1 The Universe is Otherwise External gravitation Paeps Paul Schroeder.

1 The Universe is Otherwise External gravitation Paeps Paul Schroeder

Transcript of 1 The Universe is Otherwise External gravitation Paeps Paul Schroeder.

Page 1: 1 The Universe is Otherwise External gravitation Paeps Paul Schroeder.


The Universe is OtherwiseExternal gravitation


Paul Schroeder

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Metaphysical Gravity

The concept of gravity having a metaphysical “attraction” nature needs to be corrected. It is time to look at gravity as having a physical causality and not be the mystical ‘action at a distance’.

Attraction gravity hinders understanding. Its force is limited to the straight line. A pushing gravity force is not so limited. Lateral reality has been ignored.

Attempts to tie attraction to pulling, tension or simply mediating its force are self defeating.

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Mechanical Issue

Because this is to be a mechanical view of gravity some of the frequently debated classical concepts diminish in cosmological importance. The concepts include aether, accelerated systems, centrifugal force, absolute space, absolute motion, inertial frames, and inertial forces. Relativity theory, has curved space and gravity wells which are less relevant here.

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PaepsParticles Applying External Pressure Paeps are my pushing gravity particles. Their

particle nature modifies as we progress. Gravitation is a physical presence. Rather

than performing attraction, it provides a pressure upon masses. The study of physics is oriented toward interactions.

Space, (the field or aether), is gravitation moving in all directions at speed C.

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Radiation and gravity travel at speed C relative to points of equilibrium. Equilibrium is a complete balance from all directions and requires lateral pressures as well as linear vertical attraction gravity. Gravity creates equilibrium in many situations which we will analyze. The existence of equilibrium is a function of the observer/participant. Equilibrium is obvious for the resident and convoluted for the remote observer to comprehend.

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Equilibrium 2

Over long spatial distances C is not constant, (see other work).  Since we have net gravity up vs down here on earth, the speed of light is not the same up vs down. 

The speed of light for us is constant laterally as those are the directions from which we experience equilibrium.  This is what MM found.  The explanation for MM is that we are like Einstein’s riders on the train who experience interior light motion differently than outside observers do.  We on earth experience local equilibrium while observers on the sun, relative to which we revolve and rotate, determine that we are not in equilibrium.   Their error is not taking into account the bending of the gravity they emitted toward us.

Equilibrium occurs at any ‘point’ in space which is impacted equally by paeps from all directions.  Emissions from that point are directional and will encounter unbalanced paeps when at faster speeds, causing a gravitational headwind.  We have lateral equilibrium on earth with a balance caused by the net of straight and curved paep paths.  Any local imbalance forms atmospheric winds, which themselves will interfere with the  constancy of C.

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Paep Functions

Paeps are the smallest possible particles and fill the whole of space. Paeps don’t have spin. External gravitation is gravity that transfers a push effect by motion. In the “void of space,” paeps travel at velocity C in all directions. In open space, there is paep equilibrium from all directions. A single mass located in this “void of space” will be impacted equally and constantly from all directions. Thus heavenly bodies take spherical forms.

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Paeps and Radiation

Paeps beams transport radiation, which is the reason that electromagnetic phenomena travel at speed C in space.

For ease of visualizing impacts, Paeps are particles impacting mass and applying pressure. Ultimately they are particles somewhat like photons are. They exist as components of radiation. Paep streams are the longest wave radiation, and mimic some attributes of light.

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Wave Particle Nature Explained

EM Radiation is transverse waves. Consider a point on each wave as a particle. The wave amplitude determines the impact/energy of each wave. The greater the frequency the greater the impact of the beam in any time period. Light, as waves or coils, splashes upon impact The particle nature is thus a component of the wave. paep beams, lacking significant amplitude, penetrate like a pin. The little energy they convey is distributed throughout the mass.

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Net Gravity

Paeps are so small, most pass through any mass. A few interact with particles of the mass and are converted/diminished. Given a spherical planet. Paep interaction and conversion results in a reduced pressure coming up from the surface on the side opposite the entry point side of the sphere. Reduced, upward-moving gravitation partially offsets the downward pressure of gravity from above. The ’net’ result is the ‘attraction’ gravitation force as we understand it today.

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Within mass, paep conversion occurs as paep streams are impacted by mass particles resulting in higher frequency waves, yielding EM waves.

Consider a neutrino as support for this hypothesis of particles penetrating masses in space. The neutrino is a known particle that passes through mass and is rarely absorbed.

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Newton and Inverse Square Rule The proof of an inverse square rule (1/R^2) for

gravity is what convinced others to replace Descartes swirling solar system with Newton’s gravity based system. Newton showed that the attraction/pull for a sphere such as earth is the same throughout providing the mass can be considered concentrated at the center of earth. Newton claimed that Descartes vortex system could not give the account of the solar system. Paeps simulate the vortex system.

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Inverse square

Net gravity satisfies the inverse square rule as attraction does. The net amount at the surface from diminished paeps meeting undiminished paeps disburses globally, mimicing attraction. For example, at a distance R (= the suns radius) from the sun (2R from center), the net gravity spreads out, retaining the same total downward pressure as at the surface. The ratio vs a surface point is 4pi(2R)^2 vs 4piR^2 = 4 to 1. Think of earth itself as a center of concentration of gravity.

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Nuclear reactions are mass giving up energy rapidly. The reverse is mass growing by the appropriate impact from radiation/paep streams. We will be building atomic mass and expanding mass by providinbg energy to inertial points.

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Paeps serve more purposes than providing gravitation. But first we must understand paeps themselves. Key concepts that differentiate the paep system are net, lateral, bending, and pushing. The following are the properties of paeps:

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1. The paep is an elementary, perhaps the elementary particle.

2. Paeps travel at the speed of light. They do not exist as such at rest or at lesser speeds.

3. Paeps travel in equal quantity in all directions (isotropic) in the void of space, generally without interacting with each other, exactly as photon streams don’t interact with each other.

4. Paeps are particles with no spin. They emulate photons by being particles within radiation.

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5. Paeps penetrate mass, and in doing so are somewhat diminished overall, and potentially absorbed or converted. The internal interaction of paeps with atoms is inelastic and converts paep streams to heat and light which subsequently emerge from bodies.

6. In an unbalanced region, paeps beams can laterally affect each other such that path of one may be bent by another. Significant bending leads to turbulence including spin and transverse waves

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7. The rotation of massive bodies is transferred to exiting paep streams causing angular motion.

8. A paep applies pressure to and within a spinning particle specifically because the paep does not spin. Because of its spin, mass is pressured, and in return, the spin causes the paep paths to become bent.

9. Mass exists as the antithesis of its background of non-spinning paeps. By exhibiting pushing pressure, paeps exhibit a force property. This provides the energy ‘ subset of mass.

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10. The field of paeps is space, there is no alternate aether. Space could exist totally void of mass.

11. Gravity recycles! Paep streams, which exit stars as light, are rebuilt as consequences of gravitational stretching of light radiation over vast distances. The cosmic microwave background is partially stretched light beams.

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Subsequent Development will Address the Following Topics 1. Paeps streams exiting one mass are bent and

provide the net push that causes nearby masses to revolve around the center and to rotate. Bending paep streams created and maintain the solar system.

2. By extension, the rotation of masses cause the revolution of their orbitals.

3. There is mass where, and only where, paeps encounter particles intersecting their path resulting in interaction. A motion, ultimately based on spin, is paramount in the definition of mass. The spin of internal components and of the body as a whole, taken together, define the density of mass and ultimately the existence of mass.

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4. The degree of wave vibration distinguishes gravitation particles from radiation particles. Bending of wave vibrations can lead to localized looping, thus to spin, ultimately defining mass particles. Altogether gravity, radiation and mass form a spectrum of “states of existence.”

5. Paeps may encounter but rarely penetrate nucleons, and therefore provide no ‘net’ offset to paeps impacting the nucleus from the other side. The sum of all gravity pushing on earth’s surface is the same as that pushing on earth’s center. Thus paeps provide the nuclear force.

6. Magnetism is paep streams blocked from one direction.

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7. Paep beams can convert to and serve as the energy content of matter, thus reversing our mass to energy focus with E=mc2. Paeps beams serve as electron clouds within mass particles.8. Paeps resolve the unification of relativity with quantum theory. This is a complete and unified model

9. Gravity causes the structure of the solar system and of galaxies. It explains revolution rates, inclination of orbits, ellipse second focus, domes and arms.

10. A new understanding of Kepler’s laws, and the location and speed of orbitals.

11. The structure of mass.

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Higgs Boson An illusive elementary particle. One theory proposed in the 1960s by Peter

Higgs suggests the existence of a most fundamental elementary particle called the Higgs boson. It exists within a theoretical Higgs field that permeates the universe and gives mass to other particles.

Though Bosons are large while paeps are tiny, paeps perform the functions sought from a field of Higgs Boson.

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Newton’s Gravity

Philosophers Halley, Wren and Hook considered Descarte’s whirling solar system with vortices, but then encountered Newton and preferred his gravitation theory with inertia. The rest is history.

Newton didn’t assign a nature to gravity. ’ ‘What I call attraction may be caused by impulse.’ ‘If someone explains gravity by the action of some subtle matter, and shows that the motion of planets will not be disturbed by this matter, I shall be far from objecting.’ Newton’s associate Fatio promoted the pushing form.

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The process of defining a physical attribute to gravitation began with theories for defining weight. It proceeded through many hands from Descartes in 1600s through Fatio and Newton, Huygens, LaPlace and to LeSage in the mid 1700s. LeSage first set the parameters of pushing gravity

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LeSage recognized and promoted the advantages of considering gravity as corpuscular (consisting of bits of matter) with impact interactions. He also predicted the mostly void space within mass which was confirmed centuries later. LeSage suggested corpuscles could push upon and penetrate masses while being only partly absorbed. With gravity passing through planetary masses, he described the resulting output region as shadowing.

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LeSage parameters

1. A change in state such as the attraction of a body is due to impulsion, a physical pressure.

2. The medium (ether) must be fluid. 3. The fluid must be discrete corpuscles flowing

simultaneously in all directions (isotropic) while not interfering with each other.

4. The pores of bodies must be great, allowing nearly free passage to graviton corpuscles.

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Redirecting Science

An obvious answer to the ongoing crisis with physics has been ignored and avoided for many years partly because challenges to LeSage have been accepted.

One major challenge came from forecasting of a huge build up of heat. This originated with Maxwell and his molecular theory of heat. He could easily make up some factors, apply his math to the impacts of otherwise undefined particles which noone can test. His proclamation that gravity particles will generate extreme heat ignores the fact that the sun is radiating away exactly that heat and light. It also ignores the idea that the particles might be radiation particles.

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Pushing the Solution Forward Some challenges to LeSage, like the heat

issue, are invalid while others that are valid are corrected by my model.

The other major objection has been particles creating drag on orbitals. The paep system is unique in proposing and describing a bending of streams of gravitation. This solves the drag issue and is a major part of the system being presented here.

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LeSage Challengesmy answers 1. Pushing gravity shows a shadow region with fewer gravitons

residing between two heavenly bodies. But “What fills in the shadow output region to replace the absorbed corpuscles and retain the existence of space there?”

-mass converts my paeps to light and heat which is released in their place.

2. Consider that one property more recently assigned to LeSage’s “ultra mundane corpuscles” is nearly infinite speed, 1024 times the speed of light. It takes a mathematical gimmick for this proposal to solve the drag issue. Also, exceeding the speed of light removes the important concept of gravitation particles serving as the transportation medium for electromagnetic phenomena. Some theorists have invented a second medium such as Tom Van Flandern’s Elysium, acting in tandem with the original medium for carrying radiation independently of gravitation.

- my paeps travel at velocity C.

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3. The primary objection to LeSage’s theory is that gravitons, rectilinearly passed outward from the sun, would somewhat impede the progress of orbiting bodies such as planets via friction. Upon incurring gravitons during orbital motion, a planet would incur drag.

- my bent paep streams provide the impetus, not any drag. 4. Aberration is the offset in apparent visual directions of

star light due to earth’s motion. It can also be applied to gravitons in saying “non-instantaneous gravity travel would cause some forward angle of impact and thus would offset the apparent angle of the source.”

- bent paep streams, being the orbital drivers, exactly offset the aberration

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5. Impacts with gravitons would raise the temperature of massive bodies to impossible levels.

- heat from paep impacts is radiation conversion and the heat exits with the beam, example being the sun.

6. Over a sufficiently long time, there must be depletion or net slowing of the universe’s graviton streams due to absorption by masses. Gravity would diminish throughout the universe.

- light waves stretch over distance recycling to long range paep streams over extreme distances. This is from my separate redshift work.

My system overcomes the LeSage objections.

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Math 1

It is the intent of this work for paep gravity to duplicate all known properties of attraction gravity so no particular math comparisons would be useful.

The more complex the math, such as higher powers, the more it forfeits the conceptual understanding we seek here. Math tends to put things in a rectilinear box, forcing everything to be rectilinear. Bending, curvature etc get lost. Strangely they get reentered as mystical dimensions.

The paep model instead provides overwhelming logic.

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Math 2

Math is useful to focus on certain conditions and arenas. But there are always larger arenas and more conditions. We regularly expand formulas beyond and thus distort understanding.

What occurs when a linear motion is redirected by a side impact or interaction with a perpendicular motion? The usual answer is to geometrically add velocities and represent them in a straight line now at angle within the frame of reference. Does the straight line, like centrifugal force, properly describe a rapid upward motion absorbing the ‘almost’ perpendicular motion of the massive bodies rotation. Not quite, and the trivial difference due to surface curvature creates our universe.

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We proceed with bending which solves the LeSage challenges. This overcomes the final objection to a pushing form of gravity.

Centrifugal force and angular motion are the closest current attempts to describe bending.

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Straight Up

We know that velocity is complex depending on whether viewed from in front, behind or perpendicularly. The same concern applies to direction. Launch a projectile upward, which you can monitor for some time as you rotate with earth. Does it also rotate? If not, its path curves relative to you. If it rotates the receiver and a polar observer will both see a curve path. So, bending paths, though mostly ignored, are key issues.

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Solar Centrifugal Bending

I suggest that the beams of radiation bend from rotation of the mass they depart and subsequently continue to bend as the region around them is now somewhat unbalanced and they are affected by the net force of the other gravitation paths they encounter. Thus gravity is affected by gravity in this case.

The sun exhibits equatorial counterclockwise rotation. The rotation of the sun pushes exiting paeps to the left, applying centrifugal force. The left vector of the exiting beam is tiny (2KM/sec) compared to the upward vector (300,000KM/sec).

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Some question ‘what is clockwise’, and what is actually top and bottom given the three dimensional structure of space relative to the two dimensional structure of rotation.  With a three dimensional coordinate system, those viewing the event from the north Z axis, which defines up and down, can relate clockwise.   

Simple logic allows us to call motions clockwise or counterclockwise in this analysis.  We automatically draw the solar system as viewed from the solar north.  We had originally defined earth’s North Pole as north, the top for our top down view.  The solar ecliptic plane is slightly tilted to our equatorial plane, so it has a similar north.  In fact we would draw the solar system, as currently done from the north, as long as its plane is no more than 90 degrees tilted relative to our equator.  If it were more than 90 degrees inclined we would naturally draw the ecliptic upside down, with its other side as its north, and imagine the current bottom as top, and the rotations of planets as clockwise.  There is a significant tipping of the galaxy plane relative to ours but it can never be greater than 90 degrees or we would just call its bottom north without thinking about all this perspective business.  

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Preliminary Mass Formation Ideas Assume that the path of the paeps coming from the sun

toward earth bends. The bending would be toward the left when viewed from the sun, north of the ecliptic. Starting before there was a planet earth, the bending paeps created sufficient disturbance in earth’s region offsetting the equilibrium of paep flow equally from all sides. This disturbance means the paep streams actually impact each other, creating turbulence. The resultant turbulence may be seen as a spinning of a paep collection and furthermore as the initial formation of mass specifically because of the existence of spin. Radiation energy converting to mass is detailed in presentation 2.

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Energy to Mass

Consider energy to mass conversion. It is the reverse of a nuclear reaction converting mass to energy. Because of the C^2 component, the conversion is very gradual. A lot of energy is required to form a small amount of mass. The process is continuous.

As the disturbance continues over time, more turbulence may increase local rotation and thus increase our recognition of the characteristics of mass. This begins as either a mass particle or an entire region of mass.

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Growing Earth

Once a particle of mass is created it must move to counter centripetal force. The ability of gravity to move it grows in tandem with the particle growth. As the mass grows the sideways motive enhances the already existing motion.

Continental drift theory is being replaced by a growing earth theory that explains shoreline matches and biological movements better.

The micro description of mass creation is detailed in the ‘spectrum of existence presentation’.

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Sun Attracting Planets

Now that paeps or EM radiation form mass, subsequent paeps in the same stream cause an unbalanced pressure to act upon that mass. Imagine that the mass as now a planet. A diminished paep stream impacts the planet from the side facing the sun. Meanwhile, undiminished paeps strike the planet from opposite the sun, so there is some ‘net’ push toward the sun, as in current attraction theory. The ;net‘ of pushing and attraction gravity are equal on this point, but there is more.

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The following exaggerated diagram, showing bent gravity paths, is best explained using clock faces and summing up the diminished and the undiminished paeps striking at each clock number.

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Exaggerated Gravity Stream

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Orbital Revolution

The bending stream coming from the sun causes extra paeps to impact the right side of the planet (the side at the rear of its revolution motion), causing an overall push to the left. The planet must move toward the left (counterclockwise). This push enhances or causes orbital motion.

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A third effect to consider is how the paep streams pass relative to the planet’s center. The exact angle at which the angular stream strikes and passes through earth is important. It could pass just slightly left or right of earth’s center. The result is the planet’s rotation.

Analyzing these three unbalanced actions helps to understand the existence of a push toward the sun, a second push causing orbit, and a third push causing rotation.

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Gravity Controls

By considering angular effects, we expand our perspective of space. The actions of gravity control all motion at the cosmic scale.

This is an expansion beyond Newton’s theory of retention of orbital radial/distances by offsetting centripetal gravity with inertial motion. The mechanics of my model can be applied to any central body and its orbital(s), from planets and moons to nuclei and electrons.

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Central Body Spin

The more bending of the paep stream due to central body spin, the more likely there will be a turbulence of paeps at some distance. This turbulence is the activity by which orbitals form. Therefore, there is a cause and effect relationship between the major body spin and the paths of orbitals. My model says that the central bodies spin causes and continues the disturbance that governs orbitals. Not only does central rotation dictate orbital revolution rates, but also the number of orbitals that exist is a function of the speed of central spin. A faster spin causes more turbulence and thus more orbitals.

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Continuous Impetus

Newton proposed that a body in motion continues in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. On earth we observe friction to offset motion and it serves as a contradictory force. In order to continue accepting Newton’s second law as the solution to permanence of orbits, we must assume that there are no particles or sources of friction within planetary orbit paths. The paths of the planets are thus implied to be total voids. Yet earth encounters meteorites, comet remains, light, electromagnetic winds, and other radiation.

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Congealing gas

It is much more satisfying to have revolution and rotation defined as a natural consequence of gravitation than to manufacture an explanation for these spins out of necessity. The latter explanation has some swirling gas cloud existing for no reason, congealing to form planets, and imparting its swirl to the formed planets. Even then, the imparted spins can’t correlate with the original swirl.

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Regarding spin, electron, negative spin is counterclockwise. Most all heavenly rotation can be seen as counterclockwise relative to us. Opposite charge is like opposite spin so that protons are assigned clockwise spin. Note that orbital spin does not require an opposite spin by the center. In general clockwise spin is in opposition to most systems and cancels out. Clockwise spin is the closest analogy to antimatter. Merging opposite spin particles modifies the rotation, not necessarily the particles themselves. The assigned spin/charge of protons is questionable

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Plane of Solar System

Rotating gravity dictates that orbitals approximately occupy a plane. Consider a paep stream passing upward from the South Pole to the north pole of the sun. Its path would not be bent as it incurs no rotational pressure from the side. The stream is not influenced by the spinning of the sun. A stream flowing through the sun at a 45° angle to the sun’s equatorial spin plane would bend, but less, maybe about half as much as the paep stream passing through near the suns equator. The solar system is usually pictured as a two dimensional series of orbits lying on the ecliptic. Planetary orbits are mostly near that plane. No planetary orbits circle the sun more than 30 degrees above or below the extension of the suns equator.

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Angular pushing gravity eliminates the dependence on Newton’s second law of no offsetting force that would interfere with the continuous orbital motion of earth. Relying on the absence of something is so tenuous even Newton encouraged a particle impetus mechanical explanation for gravity in his words to Favio.

Regarding the LeSage system, it failed primarily due to ‘gravitons’ inhibiting the orbits of planets by casuing a drag effect. My paeps would cause drag if their path was rectilinear. But with the bent path caused by their acquired angular motion they assist rather than hinder orbital motions.

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Impetus is Necessary

Newton’s law is insufficient, especially given our search for ever more detailed and specific answers in physics. Continuous creation of mass and continuing impetus applied to cosmic bodies becomes a paramount need.

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Impetus Theorists.

Just prior to Newton, there was the theory by Descartes that the sun must be the motor force for the motions of the planets via some whirlpool currents controlled by vortices. Another claim that the sun assists rotation comes from Kepler. In his discussion of the sun as the logical center he stated that, ‘by its rotation, it creates a vortex in which other planets participate’.

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How Does the Sun Dictate Revolutions?Important Puzzle Could the gravity beams transfer the ‘angle’

of spin occurring at the sun to the planets? No. If so the whole solar system would rotate together and all would cover 360 degrees in the same time. This doesn’t happen. The universe is not bounded. Were the revolutions this way all orientations would remain the same, there would be no appearance of revolution.

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Could planets revolution rates respond to central body rates as gravitational attraction does? How are radiated properties disseminated? The brightness of light from a star is a radiated property which is summed across a sphere of influence. The total surface of a sphere is a function of R^2. As the sphere under consideration is increased, directional brightness diminishes. The ratio is that of the larger sphere surface area to the original sphere area. Meanwhile the total radiated brightness remains constant at any distance.

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Gravity formula

Attraction gravity is also a radiated property that similarly diminishes in net influence as R^2 increases. The bottom line is that the common ‘force of gravity’, F, varies as does R^2. As expected then, R^2 is the factor in the denominator of the gravitational equation F=MG/R^2. The net centripetal force attraction by the sun upon planets diminishes by R^2 as their orbits are greater in radius. Similar to brightness, the pull of gravity diminishes with distance because the effect of gravity is sourced to a point which we recognize as a tiny sphere.

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Inverse Square 1/R^2

Could the spin rate diminish as you depart the sun like brightness and the centripetal force of gravity do? If so, as R^2 increases the time T of revolution would increase in tandem. The orbital formula would be CT=R^2 for the planets or CT^2 is proportional to R^4. This isn’t correct.

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Orbital Push

The whirling influence of paep gravity, which causes revolution, acts only across the orbital circle, as pictured on the ecliptic plane, not throughout a sphere. Might its influence change linearly at greater orbital distances? If so, the push should diminish somewhat in accord with the increase of the circle of influence rather than a sphere of influence.

The area of a circle is a function of R. Our formula would be CT=R. Confusion begins here when this expected relationship doesn’t work.

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Relating to Radial Distance.

This approach assumes the same speed for all orbitals, with larger orbits requiring more time. But larger orbits require even more time than this. Why doesn’t orbital velocity vary as does R?

It seems reasonable on the surface to transfer the velocity outward, in this case at Mercury’s orbit, to Earth’s orbit. Earth would revolve with the same ‘velocity’ as Mercury, but it would take longer in its larger orbit. In reality earth travels slower and it’s period T is greater than if we assumed Mercury’s velocity.

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Kepler’s law

There is already a rule relating planetary orbit times to orbital size which Kepler discovered and included as his third rule. Perhaps we can start with that and figure out why it works.

Supposedly the key relationship Kepler found is that, for at least the known planets, the time to complete an orbit T is related to the orbital radius R by R^3/T^2 = constant. The relationship has taken this form because it has been incorporated into Newton’s equation which requires the inverse square 1/R^2, factor.

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Retracing our knowledge

Today this is how Kepler’s third law is stated - very misleading. All planets generally follow this rule and the constant, when using our time units and kilometers, is approximately 25.

A problem with this relationship is in the way we read it today. Kepler himself referred to a 3/2 power of R. In other words, the time T of an orbit is a function of the three halves power of R. Stated this way, one of the factors, T, remains in the first power, so it is a function we can relate to.

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Restate the law

We confuse ourselves by squaring Kepler’s law. I find it more useful to return to the original by taking the square root of our statement of his law. The constant becomes 5 and the orbital time for the planets becomes 5T = R^3/2. Once the orbit for one planet, such as Mercury, is determined, the constant 5 connects all orbits.

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An Answer

Is there such a thing as the ½ dimension geometrically? Might Kepler’s 3/2 power serve as a dimension? We invent higher dimensions but cant visualize them.

I have a geometrical explanation for the reason Kepler’s formula determines relative orbital rates.

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3D vs disk

The universe, is visualized as 3 dimensional. We diagram with lines on two dimensional paper. If the lines are rotating they map out diagrams as relatively 2 dimensional. From this we picture the disk of the solar system. The solar system construct is nearly 2 dimensional, but has some vertical measure. Therefore trying to transfer a linear effect, such as angular motion, to a distant point is insufficient.

Key point; So far we have transferred the rotation of the sun’s equator outward. Doing so ignores all the sun from above and below the equator.

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Sun’s Equatorial Rotation

We learned that rotation of paep gravity dictates that orbitals reside near the equitorial plane. Planets must revolve somewhat near the solar equatorial plane or they will not receive sufficient swirl. There is gradually diminishing whirl impetus as the angle relative to the equator increases.

Conversely, there is extra push is concentrated along the equatorial plane which is relevant to the orbital push applied to planets. More than just the angular momentum from paeps bent at the equator influences orbitals.

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Full Sun Rotation

Consider a paep entering the sun at latitude 60 and exiting at latitude 59. It will join with paeps exiting at the equator at some distance from the sun and add to the counterclockwise pressure there. A way to approximate the rotation rate rule works as follows. At 60 degrees latitude a global diameter is about ½ that of the equator. Going from 60 degrees to 59 degrees while inside the globe suggests the beam will continue declining toward the equatorial plane upon exiting at 1 degree per diameter distance. Since this 60 degree diameter is ½ the equator diameter then this beam supports solar equatorial push at ½ x 60 diameters = 60 radii distance from the sun.

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The pushing effect from all solar rotation that is parallel to its equatorial plane diminishes as R increases. But the impact from all nonparallel paep streams intersecting that plane also diminish with distance ultimately missing contact and increasing the overall decay of push. That decay rate is a function of their declination. Declination applies throughout the axis of the sun and therefore is also a radial factor, a function of the radius.

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Summing all pushes

By its spin, a mass body converts the linear paep pushes from all three dimensions into a two dimensional push configuration of rotation. For any targeted sphere, paep lines will bisect the rotation plane either before, during or after penetrating the sphere. Those bisecting upon exiting add, in some degree, to the revolution source at their intersection point. Geometrically there is more intersecting push near the source than farther away.

Since we find decreasing push sources as source’s latitude increases, we note that they are some function of the radius R which function denotes the sum of their vertical measure. R^3/2 is then a product of R because of the equatorial circle and R^1/2 because of the vertical contribution.

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Center Spin

The meaning of Kepler’s formula becomes ‘radial lines extending out within 3 dimensional space and penetrating spinning globes convert to 2 dimensional whirling by the 3/2 power of the radial distance the effect resides from the spinning globe center!’ Thus, the spin rate of the center must determine the revolution rate of the orbital.

Why then doesn’t the sun’s surface rotation rate participate in the formula?

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The surface of the central body source is the point of reference, and it is R=0 distance from itself.

It’s contribution seems to be the constant. The period for the sun is about 25 days, which is the constant when using today’s formula and is the square of the constant 5 when using R^3/2.

We will find that there is reason atmospheric regions near the surface don’t participate and even revolve faster rather than the surface. There is a distance, possibly the synchronous distance, beyond which Kepler’s formula begins to apply.

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Lateral Equilibrium

Except for wind, earth’s surface and its atmosphere at any particular elevation are in a state of lateral equilibrium (thanks to lateral effects of pushing gravity). What causes wind/air flows? On average, wind tends to blow in the same direction as earth’s rotation and moves, on average, faster than earth’s surface. Consider as examples west to east air flows and jet streams. The cause of planetary rotation has remained unexplained until now. Per Newton, planets rotate now because they always did and nothing offsets their rotation. Then why does the air above also rotate, and why does it move faster than the ground?

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Coriolis Force

The Coriolis force is redirecting of a fluid such as atmosphere, aether, or external gravity, into a perpendicular direction due to the rotation of a globe. It explains many features of air currents such as hurricanes and tornados. The equator is a longer circle of rotation than other latitudes, so air traveling with the equator, transferring to shorter latitude circles moves faster than the ground at the new latitude. Vice versa, air transferring from the shorter latitude toward the equator moves slower than the ground at the equator. While Coriolis is the force behind disturbances and turbulence, it is not the source of our overall wind flow system.

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Cause of Winds

Disbursing equatorial air to create winds we would observe jet streams of air moving north and south, away from the equator. But northern jet streams show motion reasonably straight west to east, not south to north. There is not excess atmosphere at the equator available to move north and south.

The correct view is that bent paep streams from the sun rotate earth and its atmosphere as well. An equally wide flow throughout provides excess push at the (smaller) pole regions, and less at the large circle equator.

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Gravity Rotates our Atmosphere Net pushing gravity from the sun rotating earth also

pushes/rotates our atmosphere. Earth;s rotation bends exiting gravity that also pushes the atmosphere. Combine the solar push impetus with the earth’s rotation and we get two impetus sources, causing the atmosphere to rotate faster than the surface.

Hypothetical example- Assume the bending of solar push becomes tangent at 1:30. This gives a distance of maximum solar caused rotation about 1,700 miles above earth. All higher orbits receive gradually less solar push as a percentage of all push. At the 23,000 mile geostationary distance, the revolution has slowed enough to again match that of the surface, like a second surface.

By extension, the more distant moon moves slower than earth’s geostationary ‘surface’, and even more distant bodies with less percent of solar push would revolve even slower, as do the planets around the sun.

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Diagram - Lateral Pressures from Solar Bent Paep Streams

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Since gravity pulls down horizontal projectiles, a cannon shot wont achieve orbit. All orbitals must rotate faster than earth to avoid being pulled down, up to the geosynchronous elevation. That elevation is where an orbital can remain above a particular surface point. It is 35,786 km about earth’s surface.

Key point, It is only above this elevation that orbitals revolve slower than the rotation of the central body. like solar system orbitals do. For all central bodies, the Kepler relationship of periods cannot apply below the synchronous point.

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Planetary moons, with Jupiter’s 4 big ones as examples, have orbit times that follow Kepler’s formula. They revolve counterclockwise like the planets do around the sun. In all cases the orbitals must be outside a presumed synchronous orbit to avoid tidal action and to orbit counterclockwise.

Outer moons of Jupiter and other giant planets orbit the planer clockwise with inclinations greater than 90 degrees. This seems like a 4 body gravity problem involving counterclockwise vs the sun and dependence on earth’s perspective. Perhaps these orbits are much slower than assumed and simply appear retrograde relative to their planet which acts as a semi-fixed background while earth orbits the sun.

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Intersecting Bent Gravity

At any region of space bent gravity streams from one direction merging with unbent streams creates an imbalance and thus a net push in one direction, The back end of that push might be seen as a pull.

A picture back in frame 44 showed only a solar paep stream which impacted earth. Now picture the activity directly between the sun and earth where some of earth’s bent streams intersect those from the sun. There is some vector of the motion of each stream that is moving across the face of earth rather than straight down. Since the beams are counterclockwise relative to their origin body, these two fields will intersect and partially cancel out. That happens much closer to earth than to the sun.

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The net push just mentioned will appear to be in the counterclockwise direction to us when earth’s bending dominates and clockwise at more distant space when the sun’s bending dominates.

Toward the night sky, the bent beams from both the sun and from earth will be counterclockwise relative to us. They will enhance the total bending, gradually diminish and extend to infinity.

The activity described here was discovered in 1958, and since no one was ready to accept mechanical gravitation, it was defined as magnetism and called the magnetosphere. It is intersecting and corotation of the gravitational output of rotating masses.

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Jupiter’s Magnetosphere

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Solar Wind

Science has applied the term solar wind to explain the curved gravity streams from the sun. Because we see those beams, and their helix form, from the opposite side from which we see earth’s beams, they have been viewed as incomplete mass formations and called plasma.

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Magnetic Pole

First notice, if you view a picture of the magnetosphere, that it is pictured relative to the equator and at two points it intersects earth so there is no activity above. Those points of equilibrium would be poles except for being continually rotated away. So the poles cant be on the equator. Possibly since the field is determining the axis the rule to use is to apply the left hand rule to the rotation giving a magnetic push northward. An alternative is to infer that the push northward is due to a movement of the earth southward through the universal field of paeps..

More of the magnetism issue is covered when explaining the forces.

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Cause of the Sun’s Rotation

Newton’s equation works well throughout the solar system because the orbiting situations consist of the sun and point mass orbitals quantified as mass 1. The center of mass is thus within or close to the sun. Kepler’s laws define a ‘revolution vs the center’ phenomena. They work only for a ‘solar’ type of system. We have ignored the minor amount that the sun is gravitationally affected by its orbitals.

Were we able to measure the continuous relocation of the sun, orbital contributions would be more recognizable.

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Solar Rotation

Gravity from the orbital acting on the sun creates a form of orbiting. It’s just that the smaller body trying to relocate the larger, while constantly moving itself, produces rotation instead of revolution. Planets force the sun to revolve around an internal point, and thus to rotate, as seen by local observers, at the same rate by which the planet orbits. The orbital body causes the sun to spin based on the orbital’s distance, mass and time of rotation/speed. As there are multiple orbital planets that ‘spin’ the sun, it rotates faster than anything revolves around it. So the sun affects, pushes, the planets while they do likewise to it. Rotations forced by planets upon the sun can be summed up.

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Beyond Kepler

If we assume a significant mass for the orbital, Kepler’s 3rd law loses accuracy. The mass of the orbital, which was previously 1, now plays an increasing role. The closer to equal, two masses are, the closer to absolute center is their revolution center. The maximum orbital contribution is when the orbital mass equals that of the central body. The center of mass is half way between them and it no longer has any mass itself. We have no center around which to build a Keplerian system.

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Galaxies Refute Kepler’s Laws Galaxies differ from solar systems The center is galaxies is not a single body

like the sun so Kepler’s laws don’t apply. To determine revolution motion of one star is

to place rotating platters centered on all other stars and sum up effects.

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Spin Causing Revolution

Given 3 equal masses in a row, their rotations cause the others to revolve, resulting in masses 1 and 3 revolving around 2.

Given 4 masses in a row, and focusing attention on #1, results in all others moving left from the original line over time like galaxial rotation. All rotation can be viewed as counterclockwise relative to us.

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Galaxy Arms

Picture a long series of rotating masses. Those further out receive multiple pushes which yields ever faster revolution vs mass 1.

The revolution may yield arms rapidly revolving at the line end (mass 99) and slowly doing so near mass 1.

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Galaxy Domes

Rotating centers provide most support at their equator and diminishing support at greater latitudes.

Multiple equal sized bodies revolving a center must have paths inclined relative to each other and to the center or they may collide. The more orbitals the greater the inclinations.

Orbits focused on a central body must have smaller diameters when orbiting at higher latitudes.

There becomes a 3rd dimensional build up called a dome around the center. A similar buildup exists, but to a lesser extent, near other suborbital centers within the galaxy.

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Besides their inclination, solar system orbits are elliptical rather than circular. The sun creates a force at one focus, and there must be a source of the virtual force at the second focus. We may fully understand solar system planetary inclinations and their elliptical second focus if we can determine the location and motion of a secondary center of gravitation caused by the sum of forces, excluding the sun. Note that the ‘massless’ secondary focus provides no swirling so the orbital revolves slower near the second focus and faster near the main focus, central body.

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What Causes Earth’s Equilibrium? The solar ‘attraction’ force and linear motion of a

planet are perpendicular to each other, focusing on the planet’s center. Planetary rotation is necessary to distribute pushing gravity effects, otherwise outer surface parts, which experience different solar gravitation, might not remain attached to the center. The stronger the planet’s centripetal gravitational force offsetting its motion, the closer it comes to providing lateral equilibrium, but it never provides full equilibrium. The concept of aether unsuccessfully addressed this. We will see that paeps solve this?

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Some historical background - M M Michelson and Morley analyzed the motion of light

with a famous experiment testing whether light beams interfered with each other after traveling different directions across earth’s surface. They expected the motions of earth should have distorted the light beams. It didn’t prove to be so.

Why does light retain its frequency, not interfering with a portion of its beam that briefly traveled perpendicular to the primary beam? Didn’t they travel in different directions relative to earth’s motion?

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Understanding Aether

Aether is the ongoing downfall of cosmology. The MM experiment was an attempt to determine whether aether is

fixed or in motion. Aether drift is the hypothetical motion of the ether relative to the earth. The problems of motion of the aether and of its contents, such as light, dominated physical theory for centuries since the time of Newton. When the MM experiments detected no motion affecting light, aether theory couldn’t resolve itself. Along came Einstein to suggest there is no aether and back up the idea with special relativity theory. Subsequently Einstein reverted to an aether to theorize general relativity. Currently the aether debate has returned to its all consuming status of hundreds of years ago. The MM experiment remains a mystery for us to resolve.

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Aether is Nonexistant

Aether thinking is all wrong! All its issues go away by the simple expedient of defining gravity as the carrier of EM radiation. There is lateral equilibrium here on earth. Gravity affects us laterally, pushing from all directions. Additionally, my model suggests further equilibrium caused by a whirling centrifugal force created by bent gravity streams. Light moving in different directions yields equal speeds because we have lateral equilibrium. A tester is moving ‘on the same train’ that light is. The only variable is the wind.

The reality is that the revolution and rotation motions of earth are with regard to an observer at the sun. The motions don’t exist in our equilibrium.

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Lunar Effects

Consider the cycle of solar system gravitation. Gravitation from the sun attracts and pushes orbiting bodies. The rotation applied to planets then determines where sub-orbitals (moons) can exist and how they revolve. It also affects their rotation. Our moon exists in a three step relationship of singular entities, the sun, earth, and the moon itself.

Gravity that creates equilibrium on earth is not distorted in nearby regions by other bodies. Since there is a singular source (the earth) that affects our moon’s motions relative to us, the moon is pushed directly sideways throughout its orbit such that it always shows the same face to earth.

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Unification Will Follow

Combining the 4 forces into one unifies the theories of relativity, quantum and classic mechanics into one package. This model solves the gravity issue for quantum theory by providing gravity particles that don’t interact with each other, eliminating the concern of particle interference.

The four forces will be shown to be one. Recognize that all is unified under my all inclusive

gravity force similar to the universal electro dynamic force of gravity proposed by Bill Lucas.

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This ‘otherwise’ framework is a base from which participants can provide detail and expand the mechanics. A relevant project is popular growing earth model. A whole science can be built around this. What better way to contend with mainstream physics? There are new and exciting projects and tests to perform.

A quick way to review and share these and other ideas is with my book ‘The Universe is Otherwise’

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