10 vows for healthy living

Weekend Top 10 – Vows for healthy living Want to lead a healthier life? Then take these vows today and get on the path to a healthier, happier you. Photograph by Kata Szikora, via sxc.hu


Take these vows today and get on the path to a healthier, happier lifestyle. Created by mDhil.com

Transcript of 10 vows for healthy living

Page 1: 10 vows for healthy living

Weekend Top 10 – Vows for healthy living  

Want to lead a healthier life? Then take these vows today and get on the path to a healthier, happier you.

 Photograph by Kata Szikora, via sxc.hu

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I vow to make exercise a part of my daily life. I will not make excuses and instead exercise in whichever way I can, at whatever time of the day is suitable to me.


Photograph by Cheryl Empey, via sxc.hu

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I vow to start eating healthy from today. I will do my best to include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and lean meats in my diet and enjoy the food and it’s health benefits.


Photograph by Ilber, via sxc.hu

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I vow to quit smoking. Smoking is bad for me in every possible way. It can lead to lung disease, a variety of cancers and also makes my skin look terrible.


Photograph by Michal Zacharzewski, via sxc.hu

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I vow to avoid stress. Deep breath! Next time I begin lose my cool, I’ll ask myself, “Is it really worth it?” Stress is one of the biggest causes of disease today and I will not let myself fall victim to it. Instead, I will choose to laugh.


Photograph by Pop Catalin, via sxc.hu

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I vow to sleep 6 to 8 hours every night. Surviving on less sleep does not make a hero. Instead, it makes me less productive, overweight and unhealthy.


Photograph by Kriss Szkurlatowski, via sxc.hu

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Photograph from sxc.hu

I vow to say no to substance abuse. I will avoid drugs and consume alcohol only in moderation. I’m smart enough to know they’re not good for me and I will not make bad choices.

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I vow to take care of my teeth. Healthcare includes oral care and I will not forget that! I’ll brush my teeth twice a day and floss if required.

Photograph by Manu Mohan, via sxc.hu

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I vow to get regular health checks. I understand that many diseases often don’t show symptoms until it’s too late. Which is why I will get periodic health checks as advised by the doctor.

Photograph by Sundeip Arora, via sxc.hu


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Photograph by Ivan Prole, via sxc.hu

I vow to be environmentally conscious. My health goes beyond just my personal hygiene and health. I know that when I litter or pollute or waste natural resources, I’m affecting my and my family’s health.


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Photograph by Irineu I Degasperi, via sxc.hu


I vow to practice safe sex. I will be responsible for my own as well as my partner’s health. I will get myself tested, use contraception and not leave anything to chance.

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Photograph by Christina Chirtles, via sxc.hu

I vow to be kind to myself. Hey, I’m just human! If I fail on some counts from time to time or don’t measure up to the media’s image of perfection, I’ll love myself nevertheless.