100 Ch 4 Minerals 400 300 200 500 100 Ch 5 Igneous Rocks 400 300 200 500 100 Ch 6 Sedimentary &...

100 Ch 4 Minerals 400 300 200 500 100 Ch 5 Igneous Rocks 400 300 200 500 100 Ch 6 Sedimentary & Metamorphic rocks 400 300 200 500 100 Ch 21 Geologic Time 400 300 200 500 100 Ch 9 Streams 400 300 200 500

Transcript of 100 Ch 4 Minerals 400 300 200 500 100 Ch 5 Igneous Rocks 400 300 200 500 100 Ch 6 Sedimentary &...


Ch 4







Ch 5 Igneous Rocks






Ch 6 Sedimentary & Metamorphic







Ch 21

Geologic Time






Ch 9






1.Naturally occurring


3.Solids with specific compositions

4. Definite crystalline structuresColumn 1, 100

What are characteristics of


Column 1, 100

A diamond mineral has a mass of 75g and a volume of

25 cm3.

Calculate the density of the diamond.

Column 1, 200

Density= Mass/Volume = 3.0 g/cm3.

Be sure you can calculate the mass when given the density.

Mass= Density x VolumeColumn 1, 100

1. Crystal form

2. Luster

3. Hardness

4. Cleavage and fracture

5. Streak

6. ColorColumn 1, 300

What tests used to identify minerals

Column 1, 300

1. Oxygen, O

2. Silicon, Si

3. Aluminum, Al

4. Iron, Fe

5. Calcium, Ca

6. Sulfur, S

7. Potassium, K

8. Magnesium, MgColumn 1, 400

What are the rock forming minerals or the most abundant minerals found in

Earth’s crustColumn 1, 300

A mineral that contains a valuable

substance that can be mined at a profit

Column1, 500

What is an ore?

Column 1, 300


2. Pressure

3.Water Content

4.Mineral Content

Column 2, 100

What are the 4 main factors involved in

MAGMA formation

Column 1, 300

Both ___________, measured in °C, and _______, measured

in MPa, increase with depth.

Column 2, 200

What is temperature and pressure.

Column 1, 300

This Canadian geologist demonstrated that as magma

cools and crystallizes, minerals form in predictable patterns.

Column 2, 300

Who is N.L. Bowen? (Process is now known as the

Bowen’s Reaction series.)

Column 1, 300

1.Mineral composition

2.Crystal size


Column 2, 400

What are 3 ways to classify igneous


Column 1, 300

When ________ cools rapidly, there is not

enough time for large crystals to form resulting

in _______ rocks.Column 2, 500

What is magma, and extrusive rocks

** What are intrusive rocks???***

Column 1, 300

Lithification begins with ________, (see figure 6.4, page 137).

Column 3, 100

What is compaction?

*** What is cementation? Pg

137**Column 1, 300

_______ is the primary feature of sedimentary rocks.

Two types are _____ and ________.Column 3, 200

What is bedding. Two types are :

Graded- particles heavy on bottom

Cross- inclined layers of sediment deposited across a horizontal surface

Column 1, 300

Column 3, 300

The most common sedimentary rocks are

______. These rocks may be _____, ________, or

_____ grained.

What are clastic rocks? Coarse, medium and fine grained? Be sure you know the differences

between the 3 grain types

Column 1, 300

Metamorphic rocks form when preexisting rocks are exposed to

increases in temperature and pressure and to hydrothermal

solutions. Name and describe the 3

types of metamorphism.

YOU MUST HAVE ALL 3!Column 3, 400

Regional metamorphism: high temp and pressure affect large regions of Earth’s


Contact metamorphism: when molten material such as that in an igneous

intrusion comes in contact with solid rock.

Hydrothermal metamorphism: when very HOT water reacts with rock and alters its

chemical and mineral composition

Column 1, 300

This rock type may be in your bathroom or home.

It results from the metamorphism of this

rock type.Column 3, 500

Marble; what is limestone?

Column 1, 300

List the units of geologic time from longest to shortest.

Column 4, 100

Eons, eras, periods, epochs

Column 1, 300

Scientists date rocks using these 2


Column 4, 200

What are relative age dating and absolute

age dating?

Be sure you know how each

method is used.Column 4, 200

Sometimes, the record of a past event or time period are missing.

These erosion gaps result in:

Column 4, 300

What are unconformities? Pg


Column 4, 300

Fossils with ______ ______ have been altered very little, such as Fig 21.21, pg 607.

These are different from _____ fossils, which leave indirect

evidence only.Column 4, 300

What is original preservation and

trace fossils?

Column 5, 100

In this era, mass extinction resulted in 90% of marine animals becoming extinct.

Column 4, 300

What is the Paleozoic era?

** What is significant about the Phanerozoic eon, pg. 592 (There

may be a daily double!!!) Column 5, 200

Rivers that flow into other streams are

called:_______ Examples include the Ohio and Miss

rivers.Column 4, 300

What are tributaries

Column 5, 300

Calculate the discharge of a stream with an average width of 4m, and average

depth of 2.5m, and average velocity of 2 m/s.

Column 4, 300


average width x average depth x average velocity

4m x 2.5 m x 2 m/s = 20 m3/s

Daily double! Calculate the velocity if the discharge of this

stream = 20000 m3/sColumn 5, 400

During this process, a stream actively resumes

the process of downcutting toward its

base level. Column 4, 300

What is rejuvenation

READ pg 237! Column 5, 500

According to page 238, most lakes in North America are formed in this way.

Column 4, 300

What is by glaciers that carve depressions in the


Column 4, 300

T or F? Wetlands result from the process by

which the surrounding watershed enriches bodies of water with nutrients , a

process called:_______ Column 4, 300

Eutrophication, True

Column 4, 300