1. Melting snow mountains Montana glacier national park 1913 2005.

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Transcript of 1. Melting snow mountains Montana glacier national park 1913 2005.

1. Melting snow mountains

Montana glacier national park



Melting Polar ice caps

1992 2002


1979 2001



2. Shrinking sea ice cover

Arctic Sea Ice Extent: Average for March

Arctic Sea Ice Extent: Average for August

Rising Sea level

Sea level measurements from 23 long tide gauge records in geologically stable environments show a rise of around 20 centimeters (8 inches) per century, or 2 mm/year.

3. Seasonal temperature change.

•Global temperature increases aren’t spread evenly around the globe •Heat wave and extreme cold.

•Decrease in number of extreme cold days, thereby lengthening the season.

•Increases in number of extreme hot days.

5. Species Ranges1. As the temperature across the U.S. has gotten warmer, the purple finch has been spending its winters more than 400 miles farther north than it used to.

2. They found that butterflies moved to sites to the north of their traditional range have thrived in the years since and are spreading from the places they were originally released

4. Caribou depend on particular plants to nourish them while they nurse their calves. However, these plants are emerging or germinating earlier in the season, in response to warmer temperatures, reaching their peak before calving occurs.

3. The range of walnut increases. This species is projected to find suitable mild climate in larger areas of Germany due to global warming