110526 Energy Event - Renewable Energy Technology - Wind

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Transcript of 110526 Energy Event - Renewable Energy Technology - Wind

  • 8/6/2019 110526 Energy Event - Renewable Energy Technology - Wind


    Wind Energy R&D at

    the Energy Research Unit

    at the STFC Rutherford AppletonLaboratory

    Jim Halliday

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    Background to the ERU and UK windenergy

    Current projects




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    Introduction to the

    Energy Research Unit


    Research areas : Long track record of

    applied research in renewables (esp. wind,energy storage, solar), hydrogen (systems,production, and Networking), energysustainability

    Near market R&D use of outdoor test site- collaboration with industry/HEI partners

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    ERU Test Site

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    Wind Energy current status

    The wind power capacity installed by the end of 2009 will, in a normalwind year, produce 4.8% of the EUs electricity.

    In 2009, for the second year running, more wind power was installedthan any other power generating technology, accounting for 39% oftotal new installations.

    Over 10 GW of wind power capacity was installed in 2009 - 23% more

    than in 2008.

    In 2009, 2.8% of Europes total wind power was offshore.

    192,000 people in the EU are employed by the wind industry

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    Improving the design and layout of wind farms.

    Increasing the reliability, accessibility and efficiency ofwind turbines.

    Optimising the maintenance, assembly and installation ofoffshore turbines and their substructures.

    Demonstrating large wind turbine prototypes and large,interconnected offshore wind farms.

    New methods of grid management to allow high levels of

    wind power in the system.

    Key areas for wind energy research:

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    ERUs Recent Research

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    Research Industrial

    Prof W E Leithead, Strathclyde University

    Prof P J Tavner, Durham University

    Prof A Brown, Manchester UniversityDr A G Dutton, STFC RutherfordAppleton Laboratory

    Dr P Hancock, University of Surrey

    Prof P Hogg, University of ManchesterLondon

    Mr C Mingham, Manchester MetropolitanUniversity

    Dr S Watson, Loughborough University

    Prof S Williamson, Manchester University

    AMEC Wind Energy

    Areva T&D UK Ltd.

    Chell InstrumentsEconnect Ltd.

    E.ON UK Renewables Ltd.

    ESR Network

    Garrad Hassan & Partners Ltd.

    HR Wallingford Ltd.New & Renewable Energy CentreLtd.

    ScottishPower Generation Ltd.

    Smart Fibres Ltd.

    Vestas Blades Ltd

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    SUPERGEN WindTheme Leader Structural Loads

    and Materials

    Supergen Wind objective : To undertake research toimprove the cost-effective reliability & availability of existingand future large-scale wind turbine systems in the UK

    Structural Loads and Materials (1 of 4 Themes) Wind turbine component design Aerodynamic estimation for operational control Active load reduction

    Engineering large wind turbines

    RAL working on blade model, new materials, andsmart blades

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    SUPERGEN WindHighlights of Theme (Structural

    Loads and Materials)

    Control improvements to reduce wind turbine loads Single and array models produced for turbine wakes New composite materials tested to improve blade

    strength/lifetime, reduce Radar Cross Section, andimprove lightning performance

    Parametric finite

    element blade modelfor the assessment ofinnovative materialsand smart blade


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    Phase 2


    The offshore wind farm as a power station:Resource, Reliability, Scaling/Control, Lifetime costs

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    Wind power forecasting

    EPSRC & EU fundedwork

    Used daily in EirGridsDublin Control Room

    Further developed insecond EU project

    =>Spin-out company

    PowerPredict software

    =>Real-time trial

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    Superconducting Turbines > 5MWLong-Life CryoCooling Critical

    Technology gap to be Addressed

    Cryogenic Coolers for Superconducting Wind Turbines

    Cryox Spinout from MRI-Land

    STFC Space Cooler Technology

    Fund-Raising for SuperCooler

    Planck :Distancefrom Earth:1,4m km

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    ERU : www.eru.rl.ac.ukCryox : http://www.cryox.co.uk/PowerPredict : http://www.powerpredict.co.uk/

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    UK Energy Research Centre

    Energy Research Atlas updatedannual Landscape reports, Research

    Register, new Roadmaps Energy Research Data Centre point to

    existing data sources, curation ofrecent data (Research Council, CarbonTrust smart metering trial

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    UKERC Research Atlas : http://ukerc.rl.ac.uk/ERA001.htmlUKERC Energy Data Centre : http://ukedc.rl.ac.uk/index.html
