1. Round leaf buchu - Green Meds  · Web viewOnly with alterations in the way we live our lives...

49 PLANTS THAT TREAT HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE From the desk of Gail Pedra, a student in Gods Pantry, the garden A middle-aged man approached me the other day, asking if I could provide advice on treating high blood pressure. “I tried everything,” he said, as I ran through all the standard recommendations. From our brief interaction, it was clear that diet and lifestyle were the likely culprits, evidenced by his higher-than-average body mass index (BMI), his stressful 70-hour work weeks, and the apparent halitosis (bad breath) he experienced. In the United States, 67 million American adults (31%) have hypertension, defined as persistently high arterial blood pressure (1 ). It is quantified by having a systolic blood pressure (pressure during the contraction phase of the cardiac cycle) of 120 mm Hg or higher, or a diastolic blood pressure (pressure during the relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle) of 80 mm Hg or higher. Common FDA-approved medications for hypertension include diuretics (water pills), angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and beta blockers. Of course, a problem is never presented without a solution, and in the case of hypertension, many natural solutions exist. A recent review in the journal Pharmacognosy Review examined the scientific research regarding natural herbs in the treatment of hypertension, and provided a list of 49 potentially effective plants along with their medicinal actions (2 ). In this post, I will relay what the authors discovered. Most of these plants are wild, while some are cultivated. Regardless, if you experience hypertension and think that you have tried every treatment; confirm your belief with this list. Source http://wildfoodism.com/2014/01/02/49-plants-that-treat-high-blood-pressure/

Transcript of 1. Round leaf buchu - Green Meds  · Web viewOnly with alterations in the way we live our lives...

Page 1: 1. Round leaf buchu - Green Meds  · Web viewOnly with alterations in the way we live our lives – through the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the sunshine


From the desk of Gail Pedra, a student in Gods Pantry, the garden

A middle-aged man approached me the other day, asking if

I could provide advice on treating high blood pressure.  “I

tried everything,” he said, as I ran through all the standard

recommendations.  From our brief interaction, it was clear

that diet and lifestyle were the likely culprits, evidenced by

his higher-than-average body mass index (BMI), his

stressful 70-hour work weeks, and the apparent halitosis

(bad breath) he experienced.

In the United States, 67 million American adults (31%) have hypertension, defined as persistently high

arterial blood pressure (1).  It is quantified by having a systolic blood pressure (pressure during the

contraction phase of the cardiac cycle) of 120 mm Hg or higher, or a diastolic blood pressure

(pressure during the relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle) of 80 mm Hg or higher.  Common FDA-

approved medications for hypertension include diuretics (water pills), angiotensin converting enzyme

(ACE) inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and beta blockers.

Of course, a problem is never presented without a solution, and in the case of hypertension, many

natural solutions exist.  A recent review in the journal Pharmacognosy Review examined the scientific

research regarding natural herbs in the treatment of hypertension, and provided a list of 49 potentially

effective plants along with their medicinal actions (2).

In this post, I will relay what the authors discovered.  Most of these plants are wild, while some are

cultivated.  Regardless, if you experience hypertension and think that you have tried every treatment;

confirm your belief with this list.

Source http://wildfoodism.com/2014/01/02/49-plants-that-treat-high-blood-pressure/

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1. ROUND LEAF BUCHU (Agathosma betulina)

Round leaf buchu is a South African plant used as an effective diuretic

2. GARLIC (Allium sativum) In individuals with increased systolic pressure, garlic may decrease blood pressure through the increase of nitric oxide production. This herb has been used for many years as a successful home remedy for high blood pressure, particularly for mild elevated blood pressure. It is best grown in your own garden and used fresh in your cooking.

3. PRICKLY CUSTARD APPLE(Annona muricata) A leaf extract of this Central American/Caribbean tree may lower elevated blood pressure by decreasing peripheral vascular resistance.

4. CELERY (Apium graveolens) Studies show that the juice and seeds of the celery plant are safe and effective treatments for high blood pressure.

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(Aristolochia manshuriensis) This Chinese plant has been studied for its

use as a diuretic; magnoflorine, a compound isolated from the plant,

displays hypotensive properties.

6.BREADFRUIT (Artocarpus altilis)

A leaf extract from this species of flowering tree in the mulberry family

has been shown to reduce tension in aortic rings in animal studies

7. OATS (Avena sativa)

The common oat is a soluble fiber-rich cereal grain that has been found

to significantly reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in

patients with hypertension

CINNAMONCinnamon is an excellent and very safe natural remedy for high blood pressure. In fact, a recent study found that combining magnesium with cinnamon will reduce your blood pressure even more significantly (and quickly) than just having cinnamon on its own! You can easily buy cinnamon in bulk from just about anywhere. Take a heaped teaspoon twice daily washed down with some water (or whatever beverage helps you to get it down!) and use it in your cooking as much as possible.

Folic acid: Known to significantly lower blood pressure by reducing elevated homocysteine levels (read our “lower cholesterol naturally” section for more information on this).

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8. PSYLLIUM (Plantago ovata) Preliminary research shows

that a daily 15 gram psyllium supplement can moderately lower systolic

blood pressure by about 8 mm Hg, and diastolic by about 2 mm Hg.

9. GREEN TEA (Camellia sinensis)Research on the population level shows that consumption of green tea and oolong tea (different fermentation levels, same plant) is associated with a decreased risk of developing hypertension.

Green tea: This potent tea has been proven to prevent and treat a staggering number of health problems, including hypertension and elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It’s no accident that the Japanese are the biggest consumers of green tea in the world and they also have the lowest rates of heart disease of any westernized country.

10. LASAF (Capparis cartilaginea) This scrambling perennial

shrub has been reported to produce a dose-dependent decrease in

blood pressure in rats.

11. AJWAIN (Trachyspermum ammi) Ajwain is a parsley-like

plant whose extract produces a drop in blood pressure and heart rate in


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12. CHAKSU (Cassia absus) A crude extract of this tropical

plant produces a dose-related decrease in blood pressure, as well as a

decrease in heart rate at higher doses.

13. COFFEEWEED (Senna occidentalis) A small pantropical

tree, coffeeweed has traditional use as an antihypertensive agent.

Research has confirmed a relaxant effect on aortic rings from the leaf

extract, as well as the ability of the plant to relax smooth muscle and

reduce blood pressure.


(Castanospermum australe) A crude extract from this South Pacific plant

has been shown to reduce blood pressure in a dose-dependent

manner. Note: the seeds are poisonous, and rendered edible when

prepared properly.

15. COLEUS FORSKOHLII (Plectranthus barbatus)

Forskolin, a vasodilating compound isolated from this tropical perennial

plant, has been shown to reduce blood pressure in animal studies.

16. VIRGINIA DAYFLOWER (Commelina virginica)

This perennial herbaceous plant, native to the mideastern and

southeastern United States, has been shown to reduce tension of aortic

rings in animal studies.

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17. CHINESE HAWTHORN (Crataegus pinnatifida)

Chinese hawthorn is a small to medium sized tree that has been used

for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine. Scientific

research has elucidated its effects in lowering blood pressure.

18. RIVER LILY (Crinum glaucum) An aqueous extract of this

West Nigerian plant has been shown to reduce both systolic and

diastolic blood pressures.

19. GIANT DODDER (Cuscuta reflexa)

A crude extract from this parasitic plant in the morning glory family has

been shown to reduce blood pressure in animal studies.

20. WILD CARROT (Daucus carota)

Also known as Queen Anne’s lace, Daucus carota may lower blood

pressure through the blockade of calcium channels. Caution should be

taken when harvesting this plant, as it resembles the deadly poison

hemlock (Conium maculatum).

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Dried leaves and stems from this leguminous plant have been shown to

lower arterial blood pressure in animal studies.

22. HARDY FUCHSIA (Fuchsia magellanica)

Native to South America, hardy fuchsia is a dwarf shrub in the evening

primrose family. An infusion of the leaf extract acts as a diuretic and

lowers blood pressure.

23. SOYBEAN (Glycine max)

Soybean may provide a modest reduction in blood pressure. Soya milk is

a healthy substitute for cows milk

24. PIMA COTTON (Gossypium barbadense)

Traditional medicine in Suriname utilizes the leaves of this plant as an

antihypertensive agent. Research has shown Pima cotton to decrease

the tension in aortic rings in animal studies.

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25. ROSELLE (Hibiscus sabdariffa)

The roselle is one of the most well-studied plants for the treatment of

hypertension. In human studies, the roselle has been shown to act very

similarly to captopril, an ACE inhibitor, in its antihypertensive effects,

effectiveness, and tolerance.

26. FRENCH LAVENDER (Lavandula stoechas)

Crude extracts of this Mediterranean plant have been shown to lower

blood pressure and heart rate in animal studies.



This edible plant in the mustard family displays diuretic and blood

pressure lowering effects in animal studies.

28. FLAX (Linum usitatissimum)

Flaxseed is a good source of alpha-Linolenic acid (ALA), a parent fatty

acid of the omega-3 fats. ALA has been shown to possess

antihypertensive effects in individuals with high-normal blood pressure

and mild hypertension.

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29. BLACK MANGROVE (Lumnitzera racemosa)

Amongst the mangrove plants, the black mangrove is the most salt

tolerant species. An aqueous acetone extract of this small tree has

been shown to display antihypertensive activity.

30. TOMATO (Solanum lycopersicum)

An extract of the tomato has been shown to reduce blood pressure in

individuals with mild, untreated hypertension. Additionally, a significant

correlation has been discovered between systolic blood pressure and

lycopene, a carotenoid pigment in the tomato

31. MORINGA (Moringa oleifera)

A crude extract from Moringa oleifera, the most cultivated plant in its

genus, caused a fall in systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial blood

pressure in animal studies.



Native to Africa, this straight-stemmed evergreen tree has been studied

for its dose-dependent effects on lowering blood pressure.

33. BASIL (Ocimum basilicum)

This South East Asian culinary herb exhibits antihypertensive effects

through its chemical compound, eugenol. Also found in spices such as

cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove, eugenol works by blocking calcium


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34. HARMAL (Peganum harmala)

Harmal is a perennial plant that has traditional usage in Turkey and

Syria. A crude extract from harmal exhibits antihypertensive effects in

animal studies. In addition to its blood pressure lowering properties,

harmal may have also been an important entheogen in ancient Middle


35. NELA NELLI (Phyllanthus amarus)

Closely related to chanca piedra (“stone breaker”), this species

of Phyllanthus has traditionally been used as a diuretic to lower blood


36. MARITIME PINE (Pinus pinaster)

Pycnogenol, an extract isolated from the bark of maritime pine, has

been shown to be effective for venous insufficiency. Research has also

shown that 200 mg/day of pycnogenol may modestly lower blood

pressure in individuals with mild hypertension.

37. KUDZU (Pueraria lobata)

A member of the pea family, kudzu root is officially recognized in China

as a muscle relaxant, fever reducer, and a treatment for hypertension.

An isoflavone extracted from kudzu has been shown clinically to reduce

blood pressure and heart rate.

38. POMEGRANATE (Punica granatum)

Research, although with conflicting results, suggests that pomegranate

juice may be effective in reducing blood pressure.

Pomegranates, Resveratrol and Grape Seed Extract: A recent study

published in the Artherosclerosis journal showed that consuming 50 ml

a day of pomegranate juice will significantly lower blood pressure.

Another study published in the Metabolism journal showed that

resveratrol and grape seed extract (red grape skins and seeds) also help

to lower blood pressure because of their high antioxidant content

(antioxidants help dilate and strengthen blood vessels). These natural

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remedies for high blood pressure must be consumed everyday

in sufficient amounts so you will need to make sure you eat plenty of

red grapes and pomegranates (and drink their juices), along with

taking resveratrol and grape seed supplements.

This herb has been used for many years as a successful home remedy

for high blood pressure, particularly for mild elevated blood pressure. It

is best grown in your own garden and used fresh in your cooking.

39. RADISH (Raphanus sativus) The edible root of this mustard

family plant has been shown to reduce blood pressure and heart rate in

animal studies.

40. SNAKEROOT (Rauvolfia serpentina)

Snakeroot is considered to be one of the most antihypertensive plants.

A purified alkaloid from snakeroot, reserpine, was the first effective

drug used in the long term treatment of hypertension, though it is

rarely used today.

41. Rhaptopetalum coriaceum OLIVERThe bark from this woody, tropical South American plant has been used

traditionally as a treatment for hypertension. Research has revealed

that its mechanism of action may be through calcium channel blocking.

42. SESAME (Sesamum indicum)

Sesame is one of the oldest oil-seed crops known. In patients with

hypertension, consumption of sesame oil has been shown to reduce

oxidative stress and increase endogenous antioxidant production.

Sesamin, a lignan found in sesame oil, may be useful as a preventative

for hypertension. Alcoholic extraction of the seeds has also been shown

to lower blood pressure in animal studies.

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43. STICKY NIGHTSHADE (Solanum sisymbriifolium)

Sticky nightshade has been used in traditional Paraguayan medicine as a

diruetic and antihypertensive agent. Studies in animals have elucidated

its role in reducing blood pressure.

44. CACAO (Theobroma cacao)

Studies have shown that consumption of polyphenolic-rich chocolate

(dark or milk) can lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressures.

Compounds in chocolate also enhance vasodilation within the

cardiovascular system.

45. WHEAT BRAN (Triticum aestivum)

Increasing wheat bran intake by 3-6 grams daily may modestly reduce

blood pressure.

46. CAT’S CLAW HERB (Uncaria rhynchophylla)

This flowering plant in the coffee family has been traditionally used in

Chinese medicine to lower blood pressure. Its hypotensive effects may

be attributed to the alkaloid, hirsutine, which acts on calcium channels.

47. MISTLETOE (Viscum album)

Mistletoe is a hemi-parasitic plant in the sandalwood family. Aqueous

extracts of its leaves display blood pressure lowering effects in animal


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48. WILD AFRICAN BLACK PLUM (Vitex doniana)

An extract from this flowering plant in the mint family has significantly

lowered blood pressure in animal studies

49. GINGER (Zingiber officinale) Frequently used for digestive

issues, ginger also has been shown to improve blood circulation and

relax muscles surrounding blood vessels. Studies performed on animals

have revealed its ability to reduce blood pressure through calcium

channel blocking.

There's virtually no health problem that a little ginger can't help with.

And HBP is certainly one of them! Make yourself a nice hot cup of

ginger tea using 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger every day and

enjoy the incredible health benefits


Eating or supplementing with cayenne pepper every day is one of the

quickest ways to lower your blood pressure. It's a potent vasodilator,

which means it expands and dilates the blood vessels so blood flow is

improved. This in turn relieves pressure on the arterial walls and the

need for the heart to pump faster. Cayenne pepper is in fact so

powerful it can actually stop a heart attack in 90 seconds flat! You must

have a full teaspoon in a glass of warm water for it to work, and it will

be mighty hot to drink (you need to scull it down), but this is definitely

one life saving remedy worth remembering.

To use cayenne pepper as a natural remedy for high blood pressure, you

can either make up this same drink and have it everyday (if you're used

to eating spicy foods), or you can take cayenne pepper capsules.

Personally, I like the capsules. They're much easier to take and they

don't burn your throat out!

- See more at: http://www.life-saving-naturalcures-and-



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Watermelon: The watermelon fruit is your #1 natural remedy for high

blood pressure. It contains an amino acid called L-citrulline, which has

been overwhelmingly proven to lower blood pressure. In the American

Journal of Hypertension, they published a study from Florida State

University which showed L-citrulline was able to reduce and normalize

blood pressure in all the study participants who previously had high

blood pressure. Head researcher, Dr. Arturo Figueroa, stated…

“Individuals with increased blood pressure and arterial stiffness –

especially those who are older and those with chronic diseases such as

type 2 diabetes – would benefit from L-citrulline in either the synthetic

or natural (watermelon) form”.

You need 4-6 grams of L-citrulline a day to treat hypertension so

supplements will be needed along with eating and drinking plenty of

watermelons and watermelon juice!


: HAWTHORN is another popular herb that's a well-known high blood

pressure cure. In fact, this is one of the standard treatments used by

many traditional herbal practitioners.

It should be understood that there is hardly a replacement for optimal diet and lifestyle practices.  A

single plant is not the cause of hypertension; therefore a single plant cannot be the cure for it either.

Only with alterations in the way we live our lives – through the food we eat, the water we drink, the air

we breathe, the sunshine we receive, our thoughts, actions, relationships, etc. –  can we begin to

radically transform our bodies, reclaiming the health and robustness that once defined our

species,Homo sapiens.

Thanks for reading, and as always … happy foraging!

High Blood Pressure Natural RemedyThere's one potent natural remedy for high blood pressure that when combined with other high blood pressure cures, works incredibly well. Here's the ones you need to be looking at using and combining right now...

Watermelon: The watermelon fruit is your #1 natural remedy for high blood pressure. It contains an amino acid called L-citrulline, which has been overwhelmingly proven

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to lower blood pressure. In the American Journal of Hypertension, they published a study from Florida State University which showed L-citrulline was able to reduce and normalize blood pressure in all the study participants who previously had high blood pressure. Head researcher, Dr. Arturo Figueroa, stated…

“Individuals with increased blood pressure and arterial stiffness – especially those who are older and those with chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes – would benefit from L-citrulline in either the synthetic or natural (watermelon) form”.

You need 4-6 grams of L-citrulline a day to treat hypertension so supplements will be needed along with eating and drinking plenty of watermelons and watermelon juice!

Pomegranates, Resveratrol and Grape Seed Extract: A recent study published in the Artherosclerosis journal showed that consuming 50 ml a day of pomegranate juice will significantly lower blood pressure. Another study published in the Metabolism journal showed that resveratrol and grape seed extract (red grape skins and seeds) also help to lower blood pressure because of their high antioxidant content (antioxidants help dilate and strengthen blood vessels). These natural remedies for high blood pressure must be consumed everyday in sufficient amounts so you will need to make sure you eat plenty of red grapes and pomegranates (and drink their juices), along with taking resveratrol and grape seed supplements.

This herb has been used for many years as a successful home remedy for high blood pressure, particularly for mild elevated blood pressure. It is best grown in your own garden and used fresh in your cooking.

Garlic: This herb has been used for many years as a successful home remedy for high blood pressure, particularly for mild elevated blood pressure. It is best grown in your own garden and used fresh in your cooking.

Hawthorn: Hawthorn is another popular herb that's a well-known high blood pressure cure. In fact, this is one of the standard treatments used by many traditional herbal practitioners.

Ginger: There's virtually no health problem that a little ginger can't help with. And HBP is certainly one of them! Make yourself a nice hot cup of ginger tea using 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger every day and enjoy the incredible health benefits.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is an excellent and very safe natural remedy for high blood pressure. In fact, a recent study found that combining magnesium with cinnamon will reduce your blood pressure even more significantly (and quickly) than just having cinnamon on its own! You can easily buy cinnamon in bulk from just about anywhere. Take a heaped teaspoon twice daily washed down with some water (or whatever beverage helps you to get it down!) and use it in your cooking as much as possible.

Folic acid: Known to significantly lower blood pressure by reducing elevated homocysteine levels (read our “lower cholesterol naturally” section for more information on this).

Green tea: This potent tea has been proven to prevent and treat a staggering number of health problems, including hypertension and elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It’s no accident that the Japanese are the biggest consumers of green tea in the world and they also have the lowest rates of heart disease of any westernized country.

Vitamin D and Fish oil (omega-3s): Two more natural foods and nutrients currently producing some fantastic results with all kinds of health problems. And reducing high blood

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pressure can certainly be added to their list (also read our “lower cholesterol naturally” section for more information on these powerhouse nutrients).

Blueberries and Goji Berries: Dozens and dozens of studies have been able to confirm that blueberries and goji berries are wonderful natural remedies for high blood pressure. They also lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body quite significantly.

Bottom line... These two little berries are one of nature’s masterpieces. If you want to enjoy overall good health and longevity, then you must eat these fruits on a daily basis.

Raisins: A recent study showed that eating raisins 3 times a day can significantly lower blood pressure. The study was presented at the American College of Cardiology's 61st Annual Scientific Session and is the first to actually prove that raisins will indeed reduce hypertension. So be sure to put them at the top of your list of high blood pressure cures!

Light, Moderate Exercise: It's a well-known fact that if you're overweight then you’re more likely to suffer from hypertension. A brisk walk or cycling every day is a simple and easy way to lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Find 30 every day. It’s really not that hard!


Trans-fatty acids and Hydrogenated oils: These two substances are incredibly toxic and deadly to the body and will raise your blood pressure like nothing else! You must completely avoid all foods that contain them no matter what. These include margarine, vegetable shortenings (from processed foods), fried foods and commercially processed baked goods. Also, be sure not to overcook or fry foods with any type of cooking oil as these will produce trans-fats and free radicals (and whatever you do, never cook with margarine!). Use coconut oil instead as this type of oil does not go rancid and become toxic. Remember, correct eating is very important for lowering blood pressure.

Excessive alcohol: Over time, alcohol can increase the risk of heart disease and raise blood pressure. This practice is best kept to a minimum. Enough said.

Smoking: This one speaks for itself, but unfortunately, smokers still need reminding (definitely enough said).

Stress: Stress doesn’t just cause high blood pressure, it can literally kill you. If you’re in a highly stressful job but want to live to enjoy your retirement, get out now! Or you will end up becoming just another statistic in the morgue.

Family history: Finally, we have the family history theory. We don’t believe in this one at all. It’s never actually been proven (which is why it's still just a "theory"). Of course, it’s very easy to blame high blood pressure on your family history, simply because it’s a disease that’s been so rampant for so many people for so long!

- See more at: http://www.life-saving-naturalcures-and-naturalremedies.com/high-blood-pressure-natural-remedy-watermelon-pomegranates-herbs.html#sthash.PDuPP1jn.dpuf