1 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Procurement Card Program Program and Policy Overview for Procurement...

1 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Procurement Card Program Procurement Card Program Program and Program and Policy Policy Overview for Overview for Procurement Procurement Cardholder Cardholder Managers Managers

Transcript of 1 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Procurement Card Program Program and Policy Overview for Procurement...

Page 1: 1 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Procurement Card Program Program and Policy Overview for Procurement Cardholder Managers.


HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICESHEALTH & HUMAN SERVICESProcurement Card ProgramProcurement Card Program

Program and Program and Policy Policy

Overview for Overview for Procurement Procurement Cardholder Cardholder ManagersManagers

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• The purpose of the Health and Human Services (HHS) Procurement Card Program is to establish an efficient, cost-effective method of purchasing and paying for goods and services while maintaining strict compliance with all state and federal laws, rules and regulations governing procurement and accounting functions.

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Key PlayersKey Players

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable The program department responsible for fiscal operations.

CardholdersCardholdersProgram Cardholders - Program staff who use their procurement card to pay for authorized, acceptable purchases of goods or services.

PCS Purchasers - Procurement and Contracting staff who purchase for HHS departments statewide.

Central Delivery Location/Warehouse StaffCentral Delivery Location/Warehouse StaffStaff responsible for ensuring all goods ordered by cardholders over the telephone, secured Internet or fax are received and delivered at their program in accordance with the HHS Procurement Card Policy requirements.

Citibank- CitiCitibank- CitiThe Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA) term contract vendor that issues procurement cards through August 31, 2015for use by all state agencies for purchases of goods and services.

Procurement Card Administrators – PCAProcurement Card Administrators – PCAThe PCA is responsible for the day to day overall administration of the program for all HHS agencies.

Procurement Card Coordinators – PCCProcurement Card Coordinators – PCCThe PCC is the staff member assigned as the liaison between a program or region and the PCA.

Procurement Cardholder Managers – PCMProcurement Cardholder Managers – PCMThe PCM is the staff member responsible for the procurement cardholder’s supervision

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The Procurement Card Administrator is responsible for the day to day overall The Procurement Card Administrator is responsible for the day to day overall administration of the program for all HHS agencies.administration of the program for all HHS agencies.

Procurement and Contracting ServicesProcurement and Contracting ServicesProcurement Card Program AdministrationProcurement Card Program Administration

Min Schettino - PCAMin Schettino - PCAPhone (512) 776-4209Phone (512) 776-4209

Email Email [email protected]

Tanya Vernon – PCATanya Vernon – PCAPhone (512) 776-4221Phone (512) 776-4221

Email Email [email protected]

Sharon Kaiser –Administrative supportSharon Kaiser –Administrative supportPhone (830) 253-1365Phone (830) 253-1365

Email Email [email protected]

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HHS Procurement Card HHS Procurement Card Policy HighlightsPolicy Highlights

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Policy InformationPolicy Information

HB3042 placed "administrative" purchases, as opposed to "client" purchases, under the HB3042 placed "administrative" purchases, as opposed to "client" purchases, under the purchasing statutes, rules and procedures of the Texas Building and Procurement Commission purchasing statutes, rules and procedures of the Texas Building and Procurement Commission (TBPC). Effective September 1, 2007, pursuant to HB3560, 80th Legislature, the procurement and (TBPC). Effective September 1, 2007, pursuant to HB3560, 80th Legislature, the procurement and contracting powers and duties performed by the Texas Building and Procurement Commission contracting powers and duties performed by the Texas Building and Procurement Commission were transferred to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA). were transferred to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA).

What is an "administrative" purchase?What is an "administrative" purchase?A purchasing request for a good or service will be defined as an ‘administrative A purchasing request for a good or service will be defined as an ‘administrative purchase if the primary benefit of the purchase will be for agency internal use. i.e. purchase if the primary benefit of the purchase will be for agency internal use. i.e. the goods or services are not directly for a client or touch a client. Examples of the goods or services are not directly for a client or touch a client. Examples of administrative goods and services: Grounds keeping equipment, supplies and administrative goods and services: Grounds keeping equipment, supplies and services; maintenance services; maintenance equipment, supplies and services; equipment, supplies and services; kitchen equipment, kitchen equipment, supplies and services; laundry equipment, supplies, and services, etc. These supplies and services; laundry equipment, supplies, and services, etc. These requirements do not apply to Automated Information Systems (AIS)/telecommunications requirements do not apply to Automated Information Systems (AIS)/telecommunications commodities and services purchases, inter local or interagency contracts.commodities and services purchases, inter local or interagency contracts.

How do we purchase these items?How do we purchase these items?Review the CPA term contracts for availability of needed goods or services. If the good or service is not on Review the CPA term contracts for availability of needed goods or services. If the good or service is not on term contract, the procurement card may be used as the method of payment for the program-approved term contract, the procurement card may be used as the method of payment for the program-approved expense. If the needed good or service is available via CPA term contract, a requisition should be expense. If the needed good or service is available via CPA term contract, a requisition should be submitted for a PCS purchaser to issue CPA term contract purchase order. If a requisition is submitted for submitted for a PCS purchaser to issue CPA term contract purchase order. If a requisition is submitted for a CPA term contract item, the commodity code number (contract number) must be provided. a CPA term contract item, the commodity code number (contract number) must be provided.

CPA term contracts may be viewed at:CPA term contracts may be viewed at: http://www.txsmartbuy.com/#contracts

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Policy InformationPolicy Information

Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Historically Underutilized Business (HUB)

Make a good faith effort to utilize HUB vendors from the CPA CMBL HUB Make a good faith effort to utilize HUB vendors from the CPA CMBL HUB directory at directory at https://mycpa.cpa.state.tx.us/tpasscmblsearch/index.jsp for all for all non-consumer related purchases in accordance with CPA procurement non-consumer related purchases in accordance with CPA procurement guidelines. Purchases of general commodities and services $5,000 and guidelines. Purchases of general commodities and services $5,000 and above require HUB participation and compliance with the thresholds above require HUB participation and compliance with the thresholds established by CPA. HHS cardholderestablished by CPA. HHS cardholder’’s single transaction limits exempt the s single transaction limits exempt the majority of transactions from the requirement, however, HHS agencies are majority of transactions from the requirement, however, HHS agencies are committed to meeting or exceeding the annual goals associated with the committed to meeting or exceeding the annual goals associated with the HUB program and cardholders should make a faith effort to utilize HUB HUB program and cardholders should make a faith effort to utilize HUB vendors for procurement card purchases. This does not mean that a vendors for procurement card purchases. This does not mean that a cardholder is required to pay more for the goods or service in order to cardholder is required to pay more for the goods or service in order to achieve the stated goals. All cardholder transactions with HUB vendors are achieve the stated goals. All cardholder transactions with HUB vendors are identified through Citibank HUB reports and reported quarterly to HHS identified through Citibank HUB reports and reported quarterly to HHS agency HUB coordinators and HHS agency management.agency HUB coordinators and HHS agency management.

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Policy InformationPolicy Information

Splitting purchases is not allowed under any Splitting purchases is not allowed under any circumstancecircumstance

Splitting occurs when staff act in a manner that causes the circumvention of state Splitting occurs when staff act in a manner that causes the circumvention of state and federal laws, rules, regulations or policies. This is usually done by breaking and federal laws, rules, regulations or policies. This is usually done by breaking up a large purchase into smaller purchases in order to circumvent state and up a large purchase into smaller purchases in order to circumvent state and federal laws, rules, regulations or policies. federal laws, rules, regulations or policies.

Examples: two or more purchases from the same vendor, at virtually the same Examples: two or more purchases from the same vendor, at virtually the same time, using the procurement card to pay for the goods or services that exceed the time, using the procurement card to pay for the goods or services that exceed the single purchase limit assigned to the cardholder or to divide the purchase single purchase limit assigned to the cardholder or to divide the purchase between different dates or when two cardholders divide a purchase between their between different dates or when two cardholders divide a purchase between their cards or when a cardholder divides a purchase for the same type goods or cards or when a cardholder divides a purchase for the same type goods or services between two vendors in order not to exceed the single purchase limit services between two vendors in order not to exceed the single purchase limit assigned to the cardholder.assigned to the cardholder.

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Policy InformationPolicy Information

Vendor warrant hold statusVendor warrant hold statusBefore making a purchase, state agencies must determine whether or not a vendor is indebted to the State. If a vendor is, the Comptroller places the vendor on “warrant hold” or “Comptroller hold” and cardholders may NOT initiate procurement card transactions with the vendor until the warrant hold status is removed by the Comptroller. Cardholders must verify that their proposed vendor is NOT on warrant hold before making non-emergency procurement card purchases over $500. Vendor warrant hold verification is done through the Texas Identification Number System (TINS), the system of record for accessing vendor hold information. TINS is a "real-time" data base; meaning, a vendor’s status can change daily. Therefore, vendor warrant hold verification must be made the same day the goods or services are purchased. To determine if a vendor is on warrant hold, cardholders are to follow agency established vendor warrant hold verification procedures. Vendor warrant hold screen prints are dated the day verification is made and cardholders are to attach the verification screen print to their procurement card paperwork.

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Policy InformationPolicy Information

11stst Choice Products Choice Products

In accordance with Texas Government Code, Title 10, Subtitle D, Chapter 2155.448 concerning the identification and procurement of 1st Choice Recycled targeted Products, each HHS agency shall purchase the following as 1 st Choice, recycled, products:

• Re-refined motor oils and lubricants• Recycled content toilet paper, toilet seat covers, paper towels• Recycled content printing, computer and copier paper, and business envelopes• Recycled content plastic trash bags• Recycled content plastic covered binders• Recycled content recycling containers• Energy Star labeled photocopiers

The 1st Choice Products essentially become the default items for purchase by state agencies; that is, state agencies shall give these products preference over virgin (non-recycled) counterparts. A state agency may choose to buy the virgin (non-recycled) material counterpart of these designated products; however, a written justification letter signed by the executive head of the agency or designee must be submitted. The justification letter must state the reason (s) for the determination that the 1st Choice product did not meet the requirements of the agency and should include applicable supporting documentation. The 1st Choice justification letter is located at the following CPA website: http://www.window.state.tx.us/supportserv/prog/green/TPASS1stChoiceLetterTemplate.doc

The signed justification letter must be retained with the cardholder’s procurement card paperwork for auditing purposes and a copy must be submitted to the agency’s designated person responsible for the agency’s recycling reports.

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Policy InformationPolicy Information


Per HHS Circular C-020, all HHS enterprise printing service requests must be submitted to the HHS consolidated print shop for review except for those outsourced projects or initiatives that have a printing component but for which printing is not the primary function.  The HHS consolidated print shop will determine whether the service should be provided in-house or outsourced. This does not include incidental copying or copying services provided by the agency quick copy centers or for printed envelopes, business cards and custom printed continuous tractor fed and snap-out forms available from CPA term contracts .

Circular C-020 may be viewed at the following link:http://www.hhsc.state.tx.us/news/circulars/C-020.shtml

A cardholder may use their procurement card only for printing services the HHS consolidated print shop has determined should be outsourced. A copy of the HHS consolidated print shop’s determination should be attached to the cardholder’s procurement card paperwork for auditing purposes.

Printing services available through CPA term contracts are: 966-A1 Printed envelopes, 966-N1 Business cards and 966-N2 Custom printed continuous tractor fed and snap-out forms.

CPA term contracts may be viewed at the following link:http://www.txsmartbuy.com/contracts

If the cost of the printing service for items available from CPA term contract is equal to or exceeds the term contract spot purchase option, a cardholder may not place the order using their procurement card. An HHSAS requisition must be entered for a PCS purchaser to issue a CPA term contract purchase order.

If the cost of the printing service for items available from CPA term contract is below the term contract spot purchase option, the cardholder may use their procurement card to purchase the printing service from the awarded vendor(s) or the vendor of their choice.

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Policy InformationPolicy Information

Controlled assetsControlled assets

Any item on the controlled assets list costing $500-$4,999 to which a state Any item on the controlled assets list costing $500-$4,999 to which a state property number is affixed. Controlled assets are on the unacceptable property number is affixed. Controlled assets are on the unacceptable purchases list for ALL cardholders unless a written exception has been purchases list for ALL cardholders unless a written exception has been granted by the HHS PCS Director. The written exception must be granted granted by the HHS PCS Director. The written exception must be granted prior to the purchase. prior to the purchase. CamerasCamerasData projectorsData projectorsDesktop CPUDesktop CPU

Portable CPU/LaptopsPortable CPU/LaptopsPrinter (not portable)Printer (not portable)Stereo systemsStereo systemsVideo recorder/laserdisc player, TV, VCR, Camcorder Video recorder/laserdisc player, TV, VCR, Camcorder

Controlled property class codes may be viewed at the following Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts link:Controlled property class codes may be viewed at the following Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts link:https://fmx.cpa.state.tx.us/fmx/pubs/spaproc/appendices/appa/appa_6.phphttps://fmx.cpa.state.tx.us/fmx/pubs/spaproc/appendices/appa/appa_6.php

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Policy Information

• Auto Parts*Auto Parts*

• Active treatment materials for clients if the Active treatment materials for clients if the purchase is directly related to a programpurchase is directly related to a program

• Books*Books*

• Client bus ticketsClient bus tickets

• Client Food (Cannot be used for employee food)Client Food (Cannot be used for employee food)

• Client Lodging (Cannot be used for employee Client Lodging (Cannot be used for employee lodging)lodging)

• Clothing and Shoes for ResidentsClothing and Shoes for Residents

• Food items for re-sale by program CanteensFood items for re-sale by program Canteens

• Janitorial Supplies*Janitorial Supplies*

• Journals, periodicals and subscriptionsJournals, periodicals and subscriptions

• Laboratory Supplies*Laboratory Supplies*

• Lawn maintenance* Lawn maintenance* • Maintenance Supplies*Maintenance Supplies*• Medical SuppliesMedical Supplies

• Minor Maintenance Services*Minor Maintenance Services*• Minor/Routine Vehicle Maintenance Services*Minor/Routine Vehicle Maintenance Services*• Minor Vehicle Maintenance including tires*Minor Vehicle Maintenance including tires*• Oil Changes (Cardholder must specify re-Oil Changes (Cardholder must specify re-

refined oil)refined oil)• Personal Care Items for ResidentsPersonal Care Items for Residents• Registration fee for training courses and Registration fee for training courses and

seminars unless the registration fee is being seminars unless the registration fee is being paid to another state agency or institution of paid to another state agency or institution of higher education.higher education. (State agencies must submit (State agencies must submit interagency payments for goods and services using the interagency payments for goods and services using the Recurring Transaction Index (RTI) process in USAS when funding Recurring Transaction Index (RTI) process in USAS when funding sources for both agencies are held in the State Treasury.)sources for both agencies are held in the State Treasury.)

• Reinforcements for Behavioral ProgramsReinforcements for Behavioral Programs• Reprographic servicesReprographic services• Safety Supplies*Safety Supplies*• Small Tools/Hardware*Small Tools/Hardware*• Training Supplies for Individual Client Training Supplies for Individual Client

ProgramsPrograms• Videos for Resident viewing or Training (rental Videos for Resident viewing or Training (rental

or purchase)or purchase)

Acceptable purchase examplesAcceptable purchase examples

*Administrative purchase – CPA term contracts are the 1st source for these goods or services. Review the CPA term contracts for goods or services availability at: *Administrative purchase – CPA term contracts are the 1st source for these goods or services. Review the CPA term contracts for goods or services availability at: http://www.txsmartbuy.com/contracts. If the goods or services are not on term contract, procurement card may be used as the method of payment if the expense is program-approved. If the http://www.txsmartbuy.com/contracts. If the goods or services are not on term contract, procurement card may be used as the method of payment if the expense is program-approved. If the needed goods or services are available via CPA term contract, a requisition should be entered for a PCS purchaser to issue a CPA term contract purchase order. needed goods or services are available via CPA term contract, a requisition should be entered for a PCS purchaser to issue a CPA term contract purchase order.

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Policy InformationPolicy InformationA cardholder may NOT use the procurement card to pay for unauthorized/unacceptable A cardholder may NOT use the procurement card to pay for unauthorized/unacceptable

goods and services.goods and services. Unacceptable purchase examplesUnacceptable purchase examples

• Automated Information Systems/Telecommunications Commodities and Services (AIS): Telecommunication Equipment (telephone, cell phone, blackberry, two way radio, walkie-talkie, fax machine, parts, accessories, etc.) and services, digital cameras, computers, software, printers and any related hardware or services and items that are a required element for the basic functioning of a printer or copier. (EXCEPTION: PCS Purchasers or agency IT staff may use a procurement card to purchase these items if not a controlled asset.)

• Automotive fuel• Capital Equipment (Any item costing more than

$5,000 and requiring the assignment of a number controlled property tag unless a written exception is granted by the PCS Director prior to the purchase.)

• Employee travel expenses (includes automobile rental, lodging)

• Items available for purchase from Texas Correctional Industries (TCI) of Texas Department of Criminal Justice or TIBH unless TIBH items can be documented as not meeting cardholder needs or waiver is obtained from TCI

• Live or Artificial indoor plants of any kind (This restriction includes Christmas trees.)

• Meeting, conference or examination room space rental or lease.

• Office Supplies (EXCEPTION: A cardholder is on travel status and urgently needs office supplies to carry out the purpose of their travel.)

• Taxes, including Sales Taxes (Comptroller will not pay for taxes)

• Televisions

• For a more complete list of unacceptable purchase examples, please review the HHS Procurement Card Policy located at: http://hhscx.hhsc.state.tx.us/Admin/purch/ProcureCardProgAdmin.shtml

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Policy InformationPolicy Information

Per the HHS Procurement Card Policy, each HHS agency shall determine if the agency will adopt the use of CitiManager electronic statements, billing statements mailed from the procurement card contract vendor or both for program cardholders. If the agency chooses to use CitiManager electronic statements, the agency shall determine the person responsible for accessing CitiManager (cardholder, manager or PCC) to obtain the statements and a process for how the statements will be distributed. Statements may be obtained from CitiManager no earlier than 24 hours after the end of the billing cycle.

If cardholders are to use CitiManager electronic statements or if cardholders wish to begin the reconciliation process early, the CitiManager cardholder quick reference guide is located at the following link: http://hhscx.hhsc.state.tx.us/Admin/purch/ProcureCardProgAdmin.shtml

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Policy InformationPolicy Information

The entire procurement card policy, The entire procurement card policy, training presentations, forms and training presentations, forms and CitiManager quick reference guides are CitiManager quick reference guides are posted at the following link:posted at the following link:


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Just so you know…Just so you know…cardholder responsibilitiescardholder responsibilities

•Procurement cards are issued in the name of the employee to who use of a procurement card Procurement cards are issued in the name of the employee to who use of a procurement card has been authorized. ONLY the person whose name is on the card is allowed to use the card. has been authorized. ONLY the person whose name is on the card is allowed to use the card. •Cardholders receive training on the use of the procurement card prior to being issued a card.Cardholders receive training on the use of the procurement card prior to being issued a card.•Cardholders must sign an agreement stating they agree to comply with the HHS procurement Cardholders must sign an agreement stating they agree to comply with the HHS procurement card program policycard program policy•Cardholders must maintain the procurement card in a safe placeCardholders must maintain the procurement card in a safe place•Cardholders must have managerial approval prior to each use of their procurement card to Cardholders must have managerial approval prior to each use of their procurement card to purchase authorized goods or servicespurchase authorized goods or services•Cardholders may not pay sales tax and shall verify there is no sales tax on their itemized Cardholders may not pay sales tax and shall verify there is no sales tax on their itemized receipt. receipt. •Cardholders must not accept cash for the return of goods or services. Vendor must issued a Cardholders must not accept cash for the return of goods or services. Vendor must issued a credit to the cardholder’s account.credit to the cardholder’s account.•Cardholders must reconcile their statement and transaction log to ensure the cardholder made Cardholders must reconcile their statement and transaction log to ensure the cardholder made all transactions. all transactions. •Cardholders must contact the vendor to resolve any disputed transactions. If the cardholder Cardholders must contact the vendor to resolve any disputed transactions. If the cardholder and vendor cannot reach a resolution, cardholder should electronically submit a dispute form to and vendor cannot reach a resolution, cardholder should electronically submit a dispute form to Citibank with a copy to the PCA. Dispute resolution form must be filed with Citibank within 60 Citibank with a copy to the PCA. Dispute resolution form must be filed with Citibank within 60 days of the transaction date.days of the transaction date. Dispute form may found at:Dispute form may found at: http://hhscx.hhsc.state.tx.us/Admin/purch/ProcureCardProgAdmin.shtmlhttp://hhscx.hhsc.state.tx.us/Admin/purch/ProcureCardProgAdmin.shtml

Cardholders must surrender their procurement card upon termination of employment, or upon Cardholders must surrender their procurement card upon termination of employment, or upon request from the PCA.request from the PCA.•Cardholders shall not use the procurement card to circumvent the purchasing rules and Cardholders shall not use the procurement card to circumvent the purchasing rules and regulations of the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), State of Texas, or the State regulations of the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), State of Texas, or the State Comptroller.Comptroller.

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Just so you know…Just so you know…cardholder responsibilitiescardholder responsibilities

Cardholders must use a “secure” web site for making Internet procurement card purchases. A secure” web site will have a “yellow lock” in the Cardholders must use a “secure” web site for making Internet procurement card purchases. A secure” web site will have a “yellow lock” in the bottom right corner of the Internet Explorer window or next to the URL address indicating SSL secured. SSL is an acronym for Secure Socket bottom right corner of the Internet Explorer window or next to the URL address indicating SSL secured. SSL is an acronym for Secure Socket Layer. It is a protocol used to secure communications between two computers on a network via data encryption. When used on a web site, it is Layer. It is a protocol used to secure communications between two computers on a network via data encryption. When used on a web site, it is initiated by visiting a URL using the HTTPS protocol. Example: https://SecureWebSiteURL.com Cardholder’s shall use only HTTPS sites to initiated by visiting a URL using the HTTPS protocol. Example: https://SecureWebSiteURL.com Cardholder’s shall use only HTTPS sites to make Internet procurement card purchases. make Internet procurement card purchases.

A screen print of the “secure” Internet site must be attached to cardholder’s procurement card paperwork.A screen print of the “secure” Internet site must be attached to cardholder’s procurement card paperwork.



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Just so you know…Just so you know…cardholder responsibilitiescardholder responsibilities

Newspaper advertisementsNewspaper advertisements

Per section 6.066 of the Comptroller’s Purchase Policies and ProceduresPer section 6.066 of the Comptroller’s Purchase Policies and ProceduresGuide, a newspaper that publishes a notice shall submit a bill for theGuide, a newspaper that publishes a notice shall submit a bill for thepublication with a clipping of the published notice and a verifiedpublication with a clipping of the published notice and a verifiedstatement of the publisher that:statement of the publisher that:• states the rates charged; andstates the rates charged; and• certifies that the rate charged is the newspaper’s lowest published ratecertifies that the rate charged is the newspaper’s lowest published rate

for classified advertising; andfor classified advertising; and• certifies the number and dates of publication certifies the number and dates of publication

Cardholder should attach a clipping of the published notice to their Cardholder should attach a clipping of the published notice to their procurement card paperwork. procurement card paperwork.

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Just so you know…Just so you know…cardholder responsibilitiescardholder responsibilities

Verify receipt of service, subscription service or seminar attendance by obtaining the signature of the HHS employee receiving the service, subscription/s or attending the seminar. Cardholder may obtain HHS employee signature on the invoice/receipt, on an Exhibit B or via email confirmation. The HHS employee’s signature is attesting to the fact the service has been received, subscription has/is being received or the seminar was attended.

Service, subscription service or seminar Service, subscription service or seminar attendance confirmationattendance confirmation

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Just so you know…Just so you know…cardholder responsibilitiescardholder responsibilities

Procurement card paperworkProcurement card paperwork

A cardholder must submit their procurement card paperwork to their manager orA cardholder must submit their procurement card paperwork to their manager ormanager designee no later than three (3) business days following receipt of statement. manager designee no later than three (3) business days following receipt of statement. • Individual billing statement-Signed and datedIndividual billing statement-Signed and dated• Transaction log with all required information recorded-Signed and datedTransaction log with all required information recorded-Signed and dated• Transaction log reconciled to statement-Signed and datedTransaction log reconciled to statement-Signed and dated• Documented pre-approvalDocumented pre-approval• Vendor warrant hold status verified before doing business with vendor for transactions over Vendor warrant hold status verified before doing business with vendor for transactions over

$500 and verification screen print attached$500 and verification screen print attached• Secure Internet web site used and screen print attached Secure Internet web site used and screen print attached • HHS consolidated print shop written approval for any printing HHS consolidated print shop written approval for any printing • 1st Choice justification letter for any virgin (non-recycled) material purchased1st Choice justification letter for any virgin (non-recycled) material purchased

instead of a 1st Choice productinstead of a 1st Choice product• Invoice/receipt for each transactionInvoice/receipt for each transaction• Witness signature on invoice/receipt or Exhibit B attached as verification goods Witness signature on invoice/receipt or Exhibit B attached as verification goods

were received or service was performed were received or service was performed • Subscription service or seminar attendance confirmations attached Subscription service or seminar attendance confirmations attached • Newspaper clipping attached for any newspaper advertisementsNewspaper clipping attached for any newspaper advertisements• Any other documentation pertinent to the procurement card purchaseAny other documentation pertinent to the procurement card purchase

The manager or manager designee must conduct a pre-payment review and approval of theThe manager or manager designee must conduct a pre-payment review and approval of the cardholder’s paperwork submitting to agency accounting on or before the 20th of the month. cardholder’s paperwork submitting to agency accounting on or before the 20th of the month.


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Just so you know…Just so you know…cardholder requirementscardholder requirements

Compliance with the HHS Procurement Card Program Policy is mandatory. Failure to abide by the terms and conditions, or following the procedures outlined in the policy will result in the following:* Temporary Suspension of Cardholder Privileges* Permanent Termination of Cardholder Privileges* Disciplinary Actions- Reprimand, Suspension or Termination of Employment

Failure to comply with policy requirements such as maintaining accurate records or submitting transaction logs on a timely basis as stated in the Procurement Card Program Policy will result in the temporary suspension of cardholder privileges. Repeated (2 events in a 12-month period) non-compliance with transaction submission requirements or other policy requirements will result in the temporary suspension of cardholder privileges, and a recommendation that the employee receive a written reprimand by the cardholder’s manager.

Habitual (3 events in a 12-month period) non-compliance with transaction submission requirements or other policy requirements will result in the permanent suspension of cardholder privileges. Privileges will not be reinstated unless the issue is addressed by the respective associate commissioner, or equivalent level manager with oversight of the cardholder’s program area.

Non-compliance with the acceptable use of the procurement card or failure to maintain the procurement card securely as noted in the policy will result in the permanent suspension of the procurement card and a recommendation that disciplinary action be taken in accordance with the HHS HR Manual, including written reprimand, suspension, or termination of employment as appropriate. If warranted, a recommendation to the Office of the Inspector General to investigate criminal activity may also be made by the Director of the Procurement and Contracting Services Division.

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Just so you know…Just so you know…cardholder requirementscardholder requirements

Report lost or stolen cards Report lost or stolen cards immediatelyimmediately to: to: Citibank 24/7 Customer ServiceCitibank 24/7 Customer Service



HHS Procurement Card AdministrationHHS Procurement Card Administration Min Schettino (512) 776-4209Min Schettino (512) 776-4209

Tanya Vernon (512) 776-4221 Tanya Vernon (512) 776-4221 Sharon Kaiser (830) 257-1365Sharon Kaiser (830) 257-1365

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Procurement Cardholder Procurement Cardholder ManagerManager

What is my role in What is my role in the procurement the procurement card program and card program and how do I complete how do I complete

PCM responsibilities?PCM responsibilities?

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Procurement Cardholder Procurement Cardholder Manager ResponsibilitiesManager Responsibilities

The PCM is responsible for:• Providing pre-approval to cardholders under their supervision prior to each use of the procurement

card to pay for a purchase. Proof of pre-approval shall be shown by manager or designee signature on cardholder’s transaction log or email pre-approval.

• Conducting a pre-payment review and approval of the cardholder’s transaction log, statement and all policy required supporting documents for each billing cycle to evaluate the appropriateness of transactions, completeness and accuracy of supporting documents. Any policy infractions or violations detected are reported to the PCA and the program PCC, and a copy of the written notice is attached to the cardholder’s paperwork. If questionable purchases were made, the manager or designee shall send a copy of the invoice/receipt by fax or mail to the PCA for investigation and action.

• Signing and dating the transaction log and statement. The manager’s or manager’s designee signature is attesting to the fact that the pre-payment review and approval process was completed.

• Submitting cardholder paperwork, per agency requirements, to the agency Accounting or designated office on or before the 20th of the month.

• Implementing corrective action to prevent further policy infractions or violations by cardholders under the managers supervision.

• Ensuring all procurement card paperwork, not required to be submitted to agency Accounting or designated office, is retained in accordance with the agency document filing and record retention plan.

• Notifying the PCA and program PCC immediately, in writing, of cardholder retirement, termination, relocation within the program or if the card is no longer needed.

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PCM Provides Pre-approval for Cardholder PCM Provides Pre-approval for Cardholder TransactionsTransactions

Provide pre-approval to cardholders under your supervision prior to each use of the card to pay for a purchase. Pre-approval is shown by manager signature on the cardholder’s transaction log or by email.

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PCM Ensures Procurement Card PCM Ensures Procurement Card

Paperwork RetentionPaperwork Retention

Procurement card paperwork, not required

to be submitted to agency accounting or

designated office, must be retained in

accordance with the agency document

filing and record retention plan.

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PCM Reports Cancellation RequestsPCM Reports Cancellation Requests

Notify the PCA and program PCC, in writing, of cardholder retirement, termination, relocation within the program or if the card is no longer needed.

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PCM Prepayment ReviewPCM Prepayment Review

Conduct a pre-payment review and approval of the cardholder’s transaction log, statement and all policy required supporting documents for:•Appropriateness of transactions•Completeness•Accuracy of supporting documents

Report any infractions or violations detected to the PCA and program PCC

If questionable purchases were made, send a copy of the invoice/receipt by fax or mail to the PCA for investigation and action

Attach a copy of the written notice to the cardholder’s paperwork

Sign and date the cardholder’s transaction log and statement

Submit cardholder paperwork, per agency requirements, to the agency accounting or designated office on or before the 20th of the month

Implement corrective action to prevent further policy infractions or violations by cardholders under manager supervision

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Manager’s Prepayment Review Manager’s Prepayment Review Checklist Checklist

• Individual billing statement-signed/dated• Transaction log with all required information recorded-signed/dated• Transaction log reconciled to statement• Documented pre-approval• Vendor warrant hold status verified prior to doing business with vendor for

non-emergency transactions over $500 and verification screen print attached• Secure web site used for Internet purchases and a screen print attached• HHS consolidated print shop written approval for any printing• 1st Choice justification letter for any virgin (non-recycled) materials purchased

instead of 1st Choice products• Invoice/receipt for each transaction• No sales tax paid• Witness signature on invoice/receipt or Exhibit B attached as verification

goods were received or service was performed• Subscription service or seminar attendance confirmations attached

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Manager’s Prepayment Review Manager’s Prepayment Review Checklist Checklist

• Transactions are acceptable goods or services purchased*• Transaction, including freight, does not exceed cardholder’s

assigned single transaction limit• Newspaper clipping attached for any newspaper advertisements• Any other documentation pertinent to the procurement card purchase• Cardholder paperwork submitted to PCM no later than three (3)

business days following receipt of statement• Manager or manager designee conducted prepayment review and

submitted cardholder paperwork to accounting on or before the 20th of the month

*If questionable purchases were made, manager or manager designee shall send a copy of the invoice/receipt by fax or mail to the PCA for investigation and action.

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Helpful InformationHelpful Information

Citibank procurement card billing cycle datesCitibank procurement card billing cycle dates

Billing cycle ends the 3rd of the month unless the 3rd falls on a weekend or holidayBilling cycle ends the 3rd of the month unless the 3rd falls on a weekend or holiday

Billing Cycle Transaction Activity Statement cut off date

Sep-14 08/02/14-09/03/14 9/3/2014

Oct-14 09/04/14-10/03/14 10/3/2014

Nov-14 10/04/14-11/03/14 11/3/2014

Dec-14 11/04/14-12/03/14 12/3/2014

Jan-15 12/4/14-01/02/15 1/2/2015

Feb-15 01/03/15-02/03/15 2/3/2015

Mar-15 02/04/15-03/03/15 3/3/2015

Apr-15 03/04/15-04/03/15 4/3/2015

May-15 04/04/13-05/01/15 5/1/2015

Jun-15 05/02/15-06/03/15 6/3/2015

Jul-15 06/04/15-07/03/15 7/3/2015

Aug-15 07/04/15-08/03/15 8/2/2015

Sep-15 08/04/15-09/03/15 9/3/2015

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Thank you!Thank you!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Procurement If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Procurement Card Administration Office Card Administration Office

Min Schettino - PCAMin Schettino - PCA(512) 776-4209(512) 776-4209

[email protected]@hhsc.state.tx.us

Tanya Vernon – PCATanya Vernon – PCA(512) 776-4221(512) 776-4221

[email protected]@hhsc.state.tx.us

Sharon Kaiser-Administrative supportSharon Kaiser-Administrative support(830) 257-1365(830) 257-1365

[email protected]@hhsc.state.tx.us