1 EnviroGrids: Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System...

1 www.envirogrids.net EnviroGrids: Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development Nicolas Ray, Gregory Giuliani, Anthony Lehmann University of Geneva / Climate Change and Climatic impacts / enviroSPACE group and United Nations Environment Programme / DEWA / GRID-Europe & the enviroGRIDS consortium Istanbul, October 8 th 2009
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EnviroGrids: Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment

Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development

Nicolas Ray, Gregory Giuliani, Anthony Lehmann

University of Geneva / Climate Change and Climatic impacts / enviroSPACE group


United Nations Environment Programme / DEWA / GRID-Europe


the enviroGRIDS consortium

Istanbul, October 8th 2009

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…exploring the past, present and future (hydrology) of the

Black Sea catchment

What is enviroGRIDS about?

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The enviroGRIDS project – factsFounded by the European Commission FP7 framework (Theme 6:environment)

April 2009 – March 2013

GEO work plan 2009-2011 (Ecosystem Vulnerability to Global Change/Vulnerability of Sea Basins/EC-09-02c)

Total budget of €8.1 mio. (€6.2 EC contribution) and 1367 man-months

27 partners, coordinated by University of Geneva

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Generic technical objectives

gap analysis developing a grid-enabled Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) spatially explicit regional scenarios of development modeling of large scale, high resolution distributed hydrologic

processes develop access to real time data from sensors and satellites develop early warning and decision support tools at regional,

national and local levels Build capacities in the implementation of many new standards

and frameworks

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Soil and Water Assessment Tool

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SDI challenges

• What data exist/are available in the region? What is the level of implementation of OGC standards?

• Access to data (or at least the metadata)

• Push for data harmonization, using the INSPIRE data specifications

• Interoperability: promote and build capacities on OGC and open standards (ISO 19115/19119/19139; web services WMS, WFS, WCS)

• Grid-enabling OGC web services

• Different cultures and behaviours

10 www.envirogrids.net

Infrastructure capacity building

To facilitate data and metadata harmonization based on INSPIRE

- Metadata tool(full web, extraction for the catchment or sub-catchment extent,support for CSW)

To ease the use of grid computing

- porting SWAT on the grid (+ other applications)

- enabling OGC web services on the grid, G-OWS initiative (gLite-OGC Web Services)

- to run jobs on the grid from desktop GIS software

11 www.envirogrids.net

Human capacity building

To help fill the gap in term of key data sets and services

To teach best practices in term of :

- Data harmonization for compatibility with GEOSS & INSPIRE

- Implementation of web services

- Use of distributed computing resources

12 www.envirogrids.net

Institutional capacity building

Endorsement of GEOSS Data Sharing Principles

Building regional network of GEO partners (establishment of National GEO committees)

Workshops with local and regional decision makers to raise awareness on the potential of the Observation System

13 www.envirogrids.net

MoU with ongoing projects• GENESI-DR

To enable the EnviroGRIDS community to discover/access and use data and services available in Digital Repositories federated to GENESI-DR. To federate in GENESI-DR new Digital Repositories that are linked to EnviroGRIDS

• IEEEHelp in organizing workshopsProvide experts for our Quality and Scientific Committee

• FP7 ACQWA (Assessing Climate impacts on the Quantity and quality of WAter)

• FP7 PEGASO (integrated coastal zone management)(still in negotiation!)

• FP7 SAFELANDS (changing pattern of landslide risk due to changes in demography and climate change)

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