1 OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT PROCEEDING FEDERAL ......1 For The Record, Inc. (301) 870-8025 - - (800)...

For The Record, Inc. (301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555 OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT PROCEEDING 1 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION 2 3 4 5 MATTER NO. 0623234 6 7 TITLE SEVEN DAY MARKETING, INC. 8 9 DATE RECORDED: DATE UNKNOWN 10 TRANSCRIBED: APRIL 30, 2007 11 12 PAGES 1 THROUGH 43 13 14 15 16 17 DVD PRESENTATION -- SEVEN DAY MIRACLE CLEANSE 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit A 24

Transcript of 1 OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT PROCEEDING FEDERAL ......1 For The Record, Inc. (301) 870-8025 - - (800)...

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I N D E X2



7-Day Miracle Cleanse 35





















Exhibit A 25

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In the Matter of: )3

Seven Day Marketing, Inc. ) Matter No. 06232344



Date Unknown 7




The following transcript was produced from a11

DVD provided to For The Record, Inc. on April 23, 2007. 12














Exhibit A 26

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

P R O C E E D I N G S1

- - - - -2


ON SCREEN: The following program is a paid4

advertisement and is the opinion of the Seven Day Miracle5


This is a product of 7 Day Marketing, Inc.7

MALE ANNOUNCER: The following is a paid8

advertisement and is the opinion of Seven Day Miracle9


ON SCREEN: Dr. Elaine Davis11


DR. ELAINE DAVIS: Welcome to another edition13

of the Seven Day Miracle Cleanse. I hope you will join14

us as I share my life-changing experience with you. I am15

42 years old and the mother of five children. After16

having four of them within five years, I was sure that I17

would never fit into my normal clothes again. I tried18

dieting, but I was always hungry. I tried exercise, but19

let’s face it, it’s boring and it’s too time-consuming.20

I was ready to resign myself to elastic waist21

pants and bulky tops until I met The Health Man. When he22

told me about his program, I was skeptical. After some23

coaxing, I agreed to try his program, the Seven Day24

Miracle Cleanse. 25

Exhibit A 27

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

ON SCREEN: Individual results may vary.1

DR. ELAINE DAVIS: Since I tried the Cleanse, I2

have lost over 40 pounds. It’s not a diet, it’s better3

than a diet because after completing the program, I4

didn’t need to eat as much food to feel satisfied. My5

body became much more efficient at absorbing nutrients.6

How did Princess Diana become a world-renowned7

beauty? Find out what Jennifer Lopez, Demi Moore, Janet8

Jackson, Goldie Hawn, Daman Wayans, Liv Tyler, Cindy9

Crawford, Ben Affleck, and others, do to lose weight and10

to look young.11

And, now, the founder of the Seven Day Miracle12

Cleanse, The Health Man.13

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)14

The average colon should weigh 4 lbs... John15

“Duke” Wayne died from colon cancer and his colon weighed16

45 lbs...Elvis Presley had a blocked colon at the time of17

his death and his colon weight 45 lbs...These are typical18

cases of how impacted and constipated a neglected colon19

can become...20

THE HEALTH MAN: Are you sick and tired of21

being sick and tired? Are you one of millions who suffer22

from the common ailments such as constipation, irritable23

bowel syndrome, fatigue, Alzheimer’s and other diseases? 24

Have you been struggling year in and year out with your25

Exhibit A 28

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

health problems? Then why should you suffer any more? 1

I have the solution for you. Imagine being in2

control of your health. You can look and feel 10 to 203

years younger than your age, have perfect cholesterol,4

perfect body weight and consistent bowel eliminations, a5

body immune to all sickness. These are the6

characteristics of perfect health.7

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)8

...The average American carries around an extra9

5-25 lbs. in the colon (large intestine)...Most people10

eliminate and lose 5-25 lbs. while completing the 7 Day11

Miracle Cleanse...12

THE HEALTH MAN: In the next half hour, I13

guarantee each and every one of you that you will be14

amazed as I show you the most innovative health15

rejuvenation system in the world, which has never been16

available to the public until now. 17

Thank you for joining me today from beautiful18

Hawaii. I’m the Health Man. I must first say it is a19

pleasure to have this incredible opportunity to share20

this profound knowledge with each and every one of you. 21

What I’m about to tell you about your own personal health22

may be equally alarming and amazing.23

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)24

...Parasites are not just a 3rd world25

Exhibit A 29

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

problem...A cubic inch of beef contains 1200 parasite1

larvae...Parasine 2 is proven to eliminate parasites from2

the body in just 10 days...3

THE HEALTH MAN: I would like to address what I4

feel is the missing link in our society when it comes to5

our own health, as we are the unhealthiest nation in the6

world. It is a fact that you were born perfect and7

somewhere along the way you’ve become imperfect. The8

right knowledge has not been available to you, the9

public, and we are not trained to create a perfectly10

healthy body, immune from disease. If this were not11

true, then why has the United States become the most12

diseased nation in the world?13

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)14

...Celebrities spend thousands of dollars on15

colon cleansing...Colon cleansing is the celebrity secret16

to fitting into tight Oscar gowns...Join celebrities such17

as Liv Tyler, Courtney Love, Ben Affleck, Daman Wayans,18

Andie McDowell, Goldie Hawn, Gisele Bundchen, Janet19

Jackson, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Moore in detoxifying and20

cleansing your way to looking younger and losing21


THE HEALTH MAN: According to the respected23

publication, the Merck Manual, colon health has24

degenerated quickly. For example, the major colon25

Exhibit A 30

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

disease, diverticulosis increased from 10 percent of1

adults over the age of 45 in 1950 to 50 percent by 1987. 2

The most recent edition declares that virtually every3

American adult will have diverticulosis in the large4

intestines at some point in their life. This can be5


I feel, and you probably do as well, that we7

have become so frightened and fearful when it comes to8

our own health. How many of you take prescription drugs9

or visit a doctor year in and year out?10

ON SCREEN: Karen, 4211

Individual results may vary.12

KAREN: You hit 40 and it seems like things13

start to fall apart and it really energizes you, it makes14

you feel like you’re 25 again.15

ON SCREEN: Pauline, 7016

Individual results may vary.17

PAULINE: I had a real bad knee, they wanted to18

operate, do an implant on, and I just did not want that. 19

So, this was the reason that I opted to do this and but20

I’ve known people, too, that have had the operation and21

it didn’t help them that much either. They’ve still had22


ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)24

...The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse is a professional25

Exhibit A 31

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

detoxification program...Detoxification and maintaining1

proper pH is a key component to preventing most cancers2

and other diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease...Super3

Boost Greens is an alkylizer that will help you achieve4

proper body pH with continued daily use and is composed5

of live enzymes making it a complete live supplement... 6

THE HEALTH MAN: Every time you have a symptom7

of illness, you run to the medicine cabinet or to the8

doctor’s office, don’t you? Understand that we have been9

conditioned to this for generations and simply do not10

even question it. But do you ever really find out the11

real causes of your health problems? Does your doctor12

ever really educate you on the simple and inexpensive13

healing modalities available to you? Of course not. It14

is not in their best interests or part of the medical15

practice to do so. In fact, the average medical doctor16

has only 2.5 hours of nutritional training during their17

years in medical school.18

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)19

The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse works in JUST 7 days20

to clean your colon...This program is NOT a laxative, as21

opposed to products that require daily use for extended22


THE HEALTH MAN: I feel doctors automatically24

prescribe pharmaceutical drugs and remove body parts that25

Exhibit A 32

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

we need. 1

When we buy a pill and buy peace with it, you2

get conditioned to cheap solutions instead of deep ones. 3

In my opinion, the medical industry’s approach is4

unorthodox because it does not identify the original5

cause of sickness and disease, but simply treats the6

symptoms of them, don’t they?7

ON SCREEN: Karen, 428

KAREN: I am not into going, you know, to the9

medical doctors and having them cut your problem out. 10

You know, let’s just do the incision and take out this11

organ because you’re having problems with it. That12

doesn’t really hit on where that problem came from. It’s13

just -- it’s not really going to heal you, they’re just,14

you know, doing -- that’s the way Western medicine is. 15

I believe it can help anybody. You know,16

you’re actually cleaning your body so it can work again.17

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)18

...The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse is a triple-action19

program including Super Boost Greens, Parasine 2, and20

Mucus Eliminator...All products are produced from21

certified organic herbs for the highest potency...This22

potency can NOT be found in any store or similar23

program...You will not be as hungry after the cleanse24

because your body will be more efficient at absorbing25

Exhibit A 33

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THE HEALTH MAN: A cancerous tumor, which is a2

symptom, is routinely removed by surgery. This is3

usually followed by painful radiation treatment and4

debilitating chemotherapy. But why doesn’t the treatment5

attack the cause? Interesting, isn’t it? No wonder6

cancer comes back with such a vengeance. Healing can7

only begin when we attack the cause of disease.8

ON SCREEN: Diagram of colon9

“These statements have not been evaluated by10

the Food and Drug Administration and are the opinions of11

the speaker. This product is not intended to diagnose,12

treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”13

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)14

...This is why you will keep the weight OFF, as15

opposed to dieting. Order now and take charge of your16

health. Rush shipping is available!17

THE HEALTH MAN: This is a diagram of the human18

digestive tract. The colon is highlighted and is19

considered the sewer of the human body. Now, this should20

surprise many of you. Did you know that your digestive21

tract is responsible for about 90 percent of your overall22

health? Yes, 90 percent. Did you know that your entire23

body is fed by your small and large intestines? 24

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)25

Exhibit A 34

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

The average colon should weigh 4 lbs... John1

“Duke” Wayne died from colon cancer and his colon weighed2

45 lbs...Elvis Presley had a blocked colon at the time of3

his death and his colon weight 45 lbs...These are typical4

cases of how impacted and constipated a neglected colon5

can become...6

THE HEALTH MAN: First, the colon feeds your7

blood, then the blood cells feed all of the cells in your8

body including your brain cells. You’re probably asking9

yourself, why should this mean something to me, right? 10


Pictures of colon and mucous plaque12

THE HEALTH MAN: I say this because the13

National Health Federation has estimated that over 9714

percent of the population is living in a state of15

constipation and has developed what is called mucous16

plaque in the small and large intestines. Mucous plaque17

creates a daily self-poisoning effect on your entire body18

called toxemia. This mucous plaque exists inside of19

almost every American and lines the internal wall of your20


We have the ability to live twice as long as we22

are living today, but we need the knowledge on how to do23

this. The colon is one of the primary indicators as to24

how long we will live. 25

Exhibit A 35

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)1

...The average American carries around an extra2

5-25 lbs. in the colon (large intestine)...Most people3

eliminate and lose 5-25 lbs. while completing the 7 Day4

Miracle Cleanse...5

THE HEALTH MAN: Look, what I am offering is6

the opportunity to live a longer life without sickness or7

disease, with an abundance of energy and vitality.8

ON SCREEN: Joseph, 609

Individual results may vary.10

JOSEPH: Listen, the energy that you get,11

you’re going to feel -- you’re going to feel like12


ON SCREEN: Karen, 4214

Individual results may vary.15

KAREN: I feel now that I can keep up with16

everything and I have more time and more energy to go do17

other things, also, you know, get out of the house and do18

more. So, I feel so much better, and I’m sure the kids19

can tell the difference.20

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)21

...Parasites are not just a 3rd world22

problem...A cubic inch of beef contains 1200 parasite23

larvae...Parasine 2 is proven to eliminate parasites from24

the body in just 10 days...25

Exhibit A 36

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

THE HEALTH MAN: How does your body develop1

this mucous plaque? It all begins at about the age of2

six. Every time we eat foods not composed of fresh3

fruits and vegetables and their juices, raw nuts or4

seeds, a microscopic residue lines the digestive tract. 5

This is especially true when we consume pasteurized milk6

products, including milk, and starches such as breads and7

sugar products and alcohol and soft drinks and coffee and8

the list goes on. These products are absolutely9

indigestible foods. 10

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)11

...Celebrities spend thousands of dollars on12

colon cleansing...Colon cleansing is the celebrity secret13

to fitting into tight Oscar gowns...Join celebrities such14

as Liv Tyler, Courtney Love, Ben Affleck, Daman Wayans,15

Andie McDowell, Goldie Hawn, Gisele Bundchen, Janet16

Jackson, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Moore in detoxifying and17

cleansing your way to looking younger and losing18


THE HEALTH MAN: Over a period of 10, 20, 3020

years or more, these residues accumulate to develop21

mucous plaque a quarter inch to two inches thick around22

the entire circumference of the inner colon. 23

Take a good look at the inside of this pipe. 24

See the residues that have developed on the inside of it? 25

Exhibit A 37

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

This pipe is nearly blocked making it almost impossible1

for anything to pass through it. 2

ON SCREEN: Picture of colon3

Colon wall4

Mucous plaque5

THE HEALTH MAN: This is very similar to the6

average colon. We have taken it for granted that what we7

put into our mouth is going to come out of the other end8

of our digestive tract. 9

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)10

...The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse is a professional11

detoxification program...Detoxification and maintaining12

proper pH is a key component to preventing most cancers13

and other diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease...Super14

Boost Greens is an alkylizer that will help you achieve15

proper body pH with continued daily use and is composed16

of live enzymes making it a complete live supplement... 17

THE HEALTH MAN: Are you one of millions who18

take laxatives? I was one of those people once. We have19

just not been taught how to cleanse or to maintain20

cleanliness, especially in our colon. Why is it that we21

clean every other orifice except the filthiest? The22

colon is analogous to a sewer in your body and needs to23

be maintained just like every other orifice in your body.24

Take a moment to think about this. What if you25

Exhibit A 38

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

neglected any of your other body openings? For example,1

imagine not brushing your teeth or cleaning your ears for2

10 years or more. It would be foul to say the least,3


Now, imagine the condition of your colon. It5

is time that everyone gain awareness of the overlooked6

colon and the necessity of having a clean colon because7

your health depends on it.8

ON SCREEN: Diagram of perfect colon and9

average American colon 10

THE HEALTH MAN: This is how a perfect colon11

should look. Contrast this with how the average American12

colon looks. See how distorted the appearance of the13

neglected colon is? 14

The key to losing weight is in balancing the15

thyroid gland in your body because it controls the16

production of fat cells. 17

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)18

The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse works in JUST 7 days19

to clean your colon...This program is NOT a laxative, as20

opposed to products that require daily use for extended21


THE HEALTH MAN: Men and women spend billions23

of dollars each year for a hope or a diet that will cure24

all their problems in achieving their ideal body weight. 25

Exhibit A 39

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

There is no better system than the Seven Day Miracle1

Cleanse for losing weight faster, healthier and more2

naturally without harmful chemicals or side effects. The3

average person will lose 10 to 25 pounds or more in just4

seven days.5

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)6

...The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse is a triple-action7

program including Super Boost Greens, Parasine 2, and8

Mucus Eliminator...All products are produced from9

certified organic...10

ON SCREEN: Lost 9 lbs. in 2 weeks!11

Individual results may vary.12

PROFESSOR RON BEADLE: I think I lost nine and13

a half pounds within a two-week period. That’s pretty14


ON SCREEN: Individual results may vary.16

PAULINE: I lost about 19 pounds.17

ON SCREEN: Lost 13 pounds!18

Individual results may vary.19

JOSEPH: I am here to say that this program is20

for everyone. It’s for me, it’s for you. I, myself,21

lost 13 pounds in a few short weeks doing the Seven Day22

Miracle Cleanse.23

ON SCREEN: Individual results may vary.24

DR. ELAINE DAVIS: Since I tried the Cleanse, I25

Exhibit A 40

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

have lost over 40 pounds.1

ON SCREEN: 2 easy payments of:2


(Check by phone)4


p.o. box 27276

Downey, Ca. 902427


MALE ANNOUNCER: Don’t wait. Take back your9

health today. Don’t you owe it to yourself to take seven10

days of your life to feel great? The Seven Day Miracle11

Cleanse is a professional cleansing program that12

guarantees long-lasting results. This package includes13

Parasine 2, the Herbal Mucous Eliminator, and as a14

special bonus, The Health Man’s own Super Boost Greens. 15

All the products are made from only the finest organic16

herbs, plus you’ll receive the Seven Day Miracle Cleanse17

Handbook to guide you through the program with helpful18

tips and an extensive selection of delicious gourmet19

recipes. 20

ON SCREEN: First 250 Callers! $40 Value FREE21


p.o. box 272723

Downey, Ca. 9024224


Exhibit A 41

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

MALE ANNOUNCER: With our special offer, the1

first 250 callers will receive an additional 30-day2

supply of The Health Man’s Super Boost Greens without3


To order your Seven Day Miracle Cleanse, just5

call the toll-free number. 6

ON SCREEN: 2 easy payments of:7


(Check by phone)9


p.o. box 272711

Downey, Ca. 9024212


MALE ANNOUNCER: The Seven Day Miracle Cleanse14

comes with an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. 15

Take back your health today.16

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)17

The average colon should weigh 4 lbs... John18

“Duke” Wayne died from colon cancer and his colon weighed19

45 lbs...Elvis Presley had a blocked colon at the time of20

his death and his colon weight 45 lbs...These are typical21

cases of how impacted and constipated a neglected colon22

can become...23

THE HEALTH MAN: Another danger of mucous24

plaque is that it houses toxins, such as heavy metals,25

Exhibit A 42

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

which is thought to be a major contributor of Alzheimer’s1

Disease. It also houses parasites, fungi, worms and2

harmful bacteria, each of which can weaken your immune3

system. The elimination of this filth is one of the key4

components in achieving perfect health and in building a5

pain-free body for both young and old.6

I challenge any person, any organization to7

prove me wrong. What I am talking about is real. It’s8

never too late to benefit from the Seven Day Miracle9

Cleanse Program, a rejuvenation system. 10

ON SCREEN: “These statements have not been11

evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are the12

opinions of the speaker. This product is not intended to13

diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”14

THE HEALTH MAN: In fact, the Seven Day Miracle15

Cleanse can extend your life 10, 20, 30 years or more.16

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)17

...The average American carries around an extra18

5-25 lbs. in the colon (large intestine)...Most people19

eliminate and lose 5-25 lbs. while completing the 7 Day20

Miracle Cleanse...21

THE HEALTH MAN: Nobel Prize winner Alex22

Corelle (phonetic) stated that if the cell is cleansed23

and nourished properly, it could live indefinitely. Just24

think of the possibilities. It is now time for us to25

Exhibit A 43

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

realize our potential in this life and stop taking it for1

granted. 2

When are you going to get passionate about your3

health? You now have the opportunity to really do4

something about it. 5

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)6

...Parasites are not just a 3rd world7

problem...A cubic inch of beef contains 1200 parasite8

larvae...Parasine 2 is proven to eliminate parasites from9

the body in just 10 days...10

THE HEALTH MAN: How easy is it to eliminate11

constipation? I know that if you complete just one Seven12

Day Miracle Cleanse Program, you will have regular,13

healthy bowel eliminations just as you did when you were14

a child. Fecal waste products should stay in your system15

no longer than 24 hours, although six to eight hours is16

ideal. The average time is 72 to 96 hours, which gives17

fecal matter enough time to putrefy and build up toxins18

that can affect every part of your body, especially the19

immune system.20

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)21

...Celebrities spend thousands of dollars on22

colon cleansing...Colon cleansing is the celebrity secret23

to fitting into tight Oscar gowns...Join celebrities such24

as Liv Tyler, Courtney Love, Ben Affleck, Daman Wayans,25

Exhibit A 44

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Andie McDowell, Goldie Hawn, Gisele Bundchen, Janet1

Jackson, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Moore in detoxifying and2

cleansing your way to looking younger and losing3


THE HEALTH MAN: Can you imagine eliminating5

constipation in just seven days of your life? How long6

have you been suffering? Isn’t it time for you to do7

something about it?8

I feel the medical industry has done a superior9

job of making us feel inferior about taking care of our10

own health. Also, they have intentionally made us11

believe that our own health is too complicated to figure12

out for ourselves and that we need to depend upon them to13

do our thinking for us. Visiting a doctor is nothing14

more than experiencing intellectual degradation. Just15

like mindless robots, we go to a doctor every time we get16

sick, looking for sympathy or for a quick fix in the form17

of an unnecessary drug. We have blindly bought into18

credentials rather than using our own faith and God-given19

common sense. 20

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)21

...The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse is a professional22

detoxification program...Detoxification and maintaining23

proper pH is a key component to preventing most cancers24

and other diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease...Super25

Exhibit A 45

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

Boost Greens is an alkylizer that will help you achieve1

proper body pH with continued daily use and is composed2

of live enzymes making it a complete live supplement... 3

THE HEALTH MAN: As Voltaire stated, a4

physician is one who pours drugs of which he knows little5

into a body of which he knows less. It is a fact that6

over 160,000 people die each year after taking7

prescription medical drugs.8

ON SCREEN: Karen, 429

Individual results may vary.10

KAREN: This is such a better alternative than11

going and being medicated, you know, with medicine that12

has side effects and, you know, the TV commercials, my13

kids laugh at them. Oh, yeah, Mom, right, you know,14

liver damage, kidney damage, heart attack, sure, we want15

to -- you know, we want to take that. And that’s true.16

People -- anybody -- if my kids notice it,17

everybody’s going to know. Why would I take that18

medication? You know? There’s got to be a better way. 19

Let’s get back to nature, our fruits and our vegetables,20

you know, we’ll be much better off.21

ON SCREEN: Professor Ron Beadle22

Individual results may vary.23

PROFESSOR RON BEADLE: The Seven Day Miracle24

Cleanse is a must and you’ve got to do it. I’m telling25

Exhibit A 46

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you. If not, it’s your fault.1

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)2

The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse works in JUST 7 days3

to clean your colon...This program is NOT a laxative, as4

opposed to products that require daily use for extended5


THE HEALTH MAN: Are you intelligent people? 7

Of course you are. I’m here to tell you that the only8

person that can heal you is you. You create your health9

problems, you can uncreate them. 10

So, what’s missing? All you need is the right11

knowledge on how to eliminate the filth, this mucous12

plaque, this blockage from your colon. And, more13

importantly, to maintain a clean environment for the14

prevention of sickness and disease in your body. Is15

changing your diet the solution? The best diet isn’t any16

better than the worst if you don’t remove the old mucous17

plaque first.18

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)19

...The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse is a triple-action20

program including Super Boost Greens, Parasine 2, and21

Mucus Eliminator...All products are produced from22

certified organic herbs for the highest potency...This23

potency can NOT be found in any store or similar24

program...You will not be as hungry after the cleanse25

Exhibit A 47

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because your body will be more efficient at absorbing1


THE HEALTH MAN: Remember what I said earlier. 3

Consumers in America absorb less than 10 percent of the4

nutrients from the foods they eat. If you are serious5

about improving your well-being, then the elimination of6

mucous plaque is the key to success. 7

Eleven years ago, I was diagnosed with skin8

cancer and breast cancer, although I was in perfect9

physical health. I had been living with open sores on my10

body that would never scab or heal. Then a lump11

developed in the right pectoral area of my chest. It12

grew to the size of a golf ball. Within nine months, the13

pain grew to be so unbearable that it consumed my every14

thought and I could not take the pain any more. I was in15

serious denial to think that anything could be wrong with16

me. After all, I was in perfect physical shape.17

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)18

...This is why you will keep the weight OFF, as19

opposed to dieting. Order now and take charge of your20

health. Rush shipping is available!21

THE HEALTH MAN: So, I went to a doctor and22

after many, many tests, it was not only determined that I23

had breast cancer, but I had skin cancer as well. I will24

never forget how much I was gripped with fear at that25

Exhibit A 48

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moment. I was dripping with sweat, my heart was pounding1

so hard I thought it was going to burst through my chest. 2

I felt like the walls were closing in on me.3

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)4

The average colon should weigh 4 lbs... John5

“Duke” Wayne died from colon cancer and his colon weighed6

45 lbs...Elvis Presley had a blocked colon at the time of7

his death and his colon weight 45 lbs...These are typical8

cases of how impacted and constipated a neglected colon9

can become...10

THE HEALTH MAN: And then the doctor said that11

he wanted to schedule me for surgery, chemotherapy and12

radiation. There was no way I was going to have any of13

this done to me because I watched my grandmother die14

within three weeks after the same treatment. I knew that15

I was going to have a different fate. So, I rushed out16

of the doctor’s office. My faith was extremely strong,17

but I knew that I didn’t have much time and that I needed18

to find a healing solution fast.19

I was smart enough to know that surgery would20

only remove the symptom of my illness, but not the cause. 21

I was only interested in the cause of my disease. I22

remarkably found a simple and easy bowel cleansing23

program within one day. I didn’t know anything about24

this program, so I was very skeptical. But I was told25

Exhibit A 49

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that many people had healed themselves of just about1

every health infliction conceivable.2

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)3

...The average American carries around an extra4

5-25 lbs. in the colon (large intestine)...Most people5

eliminate and lose 5-25 lbs. while completing the 7 Day6

Miracle Cleanse...7

THE HEALTH MAN: I started my first Seven Day8

detoxification program and I will never forget what9

happened on the fourth day. The pain in my tumor had10

vanished. I was also experiencing an overwhelming11

feeling of peace and tranquility. I knew that I had12

tapped into the source of healing.13

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)14

...Parasites are not just a 3rd world15

problem...A cubic inch of beef contains 1200 parasite16

larvae...Parasine 2 is proven to eliminate parasites from17

the body in just 10 days...18

THE HEALTH MAN: Within seven days on my first19

program, the improbable happened. My skin cancer sores20

had scabbed over. Within 14 days, they had healed21

completely. I repeated this program every three weeks22

until my tumor had completely disintegrated. This23

process took only four months. 24

I had also realized through the visual25

Exhibit A 50

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experience of examining the mucous plaque that poured out1

of my body during the cleansing process that this2

material is very, very toxic and poisonous. In my3

opinion, it is the true source of sickness and disease. 4

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)5

...Celebrities spend thousands of dollars on6

colon cleansing...Colon cleansing is the celebrity secret7

to fitting into tight Oscar gowns...Join celebrities such8

as Liv Tyler, Courtney Love, Ben Affleck, Daman Wayans,9

Andie McDowell, Goldie Hawn, Gisele Bundchen, Janet10

Jackson, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Moore in detoxifying and11

cleansing your way to looking younger and losing12


THE HEALTH MAN: This lifetime of residues,14

this mucous plaque was poisoning my bloodstream, my15

cells, my entire body every day until my tolerance was so16

depleted that it left my body vulnerable to disease. 17

This is typical of every American and this means you.18

After healing myself, I had decided that I was19

going to dedicate my life to sharing this knowledge with20

everyone. After a few years after extensive research of21

nutritional supplements, bowel cleansing, disease, juice22

therapy, herbs and other associated products, I had23

developed the Seven Day Miracle Cleanse. It was my goal24

to mainstream this wholesome truth of healing and25

Exhibit A 51

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wellness so everyone could have the same opportunity to1

create a perfectly healthy body.2

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)3

...The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse is a professional4

detoxification program...Detoxification and maintaining5

proper pH is a key component to preventing most cancers6

and other diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease...Super7

Boost Greens is an alkylizer that will help you achieve8

proper body pH with continued daily use and is composed9

of live enzymes making it a complete live supplement... 10

THE HEALTH MAN: Since then, my program has11

helped thousands of people overcome just about every12

health problem feared today, including AIDS, all types of13

cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, migraine14

headaches, PMS, fibroid tumors and all types of bowel15


ON SCREEN: 7-Day Miracle Cleanse Handbook17

A professional detoxification program18

MALE ANNOUNCER: First, you will get the Seven19

Day Miracle Cleanse handbook which describes the easy,20

step-by-step instructions to prepare you for the21

cleansing experience and to guide you through it. There22

are three different programs to choose from, a program23

for everyone.24

ON SCREEN: Bottle of Parasine 225

Exhibit A 52

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

MALE ANNOUNCER: You will also get my Parasite1

and Worm Eliminator, Parasine 2. This product is taken2

before the seven-day program. It eliminates parasites3

and worms. The average person harbors millions of4

harmful parasites, especially throughout the digestive5

tract. It is a fact that over 50 million children die6

each year from parasites worldwide. This is a serious7

issue and anybody who desires to achieve perfect health8

needs to eliminate these parasites. 9

Many people who have taken this product have10

stated that they have expelled tapeworms that they did11

not know they had. Parasine 2 is the most effective of12

its kind.13

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)14

The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse works in JUST 7 days15

to clean your colon...This program is NOT a laxative, as16

opposed to products that require daily use for extended17


ON SCREEN: Bottle of Herbal Mucous Eliminator19

THE HEALTH MAN: This is my Herbal Mucous20

Eliminator, the catalyst in preparing and eliminating the21

mucous plaque from the inner walls of the small and large22

intestines. I have tested all the similar products23

available to find that the HME is superior and is24

composed of the finest herbs available.25

Exhibit A 53

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)1

...The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse is a triple-action2

program including Super Boost Greens, Parasine 2, and3

Mucus Eliminator...All products are produced from4

certified organic herbs for the highest potency...This5

potency can NOT be found in any store or similar6

program...You will not be as hungry after the cleanse7

because your body will be more...8

ON SCREEN: Bottle of Super Boost (Green Mix)9

THE HEALTH MAN: This product is my awesome10

Super Boost Greens, a powerful antioxidant as well as an11

alkalizer to balance the pH in your blood. Everyone12

should be taking greens every day just like this one. 13

As you consume acid-forming foods, your blood’s14

pH level is adversely affected. Your blood will15

automatically leach minerals from your bones and muscles. 16

Our bones can become brittle and shrink as our muscles17

lose their tone as we get older. The Super Boost Greens18

can replenish these minerals. This is a one-month supply19

and it is recommended for continued daily use. Greens20

are essential in the cleansing process because it21

supplies our body with vegetable protein, chlorophyll and22

trace minerals necessary for rejuvenating the human cell.23

ON SCREEN: 2 easy payments of:24


Exhibit A 54

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

(Check by phone)1


p.o. box 27273

Downey, Ca. 902424


MALE ANNOUNCER: Don’t wait, take back your6

health today. Don’t you owe it to yourself to take seven7

days of your life to feel great? 8

The Seven Day Miracle Cleanse is a professional9

cleansing program that guarantees long-lasting results. 10

This package includes Parasine 2, the Herbal Mucous11

Eliminator, and as a special bonus, The Health Man’s own12

Super Boost Greens. All the products are made from only13

the finest organic herbs, plus you’ll receive the Seven14

Day Miracle Cleanse Handbook to guide you through the15

program with helpful tips and an extensive selection of16

delicious gourmet recipes. 17

ON SCREEN: First 250 Callers! $40 Value FREE18


p.o. box 272720

Downey, Ca. 9024221


MALE ANNOUNCER: With our special offer, the23

first 250 callers will receive an additional 30-day24

supply of The Health Man’s Super Boost Greens without25

Exhibit A 55

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ON SCREEN: 2 easy payments of:2


(Check by phone)4


p.o. box 27276

Downey, Ca. 902427


MALE ANNOUNCER: To order your Seven Day9

Miracle Cleanse, just call the toll-free number. The10

Seven Day Miracle Cleanse comes with an unconditional 30-11

day money back guarantee. Take back your health today.12

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)13

...from colon cancer and his colon weighed 4514

lbs...Elvis Presley had a blocked colon at the time of15

his death and his colon weight 45 lbs...These are typical16

cases of how impacted and constipated a neglected colon17

can become...18

ON SCREEN: Celeste, 2719

Individual results may vary.20

CELESTE: During the cleanse and after, I21

noticed a remarkable change in my hair, skin and body.22

It’s like pushing the refresh button.23

ON SCREEN: Dr. Fred Busci, 8224

Individual results may vary.25

Exhibit A 56

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

DR. FRED BUSCI: All disease commences on a1

cellular level, but your bowels is the sewage disposal2

system in the human body. So, it’s imperative and very,3

very important if you want to live a vital and long, long4

life that you have to keep the sewage or the elimination5

system clean. If you don’t, you’re going to develop a6

lot of sludge on a cellular level.7

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)8

...The average American carries around an extra9

5-25 lbs. in the colon (large intestine)...Most people10

eliminate and lose 5-25 lbs. while completing the 7 Day11

Miracle Cleanse...12

ON SCREEN: Joseph, 6013

Individual results may vary.14

JOSEPH: I mean, if you ever see like little15

babies running around when they’re two and three years16

old and they have all this energy, that’s how you’re17

going to feel because it’s actually revitalizing the18

body, you know, getting it back to the way that you were19

when you were completely healthy. Once you know it and20

do it, you’re going to tell your friends because, wow,21

that’s what it did for me.22

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)23

...Parasites are not just a 3rd world24

problem...A cubic inch of beef contains 1200 parasite25

Exhibit A 57

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larvae...Parasine 2 is proven to eliminate parasites from1

the body in just 10 days...2

THE HEALTH MAN: Now, I’m ready to help3

millions. Not only did these people heal themselves, but4

they raised their health and lives to a level that they5

did not previously experience. Look, it’s not our fault6

that we have a very unhealthy society. We were just not7

taught the basic secrets to create a perfect, healthy8

body. 9

Now, you have no more excuses because the Seven10

Day Miracle Cleanse offers you a complete comprehensive11

detoxification system and all the necessary products to12

create a new you, to give you a new lease on life that13

starts by cleaning out the years of filth, of toxic14

mucous in your colon.15

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)16

...Celebrities spend thousands of dollars on17

colon cleansing...Colon cleansing is the celebrity secret18

to fitting into tight Oscar gowns...Join celebrities such19

as Liv Tyler, Courtney Love, Ben Affleck, Daman Wayans,20

Andie McDowell, Goldie Hawn, Gisele Bundchen, Janet21

Jackson, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Moore in detoxifying and22

cleansing your way to looking younger and losing23


ON SCREEN: Karen, 4225

Exhibit A 58

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Individual results may vary.1

KAREN: Everyone’s into going to the vitamin2

stores now and, you know, the protein drinks and they’re3

juicing, but they’re really not -- it’s not really going4

to work for them unless they’re cleaning their colon, so5

all the nutrients can get into the body where it belongs,6

and that made perfect sense to me. So, I thought, I have7

to do this.8

THE HEALTH MAN: How much do you value your9

health? How much would it be worth to prevent10

degenerative health problems so you don’t find yourself11

on the surgeon’s table under the knife? Would you pay a12

million dollars, a $100,000, $10,000? 13

At this moment, I offer you the opportunity to14

take charge of your health. 15

ON SCREEN: “These statements have not been16

evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are the17

opinions of the speaker. This product is not intended to18

diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”19

THE HEALTH MAN: Celebrities pay as much as20

$5,000 for this identical program, but your cost is less21

than one visit to a doctor at only $89 plus shipping and22

it comes with a money-back guarantee.23

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)24

...The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse is a professional25

Exhibit A 59

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detoxification program...Detoxification and maintaining1

proper pH is a key component to preventing most cancers2

and other diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease...Super3

Boost Greens is an alkylizer that will help you achieve4

proper body pH with continued daily use and is composed5

of live enzymes making it a complete live supplement... 6

THE HEALTH MAN: This is one of my favorite7

subjects and especially you women will be astonished with8

what I’m about to tell you. 9

How many of you have this? Have you tried10

thousands of sit-ups and still can’t get rid of this? 11

Remember what I told you earlier. The average person12

carries around 10 to 25 pounds of mucous plaque. This is13

your colon impacted with years of mucous plaque creating14

this bulge, adding constipation on top of it.15

I’ve worked with many women and I know how16

sensitive you are about this. In fact, I believe it is17

the area of your body with which you are the most18

unhappy, right? The Seven Day Miracle Cleanse really19

works. There is no need to wait for a flat stomach any20


I would like you to think about this, if you22

looked at yourself in the mirror right now, do you23

realize that this is the youngest that you will ever look24

again? 25

Exhibit A 60

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)1

The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse works in JUST 7 days2

to clean your colon...This program is NOT a laxative, as3

opposed to products that require daily use for extended4


THE HEALTH MAN: But, now, you can defy the6

aging process and become younger if you take action and7

complete my program. Most people report looking and8

feeling 10 to 20 years younger after completing the Seven9

Day Miracle Cleanse.10

ON SCREEN: Karen, 4211

Individual results may vary.12

KAREN: You hit 40 and it seems like things13

start to fall apart and it really energizes you, it makes14

you feel like you’re 25 again.15

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)16

...The 7 Day Miracle Cleanse is a triple-action17

program including Super Boost Greens, Parasine 2, and18

Mucus Eliminator...All products are produced from19

certified organic herbs for the highest potency...This20

potency can NOT be found in any store or similar21

program...You will not be as hungry after the cleanse22

because your body will be more efficient at absorbing23

nutrients...this is why you keep the weight OFF, as24

opposed to dieting. Order now and take charge of your25

Exhibit A 61

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

health. Rush shipping available!1

THE HEALTH MAN: How many of you women suffer2

every month with bloating, cramps and other symptoms of3

PMS? Women who have completed just one seven-day program4

and add fresh vegetable juices to their diet state that5

PMS is a thing of the past. Isn’t this something that6

you could really get excited about or do you like feeling7

terrible every month?8

Look, I can’t do it for you, but at this9

moment, I am giving you the opportunity to do it for10

yourself. Anybody can complete this program. All you11

have to do is order the Seven Day Miracle Cleanse Program12

right now and get started. I promise you that all of13

your friends and family will be telling you how wonderful14

you look after completing the program. 15

The key to losing weight is in balancing the16

thyroid gland in your body because it controls the17

production of fat cells. Men and women spend billions of18

dollars each year for a hope or a diet that will cure all19

their problems in achieving their ideal body weight. 20

There is no better system than the Seven Day Miracle21

Cleanse for losing weight faster, healthier and more22

naturally without harmful chemicals or side effects.23

The average person will lose 10 to 25 pounds or more in24

just seven days.25

Exhibit A 62

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

ON SCREEN: Lost 9 lbs. In 2 weeks!1

Individual results may vary.2

PROFESSOR RON BEADLE: I think I lost nine and3

a half pounds within a two-week period. That’s pretty4


ON SCREEN: Individual results will vary.6

PAULINE: I lost more than 19 pounds.7

ON SCREEN: Lost 13 lbs.!8

Individual results will vary.9

JOSEPH: I’m here to say that this program is10

for everyone. It’s for me, it’s for you. I, myself,11

lost 13 pounds in a few short weeks doing the Seven Day12

Miracle Cleanse.13

ON SCREEN: Individual results may vary.14

DR. ELAINE DAVIS: Since I’ve tried the15

Cleanse, I have lost over 40 pounds.16

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)17

The average colon should weigh 4 lbs... John18

“Duke” Wayne died from colon cancer and his colon weighed19

45 lbs...Elvis Presley had a blocked colon at the time of20

his death and his colon weight 45 lbs...These are typical21

cases of how impacted and constipated a neglected colon22

can become...23

THE HEALTH MAN: Most symptoms are connected to24

our colon and your body has an amazing healing ability25

Exhibit A 63

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

once you remove the toxic mucous plaque from it. You can1

achieve a level of superior health in a very short period2

of time by giving your body this opportunity. 3

The human body is a simple organism and the4

only thing that makes it complicated are the devitalized5

foods you have eaten in your lifetime without eliminating6

their toxic residues. 7

ON SCREEN: (Scrolling across top of screen)8

...The average American carries around an extra9

5-25 lbs. in the colon (large intestine)...Most people10

eliminate and lose 5-25 lbs. while completing the 7 Day11

Miracle Cleanse...12

THE HEALTH MAN: The Seven Day Miracle Cleanse13

will undoubtedly get you on the road to taking back your14

health. No one has ever made the cleansing process15

available to the public until now.16

No wonder it is the best investment for your17

body’s health and wellness. Take back your health today18

and, remember, you are what you eat, but more19

importantly, what you do not eliminate.20

Thank you for joining me today on location in21

beautiful Hawaii. I’m the Health Man.22

ON SCREEN: 2 easy payments of:23


(Check by phone)25

Exhibit A 64

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555


p.o. box 27272

Downey, Ca. 902423


MALE ANNOUNCER: Don’t wait. Take back your5

health today. The Seven Day Miracle Cleanse is a6

professional cleansing program that guarantees long-7

lasting results. This package includes Parasine 2, the8

Herbal Mucous Eliminator, and as a special bonus, The9

Health Man’s own Super Boost Greens. All the products10

are made from only the finest organic herbs, plus you’ll11

receive the Seven Day Miracle Cleanse Handbook to guide12

you through the program with helpful tips and an13

extensive selection of delicious gourmet recipes. 14

ON SCREEN: First 250 Callers! $40 Value FREE15


p.o. box 272717

Downey, Ca. 9024218


MALE ANNOUNCER: With our special offer, the20

first 250 callers will receive an additional 30-day21

supply of The Health Man’s own Super Boost Greens without22

charge. 23

ON SCREEN: 2 easy payments of:24


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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

(Check by phone)1


p.o. box 27273

Downey, Ca. 902424


MALE ANNOUNCER: The Seven Day Miracle Cleanse6

comes with an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. 7

Take back your health today.8


ON SCREEN: “These statements have not been10

evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are the11

opinions of the speaker. This product is not intended to12

diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”13

This is a product of 7 Day Marketing, Inc.14

ON SCREEN: The preceding has been a paid15

advertisement and is the opinion of Seven Day Miracle16


MALE ANNOUNCER: The preceding is a paid18

advertisement and is the opinion of Seven Day Miracle19


ON SCREEN: Video by cosmoproductions21


(The infomercial was concluded.)23

(The DVD was concluded.)24


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MATTER NO. 06232346




















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I N D E X2



7 Day Miracle Cleanse 35





















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In the Matter of: )3

Seven Day Marketing, Inc. ) Matter No. 06232344



April 7, 2005 7




The following transcript was produced from a11

DVD provided to For The Record, Inc. on April 12, 2007. 12














Exhibit B 70

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

P R O C E E D I N G S1

- - - - -2


ON SCREEN: P.M.T. W 14 4/07/054


length: 28:306

phone # 7

ON SCREEN: The following program is a paid8

advertisement and is the opinion of the Seven Day Miracle9


MALE ANNOUNCER: The following is a paid11

advertisement and is the opinion of the Seven Day Miracle12




production by16


FEMALE ANNOUNCER: The Health Man, in many18

circles, is considered to be one of the healthiest people19

on the planet. 20



FEMALE ANNOUNCER: He is going to share with23

you the secrets of how you, too, can heal yourself of24

just about any health problem and how you can build a25

Exhibit B 71

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

pain-free body. He is a man who was diagnosed with1

breast cancer and skin cancer 12 years ago. Not only did2

he heal himself within four months, but something amazing3

occurred in the process. He became perfectly healthy.4


FEMALE ANNOUNCER: Now, here is the founder of6

the Seven Day Miracle Cleanse, the Health Man.7

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen8

throughout the entire infomercial)9

If we want to be free of all the self-created10

pain, we must cleanse and purify every aspect of our11

bodies and minds. A Yale University study revealed that12

vegetarians have nearly twice the stamina as meat eaters. 13

The Journal of the American Medical Association reported14

that a vegetarian diet can prevent 90-97% of all heart15

diseases. The number one cause of death in the United16

States is heart disease. Studies reveal 59% less cancer17

among people who eat small amounts of meat compared to18

average meat eaters. Although meat needs to pass through19

the digestive tract quickly, it takes four times longer20

than grains or vegetables. 21

The American National Institute of Health, in a22

study of 50,000 vegetarians, found that they live longer,23

have far less heart disease and a much lower cancer rate24

compared to meat eaters. World starvation is well25

Exhibit B 72

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

connected to meat-eating habits. If Americans stopped1

feeding grain to cattle, the excess grain could feed 5002

million people.3


THE HEALTH MAN: Are you sick and tired of5

being sick and tired? Are you one of millions who suffer6

from the common ailments such as constipation, irritable7

bowel syndrome, fatigue, Alzheimer’s and other diseases? 8

Have you been struggling year in and year out with your9

health problems? Then why should you suffer any more? 10

I have the solution for you. Imagine being in11

control of your health. You can look and feel 10 to 2012

years younger than your age, have perfect cholesterol,13

perfect body weight and consistent bowel eliminations, a14

body immune to all sickness. These are the15

characteristics of perfect health.16

In the next half hour, I guarantee each and17

every one of you that you will be amazed as I show you18

the most innovative health rejuvenation system in the19

world, which has never been available to the public until20

now. 21

Thank you for joining me today from beautiful22

Hawaii. I’m the Health Man. I must first say it is a23

pleasure to have this incredible opportunity to share24

this profound knowledge with each and every one of you. 25

Exhibit B 73

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

What I’m about to tell you about your own personal health1

may be equally alarming and amazing. 2

I would first like to address what I feel is3

the missing link in our society when it comes to our own4

health, as we are the unhealthiest nation in the world. 5

It is a fact that you were born perfect and somewhere6

along the way you’ve become imperfect. The right7

knowledge has not been available to you, the public. If8

this were not true, then why has the United States become9

the most diseased nation in the world?10

According to the respected publication, the11

Merck Manual, colon health has degenerated quickly. For12

example, the major colon disease, diverticulosis13

increased from 10 percent of adults over the age of 45 in14

1950 to 50 percent by 1987. 15

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen16

throughout the entire infomercial)17

-- that could be used to grow food instead of18

being used for grazing cattle. Only raw foods have life19

force and enzymes, and they are more important to our20

health than taking vitamins, minerals and amino acids. 21

Drugs have no life force -- 22

THE HEALTH MAN: The most recent edition23

declares that virtually every American adult will have24

diverticulosis in the large intestines at some point in25

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

their life. This can be prevented.1

I feel, and you probably do as well, that we2

have become so frightened and fearful when it comes to3

our own health. How many of you take prescription drugs4

or visit a doctor year in and year out?5

ON SCREEN: Dr. Fred Bisci M.D.6

Age 827

DR. FRED BISCI: I think all the people that8

have dealt with seriously sick people, people that have9

not been able to do it just by changing their diet, and10

there’s a lot of people like that that I see. They have11

to go through this process of cleaning out their bowels. 12

So, it’s imperative and very, very important if you want13

to live a (inaudible) and long, long life that you have14

to keep the sewage or the elimination system clean. 15

There’s a lot of bowel cleansers out there,16

I’ve probably tried them all. I recently tried the Seven17

Day Miracle Cleanse. I tried it on myself. I definitely18

did see an improvement in how I feel. So, I know it is a19

superior product and I certainly would recommend it for20

anybody and I’m definitely going to start recommending it21

to my patients or my clients, the people in my practice.22

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen23

through the entire infomercial)24

Drugs have no life force, no nutrition, and no25

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

enzymes, but herbs have them all. The regular use of an1

excellent antioxidant formula can protect and maintain2

your body in optimal health. An exact pH is necessary3

for blood purity, enzyme activity, and full immune4

potential. More than 90% of the American population has5

lost the proper pH balance. Disease is a natural result6

obtained from an unnatural lifestyle. The advanced7

stages of bowel diseases such as diverticulosis --8


THE HEALTH MAN: Every time you have a symptom10

of illness, you run to the medicine cabinet or to the11

doctor’s office, don’t you? Understand that we have been12

conditioned to this for generations and simply do not13

even question it. But do you ever really find out the14

real causes of your health problems? Does your doctor15

ever really educate you on the simple and inexpensive16

healing modalities available to you? Of course not. It17

is not in their best interests or part of the medical18

practice to do so. In fact, the average medical doctor19

has only 2.5 hours of nutritional training during their20

years in medical school.21

I feel doctors automatically prescribe22

pharmaceutical drugs and remove body parts that we need. 23

When we buy a pill and buy peace with it, you24

get conditioned to cheap solutions instead of deep ones. 25

Exhibit B 76

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

In my opinion, the medical industry’s approach is1

unorthodox because it does not identify the original2

cause of sickness and disease, but simply treats the3

symptoms of them, don’t they?4

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen5

throughout the entire infomercial)6

-- inflammatory bowel disease, dysplasia, bowel7

cancer, and others, are associated with contaminated --8

ON SCREEN: Karen, 429

KAREN: I am not into going, you know, to the10

medical doctors and having them cut your problem out. 11

You know, let’s just do the incision and take out this12

organ because you’re having problems with it. 13

ON SCREEN: The seven day miracle cleanse is14

not intended to treat, sure or diagnose any disease15

KAREN: That doesn’t really hit on where that16

problem came from. It’s just -- it’s not really going to17

heal you, they’re just, you know, doing -- that’s the way18

Western medicine is. 19

I believe it can help anybody. You’re actually20

cleaning your body so it can work again.21

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen22

throughout the entire infomercial)23

-- and others, are associated with contaminated24

mucous plaque. No one can be healthy without a strong,25

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

clean liver. A toxic liver results from a toxic bowel,1

and leads to disease. 50,000 Americans die each year2

from colon cancer. Cleanse your colon for optimal3

health. 4

(Animation of colon -- ideal colon)5

One third of the American people now have6

candida, which can weaken the whole body, especially the7

immune system. More than 55 million American children8

are infected with worms. Parasites protect themselves9

from most de-worming measures by burying themselves10

inside or underneath the impacted mucous layers. 11

Parasites may be microscopic in size or as long as 3012

feet (or longer) --13

(Animation of colon -- average colon)14

(Pictures of mucous plaque) 15

THE HEALTH MAN: A cancerous tumor, which is a16

symptom, is routinely removed by surgery. This is17

usually followed by painful radiation treatment and18

debilitating chemotherapy. But why doesn’t the treatment19

attack the cause? Interesting, isn’t it? No wonder20

cancer comes back with such a vengeance. Healing can21

only begin when we attack the cause of disease.22

This is a diagram of the human digestive tract. 23

The colon is highlighted and is considered the sewer of24

the human body. Now, this should surprise many of you. 25

Exhibit B 78

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

Did you know that your digestive tract is responsible for1

about 90 percent of your overall health? Yes, 902

percent. Did you know that your entire body is fed by3

your small and large intestines? 4

First, the colon feeds your blood, then the5

blood cells feed all of the cells in your body including6

your brain cells. You’re probably asking yourself, why7

should this mean something to me, right? I say this8

because the National Health Federation has estimated that9

over 97 percent of the population is living in a state of10

constipation and has developed what is called mucous11

plaque in the small and large intestines. Mucous plaque12

creates a daily self-poisoning effect on your entire body13

called toxemia. This mucous plaque insists inside of14

almost every American and lines the internal wall of your15


ON SCREEN: Send check or money order to:17


635 E. First St. #32719

Tustin, CA 9278020



Now Only!23

$89.00 + s&h24

(check by phone)25

Exhibit B 79

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

MALE ANNOUNCER: You will receive the Seven Day1

Miracle Cleanse Handbook containing easy-to-follow, step-2

by-step instructions for completing the program. You’ll3

also get the Parasine 2, the most effective parasite4

eliminator available. Next, the Herbal Mucous Eliminator5

which is the catalyst for mucous plaque removal. It is6

made from the finest certified organic herbs. 7

Act now and receive a one-month supply of our8

Super Boost Greens, which are recommended for daily use.9

This package normally retails for $125, but if10

you order now it’s yours for only $89. Operators are11

standing by. Just call the 800 number on the screen or12

send check or money order to the address shown. Take13

back your health today with the Seven Day Miracle14


ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen16

throughout the entire infomercial)17

Once parasites are in the body, the only way to18

get them out is to get rid of their environment of filth,19

for that is where they live and that is their food -20

filth. 7DMC Order Now! www.7DMC.com only $89.00 7DMC 21

We must feed the friendly bacteria. Cooked and processed22

foods feed the harmful bacteria.23

The seven day miracle cleanse is not intended24

to treat, cure or diagnose any disease.25

Exhibit B 80

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

Undigested foods also feed pathogenic bacteria. 1

Cow’s milk was designed for calves.2

THE HEALTH MAN: The colon’s primary function3

is to extract nutrients from your bowels, in other words,4

from the foods you eat. It has also been estimated that5

over 97 percent of the population absorbs less than 106

percent of the nutrients from the foods we eat. Thus, it7

is no wonder that 60 percent of the population is obese. 8

Even worse, 97 percent of us die prematurely from a9

diseased colon and from malnutrition. 10

We have the ability to live twice as long as we11

are living today, but we need the knowledge on how to do12

this. The colon is one of the primary indicators as to13

how long we will live. 14

ON SCREEN: Joseph, 6015

JOSEPH: Listen, the energy that you get,16

you’re going to feel -- you’re going to feel like17


ON SCREEN: Pauline, 7019

PAULINE: I started feeling better just within20

a couple days.21

ON SCREEN: Joanie, 7222

JOANIE: My energy went through the roof, just23

-- just -- I think three or four days I was into the24

program and it just, hew.25

Exhibit B 81

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen1

throughout the entire infomercial)2

At least 50% of the American people tested for3

allergies reacted to dairy products. People who use the4

7 Day Miracle Cleanse have found mucous plaque being5

eliminated from their bodies and most of them have6

improved their health, increased their energy, and7

eliminated a large spectrum of --8


THE HEALTH MAN: How does your body develop10

this mucous plaque? It all begins at about the age of11

six. Every time we eat foods not composed of fresh12

fruits and vegetables and their juices, raw nuts or13

seeds, a microscopic residue lines the digestive tract. 14

This is especially true when we consume pasteurized milk15

products, including milk, and starches such as breads and16

sugar products and alcohol and soft drinks and coffee and17

the list goes on. These products are absolutely18

indigestible foods. 19

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen20

throughout the entire infomercial)21

-- want to be free of all the self-created22

pain, we must cleanse and purify every aspect of our23

bodies and minds. A Yale University study revealed that24

vegetarians have nearly twice the stamina as meat eaters. 25

Exhibit B 82

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

ON SCREEN: Pictures of colon1

Colon Wall Mucous plaque2

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen3

throughout the entire infomercial)4

The Journal of the American Medical Association5

reported that a vegetarian diet can prevent 90-97% of all6

heart diseases. The number one cause of death in the7

United States is heart disease. Studies reveal 59% less8

cancer among people who eat small amounts of meat9

compared to average meat eaters. Although meat needs to10

pass through the digestive tract quickly, it takes four11

times longer than grains or vegetables. 12

The American National Institute of Health, in a13

study of 50,000 vegetarians, found that they live longer,14

have far less heart disease and a much lower cancer rate15

compared to meat eaters. World starvation is well16

connected to meat-eating habits.17

(Picture of colon -- ideal colon)18

(Picture of colon -- average colon) 19

THE HEALTH MAN: Over a period of 10, 20, 3020

years or more, these residues accumulate to develop21

mucous plaque a quarter inch to two inches thick around22

the entire circumference of the inner colon. 23

Take a good look at the inside of this pipe. 24

See the residues that have developed on the inside of it? 25

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This pipe is nearly blocked making it almost impossible1

for anything to pass through it. This is very similar to2

the average colon. We have taken it for granted that3

what we put into our mouth is going to come out of the4

other end of our digestive tract, you know, the part that5

nobody wants to talk about, your rectum.6

I find that most people don’t like to talk7

about this part of the body because most feel embarrassed8

as most are either living in a state of perpetual9

constipation or have other bowel dysfunctions. 10

Are you one of millions who take laxatives? I11

was one of those people once. We have just not been12

taught how to cleanse or to maintain cleanliness,13

especially in our colon, which is connected to our14

rectum. Why is it that we clean every other orifice15

except the filthiest? The colon is analogous to a sewer16

in your body and needs to be maintained just like every17

other orifice in your body.18

Take a moment to think about this. What if you19

neglected any of your other body openings? For example,20

imagine not brushing your teeth or cleaning your ears for21

10 years or more. It would be foul to say the least,22


Now, imagine the condition of your colon. It24

is time that everyone gain awareness of the overlooked25

Exhibit B 84

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colon and the necessity of having a clean colon because1

your health depends on it. 2

This is how a perfect colon should look. 3

Contrast this with how the average American colon looks. 4

See how distorted the appearance of the neglected colon5

is? 6

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen7

throughout the entire infomercial)8

If Americans stopped feeding grain to cattle,9

the excess grain could feed 500 million people, not to10

mention the land that could be used to grow food instead11

of being used for grazing cattle. Only raw foods have12

life force and enzymes, and they are more important to13

our health than taking vitamins, minerals and amino14

acids. Drugs have no life force, no nutrition, and no15

enzymes, but herbs have them all. The regular use of an16

excellent antioxidant formula can protect and maintain17

your body in optimal health. An exact pH is necessary18

for blood purity, enzyme activity, and full immune19

potential. More than 90% of the American population has20

lost the proper pH balance. Disease is a natural result21

obtained from an unnatural life -- 22


THE HEALTH MAN: Every American has colon24

disease or colon degeneration. Statistics show that25

Exhibit B 85

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

colon cancer kills 400 percent more people than AIDS,1

even more than breast cancer and prostate cancer. 2

The good news is you don’t have to live3

embarrassed any more. The Seven Day Miracle Cleanse4

Program is a professional, internal cleansing system and5

has eliminated all types of constipation, as well as6

other bowel dysfunctions, such as irritable bowel7

syndrome. It is the best cleansing system available and8

cannot be found in any store. 9

Another danger of mucous plaque is that it10

houses toxins, such as heavy metals, which are major11

contributors to Alzheimer’s Disease. It also houses12

parasites, fungi, worms and harmful bacteria, each of13

which can weaken your immune system. The elimination of14

this filth is one of the key components in achieving15

perfect health and in building a pain-free body for both16

young and old.17

I challenge any person, any organization to18

prove me wrong. What I am talking about is real. It is19

never too late to benefit from the Seven Day Miracle20

Cleanse Program, a rejuvenation system.21

Noble Prize winner Alex Corelle (phonetic)22

stated that if the cell is cleansed and nourished23

properly, it could live indefinitely. Just think of the24

possibilities. 25

Exhibit B 86

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen1

throughout the entire infomercial)2

-- inflammatory bowel disease, dysplasia, bowel3

cancer, and others, are associated with contaminated4

mucous plaque. No one can be healthy without a strong,5

clean liver. A toxic liver -- 6

THE HEALTH MAN: It is now time for us to7

realize our potential in this life and stop taking it for8

granted. 9

When are you going to get passionate about your10

health? You now have the opportunity to really do11

something about it. 12

I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to13

one of the greatest pioneers of nutrition and internal14

cleansing, Dr. Norman Walker, a man who lived to a15

healthy 118 years. 16

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen17

throughout the entire infomercial)18

A toxic liver results from a toxic bowel, and19

leads to disease. 50,000 Americans die each year from20

colon cancer. Cleanse your colon for optimal health. 21

One third of the American people now have candida, which22

can weaken the whole body, especially the immune system. 23

More than 55 million American children are infected with24

worms. Parasites protect themselves from most de-worming25

Exhibit B 87

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measures by burying themselves inside or underneath the1

impacted mucous layers. Parasites may be microscopic in2

size or as long as 30 feet (or longer). Parasite disease3

symptoms mimic many other diseases, thereby avoiding easy4

diagnosis. Once parasites are in the body, the only --5

THE HEALTH MAN: This was a man who began his6

crusade at the age of 40. At the age of 100, he had7

stated many times he had felt stronger and had more8

vitality than when he was 30. Can you imagine the9


He had constantly talked about the need to11

maintain a clean colon and to drink plenty of fresh12

vegetable juices. He was living proof of the potential13

of each and every one of us in this lifetime. 14

How easy is it to eliminate constipation? I15

know that if you complete just one Seven Day Miracle16

Cleanse Program, you will have regular, healthy bowel17

eliminations just as you did when you were a child. 18

Fecal waste products should stay in your system no longer19

than 24 hours, although six to eight hours is ideal. The20

average time is 72 to 96 hours, which gives fecal matter21

enough time to putrefy and build up toxins that can22

affect every part of your body, especially the immune23


Can you imagine eliminating constipation in25

Exhibit B 88

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

just seven days of your life? How long have you been1

suffering? Isn’t it time for you to do something about2


ON SCREEN: Send check or money order to:4


635 E. First St. #3276

Tustin, CA 927807



Now Only!10

$89.00 + s&h11

(check by phone)12

MALE ANNOUNCER: First, you will receive the13

Seven Day Miracle Cleanse handbook containing easy-to-14

follow, step-by-step instructions for completing the15

program. You’ll also get the Parasine 2, the most16

effective parasite eliminator available. Next, the17

Herbal Mucous Eliminator which is the catalyst for mucous18

plaque removal. It is made from the finest certified19

organic herbs. 20

Act now and receive a one-month supply of our21

Super Boost Greens, which are recommended for daily use.22

This package normally retails for $125, but if23

you order now it’s yours for only $89. Operators are24

standing by. Just call the 800 number on the screen or25

Exhibit B 89

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

send check or money order to the address shown. Take1

back your health today with the Seven Day Miracle2


ON SCREEN: The following program is a paid4

advertisement and is the opinion of the Seven Day Miracle5

Cleanse. 6

Production by 7


MALE ANNOUNCER: Always consult a physician9

before starting any diet or exercise program.10

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen11

throughout the entire infomercial)12

If we want to be free of all the self-created13

pain, we must cleanse and purify every aspect of our14

bodies and minds. A Yale University study revealed that15

vegetarians have nearly twice the stamina as meat eaters. 16

The Journal of the American Medical Association reported17

that a vegetarian diet can prevent 90-97% of all heart18

diseases. The --19


THE HEALTH MAN: I feel the medical industry21

has done a superior job of making us feel inferior about22

taking care of our own health. Also, they have23

intentionally made us believe that our own health is too24

complicated to figure out for ourselves and that we need25

Exhibit B 90

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to depend upon them to do our thinking for us. Visiting1

a doctor is nothing more than experiencing intellectual2

degradation. Just like mindless robots, we go to a3

doctor every time we get sick looking for sympathy or for4

a quick fix in the form of an unnecessary drug. We have5

blindly bought into credentials rather than using our own6

faith and God-given common sense. 7

As Voltaire stated, a physician is one who8

pours drugs of which he knows little into a body of which9

he knows less. 10

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen11

throughout the entire infomercial)12

-- United States is heart disease. Studies13

reveal 59% less cancer among people who eat small amounts14

of meat compared --15

THE HEALTH MAN: It is a fact that over 160,00016

people die each year after taking prescription medical17


ON SCREEN: Karen, 4219

KAREN: This is such a better alternative than20

going and being medicated, you know, with medicine that21

has side effects and, you know, the TV commercials, my22

kids laugh at them. Oh, yeah, Mom, right, you know,23

liver damage, kidney damage, heart attack, sure, we want24

to -- you know, we want to take that. And that’s true.25

Exhibit B 91

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

People -- anybody -- if my kids notice it,1

everybody’s going to know. Why would I take that2

medication? You know? There’s got to be a better way. 3

Let’s get back to nature.4

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen5

throughout the entire infomercial)6

-- to meat eaters. World starvation is well7

connected to meat-eating habits. If Americans stopped8

feeding grain to cattle, the excess grain could feed 5009

million people, not to mention the land that could be10

used to grow food instead of being used for grazing11

cattle. Only raw foods have life force and enzymes, and12

they are more important to our health than taking13

vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Drugs have no life14

force, no nutrition, and no enzymes, but herbs have them15

all. The regular use of an excellent antioxidant formula16

can protect and maintain your body in optimal health. 17

THE HEALTH MAN: Are you intelligent people? 18

Of course you are. I’m here to tell you that the only19

person that can heal you is you. You create your health20

problems, you can uncreate them. 21

So, what’s missing? All you need is the right22

knowledge on how to eliminate the filth, this mucous23

plaque, this blockage from your colon? And, more24

importantly, to maintain a clean environment for the25

Exhibit B 92

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prevention of sickness and disease in your body. Is1

changing your diet the solution? The best diet isn’t any2

better than the worst if you don’t remove the old mucous3

plaque first. 4

Remember what I said earlier. Consumers in5

America absorb less than 10 percent of the nutrients from6

the foods they eat. If you are serious about improving7

your well-being, then the elimination of mucous plaque is8

the key to success. 9

ON SCREEN: The seven day miracle cleanse is10

not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any disease11

THE HEALTH MAN: Eleven years ago, I was12

diagnosed with skin cancer and breast cancer, although I13

was in perfect physical health. I had been living with14

open sores on my body that would never scab or heal.15

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen16

throughout the entire infomercial)17

An exact pH is necessary for blood purity,18

enzyme activity, and full immune potential. More than19

90% of the American population has lost the proper pH20

balance. Disease is a natural result obtained from an21

unnatural lifestyle. The advanced stages of bowel22

diseases, such as diverticulosis, polyps, atropic --23


THE HEALTH MAN: Then a lump developed in the25

Exhibit B 93

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

right pectoral area of my chest. It grew to the size of1

a golf ball. Within nine months, the pain grew to be so2

unbearable that it consumed my every thought and I could3

not take the pain any more. I was in serious denial to4

think that anything could be wrong with me. After all, I5

was in perfect physical shape.6

So, I went to a doctor and after many, many7

tests, it was not only determined that I had breast8

cancer, but I had skin cancer as well. I will never9

forget how much I was gripped with fear at that moment. 10

I was dripping with sweat, my heart was pounding so hard11

I thought it was going to burst through my chest. I felt12

like the walls were closing in on me.13

ON SCREEN: I felt like the walls were closing14

on me 15

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen16

throughout the entire infomercial)17

-- bowel disease, dysplasia, bowel cancer, and18

others, are associated with contaminated mucous plaque. 19

No one can be healthy without a strong, clean liver. A20

toxic liver results from a toxic bowel, and leads to21

disease. 50,000 Americans die each year from colon22

cancer. Cleanse your colon for optimal health. One23

third of the American people now have candida, which can24

weaken the whole body, especially the immune system. 25

Exhibit B 94

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

More than 55 million American children with worms. 1

Parasites protect themselves from most de-worming2

measures by burying themselves inside or underneath the3

impacted mucous layers. Parasites may be microscopic in4

size or as long as 30 feet (or longer). 5

Parasite disease symptoms mimic many other6

diseases, thereby avoiding easy diagnosis. Once7

parasites are in the body, the only way to get them out8

is to get rid of their environment of filth, for that is9

where they live and that is their -- 10

www.7dmc.com 11

THE HEALTH MAN: And then the doctor said that12

he wanted to schedule me for surgery, chemotherapy and13

radiation. There was no way I was going to have any of14

this done to me because I watched my grandmother die15

within three weeks after the same treatment. I knew that16

I was going to have a different fate. So, I rushed out17

of the doctor’s office. My faith was extremely strong,18

but I knew that I didn’t have much time and that I needed19

to find a healing solution fast.20

I was smart enough to know that surgery would21

only remove the symptom of my illness, but not the cause. 22

I was only interested in the cause of my disease. I23

remarkably found a simple and easy bowel cleansing24

program within one day. Faith really works when you are25

Exhibit B 95

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connected to the source of God.1

I didn’t know anything about this program, so I2

was very skeptical. Btu I was told that many people had3

healed themselves of just about every health infliction4

conceivable. I started my first Seven Day detoxification5

program and I will never forget what happened on the6

fourth day. The pain in my tumor had vanished. I was7

also experiencing an overwhelming feeling of peace and8

tranquility. I knew that I had tapped into the source of9

healing. 10

Within seven days on my first program, the11

improbable happened. My skin cancer sores had scabbed12

over. Within 14 days, they had healed completely. I13

repeated this program every three weeks until my tumor14

had completely disintegrated. And this process took only15

four months. 16

I had also realized through the visual17

experience of examining the mucous plaque that poured out18

of my bod during the cleansing process that this material19

is very, very toxic and poisonous. In my opinion, it is20

the true source of sickness and disease. This lifetime21

of residues, this mucous plaque was poisoning my22

bloodstream, my cells, my entire body every day until my23

tolerance was so depleted that it left my body vulnerable24

to disease. This is typical of every American and this25

Exhibit B 96

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means you.1

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen2

throughout the entire infomercial)3

-- also feed pathogenic bacteria. Cow’s milk4

was designed for calves. Human milk was designed and5

made for human babies. At least 50% of the American6

people tested for allergies reacted to dairy products. 7

People who use the 7 Day Miracle Cleanse have found8

mucous plaque being eliminated from their bodies and most9

of them have improved their health, increased their10

energy, and eliminated a large spectrum of disease11


THE HEALTH MAN: After healing myself, I had13

decided that I was going to dedicate my life to sharing14

this knowledge with everyone. A few years after15

extensive research of nutritional supplements, bowel16

cleansing, disease, juice therapy, herbs and other17

associated products, I had developed the Seven Day18

Miracle Cleanse. It was my goal to mainstream this19

wholesome truth of healing and wellness so everyone could20

have the same opportunity to create a perfectly healthy21


Since then, my program has helped thousands of23

people overcome just about every health problem feared24

today, including AIDS -- 25

Exhibit B 97

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

ON SCREEN: The 7 day miracle cleanse is not1

intended to treat, cure or diagnose any disease.2

THE HEALTH MAN: -- all types of cancer, high3

blood pressure, diabetes, migraine headaches, PMS,4

fibroid tumors and all types of bowel dysfunctions.5

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen6

throughout the entire infomercial)7

7DMC Order Now! WWW.7DMC.COM Only $89.008


ON SCREEN: Ted, 3310

TED: My results were amazing. It should be11

the first step in any health-related goal.12

ON SCREEN: Celeste, 2713

CELESTE: During the cleanse and after, I14

noticed a remarkable change in my hair, skin and body.15

ON SCREEN: Joanie, 7216

JOANIE: I was doing things that I hadn’t done17

for two years and I still feel good.18

ON SCREEN: Joseph, 6019

JOSEPH: If you ever see like little babies20

running around when they’re two and three years old and21

they have all this energy, that’s how you’re going to22

feel because it’s actually revitalizing your body, you23

know, getting it back to the way that you were when you24

were completely healthy. Once you know it and do it,25

Exhibit B 98

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

you’re going to tell all your friends because wow.1

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen2

throughout the entire infomercial)3

-- 59% less cancer among people who eat small4

amounts of meat compared to average meat eater. Although5

meat needs to pass through the digestive tract quickly,6

it takes four times longer that grains or vegetables. 7

The American National Institute of Health, in a study of8

50,000 vegetarians, found that they live longer, have far9

less heart disease, and a much lower cancer rate compared10

to meat eaters. World starvation is well connected to11

meat-eating habits. If Americans stopped feeding grain12

to cattle, the excess grain -- 13

THE HEALTH MAN: Now, I’m ready to help14

millions. Not only did these people heal themselves, but15

their raised their health and lives to a level that they16

did not previously experience. Look, it’s not our fault17

that we have a very unhealthy society. We were just not18

taught the basic secrets to create a perfect, healthy19

body. 20

Now, you have no more excuses because the Seven21

Day Miracle Cleanse offers you a complete comprehensive22

detoxification system and all the necessary products to23

create a new you, to give you a new lease on life that24

starts on cleaning out the years of filth, of toxic25

Exhibit B 99

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

mucous in your colon.1

I can’t imagine any one of you waiting another2

moment to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to3

create a new you, a new body. It’s only a phone call4

away. Just dial the toll-free number and tell the5

operator you want the one-week starter kit and get6

started now.7

ON SCREEN: Karen, 428

KAREN: Everyone’s into going to the vitamin9

stores now and, you know, the protein drinks and they’re10

juicing. It’s not really going to work for them unless11

they’re cleaning their colon, so it -- all the nutrients12

can get into the body where it belongs, and that made13

perfect sense to me. So, I thought, I have to do this.14

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen15

throughout the entire infomercial)16

-- of being used for grazing cattle. Only raw17

foods have life force and enzymes, and they are more18

important to our health than taking vitamins, minerals,19

and amino acids. Drugs have no life force, no nutrition,20

and no enzymes, but herbs have them all. The --21

www.7dmc.com 22

THE HEALTH MAN: How much do you value your23

health? How much would it be worth to prevent24

degenerative health problems so you don’t find yourself25

Exhibit B 100

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

on the surgeon’s table under the knife? Would you pay a1

million dollars, a $100,000, $10,000? 2

At this moment, I offer you the opportunity to3

take charge of your health. Celebrities pay as much as4

$5,000 for this identical program, but your cost is less5

than one visit to a doctor at only $89 plus shipping and6

it comes with a money-back guarantee.7

MALE ANNOUNCER: First, you will get the Seven8

Day Miracle Cleanse handbook which describes the easy,9

step-by-step instructions to prepare you for the10

cleansing experience and to guide you through it. There11

are three different programs from which to choose, a12

program for everyone.13

You will also get my Parasite and Worm14

Eliminator, Parasine 2. This product is taken before the15

seven-day program. It eliminates or lessens parasites16

and worms. The average person can harbor millions of17

harmful parasites, especially throughout the digestive18

tract. It is a fact that over 50 million children die19

each year from parasites worldwide.20

According to the USDA, the average cubic inch21

of beef contains up to 1,200 larvae. If you do not wash22

your vegetables, larva can get into your system. It is23

estimated that 80 to 92 percent of the population suffer24

from parasites and don’t even know it. This is because25

Exhibit B 101

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

by the time the symptoms appear, the parasites have1

probably been in your system for 10 to 12 years. What we2

once thought was an affliction of Third World nations has3

become the disease of Americans.4

This is my Herbal Mucous Eliminator, the5

catalyst in preparing and eliminating the mucous plaque6

from the inner walls of the small and large intestines. 7

I had tested all the similar products available to find8

that the HME is superior and is composed of the finest9

organic herbs available.10

This product is my awesome Super Boost Greens,11

a powerful antioxidant as well as an alkalizer to balance12

the pH level in your blood. Everyone should be taking13

greens like this one every day. As you consume acid-14

forming foods, your blood’s pH level is adversely15

affected. Your blood will automatically leach minerals16

from your bones and muscles. Our bones can become17

brittle and shrink and our muscles lose their tone as we18

get older. The Super Boost Greens can replenish these19

minerals. This is a one-month supply and it is20

recommended for continued daily use. Greens are21

essential in the cleansing process because it supplies22

our body with vegetable protein, chlorophyll and trace23

minerals necessary for rejuvenating the human cell.24

ON SCREEN: Products25

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$125 (X’ed out)1


MALE ANNOUNCER: All of this is included in the3

one-week starter kit with our special promotion that4

normally retails for $125. If you act now, it can be5

yours for only $89. You won’t find a better investment6

for transforming your body’s health than the Seven Day7

Miracle Cleanse, so order yours now.8

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen9

throughout the entire infomercial)10

-- Americans stopped feeding grain to cattle,11

the excess grain could feed 500 million people, not to12

mention the land that could be used to grow food instead13

of being used for grazing cattle. Only raw foods have14

life force and enzymes, and they are more important to15

our health than taking vitamins, minerals, and amino16

acids. Drugs have no life force, no nutrition, and no17

enzymes, but herbs have them all. The regular use of an18

excellent antioxidant formula can protect -- 19

THE HEALTH MAN: This is one of my favorite20

subjects and especially you women will be astonished with21

what I’m about to tell you.22

How many of you have this? Have you tried23

thousands of sit-ups and still can’t get rid of this? 24

Remember what I told you earlier. The average person25

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carries around 10 to 25 pounds of mucous plaque. This is1

your colon impacted with years of mucous plaque creating2

this bulge, adding constipation on top of it.3

I’ve worked with many women and I know how4

sensitive you are about this. In fact, I believe it is5

the area of your body with which you are the most6

unhappy, right? The Seven Day Miracle Cleanse really7

works. There is no need to wait for a flat stomach any8


KAREN: You hit 40 and it seems like things10

start to fall apart and it really energizes you, it makes11

you feel like you’re 25 again.12

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen13

throughout the entire infomercial)14

-- from an unnatural lifestyle. The advanced15

stages of bowel disease, such as diverticulosis, polyps,16

atropic -- 17


THE HEALTH MAN: How many of you women suffer19

every month with bloating, cramps and other symptoms of20

PMS? Women who have completed just one seven-day program21

and add fresh vegetable juices to their diet state that22

PMS is a thing of the past. Isn’t this something that23

you could really get excited about or do you like feeling24

terrible every month?25

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ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen1

throughout the entire infomercial)2

-- inflammatory bowel disease, dysplasia, bowel3

cancer, and others, are associated with contaminated4

mucous plaque. No one can be healthy without a strong,5

clean liver. A toxic liver results from a toxic bowel,6

and leads to disease. 50,000 Americans die each year7

from colon cancer. Cleanse your colon for optimal8

health. One third of the American people now have9

candida, which can weaken the whole body, especially the10

immune system. More than 55 million American children11

are infected with worms. Parasites protect themselves12

from most de-worming -- 13

THE HEALTH MAN: Look, I can’t do it for you,14

but at this moment, I am giving you the opportunity to do15

it for yourself. Anybody can complete this program. All16

you have to do is order the Seven Day Miracle Cleanse17

Program right now and get started. I promise you that18

all of your friends and family will be telling you how19

wonderful you look after completing the program. 20

The key to losing weight is in balancing the21

thyroid gland in your body because it controls the22

production of fat cells. Men and women spend billions of23

dollars each year for a hope or a diet that will cure all24

their problems in achieving their ideal body weight. It25

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is easy to lose weight when you have the right knowledge. 1

There is no better system than the Seven Day Miracle2

Cleanse for losing weight faster, healthier and more3

naturally without harmful chemicals or side effects.4

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I lost my 19 pounds.5

ON SCREEN: Results not typical. Individual6

results may vary.7

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I lost 10 pounds.8

JOANIE: I was right around 200 pounds. I9

weigh 132 pounds now.10

JOSEPH: I lost 13 pounds of ugly fat weight.11

ON SCREEN: (Scrolls at bottom of screen12

throughout the entire infomercial)13

-- feed the friendly bacteria. Cooked and14

processed foods feed the harmful bacteria. Undigested15

foods also feed pathogenic bacteria. Cow’s milk was16

designed for calves. Human milk was designed and made17

for human babies. At least 50% of the American people18

tested for allergies reacted to dairy products. People19

who use the 7 Day Miracle Cleanse have found mucous20

plaque being eliminated from their bodies and most of21

them have improved their health, increased their energy,22

and eliminated a large spectrum of disease condition -- 23

THE HEALTH MAN: Most symptoms are connected to24

our colon and your body has an amazing healing ability25

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once you remove the toxic mucous plaque from it. You can1

achieve a level of superior health in a very short period2

of time by giving your body this opportunity. 3

The human body is a simple organism and the4

only thing that makes it complicated are the devitalized5

foods you have eaten in your lifetime without eliminating6

their toxic residues. The Seven Day Miracle Cleanse will7

undoubtedly get you on the road to taking back your8

health. No one has ever made the cleansing process9

available to the public until now.10

No wonder it is the best investment for your11

body’s health and wellness. Take back your health today12

and, remember, you are what you eat, but more13

importantly, what you do not eliminate.14

Thank you for joining me today on location in15

beautiful Hawaii. I’m the Health Man.16

ON SCREEN: Send check or money order to:17


635 E. First St. #32719

Tustin, CA 9278020



Now Only!23

$89.00 + s&h24

(check by phone)25

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MALE ANNOUNCER: First, you will receive the1

Seven Day Miracle Cleanse handbook containing easy-to-2

follow, step-by-step instructions for completing the3

program. You’ll also get the Parasine 2, the most4

effective parasite eliminator available. Next, the5

Herbal Mucous Eliminator which is the catalyst for mucous6

plaque removal. It is made from the finest certified7

organic herbs. 8

Act now and receive a one-month supply of our9

Super Boost Greens, which are recommended for daily use.10

This package normally retails for $125, but if11

you order now it’s yours for only $89. Operators are12

standing by. Just call the 800 number on the screen or13

send check or money order to the address shown. Take14

back your health today with the Seven Day Miracle15



production by 18


This has been a paid program and is the opinion20

of the Seven Day Miracle Cleanse.21

MALE ANNOUNCER: This has been a paid22


(The recording was concluded.)24


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I N D E X3


7-Day Miracle Cleanse 35





















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In the Matter of: )3

7 Day Marketing, Inc. ) Matter No. 06232344


------------------------------ )6

July 31, 2007 7




The following transcript was produced from a11

CD-Rom provided to For The Record, Inc. on September 10,12














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P R O C E E D I N G S1

- - - - -2


ON SCREEN: The following is a paid4

advertisement for the New “7 Day Miracle Cleanse™”5

ON SCREEN; Karen Green Brian Collins6

BRIAN COLLINS: Hello, I’m Brian Collins, and7

with me today is Karen Green. Welcome to another edition8

of the new Seven-Day Miracle Cleanse. 9

I’m very excited to tell you about one of the10

most popular colon cleansing, weight loss and body11

rejuvenation systems in America today. What makes this12

remarkable product unique is how it focuses on reducing13

toxic dead weight, bacteria and parasites in your14

digestive system that not only affect your health but can15

result in unwanted weight gain.16

These toxins and parasites can also be17

responsible for many common health problems, like18

constipation, colon problems, bloating, gas, upset19

stomach, and they can be a damper on the immune system. 20

You may be carrying the extra weight of sludge and fecal21

matter in your colon. 22

On today’s show, we’ll discover how that23

happens and what you can do about it. 24

You’ve probably never heard of anyone losing25

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weight through colon cleansing. So, get ready to learn1

all about it and change your life.2

KAREN GREEN: It changed my life. Hi, I’m3

Karen. I’m a 44-year-old mother of eight. It’s true. I4

have eight children and most are still at home. 5

BRIAN COLLINS: Forty-four years old with eight6

children? How do you keep up with them?7

KAREN GREEN: Believe me, it takes a lot of8

time and energy to keep up with even one child. Now9

imagine what it’s like with eight. I have a very fast-10

paced life and it didn’t help when I started eating fast11

food. I gained weight. I had absolutely no time or12

energy to care for myself. All I could think about was13

getting through the day and collapsing on my couch at14


Then something wonderful happened. I found the16

7-Day Miracle Cleanse Health Rejuvenation System. Wow,17

what a difference it made. Now, I have more energy, I18

lost weight. My stomach is flatter. Look. I’ve even19

lost two dress sizes. I’m the same size I was before20

having children. I never believed that was possible.21

And you know what, the best part is now I have22

enough energy to keep up with my children.23

Did you know colon cleansing is one of the best24

kept secrets supermodels and Hollywood celebrities to25

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lose weight and look great? They’ll often cleanse just a1

few days before squeezing into those expensive dresses on2

award show nights.3

Well, it’s a secret no more, and it’s a good4

start to look and feel great again.5

BRIAN COLLINS: Living healthier isn’t6

complicated. Look at Karen. She’s the perfect example7

of how easy it is to use the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse and8

how much it can renew your life.9

We’re going to show you how to get your body10

back to its optimal health, lose weight and have more11

energy, too. It’s easy and it works.12

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse13

Portrayal of actual customer. The 7 Day14

Miracle Cleanse is intended to be used in conjunction15

with a healthy diet and exercise which is included in the16

Healthy Living Guide. Diet and exercise is necessary for17

long-term weight loss.18

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I lost quite a bit of19

weight. It gave me all the energy in the world.20

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse21

Portrayal of actual customer. The 7 Day22

Miracle Cleanse is intended to be used in conjunction23

with a healthy diet and exercise which is included in the24

Healthy Living Guide. Diet and exercise is necessary for25

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long-term weight loss.1

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I’ve lost weight with the2

7-Day Miracle Cleanse. I feel great. I’m more happy and3


BRIAN COLLINS: Now, let’s meet the man who’s5

the most passionate person I know about helping you6

improve your life, the creator of the 7-Day Miracle7

Cleanse, our very own Health Man. Thanks for joining us8


ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse10

THE HEALTH MAN: Hi, Brian and Karen. I’m so11

excited to be here today. 12

KAREN GREEN: About the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse?13

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse14

THE HEALTH MAN: Yes, Karen, because I can’t15

wait to tell you about all the improvements I’ve made to16

our products.17

BRIAN COLLINS: I’m getting excited, too, and I18

want to hear all about the improvements, but first, tell19

us about the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse and why we need it.20

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse21

THE HEALTH MAN: Well, you know my slogan, are22

you sick and tired of being sick and tired? I know lots23

of people who are struggling with their health.24

BRIAN COLLINS: Well, what do you think the25

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problem is?1

ON SCREEN: Call Now For More Information2



THE HEALTH MAN: Brian, people simply don’t5

have the right know-how to improve their health. They6

are suffering from some of the common problems, such as7

constipation, fatigue, poor digestion, bloating, gas,8

upset stomach and weight gain.9

KAREN GREEN: I know I’ve had some of these10


BRIAN COLLINS: I have, too. Health Man, have12


ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse14

THE HEALTH MAN: I used to. Sixteen years ago,15

I was in poor health and I was so discouraged, I simply16

wanted to give up. 17

KAREN GREEN: You look healthy to me.18

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse19

THE HEALTH MAN: Karen, today, I am healthy20

because I didn’t give up and I didn’t give in.21

BRIAN COLLINS: What did you do?22

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse23

THE HEALTH MAN: Well, first, I tried24

everything possible, you know, all the popular fad diets,25

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health programs and supplements, but nothing worked.1

BRIAN COLLINS: What did you do then?2

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse3

THE HEALTH MAN: I was fortunate to have had a4

good friend who told me about the incredible health5

benefits of cleansing and detoxifying my body’s digestive6


KAREN GREEN: Cleansing your digestive tract? 8


ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse10

THE HEALTH MAN: Well, you know, that’s how I11

felt at first. Then I was ready to try anything to12

improve my health, even cleansing my digestive tract. 13

Also, I’m happy to say, my friend was very convincing and14

persistent. The first thing that I did was read lots of15

books about colon health. Boy, I was shocked.16

BRIAN COLLINS: About what?17

ON SCREEN: Call Now For More Information18



THE HEALTH MAN: I found out that one of the21

keys to having a healthy body is to have a healthy colon. 22

I’ll say this again. One of the keys to having a healthy23

body is to have a healthy colon.24

KAREN GREEN: So, that’s when you started25

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cleansing your digestive system?1

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse2

THE HEALTH MAN: Yes. I could not believe how3

much junk came out of me. In just a few days, I was on4

my way to improving my health. For the first time in5

years, I felt alive again. I felt like I was on top of6

the world. It was the most powerful thing that ever7

happened to me.8

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse9

Portrayal of actual customer10

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I decided to change my11

lifestyle of eating. I wanted to keep this rejuvenated12


BRIAN COLLINS: So, with a healthier lifestyle14

and colon cleansing, you were on your way to good health. 15

Well, how did that lead to your creating the 7-Day16

Miracle Cleanse?17

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse18

THE HEALTH MAN: I was so amazed with the19

incredible health-changing results of my own20

detoxification and cleansing experience. I knew what I21

had to do.22

KAREN GREEN: I think I know what that was.23

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse24

THE HEALTH MAN: I decided to dedicate my life25

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to developing my own cleansing and detoxification1

products so everyone would have the same opportunity as I2

did. And you know what I always say, take back your3

health today. 4

BRIAN COLLINS: How did you go about creating5

this 7-Day Miracle Cleanse?6

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse7

THE HEALTH MAN: I spent years researching to8

develop the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse, with help from a lot9

of people, including experts in the field of colon10



ON SCREEN: Over 100,000 Customers!13

7 Day Miracle Cleanse14

THE HEALTH MAN: I’m proud to tell you that15

close to 100,000 people have successfully used the 7-Day16

Miracle Cleanse.17

BRIAN COLLINS: That’s incredible.18

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse19

THE HEALTH MAN: Yes, Brian, it is incredible. 20

And it’s wonderful to have so many satisfied customers. 21

This is definitely my calling in life, to help others22

improve their health. The healthier people are, the23

happier they are, right?24

KAREN GREEN: Right. And it’s so unfortunate25

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that millions of people suffer every day from all kinds1

of digestive problems and most would benefit from using2

the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse.3

BRIAN COLLINS: Why are so many people in the4

dark about good digestive health?5

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse6

THE HEALTH MAN: It’s a touchy subject, Brian. 7

Most people don’t want to talk about constipation,8

digestive issues and irregularity. It’s just something9

that a lot of us find embarrassing.10

KAREN GREEN: You’re right. It’s certainly not11

something I’m going to talk about at a party.12

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse 13

THE HEALTH MAN: Of course not. But, still,14

digestive problems are one of the most common health15

problems people have. And sooner or later, you’re going16

to have to deal with it because our diets aren’t getting17

any better. 18

As a result, Americans spend billions of19

dollars every year on a host of products to help them20

with their poor digestion and elimination issues. 21

Everyone at one time or another has been constipated and22

we all know how uncomfortable that is, right? 23

Constipation affects your health, your weight and even24

robs you of your energy. 25

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And, believe me, I have lots of experience with1

constipation. I felt like my colon was clogged for2


BRIAN COLLINS: And if you are constipated, you4

know how frustrating and even painful that can be.5

KAREN GREEN: And if you’re constipated, just6

try not to think about it.7

BRIAN COLLINS: It’s impossible. What causes8

constipation anyway?9

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse10

THE HEALTH MAN: I think that most of it comes11

from eating the wrong foods and too much of it. We all12

seem to want super-size food portions, right? As a13

result, over time residue remains from undigested food14

and fecal matter forms on the inner walls of the15

intestines. Poor digestion and poor colon health has16

been linked to many health problems, too.17

KAREN GREEN: What do we need to do to ensure18

we have good digestion?19

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse20

THE HEALTH MAN: You have to start right now,21

and you know what I always say, take back your health22


BRIAN COLLINS: The 7-Day Miracle Cleanse works24

because of our proprietary herbal cleansing formulas,25

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which are second to none. We are the original and the1

first to perfect the 7-Day Cleansing System. The result,2

you can have consistent bowel movements, your digestion3

is improved promoting good colon health, it helps you4

lose weight and your energy is dramatically increased.5

ON SCREEN: Lose Weight!6

Feel Great!7

Call Now For More Information8



7 Day Miracle Cleanse11

BRIAN COLLINS: If you’d like more information12

or you’d like to take advantage of some special offers13

that the Health Man has made available today, simply call14

the toll-free number on your screen, and if the lines are15

busy when you call, please keep trying.16

ON SCREEN: 30-Day 17

Money Back Guarantee18

less shipping & handling19

Call Now For More Information20



THE HEALTH MAN: I guarantee you’ll feel23

fantastic. That’s why I offer a 30-day unconditional24

money back guarantee, making it risk-free.25

Exhibit C 123

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

BRIAN COLLINS: Now, we’re going to show you1

just how easy it is to use the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse2

Health Rejuvenation System and why it’s vitally important3

for your good health. We use only the finest herbs4

including organic extracts and wild-crafted whenever5

possible. This ensures the maximum potency. That, along6

with our unique proprietary formulas, are some of the7

reasons why the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse works so well. 8

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse9

Portrayal of actual customer.10

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You’re actually cleaning11

your body so it can work again.12

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse 13

THE HEALTH MAN: Now, let me tell you how the14

program works. The 7-Day Miracle Cleanse is a triple15

action system. The pre-cleanse formula is designed to16

help in the elimination of toxins and pollutants,17

including parasites and worms. Now, just because you18

can’t see parasites doesn’t mean that they’re not there. 19

Most parasites are so microscopic, they can’t be seen by20

the naked eye. But after they find their way into your21

digestive tract, they begin to rob and absorb your22

nutrients, plus they grow and multiply in a very short23

period of time. Parasites have been linked to many24

different health issues.25

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

BRIAN COLLINS: Is that right?1

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse2

THE HEALTH MAN: That’s right, Brian. And my3

cleansing formula is designed to gently soften and remove4

the toxic fecal matter and sludge from the walls of the5

intestines and colon. This is typically the undigested6

food and uneliminated fecal matter. Get rid of this7

unwanted material, guess what, you’ll feel lighter.8

BRIAN COLLINS: That only makes sense.9

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse10

THE HEALTH MAN: My specially formulated greens11

help replenish electrolytes, minerals, amino acids and12

micro flora, all needed during the cleansing process. 13

Once you have removed the sludge build-up from your14

colon, your body will be able to absorb these nutrients15

more efficiently and you’ll feel better because of it.16

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse17

Portrayal of actual customer.18

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have so much energy, I19

just feel wonderful.20

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse21

THE HEALTH MAN: We suggest continuing to use22

the greens formula after the cleanse to keep you feeling23


BRIAN COLLINS: Karen, you have a very busy25

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life. Just how easy was it to use the 7-Day Miracle1


KAREN GREEN: Well, even with my eight kids and3

the crazy schedule I have, the system was easy to use and4

the directions were simple to follow.5

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse6

Portrayal of actual customer.7

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I find the 7-Day Miracle8

Cleanse is wonderful because it’s very organized. It9

gives you step-by-step directions on what you need to do.10

BRIAN COLLINS: Health Man, how often do you11

use the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse?12

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse13

THE HEALTH MAN: I did a lot of experimenting,14

and just like Karen, a few times a year works great for15

me, too. It keeps my outlook positive and keeps me16


BRIAN COLLINS: Well, do you recommend everyone18

doing a cleanse a couple of times a year?19

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse20

THE HEALTH MAN: A few times a year works great21

for me. However, lots of people find just doing it one22

time makes an incredible difference in their life. Try23

the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse for yourself or for a friend or24

family member who might be looking to improve their25

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health. The 7-Day Miracle Cleanse, it’s about a1

healthier lifestyle which helps you look better and feel2

great. It’s about having a better and healthier life. 3

Aren’t you worth it? Of course you are. We all are.4

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse5

Portrayal of actual customer. The 7 Day6

Miracle Cleanse is intended to be used in conjunction7

with a healthy diet and exercise which is included in the8

Healthy Living Guide. Diet and exercise is necessary for9

long-term weight loss.10

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: People at work have11

noticed I’m happier now. I’ve lost weight and look12


BRIAN COLLINS: If you’re like most people14

today, your life is busy and fast-paced, meaning you15

probably take your digestive system for granted.16

KAREN GREEN: I bet you’re asked this question17

a lot. When you use the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse, do you18

have to take time off work?19

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse20

THE HEALTH MAN: I do get asked that a lot, and21

the great news is is that, no, you don’t have to take22

time off work or anything else you do normally. From the23

very start, I designed the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse so you24

can use it and go about your normal daily life.25

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KAREN GREEN: Come on. How can we cleanse our1

digestive system and not have to be near a bathroom all2

the time?3

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse4

THE HEALTH MAN: Because my products contain5

only the finest herbs, herbs that cause a gentle, natural6

effect. This results in normal elimination. 7

KAREN GREEN: Well, that’s a relief, in more8

ways than one.9

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse10

THE HEALTH MAN: The 7-Day Miracle Cleanse is11

specifically formulated to remove waste and toxins that12

have accumulated over time in the gastrointestinal tract13

and specifically the colon. This contributes to a14

healthy GI tract and can be helpful in weight control.15

BRIAN COLLINS: Is it true that colon health is16

linked to a variety of health issues?17

ON SCREEN: Call Now For More Information18



THE HEALTH MAN: Yes, Brian, the ingredients in21

the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse can remove waste and toxic22

build-up in the colon, remove parasites and worms,23

promote a healthy balance of micro flora, aid in weight24

loss, boost the immune system, promote energy and25

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generally contribute to better overall health.1

BRIAN COLLINS: That’s very impressive.2

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse3

THE HEALTH MAN: Sometimes the food in your4

digestive system just sits there. It can get so clogged5

up, it can’t move.6

BRIAN COLLINS: And it doesn’t help that we now7

eat larger portions of processed foods that are loaded8

with indigestible additives and ingredients.9

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse10

THE HEALTH MAN: That’s sad but true, Brian. 11

Today’s modern diet is full of indigestible additives and12


KAREN GREEN: And when you consider that we now14

live more stressful lives, spend more time sitting in our15

office and in our cars being inactive, well, that takes a16

huge toll on our bodies, right?17

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse18

THE HEALTH MAN: It sure does, Karen. And as19

if stress isn’t enough for your already overloaded20

intestines, there’s also the added strain of21

environmental pollutants that your body’s been exposed to22

for years, not to mention parasites that can hitch a ride23

in your food and live inside you without you even knowing24


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KAREN GREEN: Parasites, eeewww.1

BRIAN COLLINS: That’s a scary thought. Well,2

what happens if you have parasites?3

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse4

THE HEALTH MAN: It’s scary and dangerous,5

Brian, because when you’re not eliminating every day like6

you should, your colon can become a shelter for unhealthy7

micro flora and parasites, like protozoans and worms.8

BRIAN COLLINS: How do we get these parasites?9

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse10

THE HEALTH MAN: Parasites are transferred from11

animals to humans and from humans to humans. They are12

transferred to us through contaminated foods and water. 13

One common source of parasites is improperly washed14

fruits and vegetables and you can’t see these parasites15

either. Most of them can only be seen through a16


KAREN GREEN: But how do these parasites affect18


ON SCREEN: 7-Day Miracle Cleanse20

THE HEALTH MAN: First, they find their way21

into your digestive tract and then they begin to rob you22

of your nutrients. They grow and multiply very quickly23

and they are linked to a host of health problems.24

KAREN GREEN: Wow. I didn’t know that.25

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ON SCREEN: 7-Day Miracle Cleanse1

THE HEALTH MAN: And that’s why I developed the2

7-Day Miracle Cleanse, to not only cleanse your digestive3

system of all the sludge and toxins, but to also reduce4

the parasites.5

BRIAN COLLINS: That is really amazing.6

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse7

THE HEALTH MAN: Brian, Karen, how long do you8

think your intestinal tract is?9

BRIAN COLLINS: I don’t know, 10 feet?10

KAREN GREEN: No, it’s longer, at least 15,11


ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse13

THE HEALTH MAN: It’s actually much longer. In14

fact, your entire intestinal tract is about 25 feet long.15


ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse17

THE HEALTH MAN: It’s true. And there’s lots18

of twists and turns in it, lots of places for stuff to19

get stuck and backed up, and it’s also possible your20

digestive system may be impacted with unwanted pounds of21

fecal matter and sludge.22

KAREN GREEN: Well, you know, that sounds like23

a lot of dead weight to be carrying around. This may be24

one reason why people have bloated bellies because25

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they’re carrying around all the undigested junk. 1

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse2

THE HEALTH MAN: I’m sure that’s one of the3

reasons. Now, your intestines certainly don’t look like4

this, but let’s say that this clogged pipe represents a5

section of your intestines. See, there are years of6

fecal matter and sludge build-up. Look, it’s so clogged7

up that almost nothing can pass through. Your intestines8

can get clogged, too. This may be why so many people9

have irregular bowels movements and are constipated. 10

Constipation leaves you sluggish with low11

energy and even weight gain. We must keep in mind that12

the colon is the garbage disposal of our bodies. So,13

doesn’t it make sense to keep it clean and healthy? Of14

course it does. Can you imagine what can happen to your15

health if this filth is left in your colon for years?16

KAREN GREEN: You know, there are many weight17

loss products advertised, but I never saw anyone talk18

about all the gunk and weight that accumulates in the19

digestive tract. 20

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse21

THE HEALTH MAN: And that’s because they only22

focus on losing body weight. They’re not looking at your23

overall health.24

BRIAN COLLINS: Well, it seems like everyone is25

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looking for the weight loss program that is simple and1


KAREN GREEN: Right, we want it simple and3

easy. But is that possible?4

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse5

THE HEALTH MAN: And that’s what you get with6

the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse. It’s fast, simple and easy to7


ON SCREEN: Lose Weight!9

Feel Great!10

Call Now For More Information11



7 Day Miracle Cleanse14

BRIAN COLLINS: If you’d like more information15

or you’d like to take advantage of some special offers16

that the Health Man has made available today, simply call17

the toll-free number on your screen. And if the lines18

are busy when you call, please keep trying.19

ON SCREEN: 30 Day20

Money Back Guarantee21

less shipping & handling22

Call Now For More Information23



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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

THE HEALTH MAN: And I guarantee when you use1

the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse you will lose weight and feel2

great. That’s why I offer a 30-day unconditional money3

back guarantee.4

BRIAN COLLINS: It really is the best way to5

give your digestive system and yourself a fresh start. 6

Being healthy just makes good sense.7

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse8

THE HEALTH MAN: And it makes good sense to use9

the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse because we use no chemicals10

like you’ll find in most commercial products.11

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse12

Take back your health today!13

Healthy Living Guide14

BRIAN COLLINS: Also new is this Healthy Living15


KAREN GREEN: I love the great recipes and17

simple exercise tips.18

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse19

THE HEALTH MAN: Every part of the 7-Day20

Miracle Cleanse is designed to help you get started on21

the road to better health and to lose weight fast.22

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse23

Portrayal of actual customer.24

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My wife thought it would be25

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good for me. She thought it would be good for me to lose1

weight to get me on a better track for a healthier2


ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse4

Portrayal of actual customer. The 7 Day5

Miracle Cleanse is intended to be used in conjunction6

with a healthy diet and exercise which is included in the7

Healthy Living Guide. Diet and exercise is necessary for8

long-term weight loss.9

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I followed the guidelines10

of the cleanse and it really helped me lose weight.11

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse12

THE HEALTH MAN: I can’t do this for you, it’s13

up to you. You have to take action now to improve your14

health and lose weight. You need the 7-Day Miracle15

Cleanse, along with my Natural Health Man Greens, to16

maintain a clean and healthy digestive system.17

KAREN GREEN: Because having a clean and18

healthy digestive system is crucial to having a healthy19


ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse21

THE HEALTH MAN: You’re absolutely right,22

Karen. 23

BRIAN COLLINS: Digestive issues are among the24

leading health concerns in this country. You simply25

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cannot afford to ignore your colon health any more. 1

If you’re like us, you care a lot about your2

health. If all it takes is a little effort to cleanse3

your colon, lose weight and kickstart you on the way to4

better health, you’d want to do it, right? In fact,5

you’d want to do it right now.6

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse7

THE HEALTH MAN: In order to get the proper8

nutrients into the body, you have to be able to absorb9

them through your digestive system, and this is why the10

intestines need to be working great so those nutrients11

can find their way efficiently into your body. Your12

intestine feeds your entire body, and if it’s toxic, it13

can have an adverse effect on your health, certainly a14

strong reason to cleanse your colon.15

KAREN GREEN: So, is this why we tend to feel16

hungry more often?17

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse18

THE HEALTH MAN: I don’t have any scientific19

proof, but I feel that this is one of the issues. When20

you feel hungry, you tend to eat more and that’s when you21

gain weight.22

KAREN GREEN: A lot of us can relate to that. 23

I know I can. Let’s be honest, being overweight makes24

most of us unhappy, right?25

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KAREN GREEN: People have tried lots of sit-ups2

and other exercises and still can’t get rid of their3

bulging tummy. 4

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse5

Portrayal of actual customer. The 7 Day6

Miracle Cleanse is intended to be used in conjunction7

with a healthy diet and exercise which is included in the8

Healthy Living Guide. Diet and exercise is necessary for9

long-term weight loss.10

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I had a little bit of a11

pooch stomach. Following the cleanse, I noticed that it12

appeared smaller.13

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse14

THE HEALTH MAN: Exercise is great, but you got15

to do more. By combining the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse with16

our tasty recipes and exercise program, there’s no need17

to wait any longer to achieve a flatter stomach. You can18

take action now with the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse and watch19

the changes happen to you.20

BRIAN COLLINS: It sounds like the benefits of21

cleansing are absolutely amazing.22

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse23

THE HEALTH MAN: By eliminating sludge and24

toxic fecal matter, you are simply cleansing and25

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detoxifying your colon. Here’s why. Fecal matter can1

putrefy on the lining of the inner wall of the colon, and2

as food passes through it, it becomes almost impossible3

for nutrients to be absorbed. It’s no wonder we can feel4

hungry all the time. We’re simply not absorbing the5

nutrients from our foods. 6

After using the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse, it’s not7

unusual for people to experience increased energy, better8

absorption of vitamins and minerals from foods, weight9

loss, and an overall healthy and clean feeling.10

ON SCREEN: Lose Weight!11

Feel Great!12

Call Now For More Information13



7 Day Miracle Cleanse16

BRIAN COLLINS: If you’d like more information17

or you’d like to take advantage of some special offers18

that the Health Man has made available today, simply call19

the toll-free number on your screen. And if the lines20

are busy when you call, please keep trying.21

ON SCREEN: 30 Day22

Money Back Guarantee23

less shipping & handling24

Call Now For More Information25

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THE HEALTH MAN: And I guarantee when you use3

the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse, you will lose weight and feel4

great. That’s why I offer a 30-day unconditional money5

back guarantee.6

ON SCREEN: Karen Green Brian Collins7

BRIAN COLLINS: The human body is truly8

remarkable. Think about all the things you can do when9

you’re in good health and at your ideal weight.10

Karen, how do you manage to maintain your11

weight when you have to keep all those kids happy?12

KAREN GREEN: Well, I didn’t always look like13

this and I certainly didn’t have all the energy I do now.14

BRIAN COLLINS: What changed for you?15

KAREN GREEN: I heard the Health Man. He16

talked about the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse and I knew right17

away that I needed to make some healthy changes in my18

life. So, I started using the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse and,19

wow, I noticed a difference in just days.20

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse21

THE HEALTH MAN: Karen, it’s people like you22

who inspire me to keep improving my products. The human23

body has amazing healing abilities when you do what it24

takes to help it function properly. There’s simply no25

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reason not being the best you can be.1

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse2

Portrayal of actual customer.3

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would recommend the 7-Day4

Miracle Cleanse for anybody who wants a healthier life.5

BRIAN COLLINS: It’s just so simple. You have6

to get your body back in balance, back to its natural7

healing abilities by making sure your digestive system8

runs smoothly so it isn’t clogged up.9

KAREN GREEN: And by detoxifying with the 7-Day10

Miracle Cleanse, we are actually assisting our bodies to11

get back to its natural state.12

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse13

THE HEALTH MAN: That’s right, Karen. You are14

literally giving your body the extra nutrients and energy15

it needs. This sets the balance straight and gets the16

process of natural detoxification back into high gear. 17

When your digestive system works the right way, you18

achieve the best possible health, and combined with a19

healthy lifestyle, you lose weight.20

BRIAN COLLINS: Cleansing your colon is21

something we can all benefit from. It helps rid you of22

harmful toxins and pollutants, it helps reduce parasites,23

it gives you a better level of health, helps you lose24

weight and improves your energy, too.25

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ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse1

THE HEALTH MAN: Using the 7-Day Miracle2

Cleanse allows you to look better, feel better and lose3

weight in a short time. The bottom line, it helps put4

you on the path to good health. You owe it to yourself5

to use the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse. Take back your health6

today. It’s easy, simple and you’ll experience an7

amazing difference.8

BRIAN COLLINS: There may have been some9

viewers who have just joined us and, if so, they’re10

probably wondering why we’re talking about the health of11

your intestinal tract. Let’s give them a quick summary12

about the importance of intestinal health and how the 7-13

Day Miracle Cleanse helps us achieve this.14

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse15

THE HEALTH MAN: Do you suffer from some of the16

common ailments such as constipation, fatigue, poor17

digestion, bloating, gas, upset stomach, weight gain and18

other health issues? Then the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse19

might be for you.20

KAREN GREEN: Watch the news and you’ll know21

we’re in a health crisis in this country. 22

BRIAN COLLINS: The 7-Day Miracle Cleanse has a23

track record second to none. We are the original and the24

first to perfect a seven-day cleansing system.25

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse1

THE HEALTH MAN: Use the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse2

and you can have consistent bowel eliminations, improved3

digestion, weight loss and dramatically increase your4

energy. You’ll feel fantastic. Simply put, the 7-Day5

Miracle Cleanse is one of America’s best weight loss and6

health rejuvenation systems. So, take back your health7


BRIAN COLLINS: The 7-Day Miracle Cleanse helps9

clean your digestive tract and it changes your life. 10

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse11

THE HEALTH MAN: Everyone, at one time or12

another, has been constipated and you all know how13

uncomfortable that is. Constipation affects your health,14

your weight and even robs you of your energy. And,15

believe me, I have lots of experience with constipation. 16

I felt like my colon was clogged for years.17

KAREN GREEN: Do you depend on laxatives that18

may contain harmful chemicals?19

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse20

THE HEALTH MAN: The 7-Day Miracle Cleanse is21

made with only the finest herbs. We use organic or wild-22

crafted whenever possible and nothing else. These herbs23

soften, loosen and remove sludge build-up from the walls24

of the colon, resulting in gentle elimination.25

Exhibit C 142

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

Now, this might be a little gross to look at1

and your intestines certainly don’t look like this, 2

but let’s say this clogged pipe represents a section of3

your intestines. See, there’s years of built-up fecal4

matter and sludge. Look, it’s so clogged up that nothing5

can pass through. Your intestines can get clogged up,6

too. 7

BRIAN COLLINS: Is this why so many people have8

irregular bowel movements, are constipated and gain9


ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse11

THE HEALTH MAN: Yes. And this is one of the12

reasons why I developed the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse. We13

must keep in mind that the colon is the garbage disposal14

of your body. So, doesn’t it make good sense to keep it15

clean and healthy? Of course it does. Can you imagine16

what can happen to your health if this filth is left in17

your colon for years?18

BRIAN COLLINS: Are you one of the many who19

want to lose weight, have more energy, feel better and20

have more vitality? Then join the thousands of people21

who use the 7-Day Miracle Cleanse as an important health22

benefit to their lives.23

KAREN GREEN: Get started now. Try the 7-Day24

Miracle Cleanse and follow the great tips in the Healthy25

Exhibit C 143

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

Living Guide, and you’ll start your journey on the road1

to better health.2

BRIAN COLLINS: This is the best investment you3

can make for your health and wellness. Thanks for4

watching and remember what the Health Man always says.5

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Miracle Cleanse6

THE HEALTH MAN: You are what you eat, but more7

importantly, you are what you don’t eliminate. Take back8

your health today. Do it now.9

ON SCREEN: Lose Weight!10

Feel Great!11

Call Now For More Information12



7 Day Miracle Cleanse15

BRIAN COLLINS: If you’d like more information16

or you’d like to take advantage of some special offers17

that the Health Man has made available today, simply call18

the toll-free number on your screen, and if the lines are19

busy when you call, please keep trying.20

ON SCREEN: 7 Day Marketing, Inc.21

The preceding has been the opinion of 7 Day22

Marketing, Inc. These statements have not been evaluated23

by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not24

intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. 25

Exhibit C 144

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For The Record, Inc.(301) 870-8025 - www.ftrinc.net - (800) 921-5555

(The infomercial was concluded.)1

























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Exhibit E 228

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Exhibit E 229

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Exhibit E 230

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Exhibit E 231

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Exhibit E 232

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Exhibit E 233

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Exhibit E 234

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Exhibit E 235

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Exhibit E 236

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Exhibit E 237

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Exhibit E 238

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Exhibit E 239

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Exhibit E 240

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Exhibit E 241

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Exhibit E 242

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Exhibit E 243

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Exhibit E 244

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Exhibit E 245

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Exhibit E 246

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Exhibit E 247

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Exhibit E 248

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Exhibit E 249

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Exhibit E 250

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Exhibit E 251

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Exhibit E 252