10 Health Risks Associated With Being Underweight and Natural Ways to Avoid Them



Dear friend, in this pdf we are going to discuss about the major causes of being underweight, 10 health risks associated with it and natural ways to avoid them so that you do not face any life threatening consequences.

Transcript of 10 Health Risks Associated With Being Underweight and Natural Ways to Avoid Them

What is Meant by Being Underweight?

Underweight is a condition in which a

human’s body weight is considered too

low to be healthy.

What Are the Causes of Underweight?

Some of the most common causes for this

condition are genetics, metabolism, some

chronic illness, hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis,

cancer, anorexia nervosa, or poverty in which

an individual cannot afford food.

10 Health Risks Associated With Being


Now we are going to reveal the 10 health risks

associated with being underweight and natural

ways to avoid them. These simple tips will

greatly help you in getting alert so that you can

better solve the issue before it’s too late.

Poor Physical Stamina

If the body isn’t getting the appropriate

nutritional requirements, it is pretty obvious

that it loses everything one by one. The

person then feels lacking in stamina and


Weak Immunity

Underweighted persons are most likely

getting trapped into a number of sicknesses

caused due to the sluggish body’s defence

mechanism or immunity. Poor dietary habits

cause this.


Osteoporosis is a condition in which the

body starts taking calcium from its reserves

such as bones because of the absence of

calcium consumption in appropriate amount.


Anemia covers the iron deficiency commonly

among malnourished individuals. Lack of

iron contributes in lack of hemoglobin and

sluggish flow of blood which results in

malnourished body organs as well.


Nutritional deficiencies lead to infertility as

the natural process of blood circulation and

cell regeneration slows down a lot which

hinder the fertile being.

Cold Body Temperature

The layer of fat in the body regulates the

body temperature. Skinny or anorexic body

feels cold even if the external environment is


Heart Disease and Diabetes

Most skinny people think they can eat

whatever they want so they feed on junk.

This habit leads to accumulation of fats in

their other bodily organs such as heart

causing various diseases and disorders.

Heart Disease and Diabetes

Diabetes too is associated with inappropriate

insulin release which has no relation being

just with obese people only.

Menstruation Problem

Menstruation problem among skinny

women is common where they usually

skip their periods at times.


Our physical appearance has a close

relation with our psychological

scenario. Depression may lead to loss

of appetite, and being underweight too

can cause depression due to so much

consciousness about the looks.


If a person is too malnourished, he or

she gradually develops various body

disorders and ultimately death. Usually

anorexic people go through this in which

they get scared of putting on weight and

so skip the meals frequently.

Natural Ways to Avoid Being


Eat meals of nutritive value

Eat more frequently in small amounts

Have smoothies and milk shakes

Keep away from sugary treats



NaturoGain, the world’s finest health website,

strongly recommends the use of ayurvedic

herbs to gain weight. Herbal remedies are not

only safe and effective but these types of

treatments also help in keeping your body in

harmony as well.

FitOFat Capsules

FitOFat capsule is a herbal remedy for curing

underweight problem and it is quite proficient

in gaining weight. Its regular intake would

surely help you in getting the desired results

with no side effects if you use it strictly as per


Key Features of FitOFat Capsules

Help in gaining weight

Develop lean muscle mass

Regulate the metabolism

Reduce stress, anxiety and depression

You can buy FitOFat Capsules

from NaturoGain.com

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