1 mi Tdd DOVEB LUMBER GO. r...

VOL XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MAY 9. 1885. NO. TBE IMOH BMA TEMI9 »r »L'K8CKIPTIO» WVABU. BLI III 4DVJKCI. TauaMoaTaa (•a. f ••*..# via., i an I«|t I <lf» I anjt i I » u Tl I M I H M III • M ml IM 4 Ml »K> IIS I no • ml ••* tl M| «WI(fM|IOH I 00 Ml 10 1X1 IT 00 U «l 14 00 M « I 601 11 Ml MW If » 10 00 1100 » •* 11 Ml It Ml M W flaw, o. uDwiim. u. D., w m u Mucrmaim. in WMULUT ix TU nunnn or niuaiM HHUD. omoi ATrarin 10111, Bonn,». 1. Oornar of Naefcarcll aaa MU.MII AI.. DOVER. N. .1. . 8. JOLLEY, P. jprletor •ot-Mi ud Carriage* w L«i. » T \ H L O * PITHET. ATTOUfEY 4T MW. D •OTftU fOaW.lU. IKOR KftA llDII.OIVa, r O.BIRItVIRTI]. E. M DOVER, S. J. 4H&LTAU Of OREO ISD MKIKAJ*. ff MINI*. L. W. THURBER. iiffCBINTONDErtr (If PCVIilc-">•* or MOBHIN (XtCNTV .imci «T «. • . ••••»'< «IHK.. OOTIB, H. J 4jaaiaj Mm anaia aa Kataram trua a I.1III1I V. tM' HAVING »N0 HAIR CUTTI«' 1* A 1.00 N. SUSSEX STREET. DOVER, N. 1. NOTICE. MI ooonn oovtimn mm •» 1 ttorriatowa. at tha Baar*- •ea.mi runraut iru<mwin duiaa « • > b""r« CENTS,flj)CENTS. CARRIAGES The Urgmt slock of the above to be seen in thin sectionranbe found at JOSEPH H. BEACH & SON'S ROCKAWAY, N. J. Tdd DOVEB LUMBER GO. •n U> baildan tlw teat nuporUuiltiM in lh« immhaai, ol LCMBEH oUrwy gr»d» awl daaraiptiot. iaoluliuii LOW PRICE* awl tba gnat advanUfi*. of having Lumber Worked to Order OMOhltiHrv At the place when il it pttruhkwad, gnttiv liMWiip tk*> limit nf tmildiuff by th« grant twnug tu imuiaiJ labor Oar utaoi nlwityM include* Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings liUMIIBB of era? .iaacriptioo, ud MpaoU paiu » Uku 10 gin utialantUH. in »verj paitionlar •auM.» HuiaAUH.. PraaHhiai SEGARS, TOBACCOS, WINES, A » «. A A A A A A A A A A A A a r » T r v T T v » ¥ r » 1 » v ~ .!•<! rrcclTta I.OIIO Halla af MOQI'KTTt', VKI.VKTN. BOIIY IHIJsgF.I-N TAPl STHIKH. TIIMKt.Pr.V KXTMA BI1PKB ,m4 nil PHI. B lMiM/IIKH, fraM a Haajw la •••« •' au>.|. ami awr atrdvr* ara tai claae ll>*aM ant at aay prlca km reHaaiiaali r maataYai Ik * ! all be tal< Man April lie. Save 30 Per Cent Save 30 Per Cent I M ankr raw»»*a aaw, ta ka icIUarMl 4airll ar Mar la), wllhaaii cam chart* for aterac*. »'• will C.ke •rairra far faaal. •••». tar a»vaa»«t. wllk a aaaall <•••»!(. deliver** atar .laat) Taa «ra« la»aa. !>•> ant alaMhe apvaniaaMir. aathla la the>alr aa*. There aernr will k* anwhrr at thcaa Filer.. JAMES S. MELICK'S, »n» 8U-8EX STREET. DOVER, N. J. t noetrnl •• Inniaaa a t n i o f S M O K C n WANTS au«a aaVaaiaakaaai Plpaa. UI Cigar Hul4«ra, VIM Cigar Caaea. Haaafa** wt atvka af Krhr Vtaca, l irwlfli an4 kioila, bntb WHnl.UAI.1 AXD BBTAIL at Btlcai «Uali ilalV «a«MlMlaB. Mj In .»• Llqnw l>..p»rli,,««l i n be laud al all Ham anil alorknl Vila thTbnl arid/i rioda ol all klada al naaoaakk r rK» M.T MBWR CIKPAHmtNT aanuiu. £1 IU k 4 4 l tal l aa4 all la» lundaf an«n hih dli tfrioda ol all klada al naaoaakk r rK» M.T MBWR CIKPAHmtNT aanuiu. £1 IU vavklr aa4 4allf naptra. aMatalv MaaaalaH, aa4 all la» lundaf aan«n>, which an d«liv •n4taaa; K m wllbin tka >klaltr<>M at akana. All ardan bVWiall fur Wloaa. Llquara axl Clpn rn«|itlT altraM lo. MlEa 8. IKUCI, Dmat. H i n CRNTS. 25 CENTS. OnrlSOa M.ck «a a»U f»r O n 6(1 •. H'lwl •' OirlO.lnD " Oar M,'. E B •' Our *ii'. Qua Po«Aar for Oar Vk\ Muck Forma* tar Oar TOJ. OUU Puwdar " SUSSEX St OROCER, GROCERIES -ASD- PROVISIONS J. B. PALMER, BEEMER ft PALMER am aaUlna IM MM M ttaeMauM aaJ »a*«.Jr 10 kaaa a lawnanal ai iioda la hi. Ha. or Inte anttallad ol COAL AND WOOD! b of all •>•»«; ti*> hi t,S^M»0«»lfofbl^k.»ilhtn(r dortffood •••Mil ui •pllt rcfedr lor »e »l«&n M haud Flag Stones r Curbing. MASONS' MATERIALS! Steam Circular Saw Mill. REMOVAL! THE NEW YORK AND CHINK TEH CO. hwfafMTa«apa>aaiialha Brick niaafc, IHaakwall M., DOVI n. J..aaa will ka itiiftorhaalanaaa LOOK AT TBin HEWLiar or PSICE& . Wo. Oir 70c>. Tnnni HtMn for . 88'. O.r Mr. Eigliali Bnakliutfnc .... . »•. Oar HX'. r-niKna-liiaat '• .... . DO'. Oar IHk>. GOD Pnwdvr liir . 88>. Onr a*. J .pan «a acll for . SO'. OnrTO•. E«luli Braafaat lix .GO.-. Our OJi-. Vmug Uyaoo fur «w»«lcr,i.av. rinnlOM ¥<»li« »<•, •biol «<• f.rmprly anMf Piucwt OM U"«lia ami J.iv« 3tli>. f.>riii*rlv will fur Filial OM Oi*. J.iv.t 25.-. furnierljf aailil »t 32.*. FiuBat Mnrautikn lur 33c. aliMi we fniwrily noli] tot We. Fiua JIMCUIIK. Wo, .bicb « foniwrljr aolil lur J6j. SUGARS CHEAPER THAN EVER. OarSsieta ar« aar*ri<* In all. Warfaaitatt eill aperltl altantion to nnrtawgwfea of TtaT: IHna Ooliw>. Hilad a.Kl junao lie.; Verj Fiua O.*m«. Hind and Jupan 90r.; Flu EuilIJi BmHuK, Yimou Hjaim and Ona P.wdfr 2M.; V«rj Filw Eu|IUi BnaMari, Vuu»tc Hjaoa anJ Japaa Ms. m- Aa oar Teal and CofMa ara all M . lad ot tali aaana'a imporlaUoo, wa aaraaaUy II Ibt allaalloa of oar palluli balota aarebaaiDl ikawkm. M TIE 11CBDU TEA CO., BLACKWELLSt, DOVER, N.J. Dpholsterf Goofls. W. & J. SLOANE | BUSINESS! IUSINESS! bliuaM IU DlulBiia al lit He. JiratJ O MO9T 1TTBICTIVE PHH:IS. •onnouki LAUI CO»T»IV» lTADRAflLlOGCUBAI | 0BETONH£ COVEWNOB " TIBBBIM* VkaMkil WttM Vl SM^ TJip *M1 alMMt a a l t r * , mr aaaarHala f anilatMtf. TABLE COTBM W ALL ITtUta. Onkr. ml (ynoll uin nMlnpromflaflr«li«i. BBOADWAfand 19th St., NEW VOBK CITV. ^^i™s?rnH.Wo,rpS£ss aH Jntaht maaall'.alKDdad u. Orlan Ml ataa saaa oa timx It., a w OAaaJ laak, aUraaaiTa m a q i KtaaUaa TM a. TtB BROAD STREET, NEWARK. H. J. Opea all tke roar, dar and eTiminK. Bualaaia «in«W. atorUaad, Trpiwrtlli,,, Oeraian, etc., at ponnlar ratci at Inillnn. Cnllaan Bndaaaa Edatatu, aad aaaaiaaai «f Wnaiaaabl|s Itw. Vltltora waleawa. CT. HILLia, Prla.lp.1. I* L. TUCKBK. aaatttarr. DRAKE & KINO, M M « I l»4iMl«n U LDIf BIB Md OO1L. Alw* ooMftM* «*wk M awh, Doors, Btlada, ttoald- rSlt U i mffthlng |MrtalnU| to t U MMlng M AIM ll U l l l b g | | t M M i pctoM. Ua l«hllw b blldl tak tndt Mia ihatMMi pctoM. tteta kaotu VasMty. AIM all Ua l«hllw bnati. of MrStl. MNT&BliMla for bnlldliM takw fro- tbt n . M«*4i^oftktitw|toraH1dH^atjajanairM| (fM1ji t n wta»pntw twUilMf nn M call ui MW IJZ7FTUHE CARD. Tear after year, for nearly half a century, (lie untlei gned have had occasion every H|irluk to call the alleatlm of the public U the iHducciuvnU they hav to offer their patrenN, la the Kprluir, aelection or thei Ibmt and Hhoe wqiilnMeHln, bat Never with raorr caall<leiie» do we make thn announrrini'iit. thai on stork I* cumtileie, the Htylen ai varied, the qualft; M naperlur and the prieeN an low,a* IN coiiKiNtmit nil the ab»ve con<llli<>iin, than we d» tliN xfHMiii. W have been receiving dally direct from ihe \»rt>ut am brut known animlMclurfm in the canntry. tlwiiwindi i>r paint, made eitperlally for n«, of aiaterlal ivl«i;ted f»r good service, that we know will not only lain «ir pa«t repnUtlon for handling the bent Boots •ad Mine* In thla itectlon, but will fnrther Improve I We cordially invlt) the pablirUxall and examine tin elegant wnorttuent •! hpilng style* we have to oft> Ineladlac for ladlm wear E. C. HUaT'M celebrated Hue Nhoeti, LOUXMHERKY, NAITIIEWtHIX k tttM gnod. n«ed by the le.ding Mew Vark honatM, HERRIAN' Ine goodi made at Newton, braldra mil linen or Ea»tern di aMde by responsible manufacturer*at extmnol low prl«'*M; whileforgents line wear we have IU«T STACY, ADAMS < CO., TURNED!, HOWARDS, BAY STATE •ad miay alkar flraii that ki«* IMR r«ff(«tn*cd M skulnt fer y un $ni that mvtr fail it ilvi utlilietlwi, and at mNmally attractiv* prlen. HEAOAN &CO., 0». D., L. &V. Depot DOVER, N. J BRANCH STORE. STANHOPE, N. J. CARPETSCARPETS ON CONSIGNMENT 1,000 ROLLS. ON CONSIGNMENT 1,000 ROLLS. COMPARISON DEFIED. For Instance: Talaat MarMa l a M u l l n Mat aoat «a : ' anufaclunl wUI Mll'lur I ItaaiM tilt aaat M> I wUI nil for •• « " 109 wllbr " m •man laat ant IM. I win •aliia iiat Mat I will K Sullf. that eontflS , uf frame, in JUIr ClotU Ut?i1 Louft, it Car|>ot Quod Ikwl Lounge Walwu tMHtad Woluut EitenaioN Tnlile Walnut Wardrobe H»rble Top Centrn Table (ItHNl Cane 8«nt Hwkcr " " " Cliair MUcd fthttrcM Bed 8prli.il Ct i Illiellfir III Caraal Iwaaawi |laa bail) M IM-taai>8alUitbalaaatlW ! Velvet t'arpit, |irr;anl I will wll far IS| Body llruMela, p-r j-anl [ Tapa.trf C'arpnti perfard .. •Caiamled Beiroow Buitft tfaat mott 0J6 a.50 I 3!> t.10 will u l l for lunetal Bed mom Suite* tha.1 coat <*) Wtl1t«llf«t m); Three-ply Carpet, per yard ,... py Eitra flaper i <7h l n (nil wool) pfcr yd. p t pr yard Parlor Suite*, Walnut f^WM, im Raw tilk, (T plMB*) SluflM Back These Ooods can be bought on Weekly and Monthly Payments, at these Prioea. 150 PARLOR SUITES in EBONY, WALNUT and CHERRY, with hoioest patterns of Silk and Mohair PlusheB. 10th plain and embossed. Also. Spun and aw Silks, Ramies, Reps and Hair Cloth at reduotion of 30 per cent. -ANU- PARLOR BTOVBB The larnit asaaMiacail la Ihe Blair at p.lcea ta tail all. AMOS H. VAN HORN, 73 MARKET STREET, Newark, N. J. NEAR COURT HOUSE.) THE PBOPRIETOIIS OF THE Business College, KB, TU7, i l » , 711 * 713 BBOAU ST., Iba LMSInr Oommeralil Hebool of Aawrlea. TK«BH npIRIIIIOE. » FBMIJLNENT TEAORBBS. 10 BRAUTiniL ROOHtt. 7 8EP4HVIE 1ICILDISO8. S lX)nilHG<4 OF 8T0DT. 1 LBTOBIM. • aad Olrla. CHAS. Q. QRIFFEN. u-tr raiahcil or HTSoxm. aiuioea.ll.j CARR!ACE PAJJ5TSH. Shop on Clinton Bt, Do»er. An atpenenea of IS veara in Dorer on tba rinait vork, li tha jn«ianlMi 1 offer ofmw ssatSKS?' 11 "'' " y "°" 0 " 'i° — =VITA= SUPPOSITORIES. MRS. GEO. FARR, PORT OBABI, !». J. Inrltea atteDllon ti her d'lptu of Spring Millinery Goods, •tiiefaxiDtiiDi tbB new to*J l^id.tiR deihrnn tn Bon»ru, Hili, Bibl»n>, TrlnmitcH, »nUtil tint maimioinii ttciite la thtt Un«. PASSAGE TICKETS PORT ORAM. N. J. UTOB til tha ufindpal Uu«t of atMntUpa J? fm Hew fork to Unnool at LOWBn BATH. AJioDfi4FTB0HaSIiTBBITAia 4HD UULAKD TM luvumri lE-nnoi. <TMliertril jirnuit on Hondiiy |>>i Ktv|iliuu ehv uui-i! tu t i e mirvivitiK wfiub oltlie i:iovi'iilliKci;.ii»ut, N.J. Viilimti'i' id Ha- visiting I>UKII> ut' tlm tl. A. It. wlii wl ruiiit; lifii! lo lUrtinl Mtllavit 1'i.nt in euivinj- ILPIII. Tlie itucatiuu wu» tlio tii.nl uiouiiftliu ttruJniDDt—an ort;atiizulioii tl iw iiicrr.uani ecrvice, HuflurcU bcuvyl»«nui u.I came liouio will. nrHutly UcplcUil ra The an|t»;t of tltu wfatucr wm very llii ulug iu (lit- luiirniujc, bulin ijiiluof iliu | pec-tuf luin Iliu DunilH-r lit vUihirij fruiu v-m luige mill nit 1L13 urjiuuliut ILT jiliMiea cuDiu in (|OIM|],V miiiil •r« H,VIUK fruin niiutbi'i» « f llie 1 >"> l1 nt town, iiuil uiiiuy »turi!ii u.id i Avun I bo lino ut'umi'cli wor* il IL tiuKH mid buutiiiM, ult «l>t-'iikiu md [iiilriolie woltnuiD to tlio " i>li in-uHy pCllllll!. llll'H « thu lint .il iCi) lii.|u'M ill frnlc ii (tin "Id c ul. n i'rc vi Iii' miiHt inlcrtiilLitr ftuturu* of tin dny, IIHno uue i-oiild (nil to l>e intitiPnlcd K'ttrliiK tlieMr> nifii lull over uuulii tlt«. utirrh iffut'i, ouiKjtt'il in tlw ilriiiuii nf « a r wliii 'IOMII twi-Qly yenr« iigu. ft*! lunriibiuK r oluijiu «IIH funut'J oil Iliac well .NTH, wltb thu liuht mtiun on H.^r un<l<<rtho (lirn:tlnn uf Cu|il. I>.fi.Allui, ul tlio Mnrnbai nf Hits acruxfon. The |iuriu ahtrted prompt.)- ut tbo timu ii|i]io.nle.l, II; A. W. Tlii) vuterunn of tbo Klivt'iitb HogI urul orcui.iPd tiifl pout of bunor, liomird I lii> Oill«ii B' llou.l, uf Dover, wbkb U.t.kt »ull BIIII HiiHiaionil their rcirutstiou lur lim ^i-L-uljiiii. Tho vetcrunsorttion!|[aHii>iit wi-i il'oul •oveulj-fivf in number, wbkli vi fullj HM mmir (in wfreei|ici-U'ii, Iw^aiiHt! ofl «1cciltial<-.t nmkri at tbc HUM of (lie wnr. A cull liiiirctiril tbe tT.i onii'luln wlio COD iltilil wliili- iu HKrvirc-drn. Itolwrt Hi f-WUWr mill Col. Joliu 8i:lioiinov<'r Tli iii-iiicv, iiiiw ii Itiilu iilil cttiitiMtiim nf Ti, njkml atnuilii'lij'ciiUi^rtlinnliiN at-timl yi tlmt nil Ilk *nUnn!,natoii wero «rc»tlj I>!PIIKU.1 IIII WIIH alwjij* IHI|IUIUI- wilb 1.1Mii.cn nml tin-, him witb tin- uirrrtinn Unit ihnw II fit I her. Lieut. Col. .Inhn Scloonovor, •o uwwum commaud wlmii Col. SkAllish is iHlv»nccil lo Ilic rank of HriKUilicr-Um i), WMSuUn a po|iutar anil niucli lovod con imkr. He L'IIIIKU-(] In Ibe wrvko an ivalf In tho Ut New .frmpy V.ilnntrcr veil II* HIK-II ul |V(. tii-Hl Ladle uf Hull Kim, >1 ?:IIII Inn >vny (o bU liiuli ninhH by lift .'I'ltri UrJ |t JMlllliur. AluiOa* YftOcf. af. Hjalw 1 ' Ollr Old IHWIIHIIIBII. Wliolllllllllllio III! till) Wll iritn lie invent wlllibU formi IIM warmly urisctcil on cvnry ntti IcimiTi^tniti'il Viitin IIH a mUlic. i lits MiiTiwil, mill tlio iniiiriHiii IIIUll, lli;.<lo Illllin llL'IIFty H'dli'Dllli \m- Cliii;iliiju K, Chirk I'lim A.tfuiuiil Titii* llt-rty, Tuiit. I. W. Curj L'niit. TiniH mill otlu>r nltli'iT* w«)1 known t ra nirni in tlic nink". Th md Ilic bitii-viil nf iv.f-.uty ycnio, l>ii«K,-,l | pm-HuH* uf |H.-acr. bad not abllKinli: ir military Lcnrii-t;. Itcliien tlifir Vrec\, «i«tc|. ILt're wuntbut pciuliRr nwing ol moiinu m-vcr ucjiiirtnl t.y nmatuum, wltk-1 Htninpe., Ibem u« men who liad mrycurfl mail ar (licir vt.ci.liou. CurrU-4 in tbo litic wore ttv*> Hiiu"—tlio ir olit iiulliccilora—whirl runt ia tntlcm wblln .hey bore tli em a nit, urn! ono WOHHtill momilnl on tlm ir.V |iolu to wliti-b it wan fiuttened wlifi fan uliot a wuy. i- Tnrbert I'uM, <1. A. K, uf Horriatown, oiino next, tinker wmm und Hit Mnj. II. M. DulrymulR, 1'onl OooinVaud-.i'. Tbey mtod full rauks and a Hue Rppeannce. Tin y unbcreii i'i coon in the rauka. Am itorium Iu tbelr ranks were Honalor Jn, C. DUUKIIIIHHI, lfaj. Am- Hlauchet,rtdctbei dialiujiuinhed vetentn-oitiwD*. Tliey wen acco.i)|ruuii-d l-r tba adnirable Hnte ami drum vorng of Ibe Pout, nunbcrinB 17 pieces, •no of Ibe bent iu tlio State, which dnriug tlie MTcnadeit Hie KB* office ud otbor p ibu I)ill Post,fl.A. It., «l Hoonlon. der littd tbf next po*l- iu ibe line. They worn •cenmnaniedby JWauato Cbaa. V, Hupklus, John K. l>nr- nib ud other well-knuwn HmMlaulwiMwbo ira vcten»D», and preitcut«l n v«ry praltw- •oitbv appear»nDe. A dHcgalinii of Heilji -ick Foul, ti. A.It, of Hiwk^tstowD, ami from other iilncoa also lieiped Iu •well the line of tho vUUlms rsterane. Tbc teoond division of Ihe parade vaa ton. atd at Ibe Dover lire Department con iitnded l.,r Chief KoRlmetT Hedffwiok R. B«n- etl and AMlatrinl Chief John 8. OUmon. The IMrtneut wanbeaded liy Hu<-lu»naii'» Hand, f fiockHwar. whoae appearaniw and ctwu- loo were alike worthy of praiap. Tbey WPM allowed I>T tbe Howl of Fin Wardeu-.- ' Pitnn.v, Vrtrewan-whleh AHraoled •ttintionfartheir new uniforms and excellent ilrill. 1'iKilant HUM Company—Foreman Win, It. Hubert and AeaTatant Jns. 1*. Kflloy—we it of Die coBipanlea. TlieJr carrinRe wi laiiUfully iltMioratod. The reel wa* ilero- whiteapd IduphuiitiiiK unit •cr nil wn »iltalgi afgrecna. nurniouutt-d •iipcrb eagle. Uo tbeiklen of tho reel, alantit a«i large, wen handriooio wreatb* it flower*, wliirta ntlracted general attru- Prolcclloo Hook mid Ladder Company— man A. B. Hyram aud Ag»iBtant C-hoH. A. •MI—wait headed by the serviceable drumoorpa. Tbe truck bov* weut in .1oddity and made an nltrKliv* dinplay. trunk was drawn by » well broken pair uf ion, fantastically ftruarocnteil nml wenrinte Mmid H." IFpoB Ihe truck wan built an i-niy tent, bearing tbe wordx "Welcome 111], .1. ttcKlin«ut," iiml a juvenile nlnil us flicln Sinn" aat at tbo door. Tlio tlriror ». .. ii, 1lT[flj{ llrl,—llflllTrt ot III il Ihero went mariv—wpro ton \OHIIK ti —-ikeuuy Hiiiiliiyniri nf cbnuccH, or IIVPU ti ri'iili/n | a dm full i'di'iit tlio rcpiuoiiHlliilitlor »c Imil nHKimicil, Our licuHri ^l.moil witfc niihioilr fervor, lint wi> did tint Hinpt.) enlcu Intf, we WITRRIIIIOIIK to MlPfl Ihttloe. lull lUURhtll-HH Of the «;nlllM!4|U«lll*. r roai Tniiitou to WiialiiiiKlou WL<ki>nt ill' « very rMitiiniiliiiofi<iitliii<i.nKtii. .Inlm iWwa'r •oui waa kept marciittiR on anil on, until l'vt no doubt tbu poor spirit tlmuubt tt had bi-nn PW." ^"'iiKrii ii 1'Miu.t "t..i?u !„". y»».aBC <• ynrtukdmUnm In •• i r mTmrm? p.l it City or DoverSlifiiiiifrCnmpnigr-Knrotniiii b HIP natiiMiiil cnlnrn no nttoaipt nvMtuade diiroratlun, tlf cnmimiiy Imvitift t1i« vcrv ly notion that tlie hunrinomely pol- heil mptiil work of Ibe "mannm-i." wnn itn nauient. It wan drawn Itjuiluo pair hOTKCS. ;l>uvit Cnni]i, Soon ot Vcterntin. mwlc beiruntliirn-out, and bad tbo m>xt place tn lie line. They looked well ami led to tbc Mint the cifnllenl. orgniiiz.it inn would nog bo kept up. Thuy wnre roniinandcil by :npt Walter He»»ri|er. 'rank Keunlli-r—under wbote ausjiiwfl Hie brouffhl up the rear of the linn. Their ranki were well nlled and their appearance noil .fo- rt ment wore rrcditable to the town I lie* presented. Tbo line tfa«a rotn|rletAd wua u ry iniiMisIng one and preacnted an nt tract• Tbts |>«ra<lo di.ba«d«d in f m l of tho lnrKe ' " ie of thn Dover Ijimbfr i'oatipan.v, o|>- n.ilD tin-ir mill. ITpna the at'roud and tljir.1 of tills 1'uildinff wen nprea<l tnbleafor xtimiiiotlatiut) of nbout X*\ RIICHU. nml mnin were nuntly deiiorntcil. TbeIn 1.1... tcrelondcd witbati abundance oJeiccllct irovendor and were <[iiicklr HIlcil. Tlm lioMoftbetdwn, itiKi.tcdbr the memtiers Miti'iivit I't.Nt, waited upon th« nci-its of i* vir.itorH.nmi nftnr Iliry WITH fully HHI>- It-il thore miiinlncd ei Eb lo nllord » trnil for about one hundred nbiidrcn. :KP. M.. IheBlevoith Reghiwtit ADHO lialion convened at tbo Hnkand wascullfil onlc-tht iu rreBlrieiit, Gen. Hniwrt McVl ler. Tin: minutes of the lnnt incetiii--worn rciui An rlcrtion for ortlrorx for thiM-tumlnK vr.u iti'rcl hitu wftli tlm fnllnwiim n-HiiIt: i-reaident, Col. Join Si-Loonover'; SM Vice. President, Capt. CHiver; IM Vicc!.]'r»(d<-i it. O.WMIJ Hecratary, ltUf)c>|» W. Main ipnrpr.Capl.lMI. Titna. W«R molvnl lo lmlil tbr wxt mrtHing nt Cot. Sclioonover, Coiimt.il M,,lus ,.u.l Ker- ttutMnrbaker wero oitjimulcil ncnmiDittfc place a lahlpt ot Uptt.v»lmrE lo conimoiiin- •Hto tbe SDrvicci of tlio reciincut in Hint Imt. incnt ttprcrii Cnjil. Tittw nvilitnl tln> e of Dover witb meelvinit Uiea nenrtily I.ti-nt. F. V. \\\ fulliiwlus. whirl. i of UumU wli of Dover, oil. liuinti'il :i romniitt' 1 " lo fttrwiird tlio i (!KV. I*. H. V.HMir. N. V.CITV: HI MltVIT.ti..1'., I,!,!(.' Tiiriicri J'imt. nfMi.r li.lr lliirliui ivitli IIIIIKI- uf C. wu. Julm Hill l'<i li J'(ir.t,n| Miirkit l f l -.'liil.li-.l nt Iliin litnf, l.tr.'t.v «x}>re*« 'iv"il1iriiiHi; V wVt"rtiii'Vtlti'tvl.!i|M' fl'iut 1 ".! 11H' diTt'iil,-7ioi^\"f^ii'inV''('C/ itV'thti'hV'iii Tlio miluiii i>i(>rciNw were openon nl 2:.Kt M., willi iniiHie li.v tlm litm.1, Jollnwnil wi pravir l>.v Chnpliiin K. (link Clinu, ;iit "h Ihr vclcruiirt l.iinv.l in llin Hiii^iu^ irrliiiii: Tlir.mKIi li.-oi'dia." Un.j.lhnmi., •1. HtiiHiiy, wbo nilt'fcil at tiiiw time, ' :t:iivcil with eliccre. Juliii f*. l.ibxon w.i" iuttmiiiccil I mud inrt u.iilrcrts nf H.-h-niilc, wlik-li wan lowed liy lint "iu^iiiK <>(" "Tlic llilltle<'r\ Ki rK,i,t.i 11 |). Hi.il.iiUtr, tin- HiMtoi ill 111*, r.-aihi, i.t, ti.,1. lUlivrivil tlic follow y vcnri IIJJO lli. 1 orm n imil nftlm i;r; tomiic," hid furnvrl ^i'M nml hiinlriljiiiri. live KtnU> ilriipjii-d einrHf tin. fl.irii tlic i vli. AM. Ilrhlt l i I'C prppun I i-iilc in whirl. II,,- ,.lil rPKliiicni purtioiii; i-rtwnnlT.^HMniiu. I hiiw not utl^nM U" itito ib-lailx, 1 lixvo lull tbimi to lie' Iwl bv Kiiitnury. IM IIH ^ built to tbo luiid WIIH ritl.i-r Jn.i.r.l : r riad.lcned liy tlio alimlow of <rf •«: iilnr-liolii 1 m'K'w.Vr! he ntr Mi>i>mcd lip.ii%-v v i t l i .1J«IM1, ..„ , linn thn yiminlaii FrnliMila. dc«|iite li florin nml imimmlJelcil riui:rill(n>, Hie i'i.,... l.-ii.lily bent iHirk MLCII-IIUII'H iiiniv, till, luui^li tvninii-lii i-riiini tlmt -mini nf tlic, Imt li'it thiTP foiiKbt wern uiifnii vii'tnri(«, tin •sin victories tItHt lull ux furtf.t'r iiml Inrth rum Ilic (I""! ol our (-tiikiivnr; tlii)iir>uililH riiVi- lioyH iirt-nfliiiil tli.ir lust umuf tl l'oiiSilr| W " mi '" °* ^'''.'"'""""'-V. a"'l *"i oik und TIIII.CH *]>..h,t <>i thcinmtcil rnnk! i front nml ' liuid till" <* if ol' < k t wimdilHtiK till" <*iasou ol <l when it weme.l i,» if tha durk t ( il i h nil i the •uniliulit ii *H (u nil ruVLT imiiio und lilicrlv, Ibnt tin- vail WUH nder wliirb tbp" orvanixiitimi uf tho II,„ Hi^iaifiit wan cnmpk'tcd. Tbetiiuo .|kCQliii iiwuitliiLCtbe enuwnmmii- ioiiof ani-.Tiiit iM.iliruyntf.Iiou-, und tl,o. Kl .hit moiiotouy ui' our wiiitiiiK lit runi|. ul nton wa* broken liy tln> fn'iiucul vixllh ol ndu mid tho cini.ti.nt eoitiin^ of rocruil^. we witru antioiiM (<> bui o ii (..mlod und ho -JlittluiTcdtn the muru utiiLiui: HroiioHol 'i-itlit, niid liiiibid wiili didijilit llro (Imil or liink .••t'niB witli AnifUMt tlio»5tli, A.- Jld fnnwell to our fncmln I I mo. I O ud rliiiibeJubimrtltbiifiii.itIml wen- lo li in SiiiiiliWiird, we foil itnliril MIL' liitli>rn f thi) intHlMK, nml Imd no ihmlil n viii-tm i. nf tbn iiiieertuiiity of« I'lilnrn iin>etiiiff. hhl <iur ip«'iiuKri ln-lilnd u, veil uf enlUitni I. mill citnrleit HmiluwiiriJ " ~ ' iHiltio MiiUKM. I nay tlnil we Iiml a vnuuc a ofllio unecrtniulv nf :i liilnrotnootiiifr >UIIID of IIH no doubt, tliuiiKlt I t f in'ik'iiie, bud I itmt b miiiTi Iui lindti tin* linn*! HI liter* of,. „. wo bud to Icorn l>v ternblo szv. ' '-"• iiiii e IH it l a Hol<li bl all ii d re in <i r> I if.'. Hi . - . Fwrt Mnrcv. Wo did uot kuow I'oi that purjHiftc wo wnre culled there, whctfaei meet tbn enemy or not. lint while we hy it_ •e nuduriog the uncertainty nf wiiiling nu farawny ciime tbo dull, lowboom ' Hllory. We i>I..^ulnlcd upuu Ito mcani..,,. ut Moon IPiirueil tbntiipoi thoalnmlv- tii- Mia lldd.it "Hull Kim" our array under >fa WM mgaia ucetiDK diaaater. I neoil not ill ytiu tbtit wilbuvfry vil.i-nitun nttbu nit nr liearta throbbed nilli auiietv. that wo 'ailed tapBttontly for tlie order to rminili to he help ot the bmvB boia nbowere bleedtnii inii ihiiia upou tbo crlwuou piuiim of Uunan- " Hut uo Hiieh order onuio, iuntisml we ordered to the rear of Fort Marcy, and icre—nn Ihe fultuwing day—wo aaw for tbe rut tttim Iheltultlu *c.i»rrea VBt«mun ot Ibe Irmy of tbo rotumau us tlmy mure he il bv vitli rlotblufc turn and batik Maii.od, :mil n»K* tbn tatter*d li>l<ta ol which told nf innuv <i liunt fouifht tit-iil. A»tbntbinn^l ranks ' i bniilt! KriiuiMl ami tuoUore nurvlvi imnlDrtitlatiled jiaxt UM, Unlit <H;UUV HOf ... ... --. to 118 .._ nnntber .year slionld yam «wiiy IIIHII.V I1IO>« wbo were K""»f[ Wly on wniilrl bo We rcmniu.'d nciir Furt Mun-y uutil tlie 7t»i r 8cp(euilicr.|.,itit( pk-kutduty in the <,,».<•. Ion ol LeeMlmrit mid V'ennn, ul),i tnWnjj; owr rut IcMwna in the urt of en t muni ion by trengtbeniiiic tho nurkn nt Fort Kibau Alien- - tlie 71 li tin. i^Kimeut movul to Fort Lyi.n- r AlFxawlriii, and on the 8th moved n loit tiistHOee duwii tlie Pototnim in tin. di- niou of Mt. Voruou and eNtubliKiied (Jamii lUuni-c, wlmro it reinniueit lur otio week |«lo«iI.|«hi!tjiliit,v in cr.nnoel.on with tbu ad Einenl moved to it point •ad Fairfax mwl/aad Hit the mttliTiipvx^hL^mJL^T^l^ irt Ellmrorlli Mid wan al Inched la the roin- •ud ul llriiimlier (Ion. SJoueli. M tlii* plii'io the dutkri »r tlio ruLinient ire very heavy, nnd tbr si.kHat Incrcnai'd 1 an alarming eiteiit, mm\ itvioft witliin TOO weeks, nud on M>VI<THI we/mlnn* „„ cull. Tbnditilrftfif til.' r^Bl,'™!! 0 ?* to the nrdinm-v eiimii dtilv <n ,«!«.,3 II«B IHP cannlcari'Lt nn.l namM or<l<i duet nqtlM ut urray cornn. •M'oaEVw. vt'iyotliiriluv. !iiN"t 1 i'i"th(. tfon ot 'fti?! 1 ' ' iL-j-iiiiiiiiV.'iini. i|imrii<*mi iii 'iC ultv, iiiinnlinir ;liu mniiilfon mo roil tn tlio warehiiuHCB utiil il pilfd upon thn witrv™ ,.r tha Mwn, a tyiwrhapii more plframi nt hiit no1eiiHnrdiinni> nt tli .t .-neiifjcd in liy tliu n>Ht of ilio rcui- 'iit. I Hunk tliiH tiirly, foiiu- nfim | m ,| liilH'd tho npirlt of tliu ulnvc ivlio uonUl not J thuhann in appn»prin(in(t nno itiml nf XK. ti z t "t°M';sto:"™a d Hui niiproprliitifiD ofwliieli we did not Driller very wrotiB, UU(ii Wi> wero (,au|[,.t. .1 lh<'n wo Mm tbo crirnu ill nil IH dreaaiill nniiity. JII Kiivemlier thn lfitii onlerH »err> n i r i r r d mi UCIJ, llvintzlftainu lo report withnnl do- r 1lrij:itui«F lli-n, l''»'r (-(inimiiuiliiij{ "' •<lr Foit BHawnrtir^pni £w£rtn?$Fihl il', aportiiiTiofUu. i:(iitiil(.rthccnniinanil • milniin tiint bud Writ rii'ltiiiVlfli'i'mrt./'Ni"^ vtA in ilt'tlaiiei! of oriior^. I will nnr BH. ictherlt wu riKkt<.aU« wrutiiTi!''ui,,«t Hm oml.tr. or u 'Irsiri! ti* ti-nt tlm IIOICIIL-V «f Iho fpiritt Hint nm-nl Uw phnnmc of tl,' iin|iiili,'ii, hut I kiii'wilint tlm ftiinptiJi'n wim l^>lhillia»il. '•"•-'"•""'"uMhti'iS, innlt fi'iit ofiiiiirili- nf^cknin.^t'i.-or't fuiiniCri 'iiivnrile |ircilfri'rlhm! l ' l 'pl,ii!, 1 " | w £i I. T uur< iiurt IIOIIKH n W.ili'idu, v frflui Ali:xan.IH« to Fiiirnn I lioiuFrtlrfnx Court lh,im •in we illil iitckel iluiy for i ui'iinilinicitit nV-ir ri,itnnii"h* »l' 1 M/VC'IM'''^ 1 f ^ l ' |II ' l ' i ' Mturfoin litu'M imtinvav." Afrw<lnyri drill nndpml, ami the t IU ol ttie UMiliia 1 •iir'rillr I ;' 1 of t Frr l ! --'£' ** iint ?i I'luiiiirt' comefi (t^'er tbt Iii'l-e hill n icw n.im.U-H iiKO'-onlil lm< •Oil iinlv tin- •niunrv in.n*ln»( ^v«''V" I nii'ii, tboi nftlx- vn'tliiri-l'-^riirll)."! like imlislxri HSIVIT. tlie pi im ij;iir!ithic n-J fitlniiiulil ' •^v:n..,, 1,-,1,,,-k Hit l,Hi-: tin- -•><) tli.-Miiii'lili' af (lie iliu llf till! ; .o bo .d,;.-!.. 11 iii- nokcof liiittli-, n i !tl.ti>. - of lin.lh.-i tul.-l \vr nlond iu linr, awnitiiiii tit- onl<-.' <-]i i-i-vhapH tn IIIMIII, »•»• iww n o t . om> lie iiiiiiniikri ln^iiu to i-iii^ tin- "Slur i^^lraN"rmia 1 ^)o"i''tlVAiV' l wii»'v!i"i'il i ilu- imirm-ol'tlixt urumi ol.l Imtlli- liynm. : » , - 1... U th.' ..r.l.:r.-mm-. ami »,• IIUw,! ," We'were liul'trti"oN thuViirlli' nidi- nt .... riicr. in u iioriiliiin from ivl.idi wei'miM view |hc Hlnmulitiu furcfn un tlic ulliir »ii!<-. On tb» NK,rr,ii,l' rif tho lilli u- <>»M>d tlu- r aud took pimiliim in tin- flint lint- (if h; Uo i:uui,»ini(-» ut ft time. (>iiii» Kiut i [lu'Kki.uii-lilhi.;; tlntichl (tn-npi-'-l li.v ri-ri'il vitli v k'iul ^nimi, mid tlie.HD :.ioii ftoiu tbe hiilh<1« o r only ji ••,«!, (I we Went intn ^'IiVl llmiiJTli'w 1 flu- iiicl tlml li.i llu- li.utli- r. t" <*-'/T: in (•' >' l I« I r ^ v i 11«• " 1 ."t- :ii I 1 * A. t" ll'ltC IllE' riltif!' Hfi^lll llf.hll'U.ill'r! flllillllK eli:ii-»i»fi i.tipliirl'.l nmnv I'l-i-t-niti-n I'liuWi'l" I',III1IHI;II:H-IIII tahi-ti' l»v .Teri,cy truofir-iii run .iivi'il 11ir ii rin v fruui ittler <i.!Mtriic(iiin, i.l (iiov.-il uiiiiw rtmt il wiia wnrtliy Iu li-ar c litl.-.ifllic -' IH.I (iimrilof tin- I'otunin.-." -Nol« illi-timiliiij,. tlm !it>rni«> liHbrtH t h a t 1»»1 rt> niiMli- tin- -nun...hi urm.v WIM.-iiMi|,HI<!<i drh-Tit. ' Tli'w iirruki'iU <it tl»""l llT A'!"*.' lin'l tLe lioltli- ileavlnil thu oltLt l.i'lliU.ll their h din ui, the urv m r Leo t Oil June"til,, 1Kb 11,.' ii'.'lTttViPOof thiTliuti,' "rJHruicii'ii' uiiriiliuli ino- wun iiiut-i!liiii|{ U|. the Huiiimliuiiiiodk to Hie • - iiiiiiirHhiit. 1r<im!iiiv«.Hinii(iriViitt«yIyiiiii«. Tin-miirtli oitln " '••'•-•• -"••Mil! lltli liplnnufil WIIH hv Ilurlv >'<>rd l>y Benlloii Wll., I!UI'IIIUIIK1I< •hu"l"iii' H ri"le»-'' nbollv iol.-iil nn tiiltini- <-nrli oil ,l||.l W| H KI.DII llfl till- inK'C Hi, (I would nci'ininclv toi'iji't c , i.efor.- liii-1 1 i tbo turn ml Inivo b crthcHin jo kiii.il" iiituliviiit- name -txl fILIC luiwevrr ft. in v furnuPH witli tlif l«'r n fu i-li In- i nly ti) n t Uf i hvo klllt-il—t'hrin1opher Urn hum ol I, in lVnrroii (inicn of I), bulb jounii un-ii wlm live* bud |>r»miNL-it a KIOHOIIK mini' ' T1H> 1ri>oit rotiiniert to eamp dc mil entire]v didii-artenL-d. l'n* liiriiHiile> '• Mud Miiruh" Mint wu ilii-iif mTiiiiiihrf tlmn uuy niiiii- 1 - - - ,t ti,,, ,,, >il. nlod. li ori' |.i .I'ui.nii <>tiut1i ilitihtt; tlie will-, [ii.it tin' iwnmiinMUe. II l(ap|iiihiiiiiio(>k Ntntion. iliiriiiK wliirli wi 'rent ut winter wi-ulli* iKri IIK ti> the L>e«ium! ciiliiiiuuU'diuthu liutl rule tlm* tlio I think it will bold pood i mt Hevure tire uudur which jiUct-.l, Use* Us cttli-ietev, .l<<.-iil.K U> llSlili.tu iiuiiUlies ami pntnbli«lirs the repiltn r m it will fuel (HIM ' iintnin tli lutui-r iiattim. 1 h*v«uu doubt that it t»>i itucnovuurcil tlmt reKiiiipntnthiilHhr;.ukiin In TK( iitccttitLr H-ltb tin; foe nttisnvunlH provt; liPin«elveH bruvp ontl r.-Iinliln, hut mirli iti laui'ci. werti oulv Ireiiueut eimuuli In nut ill HII Ilierulo. U ' M certain llmt ('hani<«lloi'«- tlio ,'ntnl.lifheil Ilio HtaiuUtiK of the lit ecimriit, n"ve. lo il. a roputiitioii (or brAver, ml oflteiency that It iiiiirioiioh muintaiiiei i.v liartl Anight i.Htlli-H tlm 4 piiuoi|>ul iiM-fnlneHH tv >!l>itiKtnl;ll liir Htnti'n i|in ink Ibid our re- d iu itie dl . I towmd lUt^u wln> uiv yet imti'iiil, h iiinril m il 1 thin Icelliin wu» iutfithillc'l in ird lo tho lit).. TfaiH mny imt huve nofn hut wo felt M if deubtinji eyes wore cliin« an. Aud I aiu evrtuin tbnt Hi. umlorilr of us bud r.'itohe.l tlmt WIIKII tin tiif i|iiiilitioH that wo . IIPHIV IVI blunt. ^'aaaau -a. ii |ipciill>irl.v tryliiR < » ui.th.ir. v aoiply on itll! KI1VC I tn Ibol.uttlo at liiirryiiiii up tlm (iora< nk vuttd, wuwuro uut by b.mlua oi nni H'dfl.viiiKniPO ; tlinu-omlH went llllc.l will if ti InirrytDK to tlmicur, intent niilv on Hint \ft a pluue of nafetv. The enemy In one ol 'ir impelu.iII* wnnarw lutd awvpt diXnu nn tlmIllli A. C. m$ they Uniiropurtwl to meet tbc nttm-kWiBBiitijeil with panic and Hwl like fHffbl«ueniiar<:ii hcfuro tko velninj huuni!.. It WH at tli in iriticul mimont wln-i itiuihilation tbreattned tho entiro anuy tliu ninuoi which wo formod u purt, tin white mamandi.tbe 'id Division of the Kkirioui old tbinl eoq>» wua ordered into tin* u|(iilii to ene outer circle 'ens li _ W«M with lie. 'Ere tbe amoke » . tiun'der of 'gam ll.ii Bight of Ma.i inry tmo.itrJiUllucrii Yttlteys of uiifkctrT, thorihriekof LVlajf niHalleH, the eruiiL of tHlliug IIIUIM, and low *poken nnlera uf the officers, us wo ,ed to tbe right or left lo adjiint our HUP, III.I in Din iu^rvitla that wen otbei ' mttlm mournful aotoa of Uic wLilp-; la thiit Ket'ined to us prrHiiiua of _ •i|nem)y fltirlng tho nigat noble Honeial ri'.v roJo along tbe line HpeakinR WOMIH of •oun»«emeiit, uneuuitclsua that it WIIH to bu iii (ant uiitht nu partli, Tbo laat w«rdi tlmt nu-DilMirbeariiiK kin ipeak wen, "(live i) llu'io buyit, it'H uoing tu be a hut tlnhl.'' wnniMWom Hliitlu more umphatiit thin; ie, but mich was their im|Mi-t. Tho durk > guvi< omiorlunity lor the cowant lo tier . I think but lew plaoet wen vacant ill th<- ltn UoHimeut when li.e light of the Biibbatb Homing uf Hay the M bruko upon un, " ItouiumWr tho HaliHatii iluy to keep it io1y,"M)t>nudiithe law ol'Iiml, lint dcHpltc divine command enunciated amid the imlorH of Kinui, the Hahuatli houn of M*V "bllrt in ninny of tho CLUI-HIIOH of the Korth, ir irlciids Were bnwiuy iu pmyer. or raiaiiiK leir voiwn in tovnu ul holy pr*i*e, we were •jtuiiinu tu Ibe deep bas* of tko timinni, anil lie •hrlll •oprano or nbriakiiiK rilwlls aii<t hlmliiiK liulletM, anil tlmprayern und moan* f tlw wounded and dying. Tbe battle of lav the M opeiioU with toti early iUwn, but ifiig tomir posltiou in tba noc-ood line *"e syrjrflssiii 2?A T i,r$& in; sonnuitwim tho preiwiiro of#ie ciieuiy liHt th» jirst Hue was noon compelled to icire • ar. The 1st Magsuclnuetl*, Col. HcLmuh- eonnimniliiiK* wan in onr frout • the left IUK uf it gave way but the ri«bt wing atrmd- iB litni. coin{H>lIed Col. UcUUrior to uhauie ii3pi)»iti<iu ol tho left wing of the 11th Xow T*ry toprcreDtiiriiiK into tbn wing of the t M,...ml.ur»-it,, utilfuoldluRthHr position. ta* Imumid tbat it wan neeenaary to «en« ••- IIJP, forward to awertaiu whether tlie . iu our frout wemI'niun or KCIKI nod Hint it niemlur of Co. F voliinteereil for thin ..•rviiiu." Tli!« nmy bave IM-C» n.i Ui>ou tho It, but no ftticli call wan necewurv unoa tlic llit, ut liiii-l from tho position <.| f0. E the irov> HIIVHIIFP .-oiilil 1.0plainly ,»» ,|i ll.vt-rti unit sin otbor of Co. K WPTC ,,,,uM mlMin mlvnufc ol tins lino, nnrf hitvlna <• .ively RuulMtructed vfcw, c^itldaec riilili: [:nr( ot t*n*. eiiemy"* u :• ui.-lnjr. Tlify riiisi.l tbrli hen tlic ulleil mit.^' ' The IIIIHU., our uicn.' 'l'i»' '.Vi'iV'"/'^^ 11 '!^ Ur " rL ' llBlt<t " I1U<I u " 1 ' root of th« eompanv followed,"* J mi'tin! nu Irt-eaiuu gtuerul. Ko need to tell Iheoo rivorri nf tbo brave old rejfiineiit hi>n* lytliat tiro WIIH ninintiiliie.1, N.,wt,\ lo iiow •tiiWn.nily tho pnnltion tm hel.l il nil Hitpiiort hwl left und ttic cnemv OIOH- itiinkri tompellod h r liy td.r .li'thc ltd NPW- Jerney liiiyiillc, iwinirTho j rcKimeui uf its brigade left in thn iiuinf- iurj;o uujin the rciloiihtnthut tlio oinmiv luid intnreil. Nor to jiiteak of tlw mnuy hwvi'- eiilB tliut folluwi'il tlirousli tlie il.iy, and >•' tr.yiuH houn »j.isut on llmiday in auiiixirt- " BonUu'ri 8. S. avt! eomraaei, wnn wore iienoolorth elr lUtvotfon'wltV t'CoU'livci',' l a ™ ow! iilreleriiulHleep within the liurniiiQ; wi ilwt - - r _ liuminif tUmiH-i Uortivllle. or tt few dnyn ufterwuitl .(1 of wound*. In wimii of the bo'ftpttnU nf if uriiiy. Co. A lout itn llmt SerKciiut, (lu.v . Cox. Coinradpn of A, you know Ills worth nidi belter thr- •••••- ui j\, jtm Kii«w ui» worm _ 111(.,i.t t>i en tenant* l<nlt noil Edward Kvllv, and privrtto icliin-1 I-iiller. V, lost Win. t'rialcy. H lout rant Kmory Allen, jirivuten llir'uni drcBi, -II W. Mulorv, y-nmklin L. Smiih nlnl .,!i> Wurtmi. E lost Willi;mi Swei-t, Uii.'v Ihien, lXiiiiel Pnimsr, .lohn Hnnu. Willi, ' nrton, I't-ltr H.un, .loha C«rik, Thniii irruv, unil liiHl.lmt uuniuiina lutm. of Co. K, Tftpimt Jitmi'K Mel 'nvil. Coniruik-n, juir. ill' I ritiiji lo np«<ik ii word In iiniimMifi ;ncw mi will. During the ft-n- niniitltM tl i n|ii-iit toyclLtir it nun my (.rivilcat- to call in 1nei.il. I trim nn.l imj.olm.ne. promiit tlon, t)»ii.-k tn take olienei-, tint nn i[iiii-k knowltsltce ft fault, mid rttuhlmrii In dolen rijjht, Ufm-niun tn fricml utiil fuv, hrj in «,!•-! tl,Y.*e umiHUc of iiL-urt Hint tua.lti it miirifiib!" fur Ititist- who linen him to fi.rp't in, aud I lie snl.tii-rlv nunllticw, tlmt had Lc ,<.t w.iubl l.iiv.i ri.irr.k IIIQI t.i rank und Iliii-ni-e. I li(.|ir.llint tin'Urnn.l Aruiv Vo'l ri)(ivcrtiejir« IIIH mime, iiml uoiiinui-mure ortliy could have bi'nn seli'etcil tbun Hint uf Mnir "• " rd l.y He u lo Hull llm l<. um Wiiniri Ferry w mid IIIPII IIJI the Moiioeiu*y rivur Kliatiuti nml Win IIi^ii.-i. l<. IInm Wt.ni.^K. in.in 1l.t;ri' hi K.I- we i-r<iiHf(l tin! Pot.iim.'.! Y|)ftih to tho Ai|iiC(liitl nt nvur. t'oitirudeH, hnvi- auy ill \tm that uimiily, hlij.i.'-ry, tlcl.-ntuWe nit).'btlii> ilown iiuuriiig mint Iiow nml mum nuciinaie.1 the (livifuu nil but ftntii [be JrcfUunU'iilItMiii.t DiM of (lif>t;iit.t it miiilit Imvc tipeu Ihe gbofit nf ii HklnniHli line, Mt(ii!- ihnmjrli tho aarkneii* f nml bow out) in miMimrntin;~«(i nukonje.l iml It. hull, though it wumiub Ii. n n •-iiuiiiii-tlivH l.c.1 or mud. W'P il li A. M, mill Ilio HtrBiraltirit kept . until ilio liuiirol mur.liiiiy. umi it niiiv h: iiortriihli' tlmt they iiave nut all uol iu ,\< l'. l)n bv nirrdien«l«vHIc, J.-flprnnii, Mi.l- <!!••' Frtileiii k r i n - t o Taoi'vt'iwn. (liti. " 'wr beliiK now •uluivad. Uoajil wi« pln.-.-.l imumiii of tin- unov ui'the 1'ulouiui-. In ,'« (ii-Hl ..i.lertotlieunn.y he Hiiitl. "ihe: j un: on tlin KHII ..f l'eu'im ; a Brent but- tin iun»( lie fnnuht ; If we firo true to om-- nulviiri und ui tlm cmiiitry, it muy ho i\u\ tuniing point of I lie war nud nil muy yet he veil." Ami hn ni|aen(et! eni-h ro|[lniciilitt ''iininmifli.r to uddri^H Itin ninn, urginstLcui o Miiml linn. I will nunte Co[. HeAllint< r'rt nliire«8 to tlmUtli -New .lurttej: "Hoim of >Vw .IrrHL-v, tiic bonr of batllolH it Imnil. Hie noil of Pi.nuoylvnula tlmctiu- eNled ikM: we nnint aUnn Mlioiilifer to Hhimlilei- with her *on* *ud drive tbe in- icr bordt-ix ('imt wbut it uiuy. >r.l in n Huftlcii'iit Kiinrauteit in will not fuller. Now, wiih ilu M love tor onr country ami iii«:.>di<m»t.o forwurtl. An: ,v.ui renilv for the inunh mid tho tlKl.t f" An ctnpltitlh? yt-n nnii tlirpi> pbocTH WHO tho nn- . Al Knmiettbiirit tlie uewn reached un Iliu tut Curph hu.l euKUffe.t tlioeiienjy .. „. (.eti.vrfl.iirn, and llmt Oen. HPJIIOIIIH, iu coniinuiiU.T, WUM billed, aud HOOU we could ir tbe boom of cuntum*, tlinogb Iweul.v leu iiwuy. Onlern wern <|iiiukl.v M-mt-it tn vc OH rupiillv un paHHilile; in tin- nijjlit u>> mod thf ruua nnd CJIUIO war running Into tin? rehol MleketK, lint ret rat lug our•jftiw «o moil loun.1 the riicht road, AIKI nfter Bil.l- Di([ht hnlln.l Ltjx.ti wl.nl WUH to bei'Dino one nf tin- niont futiioUH hiitllc ticliin uf inudcni "IIIIK. Worn out with ruliiil tiiiiivliluj; wt- .nil w.ro «luiiibt<riux jitutcfiillv. Nor Jid •e ilroauu tlmt 'ore another ami •huuld Hit mnyofoiir UIIIIIIHT would be lji»« puliw- •ws unil HTtil hut i) ulioj't (iiwtaiifo iroiii wlicn' e tlio II wcrer^otinj;. Moniiii(i ilnwneil elnw; ml fi.niry. hut ftiUi no imllcntiim that it 'i'hie in I out HtrnKlllo WUH to taku jilituo williin ii-w iitmrrj. AL 1« oV-lnck wn were pi wed in iior.iti.iii. mid nt iiU.i.t it oVlovk the llni- vux mlvniit-cil. nud ahmint lmmcilinti-ly tin- oiit-iiiy iipLii(.-<I wilb their artillery. Fur a tlmt vmi Htilled w hour the enrlli Irtinblcd witli the jiiref Kim., nml tuiiri of int-tiil hurled over nti.l Irll lying a hurle » Hei-uicil thick with liy it.,; lirMilcH, lying ax wewere lunetivc, our e;ir» lied Hjtli the, wbiriUinj; «"d Bbriekluu of HMII irou dnmnuis and Ibe frf.ju.iit dull mil tbiit told nf luecmttd Heft I. fliul hroak- 11! iiviiPH, the hnive-it heart could not kfpji in i-iiib thrill uf lour. Hut thoro oiiuar * iliu, tin- tbuudcr t-t'j)Hcd, Iho nmukn at' buttlu •I'/in to lift. Hut 'twiiM like tbo calm1bat iim'lirni'ri dei-eircx tbe tniiriner, who tinvinu fiiteii iiia wnv lliroueb the o«tiT circle ol'tlix •* hirlwind iw.l r«m-lied the vo 'tex finda that it of the out tbn woada beyond c«m« itray- with yrlliof dfH.B,-e. itrrt, Hbot and ibell ploughed . SSd 'and led uinrkod thoir prottrcM, but mill ibe rney rushed onwi. , - ' their nuki>, uu Hlled. Tbouauidr) wounded uiarkod their proijrcM, but mill Ibe dal wave of humanity awent on. It atrnck B ex)MMcil Dunk of feickle'ri uorna, *ml it wu« ..lukly iwept away. Tba ltd lilvi.ion fur u bile held their position: tbo front of tlm "1 wa* channwl, and they, wltu the rest ol lvlMuii, tried by dctJirtrato flKfatiaf to told the enemy In check. At laat regimental irganlnotion WMlost, autl neu rallitid aud imgbt wborr-.IT they cawa atand of colon. Inltiry K, 4th U. 8 A., on our right, had no n hit witlt whli-h to tnke oil tlielt gun*, na wero broken, nui carriage* tpliu- by ahot, but yet Ilic uiwi oluun deaper- to tbeir piucori. Uut "dtsncriptimi emi- ot unit Itonet I' ill wordi to demuuttrate the b) ol Hiicb a buttle." But vain tba lie roll: O; we wero at laat compelled to tall back o tbe rnwon.l ridge, which Viould lave been our oriiiimil tine or brittle, but it wnn not nntilnenrly tbo wlioh; army ha<l heconieeu- guyi'il that tbe ennfuy wua bcaWa back. Mo tr hu.1 they IOIUO lo rtueuuna tbat Lrce wwa iHih-nt that wltb another imaiilt bu cutild d tb l l l l h th d in **>J V* 1 Ulllbmiuiv IHiia a^tia? -iiva^aa. <IBW vu in tolfowitiK day bu mude «uotbor dc*>|>er»to ?my for vietory, only to lie rcpulneU with i« in fill li.rtH. There ore ft'Waveoea more ul limn a buttle Hold alter the con,tie! 1IHH Bilol. fctoatteml all around tho ba" 1 ' 'reek, brobeu guns aplatteml withorii luiiir, knniituwkri HLDL riddled und tbn itterrd, huveraack« trnraplnt under ut, ouuti-eiiri [tattered into «buir«k*ia pleeen tin, ittUolea of tvftry kiud (bat coatribuled u nolUicr's comfort, are »ealt*red over Ibo Held; und in HBIOIIK (bin wreck of huttlu lie tbn »bnUi-r.»ii rtminautri ol Jmmaulty. cola palo faeei diBlurted with the «*ony ut a tor- ileitta nre all •.round, itnd glouy eyuH Heeiii lo Jollow the un«ritr. Unto . iiiMin wliote fact: ia fruxuu the pawlou 1 ami anger nf battle, »Bd near by an upturned ', wru.tlied witb a mnile an if death had leauiidthiilirnroNUil jo.volhome. (HaliUn d wiih earth mill tutu 'nt K"M" toll how in to aomo bad In-en [he agony of the momenta.) t>ad indued are tun sight* to iceu wbcti, the lot wiuda of w«r have t.ri'd tlio wreckORO of buttle, but I think : few hattie tlrliln of the war prcMnted e Hickeuinit*->n<* than ilia that of Uet- "iy K '<lp..t.io].OHit"onT and" the" •tenvli waw nit iiitoleialih-, the dead toon became iwolkn to twteo tlic ordinary nice and black- mud nlniL>nt past iweniiituWt lln« turfil the lltu during thia torriltlu )iitiktl iiow land iti Out of everj live at went into the action two oul.v cunie out fonhily. Tlit-ri! »c hint Kearney. Logmi, •kerwuu umi Murtiu. Tiwra died Morgun, ilmo, Harder, I'orzins, Jhnl, Hturtcvant, L-nih-rrtbi.t, Iiii;hter, Juelmm, Miiriut uud IJ- H* they. AHUHU»I the .oldiern of Xe«- _-rHt\v ouvercd tbiiuiselveH witb honor, uuil o wero .lenrrvinif of more pralne than , Me At! it [t-i-, and tin- nun win.in hot-nm* uli'il. it. ia emttiaiHry to Mpcuk in teriun liiylicdt i.rnine uf tlwim whn met licuth iii thu hut tie tk-lil; vu erect tothiur incoi- ci^tlv iiinniinientn. nti.l -ffrt-ntti tliuir i..j< with laimdmid inrrt them .lawn to future ution tho unisicul WIIIEH O( aonit; in hut just. Uut nlwl Imvc wo lor then ffi-rhiR HM Rivnt. llinii Cb tl t K W lot their Wim not ino c t Kliuuhl uol they hear words or 'iiiumc ucl ut ion, mid rL-ab thu reward that in I tic tn :ill whobrnvolj- lought for home and nti-V( rout (lettynhure we Itimirely foliownl i'n uiiiiv iu Ir rctrcutfd thruugU IVnuayl- liiiiirnl Miirylntid to VirKluia. Our Him nf _ret: led u* through Mechuniciitowu. Fred- iL-kUity, Autustiiin, Sharinldirg. HDU on to Urper'n Firry, whuru wougulu croMuil ititn irKintn, tiirunffh Virginia liy the wny «f lilnboriiri};h. Wond^rore, uppcn'tllt*. 1'lwt- ntil, ttirnugu ManitiKtoB (Jap lo fe'rnnt Koyul, ick Ur PifiUuiuiit, uuit by tho WHF uf HMIUM ,tid U'umtiitm to Ik-vetly Kurd, where we i-muima tnilil Hcj.t. the Mill. Uo the l'lli it SqitemtKr wo ddvauceil to Cnlnejiper f. I. OntliiHii.lviaiice I'ol. MrAUUler wuoliad vi! Mill nun II i-cvei-c wound received ut [vttlmi 1 ^. cuiniimudcd tlie biigatlu, uud it, I'ol. Si-boonover, who lind ne«n pro- .rd trmii Ailjntant oi lite Kttitnnt.b On he 8th ul Oi^toUnc thu (Jiviniuii moved from 'UIIICIIIIIT ti. Jutiii^H t'itv. viht'Tc it reiuaiiieil plriirt to Ktl|inriiek'« Cnvaliy until ,, unit Ihu. i ch tlio Army ul' < tvauoinc nfiainw K H mu h i o ot' WusUlun tbo I'otuuiuu utitil witb , in o iu lnvit .il Krii Minti Mi 1ntint x W.U r ituilioti umi Im Mintiin. U lun K.nuiicl rk, WiHiimi McMinn midJi Ii Slu-r<. II _t llfiiry South, .lii».-i>h P. Itittiarr; Lev! 1". liaird, Win. A. Hunker ami S(rK.:i..tUuniol I lont Jneiilli Vim Mbuluk, Wui. liilil, iuia II. l-ishriiw. K : 00*11 total of thirtvil- encliwl Ilrandy Mtntion nv. Hie mu, when vv Iwtfau prt-]iartitioni inter iiiiatU-rg, wtiii-h wcro uitcrrupteil, "-ami, l.y the. liegilining 111 tin- •n.ciit which mttlc I Two ottlrerri ud thirty-Ili fii w n IM fn!i,te.l' men. |.Tuu ll ^ {U drove, iimt Miuis Kmi, iu vhith n _ InHt ei«ht kJllnl nuil iwemv-iwo' vouurind. The liiiTol wm> .Scriicuut Auwd SumtiolA, Uuriiurnl .li>-i'|'li fiaii-r, ami \ nUiiluic (lieor ,,t II, |-.-ter liui k. nuU .li-remiah lluniixill, nf 1) t'liiiH. .llsiii" ut £,.l'i"H<r> M. Wonariirt ot li iiiiiii Julia Anliwr in K. UiM,AI»im ut£, mink- 11») lust ol tbiTU brotlnjr* «l>o «uvu ttu'irlivir. lurtlie pritfcrviuiDU ut the ituinu. Ailaiij of l'i». A, Mil. -N. J. iliwl on hunrtl ul a nl iliiiiui Furtn-BK Muuruit ul wuuuda I'lL ill UUU Of tllU LlLUK'B Oi ta» |-<!UtU0lllU. (lihiij.i.cnivil IIH \,y tl hilU 4iie.liiii.riT.cn tbVrPff- laliiic of Hiiiitr tlmt hi.l the un.| e ktlj brami li I in nutllo ; twi'fveidcilol Tuunditii -iburt bi-i-ntuv I;III» i utter, mid nfier thu uuuim nf ft.ur WHO loved it tun v, :leu that njiouiiiln,' wnnl, mimine. A'l.l I h»u<U ol tn :huno ten ottii-vr-j ami ouo hmntn-d ntidi-Nuio Ituu t> lit ,-tlirtu culisicd itou wijuuilcil in t!'o rclnniodto i Ie t>l May thu ad, nutl ouoolilcet alitl nml it liiuvc. uty-t hrec .-nlirite.l menwouu.k'd while iu eumoment th port of nnrdnn'H !*, S. mi tbo libj nti.l we c tlto gtnn.l ti-tnl of uuoltuudrcd nud 1 CO»TI II« in mu Omu-ii aiamm unj i-ll sou ilw t\;\fi iuwunti by tbo iori. The muvvnwut uuuiuat iufi abandoned, tha ri'ctiiH'nt ij euuiu iicuc UnuiUy Hutlou, to bu ttfo luoat utijujablu en- t thureniiuent oocuimd Uurmc

Transcript of 1 mi Tdd DOVEB LUMBER GO. r...

Page 1: 1 mi Tdd DOVEB LUMBER GO. r CARPETSCARPETStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/1885-05-09.… · CARD. Tear after year, for nearly half a century, (lie untlei gned





(•a. f ••*..# via., i an

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I »• u• TlI MI H• M

III • Mml IM4 Ml »K>IIS I no• ml • • *

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flaw, o. uDwiim. u. D.,w m u Mucrmaim.

in WMULUT ix TU n u n n nor niuaiM HHUD.

omoi AT ra rin 10111,Bonn,». 1.

Oornar of Naefcarcll aaa MU.MII AI..

DOVER. N. .1.. 8. JOLLEY, P. jprletor

•ot-Mi u d Carriage* w L«i.

» T \ H L O * PITHET.


D •OTftU fOaW.lU.



DOVER, S . J .


ff MINI*.

L. W. THURBER.iiffCBINTONDErtr (If PCVIilc-">•*


. imc i «T «. • . • • • •» '< «IHK..

OOTIB, H. J4jaaiaj Mm anaia aa Kataram trua a

I.1III1I V. tM'



NOTICE.M I ooonn oovtimn mm •» 1

ttorriatowa. at tha Baar*- • • e a . m irunraut ir u<m win

duiaa « • > b""r«



The Urgmt slock of the above to be seenin thin section ran be found at


Tdd DOVEB LUMBER GO.•n U> baildan tlw teat nuporUuiltiM in lh« immhaai, ol LCMBEH

oUrwy gr»d» awl daaraiptiot. iaoluliuii LOW PRICE* awl tba gnatadvanUfi*. of having

Lumber Worked to OrderOMOhltiHrv At the place when il it pttruhkwad, gnttiv liMWiip tk*>

limit nf tmildiuff by th« grant twnug tu imuiaiJ labor Oarutaoi nlwityM include*

Sash, Blinds, Doors, MouldingsliUMIIBB of era? .iaacriptioo, u d MpaoU paiu • » Uku

10 gin utialantUH. in »verj paitionlar•auM.» HuiaAUH.. PraaHhiai


r » T r v T T v » ¥ r » 1 » v ~

.!•<! rrcclTta I.OIIO Halla af MOQI'KTTt', VKI.VKTN. BOIIYIHIJsgF.I-N TAPl STHIKH. TIIMKt.Pr.V KXTMA BI1PKB ,m4n i l PHI. B lMiM/IIKH, fraM a Haajw la •• •« • ' au> . | . ami

awr atrdvr* ara tai claae ll>*aM ant at aay prlca km reHaaiiaalir maataYai Ik • * ! all be tal< M a n April lie.

Save 30 Per Cent Save 30 Per CentI M ankr raw »»*a aaw, ta ka icIUarMl 4airll ar Mar la),wllhaaii cam chart* for aterac*. »'• will C.ke •rairra farfaaal. • • •» . tar a»v aa»«t . wllk a aaaall <•••»!(. deliver**atar .laat) Taa «ra« la»aa. !>•> ant alaMhe apvaniaaMir. aathlala the >alr aa*. There aernr will k* anwhrr at thcaa Filer..


8U-8EX STREET. DOVER, N. J.t noetrnl • • Inniaaa a t n i ofSMOKCn WANTS au«a aaVaaiaakaaai Plpaa.

UI Cigar Hul4«ra, VIM Cigar Caaea. Haaafa** wt atvka af Krhr Vtaca,

l irwlfli an4 kioila, bntb WHnl.UAI.1 AXD BBTAIL at Btlcai «Uali ilalV «a«MlMlaB. MjIn .» • Llqnw l>..p»rli,,««l i n be laud al all Ham anil alorknl Vila thTbnl arid/irioda ol all klada al naaoaakk r r K » M.T MBWR CIKPAHmtNT aanuiu. £1 IU

k 4 4 l tal l aa4 all la» lundaf an«n hih d l itfrioda ol all klada al naaoaakk r r K » M.T MBWR CIKPAHmtNT aanuiu. £1 IUvavklr aa4 4allf naptra. aMatalv MaaaalaH, aa4 all la» lundaf aan«n>, which an d«liv•n4 ta aa; K m wllbin tka >klaltr<>M at akana. All ardan bVWiall fur Wloaa. Llquaraaxl Clpn rn«|itlT altraM lo. M l E a 8. IKUCI, Dmat. H i


OnrlSOa M.ck «a a»U f»rO n 6(1 •. H'lwl •'O i r l O . l n D "Oar M,'. E B •'Our *ii'. Qua Po«Aar forOar Vk\ Muck Forma* tarOar TOJ. OUU Puwdar "





am aaUlna IM M M M ttaeMauMaaJ »a*«.Jr 10 kaaa a law n a n a l aiiioda la hi. Ha. or Inte anttallad ol

COAL AND WOOD!b of all •>•»«; ti*> hi

t,S^M»0«»lfofbl^k.»ilhtn(r dortffood•••Mil u i •pllt rcfedr lor » e »l«&n M haud

Flag Stones r Curbing.



Saw Mill.

REMOVAL!THE NEW YORK AND CHINK TEH CO.hwfafMTa«apa>aaiialha Brick niaafc, IHaakwall M., DOVI

n. J..aaa will ka i t i i f tor haalanaaa

LOOK AT T B i n HEW Liar o r PSICE&

. Wo. Oir 70c>. Tnnni HtMn for

. 88'. O.r Mr. Eigliali Bnak l iu t fnc . . . .. » • . Oar HX'. r-niKna-l i iaat '• . . . .. DO'. Oar IHk>. GOD Pnwdvr liir. 88>. Onr a* . J .pan «a acll for. SO'. Onr TO •. E « l u l i Braafaat lix.GO.-. Our OJi-. V mug Uyaoo fur


r i n n l O M ¥<»li« »<•, • b i o l «<• f.rmprly anM fPiucwt OM U"«lia ami J.iv« 3tli>. f.>riii*rlv will fur

Filial OM Oi*. J.iv.t 25.-. furnierljf aailil »t 32.*.FiuBat Mnrautikn lur 33c. aliMi we fniwrily noli] tot We.

Fiua JIMCUIIK. Wo, .b icb « foniwrljr aolil lur J6j .

SUGARS CHEAPER THAN EVER.OarSsieta ar« aar*ri<* In all. Wa rfaaita tt eill aperltl altantion to nnr taw gwfea of

TtaT: IHna Ooliw>. Hilad a.Kl junao lie.; Verj Fiua O.*m«. Hind and Jupan90r.; F l u EuilIJi BmHuK, Yimou Hjaim and Ona P.wdfr 2 M . ; V«rj Filw

Eu|IUi BnaMari, Vuu»tc Hjaoa anJ Japaa Ms.

m- Aa oar Teal and CofMa ara all M . lad ot tali aaana'a imporlaUoo, wa aaraaaUyII Ibt allaalloa of oar palluli balota aarebaaiDl ikawkm.


Dpholsterf Goofls.W. & J. SLOANE

| BUSINESS! IUSINESS!bliuaM IU DlulBiia al lit He. JiratJ


•onnouki LAUI CO»T»IV»



alMMt aa l t r* , mr aaaarHala f anilatMtf.

TABLE COTBM W ALL I T t U t a .Onkr. ml (ynoll uin nMlnpromflaflr«li«i.


^^i™s?rnH.Wo,rpS£ssaH Jntaht maaall'.alKDdad u . OrlanMl a t a a saaa oa timx It., a w OAaaJlaak, aUraaaiTa m a q i KtaaUaa


Opea all tke roar, dar and eTiminK.Bualaaia «in«W. atorUaad, Trpiwrtlli,,,

Oeraian, etc., at ponnlar ratci at Inillnn.Cnllaan Bndaaaa Edatatu, aad aaaaiaaai

«f Wnaiaaabl|s Itw. Vltltora waleawa.C T . HILLia, Prla.lp.1.

I* L. TUCKBK. aaatttarr.

DRAKE & KINO,M M « I l»4iMl«n U LDIf BIB Md OO1L. Alw*

• ooMftM* «*wk M awh, Doors, Btlada, ttoald-

rSlt U i mffthlng |MrtalnU| to t U MMlng

M AIM ll U l l l b

g | | tMMi pctoM.Ua l«hllw b

blldl taktndt M i a ihatMMi pctoM. tteta k a o t u •VasMty. AIM all Ua l«hllw bnati. of MrStl.MNT&BliMla for bnlldliM takw fro- tbt n .M«*4i^oftktitw|toraH1dH^atjajanairM|(fM1ji „t n wta»pntw twUilMf n n M • call u i M W


CARD.Tear after year, for nearly half a century, (lie untleigned have had occasion every H|irluk to call the

alleatlm of the public U the iHducciuvnU they havto offer their patrenN, la the Kprluir, aelection or theiIbmt and Hhoe wqiilnMeHln, bat Never with raorrcaall<leiie» do we make thn announrrini'iit. thai onstork I* a« cumtileie, the Htylen ai varied, the qualft;M naperlur and the prieeN an low,a* IN coiiKiNtmit nilthe ab»ve con<llli<>iin, than we d» tliN xfHMiii. Whave been receiving dally direct from ihe \»rt>ut ambrut known animlMclurfm in the canntry. tlwiiwindii>r paint, made eitperlally for n«, of aiaterlal ivl«i;tedf»r good service, that we know will not onlylain « i r pa«t repnUtlon for handling the bent Boots•ad Mine* In thla itectlon, but will fnrther Improve IWe cordially invlt) the pablirUxall and examine tinelegant wnorttuent • ! hpilng style* we have to oft>Ineladlac for ladlm wear E. C. HUaT'M celebrated HueNhoeti, LOUXMHERKY, NAITIIEWtHIX k tttM gnod.n«ed by the le.ding Mew Vark honatM, HERRIAN'Ine goodi made at Newton, braldra mil linen or Ea»tern

di aMde by responsible manufacturer*at extmnollow prl«'*M; while for gents line wear we have IU«TSTACY, ADAMS < CO., TURNED!, HOWARDS, BAY STATE•ad miay alkar flraii that ki«* IMR r«ff(«tn*cd Mskulnt fer y u n $ni that mvtr fail it ilvi utlilietlwi, andat mNmally attractiv* prlen.

HEAOAN & CO.,0». D., L. & V. Depot DOVER, N. J




1,000 ROLLS.

COMPARISON DEFIED. For Instance:Talaat MarMa l a M u l l n Mat aoat « a :' anufaclunl wUI Mll'lur I

ItaaiM t i l t aaat M> I wUI ni l for

•• « " 109

wllbr" m

•man laat ant IM. I win

•aliia iiat Mat *» I will

K Sullf. that eontflS

, uf frame, in JUIrClotU

Ut?i1 Louft, it Car|>otQuod Ikwl LoungeWalwu tMHtadWoluut EitenaioN TnlileWalnut WardrobeH»rble Top Centrn Table(ItHNl Cane 8«nt Hwkcr

" " " Cliair

MUcd fthttrcMBed 8prli.ilCt iIlliellfir I I I Caraal Iwaaawi |laa bail)

M IM-taai>8alUitbalaaatlW ! Velvet t'arpit, |irr;anlI will wll far IS | Body llruMela, p-r j-anl

[ Tapa.trf C'arpnti per fard ..•Caiamled Beiroow Buitft tfaat mott 0J6

a.50I 3!>t.10

will ull forlunetal Bed mom Suite* tha.1 coat <*)


m); Three-ply Carpet, per yard , . . .p yEitra flaper i<7h l

n (nil wool) pfcr yd.p t p r yard

Parlor Suite*, Walnut f^WM, im Rawtilk, (T plMB*) SluflM Back

These Ooods can be bought on Weekly andMonthly Payments, at these Prioea.

150 PARLOR SUITESin EBONY, WALNUT and CHERRY, withhoioest patterns of Silk and Mohair PlusheB.10th plain and embossed. Also. Spun andaw Silks, Ramies, Reps and Hair Cloth atreduotion of 30 per cent.



The larnit asaaMiacail la Ihe Blair at p.lcea ta tail all.




Business College,KB, TU7, il», 711 * 713 BBOAU ST.,

Iba LMSInr Oommeralil Hebool of Aawrlea.



lX)nilHG<4 OF 8T0DT. 1LBTOBIM.

• aad Olrla.



raiahcil or



Shop on Clinton Bt, Do»er.An atpenenea of IS veara in Dorer on tba

rinait vork, li tha jn«ianlMi 1 offer ofmw

s s a t S K S ? ' 1 1 " ' ' " y " ° " 0 " ' i °


MRS. GEO. FARR,P O R T O B A B I , !». J .

Inrltea atteDllon ti her d'lptu of

Spring Millinery Goods,•tiiefaxiDtiiDi tbB new to*J l^id.tiR deihrnn tn

Bon»ru, Hili , Bibl»n>, TrlnmitcH, »nU tiltint ma imio in i i ttciite la thtt Un«.


PORT ORAM. N. J.UTOB til tha ufindpal Uu«t of atMntUpaJ? f m Hew fork to Unnool at LOWBnBATH. AJioDfi4FTB0HaSIiTBBITAia4HD UULAKD

TM luvumri lE-nnoi.

<TM liertril jirnuit on Hondiiy |>> iKtv|iliuu ehv uui-i! tu t i e mirvivitiK wfiuboltl ie i:iovi'iilliKci;.ii»ut, N.J . Viilimti'i'

id Ha- visiting I>UKII> ut' tlm tl. A. It. wliiwl ruiiit; lifii! lo lUrtinl Mtllavit 1'i.nt in

euivinj- ILPIII. Tlie itucatiuu wu» tlio tii.nluiouiiftliu ttruJniDDt—an ort;atiizulioii tliw iiicrr.uani ecrvice, HuflurcU bcuvyl»«nuiu.I came liouio will. nrHutly UcplcUil raThe an|t»;t of tltu wfatucr wm very llii

ulug iu (lit- luiirniujc, bulin ijiiluof iliu |pec-tuf luin Iliu DunilH-r lit vUihirij fruiu

v-m luige mill nit 1L13 urjiuuliutILT jiliMiea cuDiu in (|OIM|],V miiiil•r« H,VIUK fruin niiutbi'i» « f l l i e 1>">l1

nt town, iiuil uiiiuy »turi!ii u.id iAvun I bo lino ut'umi'cli wor* ilIL tiuKH mid buutiiiM, ult «l>t-'iikiumd [iiilriolie woltnuiD to tlio " i>li



llll'H «

thu lint . i liCi) lii.|u'Mill frnlc

ii (tin "Id cul. ni'rc vi

Iii' miiHt inlcrtiilLitr ftuturu* of tindny, IIH no uue i-oiild (nil to l>e intitiPnlcdK'ttrliiK tlieMr> nifii lull over uuulii tlt«. utirrhiffut'i, ouiKjtt'il in tlw ilriiiuii nf «a r wliii'IOMII twi-Qly yenr« iigu.

ft*! lunriibiuK r oluijiu «IIH funut'J oil Iliacwell . N T H , wltb thu liuht m t i u n on H.^ run<l<<rtho (lirn:tlnn uf Cu|il. I>. fi. Allui, u l

tlio Mnrnbai nf Hits acruxfon. The |iuriuahtrted prompt.)- ut tbo timu ii|i]io.nle.l, II;A. W. Tlii) vuterunn of tbo Klivt'iitb Hog Iurul orcui.iPd tiifl pout of bunor, liomird Ilii> Oill«iiB ' llou.l, uf Dover, wbkb U.t.kt»ull BIIII HiiHiaionil their rcirutstiou lur lim^i-L-uljiiii. Tho vetcrunsorttion!|[aHii>iit wi-iil'oul •oveulj-fivf in number, wbkli vi

fullj HM mmir (in wfreei|ici-U'ii, Iw^aiiHt! ofl«1cciltial<-.t nmkri at tbc H U M of (lie wnr. A

cull liiiirctiril tbe tT.i onii'luln wlio CODiltilil wliili- iu HKrvirc-drn. Itolwrt Hi

f-WUWr mill Col. Joliu 8i:lioiinov<'r Tliiii-iiicv, iiiiw ii Itiilu iilil cttiitiMtiim nf Ti,njkml atnuilii'lij'ciiUi^rtlinnliiN at-timl yi

tlmt nil Ilk *nUnn!,natoii wero «rc»tlj I>!PIIKU.1IIII WIIH alwjij* IHI|IUIUI- wilb 1.1Mii.cn nml tin-,

him witb tin- uirrrtinn Unitihnw II fit I her. Lieut. Col. .Inhn Scloonovor,

•o uwwum commaud wlmii Col. SkAllishis iHlv»nccil lo Ilic rank of HriKUilicr-Umi), WMS uUn a po|iutar anil niucli lovod conimkr. He L'IIIIKU-(] In Ibe wrvko anivalf In tho Ut New .frmpy V.ilnntrcrveil II* HIK-II ul |V(. tii-Hl Ladle uf Hull Kim,

>1 ?:IIII Inn >vny (o bU liiuli ninhH by lift

.'I'ltri UrJ |t JMlllliur. AluiOa* YftOcf. af. Hjalw1'

Ollr Old IHWIIHIIIBII. Wliolllllllllllio III! till) Wlliritn lie invent wlllibU formiIIM warmly urisctcil on cvnry nttiIcimiTi^tniti'il Viitin IIH a mUlic.i lits MiiTiwil, mill tlio iniiiriHiii

IIIUll, lli;.<lo Illllin llL'IIFty H'dli'Dllli

\m- Cliii;iliiju K, Chirk I'lim

A.tfuiuiil Titii* llt-rty, Tuiit. I. W. Curj

L'niit. TiniH mill otlu>r nltli'iT* w«)1 known t

ra nirni in tlic nink". Th

md Ilic bitii-viil nf iv.f-.uty ycnio, l>ii«K,-,l |

pm-HuH* uf |H.-acr. bad not abllKinli:ir military Lcnrii-t;. Itcliien tlifir Vrec\,

«i«tc|. ILt're wuntbut pciuliRr nwing olmoiinu m-vcr ucjiiirtnl t.y nmatuum, wltk-1

Htninpe., Ibem u« men who liad mrycurfl mailar (licir vt.ci.liou. CurrU-4 in tbo litic wore

ttv*> Hiiu"—tlio ir o lit iiulliccilora—whirlrunt ia tntlcm wblln .hey bore tli em a

nit, urn! ono WOH Htill momilnl on tlmir.V |iolu to wliti-b it wan fiuttened wlifi

fan uliot a wuy.

i- Tnrbert I'uM, <1. A. K, uf Horriatown,oiino next, tinker w mm und Hit Mnj. II. M.DulrymulR, 1'onl OooinVaud-.i'. Tbey

mtod full rauks and a Hue Rppeannce. Tin yunbcreii i'i coon in the rauka. Amitorium Iu tbelr ranks were Honalor Jn, C.DUUKIIIIHHI, lfaj. Am- Hlauchet, rtd ctbei

dialiujiuinhed vetentn-oitiwD*. Tliey wenacco.i)|ruuii-d l-r tba adnirable Hnte amidrum vorng of Ibe Pout, nunbcrinB 17 pieces,•no of Ibe bent iu tlio State, which dnriug tlie

MTcnadeit Hie K B * office u d otbor pibu I)ill Post, fl. A. It., «l Hoonlon.der littd tbf next po*l-

iu ibe line. They worn •cenmnanied byJ W a u a t o Cbaa. V, Hupklus, John K. l>nr-nib u d other well-knuwn HmMlaulwiM wbo

ira vcten»D», and preitcut«l n v«ry praltw-•oitbv appear»nDe. A dHcgalinii of Heilji-ick Foul, ti. A . I t , of Hiwk^tstowD, ami

from other iilncoa also lieiped Iu•well the line of tho vUUlms rsterane.

Tbc teoond division of Ihe parade vaa ton.atd at Ibe Dover l ire Department coniitnded l.,r Chief KoRlmetT Hedffwiok R. B«n-etl and AMlatrinl Chief John 8. OUmon. TheIMrtneut wan beaded liy Hu<-lu»naii'» Hand,

f fiockHwar. whoae appearaniw and ctwu-loo were alike worthy of praiap. Tbey WPMallowed I>T tbe Howl of F i n Wardeu-.-

' Pitnn.v, Vrtrewan-whleh AHraoled•ttintion far their new uniforms and excellentilrill.

1'iKilant HUM Company—Foreman Win, It.Hubert and AeaTatant Jns. 1*. Kflloy—weit of Die coBipanlea. TlieJr carrinRe wilaiiUfully iltMioratod. The reel wa* ilero-

whiteapd IduphuiitiiiK unit•cr nil w n »iltalgi afgrecna. nurniouutt-d

•iipcrb eagle. Uo tbe iklen of tho reel,alantit a«i large, w e n handriooio wreatb*it flower*, wliirta ntlracted general attru-

Prolcclloo Hook mid Ladder Company—man A. B. Hyram aud Ag»iBtant C-hoH. A.•MI—wait headed by the serviceabledrumoorpa. Tbe truck bov* weut in

.1oddity and made an nltrKliv* dinplay.trunk was drawn by » well broken pair uf

ion, fantastically ftruarocnteil nml wenrinte

Mmid H." IFpoB Ihe truck wan built ani-niy tent, bearing tbe wordx " Welcome 111],

.1. ttcKlin«ut," iiml a juvenile nlnil usflicln Sinn" aat at tbo door. Tlio tlriror

» . . . ii, 1lT[flj{ llrl,—llflllTrt ot III

il Ihero went mariv—wpro ton \OHIIK ti—-ikeuuy Hiiiiliiyniri nf cbnuccH, or IIVPU tiri'iili/n | a dm full i'di'iit tlio rcpiuoiiHlliilitlor»c Imil nHKimicil, Our licuHri ^l.moil witfcniihioilr fervor, lint wi> did tint Hinpt.) enlcuIntf, we WITRRIIIIOIIK to MlPfl Ihttloe. lull

lUURhtll-HH Of the «;nlllM!4|U«lll*.r roai Tniiitou to WiialiiiiKlou WL< ki>nt ill' «

very rMitiiniiliiiofi<iitliii<i.nKtii. .Inlm iWwa'r•oui waa kept marciittiR on anil on, until l 'v tno doubt tbu poor spirit tlmuubt tt had bi-nn

P W . " ^ " ' i i K r i i i i 1'Miu.t "t..i?u ! „ " . y»».aBC

<• ynrtukdmUnm In •• i r mTmrm?

p.l it

City or DoverSlifiiiiifrCnmpnigr-Knrotniiii

b HIP natiiMiiil cnlnrn no nttoaipt nvMtuadediiroratlun, t l f cnmimiiy Imvitift t1i« vcrv

ly notion tha t tlie hunrinomely pol-heil mptiil work of Ibe "mannm-i ." wnn itn

nauient. I t wan drawn I t ju i luo pair


;l>uvit Cnni]i, Soon ot Vcterntin. mwlcbe i run t l i i rn -ou t , and bad tbo m>xt place tnlie line. They looked well ami led to tbc

Mint the cifnllenl. orgniiiz.it inn wouldnog bo kept up. Thuy wnre roniinandcil by:npt Walter He»»ri|er.

'rank Keunlli-r—under wbote ausjiiwfl Hie

brouffhl up the rear of the linn. Their rankiwere well nlled and their appearance noil .fo-

rt men t wore rrcditable to the town I lie*presented. Tbo line tfa«a rotn|rletAd wua ury iniiMisIng one and preacnted an nt tract•

Tbts |>«ra<lo di.ba«d«d in f m l of tho lnrKe' " ie of thn Dover Ijimbfr i'oatipan.v, o|>-

n.ilD tin-ir mill. ITpna the at'roud and tljir.1of tills 1'uildinff wen nprea<l tnbleaforxtimiiiotlatiut) of nbout X*\ RIICHU. nmlmnin were nuntly deiiorntcil. Tbe In 1.1...

tcrelondcd witbati abundance oJeiccl lc tirovendor and were <[iiicklr HIlcil. Tlm

lioMoftbetdwn, itiKi.tcdbr the memtiersMiti'iivit I't.Nt, waited upon th« nci-its ofi* vir.itorH.nmi nftnr Iliry WITH fully HHI>-

It-il thore miiinlncd ei Eb lo nllord » trnilfor about one hundred nbiidrcn.

:KP. M.. IheBlevoith Reghiwtit ADHOlialion convened at tbo Hnkand wascullfil

onlc-tht i u rreBlrieiit, Gen. Hniwrt McVller.Tin: minutes of the lnnt incetiii--worn rciui

An rlcrtion for ortlrorx for thiM-tumlnK vr.uiti'rcl hitu wftli tlm fnllnwiim n-HiiIt:

i-reaident, Col. Join Si-Loonover'; SM Vice.President, Capt. CHiver; IM Vicc!.]'r»(d<-i

it. O.WMIJ Hecratary, ltUf)c>|» W. Mainipnrpr.Capl.lMI. Titna.

W«R molvnl lo lmlil tbr wxt mrtHing nt

Cot. Sclioonover, Coiimt.il M,,lus ,.u.l Ker-ttutMnrbaker wero oitjimulcil ncnmiDittfcplace a lahlpt ot Uptt.v»lmrE lo conimoiiin-

•Hto tbe SDrvicci of tlio reciincut in Hint Imt.

incnt ttprcrii Cnjil. Tittw nvilitnl tln>e of Dover witb meelvinit Uiea nenrtily

I.ti-nt. F. V. \\\fulliiwlus. whirl.

i of UumU wli

of Dover, oil.

liuinti'il :i romniitt'1" lo fttrwiird tlio i

(!KV. I*. H. V.HMir. N. V.CITV:

HI MltVIT. ti. .1'., I,!,!(.'Tiiriicri J'imt. nfMi.r

l i . l r l l i i r l i u iivitli IIIIIKI- uf C.wu. Julm Hill l'<ili J'(ir.t,n| Miirkitl f l

-.'liil.li-.l nt Iliin litnf, l.tr.'t.v «x}>re*«

'iv"il1iriiiHi;VwVt"rtiii'Vtlti'tvl.!i|M' fl'iut1".!

11H' diTt'iil,-7ioi^\"f^ii'inV''('C/ itV'thti'hV'iii

Tlio miluiii i>i(>rciNw were openon nl 2:.KtM., willi iniiHie li.v tlm litm.1, Jollnwnil wipravir l>.v Chnpliiin K. (link Clinu, ;iit

"h Ihr vclcruiirt l.iinv.l in llin Hiii^iu^irrliiiii: Tlir.mKIi li.-oi'dia." Un.j.lhnmi.,

•1. HtiiHiiy, wbo nilt'fcil at tiiiw time, ':t:iivcil with eliccre.Juliii f*. l.ibxon w.i" iuttmiiiccil I mudinrt u.iilrcrts nf H.-h-niilc, wlik-li wan

lowed liy lint "iu^iiiK <>(" "Tlic llilltle<'r\

Ki rK,i,t.i 11 | ) . Hi.il.iiUtr, tin- HiMtoiill 111*, r.-aihi, i.t, ti.,1. lUlivrivil tlic follow

y vcnri IIJJO lli. 1orm n imil nftlm i;r;tomiic," hid furnvrl^i'M nml hiinlriljiiiri.live KtnU> ilriipjii-d

einrHf tin. fl.iriitlic i vli. AM.

I l r h l t

l iI'C prppun Ii-iilc in whirl. II,,- ,.lil rPKliiicni purtioiii;i-rtwnnlT.^HMniiu. I hiiw not utl^nMU" itito ib-lailx, 1 lixvo lull tbimi to lie'Iwl bv Kiiitnury. IM IIH built to

tbo luiid WIIH ritl.i-r Jn.i.r.l :r riad.lcned liy tlio alimlow of

<rf •«:

iilnr-liolii 1

m'K'w.Vr!he ntr Mi>i>mcd lip.ii%-v vitli .1J«IM1, ..„ ,linn thn yiminlaii FrnliMila. dc«|iite liflorin nml imimmlJelcil riui:rill(n>, Hie i'i.,...l.-ii.lily bent iHirk MLCII-IIUII'H iiiniv, till,luui^li tvninii-lii i-riiini tlmt -mini nf tlic, Imtli'it thiTP foiiKbt wern uiifnii vii'tnri(«, tin•sin victories tItHt lull ux furtf.t'r iiml Inrthrum Ilic (I""! ol our (-tiikiivnr; tlii)iir>uililHriiVi- lioyH iirt-nfliiiil t l i . i r lust umuf tll 'o i iSi l r | W " m i ' " °* ^ ' ' ' . ' " ' " " " " ' -V . a"'l *"ioik und TIIII.CH *]>..h,t <>i thcinmtcil rnnk!i front nml ' liuid

till" <*if

ol ' <k

t wim dilHtiK till" <*iasou ol <lwhen it weme.l i,» if tha durkt ( il i hnil i the •uniliulitii *H (u n i l ruVLTimiiio und lilicrlv, Ibnt tin- vail WUHnder wliirb tbp" orvanixiitimi uf tho II ,„

Hi^iaifiit wan cnmpk'tcd.Tbetiiuo .|kCQliii iiwuitliiLCtbe enuwnmmii-

ioiiof ani-.Tiiit iM.iliruyntf.Iiou-, und tl,o. Kl.hit moiiotouy ui' our wiiitiiiK lit runi|. ul

nton wa* broken liy tln> fn'iiucul vixllh olndu mid tho cini.ti.nt eoitiin^ of rocruil^.we witru antioiiM (<> bui o ii (..mlod und ho

-JlittluiTcdtn the muru utiiLiui: HroiioHol'i-itlit, niid liiiibid wiili didijilit llro (Imil or

liink .••t'niB witli AnifUMt tlio»5tli, A.-

Jld fnnwell to our fncmln I I mo. I Oud rliiiibeJubimrtltbiifiii.itIml wen- lo li

in SiiiiiliWiird, we foil itnliril MIL' liitli>rnf thi) intHlMK, nml Imd no ihmlil n viii-tm i.

nf tbn iiiieertuiiity of« I'lilnrn iin>etiiiff.hhl <iur ip«'iiuKri ln-lilnd u, veil uf enlUitniI. mill citnrleit HmiluwiiriJ " ~ 'iHiltio MiiUKM. I nay tlnil we Iiml a vnuuca ofllio unecrtniulv nf :i liilnrotnootiiifr

>UIIID of IIH no doubt, tliuiiKlt I t fin'ik'iiie, bud I i t m t


Iuilindti tin* linn*! HI liter* of,. „.wo bud to Icorn l>v ternblo

szv. ' '-"•

iiiii eIH it

la Hol<libl

all iid

re in <ir> I if.'. Hi

. - . Fwrt Mnrcv. Wo did uot kuow I'oithat purjHiftc wo wnre culled there, whctfaei

meet tbn enemy or not. lint while we hy it_•e nuduriog the uncertainty nf wiiilingnu farawny ciime tbo dull, low boom 'Hllory. We i>I..^ulnlcd upuu Ito mcani..,,.ut Moon IPiirueil tbntiipoi thoalnmlv- tii-Mia lldd.it "Hull Kim" our array under>fa WM mgaia ucetiDK diaaater. I neoil not

ill ytiu tbtit wilbuvfry vil.i-nitun nttbu nitnr liearta throbbed nilli auiietv. that wo'ailed tapBttontly for tlie order to rminili tohe help ot the bmvB boia nbo were bleedtniiinii ihiiia upou tbo crlwuou piuiim of Uunan-

" Hut uo Hiieh order onuio, iuntisml weordered to the rear of Fort Marcy, and

icre—nn Ihe fultuwing day—wo aaw for tberut tttim Iheltultlu *c.i»rrea VBt«mun ot Ibe

Irmy of tbo rotumau us tlmy mure he il bvvitli rlotblufc turn and batik Maii.od, :miln»K* tbn tatter*d li>l<ta ol which told nf innuv<i liunt fouifht tit-iil. A»tbntbinn^l ranks '

i bniilt! KriiuiMl ami tuoUore nurvlviimnlDrtitlatiled jiaxt UM, Unlit <H;UUV

HOf. . . . . . - - . to 118

. . _ nnntber .year slionld yam «wiiy IIIHII.VI1IO>« wbo were K""»f[ Wly on wniilrl bo

We rcmniu.'d nciir Furt Mun-y uutil tlie 7t»ir8cp(euilicr.|.,itit( pk-kutduty in the <,,».<•.

Ion ol LeeMlmrit mid V'ennn, ul),i tnWnjj; owrrut IcMwna in the urt of en t muni ion bytrengtbeniiiic tho nurkn nt Fort Kibau Alien-

- tlie 71 li tin. i^Kimeut movul to Fort Lyi.n-r AlFxawlriii, and on the 8th moved n

loit tiistHOee duwii tlie Pototnim in tin. di-niou of Mt. Voruou and eNtubliKiied (JamiilUuni-c, wlmro it reinniueit lur otio week

|«lo«iI.|«hi!tjiliit,v in cr.nnoel.on with tbu ad

Einenl moved to it point•ad Fairfax m w l / a a d

Hit the mttliTiipvx^hL^mJL^T^l^irt Ellmrorlli Mid wan al Inched la the roin-•ud ul llriiimlier (Ion. SJoueli.M tlii* plii'io the dutkri »r tlio ruLinientire very heavy, nnd tbr si.k Hat Incrcnai'd

1 an alarming eiteiit, mm\ itvioft witliinTOO weeks, nud on M>VI<THI we/mlnn* „„

cull. Tbnditilrftfif til.' r^Bl,'™!!0?*to the nrdinm-v eiimii dtilv <n ,«!«.,3II«B IHP cannlcari'Lt nn.l namM


duet nqtlMut urray cornn.



!iiN"t1i'i"th(.tfon ot'fti?!1' '

iL-j-iiiiiiiiV.'iini. i|imrii<*mi i i i ' iC ultv, iiiinnlinir;liu mniiilfon mo roil tn tlio warehiiuHCB utiil

il pilfd upon thn witrv™ ,.r tha Mwn, atyiwrhapii more plframi nt hiit no1eiiHnrdiinni>nt tli .t .-neiifjcd in liy tliu n>Ht of ilio rcui-'iit. I Hunk tliiH tiirly, foiiu- nfim | m , |liilH'd tho npirlt of tliu ulnvc ivlio uonUl notJ thuhann in appn»prin(in(t nno itiml nf

XK.tizt"t°M';sto:"™ad Hui niiproprliitifiD ofwliieli we did notDriller very wrotiB, UU(ii Wi> wero (,au|[,.t..1 lh<'n wo Mm tbo crirnu ill nil IH dreaaiillnniiity.JI I Kiivemlier thn lfitii onlerH »err> n i r i r r dmi UCIJ, llvintzlftainu lo report withnnl do-r t« 1lrij:itui«F lli-n, l''»'r (-(inimiiuiliiij{ " '

•<lr Foit BHawnrtir^pni £w£rtn?$Fihlil', aportiiiTiofUu. i:(iitiil(.rthccnniinanil

• milniin tiint bud Writ rii'ltiiiVlfli'i'mrt./'Ni"^vtA in ilt'tlaiiei! of oriior^. I will nnr BH.ictherlt w u riKkt<.aU« wrutiiTi!''ui,,«t Hmoml.tr. or u 'Irsiri! ti* ti-nt tlm IIOICIIL-V «fIho fpiritt Hint nm-nl Uw phnnmc of tl, '

iin|iiili,'ii, hut I kiii'wilint tlm ftiinptiJi'n wim


'•"•-'"•""'"uMhti'iS,innlt fi'iit ofiiiiirili-


fuiiniCri 'iiivnrile |ircilfri'rlhm!l'l'pl,ii!,1" | w £ i

I. T uur<iiurt IIOIIKH nW.ili'idu, v

frflui Ali:xan.IH« to FiiirnnI lioiuFrtlrfnx Court lh,im•in we illil iitckel iluiy for i

ui'iinilinicitit nV-ir ri,itnnii"h*

»l'1 M / V C ' I M ' ' ' ^ 1 f^l' |II'l'i'Mturfoin litu'M imtinvav."A frw <lnyri drill n n d p m l , ami the t

IU ol ttie UMiliia1 •iir'rillrI;'1oftFrrl!--'£' ** iint ?i I'luiiiirt' comefi (t^'er tbtIii'l-e hill n icw n.im.U-H iiKO'-onlil lm<•Oil iinlv tin- •niunrv in.n*ln»( ^v«''V"

I nii'ii, tboi

nftlx- vn'tliiri-l'-^riirll)."!like imlislxri HSIVIT. tlie piim ij;iir!ithic n-J fitlniiiulil '•^v:n..,, 1,-,1,,,-k Hit l,Hi-:t i n - -•><) t l i . - M i i i i ' l i l i ' a f ( l i e i l i u

llf till!

; .o bo .d,;.-!..11 iii-nokcof liiittli-, n

i !tl.ti>.- of lin.lh.-itul.-l\vr nlond iu linr, awnitiiiii t i t - onl<-.' l«

<-]i i-i-vhapH tn IIIMIII , »•»• iww not. om>lie iiiiiiniikri ln^iiu to i-iii tin- "Slur

i^^lraN"rmia1^)o"i''tlVAiV'lwii»'v!i"i'ili ilu- imirm-ol'tlixt urumi ol.l Imtlli- liynm.: » , - 1... U th.' ..r.l. :r.-mm-. ami »,• I I U w , !

," We'were liul'trti"oN thuViirll i ' nidi- nt. . . . r i i c r . in u iioriiliiin from ivl.idi wei'miMview |hc Hlnmulitiu furcfn un tlic ulliir »ii!<-.On tb» NK,rr,ii,l' rif tho li l l i u- <>»M>d tlu-

r aud took pimiliim in tin- flint lint- (ifh; U o i:uui,»ini(-» ut ft time. (>iiii» Kiuti [lu'Kki.uii-lilhi.;; t ln t ichl (tn-npi-'-l li.v

ri-ri'il vitli vk'iul ^nimi, mid tlie.HD:.ioii ftoiu tbe hiilh<1« o

r only ji

••,«!, ( I

we Went intn

'IiVl llmiiJTli'w1

flu- iiicl tlml li.i

llu- li.utli- r. t" < *-'/T: in (•' >'l I« I r v i 11«• " 1 ."t- :ii I1 * A. t "ll'ltC IllE' riltif!' Hfi^lll llf.hll'U.ill'r! flllillllK

eli:ii-»i»fi i.tipliirl'.l nmnv I'l-i-t-niti-n I ' l iuWi'l"I ' , I I I1IHI;II :H-IIII tahi-ti' l»v .Teri,cy truofir-iiirun .iivi'il 11ir ii rin v fruui ittler <i.!Mtriic(iiin,

i.l (iiov.-il uiiiiw rtmt il wiia wnrtliy Iu li-arc litl.-.ifllic -' IH.I ( i imrilof tin- I'otunin.-."-Nol« illi-timiliiij,. tlm !it>rni«> liHbrtH that 1»»1rt> niiMli- tin- -nun. . .h i urm.v WIM .-iiMi|,HI<!<i

drh-Tit. ' Tli'w iirruki'iU <it tl»""l l l T A ' ! " * . ' lin'ltLe lioltli- ileavlnil thu

oltLt l.i'lliU.lltheir

h d i nui, the urv m

r Leo tOil June "til,, 1Kb 11,.'

ii'.'lTttViPOof thiTliuti,' "rJHruicii'ii' uiiriiliuli ino- wun iiiut-i!liiii|{ U|. the Huiiimliuiiiiodk to Hie• • - • • iiiiiiirHhiit. 1r<im!iiiv«.Hinii(iriViitt«yIyiiiii«. Tin-miirtli oitln

" '••'•-•• - " • • M i l ! l l t l i liplnnufil WIIH h vIlurlv >'<>rd l>y BenlloiiWll., I!UI'IIIUIIK1I<

•hu"l"iii'Hri"le»-''nbollv iol.-iil nn tiiltini- <-nrli oil,l||.l W| H KI.DII llfl till- inK'C Hi,

(I would nci'ininclv toi'iji't c

, i.efor.- liii-1 1

i tbo turnml Inivo bcrthcHin

jo kiii.il" iiituliviiit- name

-txl fILIC luiwevrr ft. in

v furnuPH witli tlif l«'rn fui-li In-

i nly ti)n

t Uf i

hvo klllt-il—t'hrin1opher Urn hum ol I, inlVnrroii (inicn of I), bulb jounii un-ii wlmlive* bud |>r»miNL-it a KIOHOIIK mini' '

T1H> 1ri>oit rotiiniert to eamp dcmil entire]v didii-artenL-d. l'n*liiriiHiile> '• Mud Miiruh" Mint wuilii-iif mTiiiiiihrf tlmn uuy niiiii-1

- - - • ,t ti,,, ,,,

>il.nlod. li

ori' |.i.I'ui.nii

<>tiut1i ilitihtt; tlie will-, [ii.it tin' iwnmiinMUe.II l(ap|iiihiiiiiio(>k Ntntion. iliiriiiK wliirli wi

'rent ut winter wi-ulli*iKri IIK ti> the L>e«ium!ciiliiiiuuU'diuthu liutl

rule tlm* tlioI think it will bold pood imt Hevure tire uudur which „

jiUct-.l, Use* Us cttli-ietev, .l<<.-iil.K U>llSlili.tu iiuiiUlies ami pntnbli«lirs the repiltn

rm it will fuel (HIM ' iintnin tlilutui-r iiattim. 1 h*v«uu doubt that it t»>iitucnovuurcil tlmt reKiiiipntnthiilHhr;.ukiin InTK( iitccttitLr H-ltb tin; foe nttisnvunlH provt;liPin«elveH bruvp ontl r.-Iinliln, hut mirli itilaui'ci. werti oulv Ireiiueut eimuuli In nut illHII Ilierulo. U ' M certain llmt ('hani<«lloi'«-tlio ,'ntnl.lifheil Ilio HtaiuUtiK of the l i tecimriit, n"ve. lo il. a roputiitioii (or brAver,ml oflteiency that It iiiiirioiioh muintaiiiei

i.v liartl Anight i.Htlli-H tlm

4 piiuoi|>ul iiM-fnlneHH tv>!l>itiKtnl;ll liir Htnti'n i|in

ink Ibid

our re-

d iu itied l. I towmd lUt^u wln> uiv yet imti'iiil, h

iiinril m il1 thin Icelliin wu» iutfithillc'l inird lo tho lit).. TfaiH mny imt huve nofnhut wo felt M if deubtinji eyes wore

cliin« an. Aud I aiu evrtuin tbnt Hi.umlorilr of us bud r.'itohe.l tlmt WIIKII tin

tiif i|iiiilitioH that wo. IIPHIV IVI blunt. 'aaaau

-a. ii |ipciill>irl.v tryliiR <

» ui.th.ir. vaoiply on

i t l l ! KI1VC Itn Ibol.uttlo

at liiirryiiiii up tlm (iora<nk vuttd, wu wuro uut by b.mlua oi nni

H'd fl.viiiK niPO ; tlinu-omlH went llllc.l willif ti InirrytDK to tlm icur, intent niilv on Hint\ft a pluue of nafetv. The enemy In one ol'ir impelu.iII* wnnarw lutd awvpt diXnunn tlm Illli A. C. m$ they Uniiropurtwl to

meet tbc nttm-kWiBBiitijeil with panic andHwl like fHffbl«ueniiar<:ii hcfuro tko velninjhuuni!.. It W H at tli in iriticul mimont wln-iitiuihilation tbreattned tho entiro anuy tliu

ninuoi which wo formod u purt, tinwhite mamandi.tbe 'id Division of

the Kkirioui old tbinl eoq>» wua ordered intotin* u|(iilii to eneouter circle 'ens li _

W«M with lie. 'Ere tbe amoke »

. tiun'der of 'gaml l . i i Bight of Ma.i

„ inry tmo.itrJiUllucriiYttlteys of uiifkctrT, thorihriekof

LVlajf niHalleH, the eruiiL of tHlliug IIIUIM, andlow *poken nnlera uf the officers, us wo

,ed to tbe right or left lo adjiint our HUP,III.I in Din iu^rvitla that wen otbei '

mttlm mournful aotoa of Uic wLilp-;la thiit Ket'ined to us prrHiiiua of _•i|nem)y fltirlng tho nigat noble Honeialri'.v roJo along tbe line HpeakinR WOMIH of•oun»«emeiit, uneuuitclsua that it WIIH to bu

iii (ant uiitht nu partli, Tbo laat w«rdi tlmtnu-DilMirbeariiiK kin ipeak wen, "(livei) llu'io buyit, it'H uoing tu be a hut tlnhl.''wnniMWom H liitlu more umphatiit thin;

ie, but mich was their im|Mi-t. Tho durk> guvi< omiorlunity lor the cowant lo tier

. I think but lew plaoet wen vacant ill th<-ltn UoHimeut when li.e light of the BiibbatbHoming uf Hay the M bruko upon un,

" ItouiumWr tho HaliHatii iluy to keep itio1y,"M)t>nudiithe law ol'Iiml, lint dcHpltc

divine command enunciated amid theimlorH of Kinui, the Hahuatli houn of M*V

"bllrt in ninny of tho CLUI-HIIOH of the Korth,ir irlciids Were bnwiuy iu pmyer. or raiaiiiKleir voiwn in tovnu ul holy pr*i*e, we were•jtuiiinu tu Ibe deep bas* of tko timinni, anillie •hrlll •oprano or nbriakiiiK rilwlls aii<thlmliiiK liulletM, anil tlm prayern und moan*f tlw wounded and dying. Tbe battle oflav the M opeiioU with toti early iUwn, butifiig tomir posltiou in tba noc-ood line *"e

syrjrflssiii 2?A Ti,r $&in; sonnuitwim tho preiwiiro of#ie ciieuiyliHt th» jirst Hue was noon compelled to icire• ar. The 1st Magsuclnuetl*, Col. HcLmuh-

eonnimniliiiK* wan in onr frout • the leftIUK uf it gave way but the ri«bt wing atrmd-iB litni. coin{H>lIed Col. UcUUrior to uhauieii3pi)»iti<iu ol tho left wing of the 11th XowT*ry toprcreDtiiriiiK into tbn wing of thet M,...ml.ur»-it,, utilfuoldluRthHr position.ta* Imu mid tbat it wan neeenaary to «en«••- IIJP, forward to awertaiu whether tlie

. iu our frout wem I'niun or KCIKI nodHint it niemlur of Co. F voliinteereil for thin..•rviiiu." Tli!« nmy bave IM-C» n.i Ui>ou tho

It, but no ftticli call wan necewurv unoa tlicllit, ut liiii-l from tho position <.| f0. E theirov> HIIVHIIFP .-oiilil 1.0 plainly , » » , | ill.vt-rti unit sin otbor of Co. K WPTC ,,,,uM

mlM in mlvnufc ol tins lino, nnrf hitvlna <•.ively RuulMtructed vfcw, c^itldaecriilili: [:nr( ot t*n*. eiiemy"* u :•ui.-lnjr. Tlify riiisi.l tbrli


ulleil mit.^'' The IIIIHU.,our uicn.'

'l'i»' '.Vi'iV'"/'^^11'!^ U r" rL'llBlt<t" I1U<I u " 1 'root of th« eompanv followed,"*Jmi'tin!

nu Irt-eaiuu gtuerul. Ko need to tell Iheoorivorri nf tbo brave old rejfiineiit hi>n*lytliat tiro WIIH ninintiiliie.1, N., wt,\ lo

iiow •tiiWn.nily tho pnnltion t m hel.lil nil Hitpiiort hwl left und ttic cnemv OIOH-

itiinkri tompellod

hr liy td.r

.li'thc ltd NPW- Jerney liiiyiillc, iwinirThoj rcKimeui uf its brigade left in thn iiuinf-

iurj;o uujin the rciloiihtnthut tlio oinmiv luidintnreil. Nor to jiiteak of tlw mnuy hwvi'-eiilB tliut folluwi'il tlirousli tlie il.iy, and>•' tr.yiuH houn »j.isut on llmiday in auiiixirt-" BonUu'ri 8. S.

avt! eomraaei, wnn wore iienoolorthelr lUtvotfon'wltV t'CoU'livci',' l a™ ow!iilreleriiulHleep within the liurniiiQ; wi


- - r _ liuminiftUmiH-i Uortivllle. or tt few dnyn ufterwuitl.(1 of wound*. In wimii of the bo'ftpttnU nf

if uriiiy. Co. A lout itn llmt SerKciiut, (lu.v. Cox. Coinradpn of A, you know Ills worthnidi belter t h r - • • • • • -ui j\, jtm Kii«w ui» worm

_ 111(.,i. t t>i en tenant* l<nltnoil Edward Kvllv, and privrtto

icliin-1 I-iiller. V, lost Win. t'rialcy. H loutrant Kmory Allen, jirivuten llir'uni drcBi,-II W. Mulorv, y-nmklin L. Smiih nlnl

.,!i> Wurtmi. E lost Willi;mi Swei-t, Uii.'vIhien, lXiiiiel Pnimsr, .lohn Hnnu. Willi, 'nrton, I't-ltr H.un, .loha C«rik, Thniiiirruv, unil liiHl.lmt uuniuiina lutm. of Co. K,Tftpimt Jitmi'K Mel 'nvil. Coniruik-n, juir.ill' I ritiiji lo np«<ik ii word In iiniimMifi;ncw mi will. During the ft-n- niniitltM tli n|ii-iit toyclLtir it nun my (.rivilcat- to callin 1nei.il. I t r i m nn.l imj.olm.ne. promiittlon, t)»ii.-k tn take olienei-, tint nn i[iiii-kknowltsltce ft fault, mid rttuhlmrii In dolenrijjht, Ufm-niun tn fricml utiil fuv, hrj in

«,!•-! tl,Y.*e umiHUc of iiL-urt Hint tua.lti itmiirifiib!" fur Ititist- who linen him to fi.rp'tin, aud I lie snl.tii-rlv nunllticw, tlmt had Lc,<.t w.iubl l.iiv.i ri.irr.k IIIQI t.i rank undIliii-ni-e. I li(.|ir.llint tin'Urnn.l Aruiv Vo'l

ri)(ivcrtiejir« IIIH mime, iiml uoiiinui-mureortliy could have bi'nn seli'etcil tbun Hint uf

Mnir "• "

rd l.y Heu lo Hull

l l m l<. umWiiniri Ferry wmid IIIPII IIJI theMoiioeiu*y rivur

Kliatiuti nml WinIIi^ii.-i. l<. IInm Wt.ni.^K. in.in 1l.t;ri' hi K.I-

• we i-r<iiHf(l tin! Pot.iim.'.!Y|)ftih to tho Ai|iiC(liitl nt

nvur. t'oitirudeH, hnvi- auy ill \tmthat uimiily, hlij.i.'-ry, tlcl.-ntuWe

nit).'btlii> ilown iiuuriiig min t Iiow

nml mum nuciinaie.1 the (livifuunil but ftntii [be JrcfUunU'iilItMiii.tDiiM of (lif>t;iit.t it miiilit Imvc tipeuIhe gbofit nf ii HklnniHli line, Mt(ii!-

ihnmjrli tho aarkneii* f nml bowout) in miMimrntin;~«(i nukonje.l

iml It. hull, though it wumiub Ii.n n •-iiuiiiii-tlivH l.c.1 or mud. W'Pil li A. M, mill Ilio HtrBiraltirit kept

„ . until ilio liuiirol mur.liiiiy. umi itniiiv h: iiortriihli' tlmt they iiave nut all uol iu,\< l'. l)n bv nirrdien«l«vHIc, J.-flprnnii, Mi.l-

<!!••' Frtileiii k r i n - t o Taoi'vt'iwn. (liti." 'wr beliiK now •uluivad. Uoajil wi« pln.-.-.l

imumiii of tin- unov ui'the 1'ulouiui-. In,'« (ii-Hl ..i.lertotlieunn.y he Hiiitl. " ihe :j un: on tlin KHII ..f l'eu'im ; a Brent but-

tin iun»( lie fnnuht ; If we firo true to om--nulviiri und ui tlm cmiiitry, it muy ho i\u\tuniing point of I lie war nud nil muy yet heveil." Ami hn ni|aen(et! eni-h ro|[lniciilitt''iininmifli.r to uddri^H Itin ninn, urginstLcuio Miiml linn. I will nunte Co[. HeAllint< r'rtnliire«8 to tlm Utli -New .lurttej:

"Hoim of >Vw .IrrHL-v, tiic bonr of batllolHit Imnil. Hie noil of Pi.nuoylvnula i» tlm ctiu-eNled ikM: we nnint aUnn Mlioiilifer to

Hhimlilei- with her *on* *ud drive tbe in-icr bordt-ix ('imt wbut it uiuy.>r.l in n Huftlcii'iit Kiinrauteit in

will not fuller. Now, wiihilu M love tor onr country amiiii«:.>di<m»t.o forwurtl. An:

,v.ui renilv for the inunh mid tho tlKl.t f" Anctnpltitlh? yt-n nnii tlirpi> pbocTH WHO tho nn-

. Al Knmiettbiirit tlie uewn reached unIliu tut Curph hu.l euKUffe.t tlioeiienjy

.. „. (.eti.vrfl.iirn, and llmt Oen. HPJIIOIIIH, iuconiinuiiU.T, WUM billed, aud HOOU we could

ir tbe boom of cuntum*, tlinogb Iweul.vleu iiwuy. Onlern wern <|iiiukl.v M-mt-it tnvc OH rupiillv un paHHilile; in tin- nijjlit u>>mod thf ruua nnd CJIUIO war running Into

tin? rehol MleketK, lint ret rat lug our•jftiw «omoil loun.1 the riicht road, AIKI nfter Bil.l-Di([ht hnlln.l Ltjx.ti wl.nl WUH to bei'Dino one nftin- niont futiioUH hiitllc ticliin uf inudcni"IIIIK. Worn out with ruliiil tiiiiivliluj; wt-.nil w.ro «luiiibt<riux jitutcfiillv. Nor Jid•e ilroauu tlmt 'ore another ami •huuld Hitmnyofoiir UIIIIIIHT would be lji»« puliw-•ws unil HTtil hut i) ulioj't (iiwtaiifo iroiii wlicn'e tlio II wcrer^otinj;. Moniiii(i ilnwneil elnw;ml fi.niry. hut ftiUi no imllcntiim that it'i'hie in I out HtrnKlllo WUH to taku jilituo williinii-w iitmrrj. AL 1« oV-lnck wn were pi wed

in iior.iti.iii. mid nt iiU.i.t it oVlovk the llni-vux mlvniit-cil. nud ahmint lmmcilinti-ly tin-oiit-iiiy iipLii(.-<I wilb their artillery. Fur a

tlmt vmiH tilled w

hour the enrlli Irtinblcd witli the jiiref Kim.,nml tuiiri of int-tiil hurled over nti.l Irll

lying a

hurle »Hei-uicil thick with liy it.,;

lirMilcH, lying ax we were lunetivc, our e;ir»lied Hjtli the, wbiriUinj; «"d Bbriekluu ofHMII irou dnmnuis and Ibe frf.ju.iit dullmil tbiit told nf luecmttd Heft I. fliul hroak-11! iiviiPH, the hnive-it heart could not kfpjiin i-iiib thrill uf lour. Hut thoro oiiuar *iliu, tin- tbuudcr t-t'j)Hcd, Iho nmukn at' buttlu•I'/in to lift. Hut 'twiiM like tbo calm 1batiim'lirni'ri dei-eircx tbe tniiriner, who tinvinufiiteii iiia wnv lliroueb the o«tiT circle ol'tlix •*hirlwind iw.l r«m-lied the vo 'tex finda that

it of the

out tbn woada beyond c«m«itray- with yrlliof dfH.B,-e.itrrt, Hbot and ibell ploughed

. SSd 'andled uinrkod thoir prottrcM, but mill ibe

rney rushed onwi. ,- ' their nuki>, u u

Hlled. Tbouauidr)wounded uiarkod their proijrcM, but mill Ibe

dal wave of humanity awent on. I t atrnckB ex)MMcil Dunk of feickle'ri uorna, *ml it wu«

..lukly iwept away. Tba ltd lilvi.ion fur ubile held their position: tbo front of tlm"1 wa* channwl, and they, wltu the rest ol

lvlMuii, tried by dctJirtrato flKfatiaf totold the enemy In check. At laat regimentalirganlnotion WM lost, autl neu rallitid audimgbt wborr-.IT they caw a atand of colon.Inltiry K, 4th U. 8 A., on our right, had no

n h i t witlt whli-h to tnke oil tlielt gun*,na wero broken, nui carriage* tpliu-by ahot, but yet Ilic uiwi oluun deaper-to tbeir piucori. Uut "dtsncriptimi emi-

ot unit Ito net I' ill wordi to demuuttrate theb) ol Hiicb a buttle." But vain tba lie roll:O ; we wero at laat compelled to tall backo tbe rnwon.l ridge, which Viould lave been

our oriiiimil tine or brittle, but it wnn notnntilnenrly tbo wlioh; army ha<l heconieeu-guyi'il that tbe ennfuy wua bcaWa back. Mo

tr hu.1 they IOIUO lo rtueuuna tbat Lrce wwaiHih-nt that wltb another imaiilt bu cutildd tb l l l l h th d

in **>J V*1 Ulllbmiuiv IHiia a tia? -iiva^aa. <IBW v uin tolfowitiK day bu mude «uotbor dc*>|>er»to?my for vietory, only to lie rcpulneU withi« in fill li.rtH. There ore ft'W aveoea moreul limn a buttle Hold alter the con,tie! 1IHHBilol. fctoatteml all around tho b a " 1 ''reek, brobeu guns aplatteml withoriiluiiir, knniituwkri HLDL riddled und tbn

itterrd, huveraack« trnraplnt underut, ouuti-eiiri [tattered into «buir«k*ia pleeentin, ittUolea of tvftry kiud (bat coatribuledu nolUicr's comfort, are »ealt*red over Ibo

Held; und in HBIOIIK (bin wreck of huttlu lietbn »bnUi-r.»ii rtminautri ol Jmmaulty. colapalo faeei diBlurted with the «*ony ut a tor-

ileitta nre all •.round, itnd glouyeyuH Heeiii lo Jollow the un«ritr. Unto

. iiiMin wliote fact: ia fruxuu the pawlou1

ami anger nf battle, »Bd near by an upturned', wru.tlied witb a mnile an if death hadleauiidthiilirnroNUil jo.volhome. (HaliUnd wiih earth mill tu tu 'nt K"M" toll howin to aomo bad In-en [he agony of themomenta.) t>ad indued are tun sight* to

iceu wbcti, the lo t wiuda of w«r havet.ri'd tlio wreckORO of buttle, but I think: few hattie tlrliln of the war prcMntede Hickeuinit*->n<* than ilia that of Uet-

"iyK'<lp..t.io].OHit"onT and" the" •tenvli wawnit iiitoleialih-, the dead toon became

iwolkn to twteo tlic ordinary nice and black-mud nlniL>nt past iweniiituWt

lln« turfil the l l tu during thia torriltlu)iitiktl iiow land i t i Out of everj liveat went into the action two oul.v cunie outfonhily. Tlit-ri! »c hint Kearney. Logmi,

•kerwuu umi Murtiu. Tiwra died Morgun,ilmo, Harder, I'orzins, Jhnl, Hturtcvant,L-nih-rrtbi.t, Iiii;hter, Juelmm, Miiriut uud

IJ- H* they. AH UHU»I the .oldiern of Xe«-_-rHt\v ouvercd tbiiuiselveH witb honor, uuil

o wero .lenrrvinif of more pralne than, Me At! it [t-i-, and tin- nun win.in hot-nm*uli'il. it. ia emttiaiHry to Mpcuk in teriunliiylicdt i.rnine uf tlwim whn met licuthiii thu hut tie tk-lil; vu erect to thiur incoi-

ci^tlv iiinniinientn. nti.l -ffrt-ntti tliuiri..j< with laimdmid inr r t them .lawn tofuture ution tho unisicul WIIIEH O( aonit;in hut just. Uut nlwl Imvc wo lor then

ffi-rhiR HM Rivnt. l l ini iCb tlt K W

lot their

Wim not ino ct Kliuuhl uol they hear words or

'iiiumc ucl ut ion, mid rL-ab thu reward that inI tic tn :ill who brnvolj- lought for home and

nti-V (rout (lettynhure we Itimirely foliownli'n uiiiiv iu Ir rctrcutfd thruugU IVnuayl-liiiiirnl Miirylntid to VirKluia. Our Him nf

_ret: led u* through Mechuniciitowu. Fred-iL-kUity, Autustiiin, Sharinldirg. HDU on toUrper'n Firry, whuru wo ugulu croMuil ititnirKintn, tiirunffh Virginia liy the wny «flilnboriiri};h. Wond^rore, uppcn'tllt*. 1'lwt-ntil, ttirnugu ManitiKtoB (Jap lo fe'rnnt Koyul,ick Ur PifiUuiuiit, uuit by tho WHF uf HMIUM

,tid U'umtiitm to Ik-vetly Kurd, where wei-muima tnilil Hcj.t. the Mill. Uo the l ' l l iit SqitemtKr wo ddvauceil to Cnlnejiper f.I. On tliiHii.lviaiice I'ol. MrAUUler wuoliad

vi! Mill nun II i-cvei-c wound received ut[vttlmi1^. cuiniimudcd tlie biigatlu, uudit, I'ol. Si-boonover, who lind ne«n pro-

.rd trmii Ailjntant oi lite Kttitnnt.b Onhe 8th ul Oi toUnc thu (Jiviniuii moved from'UIIICIIIIIT ti. Jutiii H t'itv. viht'Tc it reiuaiiieil

plriirt to Ktl|inriiek'« Cnvaliy until,, unit Ihu.

ich tlio Army ul'

< tvauoinc nfiain wK H mu h

io ot' WusUluntbo I'otuuiuu

utitilwitb, ino iu

lnvit.il Krii


1ntintx W.Ur

ituilioti umi Im Mintiin. U lun K.nuiiclrk, WiHiimi McMinn mid Ji Ii Slu-r<. II

_t llfiiry South, .lii».-i>h P. Itittiarr; Lev! 1".liaird, Win. A. Hunker ami S(rK.:i..tUuniol

I lont Jneiilli Vim Mbuluk, Wui. liilil,iuia II. l-ishriiw. K : 00*11total of thirtvil-

encliwl Ilrandy Mtntionnv. Hie mu, when vv Iwtfau prt-]iartitioniinter iiiiatU-rg, wtiii-h wcro uitcrrupteil,• " - a m i , l.y the. liegilining 111 tin-

•n.ciit which mttlc

I Two ottlrerri ud thirty-Ilifii w n IM

fn!i,te.l' men. |.Tuul l ^ {U

drove, iimt Miuis Kmi, iu vhi th n _InHt ei«ht kJllnl nuil iwemv-iwo' vouurind.The liiiTol wm> .Scriicuut Auwd Sumtio lA,Uuriiurnl .li>-i'|'li fiaii-r, ami \ nUiiluic (lieor,,t II, |-.-ter liui k. nuU .li-remiah lluniixill, nf1) t'liiiH. .llsiii" ut £,.l'i"H<r> M. Wonariirt otli iiiiiii Julia Anliwr in K. UiM,AI»im u t £ ,mink- 11») lust ol tbiTU brotlnjr* «l>o «uvuttu'irlivir. lurtlie pritfcrviuiDU ut the ituinu.Ailaiij of l'i». A, Mil. -N. J. iliwl on hunrtl ul a

nl iliiiiui Furtn-BK Muuruit ul wuuudaI'lL ill UUU Of tllU LlLUK'B Oi ta» |-<!UtU0lllU.

(lihiij.i.cnivil IIH \,y tl• hilU

4iie.liiii.riT.cn tbVrPff-

laliiic of Hiiiitr tlmt hi.l the un . | e kt l j brami li

I in nutllo ; twi'fveidcilol Tuunditii -iburt • bi-i-ntuv I;III»i utter, mid nfier thu uuuim nf ft.ur WHO loved it tun v,:leu that njiouiiiln,' wnnl, mimine. A'l.l I h»u<U ol tn:huno ten ottii-vr-j ami ouo hmntn-d ntidi-Nuio Ituu t>lit ,-tlirtu culisicd itou wijuuilcil in t!'o rclnniodto iIe t>l May thu ad, nutl ouo olilcet alitl nml it liiuvc.uty-t hrec .-nlirite.l men wouu.k'd while iu eumoment thport of nnrdnn'H !*, S. mi tbo lib j nti.l wec tlto gtnn.l ti-tnl of uuo ltuudrcd nud1 CO»TI

II« in mu Omu-ii aiamm u n ji-ll t» sou ilw t\;\fi iuwunti by tboiori. The muvvnwut uuuiuatiufi abandoned, tha ri'ctiiH'ntij euuiu iicuc UnuiUy Hutlou,to bu ttfo luoat utijujablu en-t thu reniiuent oocuimd Uurmc

Page 2: 1 mi Tdd DOVEB LUMBER GO. r CARPETSCARPETStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/1885-05-09.… · CARD. Tear after year, for nearly half a century, (lie untlei gned




UTTIXTOIV p are a quiet, ateadv-going people lure,

uiidjogaloujr In the eveu tenor of our ways.We have no broil* except tbow which takeptare on the gridlrou ; DO •triHei ricept bj(bone wtio Btrive to « H io fartuinj;; no eon-toitKHM! cxtoyt \>5 tUosc who cenUud In

tfct lipgest rrnp* ai:d test MOcfc; no

hrill take upun lujMlf Li

II ii vitti sorrow that we uott* [be dentil ofIU. l»utl<nul, fmlicr ul our towunuiu, 8. H.

His ili-aili will L>c n jjreat low to tLejileofPotterrtvilk-, irliort he n*ldet\.IT t*« now \ionto"rt bccui to lievrettv thor-1I,I.T ««irf .»,>.. ,.«..•. ,.,k. « ™ M I I M S . SEASON OF 111

Dow Printing Company

THiil. Privr-n * dwtll uji tbis WHY somehow.

Tdo Stunbojio liel'uriu Club wn«Bartloj- Eton. I did not get in urtit Mw-ii miking b u addrt-i* K . v Jlr. Ouuuutid I nds. In ]Fiank O'NVul iua.lt. udtlrf ••• • uud the re HUB | muff, wliiu reciutloiMr. Hough.

undrrthe uu»i'><<-» .pi" tin- Itcfurni 4.1 ul,Mid ul Cl.uV» lLill.on Siit.u.UyirvctmJHli to*t- Tttk^tft to 1st V&tl ut Kiiuvi^u

MONO them cm lienrtn theSUllfom tl

£L OAPITAN.Ofiraa "n*.nnY."EJur.leJTioltiug ,


are.aptn.rcLilv (if a. lil.t tiu:ifrm, to a link1 ji-aloii lliai the thriviim 1»UU-nlioiild lw Wt out in llie ilicit .lav*, followed It) ii to in-pirr it* a l lwi l l ia I

ier. nnd though «R»'» of e jjierieuM1 bailuthl IIN to l.puure of " afU'r-Haiw"—of :i

iioot. The 3. C,Knamed rendition, itiilbirl family.

Mrs- Unjiill, u lu.lv


y. A M. TIIP fua.Tiilted bj- Her. I>r, Huiirilui1 by llev. .1. .1. IVutir.

VM lWRely «ttemlcd. uml ipeople were prraeut from Kvvc

•i ilit whin- foiki•elio could make it eouvtuit'iit to In- |>rf»cui.Mrs. MBKHI IIBII hevu a profciiiiitijf clirittianfor 50 year*, niid i i f t im life of toil nnil tiertiW unil full utitire uf tlif UUiuliitwiu of Hieworld die liU" ifitne tu rust fruin ln*r Inborn

t Iliii-kcllHlnwti, tlint tbriltjilillk- buroiijili in tt'amn Ctliiiun ofb.v llip ivnV in, ilml it isuiit l

P.-rolier<ID and tbrt-i-fouriliin. Ui-cbid aben twii.TtariaudaiiMnn

1 Sl'l pmn.iU, Tbli tiaren I9r>k !*'• prIB84. inr liorw* nf all fork FirM Hj*

N.I. " "

fur ilir pnbltc.Mr. E. M.HmU'MOUtms

Mr. f . H . Ilnwt'll b:m r«Ilii- north *U\f nf lilt lot,Unwell nmllV M. Sl«fr linin .all of which UnsTMtlic iiliipe. But (jXu. "T«, «ud tm-itcd to ucc.nujtutiy them tu tl

dvliuMvlirn: «O tt.il: ji.ilic.l b.V a dc-]t-|:uli<1'. II. Hi-Aljiiu. tbu» I'" f'«m. Tbe

A bnittior to tlie fatt fnnr-ye*f «M thatHuccJIawn l u t HimmiT.

ml Black Ua*k.Funlicr information w.ll ba (iron, a

Ilia tliuir full ptdigraee can Lt• Mttdti.

OR. A. TilMMER, trfrto*IIACKBTTftTOWHr, N. J .

train. Fromtbrto tlit Cmiut-il CIfloor of tJiet'nuuin a hrire, noiith

. *<-pnwmleil in, ,ilji-r, ivtih'liUotitlH-tliirdbuildlutf on Miin Si, It

nnd noil vtulll-ilome: tb« vallH§ nnil prufimclv

lug illiic.s, borne «itlTliu text of tlic 1'ontor"by tin family hum 1'• Aud I lirurd « voitcunto me, wrilr. liH-swil urf tlie ilili<-10 llie Lord from lirnrrfrirtli;tbe spirit, tbnt tbey imij ri-«ilior*: and ilivir wurk* ilo f.illuMr*. Monill WHS rrnprrlPt) 1'1ier!iiidli<T)jii»l>iiii<l>m>.tU''community hi his it"1"' boron1

F*r Stare*. D Bmm* PrUstt

with I'urb ollii-r would |ir-i tnnd |irmltul>li<. Two !ii>|ilkiili.in«

bnr»\iip liavinu hrm iftvuwiWy re-ll»' ratiilidntMivrn'lmllnti-d f.irunJ

Lvttora r«aaipiBiiBiila •brPMtOaVce «« Uvvcr.N. J .

Dover, N. J., May «tii, 18*5.

uf t)ii» f«iliken Li

a-btlber it U unanlIV lllC HDlHll ClllIlUNill

inK tbnm^b thitpltlJitnrj- r m i

in Hiat ruiin.'il

r tbir Odd

lie i l l -

m llulilva.

theboiine, llul "a WIBH in u-. (jthey •«<>-, aud il did tint .iii.li tire.

Fred. Maul In imikitig MIIII*- iuii-rovriii<nt tbe bt«>]itien'»l>iu^', i«-nr 1-nkc HuiHttiwliii-li hi- uunhawil renui ly Kituni.-l l'enan, tlm tinniuitli of SIanli»|if>, it dniugroofing for him. Ttiryiame ntar MviDfire there too, 1 uudi'rxtanil,

Join, Sandy, of Mt. flllhope the MiindiV- nijcht BiDwmwU-Viirtioii, ituil lmtfter lit- got bnuic bin b»rw-

tlBivt IIHIW.V. wlm ui-cdat Ton Miirri" ior (lie *\mrwLci n u « ull Hit- WHT ftabcftttkvrt-ur.ionoftbi'l lt l i ,cKtne hom* thr contuamliiijf offlwr, puidvisit to ncarye Hurt'* on TUP ml ay, lut h«Kl.V tiuir to .Mill M huniJMj*. c»mt>rUM Wto b« at tutnic w Minn •• |i«iuilb1p.

On TIIOKJU.V t'v.'ihuu; Mr. llalutmuBiilnnrin, wlio it tiri-ei-dm-utiiitf biuixi'n doctor nud » Mi»*ionurr, 1irtur*«-icrowded liuiiM- in (be I'rril.yt^rian .burelStaulioji*. Ttie Ivciiiw *»« \ t ry tutectuiii iK»nd tb« yoaDjjiriun •bowed an t'ftellcvumiftf of the Knj(U«h Inntaage. It woinot be falT to RWB I> full T^|HIT! of the Iwlittut your reader* may lite to know Unit HIISaul* M licitr lh*b Hiicvdouia. » nmu fnwliicti appritred t* Snint l'nul iiuce upontime lua dtimui Kuyiuit. "f'omt1 ovcwlotlia (tod bpl|. U»." 1 tinticfdwhen b« rp»<I tbe ioripturo io tl>«loLjiiiasp be proiintint-t'tl it MwV-e doniti. H<eidc. l.fioK a covering for lint bead, tberap worn by tli* nubft-rU., of Tnrkej in • .o f mibjut-lloti to Ilif HIIIUD, and if H IDBHtint Turkiib doniinionii wan tn w*ar»derl>:ur Eugibth or Auier^an but, besent to jail forthwith. W h « Biitgaria wi• Turkish poKMMtoQ the peopk n « « notloved to carrj anything in tbn ahapea r n i ; not *vei a pockot kuift. He ihokpeeinenn of elolti txoveii 1>y hts mothir. HDri• f utockiuBii kniltfld by hinmeif; ye»,brmtght Iiia knitting uloag aad tbowed th»ttdVc»r« h«w be uaea to knit wbau h# wu«b o j , JID began at tut toe or tbe stock inkowercr, imtead or at th« lop and knitt1M a pMnllar war whtcb. «a< new to mo. I•aid they wove blanket* over fn llnlgarta ioording to tbe itse of thr family, longabort. I recko* lie meant wide or •aim'Tb« family leeupied one roow; tlxty at«cooked aud slept there. Tin father•Mtber, one • • cash miUMeaf the bed andthe obildrei~1»ya M« giria-mii«4 in'tlami«Ate, Yon aee now when the blaukot«waM«in. HAMM, t»o, that the; alepttbe aa«M elolkoi thmy worked in. They VMHonfoteb*agf«|«l«t}wa. Awl tut wtlen to tell haw tbe wanes worked Ii«*H» with the • * • all day and tben cavefaoawftDdgotadBper, wa*fte« di.br-, bakedbrtad, and wen rewly to |« to bed without

h 1uuch ceremony.boorlnDMtcniDgUvery itnlrurtlvc

y |1 apent a rets en)or

kit lecture wi

" Five eenta ewldn't buy the old irejVnl . Oliver had all the Angera of bU If i

land Mrerclr amaabed b ; aa Btvldeat laatMonilaj.

Mow* cleaning ea4 a«ah thin fa*atigojag toll for the loyal hwiM-wife al ibeJtrtiwnt time.

Ite*. J. Mcad'a two WM were hamt <college and •pent laat Sunday wlik i

wl Teagw ih b

4 to S«»ark the flrwt• f laat week, whan be wilt follow fail tradeu a cBipealcr.

A p*ftioB or tfa« Weadow aloe muiOftcntUn laat w«ek, enploylDf abont rigfa.taea or twenty BMH.

Mm. 11. Arm.tronjt i» treatltiK her «n«•loaileiliar; t« a u « coat ef paint, ireader* It very Mat and attractive i

Frank Wlltlma IBJB««1 lut*» the buiue re-WDtly vacated ny Smuel T«a«o*, laM tattu-*ay. HoMrt CortU will occupy tbe onevacated by KrMk Willlaana.

MM, Moytt move* tv Bvuvuvai, tod Hr».I T ; h u moTed la Kn, Moj le'» hois*.

We were Kl«4 Io CU-P the )mt><l of frieud•kip tbe «ttot *aj «Mh OUT gnisl frifDWai. Walton, wko wtot to Ban Tnmcltcwith lev. J. P. aTacanla? l td fanllj-a Uttl•ter a year •§«, uA rwceatly ntornri) b«ui

Daniel LanibHn, MI ag^ r*.U-nt of kilPleaMBt, was fowid dead ta !•!• larp duringTneMlai; Uit. Tb« weteaaed WM wellwide); knvWB UroBgboat tbU Tlcinitj. Tbeflueral Mnloe* took place Thandar aiinil lg ia St. Mary . Church, Dover.

The aOBiTeraary ef tbe inauguration of <•abbatb aebool waa celebrated lut ««bb«ihaftemoa«. Then WM a Urge aodtenee pm-n t . The anipit w u tutefallj decoratedwith Sowen, and addntaea **r* naAt- \>yKtr. Mr- Daaiela aad Rev. Mr. Johaa, ofDarer, and oarpaator, lUv. Mr. Head, all afWhich were excellent and trrj tatereattng.

It waa tkro«|b mi«i«ifonB»Uo(i that wewen led lato error in *nr laat (^mapondeneeIn regard to Nn, petanwn at tbe WMb tub.

• were Uring io immtdialeproxlnlty to Vrs. Peteraon, wetarn to be responsible authority; -the rcBert abould sot ba*e reet ired publicity.We alnce lean tkat two of her daaBhtm did•one neceuMfy vaalilnx on that day, whichthe atorj probably oHginated from. WVcttranwlv regrot tlmt wr were led in emitand had aneb a report pabilabed regardingthe aorrowiag toother ID tier bereavement.

The Port O n * C«r««t Baud »»Jt tttiratppearasea nn tbe principal atreeta ofTillage last flatarday eTeniag and rendend•uaw s i tbe TCT} bc« of mwit, wbSett madetbe sad bearU glad as tfaey paaaed tbroughvita their wiodlea. Tnti band ta lB>proriag•arreloftaly uder the pr»Bcl*nt pneeptor-ahlpof Mr. Bvbert Cottia, and the people ofthi* rilUg* «u*-al to feel rery proud «f hav-ing rack an enterprising and eBtcient band intheir midat, which ia capable of taking holdof anything that utinwa alaag. All who wanttbe tervieea of • Ant-claa* band for any andall occaaloni, will do w«ll to give then a callbefore aolieltittg eUawbere. We bave becainforaned by MBC of the member* of thlaband tbat they will gire tbe people a freeojfoa air oowoert VTery Sa.tn.rday cTentng iftbe people will eowatroet a band atasd in

cbaugtd ii liti

T«l8«p" xeliool. The day Wby tbf tracber. M i - Cutler.

IN drriitci! t<In tlio in drill

•Le, Vllli n illetartpd ifti


. «f tlie Urct-.t htit f>roriink xultul'1^ treoi to ndu

tut< axe*, almvll tbty Uiiiur hiipi-r^ioiun Itn- aek

id dun tip nud brnugbtMtlntiiut-, loetitliiiE otic in fron

•nUtlieullier In the rear. Aflurthe;proprrly planted tlie KIIIKIIWSM ii'-ur^n

" aa aaohool llw pupila w e n railedi a en me to rack tree. Here aome Uttli

Intoronf iron mir.lfMtcd among tho oldnM llie name waa tu take a nation;

cliararltr, nod tliww wore aouii- team miIff .ted tknt Clevclaud would W ooo of the

•ly to sliow the party predominancetbr «ti.«.l. Tbe vote t w fairly taken, ho

ul irmilteil Iu uaiaiujc uur of tbe tngtou nnd tli« attar Oarneltt. Tb

thru rtturni'd In tbe «houl nwm, wl.teieKlaea went held—(

}ec-t leawns, in wbk'li tbe tree waa broug]Into conpariiuu with the tuuiaa body, i|ueitiuD* naked an to when' anil how thayalike, etc. Vor Imttanre, aa un? pupil aaid,

•h have llmba and lun^o, thi. lea'ilungnof the tncB, etc. Reading* appro

priute to tlm ouraaiun wtire a> pait of IIand not leant amopg Ibem tl

old-time poem of Morrln, "Wsudmao, KpanTbat T w . " Thlt WHB a mprtltlontbey did lawl year, e icopt that but one tree

~ then, and a* ttAbbett'a ft ml appointment, and the flrrt yeaiOf tbe law, they very approjirialely.he tree Abbett. Tbia i» a vnad law andibonld be generally obaerred every ArborDay, but if all the teaohen or our public

" l a w c n la make it a general bnalneaa, or. acbonl hoUM-a thron|k«a>t tbe StaleI aoou be adorned with beantlfnl abwhile tbe atudy of the aubject of ti

would be MI profitabU to tbe children M au;IUH they learn in their regular courvea.

BMXAWaTWe C tbat oar frioad C aeema to be rather

auxioua to C more coaraiinlcaitonB from ui,but aa it bappened we bad a abort cine underC'a lengthy • • • lait week,


* .* • .©.If our friend VWill s i n • • anetblaifC faWkhrh we wtll he giaaTto V,'And dou'tyva forget it, C.

Hr. John Jonea la making ao««menta oa kia propertjon tnecoratiraf Cbtfrehand Aeadeaay atnela, by adding bay wiadowa

»the <rout clhUhouae.Conductor H. A, Crook baa be«ti building

tin addltlpn lehia hoaatt and alto havingrepainted.

Mr. Win. 4)111 iakaTlagalargewagonhoibull I.

Tben haTebeei aome cbangea made anwthe men on the High Bridge Hranch. John' 'Hara haa been promoled from ,_„naatcr on conductor Crook'* train to eaa-

etar ua th* drill; Albert Hranian tnmbrakenaa to baggage aoMter; <1M. BtwmauTroaa brakeanaa en eoud actor Terriberry'a train

' " by All

engia r on coutnietton train; lobi Me-f

g ain; lobi Meiraa, f reBan, fntn on trail to flraman aa

}>Mamger trail, and atuen whoaeave not leaned.A naaiber uftbe people (ma HoeUway M-bnded taa n-nnW of tbe UtbMeglam iaoT*r on Monday.Tbe roof baa not yet beea put on the rollingll)ill).

Dover, while la tbU place laitBatnrday night, wtat to put tke itrap Intothe bind part of the wagoa after ualfeiag thehorae, when it ran away and after nablagiriidly tbrougb. the atreet it freed Uaetl Iromibe wagon, Marud on the aide walk by tbepoat office and jumped off an embankment ofiltout 10 ot IS fc*t into tke vana\. Tbe noneiwam down • • far a* tbe cnal atable and

with aoae aaaUlaace it uuaged tajnnp «nt.Te believe tbeit t u not nmch damage done.

Tkr fonndry and machine ahop rioted tkla-eck on aeconnt of no work. It naa been •

>gwh»« olaeeihla waaclowd before, toti arc inferred work will be reaunml tbeteat week.jet aw bare a change and tnra tbe raaeali

mat waa the cry befon aleotlos. La, and be-WW.we bare aehange, hot what tori Atprcaent It looki far tae worae. BaaiMM ia

>pareotly doll aad 1B a atato of dtprewalnid tbe future appear* to b a n % dark *«V

M>k. It laaald free trade to Ilka the efcflla-Urrible thing, and will eveatawlly break

In. B. Wacr died of eonnmplloa laat• ' 8ae haab«en akk for a

I n g while, faWn~g cradnally far tke part Aw~ atba. She waa a v v u i u c k rcapeclcd

all aad bet Ina wilt be deeply Alt aawBg• trrendi aad acqaalntaacea. 11m funeral

raa held Thuraday attmoon in the f m b y -' i i Church.

We are reliably fnforned that the Mhlp-ingport firge will awn ufnnence Bakingan.Lait Thursday nitfht thievea brake ia the

laa Brotketa etora la Kenrll. took a lot ofeae. three paira of I W I , and .ome cloth-

The aate waa not dUtnrbed. They priede .Lnttm open with an old earrlage asleid then broke tha wladow aaih. They are

«oedtoU«ttaK|M. Mr. Jobn llulw naysneeded them, no dvubt.

i Arbor Day tbe pnpila of Surcaannna icade»y planted eTcrgmn" TO tLe jitwuda,d perhapa for a wontb to Ci>tr,o thry can'Inl with pride to one green apot. Mr. Tee-. the principal, ofered a priu *o the

•holar who could name the greateat Member" treaa. W u Era Sogen' liat waa two k u

" d ninety.the Saccaranna carreapondenl, *my,

Etbadiat girla are pretty." Well, amaehelore can't see through paint, or a Hose" Perhapi if we were alngir weM

ptruliar to HitOrder in that t'oiiudl from ib'' fact tlml itithis Koiicly every fountII in addition tn tin

•M work. 1 am «ur<! ii did iu alt s>mA toirc^m on thin <K,MMi,iL, und lmi>o mxlfv>- nc vvw till [irotitcil Ii.v n hut we mtw

inc work .jftbpri.uti.-il had b<H'Ddi.|io«edi moat ikliglitlul K IIMUU vnx opent inniiiK to u unmlier of (tliorl efticy ppitt-lti'i

from cliftcrfiit *'DW|Iunions, itr. M«iiii.iiiijliielmrd F. <n>oiiDmn, tloury llutiou and

K. ti. Humid 14jf t*u»«'i Coiiiidil, aud |»r•i.. I'. M, I'lmmiR-rliu aud K. tt. Crirpen,nnblu I'xtifKll, wrra culled on mid i-acb

rvepoudrd appropriately in tb« futttrtits ol "tl**Order in general a&d«HkfirrM|>et'tlre touu-cila in pariicular. Before thi* howtrer, theOrator of HnckPtUtown Couneil—Mr. Klutf—

Wrf Xfont all apeak at moe . K O K I I I K O ,

O«t tbe beat Hd Inenaee yolr girden«pi. Boy at W-W. Kill'*, Danr.

IDUTC dlligmi avid HHWP iw tlii'W uutlrttv-or* tn •trrutctben and irojtrnTf the Ordnr.lie WBH fallowed by Dr. Morrisim, anil bo 111turu by Mr. (iuwlmsin, wito upon lining naldhe bad been rtferred tu aa mi orator, hut tbtonly (ilulm be bad to that diminution waa binL'ouucil took udvuuiajia oi hi* abacnoc one

t aud clfrtt'il lilu Omtor, but he wan• of an orator than the buog-holu of abut atranKu a» It might aeem

for hv did nut luok nim-h lik« it, hepoet, nnd a very or ri Kit ml one too, icomparatively ftw knew il, atid nn a proofwbat be aaid, knowing of roHrac lie wouldcalled u.pen Um»y Mmathiag if he trnnw \\vtliat night, be bad provided hltneelf with

a the vtiry urlgtnal tmbjecl or "KpriniHe did ant «uppoae el courae that any oipnaent had ever heard nf that anltfeet before,nalwItbHtandlng he waa prepared tothat Ibc poem wa* orijclnal and utwr pa\y-llahed bjr any bady before be anew to befaet. for be bad written it himaelf that »ft-i•nod for the oocaalon with a pair of wlwora.Well, he read It ami it brmgU tke houaedown. 1 believe it waa aaid ef ArteuiWard tbat be never •railed, but werenellvland had be been preaeat OR tbl* uceaaioncertainly wowld have done » w« all did, kelonroelvea together to keep from ahaktng nilapart aa we liataatd to tbe dry knmw andready wKof Mr. Unaun. Mr. Buuell

earnMt aad tclliug «pe«cb, glring aa out-Ine of what be had done md htlolag id

w»j in tbe itU-mtta nf tbe Order.that waa aaid by thavtkeM waawry gamto the polat, but ef • • (poeial interest to th

reader. After (be Uonaeil cloaudrepaired to tbe Hotel Clarendon, where mboat tbe urbamt Kabbiaa had prepared a lajout for the nfreahawut of the Inner nan thatwould have Wnpte4 a oonpany af epiearea.~ table literally groaned under It* veiglorgoodthingNbothaabttaBtialaudlnsurioti ,prepared and arranged in a b[Rh atyleof art

" .Bobbina fntna llfelonK ctxnerlei __as well haw lode, in order to pkaw theBudtieklethefaneynfth^taoat fo«tfdi

oi*. After we bad th^wngMj diouiuaed•tteudedl>yabevyDfaniliat|l,brlRht-eyedrop<he*kr.I Jaughtcra of Kvr, whocsaopelled uii* eat wbetber we w«nted to or net, if for iother reniwn than Io keep iheM near that inigktobMrvethelrwinalKgMBBnenandeai

re were all too ftiU for atteranoetuongb we did kear briefly frow Companion.Huatun, tioadawa, tlreea, and McDoaelL Al

tkougkt It ratber itraoge that botLdelegattona akoald be Waded by theirreapeetl*eCaanauBden,BBdli0tkertkeMphyaieiaBa,

Iter mpper I aaw, or rather Mt tbe wiitbat waa eoneoalml iutbla apparent

ealneMesee, for toaMmbanat tke Awriee*Legioa of Honor, aawell aa other Mblnaiary•torlala, rich eappare and eipeelalfy late onei«re cntdvelie \o evdAen atUokaof ludlgeatMin

oothing worse, which might uoaalbly reanldiautnm«ly not only to tkemaelrei indirhJoally but tbe entire Order, tor wbat aleclme affect* all; henee the faraighted prudeae

of every Council in taking a doctor alongwith theni wbeMter tbey go out, or «bave one with them at home u did Hacketla-

nnd furtbcrniore it ia an evidencethewurldtt Urge of their watchful**!* a:ara for each otbera eoaafert and! aafety,

eourcc of »o little plea to re to your cor-respondent to meet With Mr. Q«odaian eftbe

!» E«giater which i» certainly oneofttrnmt ably edited pkpera ta North*n KeiJeney, or Honlkera eltaer, aa well ai Mr,VUBBcll of the Mew Jeraej Herald, and CookA tke W i r t u fc>r-»Wk»«, wkkk by tbe .

i jwt appeared enlarged and in anew drew.Tor would we forget to mention in Ihia eon-

M d t n Mr. Barton of tbe Madlaan Eagle-loag BUT it aeream—nad kla friend Mr, W. H.LarrlaoB alao of Madtaon who met wtlh aa forta* >nt tiaw aadar elnawataneea not qolti

iaterra-tingforth*m««a aimilar oceaanrvutd be In tbe futnre. AUofaaoi

ly entertain reeollecUoaa oflhe m a *I hepe to enjoy a repetition af it la theUat tntun. So mote It be. Earlj in the

•T«ning it began to rain aa tfaoagh the very[•tea of beaten were opes, aad tbe wind bleipnrieet gale, bat H aaly proved to belearBpabower"for when the delegation!

•tarted fur home at about 10 o'clock A. M. tht• cloud* bad c lnnd*waj aadlba momme oat brightl*. But I am reminded thaij American Legion of Honor ia a #MNIitoty, and all that traaeptree al tbe meeting*IU Council* ia Mppowd to be aacrcd to the

ratemlty and arcura tram tb« aye* andI he public; hence, toa mawkkaa air

beew divulged, yet|I ia declare npM myiar aa a worthy Companion tbat 1 b»v<•er aaid one aingle word to any living aoulriolatioa efmy ftbligrtion and if in tbiluaiou of my fdvate OSCB, to write awaytedinni or an boar, I ncribblo a very com-iplaco comuunkatloa for Ibe EatAln whlehacorp«ra.ted any thing tkat ought mat to be

publinhed, and the A«aky eompoaitor eeta itup. aad the pr-of reader >uBGra it toin*|rectioEt, we -wiU proeeevte the PovetPriptlas Compaaiy for damage* and proviear caw by every Companion within tke

* and breadth of the land, aad is aaUafyour demand we will aaivey Kp«w tbe Ea* aadnn it in the fntore In tke intereafi of the

widow and orphan iatU*dof the ao^alledr- tfaelcut only

* worry—well no matter

u»uyof theabuvcietiuri aay "ad-cii g)r>! dtik or mil int.

G. (1. HIM'.HMAH. P. U.

«rYiTaUni ufllmilJ I1OL QualHyamlwurki;

Hy tbtnkiror libcrnlf.

l>i'utit» appreciated,tnianabipoftltp host.

_ _ I patronage in theOrder* by telegraph meiaesge

atlendtd to.




BKI'KN-At Knckawiiy. Mny »rh, Jiinuw IIllrtiin,ii^iUI>t;iii«, lliitiiulbtiiuillliilay)

WAEH-AtBockiiwnvv,May5tli.ClnuiotteMwii« of llrltirn Mvaer, aurd 44 yean,

NOTICE.nil Hireling or Ibe •'ockfaoldcriutt-'- Iron MiniiiK CoruptDy lor IIa new Iloird ur Dirtoinrr, all! |lnrr, will t»

olHc lx>*fr. N. J.s 2TUi, 1MHS, at ID OVUK-ILook! ui 1 n t u i i n cloici7ll i t l

m ; ^ Vtaajr. [SoU—Tuc forgoing WM written for leatKewityle*attheBrkkDrM|8UiK. W.H. week, but waa rectved tea late for publlca-


rrom tbe 7th to the S7tli in-tL. V, HI Kit

pj«r.M.J. .MiyBlb, 1BK

1JEPOBT OF THE OOSfPlTlPW OF THEM\ NitioitM. VVIOH Uk.MK of Pnver. atDover, in tlioHtatu nf Now Jpriov, nt the o\u%eof buaiik'Ra uti tliu filli day ol M*y, INS.

HK8OURCE8.Lo»n» anJ OliconnU,O-mlnfti,U. H. Rfflia», In wiPBiB oUcnlnlitmDuu from ufipr»v<d re Her re aicrut*Duofr»iuuUiDr Natiaoal Banka,Rial E*L.itf, Furulturo and Fii-

turcs,Ourrf-nl rtpeme* ami t*iei paidCheck »and ulliur Cain tUnn*.Uiil* of other National Uankt,'ractl<inalCur«nej:,(fueludinB


^ ' r r ^ A . I Kotea,hjdcniptlonFund witli V. 8.Trran

Capital Nt»cb paid ia



l Dink uuicantitiiiU unnait).

imi dci>i>niln nub-o check, t

S 1 " 1 f



Due to other Katiun.l Dauka,

CuuotyofMorriH,I, Qto.V. Mcnkor, Cmhior of ttio abovonaiDei

Inn*, do Rnltimnly twear that the alxivti a la lot i t t tb \ t f k l d, Rnltimnly twear

ment ia true, tn tbo \m*t of my knowledge antbelief. «EO. D. UE^EER, Caahler.

8ub«Jrib.:<l aud Hirorn to before me, thi.811) day or U*f, IMS.

B L t » c a u » , Notary Foblle.


B0TXB, V. J.amberOfM

dpluu.Und w -

tli« Dover LamberOfM't u U k e i , u d l

u of wer Uv A . OaatneuUkei,iiitwi w< Hittit*u of wery«i»baUUan k l i l M l l p

SLATE ROOFINO.ttftt* faraiahad from the beat anarrletbf

the eawll quMUtr »r ear load, and'laM, If del«Mdt b» •ipetitaeed warka^a at low taUa.


ftTKKftti, SEW XQV.%.

e whohtaak dr/ foi* and furEaiv neeeaa to all ferric i andt i b i M4





DOTES. X. 1.



Used by all LeaguFlayers.


FANCY 00008.



A Ur«« i lnk ol UIKKT « U « C mt I

me Maws k lUatila mattM»r Onin.




ipHOK mil* mtfo la order tola 110 •Bndrrii ot dilTdnul hiudi of Mmpiefl

VANNESS &. 0OE,nikor. nd a»l.r. In ill tmd. .(


B L n m , WHIP*.OCBBT com*,



•WU&.!Sealed pronciata, in Inplitwte, alik a ropvor Oil. admtiacui^nl cad ol tba •MeUcalioM**& Inatmeilom ta UddtM itkteM to a>cb,•pon tbe hlmk forroi Inrul-lwd ftcii itiliomefonlr, ail) be meifed at iblo Pmol win l io'clock M. no Monday, Jmw lri,tMi,M irbiitime they will be publicly opened for lurnblag tbe f allowing elttaeiV tap pile*, ia an.,,qmntitiei and nt *n*h «mp« rtnr(tc the fiaeiltealMdtat ! « • 3*a, U M , H 1UH c u « « . a dIng oflecr of thli Depot ajay n m l n , r t ;lroa lor i roof for a wasn^aa bnibila* j Hat*

her. »«e, ctm^t. aad olbet l M i lrial*; li*td*ai» \ l tpboenhatri, ke.

AUarliclLt will bo nhJesM l» • riiM inspeclion ; full compliant* with tbe a&veiBea-tlnna will liu lunliu'il upon, and no ttittlei orinferior qn.Uty lill be acctptvd.

TtieCofftnment mnm tliw right to rejectav or all prupoiala or parti tU#r«i<if.A ptprereoca trill be Elfan tu article* .

iioin title prodnction and fnaonfaetnre, tom'\"nDButpfjuex and qcaiiti bein^ eqnal.

tmm% eoniaiuing Inttraclioaa w Wddiw,ropy of Ibii aJverllaemi-Bl, blank 'oniproBMila. aad ipeciBaatlana for •nppliailwiieslnaia for arlm to U Ided in by tao biddcia he kait aaon anallnil bl*r»oa (• tb nadra l te^oni n o be aeen at IEsftlnpM coataiolnEukM " Proponl b»

r •nppliailwi _by tao bidder,

b* Mil or laraltoe^ and Mnflea ef tben at I hi* Depot.i l o tMl i

Depot.tMatli aboat'l a*

MM aaoplie*.'

BJliuur of


URTOHSBITH, - - Proprietor.ri h i . hind I. i .

t i «itC»tntkl»s tbatMatettf fMNM. A

Urarjr, 8al« and Bnhugi SUblewayaanbe


la tttncae4l«hei« »be k*d at b

4 l«hei« » •aBttara-etutaalwabe k*d at at reaanaableMtee, er horaea ranparchaatd f*r all blade «f drivlaa; «r work.


Busted Gun!

Iu thin tlajitirtuicut «cKEW HPICIMi

lmve n IIITJJ 11



DRY GOODS.ALL WOOL CASHMERES,ill Ttdfiikud lite; .iiiti:j!,


Cambrics; Plain nnd Fancy Seersuckers,AND A I.AUOK Nl'OClC i\V




FOIlfclfi, HOES, BAKES,mill ull klmlHul



WIRE FENCING,tUc bc*t wire frmiuji luude,




We have just received another large stock of p. C O X ' S fine

Jfess shoe, solmore mention our .$'2.00 shoe forSpanish Arch aud Common Sensefit they are unsurpassed.

shoes for Indie:)', misses' nnd children's wear which fur style, fitnnd durability ure second to none. We have added new lines and

Ask fur Cox's "Kangnrou" skin shoe, will guaranteealf skin, mid at the same time it makes an elegant

new styles.U to outwear

1 nnd comfortable ns French Kid. We will onceladies, in fine American Kid and Pebble Gont,styles, Every pair guaranteed, and for style and

WAN'S PINE SHOESfor men's wear are still a specialtycomplete assortment of these eel'Dover. We have them iu Button Congress nnd Balmoral, Londonand Opera Toes, and the broad solcomplete line of the " Waukenphasfor its beauty, finish, material, pernwill wear no other. We also have

State Shoe nnd Leather Co.'s gooding qualities. Everything in the waj

with us nnd now have the mostCrated goods ever shown in

common sense tyle. Also as __^ __^_t" shape. The Hanan shoe is justly recognizedi;ct fit and reasonable price. After one trial youa full assortment of other makes, all styles, for

$\.m, #2.00, $3.35,1)2.50, $2.65, $|2.75, $3.00. A 1st. a large assortment of 'the Baywhich lire well known for their excellent wear-of footwear for ladies, gents, misses and children.

Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods.


Ttiursdayjay 14-thO'BRIEN, ASTLEY & COS


Mt wkito (V EltpkiuMi tr RoUery by Ticket Sptc

. . . 0 1 p#mrluenl rnnt»inn n wlinlo R*luv nf illmlrtnua fittro u |At l i O T T A A VIH A H , M'LLE IA FAVRE, I^LSOUITA UAU10 Ul'mnciKCo Innii, Ahnkrtb Lowami i, U"imicnr llfr«n'. ())•' L iB ie F.iniilr

. ! «n.1 J..1.D. D. Wbilnbcr, tlie Elton Itrolb^, Willie EjwFinU i' "' 'DoMitifD ibero nnd Cnr,ntnntiun«, and scorra of oilier*, coQia cf

fratn flift «wat nniEilinn Clreni, tho liri«tit ruirtirniir xlnn nf II.EqnMtrLw CoiMtelLtliar*. Tbe TttAINKU UASJILlAS IHMJd "* ,

miivHr DorqniiH in nil Ibe faiMory nf cuolita enfftfirn an4 nmttfci«in. Itjhnte pitta of adroiminn tn wo thefto «\<me, ^ Tii^ZQOLOGiqAIj J a H U i i -.,.

Ulna thfM tminatl clpphantn anil muny rnre opeclmcrw, hmonft whkTfii "R>ftbe lameat ami beat prtforminff tier' ' ' • -

• to be the i«<JgM. T'Atnwi

id rn,lr.rTi « * lit.

mnlriilf-p* Snlcm-

tilt Rouj i

TWO ENTERTAINMENTS EACHAttmmmmmt • • * AUslit, at S na-1 7) P* M.

AtplenilHBewpAtilinn. lntv» «Mat|h to aPceamfothMj nphoUtorwl m t r n d aeftta. In*tf ttapartment cooifoeted in flnt-filoH order,

billa, oonrien, prognuntncK, «-lc, eraitrrad erer


l \ n full pvriitulara ECG larjeIicrB W thr>i»uu1>\ n full pvriitulara

IicrB W thr>i»uui1t>.

Tha *Uw U one of tin- flo«t ttat ban ni tUm flly. Tbfl fntcttnlnnipnt 'net m•adrat-flaai ID *vcrj real w e t . - Waablnjri*«on*lKPim\»Htan, April Ifltb.Tbt liarnbark *ltor>, aeraliaf*, cTitioniil«,k - trained depbantn and otbrr fr»to»f n of

_, .. . — e i o ( r m \rpl

«., and Ikebegan lla week'a enfiprtalaawnt unuVr

r . | U l r t t B ! e W i _Wnabingtnn INwt,Jiril 16lh.Tbo attendance w«m Inereexecilcnt, tin- cJtxn

ma kept Ibf aprrtutunrtie Inractiack riillnit. i

itentcml tboi-ttit, n,-titfoamofXcxri'l, April 17th.beoilAlennr (ocinipnvnl. hai-lns n•<1 Kit Jntcreati'

K- a rvcry" fcaiittot-ujxrli. In cvi-ryit «how.—fcvftinifi

ie khftw n mrtonnli il Nnil V . m i k

'utcrtainm^nli.__ , . j * ol the *lc-lerfui, dl'plajlnn great Intel-

•niitne Hneoion. wtiflo CTIH pct-elxae.—W lull) ngtot,|ir I intii.tn a niticlc rinp ITHVP gii

faction nn.l w»^ liar til y npi-lnuUeil

lrnaicBlilcndia pprcfin tbo ticM rv

I ri

troi.fnloir ! tr

a fCnml »w, \m . wUite the ml

t nren in tlila cltv0h


! I I k k k k k i i

lei till*innuiVR IT pwil—ns conn ns any rin ,vrr tlir |inci>.—finmlny Hntelict. ApiThe nbnif H frst-rl:ini« In evcrj )

Itii JJJI O (he iM fit ncrrfimiatircpjumliu HiU citv.—Capitol, Wan),!, April IBIh. *Ono(\f tbe V t t ciri>«» Tierinrtna

giten In Tlnltininre — Rnliimorc San

; nuiiEIU«1I

Pt Mth.> AUn-•ha per-

. •• wirepril 17 tli,iliitnininu\ nirciii






PROVISIONS.«»* tkcnfara l int i o n

DRY GOODS DEPARTMENThas also been ropleted with new stocks ofgoods, making it full and complete. Weare also offering elegant And sutoUntUlpresents to purchasers of onr Teas andBaking Powders.


Spring -;- ClothingIt ivlll pay you to piumlae (he «ttcoilvc Basflrlmtnt of '

HEN'S, Bflf WWBBR CL0TH1SGvrc arc sliowing Tor the fireaect iieDfloo. All tlio

Utett Styles of Checks, Plildt and Firey Mlxtirei.

Anil Trimmed In tht very \\<ut wanptr, and perfect la §ftry w«y. W« f i l l TWupccinl nftotiilun to ijiif1

h. me have in greater Taricly Ibnn


irrfi; vvx turn i]ethjnst nnil al (i

ml $nl!sfttrt<iri/, irf <r7/ w t o n j t ir

STOCK is t aUradiv (w many fitw

« hut OSS PRICE, aid ny mtdhn nadr,

oa Moiii iirick" bine*," "alt-

Tbe More ror the cornci

Foi gTocrr, butcher, -,ma. Apply t<i


HOUSE TO LKT.f-intlnins flu^ rnoiri IRON FRONT CLOTHIERS,

S50 & 852 BROAD St., SEWARK, N. J.« doom roath ofCantral Bitilrouil Dcp

Page 3: 1 mi Tdd DOVEB LUMBER GO. r CARPETSCARPETStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/1885-05-09.… · CARD. Tear after year, for nearly half a century, (lie untlei gned

Saturday. May 9.1885.. Entered at tbo Port OffiM at Dover. V.

•aaecoaiUhui natter.


Gav. Abbett h u rejiwtod the biab lieeneebill.

The Vonnier Honto. Huccawana, will opaiJune loth.

b* E u baa pgsin Wen dretguatcd w pall - i I

Tlie Uooulon abating rink cloaed for RuedUst Saturday night.

MuDavlt Post will oiat-rvo Memorial Dayou Saturday, IIuy 30tb.

Tlio wiml alonti of lait week unronfetlP.tr»f]»paiij M. E. Cburcn.

MMrli Connt?'* |«rtiim of Ike aekaai u tIlii. year will Us «.>2.fWM.

Tbe new Com nan Cauncll will aneet andorgiuiao uu»t Hominy evoulng.

Had dogi kuve been atlrriujr. up thing*t i a uuljcbburbiwd al Httrriatowa.

UUVOP. ibe weather iiroiibsl. proffetseovwe I n t *n <>r about Hay It a.

BiBMmb«rtnere la a floe of flB lor rack

black bail taken hef-ie June 1*1.

Twenty (wraonii were l i ) W l*i stwideula tm

the HorrU fc E S M I rallrottd fn UM.

Fred. B. Bardou, nf tbe Hadlaon Eagle, kaa

been emuaiiminuvd a Wotaiy Public.

Mr. J«bn J.Eckuan 1B going U> ball

brick rtaUeace oa Klehuda Avenue.

Prof.DeVoboB Wood, of Boon ton, baa been

granted another patent for a rook drill.

On tbe 17th of April, 1K4, Ibe mow

from 4ft to 5 feet dM» la kKrrfs count;.

The chlukcn cholera 1* depopulating

aenneriea ia Iho wMmHj o l U.rrUuwa.

Oood seed potatoes have advanced la priw,Thcj a n aellmg a t « eenti per buabei,

Kctr ptera aad braeca have beea pat aader

the railroad bridge near O H B I B Valley.

It ia now lawful to OBI«« pickerel, If yon

cm. Tbe aenaon opened on Friday law.

FrepuatloH a n making for tbe arfaiifu-

tie* <if t. good baw ball club la tbi. towa.

WaaUagtoa Enila* Co., htomatowa, h u

d mated | » la the BartboMI pnlcetal bind.

An unnaual pnuu or m i t e r diilavi the pub-

Ik it loo of Ike Ea* tbi* w«ek ta a late bear.

The Notwnal Uamn Bwk er*et<d a ae

• >K iUl-nn It* building la*t Monday BUOMIIU*

Judge Wood ta ollll very ill but hia fnmll.

aad Mead* a n eaeoiiraged by tigae ef ! • •


D o m Ia credited with a contribution of WI

Aadyetwato tbe BartlMildl poaeatal fuad.a n not proud.

The citicena of Old Boentn bate f«eaaai«-ered tbrir raih action and have voted 1100 tokwpilttlrteboolopM.

Nearly 100 volumes have Wen eantriljuU>dta a emulating libnry lor Inaapendent UtmCompany. HurrUtowa.

Mr. J.Wealcy Hnnnjia baa UMIgreatly fron blood poiaoniug which reaultediroro • cut is (lie finger.

Uee.fthe|»an] Ptgti hae Iteca elected aber nt tbe Executivo Committee of the Amrrleaa Fishery V aaociatlun.

A cow got looae Id lk» lwri of Daukl Dickerann, Deurlile, lavt Batunliy tilgbt, audgorged Itaelf to death on levd.

Mr. Chili, Gillen, of Hltllirouk, thefractmeof whoee leg we sotluad l u t wawh, dlwj M8«ndt>y mornlug, »«ed75yean.

The report lUat Mr. David Jcoklya hi dmwti to lila newly pniobuaed prnpcilyi•t. Eilary'a Churcb wan Incorrect.

Mis* iliDtihiimu inude a IMUIIIHUI aViralplay la trout or bur re-iili-ueeoD AiuuJi.j ,tokun of welcaixe tu thu vekr«ut.

Freeholder Wni. K. Merrilt recently loat avaiMlile aarc, known aa "the el^er petelkw," for whkh be kad rvfueed C9».

A "May PnxwafllM, and Urawubg *f theQwm • !»>}" will take ptaoe I- fe Mary'eChitreh on Bunday evenina. May Slat.

Dr. H. B.OtnHii.ot Momalowo.kaa tradedhit paolig e»U •• Iwaajv" to a Newark party«tr« kawdaMM teem and 11.0001. eath.

TkeM U mm, talk -I m i h | ftealnaj*•Uau, ei lAehawanaa, far Pwaiilaat «f J«r-a*y Caatml In pleee ot PfMtdnt Little.

Tke aid »e«w «f VnekaleVM will heldtheir iatl BHctiag w i t Toeaday, aad theH I Be«r« wlU ergaalte ea Wedweeday.

Mr. Jaa. W. Carnll'a eplefldid r<a forCoanellaaa to a gnat onaipllwwat to tt.eworthaf 1kb BMdeataud pleaaaatratUaian.

It la rppmted (hat Bn. Oarrim left BOM-UB laat Batatday U 4o4f* a vela o* tketea>peraac« «<*MliM. We befe It Ua't Irw.

Tbe aide walk aarai the caaal e>m tbe Madto M. Mary'* Vbureh b wuhed nut aad la *daagUMa eoadittoi. It ehonld be leokedafter.

A •waker of aMlatoew article*, mttrlwjttdwith pWTlalMi to the VeteranV Hantr nMevdaj, M J be tVaad at eiprewmu Waer'a

Mr, Ja*. H, Berrj, af Madban, h u rataraeelto Dover ta take charge af the ataem werkat the govfraRMBt powder deaml fur the

At tke ehwter •keUn M Moaday a Iwtfall'a lepeihUma tieketvaa voted. Tba vatorevUeally waated uwthav ehMee to eleelBMae.

Mr. A. B Dkkeren, of Cheater, haa See*•apwlatod chkf of a divfaloa • • tbe SixthAwdltefa ewW at WaihUgtei The ealerytatf,0MI.

TtM ShMiaa Caa^Mny kaa |MaKl>aa«<i th«Bailey place af 1*) aerea adjnhiiaic theirproperty aad have H*»" • « **w bMteeatkelika. '

TIM gnetlag to M*J. The* J. Baleer mMawday WM a perfect •ratio*. It ie greatlynxretied that Opt, Ckaa. T. Oa<e waa Mtkh

tb« acbonl accommodation* at r iwktown aad kaa ordered tbe Baud af Trmata

e»*arr repair* at <wtt. He IclUtbe Board that Ibe dujo «f ao-back bonehe*)are peal.

At tbe Buadav Bcboul CunrcnUoa la Haok-iiaek an Tneasay Harris Caaaty wee re-

ported u having J23 achaol* *nJ 10,t23' " >ie1u*ive of Catholic children. Tlia

number of children of achoul aga in Ihecounty U 14,10*.

At Ibe annual pariah aeetiag ot tbei>-|.)il*nCbufcli,uu Wrdneaday evening, Dr.

W. Cnudltl, 0 . II. Allen, A. JudiOD Cue,lamea Brando and George I» Heeler were

elected Truteea. The reutal of pewa waaa* luccesif ul H* uautil.

Tbo Morris Ptaia* A*jlam ba* now overpattnmtaBwd la n o b l e to receive any litbe overcrowded a*) him of Essex eonoty.It It Iwlkved tbal tbe state will aoon be COM-

The ahipBest* of live etack ever (be D,

It It Ikewght Qaa. Malr. ef Norriatowv, wil

he Clerk at th* Mzt Board of Fraebolden.

Ser. / . DeWItt Miller, off>liiiad«tphie,

deliver the oration at BucketUtown on U

orial Day.

It b nuMred that Mr. Hone* 8tokn hi

mlt bia auatmor reaidenee at Hchooie


Tbe furnace at Franklin WM Mown out li

Tueadur. It bnd Iwen rnnolng three yrmn

Miaa flavlte Hoffman, of OermH Valii

dtughUr ore* ebt-riff Jeaae Hoffuiao, died

Saturday bat, aged 38 yean.

B- Aniiwrmiui. tb« Morri*to«B enr•Mtlat. hue Hd t.-njcnjptDiPTll to play tUa BHMwith Gnliiuk'a oraheitia at Atlautie City,

r. B. B. Ceok, wbn baa l*rn at Hie Chi

foaaa tke pwl year, kia returned to III

fiiraoer ka*ae and imoiMeaa b HaiikctUtown,

cara fur *lit|>iilDir lionea arc u

ea tbe II 1, k. Vi. raed. Th.y

arranged with a atoll for aaob koran. wateivauk I i bus. aud bunk fur t i c etUudaal.

Tbe let* b r , T. T. Camptrid, of llurkatte-towa. lett ancntite valued atCftVWU. He len

WtolbaBuardaoribfl N . E . CUurob, MM• bia relation* aud the balance to lii* widow

Tlm Oiivvrnor 1MS approved tba eo*DBMtl*»ryeducation kill, paaaod l>v tke laat Loilaiaftr*,which rrquin-e all cblhlron between the«f 7 and 13 yeara to attend acbual attwenty •orBsaacb yrar.

Tbe new postal curd under tbe contract ofl*>6, will be a delicate pink ia lieu ol the

il rrrnm color. Tha teitum of tbepaper ia alao aaid to be improved. The aiic

'ill be Ihe MBM aa BOW In mo.

Tke wind alarm In tbe Nt, freedom wlflh-borboad Wew over tlie granary of B. II. Clarkaad carried tbo roof of ; cairied away Tboe.Naadv'a large cow boaae In two aeetioaa Hnd

ived the bun or Jacob Drake.

fhiperfutendent Thurber has eon-

g the Aaytia at M.rvia Plalai «rtka me at Treatan.

ltev. V. B. BarMa, prraldlnn elder ol tbe.(leiaoo DUtrk-t of the Newark Cttufereuoe,tke auibor ui a neat pamplalct J<t«l i.

V tbe McthMllat Book Concern, emittedTke OfleUI ti eaiber ot the Mrllwdht KpJt-

Charek: Uow CuHiliMtod, Dutlee andPrirUcge*.1

Daniel MvLaugailn. of ML Fleaaant. waatb« stall nlongaide Itla burae

•>n Bunduy afterunon. He Imd bcea on aprairac|e« ajirco amt Dr. MUlcr decided be

.ii..1 ..ibntlm.

g «r tbn brain, ritu

Juailce flage di-vldetl thut attij eliiusjueat waa anni

t'ompiaiotiannidotona that High Brldne;raiua do uot rivg the lull lor the Eewx and


tutrnwljr earapM brims enonkt wltli lila tenm••• Ibe trurk l«.t

••uiu-llHI.lt. l i*

A writi-r

iriiiitu whiti

>u quickly.

;.j.h jminiul

. l l <•! H'li.1'1


nor*ncb pramiafare In tlia eotamn-I IT tlmt It wua not *nrprl*ing thciY aliniild be

name nnfrwudlr ansugb to aoratrb tbeiiParticular effurta neremudctDdcieii

Dr. Criitrnden and Hr. Deacb by tlwciKulB-tk>tt of rtpurta which would noi bo givencreefeHca by people of intelligence, bnt wblehdoabllcaabadaiieliwtwitb some. Tbe fol-lowing abawi tba number of votea by wkioball tbe aotala«ra • * tbe Bepablkia tleketw e n elected:


iBorgeBlobardi, S8S| AlbridaeC. l a . l t b , » l•BcoRbkai

. B Crittendna, 901 j Kurd D. Smith,

JaoubJ. Vneland. SM | Ja* H Browa, 9H

rml. H. Beach, SI41 Htejiaen H. a>rrr, 3HAM. W. Cnrnll, taa L. Arlaai Hfddea MO'illiam Uf#, aW | A. Hmfercr, i iHajoritle*—RlcbarOaorer Smith, O; Crit-n<1fnoverl}iullb.»! VnrUnd over Browa,; Beach ovrrllerry.aOi Unrrell **er lied-!U, 43; Ortit'orer Boderar, 36.4flcr lli« wniilt waa bnuwu lber« w ia*uorul jolliaWtiou and ati «nlhu>l»*lic paHrBc|>nblln*iia, beaded by Ibe Cltlaans1 Hsad,reuaded tbe auct'caotul caadldateo and oilier

That tke election ia over la a good tklng fortba towa, tut from thv I M it h u been marked

|wr*»nnlfti<M which amuntui-ndlt•it'i'ti* Wti mtmit (hut Utterly tbe

befwv em'b wonl. htniiMuen'm eau tiuMa other ui'r«i>ui. .Inulcy lirti*t<-r, otr, wbu wads w lar^a Inftiiuo ••> citrhtgeriaji, aimt|<lv mtwle bin nuplla aav

a*r» before *acb word beginning will

TarrepetUloaartBedran»of*'Tbe8bai _• whleh wai t*> kave b«ea jrh-en inwa« laat ernalns, was u*»vi>id»hl?

BMtnoaed. in coaa«-qutiice of tbo aaildi-ai of one af tbn principal nartielpanla.I now eonu o f on Tbumday ••venini,

Iay21rf. TMbBlapurehaa^dwIlibaldgeo*',r tbo moan* will be rcftadoi, at lac ooliaarttoaaUn.Tbe celebrated Ullhori Familj of vocalist*

arlll give one of their en Ie Haiti. DJ( caaceita la:be fees** M. B. thareh neit Taeatat avei-

1. Hay IV'a. Tlwylaolade vishteaitlvat*!ilied voice*, l r « mate ami tbrae Ifmtalr.amd

BMOt aHlatle fuilnrml aingern befuretbe publlt) to-day. '• Baby Ullbcrt," tke bo.vpknaamewwa, I* «l*ae Worth tbe aduiMioa

Admiaoion, 8» crnt*; rcterrod ecata. SEt; cblldren awler 10 yean, ISceala.

The MatWhaa firti frap »rt|.Aaotker l i t el Arty feet froal baa bwen aoid

sfffion the XcFaflan Pirh property to Dr.Oeo n. Camiuiia. The pwrekaacn tkM fffbegiiaUg at tbe enfaerol Watrea alreet, we:Oeo.Pieren, IH» Met; Wai. DoatUan, »

1 Dr. Vnmidn*, SO feet. The nto kmigkt30 per foot front, wltb ike eieeplimt af tkelratinyfe«S,wbkb brau«ht»*0. Mr. Doa-

laon bee already broken grcwdbrabniid-iMeahhlot. Kev. Dr. Magfe, who WH latown yeaterday, eabl the eld iron laeuWa>kbk protinHlea from the irnak efeeieoftke

ala frowtef tka park, waa abet Into It la•t the teat '-geatraJ tniulag"ef ike

la Ibla plaea byIbe hotel poreb, Tbtnia Maw talk afai•rt betag nude loavenn tk* aaaeld ponteaibepmaertyfora pnblle park. A recentof the Letialature aulborlaea town* ta

ho«d thenudiM lor tha eatabllabasnt afpark), and a anntber ara talking la favor afUkl-B advaataaw ef II. It woald sutwiy be agoad Iblng to kava one breathing plao* aoau-wbete near tbe center of tbe uwa.

Wabaw Winer vMtoi Be Mary'e Cliarebkat Beatday and CODA rated 199 ckildrea aad«ve awaflto. Tbe weeontbwa t tke cbatrk

Hallfe B-ber, vbata aad fate la aeeapyiagthe atttaltn af tbe daily fwpera. aug la a

glna Iu Morriatnwa a Caw years ago

pr. Ooo. M. Herritt, wko vlalted tk* Re-aalon na Monday, was tbe drummer boy offoejltk B>cinHBU »ad ta paw a prcaatraaa

Tke Palawan, ^ k » « " » » «fl* WetterpftaUread Ce«na*v b neffetbitog Cat theMU>baa«e*f^B»b«kew Petry, »*w e>w»ee1hytbeBttketteTeaseaUte.

Tk* Unlaa Fwnarj at lackawaj nkatdown last aaiurday tor biok af atdett, ana*.IbiagitbuDotdoaatMjean. «Vraa|allw


Mr. John Baltoa, a Ucklj reapaotml oltlaeaol Boaaloa, died Mood.y from mlaml pol-aoa contneled while cmploTed la a•tor* fat Brooklyn, V. T.

Mr. E. N. Davenport, of V*rt Way ac, lad.,net aa oU-fcrMCf rwidoat of Dover, ia BOWviattlag MeWi ia tkta aeotloa. Be will ro-tarn Ibo laat week IBHOJ.

If tke Banner'a biodalgbt waa carnal to Hafareatght It woald be a groat paper. It in-formed a* tut week tbat the CltUtae' ticketwoald be elected ia Dovet.

On OBI «nt and laat pagta wlU bit foead afall npert af tke 11th Begbaeat Re-naioa,aad an iBteroatim aeoant of tbe Inventionaf Ike telegraph at Rpeedwell.

Tba aew Caaawa CouaeJl n Boaatoaelected John Jaooet, FreaWent; Jaam Oilmartii. Harahal; M a 8. Able, Btmtroai^UaloBeri Cha*. 8. Korrkj TreaMter.

Dor tawaman, Hr. A. P- Smilb, v u proa-tinted wtth Ulaeao whUe In Cwart n »7oaaoi-dw, wbmhrmiltcdla a fever. We are gladfp bo ab> to m tlMt he ta BOW m*»riag.

pnd. Mast »fl1 epta the Sienaenar Jfotuea^Lake Hopateoag ahont June )*t It baaUaa oalaned aad greatly lmpro*«d and willaonaAarb* kDOWB a* the fiopateMg H»n*e.

Iko reroilafwwot* Worka,The allrie acM wwrkn were »nt in ofcmiton

again laat B^tnraay. When tbe reeavena*;warka were attaatea thciw wlU now be oalythe eaaentraUoa pa"" Af talphmrto aeM.TheMBrodaeiloa woika will BO* be rathe•4bcrsidtoflbeh.il. Tkey will be eonatraetedoa a aew aittematk pnutipte, H U I A preventany danger, aven aboald Ibo fljeeriae bo oltbe wont kind. Hii peri a leaden I loodatroa.kaa ao arrauired tbo eeaatraetlM tbat aaworkmen will be rcqulro* for the raprodnc-tlon, awl tke location ia *ucb that mo nclds

a ran into Ibe lake, and will maoTO anrfear that traveler* along tne roadi maj have

tlalarl alnee tke reetnt csplomon.Okawa, taanHtaJaredatthfAratcsplawn,naaawd watfc a week ago, aad Aatrcw8ie»burry b** M\j recovered and to al work•gala, aotwUhetaaatag ibe roeoot aareport that ho waa not exaaated U live.

teaaaUr parahaW by B, P Kt«Kj,fork, w*t Moi!i ^ . %. T. Howdl, nnd HanraeSewell, Jr., Eiecnior* of the eotate of Hoa-roaHawaB.

Taa rfwhytariaa aad Seen- MethoaMehanbmi will told aaita arrvi*** an Saadayaeit-ta tke PretbjtrrlM. t» tkenwrafni aadBttbefemm«l Oh»««h ia tne

tSBBaaa / . Schwarn, Boa of Mr. L. D.achwat*, ef tbi* plane, haa completed thecoarM at ttndr arMerlbed for the TacorrPepattasnat af the Mar Jartey BauaaaaCalltge. « • haa paoaod a vary aMtaftatarjauaUutioawUhayghgraAe,

At tba bet aahaaN mcartlig at I>over DblvkttoT h t d b lIhoTraateaa waro aathoriaod by naolWIoa t*

to inewJie late tb* beat ayattm* at vantlla-tlaa wllh a vmw talmpwvlng tbo vea.Ualioaof tbrfr hmUdlng, aad to pmeat pfana

•ad mrttaattoeef IWp

U a aaeehal aT hio becalledbj incm. Tkey ka«o awda

laqnirv tale the awtbadi wad ahowhcM aadkave called a apecml eehoal awetiag for Maa-day.Maj 1Kb, at wklfh they win prcMt tatmoJtoftheirlnveHtgaimaa. The call iotaedaakafwai afiprooriatkin af 91,«D fcr thlaparfaae. which ia a aeaiiaal a n tamWertbepu*poeM*r In* "11. Tho east, which willbe lea* than tkia amoant, will ba defaitolyaaoeiiaiaad batwMB now aad th.

ingtobevatodapen.n will be atatad to tba anect-

Sergeaat Tkoa. t. Harbafcer, who nod tbekiatortcal addreaa at tbe lltb N. J. Begineatre^nioa oa Moailar, laHaaK wbei bat a boyof aittcea. He waa in hoaaitnl with a wound-ed teg wkca La* nvadod Penaa/lvaaia, hatleft it witkoat pFtuUaka and UayatW aeromtho ItaU oiT ilirylMd pa Haatte eaUo mp withhioRgiment. riewenlaartaftbawaybara-lbot«i, bat «B*lty procured* pair of aluwn,aad caught ap with hi* foannac* lo thae te•ght wtth Hum at Oottjabarg. It la told afbin that he wa* lYroueotiv iwa Wdiag thechub tf/ltti jUBU awoj Irotn : U tejt to 'II frm* irriMt|ng Ua aabeaW W«»n«I-

4MI desire ktrebj te enrau py Ikaafta to

all MoaiU ^r thi kJaaVeaa aad ajmpatayV f d r i taiitk

f n 0 U 1 T O BUfltaW.

Tee UeverckartorelM!tiou,haUoaMMaay

laat, waeaapbadid rioter; In tbe iawreata


t Koverunicut, aad an

lalton of the peraanal wirare which haa atirred the town with atrildaring tbe pact two yean. Tha victoryauiMtrallBl ennuch to warrant general rfjnicing, nnd at tfai* time a review or thn methodiavailed of to create tb* aolid com1.ina.HnD ofpotiilctinjl lntnrttoia whleh confront**) tbeeorporation Bepi.hllaan*. But a* nnthina;eouhl be (lined hy *uch a revkw, nobow wrll merited, we cuuteat onnclvca will

•t BHlUUc'lon in Ihe fact that tbeniitloD which had 319 ntajaritv only on* yvsr

beco defeated br a return of the peopie ID tbe support af what ate undeniablytheir teat inlcrcat*.

Sever wa* there altotterlgst.aor oaeatubbornly eouteated. Tka eanvaa* mad* uvoar rriauaa la tbo Uillxena' movement WB*•uob a* to make them feel that they eoaldbo defeated, **d their emfdHfe atiaaulated

A* much haa bean said andnttMUhod lesardini tjitesdoaabi* p«rft

it ta only jnat to toy that our oppoBent*were well provided with money, aad that(be? imported rery naeotiooitWe voten fmaaitraad waonwantn tbrir vuuwm tbia elee-litHi. In Bplle, al*«( of a circular which tneyhwaed, warntag aeeple to bowan ef opmloaalieketa, they ware Ike oaly aaeatepUcebogH ticket ia tho NrM. This ticket, whfeb

of Ike CltiuM' eaadidatM.wa* a* elaoe a «*anttvieU aa poaatble of tbeBftfwldicau ticket, and IU onlyhove been In dfonlvti thoae who did m>t oan-illywrutlBiae their ballot*.TnenoHntluguftbcvotea, which WM wit-

neaaed by a large number ot people, broughtgroat utiRfaeilon aad delight 11 the friend*ol tbe confeaaealy goed governnaent ol Ibe

iwn, but brought disappointment to Iboaewho were atlll coaldeal even after tba poll*won dosed tbat they bad been aucMsafuTTbe clliaen*' majority ol 210 on hallota one

«r B|o had bean rcverapd to a Kepubllnan0<iti<y*fT«M ballots. The following will

•how the flumbtt ot vote* cachllekel remlvlaat year and thla:

erubtlcan,1"81' 1!» I BepablUaa, I

Ultra, AT* | (UtTacn, ilHepubliuaa gain, ID! ; Vitiien looa, 101Upon tbe ballot, the tickets voted by tbe

supporters of tbe C M M M ' maveupnt werescratched bat little, the solid coa:*aot bringinpervioua to personal conaideratiitlie atknr hand th* Bepablleaa

i i!m u liit<» I pITBf. Inn nnivltinuir-'lpli'iicc nml lifter hr!> -irdiicn Etui thru w<i iiiruttuil our IIiliaouly town ml ihn qiiartwr from wlwin

>w |HJI-HIII>]1I1I>M bud lw>eu iaeutng for morni i yeiir. Tiiward tbose who we believedt Into Ilic movement froai any a*na«s of

ight or fmroea* we bave offered no reproach,do wo BOW. We nlmply believe they aud*

iboir rabuke thnragh the uwhte eeuneols ofi few. iJanaidcriag the odd* of but yrar

hk-b weNonrcoaw Ihe Ea* BOW leek that: kai beea vindicates la Ihla matter will re-

el*! briag tlrawa tuloaay Miter peraaaal e*a-traveralea aver town attain.

In jaalieelo Mayor Richard* a Urn weeiatn aaid naaoBlia< the way la wl

mfaeoam a va l ida te . AfterUaBtaitioa laat wteh ha prepared far aaMtoatheea c i r d which WM a uereniptatr declination

* mice, la tkte eard be etpnaoed Uaa»|»reeiatica ef Ike beaity auppert that h#hadteaelvedla Ike p u t , b i t atated that beeoald aot forget that he had already ImeuHuyor lor oeren term* of two year* cask,•aklajf la all fourteen yean. Thb fact In.

da»euh.Hi to kelhvo that It wonld be decid-edly fmmwdeat oa hi* part to eater Inl* a wa-

atthlatlme for the o>ce or Hayor withay ether cltisea. TUa cord Mr. Bwharda

\ Uaneod to withhold by i to argeat ap-laorauny of Ibo beat cltiaea* of Dovir,

ha waited upon launindbewuithtblai la theiltreat af the eoaaiaulty aot to withdraw,'bat he ooaaented to ataad under tkeee cir-

intaneea. kanvlng tbe fall etreagth of the\mtm*' nMVemwt *a developed \*M Spriag,think eko*ld kindly aispo** all clllataa

aid him in making bla admfalatratioB arow* aad eaooaosfnl oae. Tbi* will aleo

*»»ly in all tke eBealkat eandMian the Bepablieau tfeket, who had nothing togala by accepting BBBBM position*, the a w e

Una af wWeh haa la the part aabjeeiedlai baMera U aapUaeaaipenrnwa

Tbe Board of Frnehaidcr* nift on Wediday with all tbe atsmbei's |>iet«ttt n c e p t MiKauRbrigLt.

The miuutea »f lart mscting were read iapproved,

Tbe Committee on Kinancu and Auditportrri MttlnuituU with (j-Slierilt Ho well,

l i tateUcUarlt .utidUeriCouuit, ull of whom hwl |»ald in tboduo to ibe cuuiiir, except Sheriff Oi

il till licxt week tu pay Ihe a»nie. TIaettlement with tho County Collector aLo

-ein baud uf *»,013.iO. There•till due tbe comity for Usfv, from Hsnovi

iroiii Wtt.hiogloof

Accepted aud ordered recorded in theutca.

Tlw Foor House ('to l ie « t at PVI l i and credit! to tbe

Number of inmatesliut rcpiirt 1U1; tdtuitle.d, II; di«charg<

; died, M; numbur rrtnuiuliin, W. Nur at children at Children'* Home U*t

purt,43; Blnce BIIIUIIUHI, 4; di*oh«r«wl,preai'Ut numlier, 44. Coit ol Ihe laatltutioa

»th> cmnty f*r thu moath •3*1.1«.TbeCuurt lloiine nnd Jail Committee

parted ilohta lo lh« nmount of »3tU.7r.. Nubur iu jail at luxl report, 10; »incc ad ta It ted,It; dlscbaritcd, 17; prrsout number, U.fne Jiiil l'h,v*liiUn rc|mrU:d Ihu auultury c<dltioa of Ibe jail ai good.

Tbe unual number of Ull* wcro preaeatand unlcrod paid.

Tbn report* or debt* and credit* or thevarioua lownablp* wete called far. All the

H-boldera nporlMl a* owing In their tonfw for bridges tie fulluwli>K bill* In ml• In tboe* already i>ra*ented : HunonI JeCeraoD. «t; Ul. Olive, l i ; Horrla, f51

Uoxbury, #1R; tockaway, (10; Chat bam, $T.\>tol,*lM.

Counsel VeuDglilood fu icferenve lo tbotour Jay oommltmenU reported that awing

tbe recent changea be thought the matterbad belter be left to hii successor. Theprisoner*, be believed, could be rclouad bywrite nf liabcaa rorpui. The Ulreotor tb

trr >bauld ho settled now and Couna«l Ynuogblood »pre*aed bia willingnaaaobtain tbe eonmlttmeate aad brintf tlie mat-ter before the Court. Hia impreaaios it thatpTiaooera committed by the townanut In lield for coala. The Court llouae anri

Jail ('onimittee w«re directed tn prwewith Ibe niattar.

Tbo Trtutera of Iho Poor Houao prenntedtheir aonutl report, Tbe movable propertyat the farm w*a ettlmaUd it IIU41.W. Tbffarm mil garden produeta amounted to m\-140.71. Tbe entire eipeaaea for care ef pau-

i, lucliiiliuttcvcrylhlnit pttrpt prrmanenlrovcnionU lo tbo property hod been IB,-

W.11. whkb waitSSHperrapit* |wr year,171 cents |Kf dku>; liuriuii iho jcar 170

|Nsr»uii* had brvu cared fur at tLo faoui

oumlier being W. There bad DOBBlit nVitbi,« biritw, aud H *eut to Children'bomr, They reported u balance of fil7.2«,with na UebU ao f*r aa kuowu. They re-coaincM'leu on appropriation of •!«•,«•) h

belnB for the Vbll-Inin'a Hume. The Trustecu cuuniended to

[iniii)«uuutiou. uf tbe• harltie* Aid A^nnimiou lo ruljiim tboapflal room and liolfaiuff fat Ili tic* ntpoor IIOUM, *M WM-tby of corneat eonalderavtiou. AbM augjp-»lod tbe cucluaiug of tbe

B yard at the farm and sinking thetravet. Aliu «liokcofthu necessury to piw-rent Ihe prlviieac* of the children'* homifruui hclnii ahuaetl hy pcojile able to care" • their clilldien—the report WAS received,

ThuLunucy Committee reported that theyu Ibo nsyluui. vvtvtourti-ously treated,

i from the Cuunfy and

M*RK»l>-On Wedneaday. April W,pBfk, at Ibenaldnnci'ar the I'riile, h

M d f P r t O i f l l l

, in Pni-pBfk, at Ibenaldnnciar the Iriile, hy l(«r.

. Mtwd, of Port Orrnit, nopisfnl liy llnv, A.- South, of Fcaiwlt, K. 1>. Unmbitll, M.>,tif WomlbUM-, Cnnu., lo Miaa Ljilhi K.

kJi'lii'k, t.l I'mpark, Mew JorM y.Mine Uelkk, the aaagliter orAnlbony nu<I

H l i k b I I ' k l lJane Heliek, wua bora In I'

forHr.A.C. flmllh, the eppultioa candldale br Mayor, wa have no barah eritieiaa)*or recrimination*. Itwa* bi* right to *teada* tke caadidalo for Hayor of any body ofpeople, aad hla aaaae gave to the Oitiaena'

•meat nave strength ef character aade votea than tieould haveirway. Hewaanadoabtedlj the atroag-taa thev eaaU have aamod far tha BMI-. aad reapeelmghlm tkem eiieta to-day

aaly Ike feeling tbat k« aiaile the great mia-Ukoof aaeHI.-lBi blnuelf in the intenataolample not ae worthy aa he. Anil ihismsybe oaM of about aU tba otber nominee* onthe ticket. Witbperbapanueexecptlontionsrtbombad be*a conaplcaoa* aaotipooenl

Ibe pasl admlnmlratina, nor were tbf;abanlvc *l ibe a.ra wha had tiled to give Hi agood, progreaaive and economical town g*v

neat. All aeen to kave made Ibo eon. mlotake or allvwiag the n*a or Ikelr

aaiea for aeoonpliaking ibe revcagea of thosewho were eueTul not to put their own pcraenalily in the way ef defeat ar harm. Ka antthink* a* much nf their defeat • • they do of


But what *flh« fatnret There ei« he nodoitil that UiU eonataat wooing or ladivlda-

ha* beet a detriawm ta Ibe beat ititcreitaaf the towa, Ml that It haa prevented oar peo.plefiem wotklag tagelber ta any ehaaiel,aad aaeml aad baalnoan Intataate have al-waa> *u,aViad hoaaMae ef i t If kept np It will

1 to wotaa fwaall*, and a>*wtatbo tlateto.11. Theomeera aleetad oa Hoaaajaretbe oncer* ef tbe whole poopfe and If

ibeiradmioUtntiMiabajnpond all will ear*»r by it. A good waj to begin the promo-

irirate grmvaaeea far tbe aak* af aiaklagetectloa eapltal. If yea ihrnkaaylajugio cor-poration afain H aotqtdte right, orifjou

retlutfaveaaMrafthetowBhaatraatedroa aieirUly er BBjaatij, go right tn head

a with wear eomplalat. We hoUevethat tbe Uaror and Common Connell will atany time give yon a reapectfal hearing and

* you jaatlea, whoever y«« may be, Bnd thati great deal of aapleaaatil focllug may be

nvolaed la tan way. Above all, whateveraardiaereanat, we obenld renMBber we are

i**f Dover, ee,naHy laterealed in far-therinf tke ancoeu ol tbe towa. whleh canatrerba praawted by Uteraal qaatreh) among

At tbeMarri rwrn hepabUcan eauen. enVedneaday evening D,r. Pteraon nreaMed « dob- A. Cllit waa frMrcfarv. A, C. {Utncj

Bpohe of the reluahla wrvtaee rendered Inthe CvuapU hy toearder Werte, AldermanQuayle Connellmaa Kevere, aad aa|d tlatkaviaf a faMffa amjortty tto KepnblieaH eouldford tq he ajigmiujueiia, it)d BHJF«4 that |tai tke aeatlateql «f (he *eatipg. that no per-

MHW be Qaaied for pffloea of 0ecaracr andAMeraua, leavlB| tboee two to ua |Ued byibepaBaoarata, Henator Voangblaed eppoaedtke -ai , -* an the gmndtbat it would ba


Dover, K. J.,May7, latt.

Mae. P. A. WOOD.

Laater-a Patato ffirtlUaar.Tleldaablgntarain tto way efiaornoed

ytali la tto patato craa. Scld by Wab W.Hill. Daw-

TV, mettoa waa favored hy apoeehea byMeaefa, Pitaey, Alfred Mill, aad A A. Vaaoe.The vote wet tab" and tto Bjotb* b i t by aveteefXS to 17. A ticket waa made aa fol-Iowa: Keeorder, Dr. P. C. Barker, Alder

K T l l C U E

fouud Ibcui cunforluliiu. There3fl male* nud tl frmulct ibcre aa County

ebartce*. Daring iho year 10 were admittedand 13dl«<bur|r<<1, mafatuf an increase uf 8.The coat for their malutvuiiticc bad been IIS,-

II. It nun rerofuniemlf d that 111,000 hea|ipra|>riati'd fat tbeiweitiK yeitr.

Tito luauranon (.'nmtnitlite repotted loaur-i ctmuiv huilillUisiiiinmutiiia to #43,-

0.ouwliiuli«MI)l8w)W p.ild B* premiums.Tuc Lnuaoy Coiiimlttce hruu^bt uu tinvus af Uuv. John 8. linbeH*. an iumute nl

tbe A^yhtiu. vim i« chanced to the County ofMorris without apparent came. He wanplaced tbere by friend, in 1878 and by tl.emaupparted till MKJ, alnee wbieh liaw be haabeen charged to Hnrria. He was aent IrontOrange and bla Irienda live In Eaaex county.I e wai a ailsaiunnrj abroad and waa broughthome itiaauo frwn bla Seld of labor, i t waadecided to notify hi* friend* that be was ia Morru eoonlr patient and weald set hol*a**r**worted by the eeuoty.

Tbe annual report of Ibe Court Howe aadJail Committee waa deterred till west Tata-day.

n naojed by taei Board July 1Mb,•lWtl, In refricBco te the> burial of aoldicn,waa read Mr iaformaliati, By tbia resolu-tfon the BMmber* of the Beard were appolai-e l coamllleea for Ibe towaahhjM ropreaeut-cJ by tbam to pruvtde auitable headatoaeaaad foot atooea far the eoldiera and aailorawko died or ware billed In Ike war, al a eaataotte-txeetd «M eaeh. Toe Director saidthe member* oauld iatetpret Ihe roaolutioBfar themoelvea. He elalmcd it waa alwayaIhe intention of tbe people of Horrla ooaatyte erect beadaloae* far sold ler* whose ln*a-

mable l» provide them. A reao-•lulloa to tbi* elect wai puaed prior to theone read.

Freeholder Klig braaghi up the matter ofimitmrata to tho Countj- Poor

BjjMtkeaef Ike Peace, and discnaa-ion* tallowed, but no action was taken.

The Finance and Audit Cotoadttce wetevoted authority to tranafer appropriation a totke varioua account* When needed. '

iO'Briea, Aathy aV Co'* elieua which cs-

kibila In Dover aeKtThunday haa been Im-awuaely papaUr for hair a eeataty. It willprobably acvarentlrrlylatalU told oa tto

erare pablio «lad. Tto liberalityartbewauBjeraoftbianew argaabatiaa, laKduciigtheprleeof adaiieaioa one-balf. at

liaekeeptagUwatowiaalllta de-ita up to tbe full alia era large Irat-

nlaae enneera, ahonld bo treated With ttoelioeralityoBthspartvfallwbo like toy an ameaemenl which afford* aiore re?

taxation, and contribute awre to pbyakalb g k beoaiiae It make* one laugh aadgrow fat. thai any other Innocent apart wo

•» BKnitoB.

Eack aud every perfomtr heada tto tol-eutorbiaorbef line. Tne entcrtolmuoit lagiven in a tingle ring ao tbat vieitora wl|laot loae any part at tke railed entertainmentby hating to look at auinetblng etae. TbnZoolajrlvBl ilepurtnf nt la one of the beat uathe world and nUeved of the White Klepbanthutnbua.

Ever; poatlble attention will be nbowuvlaitora. Tbe cheap price of adtnbaion, ¥>eentt to the eatire eatcftalnneat, place* Itwitbla the reach erall who woaM be inter-f.Ud. muaed Wd inatruawd.

iit a elrem la like a atlit Julipwithout taint, aad aa recreitkai m a bleating,let wall go.

• M M M Cbartar Uaetiaa.Tbe toaleat In Unontoa laat aararday waa

between a Temperance ticket nod a Citliena'ticket and the malt waa very dote, IbeCili-aena winning bj majenitea rangnig trmm S toS3. Indeed, It baaid tke ccfeat or tb* Tem-peranea ticket la entirely doe to the diaguatof Sopnblicana a rtbe action cf tbe frohl-brOonlata laat All. O. W. Eaten, tbe cdate lap Major, who bao been a atrong pvllti-cal temperance man, received the lowcat voteno tbe ticket. Itla reported, hewevcr. tkatone of tke Ciliten CouneilnHB elected, wiltvote with tketouT t«mperaaea men holdingover, aid prevent Hecnee tbb year. Tto fol-lowing about the tenlt:

W. B. Bailey,


9351 n. W, Ealea,


2211 E. P. Looker,

n f aTbe Yuang |*cople'a Vnioa of the Tnabyk-

plan Church beld tb«|r aan«al flection ORMondav evening, with tUc fal|ov,ios reanlt iPrealdent, P, E Drnarcat | Vke-|*rritden|,Wa»-Howell,.fr,; Secretary,MbiQuaateCilN

i Tntaaurer, Fred. Harrli, perottenaiH d U n , K. w. poty, Mi«a

teniAD ami H.H, Ikrry. Uttanirri'Commlttee-Mba M. Mow. Hie* Jennie Berry,

A.J.Coe«nda.D. KatertBinmoBl. I l l - U.rUt.

OMIT BEWIurrii County Court oix-nuil 'lin-mluj, Ihi

Mb ln*t., Judge W. .1. Uuni i>K»iill»t[.Tbe following geutlcniLiiHiiniuiniifd tout

tend asflrand Jurors, wtre culled aud swainWi».M.Budd(l-'oroniuu) rM.vttrd H. Hau*e,Kdwurd V. TUbau.l, HuKh Allou,Kljuli Uun'onl. .l«turH. Wfn."Vodore Kiuitb, William HI. 'iunU,

lioniai llnll, Alfred l.ovll.Mursrtfu Jacnliui, Frnlorliik W. .laqui,John II. VuTiderrcer, mins V,. 8li(.»r,William H Oircn. Thnmus B. frost,Xathtmi-'l 0. Hlac-bforJ, Nowtoii Sirilli,Ocitrce fi- Wvlie, Edwin C. BloihaiArtflinuaV. Zeliffe. fiiiinnel H. IInrrwn

cjeorffo A. Kxi.itli.ThcCtiurl, In udiln-wiuu tht nil Juii tbe Ur

that be wai not iul'oriuod orwbieb would be occunrinry to inst

Hut tlat if In the eaur*e oflbtir iu-venligutlou

j btlipy

djnired nid touolii'v bim.

ij be would give them tturli iimtrudioiiH AMwould !"• ueeuful,

The Foreman bavins setci'teil Albert ItmdAuiidoe H. HiKh ..- IHIUI.1** U attbu Jury, they retired lobunin their inv.:utinn«. They csmo in oa Thursday wit

Catbarlae Kelly, Adn'rx, *u. vs. tlie U.,L.at W. K. H. Co. The plaiuliff hrouuhl miltUfliinst the Couipan.v tor ilauiii((e» lor thedeath of her buslmud rciulliux, M KBO

rtd, froiu tttir negligence. He viis nworkman on the repair of Ibo double iruL'kbetween Efenrilln and Bouulou. liy thotilting of it dirt enr he wsiathrowti iutu u |»JIH»-ii.ft (nilu uud killml. Tln> defcuee riulim-dhere WM uo evitkupi' ot'uu^lcol uu I lie purl>f Iho dufendanta; tlmt jilalulilTs liiubatidimwoft l id ditujtcr ufwoikiujj on tlm moil,

anil thttt Ibcre wus loutilhutor.v iienlijjutiee.The t'uurt grastcd a nun-fluft,

'fbueaae in ou of Ww.J. KluhlervH. Unnlilriiou) and Cba*. Stickle, omcerHof Oranucbo arc aaad fur iluinaj(tm lor ihf fiilwi lu-

priaonmeut of the iilnintiff,The eaav or Ran (mil VcKvuy. vu. Emuiu

loners. oxeeuiriK of John UuKvny, dee'd,went oft" for the t«nn.

Tbe following- wern (tmnttul hotel liccnxo:Alexander <1 ill aud, P^uunuoch, William

Knaouac, HoutvlUe, Johu 8. Uuffonl, Mt,Clmrle* B. KmtuoiiH, Clfsater, Jam)

•rone, Cheater. Holoiuoia Base, Wanbinglon,


Him. Ja«. H. Brtieu. of Kcx-kannj. >li<")TutMiliy evening ut lii* Imuie In tlmt )>IHi«cd iiburlylC*yt>iir«, lie had 1»-FU »IIH<Tlame Htnr with B rial's dine KM-, lntt hnd hi-ut aud among hl« fneiid* uot IE-HIIJ <IOJ»

fore bla death. Me was bom ut HudisuutLla county, Mo.vMth, Isi.t. nnil wan si BI>UAleiandor Ilruen, who man itil Mutildu HiDell. Fniuhlii hoyhomlhc vat frunal nioduatrioua and made biiwtetf wluit Uu vliy bia own eHWU. He liiirntii the trade- o

it Elizabeth, and followed it Isame lime in Newark, lie came to Kooknw

rklngofiiim lime for E.Kilily lid bonjjlit his fiuiiloyer out mid t

:'d iu liuuiucHH fur lioiftdf, Ou Mii.v SHl, he wn« married lt> Mien Einil.v Kelm^v,kanu.v. Tliree rbildmu wire barnII—Jurat* Wright, Arthur N. uuil DislTIietunnuriH the Hint or IIICIUIILT of IifHnifli i Ituuiiell. Arihnr X. brem,

u l'rt'uliyici~ iB|ier, Hti!

nml iirb i

^yibni Co.. V. Y.

in It ut tbo urewnt time hieuuw of ill lieli K li

Peter A. Petty, Cbrntcr, .tolui H ot. Kocka-waj, TbomaM HriKlit. .(rllerimu, Unniel \V.House, Bnckuwny, JUM^III lliouko, ilettiJane* Bcrry«»ii, ltuudolpli, WiliiuiRocmt, Booolon, EJ«or A. Holwrti. Han-ever. Mary K. Nornim. .trlter*»D. William II.Pallur.1. So.kuway, I'el.'r Ward. Rorkaway.

'. W. Zuek, Kosbury, Uofit-r ¥. Unrlln, H.iti-ver, .l.w|»ti I.. HhaH'xr, ti l . Olive, Theodore

L. Cox. rcquunuoc, Benjamin L. iiiuwu,Chatham.

Tbem w e n aeveral appllualions lulil overill to-day.

CIBCL'IT rOUHT.Tlie Inbahilaula of tbe Towuablp of lloou-

lou va. Alopao Blcnnnon, l'oter V. Salmonand Adol|»h V. Haukrlc. Off for term.

Jobu 11. Nobmidl vs. Maria h. JOIMHI. I'liUi an action brAoghl by plaintiff who Haiuiti

defemtant is unlawfully svltud to >inutc bu-loninugtohini. Uffiorlerm.

Bk-hard Bambriok v*. Fnlrlitk Flynn. Oil1

>r term.

KillI'ulll thu time of

ker IMta year abe enjojtij uauul £MH\ IIn the ye.r of IW7 her henltti had <and ber Ulucs* developed *«vcre *plnil»O, eU*mled with cuuvuldoiis Had ueat l«r-

oramp*. Vor ten yenr* al dhVureutperiod* abe waa a great aunerrr. Tho write;became acquainted with hnr when ut time' deutb wai ei|iectftl almost<!i*ily. Iu tinrear 1877 ahe cmnnieured the tn'jitiiwut n>r. JJ«rslit,ll(»bo Luow ln-rluiiLnnd) muuonnyearuuderbia trinitiiieiitwaarratiiruil ti>allh ; and from that time ami in now iu tin

il atrenirlb. In social lifts aud iuher nlatioito tit* chareh of which abe w»a a menibar tfauwriter, who waa taon her paator, did appreci-ate aer worth. la aoelal life ker rrirnda audacquaiaUaee* wha knew her beat .overt be

t and tbe .eager tar friendship cthtedtba atroager H braaiae. Iu ber relation to thneharah aim waa alwaya ready fore'word aad work, a n ! when bet health wouldpermit gave a wilHag aaamtoaoe to tbe same.

Ta* aeoml *1«OM la waieh *k* moved In herUUf* will wane* a lorjte VMancyhy h>

removal aadoaanoteaallyflllcd; allofwlii<i«n be aald of the ehanth of whtck *ke was

ir. Tfaekindeat«ympithyanil*trongesiaoBlnaare eipreaaedbjr tbrir many frienda,that prosperity aad bapptaeoa will follow theDr. and bli bride to tbelr hone la New Eng-land.

K. flit-rl ut Kuckiiwiiy wbile »lntion from the Hemlnary tvliieL »houiliuji at Uvtblelifiui, Vu., und Ler fu

P . , i i i iy an'vcUdby the mid event. Mvn led an eurueat L'lirintiun lif« frrn

«luy. o lhl i youth, buviuxvouiicctfxl liithis I'rnabytctinu Cburcb ul Klir.

uiicki- the iiuftorulo of hev. Mcbolun Mutniibil,.. icirniRR liU irudc In tbat :'iiy.niiiiiB to Kockawnj bo juiufd t in I'ronbjriuu Ihuwii by Utter uud lit* mcftnit miivttik* were ulwayN Inruety ilcrolcd KJ il.por). H« hn.l liecii lt» TreutKirrt for nunmi Iw<'ut}--live ycur*. ami nt tlie tlnio of l>mtU was Herviiitfiu Ibn caiiitelly of'l'r«»tckler HU<] Trcunun-r. llr won i>Uo Kujn-riiuilpulul thuKuudaymiliouUuriiloDgpcrioioiieilmc Mrrvfu|[for live JPIHH nuirriwivfl;I'ulitU'H Mr. ilruen wu» BII wtivc uud luyi

Hupjtorter ni' Ihe Uupubilvun party nuil wa>utiittiinea culk-d U{mu to fill vitriuua 1<I

,-IH,^. ID IH7H, »,,,! HRBin in 1MV, be wiuokclcd to reprcHtmt thf 8ccuuil ABHPIIIM.V Dis-trict In the Now.ltnwy I*i{laUturp,whi«li bodid with fldL-litj- to hi,credit tobimuilf. In 1B7S, nccciupmiiixl b:Mr«. llrucn and tbefrnon Artlmr, In- ma<ltrip tn Culifuruiu mid rtmuiin;.! IlicroiiiDiithi, Iu lHTn he trunnfurrcil liU bueli

to the uof liniru It linuiieil ucontili- life. Ilih lirollicr

llruou, dii-d In 1B74 anil lid lienirui) llm to|- hia ealute

li.ulthofBr.HruFor tf |iii«t tue

been (ailing ami bitI f

gnol unlnukud for. I It-font hi; <IU-<I

lltmllliat li«wi» t.aMinutlirmicb hihion*. but wna irnlm and jip&coful annoil himself im i'ully )irc]>nrotl lit MM

tbt <lod he bud mrxril. Ilia iluulh rcuiovtn tln< r of Riwhnnny uf ili.

t uuil tuuHt rcHucoted cltixum andn|iiililk' low. Ho vil lbr rciiioi

bored lor lih intulligence, rhriitimiiluiartanil kindly VII.VN, und bia uprijtlit HID will 1nu iuceoiive for good lo tbntn who coiun nfhim. The funeral Rcrvicca were lield IbU-

Friil ny-af , in Ibn rliurrb whk-h liO Inugsnd «< rnli.

. wif« of Htowurl A. V,dlfit at her home iu thin pliico on Knuda.v•vci:iii(,',nt tlic u«r oIW win*, Iratliig nixliililrt'ii, tb« jouiij(fBt uf whon ia an imly tbri'O wccki old. Tlioloas I«IDI1<evorc onuto ttin buahaml nud cbtlilrt'ii, to

wlioin ilic wns II wife and notlier of pricelvulno. Rtic and lurImnUuixl, through ye

ill nnd cnmouiy, bail mivi'd (THUKIIfor them a home and they bud J

tirnkiM ml f.irtb-nflw dwelling In ^

A jaunt Newarher wk* waa trout nautilii Morrl* Connty laat week followed n mend

brook witk no aunwM aalil It pasord mt-> a aaake fence iota a pastare. He olln< hn«e, and a* h* eaat liU « j al tbe mot of

willow tree he ohnerved that a gaunt nutfi* * feed baft iahli hand waa watchluj( him

^iadlagt bowaver, that Ihe former made uoirolcit, the youth coat la Bed Asking, nndthen be arrival at a roadsldii fence ke bad

-ea fair trout la bl* creel. Ai bo |ilaced hist oa Ibe lower rail ef Ihe f«w* he waa ac-

cented by tbe countryman, who grin-lv aaid,aa be held out ttiB opoi feed has:

Drap them tioul."Th* lad healtaled.

llrap 'em, er 1*11 draa you Inter tha brook,"eoatlaued Ibe conntrynua. The flabermithoa emptied .be content* of hla creel Into Iheban and climbed the fence, aaylng a* bereached tb* oafcaide:

" Well, I have met mean men, but for gen-irotu, wh*leoMtlnd,wiy-backia-Jt>roe.vtneai

yaw beat them all."" Hold oa young fuller," aaid the farmer.

Ef I'd a-wanted to be mean,

i l.bln' or eham«d you>Uar tor the chance. Now, ef you wanler

v flah, j«n kin her •em fordollar, and 1 nelwa they're cheap at York.

Tb*yoa*R-maa oaidho VM Iko dotlnr.

faaf* •aajra Tibyria.Tbe Cnmden Prcea uader tbe heading of

•A oenaible Judge," Bay*; "Anckut andlUHorable aa me Ibe lawn of New Jimmy,

uelhodH though which Ihity nro aduiinla-red, i t b abewn tbtttbe ipirit anil pivureiMr Ibe age b fully exemplified in tluwt' com.

to aihnlulater tlm taw nforewilil«k*nrejnatlf|*d hv tbn fact tliitt

<lge kfagio, of tbe Hapnmo Court, baa pro-d d b l l f i h U Td

mgblciMed bluBKlf with a aew 11rrkyela, with wbmk be on.l hU di

• • airing on the KliiitUeth bouli^ardn.Xew Jersey fupKme Court bna nc

illcd la Intpife reoyect from otherctmrltt findgca of other Slaiu and cimnlriea, snvceiecpt in the oftee ef Lord Cli!ef-Jn*U('c

Rnglaad, lt«t n How Jnncj Gapreue Courtith a Hunl er Ttkycie atlaclmdnt is mmlug that Chief Juatlee Caleriilgp will trifleIh at hia peril."

a in the aetgkborbood of Franklla, ftaaaex Co., bave beea cwecd for lack oforders, throwing suite a large number oflien out oT employment, l i e 8terll»K Hill

maw at Ogdmaimrg haa cloned becauM amarket cannet bo found for the ore they

" ad, whleh deprive* fifty mcu ofiploytnent. The Matakall mloc at the name

ha* IIMI Ir^n.k-d fur a like nnaon,irowiag twenty men out. Thews arc Mitnnribereaultaof the "change" that tho l)e:

locracy howled Cur laat full. It proved n,"ekaage" than th«y>ntic)pated.

AtTiuBuk.Little Minnio I>ouglm», tbe cbnni|ilnnhildikiter «f United tttatci, cave en exbi->tlon at the rink an We<ln»d4y evening be-

e B large audience. Her fenHnvcru ofihentditkuitcuarNkcr, bat were performedtb that perfepliariirraM and p-nto which

i piade her fawaiu all over tbe country,d dnligfated all the* Bpeetainn.There wUl bo a hat carnival at th« rluk.

h-Frtday-avmlog, when pHici will U-ired to tbe wcorcta ef tbo larjn.nl and


Wi Bav* tka I M

JomplctR line of oil steve* In tlie market, n1u>Rldgeway Kclrigerator, Ollur nnd

li Bend flaWH, limit Tile, Garden lloaeAUcu dc lloiiloitoii.

Ibey had aiitiviiiated nIL<M. I'uU.-r these circumstiitines tin d<>fHtrt. Farrliii. very and ulHIotirm m.a

ill,The Utnih in announced ut Olypliuil, Li

iwunual'o., l"u.,or Mm. JoUu II. liill, whoMM iormfily H I M Laura llrunetl, of 8»riiitmit. Mr. dill IM UU iuilu»trli>iiH uud•iulit yuutia mini, wlio removed tti Ol.vnlunun IVdlm Sllui', about two nml u h»lf year*>K", anil hurt Kiin.[-«urkwl lor Ihn I .uknvnann Coal Conit>.iuv. Hu wo* uiarricil tu

Uf * Bennett, Hay ^th , lHKl. lit Hcmtiton, bj'. J. II. Iturrell, but their lni|i|»y uulou WUKiu..] lo |UHt c.uly elevenuiuiithn Wlun- UutirmtiiBted hy death. Mr*. Olllwua B

ut'profthc M. K. Chnrobat reckvllle, alovculilc wnunn who made frleiidn every-

whnro, und ny

ergetic nnd ettdent workerH l

giaOie HubbutbMhoel. Her fujDeral wrvkc:were eutiducted hy Sova. Irwin, Sweet audThunaii. nud the Wckh choir el tliirtv vol.randnrod Itcnullful atunlc at the houae, churchBnd grave. leventy-Bfae ateoibera of tbeJunior Pratoatant AsaeeleUea of rennayl

»nla, Na. 2H, of which Mr. (till waa a wenther nud one ot tb* lr*t toecguuian UJunt •year ngn, walked Iu front of tbe bearao ta tliI o at 1'i'mpcrt Hill Comutcrj', nt Ptukville.Mr. tllll wai greatly pnatratod liy the deathor hb wife und katMiucc been very 111. Hia

wmralea deaire ua to intend to tbe Icreavadhmbiiud aud family their benrtfcit aympatby.

Wartly Ina lawjft.

The KnglneeriBB and Mining .Itmrnal ofbut KBturdar «av*:

maiiAH Fio.-t'roia aU |iarl« af Ike eountry, tlm r.]Mria come with a single story, dullmarket, nnd weak and drooping priee*. YetIhero are nifincexueiitionaln individual workthai make popular brands, and am well HO1<Ip. They are Una, ami sell probably won

Iran than If tkey *hwl«d prk*». Biles anreported of about 1,000 Ions ID (lie week atthe following priecs; No. 1 X Lekhjh, Sltt;No. -4 X LchiRli, «I7; Orny Karge, *IA

nuaaticn* of 50 cent* te • ! up or downfrom these frlce* rate for fmie.v brand* andInferior IroiiH resimollvety.

The plg-lron trade I* eertulnlv no de)>reti*edaa U has \*vu nt any tlmo thin year, Stocks

•uducera' baud a are not very Urge, andconsumers are bare, and yet the feeling laquite general tbat we nball have ne laiprovement before July or August.

The High lieoaoo A t t

UoTernor Ahbett b u vilhbcM bl* -luaaturefrom tho high license bill beratiM one or twoAtMcmblTintn declare hy ankiavltthit th«ynever voted for it though recorded ea doingid. tine of the goutieaHia who clalma that*ibt veto wu* wraagly reeonipit, In J. SewnrilVilln.ufHotrit. The Mtjentluna to Ibe billIM based on a nlMppKhenalon. It did not

arbitrarily fix the license tee, bat gave town*and lioniiiKliB power to make It any «umIwccu f.10 nnd KM), Certainly no reasonabletcmpcrnnnc wan cuuld 6nd fault with snob uIUW.-HUKMX Idolater.

Oh* Va Hia aTane.The Newark Call any*: |>r°f<»*N.ir Law,

vho IIBH taken a great luleroxi Iu the aubj.'.t,&ndreoru;].v fuiunl frai|ucnt i-miuecUoo 1K-tween lmpnre milk aoil diphtheria, beingculled np»n by tho reporter, eslilhitnda apeci-

i of milk obtuineil from a fumom dnlry-nmn ia Nonia County la thin fitnte, wlileh he

jiflnt. HcHuhl: "This shows an aniniulHlvcncHa of the ell globule* iriHlcail of re-in« upurt as Iu licnltby milk. Intirmixedtlie milk arc durk roioieil H|ilu>ri<-u1

PS (npoivM) uuil tllatueuta. Milk like thisIH death tu children."

Jiihn Wilson, living near llmndirnj, War-fu coimly, hu* met with a and IORB In u fiu-[iilar ami Rimpioioun tuauncr. He left kinilnce for Hromlway, r*MDt)*t with ahonw

ValnrdntiUn.and when In reachcil the lut-cr place the IIWM was unexpectedly takinII and died. Be then relumed and bllcfacd

up two more hone*, and whon he renchediwn thc.v, too, became sick aad died. It Is

aupnonei] ther were poitoned. The low is CB-t hint ltd H( fftUO, Lout fall he lull a CAW K,IU|

Tim imimiK-rs of JnM. Mcllnvit Pnst So. M.II. A. 11. through tbdr commillrc, rrturnIbtir sincere thr.nkH lonll the mcnil>tirx of tlie!><ivcr Fire l>rpartnicnt. to tho ludicx wbu-endered BU.II Talnablu aaxisUnuc, uud totliurititen* of tliu town for tbrir libernl tontri-Imlinaa in money and [iruviai<W«, wbentiiyH cmihlrd to entertain their VINHIHR

Win. A, H'npr, ll. H.j>1l«., Win.H. l.unilwrt, A. 1). Sritriua, J. W, Witir,TIIM.

t t d , A. J. MrixcitU'T. t'nninilttcc.

AnUnfulaUedPiepkecy.Tbn wnr l>rtwecii Ihn Iwn fni-tinni ri'tnltodmtHprlnu In tho cliTtfiiu or an anH-lifpb-Tdt mnjiirity in Ilu? Ctrnimnn Counnl; nml

Mr. Blfltiunli bintwif will not run ucnln tliixu knowini!, n~ he well dors tlmt hi<il lie dnfi'iiU'd by nn nvorwlielniiic tnn-

jorily.—Monintown Chronii-Ic, Marrli ID.

BI0H 1EIDQ1 11AICB l O I M .Kngiuif i' 1). J. llryuiil liua not fully r

civil fruiu iu{uri*>n ieit iveJ iu tot uhut rxjtet'IalDi-efluuit! <lnl.v aouii.

£n({ii>u ^'u- 132 IIIIH buvu tlurouylj tued aud IH nov running >iaul on the maiu Hil l id to be liojicd thnt »lic


orahlu bare titktl tliu o

notion them is hy ffivi»/S ilie namewith thfir train-, u* tl.py n e

XOM. :{, Id. ir>, and K0 are uud«r dirtour well kuovu nud tct-tilul cimtluc'.o

ik, will, tlio tu-o llmmun bay*,

ml Uv.(-'Li.r]<-» F


u FJteIM tb» truttle, and Ji

<i|) uti->'..-. Ji.ml lit, Si.'»i.n IVrriliiTiv

.B^ulillKiiiHcuniluPli'r: W. V. Mt.lir auirut him skinner, imkniii-u:niiiliiiil.vliumvu an --l.'iK'Ki"

Joliu SI* UIHIIJI, foimi-rl.vttl ilmlJi!, iiH nloktr

tid Jl—'iiintluclor. J. M. Awalirakumvu, JniuL-u Cuulcy. Juuxn Ulmiubauml Alirud Mciiiiitijter; Dick WotvcrluEbr h»tidf(oni''Nt mxiii on tlio rood, as eu^iuei

o OliveUii nml lrtlt-*'°<'duot<ir, John Kinbrukoiiito, Ait).- iiut-I, Frank 1mil tlmn. Iluikuiiln-ri-y ; hauled duri

.hi: ubouuuo ul'tho 112 by u maiu line uoginef*hifl inj; t'iij;lin'—John (I. Hun*, eunduulor

ritoinjH AU.'ii und HVri llixliue, lirnkilouHti-uetiim ti-uiu-l'imilurtor, P.O. HeurnIrukitucu, r'l<iyd nnd Holly DuH'ord: wbililenrKH hniith |)>r<iiiiul.-;d),lunk«oiil fnrnilicml, imiltiimou Culo krcjiH l\n- 4111 nlil

TI]f1-v,'wm.ti(Ihe«|llrinnl Luke llnpnl

li tlio Hov. i\\ n lUgeidapui

' ull nlo»H itm liuc,tiDtbi-r train will be-


, and nl the viaWhi<h will ftj-jimr iiioi

IIIICHH !•« lutikiii);! it* ixpiH'ti'd ttiut

; caiuiiiuiv huvo uxtuudud thes thu hired at Ilockavitty, wlihh

Iru ua to ruu m> tu tbe Htuliun HU<1 is ilitlon coilVi!iilent to thu publlo.

ArriitigemvutH imt bfiii|{tDa<lii to ri'i>liIhe W-UOUOII briJgi.« with iron »ttuetu

II early day.The olHcliiU lire inukiiij; " tour tif i

iiou uvti tt.n ciitiic linn wilb slut*.- uml loculH|ii>rulneri>, with II vitw nf ehlnliltrthil

Inrl'uturi-tnxntiiins nf cumimny |iiEHPiovr

Mr. y,inV* steamer imivcd nt tlm lake iliiii'Miuy nfli r a very ntnrmy |iaPMHRp, (!a\\Itcneor lit'iaK very luui'h fntimieil. He suUiiming n]i tlmt one liiue, off tint iilutic nooDloii, the wind l>li<U Cor tivit httiiililie* Wfort' it stmok tlmt p lan . I ci.ulil iiid out nil tlio luu-tirulurij iiboiif C'apt

Mount loxln^ tlii5 «wi)lo itatik ornrhonrd liithfvtinalou hv down triiiliml full, hut kilint hi- wiutil Hull KUmo work now tu l»tieru. The bout lookH very nice, the ctijciag tbaroiitihl.v orerliuiiloi], the bulltrruKlbtiurtl und u new ilci-k uud cnrtHiudded, Kiiulni'ir Dicker Niiyn lie emi inukptloi'iiiiiPtliniicvi'r.

Tliry urc hulkliiij; l>r. Vsiil'n hniinc uu tliId leu bmiHct i>r<i|KTlv. II will look wrilet' Tmui tl.o like, nu<l tbn Uot-lor, who \» u.U.V soul, will be mi utlditlou t,> mir aoelI niur>t iell Jim ;i HIIOTI nliry nbimt how

Muhluu Kniilh not tha Led of Charley Ctinm-In-iliiin. II.; iiretenihul to Clmrlcy there was

k of tluckn in a bulu Iu the l e t ; «thurley wont wltli bliu. l i e (jut very, tiitiulKclted, Hluldull 4")' 'or n.ftvU *<hut all bitMvilcrmiil shot nwuv, unit nuue limucuni

lound out he hud IHUD HIIMIIUK at lotm* aldnv. He nays be nii^lit un well luvo hail aalick.

Tlio hiiiluhiff loU nre nWnt nil «t«kod outon the Uorulnu ]>1UOB.

Mr. Brmly inpftt* U> HIII[I ii;n in u lew ilayitbo cily; »lK>ut tlru oum a day I urn told

v. Dr. Kluddurd JJUVU h\» eteiLoi-tkin-, " Uh the Kliini.-,1 ia the I'resbjterluli, VriOny iveuiug lust. Tb» storm uro-

rcnli'U imiay Iruu COIUIUB. Tbe viuwa 'rery flue—m Duo aa have ever been eiuibitedn tbe cbunh. l)r. Nioddard ha* a new Ino-icra audit gives an ewwlleut llgbtt betterthan tha one he had fbranrly.

1'mf. Force'* dans b clociitinn meet ul therealdeuee ef Mr. Vnorhecs at Platuhira, Tue-day evening next. Lc«cn, Haailet, Aot. II

me I ; and pupil* are ID make aeleolloain tbe elementary i*rt of the raoder. Aitneetltf or the class at Hr. Tboa. Roger*'

tiday evening, the puplla read aelectlonaiu tbe elementary part of the reader. Mauy

then allowed grout Improvement ami willjut he * credit to their teadior. Tliu Profea-sorbanboen very fulthftil and worked tar t

and earnestly with bli clan, and ifHiiceeia I*to any oae It ia due to aim.

Mr. i:hoa. Pratt has returned.Hr. Ge«. ('. Eylond expect* to open theantmcrwitb bi« family at his Btwnmer real-nt» oil IU farm. V.

Thieve* who wem evidently benfo&au-tbelr hunger, m well aa tor l i

Forced t*n cntrnttec mtn the ttnn narricd on byn, (Smith, at fowerrille, at an early hourI BntnnUy morning. Tbree dollar.,laatvioandflusernnK. valued at ISO, and

revolver were abstracted from tho moneyiwer. After lupplyiug Ihumaelves with a

i«r tbiiiK*lnth«dry (oodnlitie they turnedbelr attention tocataUleH. Bread, okeoaeondWft wore takajlaa • choice, which they de-foured a abort distance away, *A«r cooking

in a keltlu taken flaw Iho atora.The It w inemhan which wuprhte John Hill

•eat, O, A. H,, marah*d down Wain atre«t,luaUay awruing, led by Ibn Dooutan DrumDorps, en-route to Dowr a* invited gaeow tothetvunionoftbe veleranBofthe lllfa N.J.I'olanteert. Aniong them there wan scarcely

hut what bore traecs cr tho battle floldIbe mimliijt arm or leg, while other* boreBonn hidden from view, nnd tbe accom-

panying martial music mnst huvo broaghtto their ninniotiuH thn many plcnuaut

idlcottoiuortbv poM.

THE BACK BONE OF WINTERlinn l>rcn n very l.i.i.l one ta hre*k,.liut Sprina;h kt laat at band and

PIERSON & CO.uro ready to meet it wltli largo nlooka nf

SPRING CLOTHINGBOYaand.CHILURGK,. Wa hallove.we have beretofote >Uado „ go«llT reputotiona.

wu.p of I'lotUing, wllflh wo are ' — *-

Bardon & Chft, thn proprietora of theHadisou Kngle, deacrvc ereallt for the wayhey have fixed (Mug* up nlnce they havo

td In their now garter*. They have an•gant new nign, an awning;, and n scoailcr

y icely lettered.Or. lt«M, of Madison, btix boun ruininn

noncy to have the •treeta Hprinkled; havingireteded tbe ntn<eti itro nicely watered. Tbely tbitiR tbnt botheni tlinn is Itie illntnnce

they bavn tn get tho vntrr and the pumninti.T e y Imvo to pump from a imnd, hy hnnd,

nn<l then unrinklf. Hy I holm« they nro dUtrihiitins tlinnatnr, gofuft

more, and pumpiug, thu water put on thuIrrrt in dry, nnd it U almost impoMiblt to

lio tiling as It necJs to Im.

'Im < t itt

r,v will bclmldIn thoMetliodiitChurchtie 'JUl of Hft}'. Thu graduatiBg CIBBH

tubers twi'iity-fuur,mvitatitiiiHarvout uunauuoluRlbeniurrMr. Fred. B. BorJuu, lUo editor of tbo

MIIXUII i:atilc,ta MIBHM.KHU llnUUic, of•K 1'roviclcncf); tlm roreninuy tn tuki- placethnt place on Thimdity the 14th inat.


Tiourrr nwiof tbo bating rinkn at

n orctn llti|tilloaurvry In sniil to lwo« overlap* tho

a hnundary. Au (djiliff and tbe httiuv ofrS« allf ge l lino.

Nichulua llarrli, nf Bclvlilero, dcain* toiceced Father Wilitrick In tbe ^Mtmbly,d Mayor ConiHh, of WnnhlnittoD, Bapirear. I.arrinon'fl place.

Kn Indictment bun been fniimi repnlimt Mur<ill R. Smith, s liiwytr, of llclrlilcrc, who\mmi(p nti.l SCTCTBI childrrn. The coin-innnl ia a yontii; widow of HnckettHtown,o rhnr^* Smith -unUb nn.-'ilt,

tii.liisi'jih Maine*. n-o*itcl u Iwokof 41.UW luitt week. Two of her

ro UUlt-1 iu the lute war. Slie n .

monthly ptiy of •«.«).ttiv has litoken out In n now npiBin of. .Ml over tho town nrr pouted iirvlnn fni-i>r»pn«nlM(iirn c-onut nlilo. 11)0

will perf.irtu (tie arduntiH duties format tuimej is t oW M*nn1«l thr place.


r i n

nd Iii r..m>i

u Mil.i th


! i iu nil t i t



Insect Poison


8EGARS,<•• k<M hnmtt.

SOAFS,all hlndle aat«l nil p«i««t.


The DiMuund Dyci 10 c

E«merab«r for all the above utlclai u i aiythiaf »U* roawllh in th* drug line came or tend ta


i, y. i., Arm uiii, lain.


_ii imre luntolor)UrvBi«rs to the waut* of lillle folks iu tlio wu.p or Clothing;,iiittain. Hence anr a lock a iu thl* llnr have I in on cavrhillv


ly repuUtian an, llnh wo are Terr anxloas toaclerlcd, wllh a Ties or rom-HTTLK AND FIKHT-CLASS

^ i t h * * *








all. itl.niiop to Ita oe» ilocki l> All ngw titiUlilinienI, bclMng t i l l ipirt tnm tboY c i b t c or hi gocnli Ilia pablic will Hull Item of mperlor quiUlj" AuHrinm Ike fill' " " ' , f , ' M ' " • " • " *P>»"™' °' Onorl . . u l Ptorllloo., lie M j u t »™ • g u i v » • •


SMOKED MEATS AND FISH.i, BhmilJcra, BOD et ess Baaon, Bmnkcd Beer, Bniokeci Balmon, HtUfanl aad kfickerel,



i Cwl.finwor. Chow-chow, aii.rkin. and mix«! Rekle., Oalmp u d Saacei.




Beaeb, E. H. Petty and Ooa. Jenklae.

ThaBaatraraillaarB.Agricultnnl Bait, Land Plaater and Lli-

ter'afanonaferUllteneaa ba parahaaed totha boat advaatoga, ia tajr aaaatitj. at WatW.BiU'aOaraB)

L'*Ur'»i Standard VtrtiUnr, UnlcHu finuePhoapbat? and Llater'* I'nUto FcrlllUcr, ntloweet prkoa, at Wm. W. Hiiro, Dover.

OllT* Boiler Floor. WtmatodUMaMttatheSlattferlaepriM. Trjit.

a «iimtlty of Lnml PlaMcutrrnt JIHLCH nt vrhfili nsol<l hv Wm. W. Tllll, I b r

A reliable nlac»tohny

The Carry will cam-. IK nml:licthmiiKhtlrt* wrvievof lejIhn piiTtitftm r(i|iilritijr 111 I'll

i nf the Univermli-tn of

AfricnlUral U t .This new and pnimlir fertlllfer {<

tqihe bent Ictmt by Win. \V. Hill, 1

mes K. Beemer,deceased.

ITJRAUAVT ta the orrlor ot the R g m t M tii tbe Count; of Unrm, made on tfat-MTiinlli iliif or April A. p . ooo ihon-ij;iit iintutri'd BDI| rit'lity-Uvn, nohev it

tiij pUni to all ppTBiini liivlnn clalmf>H Bin it ih.- eaiHte of JnmiiB B. Ueenier, liteolIho County of Horn*, dectaMcd, l o present thei ime, nmlrr mth or affirmation, to the suli-icriher, on or brfnrn ihe tne nti-ieventli day olJ&rttiirr t it it . lirintr nins rnfinlhi frnm th"

?3!t L ' « a i ( t n i c r : * u i i a y ' i i i <«aii( itnicr : *i: 1» and nliilut hafflnpn'Inn. withi

f Ut

hii or her clalct, nnith i b timpinlimitt

s o r ber nati

Dattd the tirButy-iPrtintli dav or April A.


OoTtr, Morris Co , M, J.



JOS. YORK'S RED FROST.I hnyc thf oeiit and

rir d i t t t 1and mos

n ot 1init

nmy cicelmivo n


Page 4: 1 mi Tdd DOVEB LUMBER GO. r CARPETSCARPETStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/1885-05-09.… · CARD. Tear after year, for nearly half a century, (lie untlei gned

OQWTISCKD PIIOV r i U T PAOL.aiiiiiiiilinn fr..ta a 1mlt<-r>-fber had capturnl' lovci «n. - hail di. .l f..r tli.-ir ...i.iitry. lieiu »iirri-^r. Tlii-Jltb XcwJeiH-y uana.-fu.v I riinirifil iW vi-WTiin- to ••ht-rir-I* i-nlilierly

; — — | iiiiniitt t« union ubot amlnbell, bnt did cut j i:.: , j.i. :„ ( ! l l fi .....i ,],.v.i|i.iii to r uiu-it> term c.f »-r>-i.«, fw , . l,-r, ,•»)...-•.. i i v £,.,,.,, hiivitm il tor>r,l at tbf tu bv w v <u.it«: ' 'l1"""""'•» t l1 , / it•<>'"*»• iuimiiuiM lr,w^il,» . W i - . . f H.«-I,|,,.v ,h,.iii:trt it, B w«.tr t.f liiyaf n.ju -ml: "•», .-OHI'IIHIIBJ b.- lurnbiiitf (..o.L- bl.--iut-

- « - ' \ , (lmi..-, .il •«>, 1.,,". . h . r . ' . l .rt.-.!,.u :, !*«uilli ! ' " ".tl!- '-'l,u ,,,iLr [>..w v.,WU-<l jsul L-ti Uf'.u tli« i "»• *"«tl! l l i : '! . . !> j tL-M jSI,i nth.-F-n.ino.vly .- i . ipeil .1 -i;wl..r l.-.jt piiHiy,<!!. r.f I t'.it*; V o l h w i t ^ i.ovilt..i>. (.lank t«.nl cum- ,],».,, ,,„,(,,-i ; ^ i . H . > u .t ^ < , . ; i . r V

liie (ilPflMirr- o) \

,r>'li 1'IJI,-4- !•< I I. ... _ i.til . .- Ki.,11,... , .1..1 Min ii..- l i l .

il,»»Ulll..l.<] il .•:.-|1.;.ij.r. . . i , i . l . !..l .L.^J.il

l!u^lVorTl!i'''w-'''.l\1..(1.'',r"1Ml.'.!1!l 'Yv'lu'.ir!']!

lilV" till. W.li'ltll-' K.j.t'l:"' "'•>' I'tji-it-tt 'ill

ami' rti'rkin- ibe i.!,,ii'i.>ii ..c"ii,"i-l' Lv "tCn-riiiifnt •>» tlmi Ti«-[»iir<lil'' W;tv ili«-:<<i. iniinueiiiution tcmttbt tin1 U tttU i>vt r iisi.iiiiTbv in«w lK .n l l . c H-HI- ..

ht-11111-ntti.111s.alt.W- t l - t U r l • " •" ' llwri'•it in s-.iv. 1 Liit UNI j (n i i r i i i j . • V.. K. J V I I I T tiia.l

lUt Uuvitwu j.litutl , ( . . . . . ^ , f,,il,,» t-il will, a ^ri

[.-!.•. l.ul lie r--d.-fi.jrii liit|A)iii-liit Siiriiiii-. .in .\11nl tin- lilli. Vitilti\i)|i-• , e ] f )n I,}...!...iut-ii<-t. unit juiiriiiti^in.on the 7lii :mn liu^lli" ii.ir[i.:i|-i.!i»j; in tha t ! 1 ( J ) l i r . , I l ( -f,,,^ | j . . r r , - H - , t i ] llv <-;i!t<-.]

sl,"xr,s;E;!-i.:l"iSu:rI™«i--sK • <•«. •«« ' — •« J ; - - « -l l i r j ' . i r n l r i i lMMlun. iba i w l « « l tta^ »rai> | J l i . Ili. | .«i.«.l » J> < a l W i» nil ! " • I>1."".

• : . / J . / ' ^ '•• 1 • i-. ! . 1 .. .1 ,_ I II !r* r'-'iiiark^ ^ c r t ^ . u ciiunt u

, tii.-

i i vli.iriit-i.. iiiol ihv ani kry «MJ1 tort.ii.ilii i. JIUIT j u| ihuuilt-r. bill tljpr weri- now* iliuti-il r'tsu-'l Jjo H auil not hiju^lii.-r- 'liiou^h uu«

mniltx'i. nF j lion. w«\iU .HI*.* Ili.mjjtit a liirimi* I

'"" '""" '"' "" " "" '•"fu'li"^i:iiV

At ill.- .•(.ii.-lii-i..n -.1 I.MniMie^ill;; r]«i..-.l will. Ib.- -iUB.II^I.f li.nu

kit." ami iiiUBti- liy i lf linod.

•I tbe vtie.rninx ].;.<! wur.Ni-<I H » . , I f l> .lmUitw ••.(..•ring • •.•I.I.-NI.I.-. K im-uni iwt uuJ/ JIMM to tbf tiit-iusvlvcs tbal il wa* ike bert re-uniim ttii-.Tof ranli. ni.il tin* ilf»Ji!c-i- tiitiif- nftiifl uul. | ruiiiitrv. but iniiuiwliiiti- co-atiou UuUt ill.- | l a , | v H i1(.|(]

iliittr.n.i.ii.p. It i

lit- Co. K. In- pi.-k.-.l HI. » ll.-l.l.— -kill). ; ...lvaui-i' bud fdantftl •lifckiy will, (jritvi-*.iMTfitrat.-d tlirmittli tin- .nr.-lic:i(l W u l»il|.-t ! Thrutmli fon-'t.- wli.-r.• M-; rirom-rcur h'-iureT.J wliii-li »r mir .'•moriKli-, IM-I ii inluiiLii-il ! • di-.itti li.ul lain in unjl.iicb. uvt-r liiil* fL.tt lutd

.i.i;isvi:vno\o, tut: m.H..uPiiT " H'hi.'l. iif niir rf.inorii.li-- ],,,•] it IP.IHIIL;.--! .' | Jr . i l t i li.ul laiu in UUIIIII>!J. ovt-r liill* fL:tt lMay thi-f.lt, Im.uulit u - n i t u iii.-iti.m nn 1|M-' Wi-n cfKwiiM will) dr^inir t i ini , ainl liuItnn-k rns'l. to Itic Ii-fr <.i iln- (HL .'.. <:.. »<• i li.iiix- mul tl U J f l u v l I ' *liiii-iilv t ' i r . » i i t l«i . l r j i i I iTl(m-. , fw . . r l , . .n . i . . i : ; t l i . . -nm.icl , i . ™ , f . . r t . i . - k - . n.i.I|.l.-.ir. (.ml . i i i< n > f . . r i< lnw» tli.-

1 'rill! ! f." I M X I (I ft UP n'.'ir/'i '"li » 'r « • 1 1< u v , M.I tli ' i ' ! ^ V'i l t

>Mi: r.VfIS HI' ••HE Wim IliU lim'UVVIjEIM.Ei>F IT> IltlJISMNU.

JILL! of lo 1'i-il UIIL'*. lor — — —j.-c.in liru ntiiw nitiliim Gu-jVti.--TE.sn, N. J . , April -iStlt, 1865.ljulk-l.-, iiuj thr obnek-j j^ l>iT,,|t l n , s £ l u : _Qpt-LlUg tijfi K«.

>u i isuiriv. i l Ubt H.duitluj uiorumgI (I ft-wnni thwu-h tl.- i.lm'i,l l l f l

1< , M toVtiic iL..B-un.lh r.t r

1 \ l lDllf "i 1^ II 'HIIMI IJII*IIJJ'U in." IIIJJIIIPI i uiiJt'u." I jn.ij^t1. ii'rtu ii. IIIT" .iiiiu^.tkiu^ in i i '^u.ii . • • - - " ' I ' . " l U [ d l . a l U I J L iJ|JI IJ * .1 .Cllt-T 1. Ull i ULJI.. . ,

tr.iM'.- iimlcr-itfisi'tti, uti<l furdifil m line *»(' s<i--r;m M.1.\I.T_- tli.i. f.iintnii-i-il .In- j:»".»uti | niy nt leutidij was (irrvstetl liy l i e arlicle

Viii'il '""' >!> j Ioveuti'il ," (."ivJilt-il to tL(i Si

i - i iM-: tli<- c i i . - i u v ii V - ' t r t n f l . i . ! iL ' - t r i - . - t " - A m l ' w l i i l i - w e t h i i > i k ' t b > > l . n n l . . f a m t i i

AiJ wo tli I'd p.s IIU npjironticc QISije<.'.iivoll ut tilt- tiniL- it * a i Wing Imjlt.

i,:™:.,m;«u;,K,^,,i.Vi» ,iru;H.>«. r-. or tlic «mijed »..n»;-t.r that -tn|,* j| . . rrill ;. iii.niritful I,.I!C ol.ovc Ih.-in. Wl , ; ) |

i l i i K l L l I

. 10.llk'J .1

oitlie \<nw\irilH-Mui l.t ri-rlif Hi.- (i:it!iif]lJ

t!,-. Mn.vtlif Mi,. ilH."ri..i »f

l,,j.t tV.f lllli V . l . Wiic 11rpffi'i'i-iM to l"ivi< ili» l.inWildcrtir's, \Vr r..i.-|.i-.l

IDlli. <

<1 ilillif ilin-i^ iilnilljrlilH ai jiiiit «jcrilicfs, vrr- would' ni'lvni*p. f think : HiMin l.-ii^.itli the tattcM-d fuldd of tl\,'M- war


in Hie11 i-li t i

lll(P '1'Hnry c»fHie ad>Imi Sr WII* fn.|ueutly inltrmin. II. fur* I»- toil fltii-he.l tt

iiftcru tU<-J fro tin-

i-ll i.iick upon tin- i i i tn-ni i l

tl.c ilnv lifft•tmccle furJuliti V, Litii

" T

ir "Id i-iirilion r.cnii tli'-rc in tUfa l ]

h 1

In' t!ii> iiii-kctn. llii•ir-rcfilll! !.f II, Al'tilJUhi» .lt-atli. At U A .M.Tli:icc H Uvtllf l*-fHUllK.

I-Tiiui; r.f M..V tl.*-.. c.l in fltlii.li th.-

1ti.W:iJ> l-lBl.liiWIi-

II L,-iiHil,

ilb buartv tint- A. 11. Hciiilijtth auiUervlt

] (or tbrci

uttn-e all of


cu'.rt.iiiiiin; rlmnnii-r, hut thef pmgivrn tii Iln- liiMnrirfil jtlUreM [trfTeiils marU11111 it ].vi--iijj; mjiicu ut' tiiotn. tien- Mi-A

i inter intrixlm-od ull Ibf Hpeaiem in fl vi-rj iclifitou!« nni! ulile truy.

1i,e bnttlr. Ht«

l¥f-rf vli.Hii-.lii).I.IIIIIXOU'" 'livj.ion iif.V»i«)nifii,wliosurpri'f liiul brrn rumiirticii to H•ml Ofloa. JnliniMiti ami HtuaH vrit i-wltli tbrin. But th<i victi.rv W;IB tiottbo tft*k wan tint to In- MI VMV oa t)ii»aai-Of** w e [in-d to »nrriini; tlie )»>itw-k wastUflkey ta t!i(Miin*tu\x \w\aonti tee rrcttiled It willi ri'infurti'ini3d Divliiioit wiuiunicrcil to fDrwnrtl ai

* (K)

ul. h.-b..

WpTllllIipiril.nuHIP atbnr iliviHiiiD

•Uaili iw(-M-.IM-.I l

h bU

wliicii * lla.lt.i w]vnuiV:ri' t ni tlit-liiM I but I.it-ni.kill.-.) ; li.mii.I I WLM nmtI <uiv Ilir fnliil «ti#t strike Iiilu'

) l i* iin>t

i l i M-II linn.e l,i,lat Id* li

liHi.-vc hi- ui.lir.1 fnr .kuth. lit .Ij.-.l iw«I1M Viiitfllii Mlcrpcr unit tYioiisunit*othor tiritvi tnon «n IIIHI Wrrilite litb _Mar. 1-ravtly Uoitijj liia «lutr. Durinirthf. vrirn.ihntlli1 wan tmitv ha|)y cuut.-HlMl,puitit iimrf ctul.ln.ri.J. tlcrnnilcit (ban

i t k h "ilcntli-a unil it wax ti-re that thr » w

" IIM..« thill valur ; li:

ncwril.v, tto I'luw vtrv 1 tir> i>)>iM>ninic 1ioeii.linatav |>Uce«only 1hf tlilrkni'*. of tlie curtli

il to U d ui|<l lira while IvlDKUdlmvftli »«jv)M«iblfj fnumuj- fluvtft tlie

tbo*) in front, Mtbe lead eiiHrtiinTitatiou to wouu<

u Hotly i

tliop«r:oftlit. fi i . ion tlio par: ofthnf litiMi nr arm v

U rtth l

."«!* «viim«t l i» te vicinity of .he .ILHIL -u H l . . . .Ktut , that of the euciiy w w giraiir. IhitrcBfin« iu utitiiy i i iwci beitii lih-rally Hllti»ithi]cMH] anil woimlei], 1^. flmlinK it iuil l t ) l e i ( i tliclmiiilli If iou tr t lliuiwltjleio tliclmlijellii


Iniou tronim. at liwti I he pnnitiim wan ootn.

cnu, luittbi! l««n Bimtaiut-d l.y tliv nrins the tight OUTK tbat Lait tU|i«*J .i

have fteeti it cstitnatH n* bfsrh UH 1(1,dm IUFD.Tliid wTill Rive you ii better iiitM of llie Here*-ucHNuf ilit-;ri«tiriii.' ttim bi.l

uI.I iiuy di/wriptlnD of mice.oiirn-d (lit

We cuiinol turn awuy fmm MpottnvlvHtiiaBithntitipealting ot the death of Ueii(HaMtriii. wblch nc-ciLlrcd oD the 1'tli,jnngcr hud apparentl,? iinN*C(|. Home of you— '—thtinanniTol bid ifotli. He ac

IOTCT nat iMuiug araiDBt i» travrnmil fin«l i tu t n r o j a b t i r y

• few »li"t« a« a lnnttrr i>ranui)viiIbe shot* |H-tiFtratitifr thr tnti-f r«,v i a I nc4><t ejwuk n» «Ilnr W N I

dllntbaattf viur he *** tatMitr (mH\iiu\ m GOUritry, faitbfulto dutr, " Aud ao e-itouMil til. atk. witb blood ne Miitcil ft t--L.rii.DI at wU e «ndioi love."

Pawing from Npoiuylrntiia. wp rome tKurt Ii ADUW wilb itsmiractituiin r barge ovcIbe liriiliie, uud.-r a dot artillery tin-. I aaiMnenlaut, buiijiise of tlic -at.-ty ullh wbic-lIt waa urrotiinliijhoil, uuiter cin-uinstaiK.-.-tlliit HX-mul to iliorf the dktnirlion nr thbridno, anil a rimwHincBt low of Hfe, t'n.tiJtonTi Anna to fold Hurbor. of wbicb I.Waonxi or tlie vomradon iirewnt rarrv *»——<-;•>Man. Darken. Mill with iii levit«-lw«-»veeoiave4 t U luxury ur »•pit* of tlie ilruiipiiijiHliol. mid burnt...„

tIIIMW Of our fop*, null even • t>nt Within theirlilii* l it u tui)|iU of wattr. At lu*t thi* Jamesi» n.'iw,'..*d Hrnlcr.>*H>d, auil on llielrtth nf,June w»' »»t down to the lonj aarl diingfrouaeicneof l'oterabai'2. It won!.I be imnoMiLletu relttUi tlio mnaj incitleut" mill trll «{lunu.v fiarriiv i'8i-u|fT« thnt urcHrrt-il <tiour im>rc tititn niav niuntlin ofulnosta taut i-aun&ntniiwV;.) with 1in«\i,e abul

i lKtnd,-alh, hi

of itbo



t flrew§rkn-. . ... _ rchej iu Ibe treiichei«Bd •veltercil in bouiliL>root«; wUerr «grumbled wben KI; had tu diij, vi-t drea<l«dpoaitbn where BO diir"- F * • *where life t u a fever,tbe limiil. an<t <tutb '

Hut tbe priarlpal .„ _ „ „ „ . l i r u , u ,tbe niege Wil l nienliini hriefi.v aMhey oc-cumd. Ourtlr-t iutrvdnction to the ,m-ay infront of CeterH>mr][, ociurred on the cvcniui:of June the 18lh, wVt. we a lTaaced b e — *tbe work* anil lay on a b.lln.<ii>. till . . ,„,awrainft. Pitmiwil to the cnrtir'n flw; io thi*•Beoualer Capt, Layton waa kilM and aaBniKrofttiinien woundwl; ni>-| tjiiw tb"•anco ol tbe aM, bruuxbtabont by flcn. llar-]«*'* fnjiluw w viiuotct na i.nr Wft, in whioliWe ICMI *tnutatH-r bv cai.ture. amnni whum

tbe enemy'- clatobc*, «mld nrver t.-ll rx*it\vnow, wbale of tho** who irerc caiittired atone proportinn n -ver aXiiin -aw tfa£ wavinu«f the nt»r» and •irtneo, mir ln-anl tbe InvinnV<J[C«« of home, but 111. .1 UR.id tbe nestm wa*•rt»rvattoti, the ]>nju MUil Uiiafir vt Net 'I>ri*Qii peu».

Where m Any nave WB.V to Ibr ilnuniv aig\And oiglit to thp dnj •aaiii,

Tie firot Bn.1 tbe Lit faint r»v- of lidit,Lit the face. «>r ih., utarvinj tarn.

t'roucliMl like If ante .if prer, "'Attl Mo-tikeo e,rt*t wati-bod the "'wniua dooi

For the few M-KD! cronlM ol the i l v ,AftM Ibe 2M i-iune a mouth "f romiiarati. v

Uttiet. I aav coni|iarHlirc i|iriet. for there w«.Bo Mucb t t l i i iM abmilnlf <|ulct in fmnt «f

JgbtrVtl&p BmtoSi; tlikt* m^Wtomrffair w i i m «id boi», io manv of u». a* weembarked on tbe lU-amrr* at *('itr I'dlni weIndn1ge<| lo Jo,rful anticipationf of . t.leauutride at leant. We would rioit Wnabinttoiipcrbapa, and tlics be ncntto tbe *«lle.; t"Kite color to our apecaUttioDti, the lnn.i»leaded down the Jiunc* and c«atc to aueliiir-then the wonder M to the caoae of drtaj. hutuicbt c..Ur .adwith H o n k n to Ret ill !

wei(h, bmt imteadof rrttwalng toward , . . FCnesapeaki1, we headed up the river, on uastCity iQSt. »nt . t Urt dlle»Urk"f'.I i C JBottom, i baril? m»!d and liadlv ri '

Jamee. popalarlj kuwn na tbe aeeo•Mep Bp«tm. Tben a n Kc.u • 8UU01 oA«j.«la>»t1i. and on geft. tlio ldtb ibe fea

L u l f Ike plekel ptl. la fnnt or t,t » » 5 e * r l l * »1 v

toown u t k "Ballriii""l'whereVeB'llc-meTerr near being eapwred, avi lite enemr, 1baJieTe,bMnaa]uioM,iiBnqiiileiiiiTannilcilaad were treating ua to atawt* of our «wn

••one of th« hrnv...! <,tik-etH iu the c-He -poko of the heart; Wtkoaje tho *thad n-cpiTcil iu Doyer, and nutd whilehere tb«- whole ji.normna of ibe w»t hiulaeenif-il to IIDM before trim. He apulce of tbebMoryof the rpptuent, now iiand 1IO]HM1 It wnnid be i»n»d at mi early fayH^r^atu HttrWker, he fal.l. hadnljllit fit-ht on . i-kk.-t line in iCtiiiH. >', flKgr, ft Dovtr, comuiBudcd thffttiren. On tbt> tlaj tbe HnnBidc mio« ex.[ilmled ttu> 11th occupied n poaition an tlicextreme rifbt of Ib,- line. lmt aru-rirrKfiiplcd a jtoaition at Ihli po.nt, when1

|>iiket lim- ran from a fort. At (bit pthin.- u-iu great difficuit.V in cnlablinhinB uuiiiiitlDtaluiuK a jii'ki-t Jiuc. One- day newiwan rcccireit tliat tbt; £ticoi)- wmilri uttto '-niiliiR Ibis picket line. A lonknuttn-e hail >e«-n them tarrying ruilu. *sliowcd tliev iiicunt t« •trpitgthcn tboirti"U. Almut IU o'clock at ui^ht tt>« eicnini' down on oar jiirket line, whfciiunder torn a and of om- i>f Don-r'n cit f"Cii]A. Chw. V. Uajf, tb»u wbom thef* wtunot a ruokr nr braver man la the Army oftbe I'ototnan. Ttie upeafcer hem gnvinili'BJ of Oapt OttBe'n ttemoe*. He left tinf,,rt in thr nl.rknea«, aud pMiinc ' *to tlic enemyV line thai tlicy cimldhe lrnaU-d tbrir ponitlon accurately. Tlieuhe- returned HDII diridlnK tiia men at fat11them nn lioth aiika and put them iu a rrrita-lile death trap. 'Ihe speaker H-e Mit tmiro-

»]»ot where I hi* Igbl took pike*. Tbn *{t«uDdwd<t cu»r«d with tho caeiuj'a dead,ot wliom Wd Wd on tbe KTOBMI and hadaetuallj Irie.i to din into tlie earth wtlU theirbaiidN in onler to eicapn tfae terrililn Ure. He•aw numbers who had died while ip Ihiw-Uitm.

(Jo). Ncboonnver ueit spoke of tlte e»ptmof MiiJ. Tboi. J. H « W on the J3& of J u n c -ihe day tbat Mahnnr tame, betauur torp# uml raptured *,Jf» ibattery of artillery. It waa during a tweaaonofeitrrmf drought, «Len it waa alrao*t . • -poiiible to narrb men great diataneea. Orant

ilenilad hi* led aad ike 11th wju in ad'on |«iekel duly. Dariaj- tin day we eaine up

my and e.Uhliahrd our picket line

in the of a piih

of wnudti. The; hadtbeiM in the opeu fleld In piU. Iln went mil

•rlook the line, bnt was net with t> *nrum tUc esetn.v, ami wiw they w«r

:ing in the op-Mi Rpttce between tbe twb k l k bidivUion.. He

TejciiBtnt and

pnt bat-k to look after bin

it from ea|»t"t G BIJolog through tbe wood* tie n w Gen. Bar-

low'' division taking their eaae. He told theGeneral tbat tbe lekelii bad sot In LU rear*but IM M I too tote, aa they utrtick bin noturned bias hack. He tben went on to hiiregiment aad got out tbat day hecaui* • • u good runner. Tke reaaon Why Capt.II«l«.v diilo't get out was becanw lie troapoor runner. In cooclunion Cut. Scbonnoti•poke or how Capt. <iuge bdped bin out thai'lay, ami otter iacidenU.

(leu. McAllister introiliKcd Capt I.Vary, of Horrintowu, JU one itbls tu cle»:h« dispute in *tfennc« tt> «b<. killed Gen.HarkJMlale. With liii tomp.ny Capt. Corjcaldthat <e wa* In the center o f t hone alioe

tl \>y the line, wbrn be naw.a Confeilcr-Hier ride out hravoly, approach a piece

of urtiliery unit .trike i| with hi . --ronl Hw>jjuve ill* ortier tridvi

i to fiee and tbe-. Ther, died

went down togethirider proved to IM <!<-n. llarkidalo wl

i huapital neat tiny.Oen. HcAllialcr made an appeal la tbe "fi-Ta and wn to ftaralib aaleriala lor the

Matorj- of Ihe regiment and aend aurfi toSecretary BUhop W. Maitui, at Tranton. Hethen iai.t be wanted to h e u now*from tbe aaau who bad come l^dUattenil this re-union.

HaJ. Ualaey was *£«ettd with cbet-n a* bei.u« forward. He ezpnaaed bij |nv«t pieaa-re st being able to ipeaktobUoldroairadea.

Tnea* tattered Unnera »bow what the Iltbdid at the frost. We followed them for y c i n

r the bloody field* of Virginia and now re-joice in an nadir.ded coaolry. He apobe el<•tmeutlr »r tbe going oat or hia eampan; IronItoTrr. and of tbe aerrieea rendered by Set-i-anl MilUvit. Col. feboonovcr, be Mid,had forgotten that be bad a wounded 1-* thnday they ran away aud comltla't keep up.

priaon pcnB, fed ua «>rghum and iK -. He hoped that he. u d a» hi*, eon-t» niijht meet ON that other ahon

tbere are no warm, and expreaied bi.ttou M ta«t with biAtommlei, here a* l»niai it wa. potaihle.

'Ja|il. t". B. Titos read an able patter, full

hing. that Wrrr luvo)ve<l•drepwrt of which wo

In thelid If a Krt-.t i

> tbe

The following Mfttntu fromW»» reail and rtttivei with br«rt

Will ym. thankI . t(.IJH..T

LtMUty Bi.hop Maina ipoke »rtbe forib-ilnjC history of tbe regiment, by ttergeaat

Mirlmker, the hirtorian, tod bimaell as mo-Ue would lik« every member of the

ent lo Mod any incident*! he could re-call to hii addrew at Trenton.

IrAlllatetmade a warm addrew ofi Ih* people • ! l»o«r lot their bo»-

Me then Intro,! need Chaplain» f-lthful poldicr in tbe Mirice of

hu counttj a.vA faU Lottl.Chaplain C'llae ipoke of bin lint and pnly

•frit Ut Dover, nine yearn ago, when he cameiere by Teaneiil to

ferafli whn <>n. ,i welcome then, complimented the peopleDover on their patriotism, and oitded elo-nt worda uf w.rn^athj- tm the rtlation.' ' cectioa wkm«

r beii coop, by tlio News—super->H tli«- L-ouslructiuti of IJIStueliiue. It'I CJIIIJ " wiultlmnl.v wrilt-r" Ivuulil bL'tjJ

ittrea-iu({ jvlich; uli.jut wlieiLIH tir.st ti-l'-'!,'r;i|iii was iiiycutcil.

catmot Ao the snljeet justice,you wui t UL'JP|it ttiL'will for t i e ilitt'ilm j Ije cutilcut witli sutb us I CJU yivc»r cuusi^u it ull to tbt* waste l):isktj(.

As to win-re l i e telu^i-jpli »'A* iuvtnt?J, I alwiivs tiuppiiHc.1 it wua iu tliu ft.itiI.Ji-ain of PrylL-ssar M-JV^, instead of llieituuU brick biuuke liuose alludtut' sjiii Ijiick liuiliJiDR\v;i5 buil-

time htituvc t i e Professor cimi* there, «siiiiuflice,l tltmk, fur tliu iruu wovksIt wa-s two stuiies l)igli,;iliout lix'io feewilb tno ufHrt-H ou ibe Hist Hojr ntiil i

iioin^a oflbo ym would rioJ oboain llioit dn>s. I biipp'^^c tbe Vrooccupifil it fur ivIiit nffi-ebiisiLi-s.

be bad but us I reuitoilier lie WJH ID allit shops wlien \\ic Oitliirt-'iil iijris uf liialaebiue or iDsmiuifiit were Itejug coii-ruc-rt'il. 1 kuow u t'DOil jiartuf bi

time VJS speot iu tlic wouJ sliop. wlitrfather nnJ I worked und <!id Hit-

1 work, wbicli wa» maiol; Ibo mak-„ of llic lutlerie?, aa tlioy were called,

Tuis icquin-d tlic Profcssor'u orersigbt,«;r uu t'ue uL-L-asiou wlieu ID

lallier was oagaged io some iuiritjlpart uf llie work, aoder tlie frrfessur";direct ions, u liiclj be fouotj rather difficjll

>ma»e pbin to liim, he <>»obitO l j i f l o u l ? bail lUe use of tool

you liavt1, wlmt :ID ndraaliigc it would beto me now." I iln not pretend lo quoleVERBATIM iifler tlieljpse •>( so niau.vveai-H, lim giv:- hU vtrJs ioBut with oil tbe trials sod pcrplpxiliesinfidcot to BDL'II an uuiJertskiop, 1 aeversaw of UfatJ anyltiiog tt.it would in•Hciiiw-' tho DH9 of nfiy Mich Innf'iin^c QC

(lie Notts flceuHfis titm of, 1'ruftssoiMorec waa a penlleoian in CVCTJtbo lero) as I htew liiai and tenemhei

At .bat time ttpeetWe.t Iron Workiwent b5 tbe firm numeof Hteplico VailJfc.SoD, tlie con Itcing Ibe lalecs-Cot). .. Ocorfte Vail. Slepbtn Valiulsn bail a BOD. Alfred, wbo waa eded, acil liui] his tififllth permit led, •i.o\iV>t,C3i liave cotcreil tbe miQUtr.T.Tlie acquaintuoco of these RODS, anil Ibefacilities for perfecting bis ioventioiwill) sucJi a variety ol niiicbinerj, weretlie reasocs I alwj/a assigned fur Prof.Moree comiDg ont to Speedwell to coistruct tbe first Te.egrjpli.

Aootber RpnUemtn wbo •ravas-ocialei)wilb tliein wa* Professor CHUf.a.tlmagli Ido not remember him tm baring much tdo directly wiih ili« Icleffiupb, orwbetberhe waacotmetiUd witb llie firm io u tegiwa,f, tlioogli ao incident 1 call to mindwould rather form that idea. It was IbeKsaociiitiog of their Daracs in H cuuplelwbicli ran about tb t» :

•' I'rufciMr Monw -od Frofewior ».<]«,Mr. Alfred and CJeorgfl Vail."Prof. Gale delivered a coarse of scien-

tific lectures wbilecat tbcre, in llie o;JAcademy in Houttk Street, MurriitowtI attended ibntu, btivjui* a present ofcoxme ticket, fro "P_ - Uecrge VuilTiie k>ctai«8 *ere illQatmed wit i ecien-tiflo ciperiaieDtB, were latereatiDg, nodtu me at Ibut litne, vcrj «0D<lerful.t b e o n l y o t i e wtjtcli I will attempt loharden jonr columoB witb a descriptionof, wax tlie one on elvciricily. It waswty pertinent to tbe work then in hand.After the lecture an eiperimant WM tofollow. Tlie audience were to lake boldat bands aad lorm a complete circa it,and when all wa* ready, Ibe ProfessorwaBtotouuect ibe spark. Just beforebe did BO, iu MB joking w»J, be request-ed each one io call out "Morristown"OB Inc sbock passed, (beta, l i e (henmade Ibe connection, anil ol courseevery one in the circuit received tlie

ibock 11ia.ult11ueous.3r, causing tbe wildrat con. 1

1 Morrii'ltaieter first came into their

Eferjixxtj was io guod bumor, and 111 isbeing the closing cci tbe uadience pn8s-

•ati)mo..DD and uproar. Some yelledorristown," sotno " flre," urn) ottiern

ged oat io

I bi

gt glee.oat io fi^ g

Ibe building in wuich tbe "trial trip"of tbe telegrupb m»% miide is of woodam) wits tlien known vt Ibe "bocklefactory," liaving at one lime been occu-pied in toukiog Ibe small shoe backlesatid otter shoe oroatneDiH, ao extettsivHyused at'but time lo adorn ladie*' »'io-pera aod sliues. Xbia was befure Prof.Sloise came to Speedwell. It WAS afterwards prepared with machinery for bor-tog aqueduct logs, wbioli were used ex-clusively fur tli? use of the Jforristowoaqueduct at that time. It Hands on namnll stream, from whence it derived itspower, in ibe rear of the large house iowhich tbe foupder of Speedwell, JudgeStephen Tail, speot tbe last years of bislife, uul where now reside* bis atep ion,Mr. LiJsjerwood, who married liiagrtid-dangbter—ftd*OKbtf>r of Dr. Silas0 . Catler, the cldeil farotheE ot Bon,A. W. Catler.

II was in this btjilditg that Prof.alota« wide tbe first experimental nbi-billon ot hia invention. Hen the

b d t lk t li a n n .

ligbtaiBg wai made to talk to peoplemile* away. It was here (bat bondretisoftheconoua who bid h e r J s o muchboot it, and were ao detirnus o( seeing

u t d i i e t l i r o n e dto wilnesa tbo actaal couplelioa uT tbewond«rof the nioeteeatboenlaiy.

Tfae targe room WM lighted and tbeaftei-Doom and evening! were derot«dto Ibc&o flbibitiooi for twtne l ine .And now, Ibonflu tbi* eontouDiaitiunbasitUioed volaminotts proportioDB, Imast crave foarinbatgence » little far-ther, wbile 1 endeavor to give some ideaof its workings. Tbe batteries beforespoken of formed the component part ofthe BMcbine. They contained tbe pow-erful acids which caused ita power whenconnected with the w i m . l t r * werem&df> angular in attapennd arranged tolip from side to aide. When on one sidethey were charged; wlieD tipped OB theother aide Ibe acid waa disconnectedfrom tfae wire and Ibo power was gone.

Thia eiperimcnt was tried with aboutthree miles of wire coiled on • larfiespool, isolated b j a covering; of gomenon-contlncling material, Bimiln; tomiltioery wire. T . e coming • ir.if .-<.inairamiint was operated with a crtnk.Narrow pixies, wilb notches •ometbinglike a cotrsc iuw, were Qted lo fortD tfae

' racier* by which the operator readueaaaee*. For instance, tbe opera-took a'meaueo BUI.. Imnwinir which

plate* were required lo transmit tbe let-ters it contained, ke pliicjd tlietn in tbe

[or "fortrulc," at I rememberiiVW-u called), sad tnroing 0 crank tbe*

wc-re- dratvn Along 11 groove. AVUea passins a ccrtaiL,point tbetbing which cou-nectcd tlie electric spark wouiil drop iuthese notchcR, BDd away went the Iigtit-uinp lo Ho its worlt nt ihp other eml of

CJIIUJLT witb paper drawn tightly overit. on which these okirucli-Ts were njn.eni'b au upright pencil, Tlieae wereTL-JII hv Wruiuc Ihi'iu "D ihcfutwi j.riii-fi(/ |- *"p;l!f;llt Lilies" IU lilUSIL- Wi-I'i!ie3rneJ— bv t1i'--ir wliapt.

I r»-!iiBU)!j''rt»V'incidents wliif'-i occur*rfJ tli" cvi-Diup: I utteB'l(-.l Ibo fXijjbi-

hf-Kreat iuventor. A-i I srrn"-1 vk-uiuj,':hy irorbiup nf tiit-porlralt* I thought 1

nils s i i nrc- tlut n-||i'ii ihe Professor

fo him, mid to uiysnrpriM' fiiun] j w.i»

Ufi 'i'd, huacVirr, In- bU !>'.vin>\nz uutliljiniiia it t(Min;t nml ihiiubioR me•y tiudlv ii llifiiiili I hin. .lone b'<ia a•jtfjvyr. CotiiiL-etcd nilli tlie cjliu-rwuaaliel l , similar lu. the one now

liefura the im-ssHgt- was fi^'tit. ThentliMut-iiloiit wna to wiitifli tlje poihulo uudifter tbe counectian was made, nr rfttlitt(tlieu wt> ,-aw it drop in H L uutth, Imn:osi'(itljc bell alrikelJufwrewe hi>jrd it;iUK- u i e-iurst; wi- could not. lmt i<•eiiuit'd ilratiye tbntwe cuuiil Hot erculurnoiir lifitiis iuliuiL'tu ace tt In-foreneatiut; it.

I tliiuk this description will corrobo-rate the .me true p:ii'jgr.ipli in tbp NUWSirtk'It—Itii.t it was an awkwaij am.lite mill tiffiir, nod woul.l utWell compure with llie old K-ip^r rilieimap |>low

mt I siw vi tlm tiuAun AKtu-uUurdljir, us nith the telcgrjpli of to day.Km you have douUtlcs. heard of thety's jjck-inifL', v:\nc\t Uad worn 01

several new blmlea aud hamlles, l)»t ffiinl knifi> fi-ill. J. E. CVTLEU.


Til.:, kti (I.I8IU,

No. 6 BRICK BLOCK,Cor. BUckwell and Morris Su.,

futmutly occBuw-d l*f Wliitlofk * t^-cit,)i a n f f p a l F l i t b u i r l t l i

well tcl«ct«4 itMh

toLia Mlroni.fiutUblt! JVr tie •»iOD,botL



treverf ileicri|iUni>, loth fnrelgu and (luicea-lis, iDd Will mike

SUITS TO ORDERAt rerj modmte price*.

ID ibmidaace ind ai «»r dnwD pticta.

HA-M'tH! H A T S !of 1t)dtt(«t itylen for ths aeuao. T'.te p

lie will be well tPiftrJed by *l*minia;

wbms it


IWVElt, H. J

BUILDING LOTSF O B SALE!I hare three large

lots for sale on Ran*dolph Avenue.

I have seven lotsfor sale on Blackwellstreet, near tbe riverbridge.

I have fifty-eightlots for sale on PennAvenue, 1st, 3d, 3d,4th, 5th and 6th Ste.

I will sell any or allof the above cheap forcash; half mortgageor all mortgage, andgive all the time re-quired. Apply to




Northern New Jersey.




C0NOA.ND8CH0OLEV-ti MODKTAlK.Time: uble for ouaeuger train I. to ttku ttteet

I6lb, 1891.TlTIOll :

H Kmw ¥OKK, (ool of JJberty St.. Kortb river-a I'miMUiftxrau, depoti ittti Md Qneu, and

Sd 4nd Berk* DM.L U T E t*TM*m.

k.u. A.M. r.M, r . •lewTork..... 1.00 8 45 4.W

PaiUDBLr«u,Jor. tfiti -ad aratn atg. 7 JO

" thJtDdllerlu "TWBWB %MNewark 8.60



- - Frop'r,

uerra.n YUleNfttiKbrigtjl

. 8.03 10.&5

. 8.17 10.*a. 8.2G 10 SS

'. 8.33 ll!06. 8.38 11.11. 8..J 11.10

It«••S.O0* . «5-tB


J5:S?l 7JI

Oysters, Oysters,• m i d ID moj atria. AJao aold b j Ui«

QUART, 100 or 1,000ttiTBA frt*h froja tbt market OT»TJ d»7.

Meals and Lnaoh«s

WINE M O POOL ROOMS-:-sra •Imjt opta lo visitor*, and o w y effort

( d t o l U


va! • • • I". II,

J • • «.W I.Ufl.s» 1J0

in €.*$ 1.60f. t t 8.C3

lie . . .CBS7.(0f(|j a t i L . F * > • • . . • . . . . . . . • < . . , a


S±5«h; V£


" 9thtDdOrMO " 10.W•wYork " 9M



( < ll i ta.(JSI .U•.10f .u1.U

CeiterOermta T

Trafai lcdT« ten?it for Mmaitlak tad htkoHopuruog tt 0:03, t. *.; 1:10, 6:05. r. • .^;r ail ititiont to Ogilen tt 1:40 r. «t.

CoDve;>ncei esa bo procured st OttWDVillty to tiid rron Kcbooler'i Nrmnti•i Flanders to sod trow Bodd'l Ltke.

EAMOR Oantionon*.—C•i Uigtj Bridge to tnj fromJ. £. WUOTIEJi,aen. MiPiger.

a . P.BUJJWIN.O^, l u t c m VIM, Ag't.0. 0. HAMOOCK, a-en. PMI. * T'c'k 1,

(MOUtH AMD ESSEXpoti ia New Vork, foot or tarclav St. aid


TMVHUDAY, Jtaiirv tit, IK5.

AtfiMUA.M. (>lC*«iuu kill' Tri.ii.J.601.-jeotiUK witi. tiis JkMu;ou linutk tt U«BtiJJ

i t u i u t a p f

•t »V«tctii>o7rJri».do*:er,S(1w»gy •U5'«I]M~M',UiV,,L. 4 W. H. b. at

sorttuiou, Ulimtaanitoii, Utw*r iw-liiilispring*, iiomtr, wJurtUnd, ijrunaa, iHmtai*uU iioiHta ou Iiit iackairaiiDa tuU Blooai*-

- ' " ' -Mt»ud ttiidMiu JUlliotdt;ilb Ukl lb V.Utj lull.Hu« ii»bWB» VaUrud

Ubiak. ftfeOlm and

BOOK CV 4tl*#l>*-») i f - « Ho* Totfe vt». P*- MWatof

ibHiMM. -waDt>cliBc at bom miikKaiitoM, at WatwlM with SBMCIfor AaUlvvar ffawStfai ajtal ail AIA

";"»l IMawan wUki ttlalntewa K~jtou, wilb jr.r-~*-*—'g OivUiou fur

um, Kiofatoa. ffUkMbvre, D M . i l k . tunbariaHiJ, #e . Fattens or* I U I B S tttUutiurroiii Maw Vofk.ntmMaBdBwBlaac4D cousaat at ffHfaiaf-A-> • '*• tttim tot

"" ' — aAa UtltlllaalkAa " ""

ssassodSszsaaasitAi •,siSA.a.««t*losatlO«*t>|oaiprw«

D B O W <k d

losatlO«*t|oaiprw«) Wttsf <k», Hln-idt-


STV1Ss.TfoJi a'iJ.a* r. II (XuM. «!•

ur**» C O U M U U ** Watorloo for Aawovcr.

Roskswa/ aaft Dover.

ping *t afllbsra, • u a i i l , OH»i|»ai,|f»aiMM.Marriitown sad til it*U«u w«tt to •MIMUS*

at Waterloo with Irala «r

"iiiiiiy.'i. Don? Ac«)MB(-UtMa hr

a t r Osp, B tN«sbs« ,, list*,!KtnUu>B,0w

At BlaghtaitoB witb tnJa fer OrstBa.Oilord.NorwteCtBiakn«ld8prlB«a, DUe*. t c Tblt.tntin raas lbroi«h to Oaw*M BotTtlo aidBlobield Spi (bst mot to fthacs) f" *

i«h to Oaw*M BotTta (bst mot to fthacs) f


Tiaiu antijfWIowt:l U T M m 1



Clmlra l ip ." I'dEa.ua Mall t:UOtwaie Etprcia* aid?Do.tr i t e m . «.MBnffdo Ktfraaa* a.-vT




10.07 4.47

::; is:s ;s;s:s . . .Ml


MOURNING MILLINERY.Mrs. John P. Wltheridge,

PORT OKAN« N . J .a.Jml laid in a lais . .tii.li of ta. ab.*.liith.hel. aelllig cban. Ha. iat lu . a .mpte i& irmctal tA »aauaa aav atoak.


L.D.nnwuz,Maait •...Do.



«tt .nBclaacr.HOI8TINO BNGIMB8. •)•*!«

••al t n m M a .


Mai PDI.LBTa.talo••< wall.Bra*? and Lfiibt Caalion la Iron. Bnaa,

The Equipment of IronMines a itpeclalty.


UNION HALL BUILDING,BlaekweU Street, Dover,

Hot .Air Furnaces,if Ibe IaU.it *nd uott imprcved itj-lei, for

aHortment ot item, cheap for cuh.




Agent for VETEB HAUCK^B celebrated beer.




LlUDEM,iodall iltida of JobUna intojUiw,don« in tb« be*t muttitr and nt the ibortos

li Higbnt prises paid far oU Iletd and pewter tafaa la

BRUENtBUNNELL,Itaaltaww, ar. ».,


Hom Gltil Buckit Fun!

•liicli ii uateii3M. Ttey give tlie bum uf *ttu-racllon. Ttfjilioketji mitock "THE NEWEttriBG" Itut-Ait, O>« »ad H-. -fcorumfcCookioR Bto*«, the U i t bikluR HU>VI> iu tUiworld. Also.* Urge•••ortiDeutuf other•tfle*world. AUo.»l»r«eB»rtiiieutoIoheratfle*of Caotinf. HtoTea. Btue^. I'arlor gtovea, te.,tor BUMlSlB AWP WINTER UKK A t ^

' t k of BiBUWAKI-:, CCTLBltf,, Copper, Fiain and Janaasc

iblrdCaRn Fettbers Piatt*

* itock o|t . « M 4 n ,

gtovea, te.,

CCTLBltf,d J c

__ jte uidOUi, bird Cam, Featbura. Pvail'AatralOi) (BOO •zt.IoeWp.i AIM, At%\rt* ICOAL- fiooflnir, Plaaibiaft and Jab Worpio»ptly •*teniS*d to. Ft-rbtnk'* Scaifi •mittnfictari'r'i prices. Tlier m\*o Lire anof the ibore Kiln In front of their place c.ba.ineii lor t*nblio vei^biDZ. Old Iron. Cop-per. Prtift LeHi Ru* »nd OretnbMki t*k«sID MChinjiF tat fOMi-

fiBDEH * UCNSEU-.AlH, nmioftclarcri of Bni-neTi »-lf-TiSlii


UtkebMtUwtliispowder In the market.

b 25 per cent strongerUua my known explosive.

It mot M dangerous tohandle or transport.

b plastic and produce*• i c h lew fknie*.

b waterproof aad

baold aa low M any otherhigh explosive.

1: 55 Liberty It., N. T.wwfct:OrakM.nit,N.J.

APRIL Sd. 18«ft.






12 C. yard.272 HASSOCKS



65C. yard.

W. S. BABBITT'S SON,Xorrlttoffn, S. J.

FOR BENT.I t . t i l l Door or ll« lialMiat fcrmi.lya-J

kr Ta . Iao> Eai. on Mont. «t*t«t. ajm b.pat ia cmkr to aMl. tfce tcnaot.

«f»IJ toI. m. BlalDiO.

REDUCTION IN E66S.la «w>r «• t i n tsrerr • » •

ch»»e» t» oktalat pmn Mack Iwin M I I « • • f«rih> «> t minr•Ufa m a an «l»kmt>4 Mrala•f Brawa Ltlkaraa at SO ccataV*r aetllat mt IS rna. Nat Iraa•kma a aclllan at a tlaae. MrNwli antrcaf larcra aaa krettfraai Mack Ikat aaa • » • M(h-aat arlicwat New Vark Baaltrriknr ffarpaa Ikrce yean.

* . U. UKK, ilukm, N. i.I a-DO)

pnrt bred Plj .tlocfc raw! ! Ota

f U

Freeman Wood & Co.FIRB

Insurance Agents.


NOTICE.Estate or Sllai Ualier Pal-

mer, deeeaaed.IUB8UANT to the order ot the gurn>i.atp

or llic Coocl) or Mortla, Biaoe OD liecol] -te\> nib d.Torr' utaorr A. D one ilim,.piil i-if;lil litiiidii.'a and ogir* flte, untie.

claaacompaDie.—ttc beilln Uip world:




CapiUI 110,01111,1100



nuNXLtx or rnii.ABELrBU,Capital «r.,000,IJOO.

' ALEXANDER WIG HTON.tHlfaltn 1-lrr



831 BROAD St


/. O. ROCKEFELLEB,•iitDVicnmu. or tarn

RUtir Tain dull PupDOVER. N. J.


WOOD female.

J. F. HANSELMAN'SNiw» in.Ctnfectioniry Store.

raocwiiiiBB, fi. J.,•Iwny. on liiiuil nil »tie WM-kl.r and

•-•iV*i' u)?Wll'1v un»(!iJiit»f)ii ami iwrtnoiHll hiod». UiN KMiturapt <l.-pi.rliu.:iil Itnjyn «i all 1»O.M>. ^vftytlilug a p-Hiuti-mil

- «TBKSb.v Hi.- thouian*. ivmtrrd or >|uurlrtio« in waut of uujlhiuii in Li> liiir i ** him a rail,

TIB FANY& ALLEN• i l l Uila H I H I make a apccl«I(j> of tbe


MILWAUKEE UGfR,ftrt wVeh «»cy i n aole afients [or tbli tectnIt !• a |>nre md prime article, aod frill -Untiled tor family am) l.ntel oic». or toM b;the beg for dtinstt. V,ey will alio maiutaittbfir rt-palatioo ta tli* au|.plj or all kinds 01•otldrlDh*. inclp'llDff



Offloa and Botlliog CilablldmcDtoi


K u i D. .L A W.DIPOT.


JOHNTIYONIIM remav«4 U tfae ucw ilorc erected tor 111

HM inMclarlaa'afark, IronUogon

WARREN STREETwhore be Will 1» |lail ID we all blafriends' ant. cuctaiuera and anj who ilcalro tiaraure bnrgalns when Ibey tnnbe jinrdiaacaHUeula^pd ficUitica tntUe biw to otferaetr and teeaptiag atock of



PROVISIONSt* cnunernla which wonU IM ii»i»as]UI« in

apace, lie mereij dealrM to remind ,ronthat hti atocka are replete and new, aad lhatIw will Callow fiU farmct utMtow of offetinj•II foods at prices wblili will ensure tbe fuvoiofUscuatomen.




SIXTY-:-DAYS.I B a*«tar to ffedaee aiy clock I will offer for

Ibe licit 10 dare at Met prteea a large aaaorttacnt Of thu tbllovins ut(eleat





TAIXT BRraHUor AU. • ! » » .aor I bmve lbs LABGBST STOCK Of W,...

hprnintowD.anA«ul]ica>l«»will h i m wi.pportonlly ta autw tfca b«ai eekctiona »t WBcpportanl


Huw I. th« HaM to alder Fiotarw frame, inOILT, WALKOr. fe. I n i l aialu I t —


'rnt», Hoi**, Si|n tM Orna-

Tbli branch otmy laaJoeta will be carriedoaatlfaeoldataDd witb proaptneaa and dieMtata, and wilb hctlcr farj'liin than erer he-ore. Aelbnj my Pa.ntt and Oila at wbola-

MIB pucei I am able to dtfr cotniwtibon.Cavtomcr* can i t all iiaioi enmloe (lie .took

tnj ihnp aod aee for tiemnlTea tfiat f iuea lirti — "

nlit i-l-ilnl ftll,(NIO,ll(KI.

Norib Brilii-b aod Vrrcmtili loanrinM Cn,uf LonduD sud EdcnborfL ; o p U l llDOOOOW

Cmuu-cicin. I'uitin Ansiiil l l *IKI<K

Tbe Lmdon Asmrsiiecd,cspit»l»A,SUO,Ol».


Wssicbe4«r F in l u u t iNew York. C*U>1U1 0NO.OOO.

Ommtm AMEMOAH 11,000,000



Freeman Wood -V Co..Isatltw if tbe P«ua aid Polleo Migissnl*


J>i.l.h Man.u, »nc<;iiaor to 11* Iiri» »r M.tilt 4 Uuck, can wvU \x (waA mK Uic "Id «>.>Tcr Kttlsnrt'n Cru^ Htne lor H,.aie, Kmil Ornamcnlal Palminp, Graining, Oil.ii


CEILING DECORATIONS,I Imve PATTERNS SUt'EitlOR JO ANT IIIMS VI01M1Y. H-vins dr-foted myr-elespecially <o tl'-t liiali branch. 1 am confidenttfl ctv« Bilislattion wltwever I KD. nintplef«r in ; m>rk can Iiu »wri at »uy time. Alcrjili^T.m" ni t,-t-ilinKa Sot l i e f»H tntlo. Urain-IOH hi ail kimie uMvooit. Wai.lo. Walnut, fitaol• in) Frcni.li itoHitrorii). Oik, Hitin won I, Ac.Tlie piiiiliii^ bnncli I *lm!l atrlctly superia-t< ml mynelf ami employ tliu bent of meobaiiloa.I ft-k » fair trial t t a ; abilitr and «UI en-deavor to my olmoat to pleue wr co*toi—OnliTi by mail will rtufuc Bruai|*t atlai1*. O. Bos 68.



soil iu in awBtHLDtW. CURIiai HiUW'.SLiOt



•Mai aa* FertMlicn.SAFES AND SCALES.

Bitjcl™, TrirjTKln, Kollnr »k» lc ,Tttcbli! und BnorlaniFii'* ihHMli'



Centra*. Uktm and material! fanlatrtd *w

B l ' I L U I M l S , BKIDUE81

wbatbtt ot BUC1 «f STOXK.

•onaat T. h n t , J O B R J .


PHOTOGRAPHSTbc-« rbotoxrapfaa owa tbcir ulu*) to t b

de*«top(DCu, ot a 1 7 t . e s . ubicb r*n<leri. o f l iriph a l t I U t

tnsblea the npefator to eateU a tratMienbriKbland bsppy upKaalou, wfalcb noaiitecan preaetre for more than s lew itcooda. TutsunnbKe R»ibed ii agrteably appirsnt in tbepuutDnratin.

TO IBE ILULIO-TU, nad«n.|tDed W-•(Mctlully lufcirnia IIQ public iLat be bar-reoenti? rrtDrodf t l b b t b l

inipptr»to».eto.coniitBt«4*iiiiphologfap*»Witli evtry fioilitr, coablned with a loBg

eipericpoe, lie ia new prepared to rurntib flue• rtiitlc photosrapbi, m-iuted oa r" ""*-MMU at (tie followlai rednonl ram:

IUPIBIALH (inOlnb* ol ten) p. r dta. (3 00Tlic "Ngiuatorof club lo recriTB one ilex, tree^^CARTES D l VI81TE, 'in CtuU.ot tvn) ivet

The or eioitor of clnb to rrctivc one ,ire. freePortralM urall klndi copitd it .atne ratta.TliciejA-iiMTeB cannot be cicri'td for br.l-aocr, rfelicacj or tone, itjle Of Snlub

•peatitiB Hkenc*a.*'•- - 11 kunwo rtfrnUlicnof (hiawUbliah-

_i guaranty to Ha pairnne anil t» tb*teoera! public tlie workprti.1uee<i will provetbe aenie. Partie* uealriDit to form olnba anreopeelfKll- rcsseaUd to commuB^rt will.

X- U. LAOEV,Mom.i^D.N.J .


ILlCtWELL k.. OOm, X. 1.

Slate Booflngr t h w e m t t t h i

piojwg amc iua nwhMitM. lean m rmt*> Batorial u d work ia eT«ry partleair. T v S b a a t t t M P ^ t J w v a ^ t w L


llihrulni Liftr Iwr n TJ. J.1b. r w > 81. wMatale and ttl.ll l aah iind jolifcer in WjQei, Lintiora an^ Ctrara «ll]ftve un lap at uin mdmtn fhilip llf M'» cele-ratnl Mllw.naa. L.«tr Ikrr, Aim Haiku-00 A: (.Wo EXJM.M fut tbC KCUM,II of lhlCt-omnicuclnK an Monday Ajiril 37th.



E. SIEBER,C»r. Bteckwcll u d fiHcx Sts.,,

DOVER, fl. J. |

The Central Iloai* !• one of tb* Ratal intiU «oc«nB wid 1> >.wuai.i.j ,ocnle4 oneiBdKil yanla from tV- Central .It-wt.au.l

•bant two ninatm *nlk from lb« D., L. 4.W. It Is a larps roomy honae and well fur-


A well f«rnlabod BAB and POOL Bool con-iMted with tb« konw. PorftiHltorinfann*-

Ibe proprietor. »1 j

^ , ).(-,tutrmnlioD, to (be t

l I t b

ttitCouQ.«olMurn*,di•true, nnder oath uT ifiiaenbtr. on or before Hi , „„.

late of auitj order'; anil any credilo* ieslict-pg to bring la anil uiVjiinv b » or twr claim,

uiKkroaili or affirmiiion, wllbm 'lie timt-mlimited, will tt? forc.t-r burrcO uf hi* or beraction tkerc for agaiu^t tbe KaeeaUw.

_ rtttit tiT.DlT-a*r^Blhd»jof •"•hrimryj,9.1HS. WlLLlMil * . WKIGBT,

NOTIOBI.E»tt!« tl Charm $. Divtnptrt

cfrctitciJT «r Hit Contitv «1 M'-rna, made <HI Ihe

ib iby of April A. D. -'uc HID«MBII. liukitrt-d »uil picbij-li.i-, notice laby given io ell pt-rauDi I.a tin« alciaialist I-,- ciine (,( Cl..ika b. U o r M r i ,ol tlie Count/ or Morrii, itn-mfdT*a

\\:c »i(b»rrilirr, oq uf faetoie Ibe teariliof Jjomrv ut jl , being nine (Bau-lia11 c date of t*ttl (irtier ; *wt ktaT tictiiiot(•elicit ro briny fu ami ((dibit lii* or b»»

- . - j i , under ontli or affirmatiun, with... Ihstimoio limited, «j| | be futeter tiHtew ol huor tier kcUim tberefor «RaUr>l lh* *4«iiri»-

ted Ibe fonrib tk» of April A. »W I L U i K J . " "

flparta. Ba.«n CoDnlf. V. f,

EsUteul UeHrjr HaM-iser,


PUfifiUAMT lo tba order at ike tmtnnfof the Ou-u.r ol Monti, atdc oaTIbe

•nterotb day of April A. D. one Ifeoa.•and eight kuDdnd and € fablr-l*". w>Hee <•-—:by niien 10 all parion* barlnx da ia t

jort ibe ealate or Rearr Unlibfaer, l a u ttCoontF uf Horrt*. <Irce»acd, 10 preaf nt tbe

iniii, under oatfa or ••rmation, to tbe tab-•ribft, on or before Ibe aiBUeutb day nt J . c.vv Belt, bdn-f Bine month* ftnt* tbe data ofiidorilei;arjdBDfOrtdilortit*l«cilaf tobrlig

in and ciblbit bii or her clam, ••.aerottbor•JBnaatioo, «fthln tfae time to Hulled, wilt U.onr«r barrfi ol hi* or ber aatioa UMMMriialnit tfae Admlniekalw.Dated tb* tlitccalb day of Aarll«, u. 1M«.

ZBUlVBff . rOTTBB,AdBlDletraior,

9t-W» r»tt Oram. tttwrtt Ok. It. I.

Natiee af SitUamaaLMollceI.lKr.bjal.oailia. Ike

llie •ab.friberi, KKpnlor, o | i<

WIIDaM abich M'li.MM.



Natrt* at SttUttMitHottee IB btiirby frlven tusk th* .tiewuf* at

tlie inbtcriber, Adniiuiitrator of HitlhlssZeek, dcecaved. will be an.UUd ttd il«t*diij- mi* SurrosstB, ami reporifd lor setitrawitio tlie Orpbana' Court ot Ib* OuMly of Mortis,OD HomliT the Drat clay of J I M Mil .

lHOUAiB. MdlRATH.lilted Hwcli Iltb. 1MB. ll-tm

NOTICE.nai neetlDB ftf llie Mnefcht-Idtrn itfTnnitutie Cnupanj «U1 be IKMKI

at Wooilport, oaI C f i S D Y U l l l H

to tlfct live pmctors for th* enHUiR ycttmid traD**cl incli utter Imiistii aa may COM*lief-ri Mid WCellog.

19-.w JAMES B. T1TMAM.


m b»» footrrt under BtiniB^BesBiTnear Canal Bridge, on fitaM HlrcL-t.Me aullciti tbn pitronagr> of lit* Irwnordera will irc. i . t prowy. •V««lio».


tiD|]0|>polteibw)Do*rL(iiBucrrsril. R s a stut. rprcillcstioDi n i d e aad canlrs«t taks*.obbiuK ait>a*a p.riifnlarl* a'tt-utl*i) la . l it*

•\ra l«lt t t tlie U.lot, Din* Htore a l Ut. Urn.GDO<].1I>, or at the potl-ollot will i M lI d d ^ O. I . w

GDO<].1I>, or at•Itended to.


ACME Htaaow..Kaito Waatl CaltWalar,.


firalaaaataraaaltwlbrUlt,-VAI.TEB A, WdOIi MUWtltH, B X A n U


* mm wsmHAY BAKttV

American Hay TeMm,

L Y O N S F A N MILLSU»ar mmt TfeKM Mnt«% ;




8eeds.Fertllb.cn,•nl IVtllTUlKa rornuaad OAlUn.



Dover, N . J , ,««.ra Ib,. j , tb. *„„„,., ,„,«,,»,.

I'b. A farm of 00 ac

••h. A Ann of M a



Ualxnl W a e r a a a d n . .^ 1 M n m "' * " • "


• * • " Dmt .H.I .

THOB. JOHNBONTaannractorer u d 4aakr la