100 Eessays 101-150

School is the ideal place to run awareness programmes of all types. Essay 101 What makes schools ideal for running all awareness programmes? Do you think there are some programmes that cannot be run at schools? Different people travel for different reasons and travelling has always been educative and informative. Essay 102 What do you think are the educative and informative values of traveling? Should parents be obliged to immunize their children against common childhood diseases? Or, do individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children? Essay 103 What do you say? Self medication is more killing than curing. Essay 10 !omment on it Some are of the opinion that art and literature are supposed to fight against the ills and evils of the society, whereas some others say, art and literature are personal expressions meant for entertaining the people. Essay 10" # $ow do you look at these two view points? hough disasters claim enormous amounts of money and resources every year by way of rescue, relief and rehabilitation, many governments do not seem to be taking timely and effective measures to avert or mitigate the impacts of disasters. Essay 10% $ow far is it true that such &tates are depriving citi'ens of their right to life and property? hough disasters claim enormous amounts of money and resources every year by way of rescue, relief and rehabilitation, many governments do not seem to be taking timely and effective measures to avert or mitigate the impacts of disasters. Essay 10( $ow far is it true that such &tates are depriving citi'ens of their right to life and property?


100 Eessays 101-150

Transcript of 100 Eessays 101-150

School is the ideal place to run awareness programmes of all types.

Essay 101 What makes schools ideal for running all awareness programmes?

Do you think there are some programmes that cannot be run at schools?

Different people travel for different reasons and travelling has always been educative and informative.

Essay 102 What do you think are the educative and informative values of traveling?

Should parents be obliged to immunize their children against common childhood diseases? Or, do individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children?

Essay 103 What do you say?

Self medication is more killing than curing.

Essay 104

Comment on it

Some are of the opinion that art and literature are supposed to fight against the ills and evils of the society, whereas some others say, art and literature are personal expressions meant for entertaining the people.

Essay 105 How do you look at these two view points?

Though disasters claim enormous amounts of money and resources every year by way of rescue, relief and rehabilitation, many governments do not seem to be taking timely and effective measures to avert or mitigate the impacts of disasters.

Essay 106 How far is it true that such States are depriving citizens of their right to life and property?

Though disasters claim enormous amounts of money and resources every year by way of rescue, relief and rehabilitation, many governments do not seem to be taking timely and effective measures to avert or mitigate the impacts of disasters.

Essay 107 How far is it true that such States are depriving citizens of their right to life and property?

Health hazards like tobacco and alcohol products are legally sold by the State and the victims of this abuse are a problem for all societies. So it is argued that it is the job of the State to rehabilitate these addicts as the latter is the primary beneficiary by way of tax.

Essay 108

How far do you agree or disagree with this?Divorce, though it is on the rise compared to the past, offers some advantages.

Essay 109 What are the major ones, and why is its number is rising?

With health care expenditure mounting due to several varying factors, the need for having a personal health regime is generally felt and many people are found to be turning towards healthy lifestyle practices.

Essay 110

How common is this tendency in your place?

What do you think are the factors that keep the medical bills spiraling up?School drop out rates are much higher in poor nations, and many poor nations do not seem to be offering any kind of alternative education arrangements to see that these dropped out students are brought back to productive life.

Essay 111

What are the causes for this gross neglect suffered by the dropouts?

Do you think they pose any threat to the well-being of the society in general?In many cultures men and women show great interest in getting married to each other from the same family line itself. But in some cases, the opposite is the case; they get married to new/unfamiliar families.

Essay 112

What advantages do they enjoy out of these two nuptial arrangements?Some people say gender based discrimination can be reduced to a greater extent if household responsibilities could be equally distributed among the family members: husband and wife, male and female children.

Essay 113

How do you look at this view points?

Change in any society is decided more by the peoples attitude towards change than by any other agencies like law and order, justice system and administration.

Essay 114 How far do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is a general argument that the State is supposed to provide security to the life and property of its citizens. But there is another view that citizens too have the responsibility to look after his life and property.

Essay 115

How do you look at these two view points?

Though aqua-tourism prospects are widely being exploited world over, it is a fact that this tourism is doing much more harm than good to the people and ecology. So it needs to be discouraged.

Essay 116

How far do you agree or disagree with this?Some people believe that luck is something that favours a select few people, while others are of the opinion that it is the result of sheer hard work.

Essay 117 How do you look at these two viewpoints?

Space scientists around the world are exploring the possibilities of space tourism on a large scale as there are many takers for the same.

Essay 118

Do you think it is a good idea to explore space for tourism? What disadvantages does such a move entail?Over emphasis on industrialization is one of the major reasons for the mounting energy crisis. So it is a good idea to observe industrial holidays for some time as to achieve energy supply-demand equilibrium.

Essay 119

Do you think it is worth a try? How can we meet the ever-mounting energy demands?

Some people say globalization causes brain drain as developed nations increasingly exploit human resource from around the world, whereas some others say it leads to mutual global gains as the world is able to make better use of brains for the well being of the whole humanity.

Essay 120 How do you look at these two view points?Since every mistake is taken as an opportunity to do better, some people believe that children should be given enough freedom to commit mistakes, whereas some others say they should be instructed to avoid mistakes as it enables them to be careful and conscious.

Essay 121 What is your opinion on these two view points?

High-rise buildings are springing up like mushrooms even in semi-urban areas of developing nations, and this spurt in real estate sector can be attributed to many factors. Essay 122

What do you think are the factors that lead to this trend? What impacts does it have on the environment?

The habits like smoking and drinking are personal choices of an individual, and banning them fully or partly is an encroachment on ones personal freedom. So, it is not right to ban them.

Essay 123How far do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Expatriate communities -other nationals living in foreign lands- often take out protest marches and demonstrations to invite the attention of the government towards injustice or rights violations. Some say expatriates do not have the right to do so. Some others claim that injustice needs to be protested against no matter where it happens.

Essay 124

How do you look at these view points?

Some people are of the opinion that working under a small set up is much more advantageous than being part of a bigger one. There are others who think the other way round too.

Essay 125

What, in your opinion, are the major advantages and disadvantages of being part of a small set up?

Consumer fests, trade fairs and shopping festivals are regularly being conducted in third world nations, and their frequency is increasing as days pass by, and these events are said to be doing both good and harm to the society.

Essay 126

What advantages people enjoy out of these events? Do you think their advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Some institutions follow open book examinations.

Essay 127

What are its advantages?

Do you think that exams should be memory-based?

Some students prefer to prepare for their exams by forming small learning circles small group of students of the same stream- so that they can learn things better, whereas there are some who prefer to follow individual learning atmosphere.

Essay 128

Look at these two preferences and find out what advantages they both enjoy.

As the whole world remains concerned about environmental problems, there is an argument that all development measures need to be environment-friendly whereas there are some who argue that no development initiative is possible without causing some harm to the environment.

Essay 129

How do you view these two arguments? Making money is easer today than it was before, and this rising power of money has many advantages and disadvantages.

Essay 120

Do you think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages?Nations around the world are increasingly realizing the need for promoting a new order among its citizens called, take only what you need and give back to the society whatever you are able to.

Essay 131

Why is this new order being promoted now? What advantages does a society enjoy out of such an order?Some say that ills of a particular society are the outcome of that societys inherent nature itself, whereas there is another argument that it is the ills of the people that make a society what it actually is.

Essay 132

How do you look at these two views?

Since being connected to the rest of the world is much more important today than it was before, many people feel that school children should be permitted to keep mobile phones while they are at school.

Essay 133

Argue for and against this statement.

Many celebrities, like film-stars and sports icons, are found to be endorsing consumer products and services, both harmful and useful, marketed by multinational companies. This tendency promotes unhealthy shopping practices.

Essay 134

How far is it justifiable that celebrities go for paid endorsements? What are the impacts of the resultant unhealthy shopping practices?It is generally believed that all individuals who run for public (elected) offices need to be free from corruption, crime and personal interests. But, most of the time, in many poor nations, it is not so.

Essay 135 What are the factors that lead to this situation? What advantages does a nation enjoy out of a clean elected system?

Mans technological progress has far outstripped his moral progress in the past two thousand years.

Essay 136

To what extent do you agree with this?

Alarming growth in population threatens the world in many ways, and studies show that over population will endanger ecology in more ways than one.

Essay 137

How does population growth threaten the ecology?

Suggest ways to offset this ecological imbalance?

Controlling population is a personal obligation and social responsibility of all for the welfare of all.

Essay 138

Comment on it.Environmentalists world over are urging private and public sector organizations to get their offices automated so that they could, in the long run, do without paper.

Essay 139

What do you think are the environmental advantages a paperless office offers? What are the major advantages of an automated office?There is an argument that strict attendance is not necessary to ensure quality of higher education as students these days have enormous opportunities to gather information and thereby get prepared to meet any academic quality standards.

Essay 140 How far do you agree or disagree with this statement?Some people argue that the business of running a nation needs to be in the hands of emerging young leaders, while others are of opinion that it should be done by senior leaders.Essay 141

Which argument do you endorse, and state why?Academic migration is widely being promoted these days.

Essay 142 Why is this tendency common today? Do you think it is good to be studying overseas?

Many poor economies are poor not because they do not have the resources to become rich, but because they do not have the means to tap their available resources.

Essay 143

How far is this true in your opinion?

Some youngsters wait for years for their dream jobs to come by, whereas some others take up whatever opportunity that comes their way right after their studies.

Essay 144

What advantages do they both enjoy?Radio as a means of communication, information and entertainment is becoming increasingly popular these days even though it is surrounded by many other attractive and powerful media.Essay 145

What advantages does radio enjoy over other media?

Why is it becoming popular these days?

It is a matter of great concern that many highly educated youngsters in the third world nations are found to be followers of terrorist outfits, drug mafias and organized criminal rackets.

Essay 146 Why is this tendency so common in poor nations?

What are the major consequences of this grave issue?

Oceans around the world are increasingly being threatened by human intervention, and this has greater impact on nations world over.

Essay 147

In what all ways do oceans get threatened? What impact does this threat have on human life?Quality of education is determined more by the employability of the candidates than by anything else like the name and fame of the institution.

Essay 148

How far do you agree or disagree with this?

In some societies manufacturing of tobacco and alcoholic products is legal, but consumption of the same is illegal. So it is right to say that making consumption of these products illegal is impractical.

Essay 149

Do you agree or disagree with this?There is an argument that, since every child is unique with different talents and interests, making all children follow a uniform courseware in school is to be discouraged. Essay 150

Argue for and against this.