10AIV invite you to a Christian Wedding. Marriage Services are happy events. Christians believe that...

10AIV invite you to a Christian Wedding

Transcript of 10AIV invite you to a Christian Wedding. Marriage Services are happy events. Christians believe that...

10AIV invite you to a Christian Wedding

Marriage Services are happy events. Christians believe that God is present during the service.

Why is he wearing my jacket?

The Wedding Planner

All Weddings take a great deal of care

and planning.

A vicar will make sure that the couple are aware of the commitments they are making before the big day.

Although most Christians are allowed to date each other before they get married, they must avoid the temptation of getting too friendly…

The big day is here and the guests arrive…

Some may get there a little too early!

The vicar is early and going over his lines.

There’s my Jacket again…

Here comes the bride…

The bride will usually wear a white dress and sometimes a veil, which is a symbol of modesty.

The vicar would take the bride and groom through their vows.

The couple will promise to love each other and ignoring all others to comfort, honour and protect each other even when things get difficult.

The couple will usually exchange rings, the wedding ring is a symbol of love.

The Church Service is often followed by a celebration involving food and drink.

Some guests may even get a little too lively!

The End

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