10 benefits of studying music


Transcript of 10 benefits of studying music



People of all ages enjoy music – whether they’re listening to it, singing along or even dancing – but did you know that studying music has many educational and developmental benefits? Incorporating music education into the school curriculum does not only make learning fun for students but can also enrich a student’s academic performance and personal wellbeing.

1.     MEMORY TRAININGWhen performing or studying music, musicians are constantly using their memory to process and recall sheet music. If you play an instrument you have to simultaneously use the parts of the brain which control motor skills, audio information and memory. Research suggests that playing an instrument can actually change the shape and power of the brain.

2.     IMPROVED LANGUAGE SKILLSStudents who have musical training develop the left side of the brain quickly, which relates to language and reasoning. Students constantly use reading and comprehension skills when studying music. When you see the notes on the page, the musician has to recognise what it means in relation to their hands as well as reading the rhythm. A study published in the Psychology of Music, found children exposed to a program of music tuition displayed superior reading skills compared to their non-musically trained peers.

3.     WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHERTeamwork is an essential skill in life. Students involved in orchestras have to cooperate with their fellow musicians to make music. Each musical section and individual player has to learn to listen to each other and learn to play together.

4.     IMPROVED MATHEMATICS ABILITYDid you know reading music can help you maths skills? Learning sheet music combines counting notes and rhythms. Research suggests students who play instruments or study the arts often achieve better in maths. (Source: Friedman, B. (1959) An evaluation of the achievement in reading and arithmetic of pupils)

5.     SELF-CONFIDENCEMusical education can develop better communicational skills in students with encouragement from teachers and parents. Learning to play new pieces of music can be challenging but once even the simplest note has been mastered, it provides a sense of achievement. Playing an instrument gives children the opportunity to perform in bands or orchestras in front of audiences, which build self-confidence too.

6.     BUILDING IMAGINATIVE INTELLECTGiving a child the decision about which instrument they learn and the music they play fosters a positive attitude towards learning and intellectual curiosity. Music is an art form they can share with family and their friends, encouraging their creativity in all academic subjects as well as everyday life.

7.     PREPARATION FOR THE WORKING WORLDThe 21st century is becoming an ever increasing creative economy with employers expecting creative intuition and independent learning in all industries – something that learning music instils. There are more and more artistic careers being recognised, which is likely to only keep increasing.


Learning to play an instrument can be very challenging, therefore one of the qualities student musicians learn is self-discipline. To be successful requires practicing time and time again, but the sense of achievement reminds children that the hard work is definitely worth it.

9.     MUSIC IS RELAXINGParents never want to see their children stressed at any age but giving a child the freedom of music is the perfect relaxation – they can play whatever they like to express their emotions! Music is a great form of stress release and relaxation therapy.

10.    PROMOTES HAPPINESS IN SCHOOLMusic is a fun subject that students can get involved with hands-on by playing instruments, writing music and organising performances. At Kimichi, we apply music education to all subject areas to encourage our students’ interests and keep them engaged in school. Outside of school, music can promote happiness in the students’ lives and for those around them.


Find out more about Kimichi School on our website: http://www.kimichischool.co.uk/