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  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ



    James Tan


    2008 ~ 2011 All Rights Reserved

    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko

  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko


    By James Tanwww.SaveYourLeopardGecko.com

    2008 ~ 2011 All Rights Reserved

  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko



    To Save Your

    Leopard Geckos Life!

    Discover The Reasons 86.5% of The Leopard Geckos

    Die Within 2 Years in Captivity

    and How You Can Save Yours

    Using The Undiscovered Secrets That

    Most of The Professional Breeders Never Share With You.

    - JAMES TAN -


  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko


    BONUS 4: Top 50+ Frequently

    Asked Questions (FAQ)?


    How many leopard geckos can you house in one enclosure?

    ANSWER 1:

    It all depends on the size of the cage. If you have a 10gal. tank, then I would recommend that you put around

    2 in one. If it is a 20gal. long then I would recommend that you put up to 2 or 3 geckos per tank.


    Reptile carpet. I noticed that when she walks once in a while her nail will get caught on the liner. It is just fora millisecond and she gets out. Should I let her get used to the carpet?

    ANSWER 2:

    If there is no injury to your gecko, you can leave it in. If you are really concerned, you can replace it with

    paper towels or newspaper.


    Warm side or cool side to place the moist hide?

    ANSWER 3:

    Warm side.


    My leopard gecko is losing its fat tail. What happen? How to prevent it from happening?

    ANSWER 4:

    Your leopard is losing its fat reserve and should taken to the vet to be tested for worms and parasites.


    Where to shop for cheap enclosure for leopard gecko?

    ANSWER 5:

    Many Leo owners use Rubbermaid or Sterilite shoe and sweater boxes. They are inexpensive and easy to

    store. A 15 qt. is sufficient for 1 adult gecko. A 35 qt. can house 3-4 adult geckos.

  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko



    Ive placed another new gecko with my existing gecko. The old gecko is bitten seriously

    and seems quite weak now. I have separated them and after 2 weeks of being

    separated she is not eating and her eyes are completely shut and do not open ever.

    Need help.

    ANSWER 6:

    Have your gecko seen by the vet. She may have an infection.


    In the past few months though, my leopard gecko has molted three times now, back to back. Ive been

    unable to learn more about this and the only two options given to me were 1. his size or 2. hes dying. Gee-

    not too reassuring. Can you help?

    ANSWER 7:

    Geckos can shed every 2 to 3 weeks especially if they are still growing. If he is eating and has a fat tail, hes



    My female leopard gecko had developed some sort of bulge in her mouth and it makes it difficult, almost

    impossible for her to catch her food. Can you tell me what this is and is there hope for her getting better?

    ANSWER 8:Have your gecko seen by your vet. It may be an abscess or the beginnings of mouthrot.


    My Gecko is not as active and is not eating, however it has good color and the tail is thick. It is swollen in the

    rectal area as well. Would it be constipated? If so how do I rectify the problem?

    ANSWER 9:

    What substrate it your gecko housed on? If it is a loose substrate, it may be impacted. Try soaking your

    gecko in warm water and feed it a few drops or olive or mineral oil. If this does not help, visit your vet.

    QUESTION 10:

    My leopard gecko is very skinny. My vet already dewormed her and recommended me to force feeding her,

    but she split out all the food (cricket and mealworm). And end up she died. Is it because of parasite inside

    the tank cause the problem? Please help.

    ANSWER 10:

    She may have contracted Cryptosporidiosis or commonly known as crypto. It is hard to diagnose and the

    parasite cant be totally eliminated with treatment. Prognosis is grim.

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    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko


    QUESTION 11:

    My leopard gecko is about 6 years old and her eye has been closed for about 10

    months. When she opened it I noticed some dirt from her cage in her eye. I went

    to the pet store and have been putting drops in her eyes for a while and nothing

    is happening. I want to know how to take care of it so she doesnt end up getting


    ANSWER 11:

    After this much time your pet should have already seen a vet. Take her now.

    QUESTION 12:

    I recently changed the sand in my LG aquarium 3 days ago and since then hes been hiding in a corner and

    not sleeping in his little shelter like usual. Should I be concerned?

    ANSWER 12:

    Your gecko may be a little stressed right now. If he seems healthy otherwise, dont be overly concerned.

    Keep an eye on him to make sure that no problems develop.

    QUESTION 13:

    I have had my gecko for about 3 months. I have been putting in the small crickets about 6 every 2 to 3 days

    but when I put them in he does not bother with them and if he is in his little hideaway and a cricket goes inhe comes out.

    ANSWER 13:

    Adult geckos have a slower metabolism than younger ones. Sometimes they will fast for a few weeks or

    even up to a month. Check the temperature in his cage to make sure it is right on both sides. If he starts to

    look thin or his tail begins to shrink, take him to the vet.

    QUESTION 14:

    I have a very sick gecko. He wont eat by himself, hes lost weight, and his legs are screwed up. Got anyideas?

    ANSWER 14:

    Yes, take him to the vet ASAP. Your gecko sounds like he has a calcium deficiency or MBD and needs

    immediate treatment.

  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko


    QUESTION 15:

    I have 2 lizard geckos a male and a female. Both nearly 4 years of age. As of 10 days or

    more they will not eat or drink on lethargic. I have taken her to vet. Vet knows nothing

    gave her anti worm medicine and calcium shot. My male started acting same way 5-6 days

    after she did what can it be? I have been dropper feeding her baby chicken food soon I will

    start him what should I do?

    ANSWER 15:

    Have your vet run an acid-fast test for Crypto. It is a parasite that usually kills gecko even with treatment.

    QUESTION 16:

    Someone once told me that aspen was a good substrate for Geckos as if they swallow it, it will do them no

    harm. Is this true? Or is kitchen paper absolutely perfect in every way apart from looks?

    ANSWER 16:

    Wood shavings can be ingested and cause impaction. They can also raise the humidity and temperatures to

    unsafe level in your enclosure. Kitchen paper may not be pretty but its safe.

    QUESTION 17:

    I am worried about my gecko as he does not seem to be eating, I have tried crickets and wax worms but he

    shows no interest, I have had him 2 weeks and dont want him to starve, what can I do?

    ANSWER 17:Check the temperature in his cage to make sure it is right on both sides. If the temperature is too cool, the

    gecko wont eat. Geckos will sometimes fast for a few days up to a month. If he starts to look thin or his tail

    begins to shrink, take him to the vet.

    QUESTION 18:

    It was a dry hide she laid them in and I just moved all the substrate to a container and put a light on it for

    heat. The eggs are misshapen (probably from being stepped on before we found them). Any advice?

    ANSWER 18:

    You can try to incubate the eggs, there is no guarantee that they will hatch. Make sure you placed them

    exactly how they were found because the embryo attaches to one side and can die if you turn it over.

    QUESTION 19:

    My leopard gecko doesnt like to sit by the light he likes to sit in the dark side of the tank is that a bad sign?

    ANSWER 19:

    Leopard geckos are nocturnal and spend their days sleep in underground burrows. They do not like bright

    light. If he is healthy, I wouldnt worry.

  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko


    QUESTION 20:

    My leopard gecko doesnt move in last 12 hours. Is there anything happen to


    ANSWER 20:

    Your gecko may be cold because the temperature is too low or he may be ill. If

    your temperatures are correct, then your gecko is sick and you need to get it to a


    QUESTION 21:

    Do you gut load mealworms, or only crickets?

    ANSWER 21:

    You can gut load mealworms. Mealworms can be gut loaded by adding high levels of vitamins and minerals

    to their substrate. It might be necessary to move the desired amount of worms to a smaller container.

    QUESTION 22:

    Is the moistened peat moss necessary or will the Gecko be ok without it?

    ANSWER 22:

    Moistened peat moss is necessary in your moist hides and egg boxes.

    QUESTION 23:

    I am only looking for something that would essentially just light the vivarium rather than heat it. Would you

    be able to offer any advice on what to get and from where along with any timers etc.?

    ANSWER 23:

    A cool white fluorescent or low wattage incandescent bulb would work well for lighting. Timers and lighting

    can be purchased at pet supply stores like Petsmart and Petco.

    QUESTION 24:

    My leopard gecko has recently shed its skin and its eyes seem to be covered closed. It doesnt drink a lot of

    fluid and lacking eating is there anything I can do?

    ANSWER 24:

    Try to soften the skin with warm water and gently remove it. If this doesnt help, take her to the vet.

  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko


    QUESTION 25:

    My gecko is 9 years old, she has dropped weight. It seems cant to remove her skin as she

    could before. Not eating. Her tail was huge and healthy a few weeks ago......I think she is

    dying. Please tell me what I can do.

    ANSWER 25:

    Seek veterinary care immediately.

    QUESTION 26:

    What wattage of lizard bulb should be used for leopard geckos? We have a 20 watt and I think it may be too


    ANSWER 26:

    As long as your temperatures are okay and it doesnt bother your gecko, its okay.

    QUESTION 27:

    Our gecko is shedding, but the skin underneath looks very thin. Our gecko is no longer happy; he is not

    moving around and is not eating. Any suggestions?

    ANSWER 27:

    Have your gecko seen by the vet because it may be suffering from dehydration.

    QUESTION 28:

    My leopard gecko is shedding skin over her head at the moment and Im getting increasingly worried about

    the skin around her eyes. Its peeling off her eyelids but along the bottom of her eye the skin has come off

    but is stuck folded upward in to her eye. The skin has gone dry and is making her eye close up. Just

    wondered if there was anything I could do to move the process along?

    ANSWER 28:

    Try moistening the skin and gently removing it. If this doesnt help, she will need veterinary care.

    QUESTION 29:

    I got a leopard gecko from someone and it wont eat. I have tried meal worm and crickets. He is very poor in

    size and I am giving him vitamins. Do you have any other suggestions?

    ANSWER 29:

    Have him examined by a vet. He may have parasites.

  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko


    QUESTION 30:

    We have a leopard gecko that appears to have been bitten on the tail by his tank-

    mate. We are wondering if we should treat the wound with anything. It does

    seem to be healing; however the skin has not completely re-grown.

    ANSWER 30:

    If you havent already, separate the injured Leo from the others. Contact your

    vet about treatment options. Try to keep it clean.

    QUESTION 31:

    My leopard gecko is about 5 inches long and is skinny, not unhealthy skinny but smaller then I think she

    should be. I hear that leopard geckos are supposed to get at least 9 inches long. So whats the problem with

    my gecko?

    ANSWER 31:

    Most geckos average at about 6-7 long at full size. Most dont reach full size until they are at least 18

    months old. Make sure she is getting a well-balanced diet and is eating enough. Have a check-up to make

    sure that she is parasite free.

    QUESTION 32:

    I have 2 leopard geckos for about 6 months one has not been eating for a few days then tonight it laid an egg

    I dont know what to do. Please help.

    ANSWER 32:

    You either have a breeding pair or two females and the conditions were right for egg laying. If its a breeding

    pair, you will have to incubate the egg for it to hatch. If you only have two females, the egg is infertile.

    QUESTION 33:

    My geckos superworms always climb out and hid under the substrate. What should I do?

    ANSWER 33:

    Place the worms in a steep-sided glass container that is buried level with the substrate. This will preventthem from escaping.

    QUESTION 34:

    My leopard gecko has two large sacks that formed behind his rear legs at the base of his tail? What is this?

    ANSWER 34:

    Your leopard gecko has probably reached sexual maturity. The two bulges are hemipenis or his reproductive


  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko


    QUESTION 35:

    My have a leopard gecko, about 5 to 6 years old. For a few days now his eyes seem foggy

    and only half open. I noticed this after a recent shedding. Im not sure if the gecko can see

    as he does not react to someones hand as he used to. Any idea?

    ANSWER 35:

    You need to have your gecko examined by a vet.

    QUESTION 36:

    My leopard gecko nose is bleeding and it is shedding at the same time. What can I do for the nose?

    ANSWER 36:

    Check your gecko for mites. They are tiny dots that can usually be seen by wiping the area with a light

    colored cloth. Mites can be removed with gently rinsing or bathing with lukewarm/tepid water. Clean and

    disinfect the enclosure carefully.

    QUESTION 37:

    Can I use calcium enriched bird sand for my geckos vivarium?

    ANSWER 37:

    All sand can cause impaction when ingested. Birds need sand and gravel to help with digestion, lizards do


    QUESTION 38:

    Should I do 10 min warm water soak for leopard gecko as discussed in forum? How to do that?

    ANSWER 38:

    Fill a shallow dish with enough warm water to come up to your geckos belly. Do not let your gecko soak

    unattended or put too much water in. Leopard geckos are not good swimmers.

    QUESTION 39:

    I believe that my leopard gecko has become impacted and Im not sure what to do to help her. Please help.

    ANSWER 39:

    Try soaking your gecko in warm water that comes up to her belly. Feed her a few drops of olive or mineral

    oil. If this does not help loosen her up, take her to the vet.

  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko


    QUESTION 40:

    Can I put my smaller gecko in with my bigger leopard gecko tank? I want to have

    just one tank and thus give them more attention and a friend. Could it work?

    ANSWER 40:

    Move with extreme caution. Your larger gecko could injure or bully your smaller

    one. Your smaller gecko could end up loosing in the end. A good idea would be

    to wait until they were about the same size. You can a house a male/female pair

    together, if you dont mind them breeding, or 2 females. Never house 2 males together.

    QUESTION 41:

    My leopard Gecko lays eggs about every year and is this normal if she is not by any other geckos? I do have

    2 other Geckos in other cages but they are albino. Do you have to mate them with the same exact kind?

    ANSWER 41:

    A female leopard gecko will lay eggs without mating if the conditions are right. You only need to mate your

    albinos with the exact same kind if you only want them to breed true. Otherwise, you can breed any morph

    of leopard gecko.

    QUESTION 42:

    I accidentally unplugged my incubator overnight, probably 8- 10 hours. Have 1-2 week leopard and crested

    gecko eggs in there. Think I killed them? The room is probably 65 degrees outside the incubator.

    ANSWER 42:

    The eggs are probably not any good anymore. You can continue to try and hatch them if you want.

    QUESTION 43:

    My leopard gecko seems to be lethargic and has not eaten for almost 10 days now. The tail is starting to

    shrink a little as well as the midsection. We have tried to force feed it some Dr. Flukers emergency gecko

    food, but it passes it within about 2 minutes and excretes what appears to be all of it. Vet has hand/force fed

    it to acquire a stool sample. He determined that it did not have any kind of parasite and could not give us

    any advice other than to try and feed it back to health?

    ANSWER 43:

    Check the cage temperatures. If the gecko is too cold, it wont eat or move. If the temperatures are high

    enough, ask your vet to perform an acid-fast test. This will test for the parasite Crypto. This is had to

    diagnosis and pretty much impossible to treat.

  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko


    QUESTION 44:

    I had wanted to use river rock as substrate the kind you can get in a mesh bag and its all

    approximately quarter sized, I was wondering if this was suitable?

    ANSWER 44:

    Yes, just monitor the temperatures to ensure that they dont hurt your gecko.

    QUESTION 45:

    My leopard gecko seems to have a growth covering one of his eyes. Is this normal?

    ANSWER 45:

    No, you should seek veterinary attention.

    QUESTION 46:

    I just adopted a leopard gecko that was being attacked by his tank mate (both males) part of his tail has

    fallen off and more is falling off. Is there any ointment I can buy to help him?

    ANSWER 46:

    He will probably loose his whole tail. Contact your vet for treatment advice.

    QUESTION 47:

    Do Leopard Geckos bite, and if they do, does it hurt? (Can include in section - Handling)

    ANSWER 47:

    Yes, geckos can bite. Geckos have a surprisingly powerful bite for their size. It wont require medical

    attention or stitches but it may draw some blood.

    QUESTION 48:

    My leopard gecko will not eat or drink and basically just lays there. It will not use its hind legs and tends to

    quiver as it lays there. Any help?

    ANSWER 48:

    Your gecko needs medical attention immediately.

  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko


    QUESTION 49:

    How can I convince my parents those leopard geckos are nice, clean, easy to care

    for, and fun to have. I find it hard to convince my parents. Please help.

    ANSWER 49:

    Give them information on leopard geckos. Leopard geckos are among the easiest

    reptiles to care for and are great for beginners. Showing them that you can be a

    responsible pet owner by doing your own research will go a long way.

    QUESTION 50:

    Is it ok to put it in the drinking water and not on the crickets?

    ANSWER 50:

    Supplements are designed to dust feeder insects. Your gecko will not get the same benefits from it in its


    QUESTION 51:

    I noticed my leopard gecko digging constantly, burying the entrance to their tunnel. I emptied the tunnel and

    in no time, she had it buried again. Ive checked her over and cannot see any sign of eggs. Is there any other

    reason aside from being gravid that she would be digging like this?

    ANSWER 51:

    Leopard geckos are natural diggers. She is probably just entertaining herself.

    QUESTION 52:

    My leopard gecko was much brighter a few months ago than it is now. Right now it is a rather dull orange

    and not the bright orange Ive seen with geckos in the pet store. Im wondering if maybe theres something

    Im doing wrong. Ive provided her with under-tank heating, and she does not have a UV light.

    ANSWER 52:

    Your gecko is probably getting ready to shed. Check the humidity level in the tank and make sure she has a

    moist hide.

    QUESTION 53:

    How long would it take for my new leopard gecko to get use me because I bought her bout 2 days ago? And

    how can I get her to eat more?

    ANSWER 53:

    Give her time. It can take days, weeks, and even months for your new gecko to settle in and get used to you.

    Try offering her a variety of food and just give her time.

  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko


    QUESTION 58:

    My Leopard Gecko has lost its tail. What do I do?

    ANSWER 58:

    This is most often due to rough handling as opposed to cage mates squabbling.

    Leopard Geckos store all of their fat in their tails. Once the tail is lost they can no

    longer store fat (until it grows back) and thus are more prone to starvation. If

    the gecko lives alone the only thing you need to do is make sure that he/she is

    fed well and kept warm enough. If the gecko has cage mates it is best to separate him/her from the others

    so you can be sure he/she is eating enough and is not getting picked on. The tail will grow back although it

    will not look as attractive as it once did. It will be more bulbous and more of a solid color. Once it has grown

    back all the way the lizard is as good as new and may rejoin its cage mates.

    QUESTION 59:My Leopard Gecko has stopped eating. What do I do?

    ANSWER 59:

    Generally speaking, when Leopard Geckos dont eat it is environment related. Either it is too hot or too cool.

    It needs to RANGE from 95 on one side to low 70s on the cool side. If it is a small tank this is hard to do. If it

    is 95 on one side and 85 on the other the animal cannot cool down and will enter a state where they wont

    eat until it cools down. On the other hand if it is too cool, maybe 80s on one end to 60s on the other they

    might not eat as they know they cannot digest properly.

  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko


    By James Tan


    2008 ~ 2011 All Rights Reserved

  • 7/27/2019 10-Bonus 4 - Top 50 FAQ


    Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko
