from your Pastor As our country experienced the “world’s strongest” typhoon this past Friday, I am saddened by its tragic results. It only proves more that our real hope is in God alone. Thousands of people lost their wealth and their loved ones unexpectedly. We may have limited ability to help them materially, but we certainly have the answer to their spiritual need. As children of God, it is our big responsibility to tell every person we can talk to about His saving grace so he/ she can be assured of Heaven, and be prepared to meet his/her Creator. That is what our Missions month is all about. Let us continue to have a deeper realization of what the world needs as we show more compassion so the lost ones can know that they need Jesus Christ. Because of sin, our world is bound to corruption. Let us realize that God is commanding us to go, and as a church we should be united in fulfilling His command. Let us respond to go, give and pray to reach more! May we be sensitive to the Holy Spirit as God’s Word is declared today! DR. ED M. LAURENA VOLUME 23 ISSUE 45 Nov 10



Transcript of 1110

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from your PastorAs our country experienced the “world’s

strongest” typhoon this past Friday, I am saddened by its tragic results. It only proves more that our real hope is in God alone. Thousands of people lost their wealth and their loved ones unexpectedly. We may have limited ability to help them materially, but we certainly have the answer to their spiritual need. As children of God, it is our big responsibility to tell every person we can talk to about His saving grace so he/she can be assured of Heaven, and be prepared to meet his/her Creator.

That is what our Missions month is all about. Let us continue to have a deeper realization of what the world needs as we show more compassion so the lost ones can know that they need Jesus Christ. Because of sin, our world is bound to corruption. Let us realize that God is commanding us to go, and as a church we should be united in fulfilling His command. Let us respond to go, give and pray to reach more!

May we be sensitive to the Holy Spirit as God’s Word is declared today!


VOLUME 23 ISSUE 45 Nov 10

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Matthew 28:18-20

I. The command for World Missions discloses the character of the Commander. A. Christ, the commander of the Great Commission, is all-powerful. B. Christ, the commander of the Great Commission, is all-knowing. C. Christ, the commander of the Great Commission, is all-sufficient. II. The command for World Missions as de-signed by Christ is three-fold. A. The command is to reach the lost and win them to the Saviour.B. The command is to teach them to follow the Lord with obedience through the believer’s baptism.C. The command is to teach them all things whatsoever the Lord had commanded.

III. The command for World Missions directs every church member to reach the whole world.A. Church members are responsible to reach and strengthen their Jerusalem.B. Church members are responsible to reach and secure Judea and Samaria.C. Church members are responsible to reach and support the salvation of people to the uttermost part of the earth.

Gospel tracts, preaching/music CDs & Sunday School/Discipleship lessonsare available @ the ushers' table after

the service.

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Church Bulletin

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David Livingstone went to Africa. He was an explorer, a doctor, a geographer, and a mission-ary. He opened up the entire continent for mis-sion work. He said, “I’ll go anywhere provided it be forward.” He died upon his knees in his hut, praying for Africa. The natives insisted his heart be buried in Africa while his body was shipped back to England. Notice the words he penned

to a song:

Lord, send me anywhere. Lord, send me anywhere.I consecrate my life, Lord, to Thee.

Lord, since Thou hast died to give Thyself for me,No sacrifice could be too great for me to make for Thee.

Lord, send me anywhere, only go with me;Lay any burden on me, only sustain me.

Sever any tie; save the tie that binds me to Thy heart.Lord Jesus, my King, I consecrate my life, Lord, to Thee.

I follow Thee, my Lord, and glory in Thy wondrous cross,I gladly leave the world behind, and count all gain as loss.

Lord, send me anywhere, only go with me;Lay any burden on me, only sustain me.

Sever any tie; save the tie that binds me to Thy heart.Lord Jesus, my King, I consecrate my life, Lord, to Thee.

"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

Mark 16:15

This portion of the Scripture does not sug-gest an idea but gives an authoritative order. The aspects of a command are very clear: the “Com-mander” is Jesus Christ; the “Command” is to go and preach the gospel to all men in all parts of the world; and the “Commanded” are the Chris-tians. Now, focusing on the “Commanded,” can anyone say to the Commander: “Could it be me, Lord?”

Just as how this imperative statement was addressed to Jesus’ first assembly of baptized believers, the same command is extended to ev-ery member of Baptist Churches today. Let our response to this order be like that of Isaiah when the Lord asked, “Whom shall I send?” He boldly answered, “Here am I; send me” (Isa. 6:8).

Truly, not all of us can go and be sent out for missions, but the Commander is waiting for a commendable response of obedience. He ex-pects our portion for missions. He will never be-little nor underestimate whatever we are willing to contribute. This little girl shared her part when though she had nothing but a penny, she still gave it to a missionary to Burma. The missionary took hold of the little penny and bought a gospel tract which he handed over to a tribe captain. The captain would not admit that he was not able to read but out of burning desire, he travelled down to the town proper, about 400 kilometers, to find someone who can read to him what was written in that piece of paper. After hearing the Gospel message, he had a profession of faith in Jesus. Re-turning to his people, he told them what the Lord had done for him. Later he invited missionaries to come and share Jesus with the village. Many tribesmen accepted the Good News and were converted. All this and probably more resulted from one dedicated penny given in Christ’s name by a little girl who gave from her heart.


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"The Church must send or the church will end." — Mendell Taylor

"The best remedy for a sick church is to put it on a missionary diet."

— Unknown

"I believe that in each generation God has called enough men and women to evangelize all the yet unreached tribes

of the earth. It is not God who does not call. It is man who will not respond!"

— Isobel Kuhn, missionary to China and Thailand

"The Christian is not obedient unless he is doing all in his power to send the Gospel to the heathen world."

— A. B. Simpson

"Missions is not the 'ministry of choice' for a few hyperactive Christians in the church. Missions is the

purpose of the church." — Unknown

"If you take missions out of the Bible, you won't have anything left but the covers"

— Nina Gunter

"'Not called!' did you say?'Not heard the call,' I think you should say.

Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its

pitiful wail for help. Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their father's house and

bid their brothers and sisters and servants and masters not to come there. Then look Christ in the face — whose mercy you have professed to obey — and tell Him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to

publish His mercy to the world." — William Booth,

"The true greatness of any church in not how many it seats but how many it sends!"

— Unknown

Quotes about Missions

"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

Mark 16:15

This portion of the Scripture does not sug-gest an idea but gives an authoritative order. The aspects of a command are very clear: the “Com-mander” is Jesus Christ; the “Command” is to go and preach the gospel to all men in all parts of the world; and the “Commanded” are the Chris-tians. Now, focusing on the “Commanded,” can anyone say to the Commander: “Could it be me, Lord?”

Just as how this imperative statement was addressed to Jesus’ first assembly of baptized believers, the same command is extended to ev-ery member of Baptist Churches today. Let our response to this order be like that of Isaiah when the Lord asked, “Whom shall I send?” He boldly answered, “Here am I; send me” (Isa. 6:8).

Truly, not all of us can go and be sent out for missions, but the Commander is waiting for a commendable response of obedience. He ex-pects our portion for missions. He will never be-little nor underestimate whatever we are willing to contribute. This little girl shared her part when though she had nothing but a penny, she still gave it to a missionary to Burma. The missionary took hold of the little penny and bought a gospel tract which he handed over to a tribe captain. The captain would not admit that he was not able to read but out of burning desire, he travelled down to the town proper, about 400 kilometers, to find someone who can read to him what was written in that piece of paper. After hearing the Gospel message, he had a profession of faith in Jesus. Re-turning to his people, he told them what the Lord had done for him. Later he invited missionaries to come and share Jesus with the village. Many tribesmen accepted the Good News and were converted. All this and probably more resulted from one dedicated penny given in Christ’s name by a little girl who gave from her heart.

OurPortion forMissions

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"He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven”- Psalms 107:29-30.

One of the astonishing events in the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ could be found in Mark chapter 4 where He rebuked the raging winds and the tempestuous seas by saying “Peace be still,” and then there was a great calm. In the light of the recent super ty-phoon “Yolanda” which left a great devasta-tion in the country, well-meaning people had hoped that Jesus could have come and ut-tered the very same words to calm the storm and make the winds to cease. If the LORD wills it, He could have done just that. However, the temporary physical salvation of those precious folks is only of secondary importance to the salvation of their eternal souls. Of the massive deaths brought about by natural disasters and calamities, we Baptist Christians wonder about the destination of their souls.

The message of the great successive natural calamities and various political turmoils that plague our nation is a call to move away from apathy and beg for God to give us a heart and vision to be able to realize and see the spiritual need of our nation. It is indeed an urgent call to put this verse into action: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will hear their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). Said events are a message for us, as God's people, to hasten. As soldiers of the Cross, we

must hasten to proclaim salvation to the lost and we must deepen our relationship with and consecration to God so as to have efficacious testimonies that beam as shining lights for the furtherance of the Gospel.

This is no time to engage in the luxury of complacency or to take the easy road of com-promise. Now is the high time to make known the promises of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now is the time to rise from a deep and selfish slumber of Christianity to the sunlit path of the Great Com-mission by proclaiming and supporting it as ex-pressed by the verses, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen” (Matthew 28:19-20). Now is the time to raise our nation from the quicksands of idolatry, paganism, and pluralism to the Only True God and Saviour, the Solid Rock of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us always seek for men to gain freedom from the penalty and bondage of sin. Let us not wallow in selfish comforts and self-absorption. We must forever conduct our life toward the high plane of devotion, dignity, and discipline anchored on the Word of God. We must rise to the majestic heights of aim-ing for God's approval with zealousness and sincerity, by His grace and through His power. So then, will we truly calm the storm and bring them unto their desired haven.




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Direct us, Lord, toward your mission-workBeata B. Agustin

Direct us, Lord, toward Your mission-work thru Your commandAs You drive us by Your mercy’s hand…

To obey Your mandate of supremacy’s demandFor our commitment to stand while building lives in the promised land.

Direct us, Lord, toward Your mission-work thru Your light

As You revive us by Your power’s might…To declare Your Gospel with supplication’s plight

For our salvation to glow along soulwinning delight.

Direct us, Lord, toward Your mission-work thru Your favorAs You besiege us by Your compassion’s savor…

To share Your love of kindness’ fervorFor our testimony to shine midst holy endeavor.

Direct us, Lord, toward Your mission-work thru Your wisdomAs You teach us by Your truth’s freedom…

To learn from Your Word about righteousness’ kingdomFor our Bible study to advance scriptural Christendom.

Direct us, Lord, toward Your mission-work thru Your instruction

As You guide us by Your Spirit’s action… To fulfill Your desire for the Great Commission’s function

For our faith to produce fruits of joyful church-participation.

Direct us, Lord, toward Your mission-work thru Your fellowshipAs You meet us by Your friendship’s partnership…

To stay in Your will of graciousness’ leadership For our worship to show gladness in faithful stewardship.

Direct us, Lord, toward Your mission-work thru Your blessingAs You satisfy us by Your bountifulness’ enforcing…

To enjoy Your provisions around prayer’s fencingFor our service to support diligent giving-offering increasing.

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San Pedro, Laguna 4023

ACTS29 - the official Sunday publication of Christian Bible Baptist Church | Year of Continuing2013

Maaari Mong Matiyak ang Langit

Ang sabi ni Hesus, “Ako ang daan, ang katotohanan, at ang buhay: walang makapupunta sa Ama kundi sa pamamagitan ko.” Juan 14:6

Wala nang iba pang makapagliligtas sa iyo mula sa impiyerno. Magtiwala ka kay Hesus ngayon! Roma 6:23 “Kung ipahahayag ng iyong bibig na si Hesus ay Panginoon at mananampalataya ka nang buong puso na Siya’y muling binuhay ng Diyos, ikaw ay maliligtas”. Roma 10:91. Aminin mo na ikaw ay isang makasalanan. Roma 3:102. Magsisi ka sa iyong kasalanan. Gawa 17:303. Manampalataya ka na si Kristo Hesus ay namatay para sa iyo, nalibing at nabuhay namagmuli. Roma 10:9-104. Sa pamamagitan ng panalangin, tanggapin mo si Hesus sa iyong puso bilang iyong Tagapagligtas.Roma 10:13

Manalangin ka ng ganito: Panginoon, ako po ay isang makasalanan at nangangailangan ng kapatawaran. Nanampalataya po ako na nadanak ng dugo ni Hesus at Siya ay namatay sa krus para sa akin. Nagsisisi po ako sa aking mga kasalanan. Tinatanggap ko po si Kristo Hesus sa aking puso bilang aking Tagapagligtas. Amen. "Kung tinanggap mo si Hesus bilang iyong Tagapagligtas, ito na ang simula ng iyong bagong buhay kay Kristo." Roma 8:1Ngayon:1. Basahin mo ang iyong Biblia araw-araw upang makilala pa ng lubusan si Kristo Hesus. 2. Makipag-usap ka sa Diyos sa panalangin araw-araw. 3. Manambahan ka sa isang simbahan na pinapangaral si Kristo at ang Biblia ang tanging pamantayan.4. Ibahagi sa iba si Kristo Hesus.

Sunday School

Sunday AM

Sunday PM


First Time Visitors


Church AttendanceNov 3 & Nov 6

2, 291

2, 521

1, 305












Jn 16-18

Jn 19-21

Acts 1-3

Acts 4-6

Acts 7-8

Acts 9-10

Acts 11-13


∙Sunday School ---------- 8:30 am ∙Morning Service -------- 9:30 am∙Youth Fellowship ------- 1:30 pm∙Discipleship -------------- 3:00 pm∙Afternoon Service ----- 4:00 pm

WEDNESDAY∙Doctrine Class ---------- 5:45 pm∙Prayer Meeting---------- 7:00 pm

Soulwinning & Visitation Thursdays and Saturdays

___________________________________ ∙www.cbbcphilippines.org ∙[email protected]∙tel - (02)869.0433∙cel - 0905.3004422 or 0926.7247837 or 0917.8870954

Dr. Ed M. Laurena Pastor