
Sarah Webb 11-11-10 Teacher Cadet Today was my second day as a teacher cadet in Miss Robbins. It was a pretty fair day. Since we had PRIDE today I had to leave a little bit early to get back to school on time. Today when I arrived Miss Robbins spent a little time explaining to me about how she has been testing each of her students to see what reading level each of them is on. Some of the children were right where they should be according to this test and others were either higher or lower than a third grade level. Tomorrow I was told that I would be working with the children that had the lower scores to give them some individual attention. I have realized that everyone knows everyone at this school. Most of the teachers even know their students families. One great thing about this class was that they children didn’t have to be told what to do when they walked into the classroom in the mornings. They immediately started on their work. At the very beginning of the class today I had to hand out folders which had their names on it. Without thinking about it I heard the name Sarah and got up to go to the front of the class to see what my teacher needed. Well to my surprise she was not talking to me but to another girl named Sarah in the class. I really need to get used to not answering to that and only answering to Miss Webb while I am there. After I got up to the front of the class Miss Robbins told me that it would actually be good for me to hand out the folders to the students. Unknown to me I was really being given a test to see how many of the children’s names that I could remember. I did a lot better than I initially thought I would. Also today, I got to work one on one with a girl named Maria on her morning math warm up. She was having a little trouble with subtracting two digit numbers from each other. Once I helped her out a little bit she caught on and I believe now understands the concept better. Today was good.


numbers from each other. Once I helped her out a little bit she caught on and I believe now understands the concept better. Today was good. Webb while I am there. After I got up to the front of the class Miss Robbins told me that it each of her students to see what reading level each of them is on. Some of the children were Today was my second day as a teacher cadet in Miss Robbins. It was a pretty fair day.

Transcript of 11-11-10

Page 1: 11-11-10

Sarah Webb 11-11-10 Teacher Cadet

Today was my second day as a teacher cadet in Miss Robbins. It was a pretty fair day.

Since we had PRIDE today I had to leave a little bit early to get back to school on time. Today

when I arrived Miss Robbins spent a little time explaining to me about how she has been testing

each of her students to see what reading level each of them is on. Some of the children were

right where they should be according to this test and others were either higher or lower than a

third grade level. Tomorrow I was told that I would be working with the children that had the

lower scores to give them some individual attention. I have realized that everyone knows

everyone at this school. Most of the teachers even know their students families. One great

thing about this class was that they children didn’t have to be told what to do when they

walked into the classroom in the mornings. They immediately started on their work. At the

very beginning of the class today I had to hand out folders which had their names on it. Without

thinking about it I heard the name Sarah and got up to go to the front of the class to see what

my teacher needed. Well to my surprise she was not talking to me but to another girl named

Sarah in the class. I really need to get used to not answering to that and only answering to Miss

Webb while I am there. After I got up to the front of the class Miss Robbins told me that it

would actually be good for me to hand out the folders to the students. Unknown to me I was

really being given a test to see how many of the children’s names that I could remember. I did a

lot better than I initially thought I would. Also today, I got to work one on one with a girl named

Maria on her morning math warm up. She was having a little trouble with subtracting two digit

numbers from each other. Once I helped her out a little bit she caught on and I believe now

understands the concept better. Today was good.