1 Super-Kamiokande atmospheric neutrinos Results from SK-I atmospheric neutrino analysis including...

1 Super-Kamiokande atmospheric neutr inos Results from SK-I atmospheric neutrino analysis including treatment of systematic err ors Sensitivity study based on improved sta tistics Sensitivity study based on improved sys tematics S. Moriyama For the Super-Kamiokande collaboration 14 th Sep. 2004 @ NOW2004

Transcript of 1 Super-Kamiokande atmospheric neutrinos Results from SK-I atmospheric neutrino analysis including...


Super-Kamiokandeatmospheric neutrinos

Results from SK-I atmospheric neutrino analysis

including treatment of systematic errors Sensitivity study based on improved statistics Sensitivity study based on improved systematics

S. MoriyamaFor the Super-Kamiokande collaboration14th Sep. 2004 @ NOW2004


Event classification

Fully Contained (E ~1GeV)

Through-going (E~100GeV)

Stopping (E~10GeV)

Partially Contained (E ~10GeV)

energy distribution

Super-K and atmospheric neutrinos


Super-K I data set and 2 flavor oscillation analysis

Data set: full SK-I (FC, PC 1489days, up-1646 days)

Improvements:● Expectation for neutrino flux

- Three dimensional (3D) flux calculation

- interaction parameters (tuned by K2K data)

● Treatment of systematic errors in 2 calculation- Identify fundamental origins of systematic errors,

decompose ancient systematic errors into them, and treat them as independent (38 error terms).


Zenith angle distributions

~15km ~13000km ~500km ~13000km ~500km

2-flavor oscillations

Best fit (sin22=1.0, m2=2.1x10-3 eV2)Null oscillation


Up/Down ratio for FC and PC samples

U/D ratio has small systematic error for the expectations.

Data is consistent with the expectations with m2~2x10-3eV2

Stop/through, Vertical/horizontal ratios are also consistent with expectations.

Important for future high statistics result.




New method for sys. err. treatment

Method adopted by Fogli et al.

   (PRD 053010 (2002)) All of the systematic error terms can be decom

posed into many fundamental and independent systematic errors.

Linearize the 2 definition for the systematic error terms. minimization of 2 is equivalent to solving a set of linear equations.


New chi square definitions

2= +

NMC= NMC0 P()(1+f) for each energy bin

f: the fractional change in the predicted event rate in the corresponding energy bin due to a variation of the parameter .

dd38x38 linear equation matrix, easy to find the local minimum.




2180 37



Category of the systematic errors I

Fundamental systematic errors: Neutrino flux Neutrino cross sections Event selection

reduction, detection efficiency, hadron simulation, background contamination.

Event reconstruction

Ring separation, particle ID, energy calibration, U/D

of them (38 terms) are evaluated.


Will be explained later.


Category of the systematic errors II

Fundamental systematic errors: Neutrino flux

a. flux absolute normalization freeb. flavor ratios (E<5GeV,E>5GeV) 3%, 3-10%c. ratio (E<10GeV,E>10GeV (e,)) 5%, 5-(10,25)%d. Up/down ratio (FC, each sample correlated) 0.4-2.1% (3D

calc.)e. Hor.-vertical ratio (FC, each sample correlated) 0.3-2.8% (3D calc.)f. K/ ratio 20.0%g. Neutrino flight length 10.0% (scale height)h. Energy spectrum 0.05 for

Ep>100GeVi. Sample-by-sample normalization 5% (FC

multi-GeV, PC+up stop )


Category of the systematic errors III

Fundamental systematic errors: Neutrino cross sections

a. MA in quasi-elastic and single-pi 10% in MAb. Quasi elastic scattering (model dependence) 1 = Llewellyn-Smith,


c. Quasi elastic scattering (cross section) 10%d. single-pion production (cross section) 10%e. multi-pion production (model dependence) 1 = w/, w/o Bodek

f. multi-pion production (cross section) 5%g. coherent pion production (cross section) 30%h. NC/CC ratio 20%i. Nuclear effect in 16O (mean free path) 30%j. Charged current int. (cross section) 30%


2-flavor oscillations

(FC + PC + UP-)

Full paper will be soon

0.7 0.8 0.9 10.75 0.85 0.95

10-3 10-2

Oscillation analysis results




Best fit:sin22=1.0m2 = 2.1x10-3 eV2

2 = 175.2/177 dof

90% C.L. region:sin22> 0.921.5 < m2 < 3.4x10-3 eV2



Allowed region for sub samples

6 sub samplesFC 1-ring SubGeV<400MeV/c

FC 1-ring SubGeV>400MeV/c

FC 1-ring MultiGeV

FC multi-ring



The allowed parameter regions suggested by those samples are consistent each other.

Sub-GeV low

Sub-GeV high





Sensitivity study based on improved statictics


Statistical improvement for (sin2223 ,m2)

113ktonyr (SK5yrs)

450ktonyr (SK20yrs)

1800ktonyr (SK80yrs)

True m2=0.0025

True m2=0.0035

True m2= 0.0015

The allowed region will shrink as a function of sqrt(exposure).

The sensitivity does not depend strongly on the true oscillation parameter set.

(s223)~ ±5% @90%CL


Sensitivity study based on improved systematics


What kind of systematic error term determine the sensitivity (2 flavor case)?

Because we decomposed the systematic errors into independent errors, we can track down important systematic errors which affect the (sin2223,m2) contour.

From the four categories, we try to see the sensitivity with several assumptions:

10yrs exposure with (1) remove all the systematic errors (ultimate case) (2) assume no error from flux (largest effect) (3) assume no error from the interaction (4) assume no error from the SK detector side


Comparison of sensitivity with different systematic errors

10yr MC Effects are small

statistics is still important.

However, flux uncertainty has some effect on the contour.

SK error contribution is very small

W/O flux errorsOnly SK errors

No error

10yr MC

True m2=0.0021


Flux uncertainty: effects on combined analysis

e and up/down asymmetry are important for combined analysis.

Though they affect the oscillation contour, the effect is very small.


Status of SK-II Atmospheric Neutrinos

SK-II event

- 311.5days data (preliminary)- SK-II data are consistent with SK-I- Clear deficit in upward




2 flavor analysis: 90% C.L. allowed region

0.92<sin2223 ,

1.5x10-3eV2<m2<3.4 x10-3eV2

All the data can be explained by the neutrino oscillation very well.

More statistics

(sin2223), (m2) improve as ~sqrt(exposure).

In general, systematic errors don’t have large effects on the oscillation contours.

If we assume 10yr exposure of SK, only the e ratio and U/D asymmetry are important systematic error for the combined analysis.