10. Open GL & Glut Mouse & Camera - 3D Graphics and Game Development Course

OpenGL & GLUT Mouse Interaction & Camera Control Mouse events, Advanced camera control George Georgiev http://academy.telerik.com Technical Trainer academy.telerik.com /.../3d-game-developmen t-opengl George Atanasov Front-End Developer


Main topics:In this presentation, part of the 3D graphics and game develpment course, we discuss OpenGL & GLUT mouse interaction & camera controlhttp://academy.telerik.com/.../3d-game-development-openglTelerik Software Academy: http://www.academy.telerik.comThe website and all video materials are in Bulgarian

Transcript of 10. Open GL & Glut Mouse & Camera - 3D Graphics and Game Development Course

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OpenGL & GLUTMouse Interaction &

Camera ControlMouse events, Advanced camera control

George Georgiev


Technical Trainer




George AtanasovFront-End Developer

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Table of Contents

GLUT Mouse Interaction Mouse up/down events

Passive motion

Active motion

OpenGL Camera Default transformation

“Manual” control

Custom camera class


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GLUT Mouse Interaction

Mouse event callbacks

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GLUT Mouse Interaction


GLUT provides mouse detection capabilities Advantages


Similar to other GLUT routines

Easy to code

Disadvantages Doesn’t receive device information

No scroll information

Unstable ‘leave’ and ‘enter’ events

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GLUT Mouse Interaction


Detecting mouse buttons Registering callback function

glutMouseFunc(void(*func)(int button, int state, int x, int y))

func – mouse button callback function

button – mouse button raising the event

state – type of event

x, y – cursor coordinates (from upper left corner)

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GLUT Mouse Interaction


Detecting mouse buttons (2) Callback parameter values








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GLUT Mouse Interaction


Detecting mouse buttons (2) Callback parameter values








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GLUT Mouse Interaction


Detecting movement Types


Mouse moves

No buttons pressed


Mouse moves

One or more buttons pressed

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GLUT Mouse Interaction


Passive motion Registering callback function

glutPassiveMotionFunc(void(*func)(int x, int y))

func – mouse passive motion callback

x, y – cursor coordinates (from upper left corner)

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GLUT Mouse Interaction


Active motion Registering callback function

glutMotionFunc(void(*func)(int x, int y))

func – mouse active motion callback

x, y – cursor coordinates (from upper left corner)

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GLUT Mouse Interaction GLUT Mouse leave and entry routines Detect when cursor leaves and

enters window

Registering callback glutEntryFunc(void(*func)(int state))

Func – callback handling cursor leaving and entering window

State – enter or leave event



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GLUT Mouse Interaction Cursor-related routines

glutWarpPointer (int x, int y) Sends cursor to specified coordinates

glutSetCursor (int cursor) Sets the cursor image (style) for the




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Mouse Interaction Object-oriented mouse handling

Custom mouse class Current cursor position

Last cursor position and/or drag-begin position

Current mouse button states

Last mouse button states

Cursor style

Anything else you can think of


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Custom mouse classLive Demo

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Mouse Interaction


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OpenGL Camera ControlBasic and Advanced camera positioning

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OpenGL Camera Control Default camera position

Set up with glLoadIdentity()

Centered at coordinate system center (0, 0, 0)

Rotation around all axes – zero (0, 0, 0)

Looks down the negative Z axis


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OpenGL Camera Control “Manual” control

Applying transformations to the world Opposite those of the camera

Applied before rendering anything else

Why not use gluLookAt ? Does the same things without asking


Gives you less freedom

Future – transformations won’t be deprecated

gluLookAt most probably will


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OpenGL Camera Control “Manual” control (2)

Imagining it – three options Positioning the ‘world’

Opposite to the location and orientation of the ‘camera’

Positioning the ‘camera’ away from the ‘world’

Positioning the coordinate system of the ‘paintbrush’

Either way, the result is the same19

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OpenGL Camera Control “Manual” control (3)

The steps Load default view

glLoadIdentity – not really camera-related

Move away


Look away


Move on to lighting, drawing objects, etc…


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OpenGL Camera control Moving away

glTranslate* Specifies a translation

Applies to any subsequently drawn geometry

You could imagine it moves the ‘paintbrush’

Used for all object positioning (not just camera)

Say we want the camera at C(0, 0, 20) glTranslatef(0, 0, -20)


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OpenGL Camera control Looking away

glRotate* Specifies a rotation

Applies to any subsequently drawn geometry

You could imagine it turns the ‘paintbrush’

Used for all object positioning (not just camera)

If we want the camera to look right 90 degrees glRotatef (-90, 0, 1.0, 0)


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OpenGL Camera control Looking away (2) – explanation

glRotatef parameters 1st parameter – degrees to rotate

2nd, 3rd, 4th parameter – multiplier for resultant rotation on x, y, z axis respectively

Example: glRotatef (90, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0) = rotate by

45 degrees round X

90 degrees round Y

0 degrees round Z 23

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OpenGL Camera control Looking away (3) – explanation

glRotatef positive rotations Positive rotation round Y


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OpenGL Camera control Looking away (4) – explanation

glRotatef positive rotations Positive rotation round X


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OpenGL Camera control Looking away (5) – explanation

glRotatef positive rotations Positive rotation round Z


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OpenGL Camera Control Basic camera control

So far we can Set the location of the camera

Set the orientation of the camera

Limit the rotation of the camera

Hard to do that with gluLookAt


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OpenGL Camera Control Advanced camera control

A good camera can Move forward and backward

Strafe left and right

Move up and down

Look left and right

Look up and down

Tilt left and right


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OpenGL Camera Control Custom camera class

Fields Location, last location

Rotation (Euler angles), last rotation

Forward vector

Right vector

Upward vector

Speed? Maximum upward (x) rotation? Etc…


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OpenGL Camera Control Custom camera class

Methods Set/Get location

Set/Get rotation

Move forward, backward, upward, downward

Strafe left, right

Look up, down, left, right

Tilt left, tilt right

“Look at”, “sweep left/right”, “fly to” ? Etc…


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Custom camera classLive Demo

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Mouse Interaction & Camera control


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