1. Students Guide at 2 Aug 28

STUDENTs ADULT TRACK 2 Lesson 04 Lesson 03 Lesson 02 Lesson 01 Lesson 08 Lesson 07 Lesson 06 Lesson 05 Lesson 12 Lesson 11 Lesson 10 Lesson 09 TEST 1 Lesson 15 Lesson 14 Lesson 13 Lesson 20 Lesson 19 Lesson 18 Lesson 17 Lesson 24 Lesson 23 Lesson 22 Lesson 21 Lesson 28 Lesson 27 Lesson 26 Lesson 25 Lesson 31 Lesson 30 Lesson 29 TEST 2 Communicative Writing Language Reference Welcome to Adult Track! Este curso foi desenhado especialmente para você, que precisa estar preparado para se comunicar em inglês hoje, na sua vida profissional e pessoal. Sabemos o quanto o seu tempo é precioso e, por isso, você irá usar inglês desde o primeiro dia de aula, sempre em contextos e situações que se assemelham muito àquelas que aparecem no seu dia a dia. Sendo assim, você aprenderá o inglês da vida real, que você poderá usar para realizar tarefas desde as mais simples como receber um visitante estrangeiro até participar de uma reunião de negócios. O Adult Track é um curso inovador justamente por isso: você participará ativamente das aulas, trazendo as expressões e estruturas que você precisa e não apenas aquelas apresentadas pelo livro. Para garantir esse nível de personalização e a atualização permanente dos assuntos tratados no curso, além da sua contribuição, o Adult Track utiliza vários recursos complementares como filmes, documentários, artigos, sites e os materiais multimídia exclusivos da Cultura Inglesa, como atividades no quadro interativo, o e-Campus e o Culture World. O livro é apenas mais um desses recursos. Para acompanhar o curso com mais autonomia e tirar melhor proveito das aulas, preparamos este guia que apresenta a estrutura do curso aula a aula e reúne indicações de atividades, dicas de estudo e materiais de referência exclusivos. Esse guia irá: 1. orientar seu estudo; 2. sugerir recursos extras de consolidação do que foi visto nas aulas; 3. oferecer ideias de como expandir o seu conhecimento; 4. identificar o que deve ser priorizado na hora da revisão; e 5. servir de apoio e referência caso você precise faltar às aulas. APRESENTAÇÃO DAS SESSÕES DO GUIA Número da aula: O seu estágio é composto por 32 aulas, incluindo avaliações e momentos formais de feedback durante o curso. Communication Purpose: Aqui você encontra o foco do que será estudado em cada aula. Cada uma das aulas gira em torno de uma situação específica relacionada à vida real. O livro é apenas um dos muitos recursos usados para que esse objetivo comunicativo seja atingido, porque o conteúdo de cada aula é exclusivo da Cultura Inglesa. Consolidation: Aqui estão sugestões de atividades essenciais para a consolidação do que foi visto em sala de aula. Esses exercícios e tarefas retomam a língua que foi apresentada e praticada em sala através de contextos variados. Quanto mais tempo você conseguir se dedicar ao estudo do inglês fora das aulas, melhor e mais rápido será o seu desenvolvimento. Expansion: Quanto mais contato você tiver com o inglês, melhor! Você pode aproveitar o seu tempo livre e organizar momentos extras de estudo. Use essas dicas de como expandir a sua prática e a sua exposição ao idioma e acelere o seu aprendizado! COMO USÁ-LO Você pode acompanhar o conteúdo de cada aula clicando diretamente no número correspondente a ela. Para cada aula, você terá também um diálogo modelo com os itens trabalhados em aula. Clique neste símbolo para ser direcionado para o diálogo. O guia também apresenta modelos para as redações que você irá escrever. Clique neste símbolo para ir direto às instruções para escrever seu texto e ver um modelo de referência. Para voltar ao menu da primeira página, clique neste símbolo . A cada quatro aulas, você também encontra mais dicas de estudo para otimizar seu aprendizado. Não deixe de contar com a ajuda de seu professor em caso de dúvidas. Esperamos que, com esse material, você se torne cada vez mais independente e bem-sucedido no uso do inglês no seu dia a dia. Tenha um ótimo semestre!

Transcript of 1. Students Guide at 2 Aug 28

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Lesson 04

Lesson 03

Lesson 02

Lesson 01

Lesson 08

Lesson 07

Lesson 06

Lesson 05

Lesson 12

Lesson 11

Lesson 10

Lesson 09


Lesson 15

Lesson 14

Lesson 13

Lesson 20

Lesson 19

Lesson 18

Lesson 17

Lesson 24

Lesson 23

Lesson 22

Lesson 21

Lesson 28

Lesson 27

Lesson 26

Lesson 25

Lesson 31

Lesson 30

Lesson 29



Writing Language Reference

Welcome to Adult Track!

Este curso foi desenhado especialmente para você, que precisa estar preparado para se comunicar em inglês hoje, na sua vida profissional

e pessoal. Sabemos o quanto o seu tempo é precioso e, por isso, você irá usar inglês desde o primeiro dia de aula, sempre em contextos e

situações que se assemelham muito àquelas que aparecem no seu dia a dia. Sendo assim, você aprenderá o inglês da vida real, que você

poderá usar para realizar tarefas desde as mais simples como receber um visitante estrangeiro até participar de uma reunião de negócios.

O Adult Track é um curso inovador justamente por isso: você participará ativamente das aulas, trazendo as expressões e estruturas que

você precisa e não apenas aquelas apresentadas pelo livro. Para garantir esse nível de personalização e a atualização permanente dos

assuntos tratados no curso, além da sua contribuição, o Adult Track utiliza vários recursos complementares como filmes, documentários,

artigos, sites e os materiais multimídia exclusivos da Cultura Inglesa, como atividades no quadro interativo, o e-Campus e o Culture World.

O livro é apenas mais um desses recursos. Para acompanhar o curso com mais autonomia e tirar melhor proveito das aulas, preparamos

este guia que apresenta a estrutura do curso aula a aula e reúne indicações de atividades, dicas de estudo e materiais de referência

exclusivos. Esse guia irá:

1. orientar seu estudo;

2. sugerir recursos extras de consolidação do que foi visto nas aulas;

3. oferecer ideias de como expandir o seu conhecimento;

4. identificar o que deve ser priorizado na hora da revisão; e

5. servir de apoio e referência caso você precise faltar às aulas.

APRESENTAÇÃO DAS SESSÕES DO GUIA Número da aula: O seu estágio é composto por 32 aulas, incluindo avaliações e momentos formais de feedback durante o curso. Communication Purpose:

Aqui você encontra o foco do que será estudado em cada aula. Cada uma das aulas gira em torno de uma situação específica relacionada à vida real. O livro é apenas um dos muitos recursos usados para

que esse objetivo comunicativo seja atingido, porque o conteúdo de cada aula é exclusivo da Cultura Inglesa. Consolidation: Aqui estão sugestões de atividades essenciais para a consolidação do que foi

visto em sala de aula. Esses exercícios e tarefas retomam a língua que foi apresentada e praticada em sala através de contextos variados. Quanto mais tempo você conseguir se dedicar ao estudo do inglês

fora das aulas, melhor e mais rápido será o seu desenvolvimento. Expansion: Quanto mais contato você tiver com o inglês, melhor! Você pode aproveitar o seu tempo livre e organizar momentos extras

de estudo. Use essas dicas de como expandir a sua prática e a sua exposição ao idioma e acelere o seu aprendizado!

COMO USÁ-LO Você pode acompanhar o conteúdo de cada aula clicando diretamente no número correspondente a ela. Para cada aula, você terá também um diálogo modelo com os itens trabalhados

em aula. Clique neste símbolo para ser direcionado para o diálogo. O guia também apresenta modelos para as redações que você irá escrever. Clique neste símbolo para ir direto às instruções para

escrever seu texto e ver um modelo de referência. Para voltar ao menu da primeira página, clique neste símbolo . A cada quatro aulas, você também encontra mais dicas de estudo para otimizar seu

aprendizado. Não deixe de contar com a ajuda de seu professor em caso de dúvidas. Esperamos que, com esse material, você se torne cada vez mais independente e bem-sucedido no uso do inglês no seu

dia a dia. Tenha um ótimo semestre!

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Talking about your free time activities to a


Present simple Adverbs of frequency Likes and dislikes Leisure activities

e-Campus: Talking about hobbies (MVA005239) Culture World > People and Society > Free Time > Free Time Choices > > 1) Finding out about free time choices > 2) Entertaining Professional Visitors

e-Campus: What’s your hobby? (MVA005240) e-Campus: Places of entertainment (MVA005259)

e-Campus: What my family does (MVA005217) e-Campus: Adverbs of frequency: Expressions of frequency (GRU00121B)

Sharing opinions about TV programmes

Expressing opinions Likes & dislikes Adverbs of frequency Types of TV programmes Adjectives

Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 2A, 2B, 2C Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Vocabulary 4

Global CB Elementary p. 143 ex. 2 Global e-WB Elementary > Listen on the move > Vocabulary Builder > Television programmes

Global e-WB Elementary > Watch > Unit 5 > The Hollywood sign e-Campus: Interview with a TV director (MLGB005326) e-Campus: Video 5: I see your point: Agreeing and disagreeing (MVAB006461)

Deciding on a film to watch with a friend

Expressing opinion Likes & dislikes Types of film Adjectives

Culture World: Entertainment > Cinema > Cinema Choices > Finding out about cinemas in London

e-Campus: Films (MLA006796) e-Campus: Entertainment (MLA006822)

Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Vocabulary 1, 2 Website: http://www.ehow.com/how_10004616_make-things-horror-movie-things-home.html

Explaining to a friend how often you do things in your

free time

Present simple Adverbs of frequency Likes & dislikes Days of the week & periods of the day Leisure activities

Global CB Elementary p. 143 ex. 1, 2

Global CB Elementary p. 54 - Reading e-Campus: Adverbs of frequency word order (GRU00121D) Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 2B

Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 1A, 2C e-Campus: Adverbs of frequency: Always to Never (GRU00121A)

Tip: Ao término de cada aula, uma pergunta importante para autorreflexão é “Eu consegui atingir o objetivo de hoje?”. Caso saia de uma aula não se sentindo confortável com determinando conteúdo, procure fazer as atividades sugeridas neste guia. Se mesmo assim as dúvidas continuarem, converse com o seu professor o mais rápido possível.

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Talking about work routine

Present simple Everyday activities Adverbs of frequency Time expressions

e-Campus: My job (MLA005179) Global e-WB Elementary Language Practice > Unit 5 – Grammar 2A, 2B, 2C e-Campus: What I do on Saturdays (MLG001793)

e-Campus: I’m so tired! (MLG006585) e-Campus: A busy schedule (MVA006668)

Making small talk at a café

Present simple Adverbs of frequency Free time activities

Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 1A, 1E e-Campus: Small Talk (MLG001064)

Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 1A, 1B

e-Campus: Asking personal questions (MLG001275)

Communicative Writing 1: Writing about a film you

have seen recently

Present simple Describing and recommending films Expressing opinions

Communicative Writing 1 Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Writing – Recommending a TV programme

e-Campus: What is on tonight (MVA006881)

Going shopping

Greeting people Question forms Going shopping

e-Campus: Asking for information in a shop (MLG005226)

Global e-WB Elementary > Listen on the move > In Conversation > In a Department Store e-Campus: Can I help you (MLG000485)

e-Campus: Can I help you (MLA000746) Website: http://www.ehow.com/way_5974312_out-control-spending-problems.html

Tip: Criar um vínculo afetivo com o idioma pode lhe ajudar a aprender mais rápido. Procure estar em contato com tópicos que sejam de seu interesse e que você já tenha certo conhecimento. Se você é fã de futebol, por exemplo, comece a ler notícias e a assistir vídeos sobre o tema. A internet é uma ótima ferramenta para este tipo de pesquisa.

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Telling someone about the best and worst things in

your job

Present simple Can/Can’t for ability Jobs & workplaces

Global CB Elementary p. 67 – Writing OR Prepare a presentation about the best / worst things about your job.

Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 6 > Vocabulary 1A, 1B

e-Campus: Daily routine (MLA002099) e-Campus: Max’s Day (MLG005171)

Talking about personal and professional abilities

Part 1

Can/Can’t for ability Present simple

e-Campus: An appraisal interview (MLAB005269)

Global CB Elementary p. 143 ex. 4, 5, 6 Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 6 > Grammar 2

Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 6 > Grammar 1A, 1B e-Campus: Can for ability (MLG006844)

Talking about personal and professional abilities

Part 2

Present simple Past simple Can/Can’t for ability

Global e-WB Elementary > Watch > Unit 6 > The interview e-Campus: Work Survey (MLA001114) e-Campus: Video 1: Do you enjoy your job? (MLGB006453)

e-Campus: Video 15: A Job Interview – ex. 1 (MLAB0066620)

e-Campus: Video 15: A Job Interview – ex. 2 (MLGB0066621) e-Campus: Video 15: A Job Interview – ex. 3 (MLGB0066622)

Communicative Writing 2: Writing a job/ school


Writing a formal letter Formal expressions Describing skills and personal qualities

Communicative Writing 2 Global CB Elementary p. 76 – Language Focus ex. 2 e-Campus: Dear Mr Bradshaw (MLGB005319)

Website: http://www.snagajob.com/job-articles/job-application-mistakes.aspx

Tip: Além de todo material que você tem disponível, uma ferramenta indispensável é o seu caderno e as anotações que você faz em sala. Fique atento às contribuições do seu professor e colegas e tome nota das expressões e frases que você considera relevantes para os objetivos propostos. Tente uma vez por semana reler as suas anotações e colocá-las em prática.

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Sharing school memories Part 1

Past simple of be (was/were) Describing people & things

Global CB Elementary p. 71 - Grammar ex. 1, 2, 3 Global CB Elementary p. 143 ex. 7

e-Campus: Questions and short answers with was and were (MLG0005197)

Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 6 > Grammar 4A, 4B

Sharing school memories Part 2

Past simple of be (was/were) School subjects Adjectives + prepositions for abilities & interests Describing people & things

Global CB Elementary p. 143 ex. 8 Global e-WB Elementary > Listen on the move > Vocabulary builder > School types

Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 6 > Listening - Learning at home Website: http://www.ehow.com/how5920203_pick-math-curriculum-homeschooling.html

Making and responding to requests

Can & could Requests and responses

- e-Campus: What are they asking for? (MLG000822)

Global e-WB Elementary > Listen on the move > In conversation > Situations


Date: ____ /____ /____

Prezado aluno,

Converse com o seu professor para saber a data desta avaliação e peça dicas de como se preparar melhor para este dia. Lembre-se que o foco do teste é em aspectos

comunicativos e funcionais, e são baseados nos objetivos de cada aula ministrada. O teste tem duração de 60 minutos e é divido em três partes:

Listening (compreensão oral) = 10 pontos

Reading (compreensão escrita) = 10 pontos

Language in use (gramática e vocabulário) = 10 pontos / Total = 30 pontos*

*O total da avaliação é convertido de 30 para 20 pontos.

Tip: Quando for estudar para o teste, procure não estudar por muito tempo uma única aula. Use uns minutos para se planejar e mapear as principais dúvidas. Reflita sobre os objetivos comunicativos que você precisa praticar mais ou menos. Combine com seus colegas para estudarem juntos e praticar os diálogos em voz alta.

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Talking about what happened over the


Past simple (be & regular verbs) Linkers (and, but, because, so, then)

e-Campus: How was your weekend? (MLG000252) e-Campus: What did you do last weekend? (MLG000833)

Global CB Elementary p. 145 ex. 1 Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 7 > Grammar 1B

Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 7 > Grammar 2 e-Campus: Past Simple Regular: Use (GRU0013D)

Talking about the news

Past simple (regular & irregular verbs) Past time expressions

Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 7 > Grammar 1A

Global CB Elementary p. 145 ex. 4

e-Campus: A funny thing happened (MLG000788)

Talking about past events

Past simple (questions & short answers)

Global CB Elementary p. 145 ex. 4 – Write your answers

Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 7 > Grammar 3A, 3B

Global CB Elementary p. 80 – Reading and Listening

Making small talk about the weather

Describing the weather Past simple Likes & dislikes

Global CB Elementary p.82 – Reading Global e-WB Elementary > Unit 7 > Vocabulary 2A, 2B

e-Campus: Describing the weather (MLG005232)

Website: http://www.ehow.com/how_2131426_read-clouds-forecast-weather.html

Tip: Sugerimos que ao aprender uma palavra nova, procure sempre colocá-la dentro de uma frase ou expressão, tentando memorizar a estrutura. Exemplo: Ao invés de anotar somente “LISTEN”, escreva “I LISTEN TO MUSIC EVERY DAY”. Quando for usar a palavra “LISTEN” em outro momento, você saberá que se deve colocar “TO” também.

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Communicative Writing 3: Describing your last trip

Past simple Describing events

Communicative Writing 3 Global CB Elementary p. 145 ex. 7 Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 7 > Grammar 5B, 6

e-Campus: My day yesterday (MLG002166) Culture World: People and Society > Understanding Britain > Britain today > Exploring Britain

Asking for information / talking on the telephone

Part 1

Greeting people Talking on the phone

Global CB Elementary p. 145 ex. 8 e-Campus: Leaving a telephone message (MLAB005368)

e-Campus: On the phone (MLAB005359)

Asking for information / talking on the telephone

Part 2

Greeting people Talking on the phone

Watch: Phoebe works at Empire Office Supplies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pnph3rzi-Wo

e-Campus: Can I leave a message? (MVAB005424)

e-Campus: Who’s speaking? (MLAB006417) e-Campus: Telephone Conversation (MLA000962)

Talking about how people commute in your city

Present simple Present continuous Types of transport

Global CB Elementary p. 147 ex. 3, 4 Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 8 > Vocabulary 1A e-Campus: Present Continuous (MLG001464)

Global CB Elementary p. 147 ex. 1, 2 e-Campus: How do you get to work? (MLA002103)

Tip: A ausência de linguagem corporal numa conversa ao telefone pode dificultar o entendimento da mensagem. Neste caso, o importante é manter a calma e, de forma polida, pedir para a outra pessoa repetir, falar mais devagar ou comunicar a mesma mensagem de outra maneira. Lembre-se: ao atender a uma chamada em inglês, respire fundo e arrisque-se!

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Discussing cultural diversity in cities

Comparatives Adjectives to describe food, people & places

Global CB Elementary p. 147 ex. 7, 8 Culture World: People and Society > Understanding Britain > Cultural Diversity > Discussing cultural diversities in cities

e-Campus: Comparative adjectives + er (GRU00144A) Culture World: People and Society > Understanding Britain > Britain today > Checking your knowledge of Britain today

e-Campus: Headline news: “A new database offers hope to thousands of languages (NEWSBRIDyinglanguages01) e-Campus: Living in Italy (MLA003581)

Comparing and contrasting cultures

(Brazil x The UK)

Comparatives Adjectives to describe food, people & places

Culture World: People and Society > Understanding Britain > Britain today > Checking your knowledge of Britain

Global CB Elementary p. 147 ex. 5, 6 Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 8 > Grammar 3A, 3B

Global CB Elementary p. 147 ex. 1, 2 e-Campus: How do you get to work? (MLA002103)

Communicative Writing 4: Writing an email from a

different country

Writing postcards Making comparisons

Communicative Writing 4 Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 8 > Grammar 4B Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 8 > Vocabulary 1B e-Campus: The weather in Scotland (MLG006584)

Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 8 > Vocabulary 3A Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 8 > Reading - Railway Records

Asking for directions Part 1

Directions Imperative form Places in a city Prepositions of place

- e-Campus: Directions (MLG000322) e-Campus: Finding your way (MLG005190)

e-Campus: Where’s the bank? (MLG000325)

Tip: Aos poucos você vai definir qual o sotaque que você se sente mais confortável para usar (inglês americano ou britânico, por exemplo). Contudo, vale lembrar que ter boa pronúncia não significa falar exatamente como um nativo da língua, mas sim conseguir se comunicar de forma clara e eficaz. Ou seja, entender bem e se fazer entender.

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32 32




Asking for directions Part 2

Directions Imperative form Places in a city Prepositions of place

Global e-WB Elementary > Listen on the move > In Conversation > Asking the way

e-Campus: How do I get there? (MVA004416)

Global e-WB Elementary > Watch > Unit 8 – Cashier number five, please e-Campus: A tour of Dublin (MLA003584)


(1) O objetivo principal desta aula é oferecer a possibilidade de você rever alguns objetivos e estruturas da língua vistas durante o curso. O professor é responsável por selecionar o conteúdo de acordo com a necessidade do seu grupo. Sugestões são bem vindas. Portanto, é possível negociar previamente com o seu professor que situações poderão ser revistas nesse momento. (2) Há uma atividade escrita de consolidação, cujo objetivo é permitir que você tenha uma visão global do conteúdo estudado neste nível. Esses exercícios ajudam a mapear as dúvidas e contribuem para um bom planejamento do que estudar para a última avaliação (aula 32). Este material encontra-se disponível com o professor.

Communicative Activity

Esta aula é um momento importante, pois aqui você terá a oportunidade de refletir sobre o seu desempenho ao longo do curso. O professor trará atividades comunicativas que exigirá o uso das estruturas estudas neste nível. Além disso, estas atividades lhe ajudarão a se preparar de alguma forma para a última avaliação (próxima aula).


Date: ____ /____ /____

O formato desta avaliação é similar ao Test 1, que foi realizado no meio do curso. Entretanto, neste momento há uma parte para avaliação de produção escrita, onde você terá que desenvolver, sem consulta aos materiais, uma redação. Esta composição escrita requererá o domínio do conteúdo e estruturas vistas nas quatro redações trabalhadas durante o curso. O teste tem duração de 100 minutos e é divido em quatro partes:

Listening (compreensão oral) = 10 pontos

Reading (compreensão escrita) = 10 pontos

Language in use (gramática e vocabulário) = 10 pontos

Comunicative writing (produção escrita) = 10 pontos / Total = 40 pontos* *O total da avaliação é convertido de 40 para 30 pontos.

Tip: Caso não tenha sido possível realizar todos os exercícios sugeridos neste guia, não desanime! Aproveite o intervalo entre um semestre letivo e outro para fazer ou refazer as atividades deste nível. Assim, você não perderá o contato com o conteúdo aprendido e vai se sentir mais preparado para enfrentar a próxima etapa.

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LESSON 7 – CW 1: Writing about a film you have seen recently Task: Your friend wants to watch a film and he/she asks for your suggestion. Write your friend a review of a film you have seen recently and mention whether you recommend it or not.

LESSON 12 – CW 2: Writing a job / school application Task: You want to get some experience abroad. Write a letter to apply for a job in an English-speaking country.* *Alternatively, you can write a school application. In this case, talk to your teacher.


I saw a film called Mamma Mia last weekend. It's a musical and the setting is a beautiful Greek island. The film is fantastic, and the story is interesting for everyone. The actors are excellent and the songs in the film are really great. Some of the singing is terrible but it's not a problem.

The story is great fun. At the beginning of the film, a pretty young girl called Sophie plans to get married. She has got a mother called Donna but she doesn't know her father. Sophie wants to find her father. She looks in her mother's diary and invites three men (called Sam, Bill and Harry) to the wedding. Donna is happy to meet the three men again but she doesn't know who Sophie's father is. At the end of the film... Well, you have to watch it!

It's a very good film and I really recommend it.


Global CB Elementary p. 64 – Language focus; and Preparing to write Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Writing > Recommending a TV programme

Full name: Maria da Glória dos Santos (example given) AT2 – Monday and Wednesday 8h20 pm CW 1

Paragraph 1: Say the name and what type of film it is. Mention your opinion on some aspects of the production: acting, music, setting, story etc.

Paragraph 2: Tell the story of the film.

Paragraph 3: Give your general impression of the film and say if you recommend it.

Full name: Maria da Glória dos Santos (example given) AT2 – Monday and Wednesday 8h20 pm CW 2

Paragraph 1: Say why you are writing the letter.


Dear Mr. Harrison,

I saw your advertisement on the internet and I would like to apply to be a waitress in your coffee bar.

I am 25 years old and I am from Portugal. My parents have a small café in Oporto and I often help them. Now I am in Sydney. I work in an ice cream parlour three evenings a week but I would like a full-time job.

I believe I can do this job very well. I can speak three languages – Portuguese, Spanish and English. I can work quickly and I am good at making different types of coffee (for example espresso, cappuccino, latte). I am friendly and I like meeting people. I am also hard-working and efficient.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Tania Pedroso


Global CB Elementary p. 76

*This text is adapted from Global CB Elementary p. 76 - Reading *This text is adapted from Global CB Elementary p. 64 - Reading

Personal Information – Exercises 1, 2 and 3

Paragraph 2: Give your personal information and say where you work now.

Paragraph 3: Mention your skills and personal qualities.


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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

LESSON 27 – CW 4: Writing an email from a different country. Task: You are in a different country and you write a postcard to your friend, comparing the place you are now to the one you live.

Full name: Maria da Glória dos Santos (example given) AT2 – Monday and Wednesday 8h20 pm CW 4

Paragraph 1: Say where you are writing from and make comparisons about the following topics: people, weather, shops, public transport, traffic and food.


Hi Jerry,

I’m writing this postcard from Geneva! Yes, I arrived here yesterday to start my new job. The job is great and people are friendlier than in my last job. But everything is very different here. The weather is colder than the weather at home and things are more expensive in the shops. The day starts much earlier here, but public transport is better and people don't usually arrive

late for work, like they do at home. People here drive on the left, so that's a bit strange for me.

Anyway, that's all for now - I am going out now to get the bus to work.

Write soon!



Global CB Elementary p. 95 - Grammar Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 8 > Grammar 3B

*This text is adapted from Global CB Elementary p. 101 - Grammar

LESSON 21 – CW 3: Describing your last trip. Task: A travel agency often asks customers for contributions to be posted on its website. You are one of these customers and you decide to write about last trip.

Full name: Maria da Glória dos Santos (example given) AT2 – Monday and Wednesday 8h20 pm CW 3

Describe your trip, according to these questions: Where did you go? Who was with you on the trip? When was it? What did you visit? How did you travel? Where did you stay? How long was the trip? What did you like? Why was it a good or a bad trip?


I went to Ubatuba in September with my wife and some friends. We travelled by car and we stayed in a comfortable hotel near the main avenue. The city is very beautiful and it has got lots of beaches! The trip was exciting and everybody was happy to be there. We visited several beaches and waterfalls. In the evening, we ate seafood in different restaurants. My friends and I played football every day, but my wife stayed at the hotel most of the time. She loved the swimming pool. The sea water was warm so I swam and went surfing too. I bought some presents for my niece and my best friend, Joseph. It was a great trip because I had a good time with people I love and I was close to nature.


Global CB Elementary p. 88 Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 7 > Writing > Describing a weather experience

Paragraph 2: Close the message and say what you are going to do after.


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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

LESSON 02 – Sharing opinions about TV programmes.

A: Can you change the TV channel, please? B: Oh no, I really like this TV series. A: Come on! It’s very old and boring. Let’s watch the news! B: The news? We always listen to the same things on the news…

C: I sometimes watch documentaries. D: Me too! I think they’re so interesting. And you? E: Not me. I prefer soap operas or talk shows.

LESSON 04 – Explaining to a friend how often you do things in your free time.

A: How often do you go out with your friends? B: I always go to bars or discos with them on Saturday nights. A: What about Sunday? B: On Sundays I usually stay at home and watch football on TV.

C: Do you like running? D: Yeah! I go running twice a week with my niece. C: Do you ever go swimming? D: No, I never go swimming, but I go surfing every year on holidays.

LESSON 06 – Making small talk at a café.

A: How often do you go to the gym? B: Four or five times a week. And you? A: Twice a week only. I don’t really like sports. B: Do you like films? A: Yeah, I love them! I always go to the cinema with my friends. What about you? B: I like it too, but I don’t go to the cinema very often. It depends on the film, you know.

LESSON 01 – Talking about your free time activities to a foreigner.

A: What do you do in your free time? B: At the weekends, I usually go to the cinema and eat out. A: What do you do to relax on weekdays? B: I often read books in bed or watch a film with my wife. A: What’s your favourite type of film? B: I find comedies interesting, but I also like drama.

LESSON 03 – Deciding on a film to watch with a friend.

A: Let’s watch Mamma Mia! I love musicals! B: Oh, really? I think they’re boring. A: What about a comedy then? B: Great! I love comedies, because they’re usually exciting.

C: What’s your favourite film? D: Titanic. I find it wonderful! C: I don’t really enjoy it, because I think it’s very sad and long.

LESSON 05 – Talking about work routine.

A: Are you a maths teacher? B: No, I’m an engineer, and I work in Oxford. A: You have a busy routine, don’t you? B: Yes, I do. I get up at 6 am from Monday to Friday. I take the train and I get to work at about 7. I work with a computer all day long, but I sometimes visit clients and have meetings in the afternoon. I get home at 8 in the evening. I don’t have much free time. My wife’s routine’s busy too. She’s a dentist. She often works long hours and also gets home late.

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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

LESSON 09 – Telling someone about the best and worst things in your job.

A: I’m a bank clerk. I work for an international bank. The best thing about my job is the extras. They usually pay me 3 extra bonuses a year. The worst thing is dealing with other people’s money.

B: I work with sales. I’m a supervisor. The best thing about my job is travelling and visiting different cities all year long. But I work too much every day – usually more than 10 hours.

C: The worst thing about my job is the salary. I’m a nurse in a small hospital in the countryside. But the best thing is making the difference in someone’s life.

LESSON 11 – Talking about personal and professional abilities. – Part 2

A: Can you tell us about yourself? B: Sure. I was born and grew up in Taubaté. I went to school there and then I moved to São Paulo to study Administration. A: Do you have experience in this area? B: Not too much, I graduated last year, but I can learn fast. I can also work with computer and some specific software. A: Can you speak foreign languages? B: I can speak Spanish and a little French.

LESSON 14 – Sharing school memories. – Part 2

A: What was your favourite subject at school? B: My favourite subject was geography, and I was good at history too. A: Can you remember a great teacher you had? B: Yes, Miss Morgan was the best teacher. She was an excellent educator. A: Was she your geography teacher? B: No, she was my maths teacher and I think she was my brother’s physics teacher.

LESSON 08 – Going shopping.

A: Excuse me, can I help you? B: Yes. Can I have those books, please? A: Certainly. Here you go! B: How much is it? A: Just a minute ... It’s £50. B: Can I pay by credit card? A: Of course! B: Ok, I’ll take them.

C: Good afternoon! Can I help you? D: Thank you. I’m only looking.

LESSON 10 – Talking about personal and professional abilities. – Part 1

A: Can you drive a car? B: Yes, I can. I have a driving license but I can’t drive very well. I usually drive my motorcycle. What about you? A: No, I can’t. I’m still fifteen. I go to school by bus or bike.

C: Can you speak French? D: A little bit, but my mother can speak it very well. C: Can she speak another language? D: Well, she can speak a little Spanish too.

LESSON 13 – Sharing school memories. – Part 1

A: Where were you born? B: I was born in Guarulhos. I lived and studied there when I was a child and teen. A: Was your school big or small? B: It was quite big and very good. A: Were you a good student? B: Well, I wasn’t a good student at primary school. But I was a better student at university, because the subjects were really interesting. I liked psychology, for example.

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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

LESSON 17 – Talking about what happened over the weekend.

A: How was your weekend? B: It was great. I watched lots of films and TV series. On Sunday, I phoned my cousin and he visited me. When he arrived we talked a bit and listened to music. We were hungry, so we decided to cook.

C: Was your weekend fine? D: To be honest, it was terrible. I worked all Saturday long and on Sunday I visited my mother-in-law. She’s a nice person, but she talks too much. I listened to all her stories and then watched that boring soap opera. Well, the only good moment was dinner, because she cooked her delicious lasagna.

LESSON 19 – Talking about past events.

A: How was your day yesterday? B: Not so good, actually. We had a computer problem in the morning. A: Did you finish the project on time? B: Yes, I did. My boss said I did a good job. I think I can get a promotion. A: Did you talk to anyone about it? B: Yes, I did. I talked to my wife and she was very happy to know that.

LESSON 22 – Asking for information/ talking on the telephone. – Part 1

A: Good morning! Can I speak to Paul? B: Speaking. Who is it? A: It’s Mike, your colleague.

C: Hello, is Susan there? D: No, she’s at work now. C: Can I leave her a message?

E: Hello! Peter Rush? F: No, I’m Peter Firth. I think you have the wrong number.

LESSON 15 – Making and responding to requests.

A: Can I use your dictionary, please? I forgot mine at home. B: Yes, of course. Here you are.

C: Could we have a cup of coffee first? D: Yeah, it’s ok. Can you take one for me then? C: Sure.

E: Could you send me the photos via email? F: No, I’m sorry. I don’t have these photos, but I think Susan has them. Can you ask her? E: Yes, of course. I’ll call her tomorrow.

LESSON 18 – Talking about the news.

A: What happened yesterday? B: My sister went to hospital, but now she’s ok.

C: Did Carlos travel last week? D: Yes, he did. He wrote me an email two hours ago. C: That’s nice! Is he fine? D: Yeah, but a bit tired. He made a presentation and spoke to an audience of 1 hundred people.

LESSON 20 – Making small talk about the weather.

A: It’s cold today, isn’t it? B: Cold? It’s freezing for me.

C: I love sunny weather. And you? D: Me too. I always walk my dog on hot days.

E: It rained a lot yesterday. F: Oh yeah. I stayed at home all day. I don’t like rainy days.

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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

LESSON 24 – Talking about how people commute in your city.

A: How do you go to work? B: I normally go by car, but I’m going by bike these days.

C: Do you drive to work? D: No, I take the train, but I’m walking to work this week. I’m trying to change some of my habits.

E: Do you have a bike? F: No, I don’t, but I’m looking for one. E: That sport shop in the city centre has good prices.

LESSON 26 – Comparing and contrasting cultures (Brazil x The UK).

A: So you came to the UK last year, right? B: I like it here, but it’s colder than Brazil. A: Do you want to go back then? B: I don’t know. Britain has more opportunities in my area. A: What about the people? Are they more reserved? B: A little. People in Brazil are friendlier. A: Is it true that the nightlife in Brazil is more exciting? B: It is! But Brazil is more dangerous than the UK. A: Well, it’s difficult to know which place is better…

LESSON 29 – Asking for directions. – Part 2

A: How do I get to the bus station? B: Go along the street for two blocks, turn right and then turn left. Walk across the park. The bus station is on the left, next to the museum.

C: Can you tell me the way to the shopping mall? D: Of course. Can you see that bank? Go past the bank and take the first left. Go along the street and turn right at the café. Walk for around 200 metres. It’s on the left, opposite the theatre.

LESSON 23 – Asking for information/ talking on the telephone. – Part 2

A: Hello, is that Jenny? B: Who’s calling? A: It’s Sally. B: Please hold. I’ll call her.

C: Can speak to Marcus? D: I’m sorry, he’s out. C: Never mind. I’ll call him later.

LESSON 25 – Discussing cultural diversity in cities.

A: This city is cleaner than where I live. It’s so beautiful. B: Yes, that’s true. But things are more expensive here.

C: I think people from São Paulo are more serious. D: You’re right. People from Campinas are nicer.

E: This flat is more comfortable than where I lived last year, but the area is more dangerous. F: Very dangerous! I hope things get better little by little.

LESSON 28 – Asking for directions. – Part 1

A: Is there a tube station near the Big Ben? B: Yes, there is. We are in Oxford Circus Station. Take the Bakerloo line and go two stops. You get off at Westminster Station. Come out the main exit and you’ll see the Big Ben right in front of you.

C: How do I get to Saint Paul’s Cathedral? D: We’re at Waterloo Station, right? Go four stops and get off at Tottenham Court Road Station. Take the Central Line and go three stops. That’s Saint Paul’s Station, and the cathedral is near there. Good luck!

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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

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