1 st All Hands Meeting Milton 20 Feb. 2006 1 st ANL LCLS All Hands Meeting 20 February, 2006.

1 st All Hands Meeting Milton 20 Feb. 2006 1 st ANL LCLS All Hands Meeting 20 February, 2006

Transcript of 1 st All Hands Meeting Milton 20 Feb. 2006 1 st ANL LCLS All Hands Meeting 20 February, 2006.

Page 1: 1 st All Hands Meeting Milton 20 Feb. 2006 1 st ANL LCLS All Hands Meeting 20 February, 2006.

1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

1st ANL LCLS All Hands Meeting

20 February, 2006

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006


Remind you what the project is all about.Bring you up to date on the overall project status.Define clearly what ANL/APS is to deliver.Bring you up to date on the details of where we are at with the delivery of the LCLS undulator system.Where possible explain the transition from ANL to SLAC.Give some look ahead about what we need to accomplish in the coming couple of years.Explain where required how we are managing this.

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

The World’s First Hard X-ray LaserThe World’s First Hard X-ray Laser

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006


Nanoscale Dynamics in Condensed matter

Atomic Physics

Plasma and Warm Dense Matter

Structural Studies on SingleParticles and Biomolecules

FEL Science/Technology

Program developed by international team of scientists working with accelerator and laser physics communities

Aluminum plasma

10-4 10-2 1102 10 4

classical plasma

dense plasma

high density matter

G =1

Density (g/cm-3)

G =10

G =100




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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Fundamental FEL Radiation Wavelength 1.5 15 ÅElectron Beam Energy 14.3 4.5 GeVNormalized RMS Slice Emittance 1.2 1.2 mm-mradPeak Current 3.4 3.4 kAρ Parameter 4x10 -4 8x10-4

Bunch/Pulse Length (FWHM) ≤230 ≤ 230 fsRelative Slice Energy Spread @ Entrance <0.01 0.025 %Saturation Length 87 25 mFEL Fundamental Saturation Power @ Exit 8 17 GWFEL Photons per Pulse 1 29 1012

Peak Brightness @ Undulator Exit 0.8 0.06 1033 *Transverse Coherence Full FullRMS Slice X-Ray Bandwidth 0.06 0.24 %RMS Projected X-Ray Bandwidth 0.13 0.47 % * photons/sec/mm2/mrad2/ 0.1%-BW

LCLS Design Parameters

100 fs inearly operation,~1 fs in future

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Linac Coherent Light Source

Near Hall

Far Hall


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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

SLAC linac tunnelSLAC linac tunnel research yardresearch yard

Linac-0L =6 m

Linac-1L 9 m

Linac-2L 330 m

Linac-3L 550 m

BC1L 6 m

BC2L 22 m

DL2 DL2 L L =275 m=275 m

‘Wall region’

undulatorundulatorL =130 m

6 MeV 135 MeV 250 MeV 4.30 GeV 13.6 GeV

Linac-XL =0.6 m







1.2 Injector1.2 Injector1.3 Linac1.3 Linac


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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

1.6 End Station Systems

1.5 X-Ray Transport/Optics/Diagnostics

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Linac-to-Undulator (227m)

UndulatorHall (175m)Beam Dump (40M)

Front End (29m)



2nd Undulator Line

3rd Undulator Line

Near Experiment Hall

1.9 Conventional Facilities


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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Linac-to-Undulator (227m)

UndulatorHall (175m)Beam Dump (40M)Front End (29m)



1.9 Conventional Facilities

Central Lab Office Complex (CLOC)49,700 GSF Total

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Preliminary Safety Assessment Document Approved 26 January 2006 https://www-lcls-internal.slac.stanford.edu/projectspace_L2/Project_Office/PMD/PMD_Documents/1.1-016-r0_PSAD_January2006-3.pdf

Preliminary Fire Hazard Analysis Approved 14 October 2005https://www-lcls-internal.slac.stanford.edu/projectspace_L2/Project_Office/PMD/PMD_Documents/PMD_1.1-012.pdf

LCLS ES&H Plan in place – rev. 2 dated January 2006https://www-lcls-internal.slac.stanford.edu/projectspace_L2/Project_Office/PMD/PMD_Documents/1.1-011-r2_LCLS_Site_Safety_Program60103.pdf

Updated Project Management Plan Approved 4 April 2005https://www-lcls-internal.slac.stanford.edu/projectspace_L2/Project_Office/PMD/PMD_Documents/PMD-1.1-001-r1_Project_Mgt_Plan-APril05.pdf

Environmental Assessment confirmed 2/2003, confirmed 1/2006http://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/lcls/documents/mtf_ss-sc-06-04_lcls_ea.pdf

Independent Project Review Prior to CD3b

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

1.2, 1.3, 1.4 1.5, 1.6 1.9 Controls Laser

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Jan. 2006 Organization

Undulator SystemSystem Manager S. Milton

Chief Engineer G. Pile


C. LeCocq

SLAC Und. Manager

R. Pope

Magnets and Supports

M. White

Vacuum and Diagnostics

D. Walters


J. Stein

SLAC Project Support

H.D. Nuhn Und. PhysicsJ. Welch CF PhysicsR.M. Boyce Global Schedule

and Integration

Controls Systems Manager

B. Dalesio

ANL LCLS Project Support

R. Hislop ES&H (SLAC)T. Barz QAF. Clark PMCS (ANL)F. Coose Project AnalystJ. Ingraffia ProcurementP. Mast PMCS (SLAC)P.Styka Accounts

E-beam Systems Manager

D. Schultz

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Project Budget

Earned Value: 20.1% of TEC

18.6% of TPC

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006


33 Undulators33 Quadrupoles/Correctors

EM air-cooled10 Long breaks22 Short BreaksSupports with movers

5 DOF plus horizontal sliderVacuum System

Al on SS (316LN)“Rectangular” Cross Section

33 rf Beam Position Monitors33 Beam Finder WiresBeam Loss MonitorsWire Position MonitorHydro static level systemMagnet Measurement Facility

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006




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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Magnet Measurement Facility – Ready in March

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

MMF construction reveals Ladera sandstone

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Recent Significant Changes


Wires ScannersOptical transition radiation monitors

RescopeEnd-of-undulator diagnostics

Reduced in value and moved to John Arthur’s discretionDetails of what we build still need to be worked out

Anticipate some savings of the Hydrostatic Level System

Scope AddedBeam Finder Wire (33)

Will be used to locate the “loose end” of the undulatorWill also be used as a beam profile monitor

– metal shields (to be added soon)

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Where this Brings Us

OriginallyUndulator System TPC ~$55M

Now ~$45M

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Significant “Hot Topics”

RF Beam Position MonitorsEssential for effective operations

We must accelerate their development and completion

Single Undulator TestEssential to test all form and fit

ANL/SLAC IntegrationNeed to work more closely with SLAC to ensure

Smooth transfer of knowledge and equipment to SLAC

Clean development of assembly and installation plans

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

6 Month Look Ahead Plan/Goals

UndulatorFirst articles assembled, tested, and at least 1 shipped to SLACAssembly production begun by both vendors

Single Undulator TestCompleted but still available for testing purposes

Magnet Measurement FacilityBeing commissioned

Vacuum SystemMain chamber full scale prototype completeAll other major components prototypes near completion

DiagnosticsInjector test stand testing with beam through the rf bpm completedInstallation complete of the three bpm test and testing with beam imminentBeam loss monitor design and engineering in progressTesting of beam finder wire prototype completedEnd-of-undulator details fully understood and decisions made about scope

Integration, Assembly, and Installation PlanningRefined and ready to proceed

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20 Feb. 2006

Further Look Ahead

We will be (we better be) delivering loads of undulators, supports, diagnostics, etc. starting very soon and continuing through all of 2007.It is going to get very busy in the magnet measurement facility.

All initial assembly is done there along with all measurements and fiducialization.Overall system integration and assembly planning and refinement are crucial.

We will have no time to waste

Installation in the undulator tunnel will begin roughly in June 2007 (15 months away)

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Other Comments

It is imperative that weWork together as a team

Both within ANL and together with SLAC

Don’t reinvent the wheel if it is not neededLeverage what other people have done

Accept constructive criticismCommunicateMove quickly and without delay

Don’t let things linger

We want the ANL LCLS project to look like a model of how one effectively accomplishes a project

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

I’m Almost Done!

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

•2nd undulator accommodated in the LCLS tunnel•Expandable to at least six “hard x-ray” FEL undulators•Without loss of original investment

LCLS Design Permits Expansion

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Looking Ahead – LCLS development

Spring-8Spring-8European XFELEuropean XFEL

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20 Feb. 2006


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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Effort Management

Comparison to the ANL systemANL system uses estimates generated in the middle of the month by each individualThis in turn is compiled by hand by a variety of people from secretaries to division HRThis information is then passes on to the individual division offices, compiled again by hand and then entered into the ANL HR accounting system

The LCLS uses approximately 50 cost codes and 4 ANL Divisions in 2 different ALDships

Needless to say the above method, handled differently by different divisions, different individuals, and different ALDships leads inevitably to errorsWe developed our own completely electronic system to provide a cross check to the official ANL system and manage/control our accounting

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1st All Hands Meeting


20 Feb. 2006

Thank you!