10 Reasons to Use Organic Coconut Palm Sugar

to Use Organic Coconut Palm Sugar


Coconut palm sugar has gotten a lot of buzz and these are 10 reasons why. Choose organic coconut palm sugar for your alternative sweetener.

Transcript of 10 Reasons to Use Organic Coconut Palm Sugar

  • 1. 10 Reasons to Use Organic Coconut Palm Sugar
  • 2. 1. Low Glycemic Index Organic coconut palm sugar has a glycemic index of only 35. It is composed of long-chain saccharides.
  • 3. 2. Contains Inulin Coconut sugar naturally contains inulin, which slows glucose absorption into the body. Causes fewer and less dramatic blood sugar spikes than cane sugar.
  • 4. 3. Nutritious Coconut sugar is less processed and retains many of its natural nutrients like Potassium Iron Calcium Zinc Antioxidants Vitamins
  • 5. 4. No Chemical Worries Since most brands of coconut palm sugar are organic, you dont have to worry about harmful chemicals hiding in your food.
  • 6. 5. Vegan and Paleo Sweetener Coconut palm sugar is not heavily processed and is made entirely without animal products, making it a perfect alternative sweetener for Vegan and Paleo diets.
  • 7. 6. Earth Friendly Organic coconut palm sugar uses 1/5th the amount of natural resources to produce than cane sugar requires. Coconut palms make up to 75% more sugar per acre than sugar cane.
  • 8. 7. Extra Flavor Coconut sugar has a slight caramel or butterscotch taste that enhances flavors in food. Similar taste to brown sugar without the added molasses.
  • 9. 8. Extremely Versatile Coconut palm sugar can be used in all of your usual recipes, and may even make them taste better. Perfect for smoothies, bread, ice cream, sauces, cakes, lemonade, and more.
  • 10. 9. Available in Grocery Stores Unlike many substitute sweeteners, organic coconut palm sugar is available at most grocery stores and many whole foods stores.
  • 11. 10. Available at BetterBody Foods BetterBody Foods is dedicated to bringing you the best available organic coconut palm sugar at great prices. Also available are organic coconut oil, agave nectar, pure vanilla, and new health products!