10 Commandments of Effective Leadership by T.D. Jakes

T. D. JAKES’ 10 COMMANDMENTS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP Author | Speaker | Coach Follow Saji on Twitter @ saji_ijiyemi Saji Ijiyemi


The 10 commandments of effective leadership by T.D. Jakes are laws every leaders must abide by to lead effectively. These commandments were from the 2013 pastors and Leaders conference hosted by T.D. Jakes: Here are the 10 commandments of effective leadership --------------------------------------------------------------------- #1— Don’t Lead Beyond Your Own Exposure #2 — Don’t Choose Your Leadership Team Like You Choose Your Friends #3 — Don’t Reward Nepotism #4 — Don’t Avoid Confrontation #5 — Don’t Over-promise and Under-deliver #6 — Do Clearly Articulate Expectations #7 — Don’t Mistake Regimentation for Revelation #8 — Don’t Lead Forward Without Leadership Updates #9 — Don’t Lead Without Listening #10 — Do Cross-pollinate You can read more about the 10 commandments of effective leadership at http://www.sajigroup.com/leadership-success/10-commandments-of-effective-leadership/ Leave your comment on the 10 commandments. Do you think some commandments are left out? Is there any commandment that shouldn't be on the list? Have your say:

Transcript of 10 Commandments of Effective Leadership by T.D. Jakes

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Author | Speaker | Coach

Follow Saji on Twitter @saji_ijiyemi

Saji Ijiyemi

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The 10 Commandments of Effective Leadership

These Commandments are from T. D. Jakes’ 2013 Pastors and Leaders Conference. Learn them and live by them if you want to be an effective leader.

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#1— Don’t Lead Beyond Your Own Exposure

You need to be exposed beyond the people you lead or you forfeit your right to lead them. You need to look out from where you are because you will not lead any further than your own exposure.

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#2 — Don’t Choose Your Leadership Team Like You

Choose Your FriendsYou bring people on the team for function, not for friendship. If a team member decides to be your friend, that is wonderful thing but remember that effective leaders choose function over friendship.

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#3 — Don’t Reward Nepotism

Reward people for their performance, not for their personality. When you reward only your relatives and friends, you teach people that in order to be promoted around you, they have to be a kiss up to you.

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#4 — Don’t Avoid Confrontation

People expect you to be nice, but you can destroy your potential to lead effectively if, at the expense of being liked, you won’t confront what needs to be confronted.

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#5 — Don’t Over-promise and Under-deliver

Do people get what you advertised when they get you or is your advertisement better than your reality? If you can’t bring your reality up, then bring your advertisement down.

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#6 — Do Clearly Articulate Expectations

When you speak an expectation, you know what you meant but that doesn’t mean they heard what you said. Have people say back what they heard to make sure you are both on the same page.

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#7 — Don’t Mistake Regimentation for Revelation

When people always know what to expect when they come to your organization, you have a regiment. People will not follow something that does not move no matter how much they love it!

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#8 — Don’t Lead Forward Without Leadership Updates

When you get new information, find a way to update your people. If you are not sending out updates, you are building the mentality of your people around where you’ve been instead of where you want to be.

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#9 — Don’t Lead Without Listening

Even if you don’t like what somebody says, give them the chance to say it anyway. People will not follow if they cannot be heard. Listening does not make you weak, it makes you wise. Let them say!

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#10 — Do Cross-pollinate

If you train your ears to only respond to one tune, you won’t be able to learn from other leaders outside of your domain. You might not agree with everybody but you can learn something from everybody.