1. STATUTORY BASIS SCOPE - International Civil Aviation ... · 1. STATUTORY BASIS a) ... objective...

1. STATUTORY BASIS a) the Minister responsible for civil aviation shall develop and promulgate regulations for State Safety Programme (SSP) b) The regulations shall be promulgated by the Minster in charge for civil aviation 2. SCOPE a) These regulations shall apply to all 6 service provision entities as prescribed in ICAO Safety Management Manual (doc 9589) SARPs, or any other entity in the provision civil aviation services, and shall include but not limited to the following: Aerodromes Operators Air Operators Approve training and aviation consultancy organizations Approved Aircraft Maintenance Organizations Air Traffic Services providers Designers and Manufacturers of aircraft b) These regulations and schedules herein shall be applicable to the State civil aviation entity charged with the responsibility according to the law establishing that entity for regulatory safety oversight functions in the provision of air navigation services, aerodrome operation, maintenance of aircraft, aviation training and consultancy, aircraft operation and any other service provision organization in civil aviation. 3. APPLICABILITY These regulations and schedules herein shall come into force 12 months from the effective date of promulgation by the Minister responsible for civil aviation to ensure commencement of phased implementation of the service providers safety management system (SMS) as refered to ICAO SARPs 4. REFERENCES Civil Aviation (Personnel Licencing) Regulations, 2006 Civil Aviation (operation of aircraft) Regulations, 2006 Civil Aviation (Aerodromes) Regulations, 2006 Civil Aviation (Airworthiness) Regulations, 2006 Civil Aviation (Instruments and Equipment) Regulations, 2006 ICAO doc 9589 (Safety Management System, 2 nd Edition jan 2009) ICAO Annex 1 ICAO Annex 6 ICAO Annex 11 ICAO Annex 14

Transcript of 1. STATUTORY BASIS SCOPE - International Civil Aviation ... · 1. STATUTORY BASIS a) ... objective...

1. STATUTORY BASIS a) the Minister responsible for civil aviation shall develop and promulgate

regulations for State Safety Programme (SSP) b) The regulations shall be promulgated by the Minster in charge for civil aviation 2. SCOPE a) These regulations shall apply to all 6 service provision entities as prescribed in

ICAO Safety Management Manual (doc 9589) SARPs, or any other entity in the provision civil aviation services, and shall include but not limited to the following: • Aerodromes Operators • Air Operators • Approve training and aviation consultancy organizations • Approved Aircraft Maintenance Organizations • Air Traffic Services providers • Designers and Manufacturers of aircraft

b) These regulations and schedules herein shall be applicable to the State civil aviation entity charged with the responsibility according to the law establishing that entity for regulatory safety oversight functions in the provision of air navigation services, aerodrome operation, maintenance of aircraft, aviation training and consultancy, aircraft operation and any other service provision organization in civil aviation.

3. APPLICABILITY These regulations and schedules herein shall come into force 12 months from the effective date of promulgation by the Minister responsible for civil aviation to ensure commencement of phased implementation of the service providers safety management system (SMS) as refered to ICAO SARPs


• Civil Aviation (Personnel Licencing) Regulations, 2006 • Civil Aviation (operation of aircraft) Regulations, 2006 • Civil Aviation (Aerodromes) Regulations, 2006 • Civil Aviation (Airworthiness) Regulations, 2006 • Civil Aviation (Instruments and Equipment) Regulations, 2006 • ICAO doc 9589 (Safety Management System, 2nd Edition jan 2009) • ICAO Annex 1 • ICAO Annex 6 • ICAO Annex 11 • ICAO Annex 14

International Civil Aviation Organization

ICAO State Safety programme (SSP) Implementation Course Exercise N°1 – Development of a State model regulation for an SSP

International Civil Aviation Organization

© ICAO 2009 Exercice N° 1 (Révision N° 3 – 06/05/09) Page 2 of 5


1. STATUTORY BASIS a) the Minister responsible for civil aviation shall develop and promulgate regulations for State Safety

Programme (SSP) b) The regulations shall be promulgated by the Minster in charge for civil aviation 2. SCOPE a) These regulations shall apply to all 6 service provision entities as prescribed in ICAO Safety

Management Manual (doc 9589) SARPs, or any other entity in the provision civil aviation services, and shall include but not limited to the following: • Aerodromes Operators • Air Operators • Approve training and aviation consultancy organizations • Approved Aircraft Maintenance Organizations • Air Traffic Services providers • Designers and Manufacturers of aircraft

b) These regulations and schedules herein shall be applicable to the State civil aviation entity charged with the responsibility according to the law establishing that entity for regulatory safety oversight functions in the provision of air navigation services, aerodrome operation, maintenance of aircraft, aviation training and consultancy, aircraft operation and any other service provision organization in civil aviation.

3. APPLICABILITY These regulations and schedules herein shall come into force 12 months from the effective date of promulgation by the Minsters responsible for civil aviation to ensure commencement of phased implementation of the service providers safety management system (SMS) as refered to ICAO SARPs


• ICAO doc 9589 (Safety Management System, 2nd Edition jan 2009) • ICAO Annex 1 • ICAO Annex 6 • ICAO Annex 11 • ICAO Annex 14


SSP SMS Safety accountability Safety oversight Safety risk management Hazard

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Service provider Acceptable Level of Safety (ALoS) Consequence of hazard Risk Reactive Proactive Predictive State

6. General An SSP is a management system for the management of safety by the State. The implementation of an SSP must be commensurate with the size and complexity of the State’s aviation system, and may require coordination among multiple authorities responsible for individual element functions in the State.

There are four components in an SSP, that represent the two core operational activities an SSP must undertake, as well as the organizational arrangements that are necessary to support such core operational activities.

State States shall establish a State safety programme (SSP), in order to achieve an acceptable level of safety (ALoS) in civil aviation. The acceptable level of safety (ALoS) to be achieved shall be established by the State

States shall require, as part of their State safety programme (SSP), that a [service provider] implements a safety management system (SMS) acceptable to the State that, as a minimum:

identifies safety hazards; ensures the implementation of remedial action necessary to maintain agreed safety performance; provides for continuing monitoring and regular assessment of the safety performance; and aims at

a continuous improvement of the overall performance of the SMS. Service Provider

States shall require, as part of their State safety programme (SSP), that a [service provider] implements a safety management system (SMS) acceptable to the State that, as a minimum:

identifies safety hazards; ensures the implementation of remedial action necessary to maintain agreed safety performance; provides for continuing monitoring and regular assessment of the safety performance; and aims at

a continuous improvement of the overall performance of the SMS The following service providers are required to implement ICAO SARPs on SMS:

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• Approved training organizations that are exposed to safety risks during the provision of their services

• Aircraft operators

• Air traffic services providers

• Certified aerodromes

7.0 State safety policy and objectives

State safety legislative framework

The State shall define the participation of the State’s Aviation Organisation in specific activities related to the management of safety and establish the roles, responsibilities and relationship of such organisation

States Safety Responsibility and Accountabilities

The State shall direct, plan, organize, develop, maintain, control and continuously improve the SSP in a manner that meets the State’s safety objectives. The resources necessary to achieve the implementation of SSP shall come from the States Civil Aviation Authority.

Accident and Incident Investigation.

The State shall establish an independent accident and incident investigation process, the sole objective of which shall be the prevention of accidents and incidents. The accident and incident investigation shall be in support of the management of safety

Enforcement policy

The State shall define conditions under which to deal with safety deviations and allow Service Providers to deal and resolve events involving certain safety deviations internally within the SMS environment to the satisfaction of the State Authority

7.1 State’s safety risk management

Safety requirements for service providers SMS Risk management is a proactive activity that looks at the risks associated with identified hazards and assists in selecting actions to maintain an appropriate level of safety when faced with these hazards. Agreement on service providers’ safety performance The Service provider will establish, maintain and adhere to an SMS that is commensurate to the size, nature and complexity of the operations authorized to be conducted under their operations certificate and to the hazards and safety risks related to these operations.

7.2 State’s safety assurance

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Safety Oversight The Authority shall carry out safety inspections, audits and surveys on the service providers to ensure that the identification of hazards and management of risks meet the requirements of the Regulations. Safety Data collection, analysis and exchange The Authority shall establish a mechanism for the collection, storage, analysis and exchange of safety information. Safety Data driven targeting of the oversight on areas of greater concern or need The Authority shall establish procedures for resolution of the safety concerns identified during the analysis of the data on hazards and assessment of the safety risks.

7.3 State’s safety promotion Internal training, communication and dissemination of safety information The State CAA provides and fosters awareness and two-way communication of safety relevant information to support, within the state aviation organizations, the development of an organizational culture that fosters an effective and efficient SSP.

External training, communication and dissemination of safety information The State CAA provides education and promotes awareness of safety risks and two‐way communication of safety relevant   information to support, among service providers, the development of an organizational culture that fosters an effective and efficient SMS. 

International Civil Aviation Organization

ICAO State Safety programme (SSP) Implementation Course Exercise N°2 – Development of values of safety indicators, safety targets and action plans of a mature ALoS of an SSP

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Group 3

Table 1

(Value of safety indicators, value of safety targets and corresponding action plans for various service providers)

SMS – Approved training organizations that are exposed to safety risks during the provision of their services (ATO)

# Value of safety indicators Value of safety targets Action plans Comments

1 Number of students per qualified instructor

15 students per 1 instructor Note : may differ from course to course

Recruit and training instructors to meet requirements within 2 years.

2 The % of training packages that are

compliant to the regulations and technical standards

80% of training packages must be compliant

Develop and update training Packages within 2 years.


SMS – Aircraft operators (OPS)

# Value of safety indicators Value of safety targets Action plans Comments

1 20 Non conforming approach to 5 000 flights

Reduce the non conforming approach to 10 flights

Training of pilots on standard operating procedures within 18 months

2 6 inflating escape slides per 6000 operations

Reduce to 3 inflating slides per 6000 operations

Training of cabin crew and the updating of procedures

3 4 in-flight loss of control events due to By 2010 reduce in-flight loss of control Video on ground de-icing / revision of

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ice accumulation per 1,000 operations events due to ice accumulation to 2 per 1,000 operations

the circular on in-flight icing / briefings on pitot tube ice formation and use of

de-icing boots

SMS – Approved maintenance organizations (AMO)

# Value of safety indicators Value of safety targets Action plans Comments

1 5 incorrect installation per 20 scheduled inspections

Reduce to 2 incorrect installation per 20 schedule inspection

Training, review procedures and ensure QMS is followed.

2 1missed test flights after maintenance per 100 aircrafts

1missed test flights after maintenance per 200 aircrafts Develop a QMS.


SMS – Organizations responsible for design and/or manufacture of aircraft (AIR)

# Value of safety indicators Value of safety targets Action plans Comments

1 2 landing gear cracks per 200 aircraft manufactured

2 landing gear cracks per 500 aircraft manufactured

Continuous monitoring of Quality Management System

2 95 percentile of non defective parts per 1 million parts

Increase to 98 percentile of non defective parts per 1 million parts Provide modern technology and training


SMS – Air traffic services providers(ATC)

# Value of safety indicators Value of safety targets Action plans Comments

1 8 ACAS (TCAS) alerts per year By 2010 reduce to 4 ACAS (TCAS) alerts per year

a) Strengthen proficiency training for ATCOs with refresher courses; and

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b) Strengthen radar surveillance procedures

2 10 Air Proxs per 100 000 flights Reduce to 5 Air Proxs per 100 000 flights by 2010

Review the operating procedures and training procedures.

SMS – Certified aerodromes (AGA)

# Value of safety indicators Value of safety targets Action plans Comments

1 10 Bird strikes per 10 000 movements Reduce to 5 bird strikes per 10 000 movements by 12 months

Proper management of wildlife environment

2 20 FOD incidents on the apron per 10 000 movements

Reduce FOD incidents on the apron to 5 by June 2011 Twice daily inspection on the Ramp


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Table 2: Establish a mature AloS (Safety measurement + safety performance measurement)

ALoS # Safety indicators # Safety targets 1 Bird strikes incident at the airports in the country 1 Reduction in bird strike incidents 2 AIR PROX 2 Reduction of AIR PROX 3 In-flight shut downs 3 Reduction of in flight engine shut downs 4 Failure of Filing of Differences 4 Filing of differences prior to publication of AIP and informing ICAO 5 Inappropriate curriculum 5 Full compliance to regulation on ATO training

# Value of safety indicators # Values of safety targets

1 15 birds strikes within the 5 international airports in the country per 10 000 movements 1 Reduce to 8 birds strikes within the 5 international airports in the

country per 10 000 movements 2 12 AIR PROX per 100 000 ATM 2 Reduce to 1 AIRPROX per 100 000 ATMS 3 10 In flight shut down per 10 million engine hours 3 Reduce 5 in flight shut down per 10 million engine hours

4 File a difference within 2 years 4 Reduce the filing of difference to 1 year and or the period of applicability

5 90% of compliance to regulation on curriculum 5 100% compliance to regulation on ATO curriculum

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# Action plans

1 Enforcement and proper management of wildlife programme through procedures , inspections, equipment (quad bike, radar gun, alarm systems) and technology

2 Training, review of procedures, advancement of technology for advance warning system on radar. 3 Provision of training for pilots, engineers as well as QMS for testing procedures. 4 Regulation, creation of procedures, training on procedures and training on how to file a difference, filing a difference electronically 5 Review and develop in accordance with the regulation and technical standards as well as surveillance.

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International Civil Aviation Organization

ICAO State Safety programme (SSP) Implementation Course Exercise N°3 – Development of a draft SSP implementation plan

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Form 3-1 – STATE SAFETY PROGRAMME (SSP) GAP ANALYSIS The gap analysis checklist that follows can be used as a template to conduct a gap analysis. Each question is designed for a “Yes” or “No” response. A “Yes” answer indicates that the State already has the component or element of the ICAO SSP framework in question incorporated into its safety system and that it matches or exceeds the requirement. A “No” answer indicates that a gap exists between the component/element of the ICAO SSP framework and the safety system in the State.

ICAO reference

(Doc 9859)

Aspect to be analysed or question to be answered Answer Status of implementation


Element 1.1 — State safety legislative framework

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] promulgated a national safety legislative framework and specific regulations that define the management of safety in the State?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] defined the specific activities related to the management of safety in the State in which each [State] aviation organization must participate?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] established requirements, responsibilities and accountabilities regarding the management of safety in [State] by its aviation organizations?


Required as per Annexs and Regulations and certification process

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are the legislative framework and specific regulations periodically reviewed to ensure that they remain relevant and appropriate to the State?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are [State] legislative framework and specific regulations periodically reviewed to ensure that they are up to date with respect to international standards?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] established a safety policy? No

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(Doc 9859)

Aspect to be analysed or question to be answered Answer Status of implementation

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is [State] safety policy signed by the [State] SSP Accountable Executive or a high authority within [State]?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is [State] safety policy reviewed periodically? No

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is [State] safety policy communicated with visible endorsement to all employees in all [State] aviation organizations with the intent that they are made aware of their individual safety responsibilities?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] developed documentation that describes the SSP, including the interrelationship between its components and elements?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does [State] have a record system that ensures the generation and retention of all records necessary to document and support the SSP activities?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does the record system provide the control processes necessary to ensure appropriate identification, legibility, storage, protection, archiving, retrieval, retention time, and disposition of records?


Element 1.2 — State safety responsibilities and accountabilities

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] identified and defined the State requirements, responsibilities and accountabilities regarding the establishment and maintenance of the SSP?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Do the requirements include directives and activities to plan, organize, develop, control and continuously improve the SSP in a manner that meets [State] safety objectives?


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ICAO reference

(Doc 9859)

Aspect to be analysed or question to be answered Answer Status of implementation

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Do the requirements include a clear statement about the provision of the necessary resources for the implementation and maintenance of the SSP?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] identified and appointed an Accountable Executive as the qualified person having direct responsibility for the implementation, operation and supervision of the SSP?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does the [State] SSP Accountable Executive fulfil the required job functions and responsibilities?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does the [State] SSP Accountable Executive coordinate, as appropriate, the activities of the different State aviation organizations under the SSP?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does the [State] SSP Accountable Executive have control of the necessary resources required for the proper execution of the SSP?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does the [State] SSP Accountable Executive verify that all personnel of [State] aviation organizations understand their authorities, responsibilities and accountabilities with regard to the SSP and all safety management processes, decisions and actions?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are safety responsibilities and accountabilities, at all levels, defined and documented?


Element 1.3 — Accident and incident investigation

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] established, as part of the management of safety, an independent accident and incident investigation process, the sole objective of which is the prevention of accidents and incidents, and not the apportioning of blame or liability?

Yes No

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ICAO reference

(Doc 9859)

Aspect to be analysed or question to be answered Answer Status of implementation

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does [State] maintain the independence of the accident and incident investigation organization from other State aviation organizations?


Element 1.4 — Enforcement policy

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] promulgated an enforcement policy? Yes

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does the enforcement policy establish the conditions and circumstances under which service providers are allowed to deal with, and resolve, events involving certain safety deviations internally, within the context of the service provider’s safety management system (SMS), and to the satisfaction of the appropriate State authority?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does the enforcement policy establish the conditions and circumstances under which to deal with safety deviations through established enforcement procedures?



Element 2.1 — Safety requirements for the service provider’s SMS

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] established the controls which govern how service providers will identify hazards and manage safety risks?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Do those controls include requirements, specific operating regulations and implementation policies for the service provider’s SMS?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are requirements, specific operating regulations and implementation policies based on identified hazards and analysis of the safety risks of the consequences of the hazards?


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ICAO reference

(Doc 9859)

Aspect to be analysed or question to be answered Answer Status of implementation

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are requirements, specific operating regulations and implementation policies periodically reviewed to ensure they remain relevant and appropriate to the service providers?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is there a structured process within [State] to assess how the service providers will manage the safety risks associated with identified hazards, expressed in terms of probability and severity of occurrence?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is there a [State] policy in place that ensures effective safety reporting of safety deficiencies, hazards or occurrences?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does [State] policy on reporting of safety deficiencies, hazards or occurrences include the conditions under which protection from disciplinary and/or administrative action applies?


Element 2.2 — Agreement on the service provider’s safety performance

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] individually agreed with service providers on the safety performance of their SMS?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is the agreed safety performance commensurate with the complexity of the individual service provider’s specific operational context?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does the agreed safety performance consider the individual service provider’s resources to address safety risks?


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ICAO reference

(Doc 9859)

Aspect to be analysed or question to be answered Answer Status of implementation

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is the agreed safety performance expressed by multiple safety indicators and safety targets, as opposed to a single one, as well as by action plans?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is the agreed safety performance periodically reviewed to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to the service provider?



Element 3.1 — Safety oversight

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] established mechanisms to ensure that the identification of hazards and the management of safety risks by service providers follow established regulatory controls?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Do established mechanisms include inspections, audits and surveys to ensure that regulatory safety risk controls are appropriately integrated into the SMS of service providers?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Do established mechanisms ensure that regulatory safety risk controls are practised as designed?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Do established mechanisms ensure that regulatory safety risk controls have the intended effect on safety risks?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are regular and periodic reviews conducted regarding [State] ALoS?


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ICAO reference

(Doc 9859)

Aspect to be analysed or question to be answered Answer Status of implementation

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Do reviews consider changes that could affect [State] SSP and its ALoS, recommendations for improvement and sharing of best practices across the State?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are regular and periodic reviews conducted to assess if [State] SSP and its ALoS remain appropriate to the scope and complexity of the aviation operations in the State?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is there a process to evaluate the effectiveness of changes related to the SSP?


Element 3.2 — Safety data collection, analysis and exchange

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] established mechanisms to ensure the capture and storage of data on hazards and safety risks at both the individual and aggregate State level?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] established mechanisms to develop information from the stored data and to promote the exchange of safety information with service providers and/or other States as appropriate?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] established an acceptable level of safety (ALoS) related to its SSP?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does [State] ALoS related to the SSP combine elements of safety measurement and safety performance measurement?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is [State] ALoS commensurate with the complexity of aviation activities within [State]?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is there a formal process within [State] to develop and maintain a set of parameters to measure the realistic implementation of the SSP?


Element 3.3 — Safety-data-driven targeting of oversight of areas of greater concern or need

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ICAO reference

(Doc 9859)

Aspect to be analysed or question to be answered Answer Status of implementation

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Has [State] developed procedures to prioritize inspections, audits and surveys towards those areas of greater safety concern or need?


Based on current oversight

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is the prioritization of inspections and audits the result of the analysis of data on hazards, their consequences in operations, and the assessed safety risks?



Element 4.1 — Internal training, communication and dissemination of safety information

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does [State] provide internal training, awareness and two-way communication of safety-relevant information within [State] aviation organizations?



SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are there communication processes in place within [State] to ensure that information about the SSP functions and products is made available to [State] aviation organizations in a timely manner?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is there a process for the dissemination of safety information throughout [State] aviation organizations and a means of monitoring the effectiveness of this process?

No The is dissemination but no monitoring

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are communication processes (written, meetings, electronic, etc.) commensurate with the size and scope of the [State] aviation organizations?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are safety information and information about the SSP functions and products maintained in a suitable medium?

Yes No

Element 4.2 — External training, communication and dissemination of safety information

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Does the [State] provide external education, awareness of safety risks and two-way communication of safety-relevant information?


Industry seminars and workshops and bulletins

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are there communication processes in place within [State] that allow the SSP to be promoted nationally and internationally?


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ICAO reference

(Doc 9859)

Aspect to be analysed or question to be answered Answer Status of implementation

SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Is there a formal process for the external dissemination of safety information to [State] service providers and a means of monitoring the effectiveness of this process?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are there communication processes in place within [State] to ensure that information about the SSP functions and products is made available to [State] service providers in a timely manner?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are communication processes (written, meetings, electronic, etc.) commensurate with the size and scope of [State] service providers?


SMM (Doc 9859) Chapter 11

Are safety information and information about the SSP functions and products established and maintained in a suitable medium?


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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1. State safety policy and objectives Nº Element Milestone Deliverable

1.1 State 3 safety legislative framework Develop legislative framework Promulgated legislative frame work 1.2 State 3 safety responsibilities and

accountabilities Define the responsibilities and accountabilities the SSP

Document and published the accountabilities and responsibilities.

1.3 Accident and incident investigation Promulgate regulation to ensure (resolve) independence

Independent AIG organization

1.4 Enforcement policy Review enforcement policy to ensure compatibility with SSP/SMS

Reviewed enforcement policy published

2. State safety risk management Nº Element Milestone Deliverable

2.1 Safety requirements for service providers SMS Establish controls which govern how service providers will identify hazards and manage safety risks

Controls established

Develop technical guidelines for risk management

Technical guidelines published

Consultation with the industry Consultation with industry agreed upon 2.2 Agreement on service providers safety

performance Establish agreement with individual service providers on safety performance

Safety performance agreement commensurate with size and complexity of operations established and endorsed

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3. State safety assurance Nº Element Milestone Deliverable

3.1 Safety oversight Establish the state ALoS ALoS established Establish programme for review of ALoS Programme established and implemented 3.2 Safety data collection, analysis and exchange Create a system for collection, analysis,

excahnge and dissemination of safety data System implemented


Safety data driven targeting of oversight on areas of greater concern or need

Develop an audit , inspection and priority programme based on HIRA

Inspection programme based on Risk analysis established

4. State safety promotion Nº Element Milestone Deliverable

4.1 Internal training, communication and dissemination of safety information

Establish an internal training programme for the implementation of SSP

Training programme established and implemented

Establish an internal programme for circulation and sharing of safety related information

Programme established for internal safety communications


External training, communication and dissemination of safety information

Establish a communication programme for exchange of information in promoting Safety

Communication programme established

Provide guidance material on SSP and SMS Guidance material published and disseminated to industry

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Nº SSP component/element Date: Year 1 -2010 Date: Year 2- 2011 Date: Year 3- 2012 Date: Year 4 -2013

PHASE I Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3

Initial SSP – Plan and draft

Identify SSP workgroup End March

Develop and promulgate the legislative framework for SSP

End June

Identify and Appoint accountable executive officer

Develop SSP framework

Promulgate regulation to ensure independence of AIID

Review Enforcement policy

Training – Internal and Externally on SSP and SMS

Communicate relevance , implementation and rationale of SSP and SMS to internal and external stakeholders

Coordinate with all relevant stakeholders to ensure full participation of all organizations

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Nº SSP component/element Date: Year 1 -2010 Date: Year 2- 2011 Date: Year 3- 2012 Date: Year 4 -2013

PHASE II Date: Year 1 -2010 Date: Year 2- 2011 Date: Year 3- 2012 Date: Year 4 -2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3

Initial SSP – Collect and evaluate

Create initial safety indicators

Selection of safety targets

Create mandatory hazard reporting system collection of data and analysis

Establish risk management principles

Consult with industry on the SMS realignment with the SSP

Establish mechanisms for an integrated inspections, audits and surveys

Conduct integrated inspections and audits

PHASE III Date: Year 1 -2010 Date: Year 2- 2011 Date: Year 3- 2012 Date: Year 4 -2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3

Mature SSP

Agreement and development of safety performance with service providers

Agree upon safety indicator and targets

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Nº SSP component/element Date: Year 1 -2010 Date: Year 2- 2011 Date: Year 3- 2012 Date: Year 4 -2013

Develop safety data collection for low level and low consequence outcomes

Share data on low level consequences with the state and for industry

Contentious Process

Prioritise audits , inspection and priority based on HIRA

Continuous Activities and Processes

Development of SSP documentation and safety communication

Establish a QMS for Continuous Improvement

Coordinate with service providers





) Th Mi i t ibl f i il i ti) Th Mi i t ibl f i il i tia) The Minister responsible for civil aviation a) The Minister responsible for civil aviation shall develop and promulgate regulations shall develop and promulgate regulations

f th St t S f t P (SSP)f th St t S f t P (SSP)for the State Safety Programme (SSP)for the State Safety Programme (SSP)b) The regulations shall be promulgated by the b) The regulations shall be promulgated by the

Minister in charge for civil aviationMinister in charge for civil aviation


a) These regulations shall apply to all 6 service provision entities as a) These regulations shall apply to all 6 service provision entities as ib d i ICAO S f t M t M l (d 9589)ib d i ICAO S f t M t M l (d 9589)prescribed in ICAO Safety Management Manual (doc 9589) prescribed in ICAO Safety Management Manual (doc 9589)

SARPs, or any other entity in the provision civil aviation SARPs, or any other entity in the provision civil aviation services, and shall include but not limited to the following:services, and shall include but not limited to the following:

Aerodromes OperatorsAerodromes OperatorsAerodromes OperatorsAerodromes OperatorsAir OperatorsAir Operators

Approve training and aviation consultancy organizationsApprove training and aviation consultancy organizationsApproved Aircraft Maintenance OrganizationsApproved Aircraft Maintenance OrganizationsApproved Aircraft Maintenance OrganizationsApproved Aircraft Maintenance Organizations

Air Traffic Services providersAir Traffic Services providersDesigners and Manufacturers of aircraftDesigners and Manufacturers of aircraft

b) These regulations and schedules herein shall be applicable to theb) These regulations and schedules herein shall be applicable to theb) These regulations and schedules herein shall be applicable to the b) These regulations and schedules herein shall be applicable to the civil aviation entity established by the State charged with the civil aviation entity established by the State charged with the responsibility according to the law establishing that entity for responsibility according to the law establishing that entity for regulatory safety oversight functions in the provision of air regulatory safety oversight functions in the provision of air

ffnavigation services, aerodrome operation, maintenance of navigation services, aerodrome operation, maintenance of aircraft, aviation training and consultancy, aircraft operation and aircraft, aviation training and consultancy, aircraft operation and

any other service provision in civil aviation as deemed any other service provision in civil aviation as deemed necessary.necessary.


Th l i d h d l h i h llTh l i d h d l h i h llThese regulations and schedules herein shall come These regulations and schedules herein shall come into force 12 months from the effective date of into force 12 months from the effective date of

promulgation by the Ministers responsible for civil promulgation by the Ministers responsible for civil p g y pp g y paviation to ensure commencement of phased aviation to ensure commencement of phased implementation of the service providers safety implementation of the service providers safety

management system (SMS) as referred to ICAOmanagement system (SMS) as referred to ICAOmanagement system (SMS) as referred to ICAO management system (SMS) as referred to ICAO SARPsSARPs


Ci il A i i (P l Li i ) R l i 2006Ci il A i i (P l Li i ) R l i 2006Civil Aviation (Personnel Licencing) Regulations, 2006Civil Aviation (Personnel Licencing) Regulations, 2006Civil Aviation (operation of aircraft) Regulations, 2006Civil Aviation (operation of aircraft) Regulations, 2006Civil Aviation (Aerodromes) Regulations, 2006Civil Aviation (Aerodromes) Regulations, 2006( ) g ,( ) g ,Civil Aviation (Airworthiness) Regulations, 2006Civil Aviation (Airworthiness) Regulations, 2006Civil Aviation (Instruments and Equipment) Regulations, Civil Aviation (Instruments and Equipment) Regulations,

2006200620062006ICAO doc 9589 (Safety Management System, 2nd Edition ICAO doc 9589 (Safety Management System, 2nd Edition

Jan 2009)Jan 2009)ICAO Annex 1ICAO Annex 1ICAO Annex 1ICAO Annex 1ICAO Annex 6ICAO Annex 6ICAO Annex 11ICAO Annex 11ICAO A 14ICAO A 14ICAO Annex 14ICAO Annex 14