(11, Camino - City of Yarra

Nicholson Street Clark Street Trenerry Crescent 1 — — Johnston Street Figure 2-1 Aimsun Model Area (1 1, Camino Aimsun Microsimulation Report Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark — Existing Conditions 18 March 2014 Cardno 3

Transcript of (11, Camino - City of Yarra

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Nicholson Street Clark Street

Trenerry Crescent 1

— — Johnston Street

Figure 2-1 Aimsun Model Area

(11, Camino Aimsun Microsimulation Report Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark — Existing Conditions

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Cardno Aimsun Microsimulation Report Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark — Existing Conditions

2.3 Methodology

2.3.1 Road Network

The road network was compiled through the use of aerial photography including the number and type of intersections, number of approach lanes and speed limits as shown in Figure 2-1.

2.3.2 Existing Traffic Management

Along Johnston Street, various traffic management measures are adopted at different times during the day. The model has been developed with due consideration given to these traffic management measures which are summarised below. AM Peak

> Westbound kerb side lane operates as a Bus Lane;

> Two (2) through traffic lanes accommodate westbound traffic;

> Eastbound kerb side lane accommodates on-street parking; and

> One (1) through lane is provided for eastbound traffic. PM Peak

> Westbound kerb side lane accommodates on-street parking;

> One (1) through traffic lane accommodates westbound traffic;

> Eastbound kerb side lane operates as a bus lane; and

> Two (2) through lanes are provided for eastbound traffic. High Off Peak

> Kerb side parking accommodated on both the westbound and eastbound kerb side lanes;

> Eastbound and westbound traffic is accommodated via one (1) traffic lane in each direction; and

> Central traffic lane is used to accommodate turning traffic

2.3.3 Traffic Volume Data

Traffic volume data was collected on Friday 9th November 2012 for the weekday AM and PM peak period and Saturday 12th November 2012 for the weekend peak period (high off peak), and input into the model to provide a base case and typical road network origin/destination data that would be relied upon to direct changes in the model to reflect future conditions.

Traffic data has been input over a one hour interval. Notably, the traffic flows collected during the survey shows that volumes were generally uniform for each of the 15 minute periods that comprise the peak hour.

Consequently a uniform distribution has been adopted in our model.

This data was supplemented by travel time and queue length data collected on 22nd and 24th June 2013.

In addition to traffic volume data, bus timetable data was input to provide a whole of system assessment that included assessment of various modes of transport.

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AM Peak



lOsec 10sec lOsec



8sec 16sec 8sec 16sec 8sec


—1 peo.


6sec 15sec 6sec 13sec N/A N/A

• rla


8sec 32sec 8sec 45sec 8sec 56sec

' • Actuated


8sec 16sec 8sec 16sec 8secs 1 6sec


6sec 14sec N/A N/A N/A N/A




1 T

Cardno' Aimsun Microsimulation Report Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark — Existing Conditions

2.3.4 Traffic Signal Parameters

Data on traffic signal parameters was provided by VicRoads in the form of IDM data. This data was collected

on 12th to 14th February 2013.

This data included specific traffic signal parameters such as cycle times and signal phases which were input

into the model. Notably, a review of the typical peak period cycle times and average splits reveal that there were significant variations between minimum and maximum phase timings and number of times phases are


In order to respond to these variances, the model has been developed using actuated signal controls which

adjust the traffic signal parameters continuously, but within a defined minimum and maximum range. This

results in an efficient service of traffic demand at the intersections.

Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3 provide a summary of the signal cycles and signal phase timing (cycle, minimums and maximums) for each of assessment periods for the traffic signals modelled. This data is derived from the

VicRoads supplied IDM data.

Figure 2-2 Johnston St / Nicholson St —Signal Phasing, Cycle and Minimum / Maximum Green Times

18 March 2014 Cardno 5

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13sec N/A N/A


6sec 6sec 7sec

Pli _01



9sec 8sec


16sec 8sec


8sec 8sec

8sec 16sec

9sec 8sec

16sec 8sec





PM Peak High Off Peak


160 Sec Cycle



AM Peak


Phase Min Max

157 Sec Cycle

LT , Caren° Aimsun Microsimulation Report Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark — Existing Conditions

Figure 2-3 Johnston St / Patterson St —Signal Phasing, Cycle and Minimum / Maximum Phase Times

Whilst no pedestrian surveys were undertaken, pedestrian volumes have been input into the model such that the number of pedestrian phase call ups at both intersections, specifically attributable to Phase B & E at the Johnson Street / Nicholson Street intersection and Phase C at the Johnson Street / Patterson Street intersection match those recorded in the VicRoads provided IDM data.

This approach has been agreed to by VicRoads.

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2.3.5 Results

The critical periods for assessment were identified and a 15 minute "warm-up" period utilised to ensure the model was at a suitable state at the start of the recording period to provide representative results.

A process of calibration and validation was undertaken to ensure that the model has been correctly compiled.

The results of the model are based on the average of 5 replications for each scenario.

2.3.6 Calibration

The GEH Statistic as per the requirements within the UK Design Manual for Roads and Bridges has been adopted as the calibration criteria for the model. The GEH statistic is defined by:

GEH = 2(M — C)2

(M + C)


M = Modelled Flow

III C = Observed Flow

The GEH criteria (based on the UK Design Manual for Roads and Bridges) is that at least 85% of individual link flows should have GEH of less than 5.0.

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3 Existing Conditions

3.1 Modelling Scenarios

Existing conditions, or base case, scenarios were modelled based on Council requirements as summarised in Table 3-1. The High Off Peak scenario coincides with peak operations of the Abbotsford Convent which does not generate significant traffic on weekdays.

Table 3-1 Assessment Scenarios

Scenario Name Day/Time Period

AM Peak

PM Peak

High Off Peak

Weekday: 7.45am — 8.45am

Weekday: 5.15pm — 6.15pm

Saturday: 9.45am — 10.45am

3.2 Public Transport

• 3.2.1 Bus Routes

To accurately assess the impact to bus routes on Johnston Street, bus volumes, arrivals and routes are based on current timetables information. A total of four bus routes were identified as operating on Johnston Street as illustrated in Figure 3-1

Figure 3-1 Public Transport - Bus Routes

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Table 3-2 to Table 3-5 summarise the respective bus timetables.

Table 3-2 Bus Timetable — Route 200: City to Bulleen


To Bulleen (at Western End) To City (at Eastern End)

AM Peak

PM Peak

High Off Peak (Saturday)













Table 3-3 Bus Timetable — Route 201: City to Doncaster Shopping Town


To Doncaster (at Western End) To City (at Eastern End)

AM Peak












PM Peak

High Off Peak (Saturday)

Table 3-4 Bus Timetable — Route 205: Melbourne University to Doncaster Shopping Town


To Doncaster (at Western End) To Melb Uni (at Eastern End)

AM Peak

PM Peak

High Off Peak (Saturday)









Table 3-5 Bus Timetable — Route 207: City to Donvale

Scenario To Donvale (at Western End) To City (at Eastern End)

AM Peak

PM Peak

High Off Peak (Saturday)











3.2.2 Public Transport Stop Times

Aimsun allows for the time taken by a bus to stop and for passengers to board or alight to be input into the model to quantify delays. Specific bus stop times were not available and as such bus stop times have been assumed as summarised in Table 3-6.

Table 3-6 Public Transport Stop Times

Stop Type Average Stop Time Standard Deviation

20 seconds 5 seconds Bus

Cardno 9 18 March 2014

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I Vahan! Sr

Abbetstord Sr

vc.to,3 Pxv

sr %

Origin 3 Destination 2 ,s,

Destination 1 r - - , ston sr p "Cf •••• Destination 2

11:1 Johnston St Moo .48, Origin 1

Origin 2 1 1 u«' sr trofigr


Reheat 110Ie

Vahanf Sr

Lir") Cardno Aimsun Microsimulation Report Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark — Existing Conditions

3.3 Traffic Volumes

3.3.1 Cars

As previously noted existing volumes are based on surveyed turning movement counts and volumes provided by VicRoads, as attached in Appendix A.

These volumes have been input into the model as illustrated in the figure provided in Appendix A. Consequently an OD matrix has not been adopted in this instance.

Furthermore, a review of the traffic arrivals profile for all peak periods shows that traffic volumes are uniform across the simulation period.

3.3.2 Commercial Vehicles

Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) volumes provided by VicRoads show that heavy vehicles accounts for about 3% of the total traffic flows along Johnson Street.

The model has adopted a conservative value of 5% heavy vehicles, with these vehicles movements restricted to suitable routes (i.e., not permitted into and out of car park access points or residential streets).

3.3.3 Pedestrian Volumes

• The IDM data provided by VicRoads shows that there are significant variances in the number of times phases are demanded, including pedestrian phases.

To overcome this, the model has been developed using actuated signal controls which adjust the traffic signal parameters continuously, but within a defined minimum and maximum range.

Pedestrian volumes have been input into the model such that the number of pedestrian phase call ups at both intersections match those recorded in the VicRoads provided IDM data.

Notably, once the nominated pedestrian phase is called up, it triggers an extension in the respective green time in order to allow adequate pedestrian walk time and clearance time.

3.4 Travel Times Travel time surveys were undertaken on Saturday 22nd June 2013, between 9:30am — 11:00am and Monday 26th June 2013 between 7:15am — 9:15am and 5:00pm — 6:30pm along the following key routes.

These surveys were undertaken by Cardno staff and involved staff driving along the nominated routes and recording their travel time during each peak period, at least twice. For the purpose of this report the routes identified below represent routes where four (4) peak period recordings were taken.

Figure 3-2 Travel Time Routes

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Page 9: (11, Camino - City of Yarra

AM Peak

(7.45am - 8.45am)

PM Peak

(5.15pm - 6.15pm)

High Off Peak

(9.45am - 10.45am) Route

Average Time

Cardno Aimsun Microsimulation Report Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark — Existing Conditions

The results of the survey are presented as Table 3-7, Table 3-8 and Table 3-9. These results were then

averaged to give the outputs presented in Table 3-10.

Table 3-7 Observed Travel Times - AM Peak

Route _ . .

Run 1 Run 2 Run 3

AM Peak

Run 4

Johnston St Bridge to Nicholson St (01-D1)

Johnston St Bridge to Trennery Cres (01-D2)

Park St to Johnston St Bridge (03-D3)

Trennery Cres to Johnston St Bridge (04-03)

52 Seconds 48 Seconds 116 Seconds 72 Seconds

56 Seconds 69 Seconds 45 Seconds 57 Seconds

66 Seconds 100 Seconds 93 Seconds 113 Seconds

52 Seconds 58 Seconds 72 Seconds 51 Seconds

Table 3-8 Observed Travel Times - PM Peak

Johnston St Bridge to Nicholson St (01-D1) 50 Seconds 74 Seconds 118 Seconds 55 Seconds

Johnston St Bridge to Trennery Cres (01-D2) 53 Seconds 54 Seconds 69 Seconds 59 Seconds

Park St to Johnston St Bridge (03-D3) 99 Seconds 130 Seconds 92 Seconds 76 Seconds

Trennery Cres to Johnston St Bridge (04-03) 92 Seconds 55 Seconds 75 Seconds 79 Seconds

Table 3-9 Observed Travel Times - High Off Peak

High Off Peak

Johnston St Bridge to Nicholson St (01-D1) 60 Seconds 79 Seconds 49 Seconds 61 Seconds

Johnston St Bridge to Trennery Cres (01-D2) 47 Seconds 63 Seconds 52 Seconds 58 Seconds

Park St to Johnston St Bridge (03-D3) 74 Seconds 93 Seconds 116 Seconds 120 Seconds

Trennery Cres to Johnston St Bridge (04-D3) 49 Seconds 75 Seconds 59 Seconds 92 Seconds

Table 3-10 Observed Average Travel Time (AM, PM and High Off Peak)

Johnston St Bridge to Nicholson St (01-D1) 72 Seconds 74 Seconds 62 Seconds

Johnston St Bridge to Trennery Cres (01-D2) 57 Seconds 59 Seconds 55 Seconds

Park St to Johnston St Bridge (03-D3) 93 Seconds 99 Seconds 101 Seconds

Trennery Cres to Johnston St Bridge (04-D3) 58 Seconds 75 Seconds 69 Seconds

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Aimsun Microsimulation Report Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark - Existing Conditions

3.5 Calibration

3.5.1 GEH Statistic

The GEH statistic has been calculated for all entrances and exits from the modelled area for all assessment

scenarios. The results are presented in Table 3-11 to Table 3-13.

Table 3-11 GEH Statistic Calculations - AM Peak

Direction Modelled Actual Difference GEH

Johnston St (W) In 730 724 -6 0.22

Out 1040 954 -86 2.73

Nicholson St In 292 293 1 0.07

Out 940 1012 72 2.30

Trennery Cres In 385 383 -2 0.09

Out 292 304 12 0.71

Car Park Access In 4 4 0 0.10

Out 144 145 1 0.10

Paterson St In 28 29 1 0.11

Clarke St In 46 46 0 0.00

Out 151 147 -4 0.36

Comp Share In 7 8 1 0.29

Out 30 38 8 1.37

Johnston St (E) In 1737 1716 -21 0.50

Out 630 609 -21 0.85

Maximum 11"•9•11 Table 3-12 GEH Statistic Calculations - PM Peak

Direction Modelled Actual Difference GEH

Johnston St (N) In 1067 1057 -10 0.32

Out 338 290 -48 2.71

Nicholson St In 648 651 3 0.11

Out 518 494 -24 1.08

Trennery Cres In 158 158 0 0.03

Out 445 528 83 3.76

Car Park Access In 66 64 -2 0.25

Out 5 4 -1 0.38

Paterson St Out 26 28 2 0.35 ---

Clarke St In 122 119 -3 0.26

Out 45 42 -3 0.48

Comp Share In 11 11 0 0.00

Out 6 11 5 1.79

Johnston St (E) In 487 480 -7 0.33

Out 1223 1125 -98 2.85


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Cardno Aimsun Microsimulation Report Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark - Existing Conditions

Table 3-13 GEH Statistic Calculations - High Off Peak

Section Direction Modelled Actual Difference GEH

Johnston St (W) In 741 706 -35 1.29

Out 579 543 -36 1.54

Nicholson St In 301 290 -11 0.62

Out 426 434 8 0.41

Trennery Cres In 120 118 -2 0.15

Out 99 137 38 3.54

Car Park Access In 1 1 0 0.00

Out 1 1 0 0.00

Paterson St In 32 33 1 0.14

Clarke St In 178 179 1 0.09

Out 288 268 -20 1.19

Comp Share In 5 5 0 0.09

Out 6 12 6 1.92

Johnston St ( E ) In 605 572 -33 1.37

Out 581 520 -61 2.58


The calibration process shows that the maximum GEH recorded for each assessment period ranges between 2.73 to 3.76. These GEH values are within the prescribed range of 5 or less and the model if therefore considered to be adequately calibrated in this regard.

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• served Modelled Difference

Average Time

74 Seconds

59 Seconds

99 Seconds

75 Seconds

Johnston St Bridge to Nicholson St (01-D1)

Johnston St Bridge to Trennery Cres (01-D2)

Park St to Johnston St Bridge (03-D3)

Trennery Cres to Johnston St Bridge (04-D3)

Observed Modelled Difference

Average Time

71 Seconds -4%

56 Seconds -4%

96 Seconds -3%

77 Seconds -2%

Table 3-16 Average Travel Time Comparison — High Off Peak

Cardno Aimsun Microsimulation Report

Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark — Existing Conditions

3.6 Validation

3.6.1 Travel Time

As a means of validating the model. the modelled average travel times were compared to the observed

average travel times. The RMS (NSW) suggests that the modelled travel times should be within 10% of the


The results of this assessment are summarised in Table 3-14. Table 3-15 and Table 3-16 and show that the

modelled travel times are within 10% of the observed travel times.

Table 3-14 Average Travel Time Comparison - AM Peak

Johnston St Bridge to Nicholson St (01-D1)

Johnston St Bridge to Trennery Cres (01-D2)

Park St to Johnston St Bridge (03-D3) 93 Seconds 84 Seconds -9%

Trennery Cres to Johnston St Bridge (04-D3) 58 Seconds 54 Seconds - 8%

Table 3-15 Average Travel Time Comparison - PM Peak

Johnston St Bridge to Nicholson St (01-D1) 62 Seconds 59 Seconds -5%

Johnston St Bridge to Trennery Cres (01-D2) 55 Seconds 51 Seconds -7%

Park St to Johnston St Bridge (03-D3) 101 Seconds 95 Seconds -6%

Trennery Cres to Johnston St Bridge (04-D3) 69 Seconds 64 Seconds -7%

72 Seconds 80 Seconds 10%

57 Seconds 52 Seconds -7%

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(.11") Cardno' Aimsun Microsimulation Report Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark — Existing Conditions

3.6.2 Queue Lengths

Anecdotal observations of queues lengths were undertaken in conjunction with the travel time surveys mentioned earlier in this report on Saturday 22nd June 2013, between 9:30am — 11:00am and Monday 26th June 2013 between 7:15am — 9:15am and 5:00pm — 6:30pm along the key routes identified in Figure 3-2.

These observations represent the maximum stopped queues experienced by Cardno staff along the corridor whilst they undertook the travel time surveys.

A comparison between the model generated queues and those observed are presented in Figure 3-3 to Figure 3-8.

The Austroads Research Report "The use and application of microsimulation traffic models" does not provide any specific model calibration criteria pertaining to queues.

Instead the report notes that lane distribution of traffic has a significant effect on network delay and that with regards to queues, the model should be calibrated to the modeller's satisfaction.

To this end, it is inferred that the appropriateness of the model generated queues can be evaluated by the travel time outputs.

Given the foregoing, we are satisfied with the model generated queues on the basis that the travel times as generated by the model are consistent with site observations and are within the prescribed range suggested by RTA (NSW).

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Page 14: (11, Camino - City of Yarra

(.7) Cardno Figure 3-3 AM Peak - Typical Maximum Queues (Anecdotal Observations)

Aimsun Microsimulation Report Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark — Existing Conditions

Figure 3-4 AM Peak — Model Generated Queues (Average of Maximum Queues)

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Aimsun Microsimulation Report Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark — Existing Conditions (1) Cardno

Figure 3-5 PM Peak - Typical Maximum Queues (Anecdotal Observations)

Figure 3-6 PM Peak - Model Generated Queues (Average Of Maximum Queues)

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(.7) Cardno Aimsun Microsimulation Report Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark — Existing Conditions

Figure 3-7 High Off Peak — Typical Maximum Queues (Anecdotal Observations)

Figure 3-8 High Off Peak — Model Generated Queues (Average of Maximum Queues)

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4 Conclusions

Given the analysis above, it is considered the AM, PM and High-Off Peak models are adequately calibrated and can satisfactorily serve as appropriate models for future scenario assessments.

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Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark — Existing Conditions

C.:-.) Carta/no Shaping the Future

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-. —.... :

1 re 4- . 1 11f' •-•• 1 . 1

• • (.1") Camino Ninson Microsimulation Report

Johnston Street: Nicholson Street to Convent Carpark —Existing Conditions

AM Peak Hour (Fri) – 7.45am-8.45am



1 fr. 1 ti.

PM Peak Hour (Fri) – 5.15pm-6.15om

High Off Peak Hour (Sat) – 9.45am-10.45am

I " I J14

t 1 fie 4111* -7.

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___‘) •

GTAc onsultants Appendix B

Appendix B

Traffic Assessment Report - Cardno

9 m




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Page 21: (11, Camino - City of Yarra

Traffic Assessment

Abbotsford Convent Traffic Signals


Prepared for City of Yarra

• 17 February 2014

Cardno Shaping the Future

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(.71) Camino Traffic Assessment Abbotsford Convent Traffic Signals

Document Information

Prepared for City of Yarra

Project Name Abbotsford Convent Traffic Signals

File Reference CG120724REP003F01.docx

Job Reference CG120724

Date 17 February 2014

Contact Information Cardno Victoria Pty Ltd Trading as Cardno ABN 47 106 610 913

150 Oxford Street, Collingwood Victoria 3066 Australia

Telephone: (03) 8415 7777 Facsimile: (03) 8415 7788 International: +61 3 8415 7777

[email protected] www.cardno.com

Document Control

Version Date Author Author Reviewer Reviewer Initials Initials



Peter Malley

(i).044 Jo Garretty

@Cardno. Copyright in the whole and every part of this document belongs to Cardno and may not be used, sold, transferred, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in or on any media to any person other than by agreement with Cardno.

This document is produced by Cardno solely for the benefit and use by the client in accordance with the terms of the engagement. Cardno does not and shall not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever to any third party arising out of any use or reliance by any third party on the content of this document.

17 February 2014 Cardno

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LIN41, Camino Traffic Assessment Abbotsford Convent Traffic Signals

Executive Summary

Cardno have been engaged by the City of Yarra to prepare a Traffic Impact Assessment of the proposed Abbotsford Convent car park access to Johnston Street and the signalisation of this proposed access point. Specifically this report seeks to identify changes in traffic distribution associated with the alternate access arrangements as well as calculation of growth in traffic associated with the Convent.

The proposed intersection is located on Johnston Street, Abbotsford approximately 80m east of Clarke Street and is intended to primarily serve the Abbotsford Convent and the associated car park. The Convent car park access will form the southern leg of the intersection, Johnston Street forming the east and west legs and the existing car park to 452 Johnston Street (Computershare) forming the northern leg.

The City of Yarra intend to close the existing Convent access via St Heliers Street so that it operates as a drop off/pick up and turn around area without gaining direct access to the main car park as per existing operations. Consequently all Convent traffic will be redirected to the proposed signalised intersection on Johnston Street.

Cardno has been investigating the proposal to install traffic signals since October 2012 on the City of Yarra's behalf and has been working closely with authorities and key stakeholders, including Council, VicRoads, Public Transport Victoria, Bicycle Victoria and the Abbotsford Convent Foundation.

This liaison with stakeholders has included the preparation of Network Fit Assessment (NFA) Level 2 assessments and accompanying preliminary road network microsimulation. Multiple workshops and meetings have been held with Council and VicRoads to discuss and refine project parameters.

Operating as the Sisters of Good Shepherd Abbotsford Convent until 1975, the site was acquired by the state government and has subsequently been developed as an arts, cultural and education precinct for community uses. The convent comprises a large number of buildings of which approximately 5,674sqm is understood to be in use. The use of spaces within the site vary widely but typically comprise a mixture of arts and community uses including, café's, a radio station, artist studios, boutique offices, performing arts centre, alternative medicine and markets.

Other uses within the precinct include the Abbotsford Childrens Farm, Sophia Mundi Steiner School, Sisters of Good Shepherd Aged Care & Chapel and the VIT Hospitality Café. Studies and Master Planning works previously undertaken for the site indicate that the with the exception of the Convent, none of the other uses currently envisage an expansion of services. The Convent estimates that a further 4,820sqm of floor area will be available in the future for lease.

A 92 place child care site is approved for use on the Lourdes site (accessed from St Heliers Street) however the Permit has not yet been acted upon. The traffic report that accompanied the application predicted traffic volumes of 101 vehicles in the AM peak hour and 104 vehicles in the PM peak hour. The centre is understood to be closed on weekends.

Based on road network volume surveys the weekday road network peak hours were found to occur between 7.45am-8.45am and 5.15pm-6.15pm. Volume surveys were also undertaken on a Saturday indicating a precinct peak hour of 9.45am-10.45am.

Based on available annual and weekly visitation rates and surveyed traffic volumes, the Convent currently generates traffic at a rate of 2.34 trips/100sqm in the AM peak hour, 1.60 trips/100sqm in the PM peak hour and 4.61 trips/100sqm in the Saturday peak hour.

Application of these derived traffic generation rates to the 4,820sqm of future Convent floor area equates to an additional 113 trips in the AM peak hour, 77 trips in the PM peak hour and 222 trips in the Saturday peak hour.

Addition of the Convent traffic growth and predicted Lourdes child care centre results in an additional traffic volumes of 214 trips in the AM peak hour, 183 trips in the PM peak hour and 222 trips in the Saturday peak hour.

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Table of Contents




1.1 Context

1.2 Background

Study Area

2.1 General

2.2 Road Network Considerations

2.2.1 Public Transport

2.2.2 Smart Roads

2.2.3 Principal Bicycle Network

2.3 Road Network











2.3.1 Johnston Street 8

2.3.2 Clarke Street 9

2.3.3 St. Heliers Street 10

• 3 Abbotsford Convent — Existing Operations

3.1 Background & Site Location



3.2 Abbotsford Convent 12

3.2.2 Sophia Mundi Steiner School 13

3.2.3 Sisters of Good Shepherd Aged Care 13

3.2.4 Sisters of Good Shepherd Chapel 13

3.3 Surrounding Uses 13

3.3.1 Collingwood Children's Farm 13

3.3.2 Com putershare 13

3.3.3 VIT Hospitality School 13

3.3.4 Melbourne University Early Learning Centre (ELC) 13

3.4 Site Access 14

3.5 Car Parking 14

3.6 Existing Traffic Volumes 14

3.7 Accident Data 18

3.7.1 Cars and Motorcycles 18

3.7.2 Pedestrians 18

• 3.7.3 Bikes 18

3.7.4 Accident Trends 19

4 Site Access Selection 20

4.1 Access Treatment Options 20

4.1.1 Option 1 20

4.1.2 Option 2 20

4.1.3 Option 3 20

4.1.4 Option 4 20

4.2 Access Treatment Selection 21

5 Proposed Treatment 22

5.1 Johnston Street Signalised Intersection 22

5.2 Clarke Street / St. Helier Street Reconfiguration 23

6 Traffic Considerations 26

6.1 Abbotsford Convent Precinct Traffic Generation 26

6.1.1 Abbotsford Convent Growth 26

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6.1.2 Lourdes Site 27

6.1.3 Sophia Mundi Steiner School 27

6.1.4 Good Shepherd Chapel 27

6.1.5 Good Shepherd Nursing Home 27

6.1.6 Collingwood Children's Farm 28

6.1.7 Com putershare 28

6.1.8 VIT Hospitality School 28

6.1.9 Summary 28

6.2 Johnston Street Traffic Growth 29

6.3 Traffic Distribution 29

7 Conclusion 32


Appendix A Proposed Signalised Intersection Plans

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Camino Traffic Assessment Abbotsford Convent Traffic Signals


Table 2-1 Public Transport Services 5

Table 3-1 Council SCATS Average Peak Hour Volumes by Day 15

Table 3-2 Surveyed Existing Convent Traffic 18

Table 6-1 Allocation of Weekday Traffic to Convent and Children's Farm Uses 26

Table 6-2 Allocation of Saturday Traffic to Convent and Children's Farm Uses 26

Table 6-3 Future Convent Traffic Generation 27

Table 6-4 Ultimate Lourdes Facility Traffic 27

Table 6-5 Ultimate Traffic 28

Figures Figure 2-1 Intersection Locality 4

• Figure 2-2 Subject Site Aerial Photograph 5

Figure 2-3 SmartRoads Network Operating Plan 6

Figure 2-4 Principal Bicycle Network — City of Yarra 7

Figure 2-5 Johnston Street facing east adjacent to the Clarke Street intersection 8

Figure 2-6 Clarke Street facing Johnston Street (north) adjacent to subject site 9

Figure 2-7 St Heliers Street facing west adjacent to subject site 10

Figure 3-1 Site Locality 11

Figure 3-2 Site Map of the Abbotsford Convent Precinct 12

Figure 3-3 Surrounding Uses 14

Figure 3-4 Johnston Street Traffic Volume Temporal Profile 15

Figure 3-5 Existing Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (Fri 9th & Sat 10th November 2012) 17

Figure 5-1 Proposed Intersection Layout 22

Figure 5-2 Precinct Reconfiguration Concept Layout 23

Figure 5-3 Johnston Street Redistributed Existing Volumes 25

Figure 6-1 Distribution of Generated Traffic Volumes 30

Figure 6-2 Post Development Traffic Volumes 31

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(..ir", Cardno Traffic Assessment Abbotsford Convent Traffic Signals

1 Introduction

Cardno have been engaged by the City of Yarra to provide a Traffic Impact Assessment of the proposed signalisation of Johnston Street and a new Abbotsford Convent site access, in context with the future traffic flows from the Abbotsford Convent redevelopment.

This report provides an assessment and discussion of the traffic volumes generated by the Abbotsford Convent precinct in context with the proposed traffic signals as a response to VicRoads request for further information.

The proposed intersection is located on Johnston Street, Abbotsford approximately 80m east of Clarke Street is intended to serve primarily the Abbotsford Convent and the associated car park. The Convent car park access forms the southern leg of the intersection, Johnston Street forming the east and west legs and the existing car park to 452 Johnston Street (Computershare) forming the northern leg.

The result of the proposed signalisation of the intersection is to create a controlled intersection where currently an uncontrolled t-intersection operates with the Computershare car park. The signalised intersection includes the provision of pedestrian crossing opportunities across Johnston Street.

In the course of preparing this assessment, the subject site and its environs have been inspected, background documentation reviewed and relevant traffic data sourced and analysed.

1.1 Context

The City of Yarra has undertaken a number of studies and investigations to identify ways of improving road safety and amenity in the precinct bounded by Johnston Street, Nicholson Street, Marine Parade and the Yarra River in Abbotsford.

In June 2010 the City of Yarra commissioned the development of a Traffic and Parking Plan for the Clarke Street/St Heliers Street area (that area bounded by Johnston Street, Nicholson Street, Marine Parade and the Yarra River) which sought to address traffic and parking issues in the area and reflect the requirements and expectations of the local community.

The study area included a large residential precinct and a significant non-residential precinct which comprises the Abbottsford Convent, the Collingwood Children's Farm, the Good Shepherd Nursing Home, the Sofia Mundi Steiner School and the University of Melbourne Early Learning Centre. The study also considered the possible future growth associated with the Convent, school, nursing home and the development of the Lourdes site adjacent to the Convent.

Development of the Traffic and Parking Plan has involved extensive community consultation with the Abbotsford Convent Precinct stakeholders and two resident groups (Collingwood and Abbotsford Residents Association and Abbotsford Convent Precinct Community Group) to consider traffic engineering investigations undertaken in the area and to identify local traffic issues.

Information gathered through the consultation was used to identify the key issues in the study area including:

> Traffic and access issues identified in the study area were:

- Rat running through residential streets (substantially reduced with the Clarke Street partial road closure);

- Congestion, queuing and safety issues in St Heliers Street and at the St Heliers Street/Clarke Street intersection with particular concern about safety hazards due to buses and commercial vehicles turning and reversing in St Heliers Street and Clarke Street and conflict with pedestrians and cyclists;

- Safety and congestion in Clarke Street, including conflicting and illegal traffic movements in the vicinity of the partial road closure; and

- Access to Johnston Street difficult from Clarke Street, with extensive delays caused by peak hour traffic and queuing across the intersection from the adjacent Paterson Street traffic signals.

> Parking issues identified in the study area were:

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- Insufficient parking to cater for the high level of visitation to the Convent and the Collingwood Children's Farm on weekends, when there are major markets or other activities, or for special events with parking spilling over into the adjacent residential areas;

- Parking demand from commercial properties, particularly on the north side of Johnston Street overflowing into both the residential and Convent precincts and using the Abbotsford Convent Foundation car park during the week;

- High level short term demand by visitors to other community facilities in excess of what the facilities have provided— i.e. short term/drop off by users of the Early Learning Centre visitors to the nursing home; and

- Parking generally sufficient for the current "normal" weekday parking demand for the Precinct however it is reaching capacity and provision needs to be made for future growth in demand.

In light of the 2010 study and resident consultation Council has undertaken a number of investigations to identify ways of improving road safety and amenity in the Convent Precinct. One of the recommendations arising from the investigations was to commence planning with VicRoads for alternative access from Johnston Street to the Abbotsford Convent car park to improve traffic and parking near the Convent Precinct.

The investigations considered that providing alternate access to the Abbotsford Convent car parking would discourage motor vehicles from using Clarke Street and improve traffic movement and amenity in this area as well as providing a controlled intersection to appropriately cater for the diverted traffic.

Council engaged Cardno in October 2012 to investigate the technical parameters of the proposal.

1.2 Background

Cardno has been investigating the proposal to install traffic signals since October 2012 and has been working closely with authorities and key stakeholders, including Council, VicRoads, Public Transport Victoria, Bicycle Victoria and the Abbotsford Convent Foundation.

Four alternative intersection control scenarios were identified including:

> Option 1: Trennery Crescent unsignalised, Paterson Street status quo, Clarke Street unsignalised, Convent car park signalised;

> Option 2: Trennery Crescent signalised, Paterson Street status quo, Clarke Street unsignalised, Convent car park signalised;

> Option 3: Trennery Crescent unsignalised, Paterson Street signals removed, Clarke Street unsignalised, Convent car park signalised; and

> Option 4: Trennery Crescent unsignalised, Paterson Street status quo, Clarke Street signalised, Convent car park status quo.

For various reasons, outlined further within this report, Option 1 was selected and further analysis of its implications undertaken.

A Network Fit Assessment (NFA) for the peak periods was undertaken of the proposed signalised intersection, being the AM, PM and High Off-Peak (Saturday) periods. A Level 2 NFA was undertaken using the NFA Tool version 6.2.3 and was informed by the results of a preliminary microsimulation model of the Johnston Street Precinct.

The assessment was undertaken in a workshop facilitated by Cardno with input from members of VicRoads, Yarra City Council, Public Transport Victoria and the Abbotsford Convent. The workshop was conducted on 15 January 2013 between 2pm and 5pm at Fitzroy Town Hall. The operations assessment identified that the proposed Option 1 works have a positive fit with the network in relation to the Smartroads framework.

Intersection functional layout plans and signal layout plans have been prepared in conjunction with the City of Yarra reflecting the NFA intersection treatment.

Further analysis of the proposed signals was undertaken in April 2013 that included further microsimulation modelling of Johnston Street between Nicholson Street and the Yarra River to determine the impacts of signalisation on delays and queues in the surrounding road network. The analysis concluded that the road

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network will continue to operate satisfactorily following installation of the signals with marginal increases in delays and queues to motorists.

The microsimulation has been issued to VicRoads on 16 April and 12 July, 2013 for review. A workshop was held on 13 August, 2013 attended by VicRoads and Council at which the model was discussed.

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Proposed Signalised Intersection




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(.T14) Cardno Traffic Assessment Abbotsford Convent Traffic Signals

2 Study Area

2.1 General

The proposed signalised intersection is located approximately 80m east of Clarke Street, Abbotsford as illustrated in the context of the wider road network in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Intersection Locality

The east and west legs of the proposed signalised intersection are formed by Johnston Street with the northern leg formed by access to the Computer Share car park as illustrated in the aerial photograph in Figure 2-2.

• The City of Yarra defined the study area for the location of the proposed signalised access as Johnston Street from Clarke Street to the Yarra River bridge crossing.

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Proposed southern intersection leg

Cardno Traffic Assessment Abbotsford Convent Traffic Signals

Figure 2-2 Subject Site Aerial Photograph

2.2 Road Network Considerations

2.2.1 Public Transport

A number of bus services operate along Johnston Street with 4 services operating in the vicinity of the proposed traffic signals as summarised in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Public Transport Services


Nearest Stop Location

200 City — Bulleen 40m west of Clarke Street

201 City — Doncaster Shopping Town

205 Melbourne University — Doncaster Shopping Town

207 City - Donvale

Bus services along Johnston Street typically operate 7 days a week with services generally commencing at 6am and terminating at midnight. The 205 Melbourne University — Doncaster Shopping Town operates only during peak hours with city bound services during the morning and outbound during the afternoon. Services typically operate at 30 minute headways during peak hour operations.

During weekend operations services operate with reduced frequency at intervals of 30 minutes to 90 minutes depending on the route.

Dedicated bus lanes operate along both the northern and southern kerbs of Johnston Street delineated by red painted lanes. Along the southern kerb bus lanes are enforced between 7am and 9am Monday to Friday (inbound services) with northern kerb bus lanes between 4pm and 6.30pm Monday to Friday (outbound services).

A temporary bus stop is located approximately 50m east of Clarke Street on the southern kerb of Johnston Street and is typically utilised for coach services servicing school and community groups accessing the Abbotsford Convent.

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Cardno Traffic Assessment Abbotsford Convent Traffic Signals

2.2.2 Smart Roads

SmartRoads Network Operating Plans have been developed through extensive consultation with local councils, government agencies and relevant stakeholders, and illustrate which transport modes have priority on the road at different times of the day.

Figure 2-3 identifies the Network Operating Plan in the vicinity of the site, and indicates that Johnston Street adjacent to the site is a Bus and Bicycle Priority Route.

Figure 2-3 SmartRoads Network Operating Plan

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(2.4) Cardno Traffic Assessment Abbotsford Convent Traffic Signals

2.2.3 Principal Bicycle Network

Melbourne's Principal Bicycle Network (PBN) was established in 1994 and provides maps of major bicycle routes around Melbourne and surrounding suburbs. The PBN maps show a network of cycle routes that provide access and connectivity between key destinations. The PBN has recently been updated in draft form, as shown in Figure 2-4.

The draft PBN indicates that Johnston Street forms part of the PBN and provides a connection to the Main Yarra Trail.

Figure 2-4 Principal Bicycle Network — City of Yarra

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2.3 Road Network

2.3.1 Johnston Street

Johnston Street is a Declared Main Road oriented in an east west fashion within the study area and to the east of the study site Johnston Street crosses the Yarra River.

At the proposed signalised intersection location Johnston Street comprises a single pavement approximately 15m wide housing 2 through lanes in each direction (total 4 lane cross section) with an on-road bicycle lane along the southern kerb to the east.

To the west of Clarke Street, an additional central traffic lane is introduced that operates as an additional traffic lane in the direction of the relevant peak traffic. i.e. westbound during the AM peak and eastbound during the PM peak. Additionally, the kerbside lanes become dedicated bus lanes between:

> 7am and 9am Monday to Friday (inbound services) along the southern kerb; and

> 4pm and 6.30pm Monday to Friday (outbound services) along the northern kerb.

In addition to the bus lanes parking along the southern kerb is controlled by Clearway restrictions between 6.30am and 9.30am Monday to Friday and 2 hour parking 9.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday.

Similarly the northern lane is controlled by Clearway restrictions between 4pm and 6.30pm Monday to Friday and 2 hour parking 7.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

In the vicinity of the study area Johnston Street operates with a speed limit of 60km/h.

Johnston Street in the vicinity of the study area is illustrated in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5 Johnston Street facing east adjacent to the Clarke Street intersection

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2.3.2 Clarke Street

Clarke Street functions as a local road and is aligned north-south from Johnston Street to its terminus some 250 metres to the south. It provides a single lane of traffic in either direction over a pavement of approximately 13 metres.

Approximately midway along its length, traffic management devices have been installed that limit southbound travel whilst enabling local northbound traffic.

Parallel kerbside parking is available along the eastern kerb controlled by 2 hour restrictions between 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday. Angled parking is available on the west kerb of Clarke Street approximately 30m south of Johnston Street which is controlled by a Permit Zone.

Clarke Street is controlled by an area 40km/h speed limit.

A view of the street cross-section is shown in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6 Clarke Street facing Johnston Street (north) adjacent to subject site

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2.3.3 St. Heliers Street

St Heliers Street is a local road running generally east-west from Clarke Street terminating at the Collingwood Children's Farm approximately 300 metres to the east. It operates with an approximately 10 metre pavement providing for one lane of travel in either direction and allows kerbside parallel parking along both kerbs.

Parking restrictions vary along both kerbs 2P restrictions between 7:00AM — 5:00PM along the northern kerb, 1/4P and 4P restrictions between 7:00AM — 5:00PM along the southern kerb.

St. Heliers Street provides the primary vehicular access into the Convent precinct.

A speed limit of 20km/h applies for its length.

A view of St Heliers Street cross section is provided in Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7 St Heliers Street facing west adjacent to subject site

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Qr .") Cardno Traffic Assessment Abbotsford Convent Traffic Signals

3 Abbotsford Convent — Existing Operations

3.1 Background & Site Location

Operating as the Sisters of Good Shepherd Abbotsford Convent until 1975, the site was acquired by the state government and has subsequently been developed as an arts, cultural and education precinct for community uses.

Now known as the Abbotsford Convent, it is located within the parcel of land bounded by Johnston Street, Clarke Street and the Yarra River in Abbotsford as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Site Locality

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