10 ways to manage labor pain without drugs

10 ways to manage labor pain without drugs BY: Julie Revelant


10 ways to manage labor pain without drugs http://doulatraininghq.com

Transcript of 10 ways to manage labor pain without drugs

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If you’re planning a natural birth and want to avoid interventions and the possibility of having a c-section, the there are many different techniques that can help you cope with the labor pain sans medication.

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Breathing.Rebozo.Hydrotherapy.A doula.Move, move, move.Birthing ball.Visualization.Hypnosis.Acupressure.Massage.

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One of the best ways to manage labor pain is through breathing exercises that will help calm your mind and body. The Bradley Method, Lamaze, Hypnobirthing, or any childbirth class will teach you the proper breathing techniques to help manage the contractions.

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A rebozo is a long woven cloth that’s placed underneath the belly and pulled on either side to alleviate pressure from the lower abdomen. If the contractions are higher, the rebozo can create pressure in a different spot, said Jenna LoGiudice, a certified nurse midwife and assistant professor at Fairfield University’s School of Nursing.

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Known as a “natural epidural,” studies show that hydrotherapy can significantly reduce labor pain, decrease muscle tension, and pain and anxiety. In early labor, a shower is a great way to cope with contractions. Wait to go into the bathtub or Jacuzzi until you’re between 4 and 5 centimeters dilated, any earlier and your labor may slow, LoGiudice said.

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A doula

One of the most effective ways a doula can help is to create a safe, comfortable environment so you can relax. A doula supports you physically and emotionally with a massage or words of encouragement. She can transform the hospital room into a homebirth setting with things that are already familiar and soothing for you. The key is to manage any fear beforehand, which will make coping with the pain so much easier, said Tara Poulin, a doula and founder of Birthing Gently.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2014/06/22/10-ways-to-manage-labor-pain-without-drugs/