100 Wonderful benefits of Ozone Therapy

Health Hotel and Clinic 208 3rd Avenue Asbury Park, NJ 07712 Phone: 732.775.7575 Fax: 732.502.0899 Email: [email protected] http://www.abundalife.com



Transcript of 100 Wonderful benefits of Ozone Therapy

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Health Hotel and Clinic208 3rd AvenueAsbury Park, NJ 07712Phone: 732.775.7575Fax: 732.502.0899Email: [email protected]://www.abundalife.com

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incorporate ozone therapy intotheir medical practice.Under thegreat guise of protecting thepublic, the medical police haveworked overtime stopping atnothing to protect you from aneffective therapy that can do noharm, has never done harm, and never will harm.

Ozone is a lofty dreamer’s ideal therapy because itcomplies with the father of modern day medicine.Hippocrates first law of medicine “Do The PatientNo Harm,” while offering a safe, simple inexpensiveand effective therapy that can add a quality and quan-tity of life, health, and vitality to every citizen of ourfree republic.

Ozone therapy is an incredible rejuvenator, normal-izer, detoxifier, regenerator, immune enhancer andphysical and mental energizer. It may even prove tobe histories perfect preventative medicine that helpsto elevate our nation to a higher level of wellness.

Ozone clearly challengesthe primacy of orthodoxdrug medicine. Whyshould our nation con-tinue to consume largequantities of pharmaceu-ticals with their so-calledside effects that are inreality poisoning ef-fects?

Ozone has no harmful side effects, while drugmedicine even practiced correctly according to thebook, kills over 100,000 men, women, and childrenevery year, according to the New England Journalof Medicine.

Most people in America are not only mineraldeficient, they are oxygen deficient. The quality oflife at the cellular level is dependent on oxygen.Ozone is a concentrated form of oxygen. Doesn’t itmake sense to feed the cells some ozone from timeto time as part of a total holistic, preventative,wellness lifestyle program?

INTRODUCTION TO OZONE THERAPYBy Robert H. Sorge N.D., Ph.D.Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

There are many natural healing treatments andmodalities available to the human family. Once onehas compared all the options and alternatives, OzoneTherapy arises, head and shoulders above all therest, as the most compelling.

Ozone therapy has the potential to do more good formankind. Addressing more medical conditions at alower cost than any form of preventative health treat-ment discovered to date.

Ozone’s effectiveness against our modern day killerdiseases, resistant viruses, harmful bacteria, andlatent microorganisms has been well documentedand scientifically established. Ozone alsoneutralizes virtually all organic and many inorganictoxic wastes that compromise the immune system.

Ozone is so powerful that it literally converts rawsewage into drinking water in many cities of the world.Just imagine the benefit to a toxic body.It is a fact there are more scientificpapers written on the positive effectsof ozone therapy over the last 100years then any other medicaltreatment.

No medical substance or device or subject has beenmore thoroughly documented in scientific journalsthen ozone.

Yet, as amazing as it may seem, the vast majority ofAmericans have never heard of ozone therapy and99% of our nations practicing physicians haven’t sat

in on a single one hour class on the sub-ject.

The public and our professionals are ig-norant concerning the health benefits ofozone. The establishment has doneeverything in its power to keep it thatway. In fact, the medical police haveeven taken the licenses of a number ofpracticing physicians who dared to

“The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.” Louis Pasteur


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+ Sense= Health

We have accepted the fact that vitamin therapyis practical and sensible means to correct vi-tamin deficiencies. Doesn’t it make sense toaddress oxygen defi-ciency symptoms withozone therapy?

Many are unaware aboutozone’s natural immuniz-ing and antibody loweringeffects. Ozone breaks up the disulfide bridges inantibodies. This process may reverse the most sig-nificant disease process in the body while greatlyenhancing the body’s immune function and second-ary detoxification systems.

Ozone’s therapeutic effectiveness has been well es-tablished in the scientific community over the last100 years. Ozone has proven itself according tothe highest scientific and medical standards.

Ozone therapy has the potential of helping allmankinds take a giant step towards a healthierworld. All the great dreamers of all pastgenerations envisioned theday that the degenerated andinfectious diseases would beconquered. Holistic dreamersenvisioned the day when theaverage life expectancy wouldrevert to the Biblical ideal of120 years of excellenthealth. Ozone therapycould make a majorcontribution to thatdream.


A curious and conscientiousperson quite naturally asks, andthen continues to wonder “whythen doesn’t everyone knowabout it?”

tions that must be addressed. Mostpeople assume that information is free.They also assume if a modality is benefi-cial, the medical establishment will backit. Both assumptions are incorrect.

The unvarnished fact is the medical pro-fession is controlled by higherpowers known as the International DrugTrust. They define what the acceptable

practice of medicine is.

The driving force behind this system is not what worksor what is healthful or beneficial to people, but raweconomics. The system revolves around gainingGovernment patents on a new drug or medical de-vice. Once this patent is secured a 17-year monopolyis granted. No one can compete, regardless theprice of the product.

In 1764 James Lind proves that vitamin C cured andprevented scurvy. In 1954 Dr. Linus Pauling won the

Nobel Prize for Biology. He proved that largequantities of vitamin C could prevent and curecancer. Why is it that all physicians inAmerica do not prescribe vitamin C in largedoses to every patient?

The reason is vitamin C is unpatentable. Itsprice must be determined by the free marketplace not the dictates of a Government mo-nopoly. Ozone like herbs, vitamins, and natu-ral medicines are also unpatentable. Infor-mation is not free as many people think, thatis why the public is filled to the gills with infor-mation on drugs. People are totally ignoranton the healthful benefits of ozone therapy.

If some big pharmaceutical company could figureout some way to patent ozone, it would be hailed bythe establishment press. The Government and or-thodox medicine would have the greatest medicalbreak-through of all time.

Fortunately or unfortunately that will never happen,so ozone therapy along with all other drugless ap-proaches to healing, prevention, and wellness willbe met with fierce resistance by the establishment.

“Toxins gravitate to the body’s weakest tissue.” Robert H. Sorge N.D., Ph.D.

These are reasonable ques-


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“The naturopathic solution to germs is to simply clean up the internal environment and starve the germs.”Bernard Jensen N.D., D.C., Ph.D.

Because just like Satan, the medical establishmentknows its time is short. A new, kinder and gentler

system of natural medicine will soon replace the oldsystem of drug medicine.

Natural approaches to wellness require discipline,patience and hard work. The holistic patient mustbe willing to take the responsibility from the failedsystem. They must become proactive in their ownhealth building process.

We are Holistic practitioners at Abunda Life. Wemust confess we do not believe in “silver bullets”,our belief is a total approach to wellness. Ozonetherapy is only part of the total wellness process.Ozone can help to change your life; it mayprove to be the ultimate treatment in the nextgeneration of healthcare.


Scientists like Dr. Way and many others now be-lieve that the initial symp-toms of oxygen deprivationwhich in actuality constitutesthe gradual oxygen starva-tion of the bodies seven tril-lion cells as follows:

1. Despondency2. Inability to concentrate3. Memory loss4. Irritability5. Irrational behavior6. Irrationality7. Chronic hostility

8. Mood swings9. Depression10.Mental Disorientation11. Anxiety12.Overall bodily weakness13.Muscle aches14.Dizziness15.Undue fatigue16.Circulation problems17.Acid stomach18.Constipation19.Poor digestion20.Susceptibility to cold,

flu, and infection21.Bronchial congestion22. Respiratory problems23. Tumors24. Lowered immunity25. Bacterial infections26. Viral infections27. Candida28 Parasitic infections

These symptoms often begin with avague feeling of uneasiness. Theyprogress over time to full blown illnessand disease.

Cells undergoing partial oxygen star-vation send out tiny panic signals,which are collectively felt in the bodyas a continuous vague sensation of

uneasiness, anxiety, dread, and di-saster.

This low-level generalized warn-ing tends to get tuned out asmere background noise by theindividual experiencing it. It canbe something else, yet the or-thodox doctor often tells patients“it’s all in your head.”

People rarely connect thesevague feelings of helplessness,mental and physical fatigue, anxi-ety, despair, and daily emotional “ups and downs”

with their cells crying out for help due to oxygen



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tem, the degeneration process occurs on a mas-sive and explosive scale. This is whathappens when cancer begins to spread rapidlythere is nothing to stop it.

Once the immune system is compromised, the can-cer cells leave their toxic host in one organ andleave looking for new debilitated, weak cells to in-vade.

If this degenerate processis not arrested, metabolicwaste products left by thescavenger effect of the can-cer cells soon overwhelmthe bodies eliminative chan-nels at a faster rate then thebodies ability to throw themoff.

In Naturopathic medicine we believe when toxinsbuild up faster then the bodies eliminative chan-nels are able to throw them off, disease sets in.

In 1931, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg taughtus that ozone is a free radical scavenger. Ozoneacts like a clean up crew efficiently destroying thedisease cells as well as the invading organismthrough the oxidation-reduction system.

Ozone therapy is the perfect preventive medicine.It detoxifies the blood, kills cancer cells, Candidaand harmful bacteria before they become a“named disease ”


In short: Many people areeither taking mindlessmedications being told“it’s all in your head”, orare doing themselves alot of good goingthrough a series ofozone therapy treat-ments .



In 1931 Dr. Otto Warburg proved that a cancer cellis primarily anaerobic. Harmful bacteria and can-cer cells cannot live in oxygen.

This principle was well-understood 50 years beforeDr. Warburg won the Nobel Prize. What is the Medi-cal establishment waiting for?

Dr. Warburg demonstrated that the presence of in-creased amounts of oxygen made available throughozone therapy inhibited cancer cells. The cancercells become incapable of spreading, and eventu-ally the cancer cells disintegrate and die off, themore ozone the better.

Sick cells, such as cancer cells have an altered outercoat, which are not as strong as healthy cells. Vi-ruses, bacteria and other unwanted organisms gravi-tate to these cells. In Naturopathic medicine webelieve that toxins gravitate to the weakest organsof the body first.

Once disease sets up residence, the cancer or othertype of organism uses whatever DNA and RNAmaterial is available to reproduce and maintainitself.

If surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, malnutrition,enervation or stress compromises the immune sys-

“If the colon is toxic, the blood will eventually become toxic. If the blood becomes toxic, every organ ofyour body is put in danger.” Harvey Kellogg M.D.

“Ahhh...I feel so good withOzone Treatments!!!”


“My Name is Little Suzie



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good thing to do as a preventative, you may be wait-ing for a long time. Remember, ozone is not patent-able. No one can get a monopoly. The free marketplace alone establishes its value. Two-hundred-fiftyyears ago, James Lind discovered some of the ben-efits of vitamin C. How much vitamin C has yourdoctor prescribed for you lately? Is that about thesame amount of ozone that he recommended?

If you’ve got the courage of your convictions, you mayneed to become active in building your health, ratherthen wait for disease to happen. Take action now,prevent panic later!

The Cause of Cancer

Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded theNobel prize in 1931 and againin 1944 for discovering thecause of cancer. Yet, 90% ofthe practicing medical doctorsin the U.S. never even heardhis name! Don’t tell me thepharmaceutical industry is not a powerful politicalforce. Billions of dollars are blown down a rat holeeach year in the name of cancer research. How canthis be?

If I told you the government was spending a billiondollars to research the wheel, you would say that Iwas crazy, why? Because the wheel was discov-

ered thousands of years ago, yetAmerica stands mute, when CNN

news announced that tens of billionsof dollars is being spent todiscover the cause of cancer.

How crazy can we get?

The cause of cancer was discovered and scientifi-cally proven in 1931. The world awarded the guywho discovered its cause, the Nobel prize in fact,they gave him another Nobel prize in 1944, 30 yearslater they gave Linus Pauling the Nobel Prize for hiswork with nutrition and cancer, especially vitamin C.Is anyone in the medical establishment listening?

Lets face it how could they listen and continue theirbarbaric practice of selling harmful and health

Ozone therapy is like sinking an enemy’s landingbarges and ships at sea long before it is able to getentrenched on our terrain.

In short: Strong, oxygen-rich-cell walls bounce vi-ruses off. The bad bacteria cannot penetrate anoxygen rich cell. Ozone cleans out the invading vi-rus and its host, the sick cell.

Is it possible that a better medicine exists on ourplanet? One that has no side effects, does no harm,and yet has so many benefits?

Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg could havesaved tens of millions of lives and billions and bil-lions of wasted resources, not to mention the bil-lions wasted on “so called” cancer research. Since1931, if someone in the establishment with a heartwould have listened.

If your waiting for the establishment to give their nod,to say that a series of ozone therapy treatments is a


“A tired body is a toxic body.” Robert H. Sorge N.D., Ph.D.




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In America, educated/informed people are not justthinking, they are taking action. They are seekingalternatives to what this diabolical system callsmedical science. True science will always look intoall possibilities and not restrict itself to a small areaof drug medicine like our present system has for 70years.

Dr. Warburg concluded that “Cancer, although it isa very complex disease, with many contributing fac-tors and cofactors it has only one primary cause.That cause is the replacement of normal oxygen res-piration of body cells by an anaerobic (oxygenless)cell respiration.” Maybe someone should tell thepeople who have been fighting the war on cancer25 years and who have blown 100 billion dollars,“its oxygen stupid!”

This link between insufficient oxygen and all diseasehas been taught in Naturopathic medicine for 100years before Dr. Warburg proved it scientifically. Heconcluded “oxygen deficiency can manifest itself inanything from mild fatigue to life threatening dis-ease.”

At Abunda Life we teach “when in doubt, take a se-ries of ozone treatments.”

Dr. Warburg demon-strated scientificallythat once the level ofoxygen available in acell drops below60% of normal, thecell is forced toswitch to an inferiormethod of ATP Bioenergy production

known as fermentation. Fermentation by-productsbreed disease. The cell can never be returned tothe proper oxidation system and it begins to pro-duce alcohol and lactic acid. This environmentbreeds parasites. Cancer is a parasitical diseasein the sense that they are always present in cancer.Parasites then move into the area and begin to feedon the alcohol; its waste products inhibit the sup-

pressors of enzyme growth factor (EGF). Theanaerobic cells are flooded with EGF and begin toreplicate themselves wildly. Our medical expertscall this process “cancer.”

Those same experts who neverheard of the name Dr. OttoWarburg, will in a second shootdeadly radiation into the body,cut out vital organs and drug thebody with immune destroyingchemotherapy. The fact is thatalthough these toxic treatmentshave never been proven scien-tifically–they are continued, in an effort to add timeonto a cancer patients life. Even when they suc-cessfully kill all cancer, the cancer usually comesback a few months later with a vengeance, only thistime there is nothing left but an empty corpse to fightit.

Dr. Otto Warburg was not against these forms oftreatments, but only afterall natural immune en-hancement treatmentshave been exhausted.

What we see today isjust the opposite, somepeople do not believe inwellness or Naturopathicmedicine or even pre-ventative medicine. Weusually see people only

after all else has failed, after they have been to thebutchers, radiated and drugged silly, after their bod-ies, minds and sprits and pocket books have beenexhausted by orthodox drug medicine. After thehigh priest has give his pontifical edict, “you got 3months to live”. This is dead wrong. We’ve gotthings upside down and backward.

Nobel prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg concluded, “anysubstance that deprived a cell of oxygen was a car-cinogen, if the cell was not killed outright.”

He also stated “it is useless to search out new car-cinogens, because the result of each one will al-

“There is no condition known to medical science that can not be helped with a series of colonics.”Norman Walker M.D., N.D., Ph.D.

�I give you

3 months...�


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ways be the same, cellular deprivation of oxygen.”

He also stated, “Cancer research was counterpro-ductive because it obscured the primary cause ofcancer, lack of oxygen, and prevented appropriatetreatment”.

So here we are some 70 years later and what arewe doing? Obscuring the primary cause of cancerand preventing appropriate treatments. We act asif cancer is a deficiency in chemotherapy, radiation

and surgery rather then oxygen. We call this medi-cal science.

Ozone Therapy and Cancer

Cancer cells cannot live in oxygen, andfor that reason cancer has been

treated with ozone therapy for de-cades outside the borders of theland of the free and the home of

the brave.

Ozone’s success as a cancer preventative and treat-ment therapy has been based on three importantscientific discoveries.

First discovery: Nobel prize winner Dr. Otto Warburgproved that the primary pre-condition for the devel-opment of cancer is “a lack of oxygen at cellularlevel.”Second discovery: Another Nobel prize winner, Dr.James D. Watson codiscoverer of the DNA doublehelix concluded “among the most useful carcinogenicagents known at present are several viruses.” Thedevelopment of cancer has a viral component thatwas not recognized before. Viruses cannot live inoxygen.

Dr. JoaQuim Varro of Germany reported a third dis-covery in 1974, which proves that ozone, inhibits thegrowth of certain types of cancer cells.

In more recent studies the University of California atIrvine demonstrated the ability of ozone to kill can-cer cells associated with Hodgkin’s disease.

Dr. Zanvil A Cohn at the Rockefeller University wrote

“Ozone contributes to the destruction of tumor cellsby macrophages that devour pathogens and otherintruders and granulocytes that act as scavengersto combat infection in-vitro (in the cell)”.

In spite of the fact the American public has beenbrainwashed by “better living through drugs andchemistry” propaganda to expect one magic silverbullet treatment. Cancer is such a multifaceted, com-plicated and evasive disease that we believe themulti-discipline approach to be the most efficacious.

At Abunda Life we believe that ozone therapyshould be part of a total chemoprevention programalong with natural foods, nutritional therapy andnaturopathic detoxification.

For individuals fighting cancer, ozone therapy mustbe included in a total holistic program. Even if aperson chooses to go the traditional chemotherapysur- gery/radiation route, nutritional and ozone

therapy then becomes even moreimportant then ever before.

There is no question that ortho-dox drug medicine kills cancercells. That has never been theissue. The problem is it also

kills healthy cells too, thus totallycompromising the body’s own natu-

ral immune function leaving only a near corpse tocarry on after the treatment is complete.

Actor John Wayne could have afforded any treat-ment in the world, and he choose orthodox drugmedicine. They cut 2/3 of his guts out, radiated

“Internal filthiness is what breeds every disease known to man. Clean the colon and you reduce thebreeding ground necessary for those diseases to exist.” Robert H. Sorge N.D., Ph.D.

�We Love to


Detoxify the Body!!!�












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him like a light bulb, and saturated him with the bestchemotherapy on earth. His doctor said he wascompletely clean, they successfully killed all the can-cer and the medical treatment was a complete suc-cess. Their was only one problem, “The Duke” JohnWayne died six weeks later from liver cancer.Cancer is a systemic disease. You can cut, radiateand “chemo” it till the cows come home, but if youhave no immune system left, it comes back harder,stronger and sometimes, with a vengeance.

Nutrition and ozone therapy are immune enhancers.They can help protect healthy cells, enabling the or-thodox therapies to be more cancer specific.

Those individuals choosing to fight this disease with-out the use of toxic chemotherapy will need to dothe same as we did as a nation when we declaredwar on Japan after they sunk our pacific fleet. Wedeclared total war by land, sea, air, and every othermeans imaginable. We held back nothing, even theatomic bomb.

In sickness and in health, ozone should be part ofyour total life-style and/or treat-ment program. Tens of thou-sands of Europeans are nowcancer free thanks to ozonetherapy.

Many well-known Europeanhealth spas use ozone as aroutine rejuvenation treatment.It helps to restore a person’s health and energy muchlike a tune up on your car. Amazingly European doc-tors take their own treatment.

Ozone Therapy and an Indestructible ImmuneSystem

Because ozone therapy is a powerful immune modu-lator it is the ideal synergistic therapy for building anindestructible immune system.

Ozone as super oxygen kills immunosuppressive mi-croorganisms on contact. Parasites, viruses, fungi,Candida, worms, bacteriological infections, andother morbific material cannot live in ozone. Ozone

is an immune augmenting therapy.Ozone is the most powerful oxidant availableto man; it is a powerful disinfectant, killingharmful bacteria and fungus more rapidlythan chlorine. Viruses and carcinogenicsubstances not affected by conventionalchemicals are oxidized safely in ozone.

Ozone reverses any unresolved patho-genic processes that may interfere withproper immune function.

Ozone is a powerful verifiable bactericidal, fungi-cidal and protozoicidal that effectively kills on con-tact all harmful viruses, bacteria, fungi and proto-zoa.

Ozone is an antiallergenic, having an adverse anti-body reducing effect, reversing any allergic com-ponent. Ozone is an anti-tumor agent that counter-acts opportunistic malignancies.

Ozone has a detoxifying, revitalizing, invigoratingeffect, oxidizing toxic substances including the toxic

by-products ofdrugs, medications, tobacco, heavy metal toxicityand environmental pollution.

Ozone burns fats and enhances metabolic effi-ciency. Ozone reverses fatigue, exhaustion, andprostration. It revitalizes the bodies ATP system

“Just like the tabacco industry, in the future we’ll be inditing MacDonald’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut,Coca Cola, etc. for crimes against humanity.” Robert H. Sorge N.D., Ph.D.


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and invigorates the immune function.

Ozone Oxidizes Deep SeatedToxins

Ozone therapy increases the avail-ability of oxygen to do its job ofhousecleaning by oxidizing tox-ins; a great bio-energy load istaken off all systems of thebody. This energy is then freedup and made available forhealing and restoration. Allbodily functions are then ableto return to normal in a shortperiod of time.

When the bodies oxidation-reduc-tion system is super

charged with ozone,the body rids itself ofthe very toxins that are

often in the underlyingcause of sensitivities and

allergies. Ozone is a powerful andeffective detoxification modality.

No drug on the planet can do what ozone accom-plishes so naturally.

Remember the bad guys can’t live in oxygen.

How Does Ozone Therapy Work

1. Ozone therapy stimulates the production ofwhite blood cells, which fight infection.

2. Ozone therapy kills every type of virus oncontact. When ozone comes in contact,even with the strongest virus, the virus isripped apart and destroyed every singletime. Ozone is a perfect virucidal. For over100 years it has converted sewage intodrinking water, imagine what it can do in-side your body.

3. Ozone increases oxygen and hemoglobindisassociation, thus increasing the deliveryof oxygen from the blood to the cells.

4. Ozone is anti-neoplastic, inhibiting thegrowth of new tumors.

5. Ozone oxidizes and degrades toxic byproducts of petrochemicals.

6. Ozone increases red blood cell membranedispensability, thus enhancing their flexibil-ity and effectiveness.

7. Ozone increases the body’s natural produc-tion of interferon and tumor necrosis fac-tor, which the body uses to fight infectionsand cancers.

8. Ozone therapy increases the efficiency ofthe antioxidant enzyme system, whichscavenges excess free radicals in the body.

9. Ozone therapy accelerates the citric acidcycle, which is the main cycle for the lib-eration of energy from sugars.

10.Ozone stimulates the basic metabolism.11. Ozone speeds the breakdown of protein,

carbohydrates and fats to be used as en-ergy.

12.Ozone therapy speeds the healing/regen-eration process.

13.Ozone therapy speeds the recuperationand rejuvenation process.

14.Ozone speeds the body’s natural detoxifi-cation process.

15.Ozone is a great purifier of the blood.

“Even the best nutrition can not work optimally in a toxic body.” A.A. Goldberg N.D., Ph.D.

Ozonated Bad guyOzonated Bad guyOzonated Bad guyOzonated Bad guyOzonated Bad guy


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16.Cancer cells cannot live in ozone. Canceris an anaerobic disease, which means it can-not live in oxygen. Ozone is super oxygen.At Abunda Life we believe the best time tofight cancer is before the word cancer iseven uttered. Preventive medicine meansenrolling in a series of weekly ozone treat-ments followed by a monthly maintenancetreatment program as a health enhance-ment. Panic now, relax later.

17.Dead cells are oxygen-starved cells. Livecells are oxygen abundant cells. Ozonetherapy pushes oxygen into cells and helpsprevent oxygen starvation disease.

18.All degenerate diseases are oxygen starva-tion diseases. Ozone therapy is a safe, in-expensive, effective and sensible preventa-tive medicine.

19.Yeast, fungi, and Candida cannot flourish inozone.

20.Worms, amoeba, and parasites cannot livein ozone.

21.Healthy cells become healthier in ozone.22.Ozone enhances brain function. The brain

is only 2% of the bodies mass, but it usesup to 36% of its oxygen. Most peoplesbrains are stressed out and oxygen starved.

23.Ozone therapy extends the life of the cellmaking it the ideal anti aging medicine.

24.Ozone therapy helps increase enduranceand the cell’s ability to recuperate.

25.Ozone therapy helps athletics enhance theirperformance.

Ozone Therapy and Cardiovascular Disease

Physicians in Germany,Cuba and Russia haveused ozone therapy totreat heart disease, re-lated circulatory prob-lems, strokes, highblood pressure, car-diac insufficiency, highcholesterol, angina, ath-erosclerosis and a widevariety of other problems relating to poor circulation.

In Cuba, ozone therapy in routine treatment for heartdisease, angioplasty and by-pass surgery is mini-mized.

Ozone is super oxygen, which enhances energy, im-proves blood circulation and improves oxygen de-livery at cell level. Ozone therapy can do what nodrug on the planet can. It can reactivate and regen-erate cells that have been previously unable to effi-ciently metabolize oxygen.

Ozone therapy improves the flexibility and elasticityof the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood sup-ply and life giving oxygen to the heart and vital tis-sue.

Ozone oxidizes fatty substances like plague thatadheres to arterial walls and helps normalize cho-lesterol and triglycerides.

Ozone activates important enzymes such as glu-tathione peroxidase, catalase and superoxidedismutase that are involved in free radical scaveng-ing. Free radicals in excess can contribute to heartdisease and circulatory disorders as well as can-cer.

At Abunda Life we believe ozone therapy shouldbe part of a total cardiovascular wellness programalong with naturopathic detoxification, nutritionaltherapy, fitness medicine, chelation therapy andstress management. The more oxygenated yourblood, the stronger your heart. Most Americans areoxygen deficient. Ozone therapy supplements thisdeficiency.

Ozone Therapy and Hypercholesterolemia

Some of the most important research in the field ofbio-oxidative therapies tookplace at Baylor UniversityMedical Center in the 1960’s.The studies demonstrateozone’s ability to safely, effec-tively, and “druglessly” removecholesterol and other harmfulfats from the arteries.

“Today physicians are trained so well in treating life threatening diseases that they have forgotten the basics oflife.” Robert H. Sorge N.D., Ph.D.


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After five treatments, cholesterol lev-els fell an average of 5.5%, and by

the end of the treatment periodof fifteen sessions the levels ofcholesterol in the blood fell byan average of 9.7%. Levels of

low-density lipoproteins (LDL,the bad cholesterol) had decreased by 15.4%.

The medical researchers concluded that: Ozonetherapy has beneficial effects on the lipid pattern ofpatients that have suffered from heart attacks aswell as an effective stimulation of the antioxidantenzyme system.

I know you want to ask “why hasn’t my doctor toldme about ozone?” We have addressed this issue.

At Abunda Llife, we be-lieve if ozone therapy

has been proven tohelp people whohave suffered fromheart attacks, thenit should help us to

prevent heart at-tacks. Also, if it has

helped to bring badcholesterol down, it should be able to prevent them

from going up in the first place. If ozone burns badcholesterol, it should help burn dietary fat, blood fatsand excess body fat and serve as a natural adjunctto keeping fit and healthy.

Baylor University medicalresearcher also supported in the 1960’s that ozonetherapy forces oxygen into thebrain, preventing strokes.That’s why its used in Cubanhospitals. Can you imaginethe possibilities of ozone forbrain and memory enhance-ment? This knowledge hasbeen available to the estab-lishment for four decades.Do you see why you have totake responsibility for yourown wellness?

Oxygen Deficiency , the American Epidemic

How did we become so oxygen deficient?

1. Environmental Oxygen levels have droppedover time from over 50% to 21%. But, that isonly along the ocean, mountains, deserts, forestand farm areas. In some cities, the oxygen lev-els are less than 10%!

2. Devitalized foods , junk foods, fast foods, mostAmericans choice foods, are all void of oxygen.They are dead food. This causes cell oxygenstarvation which eventually causes cancer, heartdisease, stroke and other degenerate diseases.

3. Shallow breathing and poor breathing habits.4. Indoor living , some

Americans spend theirlife indoors. Stale airmakes stale people.

5. Lack of sunshine . Theestablishment has donesuch a good job scaringAmericans that most fool-ishly avoid sun exosure.There are 84 known positive medical benefits ofultraviolet light that the establishment never men-tioned to you. Natural ozone therapy is one these.Instead of saying, “don’t burn”, they tell us to stayout of the sun. Next they will tell us not to breathetoo much because of pol-lution.

6. Lack of exercise .Remember what wedon’t use we lose.Those who don’t ex-ercise are settingthemselves up fordisease and loss ofquality life.

“When we reduce the total level of toxicity, we are getting down to the rock bottom cause of most disease condi-tions.” James A. Witsie M.D.



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7. Polluted air . Factory emissions, smog, autoexhaust, garbage burning all lower oxygen.

8. Heavy metal toxicity . Due to lead, mercury,cadmium, aluminum, and other metal exposureinterferes with oxygen absorption at cell level.

9. Smoking and 2 nd hand smoke destroys oxy-gen, kills cells, and exposes one to cadmium.Kills people in their own folly. The smoke is nojoke.

10.Nutritional deficiency .11. Lack of green foods .12.Sick Building Syndrome .13.Constipation

and Autointoxification.14.Stress, worry , anxiety .15.Drugs and medication of every

type .. If the oxygenation process within

the body is weak or deficient, the bodycannot combust nutrients to convertthem into energy and new tissue. Tox-ins that are not eliminated fast enough build upa toxic condition at cell level. This conditionleads to fatigue dullness of thinking and meta-bolic sluggishness. If it is not soon corrected,the immune systems response to germs andviruses is weakened making it vulnerable to ev-ery known disease. In short: Oxygen deficiencyis at the root cause of degenerate disease. It isan American epidemic, and ozone therapy isdesigned too address this dilemma.

16.Over-eating creates a real oxygen deficiency.The average American eats four times theamount of food that they require. Not only is moreoxygen required to complete the digestive pro-cess, but also because the excess food createsan excess of toxic metabolic waste productseven more oxygen is required.

17. Improper food combinations causes malab-sorption, as these metabolic by-products buildup in the intestines, they begin to putrefy, requir-ing even more oxygen.

18.Sugar consumption creates an enormous oxy-gen debt.

19.Dehydration and not drinking a sufficientamount of pure water causes a slow down in themetabolic transportation system, creating anextra need for oxygen.

20.Fluoride in our drinking water slows down oxi-dation.

21.Lack of minerals promotes formation of tox-ins, thus increasing the need for oxygen.

22.Constipation, which is having less than 3 bowelmovements a day, puts the body in serious oxy-gen debt.

Science, Biblical Revelation andthe Oxygen Connection

There was a time in human historywhen our forefathers lived as manycenturies as we do decades. Ourfirst parent Adam lived 930 years, his son Seth lived912 years. Lameth, Noah’s father lived 595 yearsand Noah was 600 years old when the Great Floodcame. Methuselah, the oldest man in history, diedin the Great Flood at age 969.

It is not unusual for modern day skeptics to scoff atBiblical Revelation, especially when it comes topeople living such long lives. What these scoffersfail to realize is the earth was different. At that timethe oxygen content of the air exceeded 50%. Todayat best our oxygen content is only 21% and that isdirectly on the seashore. In most towns, its about17%, in the City its 15%, and in sick buildings andindustr ia lcities its12%. Insome su-per pol-l u t e dt h i r dworldcoun-triesit can drop to 10%. That is when people start todrop and the madness sets in.

“High level wellness and low level sickness is not an accident, but a result.: Robert H. Sorge, N.D., Ph.D.

=+ -O2


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Many scientists were stunned recently when it wasrevealed that air bubbles trapped in fossilized am-ber, had been analyzed and found to contain oxygenlevels of 38%. Yet, today, it is well known that our airtoday contains about half that amount.

In other words, scientists are discovering today, whatBiblical revelations told us centuries ago. The earlyhistory of our planet was different; it appears therehas been a whopping 50% drop in the average oxy-gen content of the air we breath.

This discovery was particularly startling to research-ers because it suggests that the human body wasoriginally designed to grow, repair and operated ona 50% stronger concentration of oxygen than whatis currently available.

Not only did the human familylive longer and healthier be-fore, but we also we now havea clear understanding throughrevelation and science as tohow.

The reason:oxygen, oxygen , oxygen. 200-300% more

o x y g e n…then we breathe in today. Worse yet, scientificanalysis of the air in various parts of the worldtoday reveals the frightening fact that the oxygencontent of the air is continuing to decline.

This staggering decrease in the oxygen content ofour air has aroused a surge of concern among manyrespected cutting edge researchers. They see adirect correlation between decreases in oxygen lev-els and seemingly concurrent in-creases in human illness anddisease.

This only serves to con-firm the work of Dr. OttoWarburg the 1931 Nobleprize winner who con-cluded that cancer cells canonly begin to proliferate in thehuman when the cells become oxy-gen deficient. Furthermore, his research demon-strated that cancer cells couldn’t proliferate at allwhen exposed to an oxygen rich environment. Sci-entists are now concerned about the apparently de-clining oxygen content of the air, because a grow-ing body of research appears to conclusively backup Dr. Warburg’s 1931 conclusions. In fact, a num-ber of World-Class scientists, including renownedmolecular biologist and geneticist, Dr. StephenLevine, have concluded the same results. Their re-search shows that a lack of oxygen in human cellsand tissue is indeed the underlyingroot cause of not only cancer, butof every modern day chronic de-generative disease.It appears that the human bodyis not deficient in drugs, radia-tion, antibiotics or chemo-therapy, but in oxygen.The dwindling oxygen contentcombined with our junk food diet,toxic drug medicines and otherlifestyle factors have sappedthe body of substantialamounts of oxygen. This is the primary cause ofthe unprecedented worldwide upsurge in chronicdegenerate diseases, cancer, arthritis, heart dis-ease, Alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue, premature ag-ing and many serious ill health conditions.

Ozone therapy has been around for 150 years, itsfinally is an idea who’s time has come.

“We have reached a point in history where drug medicine is doing more harm than the good it supposedly wasintended for”..: Robert H. Sorge, N.D., Ph.D.


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Aging is a Disease, OzoneHelps Slow the Process

It is not unusual to go to an orthodox medical doctorwith a question about a symptom and rather than geta medical explanation, be told “it’s your age.”

Age seems to be the excuse for arthritis, diabetes,fatigue, stroke, cancer, impotence, overweight, con-stipation, digestive disorders, Alzheimer’s and ev-ery known medical condition. Age is a scape-goatexcuse; it’s the lazy doctor’s way out. Can you imag-ine all those years in medical school to utter suchsilliness?

In Naturopathic medicine, it is our belief that age andaging, especially premature aging, is a disease.

Did you get that?This is a different Medical model. When we defineaging as a disease, and put aging in the proper per-spective, not only doesit not permit the lazy di-agnosis, “its your age,”but it dares to askmore challengingquestions.Why are so manypeople old at 35 andothers young at 70?Why do somepeople look mucholder and othersmuch younger thantheir age? Why do some old people live relativelyfree of disease? Why do some people reach a cer-tain age and go down hill quickly while others seemto be ageless? Why are class reunions so shock-ing? Some people don’t seem to change, while oth-ers become unrecognizable? What is old age?What is youth? Is it chronological or bio-chemical?

nard Jensen, another teacher of mine, at age 92 heovercame cancer 3 times, a few days later after hislast victory at age 90, he was paralyzed by a truck.His weight dropped to 79 pounds and wasn’t ex-pected to live. He overcame and stands on his feetand lectures for up to 8 hours at a time. Dr. NormanWalker was supposed to die according to his doc-tor at age 50, he changed his lifestyle and outlivedall of his doctors and at age 115 he wrote his lastbook, “Health in theColon.”

I have one 90-year-oldpatient who chops wood 4hours a day and another 91-year-old that is president of alabor union. He goes to workevery day just like he has all hislife, he also lifts weights and livesa very active life.

Jack LaLane at 85 is planning toswim from Catalina Island to L.A.underwater about a 30 mile swim.

Who is young and who is old? Are these excep-tional men or are they simply functioning at the po-tential that our Creator de-signed us to function at?While our entire society of“sickees” are operating ata level far below their po-tential.Dr. Jensen spent a lifetimestudying old people, hetraveled to 90 countries,and he claims that oxygenis one of the keys to lon-gevity. Ozone therapy remember, is super oxy-gen.

One of the basic healing principles of Naturopathicmedicine always was fresh air and sunshine. We’velearned that fresh air and sunshine generates ozone,the super oxygen that stimulates healing.

“Fresh air and sunshine generates ozone, the super oxygen that stimulates healing” Robert H. Sorge, N.D., Ph.D.

One of my teachers, Dr. Bernard McFadden wasparachuting out of airplanes into the Thains River inFrance at age 87. He married a 30-year-old womanwho had a tough time keeping up with him. Dr. Ber-


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In the Hunza country high up in the Himalayan Moun-tains the average life expectancy is 120 years of age.110-year-old men play sports with the younger men.They work 10-12 hours a day in the fields. Somelive to be 130 years of age and more. There is nocancer, no heart disease, no diabetes, and no ar-thritis.

What do the experts attribute the Hunza’s exceptionalhealth and longevity? Their soil, water and food isdifferent then ours. They don’t have the mental stressthat we have. But the biggest contributing factor ispure ozone, the super oxygen that is found in abun-dance in high mountain areas above 7,000 feet.

Our earth had anatmosphere with 50%oxygen prior to thegreat flood, at that timemankind lived toincredible ages. Infact, they lived backthen as many centuriesand we live decadestoday. Oxygen: the keyto life is also the key tolongevity. zonethesuper oxygen therapy

has well established itself and part of a total holis-tic wellness, preventive medicine, and optimumaging program.

Ozone Therapy , Optimum Aging, and the NewAnti-Aging Medicine

Anti-aging medicine is the new medicine of the 21st

century. Incredible breakthroughs have already beenmade, especially in the field of nutritional medicineand natural hormone replacement therapy.

We have 200,000 men and women in North Americaover the age of 100 already. In the land of Hunza,igh up in the Himalayan Mountains, the average lifeexpectancy is 120 years. Some people live to 140-150 years of age. Men work vigorously in the fieldsat 110 years of age and 100 year old men play fam-ily sport games with the teenagers.

There appears to be a direct relationship betweenoxygen and quality and quantity of life both presentlyand in our history. It is part of the Abunda Life anti-aging program.

The healthiest cells of our healthiest humans containthe highest oxygen content and the sickest cells ofour sickest humans contain the least amount of oxy-gen. The healthiest most nutritionally sound andphysically fit people take in the most oxygen. Oursickest, most nutritionally unsound, physically unfitpeople take in the least amount of oxygen.an life onour planet is not possible without oxygen. The moreoxygen that is taken in at cellular level, the healthierthe cells. The less oxygen that is taken in at cellularlevel, the sicker the cells.

The quality and quantity of oxygen can measure lifewhile death can be defined by the absence of oxy-gen. True anti-aging medicine must include ozonetherapy because ozone is super oxygen.

“Oxygen: the key to life is also the key to longevity.” Robert H. Sorge, N.D., Ph.D.

15Medical researchers are predicting that if you canstay alive for ten more years, that they will have thetechnology to live an additional 40-60 years. Theyare predicting an average life expectancy of 120years. That means that some people could live to150 and conceivably 200 years of age in the imme-diate future.

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Modern Day Sludge Diseases

When there is insufficient oxygen atcellular level, the body accumulatescarbon dioxide, carbon monoxide,lactic acid, and other toxic materialthat forms sludge like material in theblood.

In Naturopathic medicine we be-lieve that many of modern day dis-eases begin with the drowning of the body in thistoxic sludge. Oxygen deficient blood cannot readilyoxidize and eliminate these metabolic wastes,which causes the body to deposit these toxins in fatcells.

Without ample oxygen, thefat gets fatter, the sick getsicker as metabolic sludgegets thicker, and body fluidsget dirtier and dirtier. Theend result is disease and26,000 medical names, allout of the same sludge.

It is this sludge that orthodoxmedicine treats with more sludge producing medi-cations.

Sludge elimination is where ozone shines. For over100 years ozone has converted toxic sludge intopure drinking water for many European cities. Aseries of triple barrel ozone treatments at AbundaLife delivers the same for your body. Ozone willpurify your body, lymph and all fluids of your bodysafely.

Sick People Bodies Are Made Up of 66-75% Dirty W ater

Dirty water is full of disease. To get sickpeople healthy we have to purify this wa-ter.

Instead, our ingeniousmedical professionadds to the insult by

administering stronger andstronger poisons to the dirty wa-ter.

About 10% of this dirty water isin the blood, the rest is in thelymph and the cells. It is for thatreason at Abunda Life we workwith the triple barrel action de-livery system of rectal/vaginal in-sufflation, the zone steam en-hancer and ozone baths as partof our total Naturopathic detoxi-fication process.

Dirty water blocks oxygen transportation to the cells.When an insufficient amount of oxygen is receivedby the blood, carbon monoxide (CO) is formed,which is not readily eliminated . This is where troublebegins.

“Without ample oxygen, the fater get fatter, the sick get sicker as metabolic sludge gets thicker, and body fluidsget dirtier and dirtier” Robert H. Sorge, N.D., Ph.D.



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The body’s immune systemis overwhelmed with toxicdebris, rendering it inca-pable of resisting the influ-ences of various bacteria,which instigates the diseaseprocess.

The under-oxidized person inthe early stages of deficiencywill usually present one or more of the following symp-toms: Headaches, dizziness, insomnia, constipation,malabsorption, inability to concentrate, fearfulness,loss of appetite, heart palpitation, disorientation, con-fusion, inability to think clearly, cold hands and feet,related menstrual problems. If they are not corrected,more serious problems usually develop in the formof named diseases.

Oxygen sufficiency translates into superior circula-tion, digestion, assimilation, equilibrium of body tem-perature, vasomotor activity, elimination of wasteproducts, and super immunity.

Ozone is the greatest blood building, oxidizing andantiseptic agent known to man.

Almost all forms of nerve, functional, respiratory, im-mune, circulatory and blood disorders can be suc-cessfully corrected by oxidation restoration.

When we stop to consider:

The Toxic Planet that we are living on ... we can be-gin to easily understand why we lost the war on can-cer. Drug therapy has only increasesed cancer.

Over 20,000 toxic substances have been releasedinto our atmosphere in thelast few decades. Thisfactor alone has in-creased our carbon diox-ide level over 20%.

We can begin to betterunderstand the monu-mental increase in

cancer, heart disease and other degeneratedisease as we recognize the relationship be-tween oxygen and health and disease. In fact, thequestion we should be asking is not “why iscancer increasing, but “How come we all don’thave cancer starting at about age twenty!”

Ozone therapy helps prevent degenerate diseaseby displacing carbon dioxide, ozone speeds upthe detoxification process, purifies the bloodwhich in turn purifies every gland, organ and cellof your body. Ozone boosts ATP Bio-Energyproduction and enhances immune function.

Ozone changes the sick body’s anaerobic atmo-sphere required for the fermentation/diseaseprocess necessary for viruses, harmful bacteria,candida, cancer, and other diseases to live.

The good news for intelligent, proactive, holisticpeople is that 100 years of practices in Europe andnumerous test studies utilizing oxygen/ozone therapyhave proven that by increasing the oxygen contentwithin our bodies we will:

Displace more carbon dioxide,

Speed up the detoxification process,

Purify the blood and every gland and organ ofthe body

Boost ATP Bio-energy production

Enhance immune function

Change the sick body’s anaerobic atmosphere re-quired for the fermentation process necessary toproduce viruses, harmful bacteria, Candida, Can-cer and other diseases

Inevitably to promote a healthy, disease resis-tant oxygenated atmosphere.

“Ozone is the greatest blood building, oxidizing and antiseptic agent known to man.” Robert H. Sorge, N.D., Ph.D.


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The important thing to remember is that ozone, likefresh air, water, sunshine, exercise and sauna treat-ments, is not a drug and should not be treated assuch. Since 1857 when the first ozone generatorswere developed by Werner Von Siemens in Ger-many, there is no evi-dence that long termtreatments, even on adaily basis, has any det-rimental effect. Ozone isblatantly non-toxic and thesafest medical therapyever devised.

Ozone stimulates the pro-duction of superoxide dismutase, catalase and Glu-tathione Peroxidase, which are the enzymes in thecell wall, which protects the cell from free radicaldamage, so ozone actually prevents free radicaldamage.

There is no risk of embolism, even if ozone is deliv-ered interveinously. For only nitrogen forms a dan-gerous gas bubble. The bodyruns magnificently well on100% oxygen.

Fighter pilots do it for manyhours every day, and they havethe best health of any group ofhumans. In cities, street ven-dors sell a whiff or two of oxy-gen for 10 to 20 dollars.Abunda Life’s Triple Barrel Ozone Delivery Systemsof rectal insufflation, ozone steam vapor enhance-ment, and ozone whirlpool bath treatments are theequivalent of a thousand street vendor whiffs!

Abunda Life Ozone For Prevention Program

Unquestionably ozone has proven itself as a pow-erful therapeutic tool for curing disease, but it isequally important for prevention of disease.

Most of the 26,000 different namefor disease are but symptoms of afew underlying causes. In Naturo-pathic medicine we believe thattoxicity is the primary cause formost medically named conditions.In addition, 2 time Noble prizewin-ner Dr. Otto Warburg claims thatthe primary cause of most dis-ease is “hypoxia.” What is “hy-poxia”? It is oxygen starvation atthe cellular level. “Hypoxia” is thecause of most degenerative dis-ease including arthritis, arterio-sclerosis, multiple sclerosis,rheumatism, cancer, etc.

The good news is that regular use of ozone can pro-vide high levels of immunity from most common dis-eases. Finally we may be able to relegate the crimi-nal malpractice of compulsory immunization to thearchives of history.

Our present so-called health care system is rapidlydisintegrating under financial stress, and can beeasily replaced by Naturopathic preventive wellnesssystem using ozone as part of its total program.

“The primary cause of most degenerative disease is hypoxia” Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize Winner


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Oxygen Deficiency , Infection and the Solution

When cellular oxygen levels remain low for too longof a period of time, the body becomes the perfectbreeding ground for every sort of harmful bacteria,virus, fungus, Candida, parasite, and other infec-tious agent.

Some people’s colonsare a toxic time bomb, anaccident waiting to hap-pen. Toxins readily dumpinto the lymph and bloodlike a sewer pit. This cre-ates the breeding groundfor every disease knownto man.

The majority of the infectiousbugs that cause much of ourillness and pain are “anaero-bic,” which means they live,nourish, thrive and proliferate in environments wherethere is little or no oxygen.

Most infectious agents simply cannot live in an oxy-gen-rich environment. In a healthy body, oxygen con-

tent is approximately threetimes that of air. Most infec-tious microorganisms simplycannot colonize, proliferate oreven exist in a nutritionallysound, oxygen fit body. Thehigh oxygen content of yourbody oxidizes and burns themoff along with their toxic by-products.

Unfortunately, most people today have nowhere nearthe oxygen in their blood or cells necessary to con-sistently fight off potential infectious organisms dueto their:

Junk food dietLack of exerciseEnzyme dead food intakeOxygen depleting drugsSugarAlcoholNutritional deficienciesSick building syndromeIndoor livingGeneral lowered oxygen level.

When your body becomes oxygen depleted, anaero-bic disease causing microorganisms move in andhave a field day. When there is not enough oxygento keep the bad guys in check, they literally multiplyby the billions.

Ozone experts tell us that “be-cause one has a low oxygen con-dition in their cells, foreign patho-gens find it easy to invade thebody. They grow and form colo-nies and excrete toxins that makeyou sick or give you a fever orsore throat, or runny nose or al-lergies or Arthritis or Epstein-Barr Virus or ChronicFatigue or Herpes or Candida or Cancer or thou-sands of other named medical conditions. The rea-son they can grow and produce disease is becauseof the low oxygen level in your cells.”

In short: Oxygen is the vital factor that gives our bodythe oxidizing firepower it needs to resist infectiousmicroorganisms and repel disease. Ozone therapyefficiently, safely, effectively and inexpensively de-livers the oxygen necessary to fight and prevent dis-ease.

“Because one has a low oxygen condition in their cells, foreign pathogens find it easy to invade the body.” RobertH. Sorge, N.D., Ph.D.


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Ozone Kills Candida

Candida begins in the colon. When our good pro-tective flora gets out of balance, there remains nodefense system to keep it in check.

Floral imbalances are caused by our junk food, de-vitalized food, oxygen and enzyme dead foods, de-vitalized sugar, alcohol, marijuana, birth control pills,soda, constipation, malabsorption, slow transitionof nutrition’s, stress and over the counter medica-tion.

By far the worst offender is antibodies and modernday medicines. In fact, the very prescriptions thatare supposed to treat Candida lend only a little tem-porary relief while in the long term increases the con-dition. It is not unusual for some women to have thiscondition all of their life.

The very drugs, prescriptions and medications thatare supposed to treat the condition, cause mostCandida.

The only successful long-term correction of Candidais Naturopathic detoxification and ozone therapy fol-lows by a lifestyle change.

Candida cannot live in ozone; it kills it on contact.Why is Naturopathic detoxification and lifestylechange then necessary?

To get down at the cause of the problem, Naturo-pathic medicine we have found is the answer. Un-less you correct the cause, the problem will resur-face.

Why Vitamins Don’t W ork Too Well For SomePeople

It’s a perplexing problem I know, andsome nutritionists would like to avoid theissue but, it’s a fact some people vita-mins are not very efficient. Thesepeople can pop pills until they are bluein the face, but very little happens.

Many medical doctors new to the fieldof nutrition have never been trained inNaturopathic medicine. We believethat nutrition cannot work efficiently in a toxic body.

A toxic body is an oxygen-starved body, if the bodyis being starved of oxygen, then to avoid seriousillness, oxygen must be supplemented. There is nobetter oxygen supplement discovered to date thenozone therapy.

If the body is toxic the Naturopathic doctor puts hispatient on a intensive Naturopathic detoxificationprogram accompanied with a series of ozonetherapy treatments.

Ozone therapy provides a highly effective solutionto one of the most perplexing problems in nutritionalmedicine. How to help body more effectively oxi-dize and metabolize the health, giving disease-pre-venting nutrients it needs.

“The very drugs, prescriptions and medications that are supposed to treat the condition, cuase most Candida”Robert H. Sorge, N.D., Ph.D.


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The Four Basic Essential Components of Lifeand Their Oxygen Connection

The four basic components that have to do with gen-eration and maintenance of the life process are pro-teins, carbohydrates, water and energy.

When looked at from the standpoint of their chemi-cal makeup, the importance of oxygen becomesreadily apparent.

1. Nitrogen + Carbon + Hydrogen + Oxygen =Protein

2. Carbon + Hydrogen + Oxygen = Carbohy-drates

3. Hydrogen + Oxygen =Water4. Oxygen + Carbohydrates = Energy

All four vital elements of life have at least one thingin common. Oxygen.

Ozone therapy assumes that ev-ery one of the essentials of life issupplied with an abundance ofoxygen.

Undue Fatigue and theOxygen Connection

According to Dr. NormanMcVea, insufficient oxy-gen means insufficientbio-energy that can result in anything from mild fa-tigue to life threatening disease.

Dr. McVea states, “the evidence is overwhelming,oxygen plays a powerful, primary role in our healthand well being, the more oxygen we have in our sys-tem, the more energy we produce.”

The best way to optimize health is to oxygenate ev-ery cell in our body with a periodical series of ozonetherapy treatments.

Dr. John Muntz states “Certainly there is scientificproof that oxygen concentration is slowly being re-duced. In Japan and many big cities we now seethe regular use of oxygen booths.”

Remember that Ozone therapy is super oxygen thatis not neutralized by carbon dioxide. It is the idealoxygen delivery treatments.

According to two time Nobel Laureate and winnerof the Nobel Prize for Cancer research, Dr. OttoWarburg “Cancer has only one prime cause. It isthe replacement of normal oxygen respiration of thebodies cells by an anaerobic oxygen deficient cellrespiration.”

Dr. Harry Goldblatt in the Journal of ExperimentalMedicine states:

Cancer is a condition within the body where the oxidation has become so depleted that the body cells have degenerated beyond

physiological control, similarly, the true cause of allergies is lowered oxidation process

within the body, causing the affectedindividual to be sensitive to foreign substances

entering the body. Only when the oxidation mechanism is restored to its original highest state

of efficiency can sensitivity be eliminated

Dr. Wendell Hendricks ofthe Hendricks ResearchFoundation states “simplyput, Disease is due todeficiency in the oxidationprocess of the body, lead-ing to an accumulation oftoxins.These toxins wouldordinarily be burned in normal meta-bolic functioning if sufficient oxygen was present.”

Dr. Albert Wahi states, “In all serious diseasestates we find a concomitant low oxygen state,low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicatorfor disease. Hypoxia is the fundamental cause ofall degenerative disease.”Dr. Stephen Levine, renowned molecular biologistand author of Oxygen Deficiency a Concomitant toall Degenerative Illness, states, “Starved of oxygenthe body will become ill, and if this persists it willdie.” Dr. John Muntz Nutrition Scientists states,“Many of today’s sharpest scientific minds are grow-ing concerned that the body is not getting anywherenear the levels of oxygen needed for proper immunefunction.”


“The evidence is overwhelming, oxygen plays a powerful, primary role in our health and well being, the moreoxygen we have in our system, the more energy we produce.” Dr. McVea

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Dr. Muntz states, “The lower the bodies oxygen con-tent, the greater the bodies susceptibility to chronicdisease and illness.”

Dr. W. Spencer Way writes in the Journal of Ameri-can Association of Physicians, “Insufficient biologi-cal energy can result in anything from mild fatigueto life threatening disease.”

How to T urn Your Body From a Fat Storing T oa Fat Burning Machine

The human body requires an abundance of oxy-gen to turn nutrients into energy through the pro-cess of oxidation.

This simply means that oxygen is the burning cata-lyst. Oxygen creates a chemical reaction that ulti-mately burns stored fat cells.

Why do people store excess body fat? Obesity isa metabolic disorder due to malnutrition, toxicity,and oxygen depravation. It has little to do with calo-ries. Some individuals consume ten thousand pluscalories a day without every gaining an ounce offat. Obesity is a direct result of metabolic “haywire”.

How is this possible? Its easy, sit on your duff allday, work in a sick building, take modern day phar-maceuticals and live on junk food! Over a periodof time your body becomes clogged up, toxic, nu-trition and oxygen deficient.

The human body was designed for vigorous mus-cular activity ten to twenty times that of most peopletoday.The oxygen consumption of an obese person is afraction of that of a lean, nutritionally sound, fit per-son.

The medical profession has been dead wrongagain, for 70 years they have been shooting obesepeople with drugsand ordering them to count calories. Just like or-thodox cancer treatments, failure doesn’t seem todiscourage them. People continue to get fatter. Infact, the more they go on calorie counting diets thefatter they become.

Oxygen depletion of our atmosphere is not the onlycause of oxygen deficiency in the human body. Ourmedical/pharmaceutical industry is responsible forover-drugging America, drugs depletes oxygen, asdo junk foods.

We set a precedent by taking Phillip Morris Co. intocourt for sucking the life oxygen out of millions ofirresponsible people. If we were fair we would dothe same with “things go better with Coke”, “Big Mac”,“Finger Lickin Good”, “Dunken Donut”, “BaskinRobbins”, “Dominos”, “Taco Bell”, “Jack in the Box”,“them golden fries” and the entire fast food Pepsigeneration. They are all killers.

“Insufficient biological energy, due to oxygen deficency can result in anything from mild fatigue to life threatening disease”Dr. W. Spencer Way


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Eating junk foods forcesthe body into an oxygendebt. 50% by weight of or-ganic green vegetablesare made up of oxygen.While 0% oxygen for deadfood. In short: Junk foodrobs the body of the littleoxygen reserve it has andjust like tobacco is a majorcontributor to disease anddeath.

Aside from drugs and fast foods, other oxygen rob-bing food includes processed sugar, white flour prod-ucts, alcohol, coffee, colas, hydrogenated fats andfried foods. These foodless foods require a tremen-dous amount of oxygen to metabolize, more thenmost toxic, under active, nutritionally deficient obesepeople have available, the result is the sick get sickerand fat get fatter.

Because the oxygen reserves of most people areso low, the junk food consumer has to divert, beg,borrow, and steal oxygen from primary metabolicfunctions. Such primary functions as blood flow,heartbeat, brain functions, immune response, pan-creas, liver, spleen, colon, functions, digestion, bio-energy production, healing and many other vital func-tions have to suffer in order to oxidize and metabo-lize the devitalized garbage we call food. Is it anywonder America is a mountain of living fat, the fat-test nation on the face of the earth? It is getting fat-ter and fatter and fatter with every billion “Big Macs”,“Golden Fries” and “thing go better with Choke!(Coke)

How will ever oxidize all the antibiotics, prescriptions,and drugs we have stored in our body? Detox andOzone is the strongest line of attack!

What does excess body fat, fatigue, degenerativedisease and cancer all have in common? Lack ofoxygen the root cause of many of our modern daydiseases. What is the solution? For many Ameri-can it’s a total lifestyle change.

Just like the natural food supplements that most ofus are willing to take as a preventive of nutritionaldeficiency, ozone therapy is in effect a oxygen pre-ventive supplement thathelps to assure ourhealth. As a side benefitto those of us who haveput on too much fat,ozone therapy serves asa catalyst to the perma-nent body fat loss pro-cess. In conjunction with a total lifestyle program,ozone will help convert your body from a fat storingdepot to a fat burning dynamo.

We believe that ozone is a practical, preventativeand healthful alternative for most Americans intelli-gent enough to understand the cause/effect rela-tionship between high level wellness and diseasewho are willing to become more proactive in theirown health care process.

“Many people are either taking mindless medications being told “it’s all in your head”, or are doing themselvesa lot of good going through a series of ozone therapy treatments.” Dr. Robert H. Sorge N.D., P.H.D., D.D.


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AbAbAbAbAbunda Lifunda Lifunda Lifunda Lifunda Life�e�e�e�e�s Principles and Philosophs Principles and Philosophs Principles and Philosophs Principles and Philosophs Principles and Philosophy ofy ofy ofy ofy of Oz Oz Oz Oz Ozone one one one one TTTTTherherherherheraaaaapppppyyyyy

3500 years ago God Revealed to the human family through the prophet Moses that “The Life is in the Blood (Leviticus 17:11).”

Today medical science tells us that the quality and quantity of life in the blood is oxygen dependent. Oxygen is energy. A sickperson’s blood is deficient in oxygen. A healthy person has an abundance of oxygen. This is the basic premise that OxidativeTherapy is based on.

The goal of ozone therapy is to deliver an abundance of life enhancing super oxygen to the blood. The more oxygen we have inthe blood, the more bio-energy and vitality in the blood and the higher our life force.

As a result of ozone, the blood circulation improves. Super oxygen is then carried to every cell in the body. Every gland andorgan is bathed in precious oxygen, which cleanses, purifies, and carries off unwanted waste products, metabolic debris, acids,and other unwanted morbific material which cause disease and prematurely age the bodies cell structure.

Remember that ozone is super oxygen, which is an incredible healer and cleanser. The cleaner and purer the blood, thehealthier every gland, organ and system of the body, the life is in the blood.

Harmful viruses, bacteria, Candida, Cancer cells, microorganisms and other disease entities are different from health cells; theythrive in carbon dioxide and cannot live in super oxygen.

At Abunda Life we believe a detoxified, nutritionally sound, super-oxygenated body will heal itself.

Ozone therapy is not a new therapy; discovered in the 1830’s it has proven itself to be an effective therapy since 1880. Most ofthe clinical ozone therapy that has been administered in recent years has been done outside the U.S.A. For reasons explainedin this booklet.

Those clinics doing therapy outside the U.S.A. usually administer it intravenously. Until recently this was believed to be mostdirect means of getting ozone into the blood. The problem with this method is any modality that deals with needles andintravenous blood falls under the medical practice act. Most of the legal problems have been the result of procedures that arein this domain.

Our challenge is to receive the benefits of ozone without placing ourselves in a position of administering an obvious medicalprocedure. We need to keep ozone in the field of health enhancement and out of practice of Orthodox Durg Medicine.

The triple barrel delivery system of the ozone enhancer, ozone insulflation and ozone /food grade hydrogen peroxide super bathstake more time, but delivers far more super oxygen then intravenous ozone therapists ever thought possible. Also taking a hotsteam cabinet treatment, short gas enema and soak in a bath take us out of administering medical procedures and put usclearly into the health treatment category, steam, enemas and soaks you could conceivably do yourself if you had to.

At Abunda Life, we believe it is your right to know the facts. Legally, we cannot tell you that we will treat your Cancer, Aids,Candida, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, infections, respiratory problems, and /or two hundred or more other medicalconditions. Legally we can tell you that many people have been successfully treated for these conditions for over the lastcentury. It is your right to review the facts. It is your health and well being and your right to make the choice.

As a doctor of Naturopathic medicine I do not treat any named medical condition. I never have and I never will. I do not believein treating disease, only the body itself can cure disease. Our creator designed the body to heal itself. Naturopathic medicinetreats you the person by assisting in the body’s own natural detoxification process and supplying essential nutrients on anindividual basis.

Oxygen is another nutrient in fact it’s the most essential of all nutrients. You may be able to live sub-optimally for 100 years witha vitamin, mineral, enzyme or amino acid deficiency. People have lived for months without food and weeks without water, butonly about 10 minutes without oxygen.


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TTTTTriple Barriple Barriple Barriple Barriple Barrrrrrel Super Oxyel Super Oxyel Super Oxyel Super Oxyel Super Oxygggggen Delien Delien Delien Delien Delivvvvvererererery Systemy Systemy Systemy Systemy System

1.T1.T1.T1.T1.The Ozhe Ozhe Ozhe Ozhe Ozone Enhancer one Enhancer one Enhancer one Enhancer one Enhancer TTTTTrrrrreaeaeaeaeatmenttmenttmenttmenttment $45 per treatmentRelax in a specially designed steam cabinet that opens up your pores stimulating and speeding your bodies own naturalpurification and detoxification process while pure ozone is compressed through your skin into every gland, organ and cell ofyour body.

Treatment time is 10 to 30 minutes

2.Ozone Insulflation2.Ozone Insulflation2.Ozone Insulflation2.Ozone Insulflation2.Ozone Insulflation $45 per treatmentA short comfortable and effective gas enema designed to deliver super oxygen indirectly into the blood stream. The coloncontains more capillaries and blood vessels then the lungs. These capillaries absorb ozone like a sponge right into the bloodstream. Many doctors who have use insulflation claim it is as powerful a delivery system of super oxygen into the blood streamas intravenous infusion and almost as fast if the colon is clean. Colon hydrotherapy prior to ozone insuflation helps its deliveryof super oxygen into the blood. Bowel impaction could dissipate some of the delivery of ozone. The cleaner the colon, the moreeffective this delivery system is.

Treatment time is 2 to 10 minutes and10 to 20 minutes of rest afterwards

3.Ozone Super Bath $45 per treatmentRelax as you soak and float in a tub of invigorating, life enhancing super oxygen. This cellular regenerating experience makesthe popular oxygen breathing centers look like feeding peanuts to elephants. Your individual whirlpool bath is saturated withboth ozone gas and specially concentrated 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide which converts to cell rejuvenation oxygen.Speeding detoxification and bringing skin to a new level of purification never experienced before. Opening channels of elimina-tion to every system of the body.

Treatment time is 5 to 25 minutes

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Page 28: 100 Wonderful benefits of Ozone Therapy



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