10-1 Messages: The Good, The Bad, and The Persuasive.

10-1 Messages: The Good, The Bad, and The Persuasive

Transcript of 10-1 Messages: The Good, The Bad, and The Persuasive.

Page 1: 10-1 Messages: The Good, The Bad, and The Persuasive.


Messages:The Good, The Bad, and

The Persuasive

Page 2: 10-1 Messages: The Good, The Bad, and The Persuasive.


Informative & Positive Messages

Informative message - receiver’s reaction neutral

Positive message - receiver’s reaction positive

Neither message immediately asks receiver to do anything

Good news!

Page 3: 10-1 Messages: The Good, The Bad, and The Persuasive.


Primary Purposes To give information

or good news to audience

To have receiver view information positively

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Secondary Purposes To build good image of sender To build good image of sender’s

organization To build good relationship between

sender and receiver To deemphasize any negative elements To eliminate future messages on same


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Start with good news or the most important information

Clarify with details, background Present any negative points positively Explain any benefits Use a goodwill ending


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Not all messages end same way Goodwill ending –focuses on bond

between reader, writerTreats reader as individualContains you-attitude, positive emphasisOmits standard invitation

○ Ex: If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call.

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Negative Message Information conveyed is negative Audience’s reaction is negative

Message does not benefit themUsually they experience disappointment or


VarietiesRejections, refusals

Policy changes not benefiting customer

Poor performance appraisals

Disciplinary notices

Insulting, intrusive requests

Product recalls

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Primary Purposes To give reader negative news To have receiver read, understand, and

accept message To maintain as much goodwill as possible

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Secondary Purposes To build good image of

writer To build good image of

writer’s organization To avoid future messages

on same subject; save audience’s time

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Organizing Negative Messages: Clients & Customers

1. When you have a reason that the audience will understand and accept, give the reason before the refusal

2. Give the negative information, just once

3. Present an alternative or compromise

4. End with positive forward-looking statement

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Organizing Negative Messages: Superiors1. Describe problem clearly

2. Tell how it happened

3. Describe the options for fixing it

4. Recommend a solution and ask for action

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Organizing Negative Messages: Peers & Subordinates1. Describe problem objectively, clearly

2. Present an alternative or compromise

3. Ask for input or action, if you can May suggest helpful solutions Audience may accept outcomes better

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Context Crucial In Messages Do you and audience have good bond? Does organization treat people well? Has audience been warned about

possible negatives? Has audience accepted criteria for

decision? Will follow-ups build goodwill?

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Parts of Negative Messages Subject lines Buffers Reasons Refusals Alternatives Endings Apologies

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Tone in Negative Messages Tone—implied attitude of the

author toward the reader and subject

Show you took request seriously Use positive emphasis and you-

attitude Think about visual appearance Consider timing of message

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Persuasive Purposes Primary

To have reader act

SecondaryTo build good image of the communicatorTo build good image of communicator’s organizationTo cement a good relationship between

communicator and audienceTo overcome any objections that might prevent or

delay actionTo reduce or eliminate future messages on subject

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Three Aspects of Persuasion Argument—reasons or logic

communicator offers Credibility—audience’s response to

communicator as source of message Emotional appeal—making audience

want to do as communicator asks

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Use a Direct Request Pattern When… Audience will do what you ask without

resistance You need response only from people

who can easily do as you ask Busy people may not read all messages

they receive

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Use a Problem-Solving Pattern When…

Audience may resist doing what you ask You expect logic to be more important

than emotion in the decision

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Use a Sales Pattern When… Audience may resist doing what you ask You expect emotion to be more

important than logic in the decision

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Why Threats Don’t Persuade

Don’t produce permanent change May not produce desired action May make people abandon action Produce tension People dislike/avoid one who threatens Can provoke counter-aggression

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Organizing Direct Requests1. Ask immediately for the information or

service you want

2. Give audience all the information they need to act on your request

3. Ask for the action you want

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Developing Common Ground Suggest you and audience have mutual

interest in solving problem Analyze audience to understand biases,

objections, and needs Identify with readers; make them identify

with you

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Tone in Persuasive Messages

Be courteous Give solid reasons for requests Make requests clear Give enough information for audience to

act Tone down requests to superiors

I expect you to give me a new computer.If funds permit, I’d like a new computer.

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Sales and Fund-Raising Purposes Primary

To motivate reader to act (send donation, order a product)

SecondaryTo build good image of writer’s organizationTo strengthen commitment of readers who actTo make readers who do not act more likely to act

next time

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Organizing Sales/Fund-Raising Messages: Opener

Makes reader want to read entire message Types

QuestionsNarration, stories, anecdotesStartling statementsQuotations

Sets up transition to letter body

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Organizing Sales/Fund-Raising Messages: Body

Answers reader’s questions Overcomes reader’s objections Involves reader emotionally. Long letters work best: 4 pages ideal Short letters, e-mail work too

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Organizing Sales/Fund-Raising Messages: Body

Content usually includesInformation any reader can useStories about history of product or

organizationStories about people who use product Word pictures of readers enjoying benefits


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Organizing Sales/Fund-Raising Messages: Action Close

Tells readers what to do Makes action sound easy Offers readers reason to act now Ends with positive picture May recall central selling point

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Strategy in Sales Letters: Satisfying Need

Tell people of need product meets Prove that product satisfies that need Show why product is better than similar

ones Make reader want to have product

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Fund-Raising Letters Provide lots of information

To persuade readersTo give evidence readers can tell othersTo give image of strong, worthy cause to non-


Cite other ways reader can help

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Logical Proof in Fund-Raising LettersLetter body must prove that—

1. Problem deserves reader’s attention

2. Problem can be alleviated or solved

3. Your group is helping to solve problem

4. Private funds are needed

5. Your organization will use funds wisely

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Writing Style

1. Make text interesting Tight Conversational

2. Use psychological description: vivid word pictures

Describe audience benefits Describe problem product solves

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Writing Style, continued…3. Make message sound like a letter, not

an ad One person talking to another Informal: short sentences and words, even

slang Create a persona—character who writes

the letter