10 simple ways to help keep your pet allergy free

Allergy 10 Simple Ways To Help Keep Your Pet Allergy Free Mohd.Saeed , D.V.M Sharjah Municipality - Veterinary Services Section

Transcript of 10 simple ways to help keep your pet allergy free

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Allergy10 Simple Ways To Help Keep Your Pet Allergy Free

Mohd.Saeed , D.V.M

Sharjah Municipality - Veterinary Services Section

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1 -Maintain a monthly flea control program, because prevention is the key for allergies caused by fleas. Consult your veterinarian for the best flea control products for your pet.

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2 -Once a week, thoroughly clean your pet’s bedding and cage and vacuum your rugs, upholstery and any other materials that gather dust (discard any vacuum

cleaner bags ) .

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3 -Bathe, rinse or mist your pet frequently with an aloe vera-based shampoo, water or spray (HEALx Rain or Soother Spray) to relieve itching and remove environmental contact allergens, such as pollen, dust and dander from your animal’s skin. Discuss with your veterinarian which shampoos are best, as some shampoos and sprays contain alcohol and other chemicals that may dry your pet’s skin or cause other problems.

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4 -Wipe pet’s feet with a damp cloth to remove environmental antigens when they come in from

outdoors and use a HEPA air filter indoors .

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5 -Read food labels – What is in your pet’s food is very important to its well being. Pets may be allergic to many ingredients, and it may be helpful to limit some of these. The most common ingredients that are considered allergens to pets are beef, dairy products, chicken, lamb, fish, chicken eggs, corn, wheat, yeast and soy. A list of web sites that compare pet foods and their ingredients is provided below.

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6 -Do not feed pet food with artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. When possible use a certified organic

diet and certified organic fruits and vegetables .

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7 -Do not feed your pet human food. No raw foods (uncooked meat, edible bones and organs) should be fed to dogs and cats.

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8 -Change your pet’s diet occasionally or provide it with some variety of foods so it is getting a natural rotation. Food allergies are more common if the pet is fed the same food at all times. Consult with your veterinarian on a rotation program and make sure any change is gradual to avoid diarrhea.

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9 -Use a fatty acid dietary supplement, such as HEALx Omega-3 Booster, which has a high antioxidant content to support your pet’s immune system. Booster provides your pet with a nonsynthetic, whole food source of a precursor to vitamin A (both alpha- and beta-carotene) and vitamin E (6 of the 7 different forms), which will improve your pet’s coat/plumage and skin quality. Booster has also been shown to increase the effectiveness of antihistamines for allergy patients. “Omega-3 fatty acids work in the skin to help reduce the amount and effects of histamine and other chemicals

that are released in response to allergies ."

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10 -See your veterinarian to treat any secondary skin infections; yeast and bacterial dermatitis are very common secondary reactions with allergies. Consult with your veterinarian about tests for inhalant and contact allergies. If you suspect that your pet has a food allergy, it may be necessary to feed it a prescription/ elimination diet to determine which ingredient is the allergen; this may take several weeks or months. Consult with your veterinarian for this protocol.

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What are allergies?

An allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction to the exposure of something that is usually harmless (allergen).

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How do allergens affect your pet?

When allergens are inhaled, ingested or contact your pet’s skin, they cause the animal’s immune system to produce immunoglobulins (IgE), and release irritating chemicals, such as histamine.

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Is there a cure for allergies?

A cure for allergies is rarely accomplished. Allergic reactions can only be controlled with prevention and/or treatment.

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What kind of allergies do pets have?

There are 4 types of allergies (in order of frequency): 1) insect bite allergies - usually fleas; 2) inhalant allergies (atopy) - for example, allergies to dust mites, grass, mold and pollen); 3) food allergies; and 4) contact allergies. Therefore, in order to determine your pet’s allergies it is recommended that you start with the most common allergies.

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What are the symptoms of allergies?

• Chewing on feet

• Perianal itching

• Rubbing the face on carpet/rugs

• Scratching the body

• Recurrent ear infections

• Hair loss

• Mutilated skin

• Itchy, red, moist or scabbed skin

• Itchy, runny eyes

• Itchy back or base of tail (most commonly flea allergy)

• Sneezing

• Vomiting

• Diarrhea

• Snoring caused by an inflamed throat

• Swollen paws

• Constant licking

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What Substances Can Pets Be Allergic To?

• Tree, grass and weed pollens

• Mold spores

• Dust and house dust mites

• Dander (cat, dog, bird and even human)

• Feathers

• Cigarette smoke

• Food ingredients

• Prescription drugs

• Fleas and flea-control products

• Perfumes

• Cleaning products

• Fabrics

• Insecticidal shampoo

• Rubber and plastic materials

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Dr.Mohd Saeed , DVM

Sharjah Municipality - Veterinary Services Section