1. Objectives To discuss the components of wellness. To illustrate the importance of good nutrition,...

download 1. Objectives To discuss the components of wellness. To illustrate the importance of good nutrition, physical activity, hygiene and safety. To demonstrate.

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Transcript of 1. Objectives To discuss the components of wellness. To illustrate the importance of good nutrition,...

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  • Objectives To discuss the components of wellness. To illustrate the importance of good nutrition, physical activity, hygiene and safety. To demonstrate methods of maintaining physical, mental and emotional health. 2
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  • Main Menu Wellness Nutrition Fitness Hygiene Safety 3
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  • Wellness Is the state of being physically, mentally and emotionally healthy Is vital to being a happy, healthy, productive member of society lack of physical, mental or emotional health can put a strain on an individual, relationships, the community and society as a whole 5
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  • Physical Health Refers to the bodys ability to perform Involves proper functioning of body parts, organs and systems disease is one of the most common causes of poor physical health Is typically the most commonly discussed health topic May be affected by nutrition, fitness, hygiene and safety 6
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  • Maintaining Physical Health Requires developing healthful habits balanced diet gives the body fuel it needs to function regular exercise contributes to the growth and strengthening of the body good hygiene can help protect the body from harmful toxins and diseases sleep allows the body to recharge and refresh 7
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  • Maintaining Physical Health Requires avoiding destructive habits overeating or not eating enough nutritious foods can strain the body sedentary lifestyle can cause weight gain, weakening of the muscles and bones, and ultimately contribute to the development of chronic diseases tobacco use, alcohol abuse and/or drug abuse forces the body to focus on fighting the toxins rather than functioning and growing 8 Sedentary: not physically active
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  • Mental Health Refers to the ability to process information and act appropriately Involves sanity and proper functioning and chemistry of the brain psychosis, or detachment from reality, is one of the most common symptoms of poor mental health May be affected by brain damage, brain diseases and alcohol or drug abuse 9
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  • Emotional Health Refers to the ability to cope with and adapt to feelings Involves subjective responses to various situations inappropriate or overly intense feelings are one of the most common symptoms of poor emotional health May be affected by major life events, relationships and stress 10
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  • Mental & Emotional Health Are often grouped together problems and diseases often overlap mental health problems are usually more severe than emotional health problems poor long-term emotional health can lead to poor mental health poor mental health often results in emotional stress both are treated similarly however, mental health problems usually require more intense treatment than emotional health problems 11
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  • Maintaining Mental & Emotional Health Requires being able to manage stress worry and anxiety can affect mood, thought processes and decision making stress can also affect diet, exercise and sleep, causing physical health to suffer using positive thinking to combat stress can help motivate, lift the mood and build self esteem 12
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  • Maintaining Mental & Emotional Health Requires healthful relationships relationships often influence self esteem peer pressure can sometimes alter thinking spending time with people an individual enjoys and cares about can relieve stress and create good feelings 13
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  • Health & Wellness Often have a domino effect element just a few unhealthy habits or occurrences can cause a chain reaction of destruction for example: poor diet may make a person feel sluggish, so they do not exercise, causing a feeling of laziness and depression, causing self esteem to suffer focusing on improving one component of health will, in turn, likely improve other components 14
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  • Assessment 1. Which of the following is the most commonly discussed health topic? A. Physical health B. Mental health C. Emotional health D. Wellness 2. Which of the following accurately describes a sedentary lifestyle? A. A lifestyle in which tobacco, alcohol and drugs are frequently used B. A lifestyle which includes frequent dieting and exercise C. A lifestyle in which physical activity is not common D. A lifestyle which includes frequent illness 16
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  • Assessment 3. Which of the following refers to the ability to process information and act appropriately? A. Wellness B. Mental health C. Intelligence D. Emotional health 4. Emotional health involves which of the following? A. Subjective responses to various situations B. Sanity C. Proper functioning of the body D. Capacity to understand others 17
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  • Assessment 5. Maintaining mental and emotional health requires which of the following? A. Being able to understand other people B. Being able to manipulate situations C. Being able to recognize disease D. Being able to manage stress 18
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  • Nutrition Is the process of nourishing the body Involves eating foods which provide energy and facilitate body processes foods with essential nutrients Involves avoiding foods which hinder body processes, damage organs or systems, or result in undesirable consequences foods with toxins, no nutritional value or too much sugar or fat 20
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  • Nutrition Is the foundation for healthy living Requires eating most foods in moderation not too little, not too much Includes getting adequate amounts of the following nutrients: carbohydrates protein fats 21 vitamins minerals water
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  • Macronutrients Are the nutrients which provide calories Include: carbohydrates four calories per gram proteins four calories per gram fats nine calories per gram 22 Calories: units used to measure energy in foods
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  • Carbohydrates Perform three important functions: supply energy supply fiber aid in the digestion of fats Are classified as simple or complex sugars are simple carbohydrates starches and fiber are complex carbohydrates 23 Fun Fact: Fiber can help the body regulate blood sugar, lower cholesterol and improve intestinal health.
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  • Recommendations For carbohydrates include: about half of a persons daily calories should come from carbohydrates choose whole grains, fruits and vegetables for most of the carbohydrates avoid high-carbohydrate foods containing large amounts of refined (highly processed) flour and sugar 24
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  • Consequences Of eating too many carbohydrates include increased caloric intake can lead to weight gain 25
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  • Consequences Of not eating enough carbohydrates include: malnutrition muscle tissue loss dehydration constipation ketosis 26 Ketosis: a state in which the body burns stored fat for fuel; can cause kidney failure, calcium depletion, high cholesterol and bad breath
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  • Protein Is part of every cell, tissue and organ Is made of compounds called amino acids body needs 20 types of amino acids eleven are produced by the body nine, known as essential, must be consumed Performs three important functions: grow and repair body tissues regulate body functions supply energy when carbs and fats do not supply enough 27
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  • Recommendations For proteins include: 10 to 35 percent of daily calories should come from protein choose lower-fat proteins for example: lean meats, egg whites and low-fat or fat-free milk and cheese avoid protein supplements most Americans already consume more than enough protein 28
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  • Consequences Of eating too much protein include: increased caloric intake leading to weight gain kidney and/or liver failure dehydration 29
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  • Consequences Of not eating enough protein include: hair thinning or falling out changes in skin tone and dermatitis muscle weakness and wasting impaired immune system function blood and hormonal disorders 30
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  • Fats Perform many important functions: supply energy help in the absorption of some vitamins provide fatty acids comprise part of body cell structure add flavor to foods Are classified as saturated or unsaturated based on their molecular composition unsaturated fats are considered better for a persons health than saturated fats 31
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  • Recommendations For fats include: 20 to 35 percent of your daily calories should come from fats less than 10 percent of your daily calories should come from saturated fats limit consumption of trans fat limit consumption of cholesterol 32 Trans Fat: fat made when unsaturated fat is hydrogenated, or hydrogen bonds are added Cholesterol: fatty substance found in animal-based foods such as meat and egg yolks
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  • Consequences Of eating too much fat include: increased caloric intake leading to weight gain obesity and diabetes are directly linked to high-fat diets increased blood pressure stroke heart disease 33
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  • Consequences Of not eating enough fat include: low energy vitamin deficiencies poor hormone production impaired growth impaired body cell function impaired mental and emotional health 34
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  • Water Is often considered a macronutrient even though water does not have calories, the body needs so much of it, it is often grouped with the other macronutrients Makes up almost 60 percent of the body 35
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  • Water Acts as a solvent for nutrients and hormones Transports nutrients to cells Lubricates joints Facilitates food passage Regulates body temperature Rids the body of waste products 36
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  • Water Should be consumed every day recommended consumption depends on a persons age, size, activity level and the weather where an individual lives generally, a person should consume half an ounce to an ounce of water for each pound of body weight foods contain water too, so if you are eating healthfully, about 20 percent of the needed water comes from foods 37
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  • Micronutrients Are needed in smaller amounts than macronutrients Do not provide calories Include: vitamins minerals 38
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  • Vitamins Perform the following important functions: help the body convert carbs and fats into energy assist in the formation of bones and tissues Are either fat-soluble or water-soluble fat-soluble vitamins cannot be dissolved in water and are stored in fat molecules in the body water-soluble vitamins can be dissolved in water and are not stored in the body 39
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  • Vitamins Which are fat-soluble include: vitamin A vitamin D vitamin E vitamin K Which are water-soluble include: B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and folate vitamin C 40
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  • Minerals Perform the following important functions: help the body build bones and tissues assist in making hormones help to regulate body processes Are either macrominerals or trace minerals macrominerals are needed in larger amounts trace minerals are needed in smaller amounts sometimes called microminerals 41
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  • Minerals Which are macrominerals include: calcium phosphorus magnesium sodium Which are trace minerals include: iron manganese copper iodine 42 potassium chloride sulfur zinc cobalt fluoride selenium
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  • Assessment 1. How many calories are in one gram of fat? A. Four B. Seven C. Nine D. Twelve 2. Which of the following is NOT a function of carbohydrates? A. Supplying fiber B. Regulating body functions C. Supplying energy D. Aiding in the digestion of fats 44
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  • Assessment 3. Protein should account for what percentage of your daily calories? A. About 70 percent B. Between 40 and 50 percent C. Between 10 and 35 percent D. Less than 10 percent 4. Which of the following is a consequence of not eating enough fat? A. Increased blood pressure B. Heart disease C. Increased hormone production D. Impaired growth 45
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  • Assessment 5. Which of the following is a water-soluble vitamin? A. Vitamin C B. Vitamin D C. Vitamin E D. Vitamin K 46
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  • Fitness Is the degree to which a person is able to perform physical tasks involves having the energy and strength required to feel well directly linked to nutrition Affects the heart, lungs, bones, muscles, joints and emotional state 48
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  • Fitness Is often a term associated with athletes although most athletes are fit, a person does not have to be an athlete to be fit everyone can participate in activities which promote fitness everyone can benefit from physical fitness 49
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  • Fitness Involves physical activity staying active helps the body function all types of moderate activity promote physical fitness, including: walking running swimming biking lifting weights 50 sports dancing gardening skating jumping rope
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  • Physical Activity Promotes weight control by burning calories if a person does not burn the calories they consume, they will be stored in the body as fat average Americans eats about 2,700 calories each day, but 2,000 calorie-diets are recommended calories burned depend on weight and body type, as well as the type, duration and intensity of the physical activity 51
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  • Calories Burned One Hour of Physical Activity Calories Burned if 115-130 Pounds Calories Burned if 135-170 Pounds General Housework110160 Yoga170240 Moderate Walking210300 Leisurely Swimming350500 Medium-intensity Biking385550 Light Jogging420600 Jumping Rope490700 Playing Soccer490700 Fast Running7701100 52 *Generalized estimates.
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  • Physical Activity Strengthens muscles, bones and joints regular exercise maintains muscle mass and increases muscle strength the pull a muscle exerts on bones during exercise stimulates bone activity, increasing bone strength by building muscle mass and bone strength, joints become more stable and less stiff 53
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  • Physical Activity Is good for the heart and lungs regular physical activity lowers heart rate and blood pressure, making it easier for the heart to do its job the effects physical activity has on the muscles and heart benefits the lungs muscles which are made efficient by exercise require less oxygen and produce less carbon dioxide, taking pressure off the lungs when heart rate is lower the lungs do not have to work as hard to blood oxygenated 54
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  • Physical Activity Boosts energy and improves sleep when the muscles, heart and lungs are made more efficient through regular physical activity, a person can perform daily activities with less effort studies indicate people who exercise regularly have less trouble falling asleep and staying asleep 55
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  • Physical Activity Increases flexibility, coordination and balance physical activity often requires stretching muscles, making a person more flexible coordination and balance develop over time based on how familiar a person is with the bodys movements and structure 56
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  • Physical Activity Improves brain function, mood and self- esteem studies have shown physical activity can increase your ability to grow brain cells and maintain memory physical activity increases production of various brain chemicals which contribute to relaxation and happiness feeling fit and reaching health goals can make you feel good about yourself 57
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  • Recommendations For physical activity and fitness include: participating in at least one hour of physical activity daily varying types of physical activity aerobic activity, or activity which raises the heart and breathing rate, such as running and swimming muscle-strengthening activity, such as rowing, climbing and weight training activity promoting flexibility, such as martial arts, dance and yoga 58
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  • Fitness Can also be improved by making small changes in daily habits use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator park farther away from buildings so the walk is a little longer walk instead of driving when possible play physically active games like tag or soccer rather than video games or board games 59
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  • Assessment 1. Which of the following is true of fitness? A. It has no connection to nutrition B. It requires athletic ability C. It can be promoted by all types of physical activity D. It cannot benefit people over 60 years of age 2. How many calories does the average American eat each day? A. 1,800 B. 2,000 C. 2,300 D. 2,700 61
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  • Assessment 3. Calories burned during physical activity do NOT depend on which of the following variables? A. Your age B. Your weight C. Duration of physical activity D. Type of physical activity 4. It is recommended a person participate in how much physical activity each day? A. At least 30 minutes B. At least one hour C. At least one and a half hours D. At least two hours 62
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  • Assessment 5. Which of the following accurately describes aerobic activity? A. Activity which improves natural reaction reflexes B. Activity which increases your flexibility and balance C. Activity which requires teamwork D. Activity which raises your heart and breathing rate 63
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  • Hygiene Consists of the practices used to maintain health through cleanliness Can reduce the risk of disease and infection by eliminating germs Makes a person more attractive and approachable in appearance 65
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  • Hygiene Is especially important for adolescents an increase in hormones can cause changes which require hygienic attention greasy hair and skin acne body hair body odor bad breath 66
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  • Hair & Skin Should be washed regularly shower or bath every day clean every part of the body with soap and water rinse well wash hair regularly how often a person needs to wash their hair depends on their scalp, hair type and daily hair routine 67
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  • Acne Is caused by clogged pores in the skin pores may get clogged with: dead skin cells sebum (the oils produced to keep skin from drying out) dirt makeup bacteria 68
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  • Acne Can be prevented by using the following tips: keep face clean by washing it twice daily with a mild facial cleanser and warm water use an over-the-counter acne product and moisturizer use makeup sparingly and be sure to wash it off completely each day avoid touching the face look for noncomedogenic facial care products 69 Noncomedogenic: not tending to clog pores
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  • Body Hair Can be addressed by shaving if a person decides to shave, be careful, go slowly and ask for help from a parent or older sibling if needed before deciding to shave consider: shaving can irritate the skin so a moisturizer might be needed hair often grows back darker, thicker and/or coarser 70
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  • Body Odor Should be addressed by: washing a person may need to wash after physical activity in addition to the daily bath or shower wearing deodorant or antiperspirant deodorant covers the smell antiperspirant keeps a person from sweating or dries up odor-causing sweat wearing clean clothes, socks and underwear 71
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  • Bad Breath Can be prevented by: brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste for at least two minutes twice each day flossing at least once each day using an antiseptic and plaque-reducing mouthwash 72 Fun Fact: The toothbrush was invented by the Chinese in 1000 AD.
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  • Personal Hygiene Also includes: hair cut at least every six to twelve weeks cutting and cleaning finger and toe nails washing hands frequently 73
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  • Home Hygiene Involves keeping the living space clean kitchens and bathrooms are particularly important to keep clean clean all surfaces with a disinfectant after use or at least weekly fabrics should be washed regularly clothes should be washed after each wear used sheets and blankets should be washed at least weekly 74
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  • Assessment 1. How often should a person shower or bathe? A. Twice each day B. Every day C. Every other day D. Once each week 2. Acne is caused by which of the following? A. Pigment changes in the skin B. Using too much moisturizer C. Consuming fatty foods D. Clogged pores 76
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  • Assessment 3. Antiperspirant does which of the following? A. Covers the smell of body odor B. Acts as a dry soap to clean and reduce bacteria C. Keeps a person from sweating or helps to dry up the sweat D. Slows hair growth 4. How long and often should a person brush their teeth? A. Twice a day for at least two minutes B. Twice a day for at least 90 seconds C. Once a day for at least three minutes D. Once a day for at least four minutes 77
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  • Assessment 5. How often should you wash used sheets and blankets? A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly D. Every six weeks 78
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  • Safety Consists of the practices used to protect a person from danger, risk or injury Is important to consider at home at school in public places while traveling while online 80
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  • Safety at Home Includes: having smoke and carbon monoxide detectors using and storing electrical appliances safely using and storing potentially poisonous substances safely keeping first aid supplies available discussing and planning for emergencies 81
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  • Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors Alert the presence of harmful gases Should be installed throughout the home at least one per level of home in or near each bedroom Should be tested monthly Should have batteries replaced at least once each year 82 Carbon Monoxide: a colorless, odorless, very toxic gas which can be produced by gas or oil appliances
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  • Electrical Appliances Should have well placed cords which are in good condition cords should not be placed across walkways or near water sources cords should not be placed where damage can occur cords should not be cracked, frayed or melted outlets should not be overloaded with plugs unused outlets should have protective coverings 83
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  • Poisonous Substances Require reading and following instructions on the label Should be stored out of the reach of children Include: medicines cleaning products insecticides 84
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  • First Aid Supplies Should be easily accessible Should include: tweezers exam gloves cleansing wipes medical tape bandages of various types and sizes gauze antibiotic ointment painkiller 85
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  • Emergency Plans Should be discussed among all members of a household talk about what to do in case of an emergency such as: fire break-in or burglary natural disaster medical emergency 86
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  • Safety at School Requires following rules rules are put in place to protect adults and children Requires listening to and following teachers and administrators instructions Requires being aware of emergency plans know where emergency exits are pay attention during emergency drills 87
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  • Safety in Public Places Involves: being aware of surroundings staying in groups or pairs avoiding conflict and confrontation avoiding interaction with strangers avoiding unfamiliar or dangerous areas 88
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  • Being Aware Involves: not loosing yourself in texting, gaming or other activities when a person get too engrossed in their cell phone or gaming device they risk loosing their footing, getting lost or having someone sneak up on them listening to intuition if you ever feel unsafe, do your best to remove yourself from the situation or location 89
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  • Staying in Groups Can protect a person from strangers who want to take advantage safety in numbers refers to the fact people are less likely to be attacked or abducted when with a group or in a crowded setting Is most effective when a person is in a group of people they trust however, even if alone, being in an area where there are plenty of people is safer than being isolated 90
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  • Avoiding Conflict Includes: abstaining from bullying or provoking a bully managing anger, fear and other emotions calling authorities if a person notices trouble rather than getting involved de-escalating a bad situation, or acting to prevent things from getting worse for example: if you are robbed by a stranger, give him or her your money rather than trying to fight or run 91
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  • Avoiding Strangers Includes: abstaining from hitchhiking and accepting rides from strangers always questioning strangers motives for talking to you asking for directions is one thing, but if a stranger actively tries to engage you, ask to be left alone and try to get away never giving your personal information to strangers 92
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  • Avoiding Dangerous Areas Involves: staying in open, well lit and well traveled areas staying in areas with which you are familiar avoiding isolated areas avoiding areas with high crime rates 93
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  • Safety While Traveling Includes being safe: when using public transportation when driving when bicycling or skating 94
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  • Public Transportation Includes: buses subways trains Requires: following rules and drivers instructions being alert and aware of surroundings paying attention to schedules to keep from getting lost or stranded 95
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  • Driving Safely Involves: following all traffic signs and laws paying attention to the traffic and roads abstaining from using a cell phone avoiding distractions keeping the car in good working order knowing how to perform minor maintenance 96
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  • Safe Bicycling & Skating Involves: wearing a helmet using hand signals being aware of obstacles and people avoiding riding or skating in bad weather keeping the bicycle, skates and/or skateboard in good working order choosing low-traffic areas to ride or skate in 97
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  • Safety Online Involves: protecting personal information abstaining from interaction with strangers abstaining from cyberbullying reporting cyberbullying deleting e-mails, documents or files from a sender which is not recognized 98
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  • Assessment 1. How often should smoke and carbon monoxide detectors be tested? A. Weekly B. Monthly C. Every six months D. Each year 2. Which of the following is a recommendation in the segment concerning electrical appliances? A. Outlets should not be overloaded with plugs B. Cords should not be placed near plants C. Cords which are damaged should be taped D. There should not be any unused outlets 100
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  • Assessment 3. The fact people are less likely to be attacked or abducted when with a group or in a crowded setting can be summarized using which clich? A. Alls well that ends well B. Better safe than sorry C. Absence makes the heart grow fonder D. Safety in numbers 101
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  • Assessment 4. Which of the following is an example of de-escalating a bad situation? A. Noticing a bully picking on a small child and saying, Pick on someone your own size B. Giving a robber your money rather than trying to fight or run C. Screaming at an attacker and poking him or her in the eyes D. Spreading rumors about someone who is mean to you 102
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  • Assessment 5. Safety online does NOT include which of the following? A. Reporting cyberbullying B. Protecting personal information C. Carefully examining all e-mails received D. Abstaining from interaction with strangers 103
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  • Final Assessment 1. Which of the following accurately defines wellness? A. The absence of disease B. The state of being physically, mentally and emotionally healthy C. The process of developing protection against disease and injury D. The condition of being safe from danger or injury 2. According to the presentation, what is one of the most common symptoms of poor mental health? A. Sadness B. Lack of intelligence C. Aches and pains D. Psychosis 105
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  • Final Assessment 3. Which of the following are NOT macronutrients? A. Fats B. Vitamins C. Proteins D. Carbohydrates 4. Daryl is counting calories to manage his weight. For lunch he ate 45 grams of carbohydrates, 22 grams of protein and 16 grams of fat. How many calories did he consume? A. 83 calories B. 332 calories C. 412 calories D. 747 calories 106
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  • Final Assessment 5. Daryl wants to burn all of the calories he consumed for lunch in one hour. Which of the following types of physical activity could he do to burn this many calories? A. Housework B. Moderate walking C. Leisurely swimming D. Yoga 6. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of physical activity? A. Provides nutrients B. Improves mood C. Boosts energy D. Strengthens bones 107
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  • Final Assessment 7. The practices used to maintain health through cleanliness are known as which of the following? A. Fitness B. Antiseptic C. Nutrition D. Hygiene 8. How often should you get your hair cut? A. Every two to three weeks B. Every four weeks C. Every six to twelve weeks D. Every fourteen weeks 108
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  • Final Assessment 9. Which of the following accurately describes carbon monoxide? A. A colorless, odorless, very toxic gas which can be produced by gas or oil appliances B. A thick, gray, toxic gas which is produced by fires C. A colorless, toxic gas which smells like rotten eggs and is produced by leaks in a sewage system D. A colorless, flammable gas which is produced by toxic chemicals being stored past their expiration dates 109
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  • Final Assessment 10. Which of the following is NOT involved in driving safely? A. Avoiding distractions B. Paying attention to passengers C. Following all traffic signs D. Keeping your car in good working order 110
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  • Resources Center for Disease Control and Prevention http://www.cdc.gov KidsHealth from Nemours http://www.kidshealth.org National Institutes of Health http://www.nih.gov USDAs ChooseMyPlate.gov http://www.choosemyplate.gov WebMD http://www.webmd.com 111
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  • Acknowledgements Production Coordinator Amy Hogan Brand Manager Megan OQuinn Graphic Designer Melody Rowell Technical Writer Jessica Odom V.P. of Brand Management Clayton Franklin 112 Executive Producer Gordon W. Davis, P.h.D. MMXIV CEV Multimedia, Ltd.