10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities...

10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate the consequences of the industrialization to the working class by role-playing a factory worker, a boss or a union leader by producing a flyer, list and letter (speech or article) to influence others PROJECT UNDERSTANDING PERSPECTIVE: INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION

Transcript of 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities...

Page 1: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.

10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution.

Students will evaluate the consequences of the industrialization to the working class by role-playing a factory worker, a boss or a union leader by producing a flyer, list and letter (speech or article) to influence others



Page 2: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.


• The Union Leader

• The Factory Worker

Page 3: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.

THE BOSS• You are a boss at a factory. You worked hard at growing your business and want the best

for your family. You give to charity and belive your workers are paid well. If they don’t like the factory, they can always quit. Union leaders are just trying to start an issue when there is none. People should have the freedom to work where they want to work and pay workers what they think they should.

Page 4: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.

THE UNION LEADER• You used to work in factory, but realized that there must be another way. You want

workers to be respected and protected. You know that a union is the only way to fight bosses who exploit workers.

Page 5: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.

FACTORY WORKER• You used to work in your home making dresses but you couldn’t survive. You and your

family move to the city to look for work. You find a job in a textile factory. You work 80 hours week for little pay. One of your child has died in the factory. You are missing finger.

Page 6: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.


• List of Demands or List of Consequence

• Speech or News Article

• Powerpoint that includes all the items

• Today you must create ta draft of the items and copy them into one powerpoint and share with me.

Page 7: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.


1 2 3 4

Flyer It includes a title with a date and time.

It includes a call to action with a date and time. The title is clear.

Has a clear perspective. It includes a call to action with a date and time. The title is clear and there is a visual.

Has a clear perspective. It includes a call to action with a date and time. The title is clear and there is a visual. It has a clear cause.

The flyer is a tool to influence people to support your cause. You must create a flyer that has a large title, a visual, a clear message, with a date and time. It must show your perspective of the role you chose

Page 8: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.


1 2 3 4

List The list has demands/reasons

The list has clear demands/reasons with reasoning.

The list has clear, relevant demands/reasons that include sound reasoning.

The list has clear, relevant, and compelling demands/reasons that include sound reasoning.

If you are a factory worker, you must list the changes you want in the workplace and why.If you are a union leader, you must list the reasons the factory needs a unionIf you are boss, you must list the reasons a union is not a good thing and the consequences of talking to a union leader.

Page 9: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.


1 2 3 4

Speech or article

The speech has less than 300 words.

The speech has less than 300 words, has an introduction, provide reasons, and a call to action..

The speech has 300 words, has an introduction, provide reasons, and a call to action..

The speech has 300 words, has an introduction, provide reasons, and a call to action. The reasons are logical and appropriate. The call to action is relative.

You must write a speech or article of at least 300 words. Your goals is explain why people should listen to you and support what you think. If you are factory worker, you should write about what its like in the factory. If you are a union leader you should write about why unions are a good thing. If you are a boss, you should write about why working at your factory is great and that unions are not a good idea.

Page 10: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.


Cesar ChavezEl Malcriado. September 16 of 1965

• Cesar Chavez and 500-1000 farmworkers meet in Delano to plan the grape strike.

In a 400 square mile area halfway between Selma and Weedpatch, California, a general strike of farm workers has been going on for six weeks. The Filipinos, under AWOC AFL-CIO began the strike for a $1.40 per hour guarantee and a union contract. They were joined by the independent Farm Workers Association which as a membership of several thousand Mexican-Americans.

Filipino, Mexican-American and Puerto Rican workers have been manning picket lines daily for 41 days in a totally non-violent manner. Ranchers in the area, which include DiGiorgio Fruit, Schenley, and many independent growers, did not take the strike seriously at first. By the second or third week, however, they began taking another look-- and striking back. Mechanized agriculture began picketing the pickets -- spraying them with sulfur, running tractors by them to create dust storms, building barricades of farm machinery so that scabs could not see the pickets. These actions not only increased the determination of the strikers, but convinced some of the scabs that the ranchers were, in fact, less than human. Scabs quit work and the strike grew.

The growers hired security guards for $43 a day. They began driving their Thunderbirds, equipped with policy dogs and rifles, up and down the roads. The people made more picket signs, drew in their belts, and kept marching.

Production was down 30% and the growers began looking for more and more scabs. They went to Fresno and Bakersfield and Los Angeles to find them. They didn't tell the workers that they would be scab crews. The pickets followed them into every town and formed ad hoc strike committees to prevent scabbing. They succeeded in these towns. Within two weeks, only one bus, with half a dozen winos, escorted by a pearl gray Cadillac, drove into the strike zone. A new plan was formed. The ranchers would advertise in South Texas and old Mexico. They bring these workers in buses and the workers are held in debt to the rancher before they even arrive in town. We have a new and more difficult task ahead of us with these scabs.

As our strike has grown, workers have matured and now know why and how to fight for their rights. As the strike has grown into a movement for justice by the lowest paid workers in America, friends of farm workers have begun to rally in support of LA CAUSA. Civil rights, church, student and union groups help with food and money.

We believe that this is the beginning of a significant drive to achieve equal rights for agricultural workers. In order to enlist your full support and to explain our work to you, I would like to bring some of our pickets and meet with you.


Cesar Estrada ChavezGeneral Director,

Page 11: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.
Page 12: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.
Page 13: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.
Page 14: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.
Page 15: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.


Page 16: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.

RESOURCES• Child Labor

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTYkW5K2mn4

• History of labor in England

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TYNwgoIXGc

Page 17: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.

GO TO WH WEEK 13• Understanding perspective ppt

• Labor Union Basics

• Labor Union Pros and Cons

Page 18: 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration and the growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. Students will evaluate.

TODAY1. Create a powerpoint document called:

• Per. Group. UnderPersProject

2. Share ppt with me

3. Create slides

1. Title

2. Responsibilities

3. Speech

4. Demands or Consequences

5. Flyer

4. Drafts must be finished by today