are documented and implemented by the provider. In making such an assessment, the following guidance is applicable. Documented Documented shall mean any specification(s) in GOSARPs is (are) published and accurately represented in a controlled document. A controlled document is subject to processes that provide for positive control of content, revision, publication, distribution, availability and retention. Implemented Implemented shall mean any specification(s) in GOSARPs is (are) established, activated, integrated, incorporated, deployed, installed, maintained and/or made available, as part of the operational system, and is (are) monitored and evaluated, as necessary, for continued effectiveness. The requirement for specifications to be documented and implemented by a provider is inherent in GOSARPs unless stated otherwise.

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Active Implementation Certain ISAGO Standards may be designated as eligible for the application of Active Implementation, which is a concept that permits a provider to be in conformity with a standard based on a demonstration of active and real progress toward completion of an acceptable Implementation Action Plan (IAP). An acceptable IAP defines and maps out the satisfaction of all requirements for a provider to achieve conformity with the designated ISAGO Standard. As a minimum, an acceptable IAP shall specify:

a detailed schedule of all work or activities necessary to complete the IAP; all equipment, components, material or other physical resources necessary to

complete the IAP; a series of milestone dates against which progress toward completion of the plan can

be measured; a date when the plan is projected to be completed.

Designation of any ISAGO Standard for the application of Active Implementation will always be predicated on an up-front risk analysis that indicates application of AI would not pose an unacceptable safety risk. Additionally, such designation may include prerequisite conditions that must be satisfied by a provider in order to be eligible for AI. An ISAGO Standard that has been designated for application of AI will be clearly identified in this manual, along with prerequisite conditions, if any. To conform to a standard based on Active Implementation, a provider must be able to furnish evidence to the Auditor that execution of an acceptable IAP is underway and material or physical progress toward completion of the plan is consistent with the planned schedule, as measured against published milestones. If applicable, a provider must also demonstrate satisfaction of any associated prerequisite conditions. A provider that furnishes only an IAP without other demonstrable evidence of having materially or physically begun execution of the plan does not meet the criteria for conformity based on Active Implementation. The fact that a provider has achieved conformity with a designated ISAGO provision based on Active Implementation will be clearly indicated and detailed in the ISAGO Audit Report. Outsourced Functions Where a provider has outsource operational functions specified in ISAGO provisions to other service providers, conformity with those provisions will be based on evidence provided by the provider that demonstrates acceptable processes are in place (i.e., documented and implemented) for monitoring such external service provider to ensure fulfillment of all requirements affecting the safety and security of ground operations. Auditing is recommended as an effective method for such monitoring of external service provider.

6 ISAGO Documentation System The GOSM is used in association with the following related manuals:

IATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM); ISAGO Program Manual (GOPM); ISAGO Audit Handbook (GOAH).

The ITRM, GOPM, GOAH and GOSM comprise the ISAGO documentation system.

7 English Language English is the official language of the ISAGO Program; documents comprising the ISAGO Documentation System are written in English. The GOPM requires Auditors to ensure the English language version of this GOSM and/or ISAGO Checklists is always used as the basis for a final determination of conformity or nonconformity

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with GOSARPs during the conduct of an Audit. Versions of the GOSM or ISAGO Checklists that have been translated into another language are subject to misinterpretation; therefore, any translated ISAGO document is considered an unofficial reference.

8 Manual Revisions IATA will publish revisions to this GOSM to ensure the content remains current and meets the needs of the ISAGO Program. A revision to the GOSM (except temporary revisions) will always result in a new version of the manual. The version is specified by edition number and revision number (e.g. Second Edition, Revision 0) and date, and is depicted on the cover page of the manual and at the bottom of each individual page. The issue date and effective date are indicated in the record of revisions section of the GOSM. Temporary revisions may be issued in order to meet urgent needs. A temporary revision will not be included in the body of the GOSM, and will be accompanied by specific instructions as to applicability.

9 Conflicting Information Manuals within the ISAGO documentation system are not revised concurrently, thus creating the possibility of conflicting information in different manuals. In the case of conflicting information in different ISAGO manuals, the information contained in the manual with the most recent revision date can be assumed to be valid.

10 Definitions Refer to the IATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM) for the definitions of technical terms and the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms. Definitions associated with terms specific to the ISAGO Program are located in the GOPM.

11 ISAGO Documents and Forms ISAGO documents and forms are referenced in this manual and are available on the ISAGO website at the following internet address: http://www.iata.org/isago.

12 Authority The ISAGO Program operates under the authority of the IATA Operations Committee (OPC) with reference to the Board of Governors of IATA.

Standards and Recommended Practices

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ISAGO Standards Manual

II GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, February 2010


GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010 ORM-H 1


Applicability Section 1 addresses the organization and management of a ground services provider (hereinafter the “Provider”), and provides specifications for the systems, policies, programs, procedures and manuals necessary to ensure control of ground operations at all stations.

This section (ORM-H) is utilized when only a headquarters is audited.

The Auditor will determine individual provisions not applicable to a specific Provider.

General Guidance Definitions of technical terms used in this section, as well as the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms, are found in the IATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM).

1 Management and Control

1.1 Organization and Accountability

ORM-H 1.1.1 The Provider shall have a management system that ensures: i) Policies, systems, programs, processes, procedures and/or plans of the Provider are

administered and/or implemented throughout the organization; ii) Ground operations at all locations are supervised and controlled; iii) All operations are conducted in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements

of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Refer to theATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM) for the definition of Provider. A management system is documented in controlled company media at both the corporate and operational levels. Manuals or controlled electronic media are acceptable means of documenting the management system. Documentation provides a comprehensive description of the scope, structure and functionality of the management system, and depicts lines of accountability throughout the organization, as well as authorities, duties, responsibilities and the interrelation of functions and activities within the system. Acceptable means of documentation include, but are not limited to, organization charts (organigrams), job descriptions and other descriptive written material that defines and clearly delineates the management system. Documentation also reflects a functional continuity within the management system, which ensures the entire organization works as a system and not as a group of independent or fragmented units (i.e., silo effect). An effective management system is fully implemented and functional with a clear consistency and unity of purpose between corporate management and management in the operational areas. The management system ensures compliance with internal standards and the applicable regulations of all states where operations are conducted.

ORM-H 1.1.2 The Provider shall ensure the management system:

ISAGO Standards Manual

ORM-H 2 GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010

i) Defines lines of accountability for operational safety and security throughout the organization, including direct accountability on the part of senior management;

ii) Assigns responsibilities for ensuring ground operations at all stations are provided with the necessary resources and conducted in accordance with standards of the Provider, applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance There is no universal model for the designation of management accountability. Some organizations, perhaps based on regional or other business considerations, may have a management system whereby overall accountability for operational safety and security is shared among multiple corporate management officials. Ideally, a provider would designate only one corporate management official to be accountable for system-wide operational safety and security. However, assignment of overall operational accountability to one corporate official is a recommended model, not a requirement. When a provider designates more than one senior corporate official to share operational accountability, defined processes are in place to ensure operations are standardized and conducted within a functioning system, and not among separate stand-alone organizations (i.e., “silo effect”). With the designation of accountability, there is also a clear identification of authority and financial control within the management system for making policy decisions, providing adequate resources, resolving safety and security issues and ensuring necessary system components are in place and functioning properly. Acceptable means of documenting accountability include, but are not limited to, organization charts (organigrams), job descriptions, corporate by-laws and any other descriptive written material that defines and clearly indicates the lines of operational accountability from the corporate level(s) of management to the station level.

1.2 Management Commitment

ORM-H 1.2.1 The Provider shall have a policy that commits the organization to a culture that has safety and security as fundamental operational priorities. (GM)

Guidance The policy of a provider reflects the commitment of senior management to a strong culture of operational safety and security. Such policy (or policies) is (are) expressed in the organizational documents, and carried out through operational manuals and other controlled documents that are accessible to and used by personnel at all stations. To enhance effectiveness in creating the desired culture, the policy is communicated and made visible throughout the organization, to include stations, by disseminating communiqués, posters, banners and other forms of information in a form and language which can be easily understood. To ensure continuing relevance, the corporate risk management policy is normally reviewed for possible update a minimum of every two years.

ORM-H 1.2.2 The Provider shall have a policy that commits the organization to continuous improvement of the management system, as well as the levels of operational safety and security. (GM)

Guidance The policy of a provider reflects the commitment of senior management to ensure measuring and evaluating on a continuing basis, and making changes that improve the management system and the culture. Ideas for improvement may come from internal and/or external sources; therefore, the organization would be constantly monitoring all sources and willing to make changes as

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necessary to keep the management system of the organization refreshed and strongly focused on improving the levels of operational safety and security. Such policy would typically be documented in operations manuals or other controlled documents and, to enhance effectiveness, communicated and made visible throughout the organization by disseminating communiqués, posters, banners and other forms of informational media.

ORM-H 1.2.3 The Provider shall have an open reporting system that permits all personnel to report operational hazards and deficiencies to management. (GM)

Guidance Frontline operational personnel are often in the best position to observe and identify operational hazards and conditions that could lead to accidents or incidents. Experience has shown that personnel will not provide information if there is apprehension or fear that such reporting will result in disciplinary action. The reporting policy is typically documented in operations manuals or other controlled documents that are accessible to and used by personnel at all stations. To be effective, an “open” policy would typically be non-punitive and assure employees that reporting unpremeditated or inadvertent errors would not necessarily result in disciplinary action being taken against the reporter or other individuals involved unless such errors result from illegal activity, willful misconduct or other egregious actions, as defined by the provider. Also, employees need to be assured that the identity (or information leading to the identity) of any employee who reports an error under this policy is never disclosed unless agreed to by the employee or required by law. An open reporting policy typically encourages and provides incentives for individuals to report hazards and operational deficiencies to management. It also assures personnel that their candid input is highly desired and vital to safe and secure operations.

ORM-H 1.2.4 The Provider shall have a policy that commits the organization to ensuring the health and safety of all personnel engaged in the conduct of ground operations, and which takes into account and addresses:

i) Operational risk assessment; ii) Equipment design and maintenance; iii) Training and competence of personnel; iv) Continual improvement of processes and procedures. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in the IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) 630.

ORM-H 1.2.5 The Provider shall have a policy that commits the organization to addressing environmental issues in all locations where ground operations are conducted in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and other requirements. (GM)

Guidance Such policy focuses on compliance with station requirements typically associated with:

Material management; Spillage; Discharges and/or emissions; Waste disposal.

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Materials specified above are typically those that would be used in day-to-day operations (e.g. oil, hydraulic and other fluids). Emissions typically emanate from vehicles and ground support equipment.

ORM-H 1.2.6 The Provider should have a policy that commits the organization to the prevention of pollution in all locations where ground operations are conducted through implementation of an environmental management system (EMS). Such system ensures:

i) All activities, products and services that have the potential to significantly impact the environment are identified;

ii) Performance targets and objectives for pollution prevention, environmental compliance and continual improvement to the EMS are set;

iii) Performance targets and objectives are achieved through training and the implementation of work instructions and practices;

iv) Metrics are established for measuring the effectiveness of the EMS in meeting targets and objectives;

v) The EMS is periodically reviewed by senior management to ensure ongoing effectiveness. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Environmental Management System.

1.3 (Intentionally open)

1.4 Communication

ORM-H 1.4.1 The Provider shall have a communication system that enables and ensures an exchange of information that is relevant to the conduct of ground operations, and ensures such exchange of information occurs throughout the management system and in all locations where ground operations are conducted. (GM)

Guidance An effective communication system ensures an exchange of relevant operational information among senior managers, operational managers and front line personnel. To be totally effective, the communication system would also include customer airlines, as well as external organizations that work alongside the provider or conduct outsourced ground operations for the provider. Methods of communication will vary according to the size and scope of the organization. However, to be effective, any methods are as uncomplicated and easy to use as is possible, and facilitate the reporting of operational deficiencies, hazards or concerns by operational personnel. Specific means of communication between management and operational ground handling personnel may include:

Email, Internet; Safety or operational reporting system; Communiqués (letters, memos, bulletins); Publications (newsletters, magazines).

Where applicable, an effective system would ensure any non-verbal communication of operationally critical information or data requires an acknowledgement of receipt.

ORM-H 1.4.2 The Provider shall have processes to ensure changes that affect operational responsibilities or performance are communicated as soon as feasible to applicable management and front line personnel. (GM)

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Guidance Processes would address the conveyance of any information relevant to operational duties (e.g., changes to regulatory requirements, procedural changes from customer airlines).

1.5 Management Review

ORM-H 1.5.1 The Provider shall have a process to review the management system at intervals not exceeding one year to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness in the management and control of ground operations. A review shall include assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the system, including, but not limited to, organizational structure, reporting lines, authorities, responsibilities, policies, processes, procedures and the allocation of resources. (GM)

Guidance Management review is a necessary element of a well-managed company and provides a process through which organizational control and continuous improvement can be delivered. To be effective, a formal management review takes place on a regular basis, but typically not less than a minimum of once per year. An appropriate method to satisfy this requirement is a periodic formal meeting of senior executives. The agenda of the meeting includes a general assessment of the management system to ensure all defined elements are functioning effectively. The review also includes an assessment of operational performance to ensure the management system is producing the desired operational safety, security and quality outcomes. Senior management ensures deficiencies identified during the management review are addressed through the implementation of organizational changes that will result in improvements to the performance of the system. Input to the management review process would include, but not be limited to:

Risk management issues; Safety and security issues; Quality assurance issues; Provision of resources; Operational feedback; Incident and near-miss reports; Changes in regulatory policy or civil aviation legislation; Changes in company and/or customer airline policies or requirements; Process performance and organizational conformity; Status of corrective and preventative actions; Follow-up actions from previous management reviews; Feedback and recommendations for management system improvement; Regulatory violations.

To ensure the scope of a management review is systemic, the process would normally include input from stations. Output from the management review process would include decisions and actions related to:

Improvement of the effectiveness of processes throughout the management system; Improvement of the management of risks; Ensuring the provision of resources necessary to satisfy operational safety, security and

quality requirements.

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Management review is a formal process, which means documentation in the form of meeting schedules, agendas and minutes are produced and retained. Additionally, the output of the management review process would include action plans for changes to be implemented within the system where deemed appropriate.

1.6 Provision of Resources

ORM-H 1.6.1 The Provider shall ensure the existence of the facilities, workspace, equipment, supporting services, as well as work environment, necessary to satisfy management system requirements. (GM)

Guidance Facilities, workspace, equipment and supporting services would typically include:

Buildings, workspaces and associated utilities; Facilities for people in the organization; Equipment appropriate for ground handling functions; Support equipment, including tools, hardware and software; Support services, including transportation and communication.

Where infrastructure or equipment is under the responsibility of the airport authority, the provider would typically have a process to liaise with the owner to ensure the availability and serviceability of such infrastructure or equipment. A suitable work environment satisfies human and physical factors and considers:

Safety rules and guidance, including the use of protective equipment; Workplace location(s); Workplace temperature, humidity, light, air flow; Cleanliness, noise and pollution.

ORM-H 1.6.2 The Provider shall have a policy that ensures positions throughout the organization that affect operational safety and security are filled by personnel that possess the knowledge, skills, training, and experience appropriate for the position. (GM)

Guidance Prerequisite criteria for each position, which would typically be developed by the provider, and against which candidates would be evaluated, ensure personnel are appropriately qualified for management system positions in areas of the organization critical to safe and secure operations. For example, the position of station manager would typically have special prerequisite criteria an individual would have to meet in order to be considered for assignment to that position. Similarly, special prerequisite criteria are typically required for other positions throughout the management system that affect safety and security (e.g. safety manager, quality assurance manager, security manager). Positions that require the implementation of security functions typically require completion of a background and criminal history check. A corporate personnel selection policy that applies to all operational areas of the company serves to satisfy this requirement.

ORM-H 1.6.3 The Provider shall have a policy that ensures personnel who perform operationally critical functions are required to maintain competence on the basis of continued education and training. (GM)

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Guidance Positions or functions within the organization of a provider considered “operationally critical” are those that have the potential to affect operational safety or security. In general, most front line operational functions in load control, passenger handling, baggage handling, aircraft handling and loading, aircraft movement, and cargo handling would typically be considered operationally critical, as well as functions that involve the training of operational personnel. Positions not directly associated with operations (e.g., administrative or clerical positions) may not be deemed as operationally critical.

ORM-H 1.6.4 (Intentionally open)

ORM-H 1.6.5 The Provider shall have a policy that addresses the use of psychoactive substances by operational personnel throughout the organization, and ensures:

i) The exercise of duties while under the influence of psychoactive substances is prohibited; ii) Consequences for such behavior are defined. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Psychoactive Substances.

1.7 Risk Management

ORM-H 1.7.1 The Provider should have a risk management program that specifies processes that are implemented within the management system and in all locations where ground operations are conducted to ensure:

i) Hazards with the potential to affect operational safety or security are identified; ii) Threats with the potential to affect security are identified; iii) Hazards are analyzed to determine risks; iv) Risks are assessed to determine the need for control actions; v) Risk control actions are developed and implemented in operations, and are subsequently

monitored to ensure risks are controlled. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Risk. In general, risk management typically includes the basic elements of:

Safety hazard identification; Risk assessment; Security threat identification Risk control; Risk monitoring.

Risk management processes are typically implemented at all stations for the purpose of addressing conditions, activities or areas of non-compliance that have been identified with the potential to pose risk to operational safety or security. Such processes are also applied to new initiatives, which could include business decisions that pose potential new risk(s) to operations. It is impossible to list all instances of such initiatives, but examples might include significant changes to operations, such as the acquisition of an existing ground handling service provider or the introduction of significant outsourcing of operational functions at a station. A risk register is often employed for the purpose of documenting risk assessment information and monitoring risk control actions.

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Guidance may be found in AHM 621.

ORM-H 1.7.2 The Provider should have processes for setting performance measures to validate the effectiveness of risk controls in ground operations at all stations. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Performance Measure. A performance measure, which is a short- or long-term objective, typically identifies a target number or rate of occurrences in any operational area, and then tracks and compares the actual performance against the target rate or number over a period of time (usually one year). Creation of performance measures is typically an effective method for measuring operational performance to determine if desired outcomes are being achieved, and for focusing attention on the effectiveness of the organization in managing operational risks and maintaining compliance with relevant requirements. In addressing the safety and security of operations, meaningful measures typically focus on lower level occurrences or conditions that are considered by the provider to be precursors to serious events. Performance measures may be specific to a certain area of operations, or may be broad and apply to the entire system.

1.8 Operational Planning

ORM-H 1.8.1 The Provider shall ensure the management system includes planning processes for ground operations that:

i) Define desired operational safety and security outcomes; ii) Address operational resource allocation requirements; iii) Take into account requirements originating from applicable external sources including,

but not limited to, the customer airline(s), regulatory authorities and airport authorities. (GM)

Guidance Management system planning processes are necessary to ensure sufficient resources are in place to meet internal operational safety and security requirements, as well as to meet requirements from external sources, such as regulatory authorities and equipment manufacturers. Resource requirements would typically be determined through risk assessment, management review or other management processes. Planning processes may result in the generation of goals, objectives or other types of performance measures that would represent the operational outcomes a provider plans for and desires to achieve. Planning processes are typically part of, or associated with, the budgetary process, which normally takes place prior to the start of the following calendar or fiscal year. Such process generally results in a plan for capital and operating expenditures to support operations.

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2 Documentation and Records

2.1 Documentation System

ORM-H 2.1.1 The Provider shall have a system for the management and control of documentation and/or data used directly in the conduct or support of ground operations, to include processes for:

i) Identifying the version of operational documents; ii) Distribution that ensures on-time availability of the current version of applicable

operations and security manuals in appropriate areas of the organization; iii) Review and revision as necessary to maintain the currency of information contained in

documents; iv) Retention of documents that permits easy reference and accessibility; v) Identification and control of obsolete and/or reproduced documents; vi) Retention and dissemination of documentation received from external sources, to include

manuals and documents from regulatory authorities and customer airlines. (GM)

Guidance The primary purpose of document control is to ensure necessary, accurate and up-to-date documents are available to those personnel required to use them, to include personnel of external ground service providers that conduct outsourced ground operations for the provider. Examples of documents that are controlled include, but are not limited to, operations manuals, checklists, quality manuals, training manuals, training syllabi, process standards, policy manuals, and standard operating procedures. An electronic system of document management and control is an acceptable means of conforming to the specifications in ORM-H 2.1.1. Within such a system, document files are typically created, maintained, identified, revised, distributed, accessed, presented, retained and/or deleted using computer systems (e.g. a web-based system). Some systems specify immediate obsolescence for any information or data that is downloaded or otherwise extracted (e.g. printed on paper) from the electronic files. Document control, depending on type (electronic or paper), might include:

Retention of a master copy; Examination and approval prior to issue; Review and update, to include an approval process; Version control (electronic documents); Identification of revision status; Revisions are identified and retained as history; Background or source references are identified and retained as history; Distribution to ensure appropriate availability at points of use; Documents are checked to verify they remain legible and readily identifiable; Documents of external origin are identified, updated, distributed and retained; Obsolete documents are identified and retained as specified; Documents are disposed of as specified.

Additionally, control of operational manuals might include: Assignment of an individual with responsibility for approval for contents;

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a title page that generally identifies the operational applicability and functionality; A table of contents that identifies parts and sub-parts; A preface or introduction outlining the general contents of the manual; Reference numbers for the content of the manual; A defined distribution method and identification of recipients; Identification of responsibility for authorizing the manual; A record of revisions, both temporary and permanent; A list of effective pages within the manual; Identification of revised content.

Each documented procedure that is not held within a manual typically includes: A title page that identifies the operational applicability and functionality; Identification of the date(s) of issue and date of effectiveness; Reference numbers for the content; A distribution list; Identification of responsibility for authorizing the document.

ORM-H 2.1.2 If the Provider utilizes an electronic system for the management and control of any documentation and/or data used directly in the conduct of operations, the Provider shall ensure the system provides for a scheduled generation of backup files for such documentation and/or data. (GM)

Guidance To preclude the loss of documents due to hardware or software failures, an electronic system is programmed to create backup files on a schedule that ensures records are never lost. Typically, an electronic system provides for file backup on a daily basis. The retention period for electronic documents is typically in accordance with requirements defined by applicable regulations and the provider. To ensure retrieval of archived documents, applicable hardware and/or software is normally retained after it has been replaced.

2.2 Operational Manuals

Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM)

ORM-H 2.2.1 The Provider shall have a Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) (or equivalent manual), which may be a collection of related manuals issued separately, that contains the operational policies, procedures, instructions and other guidance or information necessary for ground handling personnel at all stations to perform their duties and be in compliance with applicable regulations, laws, rules, requirements and standards. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Policies and Procedures Manual. Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) is a generic name; an equivalent manual with a different name is an acceptable alternative (e.g., Ground Handling Manual). The PPM may be one manual or a collection of related manuals issued separately, each with a different name. The PPM contains generic guidance that addresses all functions within the scope of ground operations, and also contains information that is function-specific. Because the scope of ground

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operations is broad, rather than publishing one large manual, a Provider may choose to issue the Manual in separate parts that are specific to the various ground handling functions conducted by the provider (e.g., Passenger Handling Manual, Baggage Handling Manual, Cargo Handling Manual). Each individual part would contain generic guidance that is applicable to all ground handling functions (e.g., organizational policies, general definitions), as well as guidance that is specific to the particular function (e.g., process descriptions, standard operating procedures). To ensure standardization, a control process would be in place to ensure use of either the PPM and/or the Operations Manual (OM) of the customer airline(s) such that all applicable operational safety, security and quality requirements are fulfilled.

ORM-H 2.2.2 The Provider shall have a process to ensure the current edition of the PPM is accessible in a usable format at all stations. (GM)


Depending on services delivered at a station, a complete version of the PPM may not be necessary. However, each station would require all or certain parts of the PPM, as applicable to the station needs and specific types of operations conducted at the station.

2.3 Records System

ORM-H 2.3.1 The Provider shall have a system for the management and control of operational records to ensure the content and retention of such records is in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s), and to ensure operational records are subjected to standardized processes for:

i) Identification; ii) Legibility; iii) Maintenance; iv) Retrieval; v) Protection and security; vi) Disposal, deletion (electronic records) and archiving. (GM)

Guidance Such process would typically address all records associated with ground operations at each station, including personnel training records and any other records that document the fulfillment of operational requirements (e.g., GSE maintenance, weigh bridge calibration).

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3 Safety and Quality Management

3.1 (Intentionally open)

3.2 (Intentionally open)

3.3 Safety Program

ORM-H 3.3.1 The Provider shall have a safety program for the purpose of preventing accidents and incidents in all locations where ground operations are conducted, which includes processes for:

i) Personnel to report operational hazards, deficiencies and areas of concern; ii) The investigation of accidents and incidents; iii) The reporting of accidents and incidents; iv) The investigation of irregularities or other non-routine operational occurrences that may

be precursors of accidents or incidents; v) The identification and analysis of operational hazards and potentially hazardous

conditions; vi) The production of analytical information, which may include recommendations, for use by

operations managers in the prevention of operational accidents and incidents; vii) Ensuring significant issues arising from the station safety program are subject to regular

review by senior management; viii) The dissemination of safety information to appropriate management and operational

personnel. (GM)

Guidance The safety program is a critical element of risk management. Documentation of the program would include a description of the structure, individual responsibilities, available resources and core processes associated with the program. A station safety program would also be in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s). Guidance may be found in AHM 600.

ORM-H 3.3.2 The Provider shall designate an individual with the authority to manage and be responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the safety program as specified in ORM-H 3.3.1. (GM)

Guidance The manager oversees the implementation of all activities and processes associated with the safety program. An effective working environment would result in full cooperation between the program manager and those managers who have direct responsibility for safe operations. It is not the role of the program manager to dictate safety action, but rather to assist operational managers in producing safe and secure operations. To ensure complete objectivity in safety matters, a program manager typically functions independently from frontline operations.

ORM-H 3.3.3 The Provider shall have a process to ensure significant issues arising from the safety program as specified in ORM-H 3.3.1 are subject to regular review by operations management. (GM)

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Guidance Such review would permit corporate management to consider issues that have the potential to affect system-wide operational safety. It would also ensure appropriate corrective actions have been implemented and are being monitored for effectiveness in preventing accidents and incidents.

ORM-H 3.3.4 – 3.3.6 (Intentionally open)

ORM-H 3.3.7 The Provider shall have an operational reporting system in effect at all locations where ground operations are conducted that:

i) Encourages and facilitates feedback from personnel to identify deficiencies, expose hazards and raise concerns over issues that have the potential to threaten the safety or security of aircraft, passengers, personnel, facilities, systems or equipment;

ii) Includes analysis and management action to address operational deficiencies, hazards and concerns identified through the reporting system

iii) Is in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance To maximize reporting from operational personnel, an operational reporting system would be consistent with the corporate policy for an open reporting system as specified in ORM-H 1.2.3.

3.4 Quality Assurance Program

ORM-H 3.4.1 The Provider shall have a quality assurance program that provides for the auditing and evaluation of the management system and ground operations at all stations to ensure the Provider is:

i) Complying with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s); ii) Satisfying stated operational needs; iii) Delivering the desired levels of operational safety and security; iv) Identifying undesirable conditions and areas requiring improvement; v) Identifying hazards to operations; vi) Controlling operations risks. (GM)

Guidance The quality assurance program is applied throughout the organization and is typically structured to define:

Audit frequency; Audit initiation, including scope and objectives; Planning and preparation, including audit plan and checklist development; Observation and gathering of evidence; Analysis, findings, actions; Reporting and audit summary; Follow-up and close out.

The process normally includes means whereby the auditor and the audited area have a comprehensive discussion and reach agreement on the findings and corresponding corrective or preventive actions. Clear procedures are typically established to resolve any disagreement between the auditor and audited area, and action items are followed up to ensure closeout within an appropriate time frame.

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Guidance may be found in AHM 610, 612 and 621.

ORM-H 3.4.2 The Provider shall designate an individual with the authority and independence (from operational management) to manage and be responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the quality assurance program as specified in ORM-H 3.4.1. (GM)

Guidance A manager (or multiple managers if a provider does not have a centralized program) would typically be appointed to oversee the implementation of all activities and processes associated with the quality assurance program. Operational managers with direct responsibility for the safety and security of operations always have responsibility for the development and implementation of corrective or preventive action that may result from audit results. A quality assurance program manager would be “operationally independent” in a manner that ensures objectivity is not subject to bias due to conflicting responsibilities. To be effective, quality assurance auditors typically have freedom of action and access to the management system and to make recommendations that establish conformity within a reasonable time frame. Quality assurance audit activities may be centrally controlled or controlled within each relevant operational function as long as independence is maintained. Typically, the quality assurance program manager has lines of communication to senior management to ensure the reporting of safety, security and quality issues and to ensure such issues are appropriately addressed.

ORM-H 3.4.3 The Provider shall have a process for addressing findings that result from audits conducted under the quality assurance program as specified in ORM-H 3.4.1, which ensures:

i) A determination of root cause(s); ii) Development of corrective action as appropriate to address findings; iii) Implementation of corrective action in appropriate operational area(s); iv) Monitoring and evaluation of corrective action to determine effectiveness.

ORM-H 3.4.4 The Provider shall have a process to ensure significant issues arising from the quality assurance program as specified in ORM-H 3.4.1 are subject to regular review by management. (GM)

Guidance Typically, one review is conducted at least annually, which permits management to consider issues of non-compliance in areas of the organization that impact operational safety, security or quality, as well as to continually monitor and assess the level of safety and security achieved. Such review ensures appropriate corrective actions that address the relevant compliance issues have been implemented and are being monitored for effectiveness.

ORM-H 3.4.5 The Provider shall have a means for disseminating information from the quality assurance program as specified in ORM-H 3.4.1, as appropriate, to ensure an organizational awareness of compliance with applicable regulatory and other requirements. (GM)

Guidance An effective quality assurance program includes a process for promulgating and disseminating information for the purpose of maintaining an ongoing awareness of compliance issues that might impact operational safety, security or quality. Such dissemination of information might include an up-to-date status of operational performance against stated performance measures. The process ensures a method of dissemination commensurate with the size of the organization, and might

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include a magazine, newsletter or bulletin issued periodically. Electronic media in various forms are also effective in the timely dissemination of information.

ORM-H 3.4.6 – 3.4.9 (Intentionally open)

Program Elements

ORM-H 3.4.10 The Provider shall have an audit planning process and sufficient resources to ensure audits are:

i) Scheduled at intervals to meet regulatory and management system requirements; ii) Completed within a specified time period. (GM)

Guidance The planning process typically produces a schedule of all audit modules to be conducted within the planning period (e.g., calendar year) and reflects the status of each audit module, to include the applicable audit interval (e.g., 12, 24, 36 months), the date of the previous audit and the scheduled due date for the next audit.

ORM-H 3.4.11 The Provider shall ensure the audit planning process defines the scope of each audit, as appropriate, for the area being audited and also:

i) Includes audit objectives that address ongoing compliance with regulatory requirements, Provider standards and other applicable regulations, rules and requirements;

ii) Considers relevant operational safety or security events that have occurred; iii) Considers results from previous audits, including the effectiveness of corrective action

that has been implemented. (GM)

Guidance The audit scope refers to the breadth of operational disciplines or operational areas covered by an audit and therefore will vary depending on the focus area for each audit (e.g., load control, dangerous goods handling, ramp handling operations, passenger handling). Audit objectives define tangible achievements expected to result from an audit, normally expressed as a statement of intent (e.g., to determine compliance with regulatory requirements, to establish conformity with provider standards, to determine efficiency of operations). To be effective, auditors prepare for a particular area of operations by:

Conducting research into any relevant incidents or irregularities that may have occurred; Reviewing reports from previous audits.

ORM-H 3.4.12 The Provider shall ensure the quality assurance program utilizes auditors that: i) Have been trained and qualified; ii) Are impartial and functionally independent from operational areas to be audited. (GM)

Guidance A quality assurance program is typically independent in a manner that permits the scheduling and conduct of audits, as deemed appropriate for the size and scope of operations. Operational independence ensures auditors are not put in a position where their objectivity may be subject to bias due to conflicting responsibilities. Quality audit principles forbid auditors from auditing their own work area. In small organizations, to ensure objectivity, it may be appropriate for the auditing function to be outsourced to external auditors. To be effective, auditors receive an appropriate level of formal training that develops competency in quality auditing skills and techniques.

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A code of conduct may be used to enhance the impartiality and independence of auditors. An effective auditor code of ethics would require auditors:

To act in a strictly trustworthy and unbiased manner in relation to both the organization to which they are employed, contracted or otherwise formally engaged and any other organization involved in an audit performed by them or by personnel under their direct control;

To disclose to their employer any relationship they may have with the organization to be audited before undertaking any audit function in respect of that organization;

Not to accept any gift, commission, discount or any other profit from the organization audited, from their representatives, or from any other interested person nor knowingly allow personnel for whom they are responsible to do so;

Not to disclose the findings, or any part of them, nor to disclose any other information gained in the course of the audit to any third party, unless authorized in writing by both the auditee and the audit organization, if applicable;

Not to act in any way prejudicial to the reputation or interest of the audit organization; and In the event of any alleged breach of this code, to cooperate fully in any formal enquiry


3.5 (Intentionally open)

3.6 Outsourcing Quality Control Program

ORM-H 3.6.1 If the Provider outsources ground operations and/or associated functions to external ground service providers, the Provider shall have a program that ensures a contract or agreement is executed with such external providers. The contract or agreement shall identify measurable specifications that can be monitored by the Provider to ensure requirements that affect operational safety and/or security are being fulfilled by the external provider. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Outsourcing, Ground Handling Agreement, and Service Level Agreement (SLA). A provider always retains responsibility for services that have been voluntarily transferred to an external service provider. Maintenance of GSE would be considered a function associated with operational safety. A contract or agreement is necessary to ensure the outsourced services and/or functions are formally documented. Inclusion of measurable specifications, usually in the form of a service level agreement, would provide the basis for a monitoring process. Guidance and examples of a standard ground handling agreement and a service level agreement may be found in AHM Chapter 6.

ORM-H 3.6.2 If the Provider outsources ground operations and/or associated functions to external ground service providers, the Provider shall have processes for monitoring such external providers to ensure requirements that affect operational safety and security are being fulfilled by the external provider. (GM)

Guidance The specifications of this provision are applicable to any outsourced services or functions that affect operational safety and/or security.

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A provider has a responsibility to monitor outsourced services or functions to ensure they are conducted in a manner that meets its own operational safety and security requirements, as well as those of the customer airline(s).

ORM-H 3.6.3 The Provider should utilize auditing as a method for the monitoring of external service providers as specified in ORM-H 3.6.2.

3.7 Product Quality Control

ORM-H 3.7.1 The Provider should have a program that ensures equipment or other operational products that are purchased or otherwise acquired from an external vendor or supplier meet the technical requirements of the Provider and the customer airline(s) prior to being used in the conduct of station ground operations. (GM)

Guidance This provision applies only to products (not services) that are purchased or otherwise acquired from an external supplier or vendor. Following are some examples of equipment or products that could have a negative effect on the safety of operations if put into service with substandard quality (i.e., the provider’s technical standards are not met):

Ground support equipment; Operational software, databases; Security screening equipment; Aircraft chocks.

To ensure technical requirements are met, a process may focus on the supplier, the product or a combination of both. The process may include an evaluation of suppliers, with the selection of suppliers based on their ability to supply products in accordance with the provider’s requirements and technical specifications. Implementation of a rigorous receiving inspection process (or equivalent activity) would provide another means of verifying that operationally critical products meet specified technical requirements prior to such products being put into service.

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4 Event Response

4.1 Emergency Response Plan

ORM-H 4.1.1 The Provider shall have an emergency response plan (ERP) for the management and coordination of activities associated with the response to a major accident, incident or other disastrous occurrence at any location where ground operations are conducted. Such plan shall be in accordance with:

i) The airport ERP, if applicable; ii) The requirements of each customer airline. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Emergency Management and Emergency Response. An ERP would be designed to address events that could result in fatalities, serious injuries, considerable damage or major disruptions to operations. The plan would typically be based on an assessment of risk appropriate to the size and type of ground operations conducted at each location. In some locations, a governmental, airport and/or other relevant authority assume emergency or crisis response. In such case, the ERP of a provider would normally focus on and addresses the scope of interaction with and/or participation in the response implemented by the authority. Likewise, where there is a common ERP that has been developed jointly by the airport authority and customer airlines, a provider might either use the ERP of the customer airline(s) or have its own ERP that is the same as that of the customer airline(s). In such case, a provider would typically ensure the responsibilities and duties assigned to its personnel satisfy all requirements of the plan. Of particular importance, an ERP would have to ensure an appropriate level of coordination and communication is established and maintained with customer airlines during an emergency response situation. An ERP includes industry best practices and ensures community expectations are addressed. Additionally, an ERP typically:

Specifies general conditions for implementation; Provides a framework for an orderly implementation; Ensures proper coordination with external entities at all potential locations; Addresses all potential aspects of an event; Ensures regulatory requirements associated with specific events are satisfied; Provides a scenario for the transition back to normal operations; Ensures regular practice exercises as a means to achieve continuous improvement.

ORM-H 4.1.2 The Provider shall designate an individual that has the qualifications and is delegated the authority to manage and be responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the ERP. (GM)

Guidance In order to manage an ERP, an individual’s qualifications would typically include training and background experience that ensures the requisite knowledge in emergency response principles. Such experience and knowledge is necessary, even though various ERP functions are typically delegated to designated personnel throughout the management system.

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Plan Elements

ORM-H 4.1.3 The Provider shall have procedures and assigned responsibilities throughout the organization to ensure a coordinated execution of the ERP. (GM)

Guidance Personnel are assigned with specific responsibilities throughout the organization for the implementation of procedures associated with the ERP. In situations where a provider uses the ERP of the customer airline(s), the provider would typically ensure ERP procedures and responsibilities assigned to personnel satisfy all requirements of the customer airline’s plan. The following areas might be considered in developing plans for liaison with external entities associated with any event:

Fire; Police; Ambulance; Rescue agencies; Hospitals and other medical facilities; Medical specialists; Civil aviation or defense agencies; Poison control centers; Chemical or radiation specialists; Environmental agencies.

ORM-H 4.1.4 The Provider should ensure all personnel with responsibilities under the ERP are appropriately trained to execute applicable procedures. (GM)

Guidance Ideally, a provider, when invited, would participate in emergency response planning and drills conducted by the customer airline(s).

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5 Training and Qualification

5.1 Training Program (General)

ORM-H 5.1.1 The Provider shall have a training program that ensures personnel who perform duties in functions within the scope of ground operations (hereinafter “ground handling personnel”), to include such personnel of external ground service providers that conduct outsourced ground operations for the Provider, complete initial and recurrent training that includes:

i) General and function-specific training prior to being assigned to perform operational duties;

ii) Recurrent training on a specified frequency to remain qualified to perform operational duties;

iii) Periodic testing or assessment to ensure ongoing competency. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Training and Training Course. Requirements for initial and recurrent training apply to all personnel who perform duties within the scope of ground operations.

ORM-H 5.1.2 The Provider shall ensure the training program as specified in ORM-H 5.1.1 includes a requirement for recurrent training, except recurrent training in dangerous goods as specified in ORM-H 5.3.1, to be completed by ground handling personnel on a frequency in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s), but not less than once during every 36-month period.

ORM-H 5.1.3 The Provider shall ensure the training program as specified in ORM-H 5.1.1 includes evaluation or testing by written, oral or practical means in order for ground handling personnel to demonstrate adequate knowledge, competency and/or proficiency to perform duties, execute procedures and/or operate equipment.

ORM-H 5.1.4 The Provider shall ensure the training program as specified in ORM-H 5.1.1 includes processes that require instructors (trainers) and evaluators who conduct training and evaluation for ground handling personnel to demonstrate they are competent, qualified and, where required, certified to conduct such training activities.

ORM-H 5.1.5 The Provider shall ensure the training program as specified in ORM-H 5.1.1 includes processes for the completion of all required training and evaluation by operational ground handling personnel, instructors (trainers) and evaluators to be documented in records, and such records retained in accordance with ORM-H 2.3.1 for a period as specified by applicable regulations and/or the customer airline(s).

ORM-H 5.1.6 The Provider shall ensure the training program as specified in ORM-H 5.1.1 includes processes for all aspects of the training program to be periodically reviewed and updated to remain operationally relevant and in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s).

5.2 Security Training Program

ORM-H 5.2.1 The Provider shall have a security training program that is in accordance with the Security Program of the customer airline(s), requirements of the civil aviation security authority of states where ground operations are conducted, and requirements of the airport authority at stations where ground operations are conducted. Such training program shall include initial and recurrent training, and have a balanced curriculum of theoretical and practical training to ensure:

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i) If personnel employed by the Provider implement security controls, such personnel have the competence to perform their duties;

ii) Ground handling personnel are familiar and know how to comply with all relevant security requirements;

iii) Ground handling personnel are able to prevent to the extent possible acts of unlawful interference and to act in the most appropriate manner to minimize the consequences of acts of unlawful interference, unauthorized interference, and/or disruptive passenger behavior;

iv) Appropriate operational personnel, through security awareness training, are acquainted with preventative measures and techniques in relation to passengers, baggage, cargo, mail, equipment, stores and supplies intended for transport on aircraft, as applicable, so they may contribute to the prevention of acts of sabotage and other forms of unauthorized interference. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Security (Aviation), Security Program, Unlawful Interference and Unauthorized Interference. Intensive training for personnel who are employed within the security organization of a provider will enable them to develop the expertise required to advise management on all aspects of the security program. There are two classifications of aviation security training for a provider: Personnel Training This might be sub-divided into training for managers/supervisors, ramp personnel, cargo handling personnel, passenger and baggage handling personnel, and other categories of personnel who are directly involved in the implementation of security measures and thereby require an awareness of the obligations associated with aviation security. General Security Awareness Such training applies to the protection of assets from internal and external interference and the necessity of ensuring all ground handling personnel have a positive attitude to security. The focus of training to achieve such awareness will vary by region or company and may be influenced by cultural, religious and other circumstances. Such training is tailored to be effective in the environment in which it is to apply. The completion of security training would normally be recorded and retained in the records system for proof of compliance with applicable security standards or regulations.

ORM-H 5.2.2 If the Provider outsources ground operations and/or associated functions to external ground service providers at any station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure such external providers have a security training program in accordance with requirements of the Provider’s security training program as specified in ORM-H 5.2.1.

ORM-H 5.2.3 If the Provider conducts security functions at any station, the Provider shall ensure the security training program as specified in ORM-H 5.2.1 includes a process that requires personnel who perform such functions to complete:

i) Initial security training prior to being assigned to operational duties that involve security responsibilities;

ii) Recurrent security training in accordance with the Security Program of the customer airline(s) and the civil aviation security program of states where operations are conducted.

ORM-H 5.2.4 If the Provider manages or operates a security screening system at any station, the Provider shall ensure the security training program as specified in ORM-H 5.2.1 includes processes that require personnel who manage or operate the system:

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i) To be certified in accordance with requirements of the applicable civil aviation security authority, where such certification requirements exist;

ii) Complete initial and recurrent training, which shall include training in the identification of explosives, weapons or other dangerous items or devices.

5.3 Dangerous Goods Training Program

ORM-H 5.3.1 The Provider shall have a dangerous goods training program that is in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s), and ensures ground handling personnel at all stations complete initial and recurrent dangerous goods training with a curriculum appropriate to assigned operational functions or duties. Recurrent training in dangerous goods shall be completed on a frequency of not less than once within the 24-month period since the previous training in dangerous goods. (GM)

Guidance The basic curriculum for dangerous goods training completed by ground handling personnel would typically be structured to include:

General familiarization with dangerous goods; Detailed training in dangerous goods requirements applicable to the specific operational

function(s) performed; Safety training that addresses dangerous goods hazards, proper handling and

emergency response procedures. Guidance may be found in DGR 1.5.

ORM-H 5.3.2 The Provider shall ensure the dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-H 5.3.1 includes a process for instructors that conduct dangerous goods training to be evaluated for adequate instructional skills and, prior to delivering instruction, have completed a dangerous goods training program that provides the knowledge in subject areas consistent with the level of instruction to be delivered. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in DGR 1.5.

ORM-H 5.3.3 The Provider shall ensure the dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-H 5.3.1 includes a process that requires instructors that conduct dangerous goods training, within every 24 months, to either:

i) Conduct a minimum of one dangerous goods training course, or ii) Attend recurrent dangerous goods training. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in DGR 1.5.

ORM-H 5.3.4 If the Provider outsources dangerous goods handling functions to external ground service providers at any station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure such external providers have a dangerous goods training program in accordance with requirements of the Provider’s dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-H 5.3.1, 5.3.2 and 5.3.3.

ORM-H 5.3.5 – 5.3.9 (Intentionally open)

ORM-H 5.3.10 If the Provider delivers cargo and mail handling services at any station, the Provider shall ensure the dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-H 5.3.1 includes a process that requires personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in cargo and mail

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handling functions to complete initial and recurrent training, as well as testing and/or evaluation, in dangerous goods, as applicable to the assigned operational cargo handling function(s). (GM)

Guidance Subjects included in the curriculum for dangerous goods training for cargo handling personnel will vary depending on specific responsibilities and duty function(s). For the purpose determining subjects to be addressed in dangerous goods training, cargo handling functions are grouped into three categories:

Acceptance of dangerous goods; Acceptance of cargo, mail or stores (other than dangerous goods); Handling, build-up and storage of cargo and/or mail.

Dangerous goods training is required for all cargo handling personnel to ensure declared and undeclared dangerous goods are recognized and prohibited from being carried or loaded onto an aircraft. Such training also provides the requisite knowledge to permit cargo handling personnel to recognize dangerous goods, whether labeled or not labeled, and to prevent such dangerous goods from being inadvertently accepted and/or planned for loading into an aircraft. Dangerous goods training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in cargo and/or mail handling functions typically addresses, according to specific function:

General philosophy; Limitations; General requirements for shippers; Classification; List of dangerous goods; General packing requirements; Packing instructions; Labeling and marking; Shippers declaration and other relevant documentation; Acceptance procedures; Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods; Storage and loading procedures; Pilot-in-command notification; Provisions for passengers and crew; Emergency procedures.

Guidance may be found in DGR

ORM-H 5.3.11 If the Provider delivers cargo and mail handling services at any station, the Provider shall ensure the dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-H 5.3.1 includes a process that requires evaluation and/or testing associated with dangerous goods training for personnel with assigned duties and/or responsibilities in dangerous goods acceptance to be accomplished by written means. (GM)

Guidance Due to the importance of dangerous goods acceptance, personnel with assigned responsibilities in this area would demonstrate knowledge through enhanced testing, which would typically include written test questions and practical shipment problems. Such testing would include:

A level of difficulty that demonstrates an understanding of and the ability to apply the regulations in the acceptance of dangerous goods;

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A duration appropriate for achieving test objectives; A passing mark, which is typically 80 percent; Re-testing (with different test content) for personnel that fail to achieve a passing mark; General test questions designed to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the DG

regulations; Shipment problems designed to test the ability to apply the regulations in operational

situations. Typical training would have the student presented with a completed dangerous goods shipment for acceptance, consisting of an air waybill with the “nature and quantity of goods” and “handling information” boxes completed, a shipper's declaration, a packaging diagram with all marks and labels affixed, and a blank Dangerous Goods Acceptance Checklist (for radioactive or non-radioactive shipments, as the case may be). The shipment has been prepared incorrectly, and the student is asked to assume the role of acceptance personnel and verify the shipment with the aid of the checklist. For each “no” response on the checklist, the student would explain the nature of the error in the “comment” box, and the completed checklist forms part of the test answers.

ORM-H 5.3.12 If the Provider delivers cargo and mail handling services at any station, the Provider should ensure the dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-H 5.3.1 includes a process that requires dangerous goods training for cargo handling personnel to be conducted by either:

i) An IATA member airline; or ii) An IATA Accredited Training School (ATS); or iii) A person or organization approved by the relevant authorities in states where operations

are conducted.

ORM-H 5.3.13 If the Provider delivers cargo and mail handling services at any station, and dangerous goods training for cargo handling personnel is conducted by persons or organizations other than those specified in ORM-H 5.3.12, the Provider shall ensure the dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-H 5.3.1 includes a process for the conduct of a review that verifies the adequacy of such dangerous goods training. (GM)

Guidance A dangerous goods training course is reviewed to ensure the content and final test are sufficient, and that each trainee gains the desired knowledge as demonstrated by passing a final test. A review also ensures a training course is adequately organized, structured and provisioned. Typically, training would consist of a tutored or self-study course, associated material (such as handouts, overhead slides, videos, exercises, etc.) and an examination paper. For instructors, there would typically be instructor notes to ensure the course covers all the required areas and meets objectives.

5.4 Airside Safety Training Program

ORM-H 5.4.1 The Provider shall have a program that ensures ground handling personnel at all stations with duties that require access to airside areas complete initial and recurrent airside safety training. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Airside and Airside Safety Training. Subjects addressed in airside safety training are normally those that are appropriate to the specific airside operational function(s) of the individual being trained. For the purpose of such training, operational functions are typically consolidated into groupings, such as:

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Personnel whose duties require access to airside areas; Personnel whose duties require operation of basic GSE (e.g., tractors, belt loaders); Personnel whose duties require: (1) operation of specialized equipment (e.g., aircraft

movement units, container/pallet loaders, de-icing vehicles, catering vehicles), (2) exercise of control during aircraft movement operations, or (3) performance of lead responsibility over other personnel;

Personnel in first level management, to include supervisors having responsibility for: (1) directing staff and/or equipment resources, or (2) controlling an operational activity;

Personnel in station management having responsibility for resource issues, health and safety, incident management and budgetary control;

General subject areas addressed in airside safety training typically include (based on operational function):

Safety philosophy; Safety regulations; Hazards; Human factors; Airside markings and signage; Emergency situations; FOD prevention; Personal protection; Accidents, incidents, near misses; Risk assessment; Airside safety supervision.

Guidance for Airside Safety Training may be found in AHM 611 and 640.

5.5 Airside Driver Training Program

ORM-H 5.5.1 The Provider shall have a program that ensures personnel at all stations with duties that require the operation of vehicles and/or equipment in airside areas complete airside driver training and, as applicable:

i) Complete the qualification process required by the relevant authority; ii) Obtain an operating license in accordance with requirements of the relevant authority.


Guidance Airside driver training for ground handling personnel typically addresses:

Role and responsibilities of vehicle operators; Vehicle equipment standards; Hazards of airside driving; Reduced visibility procedures; Accident and incident reporting procedures; Rules and procedures for driving on ramps (aprons), stands and airside roads; Rules and procedures for driving in aircraft maneuvering areas.

Guidance may be found in AHM 611.

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5.6 GSE Operations Training Program

ORM-H 5.6.1 The Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties that require the operation of GSE:

i) Complete training and evaluation in the operation of GSE as applicable to their assigned operational function(s);

ii) Are qualified and/or authorized to operate GSE in station operations. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Ground Support Equipment (GSE). Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

5.7 Load Control Training Program

ORM-H 5.7.1 If the Provider delivers load control services at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in operational load control functions complete initial and recurrent training in:

i) Operational subject areas as applicable to assigned load control function(s); ii) Dangerous goods. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Load Control, Loading Instruction/Report (LIR), NOTOC (Notification to Captain), Operational Flight Plan (OFP) and Unit Load Device (ULD). The elements of the load control process consist of:

Load planning; Weight and balance calculation; Aircraft loading supervision; Checking and finalization of the Loadsheet and other loading documents.

Training for personnel that perform operational functions within the load control process typically addresses: (1) Aircraft weight and balance principles, to include:

General philosophy; Theory of flight; Aircraft weights and weight limitations; Fuel requirements; Principles of balance; Structural strength limits.

(2) Load control and distribution, to include: General principles; Unit load devices (ULDs); Aircraft locations; Aircraft structural loading limitations; Loading restraint systems; Load planning; Loading Instruction/Report (LIR);

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Loadsheet (manual, EDP, LMC). (3) Documentation, to include:

General principles; Messaging; Filing; Operational flight plan (OFP); NOTOC (Notification to Captain); NOTOC Summary; Manuals; Human factors. Dangerous goods training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in load control

functions typically addresses general philosophy; Limitations; List of dangerous goods; Labeling and marking; Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods; Storage and loading procedures; Pilot-in-command notification; Provisions for passengers and crew; Emergency procedures.

Guidance may be found in AHM 590, 591 and DGR 1.5.

5.8 Passenger Handling Training Program

ORM-H 5.8.1 If the Provider delivers passenger handling services at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in operational passenger handling functions complete initial and recurrent training in passenger handling operations, which addresses:

i) Operational subject areas as applicable to assigned passenger handling function(s); ii) Dangerous goods. (GM)

Guidance Training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in operational passenger handling functions typically addresses subject areas such as:

Passenger and baggage check-in policies and procedures; Manual check-in procedures; Cabin seating considerations, to include exit row, special passengers; Passenger boarding policies and procedures, to include cabin baggage limitations; If applicable, cabin access door operation; If applicable, boarding bridge operation; Dangerous goods regulations, considerations and procedures; Security regulations, considerations and procedures; Load control consequences, coordination and procedures;

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If applicable, handling and boarding of weapons and authorized persons carrying weapons;

Passengers requiring special handling; Communication procedures (customer airlines, load control, authorities, others); Data protection and security; Document protection and security; Abnormal and emergency procedures (fire, dangerous goods, security, other); Health and safety; Emergency response procedures.

Dangerous goods training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in passenger handling functions typically addresses:

General philosophy; Limitations; Labeling and marking; Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods; Provisions for passengers and crew; Emergency procedures.

5.9 Baggage Handling Training Program

ORM-H 5.9.1 If the Provider delivers baggage handling services at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in operational baggage handling functions complete initial and recurrent training in baggage handling operations, which addresses:

i) Operational subject areas as applicable to assigned baggage handling function(s); ii) Dangerous goods. (GM)

Guidance Training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in baggage handling functions typically addresses subject areas such as:

Baggage handling procedures (identification, sorting, loading in ULDs); Manual baggage handling procedures; ULDs (designation codes, inspecting, loading, tagging, removal from service); Security (regulations, considerations, procedures);

Load control (consequences, coordination, procedures); Communication procedures (customer airlines, load control, authorities, others); Data protection and security; Document protection and security; Abnormal and emergency procedures (fire, dangerous goods, security, other); Health and Safety; Emergency response procedures.

Dangerous goods training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in baggage handling functions typically addresses:

General philosophy;

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Labeling and marking; Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods; Storage and loading procedures; Pilot-in-command notification; Provisions for passengers and crew; Emergency procedures.

5.10 Aircraft Handling and Loading Training Program

ORM-H 5.10.1 If the Provider delivers aircraft handling and loading services at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in aircraft handling and loading functions complete initial and recurrent training in aircraft handling and loading operations, which addresses:

i) Operational subject areas as applicable to assigned aircraft handling and/or loading function(s);

ii) Dangerous goods. (GM)

Guidance Training would be applicable to personnel that perform aircraft servicing and loading functions, which typically include:

General loader; Loading supervisor; Aircraft servicing (water, toilet); Passenger boarding equipment operator; Aircraft loading equipment operator; Ground support equipment operator (GPU, ASU, ACU); Aircraft chocking and use of marker cones; Aircraft ground movement assistance; Catering servicing and vehicle operator; De-/anti-icing servicing and vehicle/equipment operator.

Training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in aircraft handling and loading functions typically addresses subject areas such as:

Irregularity/incident/accident reporting process; Manual handling of load; Safety during aircraft fuelling; Principles of aircraft loading; Handling of loads that require special attention; Loading incompatibilities; Handling of ULDs; Operation of aircraft loading systems/securing of ULDs; Identification/consequences of malfunctions of in-plane loading systems; Consequences of load damage and spillage; Positioning and operation of loading and servicing equip; Load notification to pilot-in-command;

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Passenger embarkation/disembarkation procedures; Standards of aircraft cleaning, lavatory and potable water servicing; Aircraft movement operations.

Dangerous goods training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in aircraft handling and loading functions typically addresses:

General philosophy; Labeling and marking; Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods; Storage and loading procedures; Pilot-in-command notification; Provisions for passengers and crew; Emergency procedures.

Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

ORM-H 5.10.2 If the Provider delivers aircraft handling and loading services at any station, the Provider shall ensure the aircraft handling and loading training program specified in ORM-H 5.10.1 includes a requirement for all personnel with duties that include the supervision of aircraft loading to complete the load control training program as specified in ORM-H 5.7.1. (GM)

Guidance Aircraft loading supervision is an element of the load control process. Guidance may be found in AHM 590 and 591.

ORM-H 5.10.3 If the Provider delivers services that require the operation of aircraft access doors at any station; the Provider shall have an aircraft access door training program that ensures all personnel with duties that include the operation of aircraft access doors:

i) Complete training applicable to each type of access door operated at the station; ii) Are qualified to operate aircraft access doors in accordance with requirements of the

customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Aircraft Access Doors. The operation of electrically, hydraulically and pneumatically actuated doors requires theoretical and practical training conducted by appropriately qualified instructor personnel. To facilitate such training, a provider would ensure each customer airline provides detailed technical information, to include description and operations procedures, pertaining to each type of door in aircraft handled by the provider. The operation of manually operated doors normally requires no special training; however, personnel would be required to demonstrate the ability to operate such doors safely before being permitted to do so without supervision. Guidance may be found in AHM 430.

ORM-H 5.10.4 If the Provider delivers services that require the operation of passenger boarding bridges at any station, the Provider shall have a passenger boarding bridge training program that ensures all personnel with duties that include the operation of passenger boarding bridges complete training and qualification applicable to each type of boarding bridge operated at the station. (GM)

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Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Passenger Boarding Bridge. Training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities that include operation of the passenger boarding bridge typically addresses subject areas such as:

Standard operating procedures; Bridge control system, including emergency switches, cut-offs and buttons; Out-of-limits procedures (for returning bridge to normal working limits); Back-off procedures and application; Manual wind-off procedures; Accident and incident response and reporting procedures; Fire procedures (bridge or aircraft).

Guidance may be found in AHM 634 and ACI 2.4.0.

5.11 Aircraft Ground Movement Training Program

ORM-H 5.11.1 If the Provider delivers aircraft ground movement services at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in aircraft ground movement functions complete initial and recurrent training in aircraft ground movement operations, as applicable to assigned aircraft ground movement function(s). (GM)

Guidance Training is applicable to personnel that perform any operational functions associated with aircraft ground movement, which would typically include, but may not be limited to:

Aircraft ground movement supervisor; Pushback or towing tractor operator; Personnel that provide aircraft ground movement assistance; Personnel that perform aircraft marshalling;

Training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in aircraft ground movement functions typically addresses subject areas such as:

Aircraft ground movement operations; Operation of equipment; Equipment-aircraft connect and disconnect procedures; Aircraft ground movement standard verbal communications (ground-flight deck); Aircraft ground movement non-verbal signals (ground-flight deck, ground-ground); Aircraft marshalling Aircraft ground movement assistance

Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

5.12 Cargo and Mail Handling Training Program

ORM-H 5.12.1 If the Provider delivers cargo and mail handling services at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in cargo and mail handling functions complete initial and recurrent training, as well as evaluation, in cargo and mail handling operations. Such training shall provide the knowledge necessary for cargo handling personnel to perform duties, execute procedures and operate equipment associated with specific cargo handling functions, and include:

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i) Familiarization training on general provisions and regulations; ii) In-depth training on requirements, including policies, procedures and operating practices; iii) Safety training on associated operational hazards; iv) Security training on required procedures and existing security threats; v) Training in human factors principles. (GM)

Guidance Requirements for initial and recurrent training apply to all personnel that perform duties within the scope of cargo handling operations for a provider, both at the main base and external office locations where such operations are conducted. Training for security requirements includes access control at warehouse, both landside and airside facilities and cargo security procedures in accordance with requirements of the State of Flight Departure and/or the State of Flight Arrival, as applicable. Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of State of Flight Departure and State of Flight Arrival. The IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM 300, Cargo/Mail Handling) contains guidance on subjects to be addressed in a training syllabus applicable to specific cargo handling functions. Subject areas include acceptance and handling of general cargo, live animals, perishable cargo, valuable and vulnerable cargo, human remains, Unit Load Devices (ULD) and mail. Training in dangerous goods acceptance and handling is in accordance with the DGR.

5.13 Aircraft Turnaround Coordinator Training Program

ORM-H 5.13.1 If the Provider delivers aircraft turnaround coordination services at any station, the Provider shall ensure all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities as aircraft turnaround coordinators complete initial and recurrent training in the coordination of turnaround operations. Such training shall provide coordinator personnel with the knowledge necessary to:

i) Ensure turnaround activities are in compliance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s);

ii) Coordinate and direct operational activities within the turnaround period; iii) Manage any disruptions to turnaround activities; iv) Ensure processes are delivered within standards for performance and compliance limits; v) Ensure the activity sequence is consistent with the station aircraft turnaround plan, and

all activities are delivered within agreed times; vi) Liaise with and between teams, departments and suppliers to inhibit discrepancies in

activity sequence or task performance; vii) Act as a central point of contact during turnaround operations; viii) Acts as safety coordinator for the duration of turnaround activities. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Aircraft Turnaround Coordination. Guidance may be found in AHM 615.

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6 Security Management

6.1 Security Program

ORM-H 6.1.1 The Provider shall have a security program that ensures security controls are implemented at stations in accordance with the Security Program of the customer airline(s) and the civil aviation security program of states where operations are conducted. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Security Control and Security Program. In conducting ground operations for customer airlines at a station, a provider is typically responsible for the implementation of security controls in operations in accordance with the respective Security Program of each customer airline.

ORM-H 6.1.2 The Provider shall designate an individual that has the qualifications and is delegated the authority to manage and be responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the security program(s) as specified in ORM-H 6.1.1. (GM)

Guidance In order to manage the security program, an individual’s qualifications would typically include training and background experience that ensures the requisite knowledge in the principles of security and the implementation of security controls.

ORM-H 6.1.3 The Provider shall ensure the security program as specified in ORM-H 6.1.1 includes a requirement for security controls to be in place at all stations to prevent personnel and vehicles from unauthorized access into facilities and/or areas where the Provider conducts ground operations for customer airlines. (GM)

Guidance A provider would normally conduct ground operations for customer airlines only in facilities or areas where adequate security controls are in place, although the provider does not always accomplish the actual implementation of such controls. Security controls are typically implemented by an authority (e.g. government or airport authority), but under certain conditions it might be necessary for implementation to be accomplished by the provider or other entity deemed competent by the provider and/or customer airline.

ORM-H 6.1.4 The Provider shall ensure the security program as specified in ORM-H 6.1.1 includes procedures that require ground handling personnel performing functions in station airside areas to maintain awareness for unauthorized interference, and to request a verification of identity from any potentially unauthorized persons. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 051.

6.2 Security Threat Management

ORM-H 6.2.1 The Provider shall ensure the security program as specified in ORM-H 6.1.1 includes a requirement for procedures to address security threats at stations, and such procedures:

i) Are in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s); ii) Provide for the assessment of associated risks and implementation of response

measures. (GM)

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Guidance Procedures are typically designed to address:

Security threats directed against customer airlines; Threat levels issued by relevant state aviation security authorities.

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7 Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Management

7.1 GSE Functional Specifications

ORM-H 7.1.1 The Provider shall have a program that requires published functional specifications that govern the use of GSE in ground handling operations at each station. Such specifications shall state the GSE requirements applicable to the type(s) of ground handling functions performed at the station. (GM)

Guidance Functional specifications demonstrate that a provider has evaluated the various types of ground handling functions performed at the station and, based on such evaluation, has developed requirements that ensure each function is performed using equipment that is deemed appropriate for the purpose.

7.2 GSE Maintenance

ORM-H 7.2.1 If the Provider maintains GSE at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures such equipment, at the applicable stations:

i) Is maintained in accordance with instructions and/or guidance from the GSE manufacturer;

ii) Is serviceable and in good mechanical condition prior to being used in ground operations; iii) When found to be defective, is reported and evaluated for removal from service. (GM)

Guidance Maintenance programs would typically be designed to be in accordance with recommendations of the equipment manufacturer.

ORM-H 7.2.2 If the Provider maintains GSE at any station in accordance with ORM-H 7.2.1, the Provider shall have procedures that ensure such maintenance is documented in records, and such records are retained for a period as specified by the Provider, applicable regulations and/or the customer airline(s).

7.3 GSE Operation

ORM-H 7.3.1 The Provider shall have a program for the operation of GSE that includes procedures, as well as appropriate training and evaluation, to ensure personnel at all stations are qualified and authorized to operate GSE:

i) In a manner that prevents damage to aircraft and injury to personnel; ii) In accordance with applicable regulations and/or requirements of the customer airline(s).


Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Ground Support Equipment (GSE). Refer to AHM 630 for practices and procedures associated with the operation of GSE. Procedures would address all GSE operations, which would typically include equipment used for or associated with:

Cargo and baggage transportation; Aircraft ground movement; aircraft servicing (includes catering, cleaning, potable water, toilet, external power);

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Aircraft loading; Passenger transportation and boarding; Cargo handling; Baggage handling; Aircraft fuelling; Aircraft de-/anti-icing.

Standard operating procedures Development of standard operating procedures for the operation of GSE would typically involve the following or similar steps:

Selection of function; Dissection of function into manageable steps; Identification of hazards or potential hazards; Development of solution(s).

Technical manuals of the equipment manufacturer would be utilized as an essential reference. Standard operating procedures usually consist of three phases:

Pre-operation; Operation; Post-operation.

ORM-H 7.3.2 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-H 7.3.1 includes a procedure for GSE to be subjected to a pre-movement inspection prior to being utilized in operations. (GM)

Guidance Such inspection, typically referred to as a “walk-around check,” would be conducted prior to movement of the equipment in order to ensure:

Visible damage or abnormality is detected; Any cables or hoses are stowed; If the equipment is carrying a load, all locks, stops, rails or straps are fastened and are

securing the load. Specifically, a “pre-use” inspection might focus on:

Tires and brakes; Fuel and battery water levels; Lights, signals; Safety rails; Protective padding or buffering; Stabilizers.

Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

ORM-H 7.3.3 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-H 7.3.1 includes a procedure for GSE, except equipment necessary for aircraft ground movement for departure, to be positioned and remain behind ramp safety lines during aircraft departure and arrival movement operations. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

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ORM-H 7.3.4 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-H 7.3.1 includes procedures for GSE to be parked:

i) Only in designated airside equipment parking areas when not in use; ii) In a manner that does not obstruct access to fire fighting equipment; iii) In a manner that does not obstruct access to the fuel hydrant emergency stop switch.


Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

ORM-H 7.3.5 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-H 7.3.1 includes procedures that do not permit GSE, including the passenger boarding bridge, to move toward an aircraft unless:

i) The aircraft has come to a complete stop; ii) Chocks and cones are positioned; iii) If applicable, engines are shut down; iv) If applicable, anti-collision beacons are off; v) Ground-to-flight deck communication is established, if applicable. (GM)

Guidance Under certain circumstances, engines might not be shut down after the aircraft is parked (e.g. APU and GPU inoperative). Procedures typically address such exceptions to ensure safety. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

ORM-H 7.3.6 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-H 7.3.1 includes procedures that require the parking brake to be applied, with the gear lever in “park” or “neutral,” when GSE is parked in airside areas.

ORM-H 7.3.7 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-H 7.3.1 includes procedures that prevent GSE from being moved into or driven across the path of:

i) Taxiing aircraft; ii) Embarking or disembarking passengers on the ramp.

ORM-H 7.3.8 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-H 7.3.1 includes procedures that prevent GSE from being driven with elevating equipment in the elevated position, except during final positioning of the equipment to the aircraft.

ORM-H 7.3.9 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-H 7.3.1 includes procedures that require loaded dollies or transporters to have the load secured from movement by the use of locks, stops, rails, or straps at all times, except when the load is being transferred onto or off the equipment.

ORM-H 7.3.10 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-H 7.3.1 includes procedures that require unserviceable GSE to be:

i) Tagged as “Out of Service” and not utilized in airside operations; ii) Removed from operations for repair or maintenance.

8 (Intentionally open)

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Applicability Section 1 addresses the organization and management of a ground services provider (hereinafter the “Provider”), and provides specifications for the systems, policies, programs, procedures and manuals necessary to ensure control of ground operations at all stations.

This section (ORM-HS) is utilized when a headquarters and station are audited together as a combined entity. The Auditor will determine individual provisions not applicable to a specific Provider.

General Guidance Definitions of technical terms used in this section, as well as the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms, are found in the IATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM).

1 Management and Control

1.1 Organization and Accountability

ORM-HS 1.1.1 The Provider shall have a management system that ensures: i) Policies, systems, programs, processes, procedures and/or plans of the Provider are

administered and/or implemented throughout the organization; ii) Ground operations are supervised and controlled; iii) Operations are conducted in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of

the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM) for the definition of Provider. A management system is documented in controlled company media at both the corporate and operational levels. Manuals or controlled electronic media are acceptable means of documenting the management system. Documentation provides a comprehensive description of the scope, structure and functionality of the management system, and depicts lines of accountability throughout the organization, as well as authorities, duties, responsibilities and the interrelation of functions and activities within the system. Acceptable means of documentation include, but are not limited to, organization charts (organigrams), job descriptions and other descriptive written material that defines and clearly delineates the management system. Documentation also reflects a functional continuity within the management system, which ensures the entire organization works as a system and not as a group of independent or fragmented units (i.e., silo effect). An effective management system is fully implemented and functional with a clear consistency and unity of purpose between corporate management and management in the operational areas. The management system ensures compliance with internal standards and the applicable regulations of all states where operations are conducted.

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ORM-HS 1.1.2 The Provider shall ensure the management system: i) Defines lines of accountability for operational safety and security throughout the

organization, including direct accountability on the part of senior management; ii) Assigns responsibilities for ensuring ground operations are provided with the necessary

resources and conducted in accordance with standards of the Provider, applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance There is no universal model for the designation of management accountability. Some organizations, perhaps based on regional or other business considerations, may have a management system whereby overall accountability for operational safety and security is shared among multiple corporate management officials. Ideally, a provider would designate only one corporate management official to be accountable for system-wide operational safety and security. However, assignment of overall operational accountability to one corporate official is a recommended model, not a requirement. When a provider designates more than one senior corporate official to share operational accountability, defined processes are in place to ensure operations are standardized and conducted within a functioning system, and not among separate stand-alone organizations (i.e., “silo effect”). With the designation of accountability, there is also a clear identification of authority and financial control within the management system for making policy decisions, providing adequate resources, resolving safety and security issues and ensuring necessary system components are in place and functioning properly. Acceptable means of documenting accountability include, but are not limited to, organization charts (organigrams), job descriptions, corporate by-laws and any other descriptive written material that defines and clearly indicates the lines of operational accountability from the corporate level(s) of management to the station level.

ORM-HS 1.1.3 The Provider shall designate an individual with the authority and the responsibility for:

i) Implementation of a station management system; ii) Ensuring safety and security in station operations. (GM)

Guidance Such individual is typically referred to as the station manager.

1.2 Management Commitment

ORM-HS 1.2.1 The Provider shall have a policy that commits the organization to a culture that has safety and security as fundamental operational priorities. (GM)

Guidance The policy of a provider reflects the commitment of senior management to a strong culture of operational safety and security. Such policy (or policies) is (are) expressed in the organizational documents, and carried out through operational manuals and other controlled documents that are accessible to and used by personnel at all stations. To enhance effectiveness in creating the desired culture, the policy is communicated and made visible throughout the organization, to include stations, by disseminating communiqués, posters, banners and other forms of information in a form and language which can be easily understood. To ensure continuing relevance, the corporate risk management policy is normally reviewed for possible update a minimum of every two years.

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ORM-HS 1.2.2 The Provider shall have a policy that commits the organization to continuous improvement of the management system, as well as the levels of operational safety and security. (GM)

Guidance The policy of a provider reflects the commitment of senior management to ensure measuring and evaluating on a continuing basis, and making changes that improve the management system and the culture. Ideas for improvement may come from internal and/or external sources; therefore, the organization would be constantly monitoring all sources and willing to make changes as necessary to keep the management system of the organization refreshed and strongly focused on improving the levels of operational safety and security. Such policy would typically be documented in operations manuals or other controlled documents and, to enhance effectiveness, communicated and made visible throughout the organization by disseminating communiqués, posters, banners and other forms of informational media.

ORM-HS 1.2.3 The Provider shall have an open reporting system that permits all personnel to report operational hazards and deficiencies to management. (GM)

Guidance Frontline operational personnel are often in the best position to observe and identify operational hazards and conditions that could lead to accidents or incidents. Experience has shown that personnel will not provide information if there is apprehension or fear that such reporting will result in disciplinary action. The reporting policy is typically documented in operations manuals or other controlled documents that are accessible to and used by personnel at all stations. To be effective, an “open” policy would typically be non-punitive and assure employees that reporting unpremeditated or inadvertent errors would not necessarily result in disciplinary action being taken against the reporter or other individuals involved unless such errors result from illegal activity, willful misconduct or other egregious actions, as defined by the provider. Also, employees need to be assured that the identity (or information leading to the identity) of any employee who reports an error under this policy is never disclosed unless agreed to by the employee or required by law. An open reporting policy typically encourages and provides incentives for individuals to report hazards and operational deficiencies to management. It also assures personnel that their candid input is highly desired and vital to safe and secure operations.

ORM-HS 1.2.4 The Provider shall have a policy that commits the organization to ensuring the health and safety of all personnel engaged in the conduct of ground operations, and which takes into account and addresses:

i) Operational risk assessment; ii) Equipment design and maintenance; iii) Training and competence of personnel; iv) Continual improvement of processes and procedures. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in the IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) 630.

ORM-HS 1.2.5 The Provider shall have a policy that commits the organization to addressing environmental issues in ground operations in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and other requirements. (GM)

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Guidance Such policy focuses on compliance with station requirements typically associated with:

Material management; Spillage; Discharges and/or emissions; Waste disposal.

Materials specified above are typically those that would be used in day-to-day operations (e.g. oil, hydraulic and other fluids). Emissions typically emanate from vehicles and ground support equipment.

ORM-HS 1.2.6 The Provider should have a policy that commits the organization to the prevention of pollution in ground operations through implementation of an environmental management system (EMS). Such system ensures:

i) All activities, products and services that have the potential to significantly impact the environment are identified;

ii) Performance targets and objectives for pollution prevention, environmental compliance and continual improvement to the EMS are set;

iii) Performance targets and objectives are achieved through training and the implementation of work instructions and practices;

iv) Metrics are established for measuring the effectiveness of the EMS in meeting targets and objectives;

v) The EMS is periodically reviewed by senior management to ensure ongoing effectiveness. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Environmental Management System.

1.3 (Intentionally open)

1.4 Communication

ORM-HS 1.4.1 The Provider shall have a communication system that enables and ensures an exchange of information that is relevant to the conduct of ground operations, and ensures such exchange of information occurs throughout the management system and in all locations where ground operations are conducted. (GM)

Guidance An effective communication system ensures an exchange of relevant operational information among senior managers, operational managers and front line personnel. To be totally effective, the communication system would also include customer airlines, as well as external organizations that work alongside the provider or conduct outsourced operational functions for the provider. Methods of communication will vary according to the size and scope of the organization. However, to be effective, any methods are as uncomplicated and easy to use as is possible, and facilitate the reporting of operational deficiencies, hazards or concerns by operational personnel. Specific means of communication between management and operational ground handling personnel may include:

Email, Internet; Safety or operational reporting system; Communiqués (letters, memos, bulletins);

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Publications (newsletters, magazines). Where applicable, an effective system would ensure any non-verbal communication of operationally critical information or data requires an acknowledgement of receipt.

ORM-HS 1.4.2 The Provider shall have processes to ensure changes that affect operational responsibilities or performance are communicated as soon as feasible to applicable management and front line personnel. (GM)

Guidance Processes would address the conveyance of any information relevant to operational duties (e.g., changes to regulatory requirements, procedural changes from customer airlines).

1.5 Management Review

ORM-HS 1.5.1 The Provider shall have a process to review the management system at intervals not exceeding one year to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness in the management and control of ground operations. A review shall include assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the system, including, but not limited to, organizational structure, reporting lines, authorities, responsibilities, policies, processes, procedures and the allocation of resources. (GM)

Guidance Management review is a necessary element of a well-managed company and provides a process through which organizational control and continuous improvement can be delivered. To be effective, a formal management review takes place on a regular basis, but typically not less than a minimum of once per year. An appropriate method to satisfy this requirement is a periodic formal meeting of senior executives. The agenda of the meeting includes a general assessment of the management system to ensure all defined elements are functioning effectively. The review also includes an assessment of operational performance to ensure the management system is producing the desired operational safety, security and quality outcomes. Senior management ensures deficiencies identified during the management review are addressed through the implementation of organizational changes that will result in improvements to the performance of the system. Input to the management review process would include, but not be limited to:

Risk management issues; Safety and security issues; Quality assurance issues; Provision of resources; Operational feedback; Incident and near-miss reports; Changes in regulatory policy or civil aviation legislation; Changes in company and/or customer airline policies or requirements; Process performance and organizational conformity; Status of corrective and preventative actions; Follow-up actions from previous management reviews; Feedback and recommendations for management system improvement; Regulatory violations.

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To ensure the scope of a management review is systemic, the process would normally include input from stations. Output from the management review process would include decisions and actions related to:

Improvement of the effectiveness of processes throughout the management system; Improvement of the management of risks; Ensuring the provision of resources necessary to satisfy operational safety, security and

quality requirements. Management review is a formal process, which means documentation in the form of meeting schedules; agendas and minutes are produced and retained. Additionally, the output of the management review process would include action plans for changes to be implemented within the system where deemed appropriate.

1.6 Provision of Resources

ORM-HS 1.6.1 The Provider shall ensure the existence of the facilities, workspace, equipment, supporting services, as well as work environment, necessary to satisfy management system and operational safety and security requirements. (GM)

Guidance Facilities, workspace, equipment and supporting services would typically include:

Buildings, workspaces and associated utilities; Facilities for people in the organization; Equipment appropriate for ground handling functions; Support equipment, including tools, hardware and software; Support services, including transportation and communication.

Where infrastructure or equipment is under the responsibility of the airport authority, the provider would typically have a process to liaise with the owner to ensure the availability and serviceability of such infrastructure or equipment. A suitable work environment satisfies human and physical factors and considers:

Safety rules and guidance, including the use of protective equipment; Workplace location(s); Workplace temperature, humidity, light, air flow; Cleanliness, noise and pollution.

ORM-HS 1.6.2 The Provider shall have a policy that ensures positions within the organization that affect operational safety and security are filled by personnel that possess the knowledge, skills, training, and experience appropriate for the position. (GM)

Guidance Prerequisite criteria for each position, which would typically be developed by the provider, and against which candidates would be evaluated, ensure personnel are appropriately qualified for management system positions in areas of the organization critical to safe and secure operations. For example, the position of station manager would typically have special prerequisite criteria an individual would have to meet in order to be considered for assignment to that position. Similarly, special prerequisite criteria are typically required for other positions throughout the management system that affect safety and security (e.g. safety manager, quality assurance manager, security manager). Positions that require the implementation of security functions typically require completion of a background and criminal history check.

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A corporate personnel selection policy that applies to all operational areas of the company serves to satisfy this requirement.

ORM-HS 1.6.3 The Provider shall have a policy that ensures personnel who perform operationally critical functions are required to maintain competence on the basis of continued education and training. (GM)

Guidance Positions or functions within the organization of a provider considered “operationally critical” are those that have the potential to affect operational safety or security. In general, most front line operational functions in load control, passenger handling, baggage handling, aircraft handling and loading, aircraft movement, and cargo handling would typically be considered operationally critical, as well as functions that involve the training of operational personnel. Positions not directly associated with operations (e.g., administrative or clerical positions) may not be deemed as operationally critical.

ORM-HS 1.6.4 (Intentionally open)

ORM-HS 1.6.5 The Provider shall have a policy that addresses the use of psychoactive substances by operational personnel, and ensures:

i) The exercise of duties while under the influence of psychoactive substances is prohibited; ii) Consequences for such behavior are defined. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Psychoactive Substances.

1.7 Risk Management

ORM-HS 1.7.1 The Provider should have a risk management program that specifies processes that are implemented within the management system and in locations where ground operations are conducted to ensure:

i) Hazards with the potential to affect operational safety or security are identified; ii) Threats with the potential to affect security are identified; iii) Hazards are analyzed to determine risks; iv) Risks are assessed to determine the need for control actions; v) Risk control actions are developed and implemented in operations, and are subsequently

monitored to ensure risks are controlled. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Risk. In general, risk management typically includes the basic elements of:

Safety hazard identification; Security threat identification Risk assessment; Risk control; Risk monitoring.

Risk management processes are typically implemented at all stations for the purpose of addressing conditions, activities or areas of noncompliance that have been identified with the potential to pose risk to operational safety or security.

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Such processes are also applied to new initiatives, which could include business decisions that pose potential new risk(s) to operations. It is impossible to list all instances of such initiatives, but examples might include significant changes to operations, such as the acquisition of an existing ground handling service provider or the introduction of significant outsourcing of operational functions at a station. A risk register is often employed for the purpose of documenting risk assessment information and monitoring risk control actions. Guidance may be found in AHM 621.

ORM-HS 1.7.2 The Provider should have processes for setting performance measures to validate the effectiveness of risk controls in station operations. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Performance Measure. A performance measure, which is a short- or long-term objective, typically identifies a target number or rate of occurrences in any operational area, and then tracks and compares the actual performance against the target rate or number over a period of time (usually one year). Creation of performance measures is typically an effective method for measuring operational performance to determine if desired outcomes are being achieved, and for focusing attention on the effectiveness of the organization in managing operational risks and maintaining compliance with relevant requirements. In addressing the safety and security of operations, meaningful measures typically focus on lower level occurrences or conditions that are considered by the provider to be precursors to serious events. Performance measures may be specific to a certain area of operations, or may be broad and apply to the entire system.

1.8 Operational Planning

ORM-HS 1.8.1 The Provider shall ensure the management system includes planning processes for ground operations that:

i) Define desired operational safety and security outcomes; ii) Address operational resource allocation requirements; iii) Take into account requirements originating from applicable external sources including,

but not limited to, the customer airline(s), regulatory authorities and airport authorities. (GM)

Guidance Management system planning processes are necessary to ensure sufficient resources are in place to meet internal operational safety and security requirements, as well as to meet requirements from external sources, such as regulatory authorities and equipment manufacturers. Resource requirements would typically be determined through risk assessment, management review or other management processes. Planning processes may result in the generation of goals, objectives or other types of performance measures that would represent the operational outcomes a provider plans for and desires to achieve. Planning processes are typically part of, or associated with, the budgetary process, which normally takes place prior to the start of the following calendar or fiscal year. Such process generally results in a plan for capital and operating expenditures to support operations.

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2 Documentation and Records

2.1 Documentation System

ORM-HS 2.1.1 The Provider shall have a system for the management and control of documentation and/or data used directly in the conduct or support of ground operations, to include processes for:

i) Identifying the version of operational documents; ii) Distribution that ensures on-time availability of the current version of applicable

operations and security manuals in appropriate areas of the organization; iii) Review and revision as necessary to maintain the currency of information contained in

documents; iv) Retention of documents that permits easy reference and accessibility; v) Identification and control of obsolete and/or reproduced documents; vi) Retention and dissemination of documentation received from external sources, to include

manuals and documents from regulatory authorities and customer airlines. (GM)

Guidance The primary purpose of document control is to ensure necessary, accurate and up-to-date documents are available to those personnel required to use them, to include personnel of external entities that conduct outsourced operational functions for the provider. Examples of documents that are controlled include, but are not limited to, operations manuals, checklists, quality manuals, training manuals, training syllabi, process standards, policy manuals, and standard operating procedures. An electronic system of document management and control is an acceptable means of conforming to the specifications in ORM-HS 2.1.1. Within such a system, document files are typically created, maintained, identified, revised, distributed, accessed, presented, retained and/or deleted using computer systems (e.g. a web-based system). Some systems specify immediate obsolescence for any information or data that is downloaded or otherwise extracted (e.g. printed on paper) from the electronic files. Document control, depending on type (electronic or paper), might include:

Retention of a master copy; Examination and approval prior to issue; Review and update, to include an approval process; Version control (electronic documents); Identification of revision status; Revisions are identified and retained as history; Background or source references are identified and retained as history; Distribution to ensure appropriate availability at points of use; Documents are checked to verify they remain legible and readily identifiable; Documents of external origin are identified, updated, distributed and retained; Obsolete documents are identified and retained as specified; Documents are disposed of as specified.

Additionally, control of operational manuals might include: Assignment of an individual with responsibility for approval for contents; A title page that generally identifies the operational applicability and functionality; A table of contents that identifies parts and sub-parts;

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A preface or introduction outlining the general contents of the manual; Reference numbers for the content of the manual; A defined distribution method and identification of recipients; Identification of responsibility for authorizing the manual; A record of revisions, both temporary and permanent; A list of effective pages within the manual; Identification of revised content.

Each documented procedure that is not held within a manual typically includes: A title page that identifies the operational applicability and functionality; Identification of the date(s) of issue and date of effectiveness; Reference numbers for the content; A distribution list; Identification of responsibility for authorizing the document.

ORM-HS 2.1.2 If the Provider utilizes an electronic system for the management and control of any documentation and/or data used directly in the conduct of operations, the Provider shall ensure the system provides for a scheduled generation of backup files for such documentation and/or data. (GM)

Guidance To preclude the loss of documents due to hardware or software failures, an electronic system is programmed to create backup files on a schedule that ensures records are never lost. Typically, an electronic system provides for file backup on a daily basis. The retention period for electronic documents is typically in accordance with requirements defined by applicable regulations and the provider. To ensure retrieval of archived documents, applicable hardware and/or software is normally retained after it has been replaced.

2.2 Operational Manuals

Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM)

ORM-HS 2.2.1 The Provider shall have a Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) (or equivalent manual), which may be a collection of related manuals issued separately, that contains the operational policies, procedures, instructions and other guidance or information necessary for ground handling personnel to perform their duties and be in compliance with applicable regulations, laws, rules, requirements and standards. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Policies and Procedures Manual. Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) is a generic name; an equivalent manual with a different name is an acceptable alternative (e.g., Ground Handling Manual). The PPM may be one manual or a collection of related manuals issued separately, each with a different name. The PPM contains generic guidance that addresses all functions within the scope of ground operations, and also contains information that is function-specific. Because the scope of ground operations is broad, rather than publishing one large manual, a Provider may choose to issue the Manual in separate parts that are specific to the various ground handling functions conducted by the provider (e.g., Passenger Handling Manual, Baggage Handling Manual, Cargo Handling

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Manual). Each individual part would contain generic guidance that is applicable to all ground handling functions (e.g., organizational policies, general definitions), as well as guidance that is specific to the particular function (e.g., process descriptions, standard operating procedures). To ensure standardization, a control process would be in place to ensure use of either the PPM and/or the Operations Manual (OM) of the customer airline(s) such that all applicable operational safety, security and quality requirements are fulfilled.

ORM-HS 2.2.2 The Provider shall have a process to ensure the current edition of the PPM is accessible in a usable format at all stations. (GM)


Depending on services delivered at a station, a complete version of the PPM may not be necessary. However, each station would require all or certain parts of the PPM, as applicable to the station needs and specific types of operations conducted at the station.

Other Operational Documents

ORM-HS 2.2.3 The Provider shall have processes to ensure the current version of required operational documentation is accessible in a usable format in all station locations where operations are conducted. Such required documentation shall include:

i) The Operations Manual (OM) of the customer airline(s); ii) The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) and Addenda, if applicable, or

equivalent documentation; iii) The emergency response plan (ERP); iv) As applicable to station operations, the Live Animal Regulations (LAR) and Perishable

Cargo Regulations (PCR). (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Operations Manual. A provider may not be required to maintain an OM for all customer airlines, or may be required to maintain only part of the manual for certain customer airlines. Based on customer airline requirements and the types of ground operations conducted at a specific location, only relevant parts of applicable manuals may be necessary. Availability of only the provider’s manual may be sufficient when such manual is accepted by the customer airline(s) or when a customer airline does not provide a manual. A current edition of the DGR would include any Addenda that are applicable. Equivalent documentation would contain information derived from the DGR that is relevant only to the specific ground handling functions conducted at any particular location. Also, the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Transport of Dangerous Goods would be considered equivalent documentation. Applicability of dangerous goods requirements to ground operational functions is defined in DGR Section 1, Table 1.5.A. Guidance with respect to ERP requirements may be found in AHM 620.

ORM-HS 2.2.4 If the Provider outsources ground operations and/or associated functions to an external ground service provider, the Provider shall have a process to ensure each applicable external provider is supplied with operational manuals relevant to the type(s) of outsourced ground operations conducted. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Outsourcing.

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2.3 Records System

ORM-HS 2.3.1 The Provider shall have a system for the management and control of operational records to ensure the content and retention of such records is in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s), and to ensure operational records are subjected to standardized processes for:

i) Identification; ii) Legibility; iii) Maintenance; iv) Retrieval; v) Protection and security; vi) Disposal, deletion (electronic records) and archiving. (GM)

Guidance Such process would typically address all records associated with ground operations at each station, including personnel training records and any other records that document the fulfillment of operational requirements (e.g., GSE maintenance, weigh bridge calibration).

ORM-HS 2.3.2 If the Provider utilizes an electronic system for the management and control of records, the Provider shall have a process that ensures the system provides for a scheduled generation of backup record files. (GM)

Guidance Maintaining records in electronic files is a reliable and efficient means of short and long-term storage. The integrity of this type of record-keeping system is ensured through secure, safe storage and backup systems. To preclude the loss of records due to hardware or software failures, an electronic system is programmed to create backup files on a schedule that ensures records are never lost. Typically, an electronic system provides for file backup on a daily basis. Where necessary, the look and feel of electronic records is similar to that of a paper record. A retention period for records is defined and, if applicable, is in accordance with any requirements of the Authority. Hardware and software, when updated or replaced, is retained to enable retrieval of old records.

ORM-HS 2.3.3 The Provider shall have a process to ensure records retained in accordance with the requirements of the customer airline(s) are furnished to the individual airline(s) upon request, even when such airline(s) may no longer be a customer. (GM)

Guidance The provider might be required to furnish certain records to a current or former customer airline in order to satisfy various operational needs of that airline (e.g., accident or incident investigation). Therefore, in agreement with the customer airline, a provider typically retains records for a defined period of time beyond the contract termination date.

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3 Safety and Quality Management

3.1 (Intentionally open)

3.2 (Intentionally open)

3.3 Safety Program

ORM-HS 3.3.1 The Provider shall have a safety program for the purpose of preventing accidents and incidents, which includes processes for:

i) Personnel to report operational hazards, deficiencies and areas of concern; ii) The investigation of accidents and incidents; iii) The reporting of accidents and incidents; iv) The investigation of irregularities or other non-routine operational occurrences that may

be precursors of accidents or incidents; v) The identification and analysis of operational hazards and potentially hazardous

conditions; vi) The production of analytical information, which may include recommendations, for use by

operations managers in the prevention of operational accidents and incidents; vii) Ensuring significant issues arising from the station safety program are subject to regular

review by senior management; viii) The dissemination of safety information to appropriate management and operational

personnel. (GM)

Guidance The safety program is a critical element of risk management. Documentation of the program would include a description of the structure, individual responsibilities, available resources and core processes associated with the program. A station safety program would also be in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s). Guidance may be found in AHM 600.

ORM-HS 3.3.2 The Provider shall designate an individual with the authority to manage and be responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the safety program as specified in ORM-HS 3.3.1. (GM)

Guidance The manager oversees the implementation of all activities and processes associated with the safety program. An effective working environment would result in full cooperation between the program manager and those managers who have direct responsibility for safe operations. It is not the role of the program manager to dictate safety action, but rather to assist operational managers in producing safe and secure operations. To ensure complete objectivity in safety matters, a program manager typically functions independently from frontline operations.

ORM-HS 3.3.3 The Provider shall have a process to ensure significant issues arising from the safety program as specified in ORM-HS 3.3.1 are subject to regular review by operations management. (GM)

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Guidance Such review would permit corporate management to consider issues that have the potential to affect system-wide operational safety. It would also ensure appropriate corrective actions have been implemented and are being monitored for effectiveness in preventing accidents and incidents.

ORM-HS 3.3.4 – 3.3.6 (Intentionally open)

ORM-HS 3.3.7 The Provider shall have an operational reporting system that: i) Encourages and facilitates feedback from personnel to identify deficiencies, expose

hazards and raise concerns over issues that have the potential to threaten the safety or security of aircraft, passengers, personnel, facilities, systems or equipment;

ii) Includes analysis and management action to address operational deficiencies, hazards and concerns identified through the reporting system

iii) Is in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance To maximize reporting from operational personnel, an operational reporting system would be consistent with the corporate policy for an open reporting system as specified in ORM-HS 1.2.3.

ORM-HS 3.3.8 The Provider shall have a process in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the conduct of station airside accident and incident investigations, and for ensuring, in the event such an investigation:

i) The customer airline(s) and relevant authorities are notified of the accident or incident; ii) Factual information associated with the investigation is accurately recorded in a

standardized report format; iii) Investigation reports are retained and submitted in accordance with applicable

regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance The station process for airside safety investigations would typically be an element of the station safety program as specified in ORM-HS 3.3.1. Guidance may be found in AHM 650 and 652.

3.4 Quality Assurance Program

ORM-HS 3.4.1 The Provider shall have a quality assurance program that provides for the auditing and evaluation of the management system and ground operations at all stations to ensure the Provider is:

i) Complying with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s); ii) Satisfying stated operational needs; iii) Delivering the desired levels of operational safety and security; iv) Identifying undesirable conditions and areas requiring improvement; v) Identifying hazards to operations; vi) Controlling operational risks. (GM)

Guidance The quality assurance program is applied throughout the organization and is typically structured to define:

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Audit frequency; Audit initiation, including scope and objectives; Planning and preparation, including audit plan and checklist development; Observation and gathering of evidence; Analysis, findings, actions; Reporting and audit summary; Follow-up and close out.

The process normally includes means whereby the auditor and the audited area have a comprehensive discussion and reach agreement on the findings and corresponding corrective or preventive actions. Clear procedures are typically established to resolve any disagreement between the auditor and audited area, and action items are followed up to ensure closeout within an appropriate time frame. Guidance may be found in AHM 610, 612 and 621.

ORM-HS 3.4.2 The Provider shall designate an individual with the authority and independence (from operational management) to manage and be responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the quality assurance program as specified in ORM-HS 3.4.1. (GM)

Guidance A manager (or multiple managers if a provider does not have a centralized program) would typically be appointed to oversee the implementation of all activities and processes associated with the quality assurance program. Operational managers with direct responsibility for the safety and security of operations always have responsibility for the development and implementation of corrective or preventive action that may result from audit results. A quality assurance program manager would be “operationally independent” in a manner that ensures objectivity is not subject to bias due to conflicting responsibilities. To be effective, quality assurance auditors typically have freedom of action and access to the management system and to make recommendations that establish conformity within a reasonable time frame. Quality assurance audit activities may be centrally controlled or controlled within each relevant operational function as long as independence is maintained. Typically, the quality assurance program manager has lines of communication to senior management to ensure the reporting of safety, security and quality issues and to ensure such issues are appropriately addressed.

ORM-HS 3.4.3 The Provider shall have a process for addressing findings that result from audits conducted under the quality assurance program as specified in ORM-HS 3.4.1, which ensures:

i) A determination of root cause(s); ii) Development of corrective action as appropriate to address findings; iii) Implementation of corrective action in appropriate operational area(s); iv) Monitoring and evaluation of corrective action to determine effectiveness.

ORM-HS 3.4.4 The Provider shall have a process to ensure significant issues arising from the quality assurance program as specified in ORM-HS 3.4.1 are subject to regular review by management. (GM)

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Guidance Typically, one review is conducted at least annually, which permits management to consider issues of noncompliance in areas of the organization that impact operational safety, security or quality, as well as to continually monitor and assess the level of safety and security achieved. Such review ensures appropriate corrective actions that address the relevant compliance issues have been implemented and are being monitored for effectiveness.

ORM-HS 3.4.5 The Provider shall have a means for disseminating information from the quality assurance program as specified in ORM-HS 3.4.1, as appropriate, to ensure an organizational awareness of compliance with applicable regulatory and other requirements. (GM)

Guidance An effective quality assurance program includes a process for promulgating and disseminating information for the purpose of maintaining an ongoing awareness of compliance issues that might impact operational safety, security or quality. Such dissemination of information might include an up-to-date status of operational performance against stated performance measures. The process ensures a method of dissemination commensurate with the size of the organization, and might include a magazine, newsletter or bulletin issued periodically. Electronic media in various forms are also effective in the timely dissemination of information.

ORM-HS 3.4.6 – 3.4.9 (Intentionally open)

Program Elements

ORM-HS 3.4.10 The Provider shall have an audit planning process and sufficient resources to ensure audits are:

i) Scheduled at intervals to meet regulatory and management system requirements; ii) Completed within a specified time period. (GM)

Guidance The planning process typically produces a schedule of all audit modules to be conducted within the planning period (e.g., calendar year) and reflects the status of each audit module, to include the applicable audit interval (e.g., 12, 24, 36 months), the date of the previous audit and the scheduled due date for the next audit.

ORM-HS 3.4.11 The Provider shall ensure the audit planning process defines the scope of each audit, as appropriate, for the area being audited and also:

i) Includes audit objectives that address ongoing compliance with regulatory requirements, Provider standards and other applicable regulations, rules and requirements;

ii) Considers relevant operational safety or security events that have occurred; iii) Considers results from previous audits, including the effectiveness of corrective action

that has been implemented. (GM)

Guidance The audit scope refers to the breadth of operational disciplines or operational areas covered by an audit and therefore will vary depending on the focus area for each audit (e.g., load control, dangerous goods handling, ramp handling operations, passenger handling). Audit objectives define tangible achievements expected to result from an audit, normally expressed as a statement of intent (e.g., to determine compliance with regulatory requirements, to establish conformity with provider standards, to determine efficiency of operations). To be effective, auditors prepare for a particular area of operations by:

Conducting research into any relevant incidents or irregularities that may have occurred;

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Reviewing reports from previous audits.

ORM-HS 3.4.12 The Provider shall ensure the quality assurance program utilizes auditors that: i) Have been trained and qualified; ii) Are impartial and functionally independent from operational areas to be audited. (GM)

Guidance A quality assurance program is typically independent in a manner that permits the scheduling and conduct of audits, as deemed appropriate for the size and scope of operations. Operational independence ensures auditors are not put in a position where their objectivity may be subject to bias due to conflicting responsibilities. Quality audit principles forbid auditors from auditing their own work area. In small organizations, to ensure objectivity, it may be appropriate for the auditing function to be outsourced to external auditors. To be effective, auditors receive an appropriate level of formal training that develops competency in quality auditing skills and techniques. A code of conduct may be used to enhance the impartiality and independence of auditors. An effective auditor code of ethics would require auditors:

To act in a strictly trustworthy and unbiased manner in relation to both the organization to which they are employed, contracted or otherwise formally engaged and any other organization involved in an audit performed by them or by personnel under their direct control;

To disclose to their employer any relationship they may have with the organization to be audited before undertaking any audit function in respect of that organization;

Not to accept any gift, commission, discount or any other profit from the organization audited, from their representatives, or from any other interested person nor knowingly allow personnel for whom they are responsible to do so;

Not to disclose the findings, or any part of them, nor to disclose any other information gained in the course of the audit to any third party, unless authorized in writing by both the auditee and the audit organization, if applicable;

Not to act in any way prejudicial to the reputation or interest of the audit organization; and In the event of any alleged breach of this code, to cooperate fully in any formal enquiry


3.5 (Intentionally open)

3.6 Outsourcing Quality Control Program

ORM-HS 3.6.1 If the Provider outsources ground operations and/or associated functions to external ground service providers, the Provider shall have a program that ensures a contract or agreement is executed with such external providers. The contract or agreement shall identify measurable specifications that can be monitored by the Provider to ensure requirements that affect operational safety and/or security are being fulfilled by the external provider. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Outsourcing, Ground Handling Agreement, and Service Level Agreement (SLA). A provider always retains responsibility for services that have been voluntarily transferred to an external service provider. Maintenance of GSE would be considered a function associated with operational safety.

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A contract or agreement is necessary to ensure the outsourced services and/or functions are formally documented. Inclusion of measurable specifications, usually in the form of a service level agreement, would provide the basis for a monitoring process. Guidance and examples of a standard ground handling agreement and a service level agreement may be found in AHM Chapter 6.

ORM-HS 3.6.2 If the Provider outsources ground operations and/or associated functions to external ground service providers, the Provider shall have processes for monitoring such external providers to ensure requirements that affect operational safety and security are being fulfilled by the external provider. (GM)

Guidance The specifications of this provision are applicable to any outsourced services or functions that affect operational safety and/or security. A provider has a responsibility to monitor outsourced services or functions to ensure they are conducted in a manner that meets its own operational safety and security requirements, as well as those of the customer airline(s).

ORM-HS 3.6.3 The Provider should utilize auditing as a method for the monitoring of external service providers as specified in ORM-HS 3.6.2.

3.7 Product Quality Control Program

ORM-HS 3.7.1 The Provider should have a program that ensures equipment or other operational products that are purchased or otherwise acquired from an external vendor or supplier meet the technical requirements of the Provider and the customer airline(s) prior to being used in the conduct of station ground operations. (GM)

Guidance This provision applies only to products (not services) that are purchased or otherwise acquired from an external supplier or vendor. Following are some examples of equipment or products that could have a negative effect on the safety of operations if put into service with substandard quality (i.e., the provider’s technical standards are not met):

Ground support equipment; Operational software, databases; Security screening equipment; Aircraft chocks.

To ensure technical requirements are met, a process may focus on the supplier, the product or a combination of both. The process may include an evaluation of suppliers, with the selection of suppliers based on their ability to supply products in accordance with the provider’s requirements and technical specifications. Implementation of a rigorous receiving inspection process (or equivalent activity) would provide another means of verifying that operationally critical products meet specified technical requirements prior to such products being put into service.

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4 Event Response

4.1 Emergency Response Plan

ORM-HS 4.1.1 The Provider shall have an emergency response plan (ERP) for the management and coordination of activities associated with the response to a major accident, incident or other disastrous occurrence at any location where ground operations are conducted. Such plan shall be in accordance with:

i) The airport ERP, if applicable; ii) The requirements of each customer airline. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Emergency Management and Emergency Response. An ERP would be designed to address events that could result in fatalities, serious injuries, considerable damage or major disruptions to operations. The plan would typically be based on an assessment of risk appropriate to the size and type of ground operations conducted at each location. In some locations, emergency or crisis response is assumed by a governmental, airport and/or other relevant authority. In such case, the ERP of a provider would normally focus on and addresses the scope of interaction with and/or participation in the response implemented by the authority. Likewise, where there is a common ERP that has been developed jointly by the airport authority and customer airlines, a provider might either use the ERP of the customer airline(s) or have its own ERP that is the same as that of the customer airline(s). In such case, a provider would typically ensure the responsibilities and duties assigned to its personnel satisfy all requirements of the plan. Of particular importance, an ERP would have to ensure an appropriate level of coordination and communication is established and maintained with customer airlines during an emergency response situation. An ERP includes industry best practices and ensures community expectations are addressed. Additionally, an ERP typically:

Specifies general conditions for implementation; Provides a framework for an orderly implementation; Ensures proper coordination with external entities at all potential locations; Addresses all potential aspects of an event; Ensures regulatory requirements associated with specific events are satisfied; Provides a scenario for the transition back to normal operations; Ensures regular practice exercises as a means to achieve continuous improvement.

ORM-HS 4.1.2 The Provider shall designate an individual that has the qualifications and is delegated the authority to manage and be responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the ERP. (GM)

Guidance In order to manage an ERP, an individual’s qualifications would typically include training and background experience that ensures the requisite knowledge in emergency response principles. Such experience and knowledge is necessary, even though various ERP functions are typically delegated to designated personnel throughout the management system.

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Plan Elements

ORM-HS 4.1.3 The Provider shall have procedures and assigned responsibilities to ensure a coordinated execution of the ERP. (GM)

Guidance Personnel are assigned with specific responsibilities throughout the organization for the implementation of procedures associated with the ERP. In situations where a provider uses the ERP of the customer airline(s), the provider would typically ensure ERP procedures and responsibilities assigned to personnel satisfy all requirements of the customer airline’s plan. The following areas might be considered in developing plans for liaison with external entities associated with any event:

Fire; Police; Ambulance; Rescue agencies; Hospitals and other medical facilities; Medical specialists; Civil aviation or defense agencies; Poison control centers; Chemical or radiation specialists; Environmental agencies.

ORM-HS 4.1.4 The Provider should ensure all personnel with responsibilities under the ERP are appropriately trained to execute applicable procedures. (GM)

Guidance Ideally, a provider, when invited, would participate in emergency response planning and drills conducted by the customer airline(s).

4.2 Other Event Response

ORM-HS 4.2.1 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for responding to emergencies that require the evacuation of an aircraft during the conduct of station ground operations. (GM)

Guidance A provider typically uses the procedures of the customer airline(s), but might have its own procedures that meet the requirements of the customer airline(s). Typically, procedures would address an aircraft evacuation due to:

Fuel spill; Aircraft fire; Dangerous goods incident; Security incident.

Guidance may be found in AHM 633 and ACI 2.14.

ORM-HS 4.2.2 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s) for reporting dangerous goods accidents or incidents that occur during station ground operations. (GM)

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Guidance A provider typically uses the procedures of the customer airline(s), but might have its own procedures that meet the requirements of the customer airline(s). Guidance may be found in the DGR, Section 9.

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5 Training and Qualification

5.1 Training Program (General)

ORM-HS 5.1.1 The Provider shall have a training program that ensures personnel who perform duties in functions within the scope of ground operations (hereinafter “ground handling personnel”), to include such personnel of external ground service providers that conduct outsourced ground operations for the Provider, complete initial and recurrent training that includes:

i) General and function-specific training prior to being assigned to perform operational duties;

ii) Recurrent training on a specified frequency to remain qualified to perform operational duties;

iii) Periodic testing or assessment to ensure ongoing competency. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Training and Training Course. Requirements for initial and recurrent training apply to all personnel who perform duties within the scope of ground operations.

ORM-HS 5.1.2 The Provider shall ensure the training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.1.1 includes a requirement for recurrent training, except recurrent training in dangerous goods as specified in ORM-HS 5.3.1, to be completed by ground handling personnel on a frequency in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s), but not less than once during every 36-month period.

ORM-HS 5.1.3 The Provider shall ensure the training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.1.1 includes evaluation or testing by written, oral or practical means in order for ground handling personnel to demonstrate adequate knowledge, competency and/or proficiency to perform duties, execute procedures and/or operate equipment.

ORM-HS 5.1.4 The Provider shall ensure the training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.1.1 includes processes that require instructors (trainers) and evaluators who conduct training and evaluation for ground handling personnel to demonstrate they are competent, qualified and, where required, certified to conduct such training activities.

ORM-HS 5.1.5 The Provider shall ensure the training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.1.1 includes processes for the completion of all required training and evaluation by operational ground handling personnel, instructors (trainers) and evaluators to be documented in records, and such records retained in accordance with ORM-HS 2.3.1 for a period as specified by applicable regulations and/or the customer airline(s).

ORM-HS 5.1.6 The Provider shall ensure the training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.1.1 includes processes for all aspects of the training program to be periodically reviewed and updated to remain operationally relevant and in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s).

5.2 Security Training Program

ORM-HS 5.2.1 The Provider shall have a security training program that is in accordance with the Security Program of the customer airline(s), requirements of the civil aviation security authority of states where ground operations are conducted, and requirements of the airport authority at stations where ground operations are conducted. Such training program shall include initial and recurrent training, and have a balanced curriculum of theoretical and practical training to ensure:

i) If personnel employed by the Provider implement security controls, such personnel have the competence to perform their duties;

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ii) Ground handling personnel are familiar and know how to comply with all relevant security requirements;

iii) Ground handling personnel are able to prevent to the extent possible acts of unlawful interference and to act in the most appropriate manner to minimize the consequences of acts of unlawful interference, unauthorized interference, and/or disruptive passenger behavior;

iv) Appropriate operational personnel, through security awareness training, are acquainted with preventative measures and techniques in relation to passengers, baggage, cargo, mail, equipment, stores and supplies intended for transport on aircraft, as applicable, so they may contribute to the prevention of acts of sabotage and other forms of unauthorized interference. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Security (Aviation), Security Program, Unlawful Interference and Unauthorized Interference. Intensive training for personnel who are employed within the security organization of a provider will enable them to develop the expertise required to advise management on all aspects of the security program. There are two classifications of aviation security training for a provider: Personnel Training This might be subdivided into training for managers/supervisors, ramp personnel, cargo handling personnel, passenger and baggage handling personnel, and other categories of personnel who are directly involved in the implementation of security measures and thereby require an awareness of the obligations associated with aviation security. General Security Awareness Such training applies to the protection of assets from internal and external interference and the necessity of ensuring all ground handling personnel have a positive attitude to security. The focus of training to achieve such awareness will vary by region or company and may be influenced by cultural, religious and other circumstances. Such training is tailored to be effective in the environment in which it is to apply. The completion of security training would normally be recorded and retained in the records system for proof of compliance with applicable security standards or regulations.

ORM-HS 5.2.2 If the Provider outsources ground operations and/or associated functions to external ground service providers at any station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure such external providers have a security training program in accordance with requirements of the Provider’s security training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.2.1.

ORM-HS 5.2.3 If the Provider conducts security functions at any station, the Provider shall ensure the security training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.2.1 includes a process that requires personnel who perform such functions to complete:

i) Initial security training prior to being assigned to operational duties that involve security responsibilities;

ii) Recurrent security training in accordance with the Security Program of the customer airline(s) and the civil aviation security program of states where operations are conducted.

ORM-HS 5.2.4 If the Provider manages or operates a security screening system at any station, the Provider shall ensure the security training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.2.1 includes processes that require personnel who manage or operate the system:

i) To be certified in accordance with requirements of the applicable civil aviation security authority, where such certification requirements exist;

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ii) Complete initial and recurrent training, which shall include training in the identification of explosives, weapons or other dangerous items or devices.

5.3 Dangerous Goods Training Program

ORM-HS 5.3.1 The Provider shall have a dangerous goods training program that is in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s), and ensures ground handling personnel at all stations complete initial and recurrent dangerous goods training with a curriculum appropriate to assigned operational functions or duties. Recurrent training in dangerous goods shall be completed on a frequency of not less than once within the 24-month period since the previous training in dangerous goods. (GM)

Guidance The basic curriculum for dangerous goods training completed by ground handling personnel would typically be structured to include:

General familiarization with dangerous goods; Detailed training in dangerous goods requirements applicable to the specific operational

function(s) performed; Safety training that addresses dangerous goods hazards, proper handling and

emergency response procedures. Guidance may be found in DGR 1.5.

ORM-HS 5.3.2 The Provider shall ensure the dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.3.1 includes a process for instructors that conduct dangerous goods training to be evaluated for adequate instructional skills and, prior to delivering instruction, have completed a dangerous goods training program that provides the knowledge in subject areas consistent with the level of instruction to be delivered. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in DGR 1.5.

ORM-HS 5.3.3 The Provider shall ensure the dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.3.1 includes a process that requires instructors that conduct dangerous goods training, within every 24 months, to either:

i) Conduct a minimum of one dangerous goods training course;, or ii) Attend recurrent dangerous goods training. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in DGR 1.5.

ORM-HS 5.3.4 If the Provider outsources dangerous goods handling functions to external ground service providers at a station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure such external providers have a dangerous goods training program in accordance with requirements of the Provider’s dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.3.1, 5.3.2 and 5.3.3.

ORM-HS 5.3.5 – 5.3.9 (Intentionally open)

ORM-HS 5.3.10 If the Provider delivers cargo and mail handling services at any station, the Provider shall ensure the dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.3.1 includes a process that requires personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in cargo and mail handling functions to complete initial and recurrent training, as well as testing and/or evaluation, in dangerous goods, as applicable to the assigned operational cargo handling function(s). (GM)

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Guidance Subjects included in the curriculum for dangerous goods training for cargo handling personnel will vary depending on specific responsibilities and duty function(s). For the purpose determining subjects to be addressed in dangerous goods training, cargo handling functions are grouped into three categories:

Acceptance of dangerous goods; Acceptance of cargo, mail or stores (other than dangerous goods); Handling, build-up and storage of cargo and/or mail.

Dangerous goods training is required for all cargo handling personnel to ensure declared and undeclared dangerous goods are recognized and prohibited from being carried or loaded onto an aircraft. Such training also provides the requisite knowledge to permit cargo handling personnel to recognize dangerous goods, whether labeled or not labeled, and to prevent such dangerous goods from being inadvertently accepted and/or planned for loading into an aircraft. Dangerous goods training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in cargo and/or mail handling functions typically addresses, according to specific function:

General philosophy; Limitations; General requirements for shippers; Classification; List of dangerous goods; General packing requirements; Packing instructions; Labeling and marking; Shippers declaration and other relevant documentation; Acceptance procedures; Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods; Storage and loading procedures; Pilot-in-command notification; Provisions for passengers and crew; Emergency procedures.

Guidance may be found in DGR

ORM-HS 5.3.11 If the Provider delivers cargo and mail handling services at any station, the Provider shall ensure the dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.3.1 includes a process that requires evaluation and/or testing associated with dangerous goods training for personnel with assigned duties and/or responsibilities in dangerous goods acceptance to be accomplished by written means. (GM)

Guidance Due to the importance of dangerous goods acceptance, personnel with assigned responsibilities in this area would demonstrate knowledge through enhanced testing, which would typically include written test questions and practical shipment problems. Such testing would include:

A level of difficulty that demonstrates an understanding of and the ability to apply the regulations in the acceptance of dangerous goods;

A duration appropriate for achieving test objectives; A passing mark, which is typically 80 percent;

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Re-testing (with different test content) for personnel that fail to achieve a passing mark; General test questions designed to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the DG

regulations; Shipment problems designed to test the ability to apply the regulations in operational

situations. Typical training would have the student presented with a completed dangerous goods shipment for acceptance, consisting of an air waybill with the “nature and quantity of goods” and “handling information” boxes completed, a shipper's declaration, a packaging diagram with all marks and labels affixed, and a blank Dangerous Goods Acceptance Checklist (for radioactive or non-radioactive shipments, as the case may be). The shipment has been prepared incorrectly, and the student is asked to assume the role of acceptance personnel and verify the shipment with the aid of the checklist. For each “no” response on the checklist, the student would explain the nature of the error in the “comment” box, and the completed checklist forms part of the test answers.

ORM-HS 5.3.12 If the Provider delivers cargo and mail handling services at any station, the Provider should ensure the dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.3.1 includes a process that requires dangerous goods training for cargo handling personnel to be conducted by either:

i) An IATA member airline; or ii) An IATA Accredited Training School (ATS); or iii) A person or organization approved by the relevant authorities in states where operations

are conducted.

ORM-HS 5.3.13 If the Provider delivers cargo and mail handling services at any station, and dangerous goods training for cargo handling personnel is conducted by persons or organizations other than those specified in ORM-HS 5.3.12, the Provider shall ensure the dangerous goods training program as specified in ORM-HS 5.3.1 includes a process for the conduct of a review that verifies the adequacy of such dangerous goods training. (GM)

Guidance A dangerous goods training course is reviewed to ensure the content and final test are sufficient, and that each trainee gains the desired knowledge as demonstrated by passing a final test. A review also ensures a training course is adequately organized, structured and provisioned. Typically, training would consist of a tutored or self-study course, associated material (such as handouts, overhead slides, videos, exercises, etc.) and an examination paper. For instructors, there would typically be instructor notes to ensure the course covers all the required areas and meets objectives.

5.4 Airside Safety Training Program

ORM-HS 5.4.1 The Provider shall have a program that ensures ground handling personnel at all stations with duties that require access to airside areas complete initial and recurrent airside safety training. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Airside and Airside Safety Training. Subjects addressed in airside safety training are normally those that are appropriate to the specific airside operational function(s) of the individual being trained. For the purpose of such training, operational functions are typically consolidated into groupings, such as:

Personnel whose duties require access to airside areas; Personnel whose duties require operation of basic GSE (e.g., tractors, belt loaders);

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Personnel whose duties require: (1) operation of specialized equipment (e.g., aircraft movement units, container/pallet loaders, de-icing vehicles, catering vehicles), (2) exercise of control during aircraft movement operations, or (3) performance of lead responsibility over other personnel;

Personnel in first level management, to include supervisors having responsibility for: (1) directing staff and/or equipment resources, or (2) controlling an operational activity;

Personnel in station management having responsibility for resource issues, health and safety, incident management and budgetary control;

General subject areas addressed in airside safety training typically include (based on operational function):

Safety philosophy; Safety regulations; Hazards; Human factors; Airside markings and signage; Emergency situations; FOD prevention; Personal protection; Accidents, incidents, near misses; Risk assessment; Airside safety supervision.

Guidance for Airside Safety Training may be found in AHM 611 and 640.

5.5 Airside Driver Training Program

ORM-HS 5.5.1 The Provider shall have a program that ensures personnel at all stations with duties that require the operation of vehicles and/or equipment in airside areas complete airside driver training and, as applicable:

i) Complete the qualification process required by the relevant authority; ii) Obtain an operating license in accordance with requirements of the relevant authority.


Guidance Airside driver training for ground handling personnel typically addresses:

Role and responsibilities of vehicle operators; Vehicle equipment standards; Hazards of airside driving; Reduced visibility procedures; Accident and incident reporting procedures; Rules and procedures for driving on ramps (aprons), stands and airside roads; Rules and procedures for driving in aircraft maneuvering areas.

Guidance may be found in AHM 611.

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5.6 GSE Operations Training Program

ORM-HS 5.6.1 The Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties that require the operation of GSE:

i) Complete training and evaluation in the operation of GSE as applicable to their assigned operational function(s);

ii) Are qualified and/or authorized to operate GSE in station operations. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Ground Support Equipment (GSE). Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

5.7 Load Control Training Program

ORM-HS 5.7.1 If the Provider delivers load control services at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in operational load control functions complete initial and recurrent training in:

i) Operational subject areas as applicable to assigned load control function(s); ii) Dangerous goods. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Load Control, Loading Instruction/Report (LIR), NOTOC (Notification to Captain), Operational Flight Plan (OFP) and Unit Load Device (ULD). The elements of the load control process consist of:

Load planning; Weight and balance calculation; Aircraft loading supervision; Checking and finalization of the Loadsheet and other loading documents.

Training for personnel that perform operational functions within the load control process typically addresses: (1) Aircraft weight and balance principles, to include:

General philosophy; Theory of flight; Aircraft weights and weight limitations; Fuel requirements; Principles of balance; Structural strength limits.

(2) Load control and distribution, to include: General principles; Unit load devices (ULDs); Aircraft locations; Aircraft structural loading limitations; Loading restraint systems; Load planning; Loading Instruction/Report (LIR); Loadsheet (manual, EDP, LMC).

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(3) Documentation, to include: General principles; Messaging; Filing; Operational flight plan (OFP); NOTOC (Notification to Captain); NOTOC Summary; Manuals; Human factors. Dangerous goods training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in load control

functions typically addresses general philosophy; Limitations; List of dangerous goods; Labeling and marking; Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods; Storage and loading procedures; Pilot-in-command notification; Provisions for passengers and crew; Emergency procedures.

Guidance may be found in AHM 590, 591 and DGR 1.5.

5.8 Passenger Handling Training Program

ORM-HS 5.8.1 If the Provider delivers passenger handling services at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in operational passenger handling functions complete initial and recurrent training in passenger handling operations, which addresses:

i) Operational subject areas as applicable to assigned passenger handling function(s); ii) Dangerous goods. (GM)

Guidance Training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in operational passenger handling functions typically addresses subject areas such as:

Passenger and baggage check-in policies and procedures; Manual check-in procedures; Cabin seating considerations, to include exit row, special passengers; Passenger boarding policies and procedures, to include cabin baggage limitations; If applicable, cabin access door operation; If applicable, boarding bridge operation; Dangerous goods regulations, considerations and procedures; Security regulations, considerations and procedures; Load control consequences, coordination and procedures; If applicable, handling and boarding of weapons and authorized persons carrying


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Passengers requiring special handling; Communication procedures (customer airlines, load control, authorities, others); Data protection and security; Document protection and security; Abnormal and emergency procedures (fire, dangerous goods, security, other); Health and safety; Emergency response procedures.

Dangerous goods training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in passenger handling functions typically addresses:

General philosophy; Limitations; Labeling and marking; Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods; Provisions for passengers and crew; Emergency procedures.

5.9 Baggage Handling Training Program

ORM-HS 5.9.1 If the Provider delivers baggage handling services at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in operational baggage handling functions complete initial and recurrent training in baggage handling operations, which addresses:

i) Operational subject areas as applicable to assigned baggage handling function(s); ii) Dangerous goods. (GM)

Guidance Training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in baggage handling functions typically addresses subject areas such as:

Baggage handling procedures (identification, sorting, loading in ULDs); Manual baggage handling procedures; ULDs (designation codes, inspecting, loading, tagging, removal from service); Security (regulations, considerations, procedures);

Load control (consequences, coordination, procedures); Communication procedures (customer airlines, load control, authorities, others); Data protection and security; Document protection and security; Abnormal and emergency procedures (fire, dangerous goods, security, other); Health and Safety; Emergency response procedures.

Dangerous goods training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in baggage handling functions typically addresses:

General philosophy; Labeling and marking; Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods;

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Storage and loading procedures; Pilot-in-command notification; Provisions for passengers and crew; Emergency procedures.

5.10 Aircraft Handling and Loading Training Program

ORM-HS 5.10.1 If the Provider delivers aircraft handling and loading services at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in aircraft handling and loading functions complete initial and recurrent training in aircraft handling and loading operations, which addresses:

i) Operational subject areas as applicable to assigned aircraft handling and/or loading function(s);

ii) Dangerous goods. (GM)

Guidance Training would be applicable to personnel that perform aircraft servicing and loading functions, which typically include:

General loader; Loading supervisor; Aircraft servicing (water, toilet); Passenger boarding equipment operator; Aircraft loading equipment operator; Ground support equipment operator (GPU, ASU, ACU); Aircraft chocking and use of marker cones; Aircraft ground movement assistance; Catering servicing and vehicle operator; De-/anti-icing servicing and vehicle/equipment operator.

Training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in aircraft handling and loading functions typically addresses subject areas such as:

Irregularity/incident/accident reporting process; Manual handling of load; Safety during aircraft fuelling; Principles of aircraft loading; Handling of loads that require special attention; Loading incompatibilities; Handling of ULDs; Operation of aircraft loading systems/securing of ULDs; Identification/consequences of malfunctions of in-plane loading systems; Consequences of load damage and spillage; Positioning and operation of loading and servicing equip; Load notification to pilot-in-command; Passenger embarkation/disembarkation procedures; Standards of aircraft cleaning, lavatory and potable water servicing;

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Aircraft movement operations. Dangerous goods training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in aircraft handling and loading functions typically addresses:

General philosophy; Labeling and marking; Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods; Storage and loading procedures; Pilot-in-command notification; Provisions for passengers and crew; Emergency procedures.

Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

ORM-HS 5.10.2 If the Provider delivers aircraft handling and loading services, the Provider shall ensure the aircraft handling and loading training program specified in ORM-HS 5.10.1 includes a requirement for all personnel with duties that include the supervision of aircraft loading to complete the Provider’s load control training program as specified in ORM 5.7.1. (GM)

Guidance Aircraft loading supervision is an element of the load control process. Guidance may be found in AHM 590 and 591.

ORM-HS 5.10.3 If the Provider delivers services that require the operation of aircraft access doors at any station; the Provider shall have an aircraft access door training program that ensures all personnel with duties that include the operation of aircraft access doors:

i) Complete training applicable to each type of access door operated at the station; ii) Are qualified to operate aircraft access doors in accordance with requirements of the

customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Aircraft Access Doors. The operation of electrically, hydraulically and pneumatically actuated doors requires theoretical and practical training conducted by appropriately qualified instructor personnel. To facilitate such training, a provider would ensure each customer airline provides detailed technical information, to include description and operations procedures, pertaining to each type of door in aircraft handled by the provider. The operation of manually operated doors normally requires no special training; however, personnel would be required to demonstrate the ability to operate such doors safely before being permitted to do so without supervision. Guidance may be found in AHM 430.

ORM-HS 5.10.4 If the Provider delivers services that require the operation of passenger boarding bridges at any station, the Provider shall have a passenger boarding bridge training program that ensures all personnel with duties that include the operation of passenger boarding bridges complete training and qualification applicable to each type of boarding bridge operated at the station. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Passenger Boarding Bridge.

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Training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities that include operation of the passenger boarding bridge typically addresses subject areas such as:

Standard operating procedures; Bridge control system, including emergency switches, cut-offs and buttons; Out-of-limits procedures (for returning bridge to normal working limits); Back-off procedures and application; Manual wind-off procedures; Accident and incident response and reporting procedures; Fire procedures (bridge or aircraft).

Guidance may be found in AHM 634 and ACI 2.4.0.

5.11 Aircraft Ground Movement Training Program

ORM-HS 5.11.1 If the Provider delivers aircraft ground movement services at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in aircraft ground movement functions complete initial and recurrent training in aircraft ground movement operations, as applicable to assigned aircraft ground movement function(s). (GM)

Guidance Training is applicable to personnel that perform any operational functions associated with aircraft ground movement, which would typically include, but may not be limited to:

Aircraft ground movement supervisor; Pushback or towing tractor operator; Personnel that provide aircraft ground movement assistance; Personnel that perform aircraft marshalling;

Training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in aircraft ground movement functions typically addresses subject areas such as:

Aircraft ground movement operations; Operation of equipment; Equipment-aircraft connect and disconnect procedures; Aircraft ground movement standard verbal communications (ground-flight deck); Aircraft ground movement non-verbal signals (ground-flight deck, ground-ground); Aircraft marshalling Aircraft ground movement assistance

Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

5.12 Cargo and Mail Handling Training Program

ORM-HS 5.12.1 If the Provider delivers cargo and mail handling services at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in cargo and mail handling functions complete initial and recurrent training, as well as evaluation, in cargo and mail handling operations. Such training shall provide the knowledge necessary for cargo handling personnel to perform duties, execute procedures and operate equipment associated with specific cargo handling functions, and include:

i) Familiarization training on general provisions and regulations; ii) In-depth training on requirements, including policies, procedures and operating practices; iii) Safety training on associated operational hazards;

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iv) Security training on required procedures and existing security threats; v) Training in human factors principles. (GM)

Guidance Requirements for initial and recurrent training apply to all personnel that perform duties within the scope of cargo handling operations for a provider, both at the main base and external office locations where such operations are conducted. Training for security requirements includes access control at warehouse, both landside and airside facilities and cargo security procedures in accordance with requirements of the State of Flight Departure and/or the State of Flight Arrival, as applicable. Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of State of Flight Departure and State of Flight Arrival. The IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM 300, Cargo/Mail Handling) contains guidance on subjects to be addressed in a training syllabus applicable to specific cargo handling functions. Subject areas include acceptance and handling of general cargo, live animals, perishable cargo, valuable and vulnerable cargo, human remains, Unit Load Devices (ULD) and mail. Training in dangerous goods acceptance and handling is in accordance with the DGR.

5.13 Aircraft Turnaround Coordinator Training Program

ORM-HS 5.13.1 If the Provider delivers aircraft turnaround coordination services at any station, the Provider shall ensure all personnel with duties and/or responsibilities as aircraft turnaround coordinators complete initial and recurrent training in the coordination of turnaround operations. Such training shall provide coordinator personnel with the knowledge necessary to:

i) Ensure turnaround activities are in compliance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s);

ii) Coordinate and direct operational activities within the turnaround period; iii) Manage any disruptions to turnaround activities; iv) Ensure processes are delivered within standards for performance and compliance limits; v) Ensure the activity sequence is consistent with the station aircraft turnaround plan, and

all activities are delivered within agreed times; vi) Liaise with and between teams, departments and suppliers to inhibit discrepancies in

activity sequence or task performance; vii) Act as a central point of contact during turnaround operations; viii) Acts as safety coordinator for the duration of turnaround activities. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Aircraft Turnaround Coordination. Guidance may be found in AHM 615.

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6 Security Management

6.1 Security Program

ORM-HS 6.1.1 The Provider shall have a security program that ensures security controls are implemented at stations in accordance with the Security Program of the customer airline(s) and the civil aviation security program of states where operations are conducted. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Security Control and Security Program. In conducting ground operations for customer airlines at a station, a provider is typically responsible for the implementation of security controls in operations in accordance with the respective Security Program of each customer airline.

ORM-HS 6.1.2 The Provider shall designate an individual that has the qualifications and is delegated the authority to manage and be responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the security program(s) as specified in ORM-HS 6.1.1. (GM)

Guidance In order to manage the security program, an individual’s qualifications would typically include training and background experience that ensures the requisite knowledge in the principles of security and the implementation of security controls.

ORM-HS 6.1.3 The Provider shall ensure the security program as specified in ORM-HS 6.1.1 includes a requirement for security controls to be in place at all stations to prevent personnel and vehicles from unauthorized access into facilities and/or areas where the Provider conducts ground operations for customer airlines. (GM)

Guidance A provider would normally conduct ground operations for customer airlines only in facilities or areas where adequate security controls are in place, although the provider does not always accomplish the actual implementation of such controls. Security controls are typically implemented by an authority (e.g. government or airport authority), but under certain conditions it might be necessary for implementation to be accomplished by the provider or other entity deemed competent by the provider and/or customer airline.

ORM-HS 6.1.4 The Provider shall ensure the security program as specified in ORM-HS 6.1.1 includes procedures that require ground handling personnel performing functions in station airside areas to maintain awareness for unauthorized interference, and to request a verification of identity from any potentially unauthorized persons. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 051.

6.2 Security Threat Management

ORM-HS 6.2.1 The Provider shall ensure the security program as specified in ORM-HS 6.1.1 includes a requirement for procedures to address security threats at stations, and such procedures:

i) Are in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s); ii) Provide for the assessment of associated risks and implementation of response

measures. (GM)

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Guidance Procedures are typically designed to address:

Security threats directed against customer airlines; Threat levels issued by relevant state aviation security authorities.

6.3 Contingency Planning

ORM-HS 6.3.1 The Provider shall have a station contingency plan in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for responding to aviation security incidents.

ORM-HS 6.3.2 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with the Security Program of the customer airline(s) that ensure notification of the relevant civil aviation security authorities when unlawful interference against a customer airline has occurred at the station.

6.4 Security Equipment

ORM-HS 6.4.1 If the Provider operates equipment utilized for security screening or for the implementation of other security controls at the station, the Provider shall have procedures for the testing and calibration of such equipment on a periodic basis.

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7 Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Management

7.1 GSE Functional Specifications

ORM-HS 7.1.1 The Provider shall have a program that requires published functional specifications that govern the use of GSE in ground handling operations at each station. Such specifications shall state the GSE requirements applicable to the type(s) of ground handling functions performed at the station. (GM)

Guidance Functional specifications demonstrate that a provider has evaluated the various types of ground handling functions performed at the station and, based on such evaluation, has developed requirements that ensure each function is performed using equipment that is deemed appropriate for the purpose.

7.2 GSE Maintenance

ORM-HS 7.2.1 If the Provider maintains GSE at any station, the Provider shall have a program that ensures such equipment, at the applicable stations:

i) Is maintained in accordance with instructions and/or guidance from the GSE manufacturer;

ii) Is serviceable and in good mechanical condition prior to being used in ground operations; iii) When found to be defective, is reported and evaluated for removal from service. (GM)

Guidance Maintenance programs would typically be designed to be in accordance with recommendations of the equipment manufacturer.

ORM-HS 7.2.2 If the Provider maintains GSE at any station in accordance with ORM-HS 7.2.1, the Provider shall have procedures that ensure such maintenance is documented in records, and such records are retained for a period as specified by the Provider, applicable regulations and/or the customer airline(s).

7.3 GSE Operation

ORM-HS 7.3.1 The Provider shall have a program for the operation of GSE, which includes standard operating procedures, as well as appropriate training and evaluation, to ensure personnel at all stations are qualified and authorized to operate GSE:

i) In a manner that prevents damage to aircraft and injury to personnel; ii) In accordance with applicable regulations and/or requirements of the customer airline(s).


Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Ground Support Equipment (GSE). Refer to AHM 630 for practices and procedures associated with the operation of GSE. Procedures would address all GSE operations, which would typically include equipment used for or associated with:

Cargo and baggage transportation; Aircraft ground movement; Aircraft servicing (includes catering, cleaning, potable water, toilet, external power); Aircraft loading;

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Passenger transportation and boarding; Cargo handling; Baggage handling; Aircraft fuelling; Aircraft de-/anti-icing.

Standard operating procedures Development of standard operating procedures for the operation of GSE would typically involve the following or similar steps:

Selection of function; Dissection of function into manageable steps; Identification of hazards or potential hazards; Development of solution(s).

Technical manuals of the equipment manufacturer would be utilized as an essential reference. Standard operating procedures usually consist of three phases:

Pre-operation; Operation; Post-operation.

ORM-HS 7.3.2 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-HS 7.3.1 includes a procedure for GSE to be subjected to a pre-movement inspection prior to being utilized in operations. (GM)

Guidance Such inspection, typically referred to as a “walk-around check,” would be conducted prior to movement of the equipment in order to ensure:

Visible damage or abnormality is detected; Any cables or hoses are stowed; If the equipment is carrying a load, all locks, stops, rails or straps are fastened and are

securing the load. Specifically, a “pre-use” inspection might focus on:

Tires and brakes; Fuel and battery water levels; Lights, signals; Safety rails; Protective padding or buffering; Stabilizers.

Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

ORM-HS 7.3.3 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-HS 7.3.1 includes a procedure for GSE, except equipment necessary for aircraft ground movement for departure, to be positioned and remain behind ramp safety lines during aircraft departure and arrival movement operations. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

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ORM-HS 7.3.4 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-HS 7.3.1 includes procedures for GSE to be parked:

i) Only in designated airside equipment parking areas when not in use; ii) In a manner that does not obstruct access to fire fighting equipment; iii) In a manner that does not obstruct access to the fuel hydrant emergency stop switch.


Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

ORM-HS 7.3.5 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-HS 7.3.1 includes procedures that do not permit GSE, including the passenger boarding bridge, to move toward an aircraft unless:

i) The aircraft has come to a complete stop; ii) Chocks and cones are positioned; iii) If applicable, engines are shut down; iv) If applicable, anti-collision beacons are off; v) Ground-to-flight deck communication is established, if applicable. (GM)

Guidance Under certain circumstances, engines might not be shut down after the aircraft is parked (e.g. APU and GPU inoperative). Procedures typically address such exceptions to ensure safety. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

ORM-HS 7.3.6 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-HS 7.3.1 includes procedures that require the parking brake to be applied, with the gear lever in “park” or “neutral,” when GSE is parked in airside areas.

ORM-HS 7.3.7 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-HS 7.3.1 includes procedures that prevent GSE from being moved into or driven across the path of:

i) Taxiing aircraft; ii) Embarking or disembarking passengers on the ramp.

ORM-HS 7.3.8 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-HS 7.3.1 includes procedures that prevent GSE from being driven with elevating equipment in the elevated position, except during final positioning of the equipment to the aircraft.

ORM-HS 7.3.9 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-HS 7.3.1 includes procedures that require loaded dollies or transporters to have the load secured from movement by the use of locks, stops, rails, or straps at all times, except when the load is being transferred onto or off the equipment.

ORM-HS 7.3.10 The Provider shall ensure the GSE operation program as specified in ORM-HS 7.3.1 includes procedures that require unserviceable GSE to be:

i) Tagged as “Out of Service” and not utilized in airside operations; ii) Removed from operations for repair or maintenance.

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8 Unit Load Device (ULD) Management

8.1 ULD Airworthiness and Serviceability

ORM-HS 8.1.1 If the Provider handles ULDs at the station, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure ULDs are inspected to identify damage, and to determine airworthiness and serviceability:

i) When received or accepted; ii) Prior to being released for loading into an aircraft. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) and Unit Load Device (ULD). The latter includes definitions of Certified and Non-certified ULDs. Damaged or unserviceable ULDs have the potential to affect flight safety. Inspection procedures are typically applied to ULDs whether loaded or unloaded. Certified and non-certified ULDs have different specifications and documentation requirements. Differences in damage limitations can occur between ULDs of the same manufacturer, as well as ULDs of different manufacturers. The maximum allowable damage for each specific ULD is typically stated in the applicable Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) issued by the manufacturer. In certain cases, ULD damage limits might be displayed on the ULD. Some airlines impose limits that are more stringent than those contained in the CMM. ULDs, to include containers and pallets, as well as nets and straps, that do not comply with relevant regulations may not be transported on a commercial flight. An exception may be made for damaged ULDs that require transport to a repair facility, but only after it has been determined through evaluation by appropriately qualified personnel that such ULDs pose no risk of damage to the aircraft. Non-certified ULDs are not considered removable aircraft holds, and may only be loaded into aircraft holds that are compartment-restraint certified. Guidance may be found in the applicable chapter of the IATA ULD Technical Manual (UTM).

8.2 ULD Loading

ORM-HS 8.2.1 If the Provider handles ULDs at the station, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure loaded ULDs, whether received or loaded by the Provider, are in compliance with applicable requirements pertaining to ULD loading and load securing. (GM)

Guidance Safety requirements typically address the loading of containers and pallets, to include nets and straps, and ULD centre of gravity (CG) offset limits. Each state may have additional or varying regulations and specifications. Guidance may be found in the applicable chapter of the UTM.

ORM-HS 8.2.2 If the Provider handles ULDs at the station, the Provider shall have a program that includes procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure ULDs are identified by exterior tags that display information relevant to the ULD and its contents prior to being released for loading into the aircraft. (GM)

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Guidance Such tags typically indicate the origin and destination of the ULD, weight of the ULD and its contents, type of contents (e.g., cargo, baggage, dangerous goods) and location in the aircraft. Guidance may be found in AHM 420.

8.3 ULD Handling and Storage

ORM-HS 8.3.1 If the Provider handles ULDs at the station, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure ULDs are handled and stored in a manner that minimizes or eliminates the possibility of damage or loss. (GM)

Guidance Procedures typically specify proper ULD handling equipment, adequate facilities and space (as available by location), and methods of ULD storage that ensures:

Identification; Inventory is tracked; Accessibility is maintained; Separation by customer airline.

Guidance may be found in AHM 420 and 421.

ORM-HS 8.3.2 If the Provider handles ULDs at the station, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure ULDs that have been identified as being damaged or not airworthy are tagged and stored in a designated location that prevents usage for the transport of cargo, mail or baggage.

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9 Station Airside Supervision and Safety

9.1 Supervision

ORM-HS 9.1.1 The Provider shall have a process to ensure all station operational activities, including, if applicable, those outsourced to external ground service providers, are conducted under the direct oversight of supervisory personnel. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in numerous chapters of the AHM.

ORM-HS 9.1.2 The Provider shall have processes to ensure station personnel that provide oversight of operational activities as specified in ORM-HS 9.1.1, including, if applicable, personnel of external ground service providers that conduct outsourced ground operations for the Provider, complete training and are qualified to supervise ground operations.

9.2 Airside Safety Committee

ORM-HS 9.2.1 If an Airside Safety Committee has been established at the station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure participation in the deliberations of the Committee, and such participation shall be in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) and in a manner consistent with the Terms of Reference of the Committee. (GM)

Guidance An Airside Safety Committee or equivalent body offers a means of interfacing with the various entities that operate in airside areas at the airport. Typically, Committee meetings would be held on a periodic basis to involve all relevant entities in discussions that involve, among other issues, the safety and security of airside operations at the airport. Guidance may be found in ACI,Training and Qualification.

9.3 Airside Fire Safety

ORM-HS 9.3.1 The Provider shall have procedures for fire protection and prevention in ground operations conducted in station airside areas, which address:

i) Identification and elimination of conditions that could lead to a fire; ii) Availability, access and use of fire fighting equipment; iii) Emergency procedures, including alerting personnel on board the aircraft; iv) Procedures for controlling and reporting fires. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630 and ACI 2.16.0

9.4 Airside Cleanliness

ORM-HS 9.4.1 The Provider shall have procedures to address the spillage of fluids and other materials in station airside areas of operations. (GM)

Guidance Procedures would typically focus on the avoidance of and response to fluid spillage in station airside operations, to include containment, reporting and cleanup, in accordance with the requirements of relevant authorities. Other procedures might address spillage of:

Toilet waste;

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Water (particularly in freezing conditions) and ice cubes; Oil and hydraulic fluid; Hazardous materials and other chemicals.

ORM-HS 9.4.2 The Provider shall have a FOD prevention program for implementation in station airside areas where the Provider conducts aircraft handling or aircraft ground movement operations for customer airlines. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of FOD (Foreign Object Damage). The objective of a FOD prevention program is the elimination of conditions that could cause damage to an aircraft. Guidance may be found in AHM 635.

9.5 Airside Severe Weather Plan

ORM-HS 9.5.1 The Provider shall have a station severe weather operations plan that provides for the protection for aircraft, passengers, operational personnel, baggage, cargo and equipment when severe weather conditions are a threat to operations. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the Glossary in this manual for the definition of Severe Weather Operations Plan. A typical plan includes practices for preparation and encountering severe weather conditions in operations, and would address, as appropriate to the climatic conditions of a station:

High winds; Lightning; Low visibility; Ground icing.

Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

9.6 Passenger Safety

ORM-HS 9.6.1 If the Provider conducts ground operations at the station that utilize the ramp surface for passenger embarkation and disembarkation, the Provider shall have procedures or other measures that provide for the protection of passengers moving between the aircraft and a terminal building or ground transportation vehicle. (GM)

Guidance To preclude injuries, passenger movement on the ramp between the aircraft and the terminal building or ground transport vehicle is always closely supervised. The route used for such passenger movement is typically clearly designated and visible, equipment and vehicles are clear, and the surface is free of any contamination. Such route is designed so passengers are protected or clear from:

Aircraft protrusions; GSE; Fuelling zones; Jet blast or prop wash.

Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

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9.7 Personnel Safety

ORM-HS 9.7.1 The Provider shall have a requirement and procedures that ensure station ground handling personnel wear appropriate protective clothing or personal protective equipment (PPE) when performing functions in airside operations. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the Glossary in this manual for the definition of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Protective clothing and PPE provides a defense against operational hazards that could threaten the personal safety or health of ground handling personnel. Applicable clothing or PPE is typically defined through risk assessment and/or required by regulation. Some examples of such protection would include high visibility vests, hearing protection, gloves, safety shoes, safety glasses and respirators. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

9.8 Local Baggage Committee (LBC)

ORM-HS 9.8.1 If a Local Baggage Committee (LBC) has been established at the station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure participation in Committee deliberations, and such participation shall be in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) and in a manner consistent with the Terms of Reference of the Committee. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Local Baggage Committee (LBC). An LBC or equivalent body offers a means of interfacing with the airlines and/or or other service providers at the station. Typically, Committee meetings would be held on a monthly basis to discuss, among other things, safety and security issues associated with interline baggage handling at the airport. Guidance may be found in AHM 210.

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10 Aircraft Turnaround Coordination

10.1 Turnaround Plan

ORM-HS 10.1.1 If the Provider delivers aircraft turnaround coordination services at the station, the Provider shall have an aircraft turnaround plan, which ensures, for all applicable aircraft turnaround operations:

i) Appointment of a qualified aircraft turnaround coordinator; ii) Management of safety and security in all activities; iii) Compliance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s).


Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Aircraft Turnaround Coordinator and Aircraft Turnaround Plan. The training and qualification of aircraft turnaround coordinators is addressed in ORM-HS 5.13.1. Guidance may be found in AHM 615 and 616.

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Applicability Section 1 addresses the organization and management of a ground services provider (hereinafter the “Provider”), and provides specifications for the systems, policies, programs, procedures and manuals necessary to ensure control of ground operations at a station.

This section (ORM-S) is utilized when only a station is audited.

The Auditor will determine individual provisions not applicable to a specific Provider.

General Guidance Definitions of technical terms used in this section, as well as the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms, are found in the IATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM).

1 Management and Control

1.1 Organization and Accountability

ORM-S 1.1.1 The Provider shall have a station management system that ensures: i) Policies, systems, programs, processes, procedures and/or plans of the Provider are

administered and/or implemented; ii) All ground operations are supervised and controlled; iii) Operations are conducted in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of

the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM) for the definition of Provider. A station management system is documented in controlled company media at both the corporate and operational levels. Manuals or controlled electronic media are acceptable means of documenting the management system. Documentation provides a comprehensive description of the scope, structure and functionality of the management system, and depicts lines of accountability throughout the organization, as well as authorities, duties, responsibilities and the interrelation of functions and activities within the system. Acceptable means of documentation include, but are not limited to, organization charts (organigrams), job descriptions and other descriptive written material that defines and clearly delineates the management system. Documentation also reflects a functional continuity within the management system, which ensures the entire organization works as a system and not as a group of independent or fragmented units (i.e., silo effect). An effective management system is fully implemented and functional with a clear consistency and unity of purpose between corporate management and management in the operational areas. The management system ensures compliance with internal standards and the applicable regulations of all states where operations are conducted.

ORM-S 1.1.2 (Intentionally open)

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ORM-S 1.1.3 The Provider shall designate an individual with the authority to manage the station and be responsible for:

i) Implementation of a station management system; ii) Ensuring safety and security in station operations. (GM)

Guidance Such individual is typically referred to as the station manager.

1.2 Management Commitment

ORM-S 1.2.1 The Provider shall have a policy that commits the station organization to a culture that has safety and security as fundamental operational priorities. (GM)

Guidance The policy of a provider reflects the commitment of station management to a strong culture of operational safety and security. Such policy (or policies) is (are) expressed in operational manuals and other controlled documents that are accessible to and used by station personnel. To enhance effectiveness in creating the desired culture, the policy is communicated and made visible in all areas of station operations by disseminating communiqués, posters, banners and other forms of information in a form and language which can be easily understood.

ORM-S 1.2.2 (Intentionally open)

ORM-S 1.2.3 The Provider shall have an open reporting system that permits station personnel to report operational hazards and deficiencies to management. (GM)

Guidance Frontline operational personnel are often in the best position to observe and identify operational hazards and conditions that could lead to accidents or incidents. Experience has shown that personnel will not provide information if there is apprehension or fear that such reporting will result in disciplinary action. The reporting policy is typically documented in operations manuals or other controlled documents that are accessible to and used by personnel at all stations. To be effective, an “open” policy would typically be non-punitive and assure employees that reporting unpremeditated or inadvertent errors would not necessarily result in disciplinary action being taken against the reporter or other individuals involved unless such errors result from illegal activity, willful misconduct or other egregious actions, as defined by the provider. Also, employees need to be assured that the identity (or information leading to the identity) of any employee who reports an error under this policy is never disclosed unless agreed to by the employee or required by law. An open reporting policy typically encourages and provides incentives for individuals to report hazards and operational deficiencies to management. It also assures personnel that their candid input is highly desired and vital to safe and secure operations.

ORM-S 1.2.4 The Provider shall have a policy that commits the organization to ensuring the health and safety of personnel engaged in the conduct of station ground operations, and which takes into account and addresses:

i) Operational risk assessment; ii) Equipment design and maintenance; iii) Training and competence of personnel; iv) Continual improvement of processes and procedures. (GM)

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Guidance Guidance may be found in the IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) 630.

ORM-S 1.2.5 The Provider shall have a policy that commits the station organization to addressing environmental issues in all ground operations in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and other requirements. (GM)

Guidance Such policy focuses on compliance with station requirements typically associated with:

Material management; Spillage; Discharges and/or emissions; Waste disposal.

Materials specified above are typically those that would be used in day-to-day operations (e.g. oil, hydraulic and other fluids). Emissions typically emanate from vehicles and ground support equipment.

ORM-S 1.2.6 The Provider should have a policy that commits the station organization to the prevention of pollution in all ground operations through implementation of an environmental management system (EMS). Such system ensures:

i) All activities, products and services that have the potential to significantly impact the environment are identified;

ii) Performance targets and objectives for pollution prevention, environmental compliance and continual improvement to the EMS are set;

iii) Performance targets and objectives are achieved through training and the implementation of work instructions and practices;

iv) Metrics are established for measuring the effectiveness of the EMS in meeting targets and objectives;

v) The EMS is periodically reviewed by senior management to ensure ongoing effectiveness. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Environmental Management System.

1.3 (Intentionally open)

1.4 Communication

ORM-S 1.4.1 The Provider shall have a communication system that enables and ensures an exchange of information that is relevant to the conduct of ground operations, and ensures such exchange of information occurs throughout the station management system and in all station locations where ground operations are conducted. (GM)

Guidance An effective communication system ensures an exchange of relevant operational information among station managers, operational managers and front line personnel. To be totally effective, the communication system would also include customer airlines, as well as external organizations that work alongside the provider or conduct outsourced operational functions for the provider at the station.

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Methods of communication will vary according to the size and scope of the organization. However, to be effective, any methods are as uncomplicated and easy to use as is possible, and facilitate the reporting of operational deficiencies, hazards or concerns by operational personnel. Specific means of communication between management and operational ground handling personnel may include:

Email, Internet; Safety or operational reporting system; Communiqués (letters, memos, bulletins); Publications (newsletters, magazines).

Where applicable, an effective system would ensure any non-verbal communication of operationally critical information or data requires an acknowledgement of receipt.

ORM-S 1.4.2 The Provider shall have processes to ensure changes that affect operational responsibilities or performance are communicated as soon as feasible to applicable station management and front line personnel.

Guidance Processes would address the conveyance of any information relevant to operational duties (e.g., changes to regulatory requirements, procedural changes from customer airlines).

1.5 Management Review

ORM-S 1.5.1 The Provider shall have a process to review the station management system at intervals not exceeding one year to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness in the management and control of ground operations. A review shall include assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the system, including, but not limited to, organizational structure, reporting lines, authorities, responsibilities, policies, processes, procedures and the allocation of resources. (GM)

Guidance Management review is a necessary element of a well-managed company and provides a process through which organizational control and continuous improvement can be delivered. To be effective, a formal management review takes place on a regular basis, but typically not less than a minimum of once per year. A review of the station management system would typically focus on ensuring station performance is consistent with the provider’s goals and objectives, and also include an assessment of opportunities for improvement and the need for changes at the station level. An appropriate method to satisfy this requirement is a periodic formal meeting of the station management team. The agenda of the meeting includes a general assessment of the management system to ensure all defined elements are functioning effectively. The review also includes an assessment of operational performance to ensure the station management system is producing the desired operational safety, security and quality outcomes. Station management ensures deficiencies identified during the management review are addressed through the implementation of organizational changes that will result in improvements to the performance of the system. Input to the management review process would include, but not be limited to:

Risk management issues; Safety and security issues; Quality assurance issues; Provision of resources;

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Operational feedback; Incident and near-miss reports; Changes in regulatory policy or civil aviation legislation; Changes in company and/or customer airline policies or requirements; Process performance and organizational conformity; Status of corrective and preventative actions; Follow-up actions from previous management reviews; Feedback and recommendations for management system improvement; Regulatory violations.

Output from the management review process would include decisions and actions related to: Improvement of the effectiveness of processes throughout the station management

system; Improvement of the management of risks; Ensuring the provision of resources necessary to satisfy operational safety, security and

quality requirements. Management review is a formal process, which means documentation in the form of meeting schedules; agendas and minutes are produced and retained. Additionally, the output of the management review process would include action plans for changes to be implemented within the system where deemed appropriate.

1.6 Provision of Resources

ORM-S 1.6.1 The Provider shall ensure the existence of the station facilities, workspace, equipment, supporting services, as well as work environment, necessary to satisfy operational safety and security requirements. (GM)

Guidance Station facilities, workspace, equipment and supporting services would typically include:

Buildings, workspaces and associated utilities; Facilities for people in the organization; Equipment appropriate for ground handling functions; Support equipment, including tools, hardware and software; Support services, including transportation and communication.

Where infrastructure or equipment is under the responsibility of the airport authority, the provider would typically have a process to liaise with the owner to ensure the availability and serviceability of such infrastructure or equipment. A suitable work environment satisfies human and physical factors and considers:

Safety rules and guidance, including the use of protective equipment; Workplace location(s); Workplace temperature, humidity, light, air flow; Cleanliness, noise and pollution.

ORM-S 1.6.2 The Provider shall have a policy that ensures station positions that affect operational safety and security are filled by personnel that possess the knowledge, skills, training, and experience appropriate for the position. (GM)

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Guidance Prerequisite criteria for each position, which would typically be developed by the provider, and against which candidates would be evaluated, ensure personnel are appropriately qualified for management system positions in areas of the organization critical to safe and secure operations. For example, the position of station manager would typically have special prerequisite criteria an individual would have to meet in order to be considered for assignment to that position. Similarly, special prerequisite criteria are typically required for other positions that affect safety and security (e.g. front line supervisor, quality control manager). Positions that require the implementation of security functions typically require completion of a background and criminal history check. A corporate personnel selection policy that applies to all operational areas of the company serves to satisfy this requirement at the station.

ORM-S 1.6.3 The Provider shall have a policy that ensures station personnel who perform operationally critical functions are required to maintain competence on the basis of continued education and training. (GM)

Guidance Positions or functions at a station considered “operationally critical” are those that have the potential to affect operational safety or security. In general, most front line operational functions in load control, passenger handling, baggage handling, aircraft handling and loading, aircraft movement, and cargo handling would typically be considered operationally critical, as well as functions that involve the training of operational personnel. Positions not directly associated with operations (e.g., administrative or clerical positions) may not be deemed as operationally critical.

ORM-S 1.6.4 (Intentionally open)

ORM-S 1.6.5 The Provider shall have a policy that addresses the use of psychoactive substances by operational station personnel, and ensures:

i) The exercise of duties while under the influence of psychoactive substances is prohibited; ii) Consequences for such behavior are defined. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Psychoactive Substances.

1.7 Risk Management

ORM-S 1.7.1 The Provider should have station risk management processes that ensure: i) Hazards with the potential to affect operational safety or security are identified; ii) Threats with the potential to affect security are identified; iii) Hazards are analyzed to determine risks; iv) Risks are assessed to determine the need for control actions; v) Risk control actions are developed and implemented in station operations, and are

subsequently monitored to ensure risks are controlled. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Risk. In general, risk management typically includes the basic elements of:

Safety hazard identification; Security threat identification

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Risk assessment; Risk control; Risk monitoring.

Risk management processes are typically implemented at all stations for the purpose of addressing conditions, activities or areas of non-compliance that have been identified with the potential to pose risk to operational safety or security. Such processes are also applied to new initiatives, which could include business decisions that pose potential new risk(s) to operations. It is impossible to list all instances of such initiatives, but examples might include significant changes to operations, such as the acquisition of an existing ground handling service provider or the introduction of significant outsourcing of operational functions at a station. A risk register is often employed for the purpose of documenting risk assessment information and monitoring risk control actions. Guidance may be found in AHM 621.

ORM-S 1.7.2 The Provider should have processes for setting performance measures to validate the effectiveness of risk controls in station operations. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Performance Measure. A performance measure, which is a short- or long-term objective, typically identifies a target number or rate of occurrences in any operational area, and then tracks and compares the actual performance against the target rate or number over a period of time (usually one year). Creation of performance measures is typically an effective method for measuring operational performance to determine if desired outcomes are being achieved, and for focusing attention on the effectiveness of the organization in managing operational risks and maintaining compliance with relevant requirements. In addressing the safety and security of operations, meaningful measures typically focus on lower level occurrences or conditions that are considered by the provider to be precursors to serious events. Performance measures may be specific to a certain area of operations, or may be broad and apply to the entire system.

1.8 Operational Planning

ORM-S 1.8.1 The Provider shall ensure the management system includes planning processes for ground operations that:

i) Define desired operational safety and security outcomes; ii) Address operational resource allocation requirements; iii) Take into account requirements originating from applicable external sources including,

but not limited to, the customer airline(s), regulatory authorities and the airport authority. (GM)

Guidance Management system planning processes are necessary to ensure sufficient resources are in place to meet station operational safety and security requirements, as well as to meet requirements from external sources, such as regulatory authorities and equipment manufacturers. Resource requirements would typically be determined through risk assessment, management review or other management processes. Planning processes may result in the generation of goals, objectives or other types of performance measures that would represent the operational outcomes a provider plans for and desires to achieve.

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Planning processes are typically part of, or associated with, the budgetary process, which normally takes place prior to the start of the following calendar or fiscal year. Such process generally results in a plan for capital and operating expenditures to support operations.

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2 Documentation and Records

2.1 Documentation System

ORM-S 2.1.1 The Provider shall have a process to ensure documentation and/or data used directly in the conduct or support of station ground operations is managed and controlled. (GM)

Guidance The primary purpose of document control is to ensure necessary, accurate and up-to-date documents are available to those personnel required to use them, to include personnel of external entities that conduct outsourced operational functions for the provider. Examples of documents that are controlled include, but are not limited to, operations manuals, checklists, quality manuals, training manuals, training syllabi, process standards, policy manuals, and standard operating procedures. An electronic system of document management and control is an acceptable means of conforming to the specifications in ORM-S 2.1.1. Within such a system, document files are typically created, maintained, identified, revised, distributed, accessed, presented, retained and/or deleted using computer systems (e.g. a web-based system). Some systems specify immediate obsolescence for any information or data that is downloaded or otherwise extracted (e.g. printed on paper) from the electronic files.

ORM-S 2.1.2 If the Provider utilizes an electronic system for the management and control of any documentation and/or data used directly in the conduct of station operations, the Provider shall ensure the system provides for a scheduled generation of backup files for such documentation and/or data. (GM)

Guidance To preclude the loss of documents due to hardware or software failures, an electronic system is programmed to create backup files on a schedule that ensures records are never lost. Typically, an electronic system provides for file backup on a daily basis. The retention period for electronic documents is typically in accordance with requirements defined by applicable regulations and the provider. To ensure retrieval of archived documents, applicable hardware and/or software is normally retained after it has been replaced.

2.2 Operational Manuals

Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM)

ORM-S 2.2.1 (Intentionally open)

ORM-S 2.2.2 The Provider shall have a process to ensure the current edition of the PPM is accessible in a usable format at the station. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Policies and Procedures Manual. Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) is a generic name; an equivalent manual with a different name is an acceptable alternative (e.g., Ground Handling Manual). The PPM is the manual of a provider that contains the operational policies, procedures, instructions and other guidance or information necessary for ground handling personnel to perform their duties and be in compliance with applicable regulations, laws, rules, requirements and standards. The PPM may be one manual or a collection of related manuals that are issued

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separately, each with a different name (e.g., Passenger Handling Manual, Baggage Handling Manual, Cargo Handling Manual). Depending on services delivered at a station, the availability of a complete version of the PPM may not be necessary. However, each station would be required to have all or certain parts of the PPM available, as applicable to the station needs and specific operations conducted at the station.

Other Operational Documents

ORM-S 2.2.3 The Provider shall have processes to ensure the current version of required operational documentation is accessible in a usable format in all station locations where operations are conducted. Such required documentation shall include:

i) The Operations Manual (OM) of the customer airline(s); ii) The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) and Addenda, if applicable, or

equivalent documentation; iii) The emergency response plan (ERP); iv) As applicable to station operations, the Live Animal Regulations (LAR) and Perishable

Cargo Regulations (PCR). (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Operations Manual. A provider may not be required to maintain an OM for all customer airlines, or may be required to maintain only part of the manual for certain customer airlines. Based on customer airline requirements and the types of ground operations conducted at a specific location, only relevant parts of applicable manuals may be necessary. Availability of only the provider’s manual may be sufficient when such manual is accepted by the customer airline(s) or when a customer airline does not provide a manual. A current edition of the DGR would include any Addenda that are applicable. Equivalent documentation would contain information derived from the DGR that is relevant only to the specific ground handling functions conducted at any particular location. Also, the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Transport of Dangerous Goods would be considered equivalent documentation. Applicability of dangerous goods requirements to ground operational functions is defined in DGR Section 1, Table 1.5.A.

Guidance with respect to ERP requirements may be found in AHM 620.

ORM-S 2.2.4 If the Provider outsources ground operations and/or associated functions to an external ground service provider, the Provider shall have a process to ensure each applicable external provider is supplied with operational manuals relevant to the type(s) of outsourced ground operations conducted. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Outsourcing.

2.3 Records System

ORM-S 2.3.1 The Provider shall have a system for the management and control of station operational records to ensure the content and retention of such records is in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s), and to ensure operational records are subjected to standardized processes for:

i) Identification;

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ii) Legibility; iii) Maintenance; iv) Retrieval; v) Protection and security; vi) Disposal, deletion (electronic records) and archiving. (GM)

Guidance Such process would typically address all records associated with ground operations at the station, including personnel training records and any other records that document the fulfillment of operational requirements (e.g., GSE maintenance, weigh bridge calibration).

ORM-S 2.3.2 If the Provider utilizes an electronic system for the management and control of records, the Provider shall have a process that ensures the system provides for a scheduled generation of backup record files. (GM)

Guidance Maintaining records in electronic files is a reliable and efficient means of short and long-term storage. The integrity of this type of record-keeping system is ensured through secure, safe storage and “backup” systems. To preclude the loss of records due to hardware or software failures, an electronic system is programmed to create backup files on a schedule that ensures records are never lost. Typically, an electronic system provides for file backup on a daily basis. Where necessary, the look and feel of electronic records is similar to that of a paper record. A retention period for records is defined and, if applicable, is in accordance with any requirements of the Authority. Hardware and software, when updated or replaced, is retained to enable retrieval of old records.

ORM-S 2.3.3 The Provider shall have a process to ensure records retained in accordance with the requirements of the customer airline(s) are furnished to the individual airline(s) upon request, even when such airline(s) may no longer be a customer. (GM)

Guidance The provider might be required to furnish certain records to a current or former customer airline in order to satisfy various operational needs of that airline (e.g., accident or incident investigation). Therefore, in agreement with the customer airline, a provider typically retains records for a defined period of time beyond the contract termination date.

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3 Safety and Quality Management

3.1 (Intentionally open)

3.2 (Intentionally open)

3.3 Safety Program

ORM-S 3.3.1 The Provider shall have a station safety program for the purpose of preventing accidents and incidents, which includes processes for:

i) Personnel to report operational hazards, deficiencies and areas of concern; ii) The investigation and reporting of accidents and incidents; iii) The investigation of irregularities or other non-routine operational occurrences that may

be precursors of accidents or incidents; iv) The identification and analysis of operational hazards and potentially hazardous

conditions; v) The production of analytical information, which could include recommendations, for use

by operations managers in the prevention of operational accidents and incidents; vi) Ensuring significant issues arising from the station safety program are subject to regular

review by station management; vii) The dissemination of safety information to appropriate station management and

operational personnel. (GM)

Guidance The safety program is a critical element of risk management. Documentation of the program typically includes a description of the structure, individual responsibilities, available resources and core processes associated with the program. A station safety program would also be in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s). Guidance may be found in AHM 600.

ORM-S 3.3.2 The Provider shall designate an individual with the authority to manage and be responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the station safety program as specified in ORM-S 3.3.1. (GM)

Guidance The manager oversees the implementation of all activities and processes associated with the safety program. An effective working environment would result in full cooperation between the program manager and operations managers, who have direct responsibility for safe operations. It is not the role of the program manager to dictate safety action, but rather to assist operational managers in producing safe and secure operations. To ensure complete objectivity in safety matters, a program manager typically functions independently from frontline operations.

ORM-S 3.3.3 The Provider shall have a process to ensure significant issues arising from the station safety program as specified in ORM-S 3.3.1 are subject to regular review by:

i) Station operations management; ii) Management of the Provider’s safety program. (GM)

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Guidance Such review would permit corporate management to consider issues that have the potential to affect system-wide operational safety. It would also ensure appropriate corrective actions have been implemented and are being monitored for effectiveness in preventing accidents and incidents.

ORM-S 3.3.4 – 3.3.6 (Intentionally open)

ORM-S 3.3.7 The Provider shall have a station operational reporting system that: i) Encourages and facilitates feedback from personnel to identify deficiencies, expose

hazards and raise concerns over issues that have the potential to threaten the safety or security of aircraft, passengers, personnel, facilities, systems or equipment;

ii) Includes analysis and management action to address operational deficiencies, hazards and concerns identified through the reporting system

iii) Is in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance A station reporting system would be consistent with the provider’s policy for an open reporting system. To be effective, an open reporting system policy would typically be non-punitive and provide assurance to employees that reporting unpremeditated or inadvertent errors would not necessarily result in disciplinary action being taken against the reporter or other individuals involved unless such errors result from illegal activity, willful misconduct or other egregious actions, as defined by the provider.

ORM-S 3.3.8 The Provider shall have a process in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the conduct of station airside accident and incident investigations, and for ensuring, in the event such an investigation:

i) The customer airline(s) and relevant authorities are notified of the accident or incident; ii) Factual information associated with the investigation is accurately recorded in a

standardized report format; iii) Investigation reports are retained and submitted in accordance with applicable

regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance The station process for airside safety investigations would typically be an element of the station safety program as specified in ORM-S 3.3.1. Guidance may be found in AHM 650 and 652.

3.4 (Intentionally open)

3.5 Quality Control Program

ORM-S 3.5.1 The Provider shall have a station quality control program that provides for scheduled and unscheduled inspections and/or evaluations of ground operations at the station for the purpose of:

i) Ensuring compliance with standards of the Provider, applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s);

ii) Identifying operational hazards for the application of risk assessment and control. (GM)

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Guidance Station quality control would typically complement and operate in conjunction with the provider’s quality assurance program. Under such program, operational self-inspections are typically conducted on a regular basis for the purpose of measuring compliance with safety standards and procedures, preventing unsafe work practices, and identifying hazardous conditions that increase the risk of accidents and incidents. To be effective, quality control inspectors would have freedom of action and access to all operations, and the authority to make recommendations that could establish conformity within a reasonable time frame. The inspection program at any station would have a scope commensurate with the type and magnitude of operations at that station. The Airside Safety Performance Audit as detailed in IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) 612 offers a generic model that could be adapted or used as a guide for a station quality control program. Guidance may be found in AHM 612, as well as the Airports Council International Airside Safety Handbook (ACI) 1.5.0 and 3.1.0.

ORM-S 3.5.2 The Provider shall designate an individual with the authority to manage and be responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the station quality control program as specified in ORM-S 3.5.1. (GM)

Guidance To ensure the objectivity of stations inspections and evaluations, the individual with responsibility for the management of the station quality control program manager would typically be “independent” from day-to-day operations, and not subject to bias due to conflicting responsibilities. Typically, the individual responsible for the station quality assurance program manager is part of or has direct lines of communication with management at the station to ensure safety and security issues are appropriately addressed.

ORM-S 3.5.3 The Provider shall have processes for addressing findings that result from inspections and/or evaluations conducted under the station quality control program as specified in ORM-S 3.5.1, which ensure:

i) Determination of root cause(s); ii) Development of corrective and preventive action as appropriate to address findings; iii) Implementation of corrective and preventive action in appropriate operational area(s); iv) Evaluation of corrective and preventive action to determine effectiveness.

ORM-S 3.5.4 The Provider shall have a process to ensure significant issues arising from the station quality control program as specified in ORM-S 3.5.1 are subject to review by:

iii) Station management; iv) Management of the Provider’s quality assurance program.

ORM-S 3.5.5 The Provider shall have a process for the dissemination of information from the station quality control program as specified in ORM-S 3.5.1 to ensure personnel are aware of compliance issues at the station. (GM)

Guidance An effective quality control program typically includes a process for promulgating and disseminating information derived from station inspections for the purpose of maintaining an

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ongoing awareness of compliance issues that might impact the safety, security or quality of operations conducted at the station.

3.6 Outsourcing Quality Control

ORM-S 3.6.1 If the Provider outsources ground operations and/or associated functions to external ground service providers, the Provider shall have a process to ensure a contract or agreement is executed with such external service providers. The contract or agreement shall identify measurable specifications that can be monitored by the Provider to ensure requirements that affect operational safety and/or security are being fulfilled by the external provider. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Outsourcing, Ground Handling Agreement, and Service Level Agreement (SLA). A provider always retains responsibility for services that have been voluntarily transferred to an external service provider. Maintenance of GSE would be considered a function associated with operational safety. A contract or agreement is necessary to ensure the outsourced services and/or functions are formally documented. Inclusion of measurable specifications, usually in the form of a service level agreement, would provide the basis for a monitoring process. Guidance and examples of a standard ground handling agreement and a service level agreement may be found in AHM Chapter 6.

ORM-S 3.6.2 If the Provider outsources ground operations and/or associated functions to external ground service providers, the Provider shall have processes for monitoring such external providers to ensure requirements that affect operational safety and security are being fulfilled by the external provider. (GM)

Guidance The specifications of this provision are applicable to any outsourced services or functions that affect operational safety or security. A provider has a responsibility to monitor outsourced services or functions to ensure they are conducted in a manner that meets its own operational safety and security requirements, as well as those of the customer airline(s).

ORM-S 3.6.3 The Provider should utilize auditing as a method for the monitoring of external service providers as specified in ORM-S 3.6.2.

3.7 Product Quality Control

ORM-S 3.7.1 The Provider should have processes that ensure equipment or other operational products that are purchased or otherwise acquired from an external vendor or supplier meet the technical requirements of the Provider and the customer airline(s) prior to being used in the conduct of ground operations at the station. (GM)

Guidance This provision applies only to products (not services) that are purchased or otherwise acquired from an external supplier or vendor. Following are some examples of equipment or products that could have a negative effect on the safety or security of operations if put into service with substandard quality (i.e., the provider’s technical standards are not met):

Ground support equipment;

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Operational software, databases; Security screening equipment; Aircraft chocks.

The process may include an evaluation of suppliers, with the selection of suppliers based on their ability to supply products in accordance with the provider’s requirements and technical specifications. Implementation of a rigorous receiving inspection process (or equivalent activity) would also provide a means of verifying that operationally critical products meet specified technical requirements prior to such products being put into service.

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4 Event Response

4.1 Emergency Response Plan

ORM-S 4.1.1 The Provider shall have a station emergency response plan (ERP) for the management and coordination of activities associated with the response to a major accident, incident, crisis or other disastrous occurrence. Such plan shall be in accordance with:

i) The Provider’s ERP; ii) The airport ERP, if applicable; iii) Requirements of each customer airline. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Emergency Management and Emergency Response. An ERP would be designed to address events that could result in fatalities, serious injuries, considerable damage or major disruptions to operations. The plan would typically be based on an assessment of risk appropriate to the size and type of ground operations conducted at each location. In some locations, a governmental, airport and/or other relevant authority assume emergency or crisis response. In such case, the ERP of a provider would normally focus on and address the scope of interaction with and/or participation in the response implemented by the authority. Likewise, where there is a common ERP that has been developed jointly by the airport authority and customer airlines, a provider might either use the ERP of the customer airline(s) or have its own ERP that is the same as that of the customer airline(s). In such case, a provider would typically ensure the responsibilities and duties assigned to its personnel satisfy all requirements of the plan. Of particular importance, an ERP would have to ensure an appropriate level of coordination and communication is established and maintained with customer airlines during an emergency response situation. An ERP includes industry best practices and ensures community expectations are addressed. Additionally, an ERP typically:

Specifies general conditions for implementation; Provides a framework for an orderly implementation; Ensures proper coordination with external entities at all potential locations; Addresses all potential aspects of an event; Ensures regulatory requirements associated with specific events are satisfied; Provides a scenario for the transition back to normal operations; Ensures regular practice exercises as a means to achieve continuous improvement.

ORM-S 4.1.2 The Provider shall designate an individual that has the qualifications and is delegated the authority to manage and be responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the station ERP. (GM)

Guidance In order to manage an ERP, an individual’s qualifications would typically include training and background experience that ensures the requisite knowledge in emergency response principles. Such experience and knowledge is necessary, even though various ERP functions are typically delegated to designated personnel throughout the management system.

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Plan Elements

ORM-S 4.1.3 The Provider shall have procedures and assigned responsibilities to ensure a coordinated execution of the station ERP. (GM)

Guidance Personnel are assigned with specific responsibilities for the implementation of procedures associated with the station ERP. In situations where a provider uses the ERP of the customer airline(s), the provider would typically ensure ERP procedures and responsibilities assigned to personnel satisfy all requirements of the customer airline’s plan. The following areas might be considered in developing plans for liaison with external entities associated with any event:

Fire; Police; Ambulance; Rescue agencies; Hospitals and other medical facilities; Medical specialists; Civil aviation or defense agencies; Poison control centers; Chemical or radiation specialists; Environmental agencies.

ORM-S 4.1.4 The Provider should ensure all personnel with responsibilities under the station ERP are appropriately trained to execute applicable procedures. (GM)

Guidance Ideally, a provider, when invited, would participate in emergency response planning and drills conducted by the customer airline(s).

4.2 Other Event Response

ORM-S 4.2.1 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for responding to emergencies that require the evacuation of an aircraft during the conduct of station ground operations. (GM)

Guidance A provider typically uses the procedures of the customer airline(s), but might have its own procedures that meet the requirements of the customer airline(s). Typically, procedures would address an aircraft evacuation due to:

Fuel spill; Aircraft fire; Dangerous goods incident; Security incident.

Guidance may be found in AHM 633 and ACI 2.14.

ORM-S 4.2.2 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s) for reporting dangerous goods accidents or incidents that occur during station ground operations. (GM)

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Guidance A provider typically uses the procedures of the customer airline(s), but might have its own procedures that meet the requirements of the customer airline(s). Guidance may be found in the DGR, Section 9.

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5 Training and Qualification

5.1 Functional Training Program

ORM-S 5.1.1 The Provider shall have a process to ensure station personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in ground handling operations complete initial and recurrent training as applicable to their individually assigned operational function(s) at the station, Such training shall be in accordance with the Provider’s general training program and function-specific training programs as applicable, to include the:

i) Load control training program; ii) Passenger handling training program; iii) Baggage handling training program; iv) Aircraft handling and loading training program; v) Aircraft ground movement training program; vi) Cargo and mail handling training program. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Training and Training Course. The specification for initial and recurrent training applies to all personnel who perform duties within the scope of ground operations.

ORM-S 5.1.2 If the Provider outsources ground operations and/or associated functions to external ground service providers at the station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure the operational personnel of such external providers complete initial and recurrent training in accordance with requirements of the Provider’s general and function specific training programs, as applicable to the operational functions conducted by the external provider.

ORM-S 5.1.3 If the Provider delivers aircraft handling and loading services at the station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure station personnel with duties that include the supervision of aircraft loading complete training in accordance with the Provider’s load control training program. (GM)

Guidance Aircraft loading supervision is an element of the load control process. Guidance may be found in AHM 590 and 591.

ORM-S 5.1.4 If the Provider delivers aircraft handling and loading services at the station, and such services include the operation of aircraft access doors, the Provider shall have a process to ensure station personnel with duties that include the operation of aircraft access doors complete training and qualification in accordance with the Provider’s aircraft access door training program as applicable to each type of access door operated at the station. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Aircraft Access Doors. The operation of electrically, hydraulically and pneumatically actuated doors requires theoretical and practical training conducted by appropriately qualified instructor personnel. To facilitate such training, a provider would ensure each customer airline provides detailed technical information, to include description and operations procedures, pertaining to each type of door in aircraft handled by the provider.

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The operation of manually operated doors normally requires no special training; however, personnel would be required to demonstrate the ability to operate such doors safely before being permitted to do so without supervision. Guidance may be found in AHM 430.

ORM-S 5.1.5 If the Provider delivers aircraft handling and loading services at the station, and such services include the operation passenger boarding bridges, the Provider shall have a process to ensure station personnel with duties that include the operation of passenger boarding bridges complete training and qualification in accordance with the Provider’s passenger boarding bridge training program as applicable to each type of boarding bridge operated at the station. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 634 and ACI 2.4.0.

5.2 Security Training Program

ORM-S 5.2.1 The Provider shall have a process to ensure station personnel complete initial and recurrent security training as applicable to individually assigned operational functions at the station, and such training is in accordance with the Provider’s security training program and the Security Program of the customer airline(s).

ORM-S 5.2.2 If the Provider outsources ground operations and/or associated functions to external ground service providers at the station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure such subcontractors have a security training program in accordance with requirements of the Provider’s security training program. ORM-S 5.2.3 If the Provider conducts security functions at the station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure personnel who perform such functions complete initial and recurrent training in accordance with the Provider’s security training program.

ORM-S 5.2.4 If the Provider manages or operates a security screening system at the station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure personnel who manage or operate the system complete initial and recurrent training, and, if applicable, are certified, in accordance with the Provider’s security training program.

5.3 Dangerous Goods Training Program

ORM-S 5.3.1 The Provider shall have a process to ensure station personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in operational ground handling functions complete initial and recurrent dangerous goods training as applicable to individually assigned operational functions at the station. Such training shall be in accordance with the Provider’s dangerous goods training program and requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Training specification according to operational function may be found in DGR 1.5.

ORM-S 5.3.2 – 5.3.3 (Intentionally open)

ORM-S 5.3.4 If the Provider outsources dangerous goods handling functions to external ground service providers at the station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure such external providers have a dangerous goods training program in accordance with requirements of the Provider’s dangerous goods training program.

ORM-S 5.3.5 – 5.3.9 (Intentionally open)

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ORM-S 5.3.10 If the Provider delivers cargo and mail handling services at the station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in cargo and mail handling functions complete initial and recurrent training, as well as testing and/or evaluation, in dangerous goods in accordance with the Provider’s dangerous goods training program. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in DGR 1.5.

ORM-S 5.3.11 (Intentionally open)

ORM-S 5.3.12 If the Provider delivers cargo and mail handling services at the station, the Provider should have a process to ensure dangerous goods training for station cargo handling personnel is conducted by either:

i) An IATA member airline; or ii) An IATA Accredited Training School (ATS); or iii) A person or organization approved by the relevant authorities in states where operations

are conducted.

ORM-S 5.3.13 If the Provider delivers cargo and mail handling services at the station, and dangerous goods training for cargo handling personnel is conducted by persons or organizations other than those specified in ORM-S 5.3.3, the Provider shall have a process in accordance with the Provider’s dangerous goods training program to conduct a review that verifies the adequacy of such dangerous goods training.

5.4 Airside Safety Training Program

ORM-S 5.4.1 The Provider shall have a process to ensure station personnel with duties that require access to airside areas complete initial and recurrent training in accordance with the Provider’s airside safety training program. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Airside and Airside Safety Training. Guidance for Airside Safety Training is found in AHM 611 and 640.

5.5 Airside Driver Training Program

ORM-S 5.5.1 The Provider shall have a process to ensure station personnel with duties that require the operation of vehicles and/or equipment in airside areas complete training and qualification, and, if applicable, obtain an operating license, in accordance with the Provider’s airside driver training program. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 611.

5.6 GSE Operations Training Program

ORM-S 5.6.1 The Provider shall have a process to ensure station personnel with duties that require the operation of GSE complete training and qualification in accordance with the Provider’s GSE operations training program. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Ground Support Equipment (GSE). Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

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5.7 – 5.12 (Intentionally open)

5.13 Aircraft Turnaround Coordinator Training Program

ORM-S 5.13.1 If the Provider delivers aircraft turnaround coordination services at the station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure personnel with duties and/or responsibilities that include aircraft turnaround coordination complete initial and recurrent training in accordance with the Provider’s aircraft turnaround coordinator training program. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Aircraft Turnaround Coordination. Guidance may be found in AHM 615.

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6 Security Management

6.1 Security Controls

ORM-S 6.1.1 The Provider shall have procedures that ensure station security controls are implemented in accordance with:

i) The Provider’s security program; ii) Security Programs of the customer airline(s) served at the station; iii) If applicable, requirements of the civil aviation security program of state where the station

is located. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Security Controls and Security Program.

ORM-S 6.1.2 The Provider shall have a process to ensure security controls are in place to prevent personnel and vehicles from unauthorized access into station facilities and areas where the Provider conducts ground operations for customer airlines. (GM)

Guidance A provider would normally conduct ground operations for customer airlines only in facilities or areas where adequate security controls are in place, although the actual implementation of such controls is not always accomplished by the provider. Security controls are typically implemented by an authority (e.g. government or airport authority), but under certain conditions it might be necessary for implementation to be accomplished by the provider or other entity deemed competent by the provider and/or customer airline.

ORM-S 6.1.3 The Provider shall have procedures that ensure ground handling personnel performing functions in station airside areas are required to maintain awareness for unauthorized interference, and to request a verification of identity from any potentially unauthorized persons. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 051.

6.2 Security Threat Management

ORM-S 6.2.1 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with the Provider’s security program for addressing security threats at the station. (GM)

Guidance Procedures are typically designed to address:

Security threats directed against customer airlines; Threat levels issued by relevant state aviation security authorities.

6.3 Contingency Planning

ORM-S 6.3.1 The Provider shall have a station contingency plan in accordance with the Security Program of the customer airline(s) for responding to aviation security incidents

ORM-S 6.3.2 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with the Security Program of the customer airline(s) that ensure notification of the relevant civil aviation security authorities when unlawful interference against a customer airline has occurred at the station.

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6.4 Security Equipment ORM-S 6.4.1 If the Provider operates equipment utilized for security screening or for the implementation of other security controls at any station, the Provider shall ensure the testing calibration of such equipment on a periodic basis. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in the IATA Security Manual (SM).

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7 Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Management

7.1 GSE Functional Specifications

ORM-S 7.1.1 If the Provider operates GSE at the station, the Provider shall have functional specifications that govern the use of GSE in station ground handling operations. Such specifications shall state the GSE requirements applicable to the type(s) of ground handling functions performed at the station. (GM)

Guidance Functional specifications demonstrate that a provider has evaluated the various types of ground handling functions performed at the station and, based on such evaluation, has developed requirements that ensure each function is performed using equipment that is deemed appropriate for the purpose.

7.2 GSE Maintenance

ORM-S 7.2.1 If the Provider maintains GSE at the station, the Provider shall have a program to ensure such equipment is maintained in accordance with the Provider’s GSE maintenance program. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Ground Support Equipment (GSE). GSE is typically maintained in accordance with the respective manufacturer’s recommendations.

ORM-S 7.2.2 If the Provider maintains GSE at the station in accordance with ORM-S 7.2.1, the Provider shall have procedures to ensure such maintenance is documented in records, and such records are retained for a period in accordance with the Provider’s GSE maintenance program.

7.3 GSE Operation

ORM-S 7.3.1 If the Provider operates GSE at the station, the Provider shall have procedures for the operation of each type of GSE utilized in station ground operations to ensure such equipment is operated in accordance with the Provider’s GSE operation program.

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630

ORM-S 7.3.2 If the Provider operates GSE at the station The Provider shall have procedures that ensure GSE is subjected to a pre-movement inspection prior to being utilized in operations. (GM)

Guidance Such inspection, typically referred to as a “walk-around check,” would be conducted prior to movement of the equipment in order to ensure:

Visible damage or abnormality is detected; Any cables or hoses are stowed; If the equipment is carrying a load, all locks, stops, rails or straps are fastened and are

securing the load. Specifically, a “pre-use” inspection might focus on:

Tires and brakes; Fuel and battery water levels;

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Lights, signals; Safety rails; Protective padding or buffering; Stabilizers.

Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

ORM-S 7.3.3 If the Provider operates GSE at the station The Provider shall have procedures that ensure GSE, except equipment necessary for aircraft ground movement for departure, is positioned and remains behind ramp safety lines during aircraft departure and arrival movement operations. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

ORM-S 7.3.4 The Provider shall have procedures that ensure GSE is parked: i) Only in designated station airside equipment parking areas when not in use; ii) In a manner that does not obstruct access to fire fighting equipment; iii) In a manner that does not obstruct access to the fuel hydrant emergency stop switch.


Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

ORM-S 7.3.5 If the Provider operates GSE at the station, the Provider shall have procedures that ensure GSE, including the passenger boarding bridge, is never permitted to move toward an aircraft unless:

i) The aircraft has come to a complete stop; ii) Chocks and cones are positioned; iii) If applicable, engines are shut down; iv) If applicable, anti-collision beacons are off; v) Ground-to-flight deck communication is established, if applicable. (GM)

Guidance Under certain circumstances, engines might not be shut down after the aircraft is parked (e.g. APU and GPU inoperative). Procedures typically address such exceptions to ensure safety. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

ORM-S 7.3.6 If the Provider operates GSE at the station, the Provider shall have procedures that ensure the parking brake is applied, with the gear lever in “park” or “neutral,” when a vehicle or GSE is parked in airside areas.

ORM-S 7.3.7 If the Provider operates GSE at the station, the Provider shall have procedures that ensure GSE is not moved into or driven across the path of:

i) Taxiing aircraft; ii) Embarking or disembarking passengers on the ramp.

ORM-S 7.3.8 If the Provider operates GSE at the station, the Provider shall have procedures that ensure GSE is not driven with elevating equipment in the elevated position, except during final positioning of the equipment to the aircraft.

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ORM-S 7.3.9 If the Provider operates GSE at the station, the Provider shall have procedures that ensure loaded dollies or transporters have the load secured from movement by the use of locks, stops, rails, or straps at all times, except when the load is being transferred onto or off the equipment.

ORM-S 7.3.10 If the Provider operates GSE at the station, the Provider shall have procedures that ensure unserviceable GSE is:

i) Tagged as “Out of Service” and not utilized in airside operations; ii) Removed from operations for repair or maintenance.

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8 Unit Load Device (ULD) Management

8.1 ULD Airworthiness and Serviceability

ORM-S 8.1.1 If the Provider handles ULDs at the station, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure ULDs are inspected to identify damage, and to determine airworthiness and serviceability:

i) When received or accepted; ii) Prior to being released for loading into an aircraft. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) and Unit Load Device (ULD). The latter includes definitions of Certified and Non-certified ULDs. Damaged or unserviceable ULDs have the potential to affect flight safety. Inspection procedures are typically applied to ULDs whether loaded or unloaded. Certified and non-certified ULDs have different specifications and documentation requirements. Differences in damage limitations can occur between ULDs of the same manufacturer, as well as ULDs of different manufacturers. The maximum allowable damage for each specific ULD is typically stated in the applicable Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) issued by the manufacturer. In certain cases, ULD damage limits might be displayed on the ULD. Some airlines impose limits that are more stringent than those contained in the CMM. ULDs, to include containers and pallets, as well as nets and straps that do not comply with relevant regulations may not be transported on a commercial flight. An exception may be made for damaged ULDs that require transport to a repair facility, but only after it has been determined through evaluation by appropriately qualified personnel that such ULDs pose no risk of damage to the aircraft. Non-certified ULDs are not considered removable aircraft holds, and may only be loaded into aircraft holds that are compartment-restraint certified. Guidance may be found in the applicable chapter of the IATA ULD Technical Manual (UTM).

8.2 ULD Loading

ORM-S 8.2.1 If the Provider handles ULDs at the station, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure loaded ULDs, whether received or loaded by the Provider, are in compliance with applicable requirements pertaining to ULD loading and load securing. (GM)

Guidance Safety requirements typically address the loading of containers and pallets, to include nets and straps, and ULD centre of gravity (CG) offset limits. Each state may have additional or varying regulations and specifications. Guidance may be found in the applicable chapter of the UTM.

ORM-S 8.2.2 If the Provider handles ULDs at the station, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure ULDs are identified by exterior tags that display information relevant to the ULD and its contents prior to being released for loading into the aircraft. (GM)

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Guidance Such tags typically indicate the origin and destination of the ULD, weight of the ULD and its contents, type of contents (e.g., cargo, baggage, dangerous goods) and location in the aircraft. Guidance may be found in AHM 420.

8.3 ULD Handling and Storage

ORM-S 8.3.1 If the Provider handles ULDs at the station, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure ULDs are handled and stored in a manner that minimizes or eliminates the possibility of damage or loss. (GM)

Guidance Procedures typically specify proper ULD handling equipment, adequate facilities and space (as available by location), and methods of ULD storage that ensures:

Identification; Inventory is tracked; Accessibility is maintained; Separation by customer airline.

Guidance may be found in AHM 420 and 421.

ORM-S 8.3.2 If the Provider handles ULDs at the station, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure ULDs that have been identified as being damaged or not airworthy are tagged and stored in a designated location that prevents usage for the transport of cargo, mail or baggage.

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9 Station Airside Supervision and Safety

9.1 Supervision

ORM-S 9.1.1 The Provider shall have a process to ensure all station operational activities, including, if applicable, those outsourced to external ground service providers, are conducted under the direct oversight of supervisory personnel. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in numerous chapters of the AHM.

ORM-S 9.1.2 The Provider shall have processes to ensure station personnel that provide oversight of operational activities as specified in ORM-S 9.1.1, including, if applicable, personnel of external ground service providers that conduct outsourced ground operations for the Provider, complete training and are qualified to supervise ground operations.

9.2 Airside Safety Committee

ORM-S 9.2.1 If an Airside Safety Committee has been established at the station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure participation in the deliberations of the Committee, and such participation shall be in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) and in a manner consistent with the Terms of Reference of the Committee. (GM)

Guidance An Airside Safety Committee or equivalent body offers a means of interfacing with the various entities that operate in airside areas at the airport. Typically, Committee meetings would be held on a periodic basis to involve all relevant entities in discussions that involve, among other issues, the safety and security of airside operations at the airport. Guidance may be found in ACI,Training and Qualification.

9.3 Airside Fire Safety

ORM-S 9.3.1 The Provider shall have procedures for fire protection and prevention in ground operations conducted in station airside areas, which address:

i) Identification and elimination of conditions that could lead to a fire; ii) Availability, access and use of fire fighting equipment; iii) Emergency procedures, including alerting personnel on board the aircraft; iv) Procedures for controlling and reporting fires. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630 and ACI 2.16.0

9.4 Airside Cleanliness

ORM-S 9.4.1 The Provider shall have procedures to address the spillage of fluids and other materials in station airside areas of operations. (GM)

Guidance Procedures would typically focus on the avoidance of and response to fluid spillage in station airside operations, to include containment, reporting and cleanup, in accordance with the requirements of relevant authorities. Other procedures might address spillage of:

Toilet waste;

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Water (particularly in freezing conditions) and ice cubes; Oil and hydraulic fluid; Hazardous materials and other chemicals.

ORM-S 9.4.2 The Provider shall have a FOD prevention program for implementation in station airside areas where the Provider conducts aircraft handling or aircraft ground movement operations for customer airlines. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of FOD (Foreign Object Damage). The objective of a FOD prevention program is the elimination of conditions that could cause damage to an aircraft. Guidance may be found in AHM 635.

9.5 Airside Severe Weather Plan

ORM-S 9.5.1 The Provider shall have a station severe weather operations plan that provides for the protection for aircraft, passengers, operational personnel, baggage, cargo and equipment when severe weather conditions are a threat to operations. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the Glossary in this manual for the definition of Severe Weather Operations Plan. A typical plan includes practices for preparation and encountering severe weather conditions in operations, and would address, as appropriate to the climatic conditions of a station:

High winds; Lightning; Low visibility; Ground icing.

Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

9.6 Passenger Safety

ORM-S 9.6.1 If the Provider conducts ground operations at the station that utilize the ramp surface for passenger embarkation and disembarkation, the Provider shall have procedures or other measures that provide for the protection of passengers moving between the aircraft and a terminal building or ground transportation vehicle. (GM)

Guidance To preclude injuries, passenger movement on the ramp between the aircraft and the terminal building or ground transport vehicle is always closely supervised. The route used for such passenger movement is typically clearly designated and visible, equipment and vehicles are clear, and the surface is free of any contamination. Such route is designed so passengers are protected or clear from:

Aircraft protrusions; GSE; Fuelling zones; Jet blast or prop wash.

Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

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9.7 Personnel Safety

ORM-S 9.7.1 The Provider shall have a requirement and procedures that ensure station ground handling personnel wear appropriate protective clothing or personal protective equipment (PPE) when performing functions in airside operations. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the Glossary in this manual for the definition of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Protective clothing and PPE provides a defense against operational hazards that could threaten the personal safety or health of ground handling personnel. Applicable clothing or PPE is typically defined through risk assessment and/or required by regulation. Some examples of such protection would include high visibility vests, hearing protection, gloves, safety shoes, safety glasses and respirators. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

9.8 Local Baggage Committee (LBC)

ORM-S 9.8.1 If a Local Baggage Committee (LBC) has been established at the station, the Provider shall have a process to ensure participation in Committee deliberations, and such participation shall be in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) and in a manner consistent with the Terms of Reference of the Committee. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Local Baggage Committee (LBC). An LBC or equivalent body offers a means of interfacing with the airlines and/or or other service providers at the station. Typically, Committee meetings would be held on a monthly basis to discuss, among other things, safety and security issues associated with interline baggage handling at the airport. Guidance may be found in AHM 210.

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10 Aircraft Turnaround Coordination

10.1 Turnaround Plan

ORM-S 10.1.1 If the Provider delivers aircraft turnaround coordination services at the station, the Provider shall have an aircraft turnaround plan, which ensures, for all applicable aircraft turnaround operations:

i) Appointment of a qualified aircraft turnaround coordinator; ii) Management of safety and security in all activities; iii) Compliance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s).


Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Aircraft Turnaround Coordinator and Aircraft Turnaround Plan. The training and qualification of aircraft turnaround coordinators is addressed in ORM-S 5.13.1. Guidance may be found in AHM 615 and 616.

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Applicability Section 2 addresses the load control process, which includes:

Load planning; Weight and balance calculation; Aircraft loading supervision; Checking and finalization of the Loadsheet and other loading documents;

This section (LOD) is utilized for the audit of a station where load control operations are conducted.

The Auditor will determine individual provisions that may not be applicable to a specific Provider.

General Guidance Definitions of technical terms used in this section, as well as the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms, are found in the IATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM).

1 Load Control Process

1.1 General

LOD 1.1.1 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure any verbal exchange of load information or data that could affect aircraft weight and balance calculations is:

i) Manually or electronically documented; ii) Confirmed prior to flight departure. (GM)

Guidance Documenting such information or data is necessary in order to provide a subsequent audit trail, and may be accomplished in writing or by electronic means. Guidance may be found in the IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) 590.

LOD 1.1.2 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure, in the event of a potential discrepancy associated with the accuracy of weight and balance figures for a flight:

i) Relevant or requested information is provided to the pilot-in-command (PIC) without delay;

ii) The discrepancy is reported to the customer airline.

LOD 1.1.3 (Intentionally open)

LOD 1.1.4 The Provider shall have a process to ensure operational load control records are retained in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s), to include:

i) Training and qualification records for personnel that perform load control functions; ii) Load files for each flight in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s).

LOD 1.1.5 The Provider shall have a process to ensure weight and balance records are retained for a period in accordance with applicable regulations and/or requirements of the customer airline(s), but no less than a period of three months.

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LOD 1.1.6 – 1.1.7 (Intentionally open)

LOD 1.1.8 The Provider shall ensure the load control process includes a standard scheme in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) that identifies specific loading positions within each aircraft type for the purpose of planning and positioning the load in the aircraft. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Bay, Cabin, Cabin Section, Compartment, Deck, Hold and Compartment Section. Typically, each aircraft type would have a standard alphanumeric scheme for the identification of designated positions in areas of the aircraft where a load is carried, to include, as applicable to aircraft type, decks, holds, cabin(s), compartments, bays, or sections. To ensure loading accuracy and prevent errors, procedures and documentation would be structured to ensure the load for each flight is planned and the aircraft loaded in reference to designated positions. Guidance may be found in AHM 505.

LOD 1.1.9 The Provider shall ensure the load control process includes a coding scheme in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for presenting load information in load documents, reports and messages for each flight. (GM)

Guidance Load information codes are included in various documents, reports and messages. For every flight, those codes identify load categories and provide information in connection with load handling. Guidance may be found in AHM 510.

LOD 1.1.10 The Provider shall have procedures to identify and address special loads that do not comply with conventional aircraft loading weight allowances. (GM) Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 514.

1.2 Load Planning

LOD 1.2.1 The Provider shall have a procedure for load planning that produces instructions to ensure aircraft are loaded in accordance with all applicable requirements. (GM)

Guidance The load planning procedure typically takes into consideration, as applicable for each flight;

Aircraft preparation for service; Fuel load and distribution; Aircraft equipment, crew, catering; Equipment in cabin (EIC) shipments; Planned deadload; Expected passenger load; Aircraft limitations; Specific requirements of the customer airline (e.g. productivity, fuel efficiency); Special load requirements.

Guidance may be found in AHM 536 and 590.

Standards and Recommended Practices

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1.3 Weight and Balance Calculation

LOD 1.3.1 The Provider shall have procedures for calculating the aircraft weight and balance in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure, for each flight, production of:

i) When applicable, a weight and balance pre-calculation; ii) A weight calculation that does not exceed the structural limits of the aircraft type; iii) An accurate balance calculation that results in a centre of gravity within fore and aft

balance limits for the aircraft type. (GM)

Guidance A weight and balance pre-calculation is normally produced when a manual loadsheet is issued or when the aircraft weight and/or balance condition is expected to be close the operational limits. Exceeding maximum structural limits, which includes the structural limits associated with sections, total compartments and a combination of different compartments for each aircraft type, could result in permanent damage to the aircraft. Aircraft trim is determined from the balance calculation, which may be accomplished manually or electronically. If applicable to aircraft operated at the station, procedures would also address the use of an aircraft centre-of-gravity (CG) targeting system. The weight and balance calculation procedures typically result in the load notification document that is presented to the PIC prior to flight departure. Guidance may be found in AHM 513 and 590.

LOD 1.3.2 (Intentionally open)

LOD 1.3.3 The Provider shall have a process to ensure weight and balance calculations: i) Are based on current aircraft weight and balance data; ii) Consider limitations defined by the manufacturer and/or imposed by the customer airline; iii) Take into account the previously planned load. (GM)

Guidance Aircraft weight and balance data is typically supplied by the customer airline(s) or aircraft manufacturer. Because such data could be subject to change, a process is necessary to periodically verify that data used for calculations is current and correct.

Guidance may be found in AHM 590.

LOD 1.3.4 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the load control process utilizes passenger and baggage weights for weight and balance calculations that are in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Weight and balance calculations are typically based on:

Standard passenger weights, unless otherwise authorized by the customer airline; Actual or standard baggage weights as specified by the customer airline.

Guidance may be found in AHM 530.

LOD 1.3.5 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure aircraft weight and balance calculations for each flight account for persons traveling on crew seats. (GM)

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Guidance Procedures would apply to weight and balance calculations performed for passenger and all-cargo aircraft. Guidance may be found in AHM 533.

LOD 1.3.6 The Provider shall have control procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure aircraft weight and balance calculations for each flight are based on an accurate weight of the load, to include:

i) Bulk load; ii) ULDs; iii) Transfer ULDs. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 534.

LOD 1.3.7 – 1.3.8 (Intentionally open)

LOD 1.3.9 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure weight and balance calculations for each passenger flight account for the individual or cumulative weights of:

i) Hold baggage that exceeds normal allowances; ii) Gate delivery items that exceed normal allowances; iii) Other non-normal load items. (GM)

Guidance Procedures would ensure such information is communicated to the load control office for inclusion in the weight and balance calculations for passenger aircraft.

LOD 1.3.10 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the application and use of ballast when necessary to bring the aircraft centre of gravity within operational limits. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 537.

1.4 Loading Instruction/Report

LOD 1.4.1 The Provider shall have a procedure in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to produce and issue a Loading Instruction/Report (LIR), which includes:

i) Loading instructions; ii) Transit load, off-load, re-load and onload instructions; iii) Loading report, with space to record deviations from instructions; iv) Loading certification; v) Summary of special loads; vi) Loading positions for specific holds. (GM)

Guidance The instruction/report may be produced in electronic or manual form. The loading report and certification would typically be completed by the loading supervisor (see HDL 2.1.5).

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Guidance may be found in AHM 514.

LOD 1.4.2 The Provider shall have a procedure in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to produce and issue an Off-loading Instruction/Report when required for transit flights, which includes:

i) Instructions for transit load and off-load; ii) Off-loading report, to include space to record items in transit or for off-load; iii) Off-loading certification; iv) Summary of special loads; v) A representation of all loading positions for that specific hold version. (GM)

Guidance The instruction/report may be produced in electronic or manual form. The off-loading report and certification would typically be completed by the off-loading supervisor. Certification would normally consist of the supervisor’s signature. Guidance may be found in AHM 514.

LOD 1.4.3 If the Provider issues a manual LIR, the Provider shall have a procedure to ensure the accuracy of manual calculations is verified prior to flight departure. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 514.

1.5 Notification to the Captain (NOTOC)

LOD 1.5.1 The Provider shall have a process to provide the PIC, as soon as practicable prior to departure of the aircraft, with a notification that contains accurate and legible written or printed information concerning dangerous goods onboard the aircraft. Such notification shall include dangerous goods that have been loaded on the aircraft at a previous departure point and that are to be carried on a subsequent flight. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of NOTOC. Such notification is normally referred to as the NOTOC (notification to the captain), and includes information about all dangerous goods loaded on the aircraft. The NOTOC also contains information:

For use in emergency response to an accident or incident involving dangerous goods onboard;

To provide to air traffic services in the event of an in-flight emergency. In the event the NOTOC is of such a size as to make in-flight radiotelephony transmission impracticable in an emergency situation, a summary of the information is typically provided to the PIC (NOTOC Summary), which contains at least the quantities and class or division of dangerous goods in each cargo compartment. Additional guidance may be found in DGR Section 9.5 and AHM 381.

ISAGO Standards Manual

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1.6 Loadsheet

LOD 1.6.1 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to produce and issue to the PIC prior to flight departure a manually or electronically generated Loadsheet that:

i) Has been crosschecked against the LIR and other information relative to the actual aircraft load;

ii) Presents accurate load information, to include weight data and distribution of the load within the aircraft. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Loadsheet. The Loadsheet would typically be produced in a preliminary version, and then in a final version that would contain all corrections and represent the actual load on the aircraft. Last minute changes (LMC) could be presented to the pilot-in-command in the form of a final Loadsheet, or communicated in the form of corrections to a preliminary Loadsheet. Guidance may be found in AHM 514, 516, 517, 518 and 590.

LOD 1.6.2 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the Loadsheet, prior to issuance to the pilot-in-command, is checked to verify information on the Loadsheet corresponds with the actual load on the aircraft. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Fuelling Order. Guidance may be found in AHM 590, as well as DGR 9.5.

LOD 1.6.3 The Provider shall have a procedure to adjust the Loadsheet to account for last minute changes (LMC) to the weight of the load or distribution of the load on the aircraft. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 551.

LOD 1.6.4 (Intentionally open)

LOD 1.6.5 The Provider shall ensure the Loadsheet, when transmitted to the aircraft via ACARS, is in a standard format that is in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the meaning of the abbreviation ACARS. Guidance may be found in AHM 518.

1.7 Departure Control System (DCS)

LOD 1.7.1 If an automated Departure Control System (DCS) is utilized, the Provider shall have a process to ensure the DCS is approved by the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Departure Control System (DCS). Guidance may be found in AHM 560 and 565.

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LOD 1.7.2 If an automated DCS is utilized, the Provider should have a process to coordinate and exchange information with customer airlines and/or relevant vendors to ensure the DCS is maintained and updated. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 560 and 565.

1.8 Reports and Messages LOD 1.8.1 (Intentionally open)

LOD 1.8.2 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the manual or automatic production of a report or message that contains the information and data associated with the ULDs and total bulk load onboard each flight. (GM)

Guidance The ULD/Bulk Load Weight Signal (UWS), which may be generated manually or automatically, is typically used as the format for the report or message. A UWS may contain provisional and/or actual load information or data. Guidance may be found in AHM 581.

LOD 1.8.3 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the production and transmission of a load message (LDM) in a standard format for each applicable flight. (GM)

Guidance An LDM would normally be produced for departing flights with a transit stop to provide the transit station with advance information about the part of a load that will continue beyond that station on the same aircraft. However, customer airlines might also require production of an LDM for flights without transit stops. A load message would not be required for a departing point-to-point flight or the last segment of a multi-segment flight, except for a wide-body all-cargo aircraft flight. Guidance may be found in AHM 583.

LOD 1.8.4 The Provider shall have a procedure in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the production and transmission of a ULD Control Message (UCM) in a standard format for each applicable flight. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 422 and 424.

LOD 1.8.5 The Provider shall have a procedure in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the production and transmission of a container/pallet distribution message in a standard format for each applicable flight in aircraft equipped with ULDs. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 587.

LOD 1.8.6 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the production and transmission of the following messages in a standard format:

i) Aircraft Movement Message (MVT); ii) Aircraft Diversion Message (DIV);

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iii) ULD Stock Check Message (SCM). (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 423, 780, and 781.

GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010 PAX 1


Applicability Section 3 addresses passenger handling operations, which includes:

Passenger and baggage check-in; Aircraft boarding of passengers, baggage and other associated items; Operation of passenger boarding equipment, if applicable to passenger handling operations; Aircraft door operation, if applicable to passenger handling operations;;

This section (PAX) is utilized for the audit of a station where passenger handling operations are conducted.

The Auditor will determine individual provisions that may not be applicable to a specific Provider.

General Guidance Definitions of technical terms used in this section, as well as the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms, are found in the IATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM).

1 Passenger Handling Operations

1.1 General

PAX 1.1.1 The Provider shall have procedures for the transfer of information and data to the load control office to ensure passengers, carry-on baggage and other items loaded onto the aircraft as part of passenger handling operations are accounted for in the load control process. (GM)

Guidance Procedures would typically address the types and methods of communication necessary to ensure effective coordination between passenger handling personnel and the load control office in the transfer of information associated with:

Checked in passengers and cabin baggage; Transfer passengers and cabin baggage, as applicable; Boarded passengers and cabin baggage; Hold-loaded duty-free items; Gate delivery items that exceed normal allowances; Other non-normal load items.

1.2 Passenger Check-in Procedures

PAX 1.2.1 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure a boarding pass containing the passenger name is issued to each seated passenger during the check-in process. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in the IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) 051.

ISAGO Standards Manual

PAX 2 GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010

PAX 1.2.2 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure, when receiving baggage during passenger check-in operations:

i) All bags have a passenger identity tag or label; ii) Baggage is tagged to the final destination as indicated on the ticket; iii) Old baggage tags and/or labels are removed or obliterated, as applicable; iv) Bags not suitable for secure carriage as checked baggage are refused. (GM)

Guidance Bag identification tags are typically made available at the point of passenger check-in. Removal of old checked baggage tags or obliterating old labels would eliminate a potential factor that could lead to confusion as to the destination of the bag. Guidance may be found in AHM 051.

PAX 1.2.3 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the check-in of heavy or overweight baggage, and to ensure such baggage is accounted for in the load control process. (GM)

Guidance Heavy or overweight baggage would have to be defined in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s). Typically, baggage more than 23 kgs might be considered heavy, while more than 32kgs is considered as exceeding the maximum weight limit (i.e., overweight). However, weight restrictions may vary with each customer airline.

PAX 1.2.4 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure cabin baggage is in compliance with size, weight and quantity limits as specified in applicable regulations and/or by the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Size and weight limits will vary with each customer airline or local regulation. Oversized or overweight baggage is typically identified through the use of sizing or weighing devices at each passenger check-in point.

PAX 1.2.5 If the Provider utilizes scales to determine the weight of baggage during the passenger check-in process, the Provider shall have a process to ensure such scales are periodically checked and calibrated. (GM)

Guidance The accuracy of baggage weight is a critical safety factor and is monitored by many states. The results of the checking and calibration of baggage scales are typically recorded and retained, and where required, are made available for review by relevant authorities. A provider’s process ensures scales are checked and calibrated periodically. The actual checking and calibration activity might be accomplished by an entity other than the provider (e.g. customer airline, airport authority). Guidance may be found in AHM 534.

PAX 1.2.6 The Provider shall have a procedure to ensure duty-free goods or other items that are removed from a passenger during the check-in process and loaded into the aircraft hold:

i) Have a baggage tag and/or label that indicates the final destination; ii) Are accounted for in the load control process as checked baggage. (GM)

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Guidance Bulky or heavy items (i.e. bags or packages that are too large or too heavy to be stowed in the overhead cabin bin or under the passenger seat) are typically taken from a passenger and loaded into the aircraft hold. Smaller items carried, as cabin baggage (e.g. liquor, tobacco or perfume in small amounts), would be addressed in the load control process as part of the normal passenger weight. Guidance may be found in AHM 141.

PAX 1.2.7 – 1.2.8 (Intentionally open)

PAX 1.2.9 The Provider shall have a procedure in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to address, prior to flight departure, passengers that are suspected of having a communicable disease. (GM)

Guidance In most circumstances it would not be obvious that a passenger might have a communicable disease. However, procedures are typically in place to permit passenger handling personnel to address situations when one or more passengers do exhibit symptoms of a particular disease, especially when a known outbreak is in progress. Guidance may be found in AHM 181.

1.3 Dangerous Goods

PAX 1.3.1 (Intentionally open)

PAX 1.3.2 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to detect and identify dangerous goods that are not permitted to be carried on board the aircraft by passengers. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) 9.5, as well as AHM 170.

PAX 1.3.3 The Provider shall have a procedure in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure, when it is known that unapproved dangerous goods have been detected being carried by a passenger, or in passenger baggage, a report is submitted to the applicable customer airline. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 170 and in DGR 9.6.2.

1.4 Security

PAX 1.4.1 The Provider shall have a process in accordance with applicable regulations and/or requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure all passengers and their cabin baggage have been subjected to appropriate security screening prior to being permitted to board the aircraft. (GM)

Guidance The requirement for security screening would apply to:

Originating and transit passengers; Physically impaired passengers that require a wheelchair; Passengers that have an orthopedic or implanted electronic device.

ISAGO Standards Manual

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A provider’s process ensures passengers and their cabin baggage have been subjected to screening at some point prior to the passenger being permitted to board the aircraft (the exact point of such screening may vary with each airport). The actual screening activity is typically accomplished by an entity different than the provider (e.g. government or airport authority). Guidance may be found in the IATA Security Manual.

PAX 1.4.2 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure the security of boarding passes, transit cards and baggage tags. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 051.

PAX 1.4.3 (Intentionally open)

PAX 1.4.4 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s) for the handling of passengers and their cabin baggage in the event of:

i) A bomb threat condition; ii) An increased security threat condition. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 051.

PAX 1.4.5 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s) to address security threats, to include, as appropriate to the threat received:

i) The handling of passengers and their baggage; ii) Required notifications. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 051.

1.5 Carriage of Weapons

PAX 1.5.1 If the Provider, in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s), handles passengers that are law enforcement officers or other persons authorized to carry weapons onboard the aircraft in the performance of their duties, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with applicable laws and/or requirements of the customer airline(s) for the check-in, handling and boarding of such passengers carrying weapons. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in the IATA Security Manual (SM) 5.3.

PAX 1.5.2 If the Provider handles passengers carrying weapons as specified in PAX 1.5.1, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with applicable laws and requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure the pilot-in-command is notified as soon as feasible prior to flight departure, and, if permitted by applicable laws involved, such notification shall include the number and seat locations of the authorized armed persons onboard the aircraft. (GM)

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Guidance Guidance may be found in SM 5.3.

PAX 1.5.3 If the Provider, in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s), handles weapons that are transported on the aircraft with, but are not in the possession of, passengers that are law enforcement officers or other authorized persons in the performance of their duty, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with applicable laws and requirements of the customer airline(s) for the check-in, handling and boarding of such weapons, to ensure, as a minimum:

i) An authorized and duly qualified person has determined any weapon to be boarded is not loaded;

ii) The weapon is stowed in a place that is inaccessible to any unauthorized person during flight. (GM)

Guidance Ammunition is typically treated as a weapon. Guidance may be found in SM 5.3.

1.6 Special Category Passengers

PAX 1.6.1 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the notification of the pilot-in-command, prior to flight departure, of passengers onboard that are persons required to travel because they have been the subject of judicial or administrative proceedings. (GM)

Guidance This is an ICAO requirement found in Annex 17.

PAX 1.6.2 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the handling of potentially disruptive passengers, and for ensuring such passengers:

i) Pose no danger or security risk to the flight; ii) Are reported to the customer airline. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Deportee and Inadmissible Passenger. Potentially disruptive passengers could pose a safety hazard to other passengers, crew members or the overall conduct of a flight. Such passengers typically include:

Persons that display indications of being intoxicated or demonstrate abnormally abusive or aggressive behavior (physical or verbal);

Persons required to travel because they have been the subject of judicial or administrative proceedings (e.g. deportees. illegal immigrants), as well as inadmissible passengers.

Guidance may be found in AHM 051 and 120.

PAX 1.6.3 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the handling of unaccompanied minors (children).

PAX 1.6.4 (Intentionally open)

ISAGO Standards Manual

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PAX 1.6.5 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s) for accepting and handling incapacitated passengers and persons with reduced mobility (PRM). (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Incapacitated Passenger. Incapacitated passengers require special attention or services that would not normally be extended to other passengers. Persons with reduced mobility (PRMs) require special attention and, in order to meet the person’s needs, adaptation of the services normally made available to all passengers. Procedures for handling such passengers would typically include the transmission of handling information to downline stations. Guidance may be found in AHM 176 and 176A.

PAX 1.6.6 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s) to deny the boarding of persons that appear to be intoxicated, or demonstrate by manner or physical indications that they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. (GM)

Guidance Such procedures would not apply to medical patients under proper care.

1.7 (Intentionally open)

1.8 Aircraft Access* * If passenger handling personnel operate aircraft access doors, refer to Section 6 of this manual (HDL), Subsection 1.2, for provisions that are applicable to the operation of such doors.

1.9 Passenger Boarding Bridge and Stairs* * If passenger handling personnel operate the passenger boarding bridge and/or passenger stairs refer to Section 6 of this manual (HDL), Subsection 1.4, for provisions that are applicable to the operation of such equipment.

GOSM Ed 2 Rev 0, January 2010 BAG 1


Applicability Section 4 addresses baggage handling operations, which include the handling of originating, transfer and expedited baggage, as well as consignments shipped as baggage by a courier. Baggage handling functions may include, as applicable to the Provider:

Application of dangerous goods measures; Application of security measures; Baggage identification, sorting; ULD handling and loading; Baggage transportation;

Note: Aircraft loading, to include hold baggage loading, is addressed in Section 5 (HDL).

This section (BAG) is utilized for the audit of a station where baggage handling operations are conducted.

The Auditor will determine individual provisions that may not be applicable to a specific Provider.

General Guidance Definitions of technical terms used in this section, as well as the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms, are found in the IATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM).

1 Baggage Handling Operations

1.1 General

BAG 1.1.1 The Provider shall have procedures for the transfer of information and data to the load control office to ensure all baggage loaded onto the aircraft is accounted for in the load control process. (GM)


Procedures typically address the types and methods of communication necessary to ensure effective coordination between baggage handling personnel and the load control office.

BAG 1.1.2 (Intentionally open)

BAG 1.1.3 If the Provider utilizes scales to determine the weight of baggage in the baggage handling process, the Provider shall ensure such scales are periodically checked and calibrated, and such action is recorded and retained in accordance with applicable regulations and/or requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)


The accuracy of baggage weights is a critical safety factor and is monitored by many states. The results of the checking and calibration of baggage scales are typically recorded and retained, and where required, are made available for review by relevant authorities.

A provider’s process ensures scales are checked and calibrated periodically. The actual checking and calibration activity might be accomplished by an entity other than the provider (e.g. customer airline, airport authority).

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Guidance may be found in the IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) 534.

BAG 1.1.4 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s) for the handling of special baggage items, to include, as applicable:

i) Items that have been removed from the possession of a passenger by security personnel that are conditionally acceptable for carriage in the aircraft hold;

ii) Duty-free goods that require loading into the aircraft hold; iii) Other items removed from a passenger after the check-in process that require loading

into the aircraft hold. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 140 and 141.

BAG 1.1.5 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s) for the handling and reporting of undeclared weapons discovered in checked baggage. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in the IATA Security Manual (SM) 5.3.

1.2 Dangerous Goods

BAG 1.2.1 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure hold baggage and/or equipment, prior to release for loading into the aircraft, is inspected for signs of substance leakage, and, if leakage of dangerous goods is found, such baggage and/or equipment is prevented from release for loading into the aircraft and:

i) An evaluation is conducted to identify and prevent from transport any other baggage or equipment that has become contaminated by such leakage;

ii) A notification is made to the applicable authority and customer airline. (GM)

Guidance Equipment would include ULDs, among other items. Guidance may be found in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) 9.3 and 9.6, as well as AHM 630.

BAG 1.2.2 The Provider shall have a procedure in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure, when dangerous goods not permitted for carriage onboard the aircraft are discovered in passenger baggage, a report is made to the appropriate authority of the state of occurrence and the customer airline. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in DGR 2.3 and 9.6.

BAG 1.2.3 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the acceptance and handling of battery-operated mobility aids for transport as checked baggage to ensure such devices are:

i) Subjected to applicable dangerous goods handling and loading requirements; ii) Accounted for in the load control process. (GM)

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Guidance Wheel chairs are considered a mobility aid. Certain batteries used in such devices could pose flight safety hazard and/or cause damage to the aircraft. Guidance may be found in AHM 345.

1.3 Security

BAG 1.3.1 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure baggage is protected from unauthorized interference from the point at which it is accepted or screened, whichever is earlier, until either:

i) The Provider loads baggage into the aircraft, departure of the aircraft transporting the baggage; or

ii) The point at which the baggage is transferred to and accepted by another entity for further handling. (GM)

Guidance Procedures would address the security of all secure baggage that is transported to the aircraft, to another provider, or over any part of the airport. Where possible, baggage would be loaded into containers at the makeup area and, hence transported to the aircraft for loading. When this cannot be achieved, the baggage would be retained in the makeup area and not moved to planeside any earlier than necessary. In areas where baggage is handled, measures to prevent unauthorized interference typically include, among others:

Supervision; Controlled access; Adequate illumination; Video monitoring.

Adequate lighting in baggage handling areas would be at a brightness level that would permit effective visual or video surveillance. Guidance may be found in AHM 230 and IATA SM 5.6.

BAG 1.3.2 The Provider shall have a process in accordance with applicable regulations and/or requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure items of originating hold baggage, prior to release for loading into the aircraft, have been:

i) Individually identified as accompanied or unaccompanied baggage; ii) Subjected to appropriate security controls. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in IATA SM 5.6.

BAG 1.3.3 If required by applicable regulations or requirements of the customer airline(s), the Provider shall have a procedure in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to provide a record of hold baggage that has been subjected to and satisfied the specifications contained in BAG 1.3.2. (GM)

Guidance Provision of records in accordance with this provision would only be required if specified by a customer airline or regulatory authority.

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BAG 1.3.4 The Provider shall have a process in accordance with applicable regulations and/or requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure transfer hold baggage, prior to release for loading into the aircraft, has been subjected to appropriate security controls. (GM)

Guidance In situations where baggage has been subjected to security controls (e.g. screened) at the point of origin, and such controls are in accordance with requirements of the State of the Operator, typically there would be no need to apply additional security controls (e.g. re-screening) at the point of transfer if the baggage has remained free from unauthorized access (usually meaning it has remained airside). Guidance may be found in IATA SM 5.6.

BAG 1.3.5 The Provider shall have a process in accordance with applicable regulations and/or requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure, prior to release for loading into the aircraft, consignments checked in as baggage by courier services for air transport have been subjected to appropriate security screening. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in IATA SM 5.7.

BAG 1.3.6 The Provider shall have a process in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure the reconciliation of hold baggage. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Baggage Reconciliation. Requirements for baggage reconciliation could differ according to regulations of the relevant state(s) and/or requirements of each customer airline.

BAG 1.3.7 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s) for the handling of hold baggage in the event of an increased security threat condition. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 051.

BAG 1.3.8 – 1.3.10 (Intentionally open)

1.4 Unit Load Devices (ULDs)* * Refer to Section 1 of this manual (ORM-HS or ORM-S), Subsection 8, for provisions that are applicable to the management of ULDs in station baggage handling operations.


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Applicability Section 5 addresses aircraft servicing and loading operations (hereinafter “aircraft handling operations”), which includes the following functions:

Operation of aircraft access doors and other access points; Operation of ground support equipment associated with aircraft handling and loading; Operation of passenger boarding equipment; Loading and unloading of baggage, cargo, mail, stores and other items; Coordination of aircraft loading documentation; Exterior servicing of an aircraft, to include catering, cleaning, lavatory and water.

This section (HDL) is utilized for the audit of a station where aircraft handling and loading operations are conducted.

The Auditor will determine individual provisions that may not be applicable to a specific Provider.

General Guidance Definitions of technical terms used in this section, as well as the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms, are found in the IATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM).

1 Aircraft Handling and Servicing Operations

1.1 General

HDL 1.1.1 The Provider shall have procedures that ensure aircraft loading information and data, to include the Load Instruction/Report (LIR), are accurately transferred to the load control office. (GM)

Guidance Effective procedures for the transfer of information and data are critical to ensuring an effective load control process. Procedures typically address all types and methods of communication necessary to ensure effective coordination between aircraft loading personnel, particularly the loading supervisor, and the load control office.

1.2 Aircraft Access* * The following provisions under Subsection 1.2 are applicable to a Provider that opens or closes aircraft access doors during aircraft handling operations.


HDL 1.2.1 The Provider shall have procedures for the operation of aircraft access doors, applicable to each type of aircraft operated by the customer airline(s) at the station. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Aircraft Access Door. Procedures typically address the operation of cabin access doors, cargo doors and lower compartment doors, and ensure such doors are operated in accordance with applicable instructions.

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Guidance may be found in the IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) 430.

HDL 1.2.2 The Provider shall have procedures that ensure the operation of electrically, hydraulically or pneumatically actuated aircraft access doors is performed only by personnel that have received applicable training in accordance with the Provider’s aircraft access door training program, and are authorized to operate such doors. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 430.

Cabin Access Doors

HDL 1.2.3 (Intentionally open)

HDL 1.2.4 The Provider shall have procedures for opening aircraft cabin access doors, applicable to each type of door operated, to ensure:

i) Doors are operated in accordance with the technical specifications of the aircraft original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and/or the customer airline;

ii) When a door is to be opened from inside the aircraft, communicate a confirmation to personnel onboard the aircraft utilizing non-verbal signals that indicate exterior equipment is in proper position;

iii) Personnel retreat to a safe position before the door is opened. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Ground Service Equipment (GSE), Integral Airstairs and Plane Mate. Communication from ground handling personnel to indicate equipment is in position and it is safe to open the door normally consists of non-verbal signals, such as:

Knocking on the door; A thumb or Thumbs? up.

GSE positioned outside a cabin access door might include, as applicable, passenger boarding bridges, passenger boarding steps (stairs), plane mate vehicles or galley servicing vehicles. Once a signal has been communicated to personnel onboard the aircraft, ground handling personnel would then retreat to a safe distance from the aircraft door to prevent injury in the event of an inadvertent deployment of the emergency escape slide. In the case of passenger boarding steps, personnel typically position themselves clear the stairs to ensure no injury if an escape slide were to inadvertently deploy. If it has been communicated to personnel onboard the aircraft that it is safe to open the door (e.g., using two knocks on the outside of the door), and there has been no response, ground handling personnel would normally wait for a short period of time (e.g., slowly count to ten) before repeating the signal. If, after two attempts, personnel onboard the aircraft have not responded appropriately, then ground handling personnel would typically attempt to establish contact with the flight crew using the aircraft intercommunication system or other means. If communication with personnel onboard the aircraft still has not been established, trained and qualified ground handling personnel would typically be permitted to open the door from the exterior in accordance with standard procedures. Guidance may be found in AHM 430 and 630.

HDL 1.2.5 The Provider shall have procedures for closing an aircraft cabin access door, applicable to each type of door operated, to ensure ground handling personnel:

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i) Operate the door in accordance with the technical specifications of the aircraft original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and/or the customer airline;

ii) Before the door is closed, conduct an exterior inspection for obstructions that could hinder door closure;

iii) Assist the cabin crew member, as necessary, in initiating the door closing movement; iv) Observe the door after closure to confirm it is fully closed. (GM)

Guidance Ground handling personnel would provide a timely communication of the existence of any obstructions to personnel onboard the aircraft to prevent damage to the door. Assisting to initiate the door closing movement could prevent possible injuries to the cabin crew member. To determine a door is fully enclosed, ground handling personnel would observe the door seated in the fuselage recess and the exterior door handle in the stowed position. Guidance may be found in AHM 430 and 630.

HDL 1.2.6 The Provider shall have procedures for re-opening an aircraft cabin access door after it has been closed, applicable to each type of door operated, to ensure ground handling personnel do not commence the process to re-open a door unless specifically authorized by the pilot-in-command (PIC) of the aircraft. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Pilot-in-Command (PIC). Either the flight crew or ground handling personnel may find it necessary to re-open a cabin access door. Under such circumstances, effective coordination between onboard and exterior personnel would be necessary, and procedures would be implemented to prevent injury to personnel and damage to the aircraft and/or ground support equipment. Should the cabin crew require a door to be re-opened, typically the flight crew would contact the appropriate ground handling personnel to coordinate and authorize such action. In the event the ground handling personnel require a door to be re-opened, appropriate communication with the flight crew would be necessary to gain authorization. Guidance may be found in AHM 430 and 630.

HDL 1.2.7 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline that operates the aircraft for the placement of a safety device across the opening of a cabin access door that is open without GSE in position at the door. (GM)

Guidance Normally, cabin access doors would not be open unless GSE is positioned at the door, except when:

A restraint device is deployed across the door opening that will prevent a person from falling from the opening;

Integral airstairs are deployed; Trained engineering or ground handling personnel are on board or accessing the aircraft,

and are using special harnesses. An effective restraint device would typically be designed through use of a risk assessment process to ensure it will prevent personnel from inadvertently falling from an open cabin access door. A full-width door net attached to multiple fuselage anchor points inside the door opening would satisfy the basic fall prevention criterion.

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A single strap device across the door opening would not be sufficient to prevent a person from falling through the opening. Should it be discovered that ground equipment has been incorrectly removed from the aircraft with the cabin access door still open, procedures would ensure personnel are designated to guard the area to prevent persons from falling. No attempt would be made to close the door until appropriate GSE has been moved into position at the door. Such incident would be reported in accordance with procedures of the customer airline. For all-cargo aircraft, where the GSE must be removed to allow the aircraft access door to be opened or closed, procedures would be in place to permit door operation in a manner that ensures the safety of personnel involved. Guidance may be found in AHM 430.

1.3 Ground Support Equipment (GSE)* * The following provisions under Subsection 1.3 are applicable to a Provider that operates GSE during aircraft handling operations.

GSE Movement

HDL 1.3.1 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of customer airlines for the positioning of marker cones around specific parts of an aircraft for the purpose of preventing damage from the movement of vehicles or GSE. (GM)

Guidance Properly placed marker cones create a safety buffer for preventing aircraft ground damage. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 1.3.2 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the movement of GSE operated in close proximity to the aircraft, when the vision of the GSE operator is or might be restricted, is directed by one or more guide persons and:

i) Marshalling signals are utilized by the guide person(s); ii) The guide person(s) is(are) positioned so that clearance from the aircraft, other

equipment, vehicles or facilities can be accurately judged, and signals can be visually communicated to the GSE operator;

iii) If visual contact with the guide person(s) is lost, the GSE operator stops movement of the GSE immediately. (GM)

Guidance Procedures would be applicable to all GSE movement operations in close proximity to the aircraft, including movement up to and away from the aircraft fuselage. GSE includes tractors utilized for aircraft ground movement, the operation of which is addressed in Section 7 (AGM) of this manual. Guide persons, who would have to be clearly visible and, to the extent possible, distinguishable from other ground personnel, are responsible for directing the equipment operator to ensure clearance from the aircraft, other equipment, vehicles and facilities. The equipment is stopped when visual contact with the guide person is lost; operation would resume when visual contact has been re-established. Guidance may be found in AHM 630 and 631.

HDL 1.3.3 (Intentionally open)

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HDL 1.3.4 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the operator of GSE drives no faster than walking speed when the equipment is approaching or moving away from the aircraft. (GM)

Guidance Procedures would also address the direction of GSE movement around an aircraft, which, to the extent possible, is typically in a clockwise flow. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 1.3.5 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the operator of motorized GSE being driven toward the aircraft makes a full stop as a brake check:

i) Before entering the equipment restraint area; ii) Again before reaching the aircraft side. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Equipment Restraint Area. As a guide, the second brake check would be made approximately 7.5 meters or 25 feet from the aircraft. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 1.3.6 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure GSE that is being towed to a position at or near the aircraft, where possible:

i) Is driven along a path that does not require sharp turns; ii) Approaches the aircraft on a path parallel to the side of the aircraft fuselage; iii) Is parked in the parallel position. (GM)

Guidance Trains of carts or dollies tend to “drift in” or reduce the turn radius during cornering. Therefore, to prevent damage to the aircraft, vehicles, other equipment, or injury to personnel, procedures would ensure the driver does not make a sharp turn around an obstacle immediately after passing it. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 1.3.7 – 1.3.9 (Intentionally open)

GSE Positioning

HDL 1.3.10 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure unattended vehicles or motorized GSE, when positioned at or near the aircraft, except as specified in HDL 1.3.12, have the parking brake applied with the gear selector in park or neutral, and, if equipped, wheel chocks installed. (GM)

Guidance A vehicle is considered unattended when the driver is not in the driving position. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 1.3.11 (Intentionally open)

HDL 1.3.12 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the operator of electrical or motorized GSE that is positioned at or near the aircraft, and is being utilized in the operating mode:

i) Remains in a position within easy reach of the emergency controls;

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ii) If the equipment is not fitted with external emergency controls, remains in the operating position and in control of the equipment. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 1.3.13 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure GSE, when positioned at the aircraft: i) If fitted with stabilizers, has the stabilizers deployed; ii) If fitted with an auto-leveling system, has auto-leveling engaged; iii) Has handrails deployed in the raised position or fall protection is utilized in accordance

with local requirements). (GM)

Guidance If stairs are positioned at the aircraft for the purpose of passenger boarding or deplaning, cabin access doors would not be opened until the stairway stabilizers are deployed. Stabilizers would remain deployed until the aircraft access door is closed. In situations where handrails are not deployed in the raised position in accordance with sub-specification iii), the use of fall protection in accordance with local requirements would be acceptable as an alternate means of conformity. Handrails would be retracted during GSE movement and positioning, and then extended once the equipment is in position at the aircraft. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 1.3.14 (Intentionally open)

HDL 1.3.15 The Provider should ensure GSE that interfaces with aircraft cabin access doors: has platforms of sufficient width to allow the aircraft door to open and close when the equipment is in position at the aircraft and the safety rails are deployed. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 1.3.16 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure GSE attachment fittings, transfer bridges or platforms are correctly deployed when the equipment is in position at the aircraft access door. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 1.3.17 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure GSE, when positioned at the aircraft, does not:

i) Obstruct the evacuation of persons from the aircraft in an emergency; ii) Prevent or obstruct the movement of a fuelling vehicle away from the aircraft; iii) Unnecessarily impede the accomplishment of other aircraft handling operations in

progress. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

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HDL 1.3.18 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure, when passengers are onboard, or embarking or disembarking from, an aircraft being fuelled:

i) Ground handling personnel are aware of the aircraft exits that have been designated for emergency evacuation;

ii) The area beneath such exits is kept clear of GSE and/or other obstructions. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 175 and 630.

HDL 1.3.19 – 1.3.20 (Intentionally open)

HDL 1.3.21 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure GSE is not positioned at the aircraft with the protective rubber bumpers compressed against the fuselage. (GM)

Guidance Typically, rubber protective bumpers would be fitted on passenger stairs, passenger loading bridges, conveyer belts, catering vehicles or any other equipment that is in direct contact with the aircraft fuselage skin. Positioning equipment to ensure bumpers are not compressed will allow for settling or movement during servicing, thus decreasing the risk of damage to the aircraft. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 1.3.22 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure GSE is not removed from a cabin access door unless either:

i) The cabin access door has been closed by an authorized person; or ii) A safety device has been placed across the door opening in accordance with HDL 1.2.7.


Guidance Any procedure used by a provider for removing GSE with a cabin access door open is normally approved by the customer airline that operates the aircraft. Guidance may be found in AHM 430 and 630.

1.4 Passenger Boarding Bridge and Stairs* * The following provisions under Subsection 1.4 are applicable to a Provider that operates passenger boarding bridge and/or stairs during aircraft handling operations.

HDL 1.4.1 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the walking surfaces of passenger boarding bridges and/or stairs are inspected and free from conditions that could cause injury to passengers or ground handling personnel. (GM)

Guidance Ensuring passenger walking surfaces are clean of undesired substances will prevent conditions that could lead to slipping, tripping or falling, and the resulting injuries. Substances that could typically contribute to unsafe walking conditions would include snow, ice, standing water, catering trash, oil, hydraulic fluid or de-icing fluid. Guidance may be found in AHM 634.

HDL 1.4.2 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the passenger boarding bridge is parked in the fully retracted position:

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i) Prior to aircraft arrival; ii) Prior to aircraft departure movement. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 634 and in the Airports Council International Airside Safety Handbook (ACI) 2.4.0.

HDL 1.4.3 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure personnel, equipment and vehicles are clear of the bridge movement path prior to movement of the bridge. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 1.4.4 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure, during the positioning of the passenger boarding bridge:

i) Only the bridge operator is in the bridgehead; ii) Other personnel remain at a specified distance outside the bridgehead. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 1.4.5 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the passenger boarding bridge is moved slowly to the aircraft cabin access doorsill:

i) Until the bridge safety bar just touches the aircraft; ii) In a manner that prevents damage to aircraft components protruding from the fuselage.


Guidance Protrusions would include various antennae, sensors and probes located near the access door. Guidance may be found in AHM 634 and ACI 2.4.0.

HDL 1.4.6 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the passenger boarding bridge and/or stairs are positioned to the cabin access door in a manner that:

i) Minimizes or eliminates gaps in the walking surfaces of the aircraft and equipment; ii) Precludes any gap that would allow a person or large piece of equipment to fall to the

ramp surface below. (GM)

Guidance Positioning of the equipment normally takes into account the fore and aft contour of the aircraft fuselage. With certain types of platforms or stairs, a perfect match will not be possible; however, gaps would typically be minimized to a safe level. For deplaning, ground handling personnel would advise the cabin crew of the existence of any gaps. The cabin crew would then be able to alert the passengers and provide assistance as needed.

HDL 1.4.7 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure, once the passenger boarding bridge is in position at the cabin access door, bridge safety systems are engaged. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 634 and ACI 2.4.0.

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HDL 1.4.8 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the passenger boarding bridge, when an operator is not at the controls, is configured to prevent operation by unauthorized persons. (GM)

Guidance Where the boarding bridge requires keys for operation, removing the keys prevents operation of the boarding bridge by unauthorized personnel. Guidance may be found in AHM 634 and ACI 2.4.0.

HDL 1.4.9 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure a safety device is placed across the forward opening of the passenger boarding bridge platform when the bridge is removed from the cabin access door. (GM)

Guidance An effective safety device prevents personnel from inadvertently falling from the boarding bridge opening (e.g. roll-down door). Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 1.4.10 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure passenger boarding bridge malfunctions are reported to the appropriate authority. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 634 and ACI 2.4.0.

1.5 Aircraft Servicing


HDL 1.5.1 The Provider shall have practices and procedures for implementation by ground handling personnel during aircraft fuelling operations, which address:

i) Aircraft protection; ii) Fuel safety zone; iii) Fuel hose safety; iv) Fuel spillage; v) Ground support equipment; vi) Notification of persons onboard the aircraft; vii) Aircraft evacuation. (GM)

Guidance Practices and procedures implemented when aircraft fuelling is in progress would be designed to provide for the safety of the aircraft, persons onboard the aircraft and ground handling personnel working on the ramp. Guidance may be found in AHM 634 and ACI 2.8.0.

Toilet Servicing

HDL 1.5.2 If the Provider conducts aircraft toilet servicing operations, the Provider shall have procedures for such operations that address:

i) Operation of aircraft access panels or doors; ii) Operation of aircraft servicing controls;

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iii) Equipment-to-aircraft interface; iv) Clean-up and leakage check. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 441.

Potable Water Servicing

HDL 1.5.3 If the Provider conducts aircraft potable water servicing operations, the Provider shall have procedures for such operations that address:

i) Operation of aircraft access panels or doors; ii) Operation of aircraft servicing controls; iii) Equipment-to-aircraft interface; iv) Clean-up and leakage check. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 440.

HDL 1.5.4 If the Provider conducts aircraft potable water servicing operations, the Provider shall have procedures for the application of water quality standards in the preparation, handling and inspection of aircraft potable water to ensure no contamination when loaded into the aircraft. (GM)

Guidance Potable water systems are susceptible to contamination by bacteria and other micro-organisms that have the potential to cause illness to crew members and passengers. Guidance may be found in AHM 440.

HDL 1.5.5 If the Provider conducts aircraft potable water servicing operations, the Provider shall have procedures for the operation of aircraft potable water servicing equipment to ensure such equipment is operated and positioned in a manner that will prevent contamination of potable water to be loaded into the aircraft. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 440.

1.6 Aircraft Security

HDL 1.6.1 (Intentionally open)

HDL 1.6.2 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure, when an aircraft is parked unattended or with no one on board, doors are closed, locked and sealed, and any steps are removed. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 051.

HDL 1.6.3 If the Provider conducts aircraft security operations, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline for securing an aircraft for overnight or layover, to ensure, as applicable to each customer airline:

i) The aircraft is searched after parking to verify no persons are onboard;

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ii) Aircraft are parked only in secure areas within an airport operating area; iii) Aircraft are parked under conditions that permit maximum security and protection. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 051.

HDL 1.6.4 If the Provider conducts aircraft security operations, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) to ensure an adequate level of available outside lighting is utilized during hours of darkness to dissuade and detect unauthorized intrusions to properties, parked aircraft and vehicles. (GM)

Guidance The level of lighting in areas where aircraft might be parked during hours of darkness might not be determined or controlled by the provider. In such case, aircraft parking areas would typically be selected in agreement with the customer airline that operates the aircraft. Guidance may be found in AHM 051.

HDL 1.6.5 If the Provider conducts aircraft security operations, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for conducting an aircraft search prior passenger boarding and immediately after passenger deplaning, and suspicious articles found are brought to the attention of the relevant authority. (GM)

Guidance An aircraft search would typically be conducted only in agreement with the customer airline that operates the aircraft. If not specified by the customer airline, then a provider would normally be relieved of conducting such a search. Guidance may be found in AHM 051.

HDL 1.6.6 If the Provider conducts aircraft security operations, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for ensuring aircraft are guarded or otherwise secured during conditions of elevated security threat. (GM)

Guidance The method for securing an aircraft during conditions of elevated security threat would typically be specified in the agreement with the customer airline that operates the aircraft. If not specified by the customer airline, then a provider would normally be relieved from implementing aircraft security measures. Guidance may be found in AHM 051.

1.7 Unit Load Devices (ULDs)* * Refer to Section 1 of this manual (ORM-HS or ORM-S), Subsection 8, for provisions that are applicable to the management of ULDs in station aircraft handling and loading operations.

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2 Aircraft Loading Operations

2.1 Loading Management

HDL 2.1.1 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure aircraft are loaded: i) In accordance with written loading instructions; ii) In a manner that satisfies weight and balance requirements; iii) In a manner that prevents damage to the aircraft and injuries to personnel; iv) In a manner that prevents movement or spillage during flight. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Loading Instruction/Report (LIR). Effective procedures ensure precautions are taken during the loading process to prevent aircraft damage and injuries to personnel that could result from, among other things:

Failure to employ safe operating practices; Failure to wear personal protection; Exceeding aircraft floor load limitations; Inadequate tie-down and failure to fasten separation nets and door nets; Loading cargo on seats in the passenger cabin; Incorrect opening or closing of aircraft cargo doors; Operation of cargo doors during strong or gusty winds; Failure to use a tail strut or nose wheel weight, if provided; Mishandling of equipment.

Guidance may be found in AHM 590 and 630, as well as the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) 9.3.

HDL 2.1.2 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure a qualified person is designated as loading supervisor for all aircraft loading and off-loading operations with the responsibility for ensuring the aircraft is loaded or off-loaded in accordance with applicable loading procedures and instructions. (GM)

Guidance A loading supervisor is required for all aircraft loading operations. However, whereas a provider would typically provide a qualified supervisor, in certain circumstances the loading supervisor could be provided by the customer airline operating the aircraft (e.g. flying loadmaster). Aircraft loading supervision is an element of the load control process. To qualify as a loading supervisor, personnel of a provider that would act in such capacity typically complete part or all of the load control training curriculum. Guidance may be found in AHM 590 and 630.

HDL 2.1.3 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure, prior to being loaded into an aircraft, ULDs and other items are inspected for damage or leakage and, if found damaged or leaking, are not loaded into the aircraft.

HDL 2.1.4 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure ULDs to be loaded into an aircraft are crosschecked by unit number with the Loading Instructions. (GM)

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Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 420 and 630.

HDL 2.1.5 The Provider shall have procedures for ensuring, once an aircraft has been loaded, a Loading Report is:

i) Completed and certified by the supervisor responsible for aircraft loading;

ii) Communicated to Load Control. (GM)

Guidance The loading report and certification in normally completed by the loading supervisor, and certification typically requires the supervisor’s signature. Guidance may be found in AHM 514 and 590. HDL 2.1.6 If the Provider conducts aircraft handling operations for a passenger airline that does not accept cargo, mail or stores for consumption for transport, the Provider shall have procedures to ensure such items are prevented from being loaded into any aircraft operated by that customer airline. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of COMAT and Stores (Supplies), which includes a definition of Stores for Consumption. Stores for consumption include company material (COMAT). Guidance may be found in AHM 514 and 590.

2.2 Load Positioning

HDL 2.2.1 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the ground stability of an aircraft during loading and unloading operations. (GM)

Guidance Aircraft ground stability during loading and unloading requires the centre of gravity to remain in a range that does not permit the aircraft from tilting aft and resting on the underside of the aft fuselage (known as “tail tipping”).

HDL 2.2.2 (Intentional open)

HDL 2.2.3 If the Provider loads cargo, mail or stores (supplies) onto a passenger aircraft for transport in cabin passenger seats, the Provider shall have procedures to ensure such cargo:

i) Is properly secured by a safety belt or restraint device having enough strength to eliminate the possibility of shifting under all normal anticipated flight and ground conditions;

ii) Is packaged or covered in a manner to avoid possible injury to passengers and cabin crew members;

iii) Does not impose any load on the seats that exceeds the load limitation for the seats; iv) Does not restrict access to or use of any required emergency or regular exit, or aisle(s) in

the cabin; v) Does not obscure any passenger’s view of the seat belt sign, no smoking sign or required

exit sign.

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2.3 Dangerous Goods

HDL 2.3.1 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft loading to ensure dangerous goods are handled and secured or stowed in a manner that:

i) Prevents damage to packages and containers during aircraft loading and unloading; ii) Provides for separation and segregation of packages on the aircraft to prevent interaction

in the event of leakage; iii) Prevents movement that could change the orientation of packages on the aircraft. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in DGR 9.3.

HDL 2.3.2 The Provider shall have procedures that address a dangerous goods package or shipment that appears to be damaged or leaking, which ensure:

i) Such package or shipment is prevented from being loaded into an aircraft; ii) If already loaded, the package or shipment is removed from an aircraft; iii) In the case of leakage, the conduct of an evaluation to identify and prevent from transport

any other cargo, baggage or transport devices that have become contaminated by the leakage of dangerous goods;

iv) Immediate notification of the customer airline and relevant authority. (GM)

Guidance When a poorly packaged shipment is observed, ground handling personnel would use caution in handling the shipment to prevent the contents from spilling. Guidance may be found in DGR 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4, as well as AHM 630.

HDL 2.3.3 The Provider shall have procedures to address the contamination of an aircraft caused by a shipment of damaged or leaking dangerous goods, which ensure:

i) The removal of hazardous contamination from the aircraft without delay; ii) Immediate notification of the customer airline and relevant authority. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 322, 630 and ICAO Annex 18.

HDL 2.3.4 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure shipments labeled Cargo Aircraft Only are not loaded into a passenger aircraft. (GM)

Guidance A shipment that is restricted from being transported on a passenger aircraft will normally bear a Cargo Aircraft Only label. Procedures (e.g. checking labels prior to loading) would be in place to ensure such shipments are not inadvertently loaded onto a passenger aircraft. Guidance may be found in DGR 4.1, 7.2, 9.3 and Appendix H.

HDL 2.3.5 (Intentionally open)

HDL 2.3.6 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure dangerous goods are not loaded onto an aircraft for transport on the flight deck or in the cabin occupied by passengers, except in accordance with limited restrictions specified by the Authority or in the IATA DGR. (GM)

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Guidance Guidance may be found in DGR 2.3, 2.5 and 9.3, as well as ICAO Annex 18.

2.4 Loading Equipment

HDL 2.4.1 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure ground loading equipment is positioned at the aircraft with adequate clearance between the aircraft and the equipment to allow for vertical movement of the aircraft during loading or unloading operations. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 2.4.2 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure, once aircraft loading operations have been completed, ground loading equipment is moved to a position well clear of the aircraft. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

HDL 2.4.3 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the guides and safety rails on ground loading equipment are properly deployed for loading and unloading operations. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

2.5 In-plane Loading HDL 2.5.1 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for operation of the in-plane loading system(s). (GM)

Guidance Operation of the in-plane loading system is typically addressed in the agreement between a provider and the customer airline. Guidance that refers to the IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement may be found in AHM 810.

HDL 2.5.2 – 2.5.3 (Intentionally open)

HDL 2.5.4 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure ULDs, when loaded into an aircraft: i) Are guided into position by side rails and/or stops, locks or guides; ii) Have an unobstructed path into the desired position; iii) Are prevented from high-speed impact with locks or stops; iv) Have a width and height that will allow clearance without damaging the aircraft door

opening or the interior of the aircraft (hold or cargo compartment); v) Are secured by aircraft floor locks. (GM)

Guidance When large or heavy items are maneuvered inside an aircraft that has no mechanized loading system, a moveable roller track system is typically used in order to minimize the potential for aircraft damage. A crowbar or similar type of implement would not be used. High-speed impact with mechanical locks or stops will cause damage to the aircraft. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

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HDL 2.5.5 The Provider shall have a procedure to ensure any components of the in-plane loading system found to be missing or unserviceable (e.g. locks, nets) are reported to the customer airline that operates the aircraft. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

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Applicability Section 6 addresses aircraft ground movement operations, which includes:

Aircraft pushback: movement of an aircraft from a parking position to a taxi position by use of specialized ground support equipment;

Aircraft powerback: rearward movement of an aircraft from a parking position to a taxi position by use of the aircraft engines;

Aircraft towing: movement of an aircraft with or without a load onboard, other than pushback operations, by use of specialized ground support equipment;

Aircraft power-in arrival and power-out departure: forward movement of an aircraft to or from the parking position by use of the aircraft engines;

Marshalling conducted for the above operations; Provision of assistance during the above operations.

This section (AGM) is utilized for the audit of a station where aircraft ground movement operations and associated functions are conducted.

The Auditor will determine individual provisions that may not be applicable to a specific Provider.

General Guidance Definitions of technical terms used in this section, as well as the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms, are found in the IATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM).

1 Aircraft Ground Movement Operations

1.1 General

General Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Aircraft Ground Movement.

AGM 1.1.1 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure the equipment utilized for aircraft ground movement is suitable for the specific operation to be conducted, and takes into account:

i) Type and weight of the aircraft; ii) Weather conditions; iii) Surface conditions. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in the IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) 631.

AGM 1.1.2 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure, prior to commencement of an aircraft ground movement operation, personnel involved in the operation understand and are in agreement with how:

i) Communication will be performed; ii) The aircraft will be maneuvered. (GM)

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Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 1.1.3 The Provider shall ensure, for each departure or arrival aircraft ground movement operation, a person is assigned responsibility for the safe performance of the operation, and such responsibility includes ensuring:

i) The responsible person is known to all personnel involved in the operation; ii) Personnel involved in the operation are briefed of their individual responsibilities; iii) Only persons required to perform operating functions are in the operating area and

involved in the operation; iv) Standard hand signals are used for non-verbal communication; v) Personnel involved in the operation are positioned away from hazard zones; vi) The general area of the operation is clear of ground support equipment and other

obstacles. (GM)

Guidance The person assigned responsibility for performance of an aircraft ground movement operation would be considered to be “in charge,” and in that role would be expected to provide supervisory oversight of the operation and the personnel involved. The operational function of the person assigned as responsible (e.g. headset communicator, tug operator, ramp supervisor or other) will typically vary according to the circumstances and location associated with the specific movement operation. What is most important is that such responsibility is assigned to one person, and all other personnel involved know and recognize the person in charge. A distinctive vest or jacket is typically worn by supervisory personnel. Hand signals used for aircraft ground movement are normally standardized to ensure a common understanding by all personnel involved in the operation. Hand signals used for communication with the flight deck are normally in accordance with requirements of the customer airline that operates the aircraft. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 1.1.4 The Provider shall have procedures for an inspection of the aircraft exterior and adjacent airside areas prior to aircraft departure or arrival ground movement to verify:

i) The ramp surface condition is adequate for movement operations; ii) The ramp surface is clear of items that might cause aircraft foreign object damage (FOD); iii) For movement from parking, aircraft servicing doors and panels are closed and secure; iv) For movement from parking, power cables and loading bridge are detached; v) Equipment and vehicles are positioned clear of the movement path; vi) Adequate clearance exists between the aircraft and facilities or fixed obstacles along the

movement path; vii) For movement from parking, chocks are removed from all wheels. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Aircraft Ground Movement. Prior to any aircraft movement to or from parking, an inspection of the surface of the ramp would be made to determine if such operations can be conducted safely (e.g., snow, ice, slush, etc).

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In addition, a visual inspection would be made to ensure the surface is clear of items that might cause FOD. The aircraft is inspected prior to departure from parking to ensure service doors and panels? are not open or unlatched. Chocks are removed and GSE moved away from the path of the aircraft. The route of projected aircraft movement is also inspected to ensure there will be adequate clearance from vehicles, equipment and buildings. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 1.1.5 The Provider shall have procedures for making an assessment of the parking and surrounding areas prior to any aircraft departure or arrival ground movement to ensure an assignment of personnel necessary for safe movement operations. Such assessment shall take into account, relative to the type of aircraft movement:

i) Aircraft type; ii) Infrastructure; iii) Ground support equipment utilized. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 1.1.6 The Provider shall ensure personnel that perform marshalling or wing-walking functions during aircraft ground movement operations utilize:

i) Wands or paddles of a high visibility color during daytime conditions; ii) Lighted wands during low visibility or night conditions. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

1.2 Aircraft Arrival and Parking (Power-in)

AGM 1.2.1 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for aircraft arrival and parking that address, as a minimum:

i) Pre-arrival planning and preparation; ii) Use of the aircraft parking guidance system, if applicable; iii) Aircraft marshalling; iv) Aircraft movement assistance; v) Need to transition to towing; vi) Aircraft parking; vii) Aircraft engine shutdown; viii) Ground-to-flight deck communication; ix) Aircraft chocking; x) Release of aircraft parking brake; xi) Application of ground support equipment; xii) Placement of aircraft marker cones. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Aircraft Power-in (Power-out).

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1.3 Aircraft Departure (Power-out)* * The following provision under Subsection 1.3 is applicable to a Provider that conducts aircraft departure power-out operations.

AGM 1.3.1 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for aircraft power-out from parking that address, as a minimum:

i) Pre-departure planning and preparation; ii) Ground to flight deck communication; iii) Removal of ground support equipment; iv) Removal of aircraft marker cones; v) Aircraft engine start; vi) Removal of chocks; vii) Aircraft marshalling; viii) Aircraft movement assistance; ix) Transition to towing; x) Transition from marshalling to taxiing. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Aircraft Power-in (Power-out).

1.4 Aircraft Marshalling* * The following provisions under Subsection 1.4 are applicable to a Provider that performs marshalling during aircraft ground movement operations.

AGM 1.4.1 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for the conduct of aircraft marshalling operations, to include, as applicable to the type(s) of aircraft ground movement operations conducted:

i) Nose gear-controlled pushback and towing; ii) Main gear-controlled pushback; iii) Powerback; iv) Power-in; v) Power-out. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Aircraft Marshalling and each type of the aircraft ground movement operation. Marshalling is typically conducted for all aircraft ground movement operations. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 1.4.2 The Provider shall ensure personnel that perform the marshalling function during aircraft ground movement operations:

i) Provide standard marshalling signals in a clear and precise manner; ii) if applicable, are approved to perform marshalling functions by the relevant authority; iii) Wear a distinctive fluorescent identification vest or jacket to permit positive identification

by the flight crew. (GM)

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Guidance Marshalling is typically conducted for all aircraft ground movement operations, including pushback, towing, powerback, power-in, and power-out. Standard marshalling signals are used for aircraft ground movement to ensure a common understanding by all personnel involved in the operation Internationally recognized aircraft marshalling signals may be found in ICAO Annex 2 and in AHM 631. Additional guidance may be found in the Airports Council International Airside Safety Handbook (ACI) 2.10.0.

1.5 Aircraft Ground Movement Assistance* * The following provisions under Subsection 1.5 are applicable to a Provider that provides assistance during aircraft ground movement operations.

AGM 1.5.1 The Provider shall have procedures for use by personnel when providing assistance functions during aircraft ground movement operations. (GM)

Guidance Assistance is typically required prior to, during or after aircraft pushback, towing, powerback, power-in, and power-out operations. Assistance normally includes, among other functions:

Equipment preparation, removal, clearing and/or positioning; Pre-movement walk-around inspection of the aircraft (e.g., doors/panels closed, no

damage, pins removed); Check of aircraft surroundings; ensuring equipment and vehicles are clear; Chock insertion or removal; Ensuring aircraft is clear of all obstacles along the movement path (e.g., wing walker).

AGM 1.5.2 The Provider shall ensure personnel that perform assistance functions during aircraft ground movement operations:

i) Utilize standard hand signals in a clear and precise manner; ii) Wear a distinctive fluorescent identification vest or jacket to permit positive identification

by the flight crew. (GM)

Guidance Hand signals used for aircraft ground movement are normally standardized to ensure a common understanding by all personnel involved in the operation. Internationally recognized ground hand signals may be found in AHM 631. Additional guidance may be found in the ACI 2.10.0.

1.6 Aircraft Chocking* * The following provisions under Subsection 1.6 are applicable to a Provider that provides aircraft chocking during aircraft ground movement operations.

AGM 1.6.1 The Provider shall have a process to ensure aircraft chocks used in operations meet recognized specifications for safety. (GM)

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Guidance Corporate standards are addressed in Section 1 (ORM) of this manual, Subsection 3.5, Product Quality Control. Safety specifications typically include:

High visibility colors and markings; Triangular shape, rigidity and coefficient of friction; Length relative to the width of aircraft wheels; Height relative to the size of aircraft tires.

Guidance for aircraft chocking may be found in AHM 630.

AGM 1.6.2 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure personnel, when positioning or removing chocks, are aware of and remain clear of aircraft protrusions that could cause injury. (GM)

Guidance Typical protrusions include gear doors and antennae. Guidance for aircraft chocking may be found in AHM 630.

AGM 1.6.3 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) for aircraft chocking. (GM)

Guidance Procedures typically ensure personnel do not commence the chocking process until:

Aircraft engines have spooled down; The anti-collision light has been switched off; Clearance to approach the aircraft has been received from a responsible person.

Under certain circumstances (e.g. APU and GPU inoperative), engines might remain running for a period of time after the aircraft is parked. Procedures would normally address such exceptions to ensure the safety of personnel when positioning chocks with an engine running. Procedures also typically specify that chocks are positioned:

In front and rear of the aircraft outboard main gear wheels; Parallel to the wheel axel and only lightly touching the tires.

Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

AGM 1.6.4 – 1.6.5 (Intentionally open)

AGM 1.6.6 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure chocks, after removal from under the aircraft, are stored in designated areas that are:

i) Dedicated for such storage; ii) Clear of the aircraft movement areas. (GM)

Guidance Chocks left in or near the aircraft movement area become objects that could cause aircraft foreign object damage (FOD). Guidance for aircraft chocking may be found in AHM 630.

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2 Aircraft Nose Gear-controlled Pushback and Towing Operations* * The following provisions under Subsection 2 are applicable to a Provider that conducts aircraft nose gear-controlled pushback and/or towing operations.

2.1 Procedures


AGM 2.1.1 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing that are in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) and/or recommendations of the aircraft manufacturer for each type of aircraft, and such procedures shall ensure maximum nose gear turn limits are not exceeded. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Aircraft Pushback and Aircraft Towing. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.2 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure, during aircraft pushback or towing operations, verbal communication between ground handling personnel and the flight deck is conducted using common phraseology that has been agreed to in advance. (GM)

Guidance Typically such verbal communication takes place between a member of the ground handling crew (e.g. tug driver) and the flight crew using a wired or wireless connection to the aircraft intercommunication system. The use of common phraseology, which would be in accordance with requirements of the customer airline that operates the aircraft, is important to ensure a common understanding by both parties. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.3 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure chocks are not removed from the aircraft main gear until the:

i) Tractor and towbar are connected to the aircraft nose gear; ii) Parking brake of the tractor is engaged. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.4 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure, for aircraft fitted with a nose gear steering by-pass system, the by-pass pin:

i) Is correctly installed prior to connecting the towbar or towbarless tractor to the aircraft nose gear;

ii) Is removed after the towbar or towbarless tractor has been disconnected from the nose gear. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.5 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure, for aircraft not fitted with a nose gear steering by-pass system, the steering hydraulic system is depressurized or the nose gear steering torque links are disconnected (as applicable). (GM)

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Guidance Coordination with personnel on the flight deck would be required to ensure a safe depressurization and re-pressurization of the aircraft hydraulic system. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.6 If the Provider conducts aircraft pushback or towing utilizing a tractor and towbar, the Provider shall have procedures that provide instructions for connecting the towbar to the aircraft nose gear and to the tractor. (GM) Guidance Procedures are designed to minimize the possibility of injury to personnel or damage to the aircraft when connecting the towbar to the aircraft or tractor. Procedures typically specify that:

When connecting a towbar to the aircraft nose gear assembly, the towbar is detached from the tractor first;

When connecting a towbar to the tractor, personnel face the tractor and, if feasible, have both legs on the same side of the towbar (i.e. not straddling the towbar).

Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.7 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing operations to ensure, when a towbarless tractor is connected to the aircraft nose gear, there is verification that the aircraft nose wheels are safely locked in the tractor locking mechanism. (GM)

Guidance Some towbarless tractors have lights to indicate the nose wheels are locked in the tractor. Such indicator lights would be an acceptable means of verification. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.8 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing operations to ensure the aircraft nose wheels secured to a towbarless tractor are lifted to a height above the ground that will preclude any contact between the nose wheels and the ground during the entire pushback or towing operation. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.9 – 2.1.11 (Intentionally open)

AGM 2.1.12 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure a tractor connected to the aircraft is not left unattended with the engine running. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.13 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure, prior to the commencement of movement, the tractor operator verifies:

i) If feasible, the tractor is in line with the centerline of the aircraft; ii) The wheels on the towbar, if applicable, are fully retracted; iii) The tractor is in the appropriate drive mode. (GM)

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Guidance Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to commence a pushback with initial aircraft movement not straight back. Procedures would normally address such exceptions in a manner that ensures no injury to personnel, or damage to aircraft or equipment. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.14 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure, prior to the commencement of movement, the tractor operator has confirmation that the aircraft parking brake is released. (GM)

Guidance Confirmation of brake release would be communicated from the flight deck.

AGM 2.1.15 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure the tractor operator, when stopping or slowing aircraft movement during the operation, makes a gentle brake application. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.16 – 2.1.19 (Intentionally open)

Pushback Operations

AGM 2.1.20 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback operations to ensure, prior to lifting the aircraft nose wheels with a towbarless tractor:

i) Ground support equipment, including the passenger boarding bridge, is removed from the aircraft;

ii) The flight deck is notified. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.21 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback operations to ensure, when the pushback operation is in progress, ground handling personnel do not attempt to step across or over the towbar. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.22 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure, during aircraft pushback operations: i) Communication with the flight deck is conducted in a manner that eliminates the need for

personnel to walk in close proximity to the aircraft nose gear, towbar or tractor; ii) A backup method of communication between ground handling personnel and the flight

deck is in place for implementation should the primary method fail; iii) The flight deck is notified immediately in the event any connection between the tractor

and the aircraft is lost during the operation. (GM)

Guidance Typically, procedures would ensure verbal communication from the tractor operator to the flight deck is achieved using a flexible cord from the aircraft to the tractor operator, or use of a cordless system.

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If communication with the flight deck must be relayed by a third person, a flexible cord between aircraft and the headset would typically be used to permit the relay person to maintain a safe distance from both the aircraft and tractor. If the primary verbal communication link becomes inoperative (see AGM 2.1.2), the use of standard hand signals is the typical back-up method of communication. In the event of a disconnect between the tractor and the aircraft, the flight crew or other personnel on the flight deck would ensure a gentle brake application in stopping the rearward movement of the aircraft to prevent the fuselage from tipping aft due to braking forces. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.23 (Intentionally open)

AGM 2.1.24 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure, when aircraft pushback operations are conducted in poor surface or weather conditions, aircraft movement is limited to a slower speed than in normal conditions. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.25 (Intentionally open)

AGM 2.1.26 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure, when movement has been stopped and prior to disconnecting the towbar or towbarless tractor from the aircraft nose gear, the flight deck is instructed to set the aircraft parking brake and to hold the existing position until receipt of visual signals for final clearance to taxi. Procedures shall ensure confirmation is received by ground handling personnel that the parking brake is set. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.27 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback operations to ensure, when the pushback movement has been stopped and prior to disconnecting the towbar from the aircraft nose gear, tension is released from the towbar. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.28 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure, after the towbarless tractor has been disconnected from the nose gear, but prior to removal of the nose gear steering by-pass pin, the tractor is positioned so it is visible from the flight deck. (GM)

Guidance The tractor moved away from under the aircraft and positioned at an approximate 90 degree angle or less on either side would be visible from the flight deck. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.29 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure, prior to the aircraft commencing taxi under its own power, ground handling personnel:

i) Provide a final clearance signal to the flight deck; ii) If applicable, display the by-pass pin to the flight deck; iii) Receive acknowledgement from the flight deck. (GM)

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Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.30 – 2.1.32 (Intentionally open)

Towing Operations

AGM 2.1.33 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft towing to ensure: i) Prior to commencement of a towing operation, communication is established between the

tractor operator and the flight deck; ii) Aircraft hydraulic brake system pressure is available during the towing operation; iii) When communication is lost during a towing operation, movement is immediately

stopped. (GM)

Guidance Communication would normally utilize the aircraft inter-communication system. Back-up signals are established in the event the inter-communication system link becomes inoperative. The “brake rider” is the person that would be required to stop the aircraft using the aircraft brake system in the event control of towing movement by the tractor was lost. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.34 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft towing to ensure, if the aircraft is about to overtake the tractor, the tractor operator notifies the flight deck immediately to stop movement using gentle brake application. (GM)

Guidance Notification normally would be made using the aircraft inter-communication system, but could include other signals (e.g., horn signal). Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.35 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft towing to ensure, when towing on ice or snow, the tractor operator:

i) Maintains a reduced towing speed, particularly before entering a turn; ii) Avoids stopping movement in a turn, to the extent possible. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.36 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft towing to ensure, when towing on a “down slope,” the tractor operator maintains a very low speed to prevent the aircraft from overtaking the tractor. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.37 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft towing to ensure, when towing in low visibility or night conditions, the aircraft is illuminated so it can be seen. (GM)

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Guidance The customer airline or airport authority would typically define aircraft illumination requirements. When an aircraft is under movement in low visibility or night conditions, navigation lights and rotating beacon are normally on. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 2.1.38 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft towing to ensure, when the towing movement has been stopped and prior to disconnecting the towbar or the towbarless tug from the aircraft nose gear, a chock is placed behind the aircraft main wheels. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

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3 Aircraft Main Gear-controlled Pushback Operations* * The following provisions under Subsection 3 are applicable to a Provider that conducts aircraft main gear-controlled pushback operations.

3.1 Procedures

AGM 3.1.1 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure, prior to connection of a tractor to the aircraft main gear, a check of the remote control system is made, at a normal operating distance, to verify the system is functional. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 3.1.2 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure, while positioning a main gear tractor for connection to the aircraft, ground handling personnel verify the tractor unit is appropriately configured for the aircraft type. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 3.1.3 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure the main gear tractor operator uses standard terminology to communicate instructions to the flight deck for steering the aircraft along the desired rearward pushback path. (GM)

Guidance The tractor operator, who controls the main gear tractor remotely, provides steering instructions to the flight deck. The steering function is accomplished by the flight crew or other personnel on the flight deck using the aircraft nose wheel steering system. A mutual understanding of the meaning of all steering instructions by the tractor operator and flight deck personnel would be necessary to ensure the aircraft remains on the desired rearward movement path. Following are examples of standard terms and phrases that could be used as steering instructions to the flight deck:

“Left, left” – Apply left steering; “Right, right” – Apply right steering; “Steady” – hold steering in current position; “Reduce turn” – reduce steering angle; “Neutral” – place steering in neutral position; “Rollers are open – standby for hand signals”.

Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 3.1.4 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure the main gear tractor operator notifies the flight deck immediately in the event of an equipment malfunction during the operation. (GM)

Guidance The flight crew or other personnel on the flight deck would ensure, at the end of the pushback, a gentle brake application in stopping the rearward movement of the aircraft to prevent the fuselage from tipping aft. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

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AGM 3.1.5 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure the main gear tractor operator observes the unit indicator lights to verify the tractor rollers are fully open before giving an all clear signal to the flight deck. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 3.1.6 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure, in the event a emergency passenger evacuation is required during the pushback operation, ground handling personnel remove the main gear tractor if it is in a position that interferes with the evacuation process. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

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4 Aircraft Powerback Operations* * The following provisions under Subsection 4 are applicable to a Provider that conducts aircraft powerback operations.

4.1 Procedures

AGM 4.1.1 The Provider shall ensure aircraft powerback operations are conducted in accordance with the approval and limitations of relevant authorities. (GM)

Guidance Factors typically considered in the risk assessment for approval of aircraft powerback operations include:

Jet or propeller blast; Surface conditions; Noise levels; Communication with other users (to prevent conflicting operations); Maneuvering space.

Guidance may be found in AHM 631 and ACI 2.10.0.

AGM 4.1.2 The Provider shall ensure aircraft powerback operations are conducted with a ground handling crew that comprises, as a minimum, one marshaller and two wing walkers; the marshaller is assigned responsibility for the safe performance of the operation. (GM)

Guidance The marshaller would be considered to be “in charge” of the operation, and in that role would be expected to provide supervisory oversight. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 4.1.3 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft powerback to ensure wireless communication is the primary method of communication between the marshaller and the flight deck. (GM)

Guidance The use of hand signals may serve as a secondary method of communication.

AGM 4.1.4 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft powerback to ensure the marshaller wear protective goggles in addition to normal personal protective equipment. (GM)

Guidance The use of reverse thrust from the aircraft engines causes airborne debris to move forward of the aircraft, which, without protection, could cause eye damage to the marshaller. Wing walkers could be subjected to flying debris as well, and therefore would also typically wear protective goggles.

AGM 4.1.5 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure aircraft powerback operations are not conducted when:

i) The departure gate is not approved for such operations; ii) The entire area of the operation is not adequately lighted; iii) Visibility is restricted due to weather conditions; iv) An accumulation of ice, snow or slush is on the movement surface;

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v) Verbal agreement is not reached between the marshaller and the flight deck; vi) Any member of the ground handling crew is not properly protected. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

AGM 4.1.6 The Provider shall have procedures for aircraft powerback to ensure the marshaller: i) Terminates the rearward movement of the aircraft with a “come straight ahead” signal; ii) Provides a stop signal only after the aircraft has achieved forward movement. (GM)

Guidance Final forward movement of the aircraft prevents the possibility of the fuselage tipping aft due to braking forces. Guidance may be found in AHM 631.

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Applicability Section 7 addresses cargo and mail handling functions conducted in cargo terminals or other designated cargo handling facilities (hereinafter “cargo handling operations”). Cargo and mail handling functions conducted in other airside areas of operations are addressed in Section 5, Aircraft Handling and Loading (HDL).

Functions within the scope of cargo handling operations include: Cargo and mail acceptance; Cargo and mail handling; Unit load device (ULD) loading/build-up/storage transport; Application of required security measures.

This section (CGM) is utilized for the audit of a station where cargo and mail handling operations are conducted.

The Auditor will determine individual provisions that may not be applicable to a specific Provider.

General Guidance Definitions of technical terms used in this section, as well as the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms, are found in the IATA Technical Reference Manual for Audit Programs (ITRM).

1 Cargo/Mail Acceptance and Handling

1.1 General

CGM 1.1.1 The Provider shall have communication procedures for the transfer of information and data to the load control office to ensure all cargo, mail and stores (supplies) loaded onto the aircraft is accounted for in the load control process. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Cargo. Procedures typically address the types and methods of communication necessary to ensure effective coordination between cargo handling personnel and the load control office.

CGM 1.1.2 – 1.1.3 (Intentionally open)

CGM 1.1.4 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure cargo and/or mail for air transport is accepted and handled in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Cargo is accepted under the terms of the Operations Manual (OM) of the customer airline(s), which typically specifies procedures designed to ensure acceptance personnel establish the actual weight of cargo by weighing, and the cargo has been packed in a manner that:

Ensures safe transport with ordinary care in handling; Precludes injury or damage to any person, cargo or property.

Interline cargo also typically complies with requirements of the receiving airline(s).

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Guidance pertaining to interline cargo requirements may be found in the IATA Cargo Services Conference Resolutions or Multilateral Interline Traffic Agreements Manual (MITA).

CGM 1.1.5 The Provider shall have procedures to address cargo that is found to be damaged, to ensure:

i) An assessment of the damage is conducted to determine whether such cargo is fit to be transported on an aircraft;

ii) If determined not fit for transport, such cargo is removed from the aircraft, ULD, the shipment, or normal storage area, as applicable;

iii) Damage is documented; iv) The customer airline is notified. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) 320.

CGM 1.1.6 If the Provider utilizes scales to determine the weight of cargo, the Provider shall have a process to ensure scales utilized to determine the weight of cargo intended for air transport are periodically checked and calibrated, and such actions are recorded and retained in accordance with applicable regulations and/or requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Such scales might be referred to as weigh bridges. A provider’s process ensures scales are checked and calibrated periodically. The actual checking and calibration activity might be accomplished by an entity other than the provider (e.g. customer airline, airport authority). Guidance may be found in AHM 534.

CGM 1.1.7 The Provider should ensure cargo handling facilities have specifically configured areas appropriate for the storage of special cargo. (GM)

Guidance Special cargo includes dangerous goods, human remains, live animals, perishables, valuable cargo, fragile goods, diplomatic cargo and mail. Such items could have separation requirements as specified in the appropriate IATA manual(s) and, additionally, might be governed by local rules or regulations. Information relative to storage of cargo is typically found in the OM of the customer airline(s).

1.2 Dangerous Goods

CGM 1.2.1 Where dangerous goods are accepted for air transport, the Provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s), to include the use of a Dangerous Goods Acceptance Checklist, to verify dangerous goods shipments are accepted in accordance with all applicable requirements for transportation on an aircraft. Procedures shall ensure, as applicable to specific dangerous goods shipments:

i) Documentation is in accordance with requirements for shipments of radioactive and non-radioactive material;

ii) The quantity of dangerous goods per package is within applicable limits; iii) The marking of packages, overpacks, freight containers or unit load devices (ULDs) is

visible and in agreement with the accompanying Shipper's Declaration of Dangerous Goods;

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iv) The packaging specification marking indicates a packing group that is appropriate for the dangerous goods contained within the package;

v) Proper shipping names, UN numbers, ID numbers, hazard and handling labels on interior packages of an overpack are visible or reproduced on the outside of the overpack;

vi) Labeling and marking of packages, overpacks, freight containers and ULDs is in accordance with requirements for radioactive and non-radioactive material;

vii) The outer packaging of a package is of the type stated on the accompanying Shipper's Declaration of Dangerous Goods and is permitted by the applicable packing instruction;

viii) Packages or overpacks do not contain different dangerous goods that require segregation;

ix) Packages, overpacks, freight containers and/or ULDs are not leaking and there is no indication the integrity has been compromised;

x) Overpacks do not contain packages bearing a “Cargo Aircraft Only” label unless in accordance with specified exceptions. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Freight Container (Radioactive Materials Only) and Shipper’s Declaration of Dangerous Goods. Guidance may be found in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Section 9.

CGM 1.2.2 (Intentionally open)

CGM 1.2.3 Where dangerous goods are accepted for air transport, the Provider shall have procedures to ensure documentation associated with the acceptance and handling of dangerous goods is retained in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) and regulations of the state in which the cargo is accepted. Such documentation shall include, as a minimum:

i) The Dangerous Goods Acceptance Checklist; ii) The Shipper’s Declaration of Dangerous Goods, if applicable; iii) The NOTOC and, when used, the NOTOC Summary. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of NOTOC (Notification of Captain). A minimum of one copy of each document associated with each dangerous goods shipment is typically retained on file for three months or, if required by regulations of the state in which operations are conducted, a longer period of time. Guidance may be found in DGR Sections 8 and 9.

CGM 1.2.4 The Provider shall have procedures in accordance with the customer airline(s) to ensure English, in addition to the language required by the State of Origin, is used for markings and transport documents related to the shipment of dangerous goods. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of State of Origin. Guidance may be found in DGR Sections 2 and 7

CGM 1.2.5 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure ULDs containing dangerous goods have a dangerous goods ULD tag that is marked with the class or division number(s) of the dangerous goods contained therein, and, if the ULD contains packages bearing a “Cargo Aircraft Only” label, the tag indicates the ULD can only be loaded onto a cargo aircraft. (GM)

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Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Unit Load Device (ULD).

CGM 1.2.6 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure any dangerous goods shipment that appears to be damaged or leaking:

i) Is not to be loaded into a ULD or delivered to an aircraft; ii) Is safely removed from the ULD (other transport device) by the Provider or other relevant

authority, and safe disposal arranged; iii) In the case of leakage, an evaluation is conducted to ensure the remainder of the

shipment is in proper condition for transport by air and that no other package, cargo, ULD, other transport device has been contaminated or damaged. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in DGR Section 9.

CGM 1.2.7 (Intentionally open)

CGM 1.2.8 The Provider shall have a process to ensure, when dangerous goods hazard and handling labels are discovered to be lost, illegible or detached from dangerous goods shipments subsequent to the time of acceptance, such labels are replaced in accordance with the information provided on the Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods. Such requirement for the replacement of labels shall not apply where labels are found to be missing or illegible at the time of acceptance. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in DGR Section 9.

CGM 1.2.9 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure dangerous goods are separated from other cargo or incompatible materials in accordance with published category restrictions. (GM)

Guidance Loading requirements contained in DGR Section 9 primarily address dangerous goods compatibility restrictions on an aircraft. Similar separation requirements would be implemented for stowage of these materials in a cargo facility and for transportation to the aircraft. Guidance may be found in DGR Section 9.

CGM 1.2.10 (Intentionally open)

CGM 1.2.11 The Provider shall ensure notices providing information about the transportation of dangerous goods are prominently displayed at cargo acceptance locations. (GM)

Guidance Such requirement would apply even at locations where only general cargo is accepted. Guidance may be found in DGR Section 9.

CGM 1.2.12 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure packages or overpacks containing dangerous goods and labeled “Cargo Aircraft Only” are loaded only onto a cargo aircraft, and are loaded either:

i) In a class C aircraft cargo compartment, or

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ii) In a ULD equipped with a fire detection/suppression system equivalent to that required by the certification requirements of a Class C aircraft cargo compartment as determined by the applicable authority, or

iii) In such a manner that in the event of an emergency involving such packages or overpacks, a crew member or other authorized person can access those packages or overpacks, and can handle and, where size and weight permit, separate such packages from other cargo. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definition of Cargo Compartment Classifications. Guidance may be found in DGR Section 9.

CGM 1.2.13 The Provider shall have a process to ensure applicable information associated with dangerous goods to be loaded onto an aircraft is communicated to the load control office. (GM)

Guidance Information communicated to the load control office typically includes, as applicable to the specific dangerous goods shipment:

The Air Waybill number (when issued); The proper shipping name, supplemented with the technical name(s), where required,

and UN or ID number; The class or division and subsidiary risk(s) corresponding to the label(s) applied and for

Class 1, the compatibility group; The packing group; For non-radioactive material, the number of packages, the net quantity or gross weight, if

applicable, of each package; For radioactive material, the number and category of packages, overpacks or freight

containers and the transport index and dimensions for each, if applicable; Whether the package is restricted to cargo aircraft only; The airport at which the package(s) is to be unloaded; Where applicable, an indication the dangerous goods are being carried under a state

exemption; The ULD ID code.

1.3 Live Animals and Perishables

CGM 1.3.1 Where live animals are accepted, the Provider shall have a process to ensure such shipments are accepted and handled in accordance with the IATA Live Animal Regulations (LAR) and requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Live animal handling procedures and specific responsibilities of a provider with regard to required documentation, acceptance, containers, animal welfare, compliance with all regulations, storage and loading and liability are addressed in the IATA LAR. Additional requirements may be mandated by the State of origin, the State of destination and/or the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

CGM 1.3.2 Where live animals are accepted, the Provider shall have a process to ensure utilization of the IATA Live Animals Acceptance Checklist, or equivalent. (GM)

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Guidance The IATA Live Animals Acceptance Checklist is recommended as an effective reference in assisting shippers, agents and operators in preparing live animal shipments for air transportation.

CGM 1.3.3 Where perishable shipments, to include time- and temperature-sensitive goods, are accepted, the Provider shall have a process to ensure the acceptance and handling of such shipments is in accordance with the IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR), as well as applicable regulations and requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Time- and temperature-sensitive goods typically include goods from the health care sector.

The procedures for handling perishable goods and specific responsibilities of a provider with regard to acceptance, documentation, packaging, storage and classification are addressed in the IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR). Time and temperature management of healthcare products is addressed specifically in Chapter 17 of the PCR. Local authorities may mandate additional requirements.

CGM 1.3.4 If the customer airline accepts live animal shipments, the Provider shall have a process to ensure such shipments are accompanied by the shipper’s certification or equivalent, as well as other relevant documents. (GM)

Guidance Documentation required for live animal shipments includes the shipper’s certification, air waybill and, in some situations, CITES. Some states may have additional requirements, which could include health certificates, export and/or import permits. Guidance may be found in the IATA LAR 2.2.

1.4 Other Special Cargo

CGM 1.4.1 Where special cargo shipments are accepted, the Provider shall have a process to ensure such shipments are accepted and handled in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Special cargo includes dangerous goods, human remains, live animals, perishables, valuable cargo, fragile goods, diplomatic cargo and mail. Guidance for the handling of human remains may be found in the IATA TACT Rules and the AHM 333. Outsized and heavy cargo refers to items that are larger or heavier than can be accommodated in or on a ULD. Standards for handling these items would typically be found in the OM of the customer airline(s), as well as in the Weight and Balance Manual for each aircraft type. Prior arrangements and specific handling requirements generally apply to all types of special cargo and would be incorporated into the OM of the customer airline(s), including those items identified in this provision, but also emergency medical supplies, live human organs and diplomatic shipments.

1.5 Unit Load Devices (ULDs)* * Refer to Section 1 of this manual (ORM-HS or ORM-S), Subsection 8, for provisions that are applicable to the management of ULDs in station cargo and mail handling operations.

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2 Cargo Security

2.1 Facilities

CGM 2.1.1 The Provider shall have a process in accordance with the Provider’s security program to ensure security controls are in place to prevent personnel and vehicles from unauthorized access into station facilities and areas where the Provider conducts cargo handling operations for customer airlines. (GM)

Guidance A provider would normally conduct cargo handling operations for customer airlines only in facilities or areas where adequate security controls are in place, although in most cases the actual implementation of such controls is not accomplished by the provider. Security controls are typically implemented by an authority (e.g. government or airport authority), but under certain conditions it might be necessary for implementation to be accomplished by the provider or other entity deemed competent by the provider and/or customer airline.

CGM 2.1.2 (Intentionally open)

CGM 2.1.3 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure cargo that is stored until it can be forwarded or delivered is retained in secure storage areas within cargo terminals or other cargo handling facilities. (GM)

Guidance A secure storage area is structured or configured to preclude any occurrence of unauthorized interference, and could be under surveillance utilizing various methods (e.g. guards, CCTV).

2.2 Operations

CGM 2.2.1 The Provider shall ensure security controls are applied to cargo and mail consignments accepted for transport on a commercial passenger flight, and such controls are in accordance with the applicable state civil aviation security program and requirements of the customer airline(s). (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM for the definitions of Regulated Agent and Known Shipper. ICAO Annex 17 requires security controls to be applied to cargo and mail consignments tendered for transportation on commercial passenger flights. States typically authorize use of physical or technical measures, as well as regulated agent or known shipper/consignor programs.

CGM 2.2.2 The Provider shall ensure cargo and mail consignments accepted for transport on an all-cargo flight are subjected to the security requirements of the applicable state(s) and/or controls commensurate with the security threat as determined by risk assessment. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM in this manual for the definition of Security Threat, which defines threat levels. It is generally considered that the primary threat to all-cargo operations is an aircraft being commandeered for use as a weapon of mass destruction. ICAO Annex 17 (4.6.6) recommends that the application of security controls required by states be based on the security threat level as determined by risk assessment.

CGM 2.2.3 The Provider shall have procedures to ensure cargo and mail is protected from unauthorized interference from the point security controls are applied until departure of the aircraft. (GM)

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Guidance To maintain the secure status of cargo, it is critical for a provider to ensure cargo is not accessed and/or interfered with by any unauthorized personnel from the moment it has been declared secure until it is loaded into an aircraft and the hold door is closed prior to departure.

CGM 2.2.4 The Provider shall ensure cargo and mail intended for transport on a commercial passenger aircraft, and which is moved about or stored at the airport prior to being loaded into an aircraft, remains inaccessible from unauthorized interference. (GM)

Guidance ICAO Annex 17 requires States to ensure cargo and mail to be carried on a passenger commercial aircraft is protected from unauthorized interference from the time security controls are applied until departure of the flight. Guidance may be found in the IATA SM, Chapter 5.

CGM 2.2.5 If the Provider accepts and handles stores and supplies, to include catering supplies, intended for transport on commercial passenger aircraft of customer airlines, the Provider shall have a process to ensure such stores and supplies are subjected to security controls in accordance with the applicable civil aviation security program, and thereafter protected until loaded onto an aircraft (GM)

Guidance If stores and supplies are delivered to a provider by other entities (e.g., catering providers) for acceptance and handling on behalf of the customer airline(s), such items are protected from the point at which the appropriate security controls have been applied until loaded onto the aircraft. Additional details may be found in the IATA Security Manual, Chapter 5.

CGM 2.2.6 The Provider shall have a process to ensure known cargo consignments presented for transport on a commercial passenger aircraft are:

i) Delivered for transport by an employee or nominated person of a regulated agent, known shipper/consignor, or customer airline;

ii) Free from any signs of unauthorized tampering; iii) Presented with documents corresponding to the cargo being delivered; iv) Protected from unauthorized access; v) Subjected to additional security controls, as required by risk assessment. (GM)

Guidance Guidance may be found in the IATA Security Manual.

CGM 2.2.7 – 2.2.9 (Intentionally open)

Regulated Agent and Known Shipper Programs

CGM 2.2.10 The Provider shall ensure, where a regulated agent program exists, the handling of known cargo and the application of controls to secure unknown cargo is accomplished by a Regulated Agent. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM in this manual for the definitions of Known Cargo and Unknown Cargo. Known cargo is no longer considered secure once transferred to an unknown or unregulated entity. Therefore, the provider would have to be, or utilize the services of, a Regulated Agent to

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ensure the security of cargo shipments accepted for customer airlines is in accordance with requirements of the applicable state. Customer airlines may apply additional controls.

CGM 2.2.11 The Provider shall ensure, where a regulated agent or known shipper program exists, cargo or mail shipments are not accepted as known cargo for transport on a commercial passenger flight unless either:

i) The application of security controls has been accounted for by a Regulated Agent; or ii) Such shipments have been subjected to appropriate security controls through a known

shipper program. (GM)

Guidance Refer to the ITRM in this manual for the definitions of Known Shipper. States determine what constitutes “appropriate” security controls. Some may not permit acceptance of cargo or mail from other than Regulated Agents and/or known shippers. As part of its security program, a Provider may consider a cargo consignment accepted from a Regulated Agent and/or known shipper as meeting required security provisions unless such consignment is identified as unknown cargo. Additional guidance may be found in the IATA Security Manual and in the IATA Security Management System (SeMS) for Air Transport Operators, Cargo Security Addendum.

CGM 2.2.12 The Provider shall ensure, where a regulated agent or known shipper program exists, cargo and mail shipments accepted from other than regulated agents or known shippers (unknown cargo) for transport on a commercial passenger flight are subjected to appropriate security controls, to include:

i) Documentation as to the identity and details of the shipment; ii) Physical search or screening either electronically or by other means. (GM)

Guidance ICAO Annex 17 requires cargo and mail to be accounted for by a regulated agent program or be subjected to appropriate security controls. Individual states determine what constitutes “appropriate security controls.” Some may not permit acceptance of cargo or mail from other than regulated agents/known consignors. If the Provider applies security controls, he shall be a regulated entity in the State of application of those controls. Additional details may be found in the IATA Security Manual and the IATA Security Management System (SeMS) for Air Transport Operators, Cargo Security Addendum.

CGM 2.2.13 The Provider shall ensure, where cargo security is not accounted for by a regulated agent and/or known shipper/consignor program, security controls applied to cargo shipments for transport on a commercial passenger flight are in compliance with requirements of:

i) The state where such cargo is accepted; ii) Other states with requirements applicable to such cargo shipments. (GM)

Guidance To ensure compliance, consideration is given to implementation of a cargo security regime that meets or exceeds the recommendations of IATA CSC RP 1630 and/or the IATA Security Management System (SeMS) for Air Transport Operators (Cargo Security Addendum).

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Ref. No: 8039-02ISBN 978-92-9233-307-2 Printed in Canada