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Brettle, Jessica

From: Mark Cox <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2020 1:04 PMTo: [email protected]: [email protected]: Head to Australia (i)

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Six Cities will be Ruined in AD 2026   By Water,  San Francisco  San Diego  By Wind,  Chicago  Dallas  By Flash of Light New York City Washington DC  Six Cities as the Manifest Consequence for the Abomination of Nuclear Detonation with Little Boy to Hiroshima and Fat Man to Nagasaki : Shema –> Hear Israel! The Lord is our God. The Lord is One. And thou shalt Love the Lord thy God with thy Whole Understanding, and with thy Whole Soul, and with thy Whole Might. <– ... Hiroshima ... Shema Hear ... Hear the O of the Leary Mafia now in Bed with Eva Braun ... The Lord is One yet our Scribal Ancestors divided the Truth into True and False Spelling with True and False Passages with True and False Reordering and this Behavior of Cursing the Future by using Weapons of Mass Destruction to Indiscriminately Vaporize Babies in Mothers Wombs in Greedily Coveting the Death Championship in the Category of Deaths per Second to Beat the Germans in the Game of Genocide and even Nagasaki Naga Negative "We shall Not Recognize Sacred Scripture of the Lord for we shall Not Love our Naga Neighbor connotation Negative as ourselves as they're a Different Race" even as the Death of Rosemary LaBianca is the Signature Death of the Helter Skelter Murders as Manson arrived like the Director on the Set to Verify they had Rosemary the Set to Double Point to the Baby murdered in Sharon Tate who is the Unborn Baby of Roman Polanski the Director of "Rosemary's Baby" on the 24th Anniversary ((Even as the Hebrew Canon is Grouped as 24 Writings comprised of 39 Writings when Ezra the Scribe had Sixty Writings and even After Ezra the Scribe came More Hebrew Writings All the Way to John the Immerser in the Jordan the Rebirth of Moses who couldn't enter the Jordan because Moses hit the Rock Moses was told to Speak to so Water could come forth)) of August 9th 1945 when Nagasaki received the Manhattan Fat Man wherein the Day August 9th is Sextilis Novem [(69)] in the Roman Calendar before Julius Caesar whose Inheritor Gaius Octavius becomes Julius Caesar Augustus the Resurrection of Julius by the Way of Augustus "Elevated" even as the Dates for Two Decimated Cities are August 6th and August 9th the Calculus of the Boomerang returning to the United Sadists of Fifty States of Five Pointed Pentagram Stars and the Early Wave of the Returning Boomerang is the Fall of the Monumental Triumph Columns marking the Success of the Manhattan Project as the Fire of the Mouth of Godzilla brought Destruction to New York City on September "Seven" the Ninth Month like Nein when the Doublet of Structural of the Number "Two" brought the Herald of the Severing Consequences headed towards the United Sadists of Amurdera even as Rome is in Roman Polanski's Name the United Sadists of Concentrated Nuclear Death shall see their Government Removed from its Lofty Self Aggrandizing Elevation as the Elevator descends as these are the Manifest Harvests of a Nation that can send a Man to the Symbol of the Ass while they Sever Amun the Maternal Female Aspect of the Undivided Creator Deity ELOHIM ((Ο ΘΕΟΣ)) who is Male and Female without Division who is 


Merciful and Compassionate who Sent Down Inspired Scripture yet the False Trinity Doctrine snubbing even the Recitation of the Shema the Lord is thy God stripes away the Maternal Sense of Amun from the Tetragrammaton of Four Characters when Re is the Paternal and Amun is the Maternal and Yod is the Crown of the Paternal Heh in the Tetragrammaton and the Second Heh the Fourth Character is the Maternal regulating the Night with the Stars and the Stars found in Elohim wherein the Unaltered Word of the Unaltered God of Six Hebrew Characters is Our God and we are to Keep our God in Our Mouth and before Our Eyes All the Days of our Lives so that we are Trained to Heed his Voice and Not the Voice of Satans who Rip and Destroy the Truth in the Fabric of Man. The Lord is One and Adam and Eve were United Flesh joined in Conjugation marked even by the Covenant of Male Circumcision as the Wife becomes the Ring the Husband is to wear in Obedience to the Stricture to Increase and Multiply and Fill the Earth and Subdue the Earth while Functioning as the Blessing to All Life on Earth yet in Adhering to Schizophrenic Scripture the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing blemished with Altered Spelling the United Sadists of Amurdera sent Little Boy to Hiroshima to Indiscriminately Murder Men, Women, Children, and Fetuses Still in the Wombs of Mothers and then sent the Fat Man to Nagasaki "Long Cape" as Truman and Manhattan to become the Supermen the Uberman of Death to Proclaim that God is Dead that Truth is Dead that "Hear Shema Naught Negative Perjorative" the Clouds that formed the Arch of Triumph for Manhattan now Donald Dawn Trump elevates his Lying Serpent Tongue in an Arena of False Media that Functionally Distorts the Truth like a Red Cape to Kill the Audience and Sever Understanding of the Corruption at All Levels of a Society Branded with the Twenty‐Two Trillion Dollar Deficit as they Cry Wolf begging a Pack of Russians to Come and Dominate the Winter of the East Coast as if they're Proud of the Day JFK was Shot in the Skull in Dallas Texas on November 22nd 1963 and the likes of Microsoft Outlook, Yahoo Mail, and Google Gmail, and Facebook function as Censors of Every Tongue that Speak of Mafia Corruption Rotting the Capital while Apple under the Leary Mafia Leadership of Laurene Powell "False Name" Jobs heading a Household of Switched Out Replacement Children allows the Leary Forth Reich Syncretic Cult to Wear Apple like a Black Hand Glove to Conduct Surveillance on iOS Devices Across the World and Everyone is Oblivious as they are Deceived by the Technology of a Trojan Horse while the Capitol and the Capital of the Teetering United Sadists are Approaching their Zenith Brink and this Calculated Behavior that has Cursed the Future of the United Sadists with the Little Boy of Consequences the Swing Back on September 11th, 2001 which Marked the Beginning of the Third Generation with Violence as the the Caboose of the Swing Back of the Fat Man approaches to Mark the Beginning of the Fourth Generation with Demolition Violence in AD 2026 on Six United Sadists Cities are the Consequences as Man behaves as if Satans of Seduction are their Gods. And the Training to Follow after Satans comes by Hearing and Hearing of Altered Desecrated Scripture wherein even Elohim in Hebrew is Reduced to Five Characters of the Value "86" from Six Characters of the Value "92" to Respell Elohim in Hebrew to Invoke the Curses in the Book as "Sex" ((in Latin)) Character Elohim (אלוהים) is Stripped of the Waw that would have Marked the Hebrew Vowel to remove the Value of Six (("6")) to become Sadistic Satanic Pentagram Elohim (אלהים) where the Vowel that was the Vowel in Hebrew become the New Roman Vowel written into a Hybrid Book the Cipher Codex yet the Vowel Markers are Absent in the Temple Scrolls to Make this Deceitful Revision of Bad News Misspelled Scripture Difficult to Read as they Turned the True Cult of the Unified Father God into Diverse Cults of Manufactured Schisms that even Strip the Everlasting Covenant from their Male Sons so that in Rebirth Kin will be Severed from Kin as the Breaking of the Covenant Cuts the Branch at this Node and the New Vowel to Replace the Severed Waw in Elohim is the New Vowel "Holem" the Elevated Augustus Jupiter Zeus Vowel Marker branding the False Book as the Cult Book of Baal the Hybrid Book of the Desecration of the Understanding of What was Truth even as this also happened in Egypt to the Womb of Sacred Writings in Egypt from where the Nation of Israel is brought forth as the Eleventh Ramesses refused to Submit to the Name delivered by Moses and Aaron "Yawuøuwah Elohim" when the Eleventh Ramesses could have Exercised the Right to Return to the Sacred Scripture of their Land from before the Deviations and the Hiding of the Unaltered Version that is Hidden in the Carbuncle under Ground with the Cipher Stone the Prasian Stone with the Writings in Gold of Pa'tah the Creator Deity Elohim. Eleven like Ram in Ramesses and the Monumental Structures built in Commemoration of Nuclear Death were Rammed by Planes like Kamikaze Pilots in a Doublet on the Same Day in the Month in Latin that means "Seven" "Two" Buildings came down even as Three Days is Seventy‐Two Hours and Hiroshima and Nagasaki were Struck by the Manhattan Project of Weapons of Mass Destruction with the Second and Third Nuclear Warheads even as the Axial Tilt of the World is Twenty‐Three Degrees and this happened over a Spread of Three Days from August 6th 1945 and August 9th 1945. Hence the Larger Ram is on the Way and Two's shall be Hit in a Series of Three for a Total of Six Cities as the World of Axial Tilt of Twenty Three will see the United Sadists torn into Three Sections to Inaugurate the Phase of Future History that Ultimately bring forth the Manifestation of the Clay Bird with Emergent Light to the World as the Clay Bird is Breathed in with Life in the Empire that will be All of North America where we can expect the 


Descendants of Chaleb of Jephuneh of the Tribe of Judah the Kenzenite to rise to Positions of Power and Rulership per their Exclusive Promise to have All the Land they shall see and this will become Manifest as the Scrolls hidden by the Children of Chaleb of Jephuneh are Brought Forth to the Eyes of the World to see the Six Books of the Torah as Written by Moses before the Death of Moses wherein Every Character is True without Alteration without Deviation without Misspellings and these Characters of the Sacred Hebrew Scripture will match the Characters of the Hebrew on the Prasian Stone that is the Cipher Stone to Better Understand the Context of the Torah and the Backstory of our Existence from before the Creation of Adam and Eve for Elohim brought Us back from Death which you can read in the Second Surah and this is a Work in Progress for we are to be like the Angels in Heaven yet what does that mean and is that what was Sent Down in the Form it was Sent Down? We have to Know the Truth. The Steward who plants Truth shall receive the Truth. The Sadistic Liars elevating the Abomination of Desolations the Falsified Hybrid Book of Augustus Baal and Elohim's Ripped Writings the Desecration of the Truth by the Substitutions made by those who would be Gods over the Blind whom they Starve with Misinformation shall be Cut Branches from the Tree each according to the Measure of their Sins where their Next Life whether as Men or Apes else Swine Pigs will be the Imposition of Justified Consequences hence even the Most Abject Wretched Vile Human Entity should do Everything in their Power to Plant the Truth in their Life before they Die and this includes Breaking Oaths of Silence to Entrenched Mafia Cults.   Jerusalem was Recognized by the United States and Money was given to the Kushner Family before the Recognition of Jerusalem and the Money is said to have come from a Group in Israel and if this is true there will be Consequence for Jerusalem.   Hence Australia is be the Relatively Better Choice to Allow Preservation during the Looming Fourth Generation that is Approaching wherein the United States will Fall. There were No Death Camps in Australia. Germans shall be receiving their Justified Consequences. There was No Use of Nuclear Weapons by Australia on Another Nation. Australia is the Baby Continent and in Australia we can Begin to Open our Eyes to Seek the Truth so that Hebrews can recover the Absence of Fear and the Protection afforded to Avraám by Yhawuøòwah Elohim : The Children of Israel are to be a Royal Priesthood and a Holy Nation hence we must Allow the Experience of the Holocaust to Purify.  

[(Exodus)] "Now therefore if you will hearken diligently to My Voice and Keep my Covenant, you shall be to me a 

Peculiar People above All the Nations; for the Whole Earth is mine: but as for you, you shall be a Royal Priesthood and a Holy Nation."  Eva Braun is a Dedicated Hard Working Self Disciplined Sadistic Sadist. The Hierarchy of the Third Reich invested the Wealth of Six to Sixtine Million to form a Mafia Based Cult in the United States even as Eva Braun lived with my Irish Mafia Uncle "Jon Leary" in El Cajon under the Aliases of Ron Tomczak and Jane Kingsley Tomczak. Most of My "Extended Family" is involved in this on a Level that was veiled to me and I cannot understand Any of this Other than to Conclude they're infected with Sadistic Spirits. Their Reach is Greater than the World presently understands. Despite Appearances. The Paradox here is that Buffoons are allowed to Kill Millions when the Protection of the Truth is Deliberately and Continually thrown away as even the Vestige of the Truth is Blatantly ignored as The Masses feast upon Blood in Meat and mix in Dairy and Bath their Temple with a Host of Unclean Spirits in Eating Swine to invite Swine Spirits into their Abode the Vessel of the Existence and they are like Children playing in the Morgue in the Set Up that will be their own Hideous Deaths and this is Deliberately Self Inflicted and the Purge that is Coming to the Earth in Death Hollow Cost Strikes Again is Mercy the Future for Better Parents are Absolutely Needed to form the Foundation of the Future wherein the Number of Souls of whom are to be the Cultivated Children of Avraám are to Number the Stars in the Heavens which is Something on the Order of Forty Trillion Souls and Whatever the Number is the Number is Staggering and Vast and the Dedicated Matriarch Eva Braun and the Fourth Reich Cult and the Syndicate of Organized Crime and False Rabbis and False Priests who launder their Money while Elevating the Abomination of Desolations the False Book and the Members of Government and Law Enforcement who Moonlight for Cultic Organized Crime will be purged from this Earth Across as Many Holocausts as the Most High Elohim permits to Achieve the Level of the Pristine Absence of Deceit that is Pleasing to the Most High Elohim until the Foundation is Suitable for the Multiplication of Man to Bless All Life.   




Brettle, Jessica

From: Loran Harding <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2020 3:12 PMTo: Loran Harding; dennisbalakian; David Balakian; jerry ruopoli; Mark Kreutzer; Mayor; margaret-

[email protected]; [email protected]; Mark Standriff; Dan Richard; Daniel Zack; [email protected]; paul.caprioglio; Steven Feinstein; beachrides; bballpod; Cathy Lewis; Council, City; Doug Vagim; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; hennessy; Irv Weissman; Joel Stiner; [email protected]; kfsndesk; newsdesk; leager; nick yovino; popoff; [email protected]; Steve Wayte; steve.hogg; terry; Tom Lang; [email protected]; [email protected]; Mark Waldrep; blong.xiong; [email protected]

Subject: Fwd: Consumer Product Safety Commission-- www.cpsc.gov

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ From: Loran Harding <[email protected]> Date: Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 2:50 PM Subject: Fwd: Consumer Product Safety Commission‐‐ www.cpsc.gov To: Loran Harding <[email protected]>  


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ From: Loran Harding <[email protected]> Date: Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 2:46 PM Subject: Consumer Product Safety Commission‐‐ www.cpsc.gov To: Loran Harding <[email protected]>  

            Thurs. Jan. 2, 2019          To all‐  Here is one to toss into your favorites folder, or keep the URL written near your computer. See it regularly.  It might make you more cautious about buying or using certain products even if they are just in the same category as a recalled product.  I have an inate suspicion of off‐road vehicles.  What I also notice is that some passenger vehicle Cos. urge owners to head for the great off‐road wilderness and they show the vehicle sitting with the family inside on a seriously sloping sheet of granite so they can see the chasm below better.            https://www.cpsc.gov/       I just looked at 20 pp. of the recalls, and that is an eye‐opener. Big outfits sell stuff that gets recalled:  Lowes, HD, Kawasaki, Apple, Target, WM, and lots of smaller cos., of course.  Tip hazards, flammability failures, choke hazards, batts that overheat, including in an Apple laptop, riding mowers and off‐road vehicles that can cut flesh or catch fire (surprise), bike frames that can break, hammer handles that can come apart while in use (WM), a carabiner that if improperly assembled can fail when you are hanging off El Capitan by it, electrical products that can overheat and start a fire, smoke detectors that can fail to detect smoke or sound an alarm, chandeliers that can fall, one microwave that can 


heat the outside of the cabinet to 130 degrees (you gotta admit that it's heating), an air rifle where the safety might not work, a power awning that can drop the awning on somebody, playground stuff that can cause strangulation, a gas grill that can burn a hose, starting a fire, a pool filter device that can release CO, engines that can release CO in the wrong place, even a fire suppressant device to be placed over a stove that can fail when it's needed most.             This is worth scanning occasionally. Be safe.            L. William Harding          Fresno, Ca.  


Brettle, Jessica

From: Suzanne Keehn <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2020 2:24 PMTo: Council, City; Cindy Russell; Jeanne Fleming; Christine Rosche; Lynette Lee EngSubject: Fw: The Great Diabetes Lie and dangers of 5G

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Making us, the public the guinea pigs. The government listens to the industry instead ofreal research and the people. Suzanne Keehn 4076 Orme St. 94306 ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: ANH-USA <[email protected]> To: Suzanne Keehn <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2020, 1:04:39 PM PST Subject: The Great Diabetes Lie

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The Great Diabetes Lie 

Many of us are told that the development of diabetes is a personal failure. New research shows us why this couldn’t be more wrong.


To help protect you r privacy, Micro so ft Office prevented au tomatic download of this pictu re from the Internet.“F ly ing Blind” with 5G


“Flying Blind” with 5G  

Scientists are speaking out about the dangers of 5G, but government agencies are showing no signs of listening.




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What Do Cigarettes and 5G Have In Common? 



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Petition Hero: 1) Create petition. 2) Share. 3) Change the world! 


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Brettle, Jessica

From: Mark Cox <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, January 4, 2020 12:39 PMTo: [email protected]: [email protected]: ΕΝ ΑΡΧΗΙ ΕΠΟΙΗΣCΝ (iiii)

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Brettle, Jessica

From: Mark Cox <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 8:14 PMTo: [email protected]: [email protected]: Gwyneth Paltrow (i) "Edits"

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________  Bri Hart Kinney must be the Child of Gwyneth Paltrow. That's what I think. Tammy wore Earth Tone as the Message of her Pointer to the Unspeakable at the Globe Awards? How do you define where the Bounds of Reality are Defined? Why does Alice Meyer's Appearance seem like a Warlock or Witch said Something Awful to inflict a Distortion? That's when you have to Break Curses in God's Name "Yhawuøòwah Elohim." When is a Disguise a Disguise as in "Hollywood in the Hood" and when is a Disguise a Demonic Manifestation? It's Hard to Say. Cry Wolf and the Pack of Wolves appear along the Ridge of the Mountain to Descend and tear apart the Flock of the Shepherd who was Stuffing his Mouth with Proclaimed Lies until the Alpha Wolf knocks the Deceiver to the Ground to Maul him to Death in Fulfillment of the Cry "Wolf." The Other Day there was this Couple and they were Walking and the Girl's Head and Face where of Immense Ghoulish Proportions and I've Never Seen Anything like that in My Life. I should have taken a Picture. Was this a Hollywood Gag in the Mall's Outside Area? Was this an Odd Manifestation of a Horrible Disease to the Face that cannot be found by Looking Online until you find Romula Pilapil in the Daily Mail who is Afflicted with a Mystery Illness unless this is a Strange Joke and I don't know except Sunny on her Visit Twenty Years after her Death turned to Point to Roma, Queensland Australia after I began saying, "The Age of Lamech is 753" and Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus in 753 BC and the Visit of Sunny on Madison Street in Seattle was on July 21, 2017 which was 19 Days before my 56th Birthday by my Birth in Dublin on August 9th 1961 and the Article of Romula Pilapil in the Daily Mail was published July 17, 2019 and Updated the Same Day at 06:09 Hours even as My Birth by the "Roman Calendar from Romulus" before the Calendar of Julius was Sextilis Novem "69" and I still don't know what I saw when I saw the Girl with the Ghoulish Head like in a Comic as to whether it was a Gag, an Illness, or else the Revelation of an Evil Spirit that Only I could see. I would have had to have taken a Picture to know Exactly and how could you do that to Someone? Even Adolf Hitler didn't have the Balls to Release the Photos of Adolf shoving Starving Jews into their Oven as they Screamed like Lobsters in the Flames. Do you think Eva Braun has some 16 Millimeter Footage? Did they think Drink from Tea Cups Ceremonially while the "Skin and Bones" were Screaming? Before? After? During? Maybe before? Did they share a Last Tea Cup with "Skin and Bones"? Did Hitler offer a Gas Mask to the Victim? Nice Guy? Did the Children of Adolf and Eva Hang Out with Jews in the Death Camps? Secretly Selecting the Next Child for their Extermination? Do you remember waiting to be Selected for a Team in Grade School? Your own "Peer" selects and then you Play a Game of Burn in Ovens? How do Sadists rear their Own Children to be Unflinching Sadists? "Now it's time to bed your Own Mother. Don't worry. Papa Adolf will be in the Other Room reading the Newspaper. Mother has to teach you the Skills of the Artful Lover." .?..?. The Question Mark Key on the iPad is Functional Sadism. "How the Fuck do you get this Key to Work?" Oh yeah. Kelly Jean Leary is Lauren Powell Jobs is the Daughter of Irish Mafia Jon Leary "Ron Tomczak" of El Cajon of Victory Consultants and of Challenge Ranch in El Cajon though now Eva Braun by Jane Tomczak's Facebook Page is claiming to be in Austin, Texas : The Austin Powers Joke reveling in Lauren Powell's Ride on the Saucer of Apple Park before the Next Financial Collapse when Concrete Consequences are in Store for Eva and the First Documented By Film Holocaust in the Age since the Flood. If Jon Ron "Genre" Leary was the Shooter of JFK in Dallas November 22, 1963 was this by Eva's Order? The Skull Shot to School the Other Presidents "Praise God Pay Raise God Praise Dent Universe Hear the Shem Ah Love thy Nagasaki the Purse of Manhattan is Sixtine Million Dead for Money?" Either Jon Ron "Genre" is the Child and Lover of Eva Braun hence either Eva is the Grandmother of Kelly or Eva is the Grandmother AND the Mother of Kelly "Laurene" unless Hannah Murphy ((Law? What Law? What's a Law?)) Leary is the Mother of Kelly Jean "Laurene" [(Who falsely claims to have been the Birthdate of November 6th, 1963 just Sixtine Days before Daddy shot off JFK's Head with Little 


Me as the Alibi the "Human Shield" at the Age of Two Years and a Hundred and Five Days ((2 Years and 105 Days)) after My Birth in Dublin on August 9th 1961 on the Sixtine Years Anniversary of Nagasaki the Second City to Manhattan Nuked with Fat Man after Little Boy as 9/11 was the Little Consequence the "Show You a Prelude in the Sky")] then Eva "Jane Kingsley Tomzcak" Braun is the Grandmother though Eva also could be the Grandmother of Replacement Reed Jobs "Awkward" who was switched out for Original Reed Jobs "Charismatic" and Maybe Kelly Laurene and Replacement Reed Jobs are Sleeping Together to Keep the Family Cult Afloat in the Swamp "Madame Helga Snap Your Whip as We Ride Your Pleasure Ship. Mistress Ellen Can You See Me Upon My Bended Knee? On Your Boat We Will Float As We Eat Satanic Goat." We knew there were Satanists. Why didn't we know they actually practiced Satanism? All this Happened because Jeff Laird "Steve Jobs" the Younger Brother of Mike Laird "Howard Stern' wanted to Lie and Say that "Steve Jobs" wasn't by a Child of Israel. Shem : Hear Israel : Listen to "Is" the Radiance of Elohim : Don't Listen to "Was" the Radiance of Elohim. Then the Second Dip World "Word Whirl" War of 1939 will Reveal the Death of Six Million Hebrews and Gypsies who were Murdered in the Holocaust and Maybe we know about them because they were Known to be Hebrews and Gypsies and Maybe the Hidden Buried Death Camps are the Fastidious Secret Crypt of the Hidden Holocaust of Ten Million Hebrews and Gypsies who were Buried in Hidden Death Camps because they were "Secret Jews" and "Secret Gypsies" who attempted to Hide the Fact that by their Heritage and by their Birth they were Ten Million Hebrews and Gypsies walking on the Eggshells of Assimilation like a Circus Act across a High Rope ... Hence they All Died for Altered Truth to the Tune of Sixtine Million yet Some are Known and Some are Hidden to the History of Monstrosity. Jekyll and Hyde? Why were there Gypsies in the Mix? The Egyptians had Sacred Writing of the Father God "Pa'tah" the Creator Deity who had a Diet for Us and the Diet was the Truth and the Truth was Buried and Pharaohs in the Life of Moses were Brain Dead to the Truth and had No Remnant of Knowledge of Joseph and Pharaohs were Lost to the Understanding that the Truth of the Father God Pa'tah Elohim is the Radiance in the Mouth and so Pat'ah becomes Devla in Romani and Self Deified Pharaohs were Devils to their Own Families. The Same Thing Happens in the Shift from Sans to Saints to Satans. [A] Sans as in Without Deceit Without Guile Without Theft to [B] Saint "Pray to Me with your Money for the Pay Raise Prize when the Truth is Uninvoked Publicly" to [C] Satans who Hunt Down the Truth Others Still Retain to Strip the Wealth of Knowledge from All Competing Tribes to be Absolutely Sever All Other Tribes. Your Lineage did this to You? My Lineage did this to Me? Like Jeff Steve to his Kids? You can't Play a Game "Without" the Rule Book because the Other Side will then have the Absolute Legal Right to Break All the Rules because then the Game is a Fair Game of Liars Poker. Avraám didn't do this on the Level "Donald Trump" and "Most Americans" do where Moonlight for Murder is a Cash Job for Law Enforcement when Abduction is Ruled Out yet Avraám did indeed Speak in Guile "Twice" with Respect to Sarrah and "Twice" Avraám lost Sarrah his Wife to the Ruler of the Land. Sarrah was the "Sister of Another Mother" where the "Sister of Another Father" would convey a Sister‐in‐Law while to be the "Sister of Another Mother" would convey a Sister‐in‐Law who is a Sister‐in‐Spirit meaning More Than a Legal Promise but the Realization of the Promise hence while Sarrah was the Wife of Charran before Charran died Sarai was Manifest as a Blessing to the Kin of Charran. By her Beauty Sarai could have been married the King of her Choice yet Sarai lived in Tents with Avraám to Levirate the Seed of Charan through Agar the Egyptian before the Translation of the Sarai's Body to Laughter to allow the Consecration the Conception of Isaac so Messiah would be Manifestly Born to the Lineage of Avraám and Sarrah through Levi and through Aaron by the Daughters of Aaron ((the Matriarchal Heritage of Miriam)) in the Temple of a Levite who is the Body of a Priest though in the House of Jude who wanted to Kill Joseph and who wanted to Kill Tamar when the Christening of the Breaking of the Hymen is when the Hallway of the Womb allows the Procession of the Skull of the Temple of the Messiah to Exit the Hallway hence to Claim Miriam is thereafter the Virgin Mary as the Nicene Creed cuts out the Maternal Aspect of the One Elohim who is Male AND Female is to Claim the Birth was by Cesarean Section the Very Distortion redirecting the Messiah to Julius Caesar the Cutter who Dies on the Ides of March in 44 BC ((Tetra Tetra)) by 23 Stab Wounds in the Curia ((The Meeting Room)) of the Theater of Pompey ((Like a Temple)) the Intruder of the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur on 23 September 63 BC as Pompey is then the Roman Witness to the Absence of a Statue of Elohim the God of the Children of Israel hence we have to wonder whether Julius Caesar a Former High Priest of Jupiter before Sulla striped Julius of the Priesthood was the Author of the Distortions to the Scripture to Created the "Hybrid Bible" "BiBaal" "BiBull" the "Book of Baal 'Marduck'" whose Name is Worn By Tuesday ((Twos Day : Shema Hear "Hiroshima" Love thy Neighbor "Nagasaki" : The North Tower the South Tower the New Clear Skies of Manhattan the Brand of Decimation)) wearing the Clothing of Hebrew Scripture whose Statue would be the Bull like the Children of Israel made a Beast of Gold after leaving Egypt and Pharaoh of Joseph requested a Son of Jacob to tend to Pharaoh's Cattle the Same Pharaoh whose Dream of Seven iLL Favored Cows would devour the Seven Fats Cows inferring that Unless "Something was Done" the Egyptians would Resort to Cannibalism even Eating the Household of 


Pharaoh and as Baal in the Stars of the Night is Jupiter in Latin who in Greek is Zeus when Bulls are fought with the Wave of the Red Cape like the Demonstration of the Bedsheet with Blood to Prove the Daughter's Virginity to Disprove the Accusation or the Son‐in‐Law who might become an Angry Bull who Dies in a Spectacle of Rage in the Neighborhood hence Laban must have held "Two Bedsheets" to Seal the Deal of Rachael for Fourteen Years and Leah for Seven Years [(Deception 7, 7, 7)]. The Famine's Causation must have been related to the Distortions of Baal Marduck to Deviate the Sacred Writing of Egypt that is Preserved within the Carbuncle "Bunker" with the Prasian Stone the Cipher Stone. We found the Rosetta Stone. Yet "Yhawuøòwah Elohim" appeared to Moses in a Burning Bush. What precedes the Bear Market of Collapse is the Bull Market of Elevating Augustus Horns. Would Paul who was Saul who was Pontus Pilate who escaped his Execution as Governor for the Resurrection "The Samaritan Uprising" ((The Good Samaritan would confirm the Death of the Messiah placed in the Tomb and Anointed with Myrrh and Aloes : "No. He didn't Move. No. He wasn't Breathing.)) to Forgive Debts in The Exchange to become a Pharisee "What is Truth? Well we could talk about that Later. Can you do anything about My Tax Bill?" though by then the Hebrew Scrolls had been Covertly Switched in the Infiltration of Twins in Operation Trojan Torah Iscariot "Is Cut" "Miletus, Caria. We could Start by Changing the Numbers."..., Would Paul from Tarsus have been Pompey in the Previous Life who as Pompey was Stabbed and Beheaded on a Boat Outside Egypt Fifteen Years after Pompey's Violation of the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur the Only Day the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement wherein they would tie a Rope around the High Priest so that if the High Priest died within the Holy of Holies then the Body of the High Priest would be Pulled Out without any of the Other Priests crossing the Threshold of the Holy of Holies yet Pompey didn't Die in the Holy of Holies despite Pompey's Cultic Indoctrination in the Roman Faith and "You Know" Maybe Pompey wanted to Know the Truth like the Question of Pontus Pilate in his Small Brief Encounter with the Incarnate Undeviated Messiah, "What Is Truth?" Hence Pompey's Unspoken Question [(Unless Julius and Pompey discussed this Privately)] "Is there a Statue of the Hebrew God ((Deus)) in the Holy of Hollies?" Yet Paul's Hard Lesson for the Consequence of Being the Very Delegate from Rome who would Authorize the Crucifixion of the Incarnate Torah would mean that after Paul's Small Brief Encounter with Unaltered Truth would mean that thereafter Paul would Unknowingly Turn toward the Study of Crucified Hebrew Scripture to Allow the Nails of Deception to Enter his Head hence Paul becomes the Emissary of the Letter of Distortion to Break the Torah by Ending the Covenant of Male Circumcision to Cut Off the Uncircumcised from their Kin. Which would mean those Males Cut from their Kin could expect to be Remapped in Successive Rebirths apart from their Fathers and/or their Sons UNLESS ... Does Anyone Know What UNLESS might be? What does it mean to be Cut from your Kin?  


g:51 AM Mon Jan 6 Iii dailymail.co.uk


Brettle, Jessica

From: Kathy Anderson <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 7:23 AMTo: Council, CitySubject: Internal Audit Practices: City of Palo Alto Relative to Industry Practices Attachments: Letter to Palo Alto City Council Members 08JAN2020.pdf; OnRisk-2020-Report_0.pdf

Importance: High

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Please see the attached letter from Richard F. Chambers, President & Chief Executive Officer of The Institute of Internal Auditors, concerning the recent report “Internal Aud Practices: City of Palo Alto Relative to Industry Practices”. If you have any questions or would like to discuss further, please don’t hesitate to contact us.   Sincerely,  Kathy Anderson  Kathy Anderson, CRMA Certified Association Executive Managing Director, North American Advocacy The Institute of Internal Auditors, Global Headquarters Tel: +1-407-937-1291 | Fax: +1-407-937-1101 | M: +1-407-790-0620 www.theiia.org | [email protected] Connect with The IIA:

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The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) is an international professional association of more than 200,000 members. The IIA is recognized as the internal audit profession's leader in certification, education, research, and technical guidance throughout the world.


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Dear Readers,

I have the great pleasure of introducing the inaugural edition of an exciting new report from The Institute of Internal Auditors. OnRisk 2020: A Guide to Understanding, Aligning, and Optimizing Risk is an innovative and insightful research report that promises to change the way organizations view and understand risk. That's a bold statement that requires some justification, so here it is.

A number of risk reports published annually provide perspectives from individual players in the risk management process. However, no single report has provided a holistic view of risk from all perspectives - until now.

On Risk 2020 brings together the perspectives of the board, executive management, and chief audit executives (CAEs) on the risks that are top of mind for 2020 and beyond. Based on quantitative and qualitative surveys, the report lays out how each respondent group views key risks. Respondents shared their perspectives on their personal knowledge of the risks and their views of their organizations' capability to address the risks. But the most innovative and powerful benefit OnRisk 2020 offers is a studied analysis of how those views differ and what that means to an organization's risk management.

For example, the qualitative survey found that board members are consistently more optimistic about their organizations' capability to address key risks than members of executive manage­ment are. For some risks, board member views on capability were dramatically higher than those of executive management or CAEs. Taken together, these findings raise questions about how boards build their views on capability, and how this affects decisions that drive risk strategy.

Another example relates to managing cyber risk. Addressing this ubiquitous risk remains a daunting task, and its management is a top priority. Yet because of the ever-evolving nature of cybersecurity threats, executive management, boards, and CAEs are aligned in feeling that their knowledge of cybersecurity is low.

These insights should do more than just raise awareness of the misalignments, or gaps, that may exist. Through careful analysis of the survey data as well as additional research on each risk, The /IA has identified actions each respondent group may take to improve alignment with one another and ultimately enhance the organization's ability to address the risks. This is where OnRisk 2020 offers the most innovative and powerful benefit to organizations.

Organizations should review the analysis and recommendations related to each of the 11 key risks that follow and are encouraged to conduct a similar review of the knowledge and capability perspectives among their own organization's board, executive management, and internal audit activity.

OnRisk 2020 offers a robust look at key risks that organizations will face in the coming year, provides important benchmarking on capability to support risk and audit planning, and offers direction to help align and enhance risk management strategy and execution. I am confident you will find OnRisk 2020 insightful, illuminating, and of immense value.


Richard F. Chambers President and CEO The Institute of Internal Auditors


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Brettle, Jessica

From: Loran Harding <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 12:29 PMTo: [email protected]; Loran Harding; Dan Richard; Daniel Zack; Cathy Lewis;

huidentalsanmateo; Mark Kreutzer; Mark Standriff; Council, City; [email protected]; paul.caprioglio; Joel Stiner; kfsndesk; newsdesk; [email protected]; dennisbalakian; David Balakian; hennessy; [email protected]; [email protected]; nick yovino; bballpod; [email protected]; Leodies Buchanan; Steven Feinstein; Raymond Rivas; Steve Wayte; steve.hogg; terry; Tom Lang; [email protected]; Mayor

Subject: Fwd: Just entered a limit order for Perspectiva PRSP

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. 


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ From: Loran Harding <[email protected]> Date: Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 11:37 AM Subject: Fwd: Just entered a limit order for Perspectiva PRSP To: Loran Harding <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>  


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ From: Loran Harding <[email protected]> Date: Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 11:22 AM Subject: Fwd: Just entered a limit order for Perspectiva PRSP To: Loran Harding <[email protected]>  


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ From: Loran Harding <[email protected]> Date: Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 11:16 AM Subject: Fwd: Just entered a limit order for Perspectiva PRSP To: Loran Harding <[email protected]>  

                Monday, January 6, 2020              Fred‐  I B some PRSP: I'll watch TNK.                   https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwGCbLVRZwmQxKqfvTXxKrJzNGb               LH  


                  ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ From: Loran Harding <[email protected]> Date: Sun, Jan 5, 2020 at 2:53 PM Subject: Fwd: Just entered a limit order for Perspectiva PRSP To: Loran Harding <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>  


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ From: Loran Harding <[email protected]> Date: Sun, Jan 5, 2020 at 2:43 PM Subject: Fwd: Just entered a limit order for Perspectiva PRSP To: Loran Harding <[email protected]>  


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ From: Loran Harding <[email protected]> Date: Sun, Jan 5, 2020 at 2:32 PM Subject: Fwd: Just entered a limit order for Perspectiva PRSP To: Loran Harding <[email protected]>  


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ From: Loran Harding <[email protected]> Date: Sun, Jan 5, 2020 at 2:02 PM Subject: Fwd: Just entered a limit order for Perspectiva PRSP To: Loran Harding <[email protected]>  


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ From: fred beyerlein <[email protected]> Date: Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 4:03 PM Subject: Re: Just entered a limit order for Perspectiva PRSP To: Loran Harding <[email protected]>                Fred‐  Glad you see PRSP.  Hard to evaluate that, but I just carefully read something on their website that is impressive. It is long and detailed and I had to pull myself through it to read every word.  See "Migrating a U.S. Army application to the cloud" on their website if you want to read it. Just be prepared to read carefully stuff you may, or may not, totally understand. They migrated the "Total Ammunition Management Information System", TAMIS for short, to the cloud. Here it is:  I recommend reading that to all recipients:                 https://perspecta.com/sites/default/files/2018‐05/TAMIS%20Whitepaper_05.29.2018.pdf  


          This took them several years to do, but they did it, and they learned a lot in the process. Now they support that application, for significant money, no doubt. How important is ammunition to an army? What competitor would take that support role away from them? You see there that if AWS, HPE and Microsoft all went out of business, the DOD would have a problem. All were involved in this migration. The DOD has lots of systems it wants to migrate to the cloud, and PRSP would seem to be a logical candidate to get the contracts. They have proven that they know how to do it.                Notice too that they are into other areas of Defense, as well as HC, Intelligence, State and local govenments, cybersecurity for those, civilian enterprises, aviation communication, all at a profit. They work with CMS and their work for the DOD would recommend them to that and other govenment and non‐gov. entities. BTW, local governments keep getting hit with cyber attacks and perhaps they should seek help from Perspecta.  Even the State of Louisiana servers got hit in recent days:                                  LH                         Received. Will do. Hope the weekend is going well.  

Sent from my iPhone   

On Jan 4, 2020, at 2:21 PM, Loran Harding <[email protected]> wrote: 


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ From: Loran Harding <[email protected]> Date: Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 2:10 PM Subject: Fwd: Just entered a limit order for Perspectiva PRSP To: Loran Harding <[email protected]>  


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ From: Loran Harding <[email protected]> Date: Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 2:02 PM Subject: Just entered a limit order for Perspectiva PRSP To: Loran Harding <[email protected]>  

         Sat. Jan. 4, 2020                Fred‐  Just entered a limit order for PRSP.  It c. at $26.49 yesterday and was $17.565 in Jan. 2019.   The Co. is Perspecta, not Perspectiva.                    See what they do and you might like them. Rated A by Schwab and with good ratings by others.  They have a rich customer, Uncle Sam, and are headquartered near his home, in Chantilly, Va.                Here is their website, which you'll like, I think.   


                 https://perspecta.com/             They have earnings and pay half out as a DIV.                One can just sense a stock with real potential sometimes. Big run up in price over the past year, military and other communications, migrating a major DOD app to the cloud (will there conceivably be more?), HC, as in CMS, Intelligence, cybersecurity, civilian, well known to the DOD who is a steady customer. I'll be surprised if they crash and burn.                                            LH 


Brettle, Jessica

From: [email protected]: Friday, January 3, 2020 5:52 PMTo: French, Amy; Council, CityCc: Susan Cole; mlf2Subject: RE: Khoury Market concerns

Importance: High

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. 

January 3, 2020 City Council and Ms. French: Today, the news is that Khoury's Market is closing soon, due to the seven months (and counting) of shrouding and scaffolding that has hampered their business. I live a few hundred feet from Khoury's location, and I pass by it 3 or 4 times every day. During all of those months, only seldom did I see any workmen doing any work at all. If I compressed all of the days I did see workmen into a short timeframe, the renovation could have taken a very few weeks, not more than seven months. Some might say that no grocery store could succeed in this location, with the larger Mollie Stone's nearby. I've lived here long enough to remember JJ&F on this same block which was successful for over 60 years, even after Mollie Stone's opened. The City of Palo Alto - Council and Planning and Development - has failed the citizens of Palo Alto by allowing these modifications to take so long, especially for a the "public good" required by the City itself. Mike Forster, Senior Manager, Systems and Software Engineering (retired) 420 Stanford Ave Palo Alto, CA 94306 [email protected]

From: French, Amy <[email protected]>  Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2019 9:07 AM To: French, Amy <[email protected]> Cc: Lait, Jonathan <[email protected]>; Hoyt, George <[email protected]>; City Mgr <[email protected]> Subject: Khoury Market concerns  This email is intended for the bcc’d community members,   I am sending you Director Jonathan Lait’s message regarding the Khoury Market:   


Thank you for calling attention to the concerns at the Khoury Market.  Since July 2019, several applications were filed and approved to make exterior modifications to the building, including a couple requests to repaint the building. The construction superintendent has informed the City that the exterior work is expected to take another 60 days. Additionally, to address concerns regarding safety, changes will be made to clearly define the entrance/exits and to also provide full overhead protection at all required exits.    We’ll continue to monitor their progress to help encourage a more timely completion to this project. We appreciate the value this market has to the community and share in your interest to see it succeed.   Thanks again for sending us your email.    Jonathan Lait   


Jonathan Lait, AICP Planning and Development Services Director

250 Hamilton Avenue | Palo Alto, CA 94301

Ph: (650) 329‐2679 [email protected] 

    Amy French| Chief Planning Official 250 Hamilton Avenue | Palo Alto, CA 94301D: 650.329.2336| E: [email protected] think of the environment before printing this email – Thank you!



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Brettle, Jessica

From: Margaret Heath <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 3:17 PMTo: Council, CitySubject: Khoury Market

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. 

Dear Dear Mayor Filseth, Vice‐Mayor Fine, and Councilmembers Cormack, DuBois, Kniss, Kou and Tanaka,  College Terrace residents and many others are extremely concerned as to why the owner of the 2100 El Camino building has made it so difficult for the Khoury Market to operate profitably.  Originally, this property was zoned for approximately 12,000 square feet of office space plus approximately 12,000 square feet of retail.  However, the property owners wanted to construct a 60,000 square foot commercial building that included 40,000 square feet of first class office space.  As leverage the property developer claimed he loved JJ&F and  promised to “save” JJ&F.  As a “public benefit” he would provide space in the new building for John Garcia to return and reopen JJ&F.    The city eventually accepted this offer and approved the zoning change and construction plan.  However, council members were concerned that the owners (or future owners) might want a more profitable business in that space. Council attached conditions to their approval to incentivize the building owners to keep their word that JJ&F would return. These terms included:  1) If JJ&F did not return there would be another market operator with similar experience offering similar products and services to that offered by JJ&F.  2)  The new office space could not be occupied until the new market was up and running.  3) An extensive schedule of fines included in the council's conditions of approval should the market cease to exist.  Once the city had changed the zoning, the original JJ&F owners were out of the picture. Eventually another market operator was found.  They were asked to open prematurely so the offices could be occupied.  We learned there were difficulties with the building owners right from the start. Among other things the refusal of the building owners to allow installation of visible exterior signage.  This market closed with lawsuits on both sides.  The market remained vacant for over six months and city fines started to accrue.     The building was subsequently sold to the current owner who eventually signed a lease for the market with the Khoury family. Unfortunately, the new owner persuaded the Khourys to open the market prematurely, before it was fully stocked or staffed, to stop the fines. And most importantly, before the owner installed the agreed upon adequate exterior signage or replaced  the dark glass with clear glass, without which the which the market has no street level visibility.    However, the building owner did not install the promised visible exterior signs, or replace the dark glass. Seven months ago exterior construction shrouding went up completely obscuring the market. Seven months later, the market is still hidden behind the shrouding. There is still no adequate exterior signage.  It seems the owner of the building could hardly be doing more to force the Khourys out of business short of evicting them. Unfortunately, this is exactly what appears to have happened.     


We now learn that at the time the council approved the upzoning and construction, the city staff neglected to include the council's agreed upon schedule of special  fines to the city's official conditions of approval.  A loophole that has allowed the current building owner to go to court and successfully challenge the legality of these fines.   Will the owner now go to court to argue, and hope a sympathetic judge will agree, that with the failure of two markets an operating market as a "public benefit" is an unreasonable burden and should be voided?     Furthermore, it is our understanding that although the city legal staff knew about the omission of the schedule of fines last May, this oversight has yet to be corrected. We respectfully request that council immediately require the city’s legal counsel, Molly Stump, attach the schedule of fines to the city's official conditions of approval for this development. While the city may not be successful collecting fines retroactively, going forward the schedule of fines will be properly attached to the city's conditions of approval for this development.   Sincerely,   Margaret Heath 2140 Cornell Street Palo Alto    


Brettle, Jessica

From: ANDREA B SMITH <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, January 7, 2020 6:54 PMTo: Council, CityCc: City MgrSubject: Khoury's Market

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________  Hello City Council and City Manager ‐  It is unfortunate that the Khoury market went out of business.  The City was of no help when, in its infinite wisdom, painted a red line directly in FRONT of the store. WHY?  Even before the so‐called one month construction started, it was difficult to see where one was to park in order to go into the market. The logical spot would have been DIRECTLY in front of the market. NO BODY helped the market people to have a successful business.Would they have paid some taxes to the City? Everything else is taxed.  Andrea Smith 194 Walter Hays Drive   


Brettle, Jessica

From: Barbara Millin <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, January 3, 2020 8:06 PMTo: Council, City; Anderson, DarenSubject: Making fire-breaks at Pearson-Arastadero Preserve

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. 

Dear City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission,  I have great concern for the wildlife in the grasslands at Pearson‐Arastadero Preserve where the vegetation is churned over for, what I assume, is protection from fires.  The amount of land disturbed seems to have been increased significantly this year.  Before the grasslands were turned over, on the parking lot side, I saw several snakes on the trails in the area.  The attached picture was taken July 2015.  The chopped up snake was where the land had recently been turned over.  It was gruesome and heartbreaking.    I would like you to find another way to make firebreaks that protects nesting birds and the snakes.  What comes to mind is the controlled use of goats after nesting season.  Goats were used extensively this summer on Page Mill Road east of 280.  I urge you to go this route or some other natural way in the future.  Thank you for your consideration, Barbara Millin Emerson St. Palo Alto       


Brettle, Jessica

From: Nat Fisher <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, January 7, 2020 1:10 PMTo: DuBois, TomCc: Council, City; Shikada, EdSubject: plastic bags

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. 

Grocery stores in Palo Alto are not allowed to have plastic bags for any use as of Jan.1. This means brown paper bags for produce, candy and nuts in bins, bagels and other products in bins. This makes shopping doubly troublesome. It means customers need to have a pen to write what is in the paper bags and cashiers have to open the bags to see what is in them! It is also difficult to see how much one has put in the bags. You would have to count the green beans, for instance, or the nuts. This is ridiculous! I ask that the Council repeal this ban and allow plastic bans for produce and food in bins. Natalie Fisher Palo Alto 


Brettle, Jessica

From: Malcolm Slaney <[email protected]> on behalf of Malcolm Slaney <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 1:43 PMTo: Council, CityCc: City AttorneySubject: Please Fine College Terrace Landlords

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________  Dear City Council,  Several years ago the developer at 2100 El Camino Real asked to build an excessively large building in our neighborhood. After much discussion everybody agreed that this project could go forward if the developer provided a grocery store to replace the one that they drove out of business.  I want to the city of Palo Alto, the city council and the city’s legal department to hold up our end of the agreement, and to levy the necessary fines.  I would much prefer to see a market there, as I would love to shop there as I have at JJ’s and at Khouri Market.  The fine is important!  They have $60k in fines per month to balance out the cost of making a successful market, and even if they have to pay a grocery store $59k a month (negative rent) then they are still financially ahead.  They agreed to put a market in that space. I’m sure the landlord is going to complain that it is not possible for a market to be successful in Palo Alto. But our agreement was not based on the market.  The developer knew when they signed the lease of the challenges inherent in making a successful market in Palo Alto. There was much discussion of the Alma market and the one in Edgewood Plaza.  The commercial climate in Palo Alto has NOT changed in the mean time.  The landlord at 2100 El Camino Real is not upholding their end of the bargain. Is it too late to red tag the building?  I hope the fine will encourage the landlord to do what they agreed.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.  ‐ Malcolm Slaney College Terrace Resident 


Brettle, Jessica

From: Jeff Hoel <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, January 4, 2020 2:00 PMTo: Council, City; UACCc: Hoel, Jeff (external)Subject: posting agendas on time

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. 

Council members and UAC commissioners, I notice that, as of 01-04-20, at 2:00 pm, the index to Council's meetings http://cityofpaloalto.org/gov/agendas/council/default.asp doesn't have an agenda for 06-13-20. I thought the rule was that agendas would be posted 11 days before the meeting. I also notice that, as of 01-04-20, at 2:00 pm, the index to UAC's meetings http://cityofpaloalto.org/gov/boards/uac/default.asp doesn't have an agenda for 01-08-20. I thought the rule was that agendas would be posted 6 days before the meeting. (The 12-04-19 agenda http://cityofpaloalto.org/civicax/filebank/documents/74219 predicts that the next meeting will be 01-08-20.) Thanks. Jeff ------------------- Jeff Hoel 731 Colorado Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94303 -------------------


Brettle, Jessica

From: Kenneth Margulies <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, January 7, 2020 10:14 PMTo: Council, CitySubject: An racist at the Palm Alto Art Center

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________  While people post bizarre things on the internet, i was surprised that a self‐identified employee of the Palo alto art center (Angela Karamian) would accuse israel of bringing down the Iranian plane.  While the posts below discussed various theories, just one of the hundreds on the NPR thread accused the Jewish state in a knee jerk antisemitic post.  Such posts do not reflect well on your city government and i would advise her to stop posting this nonsense given she wishes to highlight her employment at the art center on her facebook page.  She has freedom of speech, but as her employer, you should know her views and the reflection on you. Ken Margulies  



Brettle, Jessica

From: Gary Wesley <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 10:11 AMTo: [email protected]: Gary WesleySubject: SB 50 - still a pigAttachments: Scanned from a Xerox multifunction device.pdf

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. 

State Senator Scott Weiner evidently will appear on the steps of Oakland City Hall tomorrow (Tuesday) morning to stage the unveiling of his planned tweaks to SB 50. Some opponents may attend. I am one. A sign is attached. SB 50 is sponsored by giant corporate employers that want to continue adding jobs where there is little or no space for nearby new housing. SB 50 would empower developers to build multi-plexes and midrise condos or apts (their choice) in areas otherwise reserved for single-family homes. The new housing could be sold or rented at sky-high market prices and need not be accompanied by much or any onsite parking. Even higher density housing would be allowed in exchange for some subsidized below-market units (available to middle-income corporate employees). As last written, SB 50 would lead to little or no housing "affordable" to those who need it. A better approach would be to limit where corporations may (substantially) add employees to areas with space and a plan for adjacent new housing. New employees could then walk to work. Gary Wesley, Resident of Mountain View CA (408-882-5070) [email protected]

• •

BUI ., •• s· 1~11 a p .. g : __ _ I : · · .· · · l · _· _ _ I ..


Brettle, Jessica

From: Gary Wesley <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2020 1:05 AMTo: Citycouncil; Council, CityCc: Larry KleinSubject: SB 50

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. 

  The 15 largest cities in California and many others have their own local constitutions called "charters." The CA Constitution gives charter cities (aka "chartered" cities) authority over their "municipal affairs" - regardless of what laws the State might enact. However, state Court of Appeal decisions (certified for publication and thereby binding statewide) have held that several state housing laws involve matters of statewide concern and can override the local laws and decisions of even charter cities. The most recent case is Anderson v. City of San Jose decided by the 6th District Court of Appeal on November 26, 2019 involving the use of land for affordable housing. The decision, certified for publication, became final on December 26. Unless the City files a petition for discretionary review by the California Supreme Court within 10 days following December 26 (i.e., by next Monday, January 5), the decision becomes part of the law of the State of California. The main point is that anyone hoping that a state appellate court will side with a charter city when it comes to state housing laws is likely going to be disappointed. Any constitutional protection for charter cities (or other cities or counties) would need to be added to the California Constitution by statewide vote - a vote only possible if a proposed state constitutional amendment is proposed by the state legislature (not likely) or by initiative petition. It might also be possible to protect cities and counties by a statewide initiative STATUTE which needs fewer signatures to qualify for the ballot. As to SB 50 in particular, California voters have another power that could be employed: a referendum petition that acquires the needed signatures within 60 days of the bill's becoming law (when signed by the Governor). Gary Wesley


Brettle, Jessica

From: David Coale <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 4:41 PMTo: Council, CitySubject: Thank you!

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. 

Dear Mayor and council members, 

I would like to thank you for your actions supporting Environmental and sustainability issues in Palo Alto.  Paraphrasing the Weekly article: the first action was to make climate change one of your top priorities for the last year.  This was a great way to start off the year and I am hoping you will do it again this year. 

Next you banded plastic straws and produce bags and then put in place the requirement for deconstruction of buildings instead of demolition thus saving tons of reusable materials from the landfill.  One of the biggest items was the updating of the building codes to have all new homes be all‐electric.  While this does not affect very much of the housing stock in Palo Alto, since it is for new homes only, it is a very important step in getting fossil fuels out of our homes which is both cost effective and reduces GHG emissions. 

Finally a big win for three of the top priorities for last year and one that was missed by the Weekly, was the decision not to build the downtown garage.  This can be a hard decision when a project has been in the pipeline for a long time, but it was the right decision.  The efforts to reduce the need for parking by the TMA is ten times more cost effective then building the garage, reduces congestion, and GHGs as well.  So this was a big triple win for climate change, transportation and fiscal sustainability and I want to thank you all for this. 

I look forward to working with you in the coming year, 


David Coale 




Brettle, Jessica

From: Jennifer Landesmann <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, January 3, 2020 4:26 PMTo: Flaherty, MichelleCc: Council, City; [email protected]; [email protected]: Re: Time sensitive: Please appeal for an extension for comments to SJC draft EIR

Thank you Michelle,   Happy New Year!  Since there wasn't much outreach from SJC to communities about this draft EIR and it seems the topic wasn't further discussed at the SCSC roundtable in much detail (after the City's letter last January) & the next SCSC meeting is after the deadline, we'll do our best to send some additional questions and comments before the 13th.   Jennifer    On Fri, 3 Jan 2020 at 15:27, Flaherty, Michelle <[email protected]> wrote: 

Hi Jennifer. 

The City of Palo Alto provided comments to the City of San José back when they were originally scoping their Environmental Impact Report for the Master Plan Update for the Norman Y. Mineta San José International Airport. You can find a copy of our letter dated January 31, 2019, on the airplane nose page of our website. 

Happy New Year, 





Michelle Poché Flaherty 

Deputy City Manager 250 Hamilton Ave | Palo Alto, CA 94301 D: 650.329.2533 | C: 650.509.0726   

E: [email protected]  Quality|Courtesy|Efficiency|Integrity|Innovation 


From: Jennifer Landesmann <[email protected]>  Sent: Monday, December 30, 2019 8:08 PM To: Council, City <[email protected]>; [email protected][email protected] Subject: Time sensitive: Please appeal for an extension for comments to SJC draft EIR 



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Dear Palo Alto City Council, SCSC Roundtable, Representative Eshoo's office,  


I urge you to please appeal to extend the comment deadline for the SJC draft environmental impact report. You may have seen today's Mercury News article. 


Mineta San Jose Airport projects 50 percent passenger growth, proposes expansion  


per the article,  


"Members of the public can submit comments on the draft environmental impact report to David Keyon in the city’s Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement at 408‐535‐7898 or via e‐mail at [email protected] until Jan. 13, 2020." 


If you cannot help extend the deadline or have reasons why you don't think it's necessary or appropriate to ask, I would appreciate any information about why that would be the case.  


Thank you, 


Jennifer Landesmann 

Palo Alto, CA 


Brettle, Jessica

From: Inside Charity <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 5:05 AMTo: Council, CitySubject: Top 10 Can't Miss Nonprofit Conferences in 2020

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Visit Here For Your Top 10 'Can't Miss' Nonprofit Conferences in 2020 January 6, 2019

...or Press Banner Below for your 2020 New Year's Nonprofit Headlines


Dear Colleagues In Nonprofit Service, Inside Charity believes that “innovation never fears a challenge” and that the greatest contribution nonprofit practitioners can make to charity is to become the creative enterprise-leaders our sector so desperately needs. We invited you to consider becoming and Inside Charity contributor. Most of our writers submit one or two articles a month. Write more frequently if you want to increase your visibility and build your personal brand. What should I write about? Nonprofit topics that matter to you, your clients, colleagues, competitors, vendors and policy-makers. VISIT HERE FOR YOUR 2020 NONPROFIT HEADLINES Why write for INSIDE CHARITY? We're recognized as America’s “Trusted” Nonprofit News Source because we speak and act honestly. We are open and factual in our dealings with readers, donors, project partners, governments, sector leaders and interested publics. We are not compromised by AD revenues from for-profit corporations who sell products to nonprofits they don’t need or don’t work. We disallow self-promoting individuals to write articles rooted in opinion instead of journalistic work. Finally, we are straightforward in highlighting associations, networks, media outlets and intermediary organizations that need to change the way they pursue impact,


sustainability and mission. We curate news from respected nonprofit media outlets and thought-leaders within the charitable sphere. We do this so sector leaders have a one-stop news source on which they can rely. - Top 10 “Can’t Miss” Nonprofit Conferences in 2020 - Major Gifts Ramp-Up Celebrates 30 Years Of Raising Money For Charity - Jimmy LaRose Shares, “Switch Membership Organizations in 2020” - Jim Eskin publishes 10 Simple Fundraising Lessons - Maxie Carpenter Shares, “Top 5 Nonprofit Resolutions for 2020” 

VISIT HERE FOR YOUR 2020 NONPROFIT HEADLINES We look forward to hearing from you. Simply reply to this email and we'll explore next steps. Warmly, Louis Fawcett Contributing Author   

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Brettle, Jessica

From: Michael Korn <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, January 3, 2020 11:18 AMTo: Council, City; [email protected]: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected]: Trumping Iran

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 President Trump's gutsy move killing the head of the Iranian armed forces practically guarantees I will vote for him this year. May God bless him for his courage and ethical backbone! 

MEVASHIR.HOME.BLOG "Re-examine all you have been told... Dismiss what insults your Soul." Walt Whitman


Brettle, Jessica

From: Mark Cox <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, January 5, 2020 12:12 PMTo: [email protected]: [email protected]: Vicegerent

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________  The Word "Vicegerent" is "Patih" in the Islands South East Asia above Australia which is Oddly like "Pa'tah" reading the Hieroglyphic of Memphis Egypt from Right to Left and Vicegerent is like the Second in Charge where Gerent is "Relative, Related" and the Hieroglyphic of Memphis is the Complete Canon of Scripture hence the Name of Pa'tah touches on the Scripture where Pa'tah is like "Father" like "Paternal" and Patristic" like "Peter" like "Prophet" whose Enculturation is Nourishment like "Pitah Bread" and the Writing of Scripture is the Knowledge of the Father God where upon the Incarnation of Scripture is the Messiah substitutional replacement for the Death we caused ((to ourselves [("I think" in the Seek of Curiosity of Κυριος)])) prior to Adam and Eve. The Gerent is the Son the Incarnation of Unaltered Scripture bestowed as the Lamb by the Unified Elohim where the Anointing is Contingent upon Absolutely Zero Deviations in Sacred Scripture in Rumination that turns Water in Wine meaning my Conjecture is that the Application of Oil was to Invoke the Spirit which is the Wine hence why Nazarite Vows were the Absence of Wine as with John the Baptist the Lifeguard where the Presence of the Spirit is the Absolute Replacement of the Use of Wine while Wine is "Sound‐Alike" to Whine like the Passage in Isaiah "One Crying in the Wilderness." So when the Quran which sounds like the Crushing of Olives and Koroneiki Olives are an Esteemed Greek Olive and Kefas means Small, Green Divination Stone and Small Green Divination Stone could be Unripe Green Olives for producing Early Harvest "Peppery" Olive Oils while Divination conveys Dividing like Rightly Dividing the Son of Elohim "Adam" to become Man and Woman to from whence Nations are Made and Noah plants Grapes and the Messiah turned Water into Wine and in the Final Supper before the Flight on the Crucifix the Messiah handed out Bread and Wine the Meme that defines the Path of Chewing the Jaw to Invoke the Bestowment of Wine to Answer Thirst because the Path of the Way is the Rumination of the Jaw of the Six Books of the Law as those who would remove One Book from the Six Books will spend the Rest of their Lives reading about Pentecost without ever Experiencing Rushing Wind with Tongues of Fire. "Hey Bob. Do you remember when we had the Dispensation of the Spirit?" "Yeah." "Well how come we can only Remember it?" "I don't know. Keep passing the Basket." 


Brettle, Jessica

From: Jeanne Fleming <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 3:46 PMTo: French, Amy; Atkinson, RebeccaCc: Council, City; Clerk, City; Shikada, Ed; Lait, Jonathan; Architectural Review Board; Planning

Commission; UAC; [email protected]; [email protected]: Updates to residents regarding wireless applications

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. 

Dear Amy and Rebecca, With the thought that perhaps you never received it, I am re-sending the email I sent you on December 6th, 2019. This email asked whether, going forward, the City’s Wireless Hot Topics Webpage would be systematically updated. I would be most appreciative of a response to my question. As you are aware from the volume of email Council receives from residents and from our presence at Council meetings, the wireless issue remains of great interest to many Palo Altans. If City Staff is not going to keep the Hot Topics page systematically updated, please consider this my formal request for information regarding all cell tower application submissions, resubmissions, reviews, approvals, appeals, hearings (or any type of consideration by Council, the Architectural Review Board, the Planning Commission or any other body), permits, scheduled installations, completed installations, compliance reports, tolling agreements, shot clock extensions and the like since November 1, 2019. Please let me know if you have any questions. As always, thank you for your help. Sincerely, Jeanne Jeanne Fleming, PhD [email protected] 650-325-5151  

From: Jeanne Fleming <[email protected]>  Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 4:05 PM To: 'French, Amy' <[email protected]>; 'Atkinson, Rebecca' <[email protected]> Cc: 'City'' <[email protected]>; 'Clerk, City' <[email protected]>; 'Shikada, Ed' 


<[email protected]>; 'Lait, Jonathan' <[email protected]>; 'Architectural Review Board' <[email protected]>; [email protected][email protected][email protected] Subject: Wireless Hot Topic Page Updated  

Dear Amy and Rebecca, Thank you for letting me know that the Wireless Hot Topics Webpage has been updated and that, other than the upcoming consideration of the revised Wireless Resolution by Council, there is no additional wireless-related news. I was glad to see the Update. Will you now be updating the page as you did in the past, that is, will you now be systematically reporting on cell tower application submissions, resubmissions, reviews, approvals, appeals, hearings, permits, installations, compliance reports, tolling agreements, shot clock extensions and the like? As always, thank you for your help. Jeanne Jeanne Fleming, PhD [email protected] 650-325-5151  



Brettle, Jessica

From: Richard Placone <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, January 3, 2020 1:41 PMTo: Filseth, Eric (Internal)Cc: Council, CitySubject: Your column in the Post

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. 

Hi Eric, I read your column in today's Post. I fully agree with your perspective. However, as I drive around Palo Alto, I see very little evidence that the city's councils, present and past, are following the policy you recommend. Every vacant lot seems to be under construction with high rise and very ugly buildings. Examples: 1. Page Mill Road just East of ECR - the very ugly, intrusive hotel nearing completion. How will patrons enter without blocking traffic on Page Mill? This lot was zoned for housing and in fact four houses were demolished to make room for this monster. 2. ECR/Page Mill corner: some kind of high rise office building, not sure of construction details, but how does traffic enter and leave this site without traffic disruption? 3. The site of the former Olive Garden on ECR - this would have been a perfect site for a housing village. A four story moderately priced apartments with room for a small playground and patio. 4. The building replacing the former large Bank of America building on ECR near the playing fields. Another obtrusive very ugly building. From these examples, it is clear to me that our city government is enthralled with massive commercial projects and gives very little more than lip service to housing. The city does have the right, so I've been given to understand, to determine what may be built on what kind of property. It can change zoning to accommodate housing, and it can determine that new housing be both attractive and affordable. Now we are about to be faced with SB50, which if passed by the state government, will virtually handcuff cities when it comes to determining land use. I can just see high rise apartments in Barron Park! On the other hand, as I often drive down Park Avenue on the way to California Avenue, I am impressed with the development that is going on there. Some of the buildings are very attractive, and all have on-street landscaping. ECR on the other hand, thanks to our benighted city council, is gradually becoming a a dreary canyon in places without any landscaping of note. This is the same old story - the property owners have come to expect, (and are prepared to sue), that they get the highest value for their land and the rest of the community be damned. This is not just a


problem with Palo Alto, but is virtually global. Here is the most recent example which will likely have catastrophic effects on the entire planet in our lifetimes - the destruction of the Amazon Forest - same issue only on a colossal scale. Regards, Richard Placone Chimalus Drive



Parks and Recreation Commission

3201 Easl Bavshore Road

Palo Alto, CA 94303

650 496-6950

December 10, 2019

Dear Palo Alto City Council and Palo Alto Unified School District,

The Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) is pleased that the Palo Alto City Council and the Palo Alto Unified School District have, as partners, jointly shared with the community the Draft Cubberley Concept Plan.

The PRC would like to thank the hundreds of community members who participated in the open, honest, and enthusiastic conversations in the co-design process; and thanks staff and Concordia for their leadership of the process.

The Cubberley Concept Plan presents a vision of space for community and educational needs. Although there may be different paths and different paces, PRC encourages the partners to realize this opportunity to create social and educational spaces envisioned from these community based concepts.

Sincer~Pl-1 /J1 Chair Don McDougall Parks and Recreation Commission

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