10 ways to get more you


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Time management, work, life, social

Transcript of 10 ways to get more you

Page 1: 10 ways to get more you

10 ways to get more you-time

1. Follow the rule of two.Each day, pinpoint your most important work-related task and your top-priority personal activity, like yoga or dinner with your man. Plan everything around those things.

2. Take charge of your mornings.Most people spend the first two hours of each workday ‘warming up’ – chatting with colleagues, browsing online…Instead, give yourself 30 minutes to do this and then get going. Or better yet, get to work at least half an hour earlier than everyone else. According to experts, you’ll get three times as much done when you’re free of interruptions.

3. Use your body clock.Figure out your most alert time (most people peak in the morning) and do tasks that need deep thinking then. Take care of mindless chores like filing when you’re losing steam. People usually get a second wind in the evening, so use that time to work out, socialize or focus on a personal project.

4. Get a grip on emails.Limit how often you check them. Then empty your inbox by deleting, replying or, if necessary, moving certain messages to a folder. Never write an email longer than five sentences (if it requires more, call instead) and only respond when necessary (drop the “Ok” and “thanks” emails).

5. Find pockets of time.If you’re in the waiting room at the doctor’s or queuing at Starbucks, spend that time brainstorming ideas for a meeting or texting friends to set up weekend plans.

6. Race against yourself.Time yourself doing anything from taking a shower to vacuuming the house, and then try to beat your record next time. You’ll be amazed at how much faster you can go when you’re racing the clock.

7. Don’t handle a piece of paper more than once.As soon as you look at something in your inbox, move it forward. Either a) work on it, b) delegate it, or c) file it for later if you need more time or info before you can deal with it.

8. Remember the three D’s.Everyone has elements of their routine they can either drop, decrease or delegate List five of these – like watching TV, making tomato sauce from scratch, doing research that an intern can take care of – and, voila, you’ve saved hours.

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9. Be ritualistic.Establishing routines – say, having a cup of tea when you start work – helps you get into focus faster. Following a pattern signals to your brain that it’s time to buckle down.

10. End with something you enjoy.When you’re looking forward to an after-work activity, like a massage, it gives you an incentive to get stuff done beforehand.

3 keys to stopping the clock:

It’s not by chance that come days fly. Try these strategies to make every minute last. Try new stuff. As unfamiliar things need concentration, you’ll be more

conscious of what you’re doing. Make lots of plans. Meet a friend for lunch, go to a movie. It breaks up the

day so it feels like you’ve bond loads. Engage your senses. Notice the sounds and sights around you. Savour the

taste, smell and feel of your food. Tuning into your environment will increase awareness and draw out every experience.