10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston...

10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston [email protected]

Transcript of 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston...

Page 1: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation

Presented byMarcia Livingston

[email protected]

Page 2: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

A bit about me

Experience Working with Oracle Business Intelligence Products since 2000

Working with other BI products since 1998

My goal for this presentation

Provide some guidelines

Many questions that need to be asked and answered

Some answers

Page 3: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.


Expectations of the Project Proper Privileges What philosophy will be used to administer the BI info How will the BI info be administered Understanding underlying info and how changes affect that

info How will the information/delivery methods be promoted to

production What security procedures will be put into place Determining an appropriate timeline Standard Definitions Last Tip Summary and Q/A

Page 4: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.


Executive Sponsor Who is the Executive Sponsor What are the Executive Sponsor’s expectations

Project Manager Authority

To get definitions of reports/KPIs etc To ensure testing is completed

Users What do the users expect to get from this? Do they consider this a priority? An Asset? Or a Hindrance to their

job? How do you turn a negative into a positive to the users?

Page 5: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.


Expectations of the Project Proper Privileges What philosophy will be used to administer the BI info How will the BI info be administered Understanding underlying info and how changes affect that

info How will the information/delivery methods be promoted to

production What security procedures will be put into place Determining an appropriate timeline Standard Definitions Last Tip Summary and Q/A

Page 6: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

Proper Privileges

What username should the Administrator(s) use?

Database• Oracle/supplier Recommended• Audit recommended

Apps• Oracle Recommended• Audit Recommended

Software• Oracle/Supplier Recommended• Audit Recommended

What privileges should the Administrator(s) have?

Database Apps Software

Page 7: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.


Expectations of the Project Proper Privileges What philosophy will be used to administer the BI info How will the BI info be administered Understanding underlying info and how changes affect that

info How will the information/delivery methods be promoted to

production What security procedures will be put into place Determining an appropriate timeline Standard Definitions Last Tip Summary and Q/A

Page 8: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

What philosophy will be used to administer the BI info

Narrow base limited use information.

• This is normally written to solve a single problem. • Re-use is rare.• Example

» SELECT order_number , customer_name

, order_date from orders where Customer_service_representative = ‘SUE’ and status = ‘Entered’

Page 9: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

What philosophy will be used to administer the BI info

Broad base multi use information

• This is normally written to solve a multitude of problems. • Re-use is normal.• Example

» SELECT order_number , customer_name

, order_date , customer_service_representative , status , item , qty , list_price from orders

Page 10: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.


Expectations of the Project Proper Privileges What philosophy will be used to administer the BI info How will the BI info be administered Understanding underlying info and how changes affect that

info How will the information/delivery methods be promoted to

production What security procedures will be put into place Determining an appropriate timeline Standard Definitions Last Tip Summary and Q/A

Page 11: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

How will the BI info be administered

Gatekeeper Pros

• Allows 1 person to manage the information• Minimizes duplication of effort

Cons• If no backup administrator, or if the backup is not kept up to date, then all

of the knowledge is with 1 person

Area Specific Pros

• Allows a team to manage the information• Each area is managed by 1 person with a good base knowledge of that area• Multiple people will have the skills to maintain the information

Cons• Different philosophies could exist in the building of the information, this

could result in confusion and frustration for the users• Only 1 person within an area will have the knowledge for that area

Page 12: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

How will the BI info be administered

Generic Pros

• Users will likely have a quicker response time since whoever is available can address their issue

Cons• Duplication of effort could occur if excellent communication is not


Consultant Pros

• Multiple requirements can be accumulated, and resolved at one time, any overlaps can be combined with little/no duplication of effort

Cons• This can be expensive

Page 13: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.


Expectations of the Project Proper Privileges What philosophy will be used to administer the BI info How will the BI info be administered Understanding underlying info and how changes affect

that info How will the information/delivery methods be promoted to

production What security procedures will be put into place Determining an appropriate timeline Standard Definitions Last Tip Summary and Q/A

Page 14: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

Understanding underlying info and how changes affect that info

Materialized Views Cloning

• Before Module ‘Go-Live’• After Module ‘Go-Live’

Business View Setup• Will running this affect my data?• What does this do?

Age of data• When is the data refreshed? Real-time? Hourly? Nightly?

Table A table is restructured with many new columns, renamed columns, and deleted

columns. How does this affect your reports?

View A view is changed how does this affect your reports?

Page 15: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.


Expectations of the Project Proper Privileges What philosophy will be used to administer the BI info How will the BI info be administered Understanding underlying info and how changes affect that

info How will the information/delivery methods be promoted

to production What security procedures will be put into place Determining an appropriate timeline Standard Definitions Last Tip Summary and Q/A

Page 16: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

How will the information/delivery methods be promoted to production

Data verification Who will verify the data being returned from the BI system?

Report verification Who will define the reports Who will verify that the reports meet the definition


Report distribution Who will determine user access to reports? Who will resolve report distribution/data access conflicts?

Page 17: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

How will the information/delivery methods be promoted to production

Change requests How will report change requests be handled?

• This is only applicable if reports are created by a report writer and distributed.

• If reports are user written

» What responsibility does the report writer/BI Administrator have in changing reports?

» What responsibility does the report writer/BI Administrator have In solving data integrity issues with the report?

» How are reports shared with other users?

Page 18: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.


Expectations of the Project Proper Privileges What philosophy will be used to administer the BI info How will the BI info be administered Understanding underlying info and how changes affect that

info How will the information/delivery methods be promoted to

production What security procedures will be put into place Determining an appropriate timeline Standard Definitions Last Tip Summary and Q/A

Page 19: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

What security procedures will be put into place

Access to tool Internal External

New users How to request access Report creation/running privileges Information access privileges

• Who requests?• Who authorizes?• Who monitors?

Training • Who will provide?• What will the new users be allowed to do until they receive training?

Page 20: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

What security procedures will be put into place

Current Users Training

• Who provides?• What does it consist of?• What types will be offered?

» Initial (Example: Beginning)» Additional (Examples: Intermediate, Advanced)» Refresher

Information Access privilege changes• Who requests?• Who authorizes?• Who monitors?

Report creation/running privilege changes • Who requests?• Who authorizes?• Who monitors?

Page 21: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.


Expectations of the Project Proper Privileges What philosophy will be used to administer the BI info How will the BI info be administered Understanding underlying info and how changes affect that

info How will the information/delivery methods be promoted to

production What security procedures will be put into place Determining an appropriate timeline Standard Definitions Last Tip Summary and Q/A

Page 22: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

Determining an appropriate timeline

Basic info What will this consist of

• Examples: » Oracle Seeded EUL and Workbooks for Discoverer

» KPIs and Reports for DBI

» Views for NoetixViews or Discoverer with Noetix

When will this info be available

• How long will it take to install/create the basic info?

• How long will it take to test/verify this info?

Page 23: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

Determining an appropriate timeline

Basic info (con’t)

Does this information provide any immediate benefit?

• If so» to Whom? » Are they aware of the benefits? » Does this solve their most pressing need?

• If not» Why is it being installed?» When will it provide a benefit?» Is this really your basic info?

Page 24: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

Determining an appropriate timeline

Advanced info Prioritize requests

• Make sure to identify a process for distributing changes in priority

Evaluate• Legitimacy• Feasibility• Cost Benefit Analysis (can it be cost justified?)

Special requests (Works the same as Advanced Info for the most part)

Is the information already available? Priority Affect on other requests

• How will this be communicated

Page 25: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.


Expectations of the Project Proper Privileges What philosophy will be used to administer the BI info How will the BI info be administered Understanding underlying info and how changes affect that

info How will the information/delivery methods be promoted to

production What security procedures will be put into place Determining an appropriate timeline Standard Definitions Last Tip Summary and Q/A

Page 26: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

Standard Definitions – Make sure to get them!!

Hierarchies (Drill capabilities) Date Item

List of Values (LOVs) creation – Apps

• Materialized View/View base» Simple» Complex

• Table base Non-Apps

• View base» Simple» Complex

• Table base Alternative Sorts

Examples: Fiscal Year, Calendar Year, Alphabetical Order (for Months) Standard Calculations

Examples: PO Committed Qty, Allocated Qty (on Orders), Unallocated Qty (on Orders), On-Time Delivery

Page 27: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.


Expectations of the Project Proper Privileges What philosophy will be used to administer the BI info How will the BI info be administered Understanding underlying info and how changes affect that

info How will the information/delivery methods be promoted to

production What security procedures will be put into place Determining an appropriate timeline Standard Definitions Last Tip Summary and Q/A

Page 28: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

Last Tip


This is an on-going process, not everything will be accomplished during a single project. There will

always be additional information that will become useful to your users. That is the sign of success!!

Page 29: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.


Expectations of the Project Proper Privileges What philosophy will be used to administer the BI info How will the BI info be administered Understanding underlying info and how changes affect that

info How will the information/delivery methods be promoted to

production What security procedures will be put into place Determining an appropriate timeline Standard Definitions Last Tip Summary and Q/A

Page 30: 10 Steps to a Successful Business Intelligence Implementation Presented by Marcia Livingston marcia@srisys.com.

Questions / Answers