10 Easy Ways to Perform Email Marketing

10 Easy Ways to Perform Email Marketing http://www.inboxcashtoday.com


Nowadays, how we communicate online is pretty much shaped by the emails that are flying around virtually. Fast and efficient email communications are not enough apparently, we are moving towards quality email responses that will make or break an email marketing campaign. Let's find out ways how we can easily perform top-notch email marketing.

Transcript of 10 Easy Ways to Perform Email Marketing

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10 Easy Ways to Perform Email Marketing



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10  Ways  to  Perform  Email  Marketing  


Nowadays,  how  we  communicate  online  is  pretty  much  shaped  by  the  emails  that  are  flying  around  virtually.  Fast  and  efficient  email  communications  are  not  enough  apparently,  we  are  moving  towards  quality  email  responses  that  will  make  or  break  an  email  marketing  campaign.  Let's  find  out  ways  how  we  can  easily  perform  top-­‐notch  email  marketing.  


1.  Keep  responses  to  email  inquiries  clear  and  simple.  Always  avoid  long  sentences;  shorter  sentences  are  easier  to  read  and  understand.  


2.  Make  sure  the  subject  of  your  email  is  short,  and  that  it  focuses  on  a  single  point.  Also  ensure  that  the  point  is  relevant  to  your  recipient.  Never  use  generic  subjects  for  your  email  responses.  


3.  Always  ensure  that  each  paragraph  has  a  thesis.  You  need  to  make  sure  that  there's  enough  space  between  each  paragraph.  This  makes  the  email  easier  to  read  as  it  doesn't  look  cluttered.  


4.  Avoid  the  temptation  to  explain  your  message  too  much  or  expand  it  beyond  what  is  needed.  Always  get  straight  to  the  point  and  make  the  message  embody  clarity.  Your  emails  should  never  read  like  a  letter  to  a  long-­‐lost  friend.  


5.  Always  use  declarative  sentences;  they  work  best  for  conveying  information  in  an  easily  understandable  way.  Write  in  a  simple  manner,  keeping  in  mind  all  levels  of  intellect.  Also  keep  in  mind  that  the  recipient  of  your  email  may  have  very  basic  English  skills  so  write  in  such  a  way  that  readability  is  enhanced.  


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6.  Whenever  one  of  your  clients  sends  you  an  upset  email,  remember  to  always  be  sensitive  to  their  emotional  needs.  In  addition  to  that,  be  prepared  to  admit  your  mistakes  and  give  clear  solutions  to  the  problem.  


7.  Always  answer  all  of  the  sender's  questions.  Oftentimes,  people  will  send  inquiry  emails  containing  more  than  a  single  question.  Responding  to  only  one  of  these  will  invoke  the  sender's  resentment  and  he  or  she  will  form  the  opinion  that  you  don't  care,  and  you'll  have  lost  a  customer.  


8.  In  the  case  that  more  follow-­‐up  will  be  beneficial,  list  everything  you  are  doing  to  correct  the  situation,  and  also  indicate  when  they  are  likely  to  receive  an  email  about  the  progress  of  their  inquiry.  


9.  Ensure  that  you've  read  through  everything  that  the  customer  has  sent  before  you  respond  to  it.  If  you  don't,  you  could  end  up  asking  for  information  that  has  already  been  provided,  and  this  will  only  serve  to  frustrate  the  customer  more.  


10.  Always  resist  the  temptation  to  refer  inquiry  emails  to  your  FAQ  unless  this  is  absolutely  necessary.  Your  sender  is  likely  to  have  searched  your  site  and  not  have  found  what  he  or  she  is  looking  for.  Sending  them  back  to  search  again  could  lead  to  further  frustration.  


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