1 Life to Live Training Manual

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  • 8/10/2019 1 Life to Live Training Manual



  • 8/10/2019 1 Life to Live Training Manual



    Copyright 2009


    P.O. Box 12229 Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Philippines

    email: [email protected]

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced

    or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system,

    without permission in writing from EVERY NATION PRODUCTIONS.

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible,

    Todays New International VersionTMTNIV.

    Copyright 2001, 2005 by International Bible Society.

    Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

    Printed in the Republic of the Philippines

  • 8/10/2019 1 Life to Live Training Manual



    The Discipleship Track


    One Life to Live Campaign


    Engage your Culture and Community


    One-Verse Evangelism


    One 2 One


    Small Group Ministry


  • 8/10/2019 1 Life to Live Training Manual


  • 8/10/2019 1 Life to Live Training Manual






    1. What is a disciple?

    Someone who follows Jesus, fishes for people, fellowships with others

    while carrying a cross

    2. What is discipleship?

    The process of helping someone follow Jesus, fish for people and

    fellowship with others while carrying a cross

    3. How do we make disciples?

    Principles and process vs. methods and models

    It is unfortunately common for ministries to copy methods and models

    of discipleship, rather than discerning the principles and processes that

    the methods and models are based on. A method that works in one

    context might not work in another. Principles, however, are universal.

    If understood and applied with wisdom and consistency, they will work

    anywhere anytime.

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    Here are four foundational discipleship principles that when

    understood and applied will produce a simple four-step process

    for making disciples. Each process has a coinciding activity that serves

    as Victorys discipleship track.


    Principle 99 & 1God placed a high value on lost people. He taught us not

    to spend all our time and energy with the 99, but to go

    after the lost one.

    1Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering

    around to hear him. 2But the Pharisees and the teachers of

    the law muttered, This man welcomes sinners and eats with

    them. 3Then Jesus told them this parable: 4Suppose one of

    you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not

    leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the

    lost sheep until he finds it?


    And when he finds it, he joyfullyputs it on his shoulders 6and goes home. Then he calls his

    friends and neighbors together and says, Rejoice with me;

    I have found my lost sheep. 7I tell you that in the same way

    there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who

    repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not

    need to repent.

    Luke 15:1-7

    Process Engage the culture and communityBecause people are valuable to God, we must intentionally

    and strategically engage our culture and community.

    Activity One 2 OneOne 2 One is a six-lesson personal follow-up

    and discipleship guide to help believersstart right in their walk with God.


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    Principle Foundations FirstBefore we can progress toward spiritual maturity, we must

    first establish spiritual foundations.

    24Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and

    puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house

    on the rock. 25The rain came down, the streams rose, and the

    winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall,

    because it had its foundation on the rock. 26But everyone

    who hears these words of mine and does not put them into

    practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.27The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew

    and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.

    Matthew 7:24-27

    Process Establish Spiritual FoundationsBecause foundations are essential for spiritual growth, we

    must establish solid biblical foundations at the start of ourspiritual journey.

    Activity Victory WeekendVictory Weekend is a two-day seminar

    designed to establish spiritual

    foundations necessary for a life-long

    walk with God. It helps believersunderstand the victory Christ won

    at the cross, as well as the purpose

    of church life.

    The Discipleship Track 3

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    Principle The Myth of MaturitySpiritual progress, not perfection, qualifies a person to

    minister. Every believer is called to be a minister.

    11It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be

    prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors

    and teachers, 12to prepare Gods people for works of service,

    so that the body of Christ may be built up 13until we all reach

    unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God

    and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the

    fullness of Christ.Ephesians 4:11-13

    Process Equip all Believers to MinisterBecause every member is called to be a minister, we must

    equip all believers with basic ministry skills. Gods Word is

    the ultimate equipping tool.

    Activity Training for VictoryTraining for Victoryis a three-month

    course designed to help you follow

    Jesus, fish for people, and fellowship

    with others while carrying the cross.


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    Principle The Miracle of MultiplicationEvery disciple should make disciples.

    And the things you have heard me say in the presence of

    many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be

    qualified to teach others.

    2 Timothy 2:2

    Process Empower all Disciples to Make DisciplesBecause Jesus expects all disciples to make disciples, we

    must not only equip them, but also empower them tomake disciples.

    Activity Life of VictoryLife of Victorygives disciples the opportunity

    to receive continued training and mentoring

    on being and making disciples.

    The Discipleship Track 5

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    Engage 99& 1 Luke 15:1-7Engage the Culture

    and CommunityOne 2 One

    Establish Foundations First Matthew 7:24-27Establish

    Spiritual FoundationsVictory Weekend

    EquipThe Myth

    of MaturityEphesians 4:11-13

    Equip All Believers

    to MinisterTraining for Victory


    The Miracle

    of Multiplication 2 Timothy 2:2

    Empower All Disciples

    to Make Disciples Life of Victory



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    What is ONE LIFE TO LIVEcampaign?

    One Life to Liveis a Victory-wide discipleship campaign that runs for

    four weeks. This is going to be a fantastic opportunity to invite your

    family and friends to small groups and services so they can meet Jesus,

    the Ultimate Source of Life.

    Why is it called ONE LIFE TO LIVE?

    The campaign One Life to Live is built around the idea that God has given

    each of us one life to live out His purpose and plan on the earth. In Psalm

    90:12, the key verse for the whole campaign, we are exhorted to number

    our days so that we can live each one wisely. We believe the challenge

    to make our lives count and live for what truly matters is a timely one.The campaign provides us with a relevant message that we can invite

    our family and friends to hear, in the hopes of positively impacting their

    eternal destinies.

    The topics are based on the chapters of the book

    by Kerry and Chris Shook entitled, One Month to Live,

    30 Days to a No-Regrets Life. The book asks thequestions, What would you do if you knew you had

    one month to live? What changes would you make?

    The book is currently a bestseller in the United States.

    What is the ONE LIFE TO LIVECampaign composed of?

    The campaign will run from February 8 to March 7, 2009.

    It will have two major components that you can invite your family

    and friends to participate:

    Weekend services

    Weekly small group meetings


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    Do I need to read the book One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris

    Shook to participate in the campaign?

    No. The campaign is built so that you or your small group members do

    not need to read the book. However, if you want to go through the book,

    you are welcome to do so. We have coordinated with the books publisher

    to have the books available at most National Bookstore branchesnationwide by the time of the campaign.

    What is the scheduled topics of the ONE LIFE TO LIVE campaign?

    The topics for the One Life to Livecampaign are:

    Weekend Preaching Topics

    - Week 1 ....................................LIVE

    - Week 2 ....................................LOVE - Week 3 ....................................LEARN

    - Week 4 ....................................LEGACY

    Weekly Small Group Material Focus

    - Week 1 ......... Number Your Days

    - Week 2 ......... A Life Lived with Love

    - Week 3 ......... A Lifestyle of Learning

    - Week 4 ......... A Legacy Worth Leaving

    How do we get the small group materials

    for the ONE LIFE TO LIVE campaign?

    All small group materials, as well as other

    useful resources for the campaign, are available

    online. You may download them

    at www.victory.org.ph/onelifetolive.

    What do I do after the ONE LIFE TO LIVE campaign is over?

    Here are some suggestions for how you can continue engaging and

    establishing your family and friends after the campaign:

    Start meeting and going through the One2One booklet with those

    whom you invited who are interested in taking the next step in their

    relationship with God.

    Start your own small group with the people you have invited who

    participated, liked the campaign, and are interested in continuing the

    weekly meetings.

    Continue to pray for and invite your family and friends to the small

    group and to the weekend services, believing God for their salvation.


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    Value is determined by the price one is willing to pay. God paid the

    ultimate price to redeem lost souls. Since God places such a high value on

    lost people, we must learn to see all people the way He sees them.

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that

    whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    John 3:16

    For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.

    Luke 19:10

    When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were

    harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

    Matthew 9:36


    When Matthew started following Jesus, he did not abandon his friends;

    he threw a partyin his culture and communityso his friends could

    meet Jesus and the other disciples.


    Culture & CommunityYour


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    10While Jesus was having dinner at Matthews house, many tax collectors

    and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. 11When the

    Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, Why does your teacher eat

    with tax collectors and sinners? 12On hearing this, Jesus said, It is not

    the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13But go and learn what

    this means: I desire mercy, not sacrifice. For I have not come to call therighteous, but sinners.

    Matthew 9:10-13

    It is best to engage people we already have relationships with. We must

    invite our family and relatives, our friends in school and at work, our peers

    and hang-out buddies.

    When Jesus told His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations,

    they did not interpret this to mean that they should help people who are

    already following Jesus to follow Him better. They knew they were sent totheir culture and community, not to the church, to make disciples.

    19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the

    name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching

    them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with

    you always, to the very end of the age.

    Matthew 28:19,20

    Notice what Paul said about intentionally engaging his culture

    and community:

    19Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to

    everyone, to win as many as possible. 20To the Jews I became like a Jew,

    to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law

    (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the

    law. 21To those not having the law I became like one not having the law


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    (though I am not free from Gods law but am under Christs law), so as to

    win those not having the law. 22To the weak I became weak, to win the

    weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means

    I might save some. 23I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may

    share in its blessings.

    1 Corinthians 9:1923

    Pauls goal? To win as many as possible (v. 19)

    Pauls strategy? Become all things to all men (v. 22)

    Pauls motivation? For the sake of the gospel (v. 23)

    To engage is to build relationship with other people so that we can

    connect them to God. Engaging is bringing people closer to the point of

    putting their faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord of their lives.



    5 Leading, equipping and empowering

    4 Communing with God and establishing others

    3 Growing in faith and Word; serving and engaging

    2 Part of spiritual family and established in faith and Word

    1 Holy Spirit and water baptism

    0 New creation; repentance and faith

    -2 Challenged to respond; recognizes personal need/problem

    -4 Open to the gospel; understand implication of the gospel

    -6 Some idea of the gospel (resisting); aware of God and Jesus

    -8 Aware of God but not Jesus (uninterested)

    -10 Has some vague awareness of God; experiencing emptiness

    -12 No idea of God

    Engage your Culture and Community 11

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    1. Develop friendship.

    At the heart of engaging is Gods love for people. Because God

    treasures people and desires to have relationship with them, we

    engage in order to build friendships.

    A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.Proverbs 17:17

    2. Discover their stories.

    To become all things to all men means to be as closely identified

    with them as possible. The more relevant we are with others, the

    easier it will be to communicate with them.

    . . . I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I

    might save some.

    1 Corinthians 9:22

    3. Determine the next step.

    Prayerfully consider what the best next step is for each person youare engaging. Trust God for His guidance, knowing that God is

    working in their lives.

    Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

    Galatians 5:25


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    1. Be yourself.

    2. Be friendly.

    3. Be in faith.


    1. Making acquaintances and having conversations

    Understand the value of non-verbal communication:

    - Eye-contact, handshake, posture, facial expression, tone of voice

    Get to know their names (nicknames), school or profession.

    - Repeat their names at least three times for greater chances

    of remembering them after youre introduced.

    Look for points of common interest.

    - Food, hobbies, fun activities, hang-out places, family

    or educational background, etc.

    Engage your Culture and Community 13

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    2. Inviting people to events like the weekend service

    or to small group

    Share the value; what they will get.

    Be clear with time and place (details of other people/attire).

    Practice repetitively: personal script, phone, or online script.


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    Many people feel that to be effective

    in evangelism they must memorize

    a complex illustration and a multitude

    of verses. But the gospel is most powerful

    when shared with love, clarity, and simplicity.

    One-Verse Evangelismis a simple, interactive

    way to share Christs love conversationally and

    visually. It is based on asking questions and

    sharing. Its easy to learn because it uses just one verse.

    One-Verse Evangelism is also sensitive to peoples busy schedules

    because it can be shared in just ten (10) or fifteen (15) minutes.

    Heres a brief look at how it works. Lets say Gods leading you to share

    the gospel with your neighbor, Jeff. Write out Romans 6:23 on a piece

    of paper or a napkin: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is

    eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (NIV). Then put your Bible away. Ask

    Jeff if he would like to see a simple picture based on this verse that will

    explain Gods relationship with people.

    Circle this word and ask, How would you feel if your boss

    refused to pay you the wages that were due to you? Deep

    down, we all know that it is only right that we get what we

    deserve. Similarly, we earn wages from God for how we have

    lived our lives.

    Draw a circle around sin, asking your friend what he thinkswhen he hears this word. You might explain that sin is more

    an attitude than an action. It can be either actively fighting

    God or merely excluding Him from our lives. You can ask,

    Has God ever seemed far away? If he says Yes, add that

    thats one of the things sin doesit makes God seem far away.

    Now draw two opposing cliffs with a gap in between.




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    Circle this word and ask what thoughts come to mind. Explain

    that death in the Bible always means some kind of separation.

    While circling this word, mention that it is important because

    it means that a sharp contrast in thought is coming. What we

    have just looked at is bad news; what follows is good news.

    Draw a circle around this word. Ask, If wages are what a

    person earns, then what is a gift? Remind your friend that

    someone must purchase every gift.

    Circle this and explain that the gift you are talking about is

    free. It is from God Himself. Its so special that no one elsecan give it. Ask, How do you feel when someone gives you a

    special gift?

    Circle these two words next, and then ask, How would you

    define these words? Contrast one side of the cliff, death,

    with the other side, eternal life. Ask, What is the opposite of

    separation from God?

    Draw these words so they create a bridge between the two

    cliffs. Help your friend to consider that every gift has a giver,

    and only Jesus Christ can give the gift of eternal life.

    Write this word over the bridge you just drew. Explain that

    friends trust each other, and tell your friend that Jesus wants

    a trusting friendship with him. All he has to do is admit that he isresponsible for the sin of either fighting or excluding God from his life.

    That is what trust meanstrusting that Jesus wants to forgive us for

    rejecting Him from our lives. At this point, you can ask him if he wants to

    start a relationship with God that will last forever. If he says Yes, invite

    him to pray a short prayer in his own words, asking Jesus to forgive him.

    Close by reminding him that this simple illustration shows what God is

    like: someone who really cares about people, especially him. Invite him toread all about it in the Bible, perhaps beginning in the Gospel of John.


    Practice sharing the gospel using the One-Verse Evangelismmethod.

    Adapted with permission from One-Verse Evangelism, copyright 2000 Randy D. Raysbrook. All rights reserved.


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    Each lesson in One2One has a key verse, several points supported by

    Scripture, and personal application questions. The chapters are designed

    to be audibly read to the person you are following up. The follow-up

    appointment should last from fifteen (15) to sixty (60) minutes depending

    on how much time you have.



    Pray before and after the follow-up meeting. You are teaching the

    person through your example how to talk to God. Make specific

    requests and expect God to answer.

    Pacing and Focus

    You may use a pen as a guide while reading so the person reading

    along with you is able to focus and can follow along with you. Focus

    on one page at a time, folding the booklet in such a way so that the

    person is not distracted by the following page.


    You may ask the person to read the Bible verses out loud from time totime so he can interact with them. It also helps the person understand

    the verses better.

    Partner with the Holy Spirit

    Be led by the Spirit as you share the material. The goal is to make a

    disciple, not to finish a lesson. It is more important to minister to a

    need than to complete a chapter. You can always finish the chapter

    next time, but you may not have another opportunity to minister tothat need.

    Personal Testimony

    Read and comment as you share this booklet. As you read this booklet

    to the new believer, you may add your own comments in the form of

    personal testimonies and illustrations.

    ONE 2 ONE


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    Should follow-up begin only after someone has received Christ

    as Lord and Savior?

    One2Oneis designed to be used with anyone who is open to ministry,

    no matter if they have prayed to receive Christ or not. If someone is opento the gospel and is willing to meet with you, then start with chapter one,

    A New Start: Salvation and continue chapter by chapter as long as they

    will meet with you. If someone has just prayed to receive Christ during

    the service or in an evangelistic event, you can share Getting Started,

    the section right before Chapter 1.

    Who is qualified to do personal follow-up?

    Every Christian should be involved in personal evangelism, follow-upand discipleship. As soon as a new Christian has been through One2One

    booklet he should be able to share it to others.

    How often should I meet with the person for One2One?

    One2Onecan be used six (6) days in a row or one lesson each week for six

    weeks. It all depends on your schedule and the availability of the person

    you are meeting with. The first meeting should be as soon as possible

    after a person surrenders his life to Christ. We should follow-up the new

    believer before the devil tries to steal the Word that was sown in his heart

    (Mark 4:15).

    Does personal follow-up and discipleship always have

    to be one-to-one?

    No. Personal follow-up and discipleship can be effectively done in small

    groups, but it must be personal. You can even have another disciplethat you are training observe and assist you as you follow up a new

    believer. The relationship that is being built is as important as the

    material being covered.

    Should I go over the Personal Application section each time?

    Absolutely. While it may only take fifteen (15) minutes to read through

    the chapter and make a few comments, the application questions may

    take from five (5) to fifteen (15) minutes. More than head knowledge,the goal is to get the individual to apply Gods Word in their situation.

    The Personal Application section is where you can evaluate the

    progress of your disciples and offer specific and practical help where

    they need it most.

    SKILL DRILL Practice sharing the One2One with a partner.


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    A. Warm-up (10-15minutes)

    Each small group begins with a warm-up question. The warm-up is

    designed to give everyone a chance to speak and to get to know eachother. Each lesson includes two or three warm-up questions. Use only

    one warm-up question each meeting. The small

    group leader should introduce the warm-up

    question, designate who should answer first,

    and encourage everyone to answer. If the lesson

    takes more than one meeting to complete, use a

    different warm-up question each week.

    Good warm-up questions:

    Have no right or wrong answers

    Ask for opinion or experience

    Require no Bible knowledge

    Are not controversial

    Are connected to the Bible study topic

    B. Word (10-15 minutes)The Word time is a short and practical Bible teaching on the text

    or topic of the week. This brief teaching is followed by a time of personal

    application where each person is encouraged to share how they will

    put the lesson into practice. During the warm-up and personal

    application, everyone is encouraged to talk, but during the Word time,

    only the leader talks.




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    Each lesson begins with key verses and

    introductory comments which can be read out

    loud or summarized. Do not pretend to be an

    expert or a Bible know-it-all. How much of the

    Bible you obey is more important than how much

    you know.


    1. The small group meeting is more than a

    Bible study. It requires a good leader,

    not an expert teacher.

    2. Let the Bible speak for itself.

    3. Remember, the goal is to minister to the needs of the people,

    not to finish a Bible lesson.

    4. Be led by the Spirit, not the material.

    5. Use illustrations and tell stories to explain the Bible verses.

    6. Some lessons are too long to complete in one discipleship meeting.

    Take two, three, or four weeks if necessary.

    C. Application (10-15 minutes)

    In a small group, we teach the Bible so people can do it, not so

    they can know it. The whole point of teaching is for practical and

    personal application.

    22Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it

    says. 23Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like

    a man who looks at his face in a mirror24

    and, after looking at himself,goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25But the man

    who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues

    to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it: he will be

    blessed in what he does.

    James 1:22-25


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    24Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them

    into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25The rain

    came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that

    house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26But

    everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into

    practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27The rain camedown, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house,

    and it fell with a great crash.

    Matthew 7:24-27


    1. Most lessons include several application

    questions. Choose only one.2. Feel free to add your own questions.

    3. An effective standby application question

    that can always be used is: What did you

    learn from this lesson and how will it affect

    your life?

    4. Ask the application question and designate who will answer first.5. Do not allow any person to argue or be critical of others.

    6. Remind everyone to apply the lesson to their own lives, not to

    someone elses.

    7. Small group leaders must ask for wisdom to know when to balance

    or correct weird and unbiblical applications. Insensitive correction

    or criticism can kill the group, as can unchecked heresy.

    Small Group Ministry 21

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    D. Prayer (10-15 minutes)

    Prayer is probably the most important part of the small group. Make sure

    you have plenty of time left so your prayer time is not rushed. This is not a

    closing prayer, but a time to take specific requests to God.

    Tips:1. The prayer time may begin with a

    brief reporting of answers to prayers

    to encourage and build the faith of each

    one present.

    2. Keep your prayers simple, sincere, and short. Most non-believers

    have never heard an ordinary Christian just talk to God, and will be

    touched by the sincerity and simplicity.3. Conversational prayer, not intercessory warfare prayer. Remember,

    your group will include new believer and unbelievers who will

    probably be scared or confused by strongholds, territorial spirits,

    binding and loosing, and other common phrases used in warfare

    prayer. Conversational prayer is generally thanksgiving and petition.

    No shouting at strongholds or binding devils; plenty of thanks,

    adoration, and specific petition.4. Spend your time praying for one another, not sharing prayer

    requests. Because of the inordinate amount of time spent discussing

    prayer requests, many prayer meetings should be called prayer

    request meetings.

    5. Do not preach, pray. Encourage each person to pray simple

    sentences prayers, not loud sermon prayers or long dissertations on

    theology addressed to God, somehow designed to impress the lessspiritual. There is a time and place for everything. The celebration

    service is the place for sermons. The small group meeting is the

    place for prayer.

    6. Listen! Keep one ear turned to whoever is praying at the moment

    and the other to the Holy Spirit. Listen carefully during the warm-up

    and application time for things that may need prayer.

    7. Expect God to answer your prayers.


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    Warm-up ............................................10-15 minutes

    Word ....................................................10-15 minutes

    Application ........................................10-15 minutes

    Prayer ...................................................10-15 minutes


    Small groups have power to be an effective model for discipleship.

    As simple as it is, there are several proven ways to fail. The following

    lessons were learned the hard way:

    1. No mixing business with small group.

    2. No mixing politics with small group.

    3. No private ministry to the opposite sex.

    4. No matchmaking.

    5. No borrowing money.

    6. No promotion of para-church ministries or any event,

    spiritual or secular, through the small groups.

    7. No guest speakers.

    8. No receiving tithes and offerings.

    Small Group Ministry 23

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    Copyright 2009 by Every Nation Productions.

    All rights reserved.