1 ti eniclirviOX r lliu ui uiuir tunii iiiiiiiihi i r is SOIBRERCf ......I j!#il>odl«t Episcopal...

I j!#il>odl«t Episcopal march, louih. \ Oo tbe :M:b July, Rev. W. W. Beooett, of ,[)f >J E. Church, South, delivered an address at the Court-House, at tbis place, setting { rtb tbe position of tbat Cburoh oo tbe slavey question, by invitation of numerous per8 o, who bad recently withdrawn from connection with tbe M. E. congregation here.. liter ibe address, thirty or more mem- j far* w-re organized an a congregation. ! .S;Bce tbat time tbeir number has materialj, increased, aod a lot has been purchased, j ,'td a subscription started for tbe erection 0I a Church 10 tbis place. Tbes far con- j Stable success has attended their ef- j f$r:s. and ttev contemplate commencing Kitb Fut little dehy the erection of a free(f»tfd b u»e of worship for the one aod beot$: uf tbe members of the M. E Churcb, » utb, where toe public may find accommodation- I (.til suob bouse can be erected, ibe* bove obtained tbe use of tbe commodi30s sol CoD^' ftalde ball above tbe county c.uftr^tb lor preaching purposes, where tbej hope scon to have regulur services, conducted bv clergymen from tbe surrounding circuits, and by the presiding elder, Rev. Mr. Bennett, until tbey shall furnished in I Soteaiber next with a regular pastor by ap! poiotwent from the Virginia Conference, un' -hr,.e care tbe congregation here has Utfr w Mwbeen f rurally received. Prayer-meetings are be:J private bouses Monday aod TbursjiV oifbts of each week, and class-meetings >u'.J»v morning. The lot purchased is centrally loosted, situated od tbe weal side of BraJJ-'ck street, north of the intersection of taat street with Cork, and is easy of access fr ra ni *t parts ol the town.. Winchester Jtijiublli-Ult Klrrlng from the Pl«|u«. Letter- friin Bengbazy, via Malta, announce the breaking out of a very deadly j in that town and the neighboring vilisgw. carrying off from a somewhat thin populatijn tr in forty c > fifty persons ad iy, ar.j evidently of a c ntr.gtous nature* Few of the attacked survive utter tbe sixth day, aoddiubts were eutertained whether it was nut tbe pltigue. Tbe Board of Ileaith at Malta, alter establishing a mere quarantine tpfervation, has at the prayer of tbe Chamber ol Commerce, extended it to ten days, with the depuration id tbe laa tretto of all goods iod pafier.gers arriving from Benghasy. Accounts from Tripoli ol tbe Mb instant announce tbe arrival there of tbe E-igiieb aod French C^nsuis Irurn Bei giazy, fleeing from tbe epidemic < OJiJlhMOIAL. narktii, Baltimohk Angus! 7 .Flour is quiet and very irir Howard street $4 75<fr$5; Ohio, old, $4.:>j. new i Wheat is timi and unchanged; red ji'ji f while I3'dl4.'ic. Corn is improvi|.j « : ii^Tc yellow y56»'.»6c. Provisions buoyant Bacon bulk7ui.'i. Whi* icy closed hrm at 't' ji '7^ to iihc. .Niw York. August 7..Flour is firm; sales o' ' '' bi> '. Nate $4.".i.r>kf$4 35;.Ohio 'f!0.1G jy Null- ern i5u.'i3$5.30 Wheat is buoyir, s.irS of bushels; Western white 110 d.^jr <\»rit dull; sales Ol 20,000 bushels; mixed tea "'r.. white c.; yellow $1 00 Pork .iCuit, nir.ss $!7.:t7$<f$l7.4l); prime $15.. Whiskey is-lull at ^7Jc. Mocks are dull and OWr; Mo. ' s f»-' I Krnlrrli kalxti g Market* There is considerable activity in the wheat rnaistt Karno-i s pockets are tilled with samples, and our Commerce street merchants are called upon to examine and inure their prices with great rapidity They have thus lar exhibits: »» mucn pluck could be expected, lor tbe price ot Flour is not at all propoitionate to that pan! lor wheat, and ol course, tne chances are against 'nem Notwithstanding this, a good many ol our agnci.,; nal irieucs are slow to sell t ie hope ot U't-r prices in many cases I over-ruling taeir be?>r judgment. The largest price pan! lor lug purp««tw s. has been $1.3t>, am! the largest pric offered lor a lot of very pretty white, iron: Caroline w as $1.40.Frt 'd. HiralJ. .\ or folk Market, August ft. Business m Noitolk continues dull; many of tie hading mercnants are out or the city, and trie Mercian's Kxcbarge is almost deserted. iWf notice an increased activity, however, in :hecorn market, an.! note the arrival of 1U.U00 t/utheis to-day. a.I ol which changed hands at "to .'0 cts ior tellow, M eta. lor white, and >' < tor ri i.xed. N»w wheat is coming in with w. icrrt-asu t: activity,and notice sales to-day of *wa hundred bushels at $1 25 lor white and l lii tor red |Smi(rinwu (nnle Marktl, A«|unt ? I :! orient gs ot heel cattle at the drove yards, ' ''rilav. airi>unr'd to about 4'XI head, all of !, »d. M)(d at > 62 on the hoof, equal * f'iij' 7". uh;. itefi were purchased by the I' viict butchers. and the remaining 75 by Bal ? teaiis. % ») »heep and lambs were offeied, « »o.d a' r.i head. D" A t'AKl).Statements have appeared in '-f Ha'tiinoie papers, concerning the accident "*5.03 occurred on the Patapsco River, on Wed>*i»y the ith Ill-it. to the effect that the Pilot charge or the ihip Kllen Hoed, which was in * o: the tempest, under my command, had T'0»tal ;:if I'ilot Laws of the State of Mary* a 7ai,.i lid.i been imprisoned in Balfimere. I"* I dot was anested ami placed under t'Ut upon investigating the matter, the a! Pilots at whose instance he was arbecame fully satisfied that the infringe* *'l;' 01 tiietr rig!i;s bad been made through the I t Laws, and they imme;. contented to l.is discharge. '5' accidei t the boar by whicb one man "»ed waaadmitted by all with whom "^vetted, to have been the result of the grosI * are east >»> jp.>n tne part of those in the I "tten pting to cross the bows of the | '*? 5rid 1 when Lfnl' a at a cnaeH r»f five I ! "' S " ~ aitnout hailing or giving other an the Ship or Tug ol their por. alter the collision, the man . railed to his companion not to »'liTe w as no danger T i.r the pilot was imprisoned ed as the other particulars given, i !n> having bern placed in the m the night ot the accident lor a which he was at liberty to go e.ect, in company ot an otiicer, r slav^n Baltimore. "SAMUEL P BOW EN, Ci'P'ain Steam TugTempe«t. L. Tt.e Ladies will hold a FAIR ck Mation, Orange and Alexan* ->« U'fJnt st/ay and Thurtdity, the / .1ui:ust There will be a it ahuclks on hand. Icr ckkam, 'S \c. A good Di.nnkR will also i tie proceeds of the Fair will go hug an K.piscopal Church. The it general attendance. OLD GOV. JAVA COFFEE J sacks Green Rio do Laguvia do & " Old Maricaibo do d, and lor sele, by KNOX ^BRO_ RIME PORTO RICO SUGAR hes> Crushed Sugar, Lovering's C Yellow " bellow u Lovering's Loal Sugar. Just Wr sale, by [aug KNOX k BRO. 1 S H!!.Now landing per Schr. Bar. «ijtj bariels new P. E. Island sale by r LEWIS McKENZIE. *A>..A very superior ai'irle of H||g ( ans. lot preserving FRUITS '< and lot sale by H. 1. GREGORY. ALEXAJ By Saturday Kvenmg'a 91 all*. North Carolina Election..V\ euhj.v, A goat 6 .All tbe Democratic nominees ba been elected in Halifax cunt;. Judge f lit' majority over Mr. Mcltte, in tbe Cou ty ie 298. In tbe county of Nieb, L. N B. Battl esq , ie elected to the Senate, and G. N. Le< ia to tbe lluuse of Commons. In Wayne county. W. K. Layne, esq., b bean elected to the Senate, and DortcU at Thompson to the C >rr.uione< Io tbe county of Northampton, Judge Ell has 300 majority. Tbe Democrats seem to bate trium h< everywhere so lar as heard from, and Judj Jobn W. Elite, bus no doubt been electi Governor over the Hon. Mr. McRae, by a to jority of many thousand. Albemarle County..Tbe Grand Jul found an indictment vs. John Thomas fi assault and battery, and presentments v James F. Priddy ftr murder, against Wt Criddle for felony, and ugcinet Thornton V Bowen for obstructing a public road. Bent warrants were issued against i'riddy ai Criddle. Tbe 6rst application for license to retu ardent spirits, under tbe new law, cimc u and tbe Court decided to enforce tbe law, ar required bond with approved security and tl prescribed oaths, which were complied wit by tbe applicants. Tbe trial oi Parks Marshall, charged wil the commission of a rape upou Mrs. Bcddo was commenced on Tuesday morning; at the examination of a large number of wi uessee, and the speeches of counsel, occupit the time of the Court until Thursday. Tl accused was 6out on to the October Cirtu oourt for a final hearing, but was bailed ui in the sum ol $40o0, to appear at the Octobi Court. Yesterday alteruoou a special jut was empanucied to try the case ol the Con LQ'jnweaith vs. Archibald barker, charge with receiving stolen goods ol a 1-es vuii than $2U, knowing tbo same had been stole The case hns been depending in Court sirn March 1*50. The prisoner was couviott and sentenced to ninety days' imprisouuiei iu tbe eounty jail. George W. Garrett, a young man not y twenty-one years old, a highly esteemed ai most exemplary youth, (the son of the late D John B Garrett.) was stricken down, oh Natu day last, w hilst at Patterson's store, by a strol ol paralysis. His condition has been since ti attack extremely critical; and tears have bet entertained lest it prove fatal, but we are hap; to say that he is now slightly imp roved.. Cha lot'.esvillc Advocate. Shocking Accident..A shocking tice dent happened to Mr. Smeltz, near this plac on Monday last. Mr. S. was engaged feeding a Threshing Machine, on the fan of Mr. A. Lushbaugh, when by some act dent the cyliuder burst driving one of tl spikes through bis left jaw, the spike ento iog tbe chin arid ranging upwards carryir away tbe lower front teeth, and shatterir tbe jaw in a terrible manner. Anutlu spike was deeply buried in the shoulder the unfortunute man and could not he e trioated without endangering life. Mr. S. wi still living when last heard iroin, though bi taint hopes were entertained ol his recover .Staunton Vindicator. B ll> Koukekv..Yesterday morning, M Cauan of this city, who was about taking trip to Norfolk, gave bis trunk to a frco n gro, named Gilbert Steward, to carry to tl depot ot the South-Side Railroad. Tbe n gro took tbe trunk and walked rapidly ahes followed by Mr. C. and bis wife, but soon di appeared from their eight, and nltbouf! every effort was made to tiud him afterwan he could not be beard of. 'I be trunk, whit has tbe name of "Louisa C. Cannn, Norfol Va marked upon if, and having artiel in it ot tbe value of $260, has no d<<ubt bet stolen by tbe black rascal, who it is to hepcd will yet be found and suitably punis ed..Petersburg Int. Pro pect or the Corn Crop..We regr to learn that tbe, corn crop of tbe ncighbo bood promises very gloomily at present, gentleman from the county of Prince Grorg stated to us, on yesterday, that he bad nor seen it so backward, and that nothing ct now bring it up to half an averega yield.This is very much to be regretted ina-muc as the wheat crop turned out so poorly.. 1 tersbury Dan. Dead..We regret to state that tbe nog girl who was eo badly burned on Thuredn has since died of ber injuries, ller suffc ings were excruciating, n< tw iilit-tar.diig n tbe relief wbieb the promt test nr d most ef cieot medical aid could all'ord..l'cttrsbm Vent. Lightning..A hi«u»«e in 2G:h, Chun Hill, and another in 27th street,same localit and about one hundred yards oil were strut, simultaneously by lightning during the stor on Tuesday night. The rcufe a'one were i jured..Richmond South. Tbe health of tbo Hon. John M. Fatten improving. almanac. ls.r»^ Sit vis OKI AUGUST. riiu ttlt Moon s Phases. 9 Monday...,5 10'fi 5ul o. h. k 10 Tuesday.... 5 11 6 49 First jr.. 16 6 32 11 Wednesday .I 12 0 4S Fu : 24 9 2 12 Thursday. f> 13 0 47 Last qr. 2 9 JO 13 Friday.... 14 0 40 N w 7 4 14 Saturday.. 15 6 45, high water. 12 Sunday... 10 o 44 A I'GUST 9 7n 25 latest uatkf. London July 24 llttvr* July Liverpool July 24 | Ne» Orleans July 91akiak lint. port of alexandria.august 7 Arrived. Schr. Flanet Mars, Cohagan, New York, S. Shinn. Sailed. Brig Catherine Rogers, Britt, Bos-ton, coal 4 I ^..A A'. buwc. Brig Stephen Young, Perry, Bo.-ron, coal 1 T. J Mehaffey. Schr. S. G. King, Andrews, Philade'phia, S. Shinn. Scbr. Mary E Burr, Nickerson, Bottom M. Eldridge. Schr. Fleetwood, Burr, Boston, by M. ] dridge. Schr. J B. and F. L , Pharo, Providence, cc by Fowle & Co. Schr. John J. Williams, Curtis, New Yo: coal by Borden Mining Co. % Schr. William Allen, Grant, Boston, coal Fowle k Co Steamer Diamond Stat?, Kerwin, Baltitno by Wheat it Bro. Mkmobakha. Brig Andover, Crowell, hence at Baltimo 5th inst. Schr. N. M. Tavenner, Todd, hence at Ba! more. 5th iat t Schr. George and Emily, cl'd at Boston, this port. 4th inst. Scbr. M C. Durlee, cl'd at Fall River, ior t pnit, 4th inst. Schr. Wm. H. Ruttan. cl'd at Philadelpb for thi* rort, 4th inst jr* FDR BOSTO N..The fast saili Packet, Schooner H. F. PAYTON, Nn erson, master, will have despatch to the ab< i ort For freight or passage, apply lo aug V M. EL1)R11>G£, Union Wharf iDRIA GAZETTE tiUCAL IT>£.nS. u- C unty Court..In the County Court, 01 re Saturday, the Grand Jury presented an it dictment against Leviliordle, the C -unty jai c- or, for negligence in suffering James Trao raell and J is. Smith to escape from jai], am against Win. Johnson, the Watchman at th jail, for the same effenoe; also an irsdictmeo as against Rose Harper and Sandfcrd Brovrn id f.r keeping a house ol ill-fame. They ata made a report on the condition of the jail stating that it required thorough clensing . »d Ttie Grand Jury having nothing lurcher ti je present, were discharged. Mi .hard Murray iC^ charged with steuling a gill nett, the proper 17 of Captain Wm. Simmons, was examinei aod sent on for trial at the next term of tbi ry Circuit Court. Severul unimportant civil oa or sea were decided, and the Cjurt adjourned t( s. meet this morning at 10 o'clock n. \\ Alexandria Canal Company..An ad sit j purned general meeting of the St ickhoideri IU of the Alexandria Canal Company, will h< U heid nt the Council Cuatuber, to-lay, at 11 p o'clock. id _ - ie Land Sai.es .A great deal of valuable ih Land, in toe neighboring countiee, in now advertised for sale. We refer all desirous o making investments in Virginia lands, t< j our advertising columns. At the Alexandria lliou Scuooi., C. S. Ilal le lowell, principal, within the past tew months it a number ot important improvements liavi il been made, in increased accommodations ful r the pupils, the erection of au astrouoiniea y r B. obsetvatory,&j., «c. id . . ~ Smasu I i\.On Saturday afternoon last d. the horses attached to a hack, belonging t< -e to Messrs. Chatham A Bro., became Irighten ol at the noise made by the slamming of tbi nt . door by tbo driver, just after some ladies hac ei alighted, and ran off at a furious rate duwi id Washington street, until they came in con >r tuet with a tree. The buck was swashed rfi and tho horses stopped. No one was it. ie ;jured. 11 >y Captain Buyven's Statement..The cart r" of Captain Bowen, in another column of to day's Gazette, gives au entirely different ver sion of the sad accident which occurret e on the I'atapsco, from that published in thi n Baltimoro papers, and shows that even it [n Baltimore the matter was looked upon as ui .j. accident resulting from gross carelessness 01 ie the part of those in the boat, rig Alexandria Librakv.We are requests to say that the Alexandria Library Company ^ having receive J several handsome donutioni x. in the way of periulieals, is now in wan is only oi the following to complete tuo seta 1,1 viz:. y' Kilinlmry It' ri'ir : 1823 to 1 833 ll'mt minuter JIt dew: To 1834; January ninl At ri!, 1834; January, 1839; July, 1840 r' July, 1841; Deceaibir, 1848; October 1861 n January, Ar>ril and July, 1852. e- A'orth British Itcciew: T 1x47; February ,0 May, and November, 1817: February, i860 P. AU'Miet. 1851; and May, 1857. lCj Blackwoi><is E'linhuryh Magazine: Fron 1842 to 1852; January, February. March rj, April, May, June, Julv, August and Septem j8 ber, 1852: February, August and December <1, 1854: M rob, 1855; Slav, 1857. Southern Library Messenger: 1835, 1838 1839, 1840,January, February, March, April .May, June, July, September, October ant ;,t. November, 1*42; February. July and Octo to- ber, 1844; February and May, 1845; Ib-cnni ber, 1847; September nnd October, 1849 March and August, 1850; September, O. to e( ber an'1 N vimber, 1851; July, 1852, 1853 1854, January, February, March, April May, June, July, August, S»»rtember auc Ueiober, 1855, and October, 1857. e, Persons having any of these volumes oi er numbers to spare would do well to iob ru in the Librarian, end >t" tbev themselves are ir . want of Dumbere to complete sets, they wil ih tiud a great number of duplicate numbers o fe- the Kmtws at the Library, of vshich tin company will willingly dispose. The IT: ports ol the Cheapcako and Ohio Canal Com ro pauy since 1804 are also wanted. V, , . r Interesting Lemixiscences..In the Cir jj cular (>l St. John's Academy, for the ensu mg session, just published, there is a list o <<j the Students of that institution from its nr gaoizition, on the 8th of September, 1833 ^ to the cad of the sixth session, in 1839. This list ir eludes tho names of very mar.i ^ of our most resected citizens, and will m J.iuhiless, prove to them a pleasing reniinis D. censc of their school boy days. An exami nation of it, will recall the memory of many who, in the short space of twenty-five years !s have pa«eed from the cares of earth to "tint odi"Covered cour.try from whose bourne ni traveller returns." Steamship Fulton..At a meeting of th . Washington Hour J of Health, on Friday, th M principal topic discussed was whether th M. I'nitcd States steamship Fultcn, which ha « lately arrived from I\n*acola, where th s* most malignant type of yellow fever is genr rated, should he permitted to discharge in tb midst of one of the most densely populate^ localities in Washington .at the nary-yard This vessel was recently obliged to put int Norfolk, where she bad to undergo quarac tine, and send severul of her crew on shor with intermittent fever, as they called it.- IJ S line discussion arose as to me auiuoruy the board to act in the matter, the poweis u the board being very limited, and if the wore cognizant of the luct that the yeilot fever wis on board of this vessel, they couh only declare it a nuisance. This discussioi , ended iri the adoption of a motion by I)i Morgan, that the Commissioner of ilea I ti ky go and examine the ship's books. As th vessel has already been discharged, and tb fr| mischief, if any, already done, this is ratbe a lato day to move in this matter. We ur ,al advised, however, by gentlemen from tb navy yard, that there are no cases of yelloi k, fever, nor any apt rchen-ion of i s appeal ance on board the Fulton. Any alarm by therefore, is groundless .Union. re, Two youths named Roach and Ilanahar one aged 16, the other 15, have been coovi rC) ted in the Washington Criminal Court, of ai sauit aud battery upon Thomas C. Mngn 't>a der with intent to kill, and sentenced to tb for penitentiary for three years. hj8 Trammell and Smith, lately escaped froi the jail of this county, were s«.en, it is sail l&' last week, by several in the neighborhood i . Holland (Halloing) Point, on the Potomm lD6 Tbey may yet be recapturcJ. ck- _ >ve The tbermometer, on Friday night Ust at ; o'clock, P. M., stock at S6°. AND VIRGINIA A A Handsome Present..We examiocc D yesterday, at tbe State Department, a ver . handsome eilver tea-set, consisting of six pit ces, which baa been manufactured at tbe 01 der of President Buchanan as a present fo (j Capt. Thomas S. Soott. Each piece bear e the inscription, "From tbe President of th t United States to Capt. Thomas S. Soott jf the British ship "Herefordshire," fo 0 his humane, zealous and successful efforts ii rescuing tbe passengers and crew of the ehi| ' 'John Gilpin' from the perils of tbe soh1S5S." The ware is massive and riehl; d ma.-ed, bearing the elaborate design of to , lingo. The shape of each piece is also afie the most approved stylo.. Wtuth. Star. A Solemn Day's Work..Judge Crawford B of the Criminal Court, yesterday pased sen tenco on four murderers.ana to be bung ot 3 the 221 of October, two to confinement am labor in tbe Penitentiary for filteen year each, and one to confinement and and laboi in tbe Penitentiary for eigbt years.a sol emn warning to that large class of rccklesi 3 and riotous young men whose passions am 1 vicious courses may be hurrying them on ti tbe sad fate of the bur guiltv ones nov about to expiate their crimes.. Alt/. Int. OUITUAKY. r Pikd, on the'J<1 instant, at the resider ce o ' Wm. H. Casiaday, esq . Loudoun county. Va , o j pulmonary disease, Miss SARAH EDMOAM DK.NHA.Vf, in the oiith year of her age. Sel dom has the grave secured a lovlier trophy lOil person ui uiuir tunii iiiiiiiihi i »iiuvuv..g was in:ited a mintl ol (he must n lined and deli cd'e texture. She was eminently characterize! 3 by that gentleness oi spirit which constitute! r the abiding charm ot her sex. Cherishing teel ings o| nntnitigli d kindness lor i very rnetnbei o! the human family, it is believed she has no leit behind her a single enemy to cast a tiiorr upon her grave. Her modes? bearing yet lin , gers upon our admiration. Her gentle spin > -till breathes its tones ol wonted kindness while it recedes and mingles with other am distant scenes. Her precious remains repose 11 ' the embrace o death, but her noble spirit, w< | doubt not. is shilling with mild and steady lustri in the diadem ol the Redeemer. One wnocher isheil lor h< r lie most atleciionate respect, cabt " this iiumble (lower on her new made grave. ' . Mr. JOSEPH P M KGEATH. died at his re . sider.ee at IMiilomonf. in Loudoun county, ot Saturday last, alter a short and painful illne.-s in the bMh year of bis age. Mr. Megeath, wai highly esteemed and respected, and generallj known as a man ol correct and prompt busi - ness habits. He was a kind, hospitable anc . generous ueigiibor, and Ins death will piove i j great loss to ins neighborhood. I>iKD. in Washington, on the 6th instant, Mrs ! SOPHIA JONES, aged tit years, daughter o 1 John and Sophia Wahl. alter a short hut pain | 111 1 ll!llPSS. 1 / lI'MHEKLAND COAL..lain prepared t< lurnish by the cargo or single ton, bes quality LUMP, RUN OF THE MINE, am J FINE COAL, atthe lowest current figures 1 shall, aiso, keep a supply of ANTHRACITE ' COAL on haml, during the entire season, at m] 9 yard lower end of Duke street, where consu t mers can rely upon getting the best article o any the usual si/"s, at the lowest price. 22!" lbs ' to 1 he ton [auy'.'J JAS C, NEVETT. OWNER WANTED.Was found about ; year since, on Daingerfield's Wrharf, Al ' exandria. a small BLACK TRUNK, with tin ' name "Miss Lavinia Harvey, Bluff Point,' writ ' ten on a card, and tacked on to one end of it.. The ownei js r< qu* s'ed to come forward, provi property, pay charges, and obtain possession » The Trunk is in the custody of ('apt Sarnue Baker, Steamer Thos. Colljer to whom appli i cation may be made. aug ('.dt* JUST RECEIVED a large supply of X. Ba zin's goods, consisting in [tart of Frangs ' panni Kxtract, Pomade, Sackets, and Soap; Kim me (Quickly, a new and excellent Perfume ' Transparent Soap, in bars; Vegetable Oil Sane Soap. Compound of Camphor Ice. for Sunburns ' ("happed Fares and Hands: Aromatic Crystals " Bazin's celebrated Tooth Soap, which prevent! decay, makes the Teeth white and purifies th< i breath; Shaving Cream, and a variety ot pthei articles too numerous to mention. For sale l>} , aug (.t C. C. BERRY, No 72. Kmgst. . ] r HHDS. PORTO RICO SUGAR. 2^ bbls. Crushed " luhhds. Muscovado Molasses bags Rio Coffee 1 10 ca-ks sup. Carbon. Soda 1 Just received,and for sale by j. h. McVeigh a son, f aug 9 Prince street wharf [\ < * \\,r H 1LST I LIVE I'LL CROW.".} j\ fies'n supply of this celebrated bram of TOBACCO, known as tLe "Game Cocl '1 w ist," in toil; also. Crutifiton's ' Virginia Best,"' received, and lor sale, by | PEEL. STEVENS A CO., - aug 2 Corner ol King and Alired streets ^ j KW WALL PAPERS..Just received pt - Adtms's Express, three cases new WAL1 and CEILING PAPERS and BORDERS, whicl ' will be sold very cheap, lor ca-h, at i p ci.arke's t aus; 9 No C'S, Kins; street, Alex'a. Va » 4 SUPPLY of very superior Old Port Wine - /\ lor medicinal us*. just received, by I)K. R. H. STABLER, aug 9 No. 16f>, King-st.. cor o! Washington C1ITY TAX PAYERS are notified that the] j can save lour per cent by paying their ta: 1 hills in full, on or before the 2Htb of August.. i Ollice in Market House Building. WESLEY A VERY, Collector S. I). JOHN A. FIELD, Collector N. I). 0 aug <">.dtd o V/ j REWARD!!.Ranaway from th e / w set vice ol Krv. J P. McCuirt Episcopal High School, Fairfax County, Va 8 on Saturday. 10th mst, Negro Man "OSCAI e PAYNE, aged about 30 years, 5 feet 4 inche . in height, square built, mulatto color, thicl | bushy suit of hair round full face, arid whei 0 spoken to has a pleasant manner.clothes no 1 recoiiected. 1 will give for his recovery if taken on of the State, or it taken in the State, an< u secured so that I get him again I-j jy If,.eotf T D. FEND ALL. e 11 L* KNACK AND CRATE COAL .Th schooner Commander-in-l hie! will arriv ^ iu a few days, with a cargo ot superior REI 1 AND WHITE ASH COAL, broke and eg, 7 size, which will be delivered irom vessel at ver T low prices, [aug Tj JAMES C NKVETT. jj | 4 LEX AN DRIA CANAL COMPANY i An adjourned general meeting of thi Company, will be held at the Council Cham bei 1 in the city of Alexandria, on Monday, the v»t ® of August, at 11 o'clock A. M. 6 I iv£-2»w:d W c. YEATON S.rv e - BAGS ol prirue <>!<i Government .lava Co q p) lee; also. White Maricabn and Rio Coflei .. just received, ami lor sale by r. | L. M. McCORMlCK. jy 2S Theatre Buildini C1KN 1 RAL SCHOOL .I his School. und' / the charge ol H. F HENRY. will resun: l, its exercise again on Wednesday. September 1* aut; o.folm j. | 1/VrA BUSH. PRIME TIMOTHY sEEI | ' F\ / lust received and lor sale, by 1 aug 7.u KNOX BRO. e I . v BOXES Adamantine and Mould Candle £\J in store, ai d lor sale by j je 91 JOHN A. DIXON . |)KKI'VIAN. COLOMBIAN, SOMBRER4 ' X and oiher GUANOS,sold at Agent'* price if by I*1"? ".8®3 KNOX \ BRO. c* j ~ TONS CALIFORNIA GUANO, in go. {J strong bags. just receited. and lor sale, b aug~.lm KNOX * BRO 8 | J O B P R I X T I X « Neatly executed, with despatch, at this (>th< DYEBTISER.-ato 8 BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. e The Telegraph Cable. f Trinity Bay, August 7..The cable is i r complete success; signals are being transmit i ted through the wbolo extent, but it is do P unlikely that it miy not be opened for busi nesg fur several days, and perhaps a week, « ;V_ as to give tne el ectricians time for a series o r experiments. I) le notice of the opening wil be given. ILT MEXICAN MUSTANG LIM.MENTi From rich and poor, bond and free: all colors gradt-s. and condi ions of liie, we hear the samt I meed oi praise awarded this wonderful article J j Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved ^ valuable animals made useful, and untold ills assauged by this gieat medicine, which are sur< r prising to tiiejudgment of man What tamily . does riot require a standard LIN1 MKNT. Who i ever heard ol the snme effects produced by any J other article? For Cuts. Bruises. Sprains, Kheu , m.iti»rr,. Swellings. Strained Horses. , it has j no equal. Bkwakk os* imitations The gen uuie MUSTANG LIN I.VIKN I' is sold by all re. ^pectable Druggists and Livery Men in every town, parish, and hamiet throughout North and I South Ameiica, Europe, and the Islands ol tbe Ocean. Buy at one*. BARNES At PARK, Proprietors. 1 New York, jy 17.eoJm 4 LEX ANURIA BOARDING SCHOOL . , The thirty fifth session of this School, formed}' conducted by Berqarnin Hallowed, I will commence on the first ot October, and con- 5 ti;,ue until the Hiteenth ot July loitowing, under the management ot the undersigned, in conuecr tioa with Messrs J. t». CLARK. and DLLAt YVARK and KO>ClC.>K() KF.MPKK. 1 1 he .V.tiool is designed to be preparatory to the University o: Virginia, where all the teacht ers were educated. The Course ol Instruction , Will e in brace the Ancient and Modern LanI guages. Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and i Chemistry. The School is lurnisued with a ' line collection ot Philosophical Apparatus, a * large Telescope, Kiigineering Instruments, Mm- eral«. Kc. i Tkhms.For Board and Tuition in everything, except Modem Languages, per session, . payable semi annnaliy, hi advance, i Modern Languages, each, $J0; Fuel and <»as, Address WM. KKMPKR, Alex'a , Va. s Day Scholahs..A limited number ol l)ayf Scholars will be received, at Modern Lan' guages extka, above. Apply at the InstituI tion. t Rkfkhexcks..Co!. R. S. Aebby, F. L. Smith, iJenjamiu Hallowell, K. M. Smith, and H. Clay Ward. aug 7.dlw\eotl i CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, -I CASH CAPirAh $5I)I),0U0. a-si.ts Jily 1, WW, ( T 11 H K F.K-FOl RTHS of the nett profits ot this t Company are divided annuilly to holders I ot its policies, as named in their circulars, to be bad at the olhre ol the subscriber. , Firs' annual division to policy holders declar ' ed July 9, 18-17, 33| per cent. Second do , declared July 8, 1858.1U per cent j Script lor which will be issued to policy hold ers entitled to participate in the profits, on iht lUtb day ot August, and on the same day six per cent, interest will be paid upon the scrip ol i HH57. Those who wish insurance in a safe and pro S Iirauir COHJ Will IIU wru u> rAnnmir uii5 Bench's extei Jed to Georgetown. Alexandria Maryland, and Virginia. J. C. LKWIS, i 492 Seventh street, Washington. Washington, aug -.eo'Av "XMlTICK.The partnership ol McVKIGH A C H A M B P. R LAIN is this day dissolved by mutual rom-ent. P'.ither partner is autuori - zed to use the name ol the firm in settling the partnership business. i JAMKS H. VcVKIGH. ; JAMKS L. CHAMBERLAIN. i Alexandria, August 2 ', lsfits. lm V CARD..JAMKS H. McVKIGH has this day associated with him. his son. ED. t»'.//( T. MclEHJli and will continue the WHOLESALE CHOCERY HI SIS ESS, at iht ohl stand of McVeigh «.y Chamberlain, in the name ol J. II. Mi I EMU SOS. They will keep a general stock of CROCK RIKS, LIQUORS, WINKS, TEAS, TOBACCO, Acc.. and will be prepared to otf'er thern to punctual dealers upon the most lavorable terms JAMES H. McVKIOH. KDGAR T. McVKIGH. aug 2.tf Prince-street Wharf I XTOTICE-to COUNTRY MERCHANT! ^ AND THK PUBLIC GKNKRALLY . ^ The Boot, Siiuk. Hat ani> Cap Ri'siskps. here ' totore carried on by GKORGK H. BAYNK A { CO. will be herealter conducted by I'AT 8 TJ'.tiX</.y If.l) > /*,. at me oni sianu, in in« ! name nl BAVNK ot Co. Country merchants u i I find a general assort ment o' trevh and desirable FALL and WIN r TKR COODS, as above described, lately pur chased ot the F.astern maniilacturers. which , will be sold low to rath or jiunctwil denim. 1 o all sw It an earnest invitation is given to call aug 0.eo3m BAV.NE Ac <'(). "X^OTICE..All jiersons indebted o us whose accounts are now passed due are reques ted to call and settle them without delay, a* longer indulgence cannot be given GEORGE H BAYNE ft CO. L atlg 6.en'I mo 1 | 1HARLES HERNliON, (lat* Conway a Hkhndon.) Attoknky at L w, Fredericks burg. Virginia, continues to practice in tb< Courts ol King (ieorge, Stafford. Caroline. Spot sylvania, and the town ol Fredericksburg Collections promptly made and remitted. t . KBt'RRENCEg . David Funsten, Messrs. Fowled Co. George W. Brent, | Messrs Caz°iioveAc Co ^ Francis L. Smith. I McVeigh Ac Chamber'! 5 John B Daingerfield, | Smnot, Ciller \ Co., |. John S. Barbour. Uobmson fit I'ajne, r, Lewis McKerzie, |J H Brent, t Burke & Herbert, j Bryan. Adams Ac Co., C. F. Suttle Ac Co . and other merchants. { Fredericksburg. Va jy 'gd. dAce'y ' XTITICE. The co partnership ol Svkwaki \ Guay was dissolved by mutual conseti July 31, lA.it>. Either ot the pattners are au P tnorized to use the name ol the hrm in settle e inent ot the business. )j JOHN W. STEWART. . aug 4.eo3t ALBERT W. GRAY. y" TOHN W. STEWART will continue th< f) wholesale TOBjICCO, CIGAR, </m S't'l Ft Bl'S ISESS, ot the corner of A'uig aw s; 11 uter streets Alexandria. Now receiving r. full supply of choice brands of TOBACCO am ri CKIARv aug 4.eoNt ORKNEY SPRINGS, >HK*ANDOAH Cot'NTY Va..McKJY -V BRADFORD. Fropru I- I'ltS.A Mil, JSlNLi OK Ml'blClANS JX ATTEXOAMK s. .Board per week "£>, Children and Servant h311 p ice Kemp Ac Trotter s Stage connect daily with the Manassas Gap Railroad a Woodstock, and carries passengers throng! same day. 'Fare from Alexandria to Orkne; 25. For further par'iculars reier 'o GRA X * MILLER A CO., Alexandria, or to the proprie tors at the Springs. Tournament days Augtis 10th and 29th. jy 30.dim QT. CHARLES HOTEL, rmntr of Mam <in ^ H'uUt >-0tt. RickrutuL Fa..The undersigrie have leased the above HOTEL, and are not s, fully prepdteJ to receive their triends and th public. They intend to make the St. Charle m all respects comfortable and agreeable to it 7 pa.rons. Board per da> -th 1 70. THUS. B. P. INGRAM, s' JOHN G. MOSBY, Jb. Richmond, jy 1.dAeo^m TOHN MURPHY, JTTORNETjiT ^ (I will practice in the Courts ot We»t:uor< land. Richmond, and Northumberland Countie I Post ( 'dice, Rice's More, Westmoreland Count; a Ya. dec b.0 rUST }), 1858. FOWLG k CO.. J IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF .FERTILIZERS, OFFER FOR SALE 3\To-l ; PERUVIAN GUANO IMPORTED DIRECT TO THIS PORT, FROM TI1E CHIN CHA ISLANDS, PUT IT IN BAGS, FURNISHED AND BRANDED BY THE Agents the :'PERDVIAN GOVERNMENT.: ; KOI IIMRIAN GUANO. ! IN BAGS AND BARRELS. A VERY EXCELLENT MANURE 11ICII IN PlIOSPllAIES, As will appear from annexed Analysis by Dr. R. II Stabler: Organic matter, )ieMing ammonia 14 ,V« Water S.55 Phosphate ol Lime 60.t>» Magnesia 10 J Sand and other insoluble matter 15.92 luu SOIBRERCf GUANO, i THE RICH EST PHOSPIIATJC GUANO KNOWN. Having accepted the Agency lor the sale ol tins article in Wash'ngton. Georgt town, and Alexandria, a lull supply w ill always be kept on hand. T IS PUT UP IN BAGS AND BARRELS. Particulai attention is asked to the following Analysis by Dr. R. If. Stabler: Organic matter yielding ammonia 9.30 Phosphate of Lime 77 00 Carbonate of Lime 6.00 Phosphate ol Iron Sand 6.00 Water .. t.70 , 1UO A. A. A A. MEXICAN GUANO, IN PARRELS. BONE DUST. ; OF BEST QUALITY, IX BARRELS. Analysis hy l>r. R. II. Slabltr: Bone Phosphate »}7 3(J Animal matter M.31'1 Water IS 40 100 ; i SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. Manufactured by POTTS it KLETT, aod , (JOE A CO.. Warranted equal to any ever offered to the Farming community. Analysis hy Dr. R. II Rtuhlcr: Soluble Phosphate ot Lime 37.00 Sulphuric Acid 11.00 Organic matter yw.lU Water 'i'd.&O lot; The above named Fertilizers will be kept constantly on hand, and sold as low as in any market in the country. Alexandria, jy -Z4.3 m ft G~1 RAFTON FARM AND ALEXANDRIA r PROPERTY FOR RENT..The tarm contains ^1A ni, rti nr..-, uuutu uiic ' bait wooded, and partly heavy timber, with a a large and excellent DWKLLIX(t and all necessary out buildings.pure and sweet . water in the yard.and a never tailing stream i running through the tarm. It is not surpassed . tor health;.and around it is a large population, t with good and kind neighbors. It lies near to the Kappahannock river and canal, where, with- . iri < or 4 miles. MILLS are established, lurnish. inga market tor every thing grown on t'ue tarm. . To a substantial tenant.arid good larmer.lhe rent will he moderate; no other need apply. 1 ntfer also tor rent, my large three story, fire Mproof, HKK.'K DWKILING HOL'sK. cor-j ner ol King and Washington st-eets, long occupied by me. It (routs I'U Icet on Washing- j . ton, and W) on King street. It has been rented tor a boarding house, and for lour years past.it i was tilled with opulent, and the most respecta ble boarders. The rooms are large and airy, the ceilings high and the parlors large and ele- gant, with smtat'le breakfast and dining rooms. Both gas and water have been brought into the house. The location is unsurpassed for conveI riience, comfort, and health, l'ossessiou given on the 1st ol J»eptembcr next. Foi terrrs. apply to jy'2.1.w-lw CHRJSTOPHKR NKALK. A VALUABLE FARM FOR SaLK .The valuable FARM of the late C. (' Talia terio, deceased, jn Culpeper county, is off-red , lor sale privately, until the . day of Avouit, when, it not sold before, it will be offered tor s»le on the premises, to the highest bidder.. This Farm is on the Rapidan river, adjoining the Rapidan Station, Orange and Alexandria Railroad, the Station being only a lew hundred v ards from the dwelling house and barn It contains SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY r ACRF.S. is highly productive, situated in a 1 beautiful country, and surrounded by a most de»irab!e neighborhood. The BL'ILDINTJS -1'"* *r" convenient and 111 good repair Thumb accommodating. Any information in relation to the FARM may be had by applicaI tion to the subs* riber, or to the following pera sons Robert A. Mayo, esq , Dr. F W. Roddy, ^ Richmond; Dr. a. Taliaferro, Culpepei Court- House, or Dr. H D. Taliaferro, < >range Court- House LAW. H TALLIAFKRRO. * Rapidan Station, Culpeper co.. jy *6.-'dawtf I AND AND MILL FOR SALE .Having _j determined to go West, I offer for sale my ' FARM, containing TWO HUNI>KEI> A< of good Kami.one hundred and titty acres of which is cleared, under good fencing. and linely s set in grass ; the balonce in tbrnty Umber. The AA improvements are comfortable, and the -t' » UH f interior to no country Mill in the county, in fine repair. with an unusually large custom. It is siiuated about two rnile. from Piedmont Station, on the Manas,as Gap Railroad, in one ot the most healthy and desirable neighborhoods | in Virginia. To any one wishing to bjy such d property, a bargain will be offered, and terms d made liberal. Apply to the subscriber, on the *' premises, or G W. Shacklett, Alexandria, \ a e LEWIS BKL'CE. Piedmont Station, s jy -20.eolm Fauquier Co , Va. 4 I / WvA FRirr TREES FOR SALE e)U*l/UU AT THE GREENWOOD NCKSFIRIES, situated on the Alexandria and Leesburg Turnpike, ntar Falls' C hnrch, Fairlax County, Va. All order# lor Alexandria, Wash V, nigton. and Georgetown, will be delivered . s- Printed catalogues sent to all who desire them. 9 i IDT All communications addressed to y, j f- R- MC'NSON'. Falls' Church, nov 13.eotl Fairfax County, Va. AUCTION SALES. j BY s. J McCORMICK.Aucno«Eiut. SALE THIS DAY. Household furniture at ait. 1 ION..On Monday morning next, 9th inj »t'int. at 10 o'clock, will be sold at the boi.se occupied by F. A. Mai bury, esq., on Prince Mween St. Asaph and Pitt streets, a variety of lirst rate FURNITURE, consisting. in part of Mahogany Sola; Mahogany Chairt; do Rocking Cbairs. Velvet Arm Cbatr; Marble Top ami other 1 ableg; Whatnot. Cottage. and other Bedsteads Wardrobes; Carpets; Oil Cloth. Ac.. Ac. Terms at sale. ^ j(S 1)OTOMAC LAND FOR SALE .The undersigned, in anticipation ot a decree ot the Circuit Court ot SlatFord county, in the case ot "Fitzhugh vs Warren," Ac , will, on MV./nrsday. the 1 Uh day of .jugutt next, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, in trout ol the City Hotel, in tbe town ot Alexandria, the estate upon the Potomac river, in the count) oi Stari'ord Known as RICHLAND, belonging to tbe Estate of the late C. H. Warren, dec d .containing about ONE THOUSAND ACRES, boi tiering upon the river for a distance of liom one to one and a halt miles. This estate is one ot the most desirable, both as a residence and for agricultural pur|M>ses, in Mthis portion of Virginia. It has uj>on it an excellent DWELLING HOUSE, Ac., and contains Irorn tour to live hundred acres of tlaf river bottom Dud, about one hundred actes ot cleared htll land, and tbe balance is in wood and timber. All tbe land is very rich, and the arable land is in a good stated cultivation. There aie attached to this estate, one or two FISHERIES. - - > ti enic r I Ul'DCUiM' MA vailiaillt- lirviOX lliu mr<nviini< MILL, which is now attached to this eat die, with about IIX) Ackih or Land, will be sold with the estate, or separately, as may be desired. The Mill is comparatively new. ha\ nig been thoroughly repaired, and cast-iron macainery put in, imuiediately betore the death of Mr. Warren. The stream which supplies the Mill is a never lailiugone. The terms 01 sale, which w ill be as accommodating can oe reasonably desired, will be made know n o i the day of sale. Mr. Warren, who lives upon the place, will show it to any one who may desire to inspect it. Any information may be obtained from John H Suttle at tiarrisonviile, Malfonl county. Va or irotn John C. Moncure, Fredericksburg, Va. JOHN H. SUTTLE, J. C. MONCURE Stafford county. Va , jy 13.2awts. 1^* OTICK .By virtue of a deed of trust exe2,1 cuted to me by John Cornwell, on the 2ftth ilay ol May, I8.'>7, and recorded in Prince William County C-ourt, 1 shall offer lor sale to the highest bidder, on the premises, the V»th day ol September, lsbb, one filth part of 4l,2 ACRES, which lies on Powell's Run, adjoining Mrs. Williams, John Clark, and others, iii Prince William County, and which is now m the possession of aaid John Cornwell. Terms ot sale ca?h.the title is unquestionable, but, selling as tiustee, 1 shall convey such title only as is vested in me. William selecman, Trustee Prince Win. County, aug 6.eots* Howard association, Philadelphia..a benevolent Institution, established by special endowment for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases..To all persons afflicted w ith Sexual Diseases, such as spermatorrhoea, seminal weakness, impotence, ac. The Howard Association, in view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexual * -L- J : ........ diseases. aim lII*- urcrpiiuns |'i at. uku . ..v unfortunate victims 01 such diseases by quae.*, several yearn ago directed their Consulting Suigeou.as a charitable act, worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary !or the treatment ot this classof diseases, in all their torma, and to gi\e Medical advice gratis, to all who apply by letter with a description of their condition, (age occupation, habits of life, Arc.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, to furnish Medicines tree ot charge. It is needless to add that the Associa tion commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their laborsin this sphere ot benevolent effort, have been of great benetit to the afflicted, especially to the young,and they have resolved to devote themsehes, with renewed zeal, to this very important but much despised cause. Just published by the Association, a Report on Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail, (ill a sealed letter envelope,) free oi charge, on receipt of two stamps for postage. Address, lor Report or treatment, Dr. <»KO. R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association. No. 2 south Ninth street, I'hiladelphia, I'a. By order of the Directors. EZRA D HKARTWKLL, President. (>korck Kajrchild, Secretary. Philadelphia, sep 4.dlteo3m&w1y A FIRST RATE FAUQUIER FARM FOR S A L F^ .The subscriber offers tor sale ' MF'DLFIV," the present residence ol Mr John Ambler. This Farm is situated in Upper Fauquier. within three miles and a half ot Mark ham Station, on the Manassas Oap Railroad, and is within 000 yarns ol tweeds cnurcn, wneie there is I'rotpstant Episcopal preaching three Sundays ii< every month, it is within 2 rrnleb of a first cl iss Academy for Boys. Messrs Jas. K. Marshall, Jas. K. Marshall, Thus. M. Arnhler, and the Rector of Leeds Church, ail live within one mile and a half of the dwelling house. The Farm contains 200 ACRES, of which 2f>0 are in gra*-K or under cultivation, and ft0 acres heavily timbered. The cleared land is of the very b st quality in the country, and the wood land is on the mountain side Alk '"'prov'"'''!'* consist of a neat JtiilRESIDKNCE. containing five rooms and a passage, w ith two (torches, and several closet* conveniently arranged, and all in excellent re pair A Barn, 3d by WO feet, calculated to accommodate sixty cows or cattle, and fifty tons ol hay. A Dairy house, 20 by 40 feet; also, a good Kitchen. Meat house, and other out build| wigs. A tiniliy ORCHARD of Apple frees, planted 12 years ago, and selected with great rare, of the varieties best suited to this climate, is just coming into full bearing. The House is beautifully situated, and is surrounded by a meadow of splendid i imothy hay, and the grounds ornamented by a great variety of well grown and beautiful shade trees. For terms, apply to the undersigned, who w ill give immediate attention to letters on the subject, and will lie ready to show the land to any one who may desire to purchase. His address is Markbam Station, Fauquier county, Va jy 22.eotf THUS. M. AMBLER w xoiyim 11' f ivn FOR SALE The mi I derngned desires to sell a TRACT Id' LAND, on the Waters ot Potomac Creek, in Stafford County, Va., containing TEN HI V DRED and TV. ENTY ACRES. It borders <m the Creek (which is navigable) 2$ miles, an I is distant about one mile Irom the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad, lhe soil is veiy productive in all the usual g'am crops, but particularly adapted to the growth ot Tobacco anu brass, though it is of uneven surface. There is on the land inexhaustible beds of'he finest shell Ma. I. A large quantity ot Hickory, Oak and Pine Wood may be cut Irom the land, worth on the shore ot the creek irom two to four dollars per cord. Also, a good deal ol Cedar arid Locust, Yellow Popular and White Oak Timber. There is a meadow now yielding an avirage of $G(MJ worth of Hay per annum, containing fourteen Acres of land, which may be increased to fifty acres ct prime Meadow. Grass grows well all over the Land, which renders it valuable for grazing purposes. Indeed, it graze.- annually, about utty bead of cattle in the ww ais. Altogether it is a very valuable tract, but I ain disposed to sell it below its value, as I ow n another large farm adjoining it. and have not a sufficient lorce to mauage both. I invite j»ersons disposed to purchase such prop.'rty to ex; amine it, or Communicate witu me by letter at Accokeek PostOffice, Stafford county, Va. I JOHN MINOR, M. D. Stafford Co., ap 2.2aworn

Transcript of 1 ti eniclirviOX r lliu ui uiuir tunii iiiiiiiihi i r is SOIBRERCf ......I j!#il>odl«t Episcopal...

Page 1: 1 ti eniclirviOX r lliu ui uiuir tunii iiiiiiiihi i r is SOIBRERCf ......I j!#il>odl«t Episcopal march, louih. Oo tbe:M:bJuly, Rev.W.W.Beooett, of,[)f >J E. Church, South, delivered


j!#il>odl«t Episcopal march, louih. \

Oo tbe :M:b July, Rev. W. W. Beooett, of

,[)f >J E. Church, South, delivered an addressat the Court-House, at tbis place, setting

{ rtb tbe position of tbat Cburoh oo tbe slaveyquestion, by invitation of numerous per8

o, who bad recently withdrawn from connectionwith tbe M. E. congregation here..

liter ibe address, thirty or more mem- jfar* w-re organized an a congregation. !.S;Bce tbat time tbeir number has materialj,

increased, aod a lot has been purchased, j

,'td a subscription started for tbe erection

0I a Church 10 tbis place. Tbes far con-

j Stable success has attended their ef- jf$r:s. and ttev contemplate commencingKitb Fut little dehy the erection of a free(f»tfd

b u»e of worship for the one aod beot$:uf tbe members of the M. E Churcb,

» utb, where toe public may find accommodation-I (.til suob bouse can be erected,

ibe* bove obtained tbe use of tbe commodi30ssol CoD^' ftalde ball above tbe county

c.uftr^tb lor preaching purposes, where

tbej hope scon to have regulur services, conductedbv clergymen from tbe surrounding

circuits, and by the presiding elder, Rev.

Mr. Bennett, until tbey shall furnished in

I Soteaiber next with a regular pastor by ap!poiotwent from the Virginia Conference, un'-hr,.e care tbe congregation here hasUtfr wMwbeenf rurally received. Prayer-meetings are

be:J private bouses Monday aod TbursjiVoifbts of each week, and class-meetings

>u'.J»v morning. The lot purchased is centrallyloosted, situated od tbe weal side of

BraJJ-'ck street, north of the intersection of

taat street with Cork, and is easy of access

fr ra ni *t parts ol the town.. Winchester

Jtijiublli-UltKlrrlng from the Pl«|u«.

Letter- friin Bengbazy, via Malta,announcethe breaking out of a very deadly

j in that town and the neighboringvilisgw. carrying off from a somewhat thin

populatijn tr in forty c > fifty persons a d iy,ar.j evidently of a c ntr.gtous nature* Few

of the attacked survive utter tbe sixth day,aoddiubts were eutertained whether it was

nut tbe pltigue. Tbe Board of Ileaith at

Malta, alter establishing a mere quarantinetpfervation, has at the prayer of tbe Chamber

ol Commerce, extended it to ten days, withthe depuration id tbe laa tretto of all goodsiod pafier.gers arriving from Benghasy.Accounts from Tripoli ol tbe Mb instant announce

tbe arrival there of tbe E-igiieb aodFrench C^nsuis Irurn Bei giazy, fleeing fromtbe epidemic

< OJiJlhMOIAL.narktii,

Baltimohk Angus! 7 .Flour is quiet and very

irir Howard street $4 75<fr$5; Ohio, old, $4.:>j.new i Wheat is timi and unchanged; red

ji'ji f while I3'dl4.'ic. Corn is improvi|.j« : ii^Tc yellow y56»'.»6c. Provisions

buoyant Bacon bulk7ui.'i. Whi*

icy closed hrm at 't' ji '7^ to iihc.

.Niw York. August 7..Flour is firm; sales


'' bi> '. Nate $4.".i.r>kf$4 35;.Ohio 'f!0.1Gjy Null- ern i5u.'i3$5.30 Wheat is buoyir,

s.irS of bushels; Western white 110

d.^jr <\»rit i» dull; sales Ol 20,000 bushels;mixed tea "'r.. white !« c.; yellow $1 00 Pork

.iCuit, nir.ss $!7.:t7$<f$l7.4l); prime $15..Whiskey is-lull at ^7Jc. Mocks are dull andOWr; Mo. ' s f»-' I

Krnlrrli kalxti g Market*

There is considerable activity in the wheatrnaistt Karno-i s pockets are tilled with samples,and our Commerce street merchants are

called upon to examine and inure their priceswith great rapidity They have thus lar exhibits:»» mucn pluck a» could be expected, lor tbeprice ot Flour is not at all propoitionate to thatpan! lor wheat, and ol course, tne chances are

against 'nem Notwithstanding this, a goodmany ol our agnci.,; nal irieucs are slow tosell t ie hope ot U't-r prices in many cases

I over-ruling taeir be?>r judgment. The largestprice pan! lor r» lug purp««tw s. has been $1.3t>,am! the largest pric offered lor a lot of verypretty white, iron: Caroline w as $1.40.Frt'd.HiralJ.

.\ or folk Market, August ft.Business m Noitolk continues dull; many of

tie hading mercnants are out or the city, andtrie Mercian's Kxcbarge is almost deserted.

iWf notice an increased activity, however, in:hecorn market, an.! note the arrival of 1U.U00t/utheis to-day. a.I ol which changed hands at"to .'0 cts ior tellow, M eta. lor white, and>' < tor ri i.xed. N»w wheat is coming in withw. icrrt-asu t: activity,and notice sales to-day of*wa hundred bushels at $1 25 lor white and

l lii tor red

|Smi(rinwu (nnle Marktl, A«|unt ?I :! orient gs ot heel cattle at the drove yards,

' ''rilav. airi>unr'd to about 4'XI head, all of!, »d. M)(d at > 62 on the hoof, equal

* f'iij' 7". uh;. itefi were purchased by theI' viict butchers. and the remaining 75 by Bal

?teaiis. % ») »heep and lambs were offeied,« »o.d a' r.i $» head.

D" A t'AKl).Statements have appeared in'-f Ha'tiinoie papers, concerning the accident"*5.03 occurred on the Patapsco River, on Wed>*i»ythe ith Ill-it. to the effect that the Pilotcharge or the ihip Kllen Hoed, which was in* o: the tempest, under my command, had

T'0»tal ;:if I'ilot Laws of the State of Mary*a 7ai,.i lid.i been imprisoned in Balfimere.

I"* I dot was anested ami placed undert'Ut upon investigating the matter, thea! Pilots at whose instance he was arbecamefully satisfied that the infringe**'l;' 01 tiietr rig!i;s bad been made through

the I t Laws, and they imme;.contented to l.is discharge.'5' accidei t the boar by whicb one man"»ed waaadmitted by all with whom

"^vetted, to have been the result of the grosI* are east >»> jp.>n tne part of those in theI "tten pting to cross the bows of the| '*? 5rid 1 u« when Lfnl' a at a cnaeH r»f fiveI ! "' S " ~

aitnout hailing or giving otheran the Ship or Tug ol their por.alter the collision, the man. railed to his companion not to»'liTe w as no danger

T i.r the pilot was imprisoneded as the other particulars given,i !n> having bern placed in them the night ot the accident lor a

which he was at liberty to goe.ect, in company ot an otiicer,r slav^n Baltimore.

"SAMUEL P BOWEN,Ci'P'ain Steam TugTempe«t.

L.Tt.e Ladies will hold a FAIRck Mation, Orange and Alexan*->« U'fJnt st/ay and Thurtdity, the/ .1ui:ust There will be a

it ahuclks on hand. Icr ckkam,'S \c. A good Di.nnkR will alsoi tie proceeds of the Fair will gohug an K.piscopal Church. Theit general attendance.

OLD GOV. JAVA COFFEEJ sacks Green Rio do

Laguvia do& " Old Maricaibo dod, and lor sele, by

KNOX ^BRO_RIME PORTO RICO SUGARhes> Crushed Sugar, Lovering'sC Yellow "

bellow u

Lovering's Loal Sugar. Just Wrsale, by [aug KNOX k BRO.1 S H!!.Now landing per Schr.

Bar. «ijtj bariels new P. E. Islandsale byr LEWIS McKENZIE.*A>..A very superior ai'irle ofH||g ( ans. lot preserving FRUITS'< and lot sale by


ALEXAJBy Saturday Kvenmg'a 91 all*.

North Carolina Election..V\ euhj.v, A

goat 6 .All tbe Democratic nominees ba

been elected in Halifax cunt;. Judge f

lit' majority over Mr. Mcltte, in tbe Couty ie 298.In tbe county of Nieb, L. N B. Battl

esq , ie elected to the Senate, and G. N. Le<ia to tbe lluuse of Commons.

In Wayne county. W. K. Layne, esq., bbean elected to the Senate, and DortcU at

Thompson to the C >rr.uione<

Io tbe county of Northampton, Judge Ellhas 300 majority.Tbe Democrats seem to bate trium h<

everywhere so lar as heard from, and JudjJobn W. Elite, bus no doubt been electiGovernor over the Hon. Mr. McRae, by a to

jority of many thousand.

Albemarle County..Tbe Grand Julfound an indictment vs. John Thomas fiassault and battery, and presentments v

James F. Priddy ftr murder, against WtCriddle for felony, and ugcinet Thornton VBowen for obstructing a public road. Bentwarrants were issued against i'riddy ai

Criddle.Tbe 6rst application for license to retu

ardent spirits, under tbe new law, cimc u

and tbe Court decided to enforce tbe law, ar

required bond with approved security and tlprescribed oaths, which were complied witby tbe applicants.Tbe trial oi Parks Marshall, charged wil

the commission of a rape upou Mrs. Bcddowas commenced on Tuesday morning; at

the examination of a large number of wi

uessee, and the speeches of counsel, occupitthe time of the Court until Thursday. Tlaccused was 6out on to the October Cirtuoourt for a final hearing, but was bailed ui

in the sum ol $40o0, to appear at the OctobiCourt. Yesterday alteruoou a special jutwas empanucied to try the case ol the ConLQ'jnweaith vs. Archibald barker, chargewith receiving stolen goods ol a 1-es vuiithan $2U, knowing tbo same had been stoleThe case hns been depending in Court sirnMarch 1*50. The prisoner was couviottand sentenced to ninety days' imprisouuieiiu tbe eounty jail.

George W. Garrett, a young man not ytwenty-one years old, a highly esteemed ai

most exemplary youth, (the son of the late DJohn B Garrett.) was stricken down, oh Natu

day last, w hilst at Patterson's store, by a strolol paralysis. His condition has been since tiattack extremely critical; and tears have betentertained lest it prove fatal, but we are hap;to say that he is now slightly imp roved.. Chalot'.esvillc Advocate.

Shocking Accident..A shocking tice

dent happened to Mr. Smeltz, near this placon Monday last. Mr. S. was engagedfeeding a Threshing Machine, on the fan

of Mr. A. Lushbaugh, when by some act

dent the cyliuder burst driving one of tlspikes through bis left jaw, the spike ento

iog tbe chin arid ranging upwards carryiraway tbe lower front teeth, and shatterirtbe jaw in a terrible manner. Anutluspike was deeply buried in the shoulderthe unfortunute man and could not he e

trioated without endangering life. Mr. S. wi

still living when last heard iroin, though bitaint hopes were entertained ol his recover.Staunton Vindicator.

B ll> Koukekv..Yesterday morning, MCauan of this city, who was about takingtrip to Norfolk, gave bis trunk to a frco n

gro, named Gilbert Steward, to carry to tl

depot ot the South-Side Railroad. Tbe n

gro took tbe trunk and walked rapidly ahesfollowed by Mr. C. and bis wife, but soon di

appeared from their eight, and nltbouf!every effort was made to tiud him afterwanhe could not be beard of. 'I be trunk, whithas tbe name of "Louisa C. Cannn, NorfolVa marked upon if, and having artielin it ot tbe value of $260, has no d<<ubt betstolen by tbe black rascal, who it is to

hepcd will yet be found and suitably punised..Petersburg Int.

Pro pect or the Corn Crop..We regrto learn that tbe, corn crop of tbe ncighbobood promises very gloomily at present,gentleman from the county of Prince Grorgstated to us, on yesterday, that he bad nor

seen it so backward, and that nothing ct

now bring it up to half an averega yield.Thisis very much to be regretted ina-muc

as the wheat crop turned out so poorly.. 1tersbury Dan.Dead..We regret to state that tbe nog

girl who was eo badly burned on Thurednhas since died of ber injuries, ller suffcings were excruciating, n< tw iilit-tar.diig n

tbe relief wbieb the promt test nr d most efcieot medical aid could all'ord..l'cttrsbmVent.

Lightning..A hi«u»«e in 2G:h, Chun

Hill, and another in 27th street,same localitand about one hundred yards oil were strut,

simultaneously by lightning during the stor

on Tuesday night. The rcufe a'one were i

jured..Richmond South.

Tbe health of tbo Hon. John M. Fatten


ls.r»^ Sit vis OKIAUGUST. riiu ttlt Moon s Phases.

9 Monday...,5 10'fi 5ul o. h. k

10 Tuesday.... 5 11 6 49 First jr.. 16 6 3211 Wednesday .I 12 0 4S Fu : 24 9 2

12 Thursday. f> 13 0 47 Last qr. 2 9 JO

13 Friday.... 14 0 40 N w 7 4

14 Saturday.. 15 6 45, high water.

12 Sunday... 10 o 44 A I'GUST 9 7n 25

latest uatkf.London July 24 llttvr* JulyLiverpool July 24 | Ne» Orleans July

91akiak lint.

port of alexandria.august 7

Arrived.Schr. Flanet Mars, Cohagan, New York,

S. Shinn.Sailed.

Brig Catherine Rogers, Britt, Bos-ton, coal4 I ^..A

A'. buwc.

Brig Stephen Young, Perry, Bo.-ron, coal 1

T. J Mehaffey.Schr. S. G. King, Andrews, Philade'phia,

S. Shinn.Scbr. Mary E Burr, Nickerson, Bottom

M. Eldridge.Schr. Fleetwood, Burr, Boston, by M. ]

dridge.Schr. J B. and F. L , Pharo, Providence, cc

by Fowle & Co.Schr. John J. Williams, Curtis, New Yo:

coal by Borden Mining Co. %

Schr. William Allen, Grant, Boston, coalFowle k CoSteamer Diamond Stat?, Kerwin, Baltitno

by Wheat it Bro.Mkmobakha.

Brig Andover, Crowell, hence at Baltimo

5th inst.Schr. N. M. Tavenner, Todd, hence at Ba!

more. 5th iat t

Schr. George and Emily, cl'd at Boston,this port. 4th inst.

Scbr.M C. Durlee, cl'd at Fall River, ior t

pnit, 4th inst.Schr. Wm. H. Ruttan. cl'd at Philadelpb

for thi* rort, 4th inst

jr* FDR BOSTO N..The fast saili

Packet, Schooner H. F. PAYTON, Nn

erson, master, will have despatch to the ab<

i ort For freight or passage, apply lo

aug V M. EL1)R11>G£, Union Wharf


u- C unty Court..In the County Court, 01

re Saturday, the Grand Jury presented an itdictment against Leviliordle, the C -unty jai

c- or, for negligence in suffering James Traoraell and J is. Smith to escape from jai], amagainst Win. Johnson, the Watchman at th

jail, for the same effenoe; also an irsdictmeoas against Rose Harper and Sandfcrd Brovrnid f.r keeping a house ol ill-fame. They ata

made a report on the condition of the jailstating that it required thorough clensing .

»d Ttie Grand Jury having nothing lurcher ti

je present, were discharged. Mi .hard MurrayiC^ charged with steuling a gill nett, the proper

17 of Captain Wm. Simmons, was examineiaod sent on for trial at the next term of tbi

ry Circuit Court. Severul unimportant civil oa

or sea were decided, and the Cjurt adjourned t(

s. meet this morning at 10 o'clockn.

\\ Alexandria Canal Company..An adsit j purned general meeting of the St ickhoideriIU of the Alexandria Canal Company, will h<

U heid nt the Council Cuatuber, to-lay, at 11p o'clock.id _


ie Land Sai.es .A great deal of valuableih Land, in toe neighboring countiee, in now

advertised for sale. We refer all desirous o

making investments in Virginia lands, t<

j our advertising columns.

At the Alexandria lliou Scuooi., C. S. Ilal

le lowell, principal, within the past tew monthsit a number ot important improvements liaviil been made, in increased accommodations fulr the pupils, the erection of au astrouoinieay r

B. obsetvatory,&j., «c.

id . .


Smasu I i\.On Saturday afternoon lastd. the horses attached to a hack, belonging t<

-e to Messrs. Chatham A Bro., became Irightenol at the noise made by the slamming of tbi

nt .

door by tbo driver, just after some ladies hacei alighted, and ran off at a furious rate duwiid Washington street, until they came in con>r tuet with a tree. The buck was swashed

rfi and tho horses stopped. No one was it.ie ;jured.11

>y Captain Buyven's Statement..The cartr" of Captain Bowen, in another column of to

day's Gazette, gives au entirely different ver

sion of the sad accident which occurret

e on the I'atapsco, from that published in thi

n Baltimoro papers, and shows that even it

[n Baltimore the matter was looked upon as ui

.j. accident resulting from gross carelessness 01

ie the part of those in the boat,

rig Alexandria Librakv.We are requeststo say that the Alexandria Library Company

^ having receive J several handsome donutioni

x. in the way of periulieals, is now in wan

is only oi the following to complete tuo seta1,1 viz:.y' Kilinlmry It' ri'ir : 1823 to 1 833

ll'mtminuter JItdew: To 1834; Januaryninl At ri!, 1834; January, 1839; July, 1840

r' July, 1841; Deceaibir, 1848; October 1861n January, Ar>ril and July, 1852.e- A'orth British Itcciew: T 1x47; February,0 May, and November, 1817: February, i860P. AU'Miet. 1851; and May, 1857.lCj Blackwoi><is E'linhuryh Magazine: Fron

1842 to 1852; January, February. Marchrj, April, May, June, Julv, August and Septemj8 ber, 1852: February, August and December<1, 1854: M rob, 1855; Slav, 1857.

Southern Library Messenger: 1835, 1838p» 1839, 1840,January, February, March, April

.May, June, July, September, October ant

;,t. November, 1*42; February. July and Octoto- ber, 1844; February and May, 1845; Ib-cnni

ber, 1847; September nnd October, 1849March and August, 1850; September, O. to

e( ber an'1 N vimber, 1851; July, 1852, 18531854, January, February, March, AprilMay, June, July, August, S»»rtember auc

Ueiober, 1855, and October, 1857.e, Persons having any of these volumes oi

er numbers to spare would do well to iob ru

in the Librarian, end >t" tbev themselves are ir

. want of Dumbere to complete sets, they wilih tiud a great number of duplicate numbers o

fe- the Kmtws at the Library, of vshich tincompany will willingly dispose. The IT:ports ol the Cheapcako and Ohio Canal Com

ro pauy since 1804 are also wanted.V, ,


rInteresting Lemixiscences..In the Cir

jj cular (>l St. John's Academy, for the ensu

mg session, just published, there is a list o

<<j the Students of that institution from its nr

gaoizition, on the 8th of September, 1833

^ to the cad of the sixth session, in 1839.This list ir eludes tho names of very mar.i

^ of our most resected citizens, and will

mJ.iuhiless, prove to them a pleasing reniinis

D. censc of their school boy days. An examination of it, will recall the memory of manywho, in the short space of twenty-five years

!s have pa«eed from the cares of earth to "tint

odi"Covered cour.try from whose bourne ni

traveller returns."

Steamship Fulton..At a meeting of th. Washington HourJ of Health, on Friday, th

M principal topic discussed was whether th

M. I'nitcd States steamship Fultcn, which ha« lately arrived from I\n*acola, where ths* most malignant type of yellow fever is genr

rated, should he permitted to discharge in tbmidst of one of the most densely populate^localities in Washington.at the nary-yardThis vessel was recently obliged to put intNorfolk, where she bad to undergo quaractine, and send severul of her crew on shorwith intermittent fever, as they called it.-

IJ S line discussion arose as to me auiuoruy i»

the board to act in the matter, the poweis u

the board being very limited, and if thewore cognizant of the luct that the yeilotfever wis on board of this vessel, they couhonly declare it a nuisance. This discussioi

,ended iri the adoption of a motion by I)iMorgan, that the Commissioner of ilea I ti

ky go and examine the ship's books. As thvessel has already been discharged, and tb

fr| mischief, if any, already done, this is ratbea lato day to move in this matter. We ur

,al advised, however, by gentlemen from tbnavy yard, that there are no cases of yelloi

k, fever, nor any apt rchen-ion of i s appealance on board the Fulton. Any alarm

by therefore, is groundless .Union.

re, Two youths named Roach and Ilanaharone aged 16, the other 15, have been coovi

rC) ted in the Washington Criminal Court, of ai

sauit aud battery upon Thomas C. Mngn't>a der with intent to kill, and sentenced to tb

for penitentiary for three years.

hj8 Trammell and Smith, lately escaped froithe jail of this county, were s«.en, it is sail

l&' last week, by several in the neighborhood i

. Holland (Halloing) Point, on the PotommlD6 Tbey may yet be recapturcJ.ck- _

>ve The tbermometer, on Friday night Ust at

; o'clock, P. M., stock at S6°.

AND VIRGINIA AA Handsome Present..We examiocc

D yesterday, at tbe State Department, a ver

. handsome eilver tea-set, consisting of six pitces, which baa been manufactured at tbe 01

der of President Buchanan as a present fo(j Capt. Thomas S. Soott. Each piece bear

e the inscription, "From tbe President of th

t United States to Capt. Thomas S. Soottjf the British ship "Herefordshire," fo

0 his humane, zealous and successful efforts iirescuing tbe passengers and crew of the ehi|

' 'John Gilpin' from the perils of tbe soh1S5S."The ware is massive and riehl;d ma.-ed, bearing the elaborate design of to

, lingo. The shape of each piece is also afiethe most approved stylo.. Wtuth. Star.

A Solemn Day's Work..Judge CrawfordB of the Criminal Court, yesterday pased sen

tenco on four murderers.ana to be bung ot3 the 221 of October, two to confinement am

labor in tbe Penitentiary for filteen yeareach, and one to confinement and and laboiin tbe Penitentiary for eigbt years.a solemn warning to that large class of rccklesi

3 and riotous young men whose passions am1 vicious courses may be hurrying them on ti

tbe sad fate of the bur guiltv ones nov

about to expiate their crimes.. Alt/. Int.


Pikd, on the'J<1 instant, at the resider ce o

' Wm. H. Casiaday, esq . Loudoun county. Va , o

j pulmonary disease, Miss SARAH EDMOAMDK.NHA.Vf, in the oiith year of her age. Seldom has the grave secured a lovlier trophylOil person ui uiuir tunii iiiiiiiihi i »iiuvuv..g

was in:ited a mintl ol (he must n lined and delicd'e texture. She was eminently characterize!

3 by that gentleness oi spirit which constitute!

r the abiding charm ot her sex. Cherishing teelings o| nntnitigli d kindness lor i very rnetnbeio! the human family, it is believed she has no

leit behind her a single enemy to cast a tiiorrupon her grave. Her modes? bearing yet lin

, gers upon our admiration. Her gentle spin> -till breathes its tones ol wonted kindness

while it recedes and mingles with other am

distant scenes. Her precious remains repose 11

' the embrace o death, but her noble spirit, w<

| doubt not. is shilling with mild and steady lustriin the diadem ol the Redeemer. One wnocherisheil lor h< r lie most atleciionate respect, cabt

" this iiumble (lower on her new made grave. '

. Mr. JOSEPH P M KGEATH. died at his re

. sider.ee at IMiilomonf. in Loudoun county, ot

Saturday last, alter a short and painful illne.-sin the bMh year of bis age. Mr. Megeath, wai

highly esteemed and respected, and generalljknown as a man ol correct and prompt busi

- ness habits. He was a kind, hospitable anc

. generous ueigiibor, and Ins death will piove i

j great loss to ins neighborhood.I>iKD. in Washington, on the 6th instant, Mrs

! SOPHIA JONES, aged tit years, daughter o

1 John and Sophia Wahl. alter a short hut pain| 111 1 ll!llPSS.1 / lI'MHEKLAND COAL..lain prepared t<

lurnish by the cargo or single ton, bes

quality LUMP, RUN OF THE MINE, am

J FINE COAL, atthe lowest current figures1 shall, aiso, keep a supply of ANTHRACITE

' COAL on haml, during the entire season, at m]9 yard lower end of Duke street, where consu

t mers can rely upon getting the best article o

any the usual si/"s, at the lowest price. 22!" lbs' to 1he ton [auy'.'J JAS C, NEVETT.

OWNER WANTED.Was found about ;

year since, on Daingerfield's Wrharf, Al' exandria. a small BLACK TRUNK, with tin' name "Miss Lavinia Harvey, Bluff Point,' writ' ten on a card, and tacked on to one end of it..

The ownei js r< qu* s'ed to come forward, proviproperty, pay charges, and obtain possession

» The Trunk is in the custody of ('apt SarnueBaker, Steamer Thos. Colljer to whom appli

i cation may be made. aug ('.dt*

JUST RECEIVED a large supply of X. Bazin's goods, consisting in [tart of Frangs

' panni Kxtract, Pomade, Sackets, and Soap; Kimme (Quickly, a new and excellent Perfume

' Transparent Soap, in bars; Vegetable Oil SaneSoap. Compound of Camphor Ice. for Sunburns

' ("happed Fares and Hands: Aromatic Crystals" Bazin's celebrated Tooth Soap, which prevent!

decay, makes the Teeth white and purifies th<i breath; Shaving Cream, and a variety ot pthei

articles too numerous to mention. For sale l>}, aug (.t C. C. BERRY, No 72. Kmgst.. ] r HHDS. PORTO RICO SUGAR.

2^ bbls. Crushed "

luhhds. Muscovado Molassesbags Rio Coffee

1 10 ca-ks sup. Carbon. Soda1 Just received,and for sale by

j. h. McVeigh a son,f aug 9 Prince street wharf

[\ < * \\,r H 1LST I LIVE I'LL CROW.".}j\ fies'n supply of this celebrated bram

of TOBACCO, known as tLe "Game Cocl'1 w ist," in toil; also. Crutifiton's ' VirginiaBest,"' received, and lor sale, by

| PEEL. STEVENS A CO.,- aug 2 Corner ol King and Alired streets

^ j KW WALL PAPERS..Just received pt- Adtms's Express, three cases new WAL1

and CEILING PAPERS and BORDERS, whicl' will be sold very cheap, lor ca-h, at

i p ci.arke's

t aus; 9 No C'S, Kins; street, Alex'a. Va

» 4 SUPPLY of very superior Old Port Wine- /\ lor medicinal us*. just received, by

I)K. R. H. STABLER,aug 9 No. 16f>, King-st.. cor o! Washington

C1ITY TAX PAYERS are notified that the]j can save lour per cent by paying their ta:

1 hills in full, on or before the 2Htb of August..i Ollice in Market House Building.

WESLEY A VERY, Collector S. I).JOHN A. FIELD, Collector N. I).

0 aug <">.dtdo V/ j REWARD!!.Ranaway from th

e / w set vice ol Krv. J P. McCuirtEpiscopal High School, Fairfax County, Va

8 on Saturday. 10th mst, Negro Man "OSCAIe PAYNE, aged about 30 years, 5 feet 4 inche. in height, square built, mulatto color, thicl

| bushy suit of hair round full face, arid whei0 spoken to has a pleasant manner.clothes no

1 recoiiected.1 will give for his recovery if taken on

of the State, or it taken in the State, an<u secured so that I get him againI-j jy If,.eotf T D. FENDALL.e 11 L* KNACK AND CRATE COAL .Th

schooner Commander-in-l hie! will arriv^ iu a few days, with a cargo ot superior REI1 AND WHITE ASH COAL, broke and eg,

7 size, which will be delivered irom vessel at ver

T low prices, [aug Tj JAMES C NKVETT.

jj | 4 LEXAN DRIA CANAL COMPANYiAn adjourned general meeting of thi

Company, will be held at the Council Cham be i

1 in the city of Alexandria, on Monday, the v»t® of August, at 11 o'clock A. M.6 I iv£-2»w:d W c. YEATON S.rv

e- BAGS ol prirue <>!<i Government .lava Co

q p) lee; also. White Maricabn and Rio Coflei.. just received, ami lor sale byr. | L. M. McCORMlCK.

jy 2S Theatre Buildini

C1KN 1 RAL SCHOOL .I his School. und'/ the charge ol H. F HENRY. will resun:

l, its exercise again on Wednesday. September 1*

aut; o.folm


| ' F\ / lust received and lor sale, by1

aug 7.u KNOX BRO.e I .

v BOXES Adamantine and Mould Candle£\J in store, ai d lor sale by

j je 91 JOHN A. DIXON

. |)KKI'VIAN. COLOMBIAN, SOMBRER4' X and oiher GUANOS,sold at Agent'* price

if by I*1"? ".8®3 KNOX \ BRO.


{J strong bags. just receited. and lor sale, b

aug~.lm KNOX * BRO

8 | J O B P R I X T I X «

Neatly executed, with despatch, at this (>th<


8 BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH.e The Telegraph Cable.

f Trinity Bay, August 7..The cable is i

r complete success; signals are being transmit

i ted through the wbolo extent, but it is do

P unlikely that it miy not be opened for busi

nesg fur several days, and perhaps a week, «;V_ as to give tne el ectricians time for a series o

r experiments. I) le notice of the opening wilbe given.ILT MEXICAN MUSTANG LIM.MENTiFrom rich and poor, bond and free: all colors

gradt-s. and condi ions of liie, we hear the samt

I meed oi praise awarded this wonderful articleJ j Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved

^valuable animals made useful, and untold illsassauged by this gieat medicine, which are sur<

r prising to tiiejudgment of man What tamily. does riot require a standard LIN1 MKNT. Whoi ever heard ol the snme effects produced by anyJ other article? For Cuts. Bruises. Sprains, Kheu, m.iti»rr,. Swellings. Strained Horses. , it hasj no equal. Bkwakk os* imitations The gen

uuie MUSTANG LIN I.VIKN I' is sold by all re.

^pectable Druggists and Livery Men in everytown, parish, and hamiet throughout North and

I South Ameiica, Europe, and the Islands ol tbeOcean. Buy at one*.

BARNES At PARK, Proprietors.1 New York, jy 17.eoJm

4 LEXANURIA BOARDING SCHOOL ., The thirty fifth session of this School,

formed}' conducted by Berqarnin Hallowed,I will commence on the first ot October, and con-

5 ti;,ue until the Hiteenth ot July loitowing, underthe management ot the undersigned, in conuecrtioa with Messrs J. t». CLARK. and DLLAtYVARK and KO>ClC.>K() KF.MPKK.

1 1 he .V.tiool is designed to be preparatory tothe University o: Virginia, where all the teachters were educated. The Course ol Instruction

, Will e in brace the Ancient and Modern LanIguages. Mathematics, Natural Philosophy andi Chemistry. The School is lurnisued with a' line collection ot Philosophical Apparatus, a

* large Telescope, Kiigineering Instruments, Mm-eral«. Kc.i Tkhms.For Board and Tuition in everything,

except Modem Languages, per session,. payable semi annnaliy, hi advance,i Modern Languages, each, $J0; Fuel and <»as,

Address WM. KKMPKR, Alex'a , Va.s Day Scholahs..A limited number ol l)ayfScholars will be received, at Modern Lan'

guages extka, a» above. Apply at the InstituItion.t Rkfkhexcks..Co!. R. S. Aebby, F. L. Smith,

iJenjamiu Hallowell, K. M. Smith, and H. ClayWard. aug 7.dlw\eotl


a-si.ts Jily 1, WW,(

T 11 H K F.K-FOl RTHS of the nett profits ot this

t Company are divided annuilly to holdersI ot its policies, as named in their circulars, to be

bad at the olhre ol the subscriber., Firs' annual division to policy holders declar' ed July 9, 18-17, 33| per cent.

Second do , declared July 8, 1858.1U per cent

j Script lor which will be issued to policy holders entitled to participate in the profits, on ihtlUtb day ot August, and on the same day six

per cent, interest will be paid upon the scrip oli HH57.

Those who wish insurance in a safe and proS Iirauir COHJ Will IIU wru u> rAnnmir uii5

Bench's extei Jed to Georgetown. AlexandriaMaryland, and Virginia. J. C. LKWIS,

i 492 Seventh street, Washington.Washington, aug -.eo'Av

"XMlTICK.The partnership ol McVKIGHA CH AM B P. R LAIN is this day dissolved

by mutual rom-ent. P'.ither partner is autuori- zed to use the name ol the firm in settling the

partnership business.i JAMKS H. VcVKIGH.

; JAMKS L. CHAMBERLAIN.i Alexandria, August 2 ', lsfits. lm

V CARD..JAMKS H. McVKIGH has thisday associated with him. his son. ED.t»'.//( T. MclEHJli and will continue the

WHOLESALE CHOCERY HI SIS ESS, atiht ohl stand of McVeigh «.y Chamberlain, in thename ol J. II. Mi I EMU SOS.They will keep a general stock of CROCK

RIKS, LIQUORS, WINKS, TEAS, TOBACCO,Acc.. and will be prepared to otf'er thern to

punctual dealers upon the most lavorable termsJAMES H. McVKIOH.KDGAR T. McVKIGH.

aug 2.tf Prince-street Wharf


^ The Boot, Siiuk. Hat ani> Cap Ri'siskps. here' totore carried on by GKORGK H. BAYNK A{ CO. will be herealter conducted by I'AT8 TJ'.tiX</.y If.l) > /*,. at me oni sianu, in in«

! name nl BAVNK ot Co.Country merchants u i I find a general assort

ment o' trevh and desirable FALL and WINr TKR COODS, as above described, lately pur

chased ot the F.astern maniilacturers. which, will be sold low to rath or jiunctwil denim.

1 o all sw It an earnest invitation is given to callaug 0.eo3m BAV.NE Ac <'().

"X^OTICE..All jiersons indebted o us whoseaccounts are now passed due are reques

ted to call and settle them without delay, a*

longer indulgence cannot be givenGEORGE H BAYNE ft CO.

L atlg 6.en'Imo1 | 1HARLES HERNliON, (lat* Conway a

Hkhndon.) Attoknky at L w, Fredericksburg. Virginia, continues to practice in tb<Courts ol King (ieorge, Stafford. Caroline. Spotsylvania, and the town ol Fredericksburg

Collections promptly made and remitted.t


David Funsten, Messrs. Fowled Co.George W. Brent, | Messrs Caz°iioveAc Co

^ Francis L. Smith. I McVeigh Ac Chamber'!5 John B Daingerfield, | Smnot, Ciller \ Co.,|. John S. Barbour. Uobmson fit I'ajne,r, Lewis McKerzie, |J H Brent,t Burke & Herbert, j Bryan. Adams Ac Co.,

C. F. Suttle Ac Co . and other merchants.{ Fredericksburg. Va jy 'gd. dAce'y' XTITICE. The co partnership ol Svkwaki

\ Guay was dissolved by mutual conseti

July 31, lA.it>. Either ot the pattners are au

P tnorized to use the name ol the hrm in settlee inent ot the business.

)j JOHN W. STEWART.. aug 4.eo3t ALBERT W. GRAY.

y" TOHN W. STEWART will continue th<f) wholesale TOBjICCO, CIGAR, </m

S't'l Ft Bl'SISESS, ot the corner of A'uig aws; 11 uter streets Alexandria. Now receivingr. full supply of choice brands of TOBACCO amri CKIARv aug 4.eoNt


I- I'ltS.A Mil, JSlNLi OK Ml'blClANS JX ATTEXOAMKs. .Board per week "£>, Children and Servant

h311 p ice Kemp Ac Trotter s Stage connect

daily with the Manassas Gap Railroad a

Woodstock, and carries passengers throng!same day. 'Fare from Alexandria to Orkne;

25. For further par'iculars reier 'o GRA X* MILLER A CO., Alexandria, or to the proprie

tors at the Springs. Tournament days Augtis10th and 29th. jy 30.dim

QT. CHARLES HOTEL, rmntr of Mam <in

^ H'uUt >-0tt. RickrutuL Fa..The undersigriehave leased the above HOTEL, and are not

s, fully prepdteJ to receive their triends and th

public. They intend to make the St. Charlem all respects comfortable and agreeable to it

7 pa.rons. Board per da> -th 1 70.THUS. B. P. INGRAM,

s' JOHN G. MOSBY, Jb.Richmond, jy 1.dAeo^m

TOHN MURPHY, JTTORNETjiT^ (I will practice in the Courts ot We»t:uor<

land. Richmond, and Northumberland CountieI Post ( 'dice, Rice's More, Westmoreland Count;

a Ya. dec b.0

rUST }), 1858.








Agents the


PlIOSPllAIES,As will appear from annexed

Analysis by Dr. R. II Stabler:Organic matter, )ieMing ammonia 14 ,V«Water S.55Phosphate ol Lime 60.t>»Magnesia 10

J Sand and other insoluble matter 15.92



KNOWN.Having accepted the Agency lor the sale ol tins

article in Wash'ngton. Georgt town, andAlexandria, a lull supply w ill always

be kept on hand.T IS PUT UP IN BAGS AND BARRELS.Particulai attention is asked to the following

Analysis by Dr. R. If. Stabler:Organic matter yielding ammonia 9.30Phosphate of Lime 77 00Carbonate of Lime 6.00Phosphate ol Iron Sand 6.00Water .. t.70


A. A. A A.



Analysis hy l>r. R. II. Slabltr:Bone Phosphate »}7 3(JAnimal matter M.31'1Water IS 40


; i SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME.Manufactured by POTTS it KLETT, aod

, (JOE A CO..Warranted equal to any ever offered to the

Farming community.Analysis hy Dr. R. II Rtuhlcr:

Soluble Phosphate ot Lime 37.00

Sulphuric Acid 11.00Organic matter yw.lU

Water 'i'd.&O

lot;The above named Fertilizers will be kept

constantly on hand, and sold as low as in anymarket in the country.

Alexandria, jy -Z4.3m ft


contains ^1A ni, rti nr..-, uuutu uiic

' bait wooded, and partly heavy timber, with a

alarge and excellent DWKLLIX(t and allnecessary out buildings.pure and sweet

. water in the yard.and a never tailing stream

i running through the tarm. It is not surpassed. tor health;.and around it is a large population,t with good and kind neighbors. It lies near to

the Kappahannock river and canal, where, with-. iri < or 4 miles. MILLS are established, lurnish.inga market tor every thing grown on t'ue tarm.

. To a substantial tenant.arid good larmer.lhe rentwill he moderate; no other need apply.

1 ntfer also tor rent, my large three story, fire

Mproof, HKK.'K DWKILING HOL'sK. cor-jner ol King and Washington st-eets, long

occupied by me. It (routs I'U Icet on Washing- j. ton, and W) on King street. It has been rented

tor a boarding house, and for lour years past.iti was tilled with opulent, and the most respecta

ble boarders. The rooms are large and airy,the ceilings high and the parlors large and ele-gant, with smtat'le breakfast and dining rooms.

Both gas and water have been brought into thehouse. The location is unsurpassed for conveIriience, comfort, and health, l'ossessiou givenon the 1st ol J»eptembcr next.

Foi terrrs. apply to


A VALUABLE FARM FOR SaLK .Thevaluable FARM of the late C. (' Talia

terio, deceased, jn Culpeper county, is off-red, lor sale privately, until the . day of Avouit,

when, it not sold before, it will be offered tor

s»le on the premises, to the highest bidder..This Farm is on the Rapidan river, adjoiningthe Rapidan Station, Orange and AlexandriaRailroad, the Station being only a lew hundredv ards from the dwelling house and barn Itcontains SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY

r ACRF.S. is highly productive, situated in a

1 beautiful country, and surrounded by a most de»irab!eneighborhood. The BL'ILDINTJS-1'"* *r" convenient and 111 good repairThumb accommodating. Any information in

relation to the FARM may be had by applicaItion to the subs* riber, or to the following perasons Robert A. Mayo, esq , Dr. F W. Roddy,

^ Richmond; Dr. a. Taliaferro, Culpepei Court-House, or Dr. H D. Taliaferro, < >range Court-House LAW. H TALLIAFKRRO.

* Rapidan Station, Culpeper co.. jy *6.-'dawtf

I AND AND MILL FOR SALE .Having_j determined to go West, I offer for sale my

' FARM, containing TWO HUNI>KEI> A<of good Kami.one hundred and titty acres ofwhich is cleared, under good fencing. and linely

sset in grass ; the balonce in tbrnty Umber. TheAA improvements are comfortable, and the-t' » UH f interior to no country Mill in thecounty, in fine repair. with an unusually largecustom.

It is siiuated about two rnile. from PiedmontStation, on the Manas,as Gap Railroad, in one

ot the most healthy and desirable neighborhoods| in Virginia. To any one wishing to bjy such

d property, a bargain will be offered, and terms

d made liberal. Apply to the subscriber, on the

*' premises, or G W. Shacklett, Alexandria, \ a

e LEWIS BKL'CE. Piedmont Station,s jy -20.eolm Fauquier Co , Va.4 I / WvA FRirr TREES FOR SALEe)U*l/UU AT THE GREENWOODNCKSFIRIES, situated on the Alexandria andLeesburg Turnpike, ntar Falls' C hnrch, FairlaxCounty, Va. All order# lor Alexandria, Wash

V, nigton. and Georgetown, will be delivered .s- Printed catalogues sent to all who desire them.9 i IDT All communications addressed to

y, j f- R- MC'NSON'. Falls' Church,nov 13.eotl Fairfax County, Va.



Household furniture at ait.1 ION..On Monday morning next, 9th inj»t'int. at 10 o'clock, will be sold at the boi.se

occupied by F. A. Mai bury, esq., on PrinceMween St. Asaph and Pitt streets, a variety oflirst rate FURNITURE, consisting. in part ofMahogany Sola; Mahogany Chairt; do RockingCbairs. Velvet Arm Cbatr; Marble Top amiother 1 ableg; Whatnot. Cottage. and other BedsteadsWardrobes; Carpets; Oil Cloth. Ac.. Ac.

Terms at sale. ^ j(S

1)OTOMAC LAND FOR SALE .The undersigned,in anticipation ot a decree otthe Circuit Court ot SlatFord county, in the case

ot "Fitzhugh vs Warren," Ac , will, on MV./nrsday.the 1 Uh day of .jugutt next, sell at publicauction, to the highest bidder, in trout ol theCity Hotel, in tbe town ot Alexandria, theestate upon the Potomac river, in the count) oi

Stari'ord Known as RICHLAND, belonging to

tbe Estate of the late C. H. Warren, dec d .containingabout ONE THOUSAND ACRES, boitiering upon the river for a distance of liom one

to one and a halt miles.This estate is one ot the most desirable, both

as a residence and for agricultural pur|M>ses, in

Mthis portion of Virginia. It has uj>on it anexcellent DWELLING HOUSE, Ac., and

contains Irorn tour to live hundred acres of tlafriver bottom Dud, about one hundred actes ot

cleared htll land, and tbe balance is in wood andtimber. All tbe land is very rich, and the arableland is in a good stated cultivation.There aie attached to this estate, one or two

FISHERIES.- - > ti enic r I Ul'DCUiM'

MA vailiaillt- lirviOX lliu mr<nviini<

MILL, which is now attached to thiseat die, with about IIX) Ackih or Land, will besold with the estate, or separately, as may bedesired. The Mill is comparatively new. ha\nig been thoroughly repaired, and cast-iron macaineryput in, imuiediately betore the death ofMr. Warren. The stream which supplies theMill is a never lailiugone.The terms 01 sale, which w ill be as accommodatinga» can oe reasonably desired, will be

made know n o i the day of sale.Mr. Warren, who lives upon the place, will

show it to any one who may desire to inspect it.

Any information may be obtained from JohnH Suttle at tiarrisonviile, Malfonl county. Vaor irotn John C. Moncure, Fredericksburg, Va.


Stafford county. Va , jy 13.2awts.

1^* OTICK .By virtue of a deed of trust exe2,1cuted to me by John Cornwell, on the2ftth ilay ol May, I8.'>7, and recorded in PrinceWilliam County C-ourt, 1 shall offer lor sale to

the highest bidder, on the premises, the V»th dayol September, lsbb, one filth part of 4l,2ACRES, which lies on Powell's Run, adjoiningMrs. Williams, John Clark, and others, iii

Prince William County, and which is now m

the possession of aaid John Cornwell. Termsot sale ca?h.the title is unquestionable, but,selling as tiustee, 1 shall convey such title onlyas is vested in me.

William selecman, TrusteePrince Win. County, aug 6.eots*

Howard association, Philadelphia..abenevolent Institution, establishedby special endowment for the relief of thesick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent andEpidemic diseases..To all persons afflicted w ithSexual Diseases, such as spermatorrhoea,seminal weakness, impotence, ac.

The Howard Association, in view of the awfuldestruction of human life, caused by Sexual* -L- J : ........

diseases. aim lII*- urcrpiiuns |'i at.uku . ..v

unfortunate victims 01 such diseases by quae.*,several yearn ago directed their Consulting Suigeou.asa charitable act, worthy of their name, to

open a Dispensary !or the treatment ot thisclassof diseases, in all their torma, and to gi\eMedical advice gratis, to all who apply by letterwith a description of their condition, (ageoccupation, habits of life, Arc.,) and in cases ofextreme poverty, to furnish Medicines tree ot

charge. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of theage, and will furnish the most approved moderntreatment.The Directors, on a review of the past, feel

assured that their laborsin this sphere ot benevolenteffort, have been of great benetit to the afflicted,especially to the young,and they have resolvedto devote themsehes, with renewed zeal,to this very important but much despised cause.

Just published by the Association, a Reporton Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, bythe Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent bymail, (ill a sealed letter envelope,) free oi charge,on receipt of two stamps for postage.

Address, lor Report or treatment, Dr. <»KO.R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, HowardAssociation. No. 2 south Ninth street, I'hiladelphia,I'a. By order of the Directors.

EZRA D HKARTWKLL, President.(>korck Kajrchild, Secretary.Philadelphia, sep 4.dlteo3m&w1y

A FIRST RATE FAUQUIER FARM FORS A L F^ .The subscriber offers tor sale

' MF'DLFIV," the present residence ol Mr JohnAmbler. This Farm is situated in Upper Fauquier.within three miles and a half ot Markham Station, on the Manassas Oap Railroad,and is within 000 yarns ol tweeds cnurcn, wneie

there is I'rotpstant Episcopal preaching three

Sundays ii< every month, it is within 2 rrnlebof a first cl iss Academy for Boys. Messrs Jas.K. Marshall, Jas. K. Marshall, Thus. M. Arnhler,and the Rector of Leeds Church, ail live withinone mile and a half of the dwelling house.The Farm contains 200 ACRES, of which

2f>0 are in gra*-K or under cultivation, and ft0acres heavily timbered. The cleared land is ofthe very b st quality in the country, and thewood land is on the mountain sideAlk '"'prov'"'''!'* consist of a neat

JtiilRESIDKNCE. containing five rooms anda passage, w ith two (torches, and several closet*

conveniently arranged, and all in excellent re

pair A Barn, 3d by WO feet, calculated to accommodatesixty cows or cattle, and fifty tonsol hay. A Dairy house, 20 by 40 feet; also, a

good Kitchen. Meat house, and other out build|wigs. A tiniliy ORCHARD of Apple frees,

planted 12 years ago, and selected with greatrare, of the varieties best suited to this climate,is just coming into full bearing. The House is

beautifully situated, and is surrounded by a

meadow of splendid i imothy hay, and the

grounds ornamented by a great variety of well

grown and beautiful shade trees.

For terms, apply to the undersigned, who w illgive immediate attention to letters on the subject,and will lie ready to show the land to anyone who may desire to purchase. His addressis Markbam Station, Fauquier county, Va

jy 22.eotf THUS. M. AMBLERw xoiyim 11' f ivn FOR SALE The mi

I derngned desires to sell a TRACT Id'LAND, on the Waters ot Potomac Creek, inStafford County, Va., containing TEN HI VDRED and TV. ENTY ACRES. It borders <m

the Creek (which is navigable) 2$ miles, an I isdistant about one mile Irom the Richmond,Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad, lhesoil is veiy productive in all the usual g'am

crops, but particularly adapted to the growth ot

Tobacco anu brass, though it is of uneven surface.There is on the land inexhaustible beds of'he

finest shell Ma. I. A large quantity ot Hickory,Oak and Pine Wood may be cut Irom the land,worth on the shore ot the creek irom two to

four dollars per cord. Also, a good deal ol Cedararid Locust, Yellow Popular and White OakTimber.

There is a meadow now yielding an avirageof $G(MJ worth of Hay per annum, containingfourteen Acres of land, which may be increasedto fifty acres ct prime Meadow. Grass growswell all over the Land, which renders it valuablefor grazing purposes. Indeed, it graze.- annually,about utty bead of cattle in the ww ais.Altogether it is a very valuable tract, but I ain

disposed to sell it below its value, as I ow n

another large farm adjoining it. and have not a

sufficient lorce to mauage both. I invite j»ersonsdisposed to purchase such prop.'rty to ex;amine it, or Communicate witu me by letter at

Accokeek PostOffice, Stafford county, Va.I JOHN MINOR, M. D.

Stafford Co., ap 2.2aworn