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    Bayer: a history

    Bayer AG is a chemical and pharmaceutical giant founded in Barmen, Germany in 1863 by

    Friedrich Bayer and his partner, Johann Friedrich Weskott. Today it has its headquarters in

    Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It trademarked acetylsalicylic acid as aspirin in

    1899. It also trademarked heroin a year earlier, then marketed it world-wide for decades as a

    cough medicine for children "without side-effects", despite the well known dangers of addiction.

    During the First World War, Bayer turned its attention to the manufacture of chemical weapons

    including chlorine gas, which was used to horrendous effect in the trenches. It also built up a

    "School for Chemical Warfare". During this time Bayer formed a close relationship with other

    German chemical firms, including BASF and Hoechst. This relationship was formalised in 1925

    when Bayer was one of the chemical companies that merged to form the massive German

    conglomerate Interessengemeinschaft Farben or IG Farben, for short. It was the largest single

    company in Germany and it became the single largest donor to Hitler's election campaign. After

    Hitler came to power, IG Farben worked in close collaboration with the Nazis, becoming thelargest profiteer from the Second World War. Amongst much else, IG Farben produced all the

    explosives for the German military and systematically looted the chemical industries of occupied

    Europe. It's been described as the Nazis' "industrial jackal" following in the wake of Hitler's


    During the Second World War, IG Farben used slave labour in many of its factories and mines

    and by 1944 more than 83,000 forced labourers and death camp inmates had been put to work

    in the IG Farben camp at Auschwitz in Nazi-occupied Poland. Auschwitz was a vast labour anddeath camp where more human beings were put to death than were killed in the whole of World

    War I. It was comprised by 3 main camps: Auschwitz I, a concentration camp; Auschwitz II

    (Birkenau), an extermination camp in which by 1944 some 6,000 people a day were being

    killed; and Auschwitz III, which supplied slave labour for the nearby IG Farben plant

    (Buna-Werke, also known as IG Auschwitz).

    IG Farben's Auschwitz plant was a massive industrial complex. The largest outside of Germany,

    it consumed as much electricity as the entire city of Berlin. Built and run by slave labour, it isthought - at a conservative estimate - to have cost at least 35,000 lives. In 1941, Otto Armbrust,

    the IG Farben board member responsible for IG Farben's Auschwitz project, told his colleagues,

    "our new friendship with the SS is a blessing. We have determined all measures integrating the

    concentration camps to benefit our company." But not only did thousands of slave labourers die

    from the conditions in which they worked for IG Farben, those camp inmates who were viewed

    as too sick or weak to continue to labour in the IG Auschwitz plant were selected for the gas

    chambers. IG Farben paid 100,000 reichsmarks each year to the SS and in return was assured

    a continuous supply of fresh slave labour, while being "relieved" of unfit inmates.

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    Bayer: a history

    Elie Wiesel, the writer, Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor, came to Auschwitz in 1944 and

    was sent with his father to IG Farben's Buna work camp. That same year, the Holocaust

    survivor and author Primo Levi was among 125 men selected at the railhead for labour at IG's

    Buna-Werke. One of only 3 survivors from this group, Levi later wrote about his experiences in

    searing detail: "A fortnight after my arrival there I already had the prescribed hunger, thatchronic hunger unknown to free men... On the back of my feet I already have those numb sores

    that will not heal. I push wagons, I work with a shovel, I turn rotten in the rain, I shiver in the

    wind, already my own body is no longer mine: my belly is swollen, my limbs emaciated." In Nig

    ht ,

    Elie Wiesel's acclaimed memoir of his personal experiences of the Holocaust, he describes

    how veterans of IG's Buna-Werke told those who had arrived there late in the war that the brutal

    treatment they were experiencing was as nothing to what had previously been endured by the

    IG work force: "No water, no blankets, less soup and bread. At night we slept almost naked and

    the temperature was 30 below. We were collecting corpses by the hundreds every day... Work

    was very hard... [The gangmasters] had orders to kill a certain number of prisoners every day;and every week selection [for the gas chambers] - a merciless selection."

    When it came to "selection", it was an IG Farben subsidiary, with IG Farben managers on its

    Management Committee, that manufactured and supplied Zyklon B to the SS. This poisonous

    cyanide-based pesticide, on which IG Farben held the patent, was used during the Holocaust to

    annihilate more than a million people at both the Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek

    extermination camps. The form of Zyklon B used in the gas chambers was deliberately made

    without the normal warning odorant. IG Farben also supplied the SS with the Methanol used toburn the corpses.

    In 1946 the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal concluded that without IG Farben the Second

    World War would simply not have been possible. The Chief Prosecutor, Telford Taylor, warned:

    "These companies, not the lunatic Nazi fanatics, are the main war criminals. If the guilt of these

    criminals is not brought to daylight and if they are not punished, they will pose a much greater

    threat to the future peace of the world than Hitler if he were still alive." Their indictment stated

    that due to the activities of IG Farben "the life and happiness of all peoples in the world were

    adversely affected." Charges as grave as fomenting war and killing slave labourers were

    also added. In his opening statement the Nuremberg Chief Prosecutor pointed out that, "Theindictment accuses these men of major responsibility for visiting upon mankind the most searing

    and catastrophic war in human history. It accuses them of wholesale enslavement, plunder and


    According to the Nuremberg prosecutors, "We have seen Farben integrating itself with the Nazi

    tyranny, turning its technical genius to the furnishing of... commodities vital to the reconstruction

    of the German war machine, and emerging in Hermann Goering's entourage at the highest level

    of economic planning and mobilization for war. We have seen Farben poised for the kill, andsubsequently swollen by economic conquest in the helpless occupied countries. Faced with a

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    Bayer: a history

    shortage of workers, we have seen Farben turn to Goering and Himmler, and persuading these

    worthies to marshal the legions of concentration-camp inmates as tools of the Farben war

    machine. We have seen these wretched workers dying by the thousands, some on the Farben

    construction site, many more in the Auschwitz gas chambers after Farben had drained the

    vitality from their miserable bodies... Literally millions of people were put to death in the verybackyard of one of Farben's pet projects - a project in which Farben invested 600 million

    reichsmarks of its own money."

    Although the Nuremberg Tribunal indicted 24 IG Farben board members and executives on the

    basis of crimes against humanity, only 13 received prison sentences. And the sentences they

    received were described by the Nuremberg Chief Prosecutor as "light enough to please a

    chicken thief". By the early 1950s a number of those convicted of slavery, looting and mass

    murder were back at the helm of the very companies - Bayer, Hoechst and BASF, formed out ofthe assets of IG Farben in 1952. The owners of these "new" companies were also the

    shareholders of IG Farben. Thus, although the gravity of the crimes committed by IG Farben

    meant the company was considered too corrupt to be allowed to continue to exist, it was

    supplanted by its key constituents - companies like Bayer which were owned, and directed at

    the highest level, by the very same people as IG Farben. Those who had helped Hitler to power

    and provided the technical know-how for his wars of aggression and the Holocaust, were back

    in control of the industry.

    The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer typifies the bounce back. An executive of IG for many years,

    the most senior scientist on its supervisory board and the chairman of its technical committee,

    he had become a Nazi Party member in 1937 and was the executive responsible for the

    construction of the IG Farben factory in Auschwitz, in which tens of thousands of slave

    labourers met their deaths. Ter Meer's own visits to Auschwitz and the detailed reports he

    received made it inconceivable that he did not have a clear picture of what was occurring. The

    Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal found him guilty of plunder, slavery and mass murder. As a

    result, Ter Meer received the longest sentence of any of the IG Farben board members. But

    despite being found the most culpable of the men who, in the words of Chief Prosecutor, "made

    war possible... the magicians who made the fantasies of Mein Kampf come true", ter Meer wasalready out of prison by 1952. By 1956 he had become the chairman of the supervisory board of

    Bayer, a post he held until 1964. Even today Bayer continues to honour this convicted mass

    murderer. On All Saints Day 2006, for instance, the corporation is known to have laid a wreath

    on ter Meer's grave in Krefeld-Uerdingen, Germany. Yet for decades Bayer refused to pay

    compensation to its surviving slave labourers. Only after international protests did it eventually

    agree to pay damages - more than 50 years after the end of the war.

    Bayer continued to grow in the post-war period, eventually becoming bigger than the whole ofIG Farben even at its zenith. Even as part of IG Farben, Bayer had maintained its strength in

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    Bayer: a history

    pharmaceuticals. In fact, scientific experiments had been done specifically on behalf of Bayer in

    Auschwitz and other concentration camps. IG had footed the bill for the research of Josef

    Mengele, Auschwitz-Birkenau's infamous "Angel of Death", and some of his experiments

    utilised germs and pharmaceuticals provided by Bayer. Wilhelm Mann, whose father had

    headed Bayer's pharmaceutical department, wrote as head of IG's powerful pharmaceuticalcommittee to an SS contact at Auschwitz: "I have enclosed the first cheque. Dr Mengele's

    experiments should, as we both agreed, be pursued. Heil Hitler." IG employee SS major Dr

    Helmuth Vetter, stationed at Auschwitz, participated in human medical experiments by order of

    Bayer. Prisoners died as a result of many of these experiments. Vetter was convicted of war

    crimes in 1947 and was executed in 1949 but Bayer's role only emerged later. In the Auschwitz

    files correspondence was discovered between the camp commander and Bayer. It dealt with

    the sale of 150 female prisoners for experimental purposes and involved haggling over the

    price. One exchange notes: "The experiments were performed. All test persons died. We will

    contact you shortly about a new shipment at the same price." According to testimony by SS

    physician Dr Hoven during the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal: "It should be generally known,and especially in German scientific circles, that the SS did not have notable scientists at its

    disposal. It is clear that the experiments in the concentration camps with IG preparations only

    took place in the interests of the IG, which strived by all means to determine the effectiveness of

    these preparations. They let the SS deal with the - shall I say - dirty work in the concentration

    camps. It was not the IG's intention to bring any of this out in the open, but rather to put up a

    smoke screen around the experiments so that... they could keep any profits to themselves. Not

    the SS but the IG took the initiative for the concentration camp experiments."

    In the post-war years Bayer grew to become the third largest pharmaceutical company in the

    world. In the mid-1980s Bayer was one of the companies which sold a product called Factor VIII

    concentrate to treat haemophilia. Factor VIII turned out to be infected with HIV and in the U.S.

    alone, it infected thousands of haemophiliacs, many of whom died in one of the worst

    drug-related medical disasters ever. But it was only in 2003 that the New York Times revealed

    that Bayer had continued producing and selling this infected product to Asia and Latin America

    after February 1984 when a safe product had become available, in order to save money. Dr.

    Sidney M. Wolfe, who investigated the scandal, commented, "These are the most incriminating

    internal pharmaceutical industry documents I have ever seen."

    In the early 1990's Bayer is said to have placed patients at risk of potentially fatal infections by

    failing to disclose crucial safety information during a trial of the antibiotic Ciproxin. Up to 650

    people underwent surgery using Ciproxin without doctors being informed that studies (as early

    as 1989) showed Ciproxin reacted badly with other drugs, seriously impairing its ability to kill


    In 2001 Bayer had to recall its anti-cholesterol drug Baycol/Lipobay, which was subsequently

    linked to over 100 deaths and 1,600 injuries. Germany's health minister accused Bayer of sitting

    on research documenting Baycol's lethal side-effects for nearly two months before the

    government in Berlin was informed.

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    Bayer: a history

    It is thought to have been partly in response to the impact of the Baycol scandal that Bayer

    bought the rival crop sciences unit of French company Aventis, which had absorbed part of

    Hoechst, in October 2001. Bayer CropScience was formed in 2002 when Bayer AG acquired

    Aventis CropScience and fused it with their own agrochemicals division (Bayer Pflanzenschutz

    or "Crop Protection"). The Belgian biotech company Plant Genetic Systems, also became partof Bayer via the acquisition of Aventis CropScience.

    Today Bayer CropScience is one of Bayer's core business divisions, which include:

    - Bayer HealthCare: drugs, medical devices and diagnotic equipment;

    - Bayer MaterialScience AG: polymers and plastics;

    - Bayer CropScience: GM crops and agro-chemicals.

    Bayer is the world's leading pesticide manufacturer and the world's seventh largest seed

    company. Bayer CropScience is responsible for the majority of GM field trials in European

    countries. Bayer's GM crops are mostly "Liberty Link" - designed to be resistant to its "Liberty"

    herbicide. Liberty is a trade name for Bayer's glufosinate weedkiller. Together with Monsanto's

    Roundup Ready crops, Bayer's Liberty Link crops are one of the two main types of GM

    herbicide resistant crops, but glufosinate is a controversial herbicide. In January 2009, the

    European Parliament voted to ban pesticides classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to

    reproduction. As a result the permit for glufosinate will not be renewed. A European Food Safety

    Authority (EFSA) evaluation states that glufosinate poses a high risk to mammals. It is classifiedas reprotoxic, because of research evidence that it can cause premature birth, intra-uterine

    death and abortions in rats. Japanese studies show that the substance can also hamper the

    development and activity of the human brain. Bayer's systemic insecticide Imidacloprid, sold in

    some countries under the name Gaucho, and Clothianidin, have also proven highly

    controversial as they are widely believed to have contributed significantly to bee deaths. There

    have been calls for these neonicotinoids to be withdrawn as seed dressings for crops that might

    affect bees, or even for a complete ban on their use. In May 2008 German authorities blamed

    Clothianidin for the deaths of millions of honeybees, and the German Federal Office of

    Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) suspended the registration for eight pesticide seed

    treatment products, including Clothianidin and Imidacloprid, on maize and rape.

    In 2008, Bayer CropScience was at the centre of a huge controversy in the aftermath of an

    explosion at one of its U.S. pesticide production facilities. A U.S. Congressional investigation

    found faulty safety systems, significant shortcomings with the emergency procedures and a lack

    of employee training had led to the explosion which killed two employees. The region

    apparently narrowly escaped a catastrophe that could have surpassed the 1984 Bhopal

    disaster. According to the Congressional investigation: "Evidence obtained by the committee

    demonstrates that Bayer engaged in a campaign of secrecy by withholding critical information

    from local, county and state emergency responders; by restricting the use of information

    provided to federal investigators; by undermining news outlets and citizen groups concernedabout the dangers posed by Bayer's activities; and by providing inaccurate and misleading

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    Bayer: a history

    information to the public." Bayer CropScience were found to have deliberately removed and

    destroyed evidence after the chemical explosion.

    Bayer CropScience has been involved in a large number of controversies related to GM crops,

    perhaps most notably the contamination in 2006 of much of the US long-grain rice supply by

    Bayer's unapproved Liberty Link GM rice. This caused the U.S. rice industry's worst ever crisis


    - over 40% of US rice exports negatively affected

    - multiple federal lawsuits filed

    - trade with the 25-nation EU at a standstill

    - other countries banning US long-grain rice imports- many other countries requiring testing of all imports of U.S. rice

    - some markets for medium- and short-grain rice being affected

    - another unapproved Bayer GM rice (LL62) also being detected in U.S. rice supplies

    - US rice farmers being warned they would never again be able to validly describe their

    crop as "GM-free".

    Tellingly, a key factor in the sale of Aventis CropScience to Bayer was a similar crisis involving

    GM maize. The Starlink fiasco started when in October 2000 traces of an Aventis GM maize(corn) called StarLink showed up in the food supply in the U.S. even though it only had approval

    for animal feeds or industrial use. Starlink was not approved for human consumption because

    the Environmental Protection Agency couldn't rule out the possibility that humans would

    be allergic to it. The agency's approval had been conditional on Aventis's agreement to keep

    Starlink from being eaten by humans.

    The Starlink fiasco eventually led to a massive recall of over 300 U.S. food brands due to the

    enormous scale of the contamination. ABC News reported in late November 2000, "In Iowa,

    StarLink corn represented 1 percent of the total [maize] crop, only 1 percent. It has tainted 50

    percent of the harvest." The 'StarLink' gene also showed up unexpectedly in a secondcompany's maize and in US maize exports. United Press International reported, "Aventis

    CropScience Wednesday was at a loss to explain why another variety of corn besides its

    StarLink brand is producing the [StarLink] Cry9C protein." U.S. maize exports to big

    buyers were badly hurt. Federal officials blamed the unauthorized appearance of geneticially

    engineered maize in the food supply solely on its manufacturer.

    Sources and resources

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