1 The Respiratory Syncytial Virus Attachment Glycoprotein ...

1 The Respiratory Syncytial Virus Attachment Glycoprotein Contribution to Infection 1 Depends on the Specific Fusion Protein 2 3 Running title: RSV Strain-Specific Functionality of G 4 5 Jia Meng a, b , Anne L. Hotard a,b , Michael G. Currier a, b , Sujin Lee a, b , Christopher C. 6 Stobart a,b , Martin L. Moore a, b,# 7 8 a Department of Pediatrics, Emory University of School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, 9 USA 10 b Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 11 # Address correspondence to Martin L. Moore, [email protected]. 12 13 Abstract words: 170/140 14 Text words: 4728 15 JVI Accepted Manuscript Posted Online 14 October 2015 J. Virol. doi:10.1128/JVI.02140-15 Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. on February 24, 2018 by guest http://jvi.asm.org/ Downloaded from

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The Respiratory Syncytial Virus Attachment Glycoprotein Contribution to Infection 1 Depends on the Specific Fusion Protein 2 3 Running title: RSV Strain-Specific Functionality of G 4 5 Jia Menga, b, Anne L. Hotarda,b, Michael G. Curriera, b, Sujin Leea, b, Christopher C. 6 Stobarta,b, Martin L. Moorea, b,# 7 8 aDepartment of Pediatrics, Emory University of School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, 9 USA 10 bChildren’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 11 # Address correspondence to Martin L. Moore, [email protected]. 12 13 Abstract words: 170/140 14 Text words: 4728 15

JVI Accepted Manuscript Posted Online 14 October 2015J. Virol. doi:10.1128/JVI.02140-15Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

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Abstract 16 Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an important pathogen causing acute 17

lower respiratory tract disease in children. The RSV attachment glycoprotein (G) is not 18 required for infection, as G-null RSV replicates efficiently in several cell lines. Our 19 laboratory previously reported that the viral fusion (F) protein is a determinant of strain-20 dependent pathogenesis. Here, we hypothesized that virus dependence on G is 21 determined by the strain specificity of F. We generated recombinant viruses expressing G 22 and F, or null for G, from the laboratory A2 strain (kRSV-A2GA2F and kRSV-23 GstopA2F) or the clinical isolate A2001/2-20 (kRSV-2-20G2-20F and kRSV-Gstop2-24 20F). We quantified the virus cell binding, entry kinetics, infectivity, and growth kinetics 25 of these four recombinant viruses in vitro. RSV expressing the 2-20 G protein exhibited 26 the greatest binding activity. Compared to the parental viruses expressing G and F, 27 removal of 2-20 G had more deleterious effects on binding, entry, infectivity, and growth 28 than removal of A2 G. Overall, RSV expressing 2-20 F had a high dependence on G for 29 binding, entry, and infection. 30

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Importance 31 RSV is the leading cause of childhood acute respiratory disease requiring 32

hospitalization. Like other paramyxoviruses, two major RSV surface viral glycoproteins, 33 the attachment protein G and the fusion protein F, mediate virus binding and subsequent 34 membrane fusion, respectively. Previous work on the RSV A2 prototypical strain 35 demonstrated that the G protein is functionally dispensable for in vitro replication. This is 36 in contrast to other paramyxoviruses that require attachment protein function as a 37 prerequisite for fusion. We re-evaluated this requirement for RSV using G and F proteins 38 from clinical isolate 2-20. Compared to the laboratory A2 strain, the G protein from 2-20 39 had greater contributions to virus binding, entry, infectivity, and in vitro growth kinetics. 40 Thus, the clinical isolate 2-20 F protein function depended more on its G protein, 41 suggesting that RSV has a higher dependence on G than previously thought. 42

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Introduction 43 Human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV or RSV) causes an annual global 3.4 44

million estimated severe acute lower respiratory tract infections (ALRI) in children 45 younger than 5 years of age (1). In the US, about 132,000 to 172,000 children younger 46 than 5 years old are hospitalized due to RSV every year (2). Thus far, there are no 47 licensed vaccines, although there are multiple vaccine candidates undergoing clinical 48 trials (3). Development of antivirals against RSV is also an active field of research and 49 clinical development (4-6). 50

RSV is a member of the Paramyxoviridae family, Pneumovirus genus. Members 51 of the paramyxovirus family encode two major glycoproteins important early during 52 infection for attachment to the host cell and the subsequent entry process. Paramyxovirus 53 fusion mediated by the viral fusion (F) protein is generally initiated by interaction with 54 the homologous attachment protein upon receptor engagement (reviewed in (7, 8)). 55 Several studies on RSV subgroup A and B strains indicate that G is not functionally 56 required for efficient in vitro replication in certain cell lines, but is needed for optimal 57 growth in vivo (9-11). Although not required for in vitro replication, G was shown to 58 enhance passage of a RSV minigenome (12), and in a later study, viruses lacking G 59 required more passages in cell culture to reach titers similar to viruses expressing G (10). 60 RSV G was also shown to enhance cell-to-cell fusion, in an apparent strain-specific 61 manner (10, 13). Similarly, HMPV, another pneumovirus, does not require its G protein 62 for infection (reviewed in (14)). For both HMPV and RSV, the attachment function of G 63 can be substituted by the F protein (15, 16). The RSV G protein has long been thought to 64 mediate the majority of virus binding to host cells via interaction with 65

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glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) (17-19), while F is reported to bind a protein receptor (20). 66 Considering that previous studies regarding the requirement for G during RSV infection 67 were done with prototypical strains of this virus, we set out to re-evaluate the functions of 68 this major attachment protein from a clinical isolate strain (A2001/2-20) compared to the 69 prototypical strain A2. We generated recombinant RSV strains harboring different 70 combinations of the G and F proteins (GF viruses, kRSV-A2GA2F and kRSV-2-20G2-71 20F), along with viruses that do not express the G gene but maintain almost identical 72 genomic sequence composition in the G gene region (Gstop viruses, kRSV-GstopA2F 73 and kRSV-Gstop2-20F). By comparing the G functions between each GF and Gstop virus 74 pair, we found that there are greater contributions of 2-20 G than A2 G to aspects of the 75 RSV life cycle, including enhanced binding to the cell, viral entry, infectivity, and overall 76 in vitro growth rate. Our study shows that the F protein from a clinical RSV strain has a 77 greater dependence on its homologous G protein than the F protein of the prototypical A2 78 strain. 79

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Materials and Methods 80 Cell lines. HEp-2 (ATCC CCL-23) and. BEAS-2B cells were maintained as described 81 (21). BSR T7/5 cells (a gift from Dr. Ursula Buchholz, National Institute of Health, 82 Bethesda, MD) were cultured in Glasgow’s minimal essential medium (GMEM) 83 containing 10% FBS and 1 μg/mL PSA, and every other passage these cells were selected 84 with geneticin at 1 mg/mL. Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO-K1) (ATCC, CCL-61) cells 85 and a heparin sulfate-deficient derivative of this cell line, pgsD-677 (ATCC, CRL-2244) 86 cells were cultured in Kaighn’s modified F-12K (plus L-glutamine) supplemented with 87 10% FBS and 1 μg/mL PSA, according to ATCC instructions. 88 89 Generation of recombinant RSV strains. The F glycoprotein genes of RSV A2 90 (GenBank accession number FJ614814) and A2001/2-20 (RSV 2-20 G GenBank 91 accession number JF279545 and RSV 2-20 F GenBank accession number JF279544) (21) 92 were synthesized by GeneArt (Life Tech.) and cloned into a bacterial artificial 93 chromosome (BAC) containing the antigenomic cDNA of RSV A2-K-line19F, described 94 previously (22). All recombinant RSV strains generated in this study express a far-red 95 fluorescent gene (monomeric Katushka-2, mKate2) in the first gene position, hence the 96 kRSV designation throughout. To generate the recombinant RSV strains without G 97 protein expression (Gstop viruses), both of the Met codons (Met1 and Met48) in the G 98 open reading frame (ORF) were changed to Ile with the first Met/Ile followed by a stop 99 codon (11). Recombinant viruses were recovered by co-transfection of the RSV 100 antigenomic BAC and four human codon bias-optimized RSV helper plasmids (N, P, L, 101 and M2-1) into BSR T7/5 cells as described previously (22). The viruses were propagated 102

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in HEp-2 cells and the glycoprotein ORFs were sequence confirmed. Viruses used in this 103 study were prepared by harvesting infected HEp-2 cells followed by sonication, as 104 described (23). For binding assays, virus stocks were purified by sucrose gradient 105 centrifugation to remove the majority of cellular proteins from the virus fraction (24). 106 Briefly, the infected HEp-2 cells were frozen at -80 °C and later thawed at 37 °C. Cells 107 were scraped down and along with the medium were transferred to 50mL conical tubes. 108 After centrifugation at 2000 rpm for 10 min at 4 °C, supernatants were pooled and 109 layered onto 20% sucrose-containing MEM for subsequent ultracentrifugation at 16,000 110 x g for 3 hours at 4 °C (SW32 rotor, Beckman Coulter). The resulting pellets were 111 resuspended in MEM and aliquots were frozen in liquid nitrogen before storing in -80 °C 112 until use. These sucrose-purified virus stocks had infectious titers comparable to the 113 starting material, accounting for volume change. 114 115 RSV binding assay and Western blotting. BEAS-2B cells were seeded the prior day to 116 be subconfluent for the experiment. Input volumes of sucrose purified virus stocks were 117 determined by first loading equal PFU in SDS-PAGE gels and blotting for N, then 118 adjusting stock dilutions (no more than 2 to 3 fold) normalized to N levels. The cells 119 were washed with cold PBS, placed on ice, and inoculated with virus for 2 hours. The 120 inocula were removed by three ice-cold PBS washes, and cells were lysed in RIPA buffer 121 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, catalog # R0278) supplemented with 1x protease 122 inhibitor cocktail (Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL, catalog # 78430). The lysates were 123 cleared by centrifugation at 13,200 rpm for 10 min at 4°C and supernatants were used for 124 Western blotting. 125

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Protein samples were mixed 1:1 with Laemmli sample buffer (Sigma-Aldrich) 126 and heated at 95 °C for 10 min. Samples were separated by 10% SDS-PAGE, transferred 127 onto polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membranes, and blocked with 5% non-fat dry 128 milk in Tris-buffered saline containing 0.1% Tween-20 (TBST). Blots were probed with 129 a mouse monoclonal antibody (clone D14, generously provided by Dr. Edward Walsh, 130 University of Rochester, New York) against RSV N protein followed by a horseradish 131 peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody. For glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate 132 dehydrogenase (GAPDH) blots, mouse anti-GAPDH (6C5, GeneTex, Irvine, CA) was 133 used. Chemiluminescent signal was detected with WesternBright Quantum substrate 134 (Advansta, Menlo Park, CA). Images of Western blots were analyzed using ImageLab 135 (v3.0.11). Relevant bands were defined manually for each group and the total dark pixel 136 volume for band was taken. Then the bands for the glycoproteins were normalized by 137 dividing by their respective RSV N band volume. 138 139 Fluorescent focus unit (FFU) assay. HEp-2 cells were seeded in 96-well plates the day 140 before to reach 70% confluence for the assay. Fifty microliters of 10-fold serially diluted 141 virus samples were inoculated onto the cells and incubated 1.5 hr at room temperature 142 with gentle rocking. After virus adsorption, 150 μL 0.75% methylcellulose (EMD, 143 Gibbstown, NJ) in complete media was added to each well, then cells were incubated at 144 37 °C 5% CO2 for 2 days. Wells containing 1-50 FFU were counted and used for 145 calculation of the virus titer in the samples. The limit of detection of this assay is 1 FFU 146 per well, corresponding to 20 FFU/mL. 147 148

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Infectivity and virus growth kinetics. Cells were seeded into 6-well plates to be 70% 149 confluent for infection at 1.0 multiplicity of infection (MOI). Cells were washed with 150 PBS once before infection in a total volume of 500 μL per well at room temperature for 1 151 hour with gentle rocking. The cells were then washed twice with PBS to remove 152 remaining inoculum. For infectivity, cells were harvested with trypsin 24 hr post-153 infection and quantified using an LSRII flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson, Franklin 154 Lakes, NJ), by detecting the mKate2 signal with a 532 nm laser with a 610/20 filter. For 155 growth kinetics, triplicate wells of infected cells were scraped in medium and 156 resuspended at the indicated times, and aliquots were frozen in -80 °C until titration by 157 the FFU assay described above. 158 159 RSV entry assay. This assay was performed as described previously with some 160 modifications (25). BEAS-2B cells (70% confluent in 12-well plates) were placed on ice 161 for 5 min and, washed once with ice-cold PBS before addition of virus at MOI 1.0. 162 Binding of virus to cells proceeded for two hours on ice with gentle shaking until the 163 inocula were removed and cells washed twice with ice-cold PBS. Five hundred 164 microliters of ice-cold RPMI 1640 medium was added to each well. Plates were then 165 warmed at 37 °C for the indicated times (30 sec, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 min). At the end of each 166 time point, medium was removed followed by addition of 500 μL citrate buffer (400 mM 167 sodium citrate, 10 mM potassium chloride, 135 mM sodium chloride, pH 3.0) for 2 168 minutes to inactivate any remaining extracellular virus. Cells were then washed in room 169 temperature PBS once before addition of complete medium and continuing incubation at 170 37 °C 5% CO2 for 20 hours. Infected (mKate2+) cells were counted on an LSRII 171

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cytometer and analyzed by FlowJo software (Tree Star, Ashland, OR), as a quantification 172 of the amount of virus that entered during the short warming period. 173 174 Culture and infection of primary cells. Normal human bronchial cells (NHBE) at air-175 liquid interface (ALI) were obtained from Lonza (Allendale, NJ) and cultured according 176 to the recommended protocols. For differentiation, cells were seeded onto 24-well, 177 collagen-coated, transwell supports (BD Bioscience, Bedford, MA). Cells were 178 maintained and differentiated as described previously (26). 179 For binding assays, differentiated cells were cooled at 4 °C and washed once with 180 cold PBS prior to addition of virus. Equivalent amounts of virus (determined by Western 181 blotting, see above) were used to infect the apical surface of NHBE/ALI for 2 hours at 4 182 °C. Following infection, inoculum was removed and the apical surface of cells was 183 washed three times with cold PBS. RIPA buffer supplemented with protease inhibitor 184 cocktail was used for cell lysis. Lysates were centrifuged at 14,000 x g for 10 minutes for 185 clarification prior to Western blotting. 186 To determine virus growth kinetics in these cells, differentiated NHBE/ALI were 187 washed with PBS and apically infected at MOI 1.0 for 2 hours at 37 °C. Following 188 infection, inocula were removed by three apical PBS washes. Virus was collected from 189 apical surface of cells daily by adding differential medium to the apical chamber, 190 incubating cells in media for 10 minutes at 37 °C, and removing media to save for virus 191 titration. Virus collection was performed twice per well, for a total volume of 300 µL per 192 well for each time point. All samples were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen until titration by 193 FFU assay. 194

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195 Statistical analysis. Statistical analyses were performed using GraphPad Prism software 196 version 6.0 (San Diego, CA). Data are represented as means with standard errors of the 197 means (SEMs). One-way and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey’s post 198 hoc test with a P value of 0.05 were used. 199

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Results 200 Generation of recombinant viruses 201

In order to assess the dependence on G of specific F proteins in the context of 202 RSV infection, we used a chimeric virus approach. We generated recombinant RSV 203 containing both G and F from either the prototypical A2 strain or the low-passage clinical 204 isolate A2001/2-20 strain. We also generated G-null mutants expressing either the F 205 protein of A2 or the F protein of 2-20. Thus, only F differed between the G-null viruses. 206 As the RSV G protein is produced both as a membrane bound form as well as a secreted 207 form due to an alternative translation initiation site, we mutated both initiation 208 methionines to isoleucine, as previously described (11), and we changed the second 209 codon in the G open reading frame into a premature stop codon to abolish the expression 210 of this protein without perturbing gene order (Fig. 1A). We did not change the codon 211 following the second methionine for abolishing the secreted G expression because 212 previous work showed that substituting the second methionine to isoleucine is sufficient 213 to abolish secreted G (11). As expected, Western blots of sucrose purified virus stocks 214 showed that both Gstop viruses (kRSV-GstopA2F and kRSV-Gstop2-20F) expressed no 215 detectable G protein (Fig. 1B). There was no significant difference in the level of mature 216 G comparing kRSV-A2GA2F and kRSV-2-20G2-20F (Fig. 1B). There was also no 217 statistically significant difference in the F protein abundance comparing kRSV-A2GA2F 218 to kRSV-GstopA2F and comparing kRSV-2-20G2-20F to kRSV-Gstop2-20F (Fig. 1B), 219 consistent with previously published data showing the absence of G did not alter the F 220 protein level in the virions (10). The F levels of kRSV-2-20G2-20F were 28% higher 221 than kRSV-A2GA2F, normalized to N, which was not statistically significant by one-way 222

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ANOVA. Similar results were found analyzing N, G, and F levels in HEp-2 cell lysate 223 virus stocks that were not sucrose-purified (data not shown). 224 225 Differential contribution of G proteins to virus attachment to host cells 226

The F protein of the prototypical A2 strain binds to host cells possibly through 227 interactions with heparan sulfate (16, 19, 27). We asked whether the relative 228 contributions of G and F to cell binding differ between the A2 and 2-20 glycoproteins. To 229 test this, we used sucrose-purified virus stocks and normalized the relative amount of 230 virions used as input for this binding assay based on the N protein expression levels by 231 Western blotting. N protein level was reported to correlate with radiolabeled activity in 232 virus preparations (10). The amount of kRSV-2-20G2-20F bound to BEAS-2B cells (a 233 human bronchial epithelial cell line) was approximately 5-fold higher than kRSV-234 A2GA2F virus (Fig. 2). Removal of the A2 G protein from the virus resulted in loss of 235 approximately half of cell binding (comparing kRSV-GstopA2F to kRSV-A2GA2F in 236 Fig. 2), consistent with previously published data (19). However, removal of 2-20 G 237 protein from the virus resulted in loss of 90% of cell binding (comparing kRSV-Gstop2-238 20F to kRSV-2-20G2-20F in Fig. 2). We found similar virus attachment results using 239 these viruses that were not sucrose-purified (data not shown). Thus, 2-20 G displayed a 240 greater contribution to virus binding to BEAS-2B cells than A2 G. 241 242 Greater contribution of 2-20 G to virus entry kinetics than A2 G 243

To further explore the functional differences of 2-20 G compared to A2 G, we 244 tested whether virus entry into host cells would be differentially affected by the removal 245

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of A2 or 2-20 G protein. We quantified entry kinetics of all four viruses in BEAS-2B 246 cells using a citric acid wash entry assay (25, 28). kRSV-A2GA2F virus had the fastest 247 entry kinetics, followed by kRSV-GstopA2F virus (Fig. 3A). Removal of A2 G resulted 248 in a 3-fold lower entry efficiency of the virus (Fig. 3B). Removal of 2-20 G from kRSV-249 2-20G2-20F resulted in an approximately 8-fold lower entry efficiency (Fig. 3C). These 250 data demonstrate that although kRSV-2-20G2-20F had lower entry efficiency than 251 kRSV-A2GA2F, 2-20 G played a relatively greater role in cell entry than A2 G. 252 Additionally, the A2 F protein was significantly more efficient at mediating entry in 253 BEAS-2B cells than the 2-20 F protein. 254 255 In vitro infectivity 256

As 2-20 G contributed relatively more to virus binding to host cells and entry 257 kinetics compared to A2 G, we compared the roles of A2 G and 2-20 G in infectivity in 258 vitro. Infectivity of kRSV-A2GA2F, kRSV-2-20G2-20F, kRSV-GstopA2F, and kRSV-259 Gstop2-20F was assayed in three cell lines, BEAS-2B, CHO-K1, and pgsD-677. CHO-260 K1 and pgsD-677 were used for comparing the effect of the presence and absence of 261 GAGs (pgsD-677 is a heparan sulfate-deficient CHO-K1 derivative). In BEAS-2B and 262 CHO-K1 cells, kRSV-A2GA2F and kRSV-2-20G2-20F exhibited greater infectivity than 263 kRSV-GstopA2F and kRSV-Gstop2-20F, respectively (Fig. 4). In pgsD-677 cells, kRSV-264 A2GA2F and kRSV-GstopA2F exhibited similar infectivity, while kRSV-2-20G2-20F 265 displayed greater infectivity than kRSV-Gstop2-20F (Fig. 4). To compare the relative 266 contributions of the G proteins to virus infectivity, we normalized the percent of cells 267 infected by the Gstop viruses to the percent of cells infected by the viruses containing 268

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both G and F proteins (kRSV-GstopA2F normalized to kRSV-A2GA2F and kRSV-269 Gstop2-20F normalized to kRSV-2-20G2-20F; Fig. 4). In BEAS-2B and CHO-K1 cells 270 (both expressing heparan sulfate), A2 G contributed to 30-40% infectivity whereas 2-20 271 G contributed to more than 80% (Fig. 4A, B). Moreover, the contribution of 2-20 G 272 protein was evident in the heparan sulfate-deficient pgsD-677 cell line while A2 G 273 exhibited no significant contribution to infection in these cells (Fig. 4C). These data are 274 consistent with the established role of A2 G binding to GAGs (10, 19) and suggest that 275 the 2-20 G protein utilizes additional host factor(s) in vitro. 276 277 In vitro growth kinetics in HEp-2 and BEAS-2B cell lines 278

We compared growth kinetics of kRSV-A2GA2F, kRSV-2-20G2-20F, kRSV-279 GstopA2F, and kRSV-Gstop2-20F viruses in both HEp-2 and BEAS-2B cell lines using a 280 MOI of 0.01. As reported previously, the absence of G protein from A2 reduced 281 infectious yield of the virus in HEp-2 cells (Fig. 5A, ref. (11)). The origin of the G and F 282 glycoprotein did not affect the growth of the virus as kRSV-A2GA2F and kRSV-2-20G2-283 20F grew to similar levels in both cell lines (Fig. 5A). However, the absence of 2-20 G 284 from the virus resulted in reduced infectious yield in HEp-2 and, to a greater degree, in 285 BEAS-2B cells (Fig. 5B). Compared to kRSV-2-20G2-20F virus, kRSV-Gstop2-20F 286 virus consistently had a more than 2 log10 lower titer in BEAS-2B cell line. This growth 287 deficiency was greater than that of kRSV-GstopA2F relative to kRSV-A2GA2F (≤ 1 288 log10 difference), suggesting that the 2-20 G protein contributes more to in vitro growth 289 than the A2 G protein. 290 291

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Contribution of G proteins to binding and growth kinetics in primary airway epithelial 292 cells 293 Because RSV primarily infects ciliated airway epithelial cells, we investigated the 294 effects of the absence of G on virus binding and growth in normal human bronchial 295 epithelial cells (NHBE) cultured at air-liquid interface (ALI). In a binding assay using 296 well-differentiated NHBE/ALI cells, we found that kRSV-2-20G2-20F bound more 297 efficiently than kRSV-A2GA2F (Fig. 6A and B). Additionally, when we normalized 298 binding of the Gstop viruses with binding of the parental viruses to NHBE/ALI cells, we 299 demonstrated that A2 G contributed very little to binding by kRSV-A2GA2F (Fig. 6B). 300 This was in contrast to removal of 2-20 G from kRSV-2-20G2-20F, which resulted in 301 loss of approximately 70% of binding (Fig. 6B). These results imply that most of the 302 binding difference between kRSV-A2GA2F and kRSV-2-20G2-20F in these cells is due 303 to the G protein, and that 2-20 G serves a greater role than A2 G in binding primary 304 airway epithelial cells. 305 We also monitored the ability of kRSV-A2GA2F, kRSV-2-20G2-20F, kRSV-306 Gstop-A2F, and kRSV-Gstop-2-20F to infect NHBE/ALI cells. By days 5 and 6 post-307 infection, kRSV-2-20G2-20F exhibited greater infectious yield from NHBE/ALI than 308 kRSV-A2GA2F (Fig. 6C). Neither Gstop virus was able to replicate to detectable levels 309 in NHBE/ALI cells. While we did not detect a difference in the G-specific contribution of 310 these viruses to infectivity in NHBE/ALI cells, our data indicate that together, the 2-20 G 311 and F proteins provide an advantage to kRSV-2-20G2-20F relative kRSV-A2GA2F in 312 primary human bronchial epithelial cells. 313

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Discussion 314 Previous studies analyzing functions of the RSV G protein used prototypical 315 strains such as A2 (10, 11), or a subgroup B strain (9). In these studies, deletion of the 316 attachment protein from the virus attenuates virus replication in HEp-2 but not Vero cell 317 lines. We re-evaluated the requirement for G in the context of a recent clinical isolate 318 strain of RSV, and expanded our study to include a human bronchial epithelial cell line 319 (BEAS-2B) as well as primary normal human bronchial epithelial cells cultured at air-320 liquid interface (NHBE/ALI). We generated recombinant viruses containing G and F 321 glycoproteins of either A2 or the clinical isolate 2-20, and compared the functional 322 contributions of G from A2 and 2-20 strains. 323

Congruent with previously published reports, removal of G from the A2 324 strain resulted in a decrease in virus-to-cell binding and infectivity compared to parental 325 A2 (10, 11). In our study, Gstop-A2F was approximately one-third less efficient at 326 binding and one-third less infectious in BEAS-2B cells than kRSV-A2GA2F. We found 327 that the 2-20 G protein had greater contributions to virus attachment to host cells, virus 328 entry, infectivity, and overall growth kinetics than the A2 G protein. In contrast to the A2 329 G protein, the 2-20 G protein played a role in infection of heparan sulfate-deficient cells, 330 suggesting that the ability of 2-20 G to bind to receptor(s) other than GAGs may 331 contribute to high level of attachment. The virus expressing 2-20 G and 2-20 F was 332 approximately 10-fold reduced in entry of BEAS-2B cells than the virus expressing A2 G 333 and A2 F. It is likely the lower entry efficiency of the virus expressing 2-20 G and 2-20 F 334 is due to the 2-20 F protein because the entry of the G-null virus expressing 2-20 F was 335 approximately 40-fold lower than the entry of the G-null virus expressing A2F. 336

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Earlier reports determined that A2 G is involved in binding of RSV to 337 glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) on the surface of cells, but that this GAG dependence varies 338 depending on the cell line used to produce the virus (19, 29, 30). Using our Gstop mutant 339 virus, we replicated this result with A2 (Fig. 4). The kRSV-Gstop-2-20F virus, however, 340 still exhibited reduced infectivity compared to the GF virus when heparan sulfate-341 containing GAGs were not present on cells. This implies that the 2-20 G protein likely 342 binds other types of GAGs or a host cell protein that is not bound by A2 G. Our data in 343 NHBE/ALI cells further support this, as the kRSV-2-20G2-20F virus replicated to higher 344 titers than kRSV-A2GA2F in these cells (Fig. 6C), which do not express heparan sulfate-345 containing GAGs (31). 346

Together, our data suggest that the F protein from a recent clinical isolate of RSV 347 depends more on its attachment protein for efficient viral infection than a prototypical 348 laboratory strain. Our results contrast with a recent study using the clinical isolate 98-349 25147-X (RSV-X). In that study, deletion of G from the virus had little effect on 350 replication in HEp-2 cells or Vero cells (32). We postulate one main reason for the 351 divergent results. In that study, the G gene was completely deleted in the virus, resulting 352 in a shift forward of the downstream genes along the transcriptional gradient (32). It is 353 likely that the complete removal of the G gene resulted in greater F glycoprotein 354 expression in this recombinant strain, and greater F levels potentially compensated more 355 for the missing G function compared to their wild type strain. Our study avoided this 356 potential confounding factor by utilizing Gstop viruses, which still contain the complete 357 G gene, but do not express the G protein. On the other hand, our results may be 358 confounded by using a chimeric virus approach because G and F expression and/or 359

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incorporation may be modulated by viral sequences in clinical isolates outside the G and 360 F open reading frames. 361

In vitro culture-adapted strains may lose or gain biological functions during 362 passage and selection in cell culture. This has been noted for a variety of 363 paramyxoviruses, such as Newcastle disease virus (NDV). The fusion protein of NDV 364 has a very stringent requirement for its HN protein, but there have been reports that 365 certain amino acid changes (amino acids 211, 289, and 463) in the F1 domain can 366 completely abolish the requirement for HN for fusion (33, 34). It is possible that similar 367 mutations can arise in RSV strains during serial passage in tissue culture, thus somehow 368 changing the requirement for RSV attachment protein function for infection. The RSV 369 clinical isolate 2-20 used in the current study was generated as a low passage stock 370 (passage number 12) and both this stock and the initial viral stock (passage number 2) 371 were sequenced. There was one nucleotide change in the 2-20 F protein resulting in an 372 amino acid change at position 76. No nucleotide changes were seen in the G protein 373 sequence (21). 374 There is some evidence suggesting RSV strain differences contribute to different 375 pathogenesis outcomes (21, 35-37). Several studies using different clinical isolates of 376 RSV compared to the prototypical A2 strain demonstrated that some strains are more 377 virulent in well-differentiated cell culture systems or in animal models (21, 35, 37). 378 Thus, re-evaluating the gene functions for clinical isolates of RSV may contribute to our 379 understanding of the pathogenesis of RSV. The strain used in this study, 2-20, has been 380 shown to induce more severe disease than RSV A2 in the BALB/c mouse model (21, 38, 381 39). The contribution of the 2-20 G protein may be linked to its pathogenesis, and it 382

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would be interesting to explore whether the relatively greater contribution of G can be 383 extended to other RSV clinical isolates. The results from these further studies could 384 potentially guide vaccine design and antiviral drug development. 385 Although many members of the Paramyxoviridae family have a strict requirement 386 for the attachment protein (HN or H) to trigger fusion, such as NDV and measles virus, 387 there are some known exceptions in this virus family. The fusion protein of parainfluenza 388 virus 5 (PIV5) has been shown to induce membrane fusion independent of the abundance 389 of its HN protein, which is thought to only provide binding activity necessary for optimal 390 distance between the fusion protein and cellular target(s) (40). In addition to RSV, other 391 members of the Pneumovirus genus, namely human metapneumovirus and bovine RSV, 392 harbor attachment glycoproteins which are dispensable for virus growth in vitro (41, 42). 393 Previous work determined that the 2-20 G protein enhanced fusion of the 2-20 F protein 394 (13). The G protein of RSV has been thought to simply facilitate fusion enhancement by 395 bridging the two membranes into close proximity (7). At this point, we cannot rule out 396 this scenario for RSV 2-20 G as it did enhance the binding activity of the virus to the host 397 cells, as shown in this study. Future studies may determine the role of specific domains in 398 2-20 G as important for boosting 2-20 F fusion activity. As the virus containing only A2 399 F still retained more than half of the binding activity compared to the virus with only 2-400 20 F (Fig. 2), differences in the F binding activity could be the determining factor for 401 their different dependence on the G protein for infection. Further studies are needed to 402 completely dissect the interaction of RSV G and F proteins in regards to fusion activity, 403 and as a whole, more focus on clinically relevant viruses will aid our knowledge of this 404 evolving pathogen. 405

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406 Acknowledgments 407

This study was supported by NIH grants 1R01AI087798 and 1U19AI095227 (to 408 M.L.M.) and by funds from Emory University and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta 409 (CHOA). We thank the Emory Children’s Pediatric Research Center flow cytometry core 410 supported by CHOA. We thank Dr. Edward Walsh for monoclonal antibody to RSV N 411 protein and Drs. Ursula Buchholz and Karl-Klaus Conzelmann for BSR-T7/5 cell line. 412 We also thank Dr. Nancy Ulbrandt (MedImmune) for providing motavizumab antibody. 413 M.L.M. and Emory University are entitled to licensing fees derived from various 414 agreements Emory has entered into related to products used in this research described in 415 this paper. This study could affect his personal financial status. The terms of this 416 agreement have been reviewed and approved by Emory University in accordance with its 417 conflict of interest policies. 418 419

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Figure Legends 571 Figure 1. Schematic design of the recombinant viruses and quantification of surface 572 glycoproteins in purified virions. 573 (A) RSV genome with G gene open reading frame (amino acids 1 to 298) enlarged to 574 illustrate the mutations made to generate the Gstop virus. The two methionines were 575 changed to isoleucine and the second codon (serine) was changed to a stop codon. (B) 576 Western blot showing the F, G, and N protein expression levels (left) and densitometry 577 combined from four independent experiments shown to the right. Data are represented as 578 mean ± SEM. 579 580 Figure 2. Greater contribution of 2-20 G than A2 G to binding BEAS-2B cells. 581 (A) Western blots showing a representative binding assay. Input virus inocula were 582 normalized based on the N protein expression levels as shown on the bottom blot. (B) 583 Densitometry analysis of bound virus. Virus binding activity (B, top) was calculated by 584 normalizing the N level (bound RSV N from the top blot) to GAPDH level of the sample. 585 This value for the Gstop viruses was also normalized to that of its parental virus 586 containing both F and G and represented as “%bound virus compared to G+F virus” (B, 587 bottom). *P < 0.05 comparing the bracketed groups using one-way ANOVA. Data are 588 represented as mean ± SEM and the combination of three replicates. 589 590 Figure 3. Entry kinetics in BEAS-2B cells. 591 (A) Entry kinetics of kRSV-A2GA2F, kRSV-2-20G2-20F, kRSV-GstopA2F, and kRSV-592 Gstop2-20F in BEAS-2B cells using an acid wash protocol as described in the Materials 593

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and Methods. (B) Contribution of A2 G protein to the entry kinetics of kRSV-A2GA2F 594 compared to kRSV-GstopA2F. (C) Contribution of 2-20 G protein to the entry kinetics of 595 kRSV-2-20G2-20F compared to kRSV-Gstop2-20F. *P < 0.05 comparing Gstop virus to 596 GF virus at the same time point using one-way ANOVA. Data are represented as mean ± 597 SEM. Graphs in (B) and (C) are the same data as (A). The results are combined from 598 three independent experiments. 599 600 Figure 4. Infectivity in BEAS-2B, CHO-K1, and pgsD-677 cell lines. 601 BEAS-2B (A), CHO-K1 (B), and pgsD-677 (C) cells were infected with either kRSV-602 A2GA2F, kRSV-2-20G2-20F, kRSV-GstopA2F, or kRSV-Gstop2-20F at MOI 1. 603 Twenty-four hours later, infected cells were quantified using flow cytometry. Left panels 604 show the % of RSV-infected cells. Brackets represent P < 0.05 for the indicated group 605 comparison. Right panels show infectivity of the virus without G protein normalized to 606 the virus containing both G and F proteins of the same strain (kRSV-GstopA2F 607 normalized to kRSV-A2GA2F and kRSV-Gstop2-20F normalized to kRSV-2-20G2-20F) 608 and expressed as “Relative to G+F virus” on the y-axis. *P < 0.05 comparing each Gstop 609 virus to its parental GF virus using one-way ANOVA. Data are represented as mean ± 610 SEM. Each graph depicts data from three independent experiments combined. 611 612 Figure 5. Contribution of G protein to virus in vitro growth kinetics. 613 HEp-2 cells (A) and BEAS-2B cells (B) were infected with either kRSV-A2GA2F, 614 kRSV-2-20G2-20F, kRSV-GstopA2F, or kRSV-Gstop2-20F virus using MOI 0.01. Time 615 zero is calculated input titer. Virus titers at each time point thereafter were assayed by 616

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FFU assay. *P < 0.05 between the Gstop and parental GF virus at the same time point 617 using one-way ANOVA. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. LOD, limit of detection. 618 FFU, fluorescent focus unit. Each graph depicts data combined from four independent 619 experiments in each cell line. 620 621 Figure 6. Contribution of A2 and 2-20 G to binding and growth kinetics in primary 622 airway epithelial cells. 623 (A) Representative Western blots showing binding assay in normal human bronchial 624 epithelial (NHBE/ALI) cells. Input virus inocula were normalized based on the N protein 625 expression levels as shown in the bottom blot. (B) Densitometry analysis of bound virus. 626 Virus binding (B, top) was calculated by normalizing the F level to GAPDH level of the 627 sample. This value for the Gstop viruses was also normalized to that of its parental virus 628 with both F and G, and is represented as “%bound virus compared to G+F virus” (B, 629 bottom). Graphs depict results from two independent experiments performed in triplicate 630 wells. (C) NHBE/ALI cells were infected with either kRSV-A2GA2F, kRSV-2-20G2-631 20F, kRSV-Gstop-A2F, or kRSV-Gstop-2-20F at MOI 1.0. Time zero is calculated input 632 titer. Virus titers at each time point thereafter were quantified by FFU assay. In (B), *P < 633 0.05 comparing the bracketed groups by one-way ANOVA. In (C), *P < 0.05 comparing 634 kRSV-A2GA2F and kRSV-2-20G2-20F. Data from two independent experiments 635 performed in triplicate wells are represented as mean ± SEM. 636

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Bound RSV N


Input RSV N

Fig 2. Greater contribution of 2-20 G thanA2 G to binding BEAS-2B cells. (A) Western blots showing a representativebinding assay. Input virus inocula werenormalized based on the N proteinexpression levels as shown in the bottomblot. (B) Densitometry analysis of boundvirus. Virus binding activity (B, top) wascalculated by normalizing the N level (boundRSV N from the top blot) to GAPDH levelof the sample. This value for the Gstopviruses was also normalized to that of itsparental virus containing both F and G andrepresented as “%bound virus compared toG+F virus” (B, bottom). *P <0.05 comparingthe bracketed groups using one-way ANOVA.Data are represented as mean ± SEM and the combination of 3 replicates.









io o


N to












d vi





to G

+F v





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Fig 3. Entry kinetics in BEAS-2B cells.(A) Entry kinetics of kRSV-A2G-A2F,kRSV-2-20G-2-20F, kRSV-GstopA2F, andkRSV-Gstop2-20F in BEAS-2B cells using an acid wash protocol as described inMaterials and Methods. (B) Contribution of A2 G protein to the entry kinetics ofkRSV-A2G-A2F compared to kRSV-GstopA2F. (C) Contribution of 2-20 Gprotein to the entry kinetics of kRSV-2-20G-2-20F compared to kRSV-Gstop2-20F. *P < 0.05 comparingGstop virus to GF virus at the same timepoint using one-way ANOVA. Data arerepresented as mean ± SEM.Graphs in (B) and (C) are the same data as (A). The results are combined from three independent experiments.

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% k




+ c













% k




+ c


















F v

















F v















% k




+ c




















F v




Figure 4. Infectivity in BEAS-2B, CHO-K1, and pgsD-677 cell lines.

BEAS-2B (A), CHO-K1 (B), and pgsD-677 (C) cells were infected with either kRSV-A2GA2F, kRSV-2-20G2-20F,

kRSV-GstopA2F, or kRSV-Gstop2-20F at MOI 1. Twenty-four hours later, infected cells were quantified using

flow cytometry. Left panels show the % of RSV-infected cells. Brackets represent P < 0.05 for the indicated

group comparison. Right panels show infectivity of the virus without G protein normalized to the virus

containing both G and F proteins of the same strain (kRSV-GstopA2F normalized to kRSV-A2GA2F and

kRSV-Gstop2-20F normalized to kRSV-2-20G2-20F) and expressed as “Relative to G+F virus” on the

y-axis. *P < 0.05 comparing each Gstop virus to its parental GF virus using one-way ANOVA. Data are

represented as mean ± SEM. Each graph depicts data from three independent experiments combined.

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Fig 5. Contribution of G protein to virus in vitro growth kinetics.HEp-2 cells (A) and BEAS-2B cells (B) were infected with either kRSV-A2G-A2F, kRSV-2-20G-2-20F, kRSV-GstopA2F, or kRSV-Gstop2-20F using MOI 0.01. Time zero is calculated input titer. Virus titers at each time point thereafter were assayed by FFU assay.*P < 0.05 between the Gstop and parental GF virus at the same time point using one-way ANOVA. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. LOD, limit of detection. FFU, fluorescent focus unit.Each graph depicts data combined from four independent experiments in each cell line.

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Bound RSV F













Input RSV N

Fig 6. Contribution of A2 and 2-20 G to Binding and Growth Kinetics in Primary Airway Epithelial Cells.(A) Representative Western blots showing binding assay in normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells.Input virus inocula were normalized based on the N protein expression levels as shown in the bottom blot. (B) Densitometry analysis of bound virus. Virus binding (B, top) was calculated by normalizing the F levelto GAPDH level of the sample. This value for the Gstop viruses was also normalized to that of its parentalvirus with both F and G, and is represented as “%bound virus compared to G+F virus” (B, bottom). Graphs depict results from two independent experiments performed in triplicate wells. (C) NHBE/ALI cells were infected with either kRSV-A2G-A2F, kRSV-2-20G-2-20F, kRSV-Gstop-A2F, or kRSV-Gstop-2-20F at MOI 1.0. Time zero is calculated input titer. Virus titers at each time point thereafter were quantified by FFU assay. In (B), *P < 0.05 comparing the bracketed groups by one-way ANOVA. In (C), *P < 0.05 comparing kRSV-A2G-A2F and kRSV-2-20G-2-20F. Data from two independent experiments performed in triplicate wells are represented as mean ± SEM.

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