fthr Mouvemrur HI. M K: K t i l . (!«»••. $1 M M<h •»«K«rr«l»*r »til« tijr In or ADVumnmrifo TUB* Two •«• nto«llfc». I I »<|f |1 «M I Ml 1 1 Til I IM> * IS (Ml 1(1 (Ml Ml twr r<J | 11 4 ft H 10 IU I* IKI mi mi *MI <M| <MI ««U l> mi 7 fwi t (Ml 10 Ml II (Ml 1A mi 1*1 mi §41 (Ml $V> IMI II (Ml III IM 1,1 IKI in IMI VI (HI ¥0 4*1 It*'. M r SfTTBTWOtf .1. A m API «»o r BOWK TT" i ' ' R. K. MEUttflTT, Editor ah<l Proprietor. i t ! VOL. VIi. ***#fc: Devoted to Politics, General Intelligence, and Matters of Local Interest. GOUVEEXEOL N, Y., /SATURDAY. AP1UL h 1871. TERMS: *1 50 in Advance. NO. 30. She FLAW k JOB PRINTING 2»l Main St., Govrernevr, Ni of Typ» cut* with Mat H#ty of with nHr e., w#» ar* now •^cuimcy and to PLAIU COLORED POTIHG. bf Tukil w!U mvire prompt Hwirkeeper. I wUh I h*«t <!«»•* Of li*fi<U ttiU »*rjr mlntil* : I'd •'H.II mil ftll lh«HM« lhlii|(« In rr <1MK*« U lit tt «r lit tt llAll'U to «tl<t (< How will I * <1 fivi through it IM»n«n *b ft** ft* «H AIMI l*«bf rfi*m tkm h* e m live AIMI tfc*iV» \U* fritw, Ua ftnilltif km\ fimat forthwith l»c rhitrtiittff, fltih w«iil« t Irtittoii < n 'Tta Um*> th«» w u iu tli workinl for lrif INNI - Oh <t«»t«i I t h * !»«)•>« Oh «1r«rt tf 1*^-^* thttig* In tli l ll \IM Ho II How HIM iflt t UU t«ill n t ^ « l l hvt tUnuar alwavn n»a< IA, | l j w h « n I h o «liitti»*r fliiah, Iniah. .{oar tittU km\ Rt|(ht Th«vf Mlt1l«i h«alf 1 HI thinking jiK tiikrri oft* my HothlriK, T irti4*d 11 iniall nrtt«««; it W M ft(ro<«t fixid for noth- ing t* a fto«l t ytrt mort thAnoo««ttrtn|>te<l to 1akn It from mf and tt wan only hy riiitig tlnni all *tth my ktiiff* (hat K kr< |MH«i<*vHton | kn»«H that it w w a .«*, if it Mould Iwild l»ut oii«, aud life foo di-df to jwiri ii tt la lightly. An th«« w a t r r r«n* IMM| tho iNiiirni, tlio jioiin d out m > •lunicfi, and many, thuiktitg ««' n tn« ort llrr, added to thr a<N>|i««, l»y (hrir rriim. I had madr up my iiiintl (o throw my Mttro o\nlH»nrd, and uraahttoulto put it in<o#*^«utiow wh«ainv at t4'iitif»ii w%* drawn to th« Krlfr. whtoli wm apptoaj lung ngnin with tho rvtdriit in HMitiou of alT'onling h<*l|». Th#» *h\\t had lion •niik MI fur (hat her Morn WM rm«u^l thiity iwt nliovo tho wator, «nd thv mix/.< n innat wn« rlenr t»f it. uunniMit. wf < low«ti and |ow««i, pr« to tin* Uittom. | ( h # f in for l»o«U, or at lr nii, whm th«< Cafnni v\hi<t nation th«» ahi|i ' nnd w Bird* aU Wl.en northern wiLk bl^w let all Uw hink ninK I Wl««n th# Into droww thron^ii t\w HIT, let all the liip their win^ji nti<l plnme tlieir It in th* ol<| N the wiudd l v] were dn\en awuv 1>v] th WIIA not till they IIIKI fo rnmiH»rity hud iuii*lt» the Hon^lesx, and the wtiid* now it in (heir the IMI< aliittimi birds %inds, lmt it ^otWn to KIII^. 1>U«IH Kross and pntvutled. Hut Tlie l>(r«ln huvt* found They mn {^ tho north to t^H- 'DM 1 only «*^l h«*r l»r hor final were all htid- tbt in thai tiai«ijr lvr# drlnkii»n. Now bm' Tit at iWraii*««« a Wf«rr. h%lf alok w fo (lit I alnaja umlltt an wutlihin T that * *r**t , AH • l>« »*il« I tako to Wlirn f »«« r<>fin|( I My IIMM K * - 1 1 I t . . n f t Ha.I lotlii a an<t |MM k An«l hotim <«f n «i*ri| t«l<i v i,|, ,1 of #t». It a f*t« !,t»0 ' m%m nutit^Hl *- »t>(im«tr«»«« t I. lnuii(lr aiil aorub w<irk For tkm iakn of 4 mr FOB Hi I WM on my KIMI onn inn nl IIM Titf «»| MI» iny iniii'I <<> T h r v«a#»<l I <lr|M«it«<l tho «Iay pr ao llirir >\ a« nothing from I'*f* to Ron • liny fuiiiHl tny« 'If in i, whoH' I had msd < tak«* tha «tr«iiier for 11 MI y. intended to •ml hi h*d to «|< o my a IMII to n>tn of trt« finally a««(tl«*<l II|M»II tho i f of thf> V«)/rv Tinr, md »ftrr »< r i n g my l»«)tKiig0 klMNinl, and l<M>kitt^ in vain fi»i Homo IMIO to whom I might nay 4l » I f | | l flttlt t MIKI WM aooit on mo our o iml|ott«. Kutu li t N|>iiiii*tt, *u<! SIM«VO all ItnltAii, *o* timid on ovory Ide. hut I IIM(« H**<I in vRin for * notitid of our |T«MMI <>l«l Kit^hnlt tongue. A ft or iniiitoiou* louve lti<l MMIH^*, *U< Ii »* only a for- CNM tn<lul|(f« lit, w* inftitns;«Ml to ret If ftiul HtcAtnid from I ho lmrl»or with * hinit l»n*»ite followinar and *•» h*t>i»Y a <om jmny an w m ever got totfetlirr. There wcr« M^vcril iM'taM** mi IMHIMI, I he ('<nt«til <JCIMMHI of Km no* to K"titf*, *u«l )il« w lfo mi •< < <>nt|,|Uli,wl Ami vli^mit \\ <>in*n, t r v n u( Nfi i* Uiim of Legation, I* ni«lr« tniuv oHlr* n til the I'riMich Army, who, with s fVMti|*ur «»f I Tool*, w*r«t on their w a y t*» i«lif«vft A jHirt of the p unison st Chita V «•<•« hi, limn held t»y thv Kroneh, A* wo *ftil«*d along many ffitmll INMIM followed i», <M*<Mi|4iiit« s h o u t i n g siKI wiving their h>«* until MII V%»MI out of «ight. tliry hav«* nrrn what the nc\t four hmtr* would |.IXMIIU « ; could | th< v liav« kttown that their 0T«MN| hy<* wow i iit<1<*«*d faM'tvi'lI* to th<Me who, b«*lorn the-' iu«iiiowM •MIL would lie in titniuty, tlirir ! xtaJiif** Mould IIRVO Inrii clmit^d to *Bt % boat i baited u* t WH«4. I f f N >n< k : The < Italian; wto are ninkhtgt ran yo«i MAV# il*» t Thru »v silence mintied, lu<l inol)u rn Innlird their children, *n<l we nil w»»i< <l t h e wor«U- tiie word* of life or dr«t;)i. Tint aiiM\rcr «ftttiit* lwirk clear tnd di'tlmf: Wo cannot help ymi, we are Hiuking fiiinelvi•. Oh, the sgonv of (hut ino|ifi«Mit. Y«t thrrvwiui tio uion* fraoltr • ryih)(, hut uuit jrm*tiiM| <•<!> others hands i iu « l»r«<wc!l *rio, an<i s <lark f sett ltd JIMI. 1 pmr v% RU on thr fk/v o| ntl. I >io\v <lot< rmniiMl t>» resrh the 1iH|( or |M'ri|kh a t t e m p t i n g it, for I mw llirro WIN M<» (IO|K» fur IH 9 sihl K rr4Munc<l that the , l' rt Kt n< *l n K wocMlen Tfwfl wofiM hohl I <*ut tho longest, or Rt ]«*iuit sft'onl mraiuf of ! l»uil(lmg a r\!t, at any ratr it w.i* drsth t<i st«y whurv J WM, ht I knew I nhouhl IK* <11n>4 II in by the wtiott nrs#n i So, ^tdMiltig tuy wat4*|, nhd wpat h*<| with UK\ whkli I hsm |sk^n w<«t^ I went uti tho nyKibpcrsn<l M tlir I»MU «ank on thf» s^r^laT 1 jusBped flown mi(| a<ionH. Y\w rxn< t <listnn<^ f »|iran|( I coulil not <iay, lmt 1 utrurk hor ginwtlf u *»'. I an<l ft II in thr |>aj«Aftt(i» way, InHween It and tho nft«*i rahin, I lay for a moment ttiitinrtl, ami tfi^n tprifHHig n P I oatnt sml'tilii)*, n«»ro rvtrytriln^ aUo irai in roiy\i*i<<r, our Ntoam«ttr having ittnirk h< r on th«* MtarlNiiinl HKIO iirnr I IM* IMIW, rutting s h(>l<> in IMJI to the water, SIMI rtrrj ing away a good part of htr Hugln Csptsin and RAIIOTN. ten m«ti t wfr» fful^aToHug to fret s mnsll IMMII, H hi<*h lay kw\ ujiwsnl o« her 'f' dr^'k, frro from tho en taught! rigging, sixl thvir M^tMng to tram A* I -aid. nro «ftt!<doii tho morning of 1 . IM | MJltin( M , ^ H | llM the /th of \fay, \HIV\ and uothiug o^mned horifon, »nd now ««he to mac «MIT ro?a«« unto Horhnkthit • iiglil f Wh#oth* wind changed t and a h* id iMa a*i |n t wbl<K quirkly drtno all tlw ladi<^ and SMMit of tlie tttrn Ulow. \m for my ««lf t (bafvlnn «p*iit n*arly a year at **a, and u#f*raiim»rlnc l>om that malady ^ a iiitktM**,) I wallifHlthfi ( k k for two hour-, j»arlly foi tho ftr^h air, whleh I M nut K*t In the MUIII, and n a r l l y IN*- InuiM'h it. It wan only after working with a will that we werv riialilf^l to get it over tlw *io!r t and Jumping in SH Inwt we rould, we pullt-d awny from the hrig toward the *t<aiM<r, hut we dam* not approach too ti**ar for fenr of lK»iug d r a w n in, but shout- ed for them to Jump, and we wotll<l try and pt< k th«nn up. It wit* too late. O<w awful syrosm, one cry (if Rgotiy Mich ai I prajr I may n«*or hear again MA MIIO pluiigi^il to the bottom ; and i»f nil tin**' ruhiit jrtwsenger, I alone w fin leli. The water* met and el«>M'd o v e r her a* |*ea<-elu!ly and ralmly a* it nothing had IMYUMI, and nearly nixty ROUU, men, nouini mid children, were in otrrnitjr. Th<> *UY \*m\ fcirlf broken now, And with the ti»w light wt Sf^inrd toburenrw hop*i. Kindtn* that the Wig, whieh ha«I drifted notne wity oti, W M fit ill Homting, we «lie»-red for her, snd, < lamU'riny; up, thn W oiin*flve<i UIMMI the de<*k w o r n out inl rvlinusted. I t||iuk, h%U <uir Nfiuk * tiad nlf* tli* up. |t llt Jjelp \<h* near at hand dis<«>vct«d, while in the l»oat, th M Miung ui» oil wan in plain night \\ t , l, O i«trd our flag aa Wing in dUtn*«, nu $ ahonted, and nlrin M t eried wit a joy, an uniMlw \ wr ^turu the signal, »nd then M ^ IU | ^ w n tow an I u«. An *\i» wher* th* »tc>anH)r t a n k . ab» fmt <Mlt ) IH | NIA(M and picked up two t | HMI vmnw io m £\ w | ir to ff tt , ktn; \n*w\d ffuw Norway to t|i« roIW ,t of AfrirtL II*r < f «pUln. *l>lii#r old W irtL «pU. rau-e a <e+ilfi> of «nnMhiM«i aii«l Ittarourtty Uador, hut a kind heart*! man. after a con had takMi hold of mr r which I •ndfati»r*d ] nu \t ttum with the Captain of our hrig, tol in vain to thmw oH Theie wer* pood • | |M|| he would help Irim into th* nean* I h uot IM-« it half ,fnr nry an hour on | M »an wer* pood | |M|| he wo for I had | |H>r(( w hlrll l Ufor* 1 |t, Ijiejiiio, i hir II. or, a* h« .although ^rvert'h of a tact uf d|»ci|»lum atnong th«» ofll | damaged, wsMild »til| Moat, for M n r , SH and nvw, whieh IMHUMI IMI giMNlinraMi «ai|, (n « h»ye |t, only in Mlatft, fii. f Imv rldvnt. SIMI whieh was aftrrwsrd M\y I | h R O o rtr ^ o w ^ ntrm Mi^hl^d hy <^}n>iUnt hf thrlr conduct \V« wuro j | >uf ,,j»ing to lump the water out until we aUo K#atlljr koVn, »nrhiding among our , | IIM | wflI f| ri | thr rent full of old <ordagt\ freight a <t«rt; k*d of |wtroh urn, ii|Min th^ Itaiivln ot wbirh the trfMrf* lay or a«t vuiokinp. I *nd<»«T<>rvd In Tain, l>y nlgtifi, to uiako tha Captain tiiidcrMsttd thr nature of *%n h iuH«iiitn«ldii material, hut hf» tieat- #d th^ ftiilth^rt with tHn utmost indilHr enre, and, »hru|tgliktf hu nhottldeni, went int<i hi« mom, *m ii th«i fat<i ol ovrrniity h?e^ wei« of no pfMSllitit ron«r<|ueiir« l l a v t t u riimaiiiM4l on «kx'k up tn nrsrly I Wf»nt t<> my txnvm and lay ., and nailrd a Urge lot of ranviiA fivtr tho M<I«V The (ftptain of Thr Kinn tiad also pick m\ up the ('upturn of the Nteamer aiul him rrew tu the ln>at nln< h thrv h.vl taken MI iMMrly, U H I , IMMUK rathor %hort of pn>- fUiiou^, with my many morr thniwn on hift KHIHIP, all that rould had to «tay on th* tn g W'v found hy ol*i»rtstlon that we wrre II oMfM^K, | w«»nt U> my rt»om and lay t l KM |t |iH> m i!^ from Leghorn, aud tuincHl <lown. tsking t4t my awt merely, for the j < l l i r J i r o w , j,, t h, t dimrtion ; hut n iw. one hoi rid pit-ientlmeiit that oom^hiug would i o f tile** ( % \ im ^ frttf^nt \f% thto STS mt sf^er thn»f« Any* and ftlnir s t the pump* that )>ort. The *hip, mrnn- <HVIII mi|i <4tins; to me, and mndeiny *Uvy Miy thing hut «|iiiet It wan AIHIUI 1 uYloi k when I wtm ftwakfiK\d l>y a feaiful cra»h, foltowml ItMtautly hy tno mote «ho< k* rf|»rat^l in (jukk *MHN^««IOTI whMe at tiie •imr moment shHeks and < r\v* Ittirnt fhun all |»srt» of |he cabin, whom t#rrHtc*I in, mud it tttght*' inrrtHuting wr I«A< hfd the (ton. I lie * w hile, k^pt rlo^e hy u«, aud at night our lmn|*i aiiHwrriMl earh other^n weh*<»nie light, while deok watrhen of the two ve«M<U ****** IUTOM thf* water tho Joyful \H't well." 1 \ w i|uite twd up day in ruyul arrny ltfe thein^rlv* wimU thnt tlrovo' th^iu HWHV. Kivttlr of tl>o liirdn i|ti<|, wjnidn ! victorious elmir* ! niW iill iught>* tfrow Nhort, till l o n g (tftV« sr«« fjull of hont, till the uiendowN are full on fnngrnnc«\ nnd tlt^tn ^ <>f blosvmmii I <joo(e t nil of you, Hiid 1»HIIK *U of yoor rol|itioi|N ! C »ni<\ , " . .,.. ,. rbl>l»in«, ft'est of [your should ent f HIM! thoM* without j! <*onic t larkn, WO<NI threfthe*, lNil»oliiikiH f lintiebt, nut- lnit< Imrn, wurblrr*, j fl^catchi*ni f tlre- liird«i and orioh** ! hawks, AIUI solemn funerni winp« to kec Haider* to rat them ; to catch thorn ; worm tocntchthem. Wftk r«r Runnlnr t Newspaper Memphis A*<thmcht luw th<» fol- lowing suggestive |mragraph t which should be carefully n»s<l ami jK)ii<lcrul over hy a certain flan* of ncwHpup^r linngry , flapping with eroiik- •• Hy Rome tinncconntable Diisaffpre- tiPiiNioii of ftictH, there i« a large ciasfi of )Monle in the *orld who think it costs nothing to run a newKpujicr, and if tluy buy a ropy frtuu n newsboy when too fur from the office to l*eg, think they ore regu- lar patrons, and entitled to unlimited fa- Tors. Men call every dny at the ofR<*e to get a eopy of the paper, just from the press, for nothing, who would never think of begging n pocket hntulkerchief from A dry go<wls store, an apple from a eoiifectioncr, even on the plea of ohl ac- qunintanee, or having Iwuight homething before. One pnprr ft HAT rimoniitM to nothing, but a hundred a day amountH to MOIIH- thing iu tin* course of time. But thin \H a small drain compann! uith the tree u«l- voHifting n n<*WHpapor in exj>eeted to do. Some men who have paid two dollars for j im julvortisemeiit worth four or live <lol< droning and f aro coming, aud you enter* ! Ati<l ao ih« The winter rori«iimoti t|ie autumn, th* nter, mumnier c<ni- n^timin rat\^m ks ^the UHH\ of »v<|»urWl hy stron- tuid both hv nttiti; <lovoum the w Ntiine.s the Aprintf, uti< t h e autnm«*r. Ina««otli l»ird«, &lu\ IIIHIH un» ger liirdn and autuia whilo Tinio, tho gn ujrn'U and hunting mj, all hoi th ; Um»«- the biro's HL l>4> ready to be wort I rolls on. nt tlentroyer, con both man an«U bcaal. Only C^IHI in young and uttrhaiiffedj f' Of old Tli'Hi laitl the foundiTUn and thn heaveni nr^ tfi liands. They nhall SIIHU endure. * * ... . Thou ehange them, mu] thry HIIHII 0f tho ««arth, frork of Thv sjh, bot Thou ft V( g otutluml ilteii ; hut 1 T hn vo y hoik art tho^ Hiitne, nnd Thr N#ck-T!^ A corn«M|w>tul^nt o(j till* Ht. TiOiii** R* imNicnn, writing froni M^uvm, Mo., Hftv.s: A tome what uuvel cxikcrtauim^nt xvairr tho above lirmd, took pWo in ttacon Oitv last evening. 'l|ho \fti&fu$ operandi of Miis exhibition, tuid which douhU^NB rcii<ler«Ml it more attractive, was the fact that thr ludiex, one and till, wore a rnlieo tipron, and from the HamC piece and pat tcru was imuki n gehth nmirn neck tie, which WM placed in iin etiv^lo|H« atul dv- imnttoman att^niftttg, «pon paving UMi*admiiMiosj fee of' tw MIty five <M>nt««, mm preaenUsl with anj enve|'o|N* contuin in^ one of th«*ne calira n ivk ties, whirh ho immediately opmiN, nnd upon enur- ing tlm hall, pr(Ke««dlioii a hunt to find th# jroiinff or old ladvL lu'tho cune^ may hnp|HMi, that HporN MI npr<>n matehin^ hi* nork ti(\ which and y iK^conlin^ t<» annoiiiicrmeiit, is to \u* hin pnrtuer for k IIUHH but what reimlt in a life tne e\entng ; nnd win it may iu Noire aftiir. W# liave tho Ntefiier Hox in Disjny hut thift in the Amt *^ver known of a ne UAit* boliling re have iM>t Ii an p^siH>it for an a ladv that b«l< >re introxlurtioii and evening's entertainnir|nt n aver will again. \ afrnitl, for nutidry rMH0ns t to ven- turi* on any Hitch n|lvr|iti)roiiH atTairH, for I never Iuid any litekj i|i gift entrr priarn, au<) in HII<*II a <mr n* thin, wotil«l orrtainly have drawn \ onl* <if tin* oldest aud nioHt imprrfet't <>f )tef nv\ iu thi* fUMOinbly ; hence I diil <iot invent. All ladir*. of eourne, arc |>rtitittfnl, but Rotnn IM«» much mof* aotiiati otthera, and 1 IMT rVr Rome oth«r Imm hiiauu^lotis mM-hiwl of obtaining a fair partner. A very nut evening, h<»wrvt only objnrtion luring *«H|*d in drawing l.h- ••I. < ) >HMH» tblil tin- old a majority of the the men ^ ludioH, while the* npriieo young men in nuuiy iiiHtiine<t n h|id to, like good bov«, for the Way tutu lhoird*at raatnmaa for nn of pie)miige, enter- evening. lid e re)>n men didn't renH them - 1- rpon the whole, the draw north a cent, strive* f\n opj»OfH*<l to ; Mfc'h hind or lottery. Women i The K^n^an <'ity[ b'bttt *uys woimiti went throngti <n the Pacific train a few efeujng^ wirier, who was poiut^nlout to UH a*<tmc of the eole nratrd female fnro lim^cri ««f l^nvrr. Hhi» w»in dreimo^i ta^tilrr ajid'ipitetly in a gruv slpnrca trav«>liiJg f^uit, 4*itli ••lovrn Ami triniiniti^N ol hat to tnntrh ; wan of m« dium atatnn*, wel|- fijriued, and not more than thirty four! or thirty-tt\r. Her fare WAN not at all a^i iinplrii(f\nf o\\*\ mm»t have bc«u vrry i>rcttftt, aouK 1 time, 1*11 tnlo jilt**** wv»re drawn i>.-*t uiiUNiial in •re ao manr ti|M>n tt, mid, what i i women of her rlanti, t woiiirn and rliitdten werv ru^ldtig madly ) r r y ([> f hither sud thither. My lir.t .IIIOUMIIU , , l|f | uu ft t U%r rf^fy after the" second day" «r«» t h a t we hsd *tru< k U|N,I, nomehidden f nr I|IV f rof *w 'swollen and purple, and my I* M WIIMI pprsmed frt»m my (uiup. hut it KM n<>t u n t i l rmut|M wet in that I tfavr up taking my turn at the |>nnin*, for tliere manv * |*ooi fellovi wnmr than I. r(ir uioiiMUit we arrived the IKMVN «»prea<l W go<t<1, Hh# wan on St. Loum, where s foruiant HU%I«MI, to plure lu'hool Their faro l^ink beeti m full bloat for fcr u>tv Ituok front s<» mir in- r^of or »ho«il whirh liiii \n\rt ol the Medi tarratiran alMiimdn in, hut mi HUH lung (| M * d^N k I noon naw tnY mistake, for a Ur^o hris:, wlioif outlhu-n I routd Jiut are in th« daraiHHi*. WM alowly diiltin^ awsy fVtun »«t. a young 1H»V at at hrnvri has ic (nue t and the two proprietor* ajr« rfajmg a rich har vest. No flghtu or d atr ' kind liave ever oeeurted and tlio women eond all the attuvity of e , T p •ia. atil I know In a moment that wo had , Ukethc, and POOH a orowd of many hun crihl into her, and the only «|U*«tiiiii I ,lroi(a wero alHiut iw ankinn ipieatioiu* and ikin f f ' |»rrM r mg UIH.U mtr af^Nptaneo food and llllllir> %MU \ lU |art v Iftko many other* of our ^< w *, needed IMIIII, for a mor# Uyokinw Cit>wd K ^v«»«al«l l>« hard to flt.r wanlmU* wna mad* up ol th* IH |<m aud end* IMIOH K HI K to tho 4'aptain« *"* UI i <»f tl|e two \O*A«)M. and WM anything but I wrnt to ftifward part of th* ablp and rM|l foitahl*, hut we MUo Ibnwbt of that, th*r* t«w rnHHi^h tt» ronvmre tn* that an fl )r ||f r had l»*rn *par«! m, whhV ^ many but w!| U^U th f ll » Several ligh fraternity wrro at the ni'irh int« foMexl in welfare. <|oi$p|c\iou un uttirbancea of let [pi now wan, «r««r* we ^Inking^ or H M nhe f K*«ry (»n« n u now on d<N k, and tho fVmfiMion and mrit4«fiHMil ws*» dnMnlfnl M^u rallrd aloud (or thrir MIH**, and motlifir« for tlM'ir « hildrrn, \%lnlo othei^ on th*ii kurnn called U|MMI <J<»d to MTC Hints Pooflc-i 1 Thi^ Flanenr'ift a new id*<v; Advertisink, I at a very low ehhanx bout won!,| U for (»ui b^eir-. which fact, tho .hip wan y ,) all %«ote In, and the water fa«t | NH ir- | that in In pre^t fMb.mea at the a^-rlnre-. ll.it am.thrr aft K hl I *aw, wh»eh. for row aidhv and iM.^itorhko conduct, rould p ^Uy the < a™ for IUI all, | had Inet a watery grave, Of my |.niri.*y aere ma<le of iioii, (m , o |(onie. ami the reception \ received , lr«*i ( awl t'lyde. built,) t | |IMi , | w i | | not -piaii. nuuVc it t«» any I d h | a min^ kind hearted people than the | n* «»C<1M*1 «H^rtJ r « « J v to belp tU<»e ,„ ai|tual •IjHln'-a. do not W . I made a nt at(|tuent of the alTHir liefiwe an Amerl | fl|i|| |<|i|u(||| M ,^ horn R1H | | MTO aincei ft ^^tunm, i \ vmrU <u\ that the Captain <»f t h * .4hhf,t»si \ the o.dy iH.at Utt »iiin|Mnd, ' U ^fving out a term of eighteen vram in and In the tndiatinct M i t I , „ * them pull. ( thrt G o v e r n m e n t IViiM.ii for not having lia l f I h i d l i \ ,„ leafing hi. we Imvr uu|N»rt<ul \inrrir:i, nmrh rootioU iMlvcriiafmo4it« s^rn to have dun\ oiU with Warrfn> blacking, but they might l>o made (rerjr f ftective and »t their ro«unH t th* gumo uith ielieed profes f tiie gnnihling Miti, itn<I n e e i n e d 'til>g after her y has an art, i* ng IIA ; and though i aiii wrinklen from to lie done. the prfnlueta of the <h cell, Th# m «uhj«HjtH # my TJn I'm f ma *owp<t once that To %mk HM <>f anght that WM amm<tfeinf J on 4r« $nxloua lit knnw. TH vine* with only .mo or two ftloau.ua out ro rtirifHilty flr<w T<)\tr >r. I I mr to rlt/ l.,ftaw.yfr^« IIMiahi.. t a.id oni tVto I ruahod INK k to the pa^-e tho ( *t*Tn, l j forth thftr hmidn snd Ntr^luy for the of (Uh\ U» tak* tli«-in in. I lie i\ wh«*m I have rnent(«Mir^l, nhn«itri| * rt>wtrd of two hnndrrd th<>ii*aiid ft *>U<^H, ^oiild th«f hut u k r J«i#f wlftK Iu Im Sft^ny he l»o*«<hrd aud piavol thrill, hul injury »n that h<nit hi.) »H» t r i i i p t a t i o n . a i i d hm wonln foil on Mm d«»af to n'l uu \< y Heelnu one ..f thr nnlh»ni, wlio fvt hravr- ly *t*H»\ at fhf ik^iiil | *»krd, hy sl^n«, or U(+ t»r^trrv«iii. Il ( < nhmik hm head; hey hid I»UIMT., I ti|«u tritsl to got two or hrr« it%«*n t<»g< thet t who tfoiill hrlp me wrmuh off rionr* or rut nuay the *rnt*aiid »H*IM li#s whh h rin along the U|.|HI <|IM k fir a raft, hut tt,- y nould not »tir , either th#»y r.uld not nr»d«T*f tn t , i ^ Ar h ul p*f«liM^ them. \i,d now the nhip Wai *<ttlui K ».y t h * »*ow* and rapidly »iiikin K ; tlr«%ady th* witor HM nraily •m..UI,. l » ( nd ali W o«t up tuth* tb.^ Yh.< <n K ineer l..<l l»|t Ida | M «t Milt, Ui* rii*li»#> a t l u l l fci^d, and It «a« p M hlm U M hrrt» aud thrr*, ss rh«n<>«i HIKM ted I n< \v l^gaji to l«H»k amuiMl to «fv# h<n\ | miffht save for |h a.,^ I r .,. never forgot while memory laat* fc my h ap for lile What I «ini|fmt»iul by Ocok Or 4 " » « • mjr IWar OHfttfQH! Tmt% nt th* IN»J»<m and All t h e i r r«*n< . to Ol tl \un . with V w<Mlh! offer ev Ml Vmi othing wotiM >ou tftmt. Who ne'i-r HUinon the dl>Ath, t*\ thr Mil innt, of r,ip|. iVnniN Mrllride, one of tht earliest tiavigntorH of the I^ikrn, who wit* whrrlMtnikii on the Kria, iu IH41, when thnt flt4>Sm Iwiot wn« t^urue^l o n , I«ake I rie, by wht< h m e m o r a b l e di*ftM4<r | - flie tlmt of any nwKiiitUtU* U> invur on t h f I«iiki^»- nrartr 400 |>f*rson<i lout th^ir ! liv«vi by burning or drfiwuing> He him ' a^rve<l »MI C/iptfim for twenty eight yearn nnd imvigah d one ^t^Ain nhip, the hetroit, arro** the lako be4we^>n Mi! wmike4« and (^rnml f l n v e n 2,7.%2 |Hut<mgc«i, without the IOHH of a single lifo or S><XM- . dent to tho V«*S*A1. Inde^il, he n«vcr lout s pa*j»eiitf*r nor m<*t w i t h any •t«l»iit while in command. tt» man «* Kannr }" '' TRF. NOW Orieatm /f#<yf/ir4f mm thin in •'Wlicpevrr thej j^nuty UH * to the ill H nrriveH from hi and <lofting his glow^ Uayrr with his right hnnd, o|>eiiM the do^>r with his left, and fttamlH tliere a ininiat niel. JiiHt an the lauif* the carrtAgr theclrivat right in hi* sent.with tp< nearly on a line with Iii* «uv and with military p whip in his left linn beiver m hm right \u\\dn fill elevation. *' EDWTN P. vVnim,E ire, Beau Hriim- tHng h<»M up- in liin left hand chin, and whip in hia|rifiht) t suddenly, « t plnroft the nnd taking Ii IN it at a rearwvt v % tiiat the taxa- ble value of all the prWrty of the Uni- WM th* thou K ht ol .11 of an / of of I860. n round ten vein** of * fraetinn num. in than l'Jft , npjM»ai to think thev arc stcx-khoM- er* iu the eHtahliHlunent for life. They demand tho publication of marriagea and funeral notice**, ohituarien nnd fam- ily ejii#iode«, for the next forty year*. Speak of pay nnd they grow indignant. 14 Don't 1 patronize your pniier ? " •' Yus, but vou receive the value for what you paid." 4 * Hut," inyn the patron, **it will eont y«»u nothitig to put HUH in," which is jimt alnntt an ruliiMilous an to a»k t\ nmu to grind your fixe on a grind* and tell him it wont co*t him a It ttikeH inouey to run n uewnpiiper IM well IIH anv other hiiMnow, nnd no pnper amvpeda ftnaueifilly that carrien on u dead-head «y«tem. Any mention *>f the |>eop1o*H nmiira they wiwh to nee iu print, \n worth paving for, and when printed is generally UH gcnxl as «ny other invest- ment of the same amount. The newapniM*r huainesa in very exact- ing on all connected with it, and tho pay is comparatively small, tho iirnprietoin risk more money for nmaller i>rot\ts, and the n»jw»rterH und editorB, and priut- erH work harder ami cheaper than itny other chvHs of ino.i ro<piinng the given amount of intelligence, training und unid- gery. The life ban its eharniH and pleaa- ant a«Mocifitions Ncar<*ely known to the outride world, and nnxicticn, nud hourx for cxhnuHtiofi, which, likewise, are not known to thone who think the all fun. The idea that newR in ii ehnrniecl circle, where the lt*nd a life of eane, are free from care, nnd go to the eirena nt ni^ht on n fr*v ticket, and to the Spring* in summer on a free ticket, ift an idea which wo wish to explode practically and theoretically. itusineNHiM huHutcMtt, and the journal that Hncoced.H in the one that i* conducted on a K<(iiare biiHinef«8 f(K»ting the nnme a* hanking nr building bridges, keeping a hotel or running a livery utable. The CYyptofram* The Cincinnati Tim**» refcrn ton let- t#»r recently written by Honu-e (Jreelev, proponing New York city an a *it«» for the national capital. Tiie (Miner state*, that it IHa little diDicult to decipher the letter, but Oreelcy evi«lently '• liaaee bin of the tift<»<>ntli re^iHtiug c<Mlt\hh cii- cumherH of (iuciniiHti at twenty five cent* J>er poiind/' The body of the let- ter IH given I;H follows: " It m not possi- ble that 1 Miould ever wtole them again. AM pu<lding is a rcproitrh to comic NCC- tioiiM, the very gayest conveyanc*eH of our are untrue, and proftervofi arc bankrupt. Swill your nicent cant 'loupe* in Wash- ington until it «winiH in an unfortunate locution. All the MciSirthya »u*« wire to he veneered unless they ttr ept moral pt»li'(*atN. I bought four of 111• fc earliest, and I sutTcrtMl fearfully undeniahle cronn- cut «awR. Who IH in glit all the nut* and lo/tinges of the Kcumeiiical (*ouucil? The habo of the Fed«»ral parentage IR the hearer of its two horse lumber wag- on. It ttptealed when fuirnnmdetl by a do«o of Widow CHquot Kxp< riDienle<l on liy tlije |>opulation of repeating voterH in »nviin<ls to the defeat of nautical an chovicft ind totnatoea. It awcllcd to a forcat ot nrtiehnkes ; and amid the «oll- tilth* of te«in harrelH thiiN inviting the Hoin <le Houlogiie, and nc<*omfno<iating the formiitioti of cheese factorieH through- out th'» civilized world.*' A Feedinf Mariilne. There has recently l>een invented and U now at work in New York City an im- iiroved fcHnling and regietenug machine. The invention combine* an automatic feeding apjMtmtuft with an adjusting at- tachment, by which a perfect regintry is iM*ciired. It in con.Htnict#'d as follow** : A movable table, on which the puper IM IHIM, oscillate* backward niitl forward l»y mcSniM of a cam. working from the main cylinder. Directly Above the table in a Auction apparatus, consisting of an ON- cillnting pi|>*s with a H^VXCH of rnpH or nhort tui*>M, with oblique cdgiw. At each up wan! movement of the tuhle the air is exhausted from the pipe by a com- mon air pump, and by reason of the vacuum the U>\ nhoet is nucked up from thoAt* beneath, and adhenw clonely t4i the moutlm of the cupx. Owiug to the inclination of tho cujm only a single sheet \H allowed to adhere ; the front edge of the tube being above the paper nt an angk* of 4*"> dttgrec*. To complete tho operation, a second tulx* iajtlacecl parallel with tiie oHiiliattng pij>c, and i* provided with Hrtveral p«»rferationH op|>o- hite the t.ible, from which current* of air pitsH un<Urueath the raised sheet of pa- ner and senarutc* it from the other Ahectn tying on the table. At thin infttnnt the auction of the pip<^ cea«e* by the action of a cock cutting off the communication *ith the vacuum chamber, and the pft- i>er in released from the cups nnd deliv- ered to the adjusting n)>i>uriitUH. The latter consist* of a Hcrics of gripjM'rs nnd clamps by which the hheots ure adjunted and delivered to the printing press with- out manual asriiHtunce. The sheet IH Ht'izcd by tmvcling carrierH moving hor- izontally, and if oblique, or out ot place on the hack table, the front edge in drawn nquurely up to the gauges by means of guides, while at the name time wde-cramps, acting at right angle* to the carrier*, seize the lateral edge of the sheet and adjust it according to side- guag4«j4. A ront-har prevcutd the edge of tlu» jmpcr from curling up, and the shot t IH delivered to the grippers of the print- ing cylinder. In this way, printing pa- per of nny size, placed in any oblique jxmition upon the o.scilluting fce^l-tahle, is perfe<*tly adjusted nnd delivered to the presH. The machine is self-feeding and self-adjusting, and requires no «ui>ervi- sion whatever. The apparatus is not adapted to printing presses alone, lmt iray he used in connection with rolling, folding, cutting, and all other machine* which are fed with pnper. Its speed i»> '2,500 hhcetn an hour, which fully emialn the capacity ot any rotary prt»s*. — Ar. K. IVihunr, Afarvh 14. What B conicH of the Coin. Tn the reign of Darius, gold won thirteen times more valuable, weight for weight, than silver. In the time of 1'hv to, it was twelve times HH valuable. In that of Julius (Vsur, gold was only uin< >foin<a Vet there remains in many conrtcona and ^eiieroiiH minds th< 1 old prejudice. A women should not *]>c*ik in public, they •fay. (Jo if you will, ami enjoy Ii«t4fiiing if you can ; but we will atay away, for we do not think it feminine. Yet the good friend who says this went with delight to hear Jeunv Lind ; nnd \m\H for himself, Mr*. Friend, and the two Mint*** Friend, hiite4*n dollars t<i hear NIIHHOII ; carnage, four dollars I gloves, and incidental cxpciiHes, five dol!.ir»- a u» at mm t<»tal tw«»ntT-n*ve dollarn. lie likes miiHic, she is a nuivt Kinger, and it is otwmfi if ftttU to h«»ar a famouM |>riniH donna. (Vrtiuuly the Eany Chair dexs not qiiHirefwith thu^e who like to hear music and sweet hingem. Hut we were Hpcaking of propriety. Now why is it not «« unfemiuine for a woman to sin^ upon n pi at form in a public hall an to speak upon the name platform ? If hho Kings badty, ccttaiuly she ought to be severely discouraged ; aud if she npeuk* bfully,* let her- -we si»y it M iu a Npilit of love'*- hold her tongne. Hut then, iu the sfiinc snirit, T.-CWIV the same thin^ to Ningurn and orators who ure not women. IH it proper and manly mid Iw- coming to his HCX that a man should sing or speak who has no talent for sing- ing or sinking ? ft it not this E-i\v (/hnir which lUKort* it. Hut when the woman has & noble tal- ent for song, rxnuiHitelv cultivated— when Jenny Lina "itaniis l>cf«»re us, with her hands resting one upon the other, and uith her very soul sin%*, •' I know that nry Kedoemer liveth"--iH it imi>ro^»r? Is it unbecoming? Tn it tinfcminine ? Mliy, our go«nl friend himself goes home a l>ett*r insn, IHHMHISC a in re helloing, for that mmvelou* song. Hut Kuppog** that insU*ail of sing- ing thoHc words she had read other words from the* Hihle, with earnestJIC«K and cimviction and ]>ower that they nhono with new li^ht, and illumiuaUHl duty, would it 1*' unfeininine or improp- er that HIK* nhould do it ? If u woinan in evith ntly HhniloH and vain, und is plaiu- ly more concoiTKnl with the enVot Uiat her toilet will produce than with that of her words—if what she anys is evidently said for sensation—no man und no wom- an w ill caro to hear her. Hut there aiv women UH intelligent, who think us much und feel as deeply, an the best men; and when one of them, feeling the in- fluence of certain customs and lawn in society m no man can feel them, ap- peals * soberly nnd eloquently to the judgment and conscience of hoeietv, it in a peculiarly b«»ooming t and enpecially feminine, duty that she does.— KnJm: of the Plefrattiw The prevent condition of the P di, coucMtrning whom no littl lx k en heard aiuce tho mannuerc* of laut ; year, in thiiH rej»orted by Colonel John ! Gibbon, commnndinvr at Fort Shnw, j in a letter: i I accompanist the officer t<i witue«>»! the distribution ol annuity goods to the \ IndiaiiN, aTi«l found asm-mbleil there M»mc j HIT hundred Indians, men, women, and children, prineijmllv of the Piegmn and H1«HH1 trilMM tnl»eH of the Hhuk F<^t Nation. I never heard Indiana talk wore , pcaeoabiv. Bird Cliief, an old man, vh«i ! HM" in trie fight *i*h f *olonel Baker lust • year, Hiid he liwd not had II good nights sleep kijjtr thitt tight, und had %*vcr biuco IH^II uioving from plm^' t«» place, ex- pe< ling every day to iieattaekc-ii hv tM»nie- fiodv, ho did Hot know who ; thrit they HII wi <he^l to live Ht pel *e with the , whiUH now, and to hnve no more \i\, tl.le. ! \ number of other* spoke, :dl m the winie Htruin. They till exptv»sed pl«us-, ure in liarin# an ugont living maong ihern; Tliev all scem^l »stiHrte^ with their |>ivsent agejit, Major MeCurthy, ; and said that I would be N>irpri»"d if I could com pure the present insue oj gotnin ' (with'-which they ?w*enu*d very ni'ich pleaded> with former hwnes. l'*r«ce with the Piegaim IMinueh i*t he, demred iuid { «*ttii he eHHily maintaih^l, provideil they ran bn de^ilt with justly. The ngeiit i <Mimp1aiiiH tlmt of the WO.ilOO appropriu- ti»d >>y Congi^HM for the IMf^nfi only $17,<X»O worth of good*, ha^ yet reaeh^d him. I he ludia'.iM appeared very desti- tute And feointj br*'ttdstunv<, *<»!Vee, and j augur should l>e aoiit to them without de- lay. ! y bfcc m Uing Witb her lipt tptrt, hoftly! 8lu in <lj*nijf Of p b Mardu polf to fr.le the Bslanr« of the v*ar ' VIUJ «41ml hind doUs out, to ev#ry clime, . Wiut^r kuofmhls Sl|4 IH pK l*> h««r ftual reii Whinpor! T.'fe it* flowing I Mm within Lor ()<*ntlv ) j ; h)j« ).bH brv*tbe<l hot lint. G«ntly 1 While vuu'rtirc-c-iiinff, Mil' to h*-»ri'!i haw jUR^td The IJK'htHand time, In tht SiUrian VAYG* <U»appf«r : K*Y<* when t«>m<» U g r t n Wnpt^rt-r In )\\t rear— K.«l *uid, tir »)*ny Horn, ot frt^Ming rim# * hum- th< Wihik liirttr* of thf warning prime, \ii<l \i«*Mp r«'hict«i)t ft* the ferine <lr»wt ntmT, hut Iu! the ancient covenant »t*aia» uiibmkfn-* With Hi^U ani\lm<\« th« vc«r hevtnshUsway, AiM hmU thr fMAMonn mi fr<»ra clay to A%x ' hoa*iid UiUv Uhciid iU t$*\itu\ til* ii, Km\ WCIHI. and ^alt, and with itYj*et*nt *r#« l>K.k in the outp<mr«l UVMUIK fixMU tU *.ki- g. (lose Qmrters with a Bengal Tlgrr, Mr. Felix McDonald, a wild beast tamer, hail a narrow escape from a frightful death at Louisville, Ky., a few i i duyti 44 i Hinre. Hemuig'H in ie in aud several more valuable, owintf. prrhapn, to j of the animals, including a iniii of royal llengid tiger*, tire (piarterenl at a livery stable in thin city. Such in the Havugc disposition of thene animal i that no one A imi>er re;ul before the Polyt«i*hiiic <'»» approach them except Mr. M. He As8o<Miition, h j Dr. Btophena, wn^ntlv, M in the habit of entering the den evrry in calculated to meet this inquiry, lie day for the purj>OHe of cleaning it, and of of the annual gold prodnot, fully keeping the tigers under control. A the quantities of gold Beise<l by him in his warn. It ina naturalqnention to ask, what hafl b<'come of the rrold and silver V flfUeu percent in melted h q nrod down for man f«-w dayH nince he ent«»re t the deim an iifactu/e; thir^y-flTe \wt cent froe* to "Hunl/anned mdy wit 1 a heavy wliip. Kurope ; twenfy-flve per cent to Cuba ;, AH noon HM he rnt<TH, the door of the den fifteen j>er cent to Brazil; flve per <H»nt. ! »« cloned and locked. The moment the direct to Japan, Thina nnd the IIUUQH ; «ron doorelow d UJMHI Mr. McDonald the leaving bnt five |>er eent for eirculation i largest of the HIIIIIIIIR which ii called in thiN country. Of thnt which goes to ! IV ink, without a ninglc warning growl, Cuba, the Went TndteH, Brazil, fully ftity j -prang ujMin Mr. M. with all tin* natural per cent Audit itn way to Kurope, where, « ferocity of the tiger in liw native jungle. Fortunately, Mr. M. wu« thoroughly a^quninted with the di*p mition of the atiimal, and wan on the ulcrt AH the tiger dashed nt him he utepped ipiieklv aside, avoiding the onwt, ami reverwing RaMen and The London Ch*mi*t <nui y/^ The latest left*] itoisoning sennit ion. f^i• whieh certain I.iveriw>ol ehrmistR Mi*e n'HponHible, reveuls* the h u m b l e fa<*t that we are now training our balnea to the uw of this uddition U> tlieir uutinuent, by ftHsiing them through tulK-»« IMIUIJMJ^MI of M india-nil»ber dis olved iu ten per cent, of bisulphide of Cfulwin and thick- euenl with whit4» lend, renin. aud aoine* tiuiCH otvfiulphureut of antimony, fioin which, wlien it coiueM into ciintiu't with j the milk, H»i1]»hurett<Nl hydrogen evolved, and lactate of lead formed in the Htomarh." The faet that aeyerml uiillioiiM of infant* have not only Mirvived | tlu*M treatment, but have to all app^r- j ancen thrived on it, nonw w)mt dimininh- j ing the horr<ir whieh we ought to ex|H*ri- ; eniM* on learning thi« rojHirt. Bnt we ' rcinemlwr, and now for tin? rtrvt time ! intelligently comprehend, the touching j American epitniih in u gTa*cyard * \ei-y ; long way out We**t : , «lf«lh hu Uk^n fUrifnv HttU Jtrnr. htn vl Joi^ph and Hyr*at Amyp b€> wr«-»tl*y| with th. 1 b h And th<n hi* Melt )>o«eU Mont likely tt wan wrmlutf Injured Htt • J. iry, Hid >w»t»le i»*rri»«^1 t<» hurl IIIM K U I U K h V \>>u* But with the angrU he'll *et plumii ftod ni^rry, i u « wn^r* hr'« K'» Kor Uirrr'a no uumlng The frt4*t that Home millions of infantu liare thrived nn nn^ form or auoth<*r of j feeding bottle*, in indwd i^apalilr of af-*| fording eonnolfttion, but the comfort we j (U'riveJ from that reflection will I*- mat4'nnllv diminiHiie^l bv calling to rnind tho many million* who \iave perished. t after dtMiuctiiiK n large percentage uned in manufiKturing, four -fifth* of the re- tnainder is exported to Imlia. Here the transit of the precioun metul is ntnu Here the Hiipply, however VHH% A VRU- TNVKNTION roit TITK TOHV OK NAIMI.-- An Ktiglinh inventor Inis taken out a patent for n new method of milking nails. J-V'in I.is *pe<-illca- tion we leuin that the method IH Kiih- stantially I\H folloun : r l'he inventor forms tlat bars or strij>« of wrought iron in the ordinary inaehineiy. While the burs or HtripM MO f<»rmed are .still hot, ho passes them between u p;»ir of Hhaping n»lK One ot the^c rolh is n plain cvHnder. and the other roll has the gen- eral figure of H cylinder with a Mcri<wi of incline or steps mndo on it* cylindrical Mirftioe, the L *nid in< line or ntcps of the joll having KIIHI a cont'ormatiou that the hnr jrolletl between it und the plain cylin- der roll has ifi longitudinal section the tlffurt* of a aeri"N of he.idlcas nails jdintnl together aliHiik t4> point. Whilo still hot, the fchm**l bar or utrip is «nlit iiit<f nail roclfl hv ft Aeries of circular aljtt<i% the whole bur being Hiinultan«'oiiHly alit UP by tho anid Hlittem inU» nail ro<K Tn#»a<i tih.il rod^ when void ar«' fed iuto n heading machine, by w|iich the niiilnnu> healed ami cut oil from the nail rod. Tho heailing and <Mitting otT which ho employ* dtrlern iu no res|KM % t from other machines cemmonh usi-d f(»r heading and cutting oft nail*. ATKKTAIN Mas<tmhn»«*ttH f»rmrr, a tom- peran<*e man. bv the way, who in justlv proud of hi* nn« imported «t/M*k f re- cently fancied that one of his hr.st milk- ers waa stricken w ith the cattle <lise>tiAO, and neut in a great fright for the village fairier, a ii4*'er-to»d<wwel1 nort of a fellow, whom he hail often lectured for his tip- ling pro|>ensitie«. Diek came, examined the animal, looked grave, und Kiiid, •• Have you anv whiskey or brandy h ui.ly ? * '• No.* said the farmer. •• Pat, inn to the druggist's on BOOH US po.^ihle, nnd tell him I want a quart of hrnndv foi medical pur|M>«M'«." When the bot- tle arrived, Dick to<ik it nnd uncorked it, *melt of it, and taking a good drink, put the bottle in hi* pocket, living, •• Your cow will IK» all right presently ; I have pulled a thorn out of foot," and walked off. HAIMHO VKHSKLR btiiH in the United States during the year ending June 30, 1H70, are om'ciallv reporttMl to IIUUIIHT S|I», of which the HIII|M are forty-one, of 57,107 ton*, and the vhoonr-rs 519, of M>,9(U tons—show iug tho (Niasting trade very near the foreign shipping. The fttaam TetNels nnrnW 290, of 70,- two tons, there lnqng Mix ocenn at4*ajrncra, cight«»cn for the lakes, and *2tHi ctn tho rivers ; the Imrgen report* d ar^ lli'2, and the canal VuMxin 612 ; or a grand total of rebels built, from ocean stcamerH to canal lx>atn f of 1,41K ; tonnage, 270,95,1 . ppy, % in lilworbed, aud never retuius to the hin whip, dealt the tiger u furiouw blow, civilized world. j momentarily stunning him. The tig*»r The Orientals roiumme but little, while i Hprang at him again and Hgnin, but 1 I i l d d b th id bl f th wintered by the rapid blows of tit** dur- ing man. rendered desperate by thr terri- ble danger, he retrr«trd to tho corner, when, by tho urtMntance of the nun eiii])loveo! in the building, who came to | the ni<1 of Mr. McDonald with iron barn, 1 he wan ennbte<l to entirely HIIIMIUC the | tiger. AH it wan, he narrowly fweaped a hornhlr death. A their production** Imvc ever IM»CU in d< maud atn>ng the WeKtern nation*. AH mere reeipieutw, tluwi* nation* lmv<* a< % - quired tho defcira of accumulation and honrdiiig, 11 ]Mi*ftion common alike to all classeH aniong the KgyptimiH, Indians, (*hiiirHe and 1'rrsians. A French erono- miHt Htatrn that in his opinion, the for- mer nation alone hide away £2<X),0()U,- <XW» <»f gold and nilver annually, and ttie pn^ont E.nporor of_M-.r.«w U ro,K.rkd , mlv 1>()ls ,, iu „„„ „, as HO addicted to hm avaricious mania, that h*t In 18 filled seventeen chamlwrfe with the precloiiH metalK. Xhe i>asHioti of princes, it is not mirprising that the same Npirit is nhared by their Hiilqectit, and it is in this predilcetion thnt we din- cover the solution of the problem u^ to the uHimute disponition of the precious This absorption by the Kiudern has been uninterruptiMlly going on HHiee, the most remot4' In^torioal pe- in gold wan, in annually exported to the Kant. Tfie balance of tra<le in favor of those na- tion* in now given n Duel. That iiifriu k tion of the eo<te <lid not neee^Hiirily involve Hoeial Ostviicism is evident from the fa<»t that 1>;• Witt Clin- tou loft the lieM with impunity, while Hwartwout, hin opponent, was proti sting he was Kiitinfled. AftiM^he Mist Hlmt the tatter demanded a ftfgMd, and after the Nt^coiid ti third. Neitner wa» wnunded. ** In your principal MJIti*Med ?" »»keil Hiker, Clinton*K ancoiid. i( He is not." replied 8miih, after con- sulting Swart wont. The fourth nhot wah tl^n r\ehang«d f (linton'N bull entering the calf of Swart >vout*H le^. 11 f*i your principalftfttiMJWdnow ?" tlc- mnnded Hiker. J | " He in not," replied Rmitli. HIIOIH were exchanged the fifth time, KKwrrnTiE PHOTERT.—A New York the morning pa- per* agtiitiHt long <lresH« H for tttrret COH- J tiunrH, from wh*ch we infer tlmt t)uil>» ' are ag iin coining into fu^hi<»n. The! short walking (lrc+»s of thr la*t one or two yenrn in ,%t oiict- no pr< ity and Mh- *ible that we ho|w it is not g<»»ng U) be ( diH<*Arded. Trailing roln^s are very graceful—we will not M*V convenient, in a diiiwiiig-rooin, but the> aie det< l staMe <»ut of floors. If we could get at tin 4 numiter of momen who have cau^lit their death* by w-ilkiug in damp ukirt* we fitiould prjbubly have very ciiriniiH mill sturtliit^ statistics. We «|iiit«* agr«n^ with tne l.aly lelertr I \KJ iii wishing t<> s.lbj.-ef HO t'llke<l of tllllt ft WO- tlie itl wnl!^ ami 1 lit c I rape 1 v, EATfwo—We all eat too lniurh, ^avH Dr. 1^4'WiH. Our Aniericnn f»vnt4»m of diet Is bud. There \H to«» | great a variety ; the food is too ri<li ; the cooking in bad ; we eat too often, ' and wo f^nt. at the wrong t iin en. Dr. 1 l^win gives mi m^'Uiil of a dinner at { the hoiisr of a lady who is rreoguized j»H Ktamling at the head of the intellec tual ariHtocnu'T of a m«>Ht int<"ll€"H*tTifil and refined eity. The plate and rr*vekery were m<^t beautiful. 1 lie dinner con | HiNtiKl of fmu little, ctnit-fuh: li*t, a , Miihll gla^s of lrnionnde ; 2nd, a bit of 1 melon ; 8d, ronst lw»ef and ^weet p<itn- ' tooH ; 4th, ice-rrewn. Nothing nhonld • l>e eatou after dinner, and dinner glimild { be taken uurly in the <lay, not Lit* r it | poHMibh*, than 2 o'clock. Ydd nothing! i>etween nieaU, not even nn i»I»j»le <»r R I |HHU«)I. Avoid cuke, pie*, fill nwerttneut*, i nutfi, rainiiiH, and cundien. W me and j liquorn Dr. LCVWH will not tolerut^, and i no ytMiiiK ^•>mnn who in nmbilioUH of u 1 dear, tine Kkm will drink t« n. Tr«i com- promifM'fi the complexion, probnbly by | deranging the li\rr. J'he best plan IH to diink nothing but rold wuN r, mid H* little *u* |M»hsible of tint, except that one or two gin** * on lying dowri nt night and on rifting in the morning will be , found useful. I V (oDtrlcntlou^ Ttitrf, Those who tlo not know me inuv IM-V- , 1 ie\e th<» following ntorv, Dinne w-hu do know tne will not. Still it in |iute true^ Uegiuald wa*» Mple^iMuut old ciilleiuaii with u line HCUMC of humor. r had e4Mi»<ideruble pro|H*rty and lived on Wiinbl#5tom t'ommon. He hml one )N*autihil daughter—but that in not to the ]K>int. One *iiU'i uoon, uh Old Ki^gi- nuld wa« readme lK>okt» iu lus drawing r<H>m, it was unnouiuvd to him that a < 'otnmoti Mtm denired to *]>eak with him. He gii\r ordcrw thnt th«* < oiunum Man IH* udimtUsl. Aud udmitUii the >n Man MHK He WUH M ver\ Coiii- in<>nMan indeed. A tall, shambling, iU- 1<Miking fellow, with au iirenoiute nuin- ner and a hhrinking ere. He wan dn-ned HS costfnuongeiti wliieii follow ing their lalling. "What i^~ yonr jJcMLsuri 1 , ^O<H1 • ir V" suid Old Rcginnld. •• li»-g |>anlou, ufiiv'nor," aaid the Com- mon Man. " 1 ho|H» \i»n wou't \n hanl on me." t •'Kill at all, replied Old Hrginulit. 44 I'm—I'm 11 burglar, M s:«id the i\»m- mou Man. •-Indw-d !" ittid Reginald.' *'Takra chair." "Jliniik riiii, Ivihdly, gii\'nc»r/ f Rai«l In 1 , "but l'<! ruth' r htuud A)id lie did ntfiftd. Ho far there i» nothing rers incriNlible in my Ktory. But it grtM more remark* ablt- ttn it gi>« % H on. " Wow do vou like yonr prof<*fwioii V Muid Old Kefnnald. "Weil, gnv'iior,*^ said tlit* (Vmixnon Man, " 1 tluii't like it nuwn>H, and that'h if *• Tlii*r** what ?" 11 Thttt'n why I'm here. 1 lielnnpfM io a gaag of twelve wot'n Wt»rking then^ pnrtH ju«t now. We rmckN cn\m by tuiiiH. It's- it'ii my turu toniglit." And the burglar wept like n child. "Thi 5 * I presume i« Kemorsc," Raid ( Hd J<egimU<l. " No, guv'nor, it uin't Ilrrnorse," mid the btirglnr. 44 H H l-'iiuk." 14 J'he name thing," w\\d Reginald. *' It uit»'t the beilig a burglar th.it I obje<«t UK It'rt the liaving to commit burglnrie*. I like thr ere Jit of it, Mr ; it'n the danger 1 obj«vt to." " Now, b\ the Inxrfi of our pttip, WeYr Ixiund tociiwk I'ribs in turn. Thnt 1* to KHV, one of UH crack* the erib whil* the other eleven ntopM outtfide and given Die "I thought burglar* HIWHVK worki^l in two or three*?" Rni«l Old lieginald. •• P'rajrn I ought U> know In^t V M *iijr- ti»r bnrglnr. Tactl The four oldest Oofi air in MjuiHa<*hnai*Ui'. A quiot mnnl, like other blefetinga, it more ehHily l'»*t thmi gaiucnl. Ni» giftb. however divine, profit thoa* who iM'gl« v <'t to cntllVate them. A miih of aense may d a rich man may wear a pi ThHrrtn prfMlnct of the United fltatca f<n tlie ^»MI 1H4»9 UIIM 1 ,'.MV2,rt47 tona. Than* ar»' about 15,H7U li*i)>tistobQrdiei in the wv>rkl, with l t WV>24 iu«uiib«n. . Fot e* lLuiy Hulnlue t but love gftinff; and he thnt forgive* tin»t winKthe laurel. Muny fal»o thing* have tnort appear* nnerK of truth thmi things tlmt 1* nioht tnw. « A bill to HUOII^I cAi>itnl pnniahmeiit !>«« u iUfe it<nl in tne !t The hl*nm iilon^liH UN<H1 in the TTulted are made in Rnirlaiid, nnd im|>ort- ed nt M cost of BlMiut 81(»,<N»0 in {?oM en»-h. ^ the benefteient effeeU of tight the eHtiumt«Hl fa"t that it the countrv ov«*r ^.<^» ammallj The dct«»al profit of thp buMneM done I.v the OnondApi Salt Company, orpjan* ITAA in 1HW. U* the prevnt time, U • Tire primmer lull ft very cxiuiitenaiiee." * 4 Yen. he w«i* ironed juvl lnfoi-e he wns bn»uu:lit in. 'Flint fir- eountv for it." A mini rnl which porfoTmr all the dv* tiw of m*i> and ho* HU aromatic odor, \\RH l>c"ii diHeovere^l iu exhaitHtleiA quail- lien near IOWH City. Two litUe Iniyn were am^ft^d in Qujn- cy, ILJ., for tr> ing t«» M»t fire to a Church. Th«»y wHuted t4i burn the cimrch to flvoul going U> Suuday School. Four proveTOoro arv now on trial for imprfeohmeJiL Hold* n, of North (JATI»* , Butler, of Nebraska, ; C'iaytun, of ; tiud Re^<l, <»f Florida. iing Indie* 1 jiromenado wuit* of d Hilk nrwory much in favor, road* plain round ntiderKkirt^ with va Lyked overmkirU ebborutoly trimmed. A woman in pl ciiltivat«'d, with the help of u mule, ten ai^xen of ctirn, Um acre* < f wheat, and ten IM .,,» H ,,f oatn, uiaking n <*le*r profit of ft And »»»ir UAAI a little curl That Imnjr rtpht down on h#r fnre1iM<I. And when *h« d But bill WM proj>oHe to crack to night ?" ft Thin here one." 14 Miner N 11 Votiui." "1 ^ ••Oh!" AIMI Old Reginald prq^ftr^l fo rin^ the bell. tl P\on*f' don*t do thnt, guv'nor. You Hint never n|/<»in tu f^ne mo into cunto*U V ' 1 I think T had better." "No, no, gm*nor, do*i*t do tlmt. Tii«* ier\ to me first 1 Hint agom' U* hurt yoa." " lt*« my iurii io crnck y«nir crib to- night. Now, will you hvlp me ?" *'I hardly nee ntv way," naid <>IJ It ginald, thoughtfully. ""Htill. if f ean o the, hase tuan v. ith her In truehiiig a youu f ; horse t4> drive well, do not hurrv i to »ee how fr. 4 he can trot. Keep each i pace < lear und distinct from the? other, ' thftt is, in widkin;; ; inakt* him walk, antl , do not allow him to trot. \\ hile trot- ; ting, 1M» eoually careful that he keeps { Htettdv nt liiHf-|)«MM\ and do not allow him i to slacken irto a walk , the reins, while ; driving, sli'ould be kept HIIU^, and when | punhrtl to the topof hiH Upeed, ktH»p him ! well in hand, that he mav I* arn to bear • 1 liiion the bit, HO that \S1MT] going at a high rate of spied he ean b*' lield at his j , ]uu*e, but do not allow him to pull too j hard, for it in not otily unpha ant. but it often difficult to inamige him. i AN A(*T OF IIKIU>IHM worthy of wide- , bpren<l mention and comtne?idatiou W.IH I recently performed by a woman in Hut- liurMli, N« k w HrunHwiok. Hlie w.w a }xn\- iniMUeKs of the town, and a tire broke' out in the building in whioh the jn^t oftiee was kept, and in which she alno j lived and carrie«| on hti<tiue*H. When , the nlarm was f<iven t although her own j pro]>ertv, including a stork of ^O«H1*) find nil her household furniture anci HU}>- lilies ^v«w% in daugi'i' of Iteing dov(ioyi>d ' Ml n few minut**", >thr n«»¥elihele^N ftrnt j of all M-cni'ed the inoMeVt thi- nrcoiiit ', nnd all the letter* nm( PA|N*IN in the. ottic ; tifid it WHS only when Ihene hud been collected with the^reuUnt «are uial pliWt d ill l«Mpon>)ble liand^, lint site ' turned her attention to «uvin'^ }jei own ' effects. The result of this dciotion to. duty wiw H gri^it nnving to the public, j but a greiit (H^uniarv huennce en her! own putt. W hetUei or n«>t »-)».> coiupcu- Kjitioli Will be made to her by the Colonial (foveinmeut we ore not inform- [ o m ."-;-"• , r -i f 1, worth of Hwag froiu *HU % U <rih he cmekn. If he don't, he'* *liot. Now, 1 twt n haudmjide hilvn vdver and cx>ire< -i>«>t and <Teom iug fcn 1 cMiur in 1J« iv. \S ot might IHJ the value of that handsome Hilver aaWer and con*e4»-pot ?*' 4t J'he rrram jng in eleHro. # The coffee- pot, with aiigar hamii and aalver. may be worth five and forty pound*." "That 1 * near «IIUUK1I« I'll lake 'em. Here in a Hiinnrv for flltv «|iiid." And he handed UM ^egiualtl a baA UoU- for that amount 44 Still I don't quite uuder*tnn«l " "I want you, jruv'uor, to be M> good fik to loavu your ix^lruom window *»jM-n tonight, and place that nilver and tliein NiKer tiajM where 1 <*an fjet «in handy. 1 nlndl have cracked my cnb. bugge«l my -wag, and made iny8*1 f nafe until m\ r<<und ii>n»iii/ " Certuiiily," »ai«i Old ikKiuald^ hoU- up the note in the light '* Bnt M me usk, how caj» you aJl«»rd to pay t%tj liitndHoinclv 1 >i your depre<laU<uih V ' 4t T h « r e wiws a do/.rii on u*. sir, Ffw*h of u«, CMU-KM u n i b once in four inontliA, and e.ch swag* at lea^t flft\ jMHindn w 01 th--often more, but at lent thnt. Alter each plant tin j»rt»nti* uie divided. l*a^t <|iiai-t4-r the twelve ci'ilrt oifii'V.rd brought WH 111 elr>eli llUlldled |MiUlld thut'a ninety jHJun«lb odd api«»ce. When mv turn coLirs I pay a fnir |>n«v for the and Khot"nev*n ball« at onc*» inta j— a ]M»rV barrel. B<*ctnw> bi« wife did not #cream, <«H11 in all the neighbor*, mid lhen hwoi»u away, he went up atairs and tliruahfd li«r. I Uros<li Ha«loHAvIr\if7, formrrly a cap tain in the armv, and lately a lrtter ejirrii^r in New York, mho had ptaadad guilty to f»ml*K*linff • letter, waa mm- vuiH-d to thrtv ve^um* imprisonment in 1 the AllNiny Penitentiary. ) Mr. Hyde and Miw Taller, of (Vjnm- biih, Ohio, having 1**en married, and the " fatt4-<1 e4ilf killeil in their lionor, giwm the ly>uiHville <*4ntrier-JtfWHal an op|>or- tumty to air a joke alxuit " killing cattle for tiie a*ke of the Hyde and Taller.** ' * of - - nU 1 l>nth, the latter would W chosien, thmifrh indeniioal in quality with ^ former. ; 44 Wlwt do you mean by ft cat and dog 'life?*' said a huabond U* bin wife. " JJOOV at Carlo and Kitty aiuVep en ilie 1 mg ! I wiah men would live half ao peacefully with tlieir wivea." "Stop," said the* lady f "tie them together and ! see how they will right." t No opportunity in lont Viy fTiicaffo and Milwaukee pajH>rt»t<» have their little aay. Chirago h't** the laM wor<l f aa follown : *• Hie body of a tuon wan w*en floating 1 in tiie river nt Milwaukee on Fridav, but clothe* didn't w-ero to hold any ioitTle 1 ' rllntOn ' 8 lw " eilt|i|Vl1 HWHlt * I TITF. Hirp..-(1.nWninr braid, nre a, "mCrwln ankMthe qu^t.on, "I* ! ft?"}** brnM|1 nlld M n ° Uhl " M rVI ' 1 ' your priticipal Kutis n ed, Mr. Hmith?'* After a moment'H coiiNultiitiou with i T h e f 1 ilnr one* are fiiat4*ned *>n t h o t o p of 1 Hie head and loojn'd under 1» l o v . TIIOH* Hwartw<itit, who, Manding while tin of their own of moderate thieknoHH pud length deftlv plnit n Dubuqiio have mftnagod i n » ir in flont in i j b i bh v A OOTTI.K in inimiquo nave managed 1 Iirtl1 *" ••""»• * n P «*R"WJ Wiivwl, and in to get thr<»ugh the winter quite plea*- | het»oming, bmslied Imck over 11 ]N>ui|m- antly. The wife gave <mt thnt her h n ^ ^ c m r r °"* _ _ i U n d had gont^ to Wineonnin, and Umt J WIIRW rabbiU, w|nirrel«, and variou* 1 she WRHleft with the several children to ,; ni \ ivr g IIU wing animnlH are fed cm «oft ] get along the tM^t Mie inif?ht. TIUH, of ! meu u, their t4^th often grow ao kmg con rue, excited the compassion of all th» ~ In^nevoleiit people at the town, nnd the TlrPT..\LiNa Drnrii.- A resolution wa* oftVred in the Ilouno by Mr. Hale, of M»iiip, n'j^^alin^ tho duty on nalt, which wa.% tin dlv udopte<l. H5 to 47. A r*-Holutioii was ottered by I itiuK- worth, of Illinois, repealing all dutie* on cord. Thin WM adopts><1, 1:12 to f>7. Mr. Bfiudfill, of Pentmylvnniii, then proprme<l the re]x*Hl of the dutie* on ton nndiMinVf', whieh wan agreed to, 141 to 4V. Mr. Wilson, of Indiana, offered tt ievolution hvlitriiig that th«i J'hirtee'ith, Foui- t4^iithand Fifteenth Amendments to tho iiMtitution have WMI duly mtitied. *nd thnt l'ougn***hiwi * ri^ht to inijHHio their ratification UH H condition piec«sli nt to r« preH^'iitidiou in Congnv*.. The vote on the ipnstfon of Hii^jx-nding the nil*** and iu loot ing the re.Holutiou wnsiKMo 75, lew* tliAii two-third* iu it* fH\«>r. fifty iKiund* worth 1 «wn# (for I hftvi IM HI honorably brought ui>). and I geU forty pounilh U> the gooJ. And f<»rt> jHMind* a quarter ih a hundred nnd nixty |H>nndH a year. And I liveg 0:1 it. Some- time* itV m^rr- now nnd then it h lr^M. bnt whatever it ih I live* on it." vahmble*. n<> effort« werrf made to or i t " Thr •* dnrmTnin^*' linaffi6Wi ippearB to be 1ndm1tn0111.lv pruaocuU'd out West A c<»rres|K)iHUiit wnriting from Maeon, i Miasouri, a*iyH that in one day be , "counted four from Hiicftgo, 1 two from- fWton. one from Philadelphia, two or threofrom New York, and one from St. Louia, ! A wife in Hun Francisco lately p"* * petition for divorce in the court, on tlm ground that her husband wan a "eon- fonnded fiiol." The judpr, who wa* an ; old bachelor, would not admit th« plea, l>eenn*«\ he paid, every man who gets maJTJetl wuuM be liable to the *ame. im- A Providence man. nlwwit ^ven renm ago was prKUHd«*<l to take Hotn* Ftoek in a fancy coi^wrntion for a l»*d debt, ond nvcnt'lv some «.f its creditor*, finding name in the hnt of htockholder«, com other <lay a IwMievolent liulv woman an«l openeil th« u<x>r p| by tho <lifleri>nt churche* during the ]>ai*t wint4*r. The h l l U'd the p without g She w*« '*omowhnt «uq»riHod to *eo a pair of boot* disappear under tho IHHI, and Mill further itstniiidied when MIIC di**c<*vered thnt tho owner of the boo|#wa« the hu*band t who wits and HO taking fornl, and in which, to pre* r\e ne«*«*KKarv to bienk orf or Ui tU. br. Durwin, wan o! to prevent them front *H have occurred lite, it lM<*ai!ie < xtnut the the opinion to l>e in Wi*c<niHin, bnt who, in roiuity, ha^l lived comfortably on the fmud ho had IMHUI j>eq>otratiug* through- out the entire winter. HRAVT TX»W.— Th* Rotlmchildfl are to have lost froui 8^0,000,000 to £75,000,000 by th* r^Milt of the Franoo (fcrnian war. They all believed at first that th© French would I* \ictoriona ; hut two weeks after the German A had crossed the Rhine, they «aw their mis- take, and made new investments which prevented them from losing thrice an much aa they would have done had they not corrected their blunder in good •on. that if a deaf (MTAOII dreamrdof hearing, thr internal piirt**, enAential. to the func- tion, were, unimpaired. The name re- j mark, st\y+ Dr. Smith, of floaton, in , applicable U» the blind. " I have* in van- iihlv found that the incur.ibly blind never Tlir HPAKIMH troops took the oath of allegiance, to King Arnadcun and the4. SpaniHh C/onHtitntion. Tho volunteers 1 LtTC7n)rRGrB, who ahot M I M oll j v UH ^ t j lo f , at h of foalty to the King, ! Myer t at Sing 8mg, a few orrr itting that to the Constitution, »>e- weekfl ago.and ha« l»een indicted for mur- rAI|H ^ thev nil nre a permanent CuUn der. has *o far recovered from th^ ef- f orcM% Hn< \ \) lP HfNini^h Constitution drnf. fecti* of the wound inflicted by himaelf no t rule CuU, which i« governe<l by ' on hiftowu head by the dincharge of a , h ptH*ial lawn. pistol, an to be considered eatirely out! .-^..>.^^--^-—^ ; of danger, ulthoutrh the liall baa not yet ! Tfi^re ha* been a CUHOUA breach of been extracted, tie speaks freely on the ! piomihe fiction iu London, the convert* subject of the Ute tragedy, and still ex* : of the ubual ease. The pUintif! had been prees^, hh regret that he did not «n<v j i l t e d hy a lady of fortnn*. V»eing himaelf , oeed in taking hi* own life an well AS de|**ndent «»n hi*' futh^r, 1 he jury that of Minn Meyer. . i him A HKAVY t/Lrorii. Old Crtotain Hlank, of Htonington. r* \i*t* »* th<" following r* 1 mnrkable inrid>-tit I hut occurred while on th#* )mHHfigr fr<tm N<*w York. H<»m«- VI^HI-M' ago. UH oliM-ivrd, f»nti sninmrr after- noon, a hejivy cloud .ur-r front tlj» land, aitd, to hin ^rei*t Kiiipris^*, n]ipnMtc)i the WHHPL Huddcnly it broke mmr him. snd miliioim of mowjuito* covensi the d#*ek of the vew»el to several inehen, while j>iU"t of lh«' fiork went through thr iiiHinnail, ' lea\in«; nothing but the bolt top*-* idly hanging to the Kpnis, (\»rrolM»r evidenre to thi* a>toniHhing tale found iu thr JHTNOII (»t a down rant *kip- |>< r. who heard the htorv, und who, on comparing dut*-* v.ith the unrnifor, dr- rlared that twoilii\s aftrrw/ird his ship was l>oarded by a part of tiie name flock, and thrv all woie canvas brerclira. 1 PFHKHTT/VAKTA vaniti htm had nixte^u (imeruoiH hiuoe I71K>. Of the *ixteen f ve ru+ now linng Wm. F. Johnston, residing in the we*tem part of the Htnte ; William Big- ler, in Cleartlt Id county ; Jamea Pollock, director of the Mint of PhiWlelphia ; Andrew d. Curtin, Minister to Rutioav antl John W. lieHry. t'»^' pre**»nt (>ot< ( ernor. I for i OM ItegiDiild wa* an good ti* hi* word. IJr l«-ft hin ix'tlrtN^i window oj>en, and placed the Milver when* the lloneat Hnrglnr waa as good a* /##< word, and at two oVIock in the morning he iiune and found it. So far, all was wimple mid straightforward enough, Bnt noii'fjomea the curioiiH nTid iiicn*diblr ]wrt of mv ntory. J'he fifty j|<Mii»d 110U* wni ]mri of ijiiialHr <if the nute wai known, and traced to Old Reginald, who had to ac- eoiiiit for its ln»ing in hi 1 * p*»na#»H^ioii. Now the twelve lmrglan* ha^i in the nn antim» % been arre«t4*d by the |K»liee (thi« is also incre<liblr}, and wen- cmi- ilemnetl Io |wnul m«r\itude for life. So Old l^^ginaid hftdiiob^-Hitation in Acting the faHn UH I have akited them. No one Ulieve^l him. HN no one will believe me. So he ajipenlrd to the Honent Burglar to corroborate hi« atory. But the Honest Btirglir, having diHeovered the whole thing, coffee-Pot, aaJver, and nil. was the commonest eVftiic, wan ao fthocknd at Old Heginnld'n HmhonofitT that not only did he dreline to rorrolKirat^ hiN<«tory. but ftrtnallv, nnd I think very prof>erlv, identified ^iim a*» an accomplice. And Old Heginald wan al*o ^enteneed tojM*nsl HervituAe, and he and the IfotieM Burglar worked for manv vears together «»n thr name workn, anoi had many f»pp<»rtunitif^ of talking thr runtU-r over from it** moral. Mx'ial, end jxilitical ]>oint* of the end I* not T« a d d n t F In a volume j>rkiU*l by Seoor Jose df Fonwva, witb the KVOWCMI object of U>*chitiK the roilugiu*%e to speak Eng- linh, the happy reader will rind matter that would provoke an anchorite to laugh until the rocks ring. The following w s w ._. 18.—for to ride a 1 Here ia a lioiw*. who have very i looks. Oive mi another. I will noil He uot K«11 know in mnnrll, he IS pUTSV, ! he is foundered. Don't you ureaahamed tci give me a jude like that ? He is un- d, he in with nail*up, it wantt^» lead ICE.—The New OrU*tui ice factorv runs six machine*, each coating <Ti5,()60 in gold, and freexe* hiiteen tons of tee <Uilv. The wster it pumped from the MiMiimippi, jniriried, and frozen into blocks thr*".* inches thick, and tweWe by twepty-fonr inche* in area. UM )>rick. <*o us more fast nev- 1 »een H<> much biwl l>ea*t ; she wiU not nor V* bring forward nor to put 44 Htrek him thr bridle hold hinTth* m i m fihoHe^U ri«|ue stn.n|(ly make , march of hiux" ^ ,, I " ^io «l<iwn. i f*hall unite march/* \ "Take cure that lie not give yotir foot kirk*.' " Thrn h* kick* for that i look. Look here, if 1 knew to tame him." A WRUAMR Ck>LLP/ns f-hident who went to PitUfleld on a "spark," the oth- | or dav, had occasion to get a check rAthed at ihehank, but the oashter didn't know him, and demanded identification. He bethought himself of the mark on his underclothing, unbuttoned his coat onlv to disclose in plain Utters on the band of hi* shirt the name of his chum. who had lent him tho garment for occasion.


Page 1: 1 t PLAIU COLORED POTIHG. VOL. VIi. GOUVEEXEOL N, Y ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031306/1871-04-01/ed-1/seq-1.pdfti**ar for fenr of lK»iug drawn in, but shout-ed for them

fthr MouvemrurHI. M K: K t i l .

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VI (HI¥0 4*1

• It*'.

• M r SfTTBTWOtf .1. A mAPI

«»o r BOWK

T T "

i ' '

R. K. MEUttflTT, Editor ah<l Proprietor.i t !



Devoted to Politics, General Intelligence, and Matters of Local Interest.


TERMS: *1 50 in Advance.

NO. 30.



2»l Main St., Govrernevr, Ni

of Typ»cut* with MatH#ty of

with nHre., w#» ar* now•^cuimcy and

to •

P L A I U COLORED POTIHG.bf Tukil w!U mvire prompt

Hwirkeeper.I w U h I h*«t • <!«»•*

Of li*fi<U ttiU »*rjr mlntil* :I'd • 'H. I I mil ftll lh«HM« lhlii|(« In

r r <1MK*« U lit tt«r lit tt

llAll'U to«tl<t • (<

How will I * <1 fivi through itIM»n«n *b ft** ft* «H

AIMI l*«bf rfi*m tkm h* e m live

AIMI tfc*iV» \U* f r i tw, Ua ftnilltifkm\ fimat forthwith l»c rhitrtiittff,

fltih w«iil« t Irtittoii < n

'Tta Um*> th«» w u iu tliworkinl for lrif


O h <t«»t«i I t h * ! » « ) • > «

Oh «1r«rt tf 1*^-^*t h t t i g * In tli

l ll\ I M




ifltt UU

t« i l l n t ^ « l l

hvttUnuar alwavn n»a<

I A , | l j wh«n Iho «liitti»*rf l i i ah , Iniah. .{oar tittU



Mlt1l«i h«alf1 HI thinking

j i K tiikrri oft* my HothlriK, T irti4*d 11iniall nrtt«««; i t W M ft(ro<«t fixid for noth-ing t* a fto«lt ytrt mort thAnoo««ttrtn|>te<lto 1akn It from mf and tt wan only hy

riiitig t lnni all * t t h my ktiiff* (hat Kkr< |» |MH«i<*vHton | kn»«H that it w w a

.«*, if it Mould Iwild l»ut oii«, aud lifefoo di-df to jwiri ii tt la l ightly.

An th«« watrr r«n* IMM| tho iNiiirni, tliojioiin d out m > •lunicfi, and many,

thuiktitg ««' n tn« ort llrr, added to thra<N>|i««, l»y (hrir rriim. I had madr up myiiiintl (o throw my Mttro o\nlH»nrd, anduraahttoulto put it in<o#*^«utiow w h « a i n vat t4'iitif»ii w%* drawn t o th« Krlfr. whtoliw m apptoaj lung ngnin with tho rvtdriit inHMitiou of alT'onling h<*l|». Th#» *h\\t hadlion •niik MI fur (hat her Morn W M rm«u l

th i i ty iwt nliovo tho wator, «ndthv mix/.< n innat wn« rlenr t»f it.uunniMit. wf <

low«ti and |ow««i, pr«to tin* Ui t tom.| ( h # f in

for l»o«U, or at lrnii, whm th«< Cafnni

v\hi<t n a t i o n th«» a h i | i' n n d w

Bird* aUWl.en northern wiLk bl^w let all Uw

hink ninK I Wl««n th# Intodroww thron^ii t\w HIT, let all theliip their win^ji nti<l plnme tlieir

It in th* ol<| Nthe wiudd l

v ]were d n \ e n awuv 1>v] thWIIA not till they IIIKI fornmiH»rity hud iuii*lt» theHon^lesx, and the wtiid*now it in(heir

the IMI<aliittimi birds%inds, lmt it

^otWn to KIII^.1>U«IH Kross andpntvutled. Hut

Tlie l>(r«ln huvt* foundThey mn

{ ^ tho north tot^H-


only«* l h«*r

l»r hor finalwere all htid-

t b t


thai tiai«ijr lvr#drlnkii»n.

Now bm'Tit at

iWraii*««« a Wf«rr. h%lf alok w fo( l i t I alnaja umlltt an wutlihin T

that * *r**t ,A H • l>« »*il« I t a k o t o

Wlirn f »«« r<>fin|( IM y I I M M K * - 1 1 I t . . n f t

H a . I • l o t l i i a an<t |MM kAn«l h o t i m <«f

n «i*ri|


i,|, ,1 of #t». It a f*t«!,t»0 ' m%m nutit^Hl *-


I. lnuii(lra i i l aorub w<irk

For tkm iakn of

4 m r FOB


I WM on myK I M I o n n i n n n l

I I M T i t f «»|

MI» i n y i n i i i ' I <<>

T h r v«a#»<l I<lr|M«it«<l tho «Iay prao l l i r ir >\ a« nothing

from I'*f* to Ron •l iny fuiiiHl tny« 'If ini, whoH' I had msd <

tak«* tha «tr«iiier for 11 MI y.intended to •ml hi h*d

to «|<o my a


n>tnof trt«finally a««(tl«*<l II|M»II tho

if of thf> V«)/rv Tinr, m d »ftrr»< ring my l»«)tKiig0 klMNinl, and l<M>kitt invain fi»i Homo IMIO to whom I might nay

4 l » I f | | l flttltt MIKI W M aooit on

mo our


iml|ott«. Kutu lit N|>iiiii*tt, *u<! SIM«VO allItnltAii, * o * t imid on ovory • Ide. hut IIIM(« H**<I in vRin for * notitid of our |T«MMI <>l«lKit^hnlt tongue. A ft or iniiitoiou* louve

lti<l M M I H ^ * , *U< Ii »* only a for-CNM tn<lul|(f« lit, w* inftitns;«Ml to ret

If ftiul HtcAtnid from I ho lmrl»or with *hinit l»n*»ite followinar and *•» h*t>i»Y a <omjmny an w m ever got totfetlirr. There wcr«M^vcril iM'taM** mi IMHIMI, I he ('<nt«til<JCIMMHI of Km no* to K"titf*, *u«l )il« w lfomi •< < <>nt|,|Uli,wl Ami vli^mit \\ <>in*n, t r v n u(Nfi i* U i i m of Legation, I* ni«lr« tniuvoHlr* n til the I'riMich Army, who, with sfVMti|*ur «»f I Tool*, w*r«t on their way t*»i«lif«vft A jHirt of the p u n i s o n st C h i t aV «•<•« hi, l imn held t»y thv Kroneh, A* wo*ftil«*d along many ffitmll INMIM followed i» ,

<M*<Mi|4iiit« shout ing siKI w i v i n g theirh>«* until MII V%»MI out of «ight.

tliry hav«* nrrn what the n c \ tfour hmtr* would |.IXMIIU « ; could |

th< v liav« kttown that their 0T«MN| hy<* w o w iiit<1<*«*d faM'tvi'lI* to th<Me who, b«*lorn the-'iu«iiiowM •MIL would lie in t i t n i u t y , tlirir !xtaJiif** Mould IIRVO Inrii c lmi t^d to

*Bt % boati baited u*t

WH«4. I f f N

>n< k : The <Ita l ian; wto are ninkhtgt ran

yo«i MAV# il*» t Thru »v silence mintied, lu<linol)u rn Innlird their children, *n<l we nilw»»i< <l the wor«U- tiie word* of life ordr«t;)i. Tint aiiM\rcr «ftttiit* lwirk clear tndd i ' t l m f : Wo cannot help ymi, we areHiuking f i i inelv i • . Oh, the sgonv of (hutino|ifi«Mit. Y«t thrrvwiui tio uion* fraoltr• ryih)(, hut uuit jrm*tiiM| <•<!> others hands

i iu « l»r«<wc!l *rio, an<i s <larkf se t t l td JIMI.1 pmr v% RU on thr fk/v o | ntl.

I >io\v <lot< rmniiMl t>» resrh the 1iH|( or|M'ri|kh at tempt ing it, for I m w llirro WINM<» (IO|K» fur IH9 sihl K rr4Munc<l that the

, l'rtKt n<*lnK • wocMlen Tfwfl wofiM hohlI <*ut tho longest, or Rt ]«*iuit sft'onl mraiuf of! l»uil(lmg a r\!t , at any ratr it w.i* drs th t<i

st«y whurv J W M , ht I knew I nhouhl IK*<11n>4 II in by the w t i o t t nrs#n iSo, ^tdMiltig tuy wat4*|, nhd wpath*<| with UK\ whkl i I hsm | s k ^ nw<«t I w e n t uti tho nyKibpcrsn<l M tlirI»MU «ank on thf» s^r^laT 1 jusBped flownmi(| a<ionH. Y\w rxn< t <listnn<^ f »|iran|( Icoulil not <iay, lmt 1 utrurk hor g i n w t l f

u*»'. I an<l ft II in thr |>aj«Aftt(i» way, InHween It andtho nft«*i rahin, I lay for a momentttiitinrtl, ami tfi^n tprifHHig n P I oatntsml't i l i i )* , n«»ro rvtrytri ln^ aUo irai inroiy\i*i<<r, our Ntoam«ttr having ittnirk h< ron th«* MtarlNiiinl HKIO iirnr I IM* IMIW, ru t t ings h(>l<> in IMJI t o the water, SIMI r trr j ingaway a good part of htr Hugln

Csptsin and RAIIOTN.ten m«tit wfr» fful^aToHug t o fret s

mnsll IMMII, H hi<*h lay kw\ uj iwsnl o« her'f' dr^'k, frro from tho en taught! rigging, s ixl

thvir M^tMng to tramA* I -aid. nro «ftt!<doii tho morning of1 . I M | MJltin( M, ^ H| l lM

the / t h of \ fay , \HIV\ and uothiug o ^ m n e d horifon, »nd now ««heto mac «MIT ro?a«« u n t o H o r h n k t h i t• i iglil f W h # o t h * wind changed t and a h* idiMa a*i |n t wbl<K quirkly drtno all tlwladi<^ and SMMit of tlie tttrn U l o w . \m formy ««lft (bafvlnn «p*iit n*arly a year at **a,and u#f*raiim»rlnc l>om that malady^ a iiitktM**,) I wallifHlthfi ( k k fort w o hour-, j»arlly foi tho ftr^h air, whleh I

M nut K*t In the M U I I I , and narlly IN*-

InuiM'h it. It wan only after working witha will that we werv riialilf^l to get it overt lw *io!rt and Jumping in SH Inwt w e rould,we pullt-d awny from the hrig toward the*t<aiM<r, hut w e dam* n o t approach tooti**ar for fenr of lK»iug drawn in, but shout-ed for them to Jump, and w e wotll<l tryand pt< k th«nn up.

It wit* too late. O<w awful syrosm, onecry (if Rgotiy Mich ai I prajr I may n«*orhear again MA MIIO pluiigi^il to the bot tom ;and i»f nil tin**' ruhiit jrtwsenger, I alonew fin leli . The water* met and el«>M'd overher a* |*ea<-elu!ly and ralmly a* it nothinghad I M Y U M I , and nearly nixty ROUU, men,n o u i n i mid children, were in otrrnitjr.

Th<> *UY \*m\ fcirlf broken now, Andwith the ti»w l ight w t Sf^inrd t o b u r e n r whop*i. Kindtn* that the Wig, whieh ha«Idrifted notne wity oti, W M fit ill Homting,we «lie»-red for her, snd, < lamU'riny; up,thn W oiin*flve<i UIMMI the de<*k worn outi n l rvl inusted. I t | | iuk, h%U <uir


* tiadnlf*tli*

up.| t l l t Jjelp \<h* near at hand

dis<«>vct«d, while in the l»oat, thMMiung ui» oilwan in plain night

\\ t, l,Oi«trd our flag aa Wing in dUtn*« ,nu$ ahonted, and nlrinMt eried wit a joy, anu n i M l w \wr ^ t u r u the signal, »nd then

M ^ I U | ^ w n tow an I u«. An *\i»wher* t h * »tc>anH)r tank. ab» fmt

<Mlt ) I H | N I A ( M and picked up t w ot|HMI vmnw io m £\w | i r to

fftt, ktn; \n*w\d ffuw Norway to t|i«roIW,t of AfrirtL II*r <f«pUln. • *l>lii#r oldW irtL « p U .

rau-e a <e+ilfi> of «nnMhiM«i aii«l Ittarourtty U a d o r , hut a kind heart*! man. after a conhad takMi hold of mrr which I •ndfati»r*d ] nu\tttum wi th the Captain of our hrig, tolin vain to t h m w oH T h e i e wer* pood • | | M | | he would help Irim into th* n e a n *

I huot IM-« it half

,fnr nryan hour on |M»an

wer* pood | | M | | he wofor I had | | H > r ( ( w h l r l l

l Ufor* 1 |t, Ijiejiiio, i hirII. or, a* h«.although ^rvert'h


a tact uf d|»ci|»lum atnong th«» ofll | damaged, wsMild »til| Moat, for M n r , SHand n v w , whieh IMHUMI IMI giMNlinraMi «ai|,(n« h»ye | t , only in Mlatft, fii . f Imvrldvnt. SIMI whieh was aftrrwsrd M\y I | h R O o r t r ^ o w ^ ntrm Mi^hl^d hy < }n>iUnt

hf thrlr conduct \V« wuro j |>uf,,j»ing to lump the water out until weaUo K#atlljr koVn, »nrhiding among our , |IIM| wflIf|ri| thr rent full of old <ordagt\freight a <t«rt; k*d of |wtroh urn, ii|Min th^Itaiivln ot wbirh the trfMrf* lay or a«tvuiokinp. I *nd<»«T<>rvd In Tain, l>y nlgtifi,to uiako tha Captain tiiidcrMsttd thr natureof *%n h iuH«iiitn«ldii material, hut hf» tieat-#d th^ ftiilth^rt with tHn utmost indilHrenre, and, »hru|tgliktf hu nhottldeni, wentint<i hi« mom, *m ii th«i fat<i ol ovrrn i i tyh?e^ wei« of no pfMSllitit ron«r<|ueiir«

llavttu riimaiiiM4l on «kx'k up tn nrsrlyI Wf»nt t<> my txnvm and lay

., and nailrd a Urge lot of ranviiAfivtr tho M<I«V

The (ftptain of Thr Kinn tiad also pickm\ up the ('upturn of the Nteamer aiul himrrew tu the ln>at nln< h thrv h.vl taken MIiMMrly, UHI, IMMUK rathor %hort of pn>-fUiiou^, with my many morr thniwn onhift KHIHIP, all that rould had to «tay onth* tn g

W'v found hy ol*i»rtstlon that we wrreII oMfM^K, | w«»nt U> my rt»om and lay tlKM |t |iH> m i ! ^ from Leghorn, aud tuincHl<lown. tsking t4t my a w t merely, for the j < l l i r J i r o w , j , , t h , t dimrtion ; hut n iw. onehoi rid pit-ientlmeiit that oom^hiug would i o f tile** ( %\im ^ frttf^nt \f% thto STS mt

sf^er thn»f« Any* andftlnir s t the pump* that)>ort. The *hip, mrnn-

<HVIII mi|i <4tins; to me, and mndeiny *UvyMiy thing hut «|iiiet It wan AIHIUI 1 uYloi kwhen I wtm ftwakfiK\d l>y a feaiful cra»h,foltowml ItMtautly hy t n o mote «ho< k*rf|»rat^l in (jukk *MHN^««IOTI whMe at tiie• imr moment shHeks and < r\v* Ittirnt fhunall |»srt» of |he cabin, whom t#rrHtc*I

in, mud ittttght*' inrrtHutingwr I«A< hfd the (ton. I lie *w hile, k^pt rlo^e hy u«, aud at night ourlmn|*i aiiHwrriMl earh other^n weh*<»nielight, while deok watrhen of the twove«M<U ****** IUTOM thf* water tho Joyful

\H't well." 1 \ w i|uite t w d up

day in ruyul arrnyltfe thein^rlv*w i m U thnt tlrovo' th^iu HWHV.

Kivttlr of tl>o liirdn i|ti<|, wjnidn !v i c tor ious e lmir* ! n i W iill iught>* tfrowNhort, till l o n g (tftV« sr«« fjull of hont, tillthe uiendowN are full on fnngrnnc«\ nndtl t^tn ^ <>f blosvmmii I <joo(e t nil of y o u ,Hiid 1»HIIK *U of y o o r rol|itioi|N ! C »ni<\

, " . .,.. ,. rbl>l»in«,ft'est of

[your shouldentf HIM! thoM* without j! <*onict larkn,WO<NI threfthe*, lNil»oliiikiHf lintiebt, nut-lnit< Imrn, wurblrr*, j fl^catchi*nif tlre-liird«i and orioh** !hawks, AIUI solemnfunerni winp« to kec

Haider* to rat them ;to catch thorn ; wormtocntchthem. Wftk

r«rRunnlnr t NewspaperMemphis A*<thmcht luw th<» fol-

lowing suggestive |mragrapht whichshould be carefully n»s<l ami jK)ii<lcrulover hy a certain flan* of ncwHpup^r

linngry, flapping

with eroiik-

•• Hy Rome tinncconntable Diisaffpre-tiPiiNioii of ftictH, there i« a large ciasfiof )M onle in the *orld who think it costsnothing to run a newKpujicr, and if tluybuy a ropy frtuu n newsboy when too furfrom the office to l*eg, think they ore regu-lar patrons, and entitled to unlimited fa-Tors. Men call every dny at the ofR<*eto get a eopy of the paper, just from thepress, for nothing, who would neverthink of begging n pocket hntulkerchieffrom A dry go<wls store, an apple from aeoiifectioncr, even on the plea of ohl ac-qunintanee, or having Iwuight homethingbefore.

One pnprr ft HAT rimoniitM to nothing,but a hundred a day amountH to MOIIH-thing iu tin* course of time. But thin \Ha small drain compann! uith the tree u«l-voHifting n n<*WHpapor in exj>eeted to do.Some men who have paid two dollars for

j im julvortisemeiit worth four or live <lol<

droning and faro coming, aud youenter* ! Ati<l ao ih«The winter rori«iimoti t|ie autumn, th*

nter , mumnier c<ni-n^t imin rat\^m ks

^ t h e UHH\ of»v<|»urWl hy s tron-tuid both hv nttiti;

<lovoum the wNtiine.s the Aprintf, uti<the autnm«*r. Ina««otlil»ird«, &lu\ IIIHIH un»ger liirdn and autuiawhilo Tinio, tho gn

ujrn'U andhunting

mj, all hoi th; Um»«- the biro's

HL l>4> ready to bewort I rolls on.

nt tlentroyer, conboth man an«U bcaal. Only C IHI

in young and uttrhaiiffedj f' Of oldTli'Hi laitl the foundiTUnand thn heaveni nr^ tfiliands. They nhallSIIHU endure. * * .. . .Thou ehange them, mu] thry HIIHII b«

0f tho ««arth,frork of Thv

sjh, bot Thouft V(

gotutluml ilteii ; hut 1

T hn vo

yhoik art tho^ Hiitne,

nnd Thr


A corn«M|w>tul^nt o(j till* Ht. TiOiii** R*imNicnn, wr i t ing froni M^uvm, M o . , Hftv.s:A tome what uuvel cxikcrtauim^nt xvairrtho above lirmd, took p W o in ttaconOitv last evening. 'l|ho \fti&fu$ operandiof Miis exhibition, tuid which douhU^NBrcii<ler«Ml it more attractive, was the factthat thr ludiex, one and till, wore a rnlieotipron, and from the HamC piece and pattcru was imuki n gehth nmirn neck tie,which WM placed in iin etiv^lo|H« atul dv-

imnttoman att^niftttg, «pon pavingUMi*admiiMiosj fee of' tw MIty five <M>nt««,mm preaenUsl with anj enve|'o|N* contuinin^ one of th«*ne calira n ivk ties, whirhho immediately opmiN, nnd upon enur-ing tlm hall, pr(Ke««dlioii a hunt to findth# jroiinff or old ladvL lu'tho cune mayhnp|HMi, that HporN MI npr<>n matehin^hi* nork ti(\ which and y iK^conlin^ t<»annoiiiicrmeiit, is to \u* hin pnrtuer for

k IIUHH but whatreimlt in a life

tne e\entng ; nnd winit may iu Noireaftiir. W# liavetho Ntefiier Hox in Disjnyhut thift in the Amt* ver known of a ne

UAit* boliling

re haveiM>t Ii an

p^siH>it for ana ladv that

b«l< >re

introxlurtioii andevening's entertainnir|nt

naver will again. \

afrnitl, for nutidry rMH0nst to ven-turi* on any Hitch n|lvr|iti)roiiH atTairH,for I never Iuid any litekj i|i gift entrrpriarn, au<) in HII<*II a <mr n* thin, wotil«lorrtainly have drawn \ onl* <if tin* oldestaud nioHt imprrfet't <>f )tef nv\ iu thi*fUMOinbly ; hence I diil <iot invent. Allladir*. of eourne, arc |>rtitittfnl, but RotnnIM«» much mof* aotiiati otthera, and 1 IMTrVr Rome oth«r Imm hiiauu^lotis mM-hiwl ofobtaining a fair partner. A verynut evening, h<»wrvtonly objnrtion luring

*«H|*d in drawing

l.h-••I. <) >HMH»

tblil tin- olda majority of the


^ ludioH, while the* npriieo youngmen in nuuiy iiiHtiine<tn h|id to, like goodbov«, for the Waytutu lhoird*at raatnmaa for nn

of pie)miige, enter-evening.

lid ere)>n

men didn'trenH them

- 1-

rpon the whole, thedraw north a cent,strive* f\n opj»OfH*<l to ;Mfc'h hind or lottery.

Women i

The K^n^an <'ity[ b'bttt *uyswoimiti went throngti <n thePacific train a few efeujng^ wirier, whowas poiut^nlout to UH a*<tmc of the eolenratrd female fnro lim^cri ««f l^nvrr.Hhi» w»in dreimo i ta^tilrr ajid'ipitetly in agruv slpnrca trav«>liiJg f uit, 4*itli ••lovrnAmi triniiniti^N ol hat to tnntrh ; wan ofm« dium atatnn*, wel|- fijriued, and notmore than thirty four! or thirty-tt\r. Herfare WAN not at all a i iinplrii(f\nf o\\*\mm»t have bc«u vrry i>rcttftt, aouK1 time,

1*11 tnlo jilt**** wv»re drawni>.-*t uiiUNiial in

•re ao manrti|M>n t t , mid, what i iw o m e n of her rlanti, t

woiiirn and rliitdten werv ru^ldtig madly ) r r y ([>fhither sud thither. My lir.t . IIIOUMIIU , , l | f | uuftt U%r rf^fy after the" second day"

«r«» that we hsd *tru< k U|N,I, nomehidden fnr I |IV frof * w 'swollen and purple, andmy I* M WIIMI pprsmed frt»m my (uiup. hutit K M n<>t until rmut|M wet in that I tfavrup taking my turn at the |>nnin*, for tliere

manv * |*ooi fellovi wnmr than I.r(ir uioiiMUit we arrived the IKMVN «»prea<l


go<t<1, Hh# wan o nSt. Loum, where sforuiant HU%I«MI, t o plurelu'hool T h e i r faro l^inkbeeti m full bloat for

fcr u>tv Ituok front

s<» mir in-

r^of or »ho«il whirh l i i i i \n\rt ol the Meditarratiran alMiimdn in, hut mi HUH lung (|M*d N k I noon naw tnY mistake, for a Ur^ohris:, wl ioif outlhu-n I routd Jiut are in th«daraiHHi*. W M alowly d i i l t in^ awsy fVtun

»«t.a young 1H»V atat hrnvri has

ic (nuet and thetwo proprietor* ajr« rfajmg a rich harvest. No flghtu or d atr 'kind liave ever oeeurtedand tlio women eondall the attuvity of e

, T p•ia. at i l I know In a moment that wo had , U k e t h c , and POOH a orowd of many hunc r i h l into her, and the only «|U*«tiiiii I ,lroi(a wero alHiut iw ankinn ipieatioiu* and

i k i n f f ' |»rrMrmg UIH.U mtr af^Nptaneo food andl l l l l l i r > %MU\ lU |artv Iftko m a n y other* ofo u r ^<w*, w« needed IMIIII, for a mor#

Uyokinw Cit>wd K v«»«al«l l>« hard toflt.r wanlmU* wna mad* up ol th*

IH|<m aud end* IMIOHKHIK to tho 4'aptain«*"*UI i <»f tl|e two \O*A«)M. and WM anything but

I wrnt to ftifward part of th* ablp and r M | lfoitahl*, hut we MUo Ibnwbt of that,th*r* t«w rnHHi^h tt» ronvmre tn* that an fl)r ||fr had l»*rn *par«! m, whhV ^ manyb u t w ! | U^U th f ll

» Several lighfraternity wrro at theni'irh int« foMexl inwelfare.



uttirbancea of


now wan, «r««r* we Inking^ or H M nhe fK*«ry (»n« n u now on d<N k, and tho

fVmfiMion and mrit4«fiHMil ws*» dnMnlfnlM^u rallrd aloud (or thrir MIH**, andmotlifir« for tlM'ir « hildrrn, \%lnlo othe i^on th*ii kurnn called U|MMI <J<»d to M T C

Hints t« Pooflc-i1 Thi Flanenr'ift

a new id*<v; Advertisink,I at a very low ehhanx

bout won!,| Ufor (»ui b^eir-. whichfact, tho .h ip wan y ,)

all %«ote In, and the water fa«t |N H ir- | thatin In pre^t fMb.mea at the a^-rlnre- .

ll.it am.thrr aftKhl I *aw, wh»eh. for rowa i d h v and iM.^itorhko conduct, rould

p^Uy the < a™ for IUI all, | had Inet a watery grave, Of my |.niri.*y

a e r e ma<le of iioii, ( m , o | (onie. ami the reception \ received ,lr«*i( awl t'lyde. built ,) t | | I M i , | w i | | not - p i a i i . nuuVc it t«» any Id h | a min^ kind hearted people than the |

n* «»C <1M*1 «H rtJ r««Jv to belp tU<»e,„ ai|tual •IjHln'-a. do not W . I made antat(|tuent of the alTHir liefiwe an Amerl |fl|i|| | < | i | u ( | | | M , ^ h o r n R1H| | M T O aincei

ft ^^tunm, i \vmrU<u\ that the Captain <»f th* .4hhf,t»si \the o.dy iH.at Utt »iiin|Mnd, ' U ^ f v i n g out a term of e ighteen vram in

and In the tndiatinct Mit I , „ * them pull. ( t h r t Government IViiM.ii for not having l ial f I h i d l i \ ,„ leafing hi.

we Imvr uu|N»rt<ul\inrrir:i, nmrhrootioU iMlvcriiafmo4it« s^rn to havedun\ oiU with Warrfn> blacking, butthey might l>o made (rerjr f ftective and

»t their ro«unHt

th* gumo uithielieed profesf tiie gnnihlingMiti, itn<I neeined'til>g after her

y hasan art, i*

ng IIA ; and thoughiaiii wrinklen from

to lie done.

the prfnlueta of the <hcell,

Th# m


myTJn• I'm

f ma *owp<t once thatTo %mk HM <>f anght that WM

amm<tfeinf J on 4r« $nxloua lit knnw.

TH vine*

with only .mo or two ftloau.ua

out rortirifHilty flr<w T<)\tr

>r. I Imr torlt/

l . , f t a w . y f r ^ « IIMiahi. . t a.idoni tVto I ruahod INK k to

the pa^-etho


*t*Tn, •

l jforth thftr hmidn snd Ntr^luy for theof (Uh\ U» tak* tli«-in in. I lie i\wh«*m I have rnent(«Mir^l, nhn«itri| * rt>wtrdof t w o hnndrrd th<>ii*aiid ft *>U< H, ^oi i ldth«f hut u k r J«i#f wlftK Iu Im Sft^ny hel»o*«<hrd aud p i a v o l thrill, hul injury »nthat h<nit hi.) »H» tri i iptation.aiid hm wonlnfoil on Mm d«»af to n'l uu \< y

Heelnu one ..f thr nnlh»ni, wlio f v t hravr-ly *t*H»\ at fhf ik^iiil | *»krd, hy sl^n«,or U(+ t»r^trrv«iii. Il(< nhmik hm h e a d ;hey h id I»UIMT., I ti |«u tritsl to got t w o orhrr« it%«*n t<»g< thet t who tfoi i l l hrlp me

wrmuh off rionr* or rut nuay the *rnt*aiid»H*IM li#s whh h r in along the U | . |HI <|IM kfir a raft, hut t t , - y nould not »tir , e itherth#»y r .u ld not nr»d«T*f tn t , i ^ A r h ulp*f«liM^ them. \ i ,d now the nhip Wai*< ttluiK ».y th* »*ow* and rapidly »iiikinK ;tlr«%ady th* wi tor H M nraily •m. .UI , . l » (

• nd aliWo«t up t u t h * tb .^ Yh.< <nKineerl..<l l»|t Ida |M«t Milt, Ui* rii*li»#> a t l u l lfci^d, and It «a« p M h l m UM hrrt» audthrr*, s s rh«n<>«i HIKM ted I n< \v l^gajito l«H»k amuiMl to «fv# h<n\ | miffht save


| h

a. ,^ I r . , . never forgot while memory laat*fc my h ap for lile

What I «ini|fmt»iul by OcokOr

4 " » « • mjr IWar

OHfttfQH!Tmt% nt t h *IN»J»<m a n dAll t h e i r r«*n<

. toOl tl \un

. with

V w<Mlh! offer e v

Ml Vmi

othing wotiM >outftmt.

Who ne'i-r

HUinonthe dl>Ath, t*\ t h r Mil

i n n t , of r , i p | . iVnniN Mrl lr ide , o n e oftht earliest tiavigntorH of the I^ikrn, w h owit* whrrlMtnikii on the Kria, iu IH41,w h e n thnt flt4>Sm Iwiot wn« t^urue^l on ,I«ake I rie, by wht< h m e m o r a b l e di*ftM4<r |- flie tlmt of any nwKiiitUtU* U> i n v u r onthf I«iiki^»- nrartr 400 |>f*rson<i lout th^ir !liv«vi by b u r n i n g or drfiwuing> H e him 'a^rve<l »MI C/iptfim for t w e n t y e i g h t yearnnnd imvigah d o n e ^t^Ain nhip, theh e t r o i t , arro** the lako be4we^>n Mi!wmike4« and (^rnml f lnven 2,7.%2 |Hut<mgc«i,w i t h o u t t h e IOHH of a s i n g l e lifo or S><XM- .dent t o tho V«*S*A1. Inde^il , h e n«vcrlout s pa*j»eiitf*r nor m<*t wi th any

•t«l»iit whi le in c o m m a n d .


man«* Kannr }" ''

TRF. NOW Orieatm /f#<yf/ir4f mm thin in•'Wlicpevrr

thej j^nuty UH* to the

ill HnrriveH

from hiand <lofting his glow^ Uayrr with hisright hnnd, o|>eiiM the do >r with his left,and fttamlH tliere a ininiatniel. JiiHt an the lauif*the carrtAgr theclrivat («right in hi* sent.with t p <nearly on a line with Iii*


and with military pwhip in his left linnbeiver m hm right \u\\dnfill elevation. *'

EDWTN P. vVnim,E

ire, Beau Hriim-

tHng h<»M up-in liin left hand

chin, and whipin hia|rifiht)t suddenly,

«t plnroft thennd taking Ii INit at a rearwvt

v % tiiat the taxa-ble value of all the prWrty of the Uni-

W M th* thouKht ol .11

of an/


I860. n round

ten vein** of * fraetinn


than l'Jft

, npjM»ai to think thev arc stcx-khoM-er* iu the eHtahliHlunent for life. Theydemand tho publication of marriageaand funeral notice**, ohituarien nnd fam-ily ejii#iode«, for the next forty year*.Speak of pay nnd they grow indignant.14 Don't 1 patronize your pniier ? " •' Yus,but vou receive the value for what youpaid." 4* Hut," inyn the patron, **itwill eont y«»u nothitig to put HUH in,"which is jimt alnntt an ruliiMilous an toa»k t\ nmu to grind your fixe on a grind*

and tell him it wont co*t him a

It ttikeH inouey to run n uewnpiiper IMwell IIH anv other hiiMnow, nnd no pnperamvpeda ftnaueifilly that carrien on udead-head «y«tem. Any mention *>f the|>eop1o*H nmiira they wiwh to nee iu print,\n worth paving for, and when printed isgenerally UH gcnxl as «ny other invest-ment of the same amount.

The newapniM*r huainesa in very exact-ing on all connected with it, and tho payis comparatively small, tho iirnprietoinrisk more money for nmaller i>rot\ts,and the n»jw»rterH und editorB, and priut-erH work harder ami cheaper than itnyother chvHs of ino.i ro<piinng the givenamount of intelligence, training und unid-gery. The life ban its eharniH and pleaa-ant a«Mocifitions Ncar<*ely known to theoutride world, and nnxicticn, nud hourxfor cxhnuHtiofi, which, likewise, are notknown to thone who think theall fun. The idea that newRin ii ehnrniecl circle, where thelt*nd a life of eane, are free from care,nnd go to the eirena nt ni^ht on n fr*vticket, and to the Spring* in summer ona free ticket, ift an idea which wo wish toexplode practically and theoretically.

itusineNHiM huHutcMtt, and the journalthat Hncoced.H in the one that i* conductedon a K<(iiare biiHinef«8 f(K»ting the nnme a*hanking nr building bridges, keeping ahotel or running a livery utable.

The CYyptofram*

The Cincinnati Tim**» refcrn ton let-t#»r recently written by Honu-e (Jreelev,proponing New York city an a *it«» forthe national capital. Tiie (Miner state*,that it IH a little diDicult to decipher theletter, but Oreelcy evi«lently '• liaaeebin of the tift<»<>ntli re^iHtiug c<Mlt\hh cii-cumherH of (iuciniiHti at twenty fivecent* J>er poiind/' The body of the let-ter IH given I;H follows: " It m not possi-ble that 1 Miould ever wtole them again.AM pu<lding is a rcproitrh to comic NCC-tioiiM, the very gayest conveyanc*eH of ourare untrue, and proftervofi arc bankrupt.Swill your nicent cant 'loupe* in Wash-ington until it «winiH in an unfortunatelocution. All the MciSirthya »u*« wire tohe veneered unless they ttr ept moralpt»li'(*atN. I bought four of 111•fc earliest,and I sutTcrtMl fearfully undeniahle cronn-cut «awR. Who IH in glit all the nut* andlo/tinges of the Kcumeiiical (*ouucil?The habo of the Fed«»ral parentage IRthe hearer of its two horse lumber wag-on. It ttptealed when fuirnnmdetl by ado«o of Widow CHquot Kxp< riDienle<lon liy tlije |>opulation of repeating voterHin »nviin<ls to the defeat of nautical anchovicft ind totnatoea. It awcllcd to aforcat ot nrtiehnkes ; and amid the «oll-tilth* of te«in harrelH thiiN inviting theHoin <le Houlogiie, and nc<*omfno<iatingthe formiitioti of cheese factorieH through-out th'» civilized world.*'

A Feedinf Mariilne.

There has recently l>een invented andU now at work in New York City an im-iiroved fcHnling and regietenug machine.The invention combine* an automaticfeeding apjMtmtuft with an adjusting at-tachment, by which a perfect regintry isiM*ciired. It in con.Htnict#'d as follow** :A movable table, on which the puper IMIHIM, oscillate* backward niitl forward l»ymcSniM of a cam. working from the maincylinder. Directly Above the table in aAuction apparatus, consisting of an ON-cillnting pi|>*s with a H^VXCH of rnpH ornhort tui*>M, with oblique cdgiw. Ateach up wan! movement of the tuhle theair is exhausted from the pipe by a com-mon air pump, and by reason of thevacuum the U>\ nhoet is nucked up fromthoAt* beneath, and adhenw clonely t4ithe moutlm of the cupx. Owiug to theinclination of tho cujm only a singlesheet \H allowed to adhere ; the frontedge of the tube being above the papernt an angk* of 4*"> dttgrec*. To completetho operation, a second tulx* iajtlaceclparallel with tiie oHiiliattng pij>c, and i*provided with Hrtveral p«»rferationH op|>o-hite the t.ible, from which current* of airpitsH un<Urueath the raised sheet of pa-ner and senarutc* it from the other Ahectntying on the table. At thin infttnnt theauction of the pip< cea«e* by the actionof a cock cutting off the communication*ith the vacuum chamber, and the pft-i>er in released from the cups nnd deliv-ered to the adjusting n)>i>uriitUH. Thelatter consist* of a Hcrics of gripjM'rs nndclamps by which the hheots ure adjuntedand delivered to the printing press with-out manual asriiHtunce. The sheet IHHt'izcd by tmvcling carrierH moving hor-izontally, and if oblique, or out ot placeon the hack table, the front edge indrawn nquurely up to the gauges bymeans of guides, while at the name timewde-cramps, acting at right angle* to thecarrier*, seize the lateral edge of thesheet and adjust it according to side-guag4«j4. A ront-har prevcutd the edge oftlu» jmpcr from curling up, and the shot tIH delivered to the grippers of the print-ing cylinder. In this way, printing pa-per of nny size, placed in any obliquejxmition upon the o.scilluting fce^l-tahle,is perfe<*tly adjusted nnd delivered to thepresH. The machine is self-feeding andself-adjusting, and requires no «ui>ervi-sion whatever. The apparatus is notadapted to printing presses alone, lmtiray he used in connection with rolling,folding, cutting, and all other machine*which are fed with pnper. Its speed i»>'2,500 hhcetn an hour, which fully emialnthe capacity ot any rotary prt»s*. — Ar. K.IVihunr, Afarvh 14.

What B conicH of the Coin.

Tn the reign of Darius, gold wonthirteen times more valuable, weight forweight, than silver. In the time of 1'hvto, it was twelve times HH valuable. Inthat of Julius (Vsur, gold was only uin<


Vet there remains in many conrtconaand ^eiieroiiH minds th<1 old prejudice.A women should not *]>c*ik in public,they •fay. (Jo if you will, ami enjoyIi«t4fiiing if you can ; but we will atayaway, for we do not think it feminine.Yet the good friend who says this wentwith delight to hear Jeunv Lind ; nnd\m\H for himself, Mr*. Friend, and thetwo Mint*** Friend, hiite4*n dollars t<ihear NIIHHOII ; carnage, four dollars Igloves, and incidental cxpciiHes, fivedol!.ir»- a u» at mm t<»tal tw«»ntT-n*vedollarn. l i e likes miiHic, she is a nuivtKinger, and it is otwmfi if ftttU to h«»ar afamouM |>riniH donna. (Vrtiuuly theEany Chair dexs not qiiHirefwith thu^ewho like to hear music and sweet hingem.Hut we were Hpcaking of propriety. Nowwhy is it not «« unfemiuine for a womanto sin^ upon n pi at form in a public hallan to speak upon the name platform ?If hho Kings badty, ccttaiuly she oughtto be severely discouraged ; aud if shenpeuk* bfully,* let her- -we si»y it M iu aNpilit of love'*- hold her tongne. Hutthen, iu the sfiinc snirit, T.-CWIV the samethin^ to Ningurn and orators who ure notwomen. IH it proper and manly mid Iw-coming to his HCX that a man shouldsing or speak who has no talent for sing-ing or s i n k i n g ? ft it not this E-i\v(/hnir which lUKort* it.

Hut when the woman has & noble tal-ent for song, rxnuiHitelv cultivated—when Jenny Lina "itaniis l>cf«»re us,with her hands resting one upon theother, and uith her very soul sin%*, •' Iknow that nry Kedoemer liveth"--iH itimi>ro^»r? Is it unbecoming? Tn ittinfcminine ? Mliy, our go«nl friendhimself goes home a l>ett*r insn, IHHMHISCa in re hel loing, for that mmvelou*song. Hut Kuppog** that insU*ail of sing-ing thoHc words she had read otherwords from the* Hihle, with earnestJIC«Kand cimviction and ]>ower that theynhono with new li^ht, and illumiuaUHlduty, would it 1*' unfeininine or improp-er that HIK* nhould do it ? If u woinan inevith ntly HhniloH and vain, und is plaiu-ly more concoiTKnl with the enVot Uiather toilet will produce than with that ofher words—if what she anys is evidentlysaid for sensation—no man und no wom-an w ill caro to hear her. Hut there aivwomen UH intelligent, who think usmuch und feel as deeply, an the best men;and when one of them, feeling the in-fluence of certain customs and lawn insociety m no man can feel them, ap-peals * soberly nnd eloquently to thejudgment and conscience of hoeietv, itin a peculiarly b«»oomingt and enpeciallyfeminine, duty that she does.— KnJm:

of the Plefrattiw

The prevent condition of the Pd i , coucMtrning whom no littl

lxken heard aiuce tho mannuerc* of laut ;

year, in thiiH rej»orted by Colonel John !Gibbon, commnndinvr at Fort Shnw, jin a letter: i

I accompanist the officer t<i witue«>»!the distribution ol annuity goods to the \IndiaiiN, aTi«l found asm-mbleil there M»mc jHIT hundred Indians, men, women, andchildren, prineijmllv of the Piegmn andH1«HH1 trilMM tnl»eH of the Hhuk F<^tNation. I never heard Indiana talk wore ,pcaeoabiv. Bird Cliief, an old man, vh«i !

HM" in trie fight *i*h f *olonel Baker lust •year, Hiid he liwd not had II good nightssleep kijjtr thitt tight, und had %*vcr biucoIH^II uioving from plm^' t«» place, ex-pe< ling every day to iieattaekc-ii hv tM»nie-fiodv, ho did Hot know who ; thrit theyHII wi <he l to live Ht pel *e with the ,whiUH now, and to hnve no more \i\, tl.le. !\ number of other* spoke, :dl m thewinie Htruin. They till exptv»sed pl«us-,ure in liarin# an ugont living maongihern; Tliev all scem^l »stiHrte^ withtheir |>ivsent agejit, Major MeCurthy, ;and said that I would be N>irpri»"d if Icould com pure the present insue oj gotnin '(with'-which they ?w*enu*d very ni'ichpleaded> with former hwnes. l'*r«ce withthe Piegaim IM inueh i*t he, demred iuid {«*ttii he eHHily maintaih^l, provideil theyran bn de ilt with justly. The ngeiit i<Mimp1aiiiH tlmt of the WO.ilOO appropriu-ti»d >>y Congi HM for the IMf^nfi only$17,<X»O worth of good*, ha^ yet reaeh^dhim. I he ludia'.iM appeared very desti-tute And feointj br*'ttdstunv<, *<»!Vee, and jaugur should l>e aoiit to them without de-lay. !

ybfcc m Uing

Witb her lipt tptrt ,hoftly!

8lu in <lj*nijfOf p b

Mardupolf to fr.le the Bslanr« of the v*ar '

VIUJ «41ml hind doUs out, to ev#ry clime, .Wiut^r kuofmhls

Sl|4 IH p Kl*> h««r ftual reii

Whinpor!T.'fe it* f lowing

I Mm within Lor()<*ntlv )

j ;h)j« ).bH brv*tbe<l hot l int .

G«ntly 1While vuu'rtirc-c-iiinff,

Mil' to h*-»ri'!i haw jUR^td

The IJK'htH andtime,

In tht SiUrian VAYG* U» <U»appf«r :K*Y<* when t«>m<» U g r t n Wnpt^rt-r In )\\t rear—

K.«l *uid, tir »)*ny Horn, ot frt^Ming rim# *hum- th< Wihik liirttr* of thf warning • prime,

\ii<l \i«*Mp r«'hict«i)t ft* the ferine <lr»wt ntmT,hut Iu! the ancient covenant »t*aia» uiibmkfn-*

With Hi^U ani\lm<\« th« vc«r hevtnshUsway,AiM hmU thr fMAMonn mi fr<»ra clay to A%x '

hoa*i id U i U v Uhciid i U t$*\itu\t i l * i i ,

Km\ WCIHI. and alt, and with itYj*et*nt *r#«l>K.k in the outp<mr«l UVMUIK fixMU t U

*.ki- g.

(lose Qmrters with a Bengal Tlgrr,

Mr. Felix McDonald, a wild beasttamer, hail a narrow escape from afrightful death at Louisville, Ky., a few

i iduyti44 i

Hinre. Hemuig'Hin

ie inaud several

more valuable, owintf. prrhapn, to j of the animals, including a iniii of royalllengid tiger*, tire (piarterenl at a liverystable in thin city. Such in the Havugcdisposition of thene animal i that no one

A imi>er re;ul before the Polyt«i*hiiic <'»» approach them except Mr. M. HeAs8o<Miition, h j Dr. Btophena, wn^ntlv, M in the habit of entering the den evrryin calculated to meet this inquiry, l i e day for the purj>OHe of cleaning it, and of

of the annual gold prodnot, fully keeping the tigers under control. A

the quantities of gold Beise<l by him inhis warn. It ina naturalqnention to ask,what hafl b<'come of the rrold and silver V

flfUeu percent in meltedh


down for man f«-w dayH nince he ent«»re t the deim aniifactu/e; thir^y-flTe \wt cent froe* t o "Hunl/anned mdy wit 1 a heavy wliip.Kurope ; twenfy-flve per cent to Cuba ;, AH noon HM he rnt<TH, the door of the denfifteen j>er cent to Brazil; flve per <H»nt. ! »« cloned and locked. The moment thedirect to Japan, Thina nnd the IIUUQH ; «ron doorelow d UJMHI Mr. McDonald theleaving bnt five |>er eent for eirculation i largest of the HIIIIIIIIR which ii calledin thiN country. Of thnt which goes to ! IV ink, without a ninglc warning growl,Cuba, the Went TndteH, Brazil, fully ftity j -prang ujMin Mr. M. with all tin* naturalper cent Audit itn way to Kurope, where, « ferocity of the tiger in liw native jungle.

Fortunately, Mr. M. wu« thoroughlya^quninted with the di*p mition of theatiimal, and wan on the ulcrt AH thetiger dashed nt him he utepped ipiieklvaside, avoiding the onwt, ami reverwing

RaMen and

The London Ch*mi*t <nui y/^The latest left*] itoisoning sennit ion. f i•whieh certain I.iveriw>ol ehrmistR Mi*en'HponHible, reveuls* the humble fa<*t thatwe are now training our balnea to theuw of this uddition U> tlieir uutinuent,by ftHsiing them through tulK-»« IMIUIJMJ MIof Mindia-nil»ber dis olved iu ten percent, of bisulphide of Cfulwin and thick-euenl with whit4» lend, renin. aud aoine*tiuiCH otvfiulphureut of antimony, fioinwhich, wlien it coiueM into ciintiu't with jthe milk, H»i1]»hurett<Nl hydrogen i«evolved, and lactate of lead formed inthe Htomarh." The faet that aeyermluiillioiiM of infant* have not only Mirvived |tlu*M treatment, but have to all app^r- jancen thrived on it, nonw w)mt dimininh- jing the horr<ir whieh we ought to ex|H*ri- ;eniM* on learning thi« rojHirt. Bnt we 'rcinemlwr, and now for tin? rtrvt time !intelligently comprehend, the touching jAmerican epitniih in u gTa*cyard * \ei-y ;long way out W e**t : ,

«lf«lh h u Uk^n fUrifnv HttU Jtrnr.htn vl Joi^ph and Hyr*atAmyp b€> wr«-»tl*y| with th.

1 b hAnd th<n hi* Melt )>o«eUMont likely tt wan wrmlut f Injured Htt • J. i ry ,

Hid >w»t»le i»*rri»«^1 t<» hurl IIIM K U I U K h V \>>u*But with the a n g r U he'll *et p lumi i ftod ni^rry,

i u « wn^r* hr'« K'»Kor Uirrr'a no uumlngThe frt4*t that Home millions of infantu

liare thrived nn nn^ form or auoth<*r of jfeeding bottle*, in indwd i^apalilr of af-*|fording eonnolfttion, but the comfort we j(U'riveJ from that reflection will I*-mat4'nnllv diminiHiie^l bv calling to rnindtho many million* who \iave perished. t

after dtMiuctiiiK n large percentage unedin manufiKturing, four -fifth* of the re-tnainder is exported to Imlia. Here thetransit of the precioun metul is ntnu

Here the Hiipply, however VHH%

A VRU- TNVKNTION roit TITKTOHV OK NAIMI.-- An Ktiglinh inventorIn is taken out a patent for n new methodof milking nails. J-V'in I.is *pe<-illca-tion we leuin that the method IH Kiih-stantially I\H folloun : rl'he inventorforms tlat bars or strij>« of wrought ironin the ordinary inaehineiy. While theburs or HtripM MO f<»rmed are .still hot, hopasses them between u p;»ir of Hhapingn»lK One ot the^c rolh is n plaincvHnder. and the other roll has the gen-eral figure of H cylinder with a Mcri<wi ofincline or steps mndo on it* cylindricalMirftioe, the L*nid in< line or ntcps of thejoll having KIIHI a cont'ormatiou that thehnr jrolletl between it und the plain cylin-der roll has ifi longitudinal section thetlffurt* of a aeri"N of he.idlcas nails jdintnltogether aliHiik t4> point. Whilo stillhot, the fchm**l bar or utrip is «nlit iiit<fnail roclfl hv ft Aeries of circular aljtt<i%the whole bur being Hiinultan«'oiiHly alitUP by tho anid Hlittem inU» nail ro<KTn#»a<i tih.il rod^ when void ar«' fed iuto nheading machine, by w|iich the niiiln nu>healed ami cut oil from the nail rod.Tho heailing and <Mitting otTwhich ho employ* dtrlern iu nores|KM%t from other machines cemmonhusi-d f(»r heading and cutting oft nail*.

ATKKTAIN Mas<tmhn»«*ttH f»rmrr, a tom-peran<*e man. bv the way, who in justlvproud of hi* nn« imported «t/M*kf re-cently fancied that one of his hr.st milk-ers waa stricken w ith the cattle <lise>tiAO,and neut in a great fright for the villagefairier, a ii4*'er-to»d<wwel1 nort of a fellow,whom he hail often lectured for his tip-ling pro|>ensitie«. Diek came, examinedthe animal, looked grave, und Kiiid,•• Have you anv whiskey or brandyh ui.ly ? * '• No.* said the farmer. •• Pat,inn to the druggist's on BOOH US po.^ihle,nnd tell him I want a quart of hrnndvfoi medical pur|M>«M'«." When the bot-tle arrived, Dick to<ik it nnd uncorkedit, *melt of it, and taking a good drink,put the bottle in hi* pocket, l iving,•• Your cow will IK» all right presently ;I have pulled a thorn out of foot," andwalked off.

HAIMHO VKHSKLR btiiH in the UnitedStates during the year ending June 30,1H70, are om'ciallv reporttMl to IIUUIIHTS|I», of which the HIII|M are forty-one,of 57,107 ton*, and the vhoonr-rs 519,of M>,9(U tons—show iug tho (Niastingtrade very near the foreign shipping.The fttaam TetNels nnrnW 290, of 70,-two tons, there lnqng Mix ocenn at4*ajrncra,cight«»cn for the lakes, and *2tHi ctn thorivers ; the Imrgen report* d ar^ lli'2, andthe canal VuMxin 612 ; or a grand total ofrebels built, from ocean stcamerH tocanal lx>atnf of 1,41K ; tonnage, 270,95,1

. ppy , %in lilworbed, aud never retuius to the hin whip, dealt the tiger u furiouw blow,civilized world. j momentarily stunning him. The tig*»r

The Orientals roiumme but little, while i Hprang at him again and Hgnin, but 1I i l d d b th id bl f thwintered by the rapid blows of tit** dur-ing man. rendered desperate by thr terri-ble danger, he retrr«trd to tho corner,when, by tho urtMntance of the nuneiii])loveo! in the building, who came to |the ni<1 of Mr. McDonald with iron barn, 1he wan ennbte<l to entirely HIIIMIUC the |tiger. AH it wan, he narrowly fweaped ahornhlr death.


their production** Imvc ever IM»CU in d<maud atn>ng the WeKtern nation*. AHmere reeipieutw, tluwi* nation* lmv<* a<%-quired tho defcira of accumulation andhonrdiiig, 11 ]Mi*ftion common alike to allclasseH aniong the KgyptimiH, Indians,(*hiiirHe and 1'rrsians. A French erono-miHt Htatrn that in his opinion, the for-mer nation alone hide away £2<X),0()U,-<XW» <»f gold and nilver annually, and ttiepn^ont E.nporor of_M-.r.«w U ro,K.rkd , m l v 1 > ( ) l s , , i u „„„ „,as HO addicted to hm avaricious mania,that h*t In 18 filled seventeen chamlwrfewith the precloiiH metalK. Xhe i>asHiotiof princes, it is not mirprising that thesame Npirit is nhared by their Hiilqectit,and it is in this predilcetion thnt we din-cover the solution of the problem u tothe uHimute disponition of the precious

This absorption by the Kiudernhas been uninterruptiMlly going

on HHiee, the most remot4' In^torioal pe-

in gold wan, inannually exported to the Kant. Tfiebalance of tra<le in favor of those na-tion* in now given n

Duel.That iiifriuktion of the eo<te <lid not

neee^Hiirily involve Hoeial Ostviicism isevident from the fa<»t that 1>;• Witt Clin-tou loft the lieM with impunity, whileHwartwout, hin opponent, was proti stinghe was Kiitinfled. AftiM^he Mist Hlmt thetatter demanded a ftfgMd, and after theNt coiid ti third. Neitner wa» wnunded.

** In your principal MJIti*Med ?" »»keilHiker, Clinton*K ancoiid.

i ( He is not." replied 8miih, after con-sulting Swart wont.

The fourth nhot wah tl^n r\ehang«df

(linton'N bull entering the calf of Swart>vout*H le^.

11 f*i your principal ftfttiMJWd now ?" tlc-mnnded Hiker.J | " He in not," replied Rmitli.

HIIOIH were exchanged the fifth time,

KKwrrnTiE PHOTERT.—A New Yorkthe morning pa-

per* agtiitiHt long <lresH« H for tttrret COH- JtiunrH, from wh*ch we infer tlmt t)uil>» 'are ag iin coining into fu^hi<»n. T h e !short walking (lrc+»s of thr la*t one ortwo yenrn in ,%t oiict- no pr< ity and Mh-*ible that we ho|w it is not g<»»ng U) be (

diH<*Arded. Trailing roln^s are verygraceful—we will not M*V convenient, ina diiiwiiig-rooin, but the> aie det<lstaMe<»ut of floors. If we could get at tin4

numiter of momen who have cau^littheir death* by w-ilkiug in damp ukirt*we fitiould prjbubly have very ciiriniiHmill sturtliit^ statistics. We «|iiit«* agr«n^with tne l.aly le lertr I \KJ iii wishing t<>

s.lbj.-ef HO t'llke<l of tllllt ft WO-

tlie itl wnl!^ ami 1 lit cI rape 1 v,

EATfwo—We all eat toolniurh, avH Dr. 1 4'WiH. Our Aniericnnf»vnt4»m of diet Is bud. There \H to«» |great a variety ; the food is too ri<li ;the cooking in bad ; we eat too often, 'and wo f nt. at the wrong t iin en. Dr. 1l^win gives mi m^'Uiil of a dinner at {the hoiisr of a lady who is rreoguizedj»H Ktamling at the head of the intellectual ariHtocnu'T of a m«>Ht int<"ll€"H*tTifil andrefined eity. The plate and rr*vekerywere m< t beautiful. 1 lie dinner con |HiNtiKl of fmu little, ctnit-fuh: li*t, a ,Miihll gla^s of lrnionnde ; 2nd, a bit of 1melon ; 8d, ronst lw»ef and ^weet p<itn- 'tooH ; 4th, ice-rrewn. Nothing nhonld •l>e eatou after dinner, and dinner glimild {

be taken uurly in the <lay, not Lit* r it |poHMibh*, than 2 o'clock. Ydd nothing!i>etween nieaU, not even nn i»I»j»le <»r R I|HHU«)I. Avoid cuke, pie*, fill nwerttneut*, inutfi, rainiiiH, and cundien. W me and jliquorn Dr. LCVWH will not tolerut^, and ino ytMiiiK ^•>mnn who in nmbilioUH of u 1dear, tine Kkm will drink t« n. Tr«i com-promifM'fi the complexion, probnbly by |deranging the li\rr. J'he best plan IH todiink nothing but rold wuN r, mid H*little *u* |M»hsible of tint, except that oneor two gin** * on lying dowri nt nightand on rifting in the morning will be ,found useful. I

V (oDtrlcntlou^ Ttitrf,Those who tlo not know me inuv IM-V-

, 1

ie\e th<» following ntorv, Dinnew-hu do know tne will not. Still it in• |iute true^ Uegiuald wa*» M ple iMuut old

ciilleiuaii with u line HCUMC of humor.r had e4Mi»<ideruble pro|H*rty and lived

on Wiinbl#5tom t'ommon. He hml one)N*autihil daughter—but that in not tothe ]K>int. One *iiU'i uoon, uh Old Ki gi-nuld wa« readme lK>okt» iu lus drawingr<H>m, it was unnouiuvd to him that a< 'otnmoti Mtm denired to *]>eak with him.He gii\r ordcrw thnt th«* < oiunum Man

IH* udimtUsl. Aud udmitUii the>n Man MHK He WUH M ver\ Coiii-

in<>nMan indeed. A tall, shambling, iU-1<Miking fellow, with au iirenoiute nuin-ner and a hhrinking ere. He wan dn-nedHS costfnuongeiti wliieii follow ing theirlalling.

"What i~ yonr jJcMLsuri1, ^O<H1 • ir V"suid Old Rcginnld.

•• li»-g |>anlou, ufiiv'nor," aaid the Com-mon Man. " 1 ho|H» \i»n wou't \n hanlon me." t

•'Kill at all, replied Old Hrginulit.44 I'm—I'm 11 burglar,M s:«id the i\»m-

mou Man.•-Indw-d !" ittid Reginald.' *'Takra

chair.""Jliniik riiii, Ivihdly, gii\'nc»r/f Rai«l

In1, "but l'<! ruth' r htuudA)id lie did ntfiftd.Ho far there i» nothing rers incriNlible

in my Ktory. But it grtM more remark*ablt- ttn it gi>«%H on.

" Wow do vou like yonr prof<*fwioii VMuid Old Kefnnald.

"Weil, gnv'iior,*^ said tlit* (VmixnonMan, " 1 tluii't like it nuwn>H, and that'hif

*• Tlii*r** what ?"11 Thttt'n why I'm here. 1 lielnnpfM io

a gaag of twelve wot'n Wt»rking then^pnrtH ju«t now. We rmckN cn\m bytuiiiH. It's- it'ii my turu toniglit ."

And the burglar wept like n child."Thi5* I presume i« Kemorsc," Raid

( Hd J<egimU<l." No, guv'nor, it uin't Ilrrnorse," mid

the btirglnr. 44 H H l-'iiuk."14 J'he name thing," w\\d Reginald.*' It uit»'t the beilig a burglar th.it I

obje<«t UK It'rt the liaving to commitburglnrie*. I like thr ere Jit of it, Mr ;it'n the danger 1 obj«vt to."

" Now, b \ the Inxrfi of our pttip, WeYrIxiund tociiwk I'ribs in turn. Thnt 1* toKHV, one of UH crack* the erib whil* theother eleven ntopM outtfide and given Die

" I thought burglar* HIWHVK worki^lin two or three*?" Rni«l Old lieginald.

•• P'rajrn I ought U> know In^t VM *iijr-ti»r bnrglnr.


The four oldest Oofia i r in MjuiHa<*hnai*Ui'.

A quiot mnnl, like other blefetinga, itmore ehHily l'»*t thmi gaiucnl.

Ni» giftb. however divine, profit thoa*who iM'gl«v<'t to cntllVate them.

A miih of aense may da rich man may wear a pi

ThHrrtn prfMlnct of the United fltatcaf<n tlie ^»MI 1H4»9 UIIM 1 ,'.MV2,rt47 tona.

Than* ar»' about 15,H7U li*i)>tistobQrdieiin the wv>rkl, with ltWV>24 iu«uiib«n. .

Fot e* lLuiy Hulnluet but love gftinff;and he thnt forgive* tin»t winKthe laurel.

Muny fal»o thing* have tnort appear*nnerK of truth thmi things tlmt 1* niohttnw. «

A bill to HUOII^I cAi>itnl pnniahmeiit!>«« u iUfe it<nl in tne !t

The hl*nm iilon^liH UN<H1 in the TTultedare made in Rnirlaiid, nnd im|>ort-

ed nt M cost of BlMiut 81(»,<N»0 in {?oMen»-h.

^ the benefteient effeeU of tighti« the eHtiumt«Hl fa"t that it

the countrv ov«*r ^.<^» ammallj

The dct«»al profit of thp buMneM doneI.v the OnondApi Salt Company, orpjan*ITAA in 1HW. U* the prevnt time, U

• Tire primmer lu l l ft v e r ycxiuiitenaiiee." *4Yen. he w«i* ironedjuvl lnfoi-e he wns bn»uu:lit in. 'Flint fir-eountv for i t ."

A mini rnl which porfoTmr all the dv*tiw of m*i> and ho* HU aromatic odor,\\RH l>c"ii diHeovere^l iu exhaitHtleiA quail-lien near IOWH City.

Two litUe Iniyn were am^ft^d in Qujn-cy, ILJ., for tr> ing t«» M»t fire to a Church.Th«»y wHuted t4i burn the cimrch toflvoul going U> Suuday School.

Four proveTOoro arv now on trial forimprfeohmeJiL Hold* n, of North (JATI»*

, Butler, of Nebraska, ; C'iaytun, of; tiud Re^<l, <»f Florida.

iing Indie*1 jiromenado wuit* ofd Hilk nrwory much in favor, road*plain round ntiderKkirt^ with va

Lyked overmkirU ebborutoly trimmed.

A woman in plciiltivat«'d, with the help of u mule, tenai xen of ctirn, Um acre* < f wheat, and tenIM.,,»H ,,f oatn, uiaking n <*le*r profit of

ftAnd »»»ir UAAI a little curl

That Imnjr rtpht down on h#r fnre1iM<I.And when *h« d

But bill W M

proj>oHe to crack to night ?"ft Thin here one."14 Miner N11 Votiui." "1 ^••Oh!"AIMI Old Reginald prq^ftr^l fo rin^ the

bell.tlP\on*f' don*t do thnt, guv'nor. You

Hint never n|/<»in tu f^ne mo intocunto*U V '

1 I think T had better.""No, no, gm*nor, do*i*t do tlmt. Tii«*

ier\ to me first 1 Hint agom' U* hurtyoa."

" lt*« my iurii io crnck y«nir crib to-night. Now, will you hvlp me ?"

*'I hardly nee ntv way," naid <>IJIt ginald, thoughtfully. ""Htill. if f ean



v. ith her

— In truehiiig ayouuf; horse t4> drive well, do not hurrv ito »ee how fr. 4 he can trot. Keep each ipace < lear und distinct from the? other, 'thftt is, in widkin;; ; inakt* him walk, antl

, do not allow him to trot. \ \ hile trot-; ting, 1M» eoually careful that he keeps {Htettdv nt liiHf-|)«MM\ and do not allow him ito slacken irto a walk , the reins, while ;driving, sli'ould be kept HIIU^, and when |punhrtl to the topof hiH Upeed, ktH»p him !well in hand, that he mav I* arn to bear •

1 liiion the bit, HO that \S1MT] going at ahigh rate of spied he ean b*' lield at his j

, ]uu*e, but do not allow him to pull too jhard, for it in not otily unpha ant. but

it often difficult to inamige him.i

AN A(*T OF IIKIU>IHM worthy of wide- ,bpren<l mention and comtne?idatiou W.IH Irecently performed by a woman in Hut-liurMli, N«kw HrunHwiok. Hlie w.w a }xn\-iniMUeKs of the town, and a tire broke'out in the building in whioh the jn^toftiee was kept, and in which she alno jlived and carrie«| on hti<tiue*H. When ,the nlarm was f<ivent although her own jpro]>ertv, including a stork of ^O«H1*)find nil her household furniture anci HU}>- •lilies v«w% in daugi'i' of Iteing dov(ioyi>d 'Ml n few minut**", >thr n«»¥elihele^N ftrnt jof all M-cni'ed the inoMeVt thi- nrcoiiit ',nnd all the letter* nm( PA|N*IN in the.ottic ; tifid it WHS only when Ihene hudbeen collected with the^reuUnt «are uialpliWt d ill l«Mpon>)ble liand^, lint site 'turned her attention to «uvin'^ }jei own 'effects. The result of this dciotion to .duty wiw H gri^it nnving to the public, jbut a greiit (H^uniarv huennce en her!own putt. W hetUei or n«>t »-)».> coiupcu-Kjitioli Will be made to her by theColonial (foveinmeut we ore not inform- [

o m . " - ; - " • , r -i f • 1,worth of Hwag froiu *HU%U <rih he cmekn.If he don't, he'* *liot. Now, 1 twt nhaudmjide hilvn vdver and cx>ire< -i>«>tand <Teom iug fcn 1 cMiur in 1J« iv. \S otmight IHJ the value of that handsomeHilver aaWer and con*e4»-pot ?*'

4t J'he rrram jng in eleHro.# The coffee-pot, with aiigar hamii and aalver. may beworth five and forty pound*."

"That1* near «IIUUK1I« I'll lake 'em.Here in a Hiinnrv for flltv «|iiid."

And he handed UM ^egiualtl a b a AUoU- for that amount

44 Still I don't quite uuder*tnn«l ""I want you, jruv'uor, to be M> good

fik to loavu your ix^lruom window *»jM-ntonight, and place that nilver and tlieinNiKer tiajM where 1 <*an fjet «in handy.1 nlndl have cracked my cnb. bugge«l my-wag, and made iny8*1 f nafe until m\

r<<und ii>n»iii/" Certuiiily," »ai«i Old ikKiuald^ hoU-

up the note in the light '* Bnt Mme usk, how caj» y o u aJl«»rd to pay t%tjliitndHoinclv 1 >i y o u r depre<laU<uih V '

4 t T h « r e wiws a do/.rii on u*. sir, Ffw*hof u«, CMU-KM u n i b once in four inontliA,and e . c h swag* at lea^t flft\ jMHindnw 01 t h - - o f t e n more , but at l e n t thnt.Alter each plant t in j»rt»nti* u ie d iv ided .l*a^t <|iiai-t4-r the twe lve ci'ilrt oifii'V.rdb r o u g h t WH 111 elr>eli l lUl ldled |MiUlld —thut'a n inety jHJun«lb odd api«»ce. W h e nmv turn coLirs I pay a fnir |>n«v for the

and Khot"nev*n ball« at onc*» intaj — a ]M»rV barrel. B<*ctnw> bi« wife didnot #cream, <«H11 in all the neighbor*,mid lhen hwoi»u away, he went up atairsand tliruahfd li«r.

I Uros<li Ha«loHAvIr\if7, formrrly a captain in the armv, and lately a lrtterejirrii r in New York, mho had ptaadadguilty to f»ml*K*linff • letter, waa mm-vuiH-d to thrtv ve um* imprisonment in

1 the AllNiny Penitentiary.) Mr. Hyde and Miw Taller, of (Vjnm-biih, Ohio, having 1**en married, and the" fatt4-<1 e4ilf killeil in their lionor, giwmthe ly>uiHville <*4ntrier-JtfWHal an op|>or-tumty to air a joke alxuit " killing cattlefor tiie a*ke of the Hyde and Taller.**

' *of

- - nU1 l>nth, the latter would W chosien,thmifrh indeniioal in quality with ^former.

; 4 4 Wlwt do you mean by ft cat and dog'life?*' said a huabond U* bin wife.

" JJOOV at Carlo and Kitty aiuVep en ilie1 mg ! I wiah men would live half aopeacefully with tlieir wivea." "Stop,"said the* ladyf "tie them together and

! see how they will right."t No opportunity in lont Viy fTiicaffo andMilwaukee pajH>rt»t<» have their little aay.Chirago h't** the laM wor<lf aa follown :*• Hie body of a tuon wan w*en floating

1 in tiie river nt Milwaukee on Fridav, butclothe* didn't w-ero to hold any

io i tTle 1 ' r l l n t O n ' 8 l w " e i l t | i | V l 1 HWHlt* I TITF. Hirp..-(1.nWninr braid, nre a,"mCrwln ankMthe qu^t.on, "I* ! ft?"}** b r n M | 1 n l l d M n°Uhl" M rVI'1'

your priticipal Kutisned, Mr. Hmith?'*After a moment'H coiiNultiitiou with

i T h e f 1 ilnr o n e * are fiiat4*ned *>n tho t o p of1 Hie head and loojn'd under 1» l o v . TIIOH*

Hwartw<itit, who, Manding while tin of their own of moderatethieknoHH pud length deftlv plnit n

Dubuqiio have mftnagod i n » i r i n f l o n t in

i j b i bhvA OOTTI.K in i n i m i q u o nave m a n a g e d 1 I i r t l1 *" ••""»• *n P «*R"WJ Wiivwl, and in

to get thr<»ugh the winter quite plea*- | het»oming, bmslied Imck over 11 ]N>ui|m-antly. The wife gave <mt thnt her h n ^ ^ c m r r°"* _ _ iU n d had gont^ to Wineonnin, and Umt J WIIRW rabbiU, w|nirrel«, and variou* 1she WRH left with the several children to ,; ni\ivr gIIUwing animnlH are fed cm «oft ]get along the tM t Mie inif?ht. TIUH, of ! m e u u , their t4^th often grow ao kmgcon rue, excited the compassion of all th» ~In^nevoleiit people at the town, nnd


TlrPT..\LiNa Drnri i . - A resolution wa*oftVred in the Ilouno by Mr. Hale, ofM»iiip, n'j^^alin^ tho duty on nalt,which wa.% tin dlv udopte<l. H5 to 47.A r*-Holutioii was ottered by I itiuK-worth, of Illinois, repealing all dutie* oncord. Thin WM adopts><1, 1:12 to f>7. Mr.Bfiudfill, of Pentmylvnniii, then proprme<lthe re]x*Hl of the dutie* on ton nndiMinVf',whieh wan agreed to, 141 to 4V. Mr.Wilson, of Indiana, offered tt ievolutionhvlitriiig that th«i J'hirtee'ith, Foui-

t4^iithand Fifteenth Amendments to thoiiMtitution have WMI duly mtitied. *nd

thnt l'ougn***hiwi * ri^ht to inijHHio theirratification UH H condition piec«sli nt tor« preH^'iitidiou in Congnv*.. The voteon the ipnstfon of Hii^jx-nding the nil***and iu loot ing the re.Holutiou wnsiKMo75, lew* tliAii two-third* iu it* fH\«>r.

fifty iKiund* worth 1 «wn# ( for I hftviIM H I honorably b r o u g h t ui>). and I g e Uforty pounilh U> the g o o J . And f<»rt>jHMind* a quarter ih a hundred nnd nixty|H>nndH a year. And I liveg 0:1 it. S o m e -t ime* itV m ^ r r - now nnd then it h lr^M.bnt whatever it ih I l ive* on i t . "

vahmble*. n<> effort« werrf made toor i t "

Thr •* dnrmTnin^*' linaffi6Wi ippearB tobe 1ndm1tn0111.lv pruaocuU'd out WestA c<»rres|K)iHUiit wnriting from Maeon,

i Miasouri, a*iyH that in one day be, "counted four from Hiicftgo,1 two from-

fWton. one from Philadelphia, two orthreofrom New York, and one from St.Louia,

! A wife in Hun Francisco lately p"* *petition for divorce in the court, on tlmground that her husband wan a "eon-fonnded fiiol." The judpr, who wa* an

; old bachelor, would not admit th« plea,l>eenn*«\ he paid, every man who getsmaJTJetl wuuM be liable to the *ame. im-

A Providence man. nlwwit ^ven renmago was prKUHd«*<l to take Hotn* Ftoek ina fancy coi^wrntion for a l»*d debt, ondnvcnt'lv some «.f its creditor*, finding

name in the hnt of htockholder«, com

other <lay a IwMievolent liulvwoman an«l openeil th« u<x>r

p| by tho <lifleri>ntchurche* during the ]>ai*t wint4*r. The

h l l U'd thep without

g She w*« '*omowhnt «uq»riHodto *eo a pair of boot* disappear undertho IHHI, and Mill further itstniiidiedwhen MIIC di**c<*vered thnt tho owner ofthe boo|#wa« the hu*bandt who wits

and HOtaking fornl, andin which, to pre* r\ene«*«*KKarv to bienk orf orUi tU. br. Durwin, wan o!

to prevent them front*H have occurredlite, it lM<*ai!ie

< xtnut thethe opinion

to l>e in Wi*c<niHin, bnt who, inroiuity, ha l lived comfortably on thefmud ho had IMHUI j>eq>otratiug* through-out the entire winter.

HRAVT TX»W.— Th* Rotlmchildfl areto have lost froui 8^0,000,000 to

£75,000,000 by th* r^Milt of the Franoo(fcrnian war. They all believed at firstthat th© French would I * \ictoriona ;hut two weeks after the German A hadcrossed the Rhine, they «aw their mis-take, and made new investments whichprevented them from losing thrice anmuch aa they would have done had theynot corrected their blunder in good•on.

that if a deaf (MTAOII dreamrdof hearing,thr internal piirt**, enAential. to the func-tion, were, unimpaired. The name re- jmark, st\y+ Dr. Smith, of floaton, in ,applicable U» the blind. " I have* in van-iihlv found that the incur.ibly blind never

Tlir HPAKIMH troops took the oath ofallegiance, to King Arnadcun and the4.SpaniHh C/onHtitntion. Tho volunteers 1

LtTC7n)rRGrB, who ahot M I M o l l j v UH^ t j l o f ,a th of foalty to the King, !

Myert at Sing 8mg, a few orrritting that to the Constitution, »>e-weekfl ago.and ha« l»een indicted for mur- r A I | H^ thev nil nre a permanent CuUnder. has *o far recovered from th^ ef- forcM% Hn<\ \)lP HfNini h Constitution drnf.fecti* of the wound inflicted by himaelf n o t rule CuU, which i« governe<l by 'on hiftowu head by the dincharge of a , hptH*ial lawn.pistol, an to be considered eatirely out! .-^..>.^^--^-—^ — ;of danger, ulthoutrh the liall baa not yet ! Tfi^re ha* been a CUHOUA breach ofbeen extracted, t ie speaks freely on the ! piomihe fiction iu London, the convert*subject of the Ute tragedy, and still ex*: of the ubual ease. The pUintif! had beenprees^, hh regret that he did not «n<v j i l ted hy a lady of fortnn*. V»eing himaelf ,oeed in taking hi* own life an well AS de|**ndent «»n hi*' futh^r, 1 he jurythat of Minn Meyer. . i him

A HKAVY t/Lrorii. Old Crtotain Hlank,of Htonington. r* \i*t* »* th<" following r*1

mnrkable inrid>-tit I hut occurred while onth#* )mHHfigr fr<tm N<*w York. H<»m«- VI HI-M 'ago. UH oliM-ivrd, f»nti sninmrr after-noon, a hejivy cloud .ur-r front tlj» land,aitd, to hin ^rei*t Kiiipris^*, n]ipnMtc)i theWHHPL Huddcnly it broke mmr him. sndmiliioim of mowjuito* covensi the d#*ekof the vew»el to several inehen, while j>iU"tof lh«' fiork went through thr iiiHinnail, 'lea\in«; nothing but the bolt top*-* idlyhanging to the Kpnis, (\»rrolM»revidenre to thi* a>toniHhing talefound iu thr JHTNOII (»t a down rant *kip-|>< r. who heard the htorv, und who, oncomparing dut*-* v.ith the unrnifor, dr-rlared that twoilii\s aftrrw/ird his shipwas l>oarded by a part of tiie name flock,and thrv all woie canvas brerclira. 1

PFHKHTT/VAKTAvaniti htm had nixte^u (imeruoiH hiuoeI71K>. Of the *ixteen f ve ru+ now l inng— Wm. F. Johnston, residing in thewe*tem part of the Htnte ; William Big-ler, in Cleartlt Id county ; Jamea Pollock,director of the Mint of PhiWlelphia ;Andrew d. Curtin, Minister to Rutioavantl John W. lieHry. t'» ' pre**»nt (>ot< (ernor. I

for iOM ItegiDiild wa* an good ti* hi* word.

IJr l«-ft hin ix'tlrtN^i window oj>en, andplaced the Milver when* the lloneatHnrglnr waa as good a* /##< word, and attwo oVIock in the morning he iiune andfound it. So far, all was wimple midstraightforward enough, Bnt noii'fjomeathe curioiiH nTid iiicn*diblr ]wrt of mvntory. J'he fifty j|<Mii»d 110U* wni ]mri of

ijiiialHr <if the nute wai known, andtraced to Old Reginald, who had to ac-eoiiiit for its ln»ing in hi1* p*»na#»H ioii.Now the twelve lmrglan* ha i in thenn antim»% been arre«t4*d by the |K»liee(thi« is also incre<liblr}, and wen- cmi-ilemnetl Io |wnul m«r\itude for life. SoOld l^^ginaid hftdiiob^-Hitation in Actingthe faHn UH I have akited them. No oneUlieve^l him. HN no one will believe me.So he ajipenlrd to the Honent Burglar tocorroborate hi« atory. But the HonestBtirglir, having diHeovered the wholething, coffee-Pot, aaJver, and nil. was thecommonest eVftiic, wan ao fthocknd atOld Heginnld'n HmhonofitT that not onlydid he dreline to rorrolKirat^ hiN<«tory.but ftrtnallv, nnd I think very prof>erlv,identified ^iim a*» an accomplice. AndOld Heginald wan al*o ^enteneed tojM*nslHervituAe, and he and the IfotieM Burglarworked for manv vears together «»n thrname workn, anoi had many f»pp<»rtunitif^of talking thr runtU-r over from it** moral.Mx'ial, end jxilitical ]>oint* of

the end I* not

T« addnt F

In a volume j>rkiU*l by Seoor Jose dfFonwva, witb the KVOWCMI object ofU>*chitiK the roilugiu*%e to speak Eng-linh, the happy reader will rind matterthat would provoke an anchorite to laughuntil the rocks ring. The following w s

w._. 18.—for to ride a1 Here ia a lioiw*. who have very

i looks. Oive mi another. I will n o i lHe uot K«11 know in mnnrll, he IS pUTSV,

! he is foundered. Don't you ureaahamedtci give me a jude like that ? He is un-

d, he in with nail*up, it wantt^» lead

ICE.—The New OrU*tui icefactorv runs six machine*, each coating<Ti5,()60 in gold, and freexe* hiiteen tonsof tee <Uilv. The wster it pumped fromthe MiMiimippi, jniriried, and frozen intoblocks thr*".* inches thick, and tweWe bytwepty-fonr inche* in area.

UM )>rick. <*o us more fast nev-1 »een H<> much biwl l>ea*t ; she

wiU not nor V* bring forward nor to put

44Htrek him thr bridle hold hinTth*mim fihoHe^U ri«|ue stn.n|(ly make

, march of hiux" ^ ,,I " ^io «l<iwn. i f*hall unite march/*\ "Take cure that lie not give yotir footkirk*.'

" Thrn h* kick* for that i look. Lookhere, if 1 knew to tame him."

A W R U A M R Ck>LLP/ns f-hident whowent to PitUfleld on a "spark," the oth-

| or dav, had occasion to get a checkrAthed at ihehank, but the oashter didn'tknow him, and demanded identification.He bethought himself of the mark onhis underclothing, unbuttoned his coatonlv to disclose in plain Utters on theband of hi* shirt the name of his chum.who had lent him tho garment foroccasion.