11-22 IRD Awarded $65 Million Agricultural Development Project in Afghanistan’s Kandahar and...

 FO NO CO 57 PR IR D a  IMMEDIAT VEMBER 22, NTACT: MELI 3661596 SS@IRDDC. D Aw velop d Hel E RELEASE 2011 SSA PRICE ORG INTERNA T 703.24 rded ment and ARLI imple and de Agenc develo Region goals a confid Irrigati  “Afgh agricul integra Party f enable history throug  U.S. A progra Gover Agricu  Throu capacit least 2 term a local r and ov will bu develo associ “down IONAL RELIEF & .0161 | F 703.24 65 Mi rojec rovin GTON, VA enter of U.S velopment co for Internat pment in Afg al Agricultu re to increas nce of Afgh on, and Live nistan’s lon tural sector t ted into regi or S-RAD. “ Afghanistan , and serve a long-term a mbassador R in Lashkar or Mohamm lture, Irrigati h tightly int y building, a ,000 farm fa ricultural jo sidents. In a ercome other ild enduring pment servic tions, linkin stream” trade EVELOPMENT | 8.0194 | WWW.I llion A  in Af es Internation . foreign assi mmunity, ha ional Develo hanistan’s K al Developm long-term a ns in their g stock. -term stabili at provides nal and glob -RAD will i ’s governmen a model for gricultural d yan Crocker Gah, Afghan ad Gulab M on and Lives grated cash nd in-kind gr milies, creat s, and meas dition to sh obstacles to linkages bet s and in-kin them to “up rs, processor 621 NORTH KENT D.ORG gricult hanis al Relief and stance and a s been award pment (USA andahar and ent (S-RAD) gricultural jo overnment, e y and develo or the needs al markets,” mprove the li t to prepare other nation velopment.” gave the key istan. Crock ngal and rep tock, and loc or work, agri ant programs nearly 7,00 rably increa rt-term activ long-term ef een farmers grants will stream” farm s, wholesaler  --more- STREET,  4TH FLOO ural an’s Developmen leader in the ed a $65 mill D) to accele Helmand pro program is a bs and incom specially the pment rest o of the Afgha said John Ha ives of thous or a new cha seeking to i  note address r was joined resentatives f al agricultura icultural vouc , S-RAD will long-term j e confidence ities to rehab iciency and i and the priv revitalize far input supply s, and retaile - R | ARLINGTON,  andah t (IRD), a m international lion contract ate agricultu vinces. The S one-year pr es and incre Ministry of a successfu n people and du, IRD’s C nds of peopl pter in the co crease socia o launch the by Helmand rom the Dire l cooperative hers, trainin l increase inc bs and milli in governm ilitate irrigati ncreased out te sector. Bu er cooperat firms and to rs. A 22209 ar  jor stabilization by the U.S. ral outhern  ject whose se the griculture, l is hief of e, help untry’s l stability S-RAD Provincial torate of s. and omes for at ns of short- nt among on systems put, S-RAD siness ives and

Transcript of 11-22 IRD Awarded $65 Million Agricultural Development Project in Afghanistan’s Kandahar and...

Page 1: 11-22 IRD Awarded $65 Million Agricultural Development Project in Afghanistan’s Kandahar and Helmand Provinces

8/3/2019 11-22 IRD Awarded $65 Million Agricultural Development Project in Afghanistan’s Kandahar and Helmand Provinces

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Page 2: 11-22 IRD Awarded $65 Million Agricultural Development Project in Afghanistan’s Kandahar and Helmand Provinces

8/3/2019 11-22 IRD Awarded $65 Million Agricultural Development Project in Afghanistan’s Kandahar and Helmand Provinces

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IONAL  RELIEF & D.0161  |  F 703.24

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ore of all prfrom capacihave broad k es should befghan first”nities as gov

, which incoricultural pry building proving goverpment.

ww.ird.org f st-hand accolatest news bbe.

nonprofit, no

tion, and deve

orld’s most vu


al disaster, IR

ble services in

tion, visit IRD.


8.0194  |  WWW.I

in “key terro address cotables, leguRD and otheincrease livestabilizationspecific weation costs ant related fac

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in districts” instraints alones, forage, li

rs has identilihoods and iand longer teknesses in ead infrastructuors.

lture, Irrigat

s, given subsing activities.farmer needsknow how t

nsure that thed and impl

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ams worldwid 

s and provide

meeting the ne

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ivestock, andied these valincomes as wrm developmch value-chaire, packagin

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o do so efficiproject is u


’s successfule of three mthe country.

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the Afghan gd livestock vcereals. Extee chains as

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A 22209 

overnmentalue chains:nsiveaving theve thes. Thearminging

ill be placed

thority, andextensionwherectively.


AVIPAent and

are directedand social

es blog top-to-date onFlickr, or


the suffering

d to increase

 from conflict 

ers to deliver 
