10. haskell Modules

Modules Sebastian Rettig A Haskell module is a collection of related functions, types and typeclasses. A Haskell module is a collection of related functions, types and typeclasses.

Transcript of 10. haskell Modules

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Sebastian Rettig

A Haskell module is a collection of related functions, types and typeclasses.

A Haskell module is a collection of related functions, types and typeclasses.

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Functional Programming

● No Variables● Functions only, eventually stored in

Modules– Behavior do not change, once defined

– → Function called with same parameter calculates always the same result

● Function definitions (Match Cases)● Recursion (Memory)

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Haskell Features

● Pure Functional Programming Language● Lazy Evaluation ● Pattern Matching and Guards● List Comprehension● Type Polymorphism● Curried Functions

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Nice to remember (1)

Applicative Context:

– Maybe, Either for things which can fail

– [] as non-deterministic result

– IO as values send or get from outside

● Applicative functors allows us to operate in applicative types like normal types and provide the context!

● → We don't need to pattern match against the Context in every operation we use in our functions!

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Nice to remember (2)

Typeclasses:● define properties of the types

● an interface for types who have some behavior in common:

– Eq can be compared

– Ord can be ordered (>, <, >=, <=) (extending Eq)

– Show can be shown as string

– Read opposite of Show

– Functor something that can be mapped over

– Applicative handle functions wrapped in a Functor

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Nice to remember (3)


1. derive from existing Memberships of used types

data Vector2D = Vector Float Float deriving (Show, Eq)

2. implement Membership by your own

instance Show Vector2D where

show Vector a b = “x: ” ++ [a] ++ “ ; y: ” ++ [b]

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Nice to remember (4)

Curried Function:

● every function in haskell consumes exactly one parameter and returns a value


● so we could write the function header instead of:

max :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a

● also in the following way:

max :: (Ord a) => a -> (a -> a)

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Nice to remember (5)Pointless Style:

● based on partial Application → simpler code

maxWithFour x = max 4 x is the same as

maxWithFour = max 4

● use Function Application ($) to avoid Parenthesis on function call with parameters

sqrt $ 3 + 4 + 9

● use Function Composition (.) to avoid Parenthesis on chaining functions

fn = ceiling . negate . tan . cos . max 50

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Nice to remember (6)Kind:

● explains the steps which are necessary to evaluate the data from that type

● → evaluate = the type is fully applied

● can be used to find out the parameter-count of a type

● GHCi- Command :k

● :k Int returns Int :: *

● data MyVector4 a b c = Nirvana4| Single4 {x'' :: a} | Tuple4 {x'' :: a, y :: b} | Triple4 {x'' :: a, y'' :: b, z'' :: c}

:k MyVector4 returns MyVector4 :: * -> * -> * -> *

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Nice to remember (7)DO-Notation:

main :: IO ()main = do putStrLn “Say me your Name!” name <- getLine putStrLn $ “Hello” ++ name

● do syntax glues IO actions together

● bind operator <- get the data out of IO and bind result to a placeholder

● :t getLine returns getLine :: IO String

– name has the type String

● ! The last action in a do-block can not be bound !

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Nice to remember (8)

Fold & Scan:● foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a

● foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

● scanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> [a]

● scanr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]

● folding is a general approach for simple recursion

● scan is like fold, but returns the accumulator state of every recursion step instead of the accumulator

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Modules (1)● types and functions are managed in modules

● main module can load other modules

● prelude.hs loads mostly used modules on startup

● import modules at the beginning of a File:

import Data.List

● Selective Import of only some functions of module

import Data.List (nub, sort)

– import only functions nub and sort

– import Data.List hiding (nub)

– import all functions but not nub

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Modules (2)● use qualified imports if you have name conflicts

● often occurs on import modules which are already selective imported by prelude.hs

import Data.Map as M

– use reference to call qualified imports, e.g.

M.filter (>5) [3,6,2]

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Modules (3)● create own modules, e.g. File Geometry.hs

module Geometry( sphereVolume, sphereArea) where//Implementation

● modules in a namespace must be in same parent Folder, e.g. module Geometry.Sphere( volume, area) where

– Sphere.hs in folder Geometry

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Functor Typeclass (1)class Functor f wherefmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

● general Interface for things that can be mapped over

● !!! Functor needs Types with kind * -> * !!!

● fmap gets a function and a type and maps the function over the type variable

● Instance for List:

instance Functor [] wherefmap = map

– Example: fmap (*2) [2,3,4] returns [4,6,8]

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Functor Typeclass (2)class Functor f wherefmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

● Instance for Maybe

instance Functor Maybe wherefmap g (Just x) = Just (g x) fmap g Nothing = Nothing

● Example:

– fmap (+3) Nothing returns Nothing

– fmap (+3) (Just 4) returns (Just 7)

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Functor Typeclass (3)class Functor f where

fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

● Example:

– fmap (+3) (Left 4) returns (Left 4)

– fmap (+3) (Right 4) returns (Right 7)

● what happens, if we try to do that?fmap (+) (Just 4)

● let's look at the type: :t fmap (+) (Just 4)fmap (+) (Just 4) :: Num a => Maybe (a -> a)

● partial application, BUT we can not use the Functor instance on the result Just (4+)

● → we need an extension → Applicative Functors

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Applicative Functor (1)class (Functor f) => Applicative f where

pure :: a -> f a(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

● pure is a function who wraps a normal value into applicative

– creates a minimal context

● (<*>) takes a functor with a function in it and another functor

– extracts that function from the first functor

– and then maps it over the second one

● pure f <*> x equals fmap f x → specific function exists:

(<$>) :: (Functor f) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f bf <$> x = fmap f x

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Applicative Functor (2)● Instance for Maybe

instance Applicative Maybe wherepure = JustNothing <*> _ = Nothing(Just f) <*> something = fmap f something

● Instance for IO

instance Applicative IO wherepure = returna <*> b = do f <- a x <- b return (f x)

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Applicative Functor (3)Examples:

● Just (+3) <*> Just 9 returns Just 12

● pure (+3) <*> Just 10 returns Just 13

● Just (++"hah") <*> Nothing returns Nothing

● [(+100),(^2)] <*> [1,2,3] returns [101,102,103,1,4,9]

● pure "Hey" :: [String] returns ["Hey"]

● [(+),(*)] <*> [1,2] <*> [3,4] returns [4,5,5,6,3,4,6,8]

● (++) <$> Just "foo" <*> Just "bar" returns Just "foobar"

● main = doa <- (++) <$> getLine <*> getLineputStrLn $ "The two lines concatenated is: " ++ a

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Lifting a Function (Functor)● if we partial apply fmap, the header has the following structure

:t fmap (*2) results in fmap (*2) :: (Num a, Functor f) => f a -> f a

:t fmap (cycle 3) results in fmap (cycle 3) :: (Functor f) => f a -> f [a]

● → this is called lifting a function

● → we can predefine a function which gets a Functor and returns a functor

● → that means, we can bring normal functions inside the Wrapper (Context)

● → we lift the function up into the Context

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Lifting a Function (Applicative)● liftA :: Applicative f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

– same as fmap

– fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

● liftA2 :: (Applicative f) => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c

liftA2 f a b = f <$> a <*> b

– gets a function, with 2 parameters

– operates on 2 Applicatives

– result is also an Applicative

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[1] Haskell-Tutorial: Learn you a Haskell (http://learnyouahaskell.com/, 2012/03/15)

[2] The Hugs User-Manual (http://cvs.haskell.org/Hugs/pages/hugsman/index.html, 2012/03/15)

[3] The Haskellwiki (http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki, 2012/03/15)