10 Steps to Balance - Amazon Web Services€¦ ·  · 2017-03-02You'll feel lighter - in all ways....

10 Steps www.dottyfoley.com

Transcript of 10 Steps to Balance - Amazon Web Services€¦ ·  · 2017-03-02You'll feel lighter - in all ways....

10 Steps


Literally and Figuratively.  Simplifying, organizing, recycling, donating, even 

tossing things you've kept far too long can have the  most uplifting effect on your energy and outlook. 

It's been said that we spend the first half of our lives  accumulating items and the second half of our lives 

getting rid of those very same items and more.

Clutter creates distraction. Want to create more simplicity and visual calm in your life?

Try this 10 minute task today:

Empty one drawer & make three piles Pile one:  Give away

Pile two:  Throw away Pile Three:  Keep

Put back in the drawer only what's

absolutely essential to you at this time. Clear out stuff that's no longer useful in your life.

Try it . You'll feel lighter - in all ways. 

Unclutter  Your Life


 Time is something you can never get back.

How and who you choose to spend your time with can make a significant difference in your

overall peace, health and wellbeing. 

Carve out free time each week just for yourself. Start with 15 minutes.

 Take a walk, write a hand-written  note to someone you love, pick up that book next to your bed that you keep glancing at but haven't

yet opened. Or just sit outside and breathe in the air.

Inhale.   Exhale.   Repeat.

Those 15 minutes can do more to enhance your wellbeing than anything else.

Think of it as your "reset."

Next week:  Add 15 more minutes to your free time. 

What are you waiting for?

Keep Your Free Time Free


The days of you being proud of your  multitasking abilities are now a thing of the past. 

Research now shows that multitasking can be harmful to your health.  

Begin a practice of doing one  thing and only one thing at a time.  

Experience how present you can be by focusing on just one task.

Have a conversation with your partner. Bake a pie.

Read a book. Help your child with homework.

(yes, leave your cell phone on the table)

You might, at first, find yourself a bit distracted but keep at it,

It's amazingly grounding and centering. 

Master the Art of Singletasking


     Remember when you  

     were very young and hours         would go by as you played 

       at nothing in particular? 

You lost track of time because you  were so immersed in the act of just playing?

And remember that while you played,

you weren't thinking of anything else, you were simply and fully immersed in the moment?

When was the last time this has happened

 in your life?

Look closely at your schedule and see what you can shift for just one hour of

pure play this week.

What kind of play? That's entirely up to you!

Play More! 4

You are the keeper of your body.  You and only you.

Practicing self care might feel difficult at   first but if you want to live a life of balance,

self care is essential to your wellbeing. 

Explore what kind of self care is important to you.  You may find self care in quiet moments

while someone else finds their self care spending time with family and friends. 

Self care doesn't have to take you away from your routine for hours or days (although it could!)

  Begin by scheduling a few self care activities this week.  If you wait until you have a huge swath of free time 

 you may be waiting a long time.

Take a bath with Epsom salts and your favorite essential oils Turn off your TV & pick up a book.

Find the closest body of water & sit by it. Grab your headphones and take a walk

while listening to wonderful music. 

Develop the  Art of Self Care5


Be good to your body!  It's the only one you'll get this time around.

 No refunds.  No exchanges. 

    Find simple, easy ways to take care of this body you've been given by eating real, whole foods.

You don't have to cut out every bad food, just begin by adding in a few good ones each week. You'll be amazed

how good fresh produce tastes, 

Shop the perimeter of your grocery store and try to stay away from the center aisles, 

where most of the processed foods are shelved. 

Visit a farmer's market and try out one new fruit or vegetable.

Cook using whole, organic foods at home. Try a vegetable stir fry over brown rice!

Or find  a simple, 4-5 ingredient recipe, invite a few  friends over for a fresh, nourishing,  home cooked meal

and great conversation!

Eat Healthy Foods! 6

7 Lose Yourself in the Service of Others

The best way to find  yourself is to lose yourself 

in the service of others. ~Mahatma Gandhi

Feeling down?  Lost your direction?

The surest way to get out of your own way is to help someone else.

Sure, the people that you help benefit by your service but in actuality, you are the one

that benefits the most.

It may be a neighbor who needs someone to shop for them or a local organization that needs

your help with a project.

Being of service has surprising benefits for your own life!

Practice the art of  being thankful for what  you have been given. 

Every. single. day.

Before your feet hit the      floor each morning Find 4 things that you're thankful for in your life. 

At lunch, find 4 more things. and before you go to bed, recite 4 more.

As each day comes to completion,  you will have discovered 12 wonderful things,small and large, to be thankful

 for in your lovely life. 

This practice alone will help  to shift your focus from negative to positive. 

8 Gratitude

9 Explore Art

"Every child is an artist.  The problem is how to remain 

an artist once he grows up." -Pablo Picasso

Interested in finding your lost artist?  then you must suspend the following belief:

I'm not good enough....I can't draw, I can't paint, etc.

Remember the old adage - Self doubt is the enemy of creativity. We're all artists, we've just forgotten

now that we're grown.

Here's your homework for this weekend:  Go to your local art store buy watercolor paper, watercolors and a few paint brushes. find a quiet,

peaceful place all by yourself and explore!

Hit the pause button on your self judgment and HAVE FUN!

10Seek out Silence

For centuries,  various spiritual practices have used 

silence as a way to rest, restore and renew. 

We are so continually bombarded by sound  in our society, It's difficult to remember what real

quiet is. 

Televisions blast in our homes. music blares in our restaurants, there's a constant hum in our work

environment. Our nervous system is, well...nervous!

Try this:  Spend one hour, six hours, 

or one day in silence.  Complete quiet.

 Silence can be both uncomfortable (at first) and incredibly powerful.

I’m Dotty.  I have a passion for helping women create more balance and wholeness in their lives through practices of self care.

I live with the love of my life, four wonderful children who travel in and out of our home :) organic gardens, a hammock,

lots and lots of books, and a soon-to-be dog named jack.

I work with women over 50 helping them to create lives filled with balance,  wellbeing, joy & contentment  through practices of self care.

I'm a Life and Wellness Coach, Massage Therapist, Yoga Instructor and Integrative Nutritionist for Women over 50. 

Does this sound familiar?

I use food to help with stress, loneliness, anger and grief.

I’m unhappy with the way I look and feel.

I have self-doubt and issues with self-image.

I’m concerned about my financial stability and security.

I have trouble managing my time between work, family and self.

I often feel a sense of overwhelm, stress, and worry.

I’m unfulfilled in my job and don’t know what I want to do next.

I’m lonely and want to feel a sense of belonging.

Disorganization and clutter are part of my life.

I’d like better, deeper relationships.

I procrastinate and I lack motivation.

I want more time to myself to do what’s important to me.

I can help.

Click here or visit me at www.dottyfoley.com to learn more

There was a time in my life when I felt stuck and was just going through the motions.  I wanted to move forward but didn't know how. I wanted less self-doubt  and more self confidence.

I kept thinking things would get better, thinking something would settle.

And finally it hit me . . .

I had two choices: I could continue on the path I was on hoping things would change or I could begin to make changes. 

Once I got to the source of my unhappiness, I was able to make changes  really fast. I learned practices to

take care of my body, my mind and my spirit and I learned how to create a simpler, balanced life.

    Looking for more balance and wellbeing in your life?

body     mind     spirit  wellness