116111 Marketing Opportunities

New Number - New Opportunities! INTRODUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES FOR 116 111 Milan, 4th of October 2009



Transcript of 116111 Marketing Opportunities

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New Number - New Opportunities!


Milan, 4th of October 2009

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• The fact is that all child helplines share the mission to help children and youth in need, and that 1161111 has enrolled and will enroll further in the European region.

• This is not about one number, but one mission, and together they can achieve new dimensions.

• 116111 gives an opportunity to label a common mission and demonstrate that the child helplines are part of something bigger: this brings more opportunities, more power, more money - for more children, for better services, for more smiles!

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Two Ways that 116111 can Benefit Children

Child Helpline

Direct BenefitsTarget Group: Children

Indirect Benefits Target Group: Fundraising

116 111

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Table of Content

• Today• Option 1: Continue what we do today

– Local developments and productions, local visual appearance, local messages etc.

• Tomorrow• Option 2A: Separate 116111 Pan European Communications running in parallel

– Individual visual appearance, developed by centrally, targeted children• Option 2B: Separate 116111 Pan European Communications running in parallel

– Individual visual appearance, developed centrally, targeted fundraising/policy makers• Option 3: Semi-European communications materials

– Same visual appearance (templates), local developments/communications• Option 4: Pan European communications materials

– Same visual appearance, same communications, developed centrally or local country (competition)

• Option: Websites– 116 111 Website– CHI Social Networking Site

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Option 1

Local Communication - Continue What We Do Today

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Local Communications Development and Production

• Today, all child helplines are developing and producing all marketing and communications material locally.

• Visual appearance, tone and style, messages etc. are developed according to local needs and on local premises, incl. awareness raising campaigns and information materials about the new number 116 111.

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Local Communications Development and Production

• Pro

• Messages, material and media can be adjusted and selected to local needs, environment, requirements and media.

• Cons

• All costs for planning, development and production has to be covered by local budget.

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Option 2

Pan European 116 111 Communications Running in Parallel

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Pan European 116 111 Communications Running in Parallel

• To have a Pan European 116 111 communications developed and produced centrally, but running in local markets (in local language) and/or in European media in parallel to local communications.

• With its own visual appearance, one message, local child helpline logo linked other 116111 helpline logos.

• It could be targeted either toward• A) Children• B) Fundraising/Policy Makers (indirect)

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A) Children: Objective

• To create or increase awareness about 116 111 and thereby attract more children and eventually helping more children.

• To, potentially, build a 116 111universe, a community feel, with the message to be part of something bigger (e.g. “Part of Europe”) in parallel to the local campaign messages.

• Note: this option was initially concluded to potentially create confusion amongst children due to the conflicting messages, and visual appearance.

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A) Children: Principle of a Print Ad

116 111Part of Europe

Fgmdmd snandn thevhgo dhjgf tiehenv fdglh dng dndnm msk egosgks djpsjf jsopgjoe jwpjge jwpojfeop wjfopjwj fpw ojgo wojgjri ejfjoejo gjoejfojoe wjejrfjek sjfj fjf jfjfjf sdoepg. Fhhewhj fhfd sk gf hrhec dhf tpv skskg gpf dgowog wjkg.

Main Message

Body copy explaining meaning and context

Senders of the Message

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A) Children: Pro and Cons• Pro

• Building additional awareness for 116111 in the local market, thereby address more children = help more children.

• An opportunity to build up a community feel around 116111 in parallel to the local countries. This can make children feel more comfortable (“kids in other countries have similar problems”) and confident to call for help if needed = help more children.

• Cons

• Conflicting messages and multiple CI (corporate identities) can create confusion and ultimate lead to rejection.

• Not cost efficient; expensive ‘awareness’ as budgets both for local markets and adaptation of European campaign are required.

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B) Fundraising & Policy Makers: Objective

• Fundraising• To attract and raise funds through “globalization” of child helpline

in Europe via 116 111.• 116111 could be used as message, e.g. “child helplines unite to

help more children”, to create awareness, and add credibility towards the network.

• Policy Makers• To get increased recognition and easier access to policy and

decision makers. • To facilitate laws, legislations, recommendations in favor of child


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B) Fundraising/Policy Makers: Principle of a Print Ad

116 111Child Helplines Unite

Fgmdmd snandn thevhgo dhjgf tiehenv fdglh dng dndnm msk egosgks djpsjf jsopgjoe jwpjge jwpojfeop wjfopjwj fpw ojgo wojgjri ejfjoejo gjoejfojoe wjejrfjek sjfj fjf jfjfjf sdoepg. Fhhewhj fhfd sk gf hrhec dhf tpv skskg gpf dgowog wjkg.

Main Message

Body copy explaining meaning and context

Main sender of the message

Partners of the message

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B) Fundraising/Policy: Pro and Cons

• Pro

• Creating awareness and credibility towards the local child helplines

• Looks more powerful, and thereby increase fundraising opportunities.

• More funds = more media • More funds = better services

for more children.• Less conflicting messages

and CI as targeted two different groups.

• Cons

• Less conflicting messages and CI as targeted two different groups.

• Not cost efficient as additional budget for adaptation of European campaign is required.

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Option 3

Semi-European Communications

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Semi-European Campaign: Objective

• To ensure, to communicate, that the local child helplines appears to of a bigger network, and community, with shared mission.

• Semi-European communications materials are characterized by having same templates, and a 116111 logo, but communications developments and production are still locally.

• Centrally developed and produced templates made available to the countries.

• It could be a follow-up to option 1.

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• EU member countries are part of a larger community, the EU, and add value to each other’s country status and reputation.

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Today• Each EU member country becomes a part of this community,

and shares values without loosing or giving up its integrity.

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• Same principle for child helplines: having a common 116111 logo, that serves as a certificate, a quality stamp, and can be used in all communications. This makes the every child helpline part of an important community and thereby more powerful and credible.

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Print Ads Today

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Print Ads Tomorrow





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Semi-Pan European Communications: Pro and Cons

• Pro

• Will make child helplines look united and more powerful, and potentially in a stronger position to attract sponsors.

• Ensures a consistent look locally and in Europe.

• Higher visibility of number towards children.

• Cost savings in development and production as templates are fixed.

• Cons

• Limited synergy effect among European children due to limited budgets in some countries.

• Production costs are lower but not savings are limited.

• Visibility of number towards children is higher, but limited.

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Option 4

Pan European Communications

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Pan European Communications: Objective

• To be and act like a united child helpline organisation by having same communications across Europe, however still with a local signature and the logo of the local child helpline.

• Centrally developed and produced communication materials made available to the in individual child helplines.

• Alternatively: Local child helplines could develop concepts and

share them with each other in a competition. The best concept will be identified through vote. The production costs to realised the winning concept could be covered by the CHI Secretariat.

• Sharing of concepts and voting could be conducted over the CHI Social Networking website.

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Pan European Communications: Print Ad

Fgmdmd snandn thevhgo dhjgf tiehenv fdglh dng dndnm msk egosgks djpsjf jsopgjoe jwpjge jwpojfeop wjfopjwj fpw ojgo wojgjri ejfjoejo gjoejfojoe wjejrfjek sjfj fjf jfjfjf sdoepg. .

“116 111 is therejust for me”

“116 111 is therejust for me”



Fgmdmd snandn thevhgo dhjgf tiehenv fdglh dng dndnm msk egosgks djpsjf jsopgjoe jwpjge jwpojfeop wjfopjwj fpw ojgo wojgjri ejfjoejo gjoejfojoe wjejrfjek sjfj fjf jfjfjf sdoepg. .



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Pan European Communications: Pro and Cons

• Pro• Local costs for materials reduces

significantly due to reduction of developments costs and time.

• That means more funds into media = reach and help more children.

• Or more funds into services = better help children.

• High quality materials (assuming more funds go into developments.

• Instant access as material is already produced.

• Creating a consistent image throughout Europe and build more credibility and thereby make children more confident in calling for help if needed.

• Cons• Cannot fully or always take local

issues and/or history into account.• Communications content that

does not fit the local countries culture (misunderstanding).

• Giving up successful materials and campaigns locally.

• The risk that children believe that they can get help when calling from abroad.

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Option: Websites

116 111 Website / Social Networking Site

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116 111 Website: Objective

• Children• To create community amongst children and connectivity to local

child helpline.

• Child Helpline International Members• The 116111 website could serve as an internal platform for child

helplines to share and exchange all kind of information, incl. marketing materials.

• Additionally, for local child helplines without a website, it could be adapted in to local language (= cost saving).

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116 111 Website

116 111

Helplines - Information- Reports- Local campaigns- Templates- Events- Chat- Blogs- Links

- Information- Expert tips- Chat - Blogs- Forum- Events- Links to local child helpline- Other links


Member login

Member login

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Member login

CHI Social Networking Site for Sharing of Marketing Materials amongst child helplines

• Create a 116111 Group within the CHI Social Networking Site.

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Note: Sharing!

• Sharing of marketing information is not, or should not, necessarily be limited to 116111 materials.

• Any materials used more than once, and any ideas adapted could mean cost savings; money that could be used to reach more children, improve serve etc.

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Thank you for your attention and input.