1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod...

1 Week 6

Transcript of 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod...

Page 1: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.

1Week 6

Page 2: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3

Jesus is baptized by John

John is imprisoned by Herod

Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father of Mary, through David and all the way back to Adam (75 generations)

Page 3: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


The Temptation of Jesus Luke 4:1- 13

After His baptism, Jesus was “full of the Holy Spirit”

Was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.

Fasted 40 days

Tested during (Luke 4:2) and after (Luke 4:3-8; Matt. 4:2-3) fasting

Page 4: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


Three Devices of Temptation

Tempted in all ways such as we are (Heb. 4:15; Heb. 2:18)

1) Command these stones be made bread - Jesus’ response: “It is written..” quotes Deut. 8:3

2) Worship me and the Kingdoms of the world shall be yours. Jesus’ response: quotes Deut. 6:13

3) Cast yourself from the temple and see if angels will stop your fall. Devil quoted Psm. 91:11,12 Jesus’ answer – “It is written…” quotes Deut. 6:16

Page 5: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


Three Devices of Temptation

Gen. 3:6

- Good for food

- Delight to the eye- Desired to make

one wise

1 John 2:15,16- Desire (or lust) of the flesh

- Desire of the eyes

- Pride of life (in possessions

Page 6: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


Temptation of Jesus

Did this end the temptation of Jesus? V.13 The devil departed from Jesus for a

season – or “until an opportune time.” (NKJV) Other occasions: Lk. 10:25; Matt. 16:1; 19:3;

22-35; Jn. 8:6. At the last supper: “continue with me in my

temptations (trials), Lk. 22:28.

Page 7: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


Jesus’ MinistryIn the “power of the Holy Spirit.”

Fame went throughout all the region

First miracle recorded in Jn. 2:1-12.

Honored Him at first; later rejected Him (Matt. 13:54-58).

Page 8: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


Jesus’ Ministry

First time during His ministry, during which He: Cleansed the temple of money changers and those

who sold oxen, sheep and doves. Taught Nicodemus that he must be born again (Jn.

3:1-21). He and His apostles were baptizing (Jn. 3:22). After John is cast into prison by Herod (Lk. 3:19-20), Jesus returns to Galilee (Matt. 4:12; Mk. 1:14-15). Samaritan woman at the well (Jn. 4:1-42) Heals the nobleman’s son (Jn. 4:43-54).

John 2:13-25 - After wedding feast in Cana,

Jesus went up to Jerusalem for the Passover.

Page 9: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


In NazarethNews of Jesus spread throughout the region of Galilee.

Taught in their synagogues and was praised by all.

Attends synagogue in His home town of Nazareth.

Page 10: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


In NazarethJesus read Isa. 61:1,2, a Messianic prophesy“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me” (Jn. 3:34).“anointed me to preach the gospel to the

poor” (Isa. 66:2; Matt. 5:3).“sent me to heal the brokenhearted” (Matt.

5:4; 2 Cor. 7:10)“to preach deliverance to the captives” (Heb.

2:14-15).“recovering the sight to the blind” (Jn. 9:39-

41).“to set at liberty them that are bruised” (Lev.

25:8-13; Jn. 8:32, 36).”to preach the acceptable year of the Lord”

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Further Ministry in GalileeNext section - 4:31 through 5:26

After being rejected in Nazareth, He settles in Capernaum A city on the north shore of Sea of Galilee

Page 12: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


Page 13: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


Further Ministry in GalileeNext section - 4:31 through 5:26

After being rejected in Nazareth, He settles in Capernaum A city on the north shore of Sea of Galilee Fulfilled prophesy of Isaiah (Isa. 9:1,2)

• Teaches with authority (4:31,32)• People were amazed (Mark 1:22); “…and not as the


Page 14: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


Jesus in Galilee

Heals a man with an unclean spirit (4:33-37)Evil spirit used the man to speak out against

JesusKnew that He was the Holy One of God. Devils

believe and tremble (Jas. 2:19)Jesus rebuked the spirit and commanded it to

come out. Mark 1:27 says, unclean spirits “obey Him.”

His fame spread throughout the region.

Page 15: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


Bible’s teaching about demons: - Some translations use devils or unclean spirits

Very limited informationAllowed during the personal ministry of Jesus and His apostlesAbout 85 references to demons in NT; none in OT.Subordinate agents of Satan who shared his wicked nature.Superhuman powerPossessed some human traits, e.g. speaking, recognizing Jesus and trembling

Page 16: 1 Week 6. 2 Two Weeks Ago Completed Chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John John is imprisoned by Herod Genealogy of Jesus – Descending from Eli, the father.


Bible’s teaching about demons: - Some translations use devils or unclean spirits

Seized control of faculties and caused pain and suffering (Lk 8:26-38).No indication that being possessed caused one to sin.Purpose – CONFIRMATION, to illustrate the absolute supreme power of Christ over Satan and his forces (Matt. 12:28,29; Lk. 4:36)Ended in first century. Four examples recorded in Acts (5:16; 8:7; 16:16; 19:13-16).

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Jesus in GalileeHeals Peter’s mother-in-law (4:38-41) Sick with a high fever Jesus rebuked the illness and it left her immediately She arose and began to serve her guests.

Preaching and healing in Galilee (4:40-44)Devils that were cast out knew that He was the Christ (4:40,41)Why did Jesus rebuke the demons and not allow them to speak?Healed many (4:42-44)He healed every one who came to him or was brought to him – HE NEVER FAILED TO HEAL!!

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Jesus in Galilee

Calls first apostles in Galilee (5:1-11)The miraculous mess of fish (5:1-9)Calls them to be fishers of men (5:10-11)

Heals a man of leprosy (5:12-16)The most dreaded disease with a stigma

attached (unclean) (5:12-14)

Jesus’ fame spreads (5:15,16)Heals a paralyzed man – forgiving sinsLowered through roof (5:17-24)Healed immediately (5:25-26)