1. Overcrowding – packed tenement housing with unsanitary conditions Inadequate public services...


Transcript of 1. Overcrowding – packed tenement housing with unsanitary conditions Inadequate public services...


• Overcrowding – packed tenement housing with unsanitary conditions

• Inadequate public services – not enough hospitals, police, schools, street cleaning or garbage pick-up

• Limited transportation • Social tensions – vast difference

between rich & poor led to tension & crime

• Religious & ethnic persecution

• Extreme poverty

• Oppression

• Wars

• Famine

• Limited opportunity

• Economic opportunity

• Family or cultural ties

• Freedom

• Homestead Act

• Indian Wars

• Lure of Precious Metals (strike it rich)

• Growth of Railroads

• The Cattle Industry

• Farming of the Great Plains

• Forced removal – as white population crept west, Indians forced to relocate

• Indian Wars – superior weapons made Native American resistance futile

• Settlers – Transcontinental Railroad and Homestead Act brought multitudes to the west

• Loss of Habitat – settlers, miners, & farmers destroyed natrual environment

• Too much product – new farm lands, improved farming techniques led to more crops & lower prices

• High shipping costs to extended markets

• Farm Debt – borrowed to buy new machinery

• Natural Disasters – droughts or floods & insects

• Direct party primaries – input on candidates

• Recall – official could be removed from office with special election

• Direct election of Senators

(17th Amendment)

• Secret Ballot – eliminated pressure to vote a certain way

• Referendum – voters could encourage a bill to be placed on ballot

• Nationalism – showed the power & strength of U. S.

• Superior Attitude – believed American ideals were better & should be spread

• Need for Raw Materials & Markets to fuel industrial growth

• Military Strength – naval bases strategically located world would promote U. S. dominance

• Desire for a canal – U.S. needed to be able to go more easily from Pacific to Atlantic Ocean

• Economic Opportunity – Caribbean had agricultural products (sugar)

• Control of Hemisphere – U. S. wanted to keep foreign powers out because they could become a threat

• Nationalism –extreme nationalism led to rivalries

• Alliance System – Europe divided into 2 alliances – Germany & Austria vs. Russia, France & Great Britain

• Militarism – powerful militaries glorified

• Imperialism – competing economic interests sometimes over colonies

• German Punishment – forced to accept all blame, “War Guilt Clause”, required to pay large reparations (war damages)

• German Territory Lost – independent Poland created, lost claims in France & overseas

• Austria-Hungary& Turkey – divided into new nations

• League of Nations – formed to keep world peace – US & Russia did not join

• Growth of new spirit of optimism in African American culture

• Langston Hughes – poet & author• Marcus Garvey – Leader of Back-to-

Africa movement• Features new forms of dance and jazz


• Overproduction – more products produced than people could purchase

• Speculation – people investing on possible gains led to stock market crash

• Unwise Bank Practices – poor investing of depositors money

• Restricted International Trade – high protective tariffs limited trade

• Fireside Chats – spoke directly to people• Brain Trust – surrounded with talented

advisers• New Deal – programs to lift country out of

depression• Tried to “pack” the Supreme Court• President during WWII

• War Bonds – sold to raise funds to help pay for the war efforts

• Industrial Production & Rationing – wartime needs & production most important

• Japanese American Internment – forced to relocate after Pearl Harbor attack

• Women at Work – stepped in and performed some jobs traditionally done by men

• Office of War Information – produced pro-Allied & anti-Axis propaganda to encourage support & influence opinions

• Arms Race

• Space Race & Sputnik

• House Un-American Activities Committee

• Rosenberg Trail & Venona Papers

• McCarthyism

• Korean War

• Brown v Board of Education (1954)

• Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955)

• Integration of Little Rock High School (1957)

• Civil Rights Acts (1957, 1964)

• Sit-ins & Freedom Riders (1960s)

• Million Man March (1963)

• Voting Rights Act (1965)

• Affirmative Action (1965)

• Supreme Court maintained independence; gave direction to Executive branch

• Reaffirmed the importance of the press

• Proved our government is based on laws, not individuals

• Showed that grown of Presidential power created opportunity for abuse

• Lowered public confidence

• Congress passed new laws to curb Presidential power

• New Conservatism

• Reaganomics

• Reagan Doctrine

• Iran-Contra Affair

• Overcrowding – packed tenement housing with unsanitary conditions

• Inadequate public services – not enough hospitals, police, schools, street cleaning or garbage pick-up

• Limited transportation • Social tensions – vast difference

between rich & poor led to tension & crime

• Religious & ethnic persecution

• Extreme poverty

• Oppression

• Wars

• Famine

• Limited opportunity

• Economic opportunity

• Family or cultural ties

• Freedom

• Homestead Act

• Indian Wars

• Lure of Precious Metals (strike it rich)

• Growth of Railroads

• The Cattle Industry

• Farming of the Great Plains

• Forced removal – as white population crept west, Indians forced to relocate

• Indian Wars – superior weapons made Native American resistance futile

• Settlers – Transcontinental Railroad and Homestead Act brought multitudes to the west

• Loss of Habitat – settlers, miners, & farmers destroyed natrual environment

• Too much product – new farm lands, improved farming techniques led to more crops & lower prices

• High shipping costs to extended markets

• Farm Debt – borrowed to buy new machinery

• Natural Disasters – droughts or floods & insects

• Direct party primaries – input on candidates

• Recall – official could be removed from office with special election

• Direct election of Senators

(17th Amendment)

• Secret Ballot – eliminated pressure to vote a certain way

• Referendum – voters could encourage a bill to be placed on ballot

• Nationalism – showed the power & strength of U. S.

• Superior Attitude – believed American ideals were better & should be spread

• Need for Raw Materials & Markets to fuel industrial growth

• Military Strength – naval bases strategically located world would promote U. S. dominance

• Desire for a canal – U.S. needed to be able to go more easily from Pacific to Atlantic Ocean

• Economic Opportunity – Caribbean had agricultural products (sugar)

• Control of Hemisphere – U. S. wanted to keep foreign powers out because they could become a threat

• Nationalism –extreme nationalism led to rivalries

• Alliance System – Europe divided into 2 alliances – Germany & Austria vs. Russia, France & Great Britain

• Militarism – powerful militaries glorified

• Imperialism – competing economic interests sometimes over colonies

• German Punishment – forced to accept all blame, “War Guilt Clause”, required to pay large reparations (war damages)

• German Territory Lost – independent Poland created, lost claims in France & overseas

• Austria-Hungary& Turkey – divided into new nations

• League of Nations – formed to keep world peace – US & Russia did not join

• Growth of new spirit of optimism in African American culture

• Langston Hughes – poet & author• Marcus Garvey – Leader of Back-to-

Africa movement• Features new forms of dance and jazz


• Overproduction – more products produced than people could purchase

• Speculation – people investing on possible gains led to stock market crash

• Unwise Bank Practices – poor investing of depositors money

• Restricted International Trade – high protective tariffs limited trade

• Fireside Chats – spoke directly to people• Brain Trust – surrounded with talented

advisers• New Deal – programs to lift country out of

depression• Tried to “pack” the Supreme Court• President during WWII

• War Bonds – sold to raise funds to help pay for the war efforts

• Industrial Production & Rationing – wartime needs & production most important

• Japanese American Internment – forced to relocate after Pearl Harbor attack

• Women at Work – stepped in and performed some jobs traditionally done by men

• Office of War Information – produced pro-Allied & anti-Axis propaganda to encourage support & influence opinions

• Arms Race

• Space Race & Sputnik

• House Un-American Activities Committee

• Rosenberg Trail & Venona Papers

• McCarthyism

• Korean War

• Brown v Board of Education (1954)

• Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955)

• Integration of Little Rock High School (1957)

• Civil Rights Acts (1957, 1964)

• Sit-ins & Freedom Riders (1960s)

• Million Man March (1963)

• Voting Rights Act (1965)

• Affirmative Action (1965)

• Supreme Court maintained independence; gave direction to Executive branch

• Reaffirmed the importance of the press

• Proved our government is based on laws, not individuals

• Showed that grown of Presidential power created opportunity for abuse

• Lowered public confidence

• Congress passed new laws to curb Presidential power

• New Conservatism

• Reaganomics

• Reagan Doctrine

• Iran-Contra Affair